8 alums on the promise and perils of our national reckoning over race.
Julia Burbank Chin reports on how she is faring in the days of the coronavirus. “The uncertainty of the whole thing is so challenging. I feel as if I am in eternal...
Michael Levy writes: “After 50 years as a lawyer, 37 with the U.S. Department of Justice, I retired last September. I have spent the spring semester teaching Cybercrime and Evidence at the...
Al Gerstein writes: “Naomi and I continue to do well, no great increase in the negative aspects of the aging process. As with everyone else, we are now embarked on a significant...
Russ Kinne writes: “I’m still living in mid-coast Maine; will be here forever, I think. Great place, great people. Living in a nifty little log house and driving my 11th Subaru (Maine’s...
Arlene Rome Ten Eyck ’43, of East Providence, R.I.; Mar. 1. She worked for a short time as a social worker before joining the staff at Bradley Hospital. For six months she...
Marilyn Davison Sanborn ’52, of Falmouth, Mass.; Mar. 24. She earned master’s degrees in education and library science from the State University of New York and Villanova University, then was a teacher...
Deborah L. Homsher ’74, of Ithaca, N.Y.; Mar. 16. She won a Wallace Stegner writing fellowship at Stanford University and followed with an MFA in fiction writing from the University of Iowa....
John C. Kelleher III ’93 ’07 MD, of Los Angeles; Jan. 26, of brain cancer. At the time of his diagnosis he was completing training at the New Center for Psychoanalysis in...
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