Class of 1977
Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].
Jeffrey White writes: “My 100th technical paper, SBS Suppression in Fiber Amplifiers with a Broadband Seed, has been accepted for publication, so the Brown education has served me well. I might take on one or two more projects consulting for defense contractors. I’m happy to still be in touch with John Arthur and would love to hear from former roommate Greg Bunt and anyone else who might be visiting the area around Annapolis. My fleet has grown to one kayak, two DIY wooden rowboats, and a 17’ sailboat, with a DIY camper next on the schedule.” Contact Jeffrey at [email protected].
Allen Schauffler retired after 35 years in television news and video production and is honored to be inducted into the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Northwest Chapter Silver Circle. He sends many thanks and much love to colleagues at KTVZ (Bend, Ore.), KSBY (San Luis Obispo, Calif.), KING (Seattle), KOMO (Seattle), Al Jazeera America, Al Jazeera English, Red Jet Films (Seattle), and Central Oregon Daily News (Bend, Ore.). Contact Allen at [email protected].
Howard Frumkin writes: “At Trust for Public Land’s recent Day on the Hill event in Washington, D.C., Brown alumni found each other: TPL’s Director of Federal Climate Change Policy Bart Johnsen-Harris ’12 ; member of TPL’s Washington Advisory Board Alden Garrett; former Brown Corporation member and member of TPL’s National Board Jerome Vascellaro ’74; and myself, senior vice president and director of TPL’s Land and People Lab. Unfortunately it was a dress-up event and none of us had brought our Brown t-shirts!”

Two reunion classes came together when Craig Convissar married Philip Maynard ’11 on Oct. 14, 2023. Craig writes that the joyful gathering in Beacon, N.Y. was attended by Brunonians galore, including proud parents Joanne Ahola ’77 and Keith Maynard ’78, as well as friends Jennifer Gordon Collier, Rebecca Dorfman, Ella Evans-Aguiar ’11, Suzanne Farer, Maxine Sharavsky Garrett ’05, Larry Livornese ’11, Karin Miller ’11, Rachel Mehlsak, Serin Seçkin ’11 and David Smith ’11. Contact Craig at [email protected].

Allen Schauffler writes: “I was delighted to host an October gathering of Brunonian friends here in “Sagebrushestan,” Powell Butte, Oregon. On hand for boondocks hiking, high desert exploration, much hilarity, fine ranch dining, and toasts to the past and future were David Ellenberg, Steve Golub, Jeff Janer, Paul Marantz ’78, ’81 MD, Randy Sunshine, Doron Weber, and David Weiss ’78. It was pretty good. Ever true….”
Karen Misler writes: “My husband, Barry Feigenbaum, and I had a thrilling summer of 2023. Our daughter, Stephanie Feigenbaum, married Avi Arfin on July 3. In attendance at the wedding—in addition to her brother Jeremy Feigenbaum ’11—were Laurie Bass ’76, Katherine Johnston Hutto (my Brown roommate who transferred after sophomore year), Susan Israel ’76, and Randa Reitman ’80, ’83 MD (Avi’s aunt). Then our son Jeremy married Adam Amir on September 3. Wedding guests included Laurie Bass ’76, Jerry Cedrone ’11, Katerina Wright ’11, and Gabriella Ra’anan ’11. Our cup runneth over.”
Jean Follett writes: “A group of us from around the world started a weekly Zoom call during the pandemic. We continue to Zoom monthly and it’s been so interesting. We were initially tied together by our connection to the Brown chorus, but other ties have crept in. We are all in our late 60s and early 70s but the shine is still on the Brown apple.”
Alan DeClerck writes: “Sending you my first update, I think, in 45 years! After decades in Northern California, I’m relocating to Paris for the next couple of years and focused on Europe, the Middle East, and Africa activities. It would be nice to connect with classmates in Europe, either through [email protected] or [email protected]. Turns out Paris is a good place to get a meal, and I’m (too) happy to talk about the exciting changes in the space industry these days. I’m enjoying keeping in touch with some of our classmates and connected in the past year with George Barrett, Jean Follett, not to mention many brothers from Phi Psi. So many interesting outcomes and achievements. Like so many of you, my greatest joy by far is watching my kids build purposeful lives, including my youngest, Hana ’20. Best to all.”

Joseph Fieschko announces the marriage of his son Zander Lewis Fieschko to Marissa Bergman ’14 on Nov. 5. Joseph writes: “The marriage took place at the Castle Green in Pasadena, California, and had a pre-Raphaelite theme. Attendees included my sister Dr. Julie Fieschko Keller ’73, my college roommate Dr. Neil Derechin, and our good friend Kathy Buechle Egler ’77. Marissa grew up in Las Vegas and her grandfather was the architect who invented the modern casino. Next time you can’t find the exit, blame him. My wife, Regina, and I continue to work at our little law firm and plan to run in the Pittsburgh half-marathon. We’re not dead yet.”
Robert Schwartz writes: “The Class of 1970 lost its 50th reunion to the pandemic and those of us in the hockey crowd hadn’t been together since 2015. We held a mini-reunion in Jupiter, Florida, at the home of Nancy and Bill Gilbane. We gathered on Feb. 14 for food and beverage and the following day we went out on the Gilbanes’ boat for a few hours’ cruise up the Intracoastal Waterway to Stuart, Florida, where we had lunch together, returning to the Gilbanes’ home for more time together into the late hours. Five teammates who were unable to travel to Florida joined us on Zoom that evening: Curt Bennett, Frank Sacheli, John Vukelich, Dave Patterson ’72, and Tom Echeverria ’68. Mike Edwards and Jimmy Bennett ’79 were able to join us on Tuesday only and not for the rest of the reunion. Additional alums in attendance were: Lynne and John Abbott ’68, Gerry Boyle ’67, Mark Burns ’69, Bill Coakley ’72, Tom Coakley ’68, Al Cusick, Kaye Blatman Ferriter ’72 and Rick Ferriter ’72, Bob Gilbane ’71, Larry Heller ’77, Dave McCay ’72, Bonny and Don McGinnis, Rich McLaughlin, and Lou Reycroft ’72.”

Margaret Kerr ’77, who retired from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island as the senior director of policy in 2021, is the recipient of a lifetime achievement award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She worked with Rhode Island leaders on issues related to Clean Water Action and the Rhode Island Green Infrastructure Coalition.
Les Servi ’77 ScM writes: “I don’t remember the last time I sent in an update. I was elected president of the Military Operations Research Society. My day job, however, is chief scientist in cyber operations research at the MITRE Corporation.”
Robert Schechter writes that his poems for children have been published in Highlights, Cricket, Cricket Ladybug, Cricket Spider, and lots of other places, and now they will be collected in a book called The Red Ear Blows Its Nose, to be released in early 2023. “I knew my semiotics degree from Brown would come in handy,” says Robert. Kenn Nesbitt, former Children’s Poet Laureate, calls the book a “dazzling tour de force,” and A.F. Harrold calls it “a masterful collection by a masterful poet.”
Bill Marinelli writes: “After a 39-year career with the company, I’ve been appointed president and CEO of Physical Sciences Inc., a 275-person company headquartered in Andover [Mass.], performing advanced technology development in the defense, aerospace, energy, and life sciences fields. In March, I was pleased to be a Brown chemistry distinguished alumni speaker discussing careers in non-academic chemistry for Brown graduates. We continue to support internships in a broad range of fields and invite applicants for positions.”
Barbara Sunderland Manousso writes: “I am cohosting international podcasts with My series is Manousso Musing, bringing almost 30 years of experience in mediation and arbitration and interviews with the titans of theory, especially conversations on worldwide mediation and arbitration training and practice on micro and community scales—which we now conduct on Zoom.”
Rebecca Fullerton Taniguchi published Hiro’s War, a work of historical fiction.
Karen Misler writes: “My husband, Barry Feigenbaum, and I are thrilled to announce the engagements of both our children. Jeremy Feigenbaum is engaged to Adam Amir and Stephanie Feigenbaum is engaged to Avi Arfin. Our cup runneth over!”
Seth Jackson signed a deal with independent label Recursion Records. His music can be found online at all major streaming platforms under the name Seth Hilary Jackson.

Dr. Howard Frumkin ’77, professor emeritus of environmental and occupational health sciences at the University of Washington School of Public Health, has joined the Trust for Public Land as a senior vice president. He will lead the establishment of an institute focused on advancing solutions to society’s biggest challenges through parks and public lands using research, data analysis, innovation, and public support. He is the author of more than 300 scientific journals, chapters, and books, including textbooks on general environmental health, planetary health, and the built environment.
Linda Jaivin published The Shortest History of China. The book mentions Brown in the acknowledgements: “This book is dedicated to Professor Lea Williams of Brown University, whose introductory course on East Asian history hooked me on the study of China in 1973, and whose insistence that I study the Chinese language changed my life.” The book was published earlier in Australia to rave reviews.
Class president Barbara Sunderland Manousso received recognition as the recipient of the Adams Award as the top mediator in Texas through the Texas Association of Mediators, and the Houston Lifetime Achievement Award through the Association of Conflict Resolution Houston Chapter, as well as being recognized by the Houston Business Journal as “A Woman Who Means Business” for professional services.
John Lantos coauthored Kidney to Share with Martha Gershun. The book describes Martha’s experience donating a kidney to a stranger at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester in 2018. It uses the case as a jumping off point to explore the medical, financial, and psychosocial barriers that make it difficult to donate organs and may exacerbate health disparities.
Linda Jaivin’s 12th book, The Shortest History of China: From the Ancient Dynasties to a Modern Superpower—A Retelling for Our Times, was published with the Experiment in the U.S., Australia, and the U.K. The book will also be translated into Greek, Russian, Japanese, and other languages. In it, Linda acknowledges Brown Professor Emeritus of History Lea Williams for introducing her to Chinese history and insisting she study the language as well, for which she is incredibly thankful.
Doug Riley writes: “I continue to practice intellectual property and community association law at Lisman Leckerling PC in Burlington, Vermont. Side Hustle #1 is teaching sailing and skippering sailing cruises on Lake Champlain, Chesapeake Bay, and the Atlantic coast.Side Hustle #2 is playing Celtic music. In January I released a solo CD, Nostalgia Café, reuniting with musical friends from the last 30 years. Brown acquaintances are most welcome to get in touch at [email protected].”
Richard Gagnon writes: “I have retired from active orthopaedic practice in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont. I have practiced in rural Vermont for 39 years. I expect to do more golfing and when the pandemic abates, more traveling. I still play basketball and can’t wait to start playing again when COVID restrictions are lifted. My wife and I plan to celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary in July. Our three children reside in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Vermont, respectively, with two grandchildren in Massachusetts. So, we have no plans to leave Vermont in the foreseeable future. If you’re passing through Saint Johnsbury, stop by to reminisce.”
Mary Bennett of Charlottesville, Va., retired from the Virginia Department of Transportation’s research division last October. She writes that she and her partner, Andrew Hershey, celebrated her 70th birthday in January with a Zoom birthday gathering complete with candle blowing-out and shared by longtime friends that included former residents of 382 Brook Street in Providence: Dr. Joel Betesh, whose medical career in Philadelphia has included internal medicine, geriatrics, informatics, online medical records rollout, and lately Zoom appointments with people just after they test positive for COVID-19; his wife, Joan Katz Betesh, poked her head in but was busy with one of her many retirement activities; Jane Desmond, poet and professor of anthropology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, whose specializations include animal-human studies; Susan Hansen-Flaschen, who retired a few years ago from a career in Philadelphia as a high level nurse managing treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in very vulnerable populations; her 382-visiting husband, Dr. John Hansen-Flaschen ’72, a pulmonologist and emergency medicine specialist, was not present, probably being on a frontline for COVID-19 treatment planning; Lucy Harris, who retired not long ago from a career in hospital management with Kaiser Permanente in the San Francisco/Oakland area; M. Carol Millican ’72 of Los Angeles, who has retired from a prolific career in animation; and Barbara Streeter, a child therapist and education manager who is starting to wind down her career at the Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development. Lucy Winner was not able to attend as she’s super busy as a professor and mentor in arts and media at Empire State College in New York City. For my birthday, I bought six dozen cupcakes (70 plus 2 to grow on) and passed them out to friends around Charlottesville, including Robert Hueckstedt ’77 (started as class of ’73, finished later due to a trip to India where he learned to play the tabla), Sanskrit professor at the University of Virginia, and his wife Nazen Merjiam, who was a librarian at the Rock when he met her in the ’70s. I was inspired by Joan Katz Betesh, who brought cupcakes to Joel’s local friends pre-Zoom party when he turned 69 in October 2020.”
Seth Jackson writes: “My daughter, Mariel Jackson ’21, is the general manager of the Brown Daily Herald. My son, Derek, is at the Columbia University School of Engineering in New York.
Howard Frumkin released his book, Planetary Health: Protecting Nature to Protect Ourselves, with coeditor Samuel Myers. The book is an accessible introduction to the emerging field of planetary health, which aims to understand how global environmental disruptions threaten human health and to develop solutions that allow people and natural systems to thrive. Using an interdisciplinary approach, Planetary Health addresses health impacts resulting from human-driven environmental change before exploring the diverse terrain of solutions.
Rick Carell writes: “Time to end the 1977 class news blackout. Brown lacrosse coach Cliff Stevenson was inducted into the Intercollegiate Men’s Lacrosse Coaches Association Hall of Fame last December in Baltimore.
Cliff’s doctor would not allow him to fly so he provided a video, in which he reminisced about team history, opined about NCAA rule changes, and generally out-hustled the other inductees. More than 60 of Cliff’s players attended, including class of ’77 star athletes George Caraberis, John Grill, Bill Isaacs, and my roommate, Dan Scofield. We shared many stories about Cliff and Brown, and all were thankful cell phone cameras did not exist during our playing days. With the COVID lockdowns, George assumed a leadership role to boost everyone’s spirits, hosting biweekly Zoom cocktail hours. We extended participation to other Brown sports teams and had guest appearances from John Gaddis, John Klupka, Gerry Muzzillo, Steve Narr ’78, and Pat Shattenkirk. Unfortunately, there are published concerns about Zoom’s encryption strength and now foreign governments may have derogatory information about who gave Cliff the pot brownies and several other troublesome incidents in the West Quad freshman year.”

Frank Feldman writes: “Six of my brand-new piano recordings are now available to hear and/or download on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube, and elsewhere on the net, including ‘Anima,’ ‘Take the 7 Train,’ and ‘Classical-ish.’
Elizabeth D. Schrero, a partner at Seyfarth Shaw LLP and national cochair of the Real Estate Litigation Group Inc., was recognized in the 2020 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for real estate litigation.
Stephen Buchwald writes: “2019 was a big year for the Buchwald-Haber household. Our son, Nathan Haber Buchwald ’19, graduated from Brown with a degree in chemistry. I was the recipient of several major awards, including the Roger Adams Award from the American Chemical Society and the Wolf Prize in chemistry.”
Nancy Harris writes: “My husband, Brad Parsons ’76, and I enjoyed seeing our youngest son Colby Parsons ’19 graduate. He joins his older brothers, Spencer Parsons ’13 and Cameron Parsons ’14. With all the boys living in different cities in the coming years, we can now happily look forward to seeing them at the many Brown reunions ahead.”
Seth Hilary Jackson writes: “I was chosen as a headliner at AlumniFest on April 26, a one-night music extravaganza with 25-plus of the top New York Topliner Camp artists taking to the wild and wacky stages of Rubulad in Brooklyn, New York, to perform a variety of live music.”
Maxwell “Mac” Sturtz, who turned 100 on Jan. 24, marked this special milestone with a grand party attended by more than 60 close friends and relatives who came from far and wide to celebrate with him at Primavera Restaurant in Croton Falls, N.Y. In honor of his centennial, the Westchester County board of legislators declared January 24, 2019, “Maxwell Sturtz Day.” Mac also received a number of letters and accolades, including a certificate from Brown University and the Brown Alumni Association. Congratulatory letters and toasts were presented by his daughter, Laura Sturtz Kleinman ’77, and his son, Ted Sturtz ’80. Attilio Cecchin ’78, recruited by Mac and who has stayed in touch over these many years, made a presentation to Mac from the Brown Football Association in recognition of his successful efforts in the 1970s to draft players for Brown football, including Eliot Warner ’76, and Kevin Webb ’78, both of whom played on the 1976 Ivy League Championship Team.
Bill Marinelli was appointed COO of Physical Sciences Inc. in Andover, Mass., after 35 years with the company performing advanced technology development in the defense, aerospace, energy, and life sciences fields. He continues to support internships via the BrownConnect program and invites applicants for summer 2019 positions.
Amy Printz Winterfeld continues to enjoy her non-traditional law career in public health policy. At the local public health agency where she works, they received a 2018 National Advocate of the Year award from the National Association of City and County Health Officials.
Michael G. Dyer writes: “I’ve been very happily retired for some time, the two boys are well out of the house and Sarah, after 40 years, still tolerates me. My life is just busy enough with travel, recreation, house husbandry, photography, unpaid work, and family time. If you’re ever on Boston’s North Shore, look me up.”
George P. Caraberis writes: “With our daughter Jennifer Caraberis ’08 living in South Boston and our son Brant and his family living in Natick, Massachusetts, Janice and I are regular visitors to Camp Bruno for football and lacrosse. We often tailgate with Joan and Mike Bernert ’76 and Fred and Lori Goldstein Polacek ’80.”
Jan Zlotnick writes: “I don’t for a moment take for granted the good times that continue to be shared in the New York area with Ed Annunziato, Rich Hand, Rich Rosenbaum, and Mike Wallace , and, on the phone or when they visit, Tim Clapp and Mike Sherman. I live in West Caldwell, N.J., and am based in Manhattan. I’m a branding and creative consultant, busy particularly with tech companies, showing them how to grow their value by telling their human stories often smothered under all that data-speak. My own story is on my site:”
Lissette Jimenez and Peter Wilmot ’12 were married on Mar. 24 in Berkeley, Calif. Peter and Lissette were given away by family members who are also Brown alums; Thomas Wilmot ’77 (Peter’s dad) and Aaron Jimenez ’09 (Lissette’s brother).
Thomas Wilmot (see Lissette Jimenez ’13).
James Aguiar was recognized in June 2017 by the Exelon Corporation for his fundraising efforts for Special Olympics Illinois, granting the organization $10,000. He is captain of the Polar Plunge team, Ice-A-Topes for Cami. The team is named for his Special Olympian granddaughter, a childhood stroke survivor. He plunged as an individual in 2012 and the team has been plunging since 2013, raising over $80,000 over the past six years.
Robin Hazard Ray writes: “Many Brown folks turned out to hear me talk about my historical mystery novel, The Strangers’ Tomb, at the Watertown Public Library in Massachusetts. I was delighted to see Constance Ahlstrom ’79, Randall Albright ’78, Diana Ensor ’79, and H. Parker James ’78.”
Seth Jackson writes: “After many years of writing songs for other artists, I have released a solo album on the Row Town Music label. It’s available at my official artist website, In other news, my twins have gone off to college. My daughter, Mariel Jackson ’21, is a freshman at Brown, where she’s a member of the Brown University Orchestra. My son, Derek, is a freshman at Oberlin, where he’s a member of the varsity soccer team.”
Glenn Bower writes: “ My wife, Suzanne Griffiths Bower ’53, was suffering from Alzheimer’s and confined to a nursing home, so we could not attend the reunion. My daughters Pamela L. Bower-Basso ’77 and Priscilla S. Smyth ’87 were there. Pam has a daughter in the class of 2018. Our other two daughters, Elizabeth A. Hudgins ’79 and Emily Bower ’ 83, also were not able to be there, but Sue’s brother, Andrew Griffiths ’62, did attend. Sue’s father was in the class of 1927, so we have a lot of Brown connections. I was an Alpha Delt. I believe our survivors are down to three, Ralph Crosby, Norm Steere, and me.”
From the November/December 2017 Issue
John Cross writes: “I was gratified to receive the Bernard Friel Medal for distinguished service in public finance from the National Association of Bond Lawyers. I continue to serve as an attorney in the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Policy.”
From the September/October 2017 Issue
Iris Wolf Broomfield lives in Dix Hills, N.Y., with her husband, Paul Broomfield ’75, ’78 MD. She writes that she had a great time in May visiting Brown for two special weekends—the 125 Years of Women at Brown conference and her 40th reunion, where she enjoyed catching up with many fellow Brunonians. Iris and Paul have two children: Elizabeth, who attended Yale, completed her JD/MBA at Columbia, and has recently relocated from New York City to Washington, D.C. (Iris would appreciate recommendations for all things D.C. related); and Mark, who received his undergraduate degree and master’s in engineering at Cornell and recently got engaged to Sarah Rosenthal ’11.
Andrea Levere (see Allison Bernstein ’09).
Marjorie Wright writes: “I divide my time between Sag Harbor, New York, and Palm Springs, California, after 10 years on the Persian Gulf in Dubai, where my children grew up. My daughter, Alexi, began college at 15, at Bard College at Simon’s Rock; graduated from Smith College at 19; and received a master’s in screenwriting at the American Film Institute. My son, Craig, attended the Rishworth School in Yorkshire, United Kingdom; graduated from the Berkshire School in Massachusetts; attended Brandeis for two years; and is now a senior at Cornell in economics, with a minor in Chinese. I finished my third film on the subject of Israel/Palestine, entitled Jews Step Forward, a full-length doc based on interviews with 24 American Jewish activists, including two Holocaust survivors. It has won four modest awards and been screened at festivals in India, Poland, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as cities across the United States.” More information about the film can be found at
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Christopher Rauber retired from the San Francisco Business Times on Nov. 1 after more than 21 years. He plans to freelance, work on book projects, and spend more time with his friends and family, including his new granddaughter, Grace Elizabeth.From the May/June 2017 Issue
Deborah C. Burke writes: “Are you ready for our 40th reunion? Your reunion committee has been busy planning a memorable weekend for our class. Visit our Facebook page at Facebook: Brown University-Class of 1977 and our class website at for updated information, and to see who is returning for the weekend. In case you need some encouragement, here are the five top reasons to attend our reunion: 5. See how Brown and Providence have changed since 1977; 4. Revisit Brown “institutions from the ’70s” (like the Ratty, the GCB, the Rock); 3. Compare knee and hip replacement stories; 2. Listen to the best music ever at the Saturday night dance party; 1. Catch up with old friends and make some new ones as well. While you are making plans to come back to campus, don’t forget to also give back to Brown. Our class is aiming to set a new 40th reunion class gift record of $1.8 million by June 30. Please help us by making your gift to the Brown Annual Fund today.”
Douglas Tursman writes, “My daughter Eleanor Tursman graduated from Grinnell College in 2016 with an AB in physics (with honors) and was then accepted at Brown as a PhD candidate in computer science. She lives in Providence with her fiancé, Elias Mulhall (Grinnell ’16). My daughter Bronwen Tursman is a freshman at Grinnell. My wife, Judy Packer-Tursman (Grinnell ’78), continues her work as a freelance journalist specializing in health-care issues for several print and online publications. I am continuing my 30-year-plus career working for the U. S. Navy in acquisition and would appreciate hearing from fellow alumni.”
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Your 40th reunion committee cochaired by classmates Debi Chick Burke and Jerry Massa is hard at work. If you haven’t already done so, please mark your calendars for our 40th Reunion—May 26–28, 2017. Our goal is to make this the largest Class of 1977 gathering since graduation. Just think —Campus Dance Friday night under the stars, our own class events on Saturday to really sit down and catch up, capped off by the special chance on Sunday to process down College Hill one more time as a class. All in all, the weekend promises priceless moments to reconnect with friends, share life experiences, and remember our treasured years at Brown. To start getting ready, please be sure to update your personal contact information at . Click on Alumni Directory under Web Services. This is important because all reunion communications will be by e-mail and registration will be online. Need help with log-in? E-mail the Alumni Help Desk at [email protected] (recommended for faster service) or call +1 (401) 863-9662 any weekday between 9 am and 4 pm, U.S. Eastern time zone. Please include your full name, class year, and name while at Brown (if it has changed) in your message. Also, do you still have any great photos from your time at Brown? Do you want to get involved with reunion planning? If so we’d like to hear from you. We’ll see you in May.
Aaron Brandes writes: “My daughter Ilana entered Brown as a member of the class of 2020. Helping her move into the Keeney Quad brought back many memories, as I lived in the West Quad for two years.”
From the January/February 2017 Issue
Deborah Chick Burke writes: “Your reunion committee has been busy planning a memorable weekend for our class’s 40th reunion. which will take place next Memorial Day Weekend, May 26–28. Our goal is to have 40 percent of our class return for our 40th, bringing the largest group of 1977 graduates back to campus since graduation. We’d like to encourage everyone to reach out to your friends, contact former roommates, and mark your calendar for your return to Providence. This will be the ideal opportunity to reconnect with friends and perhaps make some new ones as well. So book your hotel room, dust off your dancing shoes, and make your plans to return to Brown in May. Reunion communication going forward will be via e-mail, so please check that Brown has your current email address ( ). We want to make sure you receive your reunion registration information, Bravo blasts, and the list of those returning for the reunion.”
From the November/December 2016 Issue
George Samenuk (see Mark Callahan ’10).
From the July/August 2016 Issue
Jonnie Corcoran writes: “I am the producer of the award-winning independent feature film She Sings to the Stars, which my sister Jennifer wrote and directed. We have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Seed and Spark to raise funds to distribute the film. Please check it out at and help us get this out into the world!”From the May/June 2016 Issue
Larry Heller writes: “A great reunion took place the weekend of February 5-7. The Brown Hockey Association and the Brown Sports Foundation highlighted our men’s hockey team during its annual Alumni Weekend, including an on-ice ceremony between periods of the game Saturday night against Dartmouth.” Alums in attendance included John Ahern ’76, Jim Bennett ’79, Tim Bothwell ’78, Tom Colehour ’76, Dick Dresdale ’78, Bill Gilligan, Shepherd Iverson ’81, Neil Labatte ’78, Mike Laycock ’79, Denis Longpre, Wayne Lucky, Bill Lukewich, Bob Mars ’76, Mike Mastrullo ’79, Bob McIntosh, Jim Reynolds, Dave Roberts ’79, Skip Stovern ’78, and Greg Vezzosi ’76.
From the March/April 2016 Issue
George Caraberis and his wife, Janice, are regular visitors to Providence, as both of their children, Brant and Jennifer Caraberis ’08, live in New England. He writes: “We are also enjoying our new status as grandparents to Brant’s children: Hayden, 4, and Reid, 2.”
Robyn Jones writes: “Still working in the pharmaceutical industry and gearing up for the next stage. I am an integrative health coach trained at the Duke Univ. Center for Integrative Medicine. I provide group and individual coaching as well as workshops, and serve as a keynote speaker on such topics as integrative medicine, wellness, mindfulness, and overall well-being. Over the years I have raised two sons—Nick, who plays in the NFL, and Dylan, who is completing a BA in finance and designing menswear.”
Barbara Sunderland Manousso was named chair of the education, research, and training section of the Assoc. for Conflict Resolution International. She writes: “I will have influence on shaping mediation and arbitration training worldwide. I have trained mediators and arbitrators since 1993.”
Bradley H. Stein writes: “I am enjoying life in Miami as an empty nester with my wife, Nancy, and as a general counsel for Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. It would be great to hear from friends.”From the January/February 2016 Issue
Rick Gittleman writes: “After 20 years of practicing law and six years of working for two major mining companies, I have founded United for Africa’s Democratic Future. The foundation is a 501c3 based in Washington, D.C. Its purpose is to inform on the importance of true democratic reform in Africa’s countries. I am living in Boston but spend three days a week in Washington, D.C., when not in Africa.”
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Karen Johnson Hemphill (see Ty Alper ’95).
From the May/June 2015 Issue
Frank Feldman’s Collected Poems and Limericks is now available on Amazon.
Seth Jackson writes: “I’ve been having some recent songwriting successes. My song ‘On Hold,’ appears in the film Reach Me with Sylvester Stallone. My song ‘Oh, My Badness’ was recorded by European country band Rhythm 4 Boots, and the album was named Country Album of the Year in Austria. I recently signed a deal to become part of the songwriting team at The Audio Plugz, a music licensing firm. Finally, my song ‘X-Ray” was released as the new single by the German pop band Hella Donna.”
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall, a law professor at DePaul Univ. College of Law in Chicago, published The Myth of the Cultural Jew: Culture and Law in Jewish Tradition. She maintains a Facebook blog at .
Alan Schrift is the F. Wendell Miller Professor of Philosophy at Grinnell College. He is on sabbatical in Paris, where he and his wife, Jill, plan to spend half their time now that Alan is transitioning to a research appointment. His eight-volume edition of The History of Continental Philosophy is out in paperback, and he continues to edit Stanford Univ. Press’s Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche and work on other writing projects focused on recent French philosophy.
Joseph and Susan Greenhaus Silverman write that Joe is the Royce Professor of Mathematics at Brown, and Susan teaches actuarial science at Boston Univ. She is also the manager of the Parkway Concert Orchestra. All three of their children graduated from Brown: Deborah Silverman Robbins ’03, ’05 ScM; Daniel Silverman ’06; and Jonathan Silverman ’10.
Juliann Sum was appointed chief of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health— known as Cal/OSHA—by California governor Jerry Brown in December.
From the March/April 2015 Issue
Justine Glynn writes: “I’ve retired a bit earlier than expected and made my dream of living in Hawaii come true. I’m on the North Shore of Oahu, steps from the beach … really! I’d love to hear from classmates and bandmates, and I welcome visitors, too.”
Seth Jackson’s song “Oh, My Badness” was recorded by the European country band Rhythm 4 Boots on their album Country Inside, which has been named country album of the year in Austria. He also writes that his song “On Hold” appeared in the November 2014 movie Reach Me, starring Sylvester Stallone.
Sue Johanson writes: “After I retired as a school psychologist for the Athens, Ohio, school district, we moved to Iowa City to be with our first grandchild, Freya, born in August 2013. Happy to be Hawkeyes!”
Allen Schauffler writes that he had a great visit and mini-reunion last summer at Rancho Vista in Powell Butte, Ore., with Dave Ellenberg, Steve Golub, Jeff Janar, Randy Sunshine, Doron Weber, and David Weiss ’78. “Good times, great hikes, big fun!”
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Brian Gibler (see Danielle Levy ’02).
Jonas Littman is a Vistage chair helping CEOs increase their effectiveness and enhance their life through peer groups and private coaching.
Ron Sarachan (see Anna Squires Levine ’08).
Amy Printz Winterfeld writes: “I celebrated Brown’s 250th anniversary by going out for gelato with Carol McCoy here in Denver.”
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Paul Polivy writes: “This past summer I had the pleasure of seeing my wife, Betsy, employ eight Brown (and two RISD) students for her project . What started as a whimsical idea of crisscrossing the side streets of Manhattan has quickly become a highly regarded source that celebrates small businesses and introduces people to everything that makes up a neighborhood. Featured on Fox News, the site’s vibrant photography and videos and detailed descriptions provide the Brown students with a platform on which to hone their research, writing, and interviewing skills. Betsy and I live in Manhattan (on a side street, of course), where I am a managing director at Citigroup. Whenever possible we head to Boston to visit our two grandchildren.”
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Jill Bernstein ’77 (see Randy Schwarzmann ’05).
Richard Easton is the coauthor of GPS Declassified: From Smart Bombs to Smartphones, which he describes as the first book-length history of GPS written for a general audience. He is married, lives in Winnetka, Ill., and works as an actuary for an insurance company in Chicago. Visit
Suzanne Gatling Godwin retired after nearly 30 years as a primary care physician. She is volunteering, taking classes, and practicing yoga.
Marc Rodwin writes: “I continue my work as professor of health law and policy at Suffolk Univ. Law School and for the last three years have also been a research lab fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center at Harvard. My most recent book, Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Medicine: The United States, France, and Japan (Oxford 2011), was just published in French as Les Conflits d’intérêts en Médecine: France, Etats-Unis, Japon (École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique Press, 2014). My current research focuses on institutional corruption in pharmaceutical policy. This summer I am a resident research scholar at the Brocher Foundation in Geneva, Switzerland.”
From the May/June 2014 Issue
Dirk Q. Allen is proud of his new book, Notes for a Book, published in December by Dog Ear Publishing of Indianapolis and available through He writes, “It’s a compelling combination of fact, fiction and commentary that will have readers making their own notes about the things that matter most in life.” Allen is the director of admissions and media relations at Badin High School, the coed Catholic high school in Hamilton, Ohio.
Kathryn Haslanger was named CEO of the Jewish Association Serving the Aging. JASA provides housing, home care, and community support to tens of thousands of New York metro area seniors. She writes: “We fight ageism every day.”
Randy Walters writes: “The British company ROLI ( has developed an instrument they call a Seaboard; instead of traditional keys, it has a pliable, pressure-sensitive surface that can be used to control pitch, amplitude, timbre, or whatever other sound parameters a performer chooses to modulate. I’m lucky enough to be in line for one of the first 88 instruments available, which should arrive by the time this note sees print. I’m psyched about the challenges this new instrument will present, and will be blogging about the learning process at my site and via Twitter feeds @Seaboardist and @randywalters. I hope to hear from old friends!”
From the March/April 2014 Issue
George Barrett was named the Ohio Large For-Profit CEO of the Year for 2013, Columbus CEO Magazine reported in November.
James G. Buttfield writes: “Our fourth and fifth, Sarah and William, want to go to Cook College and The Landing School in Maine.”
George Caraberis and his wife, Janice, are grandparents to Hayden, 2, and Reid, 6 months. Their great-grandmother is Patricia Michaud ’53.
Brigid Flanigan ’77 (see Victoria Lane ’85).
Jo Hannafin writes: “I am continuing to work at the Hospital for Special Surgery at Cornell Medical College, where I am a professor of orthopaedic surgery and the director of orthopaedic research. I was elected as the first female president of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine and will serve through 2014. I am married to John Brisson, and we have three children: Andrew, an artist; Caitlin Brisson ’12, a Maine ecologist; and Connor ’16, a student at Indiana Univ.”
Leslie Johnson Lowery retired after 20 years of teaching high school. Leslie relocated to Eastern Long Island and is part of a chorus and teaches languages privately.
Barbara Sunderland Manousso, a mediator and arbitrator, was asked by Texas Governor Rick Perry to serve another seven-year term on the Nursing Facility Administrator Advocacy Committee.
From the November/December 2013 Issue
Joe Silverman and Liz Munves Sherman (see p. 53, Engagements & Weddings, Julia Riddle Winter ’08).
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Robin L. Spear writes: “Our older son, David Cleary, graduated from Kenyon College in May. We were so proud and so happy that Leslie Goldwater Nelson and David Nelson drove down from Canton, Ohio, to join our celebration.”
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Pamela Bower Basso has been appointed a full-time faculty member in art education for the Tufts Univ. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. She lives in Norwell, Mass., with her husband, Jake Basso, and two daughters, 11th grader Liza and 10th grader Emma.
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Robert I. Feinberg obtained the highest jury verdict in the last two years for a personal injury in Massachusetts. His client, a boilermaker, suffered burns after a water heater exploded and scalded his body. The total verdict including consortium claims and with interest was $7.7 million. Liability was contested, and OSHA had found the plaintiff’s employer responsible, rather than the defendant’s condominium complex. Additionally, the client made a remarkable recovery, making the award all the more impressive. No appeal was taken, and the verdict was paid in full by the three liability insurers.
From the September/October 2012 Issue
Karen Kenney Dickson writes: “I was excited to return to Brown in May for my 35th reunion, although I can hardly believe so many years have gone by. Another anniversary, a sad one, is that 2012 is the 20th anniversary of the death of my husband, Raymond D. Dickson ’77. For half of our lives, from when we met at age 18 until he died an untimely death at age 36, Raymond was my husband, my best friend, father of our three children, and my soul mate, my heart’s only note. He still is keenly missed. But it is gratifying that so many colleagues, friends, family, and even Brown classmates remember him so vividly and share intimate stories of how he changed their lives. I think this ability to change lives was a rare gift of his, and that so many remember him so many years after he has been gone is also rare. Raymond was an unusually kind and generous man, a brilliant and multi-talented individual who touched many lives during his short life. Luckily, we had three beautiful children, now grown up. Also, lucky for me, I happily remarried in 1995. I have had a full and rewarding career in psychiatry and I have practiced the breadth of psychiatry in many settings: community psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, and also psychiatry in specialized settings such as the VA and prisons. I have held many leadership positions in my professional organizations and have been politically active on health care issues from mental health parity to health care reform. Our daughter, Elizabeth Russel Dickson, graduated from Brown in the class of 2007 and married her soul mate and classmate, David McNamee ’07, in 2009. Elizabeth graduated from the Yale School of Management in May 2012 and David is working on his PhD in political theory at Princeton and his JD at Yale Law School. Our second daughter, Louise Claire Dickson, graduated from Macalester College in 2011, majoring in both history and international studies. Louise now lives in Moscow, where she teaches English; her brother and I just got back from a trip to Russia to visit her. Our son, Raymond Dykema Dickson, attends St. Olaf College and is majoring in political science. Raymond lives and breathes politics. He worked last year for our U.S. Congresswoman, and is now working to help reelect President Obama. My husband has two adult children, and we enjoy two adorable grandsons, ages 5 and 3. Life is full. Life is good. Very good.”
Bill Jacobson recently received a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to support an ongoing series of photographs entitled Place (Series). Over the past two decades, Bill’s work has been acquired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and many others. See a survey of various projects on his website:
From the May/June 2012 Issue
Richard Cohn writes: “My book on 19th-century harmony, the result of a 20-year research project, was published by Oxford Univ. Press at the end of 2011. Since 2005 I have been living in New Haven, where I am Battell Professor of Music Theory at Yale. I am married with an 8-year-old daughter.”
Marcia Hooper (see Christian H. M. Albert ’91).
From the March/April 2012 Issue
Kathleen Bowling (see Byron Asher ’08).
George Caraberis (see Patricia Chase Michaud ’53).
Howard Frumkin has coedited Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-Being, and Sustainability (Island Press).
Kevin Ogden Grier writes: “My time is not here yet! Still looking to move up … forever true.”
Rodney Lofton has been working at NASA as the manager of the International Space Station Research Planning Office for the past three years. He coordinates and integrates the various requirements for conduction experiments onboard the Space Station from the Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, as well as the United States. Rodney writes: “With the completion of the assembly of the ISS, through the effective use of the now retired Space Shuttle, we are now entirely focused on fully utilizing the station for its design purpose of being a unique laboratory for conducting space-borne research. Over the past three years, an average of 130 research investigations have been conducted during the six-month period an international crew has been resident on the station.”
Robin L. Spear and her husband, John Cleary, flew to St. Louis in late August with their younger son, Matthew, who was starting his freshman year at Washington Univ. in St. Louis. Due to Hurricane Irene, their flight back to New York City was cancelled, and they drove home. On the way, they stopped to see Leslie Goldwater Nelson in Canton, Ohio. They also visited their older son, David, a junior at Kenyon College.
From the January/February 2012 Issue
Linda Jaivin writes: "I'm happily settled in Australia and travelling frequently to China, where I often have good reason to silently thank Professor Lea Williams for pushing me to study Chinese. I'm working simultaneously on my seventh novel, which is set in Beijing, and my third work of non-fiction, a book about Beijing itself. I've also got a bilingual opera (for which I've written the words and a Peking Opera composer the music) bubbling away in Beijing, possibly to premiere there at the end of 2012. If any old friends from Brown are travelling to Australia or China and would like to catch up, please drop me a line."
Elin Spring Kaufman writes: "Our family was delighted to celebrate the marriage of our daughter, Alexandra Leigh Kaufman '06, to fellow Brunonian John Anderson Lynch '07 over Memorial Day weekend. Many Brown classmates were in attendance, including bridesmaids Jennifer Doorly Magaziner '07 and Whitney May '06. The bride is in her second year as an MBA candidate at MIT's Sloan School of Management and the groom is an account manager at HubSpot, an Internet marketing start-up in Cambridge. The couple live on Beacon Hill in Boston. I am planning to attend our 35th reunion and look forward to reconnecting with my 'lost' classmates."
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Lois B. Bryant received her MFA from Eastern Michigan Univ. in April. Her artworks are in the permanent collection of the Art Institute of Chicago, and were on display from November 2010 to May 2011. Her master's thesis show, entitled "The Ground Beneath My Feet," was on exhibit Apr. 11–15 at Eastern Michigan Univ.'s Ford Gallery.
From the May/June 2011 Issue
Linda A. Moulton is proud to report that her twin daughters, Lisa '14 and Sarah Goddard '14, have almost completed their first year at Brown. They report they couldn't be happier. Linda is CEO of Ceralta Technologies Inc., located in Peabody, Mass.
Susan Sampliner was invited to the White House last July to represent the Broadway Green Alliance at the Presidential Celebration of the Music of Broadway, which was broadcast on PBS in October.
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Richard Zins is pleased to report that his son Stephen is a doctoral student in Brown's patho-biology program.
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Chipper Brown is still at Oracle in Nashua, N.H., where about twice a week he eats lunch with Jim Steiner. His wife, Donna, is also at Oracle. His older daughter, Clara, is a junior at the College of Charleston. Both she and her younger sister, Wendy, spent some terrific years at the High Mowing School in Wilton, N.H. Once a month Chipper sings with a group that includes Jim Giddings '83. Chipper still sees Jim Kiely '78 whenever possible. This year he attended his 32nd campus dance.
Lisa Humphrey Fish '81 MD (see Engagements & Weddings, Alexandra Pavlakis '05).
Lynn Henry James's daughter, Erica, is a member of this year's incoming class of 2014.
Jon Laskin is an actor and translator living in New York City. His new English translation, co-written with New York Univ. alumnus Michael Aquilante, of Italian Nobel Prize–winning playwright Dario Fo's classic absurdist farce, Accidental Death of an Anarchist, will be produced by and tour with the London-based theater company Love and Madness. Details of the tour through England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland are available at
Barbara Sunderland Manousso was recognized in the December issue of Houston Woman Magazine as one of Houston's most influential women.
Karen S. Misler '77 AM says she has been planning to send in this note for almost four years, ever since her son, Jeremy Feigenbaum '11, was accepted to Brown. She writes: "The years have just flown by, and Jeremy is getting ready to complete his own amazing Brown experience. What fun it has been to come back to Brown and to see this extraordinary university through my son's eyes!" She and her husband, Barry, live in Teaneck, N.J., and her freelance editorial business continues to thrive. Her daughter, Stephanie, is a sophomore at Northwestern.
Meryl D. Pearlstein's blog, Travel and Food Notes ( celebrated its second anniversary this summer. Meryl writes that she would enjoy receiving comments or suggestions for topics from all Brown alumni.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
Jill Golick was elected president of the Writer's Guild of Canada (WGC) on May 7. The WGC represents 2,000 professional English-language screenwriters across Canada. She has written more than 200 hours of produced television, including children's (Zaboomafoo, Canadian Sesame Street), docudrama (Exhibit A), half-hour comedy (Metropia, Instant Star), and an hour-long drama (Blue Murder).
David Schmittlein (see Jamay Liu '05).
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Adrienne Williams Covington '77 AM writes: "Following 10 hectic years in the fashion industry, I decided to quit and go back to school to get a teaching degree from Harvard's Graduate School of Education. Shortly after that, I married Richard, and our first daughter, Billie, was born a year later. Thirteen years ago, I was the middle school principal for the American section at the renowned Lycée International de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. I have two daughters and have lived outside Paris for the past 20 years."
Karen Kenney Dickson (see Elizabeth Dickson '07).
Ellen Miller Sonet and her husband celebrated their 25th anniversary with a 17-day bike trip in Vietnam last fall.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Stuart A. Billings rejoined Bowie Gridley Architects in Washington, D.C., where he is a senior project manager specializing in the planning and design of educational facilities.
Richard Carell writes that he met Brown's new lacrosse coach, Lars Tiffany '90, and caught up with some former teammates, including Andy Henderson'79, and Chris Gibson'79, at the Brown-UNC game last fall in San Francisco. Richard also teamed up with mid-fielder James Sydnor '99 for the second time at work.
Seth Jackson's song "Wait'll I Get My Hands on You" reached number one on the European Country Music Assoc. chart in Norway and number two in Austria.
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall published her first monograph with Stanford Univ. Press, entitled The Soul of Creativity: Forging a Moral Rights Law for the United States. She writes: "The work explores theories of creativity from a multi-disciplinary perspective, and how the law should be shaped in response to these perspectives." Roberta is the Raymond P. Niro Professor of Intellectual Property Law at DePaul Univ. College of Law in Chicago. She lives in suburban Chicago with her husband of nearly 30 years and three daughters.
From the March/April 2010 Issue
Robert S. Ballentine joined the energy law firm Burleson Cook LLP as a partner in its Houston office, where he will continue to practice oil and gas and energy litigation.
Debbie Ehrman Kaye writes that she has deepened her involvement with the League of Women Voters of Portland, Ore., by serving on its board.
Karen Misler '77 AM (see Lev Nelson '04). Don Siegel (see Hilary Gerstein '03).
In August, Robin L. Spear and her husband, John Cleary, dropped off their son, David, at Kenyon College to begin his freshman year. They then visited David and Leslie Goldwater Nelson at their home in Canton, Ohio. Robin and John's youngest son, Matthew, is a junior in high school. The family lives in New York City.
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Robert S. Ballentine continues to practice primarily oil, gas, and energy litigation in Houston, most recently as a partner with Burleson Cooke L.L.P. Robert also teaches an energy law course at the Univ. of Houston Law Center and interviews students for the local BASC program.
Jeremy Handelman is producing a new rock musical comedy in the NY Musical Theatre Festival, F#@KING UP EVERYTHING. Cast includes Noah Weisberg, Neil Haskell, Jenna Coker-Jones and Tony Award nominee Liz Larsen. Get information on the show at www.fuckingupeverything. com.
Barbara Sunderland Manousso, a Texas-certified distinguished mediator, has recently become a nationally certified guardian to complement her elder mediation cases.
Susan J. Sampliner just returned from a six-week trip out West to visit all the national parks from the Grand Canyon to Yellowstone.
Bob Wander, a certified financial planner and owner of the independent financial planning firm Wander Financial Services, writes: "I'm proud to say I survived the 'Great Recession' of 2008. I'm happily ensconced in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan with my two sons, 16 and 12, both of whom attend great public schools in New York City after many years of private school."
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Tracy Baer continues to practice law as a partner at Weber Baer in Los Angeles. He had the pleasure of representing and getting reunited with Phyllis Curott '76 in New York City this year, of visiting with Timothy Clapp in Boston last summer, and, more recently, of camping with Matthew Mock in California. Tracy also completed a phone visit with Gina Gary that was 20 years overdue. Tracy's wife, Dana, and his children Tristan, 12, Brendan, 10, and Mirabelle, 7, are doing fine.
George Caraberis writes: "After participating in many 10k races and a few half-marathons over the past several years, I always had a desire to compete in a triathlon. On July 12, along with my daughter, Jennifer Caraberis '08, and my son, Brant, and his wife, Jennifer, the granddaughter of Patricia Chase Michaud '53 and the late G. Earle Michaud '51, I swam, biked, and ran in the Mighty North Fork Triathlon in Southold, N.Y. This mini-tri was a first for all. My daughter-in-law, Jen, placed third in her age group, and the rest of us finished with respectable times. Team Caraberis was lucky that day and won several post-race raffle prizes, including great wine from the vineyards on the North Fork of Long Island."
Kenneth Dill is moving back to Rhode Island after 12 years in southern California. He and his family will live in western Coventry, in a home that has been in his family since 1820. Kenneth is starting a Rhode Island commercial real estate operation, representing tenants, for his firm, CresaPartners.
Lou Mazzucchelli writes: "My oldest is a junior at Bennington, and my youngest is a sophomore in high school. I'm unemployed and hanging on for dear life."
Meryl Pearlstein announces the release of Fodor's Family: New York City with Kids, her new book in the new series of family travel guides. The book, aimed at travelers with children of all ages, covers activities, accommodations, dining, and services in New York City and Brooklyn. Meryl also writes for Fodor's 2010 Guide to New York City. Her new blog, Travel and Food Notes (, is filled with her travel and food observations from an obsessive and compulsive survey of the world, plus everything New York City.
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Connect with us at the Brown University Class of 1977 Facebook page.
James G. Buttfield works as a paralegal in New York City. His children, Anita, Herbert, and Harold, are graduates of Smith, Trinity, and Sandhurst. Work has taken James and his family to Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Charlottesville, Va., as well as Manhattan.
Deborah Roseman Hopkins (see Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus '49).
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Diane Heller received a mini grant from the R.I. Council for the Humanities for research on the film Edward M. Bannister: An American Artist. Diane writes that Nicholas Bruno '76 introduced her to Bannister's story at Commencement 2008 and has since provided his extensive personal R.I. art history research and contacts. To learn more, go to:
From the May/June 2009 Issue
William Blumenthal '77 AM left the Federal Trade Commission after four years as general counsel to join Clifford Chance LLP as chair of its U.S. competition law practice. His wife Marjory Spodick Blumenthal, serves as vice president and associate provost for academics at Georgetown Univ.
Michael Wallace writes: "Chris Berman received the 2009 Pat Summerall Award at the Legends for Charity Dinner to benefit the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Tampa on the Thursday night before the Super Bowl. Richard Dresdale '78 regaled the dinner crowd about Chris's undergraduate days at Brown, and the following day Paul Appolonia organized a golf outing at his club and hosted a dinner at his home in Fort Myers. In attendance were: Bob Miller, Francis Jamiel, Robert Farnham, Gerry Muzzillo, Fred Polacek, Michael Murphy, Seth Morris '78, Mark Whipple '80, John King '79, Jim Bennett '79, Barry Blum '79, and Gerry Massa."
From the March/April 2009 Issue
Seth Jackson received a Presidential invitation to attend the White House ceremony awarding the Medal of Honor to Pfc. Ross A. McGinnis. Seth wrote a song honoring McGinnis, who sacrificed his life to save four of his friends from certain death. The song, "Pfc. Ross A. McGinnis," was later performed at a reception hosted by the U.S. Army.
From the January/February 2009 Issue
George Caraberis and his wife, Janice, celebrated the wedding of their son, Brant, Caraberis to Jennifer Michaud in Scituate, Mass., on September 13. Jennifer Michaud is the daughter of Kenneth and Gale Michaud and the granddaughter of Patricia Chase Michaud '53 and the late G. Earle Michaud '51. Among other alumni attending the wedding reception were the groom's sister Jennifer Caraberis '08; Arthur O'Day '53 and his wife, Sally Wilcox O'Day '53; Paul Appolonia; Francis Jamiel and his wife, Jane; John Klupka and his wife, Lillian; Gerard Muzzillo and his wife, Joan; Michael Wallace and his wife, Susan; and Kirk Teatom '05.
Jim Glass writes: "On August 14, thanks to the great state of California, I married my partner of eight years, Seth Savarick, at the municipal courthouse in Beverly Hills. Seth is a jewelry artist, and I no longer work due to disability. I volunteer at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and occasionally appear as a supernumerary in L.A. opera productions. Our family also includes a beautiful 7-month-old Lab mix named Bella, who owns all the upholstered furniture in our home."
Francis Jamiel (see Elizabeth Roach '03).
Andrea Levere was named one of five inaugural Donaldson Fellows by the Yale School of Management. Andrea received her master's from Yale in 1983 and has spent her career fighting poverty. As president of the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) since 2004, she has helped Americans build their assets through matched savings, home ownership, entrepreneurship, and education. She now spearheads a CFED initiative to give all U.S. children savings accounts as a way to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Andrea and her husband, Michael Mazerov, were on campus this fall to visit their son, Alex '10 over Family Weekend. Their daughter, Julia, is a freshman at Syracuse.
Dave Oulighan (see Christopher Gill '82).
From the November/December 2008 Issue
Barbara Sunderland Manousso was appointed by Texas Gov. Rick Perry to the Texas Nursing Facility Administrators Advocacy Committee. Her term expires in 2013.
From the September/October 2008 Issue
Ken Berman writes: "After 20 years in law and business, I went back to school at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and was just selected to be included in the 51st Chautauqua National Exhibition of American Art."
Mark Christiansen writes: "I became a grandfather on April 27. My daughter, Kimberly Carlson, gave birth to baby Daniella Marie. Wow, do I feel old! I will play a bank manager (a non-speaking extra) in the feature film Public Enemies starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale."
Linda Jaivin has been awarded a Breaking New Ground grant by the Australia Council for the Arts to write an opera. She is finishing a big historical novel set in China in 1904, due for publication by Fourth Estate (HarperCollins Australia) next year. She writes that living in Sydney means missing reunions but that she would love to hear from any old friends visiting Oz.
Joe Silverman and Sue Greenhaus Silverman (see Deborah Silverman'03).
Rebecca Witonsky completed her master's of taxation in December and started work at the Brunton-McCarthy CPA Firm, a Boca Raton-based firm that focuses on U.S./Canada and international tax issues. She writes: "Work is great. My next hurdle is to sit for the CPA exam. I remain as politically active as ever, supporting Israel and also the McCain campaign for President. I support victory in Iraq. I'm also calling on my fellow Brown alums to boycott Utah and Arizona to protest the persistence of child marriage and polygamy along the Utah-Arizona border. I would love to hear from friends and would welcome visits from friends who are stopping in South Florida."
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Howard Abrams '79 AM writes: "My wife, Jodie Labowitz, and I continue in our separate gastroenterology private practices while devoting, happily, our nonprofessional time to raising our children: Jessica, 16; Benjamin, 5; and Daniel, 3. Let us know when you're in Phoenix."
Aaron Brandes writes: "My family and I will be traveling south in August to visit family and friends and sights of interest. Our current southern terminus is a visit to Cindy's parents in Marco Island, Fla. Let me know if you'd like a hello on the way."
Heather Claflin Clayton (see Janet Cameron Claflin '45).
Richard A. Hofmann writes: "My youngest child, Ethan, graduated from high school the same weekend as our reunion, so I really missed seeing everyone again. In 2005, I retired early for health reasons. My Parkinson's disease has progressed much faster than expected. My daughter, Claire, is pursuing her MBA while working. My son, Luke, works for Fleet Feet and completed his first Ironman last year. Ethan is now majoring in advertising at Northwood Univ. in West Palm Beach, Fla. Finally, Sue is a diabetes nurse educator and completing her bachelor's and master's in nursing simultaneously. We're both enjoying being empty nesters and would love to hear from everyone we missed in May."
Dave Johnson's daughter, Natalie '08, graduated with an engineering degree. He writes: "It's amazing—the excitement is no less than it was for my own Commencement days! Natalie will be entering a PhD program somewhere, Stanford and Delaware being strong contenders."
Linda M. Kramer lives in Roslindale, Mass., with her two children, Sara, 8, and David, 5. She is working as a psychoanalytically inclined therapist in private practice in Brookline. Her husband, Alex Fried (Antioch '74) died in December '07 of lung cancer after a courageous fight. She writes: "He was a non-smoker! Living one day at a time has never been so relevant."
Jonas Littman writes that his new company, Anvil Studios, finished production of its first feature movie, Frankenhood, which Lionsgate will distribute in 2008. Also, a Web production, Trash Talk, will soon be on Sony's, and a two-movie deal is in the works with a major studio's home video department.
Amy Nathan writes: "I'm senior counsel on the Federal Communication Commission's 'think tank,' the office of strategic planning. My husband, Howard Fineman, is busy covering the presidential campaign for Newsweek, NBC, and MSNBC. Our eldest, Meredith Claire Fineman, is a junior at Penn and just returned from a semester studying in Barcelona. Our youngest, Nicholas Lovell Fineman, is a sophomore at the Sidwell Friends School where he is starting center on the varsity football team, plays first and third base on the varsity baseball team, and is involved in several boys' a cappella singing groups."
Leslie Goldwater Nelson and David Nelson write: "Last Labor Day weekend, we celebrated the bar mitzvah of our younger son, Ben, along with our 28th wedding anniversary. In attendance were our nephew, Mike Rozensher '05, niece Talia Rozensher '09, and Robin Spear, who traveled from New York with her husband, John, and their two sons. We look forward to this coming Labor Day weekend, when our older son, Robert, will join the Class of 2012 for freshman orientation."
Portia Pinkney writes: "My son has finally graduated from college and is working as a producer for ABC News. I loved my newfound freedom so much, I've moved across the pond to pursue an exciting new financial systems services consulting opportunity."
Janie Weinberg is in the Boston area, nearing her 31st anniversary at Draper Laboratory, Inc. in Cambridge. She married Bob Baron in May 2008. She writes: "We met on the internet—it can work!"
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Wendy Orr Arienzo '77 ScM writes: "I am working for NXP Semiconductors, a spinout of Philips, managing our manufacturing services business. I am enjoying living in Connecticut despite the empty nest. My two children, Monica and Marco, are doing great in college."
Lois Bryant writes: "Please check out my website:"
Jim Cimino writes: "Sorry I missed the reunion—I was attending the birth of my son, James E. Cimino II. Another life event: after 20 years at Columbia's departments of biomedical informatics and medicine, I've moved to the NIH, where I am building systems and conducting research at the Clinical Center and the National Library of Medicine."
Bradford L. Goldense writes: "My product development consulting and market research firm had its 20th anniversary last year. We work mostly with C-level executives of Fortune 1000 companies outside of the New England area. We are a driving force for improved productivity for innovation in corporations and their ability to measure results. I've been living in Dedham, Mass. since 1990 and relocated the company from Cambridge to nearby Needham, Mass., in 2001."
Jill Golick writes: "Story2Oh!, my web-based storytelling experiment, is running in short bursts on Facebook, vlogs, blogs, Twitter, and other social networking sites around the Internet. The story is about people who lead active Internet lives and tell their own stories through posts, uploads, and wall-to-wall conversations. It's very exciting. Check it out at"
David Gryce writes: "My daughter, Julie '07, graduated from Brown last June and is finishing her first year at American Univ. Washington College of Law."
Denis Longpre writes: "I moved from Canada in July 2004 and I'm now living in Nashville, Tenn."
Meryl Pearlstein writes: "In addition to representing travel and tourism clients in the public relations world, I have embarked on travel writing and restaurant reviewing full-time. It's fun to work on both sides of the travel world. My writing can be seen in Fodor's Guide to New York City, on, and on"
Victor H. Polk Jr writes: "After a short 22 years at the Bingham McCutchen law firm, I am excited about moving my intellectual property litigation practice to the Boston office of Greenberg Traurig. Greenberg has a very strong IP group, which is a great platform for what I do. I had to smile when an IP associate I have been working with at Greenberg, Amy Mendel '01, was calculating whether I overlapped with her father at Brown. So far, the move feels great."
Doug Riley writes: "In the fall of 2007, I took a two-month leave of absence from my usual job to serve as a lowly deckhand on the 100-ton wooden schooner American Eagle out of Rockland, Maine. I teach sailing and flying, and play now and then in traditional Celtic bands. In my remaining time, I am a transactions and intellectual property partner in the law firm of Lisman, Webster, and Leckerling in Burlington, Vt."
Sylvia Shortt writes: "I have moved to a new office at the Univ. of West Georgia, International Services and Programs. I still am a licensed counselor, but now continue to work with international students and recruit overseas."
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Seth Jackson was interviewed for a front-page story in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review to talk about a song he wrote as a real-life tribute to a soldier who sacrificed his life to save four of his friends. The song was recorded by a 14-year-old from Florida. The teen contacted the soldier's family, gave them a copy of the song, and sang it at the soldier's high school during a Veteran's Day assembly.
Anna Bobiak Nagurney '83 PhD received a Fulbright Senior Specialist grant and spent two weeks at the Univ. of Catania in Italy in March. While there, she lectured undergraduates and graduate students on complex networks and vulnerability analysis and conducted a workshop on the subject with applications to transportation, the Internet, and financial networks. Anna is the John F. Smith Memorial Professor at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst and the founding director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks.
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Heidi Boghosian reports that she has been executive director of the National Lawyers Guild for eight years. She is co-host of the weekly civil liberties radio program Law and Disorder on WBAI in New York City, and writes and speaks regularly on such issues as police tactics that suppress free speech. She would love to hear from old friends.
Juli Sum writes: “All 2006 I tried in vain to get my daughter, Lana Robinson-Sum ’10, to meet Cy Scofield ’08, son of my Brown roommate Lisa Bird Scofield and her husband, Dan Scofield ’78. So I called Lisa this past October and learned that our two students live in the same dorm, Slater Hall. After sending Lana the relevant contact information, Lana reported back that she finally met Cy—and that they live in adjacent rooms and sleep on opposite sides of the same wall!”
From the November / December 2007 Issue
Pam Bower-Basso and Joseph Basso (see Glenn Bower ’52).
Mike McBeath writes: “I was recently promoted to full professor in the psychology department at Arizona State Univ. After leaving Brown I earned an ScM in instrumentation at UC Santa Barbara and a PhD in psychology and electrical engineering at Stanford. Over the years I have worked as an engineer and researcher in a variety of settings, including a start-up technology company, a parapsychology research laboratory, NASA Human Factors Research Division, Paul Allen’s think tank, Interval Research Corp., and finally at a university as a professor in experimental psychology. My research spans areas of perception-action, including a paper I published in Science on how baseball players determine where to run to catch balls; a similar paper on how dogs catch a frisbee; and most recently, papers on the design of autonomous mobile ball–catching robots. The robot developed by my mechanical engineering colleague, Tom Sugar, and I was selected by the New York Times Magazine last December for their Ideas of the Year issue. We are currently developing wearable robots for medical/therapy applications. I have two teenage kids, Jasmine and Ross, yet still manage to stay reasonably sane. I welcome contact from other alumni, particularly former Diman house folks.”
Supawan Lamsam Panyarachun (see Celia Wu Sophonpanich ’83).
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Kevin O. Grier writes: “I attended the 30th reunion and rediscovered just how blessed we truly are for having a Brown education. We all must look deeper inside, and make manifest the gifts we bear. The continuing Brown Spirit never really asks for a tally; it just grows and grows. We must all answer the call and give something back, for we have already been endowed, and we all have a gift.”
Susan Antone Manchester was named best real estate attorney in New Hampshire by Chambers USA, an organization that ranks U.S. attorneys and law firms. Susan is currently an attorney in the Manchester office of Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green.
Lloyd Miller and his wife, Susan, announce the April 22, 2007, birth of Eli and Lauren Catherine. They join their siblings, Aundra, 17, Lloyd IV, 15, and Luke, 4. Lloyd and Susan live in Naples, Fla., and escape the summers by migrating to Beverly Hills, Calif.
Robert N. Scola, Jr., a circuit court judge in Miami, received the Hon. William Hoeveler Professionalism Award from the Florida Bar Association in June 2007. The award is given annually to a state or federal judge in Florida in recognition of the highest levels of professionalism on the bench. He has previously been recognized for his performance as a judge with awards from the Dade County Trial Lawyers Association, the League of Prosecutors, the Miami Chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the First American Family Law Inns of Court, and the Florida Law-Related Education Committee. Bob has been married to Circuit Court Judge Jacqueline Hogan Scola for the past twenty-two years, and they have two sons, Bobby, 18, and Billy, 13.
Marnie Moore Young writes: “My husband, Scott Young ’76, and I are happy to report that both our children will be at Brown next year. Katherine was accepted into the class of ’11 and will join her brother Philip ’09 at Brown this fall.”
From the July / August 2007 Issue
George Barrett was appointed executive vice president of Global Pharmaceutical Markets at Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Inc. in March. Located in Israel, Teva is the leading generic pharmaceutical company.
Matthew S. Blank was promoted to senior vice president in the Investment Management Services division of Citizens Bank. Most recently he was director of investment research and portfolio manager.
From the May / June 2007 Issue
Rob Barron, after directing and writing for Theatreworks USA for the past fifteen years, has been appointed as the artistic director of Two Beans Productions, a new theatre company devoted to taking theatre to young audiences across the country. Productions planned for a very busy 2007 will include: Winnie-the-Pooh; Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day; and Jack Sprat Low Fat World Tour, a hip-hop musical about good nutrition. And in his spare time, Rob is a husband, father of a five-year-old, and a theater professor at Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Class president Lucinda Flowers writes: “Our 30th reunion is just around the corner! Please join us on campus May 25-27 to catch up with old friends and see how the campus and Providence have changed. Campus Dance and the Van Wickle Gates await! For details and to update your all-important contact information, go to”
James G. Buttfield writes: “Having spent twenty-eight years at New York City’s Weil, Gotshal & Manges in corporate law practice (sixteen years as partner), I am now working in New Jersey. My spouse, Lady Diana, and I spent time employed in Europe, made extensive charitable contributions, and have been enjoying gardening, sailing, and swimming here in New Jersey with our children, Anita, Herbert, and Harold (graduates of Smith, Trinity, and Sandhurst). We have been involved in Tory politics in Charlottesville, Va. I have also been teaching Sunday School at our church here in Rumson, N.J.”
Brad Dellenbaugh (see Christina Boyd Zavell ’85).
Karen Johnson Hemphill writes: “Ever since graduation, I’ve been living in Berkeley, Calif., where I met my husband, Richelieu Hemphill (M.I.T. ’79), while we were both attending graduate school at U.C. Berkeley. We have two sons together (ages 11 and 16), and I also have a stepson, Richelieu Jr., and daughter-in-law, Kamili Magee, who graduated from Morehouse and Spellman. Because of them I have two wonderful grandsons but don’t see them often because they live in New Orleans (and are rebuilding their lives and home post-Katrina). In addition to being a senior manager in a nearby city, I was elected to the Berkeley School Board in November for a four-year term after many years as a parent activist. Juggling work, family, and my duties as an elected official is definitely a challenge, but very rewarding. Would love to hear from old friends either living in the Bay Area or who are coming out here for a visit.”
Thomas E. Mallouk, DuPont Professor of Materials Chemistry and Physics at Penn State, has been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The honor is given to members whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.
Susan A. Manchester was named the recipient of the 2006 Heritage United Way Community Volunteer of the Year award. She is a member of the Heritage United Way board of directors, served as the board’s chair in 2002, and has been leading the organization in its philanthropic shift toward strategic outcomes.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Stephen Buchwald writes: “This past year I received the award for creative work in synthetic organic chemistry from the American Chemical Society. I also received the Siegfried Medal from the University of Zurich and the Siegfried Company for contributions to process chemistry. I live in Newton, Mass., with my wife, Susan Haber ’78, our children, Nathan and Sara, and our three cats.”
Douglas Klahr ’02 PhD writes: “I am an assistant professor of architectural history at the School of Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington, having arrived here one year ago. On August 28 I had the honor of delivering the faculty address at convo cation. Here is the link to the video for Brown colleagues who might find it to be of interest: presentations-2006-07.”
Dr. Joren Madsen was named director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Center. He is currently head of MGH’s Cardiothoracic Transplantation Laboratory. In this new position, Dr. Madsen will guide an innovative three-part vision for the transplant team.
Susan Manchester, of Sheehan Phinney Bass and Green, a Manchester, N.H., law firm, was named one of the Best Lawyers in America by Woodward/White, a national research firm. Susan was named to the list based on her real estate law practice.
Lloyd Miller was married on Feb. 18, 2006, in Naples, Fla., to Susan F. Davidson of Beverly Hills. Brown alumni in attendance were Stephen Beach as best man, William Meyers ’76, and Frank Bellis ’75.
Ellen Seely writes: “I enjoy reading class notes so I figured I should contribute myself. I am doing research at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and teaching at Harvard Medical School. I stay in touch with Margie Kaplan ’76, Carla Ballon Gorrell ’78, ’81 PhD, and Cynthia Katz ’78. I was walking down Thayer Street recently and bumped into Prof. Anani Dzidzienyo, whom I hadn’t seen in thirty years, and we took up a conversation as if we had seen each other yesterday.”
Scott Swanezy writes: “I recently attended the 50th birthday party of Michael Bucci ’78. In attendance were Earl Bucci ’48, Francois Eid ’75, and Rick Sauer ’79. Booch was uncharacteristically humble. Maybe aging has benefits.”
Maryanne Vollers published her fourth book, Lone Wolf: Eric Rudolph—Murder, Myth, and the Pursuit of an American Outlaw (HarperCollins) in November 2006. It is her first project since collaborating with Sen. Hillary Clinton on her memoir, Living History. Maryanne lives with her husband, documentary photographer and filmmaker William Campbell, in Livingston, Mont.
From the May / June 2006 Issue
John Bouda was inducted into the North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame on Feb. 11 for his work as state referee administrator. He is the highest elected North Carolinian within U.S. Soccer; he served as referee representative to the national board of directors from 2001 to 2005.
Jacqueline A. French ’82 MD has joined a newly formed scientific advisory board at Intranasal Therapeutics, Inc. She is an expert on epilepsy and clinical trials for new seizure treatments and serves as a neurology professor in the department of neurology and as assistant dean for clinical trials at the Univ. of Pennsylvania. She also directs the Penn Epilepsy Center.
Laury “Leah” Kohlenbrener Epstein released her first two CDs, which feature songs about the land of Israel (“Kinneret,” “Mt. Hermon,” “Shomron”) and about the impression of a Jew returning to Zion (“New Faces—Old Souls,” “Shabbat in Jerusalem,” “Shield of Abraham”). She learned Torah in Jerusalem prior to making aliya from Chicago in 1981. She had already completed undergraduate and graduate school with degrees in literature and adult education. She met her husband, a Canadian, while in a Kibbutz Ulpan learning Hebrew. They moved to Keshet, an orthodox agricultural community in the Golan Heights, where they have raised seven children.
Ellen Seely, director of clinical research for the endocrinology, diabetes, and hypertension division at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, has been appointed chair of the Endocrine Society’s clinical research committee.
From the March / April 2005 Issue
Dirk Q. Allen is the director of media relations at Stephen T. Badin, a Catholic high school in Hamilton, Ohio. He handles publicity, recruiting, and admissions, and teaches journalism there. He is also an adjunct professor of journalism at Miami Univ. in Oxford, where he lives.
Keith Hemmerling writes that High Hopes, documentarian Robert Viharo’s film about autism and musical genius, which was underwritten by the Hemmerling Foundation, is premiering in Hollywood. Twenty of Keith’s films are available on DVD through Kevin Prihod writes that the past 25 years have taken him “from manufacturing to consulting to engineering to science.” He’s now chief science officer of the Detroit Science Center. “Planning the exhibits, films, labs, classes, and shows to inspire 1,500 kids everyday to love science is a challenge and a great joy. In 2000, I took two years off to pursue a lifelong desire of building a house by myself. In the middle of the Canadian woods, I dug, pounded, mortared, plumbed, and wired until a house emerged from the ground. It convinced me that anyone can do anything. It’s still not finished, but no house is ever really done. I would love to hear from classmates and any former Diman-ites out there.”
Lt. Col. Mat Santos writes that he retired from the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as executive assistant to the commissioner and director of equity and access. He is currently executive director of Rhode Island Employee Support of the Guard and Reserve Committee.
From the November / December 2004 Issue
Keith Hemmerling writes that Union Square has opened in fifteen U.S. cities to rave reviews, including one in the New York Times. Keith’s Off-Broadway play Law School Suicide was published by Random House/Xlibris in his book Manic Impression. The play tells the story of Keith and Allee, law school friends whose relationship can’t survive his manic depression and whore/madonna complex; Pimp Films in Canada is interested in making a movie of the play. The Hemmerling Foundation was the 2003 recipient of the Heroes of the Heart Award for its work rescuing children from street prostitution. The online record store, has distributed all nine of his CDs. Keith’s second book, Whorehound, has been published by Random House/Xlibris, and his third, Walkin on the Wild Sides, a collection of screenplays, is due out this fall. All five of Keith’s films at the Cannes Film Market will be released on DVD this fall, plus four other DVD releases with Customflix. Attitude, Scheme C6, and Noise are playing worldwide. Marbles, Joey G, and High Hopes are soon to be released.
Robin Spear and her husband, John Cleary (Middlebury ’76), celebrated the bar mitzvah of their son David on June 5. Attending were Jody Levine Mahr and Eugene Mahr, Leslie Goldwater, and David Nelson. Maureen Murphy Leydon and her husband, Joe, were invited but could not make it.
Rebecca Fullerton Taniguchi hosted a mini-reunion with Geary Mizuno and Lois Bryant in her Oak Park, Ill., home in August. Between falling asleep during a pedantic tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple and racing after Geary’s eleven-year-old daughter as she explored the Shedd Aquarium, the trio laid plans for an Appleby get-together during the 30th reunion in 2007.
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Leo Blackman writes: “I received an award from the Historic Districts Council for the design of the Village Community School on West 10th St. in Manhattan. This is the first time they have recognized an architect for a new building.”
Linda Jaivin writes that she received a literary fellowship at the University of New South Wales to write her fifth novel, which is set in an Australian immigration detention center. She has had two plays produced on the subject of asylum seekers.
Phyllis Gould writes that after Brown she earned her MSW from the Univ. of Chicago and now has a private practice in psychotherapy working primarily with Hispanic and Polish clients. “I’m an expert witness with clients who are trying to prove hardship in deportation cases.” Phyllis has two children, both adopted from Mexico, and has served as a translator on humanitarian missions in Honduras and Nicaragua. She’d love to hear from people she knew at Brown, especially Mike Malanowski.
Walkin’ on the Wild Side, a collection of screenplays by Keith Hemmerling, will be published this fall by Random House/Xlibris. His film Union Square premiered in New York City and is on its way to Los Angeles and fifteen major U.S. cities. The film offers a graphic portrayal of homeless heroin addiction in New York City’s Union Square. Keith’s Web site is, keyword: fairies.Malcolm McFarlane, a retired attorney and businessman, is the Democratic candidate for the House seat in New Mexico’s District 47.
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Lois Bryant lives in Ann Arbor, Mich., and is a visiting artist in the fibers program of the School of Art and Design at the Univ. of Michigan. She is also an adjunct assistant professor in the School of Art and Design at the Univ. of Michigan.
Phyllis Gould writes: “I am alive and well in Chicago. After Brown I lived in Spain, where I spent time figuring out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I now have a private practice in social work that combines counseling with my facility with languages. I conduct therapy in Spanish, Polish, and French, and I have become an expert witness in deportation cases. I adopted two children from Mexico and am about to leave on my second humanitarian-service volunteer trip to Mexico. I would love to hear from anyone who knew me at Brown, particularly Randy and Mike Malanowski.”
Keith Hemmerling has published his second book, Whorehound. He writes: “Alliance International Picture has just agreed to distribute and represent my fifth picture worldwide—Law School Suicide—a film of my one-man Off-Broadway play. Check out my nine CDs on” Another film that Keith helped to underwrite, about heroin addiction, opened in May in New York City’s Union Square.
Thomas Luxon, an associate professor of English at Dartmouth, is the first director of the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning, a campus support center and clearinghouse for teaching resources and classroom technology. The center will help orient graduate student instructors and new faculty to the Dartmouth culture.
Thomas P. McConnell has been appointed senior managing director at Cushman & Wakefield. He will be responsible for creating the firm’s national hotel practice. Thomas previously served as senior vice president with CB Richard Ellis. He specializes in financial advisory services for hospitality clients.
Fred Procopio was named medical director of Health Services at URI. He previously worked at Bald Hill Pediatrics in Warwick, R.I., which he founded. He has also been chief of pediatrics at the Warwick Center of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England and in 2002 was named a Rhode Island Monthly “Top Doc” by his peers.
From the May / June 2004 Issue
John Andrews (see /b>Carol Millican ’72).
Aaron Brandes writes that he is volunteering half-time at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s Research Computing Group.
Rick Carell writes: “I had lunch recently with Mark Musen ’80 MD, who is a professor of medical informatics at Stanford. Mark supplied my company with some software used to model clinical-trial protocols. We reminisced about certain absentminded professors but had no recollection of each other as undergrads. George Caraberis’s daughter Jen was heavily recruited for lacrosse by several schools and will continue the family sports tradition at Brown next year. Dan Scofield ’78 is coaching son Cy, ace shooter for the Camden Hills High School team, in order to perpetuate the Scofield (Frank ’69, Rupe ’71, and Dan) lacrosse dynasty. My wife, Aileen Jordan Carell ’78, and I are frenetically completing kindergarten applications for Christopher, who is an ‘early decision’ candidate for the class of 2021. If Brown adds kickball to the varsity roster, we are set!”
Keith Hemmerling writes: “Fairies, Witches and Figurines—a film I directed and star in— is now represented by Alliance International Pictures. The film will be taken to such major markets as Cannes and others throughout the world.” Alliance is representing two more of Keith’s films, Any Witch Way and Manic Depression Interview.
Robin Hazard Ray writes: “After four years of research, I’ve finished the first draft of my book about a murder that took place among Italian stoneworkers in Vermont 100 years ago. My geology major was key to this undertaking. My husband, David Ray, is working at his twelfth—although probably not last—software start-up in Westford, Mass. Our eldest daughter, Ellie, is a freshman at Reed College, where she is occasionally given a square meal by our good friend Brigid Flanigan.”
From the March / April 2004 Issue
Priscilla Shube (see Arthur Levine ’84).
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Keith Hemmerling has published his autobiography, Manic Impression. He writes: “It is now available online. Manic Impression deals with my multidecade triumph over manic depressive bipolar illness to begin underwriting and appearing in films worldwide.”
Charles Saltzman is secretary-elect of the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society.
From the May / June 2003 Issue
Keith Hemmerling writes: “I am featured, along with my music, in Attitude, directed by Rob Nilsson.”
Tony Keats ’78 A.M. is the senior partner at Keats, McFarland & Wilson, an intellectual-property and entertainment-law firm in Beverly Hills, Calif. He represents entertainment and fashion companies, as well as actors and musicians.
Gerald Massa presented George Caraberis and Michael Wallace with the Andrew J. Joslin ’65 Award at the annual Football Association Kick-Off Dinner on Sept. 28. George and Michael were both members of the 1976 Ivy League championship team.
Supawan Lamsam Panyarachun (see Wanni Wibulswasdi Anderson ’62 A.M.).
Susan Sampliner finished a year as company manager of the Broadway company of The Graduate. Susan is now in production for a new musical called Wicked, coming to San Francisco in May and Broadway in October. She celebrated her 10th anniversary with partner Emily Grishman. In lieu of a commitment ceremony, they purchased the apartment next door, doubling their real estate.
From the November / December 2002 Issue
Anna Bobiak Nagurney '83 Ph.D. and her husband, Lad Nagurney '86 Ph.D., write that they have returned from Innsbruck, Austria, where they spent more than four months while Anna held a distinguished chaired Fulbright professorship at the SOWI Business School at the Univ. of Innsbruck and Lad did research at the Institute of Computer Science. Their 8-year-old daughter, Alexandra, attended the local Austrian public school.
From the September / October 2002 Issue
John Andrews writes: "I'm unmarried again at 48. Personal life and love have been quite a journey. After several years at MTV Networks, where I produced Beavis & Butthead and supervised the development and production of Daria, Aeon Flux, MTV's Oddities, and other programs, I moved to Los Angeles and joined Klasky Csupo Inc. - best known for such Nickelodeon shows as Rugrats - where I'm in charge of commercial production and involved in the development of alternative programming."
Rick Carell writes: "The 25th reunion exceeded our expectations. Aileen Jordan Carell '78 and I took our surprise package, Christopher, 2, on his first trip to the Ocean State. My plan to win the Ôyoungest child by first wife award' was dashed by Scott Swanezy, and his lovely bride, Susan, who carried baby Luke to the class barbecue in a snuggly.
"We had dinner in the refurbished train station with John Gaddis '78, his wife, Nancy, and their daughter, Christine, who is evaluating Northeastern universities. We stayed at the Biltmore, which felt like a Brown dorm. The riverfront is much improved, but other parts of downtown are as grimy as ever.
John and fellow football hall of famer George Caraberis have shed their linesman pounds and look great. George and Janice are back from Greece, where son Brent was doing an internship through Union College.
"We spent some time with Pam Bower and Jake Basso at the class barbecue. We also visited with Iris Wolf Broomfield '78 and her exceptionally well-behaved children; Iris and her family have traded Los Angeles for Dix Hills, the town on Long Island where I grew up. Other barbecue contacts included Anne Galligan, Rick Gittleman, George Barrett, C.D. Armstrong, Chuck Maze, Jerry Muzzillo, Jerry Massa, and Bob Rich."
Heather Claflin Clayton (see Janet Cameron Claflin '45).
Carol Boyd Leon writes: "My life has taken a twist. I've gone from journalist and government economist and writer to songwriter, cantorial soloist, and music teacher. I just finished my second songbook, Songs from the Heart: Jewish Life Cycle. There's only one song I've written that's not Jewish: the George Mason University alma mater, 'Patriots' Dreams,' which won the university's songwriting contest in February."
James Risen, an investigative reporter in the Washington, D.C., bureau of the New York Times, was cowinner of the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting. The award was shared by several Times reporters for coverage of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Jim and his wife, Penny, live outside Washington with their three sons, Tom, Bill, and Dan. Tom is now a student at St. Mary's College of Maryland, the state's public honors college.
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Chris Berman (see Jerry Green '50).
Aaron Brandes writes: "A spell of unemployment is allowing me to enjoy plenty of time with my children, Ilana, Aviva, and Tamar, and my spouse, Cindy. I am attempting a career change to the computational aspects of biotechnology."
Heather Claflin Clayton writes: "I left Vox2 and programming a year ago. John is still there. I began substitute teaching. Our four children are ages 9 to 16. I'm enjoying handbell ringing."
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Report from reunion headquarters: "Reunion plans are complete. We hope to see you at Brown for a great weekend May 24-27. Join us at your class events, Campus Dance, the Pops Concert, and the Commencement March. Register at If you haven't received your reunion mailing, please contact (401) 863-1947; [email protected]."
Chris Berman received the Maxwell Club's Reds Bagnell Award for contributions to the game of football in February in Philadelphia.
Shelley Eudene Lanman was recently named chief creative officer of the New York office of DraftWorldwide, where she'd been executive creative director. Shelley and Jon '75, who is in his second year at Pace Law School, live in White Plains, N.Y., with sons Adam and Ben, 11, and Nate, 8."
Barry Sholem writes: "I've been hiding in California for fourteen years and would love to know which of my old friends plans to make it to Providence this spring to act like kids again. I don't know if I can get my wife, Frankie, or kids, Jordan, 8, and Grant, 5, to join me, but I will certainly be there. I am a managing director and head of real estate merchant banking at Credit Suisse First Boston and chairman of DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners."
Phil Sweetland, a writer/journalist covering music and sports in Nashville, writes that he had his first article published in the New York Times on Jan. 10. The paper has since assigned him several other stories on country music. Sony/Columbia Records star Travis Tritt recorded a song Phil cowrote, "Tennessee Walt's." Phil is also reporting for the BBC.
From the September / October 2000 Issue
William N. Tifft writes that he recently moved to 24/7 Media, where he oversees business development and affiliate relations as vice president of the network-development group. He is happily living in Pelham, N.Y., where his wife, Ellen, and their children, Axel, 12, and Anna, 9, are thriving. Will is a member of the BAMboard of editors.
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Michael J. Curtin received a Fulbright grant to study at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, in Taipei, where he is researching the globalization of the Chinese film and television industries. Michael is an associate professor of communication and culture at Indiana University and is on the school’s American studies faculty. He was director of cultural studies from 1994 to 1999.
Beth Tabor Lev, her partner, Marta Lev, and their son, Sammy, 3, moved to their new home in a co-housing community in Northampton, Mass.
Dave Oulighan (see Diana Coates Gill ’54).
Meryl D. Pearlstein, a twenty-one-year marketing veteran, joined Nancy J. Friedman Public Relations in New York City as vice president. She was previously a group director at KWE Associates in New York. She writes that her new company is a full-service lifestyle and travel public-relations agency that has delivered award-winning results since 1987.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Dirk Q. Allen, of Oxford, Ohio, was named managing editor of the Journal-News, the daily newspaper in Hamilton, Ohio, where he was previously sports editor and opinion-page editor. Dirk writes: "I don’t know what came over me – some sort of midlife ambition. I just hope when you look up the phrase, ‘Peter Principle,’ my face isn’t smiling out at you!"
Henry Asher writes: "The basics, twenty-three years later: married to Diana, Yale’s gain and Brown’s loss. Father of three wonderful boys: Bobby, 14; Benjy, 11; and Adam, 7. Passionate and neurotic – albeit slow – runner. President of The Northstar Group, an investment adviser in New York. For all who suffered through my operatic dreams, sorry. And to Lester Schwartz, last seen in 1981 as my best man..."
Arthur Bartolozzi received the David G. Moyer Award from the Eastern Athletic Trainer’s Association. Chief of sports medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital, Arthur serves as orthopedic team physician for the Philadelphia Eagles, Flyers, Phantoms, and Kixx professional sports teams, as well as for Rowan University. A founding member of Booth Bartolozzi Balderston Orthopedics, his clinical expertise is in knee reconstruction and replacement, and shoulder and arthroscopic surgery.
Ann Galligan (see Eleanor McElroy ’37).
Henry Gould writes that he has published a new book, Stubborn Grew (Spuyten Duyvil Press), a book-length poem set in Providence. It is the first volume in a trilogy called The Forth of July. Henry has worked at Brown’s Rockefeller Library since 1984.
Seth Jackson, of Los Angeles, and his wife, Etsuko, announce the birth of twins Derek Jerome and Mariel Aiko on Oct. 1.
Leland S. McGee writes that he was appointed to serve as executive director of the East Orange, N.J., board of water commissioners. The first African American to serve in that capacity, he provides services to 32,000 customers in five municipalities in northern New Jersey. He sends his regards to classmates and friends.
Matthew R. Mock writes that he was one of six selected to participate in the Gimbel Child and Family Scholars Award Program. This year’s award acknowledges scholars and practitioners who develop interventions for children, adolescents, and families that promote emotional and physical health. It also recognizes those who promote racial, ethnic, and religious understanding. Matthew will also contribute to a book series, Issues in Children’s and Families’ Lives, and might collaborate in the design and preparation of a national model demonstration project.
Debbie Neimeth and George Barrett write that they live outside Philadelphia with their three children: Kate, 16; Zachary, 12; and Emma, 7. George is president of the U.S. business group at Teva Pharmaceuticals.
Scott Swanezy writes: "I married Susan Klinges (Georgetown School of Foreign Service ’81) in Woodstock, Vt., on Sept. 18. Hurricane Floyd wreaked havoc on our guests’ travel plans to Vermont. However, the weather broke on our wedding day, and we enjoyed a classic early-fall day in New England with warm sun and crisp evening temperatures. Guests included Gail Solomon ’76, Michael Palatucci ’76, Rick von Schweinitz, Jim Hackett, Dick Lawrence ’78, Michael Bucci ’78, Mark Franklin ’79, and Chuck Bryson ’79. My introduction to Suze came through New York’s most eligible bachelor, Michael Bucci. After two years in graduate school, I had envisioned myself moving to the woods of Maine. However, Mike, playing cupid, introduced me to an engaging and beautiful woman in Suze. I now live in Westchester, N.Y., and commute to Boston for classes once a week. Mike was rewarded for brokering the deal of the century, and I look forward to graduation and to working in the New York City area."
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Robert Ballentine has joined the Houston office of the law firm Fulbright & Jaworski, where he focuses on litigation matters. He was previously in practice at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld in Houston and San Antonio. Robert is a member of the Houston, Oklahoma, and American bar associations. He is licensed to practice in Oklahoma, Texas, and before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Genie Shao and Neil Steinberg ’75 write: “We still live in Pawtucket, R.I., with Jason, 14, and Eric, 11. Last summer we spent a weekend with good friends Vassie Ware ’75, Bill Taylor ’75, and their daughter, Mira, at their home in New Jersey. Bill is now known to his family as ‘Big Bellie!’ ”
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Carol Ausobel (see Stephen D. Barkin '58).
Keith Hemmerling writes: "I am president of the Hemmerling Foundation, a nonprofit, public benefit corporation in California. We fund charitable organizations that help the mentally ill, the homeless, and child victims of street prostitution. I graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1982 and received a master's in taxation from New York University School of Law in 1984. I am a member of the California Bar Association."
Peter Rosset, of Albany, Calif., reports that he has published America Needs Human Rights (Food First Books, 1999). He writes, "The book is about our country's apparent paradox of deepening poverty amid growing prosperity. Check it out at
From the November / December 1999 Issue
Linda Jaivin has published her third novel, Miles Walker, You're Dead, (Text Publishing, Melbourne). Her first two novels, Eat Me and Rock n Roll Babes from Outer Space, have been published in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and have appeared in numerous foreign-language editions. She lives in Sydney and would love to hear from any old friends planning trips to Australia (except during the Olympics when, like many sensible Sydneysiders, she intends to flee the country). Dave Oulighan (see Diana Gill '54).
Jan Zlotnick is president and strategic-creative director of his new venture, the zlotnick group. He writes that the company is a "rethink tank that consults, creates, and produces for both the ad agency and the marketer. We provide 360-degree primary re-search and customer insight through a philosophy, mission, and work ethic we call rethink."
From the September / October 1999 Issue
Gregory Floyd has published A Grief Unveiled: One Father's Journey Through the Death of a Child. It recounts how the death of his six-year-old son affected him, his wife, and their other children. Gregory is the Northeast regional director of Legatus, a ministry that provides spiritual support. He is also a leader of the People of Hope, a Catholic covenant community of 700 members in Warren, N.J., where he lives with his wife, Maureen, and their children. He is pursuing his master's in theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University. Gregory was previously the director of Renewal Resources, an organization that fosters renewal among Catholics through prayer and evangelization. He and his wife previously served as missionaries in England and Ireland. He is also a musician and songwriter. He released his first album, Angel in Disguise, in 1997.
From the July / August 1999 Issue
Frank Feldman's CD of original music, Recuerdo: Music of Frank Feldman Sung by Roni Kohen-Lemle, came out in April on Time Remembered Records. It consists of eleven songs based on the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay, Sara Teasdale, and W.B. Yeats. Frank writes: "The style is hard to pin down: let's just call it an original hybrid of classical, folk, and jazz influences. Folks can find it in many record stores and at"
Lloyd Miller, Naples, Fla., was elected to the board of directors of DualStar Technologies. A registered investment advisor, he is a member of Technology Investors Group and the board of directors of Porta Systems Corp. He has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade since 1978 and is a member of Comex of New York and the Chicago Stock Exchange. He is also active in several trade and charitable organizations. He and his wife, Dail, have four children.
Matthew Mock, Berkeley, Calif., received the Helen Margulis Mehr Award at the California Psychological Association meeting in March. He writes: "I received the award for my contributions to community mental health, teaching, and psychology. I was also acknowledged for my innovative training, school-based trauma services, and for co-editing the recently released monograph Breaking Barriers: Psychology in the Public Interest (CPA)."
Donald Schwarz, Philadelphia, has been appointed chief of the Craig-Dalsimer Division of Adolescent Medicine in the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's department of pediatrics. Previously Donald was vice chairman of the department of pediatrics. A pioneer in adolescent medicine and clinical research, Donald most recently served as principal investigator for the Philadelphia site of the National Adolescent Medicine HIV/AIDS Research Network. He has also served as principal investigator of a project that studied treatment of lead-exposed children, and he has developed a pilot program to reduce the number of injuries that occur in the home.
Jeff Waldron (see Joel Dunn '94).
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Barry Berman is an ob/gyn in private practice in the San Fernando Valley. He is the proud parent of Laura, 11, Andy, 8, and most recently, Jonathan, born Dec. 1. Barry is happily married to Susan, a clinical psychologist.
Stuart A. Billings writes: "In 1995 I closed my own architectural practice and joined Chatelain Architects in Washington, D.C., as a senior associate. I've had a busy year with two of my design projects opening: the New Academic Building at the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa., and the new Washington International School's Lower School in Washington, DC. This year appears to be just as busy with a new girls' dormitory at at the Hill School and another private school project in suburban Washington, D.C."
Jon Greenberg is a staff biologist at Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in Colorado Springs, Colo. He will be project director for the revision of the organization's high school honors biology book, Biological Science: A Molecular Approach. The new, eighth edition will be published in fall 2000 by South-Western Educational Publishing.
Amy Nathan has been named senior counsel for the Office of Plans & Policy at the Federal Communications Commission, where she is working on digital television implementation and set-top box issues. She lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband, Howard Fineman, and their children, Meredith and Nicholas.
Fred Procopio received an Outstanding Physician of the Year award from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Fred is a pediatrician at the Warwick (R.I.) Health Center. A clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at Brown, he is also a medical consultant for Child Inc., a Head Start program for Kent County, R.I., and a school physician for the East Greenwich, R.I., school department. Fred is a member of the executive committee of the Rhode Island chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is chairman of its school health committee. He lives in East Greenwich with his wife and two children.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Kathleen W. Buechel has been elected president of the Pittsburgh-based Alcoa Foundation, where she had been serving as vice president since 1990. She is also president of Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania, vice president of the board of Pittsburgh's Winchester Thurston School, and a board member of Oakland Catholic High School in the same city. A member of the advisory board of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown, she lives in Pittsburgh with her husband, Frederick Egler Jr., and two children.
Roger Donenfeld, Bel Air, Calif., and his wife, Jamie, announce the birth of Jacob (Jake) Evan on Dec. 2. Roger is an anesthesiologist at the Daniel Freeman Hospital in Marina del Rey, Calif. Jamie is a nurse midwife at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in West Los Angeles.
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Aaron Brandes, Medford, Mass., treasures the time he spends with Ilana, who was born May 13, 1997. "Her favorite activities include putting keys in keyholes, going on evening walks to look for kitties and the moon, taking bubble baths, and exploring books."
Chipper Brown writes: "My family and I have moved from Lyndeborough to Milford, N.H., twenty minutes closer to work. Donna and I have both left Digital and are now at Oracle. Jane Wang '95 recently joined my group, which is managed by Jay Davison '86 Sc.M. Our daughters, Clara and Wendy, are in second grade and kindergarten. Over the past year we have seen a number of Brown friends. Most recently Rita Harder Tempel stopped in for a visit with her husband, Hans, and 15-month-old son, Paul. Rita is living in Germany but summers in our mutual hometown of Bellport, N.Y. In September 1997, I participated in the wedding of my good friend, "Uncle" Jim Kiely '78, to Abby Sitomer, near Falmouth, Mass. Nanette Veilluex '79 officiated. Jim is still a Boston-area biomedical and electrical engineering consultant. I'm still a regular at the campus dance, so Brown friends without e-mail can catch up with me there!"
Rick Carell, San Francisco, writes: "Aileen and I bought a weekend place on the Russian River in Monte Rio. We invite classmates out for barbecues and swimming. The upstairs has supposedly never taken on water, even in the big flood of 1985. Without children, we need something else to worry about, like having the house float to Hawaii. We see Jeff Jacobs and his wife, Carol, regularly and had Thanksgiving for the second year at their Petaluma hacienda. Jeff went nuts with a hardwood flooring project last summer, which is a shame, because they may move back to Connecticut for his new job. We will miss them dearly."
Heather Claflin Clayton writes: "We're in Northborough, Mass., with four active children. We'll talk to you in ten years, when the pace lets up."
Rob Foster is managing environmental compliance and cleanup projects for TetraTech EM Inc., in Chicago. In his free time he helps Talia, 17, look at colleges; travels with Colin, 14, to tennis tournaments; and reads Box Car Children books to Toby, 8. His wife, Carol, teaches health education in Hinsdale, Ill.
Kenneth A. Johnson, Hingham, Mass., joined the Boston law firm of Burns & Levinson. He was previously a partner and chairman of the trusts-and-estates practice at Lyne, Woodworth & Evarts. Kenneth and his wife, Diane, have three children.
Leslie Johnson Lowery married Dion Lowery in August. Dion works at the Associated Press in Manhattan, and Leslie teaches French and Italian in Eastchester, N.Y. They live in Greenwich, Conn., with two daughters and two dogs.
Eugene Mahr, Joanne Levine Mahr, and sons Christopher, 14, and Daniel, 9, recently returned to the United States after a three-year stint in Hong Kong, where Eugene worked for Polaroid and Jody worked for the National Australia Bank. Eugene writes: "The timing of our overseas assignment was terrific, as it allowed us to witness events leading to the resumption of mainland sovereignty over the territory on July 1, 1997. In addition, we had exciting opportunities to travel in the region, including the Christmas vacation when we hooked up with classmate Linda Jaivin, a well-known writer in Sydney."
David M. Ray writes: "As part of my new position with DE Shaw & Co., I'm currently in Hyderabad, India, leading a software-development project for a Web-based stock brokerage system. It's remarkable how quickly my reading knowledge of the Devanagari alphabet, acquired over twenty years ago in Richard Beck's Sanskrit course at Brown, has returned just from seeing advertising in Hindi."
Peter Rosset has co-published a fully revised and updated second edition of his book World Hunger: Twelve Myths (Grove/Atlantic).
Will Tifft is the new advertising director of National Geographic. Will was most recently regional sales director at Time International, where he headed a sales and marketing team targeting U.S.-based companies for advertising in Time International editions. He began his career as a researcher and editor at Esquire.
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Mark Christiansen announces the birth of Charles Mark on Aug. 22, 1997. "It's great having a son! I'm balancing being a new dad with a much-improved golf game (thirteen handicap, down from twenty) and a new business, Christiansen Asset Management Inc., an on-line investment advisory service."
Anna Bobiak Nagurney '80 Ph.D. was appointed the John F. Smith Memorial Professor in the department of finance and operations management in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Anna has been with the university since 1983 and is an internationally known scholar whose work includes computer network modeling of large-scale financial, transportation, and regional economic systems. She is co-author of Financial Networks: Statics and Dynamics. In 1996, Anna received a seven-month appointment for a distinguished guest professorship at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, where she taught and did research in transportation network theory. In 1991 she received a $250,000 faculty award from the National Science Foundation, and she received a Distinguished Young Achiever Prize from the National Association of Women in 1987. In 1986 she was named an outstanding young researcher by the University of Umea, Sweden, which presented her with the Erik Kempe prize, one of Sweden's highest honors.
Peter Vangsnes lives in Waterford, Va., with his wife, Melanie, and daughters Alexandra, 6, and Caroline, 3. He is a partner in the Washington, D.C., law firm of Ashcraft and Gere.l
From the September / October 1998 Issue
Jann Matlock is an associate professor of French in the department of Romance languages and literatures at Harvard. She is currently a Guggenheim fellow in Paris, where she is completing a book on vision and censorship in 19th-century France. She published Scenes of Seduction: Prostitution, Hysteria, and Reading Difference in 19th-Century France (Columbia Univ. Press, 1994), and coedited Media Spectacles (Routledge, 1993) with Marjorie Garber and Rebecca Walkowitz. In May she authored a documentary film that was shown on French television in conjunction with the Julia Kristeva exhibition at the Musée du Louvre.
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Amy L. Nathan left her private law prac-tice and joined the Federal Communications Commission, where she is a senior policy lawyer in the mass media bureau. Amy and her husband, Howard Fineman, live in Washington, D.C., with their two children, Meredith, 101/2, and Nicholas, 6.
Ellen Seely is investigating high blood pressure in post-menopausal women at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "I feel fortunate to have Cristina Lampuri '97 working as my research assistant," Ellen writes.
Philip Sunshine was named acting inspector general of the National Science Foundation. He has served as NSF's deputy inspector general since 1989. Previously, he was a senior attorney for case development at the U.S. Department of Justice's office of special investigations. Philip, wife Margot, and sons Josh, 15, Joel, 12, and Avi, 9, live in Potomac, Md.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Stephen Ehrlich (see Stanley L. Ehrlich '45).
Stephen Golub writes: "My path since graduation has included bartending in Washington, D.C., and New York City; political campaigns and city government in New York; bopping around the world for eighteen months; surviving Harvard Law School; funding overseas democratic development projects for a San Francisco-based foundation; spending 1987-93 in the Philippines, first for the foundation and then on a Fulbright fellowship; and settling into Kensington, Calif., near Berkeley, to consult for international development organizations. I currently direct a long-term Ford Foundation review of its overseas legal services and human-rights programs; research foreign aid for legal systems and civil society, with support from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and George Soros's Open Society Institute; and teach a course on law and development at the University of California's Boalt Hall School of Law. I love my work and the Bay Area."
Mark Hauser (see Susan Motamed '89).
Francis Jamiel, Warren, R.I., and his family were honored at the National Kidney Foundation's Gift of Life reception, hosted by Today's Matt Lauer, in Providence in November. Francis donated a kidney to his brother, Geoff, in 1994. The Jamiel family, which includes Francis's brother Joe '80, received the Outstanding Donor Family Award.
Jack Manning was named vice president of engineering at General Dynamics Armament Systems in Burlington, Vt. Since joining the company in 1981 when it was a division of General Electric, John has held leadership positions in engineering, manufacturing, finance, business development, and strategic planning. His current assignment is to manage more than 200 engineers and technicians in a variety of defense and aerospace programs. Jack and his wife, Ann, live in Jericho, Vt., with their sons, William, 10, and Benjamin, 7. Jack is the son of the late William H. Manning '51 and his wife, Marion, who submit-ted this note.
Linda Ann Moulton and her husband, Ron Goddard, live in Cotuit, Mass., on Cape Cod, with their 6-year-old twin girls. Linda recently left banking and became the treasurer of Chicago Miniature Lamp Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of miniature and sub-miniature lighting systems that owns Sylvania Lighting International.
Meryl Pearlstein was appointed director of media strategy at KWE Associates in New York City. In addition to her new role, Meryl will continue as account supervisor on several of the agency's travel and tourism accounts, which include The Equinox, La Casa Que Canta, and Grace Bay Club. Meryl joined KWE Associates in 1993.
James Risen coauthored Wrath of Angels: The American Abortion War (Basic Books), which traces the rise and fall of the American anti-abortion movement. James, an investigative reporter for the Los Angeles Times, lives in Washington, D.C.
From the March / April 1998 Issue
Ellen DeNooyer (see Peter Amram '61).
Tony Keats works with Michelena Hallie '79 in intellectual property protection for the entertainment industry. Michelena is vice president and trademark counsel for Viacom, and Tony is intellectual property team leader for a national law firm.
Muqtadar A. Quraishi has been working for a multinational petroleum marketing company in Pakistan for the past eight years. He is currently on a six-month assignment in the Dallas area.
Amy Satran, San Francisco, celebrated her tenth anniversary in January. "Since the wedding, my husband, Ray Kristof, and I have given birth to a son (Roger, 1990), an interactive product design studio (Ignition, 1992), and a book (Interactivity by Design, 1995)," Amy writes. "The book was by far the hardest." She spends most of her time managing software development projects, doing interface design consulting, and building Lego space stations.
Michael A. McCullough ’77, of Beverly, Mass.; Jul. 7, following a brief illness. After receiving a master’s degree from University College, Dublin, he worked in New York City writing copy for various professional publications and marketing/advertising firms. He later worked as a senior editor at Coopers & Lybrand writing speeches for the firm’s top executives and producing the monthly newsletter. He left Coopers to found McCullough Communications LLC, where he wrote promotional and website copy as well as personal memoirs for more than 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Josephine; two sisters, including Kate McCullough ’83; and five nieces and nephews.
Diane S. Panizza ’77, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Jan 9. She spent 42 years in laboratory healthcare with Women and Infants Hospital. She enjoyed going to the beach, being on a boat, and camping with her family. She loved animals and traveling with her sister, and visited zoos at each of her destinations. She is survived by a sister and a brother.
Maureen Murphy Leydon ’77, of Lynnfield, Mass.; Sept. 25, of ovarian cancer. She spent 40 years in the insurance industry working at MetLife and New England Financial. During her time at Brown she was a member of the women’s swim team. She was also a former first runner-up in the Massachusetts Miss Teen Pageant. She is survived by her husband Joe; two sons and daughters-in-law; two grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; two brothers and sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Daniel J. Kleinman ’77, of Marietta, Ga.; Mar. 30. He was a cardiologist in Marietta. He earned a medical degree from Wright State University and completed his internship/residency in internal medicine at Emory University, followed by a three-year fellowship in cardiovascular disease at the Medical College of Georgia. He enjoyed sports, music, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Julie; two sons; a sister; and a brother.
Rupert W. Scofield ’71, of Chatham, N.Y.; Nov. 27, as a result of several strokes. After graduating from Brown, where he was an All-Ivy and All-New England lacrosse player, he joined the Peace Corps and worked side-by-side with subsistence farmers in Guatemala, then worked as a land reform activist with the AFL-CIO during the height of the civil war in El Salvador. He earned master’s degrees in both agricultural economics and public administration from the University of Wisconsin, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Roehampton, London. In 1984 he cofounded FINCA, a pioneer in the field of microfinance. FINCA’s revolutionary approach, known as Village Banking, provided financial services to mostly illiterate women farmers, shopkeepers, and laborers so they could build their own pathway out of poverty. Today, its network of community banks serves millions on five continents. As FINCA president and CEO, he mentored and inspired countless others, while demonstrating how to live a life of purpose and meaning. He wrote four books during the course of his career. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine; two daughters; a son; three grandchildren; brothers Frank ’69 and Daniel ’78; sister-in-law Lisa Bird Scofield ’77; and several nieces and nephews.
Robert Haefliger ’77, of Pasadena, Calif.; Aug. 2, of a heart attack. He is survived by his brother.
Adrian G. Grammar ’77, of Geneva, N.Y.; Aug. 11. He worked at General Motors for 32 years, retiring in 2009. In retirement he stayed busy farming his family’s land and running his engine repair shop, Grammar-Gates Industries. He is survived by his wife, Carol; a daughter; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
Mac F. Given ’77, of Storrs, Conn.; Sept. 26, 2021, of brain cancer. He taught chemistry at Friends Central School before pursuing his PhD in biology at UConn. He taught for two years at Providence College, then moved to Media, Pa., in 1990 to be a professor of biology and dean of arts and sciences at Neumann University. He retired in 2020 as professor emeritus. During his tenure, he published 13 peer-reviewed research articles, primarily on communication dynamics in populations of carpenter frogs, Fowler’s toads, and pickerel frogs. He served as an officer in the international Herpetologists League, was a peer-reviewer for professional journals, and regularly attended herpetology and animal behavior conferences. He was a frequent speaker on natural history topics for schools and organizations in the Philadelphia area, including the Delaware County Institute of Science. His most-requested topics involved his research into frog communication and his work in environmental education in Guatemala. He rediscovered his love of jazz clarinet while living in Guatemala in 2006 and over the next 15 years played with ensembles ranging from town bands to community bands near his home, playing clarinet every year at town events alongside his son. He was an active volunteer in a wide range of community institutions. He enjoyed hiking, kayaking, and caring for his own five-acre forest before being diagnosed with extensive metastatic melanoma in June 2021. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a son; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.
Lillian Allegretti D’Ovidio ’77, of Warwick, R.I.; Aug. 11. She was a faithful communicant of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence. She taught catechism and had leadership roles in the Siena Club for Saint Catherine’s Apponaug Parish. She was an activist for the sanctity of life and an advocate for the intellectually disabled, the elderly, and the socially disadvantaged. She embraced her heritage when preparing Italian meals from scratch and for more than 20 years she produced and hosted a public access television cooking show called “A Family Supper in 30 Minutes,” which featured Rhode Island chefs and Italian recipes, with an emphasis on strengthening family values. She was recognized by the Sons of Italy Cristoforo Colombo Loggia, where she faithfully served in several leadership roles. She is survived by six children, including son David ’76; 16 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
David J. Ladouceur ’77 PhD, of Granger, Ind.; May 8. He was a professor at the University of Notre Dame for 39 years. During his tenure he served for nine years as the chairman for the department of classics and published multiple works on Greek, Latin, and biblical literature. He had a love of all things historical, which led to a lifelong passion for collecting antiques and fine art. Inspired by his love for art, he became a self-taught painter and sculptor, entering multiple works in regional art shows and winning many awards. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Hamaty Ladouceur ’71; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren.
Chung K. Ng ’77, of Laconia, N.H., formerly of Cardiff, Wales; May 25, of cancer. He was a software engineer and worked for many prominent software companies, including Digital Corp. and RSA Security, until he founded his own consulting firm and retired. He is survived by his wife, Maureen; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; four grandchildren; three sisters and two brothers-in-law.
Linda Moulton Matey ’77, of Pittsburgh; Jan. 21, of cancer. She graduated high school early and attended John Carroll University for a year before Brown, then obtained her master’s in library science from the University of Pittsburgh. She was a regional manager for Giant Eagle’s book department and later worked as a librarian for more than 20 years, eventually becoming library director. She is survived by a son, a sister and brother-in-law, and a brother and sister-in-law.
Julius S. Scott ’77, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dec. 6. He was a professor emeritus at the University of Michigan, a scholar of slavery and Atlantic history. What began as his PhD thesis at Duke University in 1986 became his book, The Common Wind: Afro-American Currents in the Age of the Haitian Revolution, published in 2018 with Verso Books. It traces the circulation of news in African diasporic communities in the Caribbean around the time of the Haitian Revolution and links the “common wind” of shared information to political developments leading to the abolition of slavery in the British and French Caribbean. He received a special achievement award from the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the Stone Book Award from the Museum of African American History, among other honors. He is survived by his partner, Prof. Elisha Renne; his mother; and two brothers.
Alfred V. Saravao Jr. ’77, of Chepachet, R.I.; Aug. 5. He worked as a computer programmer for Fleet Bank and CVS until his retirement in 2017. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a sister; two brothers; and many nieces and nephews.
Mark A. Josephson ’77, of New York City; Mar. 2. He was a freelance music reviewer for Soho News and Village Voice before founding Rockpool Promotions in 1979. He later cofounded the pioneering New Music Seminar. Recently, he was executive director at the Wellmont Theatre in Montclair, N.J. He enjoyed sharing his music, curating from his vast collection, making CDs, and reading, and was fascinated by history of any kind. He is survived by his father, stepmother, a sister, and a brother.
Holly Allethaire Cullen ’77, of Warwick, R.I.; Mar. 19. She studied nursing at the Lienhard School of Nursing at Pace University. Throughout her career as a registered nurse and family nurse practitioner she served in various capacities, including director of education at Kent Hospital and as a professor at CCRI, where she was head of the nursing department. She affectionately referred to her students as her “green beans.” She is survived by cousins.
Sylvia E. Shortt ’77, of Athens, Ga.; Dec. 17, after a brief illness. After Brown, she earned a master’s degree and became a counselor at West Georgia College, now known as the University of West Georgia. She was an adviser to its International Student Program, expanding the program, and retired as associate director of International Services and Programs in December 2012, then served as a volunteer alumni coordinator for the UWG Alumni Association. She was instrumental in developing the American College Counseling Association and served as the organization’s president, treasurer, and conference chair. She was involved in many professional organizations and won numerous awards and recognitions. In retirement she became a member of Athens Rotary. She is survived by her partner Robin Mullinix; a daughter, and several cousins.
David E. Dudek ’77, of Hadley, Mass.; Oct. 9, of sarcoma. After graduating from Brown, he was hired by General Electric and employed in their Syracuse office until 1980, when he transferred to their offices in Seattle. He received his MBA from Seattle University and left GE to accept a position at Starbucks Coffee. After moving back East he became a professor of business management at UMass Amherst. He was an environmentalist and cultivated an organic garden. In addition, David and his wife raised Welsh Corgi dogs and participated in AKC dog shows. He enjoyed playing cards and board games as well as outdoor games, especially horseshoe pitching. He is survived by his wife, Theresa; his mother; and three brothers and their families.
John N. Bergeron ’80 MD (see ’77).
John N. Bergeron ’77, ’80 MD, of Westerly, R.I.; July 30. He was a doctor who cared for the underserved at Wood River Health Services for 37 years. He enjoyed construction and carpentry, renovating the family home and engineering creative solutions that rivaled those of experts. Driven by a commitment to family, he connected with his French-Canadian roots by becoming fluent in French and immersing himself in European culture with frequent travels with friends and family. An avid cyclist, he participated in weekly community rides, walks, and bike tours across the country. He is survived by his wife, Joanne; two sons and daughters-in-law; six grandchildren; 10 siblings and their spouses; and several nieces and nephews.
Lloyd I. Miller III ’77, of Palm Beach, Fla.; Jan. 12. He is survived by his wife, Susan; two daughters; and three sons.
Grady E. Lake ’77, of Elmhurst, Ill.; Aug. 13, 2018. He was vice president of Liberty Bank for Savings in Chicago. He enjoyed fishing, gardening, traveling, playing hockey, and cooking. He is survived by his fiancé Sandra Heinz; a daughter; a son; three stepsons; two grandchildren; and two sisters.
John H. Berardi ’77, of South Attleboro, Mass.; Apr. 15, after a brief illness. He worked for Narragansett Wire Company for many years and was a real estate agent since 1989, most recently with Century 21. He is survived by his father, a brother and sister-in-law, and two nieces.
Daniel Laurent ’77, of Herndon, Va.; Nov. 27. After completing his internship and residency in Washington, D.C., at the Georgetown University Medical Center and the George Washington University Hospital, he opened a urology practice at Reston Hospital in 1987 and practiced for 31 years. He served on the Reston Hospital Board of Trustees for 23 years and was board chair for eight years. He enjoyed cooking, driving fast cars, traveling, and music. He is survived by his wife, Peggy; two sons; sister Carell Laurent ’78; a brother; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
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