Class of 1996

Jan, 2025
The Ever True Krewe
In New Orleans, Mardi Gras is teeming with Brown alums. Read More
Jan, 2025
Music Tech Wonk
JJ Wiesler ’96 uses cutting-edge digital tools to make sounds that come at you from all angles. Read More
Nov, 2024

Jennifer Kleeman Wall writes: “I look forward to reading the BAM each time it arrives in my mailbox, and especially learning about what my classmates and friends have been doing in the last almost 30 years. My husband Jon and I are honoring the legacy of our son, Zachary, who passed away in November 2021 at the age of 16 from osteosarcoma. Since his passing, I have returned to school to obtain an MSW (my second masters!) because Jon and I started a nonprofit, Zach’s Bridge, which provides peer support for families facing an advanced childhood cancer diagnosis. We’re fortunate that so many in our communities reached out during Zach’s illness. Two of our board members are also Brown graduates—my father, Stuart Kleeman ’67, and my roommate, Kate Egan Gilbane ’97—and have been an incredible support, as have so many of my Brown classmates. We’d love to connect more with the alumni community.” 


Nov, 2024

Joshua Spector writes: In January I opened a Miami office for Rossi, P.C., a Los Angeles-based entertainment, sports, and new media law firm with a focus on Latin music. Our three boys didn’t get dad’s height but they got mom’s smarts and good looks. Maybe one applying to Brown this year. Other developments include certification as a FIFA player agent and curing insomnia with the eighth edition of my book, Florida Defenses and Procedural Objections. Venturing to New York and LA often. Reach out at [email protected].”

Aug, 2024

Bekah Saxon writes: “After 16 years with the Virginia Education Association organizing educators in and around Charlottesville, I took a similar job in Connecticut. My wife, Charlene Green, and our son, Max, along with our two dogs, followed me from beautiful central Virginia to Bridgeport, Connecticut, where I now serve as the union rep for the Bridgeport Education Association. It’s nice to be back in New England, and close to my parents. I would love to catch up with any 1996 Brunos in the area.”

Aug, 2024

Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller ’96 published All About Penises: A Learning About Bodies Book and All About Vulvas and Vaginas: A Learning About Bodies Book on April 30 with Henry Holt and Co. Dorian and Marshall are nationally recognized sex educators and have presented programs on sexuality topics at universities, businesses, high schools, national conferences, and adult education centers over the past 20 years.

Aug, 2024
Image of Dara Herman ’95, Marina Vivarelli ’95, Anjali Mitter Duva ’95,  Frances Balamuth ’95, Ariana Pearlroth  Kahn ’96, Tamar Renaud ’95.

Anjali Mitter Duva writes that after publishing her first book, Faint Promise of Rain, in 2014 and hearing so many stories of writers frustrated with the publishing industry, she has launched her own publishing company, Galiot Press, with the aim of shaking things up in the industry. She would love to receive queries from writers in the Brown community. In the meantime, she writes that she had a fabulous reunion in Brooklyn with classmates Fran Balamuth, Dara Herman, Ariana Kahn ’96, Tamar Renaud, and Marina Vivarelli. Contact Anjali at [email protected].

Aug, 2024
Image of Jason Perkel and Lindsey Fyfe Perkel on their wedding day

Jason Perkel and Lindsey Fyfe Perkel were married Feb. 24. Jason writes: “An amazing group of Brown alumni, along with family and other friends, made the trek to the Litchfield Hills in Connecticut to help celebrate a beautiful winter weekend. Those in attendance included Matthew Crowe ’94, David Gordon, Mark Marinello ’91, Quinn Moore, Joshua Perkel ’96, Jon Richter ’94, Karen Richter ’94, Jeremy Rothfleisch, Christopher Starr ’93, J. Doyle Walton, and David Westreich.” Contact Jason at [email protected]

Apr, 2024

Todd Guren writes: “Greetings and salutations to Class of ’96 and all midyears! An impromptu text exchange and a change of jobs prompted me to send a class note. The change of jobs involves starting and leading the product department at iRedeemHealth, a subsidiary of Tryko Partners based out of New Jersey. iRedeem is a full-service healthcare solutions distribution company serving employers and Medicaid and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. I am enjoying working for a smaller organization, which has meant fewer meetings, quicker decisions, and I get to play many roles. The impromptu text exchange involved Halloween costumes and tattoos but the larger Brown alumni group probably doesn’t need to hear any more details than that.”


Jan, 2024

Sophia Ruan Gushee writes: “After 16 years of studying and crafting an evidence-based practical nontoxic lifestyle (including eight years of writing my first book, A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide To Reducing Our Toxic Exposures), I’m thrilled to distill the common sense strategies that can simplify nontoxic living for you through my 40-Day Home Detox. To learn more, please visit” 

Nov, 2023

Royce Conner joined Envision Education as the executive director of Envision Learning Partners (ELP). He leads the team of consultants and researchers at ELP in their support of schools and districts implementing performance assessments and project-based learning systems. He married his husband, Aaron, in December 2020 and the couple live in Richmond, Calif. 

Apr, 2023

Marshall Miller writes: “Issue after issue I eagerly flip to the Classes for the latest news from the class of 1996 only to find little to none. I’ll do my part: My ‘donor daughter’ Haley Robertson accepted a job at Brown in the advancement department. Haley found me through 23andMe five years ago during her first year at Syracuse, and has been a wonderful addition to our lives. We’re both amused by the ways in which life comes full circle.”


Jan, 2023

Anya Weber writes: “I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in May 2020 with my master’s in social work. Since then, I’ve been working as a counselor at a community mental health agency primarily supporting people with opioid addiction to get stable in their recovery. I’m on the outpatient side of things and I am about to transition to a role at the same agency focusing on a broader range of mental health disorders. I married George Stericker in May 2022. We are enjoying living in St. Louis (he was born and raised here, and it’s become my home too over the last four years). I love showing people around the city and I am always happy to hear from my fellow Brown alums at [email protected].”

Nov, 2022
Naked beer slides & bad calamari
A gustatory history of freshman roommates who became lifelong best friends. Read More
Aug, 2022
In the news

The Jewish Insider reported that Ludovic Hood ’96, a 16-year Foreign Service official, serves as senior advisor in the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism. As a non-Jewish diplomat who has served in the Middle East and on Middle East issues, he is focused on working with Arab countries on education around antisemitism, Judaism, and the Holocaust.

Apr, 2022

Jide Aradeon ’97 ScM (see Darryl Heslop ’96).

Apr, 2022
Roy Moore in a cockpit

Roy Moore writes: “Last November, after 11 years at Southwest Airlines, I was promoted to Boeing 737 Captain, Los Angeles domicile. From time to time, I’ve seen old friends, teammates, and classmates aboard the aircraft. Stop by the flight deck.”

Apr, 2022

Todd Guren writes: “I recently changed jobs, which gave me an occasion to send a class note. I have been in health insurance for 15 years and mentioning that I work in health insurance still stops any conversation at parties. I switched to a start-up health insurance company as a remote worker for a Medicare Advantage plan called Alignment Healthcare and really like both the start-up and working remotely. My family (two kids ages 9 and 13) and I have been very lucky during the pandemic with our health and flexibility with school and schedules. My oldest loves his Waldorf School and completed a successful ultimate frisbee season with his team. I have been very jealous of the Waldorf curriculum—he does woodworking, music, learns how to quilt, and will even get to work in a forge in high school. If I were still at Brown, I would have tried to turn those topics into a major. We are still living in Portland, Oregon, enjoying the outdoors, and playing lots of Dungeons and Dragons. I am still knitting and finished a Big Lebowski sweater for both myself and my son. If any of my classmates are in the Pacific Northwest, I always look forward to connecting.”

Nov, 2021

Mark Tullius writes: “My nonfiction book TBI or CTE: What the Hell is Wrong with Me? is set for release November 16. With all the sad stories of former athletes struggling with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), I thought writing that focuses on awareness and hope for recovery might be of interest. TBI or CTE chronicles my researching TBIs and then undergoing treatments and practicing coping mechanisms when I discovered how much brain damage I’d accumulated with my unsuccessful professional MMA and boxing career and time playing Ivy League football. The book includes interviews with top brain experts, a heartbreaking look inside the life of my teammate from Brown University whose CTE prevented him from fighting cancer, tips culled from excellent books on the plasticity of the brain and its ability to heal, as well as a very personal look into my emotional well-being and all the test results that show how much my brain has improved. I believe my book can help raise awareness of TBIs, which affect millions of people every year, and bring hope to anyone who suffers from the symptoms such as depression, anxiety, impulse control, and more. I have published 10 works of fiction and my nonfiction book Unlocking the Cage: Exploring the Motivations of MMA Fighters is the largest sociological study of these athletes. I interviewed nearly 400 fighters and coaches from 100 gyms for the project, which is one of the main reasons I began looking into brain damage. I am also the host of the podcast Vicious Whispers and a purple belt in jiu jitsu under Eddie Bravo. 

Nov, 2021

Katie Crouch writes: “I’m living in Norwich, Vermont, with my family, right down the street from Shoshana Hort ’96. My husband and I both teach in the English department at Dartmouth, and my book, Embassy Wife, was out July 13 from FSG.” (See Fresh Ink).

Aug, 2021

Daisy Wademan Dowling published Workparent: The Complete Guide to Succeeding on the Job, Staying True to Yourself, and Raising Happy Kids, a complete how to guide to working parenthood. As a long-time executive coach and full-time working parent herself, Daisy became frustrated that she couldn’t find that one, covers-it-all, nonjudgmental handbook on managing kids and a career, so she decided to write it. The book includes working parents, moms, dads, and gay, straight, biological, and adoptive parents in all careers with children of differing ages. It also addresses what working parenthood can and should look like in a post-pandemic “new normal.”

Aug, 2021
Fresh Ink for Sept–Oct 2021
Books by Chaney Kwak ’02, William C. Kashatus ’84 AM, and Daisy Dowling ’96 Read More
Jun, 2021

Gillian Epstein Baudo and her 10-person book club set up a fully volunteer COVID-19 vaccine clinic in rural New Mexico. Together they vaccinated approximately 2,000 residents in 10 days with the goal of reaching 70 percent immunity in their hard-hit county. This feel-good story grabbed the attention of national and state news, including the Washington Post and CBS Evening News with Norah O’Donnell. 

Jun, 2021
NBA Heights
Stephen Silas ’96 lands the top job at the Houston Rockets Read More
Jun, 2021
Fresh Ink for June–Aug 2021
Books by Julia Zarankin ’97, Jennifer Dupee ’96, and Claire Holroyde ’01 Read More
Jun, 2021
Dark Instincts
A filmmaker draws from childhood for his newest thriller Read More
Apr, 2021
Brighter Days
Hungering for contact, celebration, and a feeling of lightness. Read More
Apr, 2021

Jennifer Dupee published her debut novel The Little French Bridal Shop with St. Martin’s Press. A story about finding love in very unexpected places, the novel addresses the experience of loss of identity, disorientation, and confusion that comes with becoming the caretaker of an ailing parent. Find out more at

Jan, 2021
Capitalism on the Couch
A history course analyzes the social, political, and cultural underpinnings of our economic system. Read More
Jun, 2020

Sophia Ruan Gushée is launching a detox deep dive, the Ruan Detox Immersion, a structured program to help people detox toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and man-made radiation from their home, self-care, diet, and technologies. In connection, Sophia is publishing eight detox workbooks this year, including Cleaning Detox, Self-Care Detox, Home Design Detox, Kitchen Detox, and Technology Detox. Her website is

Jun, 2020
Climate Partners
A scientist and a lawyer make it easier to use lawsuits as a weapon against global warming. Read More
Apr, 2020

Kevin Murphy was appointed as a Municipal Court Judge for the City of Warwick (R.I.) in September 2019. Kevin writes: “It’s an honor to serve my community and my home state in this new capacity.”


Sep, 2019
Two Sons, One Chance
A powerful debut novel set in Trinidad Read More
Jul, 2019
Andrew Yang Wants to Give You $1,000
Andrew Yang ’96 and his surprisingly successful presidential candidacy. Read More
May, 2019

The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages awarded the NECTFL Teacher of the Year award to Rebecca Blouwolff of Brookline, Mass., representing the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association. Rebecca is a French teacher at Wellesley Middle School and received her award in February.

Jan, 2019

Quincy T. Bernstine married Rick Hall, CNN senior photojournalist, on Sept. 29 in Brooklyn, N.Y. In attendance were Quincy’s brother Justin Bernstine ’99, Rachel Dawson, Chisun Lee, and Matt Holford.


Nov, 2018

Ben Holzer ’00 and Rochelle Lundy celebrated their wedding on June 30 at Alden and Harlow in Cambridge, Mass. The wedding was held over brunch and included Jesse Chan-Norris ’99, Christopher Creed ’00, Wendy Derjue-Holzer ’96, Matt Holzer ’96, and Jonathan Perez ’00.

Nov, 2018

Anya Weber ’96 writes: “After 18 years as a writer and editor in Boston, I moved to St. Louis to start grad school at Washington University, where I’m entering the master of social work program. This is the first step in a career shift to the mental health sphere. My goal is to become a therapist specializing in recovery from trauma, sexual health, and the influence of faith and spirituality on mental health.” Anya would like to hear from any Brown alums in the St. Louis area.

Nov, 2018
Wrap It Up
Our 12th annual holiday gift guide. Read More
Sep, 2018

Rebecca Hart has released a new recording of her music, “The Magician’s Daughter,” available at She writes: “During this process I also went back to school and got an MFA from NYU’s graduate musical theatre writing program. It was transformative and brought back great memories of making music and theatre at Brown.”


Jul, 2018
Fresh Ink
New books by Rita Bullwinkel '11, Jessica Weisberg '06 and Natasha Zaretsky '96 AM, '03 PhD Read More
May, 2018
Mike and Mike
Michael Mancuso ’98 and Michael Rubin ’00 have called more than 700 sporting events for Brown Athletics. Read More
May, 2018

Don and Geraldine Lemoi Williams continue to enjoy the freedom of retirement: traveling to new places and spending time at their vacation cottage in Nags Head, N.C. They treasure time spent with their children and six grandchildren. Their son, Scott E. Williams ’96, is a professor and researcher at UNC Chapel Hill; their daughter Kristin Williams Fiori ’97, her husband Nick Fiori ’96, and their three children live in Brooklyn, N.Y. and are teachers and administrators at St. Ann’s School; and their youngest, Laura Sanders, is the director of fraternities and sororities at Syracuse Univ.


May, 2018

Nick Fiori and Scott E. Williams (see Don and Geraldine Lemoi Williams ’70).

Apr, 2018

Holland K. O’Donnell ’96 is the new CEO at the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, a national legal advocacy organization for people with mental disabilities.

Apr, 2018
Fresh Ink
New books from Jacob M. Appel ’96, Sasha Polakow-Suransky ’01, and Rachel Z. Arndt ’10. Read More

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

Eric Yau writes: “I am now in my seventh year at Link REIT, the largest real estate investment trust in Asia. My current role as head of investor relations and corporate finance brings me to all corners of the world, but unfortunately not yet to Providence. My wife, Emily, is still teaching at the medical school at the Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, while my daughter, Ellie, 12, and son, Ernest, 9, are enjoying school in Hong Kong.”

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Eve Watson has published Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory. She writes: “This unique and vivacious book stages for the first time a series of dialogues between queer theorists, clinical psychoanalysts, and specialists in gender and sexuality. It includes clinical contributions in the Freudian, Kleinian, Lacanian, Jungian, Independent, and Relational psychoanalytical traditions, and the 30 chapters challenge the reader to a self-reflective process of interrogation of sexuality. Contributors include Ona Nierenberg ’80. This book has been eight years in the making, and we are proud to announce its publication.”

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Wendy Pearlman’s third book, We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria, will be available June 6. Wendy writes: “It is an oral history of the Syrian uprising and war based on interviews I conducted from 2012 through 2017 with more than 300 displaced Syrians across the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.”

Seetha Ramachandran writes: “2016 was a big year for me and my husband, Justin Herring (Swarthmore ’97). We had a son, Leo Tomo, on September 6. I was also elected partner at Schulte Roth & Zabel, having returned to private practice after nearly a decade as a federal prosecutor. We live in New York City and would love to hear from old classmates and friends.”

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Yasmin Dalisay writes: “My indie rock band, Tuffy, has just released its third EP, entitled Callicoon. My first-year roommate at Brown, Denise Milstein, taught me how to play the guitar in 1992, and now, 24 years later, we are playing on the same bill in Brooklyn to celebrate Tuffy’s new release.”

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Sushma Joshi writes: “I was injured in the April 2015 Nepal earthquake. While visiting the Patan Durbar Square to view a photo exhibition, I was buried under a temple that collapsed on top of me. I was rescued and taken to the hospital after a half hour. I am slowly recovering from the fractures in my arm and leg and I can now put 20 kgs on my right leg. My thanks to everyone who sent me love, care, and chocolates from all over the world. I couldn’t have made it without your love, good wishes, and support. And a special thanks to Sara Shneiderman and Sienna Craig ’95 who also came to visit me while they were in Kathmandu.” Sushma’s short story, After the Floods, is published in House of Snow: An Anthology of the Greatest Writing about Nepal, by Head of Zeus in London. It is a comprehensive collection of writing about Nepal and it includes more than 50 excerpts of fiction and nonfiction. Profits from sales will be donated to charities providing relief from the 2015 earthquake.

Gregg Schaufeld and Jonathan Kirk (Drury Univ. ’99), who live in Brooklyn, N.Y., were married on July 23 in Montague, Mass. Anna Schissel received a one-day solemnization certificate from Massachusetts to officiate. Other alums in attendance at the wedding were Mike DiBianco, Jess George ’99, Paul Heck ’89,
Jill Hoprasart ’00 MD, Sanjay Ranchod, Dave Stanke ’98, Karen Van Ausdal ’98, and Gordon Wright ’98, as well as Devorah Klein.

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Sam Karp’s film, Healed: Music, Medicine and Life with MS, aired nationally on PBS. Narrated by Wynton Marsalis, the documentary chronicles a once-prominent trumpet soloist and his struggle with multiple sclerosis. Visit  for more information.

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Class president Elizabeth Rothaus Bertrand writes: “We look forward to seeing many of you at our 20th reunion, when we’re expecting more than 300 classmates to return to campus! There’s still time to give to our class gift. Visit our class Facebook page for more details and to keep in touch. Post your news and pics there too!”

Sarah Bryant writes: “I’m currently crowdfunding my eighth novel, The One Unspoken, with This will be my first U.S. publication after 15 years living and writing in Scotland. Have a look at the project or pre-order on the website.

Karthick Ramakrishnan writes that he and Pratheepan “Deep” Gulasekaram are touring campuses and presenting their new book on immigration policy, The New Immigration Federalism, published by Cambridge Univ. Press. Karthick writes: “We met on our first day at Brown, and are grateful to remain good friends and intellectual partners. Deep is a law professor at Santa Clara Univ., and I am a professor of public policy at UC Riverside.”

Sasha Shapiro writes: “I am now principal viola in the Butler County Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra. I am also an in-house attorney for the United Steelworkers (not to be confused with U.S. Steel or the Pittsburgh Steelers). I live in the north hills of Pittsburgh and spend my spare time with my horse, Misty.”

David Wise lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., with Vanessa Zimmerman-Wise ’97 and their three boys: Zeke, 9; Isaac, 6; and Levi, 2. He writes: “We sold our private consultancy, Hay Group, to Korn Ferry in December. I lead North America sales for the new company. Vanessa is vice president of development at New York City Center and she does what she loves doing—advocating for the arts. We survive it all by going to Miami every few months without kids to lie on a beach for the weekend. In Brooklyn, we see Ilana Dzuba and Eric Sillman (and his family) a lot and even run into Jordan Dressler on the street. In other words, it’s exactly like Diman circa 1994, but with cleaner bathrooms.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Sophia Ruan Gushee published her first book, A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures. She writes: “It has been quickly attracting praise as a resource that everyone should have. Designed to be a responsible and comprehensive reference guide that is easy to skim, this is an important book that you can use to manage your education on toxic exposures (especially at home), and practical changes to incorporate, at whatever pace works for you.”

Lauren Redniss’s book, Thunder & Lightning: Weather Past, Present, and Future, was longlisted for the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award.

David Wegman and Nguyen Louie ’97 announce the Nov. 4 birth of their daughter, Siena Yoon Wegman. “Her big brother, Lazlo, has been showing her the ropes and is excited to have a playmate.”

Eric Yau writes: “I am still based in Hong Kong. I’m in my fifth year at Link Real Estate Investment Trust working as head of investor relations and corporate finance.”

From the January/February 2016 Issue

The 20th Reunion Committee writes: “Save the date, class of 1996! Our 20th reunion is this spring, May 27–29. We have blocks of rooms reserved for our class at different hotels in Providence so keep an eye out for our emails with specifics to make sure you can get a room before the block cut-off dates. It’s a very busy weekend in Providence, and all hotels anticipate selling out. There will also be dorm space available on campus for our class. Make your plans early! Please join our class Facebook page if you haven’t already, as we will be posting all kinds of important information about reunion there. See you in May!”

Joshua Albertson (see Jessica Gorkin ’08).

Bryan Cantrill (see David Pacheco ’07).

Phoebe Knowles and her husband, Matt, announce the Oct. 9 birth of their second daughter, Alexa. Their first daughter, Josie, was born in July 2013. Phoebe writes: “My family and I own and operate the Roger Smith Hotel in Manhattan. For Brown grads traveling to the city in January, February, and March, e-mail me for special Brown rates! I am very much looking forward to our upcoming 20th reunion and hoping that we get a great turn out of classmates for the weekend!”

Jeffrey Wetzler cofounded Transcend, a nonprofit which, he writes, “focuses on innovating every aspect of the holistic design of schools—from the aims of school, to students’ experiences, to the use of time, to the roles of educators and families and surrounding communities, to physical space, and much more—to prepare all students for far greater success in the 21st century.” Jeff also coauthored a paper, “Dissatisfied Yet Optimistic: Moving Faster Toward New School Models,” which describes a vision and emerging theory for new school models.

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Liz Rothaus Bertrand writes: “We are kicking off our 20th reunion year with a round-the-world Josiah Carberry Day celebration on Friday, Nov. 13! Visit our class Facebook page for details on this as well as other reunion-related events. Want to help with reunion planning?”

Jyothi Nagraj Marbin ’06 MD was appointed director of the Pediatrics Leadership for the Underserved (PLUS) residency program at UC San Francisco. She writes: “PLUS is a separate match for pediatrics residents who are specifically interested in developing leadership skills and transforming health systems to better serve underserved families.” Jyothi lives in Alameda, Calif., with her husband, Seth Marbin ’05, and three children.

After more than eight years as vice president and general counsel of Home Loan Investment Bank, FSB, and a career at Adler Pollock & Sheehan in Boston and Providence, Kevin Murphy opened his own law firm in the heart of downtown Providence. Kevin recently celebrated his two-year anniversary and continues to practice law in the areas of real estate, corporate law, litigation, and estate planning.

From the September/October 2015 Issue

Tony Quarnaccio writes: “After slowly becoming the best of friends in high school, staying close through college, traveling internationally as a strictly platonic pair, and traversing great distances just to see each other, Kat Hubscher (Notre Dame ’96) and I finally decided that we just couldn’t be friends anymore. So on May 1, 2015, at the Joint Base Chapel in Charleston, S.C., we became husband and wife. A good time was had by all at the reception in the Historic Rice Mill in downtown Charleston. In attendance were our lifelong friends, including JP Conil ’97; Brendan Finneran ’97; Andrea Wroblewski-Finneran ’00; Eli Goodman ’99; Todd Heglund ’00; Eugene Inozemcev ’97; Jeff Moore ’97, ’99 ScM; Ben Merris ’00; and Matte Zovich ’96.”

Liz Rothaus Bertrand writes: “Mark your calendars for a round-the-world Josiah Carberry Day celebration on Friday, November 13 as we kick off our 20th reunion year! Visit our class Facebook page for details on this as well as other reunion-related events. Let me know if you want to host a Carberry Day event in your area.”

Andrew Yang, CEO and founder of Venture for America, was selected for the Presidential Ambassadors for Global Entrepreneurship (PAGE). PAGE was established by the Department of Commerce to enable successful business people to share their experience with the next generation of entrepreneurs.

From the May/June 2015 Issue

Gilberto Sustache writes that he and his wife, Hanya El-Sheshtawy Sustache ’97, ’01 MAT, are in their 18th year of marriage, and “our three kids keep life interesting. Hanya is homeschooling the little ones, and it’s amazing. We’re still in Sugar Land, Tex., and I’m still a doctor. Would love to hear from others in the class. Blessings.”

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Michael Burger has been named executive director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School. After nearly five years living in Providence and teaching at Roger Williams Law School, Michael will be returning to New York City to lead the center’s efforts to develop new legal strategies and techniques to combat climate change and to help governments, communities, and companies adapt to its impacts.

Bryan Cantrill (see Adam Leventhal ’01).

Jonathan Van Gieson, better known as “Jonny Porkpie, Burlesque Mayor of New York City,” celebrated his 10th year in burlesque. In addition to producing and hosting the “Movers, Shakers, and Innovators” showcase at the Burlesque Hall of Fame weekend in Las Vegas, his theater, Pinchbottom, has been producing off-Broadway and in Los Angeles, with shows traveling across the country and around the world.

From the July/August 2014 Issue

David Wegman and Nguyen Louie ’97 announce the Mar. 2, 2013, arrival of their first child, Lazlo Louie Wegman. David writes: “Though it’s true that everything takes longer now that we are parents, those who call us remiss in waiting an entire year may have a fair point. Lazlo takes after his mom in his favorite food—cheese—and, like his dad, has a penchant for ceiling fans.”


From the May/June 2014 Issue

Brooke Rosen Tyroler ’96 (see Robert Rosen ’63). 


From the March/April 2014 Issue

Amy B. Cordell has lived in Japan since Aug. 1996. In Aug. 2000 she married David Long, a native of Liverpool, England. They have two sons: Alfie, 9, and Leon, 6. In 2004 they started their own school and are writing an ESL series of books. Levels 1 and 2 have been published; see

Amber Wuchitech Dupont-Liot and her husband, Patrick (London School of Economics ’97, UCLA Anderson ’08), announce the fall 2012 birth of Tatijana. Amber writes: “Sleepless nights and all-around happiness have become the new norm!” She has been living and working in London for the past six years.

Elizabeth Hunt and Jesse Moore (Syracuse) announce the addition of Edwin Garrett Moore on Jan. 16, 2013. Elizabeth writes: “Eddie joins the WWF dream team of older brothers Sam, 6, and Charlie, 4. If ever in the Burlington, Vermont, area, give a holler.”


From the November/December 2013 Issue

Leslie Jonas (see ’48).


Kristen Kittscher’s debut novel, The Wig in The Window, the first in a funny new mystery series for kids 8 and up, was published by HarperCollins this summer. Amanda Philipson ’95 narrated the audiobook; Bess Armstrong ’75 performed in a scene at the book’s launch; and Todd Sullivan ’97 directed a promotional video.


From the May/June 2013 Issue

Nancy Kendall is an associate professor of educational policy studies at the Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison. Her book, The Sex Education Debates (Univ. of Chicago Press) examines the unintended consequences of current sex education practices on the democratic mandate of public schools and on the human rights of teens. Nancy lives in Madison, Wisc., with her husband, Tomas; Gabriel, 5; and Cecilia, 2. She would love to host classmates traveling through.

Michael Sherling, cofounder and chief medical officer of Modernizing Medicine, was honored in the 2013 class of 40 Under 40 by the South Florida Business Journal. 

From the May/June 2013 Issue

The class of 1996 reunion committee writes: “Stay in touch with classmates virtually! Share your latest news on our Facebook page (Brown University Class of 1996), follow us on twitter (@brunonia96), or reconnect via our new LinkedIn group (Brown University Class of 1996).”

Scott Williams (See Geraldine Lemoi Williams ’70). 


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Renee Bauer writes: “I have been busy over the last few years. I have two daughters, Eliana, 4, and Meytal, 1½. My partner, Laurie Zimmerman, and I, and our daughters live in Madison, Wisconsin, where I am the director of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice. I was ordained as a rabbi in 2005.”

Peter Galea is in Thailand enjoying learning to be a professional scuba diver. Peter writes: “It’s a wonderful change of pace.”

Gerry S. Ohn was selected as a 2012 Rising Star by the Southern Calif. Super Lawyers magazine. He prosecutes civil rights actions for housing discrimination, disability discrimination, employment discrimination, and invasion of privacy. In addition, he prosecutes and defends high-stakes business litigation, and his practice includes personal injury, sexual harassment, and appellate litigation.

Rajiv Sethi, Aya Kimoto Sethi, and their four kids are busy, happy, and rained upon for a good part of the year in Seattle.

Mark Tullius released Brightside, a sci-fi thriller, and is about to release 25 Perfect Days, a dystopian novel, He is traveling across the country to train with and interview MMA fighters for his sociological study/book, Unlocking the Cage.

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Michael Humphreys was selected as a 2012 U.S. Department of Education Teaching Ambassador Fellow. This allows him to continue teaching full-time while doing policy work and outreach for education. He would love to connect with anyone working in education. He teaches in Arlington, Va., but his region includes most of the Northeast.


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Peter Galea (see Judith Eaton ’60).

Jyothi Nagraj Marbin ’06 MD (see Seth Marbin ’05).

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Liz Rothaus Bertrand writes: “The class of ’96 hosted a Round-the-World Happy Hour in honor of Josiah Carberry Day on Friday, Apr. 13. Eleven different cities participated, including locations in the U.S., Asia, and Europe! Many of the events also included alums from other graduating classes. Keep in touch with classmates and find out about upcoming events through our Facebook page.”

Daniel Kanaan moved back to the United States from France in June 2011. He writes that he is still painting and that two of his works are on display at Brown’s Granoff Center for Creative Arts from Aug. 3 through Sept. 15. See his website for further exhibitions:

From the March/April 2012 Issue

Jacob Lipsky (see Engagements & Weddings, Sean A. Thomas ’03).

Michelle Quiogue ’00 MD was appointed to serve as a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians’ Commission on Health of the Public and Science for a four-year term that began on Dec. 1

From the January/February 2012 Issue 

Gretchen Green '00 MD is a director of the National Women's History Museum. Previously chief resident in diagnostic radiology at Yale, she now works at Greensboro (N.C.) Radiology as an attending radiologist specializing in women's imaging. She lives with her husband and two children.

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Eve Watson writes that last February in New York City Ona Nierenberg '80, a psychologist at Bellevue Hospital in New York City; Tuppett Marie Yates '97, an assistant professor of psychology at UC Riverside; and Thomas Ghiden '08, of Saatchi & Saatchi, New York City— joined other loved ones from Dublin, New York City, Boston, and Los Angeles for her surprise 40th birthday party hosted by her partner, Deirdre Kiely. Having recently completed her PhD in psychoanalysis at University College, Dublin, Eve is working as a psychoanalyst and as head of psychotherapeutic training at Independent College, Dublin. Eve writes: "It is not easy working in two of the three impossible professions indicated by Dr. Freud (academia and psychology, the third being government!) in a country currently struggling for its economic life. But optimism reigns supreme and we remain hopeful."

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Karen Newirth writes: "After eight years of working as a criminal defense lawyer in private practice (first at Cleary Gottlieb and then at Brafman & Associates, both in Manhattan), I will become the Innocence Project's Eyewitness Identification Litigation Fellow."

From the May/June 2011 Issue [15th]

Reunion cochairs Sandie Milberg and Kara Caldarone Johnston write: "Save the date for our 15th reunion over Memorial Day weekend, May 27–29! The reunion activities committee has been busy planning a weekend full of your College Hill favorites. Check out our reunion website,, for all the details. If you plan on joining us, book your hotel early, or we will keep you posted with information on how to stay on campus. Please visit our Facebook page to post your bios and blurbs. And, most importantly, please remember to make your contribution to the Brown Annual Fund at in honor of our 15th. Your support and participation during this big reunion year greatly assists Brown in fulfilling its overall mission to be one of the best educational institutions in the country for the students of today and the future."

Suzanne Renaud (see Sam Sutter '75).


From the March/April 2011 Issue

Amanda Margulies (see Len Charney '62).

Jennifer Kleeman Wall (see Stuart Kleeman '67).

Julia Zaslow lives in Fairfax, Calif., with her partner, Kenny, and their two-year-old son, Simon. For the past year and a half she has been marketing and program director for a celebrity nutritionist and fitness expert. She is now transitioning to independent consulting as a product launch manager, and is planning to launch her own business in prenatal nutrition.

From the January / February 2011 Issue

Jarita Davis (see Engagements & Weddings, Katherine Oxnard Ellis '87).

Missy Pennacchia Nash and her husband, John, live in Franklin, Mass., with their children Charlie, 2, and Sadie, 1. She teaches elementary-school physical education in Southborough, Mass.

Marisa Robertson-Textor writes: "After five years at Gourmet, I've been flying solo, writing about food, travel, and culture for such publications as Archaeology, Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel, and Whole Living. My essay on the untimely demise of Gourmet was just published in the Best Food Writing 2010 anthology from Da Capo Press. I'd love to hear from old friends, fellow writers, and anyone obsessed with Georgian cuisine. Drop me a line through my website,"

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Dan Barcan (see Jamay Liu '05).

Rebecca Hart (see Alix Sobler '01).

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Jonathan Ashcom (see Jane Neide Ashcom '55).

Rebecca Wolff Blouwolff and her husband, Josh Blouwolff '98, announce the Mar. 25 birth of their second child, Liora Eve, who joins her older brother, Jonah. Rebecca will resume teaching middle school in September; Josh has a new job as a scientist at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory.

Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt and Jonathan Ehrhardt announce the Nov. 22 birth of their son Elias. He joins brothers Noah, Oliver, and Wyatt, and "our ever more neglected dog, Bruno." The family enjoys life in Madison, Wisc., "but wishes the winters were warmer and shorter."

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Maria Hadjitheodosiou and Brian O'Rourke announce the Sept. 10 birth of Leda-Maria, sister to Zenon. After working eight years in Ireland and Belgium, they recently moved to Cyprus.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

James Ball (see Katherine Ball '01).

Kevin Segall married Stephanie Rogers on Aug. 1 at Heritage Square Museum in Los Angeles. In attendance were Amber Rosin '97, Karen Thompson, and groomsman David Ricardo. Kevin is the proprietor of (autographs, signed books, and rare memorabilia).

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Darryl Charles Heslop is the founder and owner of Red Arme, a new mixed martial arts clothing line. He recently launched, an e-commerce site for the company. His products have been featured in several industry magazines, and he writes that he loves the rigors of entrepreneurism.

Anna Lappe announces the July 11 birth of her daughter, Ida Jeanette Marshall-Lappe, the Oct. 10 wedding to John Marshall, and the completion of her third book of nonfiction, which Bloomsbury will publish this year. In attendance at the wedding, held in Nicasio, Calif., were Ellen Berrey, Peggy Leggat, Lisa Jobson '95, Kate Hallward '95, Pierre Stroud, and Chris Talbott '93 among other friends and family.

Melissa Pennacchia Nash and her husband, John, announce the Oct. 9 birth of their second child, Sadie Jane. She writes: "Mommy, daddy, and big brother Charlie (19 mos.) are thrilled!"

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Gerald S. Ohn has established a litigation practice in the Los Angeles area.

David Wadler and Julie Dam (Harvard '93) announce the April 18 birth of their first daughter, Amélie Linh Wadler. David writes: "Our one-time 5 lb. 3 oz. bundle of joy has more than doubled in weight and has started giggling, which makes the sleepless nights far more palatable. Julie is taking time off from her work as the music editor at People magazine, and I'm busy with my start-up, Twistage."

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Eva Bowerman announces the Mar. 12 birth of her son, Kai William.

Jeff Goodman and his wife, Meredith Epstein Goodman (Dartmouth '97), announce the Mar. 25 birth of their daughter, Erica Blair Goodman. Jeff has been practicing nephrology in northern N.J. for three years and recently moved from New York City to Hoboken.

Deborah Toomey Wallace and her husband, Steven, announce the Jan. 29 birth of their daughter, Claire Sabrina. Claire is the granddaughter of Janet Tella Toomey '57. Deborah, Steven, and Claire live in Southborough, Mass.

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Ilaria Alber-Glanstaetten announces the Nov. 12 birth of son Leonardo. Ilaria and her husband, Andre, are still living in London and have launched their own businesses. Ilaria is running a marketing agency called Provenance, and Andre has founded Bundle Tech, a start-up to facilitate cross-border e-commerce. They are doing something to promote consumer confidence in the recession: Fuel the Economy! See

James Damian is engaged to Kim Keir (Mansfield Univ.). The wedding is planned for Aug. 1 in Wysox, Pa.

Michael DiBianco (see Chris O'Brien '91).

Yael Kropsky (see Chris O'Brien '91).

Michael and Katie Killoran Milewski announce the Sept. 9 birth of their daughter, Audrey Grace Milewski. Michael writes that big brother John Patrick, 4, is very excited to have a little sister.

Alex Rein and his wife, Vanessa Castellar Rein, announce the Dec. 4 birth of their daughter, Charlotte Emma. Alex writes: "She's absolutely amazing and we love being parents. I am a practicing endocrinologist and on the faculty of the Univ. of Pennsylvania Medical School. After earning my MBA from Wharton, I'm working in the solar industry with SunPower Corp.

Rajiv K. Sethi and Aya Kimoto Sethi write that they are happily living in Seattle with two boys, ages 1 and 3. Rajiv is an orthopedic spine surgeon and Aya does part-time community development and education projects. They welcome correspondence from Brown grads in the area.

Kajal Sitwala, David Kim, and 4-year-old Kairi announce the birth of Rowan Shaan Kim.

Justin Sliney (see Janice Fernald Huang '63).

Gian Varbaro married Kerry Drozdowicz (UConn '00) on Nov. 15 in Orange, Conn. The wedding party included best men David Danon '99 and Ross Leitner, as well as Dan Brinlee '97. Other Brown alums in attendance included Jon Ehrhardt, Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt, Jody Fanto '97, David Jesser, and Knox McMullan. Gian and Kerry currently live in New Haven.


From the May/June 2009 Issue


Kavita Babu '00 MD and James Carroll '06 MD announce the Nov. 21 arrival of their son, Declan Anil Carroll. Kavita is back at Brown in the department of emergency medicine, while Jimmy continues his surgical residency at the Univ. of Massachusetts.

Mike Milewski and Katie Killoran Milewski announce the Sept. 9 birth of their daughter, Audrey Grace Milewski. They write that she is doing well and John Patrick, 4, is a terrific big brother.

Joshua Miller and his wife, Rachel Gold, announce the Jan. 6 birth of their son, Lev Samuel Goldmiller. Josh works as program officer at the Jim Joseph Foundation in San Francisco.

Steven Sibley and Keri Sibley announce the July 21 birth of their second child, Owen Grant. They write that their daughter, Taylor, 4, is actively trying to teach Owen to jump and crawl.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Sanjay Ranchod writes: "My wife, Kavita Trivedi (Duke '98), and I announce the Aug. 23, 2008, birth of Ishaan Trivedi Ranchod. We are happily experiencing the joys and sleep deprivation of parenthood. I am based in Atlanta, where I practice environmental law with the Paul Hastings firm. I also continue to serve on the Sierra Club's national board of directors, which now includes Nathan Wyeth '08."

Joshua Rosenstock and Sarah Phillips '97 write: "We finally decided to go legal after falling in love as undergrads at Brown 13 years ago. The decisive moment occurred while we were sculpting a goat out of grass and twigs as artists/homesteaders on Bumpkin Island in the Boston Harbor. Our wedding took place in Deerfield, Mass., last July. Since our formative experiences were living in Brown's cooperative housing, it was only natural that we organize our friends into a weekend-long party, complete with house jobs and co-op meals. We were delighted to be joined for the bonfire, talent show, and parade by so many fellow Brunonians, including Rachel Kleinman '98, Nik Putnam, Sara-Larus Tolley, Jenn Guitart '99, Tim Bishop, Ben Harvey '99, Pebble Kranz '91, '07 MD, Maggie Husak '97, Nick Yoder '97, Jess Leader '97, Leah Gordon '97, Courtney Lannert, John Neely, David Ricardo '97, Karen Thompson, Danielle Klinenberg '97, and Nicole Hanrahan.

Karina Bozzuto Weiss and her husband, Dan, and daughter, Eloise, announce the Nov. 17 birth of Daniel Edwin Weiss III.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Elice Bui-Zanzerkia, her husband, Thai, and son, Griffin, announce the May 24 birth of their daughter and sister, Sophie Asha-Xuan.

Mark Jaffe married Jordana Lewis (Harvard '02) in September in his parents' backyard. In addition to his stepsister Justine Stamen Arrillaga '92, other alums included: Natasha Flora, Dan Grace, Rachael Fox Grace '99, '03 MD, Kristin Heyer, Jessica Porten Hinkle, Keyvan Kashkooli '97, Andrea Lee '97, Matt Shoom-Kirsch, and Markus Thadaney. Mark and Jordana live in Los Angeles and look forward to hearing from old friends.

Christine Tse Kuecherer and Eric announce the July 1 birth of Owen Shing-On. Christine will return to work as marketing director at T180 Studios, which was acquired by Disney over the summer.

Brendan Miller lives in Santa Fe. He married Tamara Bates in a ceremony at her father's house in Montana in June 2007. Brendan recently started work as the green economy manager for the New Mexico Economic Development Department, and Tamara is the development director for the Santa Fe Waldorf School. Brendan works to promote and strengthen the state's clean-energy and technology economy. He still plays ultimate Frisbee, and his master's team came in third in the Southwest region this fall. He looks forward to hearing from old friends.

Ashish Patel and Keyuri (Penn '99) announce the May 10, 2007, birth of their son, Nayan A. Patel. They are moving out of New York City and trying suburban life. Ashish recently finished a cardiac electrophysiology fellowship at NYU and is now in practice in New Jersey. Keyuri is still at Ramius Capital as a director in the Fund of Funds Group.

Adam Smith and wife, Julie Gold Smith '96, announce the September 18 birth of son Bondi Nathaniel. Julie works at the National Institutes of Health, and Adam is an associate at Covington & Burling. He also has two books coming out over the next few months: International Judicial Institutions: The Architecture of International Justice at Home and Abroad, and After Genocide: Bringing the Devil to Justice. The couple looks forward to hearing from long-lost friends.

Laura and Kris Whalen '95 announce the August 6 birth of their first daughter, Catherine Cook Whalen. Cate joins her twin big brothers William and Charlie, 4.

From the November/December 2008 Issue

Gerald S. Ohn accepted a position as a principal in the San Francisco area office of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy.

Kevin Segall has joined Northwestern Mutual Financial Network as a financial representative specializing in personal and business needs analysis. He lives in Los Angeles and would love to keep in touch with classmates.

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Elizabeth Alt (see Norm Alt '63).

Rebecca Wolff Blouwolff writes: "Joshua Bloustine Blouwolff '98 and I missed yet another reunion ... but with good reason! I went into labor the Friday night of Campus Dance and gave birth to our first child, a son, Jonah Gabriel Blouwolff. He is a delight, and we look forward to introducing him to our friends from Brown."

Caroline Dahloff '99 ScM (see Norm Alt '63).

Benjamin Fitzpatrick writes: "I am happy to report that Leila Putzel and I were married on April 12 in Oxon Hill, Md. Crashing the wedding were a horde of Brown grads, including Michael Fitzpatrick '87, Miriam Gonzales '87, Matt Holzer, Wendy Derjue-Holzer, Nicole Hanrahan, Elizabeth Van Benschoten, Steven Lynagh, Sarah Jencks, Joan Wasser Gish, Steven Sibley, Ajay Gulati, Lisa Sanfilippo '97, Ray Cornacchia, and Drew Thompson. I currently am working as a white collar criminal defense attorney in the Washington, D.C., office of Baker Botts."

Anu Ramadhar and husband Bish announce the July 7, 2007, birth of their twin boys, Vijay and Akshay. They share a birthday with their father, who was born on July 7, 1971. She writes that it has been a wonderfully crazy year with the twins, and she would love to hear from old friends.

David and Jennifer Levy Rappaport "happily (and belatedly) announce the July 4, 2007, birth of Abigail Sophie Rappaport." They write that she joins Hannah, 4, who loves being a big sister, and that the family is doing well in their new (old) house in Swarthmore, Pa.

Mitchell Verter of Brookline, Mass. has been awarded a Jacob Javits Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education. He will be pursuing a PhD in philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York City. Before resuming life in academia, Mitch worked in the private sector and wrote the book Dreams of Freedom about Mexican revolutionary Ricardo Flores-Magon.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Rebecca Bloom has a story in the collection Have I Got A Guy For You: What Really Happens When Mom Fixes You Up, which was published by Adams Media this April.

Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt and Jonathan Ehrhardt (see David and Karen McIntosh Ehrhardt '84).

Jennifer Thorp Hermann writes: "My husband, Brian, was deployed for a six-month tour in Baghdad. We welcomed Michael John to our family last spring (weighing in at an amazing 12 pounds, one ounce!). He joins big brother Samuel, 4. We live in Maryland, where I own a couple of franchises. We look forward to September 26, when Brian is to return home."

Elizabeth Hunt and husband, Jesse, welcomed their son, Samuel Lyons Moore, on September 29, 2007. They are still living in Burlington, Vt.

Joshua Rosenstock, assistant professor of humanities and arts at Worcester Polytechnic Institute received its Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award April 22.

Ethan Steinberg is still living in Jackson Hole, Wyo., married and with a second son on the way.

Eileen Farnett Stone writes: "On July 13, 2007, my husband, Ken, and I welcomed our son, Dylan Bryce, into the world. We've moved, made changes to our work, and have been able to do some traveling and visiting with friends and family. It has been quite a year!

Alysia Turner Townsend and Daniel Townsend ('00 Indiana Univ.) are happy to announce the March 25, 2008, birth of their son, Isaac. He was welcomed by his parents and big sister Ella, 2. The family resides in the Chicago area.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Anthony Alexander writes: "In March 2007, Temeeka and I welcomed our second son, Aaron Joseph. He and his big brother, Andrew, are doing well. We recently moved from the New Orleans area to Houston, Tex. I still work for the BASF Corporation. My current role is product manager for ethylene oxide and glycols."

Andrea Anderson '00 MD writes: "In April 2006 I was pleased to serve as a bridesmaid at the wedding celebration of my former roommate Jeannie Yang '00 MD to Jonathan Chun (Washington Univ. in St. Louis '96, '01 MD). Other Brown alums in attendance were Lesly Romero Fernandez, Michelle Ferdinand Liu '01 MD, and Lisa Menard Manlove '00 MD. The couple was pleased to announce the birth of a baby girl in July 2007. Jeannie completed her surgery residency last year and is taking some time for the baby before pursuing a pediatric surgery fellowship. Her husband also completed his surgical training and will enter a colorectal surgical fellowship next year."

Tara Herzberg Eisenberg writes: "Josh and I are happy to announce the May 30, 2007, birth of our twins, Zachary and Emma. We live in North Carolina and love the warm weather! We work in the same hospital. Josh is a vascular surgeon and I am a radiologist.

Matt Fienman writes: "My wife, Lindsay Starr (Tufts '98), and I were happy to introduce Addison Lily to the world on February 15, 2008, and we couldn't be more ecstatic. We won't run off to the suburbs just yet, since New York City will hold many adventures for little Addison. I am currently managing the Medical Economics team for MagnaCare, a health plan management company.

Rebecca Miller Glenn writes: "Brent Glenn and I announce the November 12, 2007, birth of our 'last installment'—Owen Evans Glenn. Big sister Emma and big brother Will are very excited! As is proud grandfather Richard P. Miller '63."

Jessica Weinstein Goodman is currently working as a software implementation strategy consultant. She married her husband, Ken, in 2001 and had her first child, Sadie Elizabeth, in November 2006.

Jessica Levin was the associate producer of this year's Sundance Film Festival, Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, and Sloan Prize feature film, Sleep Dealer. She also produced the 2006 Cannes Film Festival's Youth Prize and Independent Spirit Award feature, Day Night Day Night, released last year by IFC Films, and co-produced the 2007 Sundance Audience Award and Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award film, Grace Is Gone, starring John Cusack.

Jeannette Liu writes: "After graduating from Brown, I completed my MD degree at the Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine and completed my residency in neurosurgery at the Univ. of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. I am currently serving in the U.S. Air Force as a neurosurgeon at Travis Air Force Base in Northern California. I'd love to hear from you."

Melissa Pennacchia Nash and husband, John, are expecting their first baby. Melissa writes: "We can't wait!"

Jennifer Roberts and her husband, Andre, recently left the California Bay area and relocated to Chicago. Jennifer is working at a scientific and engineering consulting firm, and Andre is practicing entertainment law and management. Jennifer would love to reconnect with old friends in the Chicago area.

Priya Kumar Shah writes: My husband, Hiral, and I are happy to announce the December 30, 2007, birth of our son, Nikhil Ganesh. He joins big sister Anika, who is 2 1/2 years old. I am a radiologist in Long Island and would love to hear from classmates and friends. Anyone live in the area?"

Jodi Wilenzik, an associate with Pepper Hamilton LLP in construction litigation, has been appointed to a position with the National Association of Women in Construction as legislative awareness chair for Region 1 of NAWIC.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Kevin B. Currid has accepted a position with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and works in the Boston regional office as an enforcement attorney. He lives in South Boston with his wife, Jen, and daughter, Grace. He would love to reconnect with classmates and friends.

Daisy Wademan Dowling writes: "On September 22 I married a fellow Brown grad, Luc Dowling '98. Luc and I did not know each other while at Brown, but met through Brown campus recruiting for our first jobs at JP Morgan. The wedding was in New York City, and there was a terrific Brown group in attendance: the groom's father, Don Dowling '58, Jon Small '64, Nicole Hanrahan, Mauricio Fernholz, Caitlin Thompson '97, Tara Sarathy, Eileen Shy, Justin Sliney, Kristen Fiedler Kittscher, Ludovic and Alisa Newman Hood, Sharon Bazbaz, Tyrone Brown '95, Seneca Mudd '93, Colm Rafferty '98, Alex Chan '98, and Christoph Meier '98. Luc is working at a hedge fund, and I am at Lehman Brothers in human resources while moonlighting with a new column in the Harvard Business Review, 'The Best Advice I Ever Got.' We love living together in New York City."

ToniAnn Ferretti and her husband, Ignatius Grande (Yale '96), are happy to announce the July 3, 2007 birth of their first child, Peter Angelo. ToniAnn is a matrimonial lawyer for Cohen Lans LLP in New York City.

Michael Klein '00 MD and his wife, Laura Stroud, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Brown, are proud to announce the June 25, 2007 birth of son Jacob Daniel Klein. Michael writes: "His big sister, Abigail, 3, couldn't be happier, although she is convinced he is her own personal doll. As for me, I have been at Brown so long they finally gave in and made me faculty. I work in nearby Pawtucket at Hillside Family Medicine.

Alex McAulay's third novel, Oblivion Road, was published this past fall by MTV/Pocket Books. Alex and his wife, Lisa, recently moved to Los Angeles, where his first novel, Bad Girls, is in development as a feature film at MTV/Paramount.

Roy W. Moore writes: "After ten years of service, three combat tours in Iraq, and 2250 KC-130 flight hours, I am leaving active service in the U.S.M.C. in 2008. I have recently and enthusiastically accepted a pilot position at Frontier Airlines of Denver, Colo. This company represents the best in American commercial aviation, and I am fortunate to have been hired there. My wife, Mackenzie, and I will continue to reside in San Diego. Please say hi should you fly aboard Frontier or pass through sunny Southern California."

Joshua Parker lives with his wife, Isabelle, and daughter, Hanna, in Redwood City, Calif. He just finished his pediatric residency and works in a multispecialty practice in Freemont.

Elizabeth Renza-Stingone has returned home from a six-month deployment in Afghanistan. She writes: "I spent the summer and fall of 2007 at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan as an Army surgeon attached to a joint U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force hospital. The experience was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime thing (although I will probably have to go back before my contract is over). I was very busy caring for Americans, Coalition troops, and local Afghanis injured in the fighting. The experience changed my life in many ways, and I have come to a new appreciation of the wonderful life that we have here in the United States. I am overjoyed to be reunited with my husband, Marc, my family, and dear friends. We live in Irmo, S.C., as I am stationed at Fort Jackson, but we look forward to returning to the New York/New Jersey area in the near future."

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Tegan Blaine, Christine Huo ’99 MD, Felix Lui ’99 MD, Bonnie Meguid, Jack Rozel ’99 MD, Laurie Schlesinger, and Jill Wolfson (see Naline Lai ’89).

Ellen Capon married Bertolt Sobolik in a small ceremony at St. Paul’s Chapel on the Columbia campus August 25, 2007. She writes: “Undeterred by the scorching NYC weather, the 40 guests walked to a nearby restaurant, Terrace in the Sky, for a private rooftop reception with cocktails, live jazz, and the requisite dinner, toasting, and revelry. Among the guests were ‘man of honor’ Grant Pavolka ’96, David ’96 and Vanessa Zimmerman-Wise ’97, Jessie Glass, Valerie Bernstein ’98, Amanda Margulies ’96, and Charlie Alterman ’97, who also sang and played piano at the ceremony. Following a fabulous honeymoon in Santorini and London, we currently enjoy married life on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.”

Ellen Korobow Deringer writes: “My husband, Josh Deringer (Penn ’96, Fordham Law ’00), and I are thrilled to announce the August 29, 2007, birth of Gabriel Ezra. Gabe joins big sister Sasha, 2. We are all doing great and adjusting to suburban living, having moved from Philadelphia proper to Bryn Mawr, Pa., a few weeks prior to Gabe’s birth. I am still a lawyer in the personal law group at Morgan Lewis, doing estate planning and family-business succession.”

Tracey Holloway writes: “I got married in August to a wonderful guy—Paul Schilling (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison ’92). We are happily living in Madison, where I’m in my fifth year as an assistant professor in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the university. Helping us celebrate our marriage were many Brown friends: Mike and Joan Morris DiMicco, Kate Magnuson, Beth Ryder, Sara Tracy, and incoming Brown faculty member Meredith Hastings.”

Sharmila Rao Thakkar and her husband, Rakesh, announce the September 18, 2007, birth of Shiv. She writes: “He joins proud big sister Anika, who turned three in November. We still live in downtown Chicago and would love to hear from classmates and friends.”

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Kavita Babu ’00 MD (see Naline Lai ’89).

Rose S. Cohen and her husband, Emiliano Raphael Berenbaum (NYU ’97), announce the August 24, 2006, birth of their daughter, Sofia Esther Berenbaum. She writes: “She is delicious, and we are enjoying our new family tremendously. I am a senior cardiology fellow at the Columbia University Medical Center and living in New York City.

Suzanne Fisher Fox has moved back to Providence and is working as the middle school librarian at the Gordon School. She is joined by husband Chris Fox, daughter Jane Fox, and friend/housemate Ken Liu ’98.

Cynthia Freeman (see Isabel Jackson Freeman ’69).

Maggie Cho Hastings and her husband, Don Hastings, announce the August 15, 2007, birth of their daughter, Anna Joy, in Chiangmai, Thailand, where they were also married. They live in Southeast Asia working to combat the growing AIDS problem.

Lisa Israeli Isaacs and her husband, Dan, announce the September 10, 2007, birth of their third daughter, Mae Shoshana. She writes: “Eve and Tali love being big sisters!”

Sanjay Naik ’00 MD writes: “My wife, Nandini, and I announce the July 12, 2007, arrival of our first child, Manu Kishan. He he has already filled us with a lifetime of joy and smiles.”

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Polly Curtis writes: “After leaving Brown, I spent four months in San Francisco, a year in Boston, six years back in San Francisco, and then moved east to Asheville, N.C., where I lived until 2003. In the spring of 2003 I traveled west with my canine companion, Chester, and spent a grueling four months in New Mexico. I ended up at my mom’s in Chattanooga, Tenn. I am no longer at my mother’s home, but still in the Chattanooga area working with a company that designs, manufactures, and markets playgrounds. I enjoy writing and dancing and being.”

Tissa Hami writes: “Filmmaker Glenn Baker ’81 recently completed the documentary, Stand-Up: Muslim American Comics Come of Age. The film features five comedians, including me. It had its world premiere at the SilverDocs Film Festival and will air on PBS in early 2008.”

Felix Lui ’99 MD writes: “My wife, Lara Colabelli (Univ. of New England-College of Osteopathic Medicine ’04 DO), and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our beautiful baby girl, Emma Rose, born July 21. Mom is exhausted but doing very well, and dad is back hard at work as a trauma surgeon/intensivist at Yale. We’d love to hear from people and welcome any advice from other new Brown parents out there.”

Amy O’Reilly Rizzi, the daughter of Knowlton J. O’Reilly ’61, married Jay Rizzi on July 7. Amy received her MBA from Columbia in 2004 and writes that she very much enjoys her career in fund-raising. She just marked her 10th anniversary at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, where she is deputy chief development officer for leadership gifts.

Eve Stotland and her husband, Ben, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Anne Schmerler.

Deb Weisshaar writes: “I just defended my dissertation, and I have now completed my PhD in clinical psychology—it has been many years in the making. Special thanks to the professors at Brown who inspired me, especially Professor Emeritus of Psychology Ferd Jones. Quick highlight for all those who were in unit 19: this past year I enjoyed spending time with our RC, Saara DeWalt ’94, while I was working at the Clemson Counseling Center. We got in touch thanks to my last note in BAM! Can’t wait to see who gets in touch from this one!”

Magdalena Zurawski writes: “This past May I found out that the manuscript for my novel, The Bruise, was the 2006 Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize winner from Fiction Collective 2 (FC2). Brown friends should look out for the novel, which will be published by FC2 in the fall of 2008, as it’s set on the Brown campus with several important scenes taking place in our beloved dining hall, the Ratty. I’ve also just moved to Durham, N.C., with my partner, the poet Kate Pringle, and our two dogs, Percy and Bear. I’ll be starting the PhD program in English at Duke this fall. Kate and I are also starting a house reading series here in Durham and would love to host Brown poets and writers who are passing through Durham.”

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Pieta Blakely writes: "I can't believe I am still in Boston eleven years after graduation. I just received an MEd. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. I look forward to a new job this fall teaching management to undergraduates at Lesley Univ. while I work on my PhD in education." Jennifer Gall writes: "My partner, Eric, and I had Arrow, our second son, in July 2006. His big brother, 4-year-old Zealin, thinks Arrow is the best toy ever. We're having a great time with both boys, as well as our new puppy. I work in nonprofits, directing programs and planning conferences, and we still live in and love Berkeley, Calif."

Christopher Gaydos (see Robert Dokson '66 and Jamie Dokson '01).

Maria Hadjitheodosiou and her husband, Brian O'Rourke, announce the March 28 birth of their son, Zenon Pascal Haris, in Brussels, Belgium. This is a joy for his grandparents in Cyprus and Ireland. Maria works for the Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the European Union.

Kevin Lo received a PhD in May from the Univ. of Hawaii's Shidler College of Business and has accepted a faculty position at the Univ. of Auckland business school in New Zealand.

Sari London and her husband, Brian, announce the February 13 births of Shaina London Wolkenberg and Micah London Wolkenberg. She writes: "With three children under 2½ years old our household is a bit hectic, but we are enjoying the experience. Big brother Avi is adjusting well and wants to do everything he can to 'help.' "

Joan Collins Taylor married Jonathan Randall Fish (Univ. of Michigan '95) on July 22, 2006. Jonathan is a television producer with ESPN. They met while Joan was attending RISD to get her masters in architecture. The wedding was in Honolulu.Â

Andrew Yang was recently appointed CEO of Manhattan GMAT, a company that offers test preparation for the Graduate Management Admissions Test.

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Jen Seale Aitken and Seth-Thomas Aitken announce the Sept. 10, 2006, birth of their son Harper Ellis. Harper joins big brother Shepherd, 3, and the family’s three big dogs in Swansea, Mass. Jen has been at Brown since 2002 managing the BASC alumni-interviewing program, but leaves in Aug. to be a college counselor at Providence Country Day School.

Elbert Kuo ’01 MD and his wife, Celeste, announce the Nov. 11, 2006, birth of their first son, Tyler Wen-Jian Kuo. Tyler’s godfather is Elbert’s freshman roommate, Federico Lago. Federico and his wife, Reem, also announce the Dec. 17, 2006, birth of their first son, Noah Javier Lago. Elbert writes: “Both Tyler and Noah are very healthy and growing well. They look forward to being roommates at Brown in 2024.” Elbert is in his final year of surgical training and plans to pursue a fellowship in cardiothoracic surgery. Federico is a pediatric dentist in the Boston area.

Jothi Ravindran and her husband, David Goldstein ’95, announce the June 2006 birth of daughter, Malina Rae. She writes: “She keeps us all on our toes, especially her older brother, Kiran. After two years in Washington, D.C., we are heading to the hills and moving to Evergreen, Colo. However we would love to be in touch with old friends.”

Joan Taylor married Jonathan Randell Fish (Michigan ’95) on July 22, 2006, in Honolulu, her hometown. Guests included Shannan Higgins, Jennifer Levy Rappaport, David Rappaport, Jill Swenson, Roger Feldman, Mike Radz ’95, and Sarah Chapin. Jon is a producer with ESPN, and Joan has worked for six years at a Boston-based architecture firm. She reports that they met while she attended architecture school at RISD.

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Jessica M. Dandona will wed Larry D. Holderfield on Mackinac Island, Michigan, on June 18, 2007. The couple will spend their honeymoon on a remote island in the Scottish Hebrides.

Ryan Forrestel writes: “My wife, Marieke, and I had an addition to the family on July 18 with Emma-Marie Virginia. She is more of a joy than we could have ever imagined. I am working as an engineer and construction manager for Cold Spring Construction after finishing my masters in civil engineering at Penn State in Dec. 2005. It is a bit of a career change but a very enjoyable one.”

Cynthia Freeman (see Isabel Jackson Freeman ’69).

Taina Hernandez has been named co-anchor of ABC’s World News Now and America This Morning. Taina, who regularly files reports for Good Morning America and the weekend editions of World News, will continue to do so.

Kevin Lo (see Jocelyn Chong ’02).

Brooke Rosen Tyroler (see Robert J. Rosen ’63).

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Deborah Aronson writes: “My family moved to Pittsburgh a year and a half ago and I’ve been working part-time as a veterinarian. Nathan was born this past July, joining big brother Sam in our crazy house. When it’s too quiet we know there’s a problem...”

Todd Guren writes: “I recently proposed to Cora Monahan (Carlton ’02) and we will be getting married in Portland, Ore., where we both reside. I started working part-time at a knitting store two winters ago, got my big break, and was promoted to knitting instructor, where I have taught the esoteric Gloves from the Fingers Down class. My day jobs have been in health care administration, and I currently am a Product Development Manager at Kaiser Permanente. ”

Sameer Parekh, ’02 MD and Karen Wachtel Parekh write: “We’re thrilled to announce the November 10 birth of Tej Jonah Parekh. He’s happy and healthy and is, thankfully, the apple of the eye of his older brother, Rajen. Karen has just completed her PhD in clinical psychology, and Sameer will start a fellowship in cardiac electrophysiology in the fall.”

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Oris T. Bryant and Dawn F. Bryant (Wesleyan) announce the July 11 birth of their daughter, Brynn Camille Bryant (eight pounds, five ounces). Mother and baby are doing great, and big brothers Tristan, 5, and Channing, 3, are already very protective of their baby sister. Oris is currently a corporate associate with Choate, Hall & Stewart in Boston.

Julie Pan De Chausse ’00 MD writes: “My husband, Jeffrey De Chausse, and I proudly welcomed our son, Cameron Jeffrey-Pan De Chausse, to the world on June 16. Both father and son happen to share the same birthday! We are all doing well living in Los Angeles. .”

Robert Duk-Hwan Kim writes: “I am back in Berlin and I am painting again.”

Julie Gold and Adam Smith welcomed Isabelle Rose Gold Smith on May 19, thus explaining our absence at the 10th reunion. We have had a whirlwind of a few months since Izzy’s birth–we both finished school, moved from Boston down to Washington, D.C., and started work. Adam finished up at Harvard Law and worked for the Office of the Legal Adviser at the State Department before starting his clerkship in September. Julie finished her MSW at Simmons (missing her graduation due to Izzy’s arrival) and began working at the National Institutes of Health in October. “We are all well, acclimating to Washington and parenthood. We’d love to hear from friends far and near."

Claudia Marcozzi and her husband, Pierre Palandjian, joyfully announce the Sept. 26 birth of their son, Jake K, Palandjian. Jake joins big sister Avery, who is now 21/2 years old. Claudia is a board-certified family medicine physician practicing with an internal medicine group in Maryland.

Norris Muth writes that Nathan K. Endres ’97 married Tamara Rimash in Stowe, Vt., on Aug. 26. Norris attended.

Melissa Pennacchia writes: “On Sept. 9, at the Chanler Hotel in Newport, I married Boston College grad John Nash. John and I met through Margaret Buonanno Lynch and her husband, Sean, who was friends with John at BC. Brown alums in attendance were bridesmaids Margaret Buonanno Lynch and Nicole Ayotte Giardino ’97, Allison Schettini Evans ’98, David Evans, Heather Gelchion ’97, Dennis Sullivan, Josh Parker, Ellen Lenihan Flaherty, and Karen Emma ’97. We had such a blast! I am now in my seventh year of teaching fourth grade in Southborough, Mass. I am also the lacrosse coach at Algonquin High School. John and I live in Franklin, Mass.”

Lyssa Mudd Rome and Dave Gilson ’94 are happy to announce the Aug. 11 birth of their first child, Benjamin John Gilson-Rome. They are still living in Berkeley, Calif.

Priya Kumar Shah writes: “Hira and I are happy to announce the September 2005 arrival of our daughter Anika. We’ve moved to the burbs (Long Island, New York) to be closer to our families. Anika loves to see her doting aunt Poonam Kumar ’03 and uncle Kaushal Shah, who love to spoil her.”

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Jonathan Berg writes: “I married Virginie Forton on Nov. 26, 2005, in New York City. I met Virginie while living in Paris. Helping to celebrate the event were my brother and best man, Alex Berg ’00, sister and bridesmaid, Juliette Berg ’03, father, Roger Berg ’66, and groomsman, Alex Rein. Several other Brown friends also attended, including Vanessa Castellar Rein, Kate McKay, Sanjay Magavi ’95, Zeyneb Pervane-Magavi ’95, Christi Andersen Smith ’97, and Adam Smith ’97. We’re living in New York City, where I just completed my MBA at NYU Stern. I would love to hear your news.”

Andrew Goodridge ’96 (see John Goodridge ’58).

Kristin Heyer has published Prophetic & Public: The Social Witness of U.S. Catholicism.

Meredith Matthews (see Sheryl Cuker Appleyard ’84).

Czerina Patel received a George Foster Peabody Award in June for her work as senior producer of Radio Rookies on New York Public Radio WNYC’s youth journalism program.

Matt Shoom-Kirsch and Natasha Flora welcomed their twin girls, Sydney and Bailey Flora-Kirsch, on June 14. Matt writes: “All are healthy, sleepy, and living in Toronto.”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Reunion '06 weekend is almost here - May 26- 28. Return to campus to renew ties with old friends. Start with Campus Dance and finish the weekend by passing once again through the Van Wickle Gates. Visit the reunion Web site for complete details: http://alumni.

Muffie Fulton Dalton and Karen Dalton announce the Dec. 24 birth of Cooper Christopher. Muffie reports that his big brother, Riley, 2, is accepting the new arrival very well and loves to hold his baby brother. The Daltons still live in San Jose, Calif., and Muffie loves her job as a manager at Genentech.

Hubert Fenton (see Sally A. Campbell-Lee '87).

Cynthia E. Freeman (see Isabel Jackson Freeman '69).

Amy Williams, daughter of J. Roger Williams Jr. '58, married William Moyer (Bucknell '93) on April 23, 2005, in Villanova, Pa. She reports that they were happy to celebrate with many Brown friends and family, including Jennifer Wu, Deborah Aronson, Peter Buchak '01, Don MacKenzie '58 and Pat Pennal MacKenzie '59, Tom Moses '58, George Vandervoort '58, and Stephen Armstrong '65. Joanna Desmond was a bridesmaid. Bill is an electrical engineer with Altera, and Amy is the owner of Antmuffin Antiques & Collectibles.

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Virginia Batson writes: “I live in Philadelphia with my husband, Peter Grant, a Providence native I met at Brown in 1993 through a dance/music collaboration spearheaded by Michelle Bach-Coulibaly. I moved to Philly to get my MFA in visual art at the Univ. of the Arts, and show my work at Nexus/Foundation for Today’s Art, an exhibition space for experimental art ( My work is online at I would love to find Tait McCarthy, Dana Chase, and Michael Martin ’95.”

Liz Van Benschoten writes: “I am working at Bank of America in the community development banking group. I am enjoying San Francisco and the great outdoors. Matt Holzer lives nearby with his wife, Wendy Derjue. I look forward to hearing from old friends.”

Ann Chahroudi writes: “Guido Silvestri and I announce the May 4 birth of Clara Eugenia Silvestri. Despite the many wonderful distractions of new motherhood, I successfully defended my PhD, as part of the MD/PhD program at Emory Univ. School of Medicine in December.”

Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt and Jonathan Ehrhardt are proud to announce the Sept. 9 birth of Oliver. He joins 2-year-old Noah and their 4-year-old white shepherd, Bruno. Jon is a radiology resident at the Univ. of Arizona, and Adrienne is an associate at a law firm in Tucson.

David Hou ’00 MD writes that he married Irene Orzano (Georgetown ’96, ’00 MD) in Manning Chapel on Nov. 6. Joe Hou ’98, ’02 MD was best man. The reception was held at the Aldrich Mansion overlooking Narragansett Bay in Warwick, R.I. Friends from Brown included Sameer Parekh ’00 MD and Karen Wachtel Parekh, Sanjay Naik ’00 MD, Eli Kramer ’00 MD, Vamsi Yarlagadda ’00 MD and Carmen Yarlagadda ’00 MD, Melanie Greenan ’00 MD, Todd Myers ’98 and Megan Jaffe Myers ’99, Eric Matten ’98 and Lori Bielinski Matten’98, Andrew Norden’98, and Jason Lakin’99. David and Irene are living in Providence, where she is a first-year rheumatology fellow and he is finishing his radiology residency at Rhode Island Hospital. Next year he will start a body imaging fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston.

Claudia Marcozzi and her husband, Pierre Palandjian, announce the May 28 birth of Avery Claudia Palandjian. Claudia completed her family medicine residency at Bryn Mawr Hospital/Main Line Health System on June 2 and is studying for her boards. The couple now lives in Chicago, where Pierre is completing a glaucoma fellowship at Northwestern Univ. Eye Associates.

Sheel Saxena writes: “2004 has been a special year. Not only were the Patriots and Red Sox crowned champions, but I married Aditi Rao (Univ. of Chicago ’96). Our wedding was in Dallas, and in attendance were Shomon Shamsuddin, Jason Gerson, Kanishka Ratnayaka, Pratheepan Gulasekaram, Eric Lu, Hanita Oh, Ravi Kalhan, Susan Tsai ’97 ScM, Sarah DiGregorio ’02, and, last but not least, Amol Mhatre ’00, who served as one of the groomsmen. I am a primary care physician at the South Boston Community Health Center, while Aditi is looking for endocrinology fellowships in the Boston area. Here’s looking forward to the Sox repeating in 2005.”

Kenneth Shieh writes: “My wife, Sue Kim (Harvard ’95), and I announce the Nov. 1 birth of Alexander Kim-Hyunchul Shieh in Providence. I am doing my fellowship training in gastroenterology at Rhode Island Hospital.”

Eve Watson writes from Dublin, Ireland, of a recent visit by Erin Katz ’94 and her partner, Siobhan Ring, to her homeland, Ireland. “We spent some time in Dublin and toured through the stunningly beautiful western counties of Clare and Galway. Erin works as a filmmaker and film teacher in Seattle. My partner, Deirdre, and I attended Erin and Siobhan’s wedding in Seattle last summer. I work as a psychotherapist in Dublin and have just begun a PhD at University College Dublin, having just completed my master’s in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Steve Aucello writes: “In June I completed my first year of pharmacy school at UC San Francisco, and I have been interning at an HIV-specialty pharmacy since January. The work has inspired me to prepare for my first marathon, a team fund-raiser for AIDS Project Los Angeles. Please feel free to contribute to the cause at— I’m L.A. runner #4625. When class is not in session, I live with my partner, Kevin Cwayna (Northwestern ’85, U. Minn., ’89 MD), and our two pit bulls in sunny Long Beach, Calif. I am always happy to hear from old friends.”

Jyothi Nagraj Marbin ’06 MD writes: “On June 27, I married Seth Marbin ’06 in Bristol, R.I. Seth is a resumed undergraduate student (RUE), and I’m finishing medical school. We met working at City Year, a national nonprofit organization. We were thrilled to celebrate with my brother Adhi Nagraj ’98 and former classmates Tehmina Jaffer, Liz Rothaus, Jaideep Talwalker, Kate Destler, Johann Neem, and Caitlin Thompson ’97, among others.”

Ann Rivet Stanley (see Catherine McElearney Gautier ’02).

Laura Whipple Whalen and Kris Whalen ’95 announce the birth of twin sons, William Dawson and Charles Michael. Will and Charlie arrived a little ahead of schedule on June 29, and after spending some time in the hospital, the boys are now home and doing well. Kris and Laura live in New York City, where Kris works at Vestar Capital and Laura stays at home with the boys.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Paul Fichiera and Joy Whalen Fichiera are pleased to announce the March 24 arrival of Lucas Stephen. Paul, Joy, Lucas, and Tyler, 21/2, live in Beacon Falls, Conn., where Paul works with GE and Joy is an independent yoga instructor.

Adam Fontecchio ’03 PhD writes that he and his wife, Tia Malkin-Fontecchio ’03 PhD, had their first child, Zoe Elizabeth, on April 16. Adam and Tia have been living outside Philadelphia for the past two years, since he joined the Drexel Univ. faculty as an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and she joined Lebanon Valley College as an assistant professor of history.

Lisa Israeli Isaacs and her husband, Daniel, are pleased to announce the April 7 birth of Eve Abigail.

Jeffrey W. Goodman, son of Alan Goodman ’65, writes: “I am thrilled to announce that I married Meredith Epstein on Dec. 28 in New York. The wedding was attended by numerous Brown friends and family, including David and Jennifer Levy Rappaport, Andrew Schulkin, Matt Fienman, Mike Kappelman, Sanjay Naik ’00 MD, Dave Olander, Peter and Sarah Kaplan Bogdanow, Lien Do, Sheel Saxena, Laura Beech ’97, Dan Levine ’91, Jane Levine Snyder ’88, Gail Caslowitz Levine ’63, and William Levine ’64. We moved from Philadelphia to New York after Meredith received her MBA from Wharton. I am in the first year of a nephrology fellowship at NYU Medical Center, and Meredith is pursuing a career in marketing and brand management. We’d love to hear from friends.” J

Cynthia Hopkins has written a pop operetta, Accidental Nostalgia, which opened in May in Seattle.

Elbert Kuo ’01 MD reports that he married the woman of his dreams, Celeste, in Palos Verdes, Calif., on May 28. Federico Lago, his freshman roommate, was best man. Christopher Gahan and Allan Ho were also in the wedding party. Julie Pan ’00 MD, David Jackman ’00 MD, Norm Yen, and Andrew Yang attended. Elbert is starting his fourth year of surgical training and Celeste is starting her pediatric residency. Both are at Washington Univ., in St. Louis. Elbert also reports that Federico Lago married Reem in Boston on June 13. Elbert Kuo ’01 MD and Christopher Gahan attended the wedding. Federico and Reem are pediatric dentists in Boston.

Sameer Parekh ’02 MD and Karen Wachtel Parekh are excited to announce the October 9, 2003, birth of Rajen Nathaniel Parekh. They write: “Rajen is happy, inquisitive, and a bundle of energy. He has brought us tremendous joy. We continue to live in Boston, where Sameer is in the final year of residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Karen is completing her PhD in clinical psychology. We look forward to moving to New York next July, when Sameer will begin a cardiology fellowship and Karen plans to begin a psychology internship.”

Jothi Ravindran writes: “David Goldstein ’95 and I introduce our wonderful son, Kiran Maxwell Goldstein. After nearly eight years in Boston we are moving to Washington, D.C., where Dave took a job with the World Bank. We are excited to be making the move, but it’s sad to say good-bye to Boston. We hope to run into classmates in the D.C. area. E-mail us and we will pepper you with photos of our son.”

Jeffrey Wetzler writes: “On July 4, I married Jennifer Goldman in Tarrytown, N.Y. In attendance at the wedding were Lauren Tewksbury, Ari Blitz ’01 MD, Mike Passero ’00 MD, Misha Serruya ’03 PhD, Ilana Braun, Vanessa Castellar, Alex Rein, and Karyn Schwartz ’98. We met in Boston through a mutual friend, and we currently live in Manhattan. Since graduating, I’ve worked as a consultant for the Monitor Group, a global professional services firm in Cambridge, Mass. I specialize in advising corporate and non-profit leaders on strategies to strengthen organizational dynamics to improve performance. Jennifer is a PhD student in social and organizational psychology at Columbia, conducting research to understand the psychological root causes of terrorism and entrenched conflict.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Amy Cordell writes: “My husband (David Long, from Liverpool) and I have been living in Japan for eight years. We opened an English school and now have 130 kids. I am also pregnant with our first child, who is due to be born in Japan in September with the help of midwives.”

Ellen Lenihan Flaherty and Michael Flaherty (Bowdoin ’96) were married on July 5, 2003, in Milton, Mass. Kathryn Hopkins, Margaret Bowen Manning, Emma Louis-Dreyfus, and Dan Stanzler were in the wedding. Many more Brown friends were in attendance, including Amy Strahler Holzapfel, Sarah Wagner, Emily Fancher, Tait McCarthy, John Kunschner, Margaret Buonanno Lynch, Missy Pennacchia, Ann Chahroudi, David Evans, Nicole Ayotte ’97, Esther Buonanno ’95, Martina Jerant ’95, Shonica Tunstall ’92, Geoff ’94 and Jen Shaw Finch ’94, Paige Cokos ’97, and Jody Buckley Keating ’94. Mike and Ellen met in San Francisco, where they lived for five years before moving back East shortly after the wedding. The two now live in New York City. Ellen is a content producer for New York’s PBS affiliate, Thirteen/WNET. Mike is a reporter for Reuters.

Stephanie Gampper writes: “I am graduating from the Wharton School with an MBA in health-care management and will begin work at a pharmaceutical and biotechnology consulting firm at the end of the summer. Despite the huge debt I’ve accumulated, business school has been an amazing experience, and I have had the pleasure of getting to know several other ‘Brownies.’ I rowed on the Schuylkill River with Erin Kendrick ’98, worked on marketing problem sets with Erica Seidel ’97, and ran the student admissions committee with Raghav Sharma ’97. After graduation I will be traveling in Southeast Asia with several of my Wharton classmates, including Laura Beech ’97.”

Katie Hisert writes: “After almost seven years of graduate school, I am finally procuring my first graduate degree. I defended my PhD dissertation in March, and then returned to medical school in April.”

Erika Hymowitz writes: “Michael Vujnovich (Hobart College ’97) and I were engaged Feb. 26 in New York City. Michael proposed to me during the second act of The Boy from Oz on Broadway. Hugh Jackman, who stars in the show, stopped singing in the middle of a song and called us down front to do a ‘little dance’ with him in front of 1,400 people. Once we were on center stage, Michael got down on one knee and proposed into the microphone. We plan to be married in June 2005. I am a writer and producer at CNN Financial News and Michael is an associate vice president at Wachovia Securities.”

Elbert Kuo ’01 MD writes: “I have met the woman of my dreams in St. Louis, where I am in my third year of general surgery residency at Washington Univ. Her name is Celeste, and we were married in Los Angeles on May 28, 2003. Federico Lago was by my side, as he has been since college, as best man. Christopher Gahan and Allan Ho were my groomsmen. Celeste just matched into pediatrics at St. Louis Children’s so we will be in St. Louis for a while. We just bought a new house, so if you are in the area please come visit.”

Jennifer Mbuthia ’00 MD writes: “After three sun-filled years in Hawaii training to be a pediatrician, I have started my twelve-month tour in sun-and-sand-filled Iraq as a general physician for 1st ID. My permanent home is in Landstuhl, Germany, but I only spent a few months working there before my number came up for deployment. I am still getting settled in my new home away from home, but so far things have been going pretty well. Who knew being a pediatrician could be so much fun?”

Sanjay Ranchod was elected to the Sierra Club’s national board of directors in April. He writes that the election “was highly publicized because anti-immigration forces attempted (unsuccessfully) to take over the board. I was supported by five past Sierra Club presidents, including Adam Werbach ’95, and received more than 120,000 votes. I will be the first South Asian American and second Asian-American member of the board in the organization’s 112-year history.”

Gregor Rohda and his wife, Shannon (Penn ’95), announce the Feb. 26 birth of their first child, Cormac Francis. He writes: “We are recovering and adjusting well in Somerville, Mass.”

Gabrielle Opatt Sedor and her husband, Michael (Georgetown ’96), began an excursion to every national park, historic site, battlefield, battlefield park, and monument in the continental U.S. on March 21. Their journey will take them through 320 nationally recognized parks, sites, and monuments, as well as forty-eight state capitols and the top fifty U.S. metropolitan areas. They invite their friends to follow the two-year journey at Gabrielle writes: “Let us know if you’d like a visit and we’ll tell you when we anticipate being in your neck of the woods.”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Muffie Fulton Dalton and her partner, Karen, announce the birth of their first child, Riley Anthony. Muffie writes: “Laura Storto visited at Thanksgiving and we all had a great time, including Riley.”

Ralina Landwehr and James Joseph write: “On June 17, 2003, we welcomed Thomas James Joseph, a future member of the class of 2026.”

Joshua Patt writes: “On Sept. 20, I married Rhonda Pennington (UNC ’96, WVU ’00 MD). In attendance at the lakeside wedding outside Charlotte, N.C., were groomsmen Brian Lloyd and Rob Swain, as well as Richard Patt ’67. We will continue to live in Charlotte, where I am finishing my fourth year of residency in orthopedic surgery. Rhonda practices pediatrics in Fort Mill, S.C.”

Sanjay Ranchod writes: “I finished a clerkship with a federal district judge and now live and work in San Francisco, where I represent consumers and investors in class-action litigation. Also, after many years of environmental activism that started at Brown, I’m a candidate for the Sierra Club’s national board of directors. I’m proud to be endorsed by past Sierra Club president Adam Werbach ’95.”

Aaron Schatz writes: “My wife, Kathryn (Georgetown ’96), gave birth to our daughter Mirinae Fay, on Oct. 26. Her name means ‘galaxy’ in Korean. I’ve spent the time since Mirinae’s arrival balancing new parenthood with my regular job writing the Internet search trend column, the Lycos 50 (, and my new side project, the NFL analysis and commentary Web site, Football Outsiders ( The site launched in July and now gets 2,000 readers a day. We gained notoriety earlier this year when we became the temporary home of Gregg Easterbrook’s ‘Tuesday Morning Quarterback’ column after he was fired by A number of other Brown graduates are working with me on the Web site, including Benjy Rose, who did all the design; Ian Dembsky ’99 and Al Bogdan ’00, who write the weekly column ‘Scramble for the Ball’; and Jason Beattie ’97, who does a weekly cartoon.”

Rajanya Shah married Johan Petersson on Aug. 2 in Albany, N.Y. Attendees included maid of honor Melissa Shah ’99; bridesmaids Kajal Sitwala, Helen Betancourt ’98, Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt, and Catherine Shin; groomsman Jonathan Ehrhardt; Christine Tse Kuecherer; Trevor Patzer; Jae Shin ’94; Daniella Fenwick-Smith ’93; and former men’s rowing coach Scott Roop. Raj and Johan are living in Albany. Raj is a second-year medical student at Albany Medical College, and Johan is a physical therapist. The couple met when they walked down the aisle together for the first time as attendants at Jon and Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt’s 1999 wedding.

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Elice Bui-Zanzerkia writes: “Thai Bui (Stanford ’96) and I were married this past June in Woodside, Calif. We met at his company, Homestead Technologies. I am currently teaching math and science in Palo Alto. The wedding party included Dana Fialco, Jill Rothblatt, Swathi Mothkur, and Julie Cerrato. Also in attendance were Brian Sowell ’95, Gary Jesdanun ’95, and Kevin Schaaf ’95.”

Tony Felzen reports that Matt Birnbaum and his brother just opened a new restaurant called Pinch on Park Avenue South in New York City. Its specialty is a thin-crust pizza that can be ordered in one-inch increments. Josh Rappoport ’97, Amy Gray ’97, Charlotte Herscher, Lauren Redniss, Jordan Dressler, Kathryn Alexander, Ken Schwartz, Nick Harder, and Tony enjoyed a special tasting prepared by chef Matt.

Reid Losee was the Rhode Island chair of the ballot and delegate committee for General Wesley Clark’s presidential campaign. She filed Clark’s statement of intent with the state on Nov. 21 and expected to be responsible for getting him on the ballot for the Rhode Island primary March 2. She also planned to help assemble delegates for the Democratic National Convention in July.

Jumana Musa has been hired as an advocacy director for Amnesty International USA, focusing on domestic human-rights concerns and international justice issues, especially those related to U.S. policies and practices post-9/11.

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Rebecca Bloom writes: “I am living in Los Angeles and anxiously awaiting the December release of my second novel, Tangled up in Daydreams. I can’t wait to catch up with my East Coast posse: Lauren Goldberg, Julie Kirschbaum, Lori Murphy, and soon-to-be-mommy Jothi Ravindran!”

Oris T. Bryant writes: “My wife, Dawn Bryant, and I bought our first home in Sharon, Mass., in July, and then celebrated the Aug. 22 birth of our second son, Channing Parker. Tristan Colby, 2, has been a great older brother. I am in my second year at Rutgers Law and plan on working in a Boston law firm this upcoming summer.”

Simon Chang writes: “After graduating from Brown, I have been doing a lot of systems and network administration. On May 17, I married Lori Jean Brannen (University of Nebraska at Lincoln ’97) in Newton, Mass. Winky Chin and Jeremy Pierce were groomsmen. Winky and his wife, Cheri Dodge Chin ’97, are looking forward to adopting a Korean boy. Jeremy is finishing his Ph.D. in philosophy at Syracuse Univ. while finding enough time to dote on his two kids.”

Maura Farley Collins married Matthew Lucke on Oct. 4. Maura is a former New York City assistant district attorney, and Matthew is an aluminum trader at Glencore International. Maura and Matthew recently moved to Hong Kong.

Taina Hernandez married James McShane on Oct. 4, 2003. James is a field producer for CNN in Los Angeles, and Taina is a national correspondent for ABC News.

Alisa Newman married Ludovic Hood on June 29 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The ceremony was officiated by music professor David Josephson. Attendees included Gene Newman ’67, Scott Newman ’00, Albert Hanser, Alec Holcombe, Allison Engel, Danielle Taylor Holmes ’97, Julian Baring ’97, Elisa Bosque-Oliva ’99, Jane Feinberg, Alison Link, Kim Havell, Daniela Roop ’93, Daisy Wademan, Jennifer King Fridland, Tilsim Tanberk, Tonya Nelson, Holly O’Donnell, and James Forman ’88. Ludovic and Alisa currently live in East Timor. Alisa is a legal adviser to the prime minister and serves as head of the government office responsible for petroleum-related negotiations with multinational petroleum companies and the Australian and Indonesian governments. Ludovic is a program officer with the United Nations Development Programme, where he manages a series of projects designed to foster good governance and the rule of law.

Caren Exelbert Sadikman and her husband, Jesse Sadikman ’95, announce the Sept. 5 birth of Drew, who joins big sister Sophia, 2. Caren and Jesse are living in the Washington, D.C., area, where Jesse practices family medicine and Caren is enjoying early retirement.

Gilberto Sustache is finishing his family practice residency this year, and his wife, Hanya Sheshtawy Sustache ’97, ’01 M.A.T., continues with her teaching career.

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Carl Sussman writes: “On Aug. 6, nearly eight years after they first met as freshman unit-mates, my sister, Rachel Sussman ’99, and Liam Paninski ’99 were married in New York City. The private ceremony was attended only by immediate family. Beginning in November, the happy couple may be found in London. As for me, I remain in New York, where I practice law at the firm of Lankler Siffert & Wohl.”

From the May / June 2003 Issue

Colin Brady, Nicholas Snow Fiori, Greg Freeman, Ben Givan, Jana Lipman, Laura Mandaro, Brendan Miller, Lida Nabati, Dan Spirn, Jason Tanz, and Scott Williams (see Geri and Don Williams ’70).

Tori Currier Coombs has been promoted to vice president/director of technology operations in the PhoneBank at Citizens Bank. Previously, she was with Alltel Information Systems in Riverside, R.I.

Michael Oates Palmer writes: “On Dec. 1, 1995, John Rufus Gifford met Russell Bennett in Providence. Nearly seven years later, on Aug. 3, the two exchanged marriage vows at the Rufus family house on Nantucket. In attendance were Rufus’s grandfather, Clarence H. Gifford Jr. ’36, and Rufus’s cousins Elizabeth Starling Gifford ’90, Chad Gifford ’89, and Serena Wilki Gifford ’86. Also in attendance were Lockhart Steele, Stuart Saunders, Kirsten Becker, Grant Pavolka, Dave Wise and Vanessa Zimmerman Wise ’97, Charlie Alterman ’97, Christine Tse, Angela Cheng ’94, Ellen Capon ’95, Eliza Jones, Alison Lobron, Amanda Margulies, Nikki Stanton, Jonah Brown ’94, and yours truly. The two grooms live in Santa Monica, Calif., where Russell buys and rehabilitates homes and Rufus works as a creative executive for a production company at 20th Century Fox. As for me, I’m back living in Los Angeles, where I’m finishing my first season as a staff writer on The West Wing.”

Rajiv Sethi writes that he graduated from Harvard Medical School in 2001. He finished an internship in general surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in June 2002 and is now a resident in the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Surgery residency.

David Stevenson married Liz Cottrell ’97 on Feb. 8 in Vermont’s Mad River Valley. Jeremy DeWitt and Susan Schofer ’97 were members of the wedding party. Also in attendance were Leah Lubin ’91, Jeff Albenberg ’94, Chad Cianfrani ’95, Katherine Falk ’95, Simon Alejandrino, Neil Fromer, Ben Boer, Rachel Bishop, Susan Jankovsky, Peter Fagenholz ’97, Mara Schwartz ’97, Andrew Schwartz ’98, Fortunat Mueller ’99, Shana Cook ’99, Rebecca Center ’00, and Kevin Wheeler ’01. Dave and Liz live in New York City. Dave works at Wireless Generation, an educational software company. Liz is working on her Ph.D. in geochemistry at Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Nicholas Fiori (see Geri Lemoi Williams ’70).

Scott Williams (see Geri Lemoi Williams ’70).

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Michelle Ferdinand '01 M.D. writes that she married Moses S.C. Liu, her high school sweetheart, on June 1, 2001, in New York City. The newlyweds live in Okinawa, Japan, where Michelle is a United States Marine Corps doctor.

Dan Grace (see Dan Levine '91).

Cameron Janes (see Dan Levine '91).

Jennifer Price and Jefferson Shallenberger announce the June 20 birth of Ruby Sugar Price. J

Miriam Rahav is a first-year student in the international health and medicine program at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Previously, Miriam spent three years living in Thailand working on community-based health-care projects for people with HIV/AIDS and taught English in Japan for two years.

Caren Exelbert Sadikman writes that she and Jesse Dickman Sadikman '95 are residents in physical medicine and rehabilitation and family medicine, respectively, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. They celebrated the first birthday of daughter Sophia Rose on Sept. 8.

Adam Smith writes: "Almost eight years after our fateful meeting on the College Green, Julie Gold and I were married on Aug. 18 in Washington, D.C. Alumni in attendance included David Wadler, David Wegman, Casey Duå, Lauren Tewksbury, Nguyen Louie '97, Rebecca Horne, Liz Rothaus, Anna Schissel, Jana Lipman, Seth Bonime, and Leslie Eber '59. After a honeymoon in the South Pacific, we returned to New York, where I am working on African political economy and development for the U.N. and Julie is acting and writing."

Pete Szekerak writes that he works in the managed-futures industry at Granite Capital/ Daniel B. Stark & Co. in San Diego.

Danielle Melito Wu recently received her International M.B.A. in finance, accounting, and strategy from the Univ. of Chicago after working as a consultant in the United States and China. Danielle writes that she is currently seeking corporate employment and could use some alumni networking support.

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt and Jon Ehrhardt announce the Feb. 5 birth of their son, Noah. They live in Chicago with their 2-year-old white shepherd, Bruno. Adrienne is an associate at Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, and Jon is beginning his transitional year at MacNeal Hospital after graduating from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine in June. They will be moving to Tucson, Ariz., in June 2003, where Jon will begin his radiology residency at the University of Arizona.

Matthew Holzer and Wendy Derjue-Holzer write: "After procrastinating for almost a year, we think it's finally time to announce that we got married in August 2001 at Wendy's parents' house in Westmoreland, N.H. It's not quite a marriage of unit mates - we were one floor apart in Emery-Woolley - but it has been a typical, long-winded Brown romance. Alumni in attendance included the best man, Ben Holzer '00; Ben Fitzpatrick, Sarah Jencks, and Meghan Flanigan, who were all in the wedding party; Jacob Appel '96 A.M.; Seth Bonime; Ray Cornacchia; Dave Craft; Rob DiMarco '95 and his wife, Maria Davila Del Valle '93; Jody Fanto '97; Pete Galea; Steve Hanna; Nicole Hanrahan; Mike Kalt and his wife, Emma Weiskopf; Angie Littwin; Stephen Lynagh; Bart Presnell; Lisa Sanfilippo '97; Thalia Brine; Steven Sibley; Drew Thompson; and Joan Wasser. After leaving New York to spend the past year in graduate school in Boston, we are now both off to San Francisco." Matt has taken a job as a high school teacher, and Wendy is working as a museum educator.

Alexandra Lehovich earned a medical degree at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in May. She plans to begin a pediatrics residency at St. Christopher's Hospital in Philadelphia.

Karen Wachtel writes that she married Sameer Parekh '02 M.D.on May 19. The following Brown students, alumni, and faculty were at the wedding: Jacob Appel '96 A.M.; David Bae '98, '02 M.D.; Jillian Bandler '00; professor Edward Beiser '95 A.M.; professor Jim Blight; Sarah Brennan; Carolyn Brenner; Tony Charuvastra '02 M.D.; Matthew Fienman; Jay Harlow; David Hou '00 M.D.; Joseph Hou '98, '02 M.D.; Andy Hsu '95, '01 M.D.; Eli Kramer '00 M.D.; Mara Lang '98, '02 M.D.; Brian Lucena '98 Sc.M.; Uta Melzer; Govind Menon '01 Ph.D.; Sanjay Naik '00 M.D.; Neel Parekh '00; Seth Rosen '00 M.D.; Patricio Rossi '95; Greg Roth '97, '02 M.D.; Sarah Ruhl '97; Sheel Saxena; Kaushal Shah; Joanna Sheinfeld; Rashmi Shetty '98, '02 M.D.; Kavita Singh '98, '02 M.D.; Anand Soni; Brinda Thimmappa '98, '02 M.D.; and Lee Woocher '95."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Jennifer Barrett writes: "I married Mbarek Sryfi (University of Fes '90) on Nov. 24 in Manning Chapel. The Rev. Bruce Pehrson '65 officiated. Alumni in attendance included maid of honor Jennifer Kenyon, Tara Sanchez, Jody Lappin, Joshua Lehrer, Benjamin Rose, Aaron Schatz, Avery Rosen '02, Jonathan Smith '95, '99 M.D., Melanie Etchison '97, Marc Helmick '97, Andrew Long '97, James Veverka '97, Lisa Palin '99, and Gregory Pehrson '00. Mbarek and I met in Morocco, where I was a Peace Corps volunteer. We now live near Princeton, N.J., where he teaches French for Berlitz and I serve as research project coordinator for the New Jersey Hospital Association."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Jason Spingarn-Koff writes: "I'm happy to report that my documentary Robofly won a Student Emmy from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The film, about insect flight and the quest to build the world's first robotic fly, was my master's thesis at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and was nationally broadcast on PBS in January. I'm now an independent producer in New York."

Albert Hanser (see S. Albert D. Hanser '59).

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Sarah Goodman and Max Minzner (see Joyce Leffler Eldridge ’64).

Jennifer King writes: “On a mild Massachusetts evening in late April, I married Gene Fridland (R.P.I. ’95). Guests included my sister, Susan ’92, my cousin, Ben ’64, Kate Walat, Susan Song, Sary Awad, Adrian Bigname ’97, Tina Pinto, Masina Malepeai, Louise Chen ’98, Dan Moynihan ’97, Jason Tanz, Daniel Spirn, and Daniel Tracy ’00. Ask them about the Rotary Club party they crashed at the hotel late that night, because I’m still trying to piece it together. I am now adjusting to my new daily commute from Connecticut to New York, where I work in brand marketing for Lancôme, Paris. ”

Brett Lassen (see Philippe Gagnon ’90).

Laura Mullen ’96 (see June Purcell Beddoe ’40).

Kevin Segall, of Brentwood, Calif., writes: “I’ve had a number of life changes in the past year. Although I’m still running the Essential Media Counterculture Catalog, I’ve taken on the position of promotion manager at the Center for Media Literacy.” Kevin and his wife, Jasmine, expected a baby boy around Halloween.

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Social chair Kajal Sitwala reports: "Our 5th reunion is less than a year away. See you in May!

"On April 16 I married David Kim (Washington University ’96) in Ann Arbor, Mich., where I’m in the M.D.-Ph.D. program at the University of Michigan. The wedding party included Ravi Sitwala ’01, Rajanya Shah, Christine Tse, Adrienne Shin Ehrhardt, and Catherine Shin. Melissa Shah ’99 and Jon Ehrhardt also attended. Raj will be coxing the U.S. women’s eight in Sydney."

Thomas Adam Abrams, of West Deal, N.J., received his M.D. on June 9 from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. He was a member of the school’s Hobart Amory Hare Medical Honor Society. He planned to start a residency in internal medicine at the University of Michigan.

Kari Dahlen writes: "On May 7, I married Craig Cheslog (Bowdoin ’93), a fellow member of Alpha Delta Phi. Guests included maid-of-honor Delia Rusmin ’99, bridesmaid Katherine Blank ’00, James Todd ’98, Gun Unsal ’97, and Timothy N. Smith ’93. I live and work in New York City, where I study neuroscience at Cornell’s Weill Medical College. I do functional MRI (to learn more about it, go to Craig is managing director of Third Millennium ( and producer of"

Kerri McGowan Lowrey, of Germantown, Md., writes: "I was sworn in to the Maryland Bar on June 21, after graduating from the University of Maryland law school last year with a certification in health law and policy. I recently finished a fellowship at the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute. In July, I began the cancer prevention fellowship at the cancer institute. I was excited because fellowships are normally given to health practitioners; I guess I convinced them they needed a lawyer! As part of the fellowship, I will study for my master of public health at Johns Hopkins University and will then work for the cancer institute another two years as a public-health lawyer and researcher. Most important, on Nov. 20, 1999, I married a wonderful, intelligent, loving (and did I mention handsome?) man named Doug Lowrey. We met in law school, and I feel truly blessed to call him my husband. Doug is an associate with Jarrard & Richard in Bethesda, Md. Sandhya Rao ’96, ’00 M.D. was my maid-of-honor, and her then-fiancé, Graham Gardner ’95, ’99 M.D. attended as well. I was honored and thrilled to be matron-of-honor when Sandhya and Graham got married May 20 in St. Michael’s, Md. It was not long ago that Sandhya and I were randomly paired as freshman roommates in Littlefield Hall. I thank Brown for giving me the opportunity to meet such a wonderful friend."

Elizabeth Renza writes: "I graduated from New York Medical College in May. I will do my residency in general surgery at Rhode Island Hospital, so I will return, M.D. in hand, to Brown for the next five years. I am very excited to move back to Providence and visit many of the old haunts. I look forward to getting involved again with students and alumni."

Rhoda Wynn received her M.D. on May 23 from Baylor College in Houston. She planned to do her residency in otolaryngology at the State University of New York at Brooklyn.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Amy Cordell writes: "I am still in Japan teaching English at an all-girls Catholic high school in Tokyo. In August I will marry David Long in England. I met David, who is from Liverpool, shortly after coming to Japan four years ago. Much to my surprise, he popped the question last August in Paris. If anyone is in Japan or planning to visit, Dave and I throw a disco party called Kung Fu Disco every month where you can meet loads of people and dance into the wee hours."

Katie Graham graduated from Harvard this spring with a master’s in design studies in landscape ecology.

Matthew Horwitz writes: "The fall after graduation I moved to Jerusalem, where I remain to this day. In August 1998 I married Ahuva Feigin, and on June 25, 1999, our son, Yehoshua, was born. I have been immersed in religious Jewish studies at various yeshivas."

Priya Kumar married Hiral Shah (Vassar ’94) on July 23, 1999, in New York City. Priya writes: "We were thrilled to have so many alums celebrating with us, including the groom’s brother, Kaushal Shah, as well as Shuba Kamath, Rebecca Wolff, Tonya Nelson, Ashish Patel, Lenny Feldman ’95, Laura Bures ’95, Pooja Sarin ’95, Joyce Lee ’95, and Amanda Derryck ’95. We were all on hand to welcome my sister, Poonam ’03, into the Brown family. The wonderful ceremony began when the groom rode in on a white horse amid a parade of singing and dancing people – all through streets of New York City! I recently graduated from medical school at the University of Pennsylvania and will start a medical internship at Winthrop Hospital in Long Island. I’ll start a radiology residency in July 2001 at Cornell/New York Presbyterian Hospital. Hiral is a corporate attorney in Manhattan."

Michael Oates Palmer writes: "Somehow, some way, Dec. 4 found New York City experiencing sixty-degree weather with bright blue skies. Fluke luck? Maybe. Maybe it also had something to do with that being the day that Dorian Johnson married Isimemen Ehikamenor at Mount Olivet Gospel Church in Corona, Queens. Few eyes in the house remained dry when Dorian sang beautifully from the front of the chapel as the bridal party entered. I flew out from Los Angeles, where I completed my M.F.A. at the American Film Institute last June. Recent adventures in old media have included cowriting the Washington, D.C., New Year’s Eve show that aired on CBS and interviewing teen pop stars for US Magazine. I look forward to joining Lock Steele, Mike Cafarella, and a host of other media barons this Columbus Day at the Santa Fe Summit."

Deborah Phillips writes: "I am engaged to Andy Aronson (Cornell ’95). Our wedding is planned for May 2001, the weekend before I graduate from Penn’s veterinary school and Andy graduates from the MCP/Hahnemann School of Medicine. This overachieving and overeducated couple is still figuring out where to go after that, but right now we share an apartment in Philadelphia’s center city, overlooking the art museum. I’d love to hear from long-lost friends (like Dan Cohen – did you fall in?)."

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Kevin B. Currid writes that he graduated from Northeastern University law school in May 1999 and was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in December. He lives and works in Boston, and looks forward to hearing from friends.

David Darby, of New York City, writes: "I was promoted to associate within Goldman Sachs’s private-client wealth-management group. My wife, Jennifer Matulewicz Darby (Duke ’91), has started in the M.B.A. program at New York University’s Stern School. I’d love to hear from anyone I’ve lost contact with."

Chris Gaydos writes that he is engaged to marry Laurie Dokson ’98 in July. Chris and Laurie live in Durham, N.C., where Chris teaches high-school biology and Laurie is a graduate student in health policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Alex McAulay writes: "My latest album of skewed pop music was released by No. 6/Caroline Records under the nom-du-rock Charles Douglas. Moe Tucker of the Velvet Underground produced it and played drums. The name of the album is The Lives of Charles Douglas. Despite my musical mayhem, I still haven’t quit my day job, which is working on my Ph.D. and serving as a teaching assistant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."

Roy Woodson Moore, a first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, writes: "On Jan. 14, I was designated a naval aviator and received my Wings of Gold. I completed the maritime advanced flight training in squadron 31 at the Naval air station in Corpus Christi, Texas. My fleet marine force aircraft is the Lockheed KC-130 Hercules tanker/transport. My next assignment is with VMGRT-253 at the Marine Corps air station in Cherry Point, N.C. I hope to hear from my Brown lacrosse friends."

Josh Parker writes: "A group of classmates, teammates, housemates, and friends celebrated the new year together in Breckenridge, Colo. I flew to Denver from the Dunn School in Santa Barbara, Calif., where I enjoyed a wonderful year and a half of teaching and coaching while taking in the luxuries that Santa Barbara and the Central Coast have to offer. I met up with Cub Buenning, who teaches middle-school math in Denver. Cub and I lived and taught together for three years after graduation, first in Connecticut (with Alexi Pierson’s sister), and then in Santa Barbara. We and the rest of the Buenning family took in a holiday performance of The Nutcracker. After picking up Michael Barrish, Derek Aframe, and Eric Block ’97 at the airport, the five of us trekked to the home of Aaron Fernandes ’98 in Breckenridge. The next day, we met Josh Patt for a day of skiing and a night of drinking. Later, Nicola Kettle ’97 arrived. Special mention must be paid to the two troupers: Seth van der Swaagh and Gary Hughes. Seth, who is moving to San Francisco, drove from Killingworth, Conn., and picked up Gary, who had flown to Denver from Newry, Northern Ireland. A surprise late entry was made by Michael’s lady – a welcome addition to the team. Highlights of the trip included a day of skiing and snowboarding; more than enough poker games; Eric’s world-record performance for the most tea consumed in seventy-two hours; and a New Year’s Eve concert in Denver (Leftover Salmon). As the clock rolled around to midnight, there we were onstage with the band. The extravaganza was capped off when we performed a standing-room-only New Year’s Day a cappella show at Colorado’s Red Rocks Amphitheater."

Sharmila Rao ’95 writes: "We’re interested in putting together an informal South Asian alumni network. Plans are in the making for a kickoff dinner this June or July in New York City."

Tony Quarnaccio writes: "I live in my hometown of Rockledge, Fla. I am helping my father run the family automotive-recycling business, learning everything from EPA and OSHA compliance to running the day-to-day operations. My list of duties has grown too long to list. I also joined a new semipro football team. I forgot how much fun – and how painful – playing football can be. I hope to get back into shape and play at the professional level in the Arena League or in Europe. I venture down to Miami from time to time to visit J.P. Conil ’97. Late last year Christina Bassis ’96, Daphne Halaris ’94, and I went to Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Fla., but I haven’t seen many other alumni. I bought a house more than a year ago and have been in the process of renovating it. Friends who would like to visit central Florida and need a place to stay are welcome to crash there."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Ellen Berrey writes that she, Amanda Margulies, and Poppy Burke went on a Latin American adventure of a lifetime. “On the beaches of Costa Rica, Amanda rode wild horses to a sweaty lather while I surfed the treacherous waves. After swimming in a volcano-surrounded lake with Laura Wides in Guatemala, I joined Poppy and we jetted off to a forbidden island in the Caribbean, where we rubbed elbows with old-time jazz aficionados, drank mojitos, and smoked cigars. I am in a sociology Ph.D. program at Northwestern, where I socialize only with graduate students. Amanda has joined the sophisticated world of New York City publishing and socializes only with crazy writers. When she’s not busy reporting for the Mexico City bureau of the Washington Post, Poppy is crooning in a jazz band. Laura is a stringer for the Associated Press, and, after three and a half years of reporting on massacre sites, rain-forest destruction, and Guatemala’s first post-war presidential elections, she planned to head back to the United States early this year.”

Peter Bogdanow married Sarah Kaplan on Aug. 7 in Mahwah, N.J. Guests included Peter’s parents, Ann Oppenheimer Bogdanow ’70 and Alan Bogdanow ’68; Peter’s grandfather, Arthur Oppenheimer ’39; Peter’s uncle, John Oppenheimer ’73; and friends Dave Olander, Steve Frias ’94, Jeff Goodman, Sarah Hirshman ’97, Dorian Johnson, Valerie Miles ’96, Josh Miller ’96, Liz Renza, Andrew Schulkin, Rod Chen, and Nonya Fiakpui. Peter and Sarah live in Philadelphia, where Peter is completing law school and Sarah is completing her doctorate in sociology.

Roderick Chen writes: “I’m finishing my third year of law school at Duke. After graduation I will clerk for a judge in Philadelphia for a year, then will start at Ropes & Gray in Boston. I am still in touch with a bunch of Brown folks and would welcome any random hellos.”

Caren Exelbert (see Bob Dickman ’64).

Yasmin Dalisay writes that she and Aaron Hockett ’98 were married last August in Park City, Utah. The wedding party included Gabrielle Alix Vidal ’97, Drew Higginbotham ’97, and Fidel Amaro ’98. Guests included Helen DaSilva ’95, Francis Payumo ’95, Min Htoo ’97, and Emily Noah. Aaron and Yasmin are continuing their creative pursuits while working on graduate-school applications.

Michelle Graham writes that she returned to Florida last summer after two years of living and working in Munich. Since September she has been working for Hill and Knowlton, a public-relations firm in Tampa, Fla.

Darryl Heslop graduated from Columbia University Law in May and passed the bar exam in July. He now works for the law firm of Thacher, Proffitt & Wood in New York City.

Jennifer Levy and David Rappaport were engaged last April and will be married in June in Florida. They write: “Many thanks to those who have wished us well.” Jennifer is a lawyer at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius in Philadelphia, and David is in his third year at Jefferson Medical College.

Jenni Link writes that she married Mason Colby (Rice ’96) on Nov. 13 in New Orleans. The ceremony at Holy Name of Jesus Church was followed by a zydeco-music and bowling spectacular at Mid-City Lanes Rock N’ Bowl. Rachel Panciera ’97 and Tanaz Eshaghian ’97 were among the bridesmaids. Other guests were Jacob Appel, Tony Charuvastra, John Ghazvinian, Stephen Miller ’97, and Alka Mittal ’98.

David Andrew Stoler, of Cambridge, Mass., writes that he has resigned his position as contributing editor of the Phoenix to pursue his dream of playing English Premiere League Soccer for the Newcastle United Football Club.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Francisco Casal, of West Orange, N.J., writes: "I began my M.B.A. at Columbia after working for three years in Mexico City."

Maggie Cho writes: "Having returned from an amazing year of traveling and studying in Asia, I have started graduate school at Columbia International University in Columbia, S.C." S

Laura Cluff and Ben Hawes were married in August in a Buddhist ceremony on Cape Cod. Guests included Steve Aucello, Aviva Briefel '94, Jody Blackwell, Hannah Burr '95, Nomi Eve '93 M.F.A., Michael Martin '95, and Ian Maisel '98. Laura and Ben live in Watertown, Mass., while Ben attends acupuncture school and Laura serves as the Buddhist chaplain at Wellesley College. They are always happy to connect with alums.

Charles B. Grandy, of New York City, writes: "Ever since announcing my wedding, I've been deluged with e-mails and letters from so many of you. Thanks so much; they've really helped lift my spirits out of this traction bed. Anyway, Christian Anthony and I are still waiting to hear about the class action suit. Keep your fingers crossed and think of Al Gore in 2000."

Rebecca Hart writes: "Last summer I moved to Los Angeles with the rest of the Rebecca Hart Project, a band in which I am the singer and songwriter. Danny Brooks '98 is still managing the band. Joel Rose '98 is no longer with the band, but we are still going strong. We've been playing a lot, working our day jobs, and thinking fondly of our shows at the Underground. We hope to play some East Coast shows next spring."

Sarah Kaplan and Peter Bogdanow were married on Aug. 7 in New Jersey. Guests included twenty Brown grads from three generations. Sarah writes: "We live in a beautiful old convent in Philadelphia, where we are both in our second year of graduate school at Penn. Peter is in law school, and I am in a Ph.D. program in sociology."

Amy Trueba Knudson, of Tempe, Ariz., married Arne Knudson '94 in the summer of 1998. She writes: "A few years of working in the real world have convinced me to venture back into the realm of academia. I enrolled in the geology graduate program at Arizona State University and will focus on planetary science.

Tara Sarathy writes that she has started law school at the University of Michigan.

Adrienne Shin and Jon Ehrhardt were married on Sept. 4 at the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel at the University of Chicago. The bride's twin sister, Catherine, was maid of honor, and the bride's Brown roommates, Kajal Sitwala and Rajanya Shah, along with the bride's sister-in-law, Karen McIntosh Ehrhardt '84, were bridesmaids. The groom's brother, Bill '93, was best man. His two other brothers, including David '84, and his Brown roommate, J.C. Schlechter, were groomsmen. Dave Jesser and Rob Clark '95 were ushers. Readers were Adrienne's brother, Jae '94, and Knox McMullan '96. Guests included Frederick Lippitt, a Brown fellow and a trustee emeritus; Justin Sliney; Seetha Ramachandran; Alpa Patel; Gian Varbaro; Melissa Shah '99; and Daisy Wademan. Adrienne and Jon live in Chicago, where Jon is in his second year of medical school at the University of Chicago and Adrienne, who just passed the Illinois Bar, is a law clerk to a federal judge.

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Kate Destler and Johann Neem were married in Great Falls, Va., on June 26. Liz Rothaus was maid of honor. Also in the wedding party were Laura Halperin, Enrique Neblett, and Mark Destler '95 M.A.T. Kate and Johann were happy to share this occasion with their family and friends, including many other Brown alums. After completing her master's at the University of Virginia, Kate is now teaching English at William Monroe High School in Greene County, Va. Johann is pursuing his doctorate in American history at the University of Virginia.

Claudine DuPont married Greg Grabowski (University of Washington '97) on a yacht in San Francisco Bay on July 31. Many Brown classmates attended. The couple honeymooned in Ixtapa, Mexico, for two weeks and then went on a boat trip in Michigan, Claudine's home state. Claudine and Greg live in San Francisco, where they both attend the California College of Podiatric Medicine. Claudine writes: "Greg is the male version of me, so how could I not love him? Together we will solve the foot problems of the world."

Jenni Patterson Edgerton and Jeremy Edgerton '95 were married near Richmond, Va., on Jan. 9. Jenni writes: "Many of our Brown friends were there, including Laura Storto, Bekah Saxon, Ann-Elise Tobin, Max Minzner, Dan Stearns, Eric Wolffe, John Johnston '95, Ian Kodish '95, Richard Kim '95, Salil Gupta '95, Jed Lippard '95, and Dena Montague. We are happily living in Durham, N.C."

Elisa Hurley writes: "Michael Frederic Kalt and Emma Elizabeth Weiskopf were married in a beautiful ceremony in Manning Chapel on Aug. 7. Afterwards guests, including several Brown alumni, danced the night away at a reception in the Biltmore Hotel. It was a wonderful occasion for a mini-reunion. A memorable weekend was had by all."

Cameron Janes writes: "Contrary to rumor I have not quit my job to pursue a career in sports fitness! However, I have moved to San Francisco, where I'll continue to work for Sapient as a management and strategy consultant. I spent the Fourth of July with college roommates Eric Sillman, David Wise, and Wes Knauft. We were also fortunate to see Chris Langone, who was taking a break from his grueling Eastern Europe Blue Man Group tour. A good time was had by all, especially when Dave modeled the full-size salmon costume he wears to public events to promote his wild salmon organization."

Sari London writes: "I am making a lot of exciting changes in my life this year. After three years working as a consultant, I started the economics Ph.D. program at MIT. I also became engaged to Brian Wolkenberg (Cornell '96). We are perfect for each other. The wedding will be in June 2000. .

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Navy Ensign Peter J. D'Auria, of Sparkhill, N.Y., completed the U.S. Navy's officer-indoctrination course, which prepares students for duty in the naval staff field that corresponds to their civilian profession. Peter joined the Navy in November 1998. The course was held at the Naval station in Newport, R.I.

"Big" John Lund writes: "In mid-April, I left Alabama radio for a gig with Clear Channel's WARQ in Columbia, S.C., where I am the new night jock and production/imaging director for 'Rock 93.5, The Rock Alternative.' I'd love to hear from old friends and fellow WBRU-ers."

Jeremy Pierce married Samantha Callender on May 22 in Syracuse, N.Y. Samantha is from Ozone Park, N.Y., and is a graduate of the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse. Jeremy writes: "We had a wonderful honeymoon in Dublin, Ireland. We are living in Syracuse, where I am working on my Ph.D. in philosophy at Syracuse University. Winky Chin was the best man. Simon Chang '96 and Melvin Phua '96 were also in the wedding, and Steve Wu '95 was the pianist."

Shannon S. Quill entered Harvard Law in September 1998 after a two-year stint in Washington with the U.S. Department of Education.

Renorah "Judy" Slater will enter her second year in an international-business graduate program at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. She worked at the Federal Reserve Bank's graduate student summer internship program in New York City this past summer.

Laura Whipple and Kris Whalen '95 were engaged while on vacation in London at the end of April. Although no date has been set, they plan to get married next summer. Kris and Laura both live in New York City. Kris works at Vestar Capital Partners and Laura at Korn/Ferry International.

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Report from class president Alison Link, Israel: "It is three years since graduation and time to catch up! Don't forget to let the University know of any address and e-mail changes, and pass the word along so we can keep in touch. Send changes to Brown University Alumni Records, Box 1908, Providence 02912; [email protected]."

Anthony Alexander completed his master's in chemical engineering at the University of Iowa in December. He is now in a rotational program with BASF Corp. in Baton Rouge, La. He writes: "I will be in the Baton Rouge area until September. Then I will have assignments in New Jersey and North Carolina. I spent Christmas and New Year's with Kwame Denianke in San Francisco. During my visit, we spent time with Ravi Malick and Alexis Hunter. Everyone is doing well, and we had a great time."

Tracy Gillings Goldblatt, Ridgewood, N.J., writes: "Johanna welcomed her baby sister on December 21. She can hardly wait to have someone to play with. Dan '94 is still working at Trucolor Inc. as the chief administrative officer, and I'm home being a mommy."

Mark Tweito writes: "I've moved out of an Internet consulting position in New York to the Silicon City of Austin, Texas. I'm working to start my second Internet-related company in three years. I recently visited Sudi Malloy in North Carolina, where he is pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Drop me a line."

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Daniel Barcan, Cambridge, Mass., writes: "Christopher Langone will be touring with the Blue Man Group this spring and summer. I was honored to see Chris's one-man show, Pasta Fagioli, when he passed through Boston. I look forward to hearing from any other Langone fans!"

Ginger Anne Browne married Gregory Arthur Johnson '94 on June 27, 1998, on Monhegan Island in Maine. Ginger is the daughter of Allen F. Browne '67 and Madonna E. Browne, and Gregory is the son of M. Arthur Johnson '67 and Mary Ellen Marcarelli Johnson '69 M.A.T. Eric Huang '94 was best man and Gail Shina Browne '94 was matron of honor. All guests, including many Brown alumni, were ferried to the island for the weekend. Greg was the third of six senior-year housemates to tie the knot. Ankur Doshi, Royce Conner, Steve Yeh, Ed Chung, Jared Gross, Costa Migadakis, and Marla Zucker met with Todd Hettenbach '97 for an informal mini-reunion in January. The group met at Freaknik 434, a modern culture and media arts festival in Hartford, Conn. Ankur, Steve, and Ed are medical students, Costa and Marla are in graduate school, Jared is a new ASA at Cigna, Todd works for an environmental firm in Washington, D.C., and Royce is a financial consultant for USAir.

Gillian Epstein is working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art with fellow alums Sarah Barack '96, Eva Bowerman '96, and Amy O'Reilly '95.

Chuck Lindsay writes: "Finally, after almost eight years of a long-distance relationship, I built up the courage to ask Jennifer Collom to marry me. She said yes. We are living in Philadelphia, where she is a cardiac-care nurse and I am the assistant dean of students and a member of the religious studies department at Saint Joseph's Preparatory School, my other alma mater. It would be great to hear from all my Brunonian friends."

Jyothi Nagraj was appointed executive director of City Year Rhode Island in September. During the summer of her senior year at Brown, Jyothi served at Citizen Schools in Boston, where she met City Year alums. The inspiring stories of these young people led her to volunteer at City Year Rhode Island throughout her senior year. Before becoming executive director, Jyothi was the City Year National Director of Young Heroes, a Saturday service program for middle school students.

Dave Wise, Washington, D.C., is a lobbyist and coordinator for the Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition. He is working to protect wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest. He writes: "I live with the love of my life, Vanessa Zimmerman '97, who's currently at the Kennedy Center. We love it here. I recently had a reunion with four of my best Brown friends in New York City. Cameron Janes just quit his job in Boston as a consultant to pursue a career in competitive body-building and sports fitness. Just down the block lives Wesley Knauft, who recently started with Lescec International, a crustacean research center. Eric Sillman recently moved from Boston to New York City, where he's loving life as an apprentice to a biologist in the Central Park Zoo (he works with the monkeys). Chris Langone is living in New York City and is about to embark on a three-month trip to Kreplachistan in the Republic of Georgia."

Bryan Yee spent a year riding freight trains around Canada after graduation, and finally settled in Red Deer, Alberta. He has spent the past two years working for the Alberta Rifle Lobby, a local equivalent of the National Rifle Association. He is currently working on developing a Web site for the organization. In his free time he enjoys many outdoor activities, including canoeing, hiking, and hunting, and is pursuing an interest in taxidermy.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Peter Bogdanow and Sarah Kaplan (see Alan Bogdanow '68).

David Darby married Jennifer Matulewicz Darby on Sept. 5. They enjoyed a day of perfect weather in Hyannis Port, Mass. In attendance were several alums, including best man Jay Heirshberg '97. Jennifer and David, along with their two cats, Icky and Marie, recently moved into a beautiful apartment in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y.

Graham Holland lives in Berkeley, Calif., and teaches fifth grade at Pacific Academy, a small private school in nearby Richmond. Graham writes: "In a typical Brown coincidence, I arrived the first day to find that other new faculty included Tim Webb and Heather Field '97. Tim, who lives in San Francisco, is teaching kindergarten, and Heather, who also lives in Berkeley, is teaching middle-school science and math. School is going well, although there's nothing quite as amusing as seeing the towering 'Mr. Webb' walk down the hall in front of a line of tiny people."

Jackie Leung is in the second year of medical school at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. "I really want to hear from old friends (especially Elizabeth Bowen '97 and others - they know who they are!)," Jackie writes.

Mark Tweito writes: "I clearly recall attempting to check my Brown e-mail address the day after the graduation celebrations had expired and finding that it, too, had expired. Now, I question the value of this. While Web browsing is accessible via commercial service providers, my Brown e-mail address is irretrievable. Knowing that our addresses would never change, that we could easily contact any other class members - imagine the possibility! Lost friends could soon be found, entire graduating classes could easily be reminded of upcoming reunions, and the Annual Fund would have an easy conduit for disseminating fund-raising information. Perhaps one day Brown will change its policy and permit permanent e-mail addresses!"

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Michael Barrish, Nashville, Tenn., is a financial analyst at Regional Investment Bank.

Christina Bassis (see Michael Bassis '66).

Jeff Bloomquist and Millie Gort '94 were engaged in April. The wedding is planned for July 1999 in Miami. Millie and Jeff live in Boston, where Jeff is working as a financial analyst at Fleet Bank's Sports Lending Group and Millie is in her second year of studies toward a doctorate in bilingual education at Boston University.

Poppy Garance Burke, Mexico City, is working at El Financiero, an English-language edition of Mexico's leading business paper, where she has been writing about both legislative politics and car thieves.

Valerie Carrero and Scott Gilbert are engaged and plan to marry this summer.

Annette Chang received a master's in music from the New England Conservatory in May. Last summer she attended the Tanglewood Music Center as a violin fellow and in January joined the New World Symphony in Miami for six months. She hopes to continue her music study in Amsterdam.

Angelie Chong (formerly Aeng Chuly Chong) has been elected president of the National Asian Pacific American Law Students Association. She is in her second year at the University of Washington School of Law.

Joao Paulo (JP) Fonseca died in a car accident near Shoshoni, Wyo. on Aug. 7, six weeks shy of his twenty-fifth birthday. He was headed to Montana for a vacation fishing trip with his wife, Jean Bing Wong Fonseca and his father-in-law. JP was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal. His mother was Irish-American, and his father was Brazilian. He was educated at a French lycée. He grew up trilingual: Portuguese, American English, and French. He displayed a prodigious talent for drawing and a consuming love of reading from an early age. While at Brown, he studied art and semiotics in the Department of Modern Culture and Media while developing his talent in painting. He also pursued his avid interest in history and was active in University Food Services Student Management. Since graduation, he had been living in Austin, Tex., where his wife, whom he'd married on April 10, had been attending law school at the University of Texas. He was a public relations associate at Lutheran Social Services of the South, which serves the needs of the poor, the elderly, and children in distress. He had accepted the James Webb Young Fellowship at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was to begin studies toward a master's in advertising in late August. A funeral service was held Aug. 11 in Kingston, Mass. Attendees included many Brown friends. Friends and family gathered four continents to bid JP a reluctant and disbelieving, yet fond, farewell. He is survived by his wife, his parents, and his seventeen year-old sister.

Melissa Knauert moved to New Haven to start the M.D./Ph.D. program at Yale.

Joshua R. Miller writes: "After spending the summer as music director at UAHC Camp Swig teaching songs and recording a CD of Jewish music with the campers, I am back living in Berkeley , Calif., and working at UC- Berkeley Hillel as program director. I enjoyed seeing old Brown friends while attending the wedding of Jeremy Rothman '97 and Aviva Shore '98 over Labor Day weekend in Binghamton, N.Y." Many Brown alumni and students were in attendance. J

Michelle Quiogue '00 M.D. married Jason Sperber '98 in Los Alamitos, Calif., on June 27 in front of family, friends, and many Brown alumni. In the wedding party were bridesmaids Christine Liu and Anupam Ramdhar and groomsman Michael Warres '97. After honeymooning in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, Michelle and Jason returned to Providence, where Michelle is in her third year at the Brown medical school. Jason works as a research assistant at Brown's Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.

Sanjay Ranchod writes: "After trying my hand at teaching high school in Cape Town, South Africa, earlier this year, I spent the summer traveling through southern Africa and the Pacific Northwest. This proved to be a wise choice now that I am fully immersed in my first year of law school."

Alex Sanchez graduated from Columbia University School of Nursing in February. She is now surfing and working as a registered nurse in Hawaii. She recently enjoyed visits from J.J. Harwayne '94 and Anthony Limberis '95.

Jessica Strom (see Jane Golin Strom '67).

Christine Tse writes: "I'm ashamed to say I've already lost touch with some of you. I've moved back to what I like to call the Silicone Valley, Los Angeles, to join the Hollywood Stock Exchange. The company operates a simulated stock market on the Internet, at, where 'users' can buy and sell securities in media properties. Alexa Kierzkowski '95 works here, too. I'm trying to avoid the current heat wave and having fun with the horde of alums who've decided that snow is for the birds.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Marshall Miller lives with his partner, Dorian Solot '95, in Sharon, Mass. Marshall coordinates Living Well, a health education program at Fenway Community Health Center in Boston.

Benjy Rose writes: "I'm getting married. I finally proposed to Shari Kamen (Boston Univ. '96) and, in a stunning display of poor judgment, she said yes. The wedding will be sometime next year. In other news, I changed jobs. I'm now a multimedia producer for MedAscend, a medical multimedia CD-ROM company in Atlanta. I'm pretty psyched that Atlanta's getting a new hockey team, despite that silly, silly name. Go Thrashers!"

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Michael Kalt and Emma Weiskopf were engaged in March. They plan to marry next summer.

Rebecca P. Miller and Brent Evans Glenn (University of Chicago '00 J.D.) celebrated their marriage on March 21 at Promontory Point in Chicago. Li Markakis and Yael Harlap were bridesmaids, and many Brown friends attended the ceremony.

Sarah Montez completed her second year as a high-school art teacher at Providence High School, an all-girls Catholic school in San Antonio. This year she was promoted to head of the visual/performing arts department. In June, Sarah took a group of students to Italy on an eleven-day tour. "I will be moving to Denver in July to do, well, who knows what," she writes.

Michael Tarantino writes: "I managed to keep the same job since I graduated, working at a CD-ROM publishing company in North Kingstown, R.I." Michael left his job in mid-May and is spending the summer in Boston. He is planning on studying music in either Boston or Seattle in the fall.

Anne Ursu will marry John Broich of Minneapolis on Dec. 31. Anne, a theater and book critic, is working on a novel. In September, the couple will head off to wherever the grad-school gods put John, who plans to get his Ph.D. in environmental history. Among her bridesmaids will be Nikola Smith '97, who is working in educational theater in New York, and Alexandra Kuntzsch '95, an actor in San Francisco. Anne will be spending most of her time before the wedding investigating cheap plane fares for her scattered Brown friends.

Greg Woods (see Dennis Woods '68).

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Virginia Batson received a degree in studio art (printmaking) from Tulane University last May. Virginia writes: "I have returned to the performing arts high school I attended, Walnut Hill School for the Arts in Natick, Mass., where I am assistant to the dean of students. I am dancing regularly, doing printmaking at the Museum School in Boston, and writing. I'm getting married this summer to Peter W. Grant, whom I met while working on a Brown dance production in 1992-93."

Kara Caldarone married Brent Johnston '93 on June 14, 1997, in Newport, R.I. The ceremony and reception took place at Rosecliff Mansion. The wedding party included bridesmaids Farley Collins, Sally Taylor, Liz Alt, and Jessica Grunwald, and groomsmen John Melby '93, Gus Koven '93, Andy Hull '93, J.C. Raby '94, and Garrett Palm '94. Brent and Kara live in Manhattan, where Brent works at Société Générale as an assistant vice president in specialized structure finance and Kara works at Goldman Sachs in institutional sales in equities.

Kemaal Esmail is designing offshore oil facilities for a structural-engineering firm in Houston.

Gilberto Sustache writes: "Hello and best wishes to all our friends from Brown. Hanya El-Sheshtawy Sustache '97 and I are still loving our newlywed year and are having a great time. She's teaching ninth- grade science in the Worcester (Mass.) Public Schools, and I'm in my second year at UMass Medical School."

Joy Whalen and Paul Fichiera are engaged and plan an Oct. 10 wedding in New Hampshire. They are living in Phoenix and "basking in the sunshine," Paul writes. Joy is working toward her elementary teaching certificate and is an aide at Carson Junior High School in Mesa, Ariz. Paul is on leave from Andersen Consulting and "chasing his entrepreneurial dreams."

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Kate Graham was selected to participate in the 1997 Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Summer Intern Program at LPI and the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. She worked with David S. McKay of NASA's Johnson Space Center scanning electron microscope studies of carbonate precipitates.

Jennifer Guberman '96 is not engaged to Billy Donoghue '95, as was reported in the November BAM. She lives in New York and works for Forbes, but she has no plans to move to Chicago.

Deborah Phillips, Philadelphia, has become engaged to Brian Ruetter, a ranger with the National Park Service.

Lieschen H. Quiroz is enjoying her first year of medical school at the University of Southern California.

Heather Reid has been teaching English in Tokyo since November 1996. In March 1997, Jeffery Mingo, who is studying law at UC-Berkeley, came to visit her during his spring break. In June Heather will return to New York to start at Columbia Law School.

David Wegman writes: "This summer, I had a fabulous cross-country drive from Providence to San Francisco, stopping to enjoy ballparks, Las Vegas, Arches National Park, and the Jerry Springer Show. After deciding not to drive back, I found an apartment in the notoriously earthquake-prone Marina district on the `crookedest street in the world.' I am working at Marimba, a smallish software company, and I spend most of my free time eating burritos, commuting, and playing my guitar."

Adam Werbach has published Act Now, Apologize Later (HarperCollins). His book contains stories, fables, and portraits of local heroes who have fought to protect environmental rights. Local heroes include rural priests and animal trackers, surfers and senators, and Woody Harrelson. Adam is president of the Sierra Club.

Rebecca Wolff is living on Cape Cod and teaching French at Falmouth Academy, a small, private 7-12 school.



Aug, 2024

Nicole R. Pope ’96, of Foster, R.I.; Mar. 9, of a brain aneurysm. She was a former director of government affairs for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation and a member of the Johnston Planning Board. She is survived by a daughter and two sisters.

Jun, 2024

Hannah K. Edgerly ’96, of Providence, R.I., formerly of Massachusetts; Nov. 8, after a long illness. She worked at Rites and Reason Theatre and at Louis Restaurant and was active in the local spoken word poetry gatherings. In the 2000s she moved to the Berkshires and acted at the Lavender Door in Stockbridge, Mass., as well as with local poetry groups. She tutored students at Berkshire Community College and worked in a local bookstore. She returned to Providence in 2015 and continued her writing, which led to her becoming a 2018 finalist in an online writing competition sponsored by the Ireland Writing Retreat. She traveled to Ireland to participate in their workshops. She enjoyed playing Dungeons & Dragons remotely with groups of friends in the Berkshires. She is survived by her parents, Elizabeth and David Edgerly ’64, and a sister.

Jan, 2021

Paul R. Rudd ’96, of New York City; Apr. 28. He created a successful stock trading program which led to the founding of the company Adaptive Analytics. Paul was deeply involved in building the infrastructure for a progressive political movement. Previously a member of Democracy Alliance and on the board of Brave New Films, Paul most recently served on the board of directors for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and was board vice chair for the Roosevelt Institute. He is survived by his partner, Denis Desjardins ’95; a daughter; his mother; his father and stepmother; a sister and brother-in-law; and brother and sister-in-law. 

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