Advertise in
the BAM

Combining excellence in journalism with editorial independence, Brown Alumni Magazine continues to be a must-read for over 116,000 members of the Brown University community. Printed five times each year, the magazine is distributed to all Brown alumni (worldwide), parents of undergraduates, seniors, medical students, faculty, and University staff. For over 120 years, the BAM has continued to serve as the University’s primary source of news and information, profiles and opinion attracting passionate and committed readers that include some of the most affluent and influential professionals in the country.


Our readers include physicians, teachers, civic leaders, top executives, students, and entrepreneurs, all of whom share unusual loyalty to their alumni magazine. How do we know this? Because they tell us so. Year after year, reader surveys indicate the BAM is a favorite magazine for our subscribers, who read it as soon as it arrives in their mailbox. 

BAM Reader Survey

According to Our Reader Poll:
  • • 83.9% reported that reading the BAM is their primary way of staying connected to the University.
  • • 62% reported that they have more of an emotional connection to the BAM than any other magazine.
  • • 81.5% reported that they read the BAM as soon as it arrives in the mail.
  • • 94.6% reported that the BAM is important to them.
  • • 81.1% reported that they are inspired by the BAM.
  • • 89.9% reported that they read the BAM at home.

Publication Schedule

  • Jan/Feb/Mar 2023
  • Apr/May 2023
  • Jun/Jul/Aug 2023
  • Sept/Oct 2023
  • Nov/Dec 2023
Space Reservation
  • 10/7/22
  • 12/22/22
  • 3/16/23
  • 5/23/23
  • 8/2/23
Materials Due
  • 11/17/22
  • 2/3/23
  • 4/12/23
  • 6/22/23
  • 8/30/23

Production Requirements

The Brown Alumni Magazine is printed using 4-color web offset, with 133 line screen. Ad files need to be 300 dpi at 100%. Non-CMYK colors will be converted. Advertisements must be submitted as PDF files and emailed to: [email protected]

Digital Display Advertising

Ad Sizing
  • Medium Rectangle
  • Half Page
Ad Dimensions
  • 300 x 250 Pixels
  • 300 x 600 Pixels
  • $150/Two Months
  • $250/Two Months

Digital Advertising Specs

Format accepts the following web formats: jpg, png, or gif. Ads must be submitted at 72dpi and less than 150kb in size. Please be sure to include a destination (click-through) URL. Digital ads appear for a period of two months and pre-payment is required. Materials may be submitted by email to: [email protected]

More Options

Classified Advertising

Do you have real estate to sell, a vacation home to rent, a business, or professional service to promote? Advertise in the BAM! When you place your classified line ad in the print magazine, we’ll include a bonus ad online at no additional charge. And your online ad can be posted right away—there’s no need to wait for the print issue to arrive. Prepayment required. Classified advertising messages will remain online for a period of two months. One-time ads are sold at $4.50 per word with discounts for multiple insertions. Web addresses are counted as three words and email addresses, two. Online ads include one hot link to your website and one to your email address. If you have any questions regarding classified advertising please contact: Kerry Lachmann at [email protected]

Special Sections

BAM's Fact Fiction and Verse

Fact, Fiction & Verse
This specially formatted advertising section in the BAM includes up to nine books per page. Each ad includes a book cover image, title, the author's name and class year, and a brief description of the book, followed by a link to the author's or publisher's website. Each ad is approximately 2" x 3" with a maximum word count of 40. As a bonus, we will post the ad text online in our Classifieds section, along with a link to the author's or publisher's website. The rate for placement in FFV is $500.00. For additional information or to reserve space please contact Kerry Lachmann at [email protected]


Calling All Brown Authors!

Published a book recently? Promote it in our special advertising section: Fact, Fiction & Verse. Issue dates and space reservation deadlines are in the chart below. Contact Jean Lewis at (401) 863-9612 or [email protected].