Class of 1966

Send your news to class cosecretary Jaclynne Horn Laxon or directly to the BAM at

Jan, 2025
The BDH in the News
From the Archives: The BDH is the subject of the news as well as its bearer Read More
Jan, 2025

Edward J. McEntee published Paradise Found: Photos, Memories and Contemplations on a Magical Island in April. The book documents the different aspects of Block Island through musings, pictures, and poetry across the different seasons. Focusing on the many scenic viewpoints and beautiful architecture, he’s able to show why the island is a draw for tourists and himself.

Nov, 2024

Edward J. McEntee published Paradise Found: Photos, Memories and Contemplations on a Magical Island on April 15 with Stillwater River Publications. In the book he documents the different aspects of Block Island, R.I., through musings, pictures, and poetry across the different seasons. Focusing on the many scenic viewpoints and beautiful architecture, he’s able to show why the island has a draw for tourists and himself.

Aug, 2024

Phyllis Ann Kollmer Santry writes: “On April 2, 2024, Gayle Landers and I were able to snag tickets to hear David Buskin ’65 performing with his long-time musical partner, Robin Batteau, at Birdland Jazz Club in New York City. David crushed it. He finished his set with a hilarious medley he composed of songs about getting old. It ended with the line “Try to remember…” You gotta love David.” 

Aug, 2024

Ron LoLordo writes: “I just started as a senior trial attorney in the major crimes/homicide division of the district attorney’s office in Albuquerque, New Mexico.” Contact Ron at 

Jun, 2024

Don Bernardo published a historic novella called The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the Legend of the Snow White Doe. Don writes: “It is about Sir Walter Raleigh’s failed attempt to establish the first English colony in America and concludes with a magical love story about Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the New World. It can be purchased from me at”  


Jan, 2024

Sarah Grace and Jared Schober were married on August 13, 2022 in Boston. Quite a few Brown alumni were in attendance, including Samuel Brebner, Ross Dispenza, Loren Dowd, Norman Grace ’58, Robert Grace ’84, Stephanie Grace ’87, Corey Holman, James Janison, Natasha Nelson, Perry Rosenberg, Barbara Anderson Rotger ’86, Jose Rotger ’86, Miriam Grace Silverman ’66, Celina Stewart, Alice Sun, Amy Sung ’14, Caleb Tower ’85, Edith Dede” Tower ’85, and Klara Zimmerman ’15. Jared and Sarah met on the first day of college at Brown—they were neighbors in Perkins Hall. They currently reside in Berkeley, Calif. 

Jan, 2024

Miriam Grace Silverman (see Sarah Grace ’16).

Jan, 2024

Ronald Dwight writes: “Although I am still doing some legal work (trusts), I am mostly busy running my farm in Poland, where we raise Trakehner horses (Prussian warmbloods) and garden on a vast scale. We have a luxury Airbnb over the stable. Poland is a very safe place to visit.” 

Jan, 2024

John Delehanty published a brief memoir called Beyond the Chokecherry Tree (90 pages). “The book includes a story about my admission to Brown in 1962. It is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.” Contact John at; (914) 645-3711.

Nov, 2023

Steve Zwarg paid a nostalgic visit to Island Heights, N.J., to see his classmate and longtime friend, Don Tyler, and his wife Ingrid. Steve and Don attended high school and Brown together and participated in wrestling at both institutions. They both also enjoy sailing, with Steve and Don doing a lot of small boat sailing on Toms River in New Jersey. Steve writes: “It was great to catch up with old friends and see how much things have changed on the Jersey shore, where many fun years were spent quite a while ago.”

Jun, 2023

Emily Hughes Page writes: “I’m not retired yet because I’m still treasuring the process of doing mental health coaching and energy work with private clients and for Catholic Charities of Massachusetts. My greatest joy these days is facilitating face-to-face, Zoom, and social chat meetings for the 1100 Massachusetts branch of Connecting Consciousness (, as well as providing some worldwide leadership for the 100,000 member organization. This includes initiating a bereavement support process for myself (who lost my younger son Tim at 51 years old a year ago to a heart attack) as well as folks who’ve lost relationships for a variety of reasons in these challenging times.”

Jun, 2023

Robert Hall writes: “I am so fortunate to spend several winter months at beautiful Amelia Island, Florida, while maintaining our Barrington, Rhode Island, home. As such, I can continue two among my favorite interests—I’m as active as ever with my investment advisory firm, and I am pleased to continue to be involved with the football program as chairman of the Brown Football Association. I have known Head Coach James Perry for many years and strongly feel his leadership will resurrect Brown football. James has recently introduced me to his nephew, EG Perry, our former All-Ivy quarterback at Brown and now a member of the Jacksonville Jaguars practice squad. My wife and I have just enjoyed a nice luncheon with EG at Amelia. Pete Fuller ’65 and Michel Bayard ’88 visited us at Amelia Island, two former outstanding lacrosse and hockey players, respectively, and lifelong friends. We played golf and as usual reminisced about our great Brown experience. With respect to golf, I do have mixed feelings about my golfing experience. My two grandsons, 18 and 20, are now hitting shots 50 yards (at least) past me. (I actually am more happy than sad).”

Nov, 2022

Walter Donway writes: “Back in September, I self-published my sixth novel (15th book), Retaking College Hill. It is dedicated to Brown and its core (perhaps now ‘historic’) standards, but also critical of what I see as contemporary contradictions of those standards. Many themes are inspired by Heather Mac Donald’s The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture (2018). Not exactly uncontroversial. The novel takes the form of a thriller and briefly became a #1 Amazon bestseller in political fiction. Among the reviewers on Amazon so far are two Brown men. I could not avoid and did not want to avoid nostalgia about my years at Brown. I spent my career in New York City foundations, including as education program officer at the Dana Foundation, where I became founding editor of Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science. I was encouraged and edited by then Chairman William Safire. I freelanced over the years (Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, Iowa Review), but only when I retired at 62 did I begin to write books and hundreds of articles, including for a publication I helped to start, Savvy Street. My wife and I live in New York City and East Hampton on Long Island. From the ‘small world department,’ my brother-in-law is also Brown ’66. I enjoyed our 50th reunion and saw a few old friends and made some new ones. My brother-in-law refused to attend, disapproving of current trends at Brown, but, I think, from a different perspective than mine. He did like Retaking College Hill, though.”

Nov, 2022

Bob Sanchez had COVID and attended his granddaughter’s graduation from the College of Charleston in step with the times—he streamed the ’22 graduation, which was very long with two graduation classes marching. Among his numerous activities are: secretary of the weekly men’s coffee speaker program, a group leader of Great Decisions seminars, Naples Daily News opinion contributor, participant in monthly progressive luncheons, a board member of the Reserve Officers Association, the Brown University Club of Southwest Florida, and the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association.

Jun, 2022

Doug Gortner writes: “I am still tinkling away in Nashville. Much to my amazement, I am still considered the top party/wedding/corporate function pianist in Music City. I still can’t read music, but I can play 440 tunes by ear. To hear my music and see my ancient face and red beret, just google ‘Best Jazz Pianist in Nashville.’ I also model. I played Kryptonite man in a music video and boogied shoulder to shoulder with Billy Ray Cyrus in an episode of Still The King. Pre-COVID, I was selling photos of flowers for $350 that I took with my $200 camera. My son graduated from Skidmore and Dartmouth and my daughter from Connecticut College. My son is on medical leave from teaching engineering at Dartmouth and my daughter (with her math degree) teaches gymnastics to tots and cleans houses in the Hanover, Mass., area. Like most of my classmates, I am entering into the decrepitude stage of life, but am well-medicated and well-doctored, so I am still playing golf and passing for 60 in my modeling roles. Looking for one last wife. (Sandra Z. are you out there?) I am still in touch with my Zete brothers, but don’t hear from my pool hall buddies. Would love to hear from y’all.”


Apr, 2022

Ian Haberman writes: “Although, at the age of 76, I probably should be retired, I recently began a new career as court mediator for the Medina County (Ohio) Court of Common Pleas. I handle only civil matters: car accidents, neighbor disputes, foreclosures, worker’s compensation, etc., but (mercifully) no divorce cases. This follows about 10 years in academia at Case Western Reserve University and then nearly 40 years in the private practice of law. Serving as court mediator is without a doubt the greatest gig in the world.”

Nov, 2021

Phillip Koutsogiane received two awards from the Rhode Island Bar Association; one in 2014, when he was awarded the Pro Bono Publico Award for outstanding service with the Volunteer Lawyers Program and again in 2020, when he received the Rhode Island Bar Association Continuing Service Award for his steadfast commitment and distinguished service to the administration of justice. He is a sole practitioner in Woonsocket, R.I. 

Jun, 2021

Bob Gaudreau was elected to the Rhode Island Hockey Hall of Fame. As last year’s class inductions were postponed due to the pandemic, he was inducted alongside the 2020 class. 

Jan, 2021

Marilynne Summers Robinson published her book Jack, the fourth installment of her acclaimed Gilead series. Jack tells the story of a star-crossed interracial romance in a small Iowa town. The New Yorker profiled Robinson in its Oct. 5 issue.

Aug, 2020

Susan Inglis Seal retired from a long career in high-end residential real estate sales in 2010. After retirement and aside from enjoying her children and grandchildren, she put her efforts into saving Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters near her home in Hartsdale, N.Y. The house was built in 1732. It stayed untouched in the Odell family until the late 20th century. It was where Gen. Rochambeau stayed for six weeks in 1781 while he met with George Washington. The house stayed boarded up and neglected for 50+ years. Susan convinced her local town government to take ownership and title on March 4, 2020. Despite the pandemic, plans are moving ahead to create a museum by the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War. The house is part of the National Park Service Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route (WARO). More information at Susan can be reached at

Aug, 2020

Michael Levy writes: “After 50 years as a lawyer, 37 with the U.S. Department of Justice, I retired last September. I have spent the spring semester teaching Cybercrime and Evidence at the University of Pennsylvania Law School (my other alma mater). The virus drove us online from mid-March on. I’ve taught Cybercrime for about 15 years, but Evidence was a new adventure. Shifting to Zoom half-way through was an unanticipated challenge/opportunity. I thought I knew Evidence pretty well, until I prepared to teach it to others. I have to say I may have learned as much as my students this semester. Hoping that we can have a real, rather than a virtual, reunion next year.”

Aug, 2020

Nancy Scull writes: “I am still heavily engaged with Building Brighter Futures for Tanzanian Children through Education ( We celebrated our 10th anniversary earlier this year, and can really see the huge difference we’ve made for three public primary schools support-
ing a collective 1600 students per year. We work in partnership with their communities. Our board of directors includes Ina Schwartz  Heafitz ’66.  Meanwhile, although I still live in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I’ve been for more than 50 years, my personal life now includes frequent visits to Apex, North Carolina.”

Jun, 2020

Heather Seal Breslin (see Susan Seal ’66). 

Jun, 2020

Allison Summ Williams writes: “Finally retired after 31 years as a school librarian. I joined classmates Laura Corwin and Susan Spivak for a mini reunion in New York City, where Laura lives full-time and Susan for half the year. We saw a musical, walked the High Line, took lots of public transportation and had hours of great conversation. Now that I’m liberated, I hope this visit will be more frequent.”

Jun, 2020

Susan Seal writes: “Since retiring in 2010, I have been working to rescue an important historic site in my town of Hartsdale, New York. The Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters is on the National Register for its importance as the building where General Rochambeau stayed for six weeks in 1781 while he and George Washington planned the final battles of the Revolution. It was in this house, still in original condition but sadly deteriorated, that the decision was made to march to Yorktown, Virginia, instead of confronting the British in Manhattan. The 5,000 French forces and 4,000 Continental troops were camped in the surrounding fields. This meeting was a milestone marking the French American alliance and is part of the Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route of the National Parks Service. I formed a nonprofit, Friends of OHRH and received 501c3 status. It needs lots of work but we have community support and great interest. We expect to be open in time for the 250th anniversary in 2026. Check out our website, Have a tour the next time you’re in New York. Aside from OHRH, my husband of 50 years, David Lafayette ’65, and I are blessed to spend time with our two daughters, Heather Seal Breslin ’94 and Kate Seal Stempel (UNH ’97) and four grandchildren, and to lead active lives.”

Apr, 2020

Doug Gortner writes: “In my eleven years living in wonderful Nashville, I have met but one Brown alumna, no alumnus. I retired from development work to devote my full time to my artistic bent. Those few of you who can conjure up my face may recall that I played jazz piano in a coffee house up above Toy Suns. Well, I still can’t read music, have had bones removed from both thumbs, and now have no feeling in my fingertips (inherited from my dad). Nonetheless, to my total consternation, l am now considered a top private-party corporate-function pianist in Music City. I am also acting in commercials and music videos. Finally, I sell photographs, taken with a $250 camera, for $350. I’m very excited to have been invited to hang a one-man show at a downtown gallery. If you are in Nashville let’s get together.”


Sep, 2019

David Beckman and his wife, Sharon, are active in AVP—Alternative to Violence Project. David writes: “With others, we go into maximum security prisons and facilitate three-day workshops with 20 inmates at a time on conflict resolution. This allows inmates to rediscover their humanity and grow beyond who they were when they committed their crimes.”


Jul, 2019

Peter Clark writes: “My son, Austen Clark ’20, has thoroughly enjoyed participating in two club sports; tennis and soccer, which have been very successful. He is cocaptain of the tennis team, which returned from the nationals in Arizona having finished #19 out of 64 teams. Quite a feat! Austen is also a member of the club soccer team. That team won the Ivy League tournament for the third year in a row.”


May, 2019

Mark Lurie writes: “My biography of Lewis Galantière, Galantière, The Lost Generation’s Forgotten Man, has garnered excellent reviews from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Midwest Book Review, and academia. It has also been purchased by the libraries of prominent universities.”

Mar, 2019

Jaclynne Horn Laxon writes: “Are there class of ’66 Pembrokers who would like to establish contact with one another via email?  You may be unaware of classmates living in your area. Let’s open the door to online discussions and perhaps regional gatherings in person. If this appeals to you, please send your email address to me. I will create a list serve and share it (only) among interested classmates.”  


Mar, 2019

 Ronald Dwight writes: “Pamela and I have retired to our horse breeding farm in Poland, in the lake region two hours north of Warsaw. We do agrotourism and have six luxury rooms with private baths over the stable overlooking the canal and Lake Mielno. We breed Trakehners, the Prussian warmbloods. Poland is very safe—no terrorism so far.”


Mar, 2019

Jay A. Burgess writes: “On Dec. 4, I was awarded the Medal of the Order of the Madara Horseman, First Class, by Bulgarian President Rumen Radev. The presentation was made by Ambassador Tihomir Stoytchev at the Bulgarian Embassy in Washington, D.C. This medal, one of Bulgaria’s very highest awards bestowed on foreign citizens, was given for my efforts for more than 40 years in helping develop U.S.-Bulgarian economic and commercial relations.  Previously in my career, I received similar presidential medals from Hungary (Officers Cross, Order of Merit, 2005); Poland (Officers Cross, Order of Merit, 2012); and Romania (Order of the Star of Romania, 2016), as well as the Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ highest distinction for foreigners, the Silver Medal of Jan Masaryk in 2016. After a 40-year career at the U.S. Department of Commerce working on European affairs, I retired  in early 2016 as director for Europe, with USDOC trade policy and business development responsibility for 39 European countries; and I occasionally served as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia. It was a highly stimulating, challenging, and rewarding career, whichI thoroughly enjoyed. In some respects, it was like I never left the political science curriculum at Brown. It was very gratifying to see old teammates, fraternity brothers, and classmates at our 50th Reunion in 2016.”


Jan, 2019
Tom Eastler ’66
He showed anyone, anywhere, how to racewalk Read More
Jan, 2019

Drew R. Weinlandt writes: “I am semi-retired, still teaching English at Nassau Community College in Garden City, New York, and spending time at our condo in Lenox, Massachusetts, in the Berkshires. I did a memorable Rhine River cruise. I have been an elder in our Huntington Presbyterian Church doing charitable and community work, which I find quite satisfying.”


Jan, 2019

Hugh Wakefield writes: “On September 30 the University of Maine at Farmington held a celebration of the life for Tom Eastler, who passed away August 30 after teaching there for 41 years. Charles Blood, Ian Haberman, and Hugh Wakefield joined over 500 other friends, colleagues, and former students of ‘Dr. Rock’ to honor our classmate.”

Jan, 2019

Meryl Smith Raskin has been retired from a long career in IT for 11 years now. She has four grandchildren, three on the East Coast and one on the West Coast. She writes: “After four sons, I am thrilled to have three granddaughters and one grandson so far. Besides enjoying them, I still do a lot of volunteer work for my synagogue and take courses at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Philadelphia. Olivia, 11, and Eli, 9, are the children of our son, Eric ’97 and his wife, Robin.”


Jan, 2019

Thomas O. Niederer is downsizing from a large house on three acres to a small barn conversion on 196 acres. He and his wife, Wendy, are still active in real estate, forest management, gardening, and tennis.


Jan, 2019

Charles F. Homeyer and his wife Sara celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with their children on an Alaskan cruise. In December their son, Peter, was ordained an Episcopal priest in Grand Rapids. Since May, Charles has been serving a one-year term as president of the resident council of his retirement community.


Jan, 2019

Ulle Viiroja Holt ’92 AM, ’00 PhD, writes: “This past August I had a first birthday party for my grandson Aeneas, who is the latest grandchild to join our family and the first baby for William Holt ’02 and his wife Melissa. His other grandparent is Dennis A. Holt ’65 and his aunt is Denise Holt ’93.


May, 2018

James H. Zimmerman Jr. continues to serve as country specialist, China, to Amnesty International. He returned from testimony in Memphis for the China Democracy party. He attends many local Brown events and hopes to see more classmates.

May, 2018

Thomas Grady retired from surgery practice and is settling into full-time grandparenting.

May, 2018

Charles D. Brown writes: “This is the second year of the Blessing in a Backpack program our church started, which feeds 200 students at a local elementary school in Syracuse, New York. We hope to add more kids next year.”

Apr, 2018

Gene Newman, Gil Messing ’63, Rene Murai ’66, and Dean Vegosen ’65 met for a round of golf at Miami Beach Golf Club in Florida. Gene writes: “Great weather, some good shots, and some poor ones. Fun, enjoyment, peace, nature topped off with KE brotherhood. What could be better?”

Apr, 2018

Bernard Robinowitz ’66 writes: “I had the pleasure of seeing my first Brown men’s soccer game in 50 years. Brown bested Univ. of Tulsa, 2–1. What fun! I was surprised at the amount of head trauma in the game. I am writing to suggest that our school needs to change soccer and football to protect our students’ brains. I am starting my 43rd year practicing dermatology in Tulsa, and my brain is still working.”

Jan, 2018

Michael Levy writes: “I’ve started slowing down; I’ve entered semi-retirement. The Department of Justice has now offered a phased retirement program under which I work half the time, collect half of my salary and half of my pension. I’m obligated to spend at least 20 percent of my time teaching and mentoring. In my case, that will be my expertise in cybercrime and gathering electronic evidence. (A strange expertise for someone who almost failed Applied Math 101 in the fall of 1965). Cutting back my work time allows me to explore what I want to do in the next phase of my adolescence, while still having an anchor at work.”

Jan, 2018

Bernard Robinowitz ’66 writes: “I had the pleasure of seeing my first Brown men’s soccer game in 50 years. Brown bested Univ. of Tulsa 2 to 1—what fun. I was surprised atthe amount of head trauma in the game. I am writing to suggest that our school needs to change soccer and football to protect our students’ brains. I am starting my 43rd year practicing dermatology in Tulsa, and my brain is still working.”


From the November/December 2017 Issue

Cliff LePage Jr. writes: “Still working on an exit plan from a 48-year law practice, staggering through some 5ks, watching a lot of Division 1 men’s hoops and lacrosse as well as grandkids’ soccer, hoops, lacrosse, and performing arts. The 50th in May 2016 was terrific, especially the stroll down College Hill with various classmates.”

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Send your news to class cosecretary Jaclynne Horn Laxon or directly to the BAM at

Robert DeLuca published a memoir about his time as an NROTC student at Brown titled Beatles, Books, Bombs, and Beyond. He tells his story in parallel to two of his friends and fellow soldiers as they studied, enjoyed life, and matured at Brown before marrying, having families, and going off to war in Southeast Asia. The book is available on Amazon.

Robert Hall writes: “My wife and I are spending half the year at Amelia Island, Florida. Thanks to technology and a strong staff at home in Barrington, Rhode Island, I can easily conduct my investment adviser practice. For the other six months, I am fortunate that our daughter and her two teenage boys live nearby and that I can continue to be proactive at Brown, where I am president of both Friends of Brown Baseball and Friends of Brown Squash, as well as chairman of Friends of Brown Football. I also completed my 20th interview/evaluation of perspective Brown students. I was honored to have been asked by our athletic director to throw out the ceremonial first ball at our new baseball facility, now the best in the Ivy League. In case of an injured shoulder, I had asked Manny Menezes ’64 to be on standby if I needed assistance, but am pleased to report none was needed.”

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Send your news to class co-secretary Jaclynne Horn Laxon or directly to the BAM at 

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Send your news to class co-secretary Jaclynne Horn Laxon or directly to the BAM at

From the March/April 2017 Issue

After many years enjoying teaching middle school art and English at the International School of Belgrade in Serbia, Anne Goslee-Jovovic has now scaled back to two afternoon art classes per week. She and her husband continue to spend summers in Connecticut, visited often by their two children and five grandchildren.

Margaret Stackpole writes: “Sorry to miss the 50th reunion. I was in the midst of moving to a new home in the Blue Ridge of Virginia. We love it!”

Drew R. Weinlandt writes: “I am still teaching part-time as adjunct professor of English at Nassau Community College in Garden City, New York, and also tutoring privately for standardized exams and general writing skills. I continue to recommend Brown to many young people with whom I interact. I’m spending more time these days at our condo in Lenox, Massachusetts, in the beautiful Berkshires, and also traveling, this past summer to Ireland and Scotland.”

David J. Wyler writes: “On the occasion of our 50th reunion, I moved to Providence and am now an adjunct professor at the Brown Medical School. It’s great to be back!”

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Paul F. Kelly received an honorary Doctor of Public Administration degree from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in June. Paul served on the MMA board of trustees for 10 years, including two as chairman. A decorated U.S. Marine Corps officer, Paul later retired as assistant special agent in charge of the U.S. Secret Service White House Division. 

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Class president Pat Gasbarro reports: “The 50th reunion was a great success. We had a record attendance of 200 classmates plus 100 guests, with many first-time reunion attendees and several traveling from foreign countries. (The list of attendees can be viewed at our class website: ). It was great to connect with classmates and renew friendships and share memories, and the weather was perfect. At our Friday dinner, Vin Buonanno and John Delehanty of our gift committee presented our $500,000 class gift to President Paxson. It exceeded our target, and total comprehensive giving since our last reunion topped $7,000,000. Campus Dance was its usual festive and crowded affair. On Saturday, we had good turnouts for both the traditional Pembroke luncheon and our new Brown luncheon. At Saturday night’s class meeting and dinner, we elected officers: Pat Gasbarro, president; Maureen Levy Krasnow and Judy Nelson Griemsmann, co–vice presidents; Dick Ballou, treasurer; Ginny Chappell and Jacki Horn Laxon, co-secretaries. Sunday morning saw a large contingent of classmates take the spirited and emotional march down College Hill, cheered loudly as they passed by the younger graduates. Photos of the weekend can be viewed on our class website.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Phyllis Kollmer Santry writes: “Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, was Josiah S. Carberry Day. I attended a meeting of the Friends of Josiah (FOJ), who meet on campus every Friday the 13th. Professor Peter H. Schultz gave a riveting talk at the Rockefeller Library titled ‘From My Little Red Flyer to a Rendezvous with a Comet; Journeys with Carberry.’ I saw old friends Nancy Cassidy ’73, Jeffrey Schreck ’73, and Santina Siena ’73 later at dinner at the Faculty Club. Alas, Professor Carberry was unable to attend. Professor Carberry was introduced to the Brown faculty by Chet Worthington ’23, whose daughter, Connie Worthington ’68, manages FOJ. She and her husband, Terry Tullis, just missed Professor Carberry at a book signing in London, U.K.”

From the January/February 2016 Issue

M. Charles Bakst (see John Monaghan ’55). 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

John Cross ’68 AM writes: “I’ve started a new career. Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser named me to her Education Licensure Commission on July 30. The commission regulates and licenses post-secondary educational institutions in the District.”

Robert Epstein (see Laura Epstein Flink ’04 and Sara Epstein ’08).

Daniel Sullivan became a professor emeritus of radiology at Duke in June. He remains active in research projects at Duke and in several professional organization activities. He writes: “It’s also great to have more time for other interests, including spending more time with three grandsons here in Chapel Hill, and visiting my son Todd ’97, daughter-in-law Elena Ritchie ’98, and their two children in Los Angeles. In June I was also very pleased and honored to receive a Distinguished Academic Achievement Award from my medical school, the Univ. of Vermont.”

From the September/October 2015 Issue

William Powers Jr. was married to Janet Glassmacher May 9. His mother, Dorothy Paw Powers ’40, and son, William Powers III ’93, attended the wedding.

Phyllis Kollmer Santry went to Cuba in February.

From the May/June 2015 Issue


John M. Cross ’68 AM writes: “I was part of the election campaign of Muriel Bowser, the new mayor of Washington, D.C., for the past two years. What started as ‘we’ll do what we can to help’ turned into a full-time volunteer job, doing everything from data entry to standing outside subway stations at 6:30 a.m. encouraging votes for Muriel. We worked hard to win the primary last April and then began the push for the general election in November. I wrote articles and memos, gathered more data, worked on campaign finance reports, knocked on doors, and served as cochair for Ward 6 (Capitol Hill, our neighborhood). The end result was a pleasant 55 percent victory. Then it was time to work on the transition before the inauguration. I ran into several Brown grads during the election: Elissa Silverman ’95, who was elected to City Council at large; Edward Smith ’02, who ran for Attorney General; Jennifer Niles ’88, Deputy Mayor for Education; and Barry Kreiswirth ’91, who was part of the transition team and remains in the administration.”

David Houghton writes: “Always the late bloomer, I won the Massachusetts State Senior Amateur Championship in September played at the Oyster Harbors Club on Cape Cod. This golf tournament has been held annually since 1961 for golfers 55 and over. Always nice to whoop the youngsters! Looking forward to the 50th.”

From the March/April 2015 Issue


Class president Pat Gasbarro reports that ten classmates from Alpha Delta Phi and three from Sigma Nu met for dinner in New York City on Oct. 8. In attendance were Carl Asher (who arranged the meet-up), Charlie Allison, Vin Buonanno, Dave Elton, Gary Friedman, Mark Garrison, Pat, Eric Kampmann, John Kenfield, Sandy Kritzalis, Willie McNickle, Chip Quinn, and Alex Smith. Some had not seen each other since graduation, and all enjoyed an evening of renewing acquaintances and reminiscing fondly about undergraduate days. Pat encourages classmates to reach out to each other in anticipation of the 50th reunion (May 27–29, 2016). To help plan or contact classmates for the 50th, contact Pat.

David Beckman met Bob Waxler in New York City. They hadn't seen each other in more than 45 years. David writes: “It was our own exceptionally satisfying reunion.”

Robert G. Bruce lives and works in the Jacksonville, Fla., area. He has a daughter and three grandchildren living in Connecticut and a son, who just had a baby boy, living nearby.

J. Philip Jones published his latest novel, Long After the War, a story about the Vietnam generation (Createspace). He writes under the pen name J. P. Jones.

Cliff LePage is still practicing law part-time in Reading, Pa. He continues to run 5Ks, play bridge, and attend D1 college basketball and lacrosse games—several March Madness contests and the lacrosse Final Four each year. Cliff is looking forward to the 50th in 2016.

Michael Levy works for the U.S. Department of Justice in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia. In November, he spent a week in Albania working for the departments of justice and state, training Albanian police and prosecutors on gathering electronic evidence.

Gerald Shugrue is still working, skiing, golfing, and playing volleyball.

Robert Waxler’s newest book, The  Risk of Reading: How Literature Helps Us to Understand Ourselves and the World, was published in September by Bloomsbury. (See Fresh Ink, Arts & Culture)

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Paul F. Kelly was elected constable for the Cape Cod town of Orleans, Mass. The traditional and largely ceremonial position has often been held by former law enforcement officials. Paul retired from the U.S. Secret Service as assistant special agent in charge of the White House division. He continues to serve as chairman emeritus on the board of trustees of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and works with Dr. Paul Ekman conducting workshops on nonverbal communications and facial microexpressions.

From the November/December 2014 Issue

Bob Waxler’s new book, The Risk of Reading: How Literature Helps Us to Understand Ourselves and the World, was published by Bloomsbury in September.

Beverly Heafitz Zweiman writes that her daughter, Jayna Zweiman ’01, married Tim McCann in Calif. Jayna is also the niece of Ina Schwartz Heafitz. Present at the wedding were six members of the class of ’01 and a member of the class of ’97.

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Bob DeLuca published The Perfect Pro Football Coach. Bob writes: “The book deals with head coaching in the National Football League, including a chapter or two involving my adventures and misadventures on the Brown gridiron in the mid 1960s. The book is available at most national booksellers and through I Books/ITunes as an e-book.”


From the March/April 2014 Issue

Richard A. Levy retired from 43 years with the federal government, two years of combat infantry in Vietnam, and more than 40 years with the Justice Dept. and the FTC in antitrust. Richard writes: “My Chinese wife, Annie, and I married in 1986. My daughter, Clara ’11, is at Harvard graduate school in her second year teaching biology and researching plant genetics in a PhD program.”


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Roger and Diane Wilson Ludin ’67 have both retired but are still active enjoying living on the central coast of California, where they’ve been since 1984.

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Frank Rycyk recently returned from a group trip to Beijing, China, with the Jefferson City (Mo.) Area Chamber of Commerce. While in China, he took a side trip to Shanghai to meet with his cousin, who manages a factory there, and to meet with the president of the Shanghai Rotary Club. 


From the May/June 2012 Issue

David Beckman writes: “It’s never too late! After a career in advertising, my first commercial book of poetry is being published by Finishing Line Press. This comes a year after my play Becoming Walt Whitman was produced in Santa Rosa, Calif.”

Emily Moran Meier has launched an extensive publishing project of her fiction titles, including Suite Harmonic: A Civil War Novel of Rediscovery, which was written with the support of a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Emily sends greetings from St. Paul and invites fellow alums to learn more about her work at

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Kathy Lyons DeHaven (see Engagements & Weddings, Julie Lyons '97).

Cliff LePage writes: "I am still practicing law at a small firm in Reading, Pa. I am still running 5Ks and five-milers, albeit much more slowly. I am still married to Eileen. We have three granddaughters, aged 7, 5, and 4. I am still seeing a lot of D1 college hoops, March Madness, and Final Four, as well as college lacrosse and many Phillies games and several plays."

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently appointed Paul F. Kelly to a second five-year term on the board of trustees at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Originally appointed in 2006 by Governor Mitt Romney, Paul serves as chairman of the board, having previously served as vice chairman, chairman of the finance committee, and trustee.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Mark Garrison (see Engagements & Weddings, Shannon Price '02).

John Macisco writes that he is out of the hospital and his lymphoma is in remission.

From the May/June 2011 Issue  [45th]

Our 45th reunion kicks off this year with a cocktail reception on Friday, May 27, followed by a Pembroke luncheon on Saturday and the always popular class of 1966 clambake on Saturday night. All are encouraged to march down College Hill with our class on Sunday morning. Please join us for the 45th, and remember to make your hotel reservations early!

Our class is going paperless. Communications about the reunion and registration will be electronic. Be sure that Brown has your current e-mail address. To update your contact information, access your profile at Our website, which contains photos of past reunions, is More information on this year's reunion can be found at

Photos from past reunions or our undergraduate days, current photos of you and your family, and news/bios/blurbs are all welcome. Just e-mail class president Pat Gasbarro with captioning info about your photos so we can post them on our class website. Or you can post yourself on the new Brown University Class of 1966 Facebook page. As always, please be sure to make your 45th reunion gift to the Brown Annual Fund at

Ulle Viiroja Holt '00 PhD, cochair of the 45th Reunion Gift Committee, reports: "In honor of our 45th, please mark this important milestone year with a gift to the Annual Fund. With your help the class of 1966 will surpass its goal of $500,000 and 50 percent class participation. As of today, we are at $198,359 in gifts/pledges with 34 percent participation. We hope you will make your gift by June 30, 2011, and join us over reunion weekend to celebrate the class's success. Please send your gift to: Brown University, Class of 1966, 110 Elm St., Providence 02912, or log on to If you have already made a gift, thank you!"

Charles Homeyer writes that in his retirement he is an assessor for Partners for a Racism-Free Community in Grand Rapids, Mich.; a facilitator for the Heartside Neighborhood Collaboration Project, which brings together a variety of social service agencies; and a weekly volunteer at a clothing bank. He sings in a church choir and works on preserving local lands as open space. He also interviews high school seniors who have applied to Brown.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Robert W. Johnson retired after 40 years at the DuPont Company in Wilmington, Del. Robert was a research fellow in DuPont Titanium Technologies. He is now enjoying taking non-science courses at the Academy of Lifelong Learning; serving at his church in Kennett Square, Pa.; and spending time with his grandchildren.

David A. Rosenfeld continues to practice law full-time on behalf of unions and to teach part-time at Berkeley School of Law. This year the university published a book he wrote along with two others, entitled California Workers' Rights, intended for use by worker advocates.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Class officer Ulle Viiroja Holt '00 PhD writes: "Save the date for our 45th reunion over Memorial Day weekend, May 27–29! The reunion committee has been planning a memorable weekend. Check out the reunion website, If you plan to join us, book your hotel early and watch your mail for the official invitation. Blurbs and bios are welcome. Also, be sure to make your 45th Reunion gift to the Brown Annual Fund at between now and reunion weekend to help us reach our class goal. Can't wait to see everyone in May!"

David Beckman writes that his play, Becoming Walt Whitman, ran for 11 performances in October 2010 at the 6th St. Playhouse, in Santa Rosa, Calif. The play is a coming-of-age story of the young, rough-hewn Walt Whitman contending with family, gender, love, and genius to forge his future as a great poet. Actor Steve North '59 played Walt's father.

Virginia Williams Brady has been afflicted with a version of dementia called Pick's disease and has been in a care facility since February 2010.

Christopher V. Crowe retired last spring after working in the steam turbine business for 42 years. He writes that he is still "working" with the grandkids, gardening, and his antique-auto hobby.

Susan Inglis Seal writes: "Real estate was supposed to be a temporary career with the idea I'd return to urban planning as soon as my younger daughter entered school. Thirty-three interesting and challenging years later, and with four grandchildren under the age of 4, it seemed like the time to enjoy them." Susan and her husband both retired last year, and she is enjoying picking her volunteer work and looking forward to more travel and golf. She says she is grateful for the time to breathe a little slower.

Robert R. Skinner's son, Oramel H. Skinner, was married on Sept. 25 in Tucson, Ariz. Oramel graduated from Harvard Law and works at Ropes & Gray in Boston. Robert teaches math, science, and history to troubled teens at a residential psychiatric treatment center in Indianapolis, doing occasional financial consulting projects and working with mentally retarded young adults in his spare time.


From the September/October 2010 Issue

James Murdock recently retired from the mathematics department at Iowa State Univ., where he has worked since 1976. He writes that he still has some research to complete and has become the Nature Conservancy's volunteer coordinator for restoration work at a local state tallgrass prairie preserve.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

J. Philip Jones published his novel, A Witness in Tunis. He taught English for two years in Tunis before writing this novel. He currently resides in Washington, D.C.

Susan Oxnard Rose writes that she has a great life partner in Newt, who is an environmental consultant, and three wonderful kids. Her oldest, Helen, and her husband, Nick, just had a baby, Henry. Their middle child, Carlos, who's Salvadoran, "keeps us thinking about Latin America and keeps us among the living (he gave me a kidney)." Amelia, her youngest, attends the Univ. of Mary Washington.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Lucy Bregman is editor of Religion, Death and Dying, a three-volume anthology published in December by Praeger.

Robert Epstein (see Laura Flink Epstein '04).

Eric Gershenson and John Jensen (see Rachel Gershenson '02).

Ron LoLordo left his position as a charter high school director to become an assistant district attorney in Valencia County, N. Mex.

Alex Newton recently transferred from Mali, where he was a USAID mission director, to Kabul, Afghanistan, where he is director of the Rule-of-Law program. He is running the mission's nationwide rule-of-law program providing assistance to Kabul Univ. law faculty and the Shari'a law faculty, as well as to the regional law schools, the supreme court, and more than 1500 judges. He says the best part of the job is the 30-second commute from his 10-foot by 15-foot "hootch" to the office. He says: "I'm enjoying the huge challenge tremendously, despite the separation from the family and the long hours. I bid anyone interested in joining the fray to look me up as opportunities are always popping up."

Meryl Smith Raskin (see Eric Raskin '97).

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Kristie Miller co-edited A Volume of Friendship, the 50-year correspondence between Eleanor Roosevelt and Isabella Greenway, which will be published by the Univ. of New Mexico Press.

David and Elaine Cesaretti Prior '67 celebrated retirement and defied encroaching old age by riding bicycles 728 miles from Warwick, R.I., to Chapel Hill, N.C.

John Stabb (see Doug Hackett '61).

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Michael L. Levy writes: "On May 22, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder appointed me to serve as the interim U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The appointment lasts until a presidential appointee is confirmed by the Senate. This is the second time I have had this appointment. In April 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft appointed me, and I served for six months. After nearly 30 years with the Department of Justice, I have decided to seek the presidential appointment this time." Michael also announces the May 14 birth of his first grandchild, Rachel Hannah, daughter of Jon and Kris Levy, as well as the July 23 birth of twins Megan and Benjamin to Michael's daughter Alison and her husband, Bill Bell.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Jack Staley (see Sarah Staley '03).

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Richard A. Levy is working as a research analyst for the Federal Trade Commission. He is approaching his 40th year of federal government service, including an infantry tour in Vietnam. His daughter, Clara '11, is a biology concentrator.

Rene Murai has his own business boutique law firm in Miami. He writes: "Given the state of the economy, I am now planning to retire in 2025. After visiting my roommate Kent Logan's contemporary art museum next to his home in Vail, I was wondering why I became a lawyer instead of an investment banker."

John Stabb (see Doug Hackett '61).

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Charles Homeyer retired in January after 30 years at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Wendy Knox Bulkowski (see Julia Bulkowski '01).

John Delehanty (see Eric Berson '99).

Claudia Perkins Schechter looks forward to serving on the Pembroke Center Associates Council under the leadership of Phyllis Kollmer Santry.

From the November/December 2008 Issue

J. Gibson Henderson wrote "Blindsided" for the Psychotherapy Networker March/April 2008 issue ( The article describes his journey to recovery from his 1996 diagnosis of leukemia and spinal cord injury. He is a psychologist, father of Lucas, a pediatrician; Anna, an attorney; Christina, who is 7. He and his wife, Faye, will celebrate their 15th anniversary in December.

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Phyllis Kollmer Santry writes: "On Reunion weekend I had the honor to be appointed chair of the Associates Council of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women. Serving on the Associates Council with me from our class are Ulle Viiroja Holt '00 PhD, Claudia Perkins Schechter, Leah Sprague, and Bev Heafitz Zweiman. Look for our website: We also have a page on Facebook!"

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Charles F. Homeyer announces his retirement from Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., effective January, 2009. He has been rector for 30 years. He and Sara took their grandson to Costa Rica, where they all rode zip lines through the Cloud Forest.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Leonard A. Caldwell writes: "Almost retired, but working to bring the first chapter of Cradles to Crayons ( to Philadelphia. C2C is a unique nonprofit model that started in Boston in 2002 and, through existing social service agencies, recycles new and gently used essential items from affluent communities to children in need. We opened our warehouse in June 2007 and have already engaged 1500 volunteers in the work, signed up 70 social service agencies, and served more than 2000 children throughout the Philadelphia area—and it's all free."

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Robbie Dokson (see Laurie Dokson Gaydos '98).

Walter Donway's new book of poetry, Touched By Its Rays, was published in February by the Atlas Society (, a nonprofit publisher located in Washington, D.C. Walter is a lifelong writer and editor who started the journal Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science and edited it for eight years until he retired in 2005 to become a full-time writer and investor. In 1970–71, he worked in the Brown development office as director of foundation fund-raising. He lives in Greenwich Village and in East Hampton, Long Island, with his wife, Robin Shepard. At Brown, he studied poetry with the poet and Blake scholar, S. Foster Damon. Walter has a son, Ethan Donway, who graduated in 2007 from Drew Univ.

Judith Howard Montgomery lives and writes in the high desert of Oregon. Her first poetry chapbook, Passion, received the 2000 Oregon Book Award for Poetry. Her first full-length book, Red Jess, was published in 2006 by Cherry Grove Collections. Her second chapbook, Pulse & Constellation, was a finalist for the Finishing Line Open Chapbook Competition and appeared from that press last summer. She is now working on two new manuscripts thanks to a literary arts fellowship and an Oregon Art Commission Individual Artist fellowship.

Ann Honan Rodrigues (see Leo Kobayashi '94).

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Amy Bernstein Brem (see Marcella Bombardieri ’99).

Frank Ryeyk is helping revitalize the historically black Jefferson City Community Center Association by initiating a speakers’ program and involving his Rotary Club in renovation work.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Richard Ballou '66 (see Sandra Sundquist Durfee '57).

Robert Dokson writes: "In May my youngest daughter, Jamie Dokson '01, married her long-time beau, Seth Mrozek '01, with whom she has been a couple since their junior year at Brown. The matron of honor was Jamie's oldest sister, Laurie Dokson Gaydos '98, and one of Seth's attendants was Laurie's husband, Christopher Gaydos '96. We are a Brown family through and through. Laurie and Chris are currently expecting the first Dokson grandchild, so perhaps we have a candidate for Brown's class of 2030 or so. As for me, I continue practicing law in Atlanta with a significant amount of my professional time spent as an arbitrator and mediator, primarily in commercial and employment disputes."

Patrick O'Donnell writes: "I returned to Boston in 2006 after a six-year project in the U.S. Virgin Islands and am looking forward to more time with family and friends in the New England area."

Meryl Smith Raskin's first grandchild, Olivia Faith Raskin, was born Dec. 27, 2006, to Eric Raskin '97 and his wife, Robin. Olivia visited Brown for the first time at her father's 10th reunion, where she also met her great-grand-uncle, Bernie Bell '42, and her cousin Jonathan Bell '78.

Daniel Sullivan writes: "After ten years developing and leading the cancer imaging program at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), I returned to Duke Univ. in July. Among the many initiatives and activities my program developed with funds from NCI is the American College of Radiology Imaging Network, whose biostatistical center is at Brown, where it is led by Constantine Gatsonis, who was featured on page 15 of the May/June BAM. At Duke I'll be on the executive committee of the Cancer Center, working to integrate novel imaging methods into cancer clinical trials and advising the dean of the medical school on strategic planning for imaging at the Duke Medical Center. I'll also be working part time as science adviser for the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), where my charge is to help the RSNA Board develop and implement a strategic plan for quantitative imaging. Cathy and I are excited about returning to the N.C. Research Triangle area and look forward to spending more time with our daughter Erin, our son-in-law Cliff, and three grandsons, who live there as well. Our son Todd Sullivan '97 graduated from the American Film Institute's graduate program in June. He and his wife, Elena Ritchie '98, continue to live and work in Los Angeles."

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Charles Homeyer writes: “In Feb., the Grands Rapids Area Center for Ecumenism awarded me their annual Ecumenical Service Award for an individual.”

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Richard Hiller (see Oliver Hurst-Hiller ’98).

Rene Murai (see Oliver Hurst-Hiller ’98).

David A. Rosenfeld writes: “My last visit to Providence since graduation was to take my two daughters on tours of Brown hoping that one would choose Brown. After graduation I taught school for four years, and then somewhat out of necessity I attended law school. I graduated from Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California in 1973, where I met my wife, Shirley Woo, also a lawyer. Our daughters unfortunately chose other schools: Miriam is at Swarthmore, class of 2006, and Katherine is at Yale, class of 2010. Since graduating from Boalt, I have been practicing labor law on behalf of unions and workers, and our law firm is the largest union side law firm on the West Coast—Weinberg, Roger & Rosenfeld, located in Alameda, California. I have had an incredibly varied practice handling arbitrations, administrative matters, negotiations, litigation, and over 100 appellate cases, including cases in the California and United States Supreme Court. I have also started a second job teaching at Boalt where I am now teaching the basic labor law class. I am one of those lawyers who is thrilled to be able to use the law to advance progressive causes. I am still pleased to see that there is a strong force of social and political progressive activity at Brown.”

Michael Targoff (see Oliver Hurst-Hiller ’98).

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Margie Satinsky, president of Satinsky Consulting, LLC, in Durham, N.C., is the author of a new book, Medical Practice Management in the 21st Century: The Handbook, to be published by Radcliffe Medical Ltd. in February. Margie is also a docent at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University and a yoga instructor.

Jim Tatman writes: “I sold my home in Southern California last year and bought a beautiful new home in Tucson, Ariz., on an acre of land. I just finished putting in the pool and spa, did land-
scaping, and love living in the Southwest. I am mostly retired but spend a lot of my time trading stocks online and still going to the gym four or five times a week. I also enjoy working outdoors and spending time with my chocolate cocker spaniel, Dylan (named after Bob).”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Reunion ’06 weekend is almost here—May 26– 28. Return to campus to renew ties with old friends. Start with Campus Dance and finish the weekend by passing once again through the Van Wickle Gates. Visit the reunion Web site for complete details:

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Carlton R. Asher, Jr., was appointed to the board of contributing legal editors of Securities Litigation Commentator, a publication covering case law of brokerage house disputes.

John G. Butcher has published The Closing of the Frontier: A History of the Marine Fisheries of Southeast Asia, c.1850–2000 (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and KITLV Press).

Joe Griesedieck writes: “After nearly two decades with Spencer Stuart, the executive search firm, including two terms as worldwide CEO, I joined Korn Ferry International, the leading global executive search firm, as vice chairman, with responsibility for the firm’s CEO recruiting practice. I continue to be based in San Francisco.”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Drew R. Weinlandt writes: “I taught English at Garden City High School, N.Y., from 1970 to 2001, when I retired. During those years I wrote a tremendous number of letters of recommendation to Brown on behalf of my students. In 1999 I received two teaching awards on the New York State level. Last May, as a member of the Nassau Community College honors program faculty, I won an Excellence in Teaching award, of which I am also quite proud.” In addition to these awards, Drew frequently earned the Favorite Teacher award at Garden City High School and was listed several times in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Wendy Knox Bulkowski writes that she is teaching English at Shoin Women’s University in Kobe, Japan, on a two-year contract ending in March 2005: “Very different from teaching ESL back in Delaware. I’m enjoying the punctual trains, festivals and live jazz. My children, Brian ’89 and Julia ’01, are living together in Palo Alto, Calif. He is a software engineer and musician, and she is an elementary teacher working with NASA to develop science lessons based on space experiments.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

John Cross ’68 AM writes that he has rejoined the workforce after three years of semiretirement and caring for of his life partner, Benjamin Diamond (Harvard ’74), who suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage nearly two years ago. “I decided to try something completely different,” he writes. “I’ve moved into the business of managing a small homeo-

pathic pharmaceutical distributor, Dovetail Technologies, where I am chief operating officer. I get to manage the office, the cash flow, the vendors, the marketing, and the general operations. One day we will be profitable. It’s a far cry from the U.S. Senate, TV reporting, GE Capital, and running the American subsidiary of an Australian communications company, and it’s long hours. But right now it beats working—in some ways it even beats worldwide traveling. We’ve done a lot of that this year while Ben got on the road to wellness.”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

David Beckman and his wife, Sharon, moved from New York City to northern California. David is working on a novel. Sharon is involved with Canine Companions for Independence, which breeds, raises, and provides service dogs.

Neil Markson and Miriam Grace Silverman (see Karen Grace ’94).

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Marjorie A. Satinsky writes that she has established Satinsky Consulting, specializing in the management of medical practices. She also writes regularly for the North Carolina Medical Board newsletter. She is an adjunct faculty member at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health.

Peter Sohn (see Amy Sohn ’95).

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Lydia Briggs Petty, of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass., announces her marriage on May 3 to Barrett Reed Petty in Greenwich, Conn.

Martha Cornog and Leigh Dickerson Davidson ’68 have published The Big Book of Masturbation (Down There Press). Martha was the author and Leigh served as editor. They write: “Both of us credit much of our intellectual curiosity to our shared linguistics background at Brown.”

From the September / October 2002 Issue

John Keedy '72 M.A.T. writes that he was promoted to full professor at the University of Louisville in the field of education administration. He is the author of more than fifty articles and was previously a principal and an assistant superintendent. He is married to Cathy Meine and has a 12-year-old daughter, Emily, who would like to attend Brown.

From the July / August 2002 Issue

The Rev. Charles Homeyer writes: "I am now cochair of Faith in Motion, a religious coalition dedicated to improving public transportation in Grand Rapids, Mich., and remain chair of the Total Ministry Committee of our Episcopal diocese, developing alternative models of parish ministry."

Ronald V. LoLordo writes: "After thirty-two years in the practice of law in New Jersey and California, I retired to pursue a lifelong dream. I'm now a special education teacher at a charter high school in Santa Fe, N.Mex."

Frank Rycyk writes that he appears regularly on two cable-access television shows in Jefferson City, Mo. He recently filed as a candidate for state representative.

Penny Whorton Wells was named the Ohio VFW Teacher of the Year for Citizenship Education. The VFW recognized her for promoting citizenship education in the classroom.

Carlyle Thayer writes that he returned to Australia in January after completing a three-year contract with the U.S. Defense Department at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu. He is concurrently professor of politics at the Australian Defence Force Academy and on-site coordinator for the College of Defence and Strategic Studies at the Australian Defence College.

Ricker Winsor writes that he will be teaching painting next year at the American International School of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His Web site is

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Paul Kelly writes: "I spent most of January on a temporary assignment at our embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. As a former Marine, I was particularly moved by the dedication of the Marines protecting the embassy. Now that I'm back, I hope to get involved with the Brown Club of Cape Cod!"

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Robert F. Hall was admitted into the Worcester Academy Hall of Fame on May 6. He played for two years with the Minnesota Vikings. After his football career he joined the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Bank and later founded the Providence Group Investment Advisory Co. He has served on the academy’s board of trustees.

Robert Welch, who was vice president and academic dean at Goucher College in Baltimore, became the school’s acting president on Aug. 1.

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Carlton R. Asher Jr. writes: "I have practiced law in New York City for thirty years, including ten as a partner of a large, but now defunct, firm. For the past six years I have had my own firm. I concentrate in commercial and securities litigation, corporations, trusts and estates, and international law. My wife, Florence, and I live in Manhattan. We are best known in the neighborhood for our soft-coated wheaten terriers. Flossie is getting a Ph.D. in American history from the City University of New York."

From the May / June 2000 Issue

The Rev. Charles F. Homeyer, of Ada, Mich., writes: "Last summer I enjoyed a sabbatical from my parish, traveling to Ireland, Wales, and parts of the United States."

Kristie Miller co-edited We Have Come to Stay: American Women and Political Parties 1880-1960 (University of New Mexico Press).

Robert Waxler, of North Dartmouth, Mass., has been appointed to the board of directors of LifeStream, a human-services agency in New Bedford, Mass. Robert is a professor of English at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, where he is former English department chair and former dean of continuing education. He cofounded the university’s Center for Jewish Culture, serving as its codirector from 1980 to 1995. He also cofounded Changing Lives through Literature, an alternative criminal-sentencing program established in 1991.

Drew Weinlandt, of Huntington, N.Y., was named New York State English educator of excellence last year. One of his former students, New York State Senator Michael Balboni, proposed and passed a state senate resolution honoring Drew’s contribution to education.

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Shahin Akhavi is still living in Paris. She would be pleased to hear from friends and classmates.

Jon Keates has been named vice president for institutional advancement at Occidental College in Los Angeles, where he will head fund-raising and public-relations initiatives. He was previously vice president for development and external affairs at Claremont McKenna College, where he worked for sixteen years.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Maryanne Cline Horowitz reports that she received the Jacques Barzun Award in Cultural History at the November meeting of the American Philosophical Society. The award was for her book Seeds of Virtue and Knowledge (Princeton). She is a professor of history at Occidental College and an associate of the U.C.L.A. Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Her husband, Ellis, is director of distance education and information technology at the University of Southern California's engineering school.

Susan Lane Markowitz (see Hawlan Ng '93).

John Seale (see Jennifer Seale Aitken '96).

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Judith H. Montgomery (a.k.a. Judith Howard Havens) writes: "I received two poetry awards this past spring: The poet Alberto Rios chose my poem "Gallop" as the winner of the Red Rock Poetry Award, and Mark Doty chose my chapbook Passion from among the 132 manuscripts submitted to the 1999 Defined Providence Chapbook Competition. For those who might like to take a look at Passion, the book and four poems from it (including Gallop) can be found at"

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Kristie Miller, McLean, Va., co-edited We Have Come to Stay: American Women and Political Parties, 1880-1960 (University of New Mexico Press).

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Jeffrey Becker received the Leadership in Business Award on Dec. 3 in New York City from the New York Business Group on Health, a nonprofit business coalition concerned with health care. Jeffrey is a cofounder and the senior health partner of Epstein Becker & Green. A nationally recognized authority on health care law, he serves on the boards of several nonprofit health-related organizations and is a frequent lecturer on the delivery and regulation of health care. Jeffrey is a member of the New York State and American Bar Associations, the National Health Lawyers Association, and the American Academy of Hospital Attorneys.

Jonathan Kantrowitz is founder and chief executive officer of Queue Inc., an educational-software publisher. He is founder and president of the board of Brooklawn Academy, a middle school chartered by the state of Connecticut. He lives in Fairfield, Conn., with his wife and two children.

Toby Wesselheft, who is living happily in Concord, Mass., with his wife and three young boys, writes that he is "looking for that elusive Vermont farmlet to escape to on weekends." He is medical director of a multicultural health center and group practice in Boston's Back Bay, facilitating its transition from a seventy-one-year-old mom-and-pop organization to a little frog in the very big pond of the organization's new owner, Massachusetts General Hospital. He has reconnected with fraternity brother Rodney Steinweg. "We still think the same after almost thirty-three years," Toby writes.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Ann Arvin, a professor of pediatrics and of microbiology and immunology at Stanford, has been named the first Lucile Salter Packard Professor in the department of pediatrics. At Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, she directs the infection-control program and is associate director of the clinical laboratory section.

Michael Bassis has left the presidency of Olivet College in Michigan to become dean of the University of South Florida, Sarasota/ Manatee campus, and warden of New College, USF. His wife, Mary, and children Nicholas and Christina '96 have moved with him. His daughter Betsy attends the Wharton School of Business, while daughter Jessica is a freshman at Franklin and Marshall College. Christina would love to hear from friends.

J. Roderick Eaton (see Ken and Mary Eaton '33).

Charles Homeyer, Ada, Mich., and his wife, Sara, have two granddaughters in St. Louis.

Sherrill Edwards Hunnibell's work was shown at the Providence Athenaeum as part of an exhibition of recent work from the Book of Hours, the Turkish Suite, and Crossing Great Waters.

Kenneth Neal (see Lisa Neal Healy '90).

Alex J. Smith, Glen Head, N.Y., reports that his daughter, Katherine '02, joined her brother, Cameron '00, at Brown this year.

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Richard Alter (see Jaime Alter and Derek Deutsch both '91).

David Deutsch (see Jaime Alter and Derek Deutsch both '91).

William R. Powers Jr., Mount Laurel, N.J., was awarded the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism's 1998 Professional Lawyer of the Year award. A former president of the New Jersey Defense Association, William is with the law firm of Cureton, Caplan and Clark. Previously he was director of the Defense Research Institute in Chicago. He is a member of the Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel, the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys and the American, New Jersey, and Burlington County bar associations.

Elaine Rakatansky and Jill Schlesinger '87 are partners at Progressive Financial Strategies Inc. in Providence.

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Richard Alter (see Jaime Alter and Derek Deutsch both '91).

David Deutsch (see Jaime Alter and Derek Deutsch both '91).

William R. Powers Jr., Mount Laurel, N.J., was awarded the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism's 1998 Professional Lawyer of the Year award. A former president of the New Jersey Defense Association, William is with the law firm of Cureton, Caplan and Clark. Previously he was director of the Defense Research Institute in Chicago. He is a member of the Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel, the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys and the American, New Jersey, and Burlington County bar associations.

Elaine Rakatansky and Jill Schlesinger '87 are partners at Progressive Financial Strategies Inc. in Providence.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Frank Rycyk Jr. addressed the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Jefferson City, Mo., on May 31. His sermon, "Twenty Minutes to Wake the Dead," partially fulfilled the special project requirements for his lay ministry studies with the Catholic diocese of Jefferson City.

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Ron Dwight writes: "My routine life was transformed by the fall of communism and what I thought was a footnote to my life - my Polish roots. In October 1991, I was asked by the economics department at the University of Maryland to head a development project in Poland for ten months. During this period, I also taught economics on the American studies faculty of the University of Warsaw, where my offices were in the former training academy of the Polish Secret Police. I agreed to stay beyond the deadline on the condition that my wife, Pamela Hext Dwight (Brown graduate student in sociology from 1976 to 1977), and two sons, Rutledge and Lawrence, join me in Europe. They lived for a year in France, and then in England, where the boys (ages 15 and 12) are still in boarding school, preparing for Brown admission. As ten months became years, my mother urged me to buy land in Poland so that her grandsons would have some roots. In the unspoiled lake region of northeast Poland, eighty kilometers from the place where my Polish grandmother's family has lived for 400 years (near Lomza), with a Polish partner we bought a 500-acre farm and rundown Prussian manor house, Jadamowo. This is now a B&B in the most ecologically pure region of central Europe, where the battle of Tannenberg was fought. All are welcome."

Betsy Oasis Karotkin works at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater (in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Va.), where she is director of human resources and in charge of young leadership development. She also works on Holocaust education and chairs the local Afro-American-Jewish Coalition. Her husband, Edward, is a professor of pediatrics at the Eastern Virginia Medical School. Their daughters, Jennifer and Hallie, live in Washington, D.C., and son Jesse is teaching English to Chinese undergraduates at the Normal University in Beijing, under the auspices of a fellowship.

Mark I. Lurie, an arbitrator in West Palm Beach, Fla., has served for the past twenty years as a special master for the Florida Public Employee Relations Commission, on the roster of Labor Arbitrators of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, on the Labor Arbitration Panel of the American Arbitration Association, and on other labor arbitration panels for government and industry. In 1997, Mark wrote "The Advocate's Journal," a computer program that assists labor and management advocates in their preparation for and settlement of collective-bargaining-agreement disputes. A review of the program was published in the February issue of the American Arbitration Association's Dispute Resolution Journal.

Stanley Palmer is a Piper Professor nominee. The award is given by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation to recognize ten Texas university professors for outstanding achievement in teaching. A professor of history at the University of Texas at Arlington, Stanley received the Academy of Distinguished Teachers Award in 1997.

Elaine Revkin (see Amelia Stern Revkin '53).

From the May / June 1998 Issue

John M.Cross, Washington,D.C., is C.E.O. of business essentials at the U.S. division of an audiomagazine company headquartered in Melbourne,Australia. "We publish the magazine specifically for small businesses around the country,"John writes. His daughter, Anne, is a junior at Wellesley College.

Maryanne Cline Horowitz published Seeds of Virtue and Knowledge (Princeton University Press), which explores the image and idea of the human mind as a garden. Maryanne is a history professor at Occidental College and an associate of the Center of Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles.

Gilcin F. Meadors announces the adoption of a fourth daughter, Justine Beth. Gilcin writes, "She has been with us on an informal basis for four years and is now in the fifth grade. She is a spelling whiz, hates math and little boys, and plays first flute in the city-wide Winchester Elementary School band."

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Marjorie A. Satinsky, Durham, N.C., is executive director of ReXMeD in Raleigh, N.C. She is an adjunct lecturer in the department of health policy and administration at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Public Health and a guest lecturer at Duke's school of nursing. Her book, The Foundations of Integrated Care: Meeting the Challenges of Change, has been published by American Hospital Publishing Inc.



Jan, 2025

Peter C. Smith ’66, of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia; Jul. 22. After Brown, where he played on the rugby team and was a senior captain, he worked at Avco in Wilmington, Mass. He decided to change his career path and returned to school and graduated from a joint MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute program in 1973. In 1975 he accepted a position as research scientist in coastal oceanography at Bedford Institute of Oceanography. He remained there directing numerous programs until his retirement in 2012. His knowledge of currents helped assist rescuers when looking for the remains of the Swissair disaster. He enjoyed spending time with his sons, whether coaching their sports teams or helping with science projects. He is survived by his wife, Julia Berry Smith ’67; two sons; two grandchildren; a sister; and a brother. 

Jan, 2025

H. Stanley Rebert ’66, of York, Pa.; Jul. 28. He earned his JD from Boston University and was a public defender. In 1986, he accepted the position of County of York district attorney, from which he retired in 2010. He was a member of numerous organizations, including the York County Bar Association, York County Fraternal Order of Police, and Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, and was a former member of the Victory Athletic Association. He is survived by his wife, Susan; two daughters and sons-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Alexander “Figg” Newton ’66, of Madison, Ga.; Jan. 15, 2024. He earned his JD from Duke University School of Law and headed to New York City to practice law. After a while his adventurous spirit emerged and he left the law practice and spent two years in Guatemala serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. That led to a career with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). He spent two years in Mali, five years in the Ivory Coast, and four years in Quito, Ecuador, traveling regularly for work throughout the region, which led to him meeting his future wife, Betsy Wagenhauser, at the South American Explorers’ Club, where she was working. A five year tour in Bangladesh followed with frequent work visits to Nepal. They started a family and then spent four years in Kazakhstan, where he served as democracy office chief. He was promoted to USAID deputy mission director of Haiti in 2000 and returned to West Africa in 2002, first to Ghana, then four years in Mali as mission director. He retired in 2012 but began a series of short-term assignments for USAID that took him back to Africa, Indonesia, Egypt, and Ukraine. In between assignments, he and Betsy built a home in Madison. He continued to enjoy high adventure hobbies such as hang-gliding, scuba diving, bungee jumping, and surfing. He is survived by his wife; a daughter; and a son. 

Jan, 2025

Lawrence M. Lapine ’66, of Ridgefield, Conn.; Aug. 22, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. He graduated from UConn’s law school and had a successful career as a trial attorney that spanned more than 40 years. He volunteered at his synagogue. He enjoyed lunchtime pickup basketball games, skiing, tennis, golf, reading, and watching sports. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Stephen R. Krone ’66, of Mechanicsburg, Pa.; Jul. 23. He had been diagnosed with stage four colon cancer in 1984 and overcame until he was recently diagnosed with myelofibrosis. He graduated from Penn State Dickinson Law in 1969 and joined PA Legal Services, where he remained for 43 years. In retirement he continued to mentor legal services attorneys and on Aug. 29, 1992, the Mayor declared it Steve Krone Day in honor of his years of public service. He is survived by his wife, Kathy, and a son. 

Jan, 2025

Eugene K. Achter ’66, of Lexington, Mass.; Jul. 8, from complications of ALS. While at Brown, he met his future wife, Kathy Relson ’67. After graduation they moved to Chicago while he earned his PhD from the University of Chicago. He was a scientist and engineer by trade and had a career involved with the NIH, medical instrumentation, and bomb detection. In retirement he enjoyed volunteering in the MIT Venture mentoring service. He enjoyed hiking, snorkeling, music, and singing, along with telling stories and making puns. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, including Jeff ’92; two daughters-in-law; four grandchildren; a sister; and brother-in-law Peter Relson ’77. 

Nov, 2024

Michael T. Young ’66, of Providence and Matunuck, R.I.; May 4, of cancer. Upon graduating, he enrolled at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, R.I., where he studied to become a commissioned officer. He served in Vietnam in 1967 and upon return was stationed in Florida, where he met his wife of 53 years. After leaving the Navy as a Lieutenant Commander, he relocated to Philadelphia and earned an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He then relocated to Rhode Island and began a career at Industrial National Bank (which became Fleet Bank). During his 20-year career at Fleet he rose to vice president, leading the London office twice before settling permanently in Rhode Island. He left in 1990 and became president and co-owner of Coleman Realtors, helping establish it as a top firm in the state. He also served as the president of the Rhode Island Association of Realtors in 2005, a position that earned him the Lear Award for leadership and community involvement from the Greater Providence Board of Realtors. In 2016, they sold Coleman to Mott & Chace Sotheby’s International. He was a trustee at Trinity Repertory Company and served on the Board of Governors at the Dunes Club. He was a keen reader and enjoyed history, world events, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Bonnye; two children and their spouses, including son Scott ’00; four grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.

Nov, 2024

Jon C. Keates ’66, of Altadena, Calif.; Apr. 19. He was the chief philanthropic advisor to the president and director of advancement at La Salle College Preparatory High School from 2012 until his passing. His prior positions included being senior associate dean and vice president of advancement at USC, vice president of institutional advancement at Occidental College, and vice president of development and external relations at Claremont McKenna College. During his tenure at each institution, his leadership ignited extraordinary growth in overall giving, elevating annual contributions. Among his many achievements was the establishment of the Dr. Richard Gray Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund, which generated more than $1.2 million to support San Miguel students. His contributions laid the foundation for many of La Salle’s present-day facilities and educational spaces. He played a pivotal role in restoring Occidental to solid financial footing at a critical juncture in its history. He was well read, an athlete, and competitive. He is survived by his life partner, Thanh Hoang; two daughters; a son-in-law; two sisters; a brother; and a brother-in-law.

Nov, 2024

David W. Alfano ’66, of Cape Coral, Fla., formerly of Cranston, R.I.; May 8. He was a school psychologist for 22 years in the Cranston school system before becoming a professor of psychology at CCRI, where he taught for 17 years. He is survived by his wife, Milly; a daughter; a son; two brothers and sisters-in-law; two uncles; and many nieces and nephews.  

Jun, 2024

Robert J. Kudless ’66, of Califon, N.J.; Jan. 6, from chronic myeloid leukemia. He was a retired special education teacher. After Brown he served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. In 1978, he married and settled in New Jersey. He enjoyed solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, traveling, and spending time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Claire; a daughter and her partner; a brother and sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews. 

Jun, 2024

Michael Spencer Bassis ’66, of Springfield, Va.; Jan. 9. He had a long and successful career in higher education that encompassed roles as professor, dean, and ultimately retiring as president of Westminster College in 2012. During the course of his career, he spent time helping small liberal arts colleges and universities redefine themselves. He enjoyed many passions throughout his lifetime, including baseball, sailing, art, travel, and being a member of Brown’s lacrosse team. He enjoyed collecting art and in retirement, began painting and creating works of his own. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Mary; four children, including Christina Bassis ’96; eight grandchildren; and two sisters. 

Jun, 2024

John C. Westfall ’66, of Burke, Va.; Feb. 25, 2023, of a stroke. He was a member of the Navy ROTC and also earned an MBA from New Hampshire College. Following his 20 years of military service as a naval flight officer, he and his family settled in Virginia. During his civilian career he was corporate manager and senior analyst at Systems Technology and Research Corporation and cofounded Age Care Systems Inc. His last executive position was at Starbucks. One of his great pleasures in the late ’80s and early ’90s was his monthly lunch with John Stabb ’66, Joe Tarantolo ’65, and Suzanne Mays Richardson ’66. They never missed a month from 1987 to 1993. He was grateful for the kidney transplant he received at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 2019. He is survived by his wife, Katie; three daughters; and two grandchildren.

Apr, 2024

Barbara Hanscom Gagnon ’66, of Colfax, Calif.; Jun. 11. She spent many years working for the state of California while raising a family, eventually heading the Employment Training Panel in San Mateo. She enjoyed entertaining, cooking, gardening, painting, and hiking the Sierra foothills. She is survived by her husband, John Gagnon ’66; two sons; two daughters-in-law; four granddaughters; four step-children; and three step-grandchildren.

Aug, 2023

William R. Powell ’66, ’67 ScM, of Horseheads, N.Y.; Jan. 30. In 1972, he joined the West Virginia University faculty teaching mechanical engineering and mechanics. He joined Corning Inc. in 1981 and moved to New York. He retired as a senior engineering associate in 2002 but continued his relations with Corning as an engineering consultant until 2017. He authored numerous publications and was the holder of 11 patents. He was an elder in Big Flats Presbyterian Church, a past president of the Big Flats Lions Club, and a board member for the food bank, and he applied his engineering skills to build accessibility ramps for homes. He also enjoyed traveling. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; two sons, including Jeffrey ’01; two sisters; a brother; two sisters-in-law; and many nieces and nephews.


Aug, 2023

Terrence D. Marr ’66, of Goldens Bridge, N.Y.; Mar. 29, of lung cancer. Following many years of teaching and coaching at the Winchendon School (Mass.) and St. Edward’s School (Fla.), he went on to work in financial planning. He retired in 2010 as president of NIA Securities in Paramus, N.J. He was a former member of Brown’s men’s hockey team and a fan of the New York Yankees and enjoyed fishing, traveling, and solving crossword puzzles. He is survived by his wife, Ann Whipple Marr ’70; two daughters and their spouses, including Abigail Marr Doft ’91, ’92 AM; four grandchildren, including Matthew Doft ’27; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; two nieces and a nephew.


Aug, 2023

Jeffrey Alcorn ’66, of Newburyport, Mass.; Mar. 15. Following his military service in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, he worked in banking in New York City, married, and started a family. His job brought them to Newburyport, where he became a member of the Continental Navy, coached youth soccer, and was a member of the Exchange Club. He enjoyed collecting vintage items, including international flags, records, and diner and restaurant dishware and silverware. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Keenan Alcorn ’68; daughter Kristin Alcorn Masoud ’97; a son; a son-in-law; three grandchildren; a brother; a niece and two nephews.


Jun, 2023

Werner C. Maki ’66 MAT, of Goodrich, Mich.; Oct. 26, of Parkinson’s. He was a physics teacher for 30 years at Grand Blanc High School. He sang in the choir and taught Sunday school at Goodrich United Methodist Church. He enjoyed old cars and taking people for a ride in the Model T he built, as well as traveling with his family. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; three sons and their spouses; five grandchildren; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

Frederic D. Wells ’66, of Damascus, Md., formerly of Lake Placid, N.Y.; Nov. 19, after an extended illness. After graduating, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and completed officer training school. He volunteered to fly tactical reconnaissance in Southeast Asia and was assigned to Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon, Vietnam, from June 1968 to June 1969. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross, as well as additional awards for his exemplary combat flying performance. He subsequently served with NATO operations at RAF Upper Heyford in Oxfordshire, England, and Zweibrücken Air Base in West Germany. He was honorably discharged with the rank of captain in 1972. Returning to the U.S., he attended Golden Gate University and earned his MBA. He married and moved to the Village of Lake Placid and worked for the Town of North Elba. During the 1980 Winter Olympic Games in Lake Placid he was a volunteer at the cross-country skiing and biathlon events. In 1984, he and his family relocated to Bethesda and he worked in commercial real estate. They moved to Damascus in 1987 and he worked as an analyst in IT and management consulting. In retirement, he enjoyed volunteering with his wife at the Friends of the Library, Damascus Chapter, as well as the Damascus Heritage Society Museum. He also enjoyed boating, swimming, hiking, long distance running, and building his Wee Lassie canoe by hand. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter; a son; two grandchildren; a sister; a stepsister; and six nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

Johanna Carlson Santucci ’66, of Sedalia, Colo.; Jan. 17. She worked as a paralegal and obtained her law degree from Rutgers Law School in 1991. She later worked for the State of Colorado, from which she retired. She enjoyed hiking, snowshoeing,  and exploring Colorado with her brother. She also enjoyed traveling, gardening, reading, and genealogy. She was a member of the Mayflower Society and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Jun, 2023

Robert H. Haas ’66, of Dorchester, Mass.; Dec. 2. He was a fixture in the Dorchester community, serving as a leader at Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation for 14 years and then at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, where he was a founding member, director, and dedicated volunteer. Concurrently, he served as founder and president of the Uphams Corner Westside Neighborhood Association for almost 30 years. A trained classical concert pianist, he was known for performing professionally and for entertaining guests at his home with impromptu concerts. Also a photographer, he documented community events and his travels abroad in Europe, Australia, the Caribbean, and the Cape Verde Islands. Funds from the sales of his photographs supported community initiatives in his neighborhood. He was committed to missional living, a devout Catholic, and an active member of many faith communities. He is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, two nieces, and two nephews.


Jun, 2023

David Dove Jr. ’66, of Fairfield, Ohio; Nov. 29. He had a 32-year career with General Electric. He was also a contributing photographer for Community Press newspapers. He is survived by his wife, Katharine; two daughters; and a son-in-law.

Jan, 2023

Robert N. Pass ’66, of Paeonian Springs, Va.; June 16. After earning a law degree from George Washington University, he worked as a trial attorney for the Federal Power Commission (now the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). He left the practice of law and in 1973 founded 4Star Tennis Academy. Under his leadership the program grew and trained several USTA ranked athletes. Renamed the Pass Academy in his honor, the academy continues today. He was elected into the Middle Atlantic Tennis Association Hall of Fame for his coaching and his program received the USTA Developmental Program of the Year award. He was also awarded the USTA/Maryland District Maury Schwartzman Award for Player Development. Over the course of his career, he served as director of tennis at the Four Seasons Racquet Club, Riverbend Country Club, Edgemoor Club, Landon School, and Georgetown Preparatory School, and as coach of the girls varsity tennis team at Bullis School in Maryland. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; two grandchildren; a sister; nieces and nephews; and countless students.

Jan, 2023

Harris R. Sloane ’66, of Boca Raton, Fla., and East Falmouth, Mass., formerly of Virginia Beach, Va.; July 4. He worked in insurance, was an analyst at Chemical Bank in New York City, and for the past 40+ years worked as an independent real estate professional and business mediator. He served many organizations and held roles with Beth Shalom Village culminating as president. He had active roles with Temple Israel, including serving as vice president; was chair of Super Sunday for the United Jewish Federation; a board member for Friends of the Israel Defense Forces; and a committee member at Woodfield Country Club. He was athletic and enjoyed skiing, tennis, and golf. He is survived by his wife, Cheryl; a daughter; a son; a brother; three brothers and sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2022

John Meretta ’66, ’67 MAT, of Cincinnati; Mar. 2, of lung cancer. He taught math at Samuel Ach Junior High School in Cincinnati before deciding to move to St. Croix, U.S.V.I., in 1970. There he taught middle school math for several years before changing career paths and purchasing a fixer-upper apartment building in 1976. As owner and resident manager, he transformed the complex, which he named Bay Garden Apartments, into a successful business. He soon added another property to his portfolio, Bay Court Apartments, and with entrepreneurial spirit also created side businesses that included repairing copy machines and installing burglar alarms. After more than 20 years living and doing business in St. Croix, he sold off his assets and moved back to Cincinnati, where he purchased and managed multiple rental properties. He enjoyed the arts, especially attending the symphony and opera, and was an avid fan of the European masters. He also enjoyed the outdoors, especially waterskiing. He is survived by two daughters and their spouses, including Julia Meretta Keller ’89; five grandchildren; and two siblings.

Jun, 2022

Bruce K. Garrard ’66, of Columbus, Ohio; Dec. 20. He is survived by a sister, two nieces and a nephew.

Apr, 2022

J. Gibson Henderson Jr. ’66, of St. Louis, Mo.; Sept. 30. He taught and served in several educational positions before returning to school and becoming a psychologist. In 1996 he was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia, which left him paralyzed. He was accepted into a clinical trial that extended his life 25 years. Strong in his faith, he was courageous in dealing with his terminal condition. He was a former president of his fraternity and member of the Jabberwocks. He learned to play the banjo and enjoyed time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Faye; three children; and six grandchildren. 

Apr, 2022

Ernest T. Cimorelli ’66, of Cranston, R.I.; Sept. 21. Fluent in many languages, he was a teacher of foreign languages at Cranston West High School for 17 years. He enjoyed visiting libraries, reading, ’50s music, radio talk shows, and the New York Yankees. He is survived by cousins.

Jan, 2022

James A. Mann ’66, of Montoursville, Pa.; Aug. 1. He spent his career working at Alcan Cable, beginning in Jersey Shore, Pa., and moving to many locations around the U.S. before finishing his career in Atlanta, Ga. He and his wife spent some years of retirement in Phoenix before relocating back to the Montoursville area. He enjoyed reading and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Ann; three children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and a brother.

Oct, 2021

Richard E. Doling ’66, of Albany, N.Y.; May 14, after a brief illness. After graduating from Brown and Albany Law School, he began a career as an attorney and member of the New York State and Florida bar associations. He served as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of N.Y. He later worked for the New York State Department of Corrections and operated a private practice in Albany and Troy. His father was a jazz pianist and that was the start of his lifelong love of jazz music. As a student at Brown, he had his own jazz program on WBRU. He was an avid golfer, a great chef, and enjoyed solving the New York Times crossword puzzles. He also enjoyed trips to Florida with his wife. He is survived by his wife, Judy; two daughters; a son-in-law; three grandchildren; brother Stuart ’60; a brother-in-law; a niece; and two nephews.

Oct, 2021

Anthony D. Baldino ’66, of Mercerville, N.J.; May 17. He was a loan officer at Bank of America. After his retirement from the bank, he taught business and math courses at Mercer County Community College for many years. He began his service with the U.S. Navy through the ROTC program at Brown and during his years of active military service he served aboard the USS Guam and USS Mt. Baker during the Vietnam War. He was the recipient of several medals, including the Vietnam Service Medal and the Naval Commendation Medal with Combat V. He also served 10 years in the Navy Reserves. He was an avid reader, liked listening to music, and was a college football fan who enjoyed cheering for Notre Dame and Brown. He is survived by his wife, Bernadette; two daughters and sons-in-law; a son; a grandson; a sister; and a nephew.

Jun, 2021

John L. Keedy ’72 MAT (see ’66).

Jun, 2021

Beth Randall Arnold ’66 MAT, of West Chester, Pa.; Dec. 9, of organ failure due to COPD, congenital heart disease, and osteomyelitis. During her career she held several positions, including high school teacher, college career counselor, social worker, and transportation coordinator for the disabled. She was active in her community and volunteered with Friends of Valley Forge explaining colonial history in dresses she’d sewn herself. In later years she joined the P.E.O. Sisterhood, raising money for women in higher education. She enjoyed cooking, traveling, and genealogy. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two grandsons, and a brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Jun, 2021

John L. Keedy ’66, ’72 MAT, of Louisville, Ky.; Dec. 25, of complications related to COVID and Parkinson’s. After graduation, he took a position at the Punahou School in Hawaii as a Latin teacher, taught Latin at private schools in the States, traveled to Europe, Mexico, and North Africa, and then started his own roofing and painting business. In his 30s he returned to graduate school and then taught history at public schools in Massachusetts. He later worked as a school administrator, then as an associate professor of education at West Georgia College. He later became an associate professor at North Carolina State University and retired as a full professor at the University of Louisville. He researched, published, taught, and directed many doctoral dissertations throughout his career. He enjoyed playing tennis and sailing. He is survived by his companion Karen Gordon; a daughter; a sister; a brother; and his former wife, Cathy Meine.

Jun, 2021

Frederick Bopp III ’66, of Downingtown, Pa.; Dec. 22. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1966 to 1970, which included time served in Vietnam. He received his master’s and then his PhD in geology from the University of Delaware in 1973 and 1980. He was the senior geologist and vice president of the geosciences department at Roy F. Weston Inc. in West Chester, Pa., from 1979 to 1996, and retired in 2015 as a geological consultant. He enjoyed singing in the United Methodist Church of West Chester Chancel Choir and the Chester County Choral Society. He also enjoyed cooking and reading. He is survived by his wife, Sally; two children; and a grandson.

Jun, 2021

Francis W. Bogaczyk ’66, of Austin, Tex.; Jan. 4, from complications of bladder cancer. He worked at IBM for one year before being drafted into the U.S. Army. He returned home and continued at IBM, retiring after 30 years. He is survived by his wife Sandra; a daughter; a son; and a grandson. 

Apr, 2021

Maureen S. Levy Krasnow ’66, of Providence; Nov. 4. She was a fundraising professional for more than 30 years and helped ensure financial support for Meeting Street in Providence and for the Providence Public Library. She retired in 2010 but remained active with Hamilton House, an adult learning exchange in Providence, and Temple Sinai in Cranston. A proud alumna, she served as a grand marshal during her 25th reunion. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses and four grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Kenneth R. Neal ’66, of Mystic, Conn.; July 4. After graduating from Brown, where he was a member of the football, hockey, and lacrosse teams, he received his law degree from Boston College. He was a trial attorney, became a partner and practiced for 30 years at Danaher, Lagnese & Neal. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a daughter; two sons-in-law; and eight grandchildren, including Emma B. Healy ’21.

Nov, 2020

George H. Connell Jr. ’66, of Atlanta; Apr. 13, from complications of a stroke. He graduated from the University of Georgia School of Law in 1969 and began working as a United States attorney. He was a partner at Long Weinberg Ansley & Wheeler before establishing his own private firm, where he successfully practiced for more than 40 years. He retired from the legal firm of Dennis, Corry, Porter & Smith. He was a member of the Georgia Bar Association, Sigma Chi Fraternity, and the Capital City Club. An accomplished tennis player, he was a former member of Brown’s varsity tennis team. He is survived by his wife, Deborah; four children; five grandchildren; and a sister. 


Nov, 2020

Gerard T. Lynch ’66, of Vero Beach, Fla., formerly of Avon, Conn.; Apr. 20. After receiving a law degree from Fordham University School of Law and serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, he began a career in investment management at the Hartford Insurance Group. He moved to St. Paul Companies in St. Paul, Minnesota, then returned to Hartford in 1984 to start New England Asset Management, from which he retired in 2014. He enjoyed sports, traveling, and spending time at the beach. He is survived by his wife, Evy; daughter Allison Lynch Longfield ’98 and her spouse Ryan Longfield ’00; sons Coley ’95 and Brendan ’92 and their spouses; 13 grandchildren; two sisters-in-law, including Phyllis Gushae Lynch ’55; and several nieces and nephews, including Mary Bergen Hoag ’82, Susan C. Lynch ’82, Jennifer Lynch Seemar ’87, Suzanne M. Lynch ’90, and Robert K. Lynch ’90.

Sep, 2020

Allan Eberhart ’66, of Grass Valley, Calif.; Mar. 12, of pancreatic cancer. He was a longtime environmental activist in the Northern California foothills. He served for decades on Sierra Club conservation and legislative committees and participated for the Sierra Club in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. He began and led local environmental organizations, including the collaborative Foothills Water Network. He mentored many of the next generation of environmental activists and in later years was devoted to saving the Bear River from additional dams. He was also a master carpenter who specialized in renovating historic homes in Nevada City and Grass Valley. He is survived by his wife, Alison; a sister; and two nephews.

Jun, 2020

Vincent O’Reilly ’66, of Cumming, Ga.; Dec. 15. He had a successful career in sales at both IBM and ComputerLand followed by a career as a real estate agent. He served in the Rhode Island National Guard and was a charter member of the Knights of Columbus, where he was a past grand knight for more than 18 years. He was actively involved with St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church and is survived by his wife, Jo Lynne; four children; ten grandchildren; two sisters;
and two brothers.


Jun, 2020

Richard J. Casabonne ’66, of Newton, Mass.; Dec. 16, after a period of declining health. He was a substitute art teacher working in the Boston public school system while earning his master’s degree. After receiving his degree, he worked as a media specialist for public school systems and began to work as a sales and marketing specialist for audio visual companies. He had a long career in the educational publishing industry working at Random House, Grolier Publishing, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, while maintaining a consulting business providing strategic planning and business development services. He served a term as president of the Association of Educational Publishers and was inducted into its Hall of Fame in 2012. He is survived by his wife, Carol; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; two granddaughters; four sisters-in-law; two brothers-in-law; and seven nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2020

Judith Rasmussen Brown ’66, of Rochester N.Y.; Dec. 15. She taught high school social studies in Camden, N.Y. She is survived by her husband, Jerome; five children; 10 grandchildren; and a sister.


Apr, 2020

Donald S. Rae ’66, of Alexandria, Va.; Jan. 23, 2019. He worked as a research technician for 40 years, mostly at the National Institute of Mental Health. After retiring, he worked for the American Psychiatric Association. He was a member of the Society of Actuaries, Sigma Xi, and Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by a sister.


Jan, 2020

Bonnie J. Caruth ’66, of Kansas City, Kans.; July 25. She is survived by four children and their spouses, two grandsons, and a sister.


Nov, 2019

Barry F. Kowalski ’66, of Arlington, Va.; June 30, from complications of a stroke. He graduated from Brown with a bachelor’s degree in political science, after which he was commissioned a U.S. Marine lieutenant and commanded an infantry platoon in combat during the Vietnam War. Following military service, he received a law degree from Catholic University of Washington in 1973. After a brief stint in private practice, he taught at the Antioch School of Law and Catholic University and then joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1981. He spent 33 years defending civil rights under nine different attorneys general and four presidents. He retired in 2014 as one of the country’s premier civil rights prosecutors. Some of his high-profile convictions were against Ku Klux Klansmen in the death of 19-year-old Michael Donald, neo-Nazis in the murder of Jewish radio talk show host Alan Berg, and police brutality in the 1991 beating of Rodney King. Another highlight of his career was when he led a Justice Department inquiry into allegations that James Earl Ray’s assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was part of a conspiracy. He had been called the “lion” of the civil rights division and the Justice Department’s “pit bull.” An oral history and his papers related to the Vietnam War were donated to the John Hay Library. He was a member of the Sigma Chapter of Psi Upsilon and will be remembered in the words of his friends as “a truly remarkable individual whose dedication to defending peoples’ constitutional rights was palpable.” He is survived by his wife, Katie; three daughters; two granddaughters; and a sister.


Nov, 2019

Jack D. Staley ’66, of Stow, Mass., formerly of Rochester, N.Y.; July 10. He worked as a mechanical engineer in Rochester before retiring in 2011 to Massachusetts. He enjoyed gardening, reading, and exploring New England. He is survived by his wife, Mary; daughter Sarah Staley ’03 and her husband; son Brennon ’00 and his wife; four grandchildren; and two brothers, including Peter ’67.


Sep, 2019

Paul F. Clements ’66, of Bloomington, Minn.; Mar. 15. He was a founding partner in MultiMedia Inc., a media production company based in Minneapolis that he guided for 50 years. He enjoyed reading, traveling, scuba diving, skiing, and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Kristine; two sons; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; two sisters; and a brother, Tim ’73.


Jul, 2019

Richard F. Woodward ’66, of Chatham, Mass.; Mar. 8. He was a certified public account and who practiced in Orleans, Mass., for the last 22 years. He is survived by his wife, Penny; three stepchildren; four grandchildren; a brother; and two nephews.


May, 2019

Robert E. Manchester ’66, of Richmond, Va.; Jan. 15, from complications of a brain hemorrhage. He received a law degree from the University of Colorado Law School in 1969 and partnered with several law firms and lawyers throughout his career. At the time of his death he was a sole practitioner at Manchester Law Offices. He enjoyed the game of rugby as a player and as a coach until his mid-thirties. He is survived by his wife, Judith; two children, including Jessica Lubitz ’98; four grandchildren; two sisters; brother John ’74; two sisters-in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Mar, 2019

Kenneth S. Muldoon ’66, of Needham, Mass.; Nov. 29. He was an attorney in a small Manhattan law firm and also practiced with the Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis and VISTA. After a time practicing law, he changed his career and became a journalist. He was an associate editor of the Star-Ledger in Newark, N.J., before moving to Massachusetts to join the Harvard Business Review. Following that he was senior writer and editor for New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. and edited a newsletter for Tufts Univ. He was a member of Chorus Pro Musica for more than 20 years, serving on its board and as its president. He performed with the chorus at Symphony Hall, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and the Boston Garden. He also performed with the Betty Singers, who brought comfort through music to the infirm and ailing. He volunteered for Generic Ministry supporting the homeless and tutoring high school students and adults. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a son; two stepdaughters; an exchange daughter; two sisters; six grandchildren, several nieces and nephews; and his former wife, Freda Bein.


Nov, 2018

Clifford B. LePage Jr. ’66, of Wyomissing, Pa.; June 8. After earning his JD from the Univ. of Pennsylvania, he practiced law and was a partner at Austin, Boland, Connor & Giorgi in Reading, Pa. A lifelong athlete, he was an accomplished runner and cocaptain of Brown’s track team and proud to have completed the Boston Marathon. He enjoyed basketball as a competitor in the Reading City League and as a spectator traveling throughout the United States for more than 40 years to watch the NCAA tournaments. He also enjoyed playing bridge, attending theatrical productions, and visiting national parks. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Eileen; two sons; and four grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Robert E. Ginsberg ’66, of Oak Park, Ill.; Mar. 17, from Parkinson’s. He was a U.S. bankruptcy judge for the Northern District of Illinois from 1985 until his retirement in 2003. He had served as a trial attorney and special counsel with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C., prior to his judicial appointment. He was a professor at DePaul Univ. College of Law from 1974 to 1985, as well as a visiting professor at the Univ. of Illinois Law School in 1984. He was a member of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission and vice chair of the National Bankruptcy Review Commission from 1995 to 1997. He was the original author of Ginsberg on Bankruptcy, which later was known as Ginsberg & Martin on Bankruptcy. Together the two authors lectured in the field of bankruptcy law. He enjoyed skiing, playing golf, and playing goalie in the Chicago Park District ice hockey arena. He is survived by his wife, Gail Cohen Ginsberg ’66; two daughters, including Deborah Ginsberg ’91; two grandchildren; a sister; two brothers-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2018

Fruma Strauss Efreom ’66, of Warwick, R.I.; Feb. 17. She worked as a program and capital budget specialist for the Rhode Island Department of Education, was a public school teacher, and later was a grant writer for Family Service of Rhode Island. She is survived by her husband, Binyamin Efreom ’66 MAT; two daughters; and a son.


May, 2018

Donald K. Warfield ’66, of Fairfield, Conn.; Nov. 18, of pancreatic cancer. He was an actor for more than 50 years. His career encompassed 30 productions of Shakespeare’s plays, as well as movies and television series, including Law & Order SVU. He is survived by his wife, Laura; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a grandchild; and two brothers, including Jeffris Warfield ’69.


May, 2018

Suellen Carroll Croteau ’66, of Key West, Fla., formerly of Guilford, Conn.; Feb. 12, of cancer. She was a librarian at the Guilford Free Library and a member of the American Library Assoc., the Connecticut Library Assoc., and the Women’s National Book Assoc. before moving to Key West. She was also a member of the Junior League and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She enjoyed reading, traveling, and playing mahjong. She is survived by her husband, Michael Hayes; and two daughters.


Feb, 2018

James A. Murdock ’66, of Ames, Iowa; Aug. 22, of pancreatic cancer. He was a professor of mathematics at Iowa State Univ. from 1976 to 2010. From 1970 to 1976 he taught at City College in New York City. He authored two advanced mathematical books, coauthored a third, and wrote 50 research papers, encyclopedia articles, and book reviews. He enjoyed bird watching, hiking, folk dancing, and philosophy. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; two sons; two stepchildren; and a brother.

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