Class of 1991

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

Jan, 2025
Racial Justice Scientist
Dr. Lundy Braun researched racial bias in medicine and its effect on patient care. Read More
Jan, 2025
Empowerment Banking
Teri Williams ’79 heads OneUnited, a bank founded to help Black families get a leg up on wealth Read More
Jan, 2025
The Talking Dead
AI brings historical icons back to life. Read More
Jan, 2025
Fresh Ink for January–March 2025
Reviewed by Edward Hardy Read More
Jan, 2025
Music Tech Wonk
JJ Wiesler ’96 uses cutting-edge digital tools to make sounds that come at you from all angles. Read More
Nov, 2024

 Gayle Weiswasser writes she is fulfilling a lifelong dream and opening an independent bookstore in Bethesda, Md. She feels strongly that in this divisive, polarizing time, preserving free discourse and the exchange of ideas is more important than ever. Visit at 


Nov, 2024

Elyse Spector Kalmans writes: “I have been named the Board Chair for Holocaust Museum Houston, the country’s fourth largest and only fully bilingual (English and Spanish) Holocaust museum. I am the first grandchild of Holocaust survivors to chair the museum board. I live in Bellaire, Texas, with my husband Lewis, and we have three adult daughters.” 

Nov, 2024
Can We Rescue “Freedom”?
A popular historian on our elusive national value Read More
Aug, 2024
Image of Jason Perkel and Lindsey Fyfe Perkel on their wedding day

Jason Perkel and Lindsey Fyfe Perkel were married Feb. 24. Jason writes: “An amazing group of Brown alumni, along with family and other friends, made the trek to the Litchfield Hills in Connecticut to help celebrate a beautiful winter weekend. Those in attendance included Matthew Crowe ’94, David Gordon, Mark Marinello ’91, Quinn Moore, Joshua Perkel ’96, Jon Richter ’94, Karen Richter ’94, Jeremy Rothfleisch, Christopher Starr ’93, J. Doyle Walton, and David Westreich.” Contact Jason at [email protected]

Aug, 2024

Lissa Soep is a senior editor for audio at Vox Media and special projects producer and senior scholar-in-residence at YR Media. She published Other People’s Words: Friendship, Loss, and the Conversations That Never End with Spiegel & Grau in April.

Aug, 2024
Lending Pols Some Star Power
A celeb-based strategy for winning elections Read More
Jun, 2024
Father of Sperm Banking
Jerome K. Sherman ’47 developed the technique that helped make the artificial insemination industry boom decades later. Read More
Jun, 2024

Ramona Thomas visited the D.C. area over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. She reunited with fellow class members Hillarie Flood, Matt McGuire, Lori Jackson, and Kerrie Thomas-Armstrong for an evening of festivities, great company and conversation.

Ramona Thomas ’91 and friends
Jun, 2024

Anne Tamar-Mattis writes: “After many years as an LGBTQI community activist, social-justice lawyer, and nonprofit executive, my career has taken a new and very interesting turn.  I am now running a (legal, medically supervised) psychedelic medicine clinic in Sebastopol, California, with my physician spouse. In my free time, I am still riding horses and enjoying life on the queer kibbutz where we raised our kids. Anyone who wants to connect or learn more about psychedelic medicine and ketamine therapy can reach me at Liminal Medicine,”

Jun, 2024
Surviving & Thriving Despite Family Estrangement
A new memoir on coming out of the closet and being thrown out of the family Read More
Apr, 2024
Theater Dynamo
Remembering professor and director Lowry Marshall (1944-2023) Read More
Apr, 2024


Lori Jackson ’91 & Friends at dinner

Meg Bishop Kaufer, Lori Jackson, and Leigh Snitiker met for dinner on a beautiful fall evening in D.C. 

Feb, 2024
Preservation Pioneer
Beverly Moss Spatt ’45 helped save countless NYC landmarks Read More
Feb, 2024
Accessible Academic
English professor and prolific author Mari Ruti ’88 was—like the body of work she leaves behind—authentic, irreverent, and wise Read More
Jan, 2024

BAM contributing editor Tim Murphy published Speech Team: A Novel on July 25, 2023, with Viking Press. His third novel, Speech Team is “a funny, gossipy, and ultimately poignant novel about four Gen X teen friends turned 21st-century adults who awkwardly come back together to confront an influential teacher whose brutal remarks have haunted them all for years.”

Jan, 2024
Image of Jody Anastasio in front of the Washington Monument with colleagues from Hawai’i Volcanos National Park.

Jody Anastasio led the National Park Service team that won the national Excellence in Education Award. As education specialist at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, Jody started the Earth, Sea, Sky program in partnership with two other local organizations—Mokupāpapa Discovery Center (sea) and ʻImiloa Astronomy Center (sky). More than 1,700 students from the Island of Hawai’i have completed Earth, Sea, Sky field trips.

Nov, 2023

Azadeh Ghotbi writes: “We just organized a terrific reunion weekend in London with dinner and dancing at a Greek restaurant in Soho followed by lunch at my place the following day. We were some 50 alumni (mostly the class of ’90 to ’92) with people flying in from as far as  Colombia, California, and India. Our biggest contingency, after Londoners, were those coming from Athens. The organizing committee was made up of myself, Diana Frescobaldi ’92, Greger Hamilton ’90, Charles Perry ’92, and Ashley Wodtke Chiampo. Nearly 50 alumni came to London from around the world, including Babak Arbabha, Arif Baigmohamed, Rahul Bhat, Frederic Bruce ’92, Parvesh Chhibber, Ashley Wodtke Chiampo, Shivani de Chassey ’92, Arvind Dubash ’92, Diana Frescobaldi ’92, Oliver Gardey ’90, Andrew Jarvis Hamilton, Catalina Hoyos-Lago ’92, Ronil Malaney, Anastasia Manias ’92, Miles Montgomerie ’90, Charlie Perry ’92, Stefanos Pesmazoglou ’92, Cristina Piedrahita ’92, Aly Rahimtoola ’92, Goya Gallagher Sawiris, Julien Sevaux, Andrea Shen ’92, Konstantin von Unger, Helen Ytuarte White ’92, and Casimir Ysenburg

Azadeh Ghotbi ’91 London Reunion
Oct, 2023
Doc Politics
Healing more patients by changing health policy Read More
Aug, 2023

Siri Lindley published her second book, Finding a Way: Taking the Impossible and Making it Possible. The novel follows her journey as a two-time world champion triathlete, offering guidance, tools, and strategies for triumphing in the face of adversity. Tony Robbins, her mentor, wrote the foreward.


Aug, 2023
’91 San Francisco Reunion
Aug, 2023
Emio Zizza ’91
Aug, 2023

Matthew Grieco writes that he was appointed an N.Y.C.  criminal court judge.

Aug, 2023

Christopher Donoho writes: “My big news is that I became a grandfather! My daughter, Susannah, and her husband, George Voigt, have welcomed Lydia Voigt into the world. Susannah is a teacher at the Brooks School in North Andover (Mass.) and lives on campus. Exciting!”

Aug, 2023

Gayle Weiswasser reports: “The class of 1991 has been holding mini-reunions across the country, in part because we missed our 30th due to COVID. So far, we’ve held reunions in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Boston, with others planned for later this year (see photos throughout).”

’91 NYC Officers dinner
Aug, 2023

Stephen Hill writes: “An amazing day in Mexico (October 22, 2022) with four whale jumps, two ‘swag surfs’ and one spectacular wedding as I married my love Ms. Chanté Moore! There were Bruins galore in attendance, including Brickson Diamond ’93, Patti Galluzzi ’83, Lisa Gelobter ’91, Anne Haley, Gary Hill ’87, Lori Hill ’92, Robe Imbriano ’86, Debra Lee ’76, Nancy Prendergast ’83, ’86 MD and David Salzman.”

Stephen Hill ’84 wedding
Aug, 2023
Reenvisioning Vietnam
A Netflix film on the booming and enchanting country of today Read More
Aug, 2023
How to Read a Picture
A course applies seminal texts to classic LGBTQ images and films to show how imagery has been used to fight oppression. Read More
Jun, 2023

Evie Ladin presented the world premiere of Water in the Kettle, a full-evening debut from body music moving choir MoToR/dance February 3-4, leading to the International Day of Body Music February 5. After the three sold out performances and rave reviews following 5-plus years of development, Evie is in conversation to restage the performance, as well as offering a limited release of an edited film of the performance. Water in the Kettle illuminates the maddeningly recurrent struggles of modern women, and the country, through the reference of putting water on to boil, with intention, humor, and connective rhythm. Overtly reconnecting Appalachian and related songs with African-diaspora rhythms, the all-female multigenerational ensemble harmonizes over polyrhythmic body music, asking “What you gonna do with the baby-O? You tell me cause I don’t know.” Put some water on to boil, we have a lot to discuss.

Jun, 2023
Justice Impeded
Joanna Schwartz ’94 takes a deep dive into how the law conspires to keep rogue cops from paying the price. Read More
Apr, 2023
A Clutch Move
Artwork malfunction sparks a career in hot handbags Read More
Apr, 2023
A Wide Net
Chazz Woodson ’05 aims to make lacrosse more racially diverse Read More
Jan, 2023
Tasty Teff
Is the grain the next superfood? Read More
Oct, 2022
Kids in the Kitchen
Molly Birnbaum ’05 on heading up the goofy but practical children’s division of America’s Test Kitchen Read More
Aug, 2022

Gareth Cook founded the Verto Literary Group, an editorial consulting studio that works with book authors, agents, and publishers. Recent projects include the New York Times bestselling How Civil Wars Start and An Ugly Truth, which is being adapted into an upcoming HBO series, “Doomsday Machine,” starring Claire Foy as Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. You can learn more at or write to Gareth at [email protected].


Jun, 2022
Trauma and Taste Buds
An acclaimed memoir recalls how Korean food kept Grace Cho ’93 connected to her mother Read More
Jun, 2022

Amy Seiple Hebb cofounded Second Serve Resale. Second Serve sells donated clothing to support customer-selected nonprofits for community impact. Second Serve will connect buyers, donors, and nonprofits to promote resale as a tool for community transformation. “We are working towards a day when clothing is maximized as a resource, continually reused in a circular economy that is a win-win-win for the customer, the community, and the environment.” Check it out:


Jun, 2022

Joshua Garren ’96 AM, ’97 MD, writes: “I’m back in the U.S. after several years in London and Costa Rica, celebrating 20 years of marriage with Michal Yitshary (Hebrew University ’98) with our five children; Daniel and Ariella (Columbia ’25 and ’26), Maya, Jonathan, and Shira (hopefully Brown ’29, ’33, and ’34). Ariella and Maya’s organization,, has published translations of historical accounts of the plight of turn of the century Yemenite Jewry and of Holocaust memoirs from Spanish, Yiddish, Hebrew, and German and is now expanding to help document contemporary accounts of attempted genocide. The Parysow Yizkor Book is a particularly fascinating read.”

Apr, 2022
Sex-Complaint Czar
Suzanne Goldberg ’85 now faces the challenge of her distinguished legal career—squaring Obama- and Trump-era rules. Read More
Apr, 2022

Daniel Levine (see William Levine ’64).

Apr, 2022

William Levine writes: “Caroline Snyder ’24 is the granddaughter of my wife, Gail Caslowitz Levine and myself; the daughter of our daughter, Jane Snyder ’88, and her husband, David Snyder; and the niece of our son, Daniel Levine ’91. Caroline is a student in the School of Engineering, a pre-med student, and a member of the varsity field hockey team.”

Jan, 2022

Sidney Trantham started a new position as associate professor of practice in the Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology (CDEP) department in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College this fall.

Sidney Trantham ’91 photo of himself
Jan, 2022

Jeff Stewart writes: “Breakaway Partners was acquired by Komodo Health. What is interesting is the high concentration of Brown folks on the Breakaway side! There is Andrew Laubscher ’07 (married to Amanda Puffer ’05, ’08 ScM), PJ Santoro ’04, and myself (married to Karen Steinig ’91, parent to two sons ’20 and ’24). Also on our team are Andrew Coggins ’18 and Dylan Groos ’19. A nice ‘conclusion’ to a gathering of several Brunonians across a few decades.” 

Nov, 2021

Jeffrey Shesol published Mercury Rising: John Glenn, John Kennedy, and the New Battleground of the Cold War. The book chronicles the halting start of the U.S. space program and shows how John Glenn, more than any other figure, carried the nation’s hopes into space and toward John F. Kennedy’s new frontier.

Nov, 2021
Fresh Ink for Nov–Dec 2021
Books by Adam Stern ’06, Katie Crouch ’95, and Jeff Shesol ’91 Read More
Nov, 2021
A Life on the Ice
NHL veep Chie Chie Yard ’94 Read More
Aug, 2021

Daniel Newman launched Decode Democracy (, a nonpartisan campaign to fight online political deception, protect democracy, and hold social media companies accountable.


Aug, 2021

Beth Wishnie writes: “Lisa Loeb ’90 and I were on a Brown theater reunion several months ago, which inspired her to want to write a musical about the pandemic experience with all the amazing Brown grads we were reconnecting with after all these years. A bunch of the other people in the reunion agreed it was a great idea and so we did it. In the spirit of Once Upon A Weekend, a playwriting festival that Paula Vogel created at Brown years ago, we got 10 different playwrights, matched them with composers and directors, all from Brown, and created 10 seven-minute complete musicals, all taking place from March to November 2020, all on Zoom, and all about finding connection with other people while isolated because of the pandemic. The actors are also all from Brown and include Lisa Loeb, Julie Bowen ’91, JoBeth Williams ’70, Josh Hamilton ’91, Ann Harada ’85, and Rhonda Ross ’93 among many other talented folks. They streamed the musical starting May 20 for four days as a fundraiser for the Actors Fund.” 

Aug, 2021
The AI Guy
How to preserve one’s career—and humanity—in our new, robot-driven world. Read More
Jun, 2021
Manufactured Wilderness
Creating Yellowstone Park meant evicting longtime Native American residents Read More
Jun, 2021
Fire-truck Zoom
An unusual COVID classroom Read More
Jun, 2021
Pandemic Problem Solving
A senior specializes in equity-based solutions Read More
Apr, 2021

New York City based CDR Studio Architects, led by Jon Dreyfous and RISD alums Lea Cloud and Victoria Rospond, was named one of 10 finalists in the Movers & Shakers Small Business Competition sponsored by Investors Bank. Entries were judged on the firm’s creativity in the marketplace, competitiveness as a small business, and contribution to the community. Find CDR Studio Architects at

Mar, 2021
Radio Realness
Alison Stewart ’88 has infused New York public radio with afternoons full of wide-ranging talk Read More
Mar, 2021
The View From Tripoli
I went to Lebanon not just to learn Arabic but to take a break from America—and came back with a new perspective. Read More
Jan, 2021
The Quest
A bestselling new book searches for evidence that early Christianity may have been powered by psychedelics. Read More
Nov, 2020

Jennifer Fries is a candidate for state representative, 24th Middlesex district in Massachusetts. She writes: “Running during a pandemic is difficult, yet good governance is more important than ever.” Fellow alums Reed Cochran ’90, Sarah Francis Holmes and her boyfriend David Kluft ’90, and Briel Schwartz Schmitz have been instrumental to the campaign, and many other classmates have been supporters. Learn more at


Oct, 2020
Fashion Soldier
Glamour and heartache in a memoir from André Leon Talley ’73 AM Read More
Oct, 2020
Rules of Thumb
Clubbed Thumb, the trailblazing theater company, hopes its 25th year won’t be its last Read More
Aug, 2020

Daniel G. Newman wrote his first graphic novel, Unrig: How to Fix Our Broken Democracy (, about money in politics, voting rights, and stories of inspiring citizens who are making democracy work better. He is the president of MapLight, a nonprofit fighting online political deception. Contact Daniel at [email protected]

Aug, 2020

Richard D’Abreu Jr., who is a saxophonist, pianist, and songwriter specializing in gospel jazz, has, since COVID-19, done a biweekly one-hour solo performance called “Friday Night Inspiration” live on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube from 7:30 to 8:30 pm EST. His debut CD, Jazz in the Spirit, will be available in physical form ( and other stores) and digital stores everywhere. Visit for more information.

Aug, 2020
In the news

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has appointed members to several sector advisory councils charged with providing guidance to shape New York City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and help restart the city’s economy and life. Among the appointed were Ken Giddon ’81, proprietor of Rothman’s Men’s Clothing, to the Small Business Sector Advisory Council and Joshua Silverman ’91, CEO of  Etsy, to the Large Business Sector Advisory Council.

Aug, 2020
Buried Knowledge
“Undone science” refers to data that have been ignored while other research gets done. Partly in the name of racial justice, some Brown folks are working to bring that information to light. Read More
Aug, 2020
Must-See TV
A new book shows how 1970s shows like Sesame Street shaped a generation of kids. Read More
Aug, 2020
Leading Amid Unrest
A Twin Cities college president’s Day One was the week of the riots Read More
Jun, 2020
COVID-19 Crash Course
How Brown and a leading global health organization teamed up to swiftly push a user-friendly coronavirus management training package out into the world. Read More
Jun, 2020
Fresh Ink
Books by Sarah Ruhl ’97 ’01 MFA, David Jarmul ’75, and Andrew Altschul ’91 Read More
Apr, 2020
Family Secrets
In a new book, Jessica Pearce Rotondi ’07 pieces together the decades-long search for her uncle gone missing in Vietnam. Read More
Apr, 2020

Becky Bleifeld Black and Matt Black ’91 are still living in Paris. Becky writes: “We originally came for my job at the NBA, fast-forward 15 years and we’ve started a nonprofit, Rock U. (, that brings kids together from all over the world to learn responsibility, confidence, and teamwork by playing rock music together. Brunonians whose kids are part of the past and present Rock U. family include Anne Beale ’84, Nicole Williams Roland ’88, Johnny Stein ’88, and Laura Voorhees Victoir ’00. We’ve had innumerable Brown alums stop by as they pass through Paris; please look us up next time you’re here!”


Jan, 2020

Laila Mehdi writes: “We now have two Brown grads in our house. It was a blast marching in the alumni procession for my son Jack Hilfinger’s ’19 graduation in May. Jack concentrated in computer science and economics. I have been living outside Seattle with my family since 1996. I am a member of the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra and teach private violin and viola lessons.”

Nov, 2019

Mary Lynn “ML” Banchoff is living in Austin, Tex., and works internationally as an independently contracted facilitator and workshop-designer, “all while still dreaming she doesn’t have enough credits to graduate.” Contact Mary at [email protected].


Nov, 2019
Reprogramming Mother Nature
Experiments with coding animal genes stand to teach us a lot about ourselves. Read More
Sep, 2019
Fresh Ink
New books by Mona Awad ’14 MFA, Art Markman ’88, and Tim Murphy ’91 Read More
Sep, 2019
Mr. Dinosaur
Paleontologist Matthew Carrano ’91 and the Smithsonian’s “Deep Time” exhibit.  Read More
Sep, 2019
In the news

Amy Bach ’91, founder, executive director, and president of Measures for Justice (an organization that measures criminal justice performance by collecting, cleaning, and coding county-level criminal justice data), received The Charles Bronfman Prize for her commitment to reforming the criminal justice system.

Sep, 2019

Freddy Bruce writes: “In early June a big group from the classes of 1990 to 1994 met in London at Ristorante Frescobaldi in Mayfair. The evening was organized by Azadeh Ghotbi ’91, whose photo exhibition in London a few months before was where the idea of a reunion in London came together. She, Charles Perry, Diana Frescobaldi, and Elena Pistorio, organized the event. Elena sadly was unable to attend the event. During dinner Diana stood up and took us on a journey through the villages of Tuscany that produced the wines we were drinking. Her family has been making wines for 11,000 years she said, and then corrected herself: they had been making wines for only 31 generations. Charles gave an impassioned speech about Brown, citing some of the recent statistics about 2,600 lucky youngsters offered places out of close to 40,000 applications. He spoke about early action at Brown, to which only Konstantin von Unger ’91 seemed to relate. Anastasia Manias, Matilda Douridas, Orsalia Parthenis ’93, Stefanos Pesmazoglou, and Thomas Giolmas came en masse with their Athenian good looks and smiles of the sunny Mediterranean life. Ashley Wodke Chiampo ’91 and Karan Paul were visiting from Singapore and India, respectively, and were able to make the event. Catalina Hoyos-Lago, “la Divina,” made a special trip from Colombia—never one to miss out on such a party. Hugh Warrender ’90 and Miles Montgomery ’90 ensured there was a lively after party at 5 Hertford Street dancing until the early hours... and there were many other alumni who gathered to celebrate our youth and friendships made together at Brown.”


Jul, 2019
Rich But Nice
Sociologist Rachel Sherman ’91 on why 1-percenters need to see themselves as virtuous Read More
Jul, 2019
World Wide Beginnings
The web’s roots at Brown Read More
Jul, 2019

Emil Soucar writes: “I am a retired Temple University emeritus associate professor. Since retirement in 2010, I have had a small counseling psychology practice in Wenonah, New Jersey. My wife of 51 years passed away in 2011. My daughter, Beth Soucar ’91, also has a psychology practice in Newtown, Pennsylvania, and my son Robert is a landscaping artist.”


May, 2019

Jennifer Reid writes that she enjoys expanding the worldviews and sociolinguistic skills of middle-school students by teaching them to speak French. Her specialty is transforming shy seventh-graders into gabby eighth-graders by embracing the awkwardness and silliness inherent in learning to talk like a toddler when you’re 12. Jen writes: “My husband, Luis Andrade (Columbia ’90), and our seven-year-old daughter and I moved from Oakland to the suburban wilds of Lafayette, Calif., and are still searching for decent pizza and Mexican food. We went on a holiday lunchtime adventure with Amy Jervis, Raymond Ku ’92, Charlene Ku ’94, and Tim Smith ’93, and frequently see Triane Chang, Rachel Leventhal, and Kitty Vieth ’93.” 

May, 2019

Amanda Kim started writing again last year after a long break and was honored when TAYO Literary Magazine accepted a story and five poems. The short story is about foster kids trying to survive on their own and the poems are a series about lost languages and the casualness of death (written soon after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School). Amanda writes: “I’m in incredibly good company and it feels like home.”

May, 2019

Chris Donoho has been named practice area leader for Hogan Lovells Business Restructuring and Insolvency practice London office effective January 1. Chris has been with Hogan Lovells for nearly a decade, and since 2015 he has served the firm’s New York office as administrative partner. He spends much of his time protecting the rights of creditors in restructurings, frequently on behalf of investment funds or banks.

May, 2019

Illustrator Sandy Steen Bartholomew announces her newly released picture book, Ready, Set, GOrilla! (written by Melissa Stoller, Clear Fork Publishing, 2018). In this story, Gorilla likes to race with his pals but what he really loves is winning—at any cost. He cheats and misbehaves until none of his usual friends will play anymore. The arrival of equally competitive Gopher stops him in his tracks. What will it take to teach them the true meaning of friendship? Ready, Set, GO! 

May, 2019
Up, Up, and Away
A competition for personal flying machines Read More
May, 2019

Judith MacIntosh O’Neill and Thomas J. O’Neill III have been enjoying retirement for many years now, spending time with their family and traveling the world. They traveled for a month in Central Asia visiting Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Tom plays trombone in a number of swing bands and orchestras and Judith remains busy gardening and knitting. "It was a fabulous trip learning about these newly free countries. We are thrilled that our granddaughter Claire Harrison ’20 is enjoying Brown. Her parents are Christine O’Neill Harrison ’91 and Marc Harrison ’92."

Mar, 2019

Azadeh Ghotbi had a photography exhibit in London January 20-24, 2019 at Herrick Gallery. Visit her website at


Mar, 2019

Rob Dumanois, Bill O’Brien ’92, Rod Wooters, and David Tauber ’90 enjoyed time together on Dec. 2 at the Houston Texans vs Cleveland Browns game at NRG Stadium.

Rod Wooters ’91 Houston Texans game
Mar, 2019

Rex Chiu ’94 MD writes that Brown Phi Kappa Psi had a mini West Coast reunion in San Francisco. In attendance were Steve Baldikoski ’90, Ernest Bates ’88, Bryan Behar ’88, Bill Benjamin ’88, Frank Chiu ’91, ’95 MD, Paul Good, Andrew Guldman, Bob Houser, David Jaffe, Ari Klionsky, Jeffrey Lefstin, Christian Smith, Raphael Winick ’88, and host Chris Masto. “We talked about returning to the 30th reunion en masse in the spring. I am looking forward to seeing many of these guys again and many other classmates in May.”


Rex Chiu ’89 Phi Kappa Psi reunion photo
Jan, 2019
Lead Driver
The challenges of steering Uber into the future Read More
Jan, 2019

Kelly K. McCann married Daniel Goodrich on May 12. They live in Costa Mesa, Calif., with his daughter. Kelly writes she has a flourishing functional medicine practice and lectures to colleagues at national and international conferences.


Jan, 2019
Dyed in the Wool
Jennifer Knight ’89 has returned manufacturing jobs to an American town. Read More
Nov, 2018
The Price of U.S. Global Policing
Brown researchers did the math. Read More
Nov, 2018
“You Belong”
Making Brown more inclusive for low-and middle-income students Read More
Nov, 2018
The 0.3 Percent
Brown's small but expanding community of students who are military veterans Read More
Sep, 2018

Grant Johnson writes: “NYC Office Suites has expanded from four to six midtown locations. We are now one of the largest commercial tenants in the city.” Grant lives in Greenwich, Conn., with wife Elle and daughter Henley, whose godfather is Christian Albert ’91. He enjoys visiting Los Angeles frequently to see his twin brother, Brett Johnson.


Sep, 2018

Horace Jen writes that, after a year at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, he is now back in Washington, D.C., and regularly attends functions sponsored by the Brown Club of D.C. He and fellow ’91 classmates Henry Chu (in Taipei), Eric Banson (in Hong Kong), and Manish Jain (in India), aka the “Brown Pacific Boys” (BPBs), are planning an event to celebrate their half-century mark, and they would love to hear from fellow BPBs and other alums who will also celebrate their “big five-o.”

Sep, 2018
Tomorrow’s Citizens
Scott Warren ’09 started a nationwide program that teaches students civics via local involvement. Read More
Jul, 2018
Breaking Down the Binary
Male? Female? How about neither, both, or something else entirely? Read More
Jul, 2018

Susan Tenner writes: “I am the cofounder and executive director of the Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (BUGS), an innovative diverse middle school focused on sustainability education. We’re looking for a diverse group of educators, fundraisers, and marketers for our board and staff. Fellow Bruin alums would be ideal. Please write me to raise your hand or just say hi.”

Jul, 2018

John Pijanowski has been living abroad in Kutaisi, Georgia, as a Fulbright scholar.

Jul, 2018

Grace Lo is the parent of Adrian Lee, class of 2021. She writes: “Helping my son move to Archibald reminded me of my freshman year in the same building. The dorms are nicer now, with modern kitchens and even a Ben & Jerry’s vending machine.”


Jul, 2018

Jean Gorman writes: “Last summer I was ordained to Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Covenant Church. As a pastor and psychologist, I serve the 150-plus churches of the Pacific Southwest region as director of ministerial health, helping churches and vocational ministry.”

Jul, 2018

Douglas Feinstein (see David Feinstein ’64).


Jul, 2018

David Feinstein writes: “It’s been a few years. I have three sons: Daniel Feinstein, Douglas Feinstein ’91, and Joel Feinstein. After my PhD from Stanford in 1967, I spent four years in Buffalo, then 10 years in northern Wisconsin at a small state university (River Falls). In 1980, we moved to Mobile, Alabama, to the University of South Alabama. When I turned 55 in 1997 I decided to start over and remarried a young Chinese woman. We had two children: Joseph in 1999 and the only girl, Esther, in 2002. Joseph will be a freshman at Brown this fall, joining the class of ’22. He will follow his father and his brother, Douglas. It will be good to have my family back on the Brown campus. Now we have to wait two years to find out where Esther lands. At 76 I am finally out of the creation business so there is a chance there will be no more Feinsteins for another generation going to the top of the Hill.”


Jul, 2018
Dealmaking Doctor
The Executive Master Program helped this OB-GYN refine cancer care in Puerto Rico Read More
May, 2018

Pete Beeman writes that he had a very Brown weekend seeing old friends Sarah Preston Schrott, Dave Schrott, Jen Gregory ’89, Gavriel Rosenfeld ’89, and Erika Banks ’89. “My wife, Page Fortna, and I live in New York City and Portland, Oregon, with our two daughters. Rosie and Linden. In Portland we see the Schrotts and the mighty David Bermudez ’89 regularly. Check out Bermi’s incredible Bend Science Station in central Oregon I spend my time designing and building large-scale public art projects around the country and in Taiwan. See my work at”


May, 2018

Scott and Samantha Garbers Adams are  very assured that two alums they knew at Brown are looking after Scott’s dad. His dad recently had ankle surgery performed by Dr. Daniel Quinn and his dad’s internist is classmate Dr. Doug Gronda ’92. Scott and Sam cannot thank them enough for taking such good care of Scott’s father.


May, 2018
Can We Kill HIV?
Working on it—with tools ranging from microbicides to dating apps. Read More
May, 2018
Celebrating Coover
Literary luminaries gathered in April to toast Robert Coover’s 33 years at Brown. Read More
Apr, 2018

Anne Tamar-Mattis passed the leadership torch at interACT, the intersex rights organization she founded after graduating from law school in 2006. She writes that she now lives on a mountaintop in Northern California with her large and eclectic queer family. Her next venture is as the executive director of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, working to transform the way conflicts are resolved globally through collaborative practice (sometimes referred to as collaborative divorce). She would love to hear from fellow Brunonians who are interested in collaborative practice.

Apr, 2018

The U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board announced that John Pijanowski has received a 2018 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award to live in Kutaisi, Georgia, and conduct research at Akaki Tsereteli State Univ. You can follow his trip blog here.

Apr, 2018

According to the Washington Post blog, Lisa Gelobter ’91, a former Chief Digital Service Officer for the U.S. Department of Education and Chief Digital Officer for BET Networks, has cofounded tEQuitable, a third-party, tech-enabled ombuds platform to help companies and employees address issues of bias, discrimination, and harassment.

Apr, 2018

Karen Levy Gooen published Take Two in November, her second novel in the Mah Jongg Table Talk Tales series. The novels are a follow-up to her successful mah jongg memoir, Searching for Bubbe Fischer. She is involved in NJ 11th for Change, an organization trying to unseat the 20-year-plus congressional incumbent. Lisa Bhimani ’91 lost a close race against NJ 25’s incumbent state senator. Karen and her husband, Michael, are about to welcome a new member of the family—their first puppy.

Jan, 2018

Sue Rivera co-edited Specimen Science: Ethics and Policy Implications, published by MIT Press in October and available at the MIT Press site and on

From the January/February 2018 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

Jennifer Kramer (see Sabina Magliocco ’80).

Sue Rivera co-edited Specimen Science: Ethics and Policy Implications, published by MIT Press in October and available at the
MIT Press site and on

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected]

Marisa Thalberg was named by Forbes as one of the top 50 most influential CMOs in the world and is being honored by the She Runs It organization as their 2017 Woman of the Year.

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected]

L. Oliver Robinson published his first book, Naked in the Public Eye: Leadership in an Era of Accountability. He writes: “After 16 years as a school superintendent, I am pleased to share my wealth of experience with present and future education leaders.”

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected]

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected]

Annie Gjelsvik (see Carol Canner Gjelsvik ’59).

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Christine E. O’Neil Harrison writes: “Thanks again to our amazing class officers for putting together a great reunion. Satisfying this class isn’t always easy. This year I became a P’20 as my daughter Claire became a fifth-generation legacy Brown family member. We are so proud of her and happy that she has decided to carry the tradition onward.”

Renu Mansukhani ’95 MD, along with daughters Natasha (eighth grade) and Serena (third grade), published a children’s book, Fred and Fiona: Fuzzy Blue Monsters with Finicky Fur. It is currently available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Renu writes: “We created twin fuzzy blue monster characters together and made up stories about them while I was falling asleep while reading bedtime stories. It was a way to keep me awake. We would tape a story on my phone each night and now, a few years later, it has come to fruition.”

Olga Geroulanos Votis is in her 10th year as chairman of Teaching Matters, one of the leaders in teacher training and education technology.

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Colin Credle writes: “After years of traipsing through disaster areas working with local health officials to coordinate donations of critical medicines on behalf of Project HOPE, I have landed a fantastic job at Chemonics International, a USAID contractor. As part of the Global Supply Chain team, we are setting up a global supply chain platform to deliver several billion dollars in medicines to treat HIV/AIDS and malaria and to support family-planning initiatives, mostly in Africa. It is a massive global start-up led by passionate advocates of global health. My wife, two boys, and I are settling into the Washington, D.C., metro area.”

From the July/August 2016 Issue

David Ebershoff (see Lisa Amico Kristen ’83).

Arah Erickson (see Jorge Casimiro ’98). 

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Marisa Rosenberg Thalberg (see Liz Hamburg ’86). 

From the January/February 2016 Issue

The class leaders write: “Save the date for our 25th reunion in May! We look forward to seeing you all back on campus from May 27–30 for a kickoff class event, Campus Dance, Field Day, a Class Dinner Dance, and our reunion march through the gates. Stay on the lookout for reunion registration information to be sent via email (so update your information today)! Please send class notes and photos to us at [email protected]  and check out our class website at . And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook at .”

Prudence Carter welcomed her new son, Langston Carter, last year. Langston was born Oct. 25, 2013, and his adoption was finalized in May.

Mariano Fernandez (see Jessica Gorkin ’08). 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Scott Filler (see Morey Filler ’61).

Chris Kibarian moved from London, England, to Piedmont, Calif., to head , a crowd-funding platform for personal and charitable causes.

From the September/October 2015 Issue

Susan Tenner writes: “The school I cofounded, the Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (BUGS), will be at full capacity with grades six to eight next year and is looking for additional board members. BUGS is a community-based charter school devoted to diversity, inclusion, adolescent development, civic engagement, and academic rigor through a hands-on, interdisciplinary sustainability education. The BUGS Board of Trustees is a group of committed New Yorkers.”

From the May/June 2015 Issue

Barry Kreiswirth (see John M. Cross ’66).

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Suzanne Rivera was appointed vice president for research at the Case Western Reserve Univ. Office of Research and Technology Management.

William Sherman and his wife, Simone Blum, announce the birth of their daughter, Skylar Brooke, born just two days after they moved to Huntington, Long Island. William writes: “Skylar was born weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces and measuring 19 inches, and she has been growing happily and steadily since.”

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Laura Berger (see Anna Squires Levine ’08).

Anne Collins Goodyear codirects the Bowdoin College Museum of Art with her husband, Frank Goodyear. She writes: “Please let us know if your travels bring you in this direction.”

Diana Mautner-Markhof opened a law firm in 2013. Her specialties include family, inheritance, property, and business law. Her website is .

L. Oliver Robinson, superintendent of schools for the Shenendehowa Central School district in Clifton Park, N.Y., received the 2013 New York State Superintendent of the Year Award. His wife, Tammy Ellis-Robinson ’92, expects to complete her PhD in May.

Marisa Thalberg was named one of the top five social business leaders by The Economist. She writes: “I head corporate global, digital, and social marketing for the Estée Lauder Companies, a function I created seven years ago.”

Olga Geroulanos-Votis is council cochair of the New York Public Library and chair of Teaching Matters.

Alexandra Warsh Steele is an on-air meteorologist on CNN in Atlanta. She writes: “I am married and have a six-year-old daughter named Jagger.”

From the November/December 2014 Issue

Laurel Berger-Figliola (see Eytan Kurshan ’08).

Rebecca Hensler writes that after having served more than 10 years as a counselor, she was appointed dean at James Denman Middle School this fall. In addition, she’s the school’s LGBTQ support liaison. After 13 years together, Rebecca and her wife, Andrea, were legally married on December 8, 2013, at the Tilden Park Steam Trains in Berkeley, Calif. Andrea is a professional musician who performs with rock bands across northern California and is the vice president of the El Cerrito Lions Club. Rebecca writes: “I gave birth to a baby boy, Nathaniel Judah Hensler, in June 2009. Sadly, Jude died of a severe birth defect, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, at the age of three months. My wife, my family, and I all deeply miss our sweet, fussy, curious little boy.” In 2011, Rebecca founded Grief Beyond Belief, an online secular grief-support network for atheists, humanists, and other nonbelievers. She is currently coauthoring a self-help book on the topic of grieving without religion or spirituality.

Jennifer Reid is returning to the classroom full-time after an extended maternity leave and a year of substitute teaching. Formerly a middle school English and social studies teacher, she is excited to begin teaching French this fall. Jen lives in Oakland, Calif., with her husband, Luis Andrade (Columbia ’90), and their 3-year-old daughter. They frequently see Triane Chang, Rachel Leventhal, Tim Smith ’93, and Kitty Vieth ’93.

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Raymond P. Ausrotas was lead author of Massachusetts Civil Trial Practice, part of the LexisNexis practice guide series. “The book was written with the assistance of expert contributing-chapter authors and provides a portable, task-oriented guide to civil trial practice in Massachusetts state courts.” Get information at 

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Maggie Carpenter writes: “I have started a new nonprofit, Go Doc Go Inc. We are a nongovernmental international medical humanitarian organization sending volunteer health care workers short-term around the world to establish high-quality and high-impact preventive health programs.”

Danny Gubits and his wife, Sarah, announce the July 29, 2013, birth of their daughter, Natalie Ruth, first grandchild of Grandpa David Gubits ’63.

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Sharon Besser has been living in Hong Kong for the past eight years with her Australian husband, Jeremy, and two kids, ages 8 and 10. Sharon teaches third grade at Hong Kong International School.

Eric Yeh is a practicing ob-gyn in Fort Wilkins, Colo. He writes: “We have visited Brown a few times over the years, but had the most fun recently taking our eldest daughter, Emily Yeh ’17, to orientation and then visiting her and Brown during Family Weekend. Too bad about the Princeton game.” 


From the March/April 2014 Issue

Diana Mautner-Markhof opened her own law firm. She writes: “Please visit us at .” 


From the January/February 2014 Issue

Victoria Holstein Childress joined Troutman Sanders LLP as a partner in the financial services litigation practice of its Washington, D.C., office. She previously worked at Reed Smith LLP.

Christine O’Neil Harrison announces the publication of her second book, Collecting Sea Shells by the Sea Shore, a collection of poems and essays. Her first book, Dear Tommy, published in 2008, has sold approximately 500 copies to date. She has enjoyed participating in the Alumnae Row for Brown Women’s Crew for the past few years. Her children, Claire and Evan, are growing quickly. This spring, her parents, Thomas O’Neil III ’64 and Judith MacIntosh O’Neil ’64 will be celebrating their 50th reunion.

Llewellyn Oliver Robinson was selected as the 2013 New York State School Superintendent of the Year. 


From the November/December 2013 Issue

David Ebershoff (see p. 53, Engagements & Weddings, Kenny Lao ’98).

Peter Lees (see p. 53, Engagements & Weddings, Shirlene Liew ’07).

Carolyn Mar (see p. 53, Engagements & Weddings, Julie Doberne ’07).


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Denise Iris’s work was featured in June at the Lumen International Video and Performance Festival on Staten Island, New York. Ten one-minute films from the series Minimentals were shown. She describes them as “whimsical, autobiographical cinematic haikus that play with the line between imagination and everyday reality.”

Angela Kyle has joined Wolff Olins, a design and brand consulting firm in New York City. She divides time between New York and New Orleans, where she recently established PlayBuild, a nonprofit focused on the transformation of under-utilized urban spaces into educational play environments for kids.

From the March/April 2013 Issue

Sharon Cleary Eastman (see Richard Cleary ’59).

Annie Gjelsvik (See Carol Canner Gjelsvik ’59).

Christine O’Neil Harrison (see Judith MacIntosh O’Neil ’64).

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Cheryl Yie Rubin writes: “My husband and I have published Momo Feels, an interactive children’s eBook book aimed at the toddler and preschool set. Momo is inspired by the unpredictability, excitability, and warmth of our younger daughter. Check it out on iTunes.”

Rob Sokolic ’96 MD writes: “My wife, Yvonne Mark ’92, ’97 MD, was elected to the executive board of the Mid-Atlantic College Health Association as a member-at-large. She is a clinic physician at Johns Hopkins Univ. Student Health and Wellness Center and a clinical assistant professor in the department of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. We live in Columbia, Md., with our 4-year-old sons, Isaac and Lancelot.” 


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Scott Filler (see Morey Filler ’61).

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Scott Locke joined Brown alumnus Jonathan Nelson ’90 at Dorf & Nelson LLP, in Rye, N.Y., as a partner and head of the intellectual property and life sciences practice groups.

Douglas MacDonald wrote Montana Before History. The book was released by Mountain Press Publishing Company. 


From the May/June 2012 Issue

Christian H. M. Albert, one of the authors of Ever True: The History of Brown Crew, would like everyone to view the book review posting at He also notes that Marcia Hooper ’77, a coauthor, and James Koven ’95, were just appointed cochairs of the National Rowing Foundation. He writes: “The NRF is the main support and fundraising vehicle for United States Rowing, and it is a tremendous honor to have two Brown alumni as cochairs.”

Amy Carden Suardi writes: “I am thrilled to announce the launch of the new Frugal Mama Makeover series on After two years of plugging away at my blog,, and writing for other sites, including TLC’s Parentables, I was asked to help create a new kind of web series. The short videos, which are a hybrid between a reality show and coaching session, were a fun challenge to produce and are now showing at It was great to see so many of you at the 20th reunion last May!”

From the March/April 2012 Issue

NTanya Lee writes: “After 20 years of non-communication with Brown, I thought I’d send this: After three decades of nonstop activism and leadership roles working for social justice, I’m slowing down to reflect, reprioritize, and begin a new direction in my life that I hope leads, ultimately, to much deeper and sustainable personal and social transformation than I’ve experienced in my lifetime. In the short-term, it means more time with my amazing 4-year-old, Khalil, and my wife, Ayoka. I transitioned out of my 11 years of work at Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth last August. In the fall I had an incredible time working on the John Avalos for Mayor campaign and wrote a little piece about it in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. In January, I started as a new faculty member at the Univ. of San Francisco in the graduate program in public affairs and practical politics, teaching a course I’m calling ‘Race, Organizing and Policy Advocacy: Community Strategies for Urban Power.’ When I’m not dancing, playing with my family, reading, or teaching, I’ll be supporting my favorite organizations in some capacity. For the next few years I will be leading an effort I’m calling Project 2040 which is about dreaming, plotting, and planning for the year 2040.”

From the January/February 2012 Issue 

Raymond P. Ausrotas announces the September 2011 formation of Arrowood Peters LLP, a boutique law firm located in Boston that is dedicated to civil litigation and trial work. Joining him in the venture are Jed DeWick '99 and Lisa G. Arrowood '78, the mother of Alex O'Neill '07 and Madeleine O'Neill '12. Visit their website at

Kevin McCarthy writes: "I've been actively supporting the Friends of Brown Wrestling in its attempt to sustain our historic program as it enters its 100th year of competition. An inspired group of alumni, coaches, and student-athletes have been working diligently with the administration to find alternative measures to address the academic and athletic goals of the university while still preserving the wrestling, fencing, and skiing teams."

Daniel Newman, cofounder, executive director, and lead political money tracker at MapLight, a research organization that reveals money's influence in politics, has been named as a 2011–12 Edmond J. Safra Network Fellow at the Safra Network for Ethics at Harvard. Daniel's work has reached millions of people through stories and interviews on NPR, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and more. He was also named one of Fast Company's Most Creative People in Business in 2010.

Beth Soucar (see Emil Soucar '58).

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Pratisha Budhiraja (see Engagements & Weddings, Rajib Chanda '97).

Melissa Walton English received her master of education degree in instructional systems from Penn State Univ. in May 2011. Two weeks later she was celebrating her 20th reunion on College Hill. She writes: "I had a great time catching up with old friends on campus, including Tricia Beatini Donovan '92, Julie Schultz Kapsch, Sarah Lamont Kocmond and Jon Kocmond, Joann Monteiro Martin '88, and Rollyn Ornstein. There is nothing quite like Thayer St., Campus Dance, Field Day, and sleeping in the dorm." Melissa lives in Garnet Valley, Pa., with her husband, Joe, and their 7-year-old son, Luke. She works for Supervalu as a training and development manager.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

David Chu edited Frozen Music: A Literary Exploration of California Architecture, which was published last fall by Heyday and Santa Clara Univ. For more information see

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Andrew Altschul's second novel, Deus Ex Machina, was published in February. He is an assistant professor of English and comparative literature at San Jose State, where he also directs the Center for Literary Arts. In addition, he is books editor of the arts and culture website The Rumpus.

Jon Huyck writes: "After six years in Paris at the American Cathedral, I've returned to that city we all know and love—Providence! While we were in Paris, our son, Benjamin, was born in 2009 (no, sadly, that doesn't get him French citizenship)." Jon is now rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Providence. "Classmates who want to know what a Brown '91 sermon sounds like," Jon says, "come on downtown."

Kristen Mulvihill (see Bob Sanchez '58).

Imran Sayeed (see Alec and Jessica Galante O'Neill '03).

Todd Seavey started ghostwriting for libertarian projects after spending the past couple of decades working for John Stossel, the American Council on Science and Health, and, last year, Fox News's Judge Andrew Napolitano. Todd also appeared on C-SPAN2 talking about his essay "Conservatism for Punks, " which led to viral popularity on YouTube. He blogs, tweets, and posts Facebook updates from Manhattan, but looks forward to being in Providence with a table full of libertarian former comedy writers at Campus Dance in May.

Gretchen Elise Iverson Walker announces the release of her second album, Time & Space. An expansion on her first EP, "Are You Ready," from 2004, Time & Space is a mix of jazz, soul, Caribbean, and eclectic dance music and covers personal and political topics with a sense of humor or a good groove. Learn more at Gretchen also continues to work as an arts education advocate, bringing more arts to Philadelphia public schools via PCCY's Picasso Project and ArtsRising.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

From your class officers: "Twenty years ago this May we were walking through the Van Wickle gates. This year we'll start our 20th reunion next to them on the front Green with a pre–Campus Dance class dinner. That's just the start of a fabulous weekend full of activities to allow you to reconnect with friends and classmates and explore all the changes on the Brown campus. Registration information will be sent in March via e-mail only, and all registration is electronic. You won't want to miss Field Day, alumni forums, a family-friendly class dinner on Saturday night, or the walk down College Hill on Sunday morning. Visit our website for a full calendar of events, and send us your e-mail address so you won't miss out. We can be found at [email protected], at and at the Class of 1991 Facebook page. See you in Providence!"

Mary Lynn Banchoff (see Engagements & Weddings, Deirdre Schwiesow '89).

Matt Cole (see Engagements & Weddings, Jeff Humphrey '90).

Visiting Brown last summer, Joe Drevlow and his family caught up with Brian Werth. Last September, Joe's oldest daughter, Brianna, was crowned Miss Red River Valley Outstanding Teen as her nine siblings watched ( He writes he is looking forward to the reunion.

Lisa Gelobter (see Engagements & Weddings, Jeffrey Vargas '95).

From the January/February 2011 Issue

"Our 20th reunion is around the corner. We hope to see you back on campus Memorial Day Weekend 2011 for a full slate of activities that will allow us to gather in many settings, with and without children. We'll even have our own tent on the Main Green for a pre–Campus Dance class dinner. Official registration details (all paperless) will be out in March. Until then, please visit us at one of our many class information hubs: Facebook (search for Brown Class of 1991), the class website,, or via e-mail at [email protected]. Also, take our 'reUNITe' challenge and help us remember all the classmates who were in your freshman unit. Send us your list (and include unit number and location). We hope to set reunion attendance records this year with 25 percent of our class registered to attend. Hope to see you in May."

Shirin Khanmohamadi has been teaching comparative and world literature at San Francisco State since completing her PhD at Columbia in 2005. She lives in San Mateo with her husband, Amit Gulati, and their son, Saurab, 2. They await the birth of a baby girl in the spring.

Carla Martin is looking forward to hosting her Brown friends for reunion. She is very busy with twin preschool boys, a daughter in kindergarten, and a primary-care practice that serves mostly poor Latinos.

Peter Y. Paik published From Utopia to Apocalypse: Science Fiction and the Politics of Catastrophe (Univ. of Minnesota).

Matthew Specter announces the publication of Habermas: An Intellectual Biography. It is an outgrowth of his PhD work at Duke, and reflects the long-term influence of Brown professor Mary Gluck.

Anne Tamar-Mattis founded Advocates for Informed Choice (AIC) in 2006, which she serves as executive director. AIC is the first organization in the country to undertake a coordinated strategy of legal advocacy for the rights of children with intersex conditions. Anne was recently honored by KQED (Northern Calif. Public Media) as an Unsung Hero. She also teaches classes in sexual orientation and law at the UC Davis and UC Berkeley Schools of Law.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Joshua Garren '96 AM, '97 MD and his wife, Michelle, along with children Daniel, Ariella, and Maya, announce the June 8 birth of Jonathan Robert Garren.

Elizabeth Greene Hart '91 (see Nat Greene '57).

Ben Kahn (see Sarah Markowitz'02).

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Will Balsham (see Jane Neide Ashcom '55).

Yishane Lee and her husband, Reimundo Garcia Jr., announce the Nov. 2 birth of Rio Ariel. He joins older sister Tashi Ming, 2. Yishane writes: "A cookbook I wrote for Rodale Books came out just about when Rio was born. Same gestational period, labor, and delivery."

Bonnie Youn is an immigration attorney in Georgia. She married Frank E. McDonald, a chemistry professor at Emory Univ., on May 16 in Atlanta, where they reside.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Raymond Ausrotas will be elevated to a partnership position with Todd Weld LLP in July.

Daniel Dex has been admitted to the partnership of Lang Michener LLP. He practices U.S. securities law in Lang Michener's Vancouver, B.C., office.

Marshall Robinson and his wife, Jennifer, announce the July 17 birth of their son, Jude. Marshall plans to move to Germany, where he will provide psychological services to active duty troops and other armed forces personnel.

Matthew Specter's first book, Jurgen Habermas: An Intellectual Biography, will be published by Cambridge Univ. Press in the fall of 2010. He and his wife are eager to meet Brown alumni in New Haven, Conn.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Nikki Pliner Berman and her husband, Bernie (Lehigh '92), announce the Oct. 11 birth of Zoey Jayne. She joins her big brother, Zach. They live in Armonk, N.Y., and would love to hear from friends.

Jeanie Chang and her husband, Dana Burd, announce the Nov. 17 birth of their daughter, Nola. Jeanie is in private practice, and Dana is consulting to software start-ups.

Deborah Glupczynski is a family physician for Kaiser Permanente.

Carla Martin is balancing her responsibilities as a primary care doctor and a mother of three (including twin boys, 2).

Chelsea Carlson Payne manages a department at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.

Corey Robertson '95 MD is the director of emerging infectious diseases at the New Jersey Department of Health.

In October, L. Oliver Robinson, who serves as a superintendent of schools in upstate New York, was appointed the first African American to serve as the president of the New York State Council of School Superintendents. Oliver and his wife, Tammy Ellis-Robinson '92, have three children: Oliver III, 12, Erik, 10, and Geneive, 7. Oliver recently joined Rodney Vincent for an NBA game. They both look forward to hearing from Brown friends.

Amy Carden Suardi writes that she is excited about launching a new blog called Frugal Mama (, where she writes about solutions that save money and make life better. She and her husband, Enrico, now live in Manhattan with their three children. She writes: "While it can be tough to be a frugal mama here (as opposed to a profligate single), the city is full of life, and I love connecting with classmates like Melissa Levis, Nadine Shubailat, Chris Tingue, and Kate Murphy Zeman."

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Neil McGaraghan (see Mike McGaraghan '02).

Jane R. Sharp enjoyed visits with Carmelita Teeter and Stina Wedlock '95 MD and her husband, Kevin Grau. Jane writes: "I hope to see many other old friends at our 20th reunion in 2011."

Alexandria Warsh (see Bob Warsh '51).

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Nancy Kane, Zahavah Levine, Lissa Soep, and Karen Strassler (see Douglas Sovern '82).

Samuel Perry is an assistant professor of East Asian studies at Brown. He recently translated Kang KyÀòong-ae's 1934 novel, In'gan munje, which the Feminist Press has published with the title, From WÀòonso Pond.

David Whitney (see Justine Woodfield '02).

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Connect with us at the Brown University Class of 1991 Facebook page.

Joe Drevlow and his wife, Jodi, announce the June 18 birth of Brooke Lynn Drevlow. Brooke joins siblings Brianna, 15, Brett, 14, Brayden, 12, Brock, 11, Brielle, 9, Brigham, 8, Brynn, 5, Bralynne, 3, and Brenna, 1. Joe has been an insurance agent for the last 12 years and Jodi is the CEO of the household.

David Petrella has been appointed assistant principal of Fanny Meyer Hillers Elementary School in Hackensack, N.J., after teaching U.S. history for 14 years and serving as the dean of students at Hackensack High School for four.

Jason Roach (see Jack Roach '58).

Jennifer Reid received a master of arts in education from UC Berkeley on May 17. She conducted research in her seventh-grade English classroom on how students make choices among literary analysis essay questions and the effects of those decisions on their writing. Jen lives in Oakland with her husband, Luis Andrade (Columbia '90) and enjoys the Bay Area's fine food and weather with Kitty Vieth '93, Tim Smith '93, and Triane Chang.

Mary Stuart (see Susan Goldberger Jacoby '67).

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Chris O'Brien is the cofounder, chairman, and executive vice president of corporate development at Motionbox Inc., a video-sharing website. The start-up is run by several alumni, including CEO Josh Grotstein '82, VP of Engineering Chris Brown '94, Product Director Yael Kropsky '96, and Product Manager Michael DiBianco '96.

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Christie O'Neil Harrison writes that with the publication of Dear Tommy she launched her own production company, Sunny Productions. She works with books, music, and films. She is working on a screenplay for an independent film and offers writing and editorial services for private and nonprofit organizations.

Karen Kerr married Penny Stone last summer in the company of many Brown friends. She is a lieutenant in the San Francisco fire department, where she has worked for the past 13 years. She would love to hear from old friends.

Josephine Carter Monmaney (see Lynn Goudreau Carter '65).

Elizabeth Soucar and her husband, Angelo Suarez, announce the October birth of Emil Eliezer Suarez, grandson to Emil Soucar '58.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Pamela Bass writes that she has started her second season as the women's basketball head coach at Colgate and enjoys life in Hamilton, N.Y.

Gregory Boger's charitable foundation, The Jacob Neil Boger Foundation, held its third annual golf tournament on Oct. 4. More than $25,000 was raised to support SIDS research and pediatric health care. For more information or to donate, go to

Tracy Washington Cannon-Smith became a partner with Urology Associates of North Texas in January. She is also the secretary of the Society of Women in Urology.

Prudence Carter joined the faculty of Stanford and moved to sunny and beautiful northern California.

Richard D'Abreu Jr. writes: "After Brown, I attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, graduated in 1994, married (now Rev.) Makeba Lindsay D'Abreu (Johns Hopkins '90), and launched my music career in gospel and jazz. I returned to New York City (our hometown) in 1997, worked with some big names, did some international touring, recording, etc., and served as a musical director at the historic Concord Baptist Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. Our son, Richard III, was born in 2001. Makeba was licensed to the ministry at Concord in 2002 and ordained in 2005. We relocated to Richmond, Va., in 2006 for a job opportunity for Makeba. My latest news is a new gospel jazz single called "Look and Live," which was released, appropriately, on the historic Election Day of Nov. 2008. It is available as an mp3 and is available at e-stores like Amazon, Rhapsody, and emusic. I hope everyone can check it out."

Felix Jon Dreyfous lives in Brooklyn and has an architecture firm, CR Studio Architects.

Teri Elliott-Hart is living in Boston with her husband, Fred Elliot '90, and three kids. She is a doctoral candidate in theology at Boston College.

Melissa Walton English just started a M.Ed. program at Penn State, studying instructional systems with a focus on training, design, and development. She recently began a new job as manager of organization, development, and training for Acme Markets. She and her husband, Joe, will have their tenth wedding anniversary in July. Their son, Luke, 5, enjoys soccer and playing the piano.

Pebble Kranz '07 MD (see Joshua Rosenstock '96).

Sam Perry (see Mayu Sriskandarajah '01).

Matthew Specter teaches European intellectual history, German history, and world history in his new job as assistant professor of history at Central Conn. State Univ. Matthew lives with his fiance, Marian Mashhadi. They will marry in May.

Linda Sweeney (see Bob Sweeney '57).

Jenifer Wicks received the 2008 District of Columbia Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys Lawyer of the Year award for her work assisting other attorneys in the criminal defense community as well as for her numerous triumphs in the courtroom.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Angela Kyle has been named one of 19 U.S. delegates of the 2008 British-American Project, a trans-Atlantic leadership organization that encourages associations among business, cultural, political, and academic leaders from the United States and the United Kingdom. Earlier this year, Angela joined the media division of IMG, a global-talent management, production, and marketing company, as vice president and commercial director. She travels often between Los Angeles, New York, and London and would love to hear from fellow Brown alums.

Kristen Mulvihill and David Rohde '90 were married in Biddeford Pool, Me., on Sept. 6. Their mutual friend, Marcello Picone '90, introduced the couple. Also in attendance: Lisa Ferrari '86, Eric Wold '90, and Judson Wright.

Dan Newman and Belinda Lyons-Newman announce the birth of their daughter Ella, in Berkeley, Calif. Dan is the executive director of, a nonpartisan nonprofit group illuminating the connection between money and politics. Belinda is the executive director of the Mental Health Association of San Francisco.

From the November/December 2008 Issue

Jonathan London (see Manya K. Rubinstein '01).

Kevin Sholes married Akiko Sato, a colleague at Nissan Motors, on June 1 in Tokyo. Kevin writes: "We were so happy to have lots of Brown alumni celebrate with us. Lesley Pan '89 came from London to serve as one of our witnesses. Also attending were Judith Herd '87 PhD, Sherry Greenfield '89, Rika Nakajima '92, Taro Ikai '92, Eric Golden '99, and Matthew Puntigam '04. After the wedding we moved into our new Tokyo home, where we are happy to host guests."

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Janice Bloom (see Jeffrey and Chandra Reddy Metzler '95).

Nelson W. Tebbe and his wife, Diana (Middlebury '98), announce the birth of Clementine Sophia Tebbe. They live in Brooklyn, and Diana is on maternity leave from Deutsche Bank, where she markets fixed income derivatives. Nelson is a professor at Brooklyn Law School.

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Andrew Altschul writes that Harcourt published his novel, Lady Lazarus. He gave readings on the West Coast in April and May, with East Coast readings sometime in the fall. Visit

Ping Foong writes: "I am assistant professor of Chinese art history at the Univ. of Chicago, and about to go on leave to finish my book on 11th-century landscape painting. Would love to hear from old friends."

Scott Gordon and his wife, Princess, proudly announce the February 17, 2008, birth of David Armstrong and Czarina Elizabeth. Scott writes: "We are both now enjoying our time with the twins at home in Palos Verdes, Calif."

Paula Jolin's first novel, In the Name of God, was published last year by Roaring Book Press. It's about a Syrian girl drawn into the world of religious fundamentalism after her cousin's arrest. In 2009, Paula has a second novel due out, Three Witches. She writes: "It's not as political as In the Name of God. It's about three girls who try to raise a boy from the dead. But it does have some things to say about connections and culture and loss—the three girls, all living in the United States, look to the mystical traditions of their homelands—Trinidad, Syria, and Japan—to try to contact their dead friend." Paula lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children.

Carla Martin and Michael Johnson announce the August 2007 birth of their twins, Nicholas and Christopher. Their daughter, Olivia, just turned 3. Carla is at home raising the kids and is looking to start practicing primary care internal medicine and pediatrics again this summer. She has been a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the Brown Medical School. She and her husband are focusing on getting a good night's sleep and look forward to the day they can resume traveling. Martina de Avila Moore (see Brent D. Moore '62).

Marshall Robinson writes he and his wife, Jennifer (Smith '90), joyfully welcomed their daughter, Aila Elena Poppy, to the family this past winter. Heated negotiations about Aila's undergraduate destination are currently underway at their home in Rhode Island, where Marshall is a clinical psychologist in private practice, and Jennifer is a communications consultant.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Julie Berman writes: "I am very late with this note but would like to announce the February 20, 2007, birth of our son, Nathan Elliot Kaufman. Nate is a sweet baby and will be walking into toddlerhood any day now. He joins big brother Leo who is now 2."

Edie Cheng writes that she and Bill Penuel (Clark '91), and big sister Maia, 3, joyfully welcomed Lucy Cheng Penuel to their family in June 2007. Edie writes: "We still reside in San Francisco, where I work for the San Francisco Symphony as electronic media manager. Old friends are welcome to get back in touch by email or phone."

Neil McGaraghan and Amy Roberts McGaraghan '92 welcomed Lucinda Elizabeth McGaraghan in September 2007. Lucy joined brothers Jack, 5, and Leo, 4. Amy continues as an Ob-Gyn at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, and Neil was recently made a partner in the law firm of Bingham McCutchen LLP. Neil writes: "I got together in Tempe, Arizona in March with teammates Andy Gramley '90, Josh Newell, Justin Ferrari, Chad Jendsen, and Chris D'Arcy '92, '96 MD to compete (using the term very loosely) in a masters water polo tournament—painful, but fun."

Fernando Mendoza (see Alejandro G. Mendoza '04).

Benjamin Rosenbaum writes: "We moved back to Switzerland last July, and I'm enjoying working three days a week, being with the kids (7 and 4), and writing. My first story collection is coming out this summer from Small Beer Press; it's already up at Amazon for pre-order. Stories in it have been in Harper's, McSweeney's, and Nature; nominated for Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards; translated into 14 languages; and reviewed in the New York Times Book Review ('stirring...will surely embed itself in the invisible architecture of your own memory banks'). Yay! Details: Meanwhile, lots of fondue. Drop a line if you're near Basel."

Paul VanDeCarr writes: "Hey, classmates and others in nearby classes! I'm moving to New York City in May 2008, after about 15 years in San Francisco. Drop a line and say hi if you live in NYC or are visiting. I'm continuing my three-part work as a freelance writer (about film and theater mostly), foundation consultant, and occasional filmmaker."

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Patricia Bacame writes: I've spent the last 16 years back home in San Diego working at a nonprofit with low-income high-schoolers. My best friend from Brown, Sue Rivera, was in attendance at my wedding. My husband and I have a baby girl."

Mark Dubnoff and his wife, Valerie (Harvard '90), are thrilled to announce the April 19, 2007, birth of their son, Micah Simon Dubnoff. Mark writes: "Micah has things pretty good so far, as he is completely doted on by big sisters Anna, 5 and Julia, 3. The whole family still lives in Newton, Mass., and I am still a litigator at Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge."

Lori Kumler married Hans Tritico (Michigan, '99) at her parents' farm east of Columbus, Ohio, in July. Laura Caron, Suchi Amin Matheney, Amy Randel, and Mike Gates made the trek for the event. After honeymooning in Alaska's Katchemak Bay, the newlyweds headed back home to Ann Arbor to continue work on their dissertations. They're happy to host friends.

Yishane Lee and her husband, Reimundo Garcia Jr. (Columbia. '96 MS), announce the November 7 birth of their daughter, Tashi Ming Lee-Garcia. Yishane writes: "She was born right on her due date, against all my expectations, and we've already had play dates with a couple of Brunonians-to-be who live nearby in our northern Manhattan neighborhood: Anna Delbanco Shalom, Tashi's senior by a few months and the daughter of Andrea Delbanco '99 and her husband, Alex; and Ondine June Simmons, who turns 3 in March and is the daughter of Phil Simmons and Stephanie Griffin. Genevieve Lohman Lynch has supplied us with lots of great hand-me-downs from her two daughters, Bizzie and Camilla. It's been a bumper crop of girls for Brown women! After six years of living in Bangkok, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, and as many years back in New York City, I have been working at Time Inc., where my husband also works."

Adriane McDermott (see William Brigden '54).

Dick Patton and wife, Andrea, announce the birth of daughter Hazel Marianne Patton. She joins her brothers, Henry, 6, and Oscar, 4, and is doing well. They still live in the Boston area. Dick joined Egon Zehnder International (, the largest privately held executive search firm in the world. He does a lot of board work and traditional executive search, as well as succession planning and talent management and appraisal.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Hanna Tikkanen Merk and Alexander Merk ’92 ScM announce the birth of their fourth child, Karoline Lotta Orvokki. Little “Lina” joins the unstoppable musketeers Felix, Helena, and Katarina at their Silicon Valley home. Besides building a family, they are busy growing Merk Investments. Visitors are most welcome!

Marisa Rosenberg Thalberg writes: “We are overdue in announcing the April 15, 2006, birth of our second daughter, Avery Lila, whose older sister, Hannah, is almost 7. My husband, David, and I live with the girls in Manhattan, where I am now heading global online marketing for the Estee Lauder Companies and continue to run my organization, Executive Moms ( I’ve been a frequent media ‘expert’ on working mothers (though is anyone, really?). However, a recent highlight was being profiled on I would love to hear from classmates.”

Gayle Weiswasser writes: “The class of 1991 is hoping to stay in better touch and wants to track down lost classmates. If you aren’t getting our class newsletters via e-mail, please send your updated info., including e-mail address, to [email protected]. Thanks!”

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Chris Donoho writes that he recently joined Lovells LLP, an international law firm, as a partner in the New York office. Chris continues to concentrate his legal practice on corporate debt restructuring, creditors’ rights, and bankruptcy. He spends most of his free time playing paddle tennis in the winter or hanging out with his three children: Susannah, 11, Charlotte, 9, and Aidan, 5.

Joshua Garren ’97 MD and his wife, Michal, belatedly announce the births of son Daniel Elijah and daughters Ariella Rebecca and Maya Elizabeth. They live in Newton, Mass., and write that they were delighted this year to be joined in town by Joshua’s old classmate, Jhonatan Rotberg ’91, who is a successful serial entrepreneur, an instructor at MIT’s media lab, and now a regular guest at their Shabbat table. Joshua is a senior physician at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass.

Jeff Shesol (see Jeff Nussbaum ’97).

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Yong Jong '91, '96 PhD (see Mark Kreitz '99 PhD).

David Petrella and his wife, Michele, announce the May 26 birth of Albert Joseph Petrella: "He was seven pounds, thirteen ounces, and twenty-and-three-quarters inches long. His big brother, Gene Roman Petrella, 2, is thrilled."

Jennifer Reid married Luis Andrade (Columbia '90) on June 2 in Oakland, Calif. The couple met in 1999 at a gathering of the Alpha Delta Phi Society in New York City, where they discovered a mutual appreciation for Italo Calvino. Jen recently left the Taubman Co. and is now pursuing a teaching credential and an M.A. in the multicultural urban secondary English program at UC Berkeley.

Tracey Scronic and her husband, Joe Jaffe, announce the April 8 birth of Ellamenno Scronic Jaffe. Tracey writes: "Ella arrived at ten pounds, one ounce via a natural delivery. Older brother Cooper will be 3 in December and has stoically accepted the idea of sharing his room. My business, Taste Bud Organic Baby Food, is in its second year. We're getting funding with the goal of achieving national distribution in Whole Foods stores by the end of 2008. Check us out at"

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Sharon L. Besser (see Suzanne Taylor Besser ’65).

Andrea Silverman Meyer’s book, Mama Knows Breast: A Beginner’s Guide to Breastfeeding, will be published by Quirk Books in Sept. More information can be found at

Bob Whelan (see Valerie Phillips ’98).

From the May / June 2007 Issue

David Fedor now works for Google in England, getting more Google services working on mobile phones in Europe. He and his wife, Katherine, and their two children moved to London from southern France in 2006. He’d love to hear updates from other BCF or WOV members.

Brad Gordon writes: “After graduating from Harvard law and spending more than ten years practicing U.S. securities law in international law firms, I’ve left the law firm world to pursue a dream of opening up a contemporary art gallery with my wife, Rattana, in Bangkok, Thailand. We named the gallery Teo + Namfah after our kids (it translates into Travel + Water Sky). We will be featuring a number of outstanding artists from around the world, especially from Asia. Our website is If any alumni are in Bangkok, please stop by to see us!”

Ernesto Guerra published his first children’s book, Tú, ellos y los Otros (You, Them and the Others). It has received excellent reviews in Latin America and was recently translated into English by Daniel Frost. Ernesto lives in Belmont, Mass., with his wife, Paola, and his two daughters, Isabella, 9, and Natalia, 5. He is currently teaching Spanish language and creative writing at Harvard University.

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Horace Jen is now serving at the U.S. consulate general in Shanghai, where he lives with his wife, Karuna Shinsho (Columbia ’94 MIA), and sons, Justin and Terrence.

Scott Miller and his wife, Jennifer Bonini, are the proud parents of Margaret, who was born in August, joining brothers Sam, 4, and Keegan, 2. They live in Laramie, Wyo., where Scott is an assistant professor of watershed management at the University of Wyoming.

Alexandra Warsh (see Robert Warsh ’51).

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Andrew Altschul won an O. Henry Prize for his story “A New Kind of Gravity.” His novel Lady Lazarus will be published by Harcourt in 2007. He is currently Jones Lecturer of Creative Writing at Stanford University.

Gregory Boger writes: “Sad news from Orlando. Tragedy struck our family on Feb. 23, 2006, when our 10-week-old son, Jacob, passed away due to SIDS. Many friends and family members supported us, and Chris Bowers and Miles Ludwig ’90 were in attendance at the funeral services. Tax-deductible contributions to the Jacob Neil Boger Foundation, an educational and charitable foundation benefiting pediatric health care research and scholarships for students in pediatric health care, are gratefully accepted at 10939 Bayshore Dr., Windermere, Fla. 34786. Many thanks to all who mourned with us. We love you, Jake!”

Brook Conner ’94 ScM has recently accepted a new position at Morgan Stanley. In addition, he recently celebrated the start of his third year married to Allison Duda Conner (Penn ’94) at Disney World during Halloween. Al has a new position herself, having recently started her own fashion and accessory design business. Brook would like to thank Rufus Griscom, as Brook and Al met online at Rufus’s Nerve Personals Web site. The happy couple live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with their three small, fluffy dogs, one cat, and sometimes Brook’s 10-year-old daughter, Zooey Arnold-Conner (whose mother is Mary-Kim Arnold ’93).

Fred Cooper writes: “My wife, Debbie McKenna Cooper ’93, and I took our children, Declan, 7, and Kelsey, 4, to Brown to cheer on the Bears versus Harvard to no avail. We were also lucky enough to see our favorite professor of Engine 9, 90, and Circuits, Barrett Hazeltine, at the game. And of course, he remembered us. It was good to be back at Brown after quite an absence. We would love to see our friends on future excursions.”

Michael Kirsh and his wife, Nicole, of Green Brook, N.J., welcomed a son, Robert Jacob, on March 20. Big sister Phoebe is now 3. Felice Rinder Kirsh ’54 is Phoebe’s and Robert’s proud grandmother. Michael is director of healthcare marketing for American Express in New York. He is also an elected member of Green Brook’s Township Committee, the local city council.

Scott and Andrea Silverman Meyer write: “Theo Abraham Meyer was born March 17. He joins his brother Nate, who is just 18 months older. We’re living in New York City. Scott is president and CEO of—a part of the New York Times Company. I am writing a book called Mama Knows Breast: A Beginner’s Guide to Breast Feeding. The book will be published by Quirk Books. Check out my blog at”

Jennifer Reid (see Jennifer Green wood Ragsdale ’98).

Emre Yilmaz writes: “I’ve been working for PDI/Dreamworks for four years as a character technical director. While there I’ve worked on Madagascar, Shrek 2, and most recently, Shrek 3. Before that I worked for Sesame Street on the ‘Elmo’s World’ series.”

From the September / October 2006 Issue

Colin Credle writes: “I’m still humanitarian aid manager of special projects at Project HOPE. In the last year, I’ve worked in Haiti, Guatemala, South Africa, Grenada, Indon-esia, and Mississippi. More important, my wife, Zarina, gave birth to our son, Sumner Kishvar Credle. For now we’re calling him Mr. Kish since he seems to be in charge. I would love to hear from friends.”

Amy Seiple Hebb graduated from Roger Williams Univ. Ralph R. Papitto School of Law in May.

Anne MacMillan Pedrero (see Katie MacMillan Rothschild ’00).

Jared Poppel writes: “I fulfilled a lifelong dream this past winter when I was a contestant on Jeopardy!. I upheld the honor of both Brown and the Jabberwocks when on Feb. 3 I defeated a three-time champion, herself a former a cappella singer at Yale. A slight bit of bragging—it was a runaway game so no one could catch me in final Jeopardy!. Good thing, too, because I didn’t know the answer. Alas, a run as the second Ken Jennings was not in the cards as I was defeated in my second game (I will never forget the name Yitzhak Rabin as long as I live). My take-home for 60 minutes of ‘work’—$21,200. Not a bad hourly wage, if you can get it. I can now tell everyone that said I was a master of useless trivia that trivia is, in fact, useful!”

Meg MacCary won an Obie for her performance as Diane in What Then at the 51st annual Obie Awards on May 15. The introduction, presented by Public Theater artistic director Oskar Eustas, read: “It’s all too common for audience members to fall asleep during a play, yet an actor rarely attempts it. Nevertheless, this seasoned actor threw quite a nuanced pajama party—sleeping through her role as a woman who rejects the dreary waking world for a dream life as an architect. For awakening the judges to her graceful, luminous performance in What Then, we award an Obie to Meg MacCary.” More information about the Obies and What Then can be found at www.villagevoice. com/obies and

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Reunion ’06 weekend is almost here—May 26– 28. Return to campus to renew ties with old friends. Start with Campus Dance and finish the weekend by passing once again through the Van Wickle Gates. Visit the reunion Web site for complete details: http://alumni.

Miranda B. Hickman has published The Geometry of Modernism (Univ. of Texas). She is associate professor of English at McGill Univ. in Montreal.

Todd Seavey, after four years in publishing and advertising, then six years working for John Stossel at ABC News, has gone on to work at the American Council on Science and Health, where he edits and looks forward to his fifteen-year reunion in May.

Carmelita Teeter-Lechowit writes: “My poor second child. It has occurred to me that I have yet to announce the birth of my second beautiful daughter. Travis, Isabel (big sis, 3), and I announce the March 31, 2005, birth of Delaney Victoria Lechowit. Already at 10 months she is walking and keeping all of us both laughing and on our toes!”

David Stonehill (See Michael Jones ’97).

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Jon Huyck writes: “After years of wandering in the desert (Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York, actually), I was ordained as an Episcopal priest on Sept. 18 at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. For good measure, I tied the knot a week later a couple of miles away at Holy Trinity Church on East 88th Street. Both events were well attended by Brown alums: Rich Greenberg ’88, Tracey Scronic, Brian Floca, and Andy Greer ’92. My wife, Ann Ditmars (Princeton ’96), surprised me with a whirlwind performance by the Jabberwocks, with whom I sang a few of the old tunes along with groomsmen and fellow Jabberwocks Nelson Tebbe, Marshall Robinson, and Peter Welch ’94. In lieu of a wedding cake, we had a giant black-and-white cookie from Glaser’s on 87th. An iPod served as DJ. We now live in Paris, where I’m on staff at the American Cathedral. All you stout-hearted Episcopalians living in Paris—come to church! And anyone else coming through town, stop by for a croissant.”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Gayle D. Weiswasser reports: “The officers for the Class of ’91 encourage classmates to check out the new class Web site, The site has classmate profiles, class notes, and information about upcoming events, especially our next reunion.”

Richard Acker and his wife, Karen (Calvin College ’92), joyfully announce the May 23 birth of their first child, Amelia Christine Acker. Richard reports that Amelia is growing well, is very sweet and good-natured, and has kindly agreed to sleep through the night (at least for now). Amelia is already good friends with Sophia Katherine Gyuk, daughter of Geza Gyuk and Kathy Szoke ’92, who live close by. Richard also continues to enjoy his job at the Openlands Project, a nonprofit conservation and environmental advocacy organization in Chicago.

Sara Fazio ’95 MD married Lindsey Baden on June 13 in Newport, R.I. Bridesmaids included Heidi Oh, Triste Coulombe ’95 MD, and Pamela Bass. Also in attendance were Renu Sharaf Mansukhani ’95 MD, Preetha Basaviah Ganeson ’95 MD, Srilata Naidu Reddy ’95 MD, Judy Huang, Shelby Balik ’93, and Steven Banks ’92. The couple live in Brookline, Mass. Sara is on staff at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and teaches at Harvard Medical School.

Elyse Spector Kalmans writes: “Lewis and I are happy to announce the arrival of our third daughter, Talia Elizabeth. She arrived on May 31, and her big sisters, Aerin and Kendall, are delighted to have her to play with. I still enjoy running my own PR firm; I’m very busy but have enough flexibility to attend dance recitals and swimming lessons.”

Molly Shotwell Oelerich writes: “My husband, Cy Oelerich, and I welcomed Buckley Elmer into the world on July 16.”

Dick Patton writes: “After I left my job as senior brand manager at the Coca-Cola Co., my family and I moved from Atlanta to Boston to pursue an entrepreneurial idea I’ve had for a while. I also want to report that Andrea and I have another son: Oscar Bolling Patton was born in February. He and Henry, 21/2, are doing well.”

Mike Reidy is the new basketball coach of the Westwood (Mass.) High School Wolverines.

On Oct. 2, Sarah Saffian married Charles Leerhsen (Fordham ’71) at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Among the guests were classmates Cheryl Camp Willems, Sevanne Kassarjian, Maria Striar, and Laurel Watts.

Sarah J. Shohet writes: “My husband, John, and I moved to Washington, D.C., this summer. The day we took possession of our new home, we gave birth to our second child, Andrew David Mikhail. Andrew joins big sister Hannah. We are delighted to be living around the corner from Gayle Weiswasser and her beautiful twin girls.”

MacArthur White, after being admitted to Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo, Mich., was transferred to the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland. He suffered from congestive heart failure on Memorial Day weekend and is being evaluated for a heart transplant.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Helena Holgerson and Eric Shorter ’89 proudly announce the June 10 birth of their third daughter, Annike Mireille Shorter. They write: “Happy, healthy, and whole in our new home in Maplewood, N.J.”

Scott Locke, his wife, Jill Gressin-Locke, and daughter Alyssa welcomed new baby brother Joshua Evan to the family on April 23. Scott is an intellectual-property attorney and an adjunct professor of law at Seton Hall Univ.

Stacey Hughes writes: “I’ve been missing old buddies from Brown and would love to hear from you. After more than a decade in the trenches as a teacher and nurse, I’m loving the chance to stay home and play with our sweet six-month-old baby, Sophia. I married a Bostonian, Mark Gershman, two years ago, and we live in a small village just outside Albuquerque.”

Dan Levine (see Jeffrey W. Goodman ’96).

Hanna M. Tikkanen-Merk is the new executive director of the German-American International School, a private school in Menlo Park, Calif. Hanna has previously held positions with Merrill Lynch and Bain & Co.

Gayle Weiswasser writes: “My husband, Dan Feldman, and I are thrilled to announce the May 7 birth of our twin girls, Madeleine Eliza and Alexa Sahara. Both girls are doing well and are looking forward to meeting Brown friends and their children.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Richard Acker (see Cynthia Wayne Acker ’59).

Ron Dalgliesh (see Robert Kramer ’43).

Tara Koslov and Bill Rivera announce the Sept. 14 birth of Lydia Rachel Koslov Rivera. Lydia made her debut just hours after Tara and Bill returned home from a Bruce Springsteen concert (all that rockin’ and rollin’ really got her excited). Tara writes: “Baby Lydia is the new favorite plaything of big sister Alannah Ruby, who turned 3 in December. Among Lydia’s nearby and long-distance playmates are Phoebe Kirsh (daughter of Michael Kirsh), Dominic Roberti (daughter of John Roberti), and Madeleine Popofsky (daughter of Mark Popofsky ’90). All four babies were born within weeks of one another, and we fully expect they will be roommates at Brown someday. We also have a new house, into which we moved in August, shortly before Lydia was born. We’re only a few miles from our old house, but we’re distinctly more ‘suburban’ now, which is taking some getting used to for two die-hard Brooklynites. After my maternity leave, I returned to a sort-of-new job—I have a new boss, but I’m still happily serving as senior competition advisor to a member of the Federal Trade Commission. Bill (a.k.a. SuperDad) took a three-month paternity leave after I returned to work, and then resumed his job as senior advisor to the commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement. We would love to hear from friends. Our door is always open.”

Diana Mautner-Markhof writes: “After finishing at the Univ. of Vienna and earning an LLM at the Univ. of Chicago, I have returned to Vienna and am working as an associate at Binder Grösswang Rechtsanwäete OEG, 1010, Vienna, Austria.”

Josephine Carter Monmaney writes: “My husband, Terence, and I announce the birth of our daughter, Vivian Marie, in December 2003. Vivian is the grandchild of Lynn Goudreau ’65 and the niece of Susanna Carter ’99. I am an artist and illustrator. Terence is executive editor at Smithsonian magazine.”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Bob Arellano ’94 MFA writes: “After six years as a student and ten years teaching in the English department, I have left Brown and assumed a secret identity to protect myself from the Rogue Islanders satirized in my new novel Don Dimaio of La Plata, a spoof of the renaissance and racketeering of Buddy Cianci’s Providence. Mayor Donald ‘Pally’ Dimaio went on a nationwide reading tour with dates and stops posted at”

Melissa Walton English and her husband, Joe, announce the Jan. 9 birth of Luke Joseph. Melissa has been working for West Marine Products since 1992 and is the mid-Atlantic district manager.

Geza Gyuk and Katherine Szoke ’92 write: “We’re approaching our tenth wedding anniversary, and those years have taken us from Brown to Chicago, Italy, San Diego, and back to Chicago. Geza is head of the astronomy department at the Adler Planetarium and a research associate in the physics department at the University of Chicago. Kathy teaches English as a second language to elementary school students. We live a mile from Richard Acker and his wife, Karen, and get together often. Now we are starting our biggest adventure yet. Sophia Katherine Gyuk was born on Dec. 9. Check out her Web site,”

George Morris Jr. and Ann Bartron Morris ’88 write: “We are pleased to announce the Jan. 16 birth of Amanda Harleston Morris. Amanda joins big brothers Gibson, 4, and William, 2. We live in San Francisco, where Ann is happily at home with the kids and George is in institutional equity sales at Citigroup.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Eve Raskin Anderson writes: “Carol Markovitz Raskin ’62 welcomed two grandchildren in two days this past October. Granddaughter Savannah Rose Anderson was born Oct. 17 to Eve Raskin Anderson and her husband, Kenyon. Grandson Dox Joseph Raskin was born on Oct. 19 to David Raskin ’90 and his wife, Jodi Cressman. Dox joins brother Levi, who was born April 26, 2002.”

Paul Beinstein, Sam Eidson, Jon Huyck, Ben Kahn, Ben Stein, and Will Yu (see Stephen Filler ’69).

Nicole Hoffmeister Gollaher and her husband, Mert, announce the June 16 birth of Madeleine. She joins proud big brother Brennan. Nicole was on maternity leave from her job as a corporate attorney with Wiggin & Dana in New Haven until January.

Michael Kirsh and his wife, Nicole, of Green Brook, N.J., announce the Oct. 4 birth of Phoebe Rose. Felice Rinder Kirsh ’54 is Phoebe’s grandmother. Michael has worked at American Express for the past five years, and is now focused on consumer gold card marketing and product management.

Heather Mallow married Brian Bowes (NYU ’95, ’01 MBA) in Miami Beach in May 2001. Heather is the daughter of Jane Levin Mallow ’62. Megan Driscoll, Amy Vanacore, Robin Goldfaden, Ken Sugarman ’92, and Helen Nathan ’62 attended the wedding. Last April, Heather and Brian adopted Connor Mallow Bowes from Almaty, Kazakhstan. Heather has left her position as associate director of Bear, Stearns & Co. to stay home with Connor. Brian is a director at UBS Investment Bank. They live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Samantha A. Rai and Jay A. Zaslow ’88, ’93 MD announce the Nov. 18 birth of Mira Rai Zaslow. She joins big sister Ella. Jay and Samantha are both family physicians. Jay is in solo practice in Brewster, N.Y., and Samantha works part-time in a women’s health clinic in Westchester County, N.Y.

Tracey Scronic writes: “I married Joseph Jaffe on Nov. 1 in a beautiful ceremony performed by Brown’s former Catholic chaplain, Father Howard O’Shea, whom we imported from his home in Marseilles, France, to St. Augustine, Fla., for the occasion. Viraj Shroff-Mehta ’95 MD and Jeanie Chang served as lectors at the ceremony. Other dance-floor enthusiasts included: Andreas Schmotz, Lori Wasserman, Deirdre Sullivan, Clare Spalckhaver Richie, Margaret Steere, Judy Siviglia, Beth Breger, Eric Kershnar, Dana Burd, John Huyck, Andy Godsberg ’89, Wally Nichols ’89, and Joey Stewart ’92. Joe and I are living in Somerville, Mass., while he completes his undergraduate degree via the resumed education program at Tufts. I con-tinue to work for Euro RSCG in marketing/advertising.”

Michael Steinman writes: “I married Dorothy Richman last June, and we are spending our first year of married life in Jerusalem. Next summer we will return to California, where I will join the faculty at UC San Francisco as a physician-researcher in geriatrics.”


From the January / February 2004 Issue

Lizzie Canner (see Carol Canner Gjelsvik ’59).

Ron Dalgliesh (see Jan Zlotkick ’77).

Annie Gjelsvik writes: “A swinging time was had by all at my wedding to Karlo Berger ’86. Present at the Rhode Island wedding were my parents, Atle ’62 Ph.D. and Carol Ganner Gjelsvik ’59; Clare Ellis ’87; Karen Werner ’89; Gretchen Iversen; Patrik Johansson; Liz Canner; Jenifer Allsworth ’01 Ph.D.; Suchita Amin Matheney; Heather Chmielewski Lee ’92; Becky Feldstein Moran; Pratisha Budhiraja; and Sherry Weitzen ’03 Ph.D. Karlo is a shiatsu therapist and coordinates the Integrative Medical Alliance of New England, a nonprofit that attempts to build bridges between alternative and conventional medicine. I am a researcher at Brown and the Rhode Island Department of Health, coordinating a project to institute an interactive Web-query database for the state’s public health data. We live on the East Side of Providence.”

Mark Hessman (see Deborah Blicher ’85).

Rachel Moresky writes that she completed her international emergency medicine fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and a master’s in international health at the Harvard School for Public Health this summer. She moved to Manhattan in September, after taking a position as director of International Emergency Medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.

Kumar Pandey writes: “We are pleased to announce the July 16 birth of our son. Our older daughter, Ajita, 5, has been very excited about the newborn. I am looking forward to coming back to the U.S. as a Fulbright Scholar to pursue a graduate program in business administration. I am looking for schools and will be in the U.S. starting next fall for a two-year period.”

Clare Spalckhaver Richie and her husband, Norm, announce the Aug. 9 birth of Dana Ann and Griffen Joseph. Clare writes: “If you are in Atlanta and would like to visit and/or change diapers, we’d love to see you.”

Cecilia Vieira Stone and Max Stone announce the birth of Lydia Stone. Her brothers, Andrew, 6, Henry, 4 and Ethan, 2, are very excited about her arrival.

Beatrice Szeto (see Deborah Blicher ’85).

Erwin Tan writes: “I have moved to Washington, D.C., as a White House Fellow after having lived in San Francisco for the past seven years.”

Alexandra Warsh (see Robert Warsh ’51).

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Amy Bach was named a 2003–04 Radcliffe Fellow by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Amy will write a “journalistic account of various courts where there are ongoing per se instances of injustice.”

Jean Balestrery writes: “I am a clinical social worker living and working in subarctic Alaska. I have been serving as a clinician providing mental health and substance abuse treatment services in Nome and the surrounding fifteen native villages for the past two years. The intensity and extremes of living and working here has created within me a deeper and more profound appreciation for our larger human race.”

Jen Binder-Le Pape writes that she moved to Bordeaux, France, last year with her husband, Frederic, and son Alexandre. Jen’s second son, Benjamin, was born on June 23.

Mark Dubnoff and his wife, Valerie, announce the July 5, 2002, birth of their daughter, Anna Rose.

Jared Poppel writes: “The Jabberwock Alumni Association is hard at work on our 55th anniversary reunion, scheduled for May 28–31, 2004. As usual, it will be on the Brown campus, and we will be housed as a full reunion class. We are planning a special weekend full of song, merriment, and fun. We’re also awaiting the launch of sometime in the fall.”

Staci M. Resnick ’95 M.D. writes: “My husband, Scott Silverman, and I announce the July 12 birth of Jared Marc. Jared joins brother Ryan.”

Winona Tse writes: “I am working at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, where I am an assistant professor of neurology in the Movement Disorders Division.”

From the May / June 2003 Issue

Michael Gannon and Chanley Small announce the Nov. 21 arrival of their son, Coleman Small Gannon. Cole joins sister Payton, 5, and brother, Aidan, 1.

Leah Lubin (see David Stevenson ’96).

Sarah Shohet writes: “My husband, John, and I are thrilled to announce the Oct. 20 birth of Hannah Maryse Mikhail. She was born one day before our first anniversary and on the birthday of her grandfather, Dick Shohet ’59. John, Hannah, and I are spending 2003 living on South Beach in Miami.”

Dina Ganz Traugot and Jeff Traugot announce the Nov. 5 birth of their son, Braden Cole. Dina is director of legal and business affairs at A&E Television Networks in New York City.

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Dawn Edgerton has returned to her roots by moving to Queens, N.Y., with her partner, Perry Cameron. She would love to hear from old Brown friends.

Lizy Scott Harris writes: “I married my childhood friend David Harris on June 8 in the Adirondack Mountains. Guests included bridesmaid Alison Appel ’92, Jim Brodsky ’90, David Stonehill, and Andy Kramer ’88. I’m a magazine editor and writer.”

Fred Klein writes that he has returned to the United States after two years in Israel. After being ordained as a rabbi at Yeshiva University, Fred is pursuing a doctorate in Jewish history at Columbia. He writes: “While in Israel my wife, Rachel, and I were blessed with a child, Binyamin. He joins older siblings Musle, 6, and Shuli, 4. We would love to hear from old friends.”

Paul Schubert (see Chuck Willand ’74).

Eric Shmookler writes: “I graduated from Yale Medical School in 1998 and now own a Web design company in New York City. Check us out at I married Karen Stolman on Nov. 4, 2001. We live in lower Manhattan with our two dogs.”

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Courtney Carr Hamilton writes: "I married Nathan Hamilton in Washington, D.C., in April. We were thrilled to have many Brown alumni celebrate with us, including my brother Christopher Carr '88, cousin Bill Kinder '52, uncle Bill Kinder '85, Phoebe Brown '88, Victoria Sams '90, Arah Erickson, Stephanie Gold, Anne Collins Goodyear, Elle Buchness Harrington, Matt Hoffman, Tom Huntington, Betsey McKlveen Madden '92, David Mendel, Rose A. Miller, Leigh Snitiker, Stephanie Werhane, Katherine Watson, and Tom Wheatland. A rousing round of 'Ever True' may have scared some of the other guests."

Elyse Spector Kalmans writes: "After the Enron debacle - my first day back from maternity leave was the day we were laid off in December - a friend and I started a community and public-relations firm helping nonprofits and companies increase their visibility and community involvement. I am looking forward to a January vacation with Molly Shotwell Oelerich and Gwen Lloyd Burak."

Chu Kim-Prieto and her husband, Dennis, of Urbana, Ill., announce the July 22 birth of Jenara Jangmi Kim-Prieto.

Dan Levine wrote in July: "In June I finished my M.B.A. at Northwestern's Kellogg School, graduating alongside friends and classmates Rich Brest '94, Chris Brown '94, Dan Grace '96, and Cameron Janes '96. I am headed to Philadelphia in the fall to work for the Vanguard Group."

Anne MacMillan Pedrero writes: "My husband, Robert, and I are happy to report the May 7 birth of our twins, Robert MacMillan and Paige Raymond. We're having a lot of fun learning to do everything in twos."

J. Hunter Saklad wrote in August: "We've been in Michigan for a little over three years now. I am working for Visteon Corporation as a manager in the corporate-finance function of manufacturing. My wife, Karen, is at home raising our wonderful daughter, Talia, who will celebrate her first birthday on Sept. 26. Sorry for not announcing her birth sooner, but things were a little crazy."

Jane Sharp writes: "My husband, Charley Rardin, and I decided to put our ob-gyn training into practice and gave birth to our son, Gavin Rardin, on April 10. I finished my residency at the Brigham and Women's/Massachusetts General hospitals and am now in practice in Cambridge, Mass."

Jenny Jordan Shepherd writes: "My husband, Scott, and I announce the birth of Katherine Jordan Shepard."

Erica Smock has joined the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy as legislative counsel for the domestic program. In this position Erica will analyze proposed state and federal legislation related to women's reproductive rights and assist state activists and lawmakers.

Paul VanDeCarr writes that he is back in San Francisco after getting graduate degrees in theology and public administration at Harvard. He is producing After Jonestown, a documentary about the legacy of the Jonestown tragedy. It is scheduled for completion in November 2003, the 25th anniversary of the mass suicide.

Ashley Wodtke, of Boston, writes: "Last summer on July 7, I married Matteo Chiampo in Parma, Italy. Alumni present included my sister Francesca Wodtke '99, Noah Raizman '99, Matthew Newton '92, Ashley Tucker, Amrita D. Jhaveri, Rima Jureidini '93, Yadey Yawand-Wossen, Charles Bonas, Paola Tavridaki '90, and Oliver Haarmann '90." Ashley is a management consultant.

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Atul Butte '95 M.D., '95 M.M.S. writes: "I married Tarangini Deshpande (Purdue '00 Ph.D.) on Dec. 31, 2000, in Pune, India. We shared the celebration with our friends in the United States at a reception in Providence in February 2001. Alumni in attendance included my brother, Manish '93, '96 M.D., and his wife, Amy; my friend and adviser Isaac Kohane '81 and his wife, Heidi; Imran Sayeed; Todd Everett '95 M.D.; Sara Fazio '95 M.D.; and Renu Sharaf '95 M.D. I am now on staff as a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston's Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. I am also a founder and scientific adviser to the bioinformatics start-ups Xpogen and Genstruct."

Horace Jen and his wife, Karuna Shinsho, announce the birth of their first son, Justin Ariya, in Hong Kong. Horace transferred from Tokyo to Hong Kong and is now a vice consul at the U.S. consulate.

Bobby Jindal and his wife, Supriya, announce the Jan. 8 birth of Selia Elizabeth. Bobby is the Bush administration's policy person on health and welfare issues.

Scott Locke writes: "My wife, Jill Gressin, and I welcomed our daughter, Alyssa Paige, on April 2."

Ken Ramaley writes that he finished his M.B.A. at the University of Chicago in June. He married Gloria McClain on July 9. Brunonians in attendance were Kim Iskyan, Simon Rah '92, and Patty Ramaley '94.

Karen Steinig and Jeff Stewart '89 announce the April 16 birth of Samuel Ross Steinig Stewart. He joins big brother Ben, 3. They write: "Check out the baby photos on our Web site,"

Carmelita Teeter-Lechowit wrote in June: "My husband, Travis, and I announce the Feb. 27 birth of our first child, Isabel Ana Lechowit. In addition, I finally finished my orthopedic residency at Case Western Reserve University in June. I bonded with several Brunonians, including Josh Gady '94, '98 M.D., a general surgery resident; Paul Gladden '92, an orthopedic trauma fellow; and Erika Mitchell '95, '99 M.D., an orthopedics resident. I will be returning to Houston for a fellowship in sports medicine at the Foundation for Orthopedic, Athletic and Reconstructive Research."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Meredith Norvell Coppola writes: "Chris '90 and I have moved to the Washington, D.C., area while he completes a fellowship in pediatric surgery at Children's National Medical Center. Our son Ben, 6, is in first grade; Griffin will be 2 in September. We visited my grandfather in Puerto Vallarta, which I sorely needed after running the D.C. Marathon on March 24 in 4:27:25. Never again!"

Rebecca M. Hensler wrote in April: "After working as a community health outreach worker, restaurant critic, HIV prevention counselor, and the international coordinator of the annual AIDS Candlelight Memorial, I've finally chosen a career path. This May, I'll earn a master's in counseling from San Francisco State University. I'll be a licensed school counselor by June. The life of a grad student is hectic, but I find the time to hang out with my best friend, Charlie Glickman '92, visit with Derek Livingston '89 in Los Angeles, and do my best as the long-distance godmother of Jordan Taylor, the son of Carolyn Robinson '86 and Angela Taylor '87."

Michael Kirsh (see Marshall Cohen '54).

Marjorie Lehigh (see Marshall Cohen '54).

Melissa Wheelock writes: "I am living in Dolores, Colo., growing organic cut flowers, and enjoying the Southwest."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Joe Drevlow and his wife, Jodi, announce the Oct. 23 birth of son Brigham Lance. Brigham joins sisters Brianna, 8, and Brielle, 2, and brothers Brett, 6, Brayden, 5, and Brock, 3. Joe is an insurance agent and registered representative for Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company.

Jihyun Koo '96 M.D. (see Bob Black '46).

John P. Sabra '95 M.D. writes: "After completing my surgical residency training in Dallas in July 2000, I have been living in Virginia with my wife, Ximena Paez de Sabra '95 M.D. Ximena has an ophthalmology practice in Virginia Beach. I am currently serving in the U.S. Navy as a general trauma surgeon on board the USS Bataan in the North Arabian Sea as part of Operation Enduring Freedom."

Simon Tiller '92 A.M. and his wife, Katherine, announce the Dec. 21 birth of their second son, Lucas David. Simon lives in England and works in the international division of the U.K.'s postal administration, Consignia.

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Class president Tracey Scronic writes: “Commencement 2001 will mark our 10th reunion! Save the date and plan to return for a full weekend of activities. The reunion committee is hard at work to make the event the best ever. We’ll need you all back to re-create the atmosphere—no excuses! Look for the first mailing in early fall. If you’re interested in helping out, please contact me or call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947. We look forward to seeing you in Providence this May.”

Erik Bailey and Liz Rover Bailey announce the birth of Cassandra Rose on June 16. See her at erik242745.

Marcea Hosay Barringer writes: “In August 1998 I married Paul Barringer (Davidson ’90). Guests included Catherine Harbour, Rachel Schumacher, Alyssa Morris, Angela Simpson, Elliott Haut and Jayne Gerson, Yvette Cuca and husband Seth Bromberg, and Melissa Bowen and partner Dan Schwartzlander. After working for about a year in Washington, D.C., we quit our jobs to take an extended honeymoon. We spent last year hiking the 2,160-mile Appalachian Trail and traveling around India. We’ve settled in Raleigh, N.C., where I’m the first North Carolina staff member for the McAuley Institute, a national affordable-housing nonprofit for which I previously worked in Washington, D.C.”

Betsy Hyman Hoffmeister writes: “It was a grand-slam year: during the summer of 1999 my husband, Jerry, and I quit our jobs in Hungary and traveled to Croatia, Romania, and Switzerland, where we stayed with Benjamin Rosenbaum ’91 before moving back to the United States. I started a nonprofit, the United States Central and Eastern European Environment Foundation, of which I am executive director (and chief cook and bottle washer). In April we bought a house in Seattle, where Jerry started a job with a dot-com. On Aug. 4 we welcomed our first child, Isaac Béla.”

Susan King (see Jennifer King ’96).

Shawn Schwartz (see Marisa Schwartz ’88).

Deborah Kao Werden and her husband, David, announce the birth of their first child, Brian Kao Werden, on June 5. Debbie is senior product manager at UnionTools in Columbus, Ohio.

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Marco Lau writes: "After getting a law degree from Columbia and working as a litigation associate at a New York City law firm, I now work for the United Nations Compensation Commission in Geneva, Switzerland. Friends are welcome to visit."

Ayala Levin-Kruss and her husband, David, write: "We are happy to be back in Israel after three and a half years in northwest London. Our son, Yedidya Sova, was born March 1999 in England. He has made the transition well and will soon be laughing at his parents’ horribly accented Hebrew. After almost nine years living outside the United States, I’m still in touch with many Brown friends and would love to hear from others."

Mark Skandera writes, "I graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. in applied mathematics on June 1. I presented some results from my thesis at the annual conference on formal power series and algebraic combinatorics at Moscow State University June 26–30. This fall, I began a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor."

Rob Sokolic ’96 M.D. moved on June 30. He writes: "Yvonne Mark ’92, ’97 M.D. will soon join me at 303 E. 60th St. #27-G, New York City 10022. We hope to greet friends in our new home after we unpack and hang a mezuzah."

David Whitney and Sharon Curley Whitney, of Arlington, Mass., announce the birth of Charles Curley Whitney on June 11. Sharon is a physician assistant at Brigham and Women’s Hospital; David is an architect with Thompson and Rose in Cambridge, Mass.

Clifford Yin and Chris Shin Yin ’91, ’92 M.A.T. report that Sophia Sarang Shin Yin turned 1 on June 15. Cliff, a San Francisco lawyer, just won his first jury trial. Chris returned to Lick-Wilmerding High School this fall as the ninth- and tenth-grade dean.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Mark Dubnoff married Valerie Feldman (Harvard ’90) on Aug. 1, 1999. Mark is the son of Jerry Dubnoff ’64. Many Brunonians attended, including ceremony participants Jay Burkholder ’90 and George Kovalevsky. Mark and Valerie live in Canton, Mass. Mark writes: "After several years as a reporter, I went to law school at Northwestern. I’m now clerking for U.S. District Judge Ernest Torres in Providence."

Jean Yin Cheng Gorman and Michael "Beau" Gorman (Columbia ’97) announce the birth of Anna Cheng Yong Gorman on Feb. 13. Jean, who recently obtained California licensure as a psychologist, is completing a book about childhood learning disabilities. Beau finished his family-practice residency in June and the family plans to move to Northern California in the fall.

Elizabeth Greene Hart and her husband, Nicholas, welcomed Timothy Henry on June 9, 1999, making Nathanael Greene ’57 a proud grandfather and Linda Sweeney Torkelson ’92 a godmother.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Andy Beggs writes that he received a master’s in management at Brandeis’s Heller Graduate School. He is now an instructor of international health at the Boston University School of Public Health, where he teaches health-care management and finance to health professionals from developing countries.

Doug Feinstein (see David Feinstein ’64).

Jennifer Gaudette Quinn and Daniel Quinn ’90, of Needham, Mass., announce the birth of Kathryn Hopkins on Dec. 31. They write: "She arrived at 10 p.m. – what a way to ring in the new year! Jennifer and Kate are doing well at home with big brother Eben, 3. Dan finished his orthopedic-surgery residency in Boston and is now in private practice at Newton-Wellesley Hospital."

Keiichi Tajima writes: "In December 1998, I received a Ph.D. in linguistics and cognitive science from Indiana University. After spending eleven years in the United States, I moved back to Japan, my home country, to take a job as a visiting researcher at ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories in Kyoto. I do experimental research on training native Japanese speakers to improve their English pronunciation and listening skills."

Jim Yang married Coco Park ’97 on Nov. 27 in Seoul, Korea. Jim writes: "We were happy to see many Brown friends during the celebrations. We give special thanks to Jiwhan Park ’90 and Jun Woo Lee ’92 for their roles in the wedding."

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Anish and Lisa Colasanti Bhimani write: "We were blessed with the arrival of Nicholas on Sept. 5. Apart from settling into parenthood, Lisa is a third-year resident in ob/gyn at Women & Infants' Hospital in Providence, and Anish is CTO of Global Integrity Corp., an information-security consulting firm."

Janet Butler, daughter of Jim '60, married Robert Berry on July 31 at Henderson Harbor, N.Y. Suzanne Nichols was a bridesmaid. Janet is director of marketing and public relations at the Wayne State University theater department.

Josh Gold (see Robert L. Sweeney '57).

Elizabeth Greene Hart (see Robert L. Sweeney '57).

Lynn Elizabeth Nelson (see Robert L. Sweeney '57).

Dan Newman is founder and president of a Berkeley, Calif., company that teaches people how to use voice-recognition computer software. The author of two books on such software, he toured the country this fall to demonstrate the technology. He writes: "After graduating, I taught high-school math, physics, and computers in San Francisco. I developed a repetitive strain injury in my hands, then, a few months later, started graduate school at U.C.-Berkeley in social psychology. I could not write, type, carry books, or even sit for more than a few minutes at a time. I struggled with my graduate program and sought solutions that would let me continue my school work. After a year, I bought a voice-activated computer, which allowed me to dictate papers, reports, and e-mail. Four years ago, I started teaching others how to successfully use voice software. Since then, what was once a small tutoring business has rapidly expanded. Two years ago I left graduate school to work full-time on speech recognition and to expand my company, which now has a staff of four."

Heidi Carter Pearlson and her husband, Lewis (Tufts '89), announce the birth of their first child, Harrison Robert, on July 9. Many alums have already visited Harrison, including Arah Erickson, Leigh Snitiker, Craig and Margaret Smith Grimes '92, Lucia Murphy Jaccaci '92, and Sara Hennessey Berney '92. Heidi writes: "Harrison received his first Brown T-shirt, which he wears proudly, from Margaret and Craig."

Linda Beth Sweeney (see Robert L. Sweeney '57).

Susan Lawser Voss (see Robert L. Sweeney '57).

Melissa Walton, of New Castle, Del., married Joseph English III (University of Maryland '89) on July 24 in Newport, RI. Melissa writes, "Julie Shultz Kapsch was matron of honor, and Ashley Romaine Cochran and Tricia Beatini-Donovan '92 were bridesmaids. Guests included field hockey alumnae JoAnn Monteiro Martin '88, Natalie Monteiro, Suzanne Donovan Gallo '90, Sarah Lamont Kocmond '91, Cindy DeRosa '92, Christine Monteiro Gabriel '93, Kirsten Dekin Klanian '93, and Sarah Perham '93. Everyone who attended is doing very well." Melissa is a district manager for West Marine Products and Joe is a junior-high-school-teacher.

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Amy Carden loves being back in the Big Apple writing poetry and studying psychology after roaming around the West for a few years. She stays in touch with many Brown friends, but is always excited to hear from old buddies and acquaintances.

Marvin Pannell, of Ann Arbor, Mich., writes: "After many years of living and working in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Baltics, I have returned to the United States to pursue graduate studies. I am a first-year student in the M.B.A. program at Michigan and quite close to my friend, Viviana Quintero '92, who is nearly finished with her doctorate. I miss Juel Nall '90 and would love to hear from her. Friends may e-mail me or visit if in Ann Arbor."

John Pijanowski earned a Ph.D. at Cornell and is on the educational policy and leadership faculty at North Carolina State University. He writes: "After ten addresses in eight years, I'm looking forward to settling in and reconnecting with old friends." Jennifer Reid (see Matt Di Guglielmo '97.

Sarah Saffian's memoir of being an adoptee who was found by her birth family, Ithaka, was released in paperback by Delta in October. Visit Sarah's website at

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Siri Lindley competed in a World Cup Series triathlon in Sydney, Australia, on May 2. She finished in fourth place as the top American in Sydney. She returned home to Niwot, Colo., following the race, then, after a solid month of training, she competed in the Belgium World Cup race on June 13 and at the Monaco World Cup race on June 20. Siri's goal is to make it to the 2000 Olympics. She has now moved into the top twenty world rankings and is ranked in the top three Americans for Olympic qualification points.

Dae Mellencamp married Lawrence Peck in New York City on March 27. The bride's best man was her brother, Rob '90, who lives in Palo Alto, Calif., and works for Sun Microsystems. Dae writes: "Unable to attend, but present in heart and mind, were Janine Kruse, who lives in both Belgium and Portugal, and Lindsay Mauro, of Denver." Dae and Larry live in Manhattan, where she works with a start-up Internet company and he is an investment analyst. Dae received her M.B.A. from Columbia Business School in 1997.

Leora Tanenbaum, New York City, has published SLUT! Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation. Leora is a freelance writer who has written for Seventeen, Ms., The Nation, The Women's Review of Books, and Salon. She regularly contributes syndicated op-ed columns to Newsday.

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Jennifer Adibi writes: "I recently moved to Boston from New York City to start a job at the Harvard School of Public Health. I am coordinating projects with Russia in environmental-health research, policy, and advocacy. There are people from Brown everywhere I turn, which has softened the blow of leaving New York."

Matthew Doull and his wife, Vicky Ward (Cambridge '91), are living hectically in New York City, where he is doing Internet venture investing and she is features editor of the New York Post. Check out for updates and holiday photos.

Emily Duck is practicing corporate insurance law in Indianapolis.

Ali Ruttenberg Kagan married Irv Kagan (Indiana University '86) on Feb. 7, 1998, in a joyous celebration in Chicago. Ali writes: "When we returned from our Hawaiian honeymoon, Irv and I moved into our new home in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. We recently celebrated our first anniversary, and we are enjoying married life. I would love to hear from old friends."

Jordan Kroop and his wife, Carrie, announce the birth of Bailey Elyssa on March 6. Jordan is a bankruptcy and restructuring attorney with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey in Phoenix.

Michael Maiello '92 Sc.M., Johnston, R.I., has been at American Power Conversion for almost seven years and is now an engineering manager, a job that involves some domestic and international travel. He writes: "I try to limit the travel so that I can spend time with my ever-growing family. We just had our third son, Matthew, born March 3. His older brothers, Nicholas, 1, and Christopher, 4, love him dearly. In the meantime, my wife, Kristin, and I are trying to keep our sanity - although she informs me that she still wants that little girl."

Kumar Pandey writes: "I came to Nepal after graduation and have spent the last seven-and-a-half years working in the hydropower industry. Lately I have changed employers and now am managing the development of a 10,000-kilowatt hydropower plant. I married Sangita more than two years ago and now have a daughter, Ajita, 6 months. The 20th century communication gadget, namely e-mail, has finally invaded my seclusion. Friends should feel free to visit."

Eowyn Rieke '98 M.D. (see David Shih '95).

Josh Rotenberg '95 M.D. and Leah Rotenberg announce the birth of Ari Daniel on Jan. 10. Mom and child are well.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Isla Garraway is completing her training in the combined M.D.-Ph.D. program at U.C.L.A. this spring and will begin a residency in urologic surgery there in July. On May 25, 1997, she married David Shavelle, a cardiology fellow at the University of Washington in Seattle. She would love to hear from old friends.

Bridget Carpenter '95 M.F.A. has been selected for the 1998 National Endowment for the Arts/Theatre Communications Group's Theatre Residency Program for Playwrights. Bridget is a resident at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, where she will develop Typhoid Mary, a play about Mary Mallon, a typhus-infected Irish immigrant and cook who worked for dozens of New York families at the turn of the century. She will also lead writing workshops and take part in the Guthrie's existing educational programs.

Tammy Houser Davis writes: "Nineteen ninety-eight was an eventful year for my husband and me. Besides celebrating five years of marriage and earning my M.B.A. from Indiana University, we welcomed our first child, Jacob Alexander, into our family. I would love to hear from Brown friends. Also, if anyone knows how to get in touch with Sam Jin, please let me know."

Sharon Loferski Engler and Bill A. Engler announce the birth of William August Engler IV on Sept. 13. Sharon writes: "We are calling our son by his middle name, August, after his great-grandfather. August is super healthy, smiles tons, and has rosy cheeks." Bill recently added to his M.B.A. a master's degree in organizational dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a management consultant in Philadelphia, and Sharon is having a blast hanging out with August. Sharon and Bill are currently seeking employment in the New England area with the hopes of moving closer to Sharon's mother, Sylvia Loferski, who recently lost her husband, Joseph J. Loferski, to cancer. He was a world-renowned solar scientist who made the Brown engineering department his home for more than thirty-five years. He will be missed by all. Sharon and Bill welcome regional employment leads.

Jennifer Kotanchik and A. Morris Perot Jr. (St. Lawrence University '90) were married on Aug. 16 in Frazer, Pa. Jennifer is the daughter of Catherine and Robert Kotanchik '67. Wendy Brandt Benedict '90 was a reader in the ceremony. Jen and Morris graduated from the University of Michigan with master's degrees in aquatic ecology, and are now living in State College, Pa.

Jennifer Kramer married John Treacy (Ryerson '87) on Oct. 11 in Nantucket. Many Brown friends braved wind and rain to help them celebrate. The couple live in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Jennifer is finishing her Ph.D. in cultural anthropology and applying to become a Canadian landed immigrant.

Siri Lindley has been a professional triathlete for the past three years. She writes: "I have been on the USA national team for the past three years and am currently being sponsored fully by Polo Ralph Lauren. I won the USA Pro National Championships in Oceanside, Calif., at the end of October. Runner-up was Joanna Zeiger '92. Two Brown athletes at the top!"

Michael Reidy, Needham, Mass., and Maryellen R. Reidy (Regis '92) announce the birth of Connor Michael on Dec. 23. Connor joins brother Andrew Brian, 2.

Lee Skinner married Stuart Olsen on May 23, 1998, in Chapel Hill, N.C.

Carmelita Ana Teeter-Lechowit writes: "After graduating from Baylor College of Medicine and doing a year of general surgery in Tucson, I married the most honest man in the world, Travis John Lechowit, on May 2, 1998, in San Antonio, Tex. This now gives me the hardest name in the world. Alumni present included maid-of-honor Julie FitzGerald '92 and Kelly McCann, whose beautiful voice requires special mention. The ceremony was perfect on a nice, hot Texas evening at Mission San Jose (one of the old Spanish missions). Travis and I (and our mutt, Belle) are now freezing our Western butts off in Cleveland, where I am finishing my residency in orthopedic surgery at Case Western Reserve. Travis is an aircraft mechanic and works on the Cleveland police helicopters."

Angie Vieira is back on the East Coast after almost five years in Portland, Ore. She is still working at Wieden & Kennedy, this time in New York City.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Kristine Abbot works for the national offices of Blue Cross/Blue Shield in Washington, D.C., publishing a weekly national newsletter on health-care issues in the office of political research. Her husband, Andrew Garfinkel, is director of economic development for U.S. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro. Kristine and Andrew have a daughter, Emma, born in May 1997. They live on Capitol Hill.

Gwen Lloyd Burak and her husband, Dan, moved to Colorado to enjoy the mountains. She is director of marketing for new products at Celestial Seasonings and Dan is at 3Com. Guests are welcome. Gwen writes: "I also heard from Mark Agne, who was married this past summer in Hawaii. He's living in Tokyo with his wife, Tomoko, and is trading financial derivatives."

Russell C. Carey (see Earl W. Harrington Jr. '41).

Janet Dix Fountain and her husband, Brett, announce the birth of Oliver Alexander, on Oct. 27.

Stephanie Gold and David Mendel were married on Aug. 8 in Mashpee, Mass., on Cape Cod. "Many Brown friends joined in on the fun," Stephanie writes. "After a two-week honeymoon in Italy, we resumed our lives in Washington, D.C." Stephanie practices education law at Hogan & Hartson, and David works in the federal programs branch of the civil division of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Scott Gordon has gone into private practice in internal medicine in Los Angeles after returning from travel and work in Vietnam.

Jonathan Kocmond and Sarah Lamont Kocmond announce the birth of Taber Lloyd, on Aug. 28. "Yes, he's an East Side baby," they write. "He's named after the cross streets where we lived when we got pregnant." Jon is currently in his second year of his pediatric residency at Hasbro Children's Hospital, and Sarah has been working with the reunion team at Brown. They were recently in New Jersey to attend the wedding of Julie Shultz and Chris Kapsch, where they saw several other Brown alums. "We just bought a house in Cranston's Pawtuxet Village, and the Kocmond Inn is up and running. Reservations are now being accepted for Reunion '01 (or any other time). Sarah's parents (affectionately known as the Silver Gypsies) are still traveling the country in the comfort of their Holiday Rambler R.V."

Lindsay Anne Mauro, Cherry Creek, Colo., married Dennis Masaru Wakabayashi Jr. on Oct. 2, in Portofino, Italy. A reception was held in Denver on Oct. 11. Lindsay is a broadcast producer for Thomas & Perkins, a local advertising agency. Dennis is cofounder of Sumaato, a Denver-based advertising agency specializing in networked visual communications.

Cindy Prince married Kevin Baum in May in San Francisco. Several Brunonians attended, including Cindy's brother Mark '94. Kevin and Cindy live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where Cindy is an independent marketing consultant, primarily for Silicon Valley start-up companies. Kevin is a senior buyer with Mervyn's California, a division of Dayton-Hudson.

Karen Steinig and Jeffrey Stewart '89 announce the birth of Benjamin Marcus Steinig Stewart. "Ben doesn't have red hair," Karen writes, "but he resembles his father in every other way. We hope to bring him to Jeff's 10th reunion this spring. You can see photos of Ben at"

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Richard Acker is an associate specializing in environmental law with the San Francisco law firm of McCutcheon, Doyle, Brown & Emerson.

David Smith Allyn and Jennifer Wilcha Allyn announce the birth of their daughter, Jordan Swift. At nine pounds and nine ounces, she has already made a big change in their lives. Visitors welcome.

Karl Arruda married Laura Raymond (Portland State '89) in Manning Chapel in July. Many classmates and Brown friends attended.

Amanda Ells, New York City, married John Ulrich (Trinity College '90) in June. Allison First became engaged to Jonathan Beakley in April 1998 and is spending most of her time with him in Austin, Texas. The wedding will take place in June.

Christie O'Neil Harrison and Marc Harrison '92, Pawtucket, R.I., announce the arrival of Claire Elizabeth on June 4. Her grandparents are Thomas J. O'Neil III '64 and Judith A. McIntosh O'Neil '64. Marc is associate director of admission at the Wheeler School, and Christie is a technical writer at Inso Corp. Claire has her sights set on joining the Brown class of 2020.

Ian Meng (see Peter J. Wolfenden '88).

Melissa Woldoff Pregel and her husband, Richard, announce the birth of Alexander Jacob Pregel on April 15. Melissa works in brand management of Olean for Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati. Samantha Shea Almy, Rebecca Schoenblum, and Kirsten Malvy '92 recently visited.

Staci M. Resnick '95 M.D. and Scott A. Silverman (Bentley '92) were married on May 24, in Warwick, R.I. Dina Ganz and Lisa Boyle '95 M.D. were bridesmaids. Many Brown alums were in attendance and came from as far as Brazil. Staci completed her pediatrics residency in June and is in private practice with Pediatric Associates of Fall River, Mass.

Marisa Rosenberg married David Thalberg in September at a New York State vineyard. Marisa's brother, Robert Rosenberg '94, helped give her away; matron of honor was Jennifer Schonbrunn Hinkle '90, and bridesmaids included Dana Rosen Perez and her sister-in-law of just three months, Laurie Breen '94. David and Marisa live in New York City, where, after a brief stint as a television producer, Marisa has returned to advertising as a vice president with Revlon. "And after a personal performance at my own wedding," she writes, "I'm also hoping to resume my avocation as a very occasional cabaret singer."

Imran Sayeed and Farah Abbas '93 celebrated the birth of their son, Furqan, on Jan. 17. Farah and Imran were married in July 1996. Imran works at NetNumina Solutions, a Boston-based Internet start-up, and Farah was a principal consultant at Oracle until Furqan's birth. They hang out with Anir Choudhury '93 and Askari Chandoo '90 and would love to hear from friends.

Ben Schrank's novel, Miracle Man, will be published in May by William Morrow.

Jiannbin "J" Lee Shiao writes: "After seven-plus years in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have moved to Eugene, Oreg., where I am an assistant professor in the department of sociology at the University of Oregon. In October, I filed my UC-Berkeley dissertation on race, ethnicity, and philanthropic foundations during a visit to see friends, including Erwin Tan, Wendy Shimelman, Jean Cheng '90, Kathy Yep '95, Linda Li '92, Sandra Liu '89, Norbert Hendrikse '90, and my sister, Lihbin Shiao '94." J

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Jaime Alter and Derek Deutsch were married on July 26 at the top of Shrine Mountain in Vail, Colo. They are the children of Sandye Sirota and Richard Alter '66, and Gail and David Deutsch '66. Many Brown alums attended, including Derek's cousins Joshua Berman '95 and Todd Berman '98. After an extended honeymoon in Southeast Asia, Jaime and Derek plan to settle in Denver.

Matt and Becky Bleifeld Black '90 have moved to New Canaan, Conn., where Matt accepted a position as director of school programs and summer camp at the New Canaan Nature Center. "I finally went for the career switch, and am now working as the manager of International Marketing Services for the National Basketball Association," Becky writes. "I was thrilled to find Chuck Singson '92 and Sarah Eaton '87 also working in the international group at the N.B.A. Carlo is the marketing manager in charge of the Philippines, based out of our Hong Kong office, and Sarah is our international legal counsel, working out of the Paris office."

Rebecca Buxbaum Simons married David Simons '90 on May 24 in Lenox, Mass. Many Brown alumni attended. The following week they moved from Cambridge to Seattle, where Becca has started her family practice residency and David continues his work for Adobe Systems on the special effects software Adobe After Effects.

Mark E. Graycar graduated from Life University in Atlanta as a doctor of chiropractic and is practicing in Gramercy Park in New York City. He uses directional non-force technique exclusively.

Tracy Mencher Jaffe and Marc Jaffe (Harvard '90) announce the birth of Hayley Beth on June 4. Tracy and Marc live in New York City, where Marc is an attorney with Latham and Watkins and Tracy is a marketing manager at American Express. They were married on April 19, 1997, at the New York Botanical Garden. Sarah Shohet, Mary McClenahan, Gayle Weiswasser, and Yishane Lee were bridesmaids, and many other Brown friends were in attendance. T

Kenji Kono (see David and Janet Levin Hawk '67).

Kurt de Pfyffer writes: "I have just turned in my last assignment at the Graduate School of Management at the University of California at Irvine. Following the tradition of traveling to Europe after graduation, I will spend a month in France and Switzerland visiting friends and relatives. Then it is off to work long hours at Deloitte and Touche Audit Group in Orange County."

Suzanne Rivera and her husband, Michael Householder '89, '90 M.A.T., continue to live and work at the University of California at Irvine campus. Mike finished his master's in English literature last fall and is working toward a Ph.D. Sue has been promoted to associate director for research conduct in the office of research administration. She has responsibility for the ethical conduct of human and animal experimentation and research involving hazardous materials. The light of their lives is Antonio, 3.

Rodney Vincent writes: "Tyler Elliott Vincent came into the world on June 12. I am planning to expose him to Brown as soon as possible, probably this fall. If any of my old cohorts would like to coordinate a mini-reunion, please advise."

Stephanie Waecker graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in May. She received the Jesse M. Young Memorial Award for her exceptional service to the community and the college. She is now an intern at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine/Maine-Dartmouth.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Tim Boulette completed his second year at the University of Maine School of Law, where he is an articles editor for the Maine Law Review and a member of the Moot Court Board. Tim writes: "Next year I will also serve as a writing instructor for the incoming first-year class. Following graduation and the bar exam in the summer of 1999, I will begin a clerkship with the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in Portland. I have enjoyed law school a great deal, and look forward to starting work next year."

Robert Gill and Jill Mangone (Univ. of Miami) were married in New York City on Nov. 14. Jill graduated from New England School of Law in May, and Rob is chief of staff for Massachusetts state senator Lois Pines. Rob's parents are Bob Gill '54 and Diana Coates Gill '54.

Robin Gomi writes: "I am happily married to Naoko Tanefusa. The wedding took place in Tokyo on April 19. I will continue to work at NEC Computer Systems in Massachusetts, while Naoko will remain in Tokyo, where she works for Nomura Securities."

Mary Becker Kleinstein teaches sixth-grade language arts and social studies at Heritage Middle School in Livingston, N.J. Mary and her husband, Jonathan, recently moved.

Dan Labrador (see Monica Hutchingson Kleinman '84 and Pavlos C. Krenteras '97).

Genevieve Lohman produced the film Dead Broke, which made its North American premiere at the Newport (R.I.) Film Festival in June. The feature film was edited by Youna Kwak '95 and stars Paul Sorvino.

Jonathan Lind Sheehan, a Ph.D. candidate in history at the University of California, Berkeley, was awarded a Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

Simon J. Tiller '92 A.M. writes: "After graduation, I moved first to Brussels, Belgium, for an internship with the European Commission and then to Norway for further study. I completed an M.B.A. in '94. Since then I have been based in the United Kingdom, working first with a consultancy and now with a Swedish paper and packaging company." Last March, Simon married Katherine Elizabeth Griffiths, an art administrator at the Coutauld Gallery in London. Both Amanda Weatherbee Smith and Frank MacLellan '96 Ph.D. attended the wedding. Simon and Katherine's first child is due to arrive in time for Christmas, and they expect to move to Belgium or France next year.

MacArthur White has relocated to Toledo, Ohio.

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Michael Gannon and Chanley Small, Atlanta, announce the birth of their daughter, Payton Small Gannon, on Jan. 10. Payton is the granddaughter of Jeff Small '63 and the great-granddaughter of Richard Small '32.

N. Tanya Lee, Ann Arbor, Mich., is director of community outreach for a runaway- and homeless-youth agency. She is also working on a Ph.D. in American studies at Yale. Tanya writes: "I'm completing a high-school study guide on lesbian and gay history for a progressive school-reform organization in New York City, and I'd like to hear from Brown folk I've lost touch with."

Laura A. Berzolla McDermott and Colm McDermott announce the birth of Colm Thomas on Nov. 4.

Horace P. Jen is in Japan working on political issues for the American embassy. "Life in Tokyo is wonderful," he writes.

Melissa Levis is engaged to Ben Singer, and the wedding will be held at Melissa's parents' country inn, the Wilburton Inn, in Manchester, Vt.

Benjamin Plaut practices commercial litigation at the Houston office of Atlanta-based King & Spalding. He served as assistant district attorney for Harris County, Texas, from 1994 to 1996.

Viraj Shroff-Mehta '95 M.D. and her husband, Ojas (Rochester '88), announce the birth of their son, Tilak, on Jan. 20. "Tilak makes every day new and exciting," Viraj writes. She will be the chief resident in dermatology at Strong Memorial Hospital.

David Whitney married Sharon Curley in Wakefield, Mass., on Aug. 20, 1997. Brian Floca performed a reading at the service, and other Brown alumni attended. Sharon is a physician assistant in neurosurgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. David is an architect with Thompson and Rose Architects in Cambridge.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Julie Berman is engaged to Hal Kaufman, and they are planning a June wedding. Julie recently received an M.B.A. from UCLA's Anderson School of Management. She is a financial analyst for Target Stores in Minneapolis.

Eden Parker Grace and husband, Jim, announce the birth of Jesse Frederick Grace, born Dec. 13. Jesse joins Isaiah, 19 months.

Bryan Hsuan graduated from Columbia's film school with an M.F.A. in October. In 1992 he served as Martin Scorsese's first student intern at Cappa Productions. He has been preparing six feature scripts, which he was planning to market at the end of January. He says hello to his former colleagues at the College Hill Independent and to his friends from Brown.

Angela Kyle, who finished business and journalism school at Columbia, is working in London as a business development manager for Turner Broadcasting's European entertainment networks. Loads of Brown friends have dropped in for short and long visits, she reports, including Cynthia Henry, Christina Eng, James Harris '92, Sunah Park '90, and Lorine Pendleton. Angela would love to hear from London-based classmates and those who are passing through.

Pete Kopke Jr. (see Tom Moses '58).

Sayles Livingston lives in Little Compton,R.I., with her husband, David Wilson, and their son, Benjamin Sayles Wilson, born April 9, 1997. Sayles has a floral design business and hopes that anyone who needs help with wedding flowers will call her.

Jenny Saffran received a Ph.D. in brain and cognitive sciences from the University of Rochester. She is now an assistant professor in psychology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Jen is engaged to a classmate from Rochester, Seth Pollak, who joins Jen as a new faculty member in psychology at UW. She is pleased to report that UW lives up to its reputation as the Brown of the Midwest.

Emre Yilmaz writes: "I've been doing puppetry (or is it computer animation?) at Protozoa in San Francisco for a few years. We specialize in what I call digital puppetry, though it's also called motion capture or performance animation. We do work for TV (recently we built a virtual Bill Clinton for MTV) and for the Internet. We also build puppets for other companies. I'm basically the digital equivalent of a puppet builder and puppeteer - it's half artistic and half technical, requiring skills from drawing to programming. I also travel to give talks about our work or do demos. It's great fun to be working with puppets, even intangible digital ones."

Juliana Young married Daniel O'Laughlin (Minnesota '97 M.D.) on June 7 in Minneapolis. The couple met in medical school at the University of Minnesota. Rebecca Wood served as a bridesmaid.

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Gregory Boger is an ENT resident in Philadelphia. He would love to hear from anyone in the neighborhood at 910 Spruce St., #12, Philadelphia 19107.

Laura Caron is the middle-school dean at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, Calif., where she also designs and leads trips for the school's outdoor program. She received her M.Ed. in 1995 from Harvard (with Robert Greene '92) and has taught for the negotiation program at Harvard Law and instructed girls' courses for Thompson Island Outward Bound. When she's not boogie-boarding or hiking in the mountains, Laura takes classes in photography and graphic design. She now lives near volleyball teammates Aimee Bower '92 and Nanette Furlong '93. All three saw Amy Randel Gates, Mike Gates, and Susan Gates '90 at Angry Salad's show in Hollywood (the lead vocalist is Bob Whelan).

Christopher Royer Donoho III and his wife, Erica, had a baby girl, Charlotte Royer Donoho, on Nov. 19. Two-year-old Susannah is enjoying her baby sister and helping out a lot. Chris is an associate in the bankruptcy department of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan in New York City.

Jonathan Dreyfous graduated from Harvard's Graduate School of Design in June 1996 and is working for an architecture firm in New York City.

Gabriela Recio is pursuing her Ph.D. in economic history at El Colegio de Mexico.

Emre Yilmaz writes: "I'm working for Protozoa, a small animation and technology company in San Francisco. I've been here almost three years now. We do what we call `digital puppetry,' a technique somewhere between puppetry and computer animation. We've also been `webcasting' a lot of our work as animated 3-d comic strips people can view over the Internet. It's great to be playing with puppets again."



Apr, 2024

Greg J. Patrick ’91, of Akron, Ohio; Jan. 22. At Brown he was a four-year starter on the football team and served as team captain in 1990. He went on to play six years of professional football with the Detroit Lions, the Calgary Stampeders, and Hamilton Tiger-Cats, and was a two-time CFL Defensive Player of the Week. Following his career in professional football, he went into business in 1996 with positions at Morgan Stanley and Dean Witter. He was managing partner of G&G Holdings and later became the chief marketing officer for American Green, Inc. In 2002, he began his football coaching career at Valley Christian H.S. He coached and served as a defensive coordinator at several high schools in Phoenix before coaching at Texas A&M University and University of Arizona. He was also a special teams coordinator and linebackers coach for the Virginia Armada. He last coached as an assistant defensive line coach for the New Orleans Breakers in the USFL. In addition to football, he enjoyed golfing with his teammates and Delta Tau Delta fraternity brothers and traveling. He was a member of the National Football Coaches Association. He is survived by a son, his parents, a brother, an aunt and uncle, and many cousins.

Nov, 2023

Samantha Shea Almy ’91, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Southborough, Mass.; June 25, unexpectedly in her sleep. After Brown, she received an MBA from Boston University. Until her retirement in 2021, she was a certified public accountant and worked as a senior VP at Fidelity Investments. After working hard for many years, she was able to dedicate more time to the things she loved—spending time with family and friends, playing tennis and pickleball, taking art classes, going to the beach, and designing her dream home in Naples. While at Brown, she was a member of the varsity tennis team. She was a role model and instilled in both her daughters the mindset that hard work pays off. She passed on her passion for, and talent at, tennis to her girls. She enjoyed cheering for her daughters, spoiling her dog, spending time with her father, and being a wife to her husband of 27 years. She is survived by her husband, Sean; two daughters; and her father. 


Apr, 2023

Kate R. Regan ’91, of Madrid, Spain; Oct. 6. She was a special education teacher in Jackson, Wyo., and developed content for children’s education companies in San Francisco and Spain. She also taught music classes at schools in Madrid. She is survived by her partner, Elena Ferraris; a daughter and two stepchildren; a sister; a brother and sister-
in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2023

Robert A. Murphy ’91, of Seattle; June 2. While at Brown, he earned the distinction of All-American in wrestling. He went on to earn an MBA. He enjoyed the outdoors and had a passion for traveling and experiencing new cultures. He spent time living in India, Vietnam, Nepal, and Thailand. He enjoyed kayaking, scuba diving, and hiking. He is survived by his parents, five siblings and their spouses, and many nieces and nephews.


Jan, 2022

Peter A. Lees ’91, of Miami; Aug. 6. After Brown, he earned an MBA from Yale. He lived abroad for many years before settling in Miami. He spoke Mandarin, Chinese, Japanese, and some French and enjoyed reading. In recent years he began a career both as an actor and as a producer. He is survived by two sisters, a brother, a sister-in-law, a brother-in-law, and two nephews.

Jan, 2022

 Marguerite M. Cargill ’91, of Bell Canyon, Calif., formerly of Venice, Calif.; July 10. She moved to Southern California to embark on a career as a visual effects compositor, with credits on such movies as Contact, Stuart Little, and What Lies Beneath. Her recent work was mostly in the commercial space with advertising agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi, Apple, TBWA/Media Arts Lab, 72 and Sunny, Enso, Publicis, Deutsch LA, and Team One. She was passionate about her work and you could find her at studios in Los Angeles including Digital Domain, Company 3, Nomad, Method Studios, Mirada, Framestore, Brewster Parsons, and Parliament. As a freelancer, she excelled not only technically but also in building a sense of team and inspiring confidence. She was well-known for doing things the right way. She enjoyed time spent with her only daughter, reading, creating pottery, and all animals, especially welcoming rescue cats and dogs into her home. She is survived by her husband, Alex; her daughter; her father; an aunt; and several in-laws. 

Jan, 2021

Lena P. Dame ’91 AM, of Brentwood, Calif.; July 17. During her career, she traveled the world serving as an English teacher and school librarian and published a book before settling in California to be near her grandchildren. She was known by all for her remarkable energy, dedication to family, and willingness to help others. She is survived by three children, six grandchildren, and four siblings.

Jul, 2018

Peter G. Smas ’91, of Austin, Tex.; Feb. 6. He was a research specialist in the life/health actuarial office at the Texas Department of Insurance. Previously he worked as an insurance service specialist at Nationwide Insurance in the Austin area. He enjoyed hiking, kayaking, biking, and reading. He is survived by his mother and his sister.


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