Class of 1968
Send your news to class secretary Ginger Ignatoff at [email protected] or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
John Whitehouse writes: “I’m pleased to report my latest book, From Vietnam to the Arctic Circle, Memoir of a Naval Officer in the Cold War, published by McFarland Press, is doing well. Several of the first chapters deal with my time at Brown, 1964-68. Brief reviews are available on Amazon.”
Class of ’68 welcome, congratulate and thank the new officers who will serve until after the next class reunion in 2028. Copresidents Sally Kusnitz Horn and Bob Bernius; cosecretaries Kitty Walker Keane and Marty Mueller; and cotreasurers Ancelin Vogt Wolfe and Chip Filak. Marty Mueller writes: “Our first task as your new officers was to send out the 2024 class dues e-letter to begin building a reserve to defray the costs (mostly, catered meals) of the 60th reunion. We hope everyone has already responded to that letter—if you haven’t, it’s never too late! Additionally, we urge all our classmates to make sure their alumni profiles and contact information are current. That can be done easily here: If you don’t yet have a Brown alumni account, now is a great time to set one up on this page because going forward, we will be using the new Brown Connect + platform for all class communications.” Contact Marty at [email protected].
Dr. William B. Spillman Jr. writes: “Wow, it’s hard to believe that it is almost 60 years since our class began their life changing experiences at Brown. What an amazing time that was! At this point, I am working on a small bucket list that I am trying to finish. One part of my life, though, has just ended, and that is my professional scientific life. My most recent and final book, with my old friend Eric Udd, entitled Fiber Optic Sensors: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd Edition has just been published by Wiley–a pretty good book I think, with its two previous editions having been cited more than 1,900 times. So now I’ll turn to Life 2.0 with family and friends full time and indulge my interests in writing poetry, writing, and recording songs and the digital photography of nature, especially the large birds found down here in the Savannah area. To my old classmates and their counterparts at Pembroke I will just say, as Spock taught us, live long and prosper, old friends.”

Joel Bennett has been retired from law practice since 2018. In retirement he has enjoyed traveling before and after Covid. He took nine trips last year, including three Brown travelers trips, and took a Brown Travelers trip to Antarctica this year which he said “was great!” He is looking forward to additional trips this year to California, Iceland, Vancouver and Victoria, and to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
John Mogulescu writes: After working for 49 years at the City University of New York (CUNY), where I was the senior university dean for academic affairs and the founding dean of the CUNY School of Professional Studies, I retired in 2021. Since retiring I have been writing a book about my CUNY experience. I am delighted to announce that the book was published in December of 2023. Entitled The Dean of New Things: Bringing Change to CUNY and New York City, it uses the story of my unusual career to consider how change—difficult but necessary—can happen in higher education. To learn more about the book, please visit the book’s website. It is

From left: Alan Johnston ’68, Dick Cauman ’71, John Klaffky ’69, Candy Hoffmeier Cauman ’70, Alicia Phillips Klaffky ’70, Janice Kruger ’70, Susan Williams ’70, Karol Adam Neufeld ’70, Annie Cross ’70, Joyce Reback ’70, Fran Rothstein ’70, and John Neufeld.
Annie Cross writes: “On August 6, eight Pembrokers in the Washington, D.C., area from the Class of 1970 gathered for a potluck dinner party. They included Dick Cauman ’71 and Candy Hoffmeier Cauman, Alan Johnston ’68, John Klaffky ’69 and Alicia Phillips Klaffky, Janice Kruger, John and Karol Adam Neufeld, Joyce Reback, Fran Rothstein, and Susan Williams.
William B. Spillman Jr. writes: “Though I wished to, I was not able to attend the graduation festivities this year. I am dealing with the vagaries of being in my latter 70s and all that entails. I have had a good life with the usual ups and downs, a wonderful wife, two great children, and two grandchildren. My career in applied physics was very rewarding, beginning in the aerospace industry and finishing up as the director of the Applied Biosciences Center and associate professor of physics at Virginia Tech. My wife Barbara and I have retired to Savannah, Georgia, where my hobbies include writing and recording songs (, writing poetry (I have had seven sonnets published in The Lyric, the oldest continuously published literary journal in the U.S. for traditional verse, which published some of Emily Dickinson’s poems), and I have gotten seriously into the digital photography of wildlife, birds, and flowers. Aside from the usual aches and pains from being old, life is pretty good, and I am gratified to see the excellent job that Brown has been doing to nurture the foundations of the future via its students. I am pleased to see it continue as a shining example of what a university ought to be.”
John Keane writes: “On Memorial Day weekend, a terrific turnout of Class of ’68 members and guests shared their 55th reunion in glorious weather with thousands of graduates, parents, friends, and other alumni. We reconnected with valued friends from back in the day and enjoyed lively conversations with others we barely knew back then. On Saturday, Dean Mukesh Jain told us of his strategies and plans for the Medical School before we toured Brown’s new campus in the old Jewelry District. At separate lunches, Dean Emeritus Barrett Hazeltine spoke with the men in our class about his more than six decades at the University and Janet Cooper-Nelson, the University’s chaplain, answered questions from the women. Our classmate Bernicestine McLeod Bailey and her family spoke at a forum about their experiences as early Black students at Brown, and on Sunday, we thrilled as the University awarded Bernie an honorary doctorate. After dinner at the Faculty Club on Saturday, Kenneth Fitzsimmons and Richard Filak and their wives led us onto the dance floor to celebrate the music of the ’60s and ’70s. We are looking forward to 2028 and our 60th reunion.”
Jesse Jupiter was honored at the 8th annual Jesse B. Jupiter International Hand Program presented by Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, which recognized Jesse’s contributions to the field of orthopedic and hand surgery throughout his tenured career.
and 9,000 Books
in rural Maine. Read More
Stephen M. Sagar published VITAMIN C: A 500-Year Scientific Biography from Scurvy to Pseudoscience. Stephen writes: “Susan Semonoff and I are living in San Francisco and enjoying the summer fog. Susan’s main creative activity is ceramics and our house is filled with her work.”
Tony Lioce and Peter Perl ’72 reunited to form two-thirds of ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) at an Irish pub in Oakland, Calif., where they and third member Terry McCarthy are suggesting ways to solve the problems of our complex modern world, which they attribute to the deaths of print journalism and top 40 radio.
Donald Young writes: “I retired in December after practicing family medicine in Cincinnati for 40 years. Many goodbyes were tough since I cared for three or four generations and even delivered some of them. I feel satisfied with my legacy as the first medical director of the family medicine program at the University of Cincinnati and I chaired the ad hoc committee to establish a second program at Bethesda Hospital. I’m now enjoying more reading, swimming, hiking, travel, and classes at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Beth and I enjoy time with our two happily married kids and three grandchildren. My old phrase by Studs Terkel for patients still holds true for my retirement: ‘Take it easy but take it!’ Brown was a true crossroads for me as I turned from the dream of a Nobel Prize in chemistry to the field of family medicine guided by teachers such as Dr. George Morgan, Dr. Fred Barnes, and Richard Cassill. Hail to the power of their word. My bucket list is getting longer, not shorter! P.S. To my friends at Brown, my nickname of Yogi still stands with my wife, friends, and family and please note that after marrying, my name is now Donald Nunlist-Young.”
Robert Wells writes: “My son, Joseph Wells, graduated from Hampton University (Va.) on May 8. He received a BA (with honors) in International Studies and a minor in sociology. Two days prior, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Army, having completed four years of ROTC. He will serve in active duty, infantry branch: The career he’s wanted since age 11—sometimes dreams
do come true.”
Kitty Walker Keane is the new president of Greater Naples Leadership. GNL takes 40-50 executive-level retirees who are new to Southwest Florida and puts them through a yearlong experience learning the history and current issues affecting the region. At the end of the program, GNL facilitates introductions for the participants to nonprofits in the community needing board members and volunteers, and through the program the participants have been armed with insights and skills to be effective.
Class officers Joel Bennett, Tom Coakley, Ginger Heinbockel Ignatoff, Jack Keane, Marty Mueller, and Sandra Richards report: “ Our 55th Reunion is May 26-28, 2023, and it won’t be the same without you! Please make sure Brown has your email address so you don’t miss out on class emails and other reunion news. Type in your browser to log in and update your contact information on your profile page. Helpdesk links can be found if you have trouble logging in or need to set up an account. Your myBrown account gives you access to the Alumni Directory, Rosetta Stone, and more. You will need a myBrown account to register for our 55th Reunion, too. Keep an eye out for emails from us starting this fall. We hope you will join our private, classmate-only Facebook page by searching for “Brown University Class of 1968.” If you are not on Facebook, consider sharing your news with us by emailing [email protected]. We hope to connect with you soon!”
Carlos Lejnieks writes that there was a great Brown attendance at the late Vartan Gregorian’s memorial service in New York City in April. In addition to Carlos, several current and past corporation members attended, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey Jr. ’70, Angelique G. Brunner ’94, Thomas G. Catena ’86, Ron Margolin, Russell E. Marlborough ’98, W. Lynn McKinney, Joelle A. Murchison ’95, Alice M. Tisch, and Thomas J. Tisch ’76.

Rebecca Bonanno joined her father Richard Bonanno ’68 on the board of directors of Transitional Services of New York for Long Island and Haven House/Bridges, joint organizations that provide supportive housing to adults and families. Richard has served on the board since 1978. He retired from family medical practice in 2020. Rebecca is an associate professor of human services at SUNY Empire State College and is serving as student mental health faculty fellow.
As Vesuvio has changed from a classic San Francisco beatnik bar to a Bubba Gump-y tourist trap, Tony Lioce has been deemed too old to tend bar there anymore but has relocated successfully to a fabulous dive in the city’s Mission District with the totally appropriate name of Treat Street Cocktails. A shot and a beer costs seven bucks. Come see him and all his new friends at the corner of Treat and 24th; he’s working Saturdays and Sundays.
Sally Kusnitz Horn writes: “It is with the greatest of pleasure that we announce the establishment of the Pembroke Emergency Gap Fund endowment. The fund was established following a series of email and Zoom discussions among a group of Pembroke ’68 members who have met almost weekly since the beginning of the pandemic. With assistance from the Brown Annual Fund and Brown Development offices, the group created an endowment to help current and prospective Brown women and those who identify as female, and provide a lasting legacy named for a piece of Brown history. Specifically, the endowment will help current and prospective Brown women and those who identify as female who might need a helping hand to reach their full potential; recognize Pembroke’s pivotal role in the lives of all the women who matriculated through Pembroke; and be an enduring memorial to Pembrokers in our class and in other classes. The endowment will supplement and complement other Brown endowed funds and the Brown Annual Fund, providing a new vehicle that should increase overall support to students. We urge all members of the Class of 1968—male and female—as well as those from other classes, and friends to join in supporting the Fund. To donate by credit card on the Brown website please list the Fund to which you are donating as Pembroke Emergency Gap Fund or contact Sally ([email protected]) or Shelley ([email protected]). You may also indicate on the online form if your gift is in memory or honor of someone. To donate by check or money order, please write Pembroke Emergency Gap Fund in the memo line and mail to Brown University, Gift Cashier, Box 1877, Providence, RI 02912. To make a gift via an IRA or Qualified Charitable Distribution, please contact Rebecca Zuck at [email protected]. For any additional support on making your gift or ensuring Brown records properly whom the gift is from, please contact the Brown University Gift Accounting Office at [email protected] or by phone: 401-863-3300.”
Carl Smith, Franklyn Bliss Snyder professor of English and American Studies and professor emeritus of history at Northwestern University, published Chicago’s Great Fire: The Destruction and Resurrection of an Iconic American City with Grove Atlantic.
Stan Schretter ’68 ScM (see Judy Drazen Schretter ’68).
Terence Harkin published In the Year of the Rabbit, a novel and the sequel to The Big Buddha Bicycle Race, which was a Kirkus Top 100 Indie Book of 2017, a Top Ten Vietnam War book at Goodreads, and the 2020 recipient of a Silver Medal in Literary Fiction from the Military Writers Society of America.

Laurie O. Robinson ’68, Clarence J. Robinson Professor Emerita of criminology, law and society at George Mason University, has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 Herbert Bloch Award for her “outstanding service contributions to the American Society of Criminology and to the professional interests of criminology.” Ms. Robinson will receive her honor at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in November.
Ross Fenton writes: “While at Brown, Vietnam veterans Edward Cundy ’68, Richard Gerace, Kenneth Kugel ’68, and I formed a Rhode Island chapter of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Elise Lemire published a book with the University of Pennsylvania Press recounting our efforts over Memorial Day Weekend in 1971 to show the people of New England why the American War in Southeast Asia needed to end, and end immediately. Battle Green Vietnam: The 1971 March on Concord, Lexington, and Boston tells the story of how we walked Paul Revere’s route in reverse over three days. When we tried to stay on the Lexington Battle Green, we were rounded up in what remains the largest mass arrest in Massachusetts history. Lemire has made her book highly readable by recounting the march through the eyes of six of the march participants, me being one of them. It includes several photos of the other
Brown participants.”
Joe Haletky writes: “It’s been years since I’ve sent anything in, but I thought I’d try to catch people up. I’ve been in Palo Alto, California, for the last 48-1/2 years after four years in Ithaca, New York. I have enjoyed four different careers, three of which began at Brown. For more than 30 years I continued my financial aid job as a gifts assistant at the Rockefeller Library at both Cornell and Stanford after dropping out of both graduate programs. As a music major, I’ve sung in numerous groups since high school (sometimes even getting paid for it), and conducted a number of choirs and musical theatre and opera companies since my Ithaca days (again sometimes getting paid for it). Having turned anti-war in my last months at Brown, I became an activist, refusing induction while at Cornell, and since moving to California, became an advocacy and social ministry person through my church, where I conducted, and actually became cofounder, treasurer, and associate director of a major nonprofit homeless program (finally getting paid for it). That led to career #4, accountancy, at which I’m still working (now for a property management company for the last 20 years). My activism also continues as a volunteer as global missions chair for our regional Lutheran Synod. I’ve even gotten to travel internationally to El Salvador and Peru due to the latter involvement. In the meanwhile, I’ve been married twice with three grown kids, three stepkids, nine grandkids, and 14 great-grands. It’s been a full and rich life, and I’m thankful every day for it and for the education I got at Brown that helped me become who I am.”
Joel Bennett writes: “Fortunate to survive a bout with COVID in 2020, including three weeks in the hospital, but all better now.”
Martie Barylick ’69 MAT directed and produced Ballerina Boys, a portrait of the men of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, a company of dancers who challenge the traditions of ballet art. Martie and her Emmy winning producing and directing partner, Chana Gazit, worked on the documentary for six years. It premiered on PBS’s American Masters in June. The website for the film is
Roy Pedersen writes: “I have been an art dealer for 35 years, first in New Hope, Pennsylvania, where I wrote and curated The New Hope Modernists for the Michener Museum in Doylestown. Although I was born at the Jersey Shore, I had never been aware until 15 years ago that everyone from Winslow Homer to Thomas Eakins had produced important art there. In 2014, I put my attention on an uncelebrated group of wonderful New Jersey artists which culminated in the groundbreaking exhibition, Jersey Shore Impressionists at Morven Museum in Princeton. It attracted over 10,000 visitors. The accompanying book was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Prize by the Independent Publishers Association. On May 1, my new exhibition, Thomas Eakins in New Jersey and The Boys, opened at the Peto Museum in Island Heights, New Jersey. It focuses upon the mostly overlooked camera and brush works done by Eakins at the Jersey Shore.”
Jesse Jupiter writes that he retired in late 2020 after 45 years as an orthopedic hand surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He will continue teaching and writing while he and his wife live in Telluride, Colo., in the winter and near an ocean for the rest of the year. He is also the Hansjorg Wyss/AO Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School and the past president of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons and of the American Association of Hand Surgeons.
Terence A. Harkin announces that his debut novel, The Big Buddha Bicycle Race, was named a finalist for the Military Writers Society of America’s 2020 prize in Literary Fiction. His second novel, Year of the Rabbit, is due for release by Silkworm Books in Spring 2021.
On October 26, the Brown University Corporation dedicated a memorial to Trustee Ken McDaniel. The memorial is an engraved concrete block lining a brick walkway in the Maddock Alumni Center gardens. Ken died on June 11, 2019, just 16 days after celebrating his 50th class reunion (See Farewell, BAM Obituaries, September/October). Following the dedication, the Class of 1969 presented a 154-page book created and published by his classmate Thelma Austin. The title is A Faithful Servant: Biographical Tribute to Kenneth Harrison McDaniel, 1947-2019. In addition to his biographical summary, the book features 24 tributes. Tributes were from President Christina Paxson and seven current and emeriti trustees, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey ’70, Sheryl Grooms Brissett Chapman ’71, Spencer Crew ’71, Galen V. Henderson ’93 MD, Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, and Preston Tisdale ’73. Nine classmates who contributed were Linda Abbott Antonucci, Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson, Gail DeCosta, Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD, Anderson Kurtz, class president Joseph Petteruti, Theodore Sherrod, Wesley Smith, and Randall Ward. Two other alumni also contributed: Glenn Dixon ’70 and Russell Malbrough ’98. Others who contributed were professor Françoise Hamlin, Reza Clifton, Paul Simas, Stanley Thompson, and Rev. Adam Young. Copies of the book were presented to President Christina Paxson; Ken’s wife, Susan McDaniel; and the John Hay Library. All alumni are encouraged to have their autobiographies and biographies archived in the John Hay Library.

Leo Plante and Richard Verney had a surprise mini-reunion at a reception commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Monadnock Paper Mills in Bennington, N.H. Monadnock is the oldest continuously operated paper mill in the U.S. It has been owned by the Verney family for two generations.

Jack and Kitty Walker Keane, along with Elissa and Bob Bernius; Joni and Bob Cohan; Mary and Richard Grant; and Alan ’67 and Janet McClendon Vaskas were participants on a Brown Travelers cruise in the Greek Islands in September.

Laurie O. Robinson ’68, former Assistant Attorney General in charge of the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, will serve as the chair of the governing board of directors of the new Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ). CCJ, which launched on July 23, is a nonpartisan membership organization and think tank dedicated to improving criminal justice and public safety in America. Also serving on the CCJ board of trustees is James Forman Jr. ’88, professor at Yale Law School.
Jesse Jupiter was named an International Pioneer in Hand Surgery at the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand meeting in Berlin, Germany.
Richard Brodsky writes: “Doting on our two children and their spouses and our three grandchildren...’nuf said. Peggy, my wife of 47 years, besides getting her head examined for that condition, has had some health issues, but she has an amazing spirit, which I try to keep up. I’m still practicing law, now in an office across the street from our apartment … I will continue until my brain runs out of energy or the phone calls stop, whichever comes first. Still a Miami Marlins fan—now on their 76th rebuild in their 26-year history. Red Sox fans are so Yankee-like, feeling so entitled. I’m actively writing and had a law review article published on the constitutionality of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (a thriller) and another soon to be published on Congress’s futile effort to end delays in SEC investigations (ditto), and I have a blog, (latest post: “Putting AOC on an Equal Footing with Pelosi”). I welcome visitors to Miami.” Contact Richard at [email protected].
Jesse Jupiter continues to practice hand and upper extremity surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Jesse has been named an International Pioneer in Hand Surgery by the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, as well as the first Distinguished Alumnus of the Combined Harvard Orthopedic Residency Program.
Jay Hedlund writes: “Our classmate Flint Taylor, one of America’s top civil and human rights lawyers and a cofounder of the People’s Law Office in Chicago, has published a new book, The Torture Machine, outlining his nearly 50-year career fighting racism in the criminal justice system. He was one of the lawyers who represented the families of slain Chicago Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in the landmark civil rights case against the Chicago police, the Cook County state’s attorney, and the FBI’s COINTELPRO agents. Throughout his career he has represented numerous survivors of Chicago police torture in criminal and civil cases, as well as in seeking and winning reparations. He was also cocounsel in the civil rights case brought by the victims of the KKK and neo-Nazi terror in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1979. The story he tells in The Torture Machine is engaging and compelling, particularly timely with the current national focus on police and community relations (particularly communities of color), the Black Lives Matter movement, and a new attention to criminal justice and penal reform.”
Gloria Markoff Winston writes: “Since 2008 I have been living at Laurelmead. I have spent my winters in Palm Beach, Florida, since 1982 and fully returned to Providence (no more ‘snow birding’) in 2015. I have everything I need in life except Florida sunshine so I take my vitamin D pills every day. I play duplicate bridge every week and join the poker game at night and still find time to volunteer at Miriam Hospital. Many of my life-long friends that I followed to Laurelmead are no longer here, but I am surrounded by new friends, many of whom are also members of the Brown family, including Paul Alexander ’67, ’69 ScM; Janet McWain Colby ’60; Rosemary Mizener Colt ’84 PhD; Abraham Ehrenhaus ’45; Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus ’49; Deborah Mulcare ’68; John Schultz ’62 ScM,’68 PhD; Daniel Siegel ’57; Eugene Weinberg ’51; Robert Wood ’58; Louise Wood ’75 MAT; and Lucinda Dohanian-Welch ’00. We also have many esteemed Brown faculty members, past and present, including Lewis Lipsitt, Robert Davis, Laura Durand, Frank Durand, Francis McNelis, Gordon Wood, John Coleman, Annette Coleman, Robert E. Lanou, Richard Yund, and Nancy C. Rhodes, who was an associate director of admissions at Brown.”
Donald Nunlist-Young is still practicing family medicine in Cincinnati. A new granddaughter, Paige, joins his two grandsons, Jake and Cole. Donald writes: “As CFO of our family truck and train club, I will have to propose some changes to our club rules and a more feminine touch to our playtime!”
Ancelin Vogt Wolfe writes: “We are in the throes of downsizing. ‘Throes’ is definitely the right word.”
John M. Wolcott writes: “After six years of retirement (and driving a school bus), a former client called with a project too good to pass up, so I’m back to work. But next time I retire, it’s for real, I promise. Really (I think).”
Jesse Jupiter continues practicing hand and upper extremity care at Massachusetts General Hospital. Jesse is an honorary member of the Argentina Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
Karen Witkin Berberian writes: “I love the freedom and flexibility that comes with retirement. I have been taking art classes: watercolor, collage, and drawing. I am about to start a class on embossing.”
Joel Bennett retired from law practice and is looking forward to doing more traveling. He writes: “I enjoyed our 50th reunion and thanks again to all who planned and organized it.”
Judith Ginsberg ’68 AM (see Sally Kusnitz Horn ’68).
Class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn reports: “Thirty-six members of our Pembroke class met in Newport, R.I., for a mini-reunion just before our big 50th reunion in Providence. Kudos to Binnie Ravitch, Gay Parrish, and Ginger Heinbockel Ignatoff for organizing.
Calling all class of 1968 Pembrokers—For the last 25 years, an ever-expanding (by word of mouth) group of Pembrokers from the class of 1968 have been meeting three times a year (mostly in New York) and communicating, first by snail mail and, with the advent of email, via email. Because the group, first convened by Judith Ginsberg ’68 AM and Binnie Ravitch, had its genesis in New York, it’s called the Big Apple Orchard Club Pembroke 68 (Binnie blames her dyslexia for dubbing it BOACP68 – but the moniker has stuck). It’s been a source of friendship over the years for both those in New York and elsewhere. While the group has grown over the years by word of mouth, that’s no longer good enough. So, if you are part of the Pembroke class of 1968 and would like to join and share in the sisterhood, please contact Ginger Heinbockel lgnatoff
Judy Drazen Schretter and Stanley Schretter ’65 went with Brown Travelers last August to Churchill, north of Manitoba, to see polar bears and beluga whales. As an added bonus, the Northern Lights were visible while they were in Churchill.
Richard Narva is founder and senior advisor at Narva & Company LLC. He has been advising family shareholder control groups and the businesses and other enterprises that they control for more than 30 years. He was partner at The Roseview Group following more than two decades of family business consultation as principal and cofounder of Genus Resources Inc. He is the author and editor of publications on subjects related to family-controlled enterprises, including Family Enterprises: How to Build Growth, Family Control, and Family Harmony and Sustaining Family Enterprise: Meeting the Challenges of Continuity, Control, and Competitiveness. His articles have appeared in Directors Monthly, a publication of the National Association of Corporate Directors, and The International Family Offices Journal, among other publications. He was for many years a contributing editor of Family Business Magazine. He is also a fellow of the Family Firm Institute.
Stuart Horn ’70 ScM (see Sally Kusnitz Horn ’68).
Judith Ginsberg ’68 AM (see Sally Kusnitz Horn ’68).
Richard Reisman writes: “My current project is to change capitalism from the invisible hand to an invisible handshake: more cooperative, human markets, starting in digital. My book, Fair Pay: Adaptively Win–Win Customer Relationships, was published in late 2016. A journal paper is to be published next year (see Commercial interest is growing. I have been active for the past year as a member of New York Angels and am looking forward to the 50th reunion.”
Tony Lioce and Rich Lupo ’70 met in New Orleans to march in Fats Domino’s funeral parade. They write: “Where were the rest of you people?”
Among the victories by what has become known as the Trump resistance last November was that of Democrat Kelly Fowler’s election to the Virginia House of Delegates. When asked, she credited her victory in large part to the work of 31st Street Swing Left, one of whose leaders is Larry Buc ’68, who first suggested adding fund-raising to the group’s canvassing efforts. When a discouraged Fowler almost dropped out of the race, 31st Street sent her more than $3,000 and then another $7,000, which gave her the support to win. As Buc told a reporter for the Nation, “1) There is nothing exceptional about what we did, 2) Others did similar things, 3) We need more people to do this, and 4) We can train people to do it.”
Class president Judy Drazen Schretter reports: “It is only a few months until our 50th Brown reunion. Class officers Jack Keane, Richard Hodosh, and Sally Kusnitz Horn look forward to seeing our classmates there. This event is a wonderful opportunity to reminisce about our time at Brown and Pembroke, catch up with friends, and experience all the changes that have occurred on the Brown campus since we were students. We have a full calendar of events planned, including class dinners on Friday evening before Campus Dance, separate Brown and Pembroke luncheons on Saturday, a remembrance of our classmates who are no longer with us, and, of course, the march down College Hill as part of the Commencement ceremony on Sunday morning. Information about the reunion should arrive shortly. Rooms will be available at no charge in the Keeney (formerly West) quad for the weekend so you can experience life on campus again. Please be sure your contact information in the Brown alumni directory is up to date and join the class of 1968 Facebook page to keep up with information about the reunion and who plans to be there.”
Malcolm Shookner writes: “Greetings to my Classmates. I’m pleased to report that I am alive and well and enjoying life with my wife, Linda, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We’ve been living here since 2000, when we moved from Toronto, where I had lived for the previous 30 years. I have an extensive background in community development, social research, health promotion, and public policy in the nonprofit, academic, and public sectors. I have worked on many projects that use indicators to measure the quality of life, sustainability, health, and well-being of communities. My last job was manager of Nova Scotia Community Counts, a website with data for and about communities supported by the government of Nova Scotia. It was closed down in 2015 due to budget cuts. I retired at that time and started to enjoy my leisure time. Linda and I took on the challenge to maintain her family cottage on the south shore of Nova Scotia. I have a small sailboat in Hubbards and enjoy a day of sailing on St. Margaret’s Bay as often as weather permits. We have three children, two in Toronto and one in Tokyo, and two grandchildren. We’ve been to Japan several times to visit with our son and his family. We plan to attend the 50th reunion in spring, so I hope I’ll see you there."
Your class officers report: “Can you believe it? May will be 60 years since we walked down the hill out into the world We have all taken many roads and it has been an exciting 60 years, but it’s time for these paths to lead to Providence once more. Come celebrate our 60th reunion, renew old acquaintances, and make new ones. More reminders and information will follow as we work out the details, but here is a heads-up to save these dates: May 25–27, 2018. If last year’s mini-reunion in New York City is any indication, we still have the capacity to enjoy ourselves and enjoy each other. So do plan to come. Your fellow ’58s and other Brunonians would love to see you.”
From the November/December 2017 Issue
John Gaydos writes: “I now have lived two years in Coventry, Rhode Island, and love Little Rhody. I now have an RN (Lindsey ’09), MPH (Megan ’00), and MSW (Heather). The whole family will be together during the holiday this winter.”
Sally Kusnitz Horn writes: “Have you checked out our class Facebook page? Every week, our class VP Jack Keane, has been posting helpful suggestions to make our May 25–27, 2018, 50th reunion the best ever. It’s easy to sign up: type ‘Brown University Class of 1968’ into the Facebook search bar and ask to join the group. In addition to the weekly suggestions, you’ll find updates from and about our Brown friends. Do you have stories to share in the Brown Alumni Magazine and/or on our Brown ’68 Facebook page? You can post them yourself or send to me. There are also a few reunion updates. For years, the women in our class have had a Pembroke breakfast at reunions. At the 50th it will be a luncheon. For the first time, there will also be a luncheon for Brown men. Any volunteers to help with them should contact Judy Drazen Schretter (women) or Jack Keane (men). Did you know that classmates staying on campus for their 50th reunion are generally housed together in Keeney Quadrangle? The rooms are Spartan and the bathrooms shared, but there is no charge for the 50th reunion class. If you want more luxury, start thinking about making hotel reservations because they sell out early. Any webmasters among us? Our class page on the Brown website ( ) is woefully out of date. We are looking for a webmaster to help us keep it up to date. If you have the skills and interest to help out, please let me know.”
George Hyde was elected chair of the advisory board of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the Univ. of South Florida in Tampa. In the last three years, George has created seven new courses for the lifelong learning program, which he has taught a total of 15 times over that period, earning him recognition in the OLLI-USF Faculty Roll of Honor. The courses involve media and/or current events, George has been in media since his days at WBRU, and retired as executive vice president of the Radio Advertising Bureau, having advised advertisers, agencies, and stations in all 50 states and in 42 foreign countries on five continents. George was also named OLLI-USF’s “Outstanding Volunteer” in 2015.
Jean Trescott Lambert writes that Virginia Macmillan Trescott ’38 celebrated her 101st birthday on July 19 with a festive lobster lunch. Marking the day with her were daughter Jean and her husband, John, from northern Massachusetts, and daughter Deborah Trescott Pinkham, parent of Alec Pinkham, ’08, ’09 ScM, from Maine. Virginia resides at Riverwoods in Exeter, N.H.
From the September/October 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
Terence Harkin’s debut novel, The Big Buddha Bicycle Race, was published by Silkworm Books on Jan. 30 and has been ranked the number-seven Vietnam War Book on Listopia, Goodreads’ collection of booklists. It has also received a Kirkus starred review which describes it as “Shakespearian” and “lyrical.” More information about the book can be found at
Class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn writes: “Start making plans to attend our 50th reunion on May 25–27, 2018. Do you want to find the latest information about our classmates and the reunion? If you are on Facebook, type Brown University Class of 1968 into the Facebook search bar. In addition to updates from and about our Brown friends, the class of 1968 Facebook page has weekly suggestions for ways to make our reunion the best ever. Here are some of those suggestions: ‘Tell your best friend from Brown that you plan to attend the reunion and encourage him or her to attend too.’ ‘Look through your Brown stuff. Did you keep a pig book or a beast book? A yearbook? What else? Bring them to the reunion or let your class officers know in advance and we’ll figure out how to share at the reunion.’ ‘Create or update your profile on the Brown alumni site, and include your current email address. Most reunion communications will be by email.”
Sally Kusnitz Horn and husband Stuart Horn ’70 ScM, shadowed the class of ’67 reunion to pick up pointers for their May 25–27, 2018, reunion. Classmates Sandy Mertens McClaskey, Helaine Benson Palmer, Nancy Turck ’68 AM, and Janet McClendon Vaskas were also there. They celebrated with several members of the class of ’67, including Nancy’s husband, Patrick Maley; Sandy’s husband, Charles McClaskey; Helaine’s husband, Joseph Ruma; and Janet’s husband, Alan Vaskas. Sally also asks her classmates to be on the lookout for upcoming e-Bravo messages from the class officers for more info on planning for the reunion, granted that she has valid email addresses for them.
Shelly Sender, a semiretired family physician in Hamilton, Ontario, has joined the local hospital’s Assisted Death Resource and Evaluation Service. As such, she is on the front lines of the implementation of the new Canadian law on assisted dying. Her daughter, Elizabeth (Lisa) Beauchamp ’00, who is now a physician in Montreal specializing in infectious diseases, is a fourth-generation physician, all female. Lisa and her partner, Nick Lamarre-Tremblay, are the parents of two boys.
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn or directly to the BAM at [email protected]
Louis Lantner continues to serve in the U.S. Department of State as the public affairs officer to the U.S. Mission to Somalia, which is located in Nairobi, Kenya. He and his wife, Karen (Williams ’69), are enjoying their seven grandchildren.
Fred Marchant’s book of poetry, Said Not Said, was released May 2.
Jesse B. Jupiter continues to practice hand and upper extremity surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital and remains Hansjörg Wyss Professor at Harvard Medical School. Jesse recently became president of American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons and has published or edited 10 medical surgical texts.
Thom Park and his wife, Susan, have been settled in Tallahassee, Florida, since 1980. Thom writes: “A brief stint as athletic director at Liberty University pulled us away in 2005. I remain busy in private equity and commercial real estate capital formation while still doing some agency work for a few college football coaches. Three kids and seven wonderful grandchildren fulfill our lives.”
Carol McCue Verratti retired from the U.S. International Trade Commission after 39 years as an attorney, specifically in trade and ethics. She writes: “I will be vacationing in Argentina on the official day of my retirement.”
From the May/June 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn or directly to the BAM at [email protected]
Many classmates joined the Women’s March on Washington, D.C., and its sister marches across the country on Jan. 21, while others were glued to their televisions watching. Judith Ginsberg, who marched in New York City, writes: “I was so moved to participate with Maggie Harrer, her daughter Katie Henly, Carole Sayle, and Marcia Knight. There are even photos (see our Class Facebook page). We were interviewed by journalists from Taiwan.” Binnie Ravitch, who participated in the Women’s March in Boston writes: “Quel belle jour.” Helaine Palmer, another Boston marcher commented: “It was a great event and helped to lift my spirits,” while Ancelin Vogt Wolfe writes: “I marched in Boston with my daughter Anne and her boyfriend. What was thought to be a turnout of perhaps 25,000 at the beginning of the planning process became a gathering of 175,000. All peaceful, all seriously focused, and all celebrating our right to voice and to show our concerns.” Margaret Gardner described the Women’s Rally in Providence as “energizing, indeed,” and Carol Pilkinton Grave, who marched in Hartford, Conn., writes: “It is clear from the signage that the march was about racism, multiculturalism, gender identity, and all rights that we feel are threatened.”
Robert F. Cohen Jr. continues to work as a commissioner at the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. He writes: “I will be able to see up close the Trump Administration’s actions on worker safety and health.”
John Clair writes: “I’m finally retired from law practice, got remarried a year or so ago, and am trying to catch up on travel, family life, and just not going to the office every day. It’s a process, but I will get the hang of it.” John ran into Norm Swanberg ’71 at a friend’s party and said, “Norm was a Phi Delt, remembered me, and even remembered the secret handshake. I drew a complete blank and confirmed the state of my memory.”
Tom Earp is not contemplating retiring anytime soon. Tom has represented individuals and businesses in corporate law, estate planning, and administration for more than 30 years in South Jersey and Philadelphia. He thinks New Jersey is a nice place to live “except for the taxes and politicians.” His son David lives in Cherry Hill with his family, which includes Tom’s four granddaughters. One of Tom’s daughters is a hand surgeon at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston and lives in Weston, Mass. She did her training with Jesse Jupiter at Mass General. Another daughter is living in Millersville near Annapolis, Md.
Terence Allison Harkin writes: “Happy to report that my novel, The Big Buddha Bicycle Race, a black-humorous wartime love story set in upcountry Thailand late in the Vietnam War, has been published by Silkworm Books. It is currently available at Amazon.”
Class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn writes: “My husband, Stuart Horn ’70 ScM, and I are looking forward to coming back to Brown this year for commencement weekend and class reunions. We’ll be checking out arrangements for the reunions and taking notes to help our class officers with planning our class’s 50th reunion, which will be held May 25–27, 2018. Plus, we are planning to meet up with our daughter, Stephanie Horn Richling ’97, ’01 MD, and her family, who will be leaving for a year’s sabbatical in New Zealand in July. If you are also going to be in Providence or have ideas to share with our class officers, let me know.”
Todd Johnston writes: “I continue to soldier on at Drinker Biddle, a large national law firm, working in the Princeton, New Jersey, office. I and my wife, Lesley, of some 46 years (Wheaton ’70), who is first cousin to our classmate John Clair, continue to live near Princeton and spend our weekends in New York City. We summer on Nantucket. If my classmates are game, I plan on showing up for my 50th.”
Louis Lantner continues to serve in the U.S Department of State as the public affairs officer to the U.S Mission to Somalia, located in Nairobi, Kenya. He and his wife Karen (Williams ’69) are enjoying their seven grandchildren.
Don Lusardi writes that he has been in touch with Terry Harkin, who has published a book about his experiences in Thailand during the Vietnam War and after.
Paul A. Mainardi writes: “With the experience of four years with the Jabberwocks, I have been singing bass with the Philadelphia Boys Choir and Men’s Chorale for 25 years. I’ve also been practicing law with the same firm for more than 40 years. Love of my life.”
Susan and Thomas R. Park celebrated 39 years of marriage with three children—Bethany, Clint, and Rachel—along with five grandchildren. They have been in Tallahassee, Fla., since 1980. Thomas enjoys serving as a cofounder and principal in private equity commercial real estate. Thomas and Susan are deeply involved in Wildwood PCA Church of Tallahassee. Thomas welcomes inquiries and reconnections with classmates and friends.
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Richard Reisman writes: “The book I was invited to write as part of a collection on innovations in business and society, FairPay: Adaptively Win-Win Customer Relationships has been published. The book is aimed at business and academic audiences, but is relevant to anyone interested in how information wants to be free. Details at . I would be happy to hear any reader feedback.”
From the January/February 2017 Issue
Class secretary Sally Kusnitz Horn reports: “Happy Birthday to us! The Big Apple Orchard Club (BOAC) group was organized in 1993 by Pembrokers from the Class of 1968 living in the New York City area and has since grown to include classmates outside the area. Thanks to superb organizing by Ginger Heinbockel Ignatoff, the current keeper of the e-mail list, 22 alumnae from the Pembroke Class of 1968 celebrated our collective 70th birthday on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Carmine’s on the upper West Side of Manhattan. Classmates came from as close as New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, to as far away as Canada, California, New Mexico, South Dakota, Georgia, and Virginia. We caught up on one another’s lives since we last met; shared current travel, work (paid and unpaid), plans, and interests; discussed the upcoming elections; and drank a toast to the future, including plans for a Pembroke reunion in Newport, R.I., just before the Brown 50th reunion. The celebration began at Marcia Knight’s home before dinner and continued after. In attendance were: Molly Erb Adams, Martie Barylick ’69 MAT, Kathleen Cook, Judith Ginsberg ’68 AM, Nina Salant Hellerstein, Maggie Harrer, Sally Kusnitz Horn, Ginger Heinbockel Ignatoff, Kitty Walker Keane, Marcia Knight, Vikki Aldridge Kingslien, Jean Trescott Lambert, Bernicestine McLeod, Helaine Benson Palmer, Gay Parrish, Binnie Ravitch, Carole Sayle, Paula Rosenfeld Schram, Judy Drazen Schretter, Lou Chirico Schuyler, Shelly Sender, and Mimsy Baker Spaulding. Pembroke classmates who would like to hear about future BOAC-organized events should contact Ginger.”
Judith Andrews Green retired after 35 years as adult education director for two school districts with a total of 11 towns in Maine’s western mountains. She is now a part-time writer and full-time grandma. She writes she is keeping alive her Brown Pembroke Outing Club roots with trips such as backpacking the North Slope of Alaska, the Coast-to-Coast across England, and the Inca trek to Machu Picchu.
Don Lusardi had a mini-reunion with Bob Ladd in August in Ithaca, N.Y., where Don is living after retiring from teaching at the Gow School. Bob flew in from Scotland to attend a symposium at Cornell. He is teaching linguistics and English at the Univ. of Edinburgh. Don writes: “Filling in the chasm from 1968 to 2016 wasn’t as difficult as I thought it might be, as conversation ranged from Brexit to the deterioration of the English language. Bob wasn’t sure if he’d make it back across the pond for our 50th, since he will be returning next year when his son graduates from Brown. I also made contact with Gene Sevi, thanks to his note in a previous BAM. Turns out we are neighbors—sort of. He’s living in Saratoga Springs, which adjoins Ballston Spa, the town where my wife, Jeanne, and I have a townhouse. And to prove that the world is growing smaller by the day, a casual conversation I recently had after church revealed that the person I was speaking with was the niece of Eva Handhardt Benes.”
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Greg Donaldson hitchhiked from New York City to Oregon City, Oregon, in eight days in July.
Jean Trescott Lambert (see Virginia Macmillan Trescott ’38).
From the September/October 2016 Issue
Judy Drazen Schretter writes: “Mark your calendar for our 50th reunion on May 25–27, 2018. We look forward to seeing you there. Information about the reunion will be sent electronically. Be sure we know how to reach you."
Susan Lukesh ’76 PhD writes: “In 2010 I undertook to use my training and experience—developed through my graduate studies at Brown and over the course of 30 years of excavating and studying prehistoric sites in Southern Italy and Sicily—to study my family, whose roots are firmly planted in the earliest colonial days. Two years ago I was entrusted with a photo album compiled by my great-great-grandmother in the 1860s. Close study of the album has resulted in a very recently published book—Frozen in Time, An Early Carte de Visite Album from New Bedford, Massachusetts. The book reproduces the pages of the album and discusses the people presented, their relationships to others in the album, and their roles in 19th-century New Bedford. For more about the book see .”
James Williams lives with his wife, Clare, in Mountainside, N.J., where they will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. They have a son, Eric, an aspiring writer living in Brooklyn. James is retired after practicing law in Brooklyn for a long time. He rode more than 4000 miles on his bicycle last year and is director of the Revolutionary Ramble, a large cycling tour in Morris Township, N.J. Since 2014 he has been a member of the Jerseyaires, a barbershop choral group, where he is trying to learn to sing lead.
From the July/August 2016 Issue
Lou Boxleitner writes: “After more than 40 years in banking, consulting, and real estate, I retired to the far western suburbs of Houston, Texas. I stay busy working with two charities. In 2006, I helped to found Cinco Charities, where I currently serve as board chair. Cinco Charities provides free lodging for individuals and their families who are being treated at local hospitals. I also serve as treasurer for Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue, which rescues abused, neglected, abandoned, and unwanted Golden Retrievers. My wife, Kathy, retired after teaching third grade for many years. My daughter, Kristin, is a high school teacher. She recently returned to Texas after spending three years with Teach for America, teaching at an inner-city high school in Miami, Florida.”
Bill Crane writes: “My wife, Jackie, and I live in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where we’re enjoying retirement after my 35-year career as a teacher and coach at Bridgewater-Raynham High School. We spend much of our time pursuing outdoor activities like skiing, hiking, and biking. I still play hockey twice a week with an over-50 group and participate in old timers’ tournaments around the country. I’d love to hear from some old acquaintances.”
John Gaydos writes: “After living in Iran for three years; Lakewood, Ohio for three years; and New Hampshire for 40 years, I am back in Rhode Island (Coventry). I retired from teaching 10 years ago and started a small business selling precious stones and fossils. Loved it, but didn’t make much money. I also travel all over the eastern U.S. with my wife, Marian, and her jewelry business. Ironically, the only daughter of our three who didn’t go to Brown now lives in Providence. She and I are currently working part-time at Rhode Island College. The highlight of my 38 years of teaching was being involved with some groundbreaking research into how young writers learn to write best.”
Eugene Sevi retired from Norwich Univ. and the Vermont Air National Guard. He writes: “Jane and I enjoy living in Saratoga Springs, New York, where our two daughters and their families also live.”
John Wolcott writes: “Still driving a school bus and enjoying it. Why didn’t I sell the business 10 years earlier?”
From the March/April 2016 Issue
M. William Salganik (see Daniel Leventhal ’07).
From the January/February 2016 Issue
Steven Daniels writes: “I’m in my third year of retirement after 43 years of teaching school. I’ve enjoyed the outdoor pursuits that Washington has to offer.”
Marcia Knight writes that her daughter, Ashley Knight-Greenfield, graduated from the Mt. Sinai Icahn School of Medicine and began a residency in radiology at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Bill McSween writes: “Enjoyed my time at Brown. Great school!”
From the November/December 2015 Issue
Richard Elliott has released his new book, Clem Labine: Always a Dodger. He writes: “My relationship with Clem was truly a unique one, affording me the one-of-a-kind opportunity to tell a magical tale.
Jesse Jupiter is in his 40th year at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he continues a full clinical practice in hand and upper extremity surgery. He writes: “I must admit to our spending a little more time each year at our vacation spot in Telluride, Colorado. This upcoming year I assume the presidency of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Society.”
Esther Lardent (see Michael Cardozo ’63).
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Marty Mueller was elected president of the board of directors of the Miami Beach Garden Conservancy. Marty, a resident of Miami Beach for nearly a decade, is former Peace Corps director in Ivory Coast and Haiti. He co-owns Art Deco Walks, an architectural walking tour company in Miami Beach’s historic district, and volunteers as a docent for HistoryMiami, the Miami Design Preservation League, and the New World Symphony.
From the May/June 2015 Issue
Joel Bennett was selected as a Super Lawyer by the website in the field of representation of employees in employment matters.
Jeffrey Jones (see Araceli Mendez ’12).
Candice Santamaria Kramer published her novel, The Looking Glass Summer.
From the March/April 2015 Issue
Bill Salganik (see Adam Leventhal ’01).
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Donald Lusardi retired from the Gow School for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities after 14 years of teaching students with learning differences.
From the November/December 2014 Issue
Jean Trescott Lambert (see Virginia MacMillan Trescott ’38).
Tony Lioce works at two bars, Spec’s and Vesuvio, that have been named as numbers one and three respectively on San Francisco Magazine’s list of best bars for old geezers. His daughter Joanna works at number two. Tony writes that the best thing about working at his two bars is that they are right across the street from each other, so when he gets confused and shows up at the wrong place it’s no big deal.
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Joel Bennett was named one of 23 Superlawyers in the category of “employment litigation representing employees” by
Jesse B. Jupiter is in his 39th year as a hand and orthopedic surgeon at Mass. General Hospital in Boston. He still plays soccer in an over-60 league. He served as president of the American Assoc. for Hand Surgery and is now the 2016 president-elect of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
Louis P. Lantner and his wife, Karen Williams Lantner ’69, are back from their overseas assignments and have settled in Rockville, Md. Louis works at the state department in D.C. He writes: “We are enjoying our six grandchildren!”
Leo Plante relocated to Virginia and joined the finance faculty at the Robins School of the Univ. of Richmond.
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Shelley N. Fidler writes: “I’ve just begun a term as cochair of Brown’s Women’s Leadership Council. Some of you may remember that the WLC has a wonderful mentoring program for senior class women. The Women’s Launch Pad has now birthed an important internship program called Brown Connect. Find it on Brown’s website, and offer internships or research opportunities for Brown students. Engaging with the University by giving back is a great way to deepen our relationships with Brown.”
Richard W. Grant and his wife, Mary, took up residence on Cape Cod in June. He writes: “We plan to spend the warm months there and the rest of the year in Philadelphia. Why? To be closer to our grandchildren, of course.”
Louis P. Lantner writes: “Karen Williams Lantner ’69, ’69 AM, and I are both retired. We spend time with our six grandchildren and take time to enjoy life in the Washington, D.C., area.”
Bill McSween writes: “I am a retired parks and recreation director in Redford Township (Mich.). I still play over-60 hockey three times a week. I have a boy and two girls. We are doing well.”
Laurie Overby Robinson writes: “After leaving the Obama administration justice department in 2012, where I served three years as assistant attorney general heading the research and grants agency, I’m now teaching criminology at George Mason University. On campus, I regularly have the pleasure of running into Judy Schretter, who audits classes and takes advantage of various cultural offerings at GMU.”
Marie Baker Spaulding writes: “Sam and I spent nine days in Panama, with five days on a coffee plantation. Perfect weather, beautiful views, no pollution, and great coffee, too.”
From the May/June 2014 Issue
Joel Bennett, a Washington, D.C., attorney, was listed as one of the top 25 attorneys representing employees in employment matters in the December 2013 issue of Washingtonian.
Todd D. Johnston enjoyed the birth of his third grandchild this spring in Boston.
Judy Drazen Schretter retired from the U.S. Department of Justice at the end of 2012. She is auditing classes at George Mason Univ. Her husband, Stan Schretter ’65, is also retired. In addition to traveling more, they enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, three of whom live nearby. They live in Reston, Va.
From the March/April 2014 Issue
John Barry writes: “It looks like I’m going to war with another Brown grad. On July 24, the levee board responsible for protecting most of metro New Orleans filed a lawsuit against 97 oil companies over the destruction of Louisiana’s coastal lands. Statewide, the industry’s liability is in the tens of billions of dollars. (For more info see I was the chief architect of the suit, Governor Bobby Jindal removed me from the board because of it, and he has sworn to kill the lawsuit next year in the state legislature. Meanwhile, I formed a nonprofit, Restore Louisiana Now, to convince the legislature not to intervene. (Only in Louisiana do legislatures intervene in lawsuits that have already been filed.) They used to say, ‘The flag of Texaco flies over the Louisiana capitol.’”
Joel Bennett has been listed as one of the top 25 lawyers representing employees in employment matters in the December 2013 issue of Washingtonian magazine; see
From the January/February 2014 Issue
Art Grossman ’71 ScM completed his third RAMROD (Ride Around Mt. Rainier in One Day) in July—cycling 152 miles over a 12,000-foot elevation gain.
John Hale retired from an award-winning 35-year career as a reporter and editor for several Maine newspapers. He continues to do freelance writing and is working on a memoir about his long struggle with mental illness. John’s wife, Karlene, is also a retired journalist. His stepdaughter, Elizabeth Washburn, is an entrepreneur in Boston; his son, Jonathan, is a deputy assistant administrator with the U.S. Agency for International Development in Washington, D.C. John says that the best thing he did at Brown was to row for four years on the crew team.
From the November/December 2013 Issue
Joel Bennett is an adjunct professor at the Univ. of the District of Columbia School of Law teaching law office management.
John Olson published his first novel, El Berdo, The Bearded One, A Vietnam Veteran in Belize. The book is available from the publisher, , or from your favorite online or neighborhood bookstore.
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Joel Bennett was appointed an adjunct professor at the Univ. of the District of Columbia School of Law. He will be teaching law office management.
Greg Donaldson, Rick Landau, and John Mogulescu (see Engagements & Weddings, Laura Mogulescu ’04).
From the May/June 2013 Issue
Richard Grant, Jack Keane, Katharine Walker Keane (See Engagements & Weddings, Susan Keane ’05).
From the March/April 2013 Issue
Joel Bennett has been elected for another three terms to the board of directors of the Georgetown Business Assoc., which he serves as legal counsel.
Judith Bellizia Grande writes: “With great sadness I am writing to tell you about the death of my husband of 28 years, Ray Grande.”
Joe Haletky writes: “2012 was a big transition year for me. On June 1, I got laid off from my job as accountant for the Children’s Council of San Francisco. I turned 65 that month and opted for Social Security retirement. I’m also collecting unemployment. Guess that makes me a double-dipping member of the 47 percent! I’m not yet calling myself ‘retired,’ however. I’m still carrying on with two consulting jobs I’ve been doing for several years. In one I’m a maternity-leave replacement for the regular accountant for the next few months; in the other I do the books for a small businessman, and I assist him in his filmmaking endeavors, acting in a couple of short films, and helping him write and edit new scripts and organize a film festival. On the side, I’m singing in three choruses—two community choruses as well as our church choir (which I have gotten to conduct again a few times this past year). All that and a growing family (nine grandchildren and six great-grands) keep me pretty busy.”
Marie Baker Spaulding spent a weekend in New York City, where she caught up with 45 Pembroke classmates. She visited the 9/11 Memorial with Carole Sayle, Rachelle Sender, and Rachelle’s husband, Ron Lancaster. They talked about reunion plans for the 45th in May. She got one of the last trains out of the city before Hurricane Sandy hit.
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Joel Bennett has been selected by the rating service Super Lawyers for the category of Labor and Employment Law for 2012.
Henry Fradkin has been an intellectual-property commercialization consultant at Value Extraction LLC since his retirement from Ford in 2002. He now is more engaged in his new IP development and holding company, which is licensing or selling the rights to new automobile driveline and powertrain technologies. He moved back to Dearborn, Mich., from Maryland in 2006 to be near his and his wife’s two grandsons.
Howard Ginsburg writes: “I am in the middle of my 32nd year at New York Univ. Medical Center, where I am director of the division of pediatric surgery and a professor of surgery at the medical school. I have no plans to retire. My wife and I have two beautiful granddaughters, ages one year and nine months, one from each of my sons and their wives.”
Jesse Jupiter has been elected president of the American Association of Hand Surgery, an international hand surgery society whose mission is worldwide education and care of patients with hand and upper extremity problems. He remains an active hand and upper limb surgeon at Mass. General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, where he holds the Hansjorg Wyss/AO Chair in orthopedic surgery. As a class officer, he is starting to plan for the 45th reunion in 2013.
John Wolcott writes: “Having recently sold a major portion of my business, I am taking up a new profession, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time: driving a school bus! Except in December, when the red suit and sleigh bells come out of mothballs and I…. Well, that’s another story.”
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Sylvia Lucy Kuiper des Tombe writes: “After teaching for ten years at the Anglo-American School in Moscow (and 30 before that at the Jakarta International School), I am now living in Half Moon Bay, Calif., where my two older children and three grandchildren live. My younger son still lives in Indonesia.”
Leo Plante has retired from his position as Goodyear Executive Professor at Kent State Univ. and is now living in Vancouver, Wash.
From the September/October 2012 Issue
John M. Barry writes: “For the past 25 years I’ve been writing books. Some sank, but a few won awards, became New York Times bestsellers, and seem to have had some impact. One book on a great flood and another on influenza have gotten me involved in policy and politics. Since Hurricane Katrina, I’ve been vice president of the board that oversees several levee districts in New Orleans and a member of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, which is responsible for statewide hurricane protection. I also advised both the Bush and Obama White Houses on pandemic preparedness and response. Those distractions partly explain why it took me eight years to finish my latest book, Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul: Church, State, and the Birth of Liberty (J/F, BAM Fresh Ink). I’ve given several talks on campus over the years, but most fun was the one on the new book in January at the John Carter Brown Library. On the more personal side, I’ve been married just once, to Anne Hudgins. I’m still lifting weights and managed to celebrate my 65th birthday by doing power cleans—I won’t say with what weight; doing them at all seemed accomplishment enough. Most of my time is spent in New Orleans, where there’s a surprisingly active Brown Club. I also spend a fair amount in D.C. I look forward to hearing from classmates and others.”
Mimsy Baker Spaulding writes: “Along with many Pembroke/Brown women, I participated in the Women’s Leadership Conference in May held at Brown. We celebrated 120 years with outstanding panels, including women activists at Brown from the 1968 Black student walkout. Catching up with Bernicestine McLeod Bailey and Shelley Fidler and meeting women from the class of ’49 was splendid!”
From the May/June 2012 Issue
Joel Bennett has been appointed legal counsel to the Georgetown Business Association in Washington, D.C. Law Journal Press has published the annual updates to Joel’s book, Winning Attorneys’ Fees Against the U.S. Government. The book was first published in 1984 and has been updated annually. Joel was in the media in November, when he was representing one of the women who filed a sexual harassment complaint against Herman Cain.
Paul C. Hans writes: “I’m an owner and head tech guy of a healthcare forensic analytics company. I decided to write a screenplay to maintain a semblance of sanity. I studied the craft and let my thoughts splatter upon the page in the form of a romantic comedy. A production company gave it consideration, though no sale. A year ago the confluence of an Internet dating site and exchange of what-do-you-do’s spawned a story about Winter Olympic danger, deceit, tragedy, and glory. My cowriter (my Internet date) and I just finished the final edit and are on the journey of trying to get this little gem into production. Who ever thought the Medicare years would be so much fun?”
From the March/April 2012 Issue
David Barry and John Fowler (see Engagements & Weddings, Katie Barry ’04).
Leo Plante is Goodyear Executive Professor in the College of Business Administration at Kent State Univ.
From the Janaury/February 2012 Issue
Jesse Jupiter was awarded the Marian Ropes Award by the Arthritis Foundation of America in recognition of 30 years of care of patients with arthritis. In addition, Jesse gave the prestigious Robert E. Carroll Founders Lecture at the annual American Society for Surgery of the Hand meeting on innovation in upper-limb surgery.
Susan Van Wiggeren Markowitz (see Births & Adoptions, Sarah Markowitz '02).
From the November/December 2011 Issue
Darryl Fanelli and his wife, Ludmila Saposhkov, now reside on the island of Ortigia, on the southeast coast of Sicily, after Darryl's many years of practicing law in Texas and Lu's teaching in Florida, where they still maintain a modest residence. They were visited at their new home by Anthony Lioce and his wife, Janet, of Berkeley, Calif., and they look forward to hearing from old friends.
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Joel Bennett has been re-elected to the board of the Georgetown Business Association and re-appointed as cochair of its legislative committee. Joel enjoyed having dinner in South Beach in January with Marty Mueller. Joel's younger son, Steven, is a sophomore at the Univ. of Miami, where he made the dean's list fall semester and is majoring in sports management. Joel's older son, Matthew, also made the dean's list fall semester at Montgomery College in Maryland, where he was majoring in criminal justice. Matthew graduated with an associate's degree in May.
Jesse Jupiter was inducted as an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgery of Thailand and as an honorary diplomate of the Hand Society of Israel. He and his wife, Beryl, celebrated their 40th anniversary, and daughter Stacy, a marine biologist, is running the Wildlife Conservation Society coral reef research program in Fiji.
From the May/June 2011 Issue
Chris Klein '69 AM and Bill Hennessey are pleased to announce the June 20, 2009, marriage of Chris's daughter Susan to Bill's son Brendan. Chris is the chief judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California. Bill is a professor at the Univ. of N.H. School of Law.
Thomas R. Park is a cofounder and managing partner at the Prescient Consulting Group. Thom recently sold his N.Y. school, the Adirondack Center.
Jack Whitehouse recently published Sayville Orphan Heroes: The Cottages of St. Ann's with History Press.
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Robert Powers (see Engagements & Weddings, Scott Powers '01).
Marie Baker Spaulding and her husband, Sam, continue to work full-time. She enjoys reading what other classmates are up to.
From the January/February 2011 Issue
John A. Bohn writes that he and his family have lived in the mountain village at Lake Tahoe since they relocated from southern Calif. in 1994. They enjoy the year-round outdoor activities the lake and the Sierra Nevada Mountains offer. After graduation, he received a commission in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he completed pilot training and flew 227 combat missions in Vietnam. He retired four years ago from careers in financial services and real estate, and is just completing eight years' service as an elected trustee on the Incline Village General Improvement District's board of trustees. His eldest son is serving in the U.S. Navy; his youngest is a senior at UC Davis studying to be a veterinarian.
Tom Herzog is currently the distinguished scholar in insurance regulation at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in Washington, D.C. He recently retired from the federal government after almost 42 years, the last 27 as the chief actuary at the Federal Housing Administration within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. During Aug. 2008 he was named a fellow of the American Statistical Assoc., along with two Brown faculty members, Professor of Medical Science Joseph W. Hogan and Professor of Applied Math Charles E. Lawrence. The fourth edition of Tom's book, Introduction to Credibility Theory, was published in Aug. This was followed by an article in the September/October issue of Contingencies magazine and an article in the October issue of Mortgage Banking magazine. Tom's son, Steven, is a CPA with Ernst and Young, and his daughter, Tracy, recently returned home after teaching English in South Korea for almost three years.
Jack Keane and Kitty Walker Keane both retired this summer. Jack was executive vice president and general counsel of American Electric Power, a large 11-state electric utility, and Kitty was senior vice president and general counsel of Evolution Benefits, an employee benefits company. In August, they visited their daughter, Susie Keane '05, who is working in London after earning her MBA last spring from Boston Univ. In September, they joined Dick Grantand his wife, Mary, in Italy for hiking and eating. Jack and Kitty both plan to spend a little time consulting and a lot of time relaxing.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
Susan Van Wiggeren Markowitz (see Sarah Markowitz'02).
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Ronald Gerts was appointed to fill a judicial vacancy left by a recent retirement. On Mar. 15 he was sworn in as an Associate Judge of the 21st Judicial Circuit, Kankakee and Iroquois Counties, Ill. His career has included working in the Peace Corps, as a criminal prosecutor and public defender, pro bono service through a legal service program, and service to the poor through the NAACP. He writes: "Young lawyers should know that service to the community can have its rewards."
Bill Spillman writes that his poem, "Garden of Stones," placed first in the 2009 poetry contest sponsored by the Roanoke Valley Branch of the National League of American Pen Women. Bill will also be the coeditor of the upcoming second edition of the book Fiber Optic Sensors: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists. He is enjoying retirement in Floyd, Va.
From the March/April 2010 Issue
Tefft Smith (see Tom Wilson '58).
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Joel P. Bennett (see Joe Lyman '35).
Henry Fradkin works as the principal of his consulting firm, Value Extraction LLC, which he founded after he retired with almost 31 years at Ford Motor Company. He and his wife, Susan, sold their 1913 firehouse in the historic district of Annapolis, Md., just before the birth of their first grandson and moved back to Dearborn, Mich.
Robert Martin (see Laura Martin '04).
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Jesse Jupiter was recently awarded the Lifetime Educator Award by the American Orthopedic Assoc. Additionally, the fourth edition of his Skeletal Trauma text, and a new text, AO Manual of Fracture—Elbow and Forearm, were published. He writes that he continues to play competitive soccer but is ready to retire. He has a lodge in Telluride, Colo., and asks any classmates visiting to e-mail him in advance.
Tony Lioce left journalism about 40 years after writing his first story for the Providence Journal. He writes that he was recently laid off by the San Jose Mercury News, where he'd been arts editor since 2000. Tony now works as a bartender at Vesuvio, a legendary watering hole in San Francisco, where his regulars include Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Tony and his wife live in Berkeley.
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Joel Bennett has been selected as a 2009 Washington, D.C., Super Lawyer.
Gay Lynn Parrish (see Rose Weaver LaMountain '00 MFA).
From the May/June 2009 Issue
Carl Smith's book The Plan of Chicago: Daniel Burnham and the Remaking of the American City was awarded the Lewis Mumford Prize for Best Book in American Planning History. He teaches English, American studies, and history at Northwestern.
From the March/April 2009 Issue
Joel P. Bennett writes: "On Nov. 2, 2008, it was my pleasure to take to lunch Joe Lyman '35, a member of the Brown Univ. Athletic Hall of Fame, to celebrate his 96th birthday. Joe is a retired lawyer and doing quite well for his age."
From the January/February 2009 Issue
Diane Della-Loggia retired from the Smithsonian in December 2007. Since 1972 she had been the editor, then production manager, of the Handbook of North American Indians, a 20-volume encyclopedia developed in the anthropology department of the Museum of Natural History. She writes: "After 35 years of shepherding this project, retirement is bewildering. For those of you who have solved the riddle, please send advice." Her son, Nicholas (King '02), has just received an MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics, and her daughter, Nora (Dickinson '05), teaches art in a foundation school while enrolled at the Corcoran College of Art, where she is working toward an MAT in art and museum education.
Maire Mimsy Baker Spaulding writes that she enjoyed the 40th reunion and continues to work full-time. She got together with Caryl Carpenter and Jim Dickson last summer.
Robert Wells writes: "I am finally settled in as a family man with an eight-year-old son. He is healthy, handsome, and athletic. I work as a pension consultant with an independent advisory firm in Southern New Jersey. I also retired from the U.S. Army Reserves after 26 years, including active duty tours in Haiti, Bosnia, and Iraq. I invite communication from any and all!"
From the November/December 2008 Issue
Joel Bennett received the President's Award from the Bar Association of the District of Columbia for his service as treasurer in 2007–08.
From the September/October 2008 Issue
John Adamiak and wife, Muffin, are happy to announce the April 23 birth of their first grandchildren, Clara and Adelyn Davis. Mom Kate Adamiak Davis '99 and dad Drew Davis '98 are doing well and live in Philadelphia.
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Peter Bruno is providing a family/parent resource center with parent support services and parenting classes in his "semi-retirement."
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Don't forget to register for our 40th reunion May 23–25. Plans for the great weekend include a welcome reception, dinner at the Faculty Club, Campus Dance, a Saturday lunch and discussion at Pembroke Field, and dinner at Starr Plaza before WaterFire. On Sunday we will march down the hill followed by a Grab 'n Go lunch. We look forward to seeing you there. If you haven't received a registration packet, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-7783.
Alpine Chandler Bird writes: "After decades of living in 'unlivable' houses while renovating them before managing them as rentals, we are now enjoying the fruits of our labor in a craftsman bungalow on the banks of the Chesapeake outside Annapolis, Md. Six years ago I began working bedside as an Artist-in-Residence at the Washington Hospital Center. I push my art cart into the infusion rooms, waiting rooms, and cancer wards, engaging patients, family and friends in the creative process of art making. In addition to becoming certified to teach yoga, I have been a founding board member in the incorporation (DC, VA, and MD) and startup of the Art Connection in the Capital Region, a nonprofit that facilitates the donation of original artwork by artists to client-based, socially-oriented nonprofits with no budget for art. Despite moving from partner to senior counsel this fall, my husband continues to work overtime in D.C. with Morgan Lewis & Bockius. A year ago our first grandchild was born. His parents work with land trusts and environmental nonprofits in Piedmont, Va. Our eldest is cohead of the Wilderness School in the California public high school system. Last July we all gathered in Newport with family and friends to celebrate the marriage of our son, Jacy '03, to Kathleen Corriveau '02. They are both tutors at Eliot House while in graduate school at Harvard."
Donald L. Kent writes: "I'm busier than I thought this past year while putting together a new website, (Foundation for Fiscal Reform, Inc.). Along with a macroeconomist and two others, this nonprofit, non-political organization is an information channel and exchange for facts and figures concerning the US economy. Such topics as Social Security, foreign trade, and national debt are delivered to our members via a weekly online newsletter and forum. The response has been gratifying, and we all have much to learn if our offspring are to enjoy all the benefits we have come to expect in America. My wife, Ellen, plus most of the children (Heather Kent Handel '93 and Joel '95), five of the seven grandkids, and I will be up for reunion and look forward to seeing a large contingent of the class of 1968!"
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Your class officers, Kitty Walker Keane, Buzz Dimartino, Fredi Pearlmutter and Bob Martin, have been hard at work planning our 40th reunion. Our weekend will include a Friday night dinner at the Faculty Club before Campus Dance, the Pembroke breakfast Saturday morning, a Saturday class lunch featuring a discussion of the 1960s, Saturday night dinner under the stars with dancing and Boomer music, and finally the Commencement procession Sunday morning. Plan to be there with us! Check out our class website, for details and get your registration materials in before the May deadline. See you in Providence!
Tom Coakley reports that he and his wife, Nellie, are included in Tom Brokaw's new book, Boom!, as is Ruth Simmons. Nellie and Tom both served in Vietnam. She returned as the head nurse on Walter Reed's orthopedic ward, where she had Al Vaskas '67 and Tom as patients. Nellie has served as a war trauma counselor for the past twenty-two years, and Tom has served on the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics for the past nine years. Tom works with the Amputee Coalition of America on prosthetic parity issues and is the vice president of administrative operations at St. Lawrence Univ. in Canton, N.Y.
Donald Kent (see Joel Kent '95).
Richard Reisman writes: "I was very pleased to sell my first patent portfolio last year; it was well worth the twelve years it took. This was a nice break on a long and winding road in the online/web/media/technology world that included starting up Teleshuttle Corp. to innovate online media technology and working in a number of other leading-edge online media startups in Silicon Alley (and before that Videotex Alley), including creating and running the first version of TV Guide Online. At the same time, I was learning the strange game of patent commercialization—with an interesting time litigating against Microsoft and Apple for infringing my patents. I continue to wonder what I want to do when I grow up (and didn't find the answer on last year's trip to Bhutan.)."
Patricia Jo Rogers (see Leon E. Rogers '40).
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Robert M. Cohan, a partner in the litigation section of the Dallas office of Jackson Walker and chair of the antitrust group, was named a 2007 Texas Super Lawyer.
Steve Field writes: “I’m coming up on 23 years in the wholesale building materials business in Mass., and recently opened a fourth branch in N.H. My son, Mike, 25, joined the business. My daughter, Joanna, is finishing up at Emory, and wife Debbie is taking a leave of absence from her job as a preschool teacher. Hope to see many of my classmates at the 40th in May. Call or e-mail if you’re coming!”
Paul Hans writes: “I’m currently executive vice president of NuView Health Partners. NuView is a medical claims data analytic company that assists self-insured companies and government agencies to lower health care costs. Clients have said we are unique in our approach to cost control. Nice to hear since I’m the one in charge of analytics.”
Louis P. Lantner is serving a one-year tour of duty in Iraq as a provincial reconstruction team leader embedded with the 10th Mountain Division at Camp Striker in Baghdad. He provides citizen services by working with local leaders and government entities to establish an organized civil society able to run the towns. His wife, Karen Williams Lantner ’69, returned to the United States after three years in Hanoi.
Gwyneth Walker’s 60th birthday was honored at the Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, Vt., with a two-day “Festival of the Music of Gwyneth Walker.” Performers included professional musicians from across the United States. In addition, a Gala Choral Concert was featured in October with twelve choruses from around New England. Special guests were six of Gwyneth’s fellow Chattertocks: Kathryn Shibley ’67, Margaret French Gardner, Judith Bellizia Grande, Marjorie Bedrick Tarkow, Marcia Rollin Woodward ’69, and Cynthia Adams White ’69. Gwyneth’s music has been heard all over the world; she is the national best-seller with E.C. Schirmer Music Publishers. In 2005, two performances of her music for chorus and orchestra were presented at Carnegie Hall.
From the November / December 2007 Issue
George Hyde was honored as the 2007 recipient of the William J. Brooks Award by the Florida Association of Broadcasters (FAB). George, who has been executive vice president for the Radio Advertising Bureau for the past 17 years, was presented with the prestigious award during the 73rd Annual FAB Convention in Palm Beach, Fla., on June 21.
Susan Lukesh ’76 PhD writes: “After 19 years, I left Hofstra Univ. as associate provost for planning and budget on Aug. 31 and began a three-year position at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar in mid-September. This is an enormously exciting opportunity. For further information check out or My position, as assistant dean for academic planning and development, will cover many of my current responsibilities, albeit in a medical college and in the Middle East. After many years as an administrator and part-time archaeologist with Brown Professor Emeritus of Central Mediterranean Archeology Ross Holloway, I see this as a first step in retirement: a full-time, well-paid position with the opportunity to travel to parts of the world such as Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Madagascar, and Istanbul. I am looking forward to watching American politics from the Middle East; that distance may offer some perspective. I look forward to hearing from classmates and other alumni.”
Patrick K. O’Hare of the Ober|Kaler law firm was selected for inclusion in the 2008 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for the Washington, D.C., area. He was recognized in the Health Care Law category and the Non-Profit/Charities Law section.
From the September / October 2007 Issue
In May 2007 John Barry gave the commencement speech at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and received an honorary doctorate from Tulane. He also serves on advisory committees at both Johns Hopkins and MIT, as well as on a newly consolidated levee board overseeing several levee districts around metropolitan New Orleans.
Joel P. Bennett has been selected as a super lawyer in the field of employment litigation, plaintiff, by the Washington, D.C., Super Lawyers Magazine for 2007. Only five percent of the many lawyers in the Washington, D.C., area are listed in Super Lawyers.
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Joel Bennett has been designated a “super lawyer” in the field of employment litigation in the 2007 Washington, D.C., Super Lawyers magazine. Joel also reports that he keeps in touch with retired lawyer and longtime friend Joe Lyman ’35, a member of the Brown Athletic Hall of Fame, who is alive and well at age 94.
Robert Cohan and Chip Babcock ’71 were amongst the eight firm partners of Jackson Walk LLP who were recognized in the 2007 edition of Who’s Who Legal: Texas. Chip was recognized in the Commercial Litigation category, and Robert was recognized in the Competition category.
Jesse B. Jupiter is the Hansjong WYSS/AO Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School and head of hand surgery at Mass. General Hospital. He writes: “This May, our soccer team ’67 was inducted into the Brown Athletic Hall of Fame.”
Antoinette Ralbovsky Stone writes: “After practicing law for thirty years at the Department of Justice and in large law firms, I decided to open my own firm. In Feb., Brown Stone Nimeroff LLC opened for business, offering litigation, bankruptcy, and business counseling services. My only regret is not having done this sooner.”
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Peter Gates writes: “I’m still married and practicing family medicine in coastal Conn. I have five children and am delighted none have chosen to follow me.”
Patrick O’Hare, a health care lawyer, has been selected for the second year in a row as an Outstanding Healthcare Transaction Lawyer by Nightingale’s Healthcare News. He shares the recognition with eleven other attorneys across the country.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Diana Lamb Bain writes: “We have just (finally!) moved into our new house in Vermont. The last year has been spent doing the exterior first coats (before the siding and trim were put up) and the interior trim and wall painting—much more work than we anticipated. Tim and Jen ’04 are both still living in the D.C. area. Tim is doing software development. Jen is in her second year of teaching advanced-placement U.S. history and world history. Visitors are welcome!”
Robert M. Cohan, an attorney at Jackson Walker LLP, was selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2007 for antitrust law and commercial litigation. Robert is one of forty-six lawyers chosen.
Friends and family surprised Susan Van Wiggeren Markowitz with a party to celebrate her 60th birthday in September in New York City. Guests included daughter Sarah Markowitz ’02, cousin Mirra Levitt ’03, niece Elizabeth Broadwin ’07, and David Dryer ’07. Susan lives with her husband, Jim (Dartmouth ’65), in Ithaca, N.Y., where she is director of human resources for the library system of Cornell University.
Patrick K. O’Hare, of the Washington, D.C.–based law firm Ober Kaler, was selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America for the third consecutive year.
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Joel P. Bennett, of the law offices of Joel P. Bennett, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Georgetown Business and Professional Association (GBPA) and appointed chair of the GBPA’s legislative committee.
Richard Brodsky writes: “After ten years of solo law practice, I joined Steel Hector and Davis in April 2005. Four months later—not necessarily in reaction to my coming—we merged into the global law firm Squire, Sanders and Dempsey. I focus my practice on securities litigation and regulation. My wife, Peggy, practices law out of our home in Miami. Our daughter, Jane, was married in November 2005, is a lawyer in Washington, D.C., and is married to a lawyer. Our son, Ben, graduated from NYU law school in May 2005. Our dog, Julia, is not a lawyer, but is thinking about taking the LSAT. Last year I attended the WBRU reunion in Providence, and it was the best reunion I have ever attended. Thanks to Fred Brack for starting that ball rolling.”
Joe Haletky writes: “I still live in Palo Alto, Calif., but am now working as the senior accountant for the Children’s Council of San Francisco. I’m finally celebrating the empty nest, singing in a very good church choir (First Lutheran, Palo Alto), going to a lot of small theater productions (many of which have Brown connections), and even attending young alumni mixers (if they can still call it the New Curriculum, I can still be a young alumnus). I also enjoy driving around the country in my Toyota Prius, which brought me to my 2003 reunion.”
Edwin L. Noel was nominated as the new chairman of the board of Attorneys’ Liability Assurance Society in Bermuda. He will serve a two-year term beginning on June 23. Edwin is a senior trial partner at Armstrong Teasdale.
Fredric R. Pamp writes: “We moved back home to Colorado a year ago, settling in a small town 100 miles west of the Front Range. I am practicing small-town law again, which can be funny, and doing seminars on nonprofit organization law. I have been invited to present at the Land Trust Alliance national rally in Nashville, Tenn., in October, and I was recently named a ‘Colorado Voice’ by the Denver Post, which means they will print four of my essays in the next year. Kids are fine, wife is wondrous, life is good, and I am amazed that I managed to get to my sixtieth year without a felony conviction.”
Bill Spillman writes that in February he received a lifetime achievement award for his research and professional activities in the field of smart structures and materials from SPIE, the International Society of Optical Engineering. Bill and his wife, Barbara, live in Floyd, Va., about ten miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
From the May / June 2006 Issue
Don Kent (see Joel S. Kent ’95).
Marc S. Koplik is chairman of Laidlaw & Company (UK) investment bankers. They are focused on microcap corporate finance transactions, and he is a manager of four venture capital funds. In February, he traveled to China in search of investment opportunities. In addition, Marc is the president of the investment advisor to the Select Access family of hedge funds with offices in New York City and Greenwich, Conn.
Marty Mueller has completed overseas Peace Corps Director tours in Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti and last year accepted a new assignment as deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Global AIDS Program in Haiti. The program’s primary goal is to place 25,000 HIV-infected Haitians on antiretroviral therapy by 2008. Marty, who works in Port-au-Prince, spends as much free time as possible at his Miami Beach condo.
Laurie Overby Robinson was elected chair of the board of trustees of the Vera Institute of Justice in New York. (Vera, founded in 1961, conducts cutting-edge demonstration projects and research on justice topics.) After seven years at the U.S. Department of Justice during the Clinton administration, Laurie is now directing the Univ. of Pennsylvania’s master of science program in criminology. She continues to live in Washington, D.C., however, since, she notes, it’s hard for an inside-the-Beltway addict to give that up.
From the March / April 2005 Issue
Michael A. Barros writes that he relocated from Montana to Durham, N.C., to be the city’s director of housing and community development.
Robert Cohan, of the Texas-based law firm Jackson Walker, has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2005–2006 for his work in antitrust law, business litigation, and environmental law. For the past two years, Robert has been named a “Texas Super Lawyer” by Texas Monthly magazine. He is a partner in Jackson Walker’s litigation section and chair of the antitrust group.
From the November / December 2004 Issue
John Costa (see Julie Paquette ’99).
Jeffrey D. Jones writes: “In May I received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Andover Newton Theological School, where I have also served on the adjunct faculty for the past two years. In September 2002 my eighth book, Parenting with Love and Laughter: Finding God in Family Life, was published by Jossey-Bass. Having written about youth ministry and Baptist history in the past, I ventured into storytelling. The book uses stories from my family to encourage people to view their own family experiences from a faith perspective.
John B. Keane has been named senior vice president, general counsel, and secretary of American Electric Power and assumes responsibility for all corporate legal affairs. John was previously president of Bainbridge Crossing Advisors.
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Richard Bonanno, of Brightwaters, N.Y., has been named 2004 Family Physician of the Year by the New York State Academy of Family Physicians. Richard is medical director of Brentwood Family Health Center and director of the Family Practice Residency Program at Southside Hospital.
John J. Clair has been appointed the new office managing partner of Lantham & Watkins’s Los Angeles office. He has also served on the firm’s executive committee.
Kathryn S. Fuller, president and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund, was named chair of the Ford Foundation board in May. She has been a Ford Foundation trustee since 1994 and has chaired its audit and management committee since 2000. A Fellow of the Brown Corporation, Kathryn spoke at this year’s Graduate School Commencement exercises.
Peter Hoggan joined RJF Fletcher Thompson Architecture as a senior project manager in the education sector. He previously worked on performing arts spaces for Middlesex County College and the Elizabeth Performing Arts High School, both in New Jersey.
Rick Kozak is back from five years in Europe and has started a new venture called, R&D2, which helps universities and government labs successfully commercialize their inventions and intellectual property. He is working with ventures at the Univ. of Maryland and the Chesapeake Innovation Center. Living in the Annapolis, Md., area, he is also an unofficial ambassador for the musical troupe Them Eastport Oyster Boys.
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Whittlesey Birnie retired from Université de la Réunion, where he had taught for fourteen years. He and his wife, Yvette, found their ketch in France and sailed alone together from Gibraltar to Martinique. They plan to keep going. Look for “Sharki the K.”
Donald Kent writes: “I just finished my freshman roommate’s latest nonfiction endeavor, The Great Influenza, by John M. Barry. It is superb, as was his recent Rising Tide. John’s medical research was in-depth, yet understandable. He exhibits a rare ability to keep a real event such as the 1918–19 influenza epidemic historically accurate as well as spellbinding.”
Louis Lantner writes: “I am half way through a one-year Vietnamese language program. Luckily, Karen (Williams ’69) takes classes with me—I’m using her notes just as I did years ago. This July we will be posted at the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi. Back to the future.”
John M. Wolcott writes: “With the kids grown, these empty nesters have moved to a house with less to clean, and less to mow, rake, and shovel. Sometimes less is more.”
From the March / April 2004 Issue
Peter Bruno writes that he has founded Complete Marriages, a national marriage ministry of counseling and seminars. He has just published his fourth book, also entitled Complete Marriages.
Robert M. Cohan was named a 2003 Texas Super Lawyer in the November issue of Texas Monthly.
Richard Gouse (see Joel Kent ’95).
Jesse Jupiter writes: “I have been awarded the Hansjorg Wyss AO Chaired Professorship in Orthopaedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School. I continue to play for the Wellesley Seniors, along with Mark DeTora, in an ‘over-the-hill’ soccer league. We have won the championship for the second year in a row.”
Donald Kent and Steven Meltzer (see Joel Kent ’95).
Jean Turnquist, professor of anatomy at the Univ. of Puerto Rico Medical School in San Juan, returned to full-time teaching and research after nearly five years as program director for the campus-wide Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. She writes: “My seventeen years as curator of the Caribbean Primate Research Center Museum also ended this summer, and it is wonderful to be out of administration.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Dick Mayo writes: “I retired from the U.S. Navy in January after thirty-five years, during which I established and served as the first commander of the Naval Network Warfare Command in Norfolk, Va. I’m now senior vice president for strategic programs with CACI International, an information-technology services provider in Arlington, Va.”
F.R. Pamp writes: “In December I received a master’s degree in nonprofit management from Regis University. I am setting up a consulting practice for nonprofit organizations. Visit my Web site at”
Patti Rogers (see Leon Rogers ’40).
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Richard Reed is the new director of administrative operations at Rhode Island’s Economic Development Corporation.
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Lynn A. DeNoia ’80 Ph.D., a professor in the department of engineering and science at Rensselaer at Hartford, shared the 2002 Best Instructors Award with a colleague for their tutorial Principles of Effective IT Management at NetWorld+Interop, the premier network education conference and trade show.
From the March / April 2003 Issue
Reunion weekend, May 23–26, is rapidly approaching. Registration information will arrive in the spring. If you did not receive the fall reunion mailing, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or reunions
David Jollin and Richard Trull (see Janice Patacsil ’99).
Garrett Keenan writes: “I saw the In the News blurb in the January/February BAM about Jim Dickson’s having to ask a colleague to read him his e-mail. There are text-to-speech applications commercially available to assist with these problems of the blind, and I’d be happy to let Jim know about them if he contacts me.” Garrett recently migrated from KPMG Consulting to EDS to lead the technology side of EDS’s customer-service call-center outsourcing business. He manages the introduction of low-cost call-center services into the India labor market for global companies. Garrett’s two sons, Chris, 25, and Joe, 13, moved into the same house this Christmas with Garrett and Mary, and it’s been a wild time. Garrett commutes to Detroit and Plano, Tex., for EDS and welcomes opportunites to meet with classmates for dinner while there. He also looks forward to seeing classmates at this year’s reunion.
From the November / December 2002 Issue
William Bartlett writes: "After more than thirty years as a graphic artist, I returned to school for a master's in education and a teaching certificate. In August I will teach a 6th-grade special-education math class."
Leo Plante writes that he teaches ethics, finance, and leadership at Regis College in Weston, Mass.
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Stephen Fischer writes: "After twenty-seven years working for someone else, I have opened my own law practice. My new office is in Beverly, Mass., about four miles from my home. I'm enjoying my newfound freedom and the opportunity to get reacquainted with my wife, Lois, and my three children, ages 15, 11, and 7."
Gerard E. Giannattasio was elected village justice of Massapequa Park, N.Y., in March 2000. Giannattasio teaches as an adjunct in the Hofstra University history department and is a law librarian at the Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center in Huntington, N.Y.
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Joel P. Bennett writes: "The 18th annual update of my book, Winning Attorney's Fees from the U.S. Government (Law Journal Seminars Press), was recently published."
John Fowler (see Michael Kavanau '85).
Mark Macomber writes: "I live in the foothills of the Berkshires and travel extensively. I'm the president and CEO of Litchfield Bancorp, and chairman of the Connecticut Mutual Holding Company and Connecticut Bankers Association. My wife, Francoise Asselin Macomber, is vice president and managing director of Right Management Consultants. Our daughter, Elizabeth Blythe, is getting married this fall."
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Lou Schuyler, of Larchmont, N.Y., was recently named chief information officer for the American Management Association. She is responsible for information technology initiatives and personnel throughout the AMA's United States operations.
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Joel P. Bennett writes: “I enjoyed hearing from former roommate Jim Hutchinson through the online alumni directory. Our online family photo album is available at http:// I continue to practice employment law in Washington, D.C. My wife, Tricia, works in an administrative position at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Md., where our son, Matthew, is in seventh grade. Our son, Steven, is in fourth grade at the Norwood School in Bethesda, Md.” Joel would love to hear from classmates.
Bob LeShay reports that he has just gotten married. He is available to pet-sit or house-sit long or short term and to tutor or home-school special-needs students who have A.D.D., A.D.H.D., or learning disabilities. He can work either on a live-in or salary basis.
From the September / October Issue
David Sydney (see Miles Sydney ’32).
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Eugene A. Sevi, of Roxbury, Vt., writes: "I have returned to the Norwich University faculty after serving for one year as team chief of the military-liaison team in Macedonia. While in Macedonia I worked with the U.S. Embassy in responding to the spring 1999 refugee crisis."
William B. Spillman Jr. writes that he has joined Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as a research professor in the physics department and as director of the Carilion Optical Sciences and Engineering Research Center. The center conducts research and engineering activities to create knowledge and technology that will help the medical, biomedical, and veterinary disciplines. Bill and his wife, Barbara, live in Floyd, Va.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Robert M. Cohan (see Robert M. Behrendt ’90).
Valerie Mitchell writes: "I have been working with four retarded adults for the past nine years. I volunteered with children in a homeless shelter for five years. My twin daughters are both well. My siblings and I nursed my dying father at home with the help of men from Cameroon, who were superb workers and people."
Arthur C. Sanderson, of Cohoes, N.Y., has been named vice president for research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he is a professor of electrical, computer, and systems engineering. Arthur joined Rensselaer in 1987 as professor and head of the electrical, computer, and systems engineering department, of which he was chair until 1994. He had been on leave for two years to serve as director of the National Science Foundation’s division of electrical and communications systems.
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Alan Bogdanow (see Peter Bogdanow ’96).
Donald Kent (see Heather Kent Handel ’93).
Stanley Griffith, of Lexington, Mass., writes that he and his wife, Ann Schauffler, celebrated the marriage of her daughter over Labor Day weekend. Brown’s assistant soccer coach, Brian Young, a college friend of the groom, spoke at the wedding. Stan’s son, Andrew, was admitted to the Brown class of ’03, but deferred his start date to serve a year with City Year/Americorp in Boston. Ann’s son and Stan’s daughter go to Lexington High.
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Jeanne Lee Cantrill (see Hank Vandersip '56).
Vikki Aldridge Kingslien reports that she, Kitty Walker Keane, and Molly Renn Heckscher '67 revisited the 1800s during their annual reunion. They ambled about Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts and soaked up Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky on the Tanglewood lawn. Kitty and her husband, Jack, hosted the group in Hartford, conscripting the out-of-towners into going to a tag sale. Molly recounted her Grand Canyon rafting trip with daughters Ellie Heckscher '97 and Fran (Dickinson '02). Vikki seconded with details of her China cruise and Utah ski trip. But Kitty trumped with stories of canoeing and her umpteen trips escorting two active teenagers.
From the July / August 1999 Issue
Franklin Cohen writes: "I'm discovering the joy of high-rise living in Philadelphia's center city. I would love to hear from any of the old gang."
David Speltz, Amherst, N.H., reports that his son, Tim Speltz '98, was a technical director of this year's Oscar-winning animated short film, Bunny. Tim works for Blue Sky Studios of Harrison, N.Y., and lives in Manhattan.
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Richard Reisman, New York City, is managing director of operations and technology at HealthScout, a World Wide Web service ( that delivers personalized health news, information, and services to consumers. Richard writes: "After leaving technology management positions at Mobil and Standard & Poor's to spend a number of years in my own on-line ventures, and then after doing independent management consulting on Internet applications, I am happy to be deeply immersed in sharing a compelling mission with a strong team. I have also been chairing the digital media committee of the M.I.T. Enterprise Forum of New York City, which is a great way to stay plugged into the Internet venture scene."
Nicki Sahlin '80 Ph.D. became executive director in October, of the Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Rhode Island. She was assistant director for five years, and prior to that was associate professor of English at Dean College in Franklin, Mass. NAMI-RI is a support, education, and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of the mentally ill and their families. Nicki sits on the boards of the Providence Center and the Manic Depressive and Depressive Association of Rhode Island. Nicki would be interested in hearing from any alumni in Rhode Island or elsewhere who have advocacy issues with serious mental illness in the family.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Diana Bain writes: "Northern Virginia is quite a contrast to the Hudson Valley! I started a programming job in early November - my first paid job since Tim was born eighteen and a half years ago! Tim is a freshman at Duke and is having a wonderful time. Jen is a high school junior, getting ready for her college search. Charlie is working at PRC programming. I can't believe we are old enough for it to have been thirty years!"
Pete Bruno writes: "Try our new chat-and-message-board room for couples and pastors (, and our redone Web site ("
Alan and Ann Oppenheimer Bogdanow '70 announce the engagement of their son Peter '96 to Sarah Kaplan '96. They plan to be married on Aug. 7. Peter is the grandson of Arthur M. Oppenheimer '39 and the nephew of John Oppenheimer '73. "We are keeping Brown in the family," Ann writes.
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Anne D. Emerson has been appointed executive director of the Bostonian Society, Boston's historical society and museum. She was formerly executive director of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard.
Andrew Halvorsen, Summit, N.J., writes: "I had been with the Beneficial Corporation for twenty years, the last twelve as chief financial officer and a member of the board of directors, when the company merged with Household International last summer. I pulled the rip cord on my golden parachute and decided to retire and manage my investments, do a little consulting and a little writing, and pursue charitable activities. Our daughter is Ilissa '00."
Marc Koplik and Deidre Henderson '68 M.A.T. are pleased that son Christopher Henderson '01 is at Brown.
Nancy Carlson Schrock, Winchester, Mass., was appointed chief collections conservator of the Harvard College Library after eighteen years in private practice as a book conservator and library consultant. She was also elected treasurer of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, the national organization of professional conservators. Her husband, Richard, is a professor of chemistry at M.I.T.
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Molly Erb Adams, Summit, N.J., works in the public- and government-relations office of Comcast Cable.
Michael A. Barros is working in community development and urban affairs. He lives in Denver with his wife, Susan, and five children.
Caryl E. Carpenter, Lansdowne, Pa., is on sabbatical in Australia, where she works with a network of health facilities in Melbourne. She will also be visiting health-care organizations in New Zealand, France, Spain, and Portugal.
Susan H. Chase, St. Augustine, Fla., trains horses and teaches students to ride them. In October, her students sent her on a long weekend visit to Barbara Saylor Rodgers in Vermont. "It was wonderful to see her family and to experience a real New England fall for the first time in years, "
Robert H. Cooper, Valley Stream, N.Y., has remarried, to Tina Verasco. His expanded family includes Abigail, 23, Pamela, 15, Candy, 13, and dog Melanie. Robert is still a partner at Ernst & Young and is awaiting the intended merger with KPMG, which will result in the world's largest accounting firm.
Victor De Jong, Huntington, N.Y., writes: "Judy and I are very happy to be first-time grandparents. Milo De Jong was born to my son, Dirk, and my daughter-in-law, Nancy, in Boston on Nov. 17, 1997. We're just too young for this."
Diane Della-Loggia, Washington, D.C., celebrated twenty-five years in the Smithsonian Institute's department of anthropology. In 1997 the department published the tenth volume, Languages, in the twenty-volume Handbook of North American Indians encyclopedia. The eleventh volume, on Indians of the plateau, was published this spring.
Kenneth R. Fitzsimmons Jr., Piedmont, Calif., and his partners sold Robertson Stephens & Co. to the Bank of America nineteen years after founding the firm. It will now operate as BancAmerica Robertson Stephens. Kenneth writes: "Rather than kick back and relax, however, I continue as head of capital markets with responsibilities for sales, trading, and execution of all the firm's underwritings."
Larry Forman and his wife, Diane (UC-San Diego '91), celebrated daughter Jenay's fourth birthday. Larry writes: "I can't believe how exhilarating and exhaustive parenthood can be." Diane is doing librarian work for the city of San Diego, and Larry is a professor of computer and information sciences with a focus on interactive multimedia. In his spare time, he's working in the Ph.D. program at UC-Berkeley, where he's developing a mathematical theory of student motivation by applying economic analysis and multivariate calculus. Larry adds: "We helped Andy Gordon celebrate his 50th birthday long distance by embarrassing him with a provocative singing telegram during which his outlandish extracurricular accomplishments at good ol' Brunonia were highlighted."
J. David Forsyth is a lawyer in his native New Orleans. On a recent trip to Philadelphia, he visited two fraternity brothers, Dick Grant and Joe Serritella, both of whom are lawyers as well. David writes: "None of us had changed a bit." He also got to share Eric Green's 50th birthday on a trip to the Boston area.
Judith Ginsberg '68 A.M., New York City, was the executive producer of Liz Swados's The Hating Pot, a video about racism and anti-Semitism that was shown in the fall of 1997 on PBS stations. Judith writes: "I'd like to have it played at my funeral; it's the best thing I've ever been part of." Her husband has become a "minor New York celebrity" by assuming the presidency of the New York Public Library, "a job made glamorous and high-profile by Brown's former president, Vartan Gregorian."
Katherine Walker Keane and John B. Keane live in West Hartford, Conn. Kitty was named vice president and general counsel of HealthChoice of Connecticut, a statewide HMO owned by Yale's medical school, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and St. Francis Hospital.
Garrett Keenan joined Versatility, a Fairfax, Va., manufacturer of software for telemarketing/customer-service centers. He was formerly head of call management for Aetna. Garrett and Mary live in Old Saybrook, Conn.
Tony Lioce, San Juan Capistrano, Calif., works at the Los Angeles Times, where he was recently promoted to deputy features editor. Tony writes: "It's not a bad gig (day shift, no weekends, and I get to use the executive lunchroom, though still prefer the bar across the street). I still live in Orange County where - as I am neither a surfer dude nor a yuppie Nixon-loving Republican pig - I continue to feel somewhat out of place. But my wife and daughters (now 17 and 15), the proximity of Baja, and weekly doses of NYPD Blue and Beverly Hills 90210 never fail to lift my spirits."
Mary Sherman Lycan, Chapel Hill, N.C., is editor and proprietor of Treble Clef Music Press, specializing in choral music for sopranos and altos. Her sixty-voice community chorus, Women's Voices, performed Gwyneth Walker's "Golden Apples of the Sun" at their winter concert. Husband Bill (Amherst '66) teaches at UNC-Chapel Hill, and daughter Jane is a first-year student at Oberlin College.
Judith A. McGaw has been on ACLS- and NSF-funded research leave and living in Portland, Oreg. "In April 1996 I was diagnosed with colon cancer and had surgery. My prognosis is good," Judith writes.
William F. Miller's daughter, Kate '99, studied in London last semester. William and Cathy live in Wellesley, Mass.
Helaine Benson Palmer, Andover, Mass., is celebrating five years of continued good health after a diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer and a bone-marrow transplant. Helaine writes: "I'm trying to keep my law practice within manageable limits to leave time for other, more life-affirming pursuits - volunteer work, gardening, and travel with my husband, Joe Ruma '67."
Thomas R. Park, Tallahassee, Fla., acquired the Adirondack Center, a 210-acre retreat and conference center in St. Johnsville, N.Y. The facility serves the schools of New York, training students in experiential learning and outdoor activities.
Mimsy Baker Spaulding and her husband, Sam, live in Arlington, Va. Sam's youngest son received a master's in religious studies from Yale in May.
Nancy Turck and the U.K. Brown Club took an evening tour through Westminster Abbey led by Dean Wesley Carr, the Abbey's highest-ranking cleric.
Terry Anne Peake Vigil, Chestnut Hill, Mass., is an independent planning and development consultant. Her husband, Max, continues to work at the Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge, Mass. Daughter Kiara is in graduate school at Columbia University, and son Ryan is an undergraduate studying composing at the Manhattan School of Music.
Paul A. Williams joined Enron Wind Corp. in Tehachapi, Calif., in March as a vice president of finance. Enron manufactures, develops, owns, and operates utility-scale wind projects that generate electricity. "Warmest regards to the class of 1968," Paul writes.
Thomas E. Whidden, Cypress, Calif., returned to California in 1994 after six years in Brussels as vice president of international sales for Infonet. In January 1997, he moved from sales to vice president of marketing.
John M. Wolcott is serving as president of the East Greenwich (R.I.) Rotary Club for 1998-99.
Dennis Woods and his wife, Janice, moved to Bay Village, Ohio, a western suburb of Cleveland, in July 1996, after he accepted the position of superintendent of Bay schools. Their oldest son, Greg '96, is a second-year student at Georgetown Law Center. Jeff, their middle son, graduated from Dartmouth last June and is back in Hanover working on a master's degree. Their youngest son, Mark, is a sophomore at Ohio's Miami University.
Judith Drazen Schretter, Reston, Va., has been with the Department of Justice's child-exploitation and obscenity section for three years. Husband Stan '65 has formed his own consulting company. Daughter Robin (Duke '95) is working on her master's in physical therapy at East Carolina University. Daughter Mindy (Cornell '89) works for Lucent Technologies (formerly Bell Labs) in Whippany, N.J., the same place Stan worked when he got out of school.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Russell K. Chan and his wife, Sheila, announce the birth of their first child, Steph-anie Ying, on June 11, 1997. Russell writes, "She was born in the same hospital as the famous Iowa septuplets, but we find our hands full taking care of one baby, let alone seven."
Victoria Aldridge Kingslien, Centreville, Va., writes: "I am riding horseback as much as possible, either on my own Arabians or on some outfitter's steeds around the world. Randolph Williams (Michigan '66) and I explore nature near and far, from sea kayaking with gray whales off the coast of Baja California to dredging oysters from a skipjack in the Chesapeake. At work at the INS, I'm special assistant to the executive associate commissioner for management. I look forward to the 30th reunion."
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Russell K. Chan and his wife, Sheila, announce the birth of their first child, Steph-anie Ying, on June 11, 1997. Russell writes, "She was born in the same hospital as the famous Iowa septuplets, but we find our hands full taking care of one baby, let alone seven."
Victoria Aldridge Kingslien, Centreville, Va., writes: "I am riding horseback as much as possible, either on my own Arabians or on some outfitter's steeds around the world. Randolph Williams (Michigan '66) and I explore nature near and far, from sea kayaking with gray whales off the coast of Baja California to dredging oysters from a skipjack in the Chesapeake. At work at the INS, I'm special assistant to the executive associate commissioner for management. I look forward to the 30th reunion."
Eugene A. Sevi ’68, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., formerly of Roxbury, Vt.; Apr. 26. After completing a master’s degree at the University of Colorado, he entered the Navy. He combined his love of learning and his military background to become a 38-year educator in civil and environmental engineering at Norwich University, a small military college. He served four terms as a selectman and commissioner of Roxbury and transferred to the Vermont Air National Guard. He organized and led humanitarian and peacekeeping missions around the world. He retired in 2004 as a brigadier general. He was a driver of carriage horses and became a trained farrier so he could shoe his own horses. He enjoyed the outdoors, bicycling, and playing tennis. He is survived by his wife, Jane; three children; six grandchildren; a sister; and two brothers.
Russell E. Baumann ’68, of North Attleboro, Mass.; Apr. 28. He was an attorney for Texas Instruments and Sensata Technologies. He was a member of Foxboro Country Club and the YMCA. He is survived by his wife, Betty; a brother; and two sisters-in-law.
C. Craig Hedberg ’68, of Sun City Center, Fla.; Nov. 21. He began a career in urban planning and transportation systems in Portland, Me., later working in the Washington, D.C., area before founding Integrated Transportation Systems, which he operated for more than 30 years. He chaired traffic studies for the Montgomery County Chamber and the Bethesda Chamber. He enjoyed travel adventures, especially to Scotland, the Netherlands, and Alaska. He is survived by two sisters and two nephews.
Gregory W. DiMartino ’68, of North Kingstown, R.I.; Nov. 27. He is survived by two sons, three grandchildren, and a sister.
Michael S. A. Boyer ’68, of Providence, R.I.; Dec. 28. He was founder and president of Cascade Designs in Providence before retiring. An avid skier, he dedicated 50 years of his life to volunteer service with the National Ski Patrol (NSP) and spent more than 35 years with the Tuesday night crew at Blue Hills in Canton, Mass. He is credited with saving three lives during his time with NSP. He was a passionate craftsman, prolific creator, and woodworker, and he loved restoring old houses. He enjoyed spending time at the beach, photography, and sailing. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine; four sons and daughters-in-law; and six grandchildren.
David R. Trower ’68, of New York City; Jul. 3. He was head of The Allen-Stevenson School for 32 years until his retirement in Jul. 2022. He is survived by his wife, Carol, and daughter Emily Trower-Young ’06.
Charles P. Minifie ’68, of Rehoboth Beach, Del.; Jul. 2 of cancer. After Brown he earned a master’s from the University of Southern California and then pursued a career in the insurance industry in the Hartford, Conn., area. Minifie was a lifelong learner and enjoyed reading, especially history, science, and science fiction. He and his wife of 55 years visited dozens of American and Canadian national parks and all 50 state capitals. He gave back to his community by donating blood his entire adult life and in more recent years by providing transportation for seniors with poor eyesight, poor mobility, and other health issues. He is survived by his wife, Debbie; two children and their spouses; and four grandchildren.
Philip G. Osborne ’68, of Bristol, R.I., and Pine Island, Fla.; Oct. 31. He was a retired vice president of Amica Mutual Insurance Co. after 31 years of service. He was an avid sailor and raced the Marion to Bermuda Race twice. He is survived by his wife, Tracey, a son, 16 nieces and nephews, and 29 grand-nieces and nephews.
Dennis M. Hagan ’68, of Perkinsville, Vt.; Mar. 24, after a long battle with MDS and leukemia. He was an elementary school teacher in Springfield, Vt., with a career that spanned 43 years. He was an avid reader, writer, and lover of the arts. He was known for his razor-sharp mind and innate talent for prescribing the perfect book to anyone for their must-read list. He was an accomplished actor and met his wife at the Weston Playhouse in 1978. He enjoyed gardening, hiking, cycling, snowshoeing, and skiing in Vermont. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter; a son; five grandchildren; and two sisters.
Steven M. Daniels ’68, of Fircrest, Wash.; Nov. 26. He taught at the Moses Brown school in Providence after graduating. After two years, he received a teaching opportunity in the Pacific Northwest and joined Charles Wright Academy in 1970. During his 41-year career at CWA, he taught math and earth science, served as athletic director, and coached football, softball, and track. He also thrived in CWA’s Outdoor Education program, helping skipper the 40-foot sailboat, the Moonglow, and leading the 8th grade beach hike for many years. He rarely missed a day in the classroom. In the summer, he furthered his education traveling to distinguished programs, including the Colorado School of Mines to study geology and the University of Hawaii Hilo’s Volcanology program. He taught middle schoolers the properties of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. He fished the Puget Sound and hunted pheasant around the state with his Springer spaniels. He was a runner and continued team sports long into his life, playing rugby and softball. He also enjoyed skiing and he climbed Mount Rainier with CWA teaching colleagues. He is survived by his wife, Chris; a son and daughter-in-law; two grand- children; a sister; and a brother.
Marjorie Bedrick Tarkow ’68, of Columbia, Mo.; Jan. 15. She continued her education at the University of Michigan, where she met a fellow graduate student who would become her husband. She then joined the faculty of Stephens College, where she taught philosophy, classics, and women’s studies for several years. In 1981, she enrolled at Mizzou Law School and spent summers interning for the Boone County Juvenile Court and a private firm in town. She landed a clerkship in St. Louis which led to 25 years in private practice specializing in labor and employment law. She was active with the National Employment Lawyers Association and with the local Humane Society. She was proud to have been a member of the Chattertocks and Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by her husband, Ted; a sister-in-law; and a nephew and two nieces.
Robert S. Lyle II ’68, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Racine, Wisc., and Darien, Conn.; Jan. 16, after a long illness. He had a career in finance beginning with First Chicago then at Citicorp as senior vice president working in the utilities division. In retirement, he continued to work raising funds for his former school, Deerfield Academy. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons, including Robert III ’99; a daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
David Cashman ’68, of Mount Lebanon, Pa.; Nov. 6. After Brown, he attended and graduated from Duquesne University School of Law and began a private practice working primarily as a civil litigator. He was appointed to a vacant seat on Common Pleas Court in 1989 and won his first 10-year term in 1991. He served in this position for 33 years. He also held the position of Administrative Judge of the Criminal Division while on the bench. He was later a partner at Cashman & Cipriani. He served as president of the Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County and on the Board of Governors for the Pittsburgh Athletic Association and St. Clair Country Club. He enjoyed playing golf and he is survived by his wife, Kathryn; two sons and daughters-in-law; five grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.
Lucy Chirico Schuyler ’68, of Albuquerque; Aug. 9, 2021. The majority of her career was spent working at IBM. She volunteered at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and wrote a few publications for the Museum’s technical series. She had a lifelong interest in the arts and pursued ceramics, weaving, and jewelry making. She is survived by her husband Hank.
Paul J. Rieker ’68, of Agawam, Mass.; Sept. 14. He was a teacher in the Springfield Public School system and a rugby, track, and soccer coach to both his students and sons. He was a longtime member of the Springfield Rugby Club as both player and coach. Prior to his teaching career, he worked as a construction laborer for various companies. He was a patron of the Irish Cultural Center and parishioner of Sacred Heart Church in Springfield. He enjoyed gardening, hiking, and reading. He is survived by his wife, Maria; two sons; and a sister.
Thomas E. Clifford Jr. ’68, of Framingham, Mass.; Aug. 25, from frontotemporal dementia. After Brown, he volunteered with VISTA at Rikers Island Prison in New York City. He taught at St. Rita School and St. Jerome School before becoming English department head at Cardinal Hayes High School (N.Y.), where he also coached their hockey team to six consecutive league championships. His next move was to Montclair, N.J., where he taught English at Montclair High School (MHS), retiring after 30 years. At MHS he was the assistant men’s varsity hockey coach and led the team to four state titles. He was a former member of Brown’s hockey team and a member of Delta Phi Omega. He is survived by a sister, a brother, a sister-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.
Mark W. Detora ’68, of West Palm Beach, Fla.; Apr. 7, from a sudden cardiac event. During his time at Brown, he excelled at both academics and soccer. He was inducted into the Brown Hall of Fame twice; once as a member of the 1967 soccer team and again as an individual. The Brown Athletic site states that as a prolific striker, he ranks seventh on Brown’s all-time career scoring list with 26 goals and 19 assists for 73 points. His 26 goals ranks him eighth all-time on the goal-scoring list and his 19 assists places him seventh in the all-time assist table. Mark relished the Brown-Harvard rivalry when he played against his brother. His love of the game would lead him to play for various men’s leagues after college, coach his children in soccer, and encourage his grandchildren to play. He was also an enthusiastic Yankees fan who could be seen dancing his own special dance to the opening theme song during each game. He was a pilot in the U.S. Air Force and served in the Vietnam War. He had a 25-year career in the insurance industry, including 15 years at Sun Life Financial, from which he retired in 2007 as the senior vice president of individual insurance and investments. In retirement he enjoyed playing golf, attending sporting events, swimming, reading, and learning to cook and to speak Italian. He is survived by four children and their spouses, seven grandchildren, a sister, and several
nieces and nephews.
Steven A. Behrens ’68, of Winter Garden, Fla., formerly of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts; Apr. 11. He spent time working at Polaroid Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation. While working at Digital Equipment, he moved to Germany for two years before returning to the United States and settling in Florida. He enjoyed traveling and sampling the local cuisine. He also enjoyed sports and throughout his life he played football, rugby, ran track, raced boats, and participated in triathlons into his 70s. He is survived by his wife, Sandra; a daughter; a son; three grandchildren; and a brother.
Judith Ann Hofrichter ’68, of Bolton, Conn.; Aug. 23, of B-cell lymphoma. She was a Peace Corps volunteer in Turkey from 1968 to 1969 and, after various jobs in California and Connecticut, decided to become a physician. She enrolled in Wesleyan University’s graduate liberal studies program and passed all the required science courses prior to joining UConn’s medical school as the oldest person accepted to the medical school at that time. She followed with a residency at SUNY Health Science Center in Syracuse. In 1990 she married and joined the Women’s Health Group of Manchester. She assisted in the births of several babies over the course of her career in ob/gyn medicine before retiring in 2016. In retirement she was an amateur vintner, producing award-winning country wines such as dandelion, rhubarb, and blueberry. She is survived by her husband, Stewart, and two sisters.
Linda J. Gallant ’68, of Minneapolis; June 13. After graduating from Brown, she moved to Minneapolis and taught in the City Inc. South Minneapolis school district. In 1974 she enrolled at William Mitchell College of Law and earned her JD degree. While in law school, she was a law clerk for Legal Rights Center, Inc., a nonprofit providing criminal defense services primarily to the African American and American Indian populations in South Minneapolis. She opened her own law practice in 1977, serving largely poor or working class clients. She left private practice to join the faculty at William Mitchell College in 1986 as a clinical professor and in 1993 was hired by the judges of Hennepin County District Court to serve as a referee, a position she held until her retirement in 2012. She traveled the world and enjoyed biking on her travels. She is survived by a sister, two brothers, an aunt, and nieces and nephews.
Ross A. Yeoman ’68, of Boulder, Colo; Oct. 27, of cancer. As a geologist he did potassium-argon dating of rocks for the U.S. Geological Survey for many years. He served in the U.S. Army, supported the Boulder Philharmonic, was passionate about the environment and combating climate change, and enjoyed hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing. He is survived by his wife Agnes and a sister.
Stephen W. Biello ’68, of Newport, R.I.; Nov. 7, 2019. Upon graduating from Brown, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and served in the U.S. and Korea as a preventative medicine specialist responsible for water analysis and purification and the prevention of water-, food-, air-, insect-, and rodent-borne diseases. He was a coach and referee at the local YMCA, as well as working as a youth counselor at the Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp. While in the Army, he assisted at a Korean orphanage conducting clothing drives and helping families raise domestic animals. Upon returning home from Korea, he worked for the Veterans Administration of R.I. He received many awards for his service but was most proud of being named R.I. Federal Employee of the Year in the early 1990s. He retired from the VA after more than 30 years of service. He is survived by a sister, a brother, two nieces, and a nephew.
Michael F. Maznicki ’68, of West Warwick, R.I.; Jan. 7. He had a long career in banking. At Brown he was a three-sport athlete. He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. He played with various semi-fast pitch softball teams for many years and was inducted into the West Warwick Wizards Hall of Fame. An avid golfer, he was a longtime member of West Warwick Country Club and Cranston Country Club. He is survived by his wife, Joyce; a son and daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; and a sister and brother-in-law.
Diane Della-Loggia ’68, of Washington, D.C.; Sept. 23. She worked for more than 35 years at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, primarily on the Handbook of North American Indians, an encyclopedic multi-volume hardcover reference set about the prehistory, history, and cultures of the Indigenous peoples of North America. She retired in 2007 and was active in her church, book clubs, and volunteering in service positions that included writing letters to inmates as well as serving as a reading tutor for elementary students. She enjoyed gardening. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and a brother.
William H. White II ’68, of Washington, D.C.; May 19. He held many titles, including property manager, stock market investor/consultant, researcher, engineer, thespian director, and U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and a sister.
Peter B. Rames ’68, of Albuquerque, N. Mex.; Nov. 29, from complications of liver cancer. He worked as a reporter for the Providence Journal, ran a community action agency in Rhode Island, and later, after receiving a JD and MBA from the University of New Mexico, he practiced law as an independent practitioner. He was most proud of his work for the New Mexico Public Defender's office. He enjoyed baking, playing his guitar, and singing. He is survived by three daughters.
John S. Satterthwaite ’68, of Spokane, Wash.; Aug. 1, from pancreatic cancer. For 25 years he served in the military before changing careers and entering the financial world. After Officer Training School and pilot training school, he was assigned to train other pilots at Vance AFB (Okla.). He then was stationed at Lackland AFB (Tex.), where he was a supersonic jet trainer. Following that assignment, he was sent to George AFB (Calif.) to serve as a security forces officer that specialized in air base defense. Eventually he was stationed at Dover AFB (Del.), where he flew the largest cargo airplane at that time. In 1981 he and his family moved overseas to Ankara, Turkey to serve at Balgot AFB. In 1983, he returned to the U.S. at Randolph AFB (Tex.) and instructed again. His final assignment led him to Scott AFB (Ill.), where he served as Commander HQ Section Air Mobility Command, then Commandant for the Airlift Operations School, and finally as Deputy Branch Chief AMC Acquisitions for the C-17. He retired in 1993 as a lieutenant colonel. He moved to Spokane and pursued a second career in finance beginning at UPSA & IRA but within a few years moved to Washington Trust Bank Investment Services. He retired from Washington Trust as a vice president in 2014. He spent his free time as a skydiving pilot for Skydive West Plains and enjoyed antique furniture restoration projects, reading, and traveling. He is survived by a daughter, a son, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Constance Sauer Clark ’68, of Whidbey Island, Wash.; May 17. She had a 30-plus year career at Bell Labs in Holmdel, N.J., before moving to Whidbey Island in 2006, where she became a volunteer for Beach Watchers (now Sound Water Stewards), supporting their website and computer operations. In 2017 she received the Jan Holmes Coastal Volunteer award. She was active at Langley United Methodist Church and enjoyed gardening and solving puzzles. She is survived by her husband, Neal; a son; five siblings; and several nieces and nephews.
George W. Berko ’68, of Houston, Tex.; June 16. He was a CPA and began working for Arthur Anderson in New York City. He specialized in the oil and gas industry and worked for several companies throughout his career, including Ultramar Oil & Gas, where he was vice president of finance and worked for a short period of time in Venezuela. He retired in 2014 from Transworld Oil USA. He was an avid scuba diver and enjoyed radio control model airplanes, antique firearms, and hot rod cars. He is survived by a goddaughter and many friends.
Stephen D. Barbaro ’68, of Austin, Tex.; Mar. 27. He served in the U.S. Army Reserves in New Jersey and later enjoyed a long career as a financial portfolio manager. He was a great supporter of the Austin Opera and served on the community advisory board of Helping Hand Home for Children for several years, where he and his wife started a golf program for children. He is survived by his wife, Polly; two daughters; four grandchildren; a stepdaughter; a sister; and a brother.
Russell A. Ekeblad ’68, ’71 PhD, of Portsmouth, R.I. and Jupiter, Fla.; Dec. 12. He was one of the leading U.S. bridge players for the past 40 years, with five major National American Bridge Championship wins and six second place finishes. He earned the rank of Grand Life Master of the American Contract Bridge League. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard and, following his military service, married and founded Kenilworth Creations, a supplier of custom jewelry to women’s specialty stores. He was an active member of his community, served on the board of Moses Brown School, and enjoyed boating, traveling, and playing golf. He is survived by three children and their spouses; two grandchildren; a sister; and a niece.
E. Jerome Batty ’68, of Cumberland, R.I.; Jan. 18, of pancreatic cancer. He had a 45-year career as an attorney with Hinckley, Allen & Snyder in Providence, specializing in real estate law. He was the recipient of numerous professional awards and honors. At Brown he was captain of the football team and a lacrosse All-American. He was a member of both the Brown and Northfield Mount Hermon Athletic Halls of Fame. He is survived by his wife, Gayle Rogers Batty ’71; daughter Jordan Batty ’00; a son and his wife; two grandchildren; brothers William Batty III ’63 and Stephen Batty ’71; sister-in-law, Linda Schmidt Batty ’65 AM; and nephew William Batty IV ’90.
Susan Hindmarsh Penny ’68, of New Braunfels, Tex., formerly of El Paso; Oct. 25. She was an elementary school librarian in El Paso. She served in many roles to further education and reading as a member of various national and international reading associations, and on committees to further technology in school libraries. In 1996 she received a grant to start a puppetry club for elementary school children to help them vocalize their feelings through puppetry. Upon retirement she moved to New Braunfels, where she was an active member in the community and volunteered at her local church and elementary schools. She enjoyed yoga and water aerobics. She is survived by her husband, Roland; two daughters and their spouses; four grandsons; and four sisters.
Robert W. King Jr. ’68, of Edmond, Okla.; Nov. 27, after a short illness. He practiced nephrology with Associates in Internal Medicine at St. Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City. He was also a volunteer faculty member for the OU School of Community Medicine and instrumental in bringing organ transplants to the school. He helped develop the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) and was one of the original founders of LifeShare Oklahoma organ sharing network. In 1998 he moved to New Orleans, La., where he worked as a national medical director for United Healthcare, but returned to Oklahoma City in 2007. He enjoyed being a doctor, teaching, reading, and writing. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne; three daughters; a son-in-law; and two sisters and their husbands.
Richard S. Sugarman ’68, of Niantic, Conn.; Aug. 11, of a heart attack. After obtaining a master’s of social work from UConn, he was program director of the adolescent unit at Elmwood Psychiatric Hospital in Portland, Conn., then worked with emotionally disturbed teenagers at the Children’s Center in Hamden, Conn., before opening a private practice in New London in 1978. He lectured and was a former board member of the East Lyme Youth Services Assoc. and was a member of the Jabberwocks. He enjoyed sailing his catamaran, Ocean Gypsy. He is survived by his wife, Linda; a daughter; a sister; a brother-in-law; and nieces and nephews.
David Schorr ’68, of New York City; June 16, of complications of a double aortic dissection suffered while on sabbatical in Bologna, Italy. He taught printmaking, graphic design, book design, typography, calligraphy, and drawing at Wesleyan from 1971 until his death. He often played opera to his students as they worked or read poetry to them. He enjoyed working with writers on illustrated book projects, including providing the illustrations for No Witnesses and Parallel Lives. His book illustrations often accompanied book reviews in the New York Times, Poetry Magazine, and The New Republic. He was a Fulbright Scholar three times: in 1975 to Italy; and in 1998 and 2001 to India. He often returned to India, where he was an adjunct professor at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, teaching graphic design to Indian students during Wesleyan’s winter break. He was also a fellow at the Tamarind Institute in Albuquerque, working with master printers. His drawings, prints, and painting have been shown in New York at the Mary Ryan Gallery and more recently at the Ryan Lee Gallery. He has also had solo shows in Chicago, Milan, Rome, Naples, Paris, Athens, Toronto, Montreal, Mumbai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad and Copenhagen. His work is in the collections of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, The Cleveland Museum of Art, The Fogg Museum of Harvard Univ., The New York Public Library, The Israel Museum in Jerusalem and The Museum of Modern Art. He is survived by a sister-in-law and a niece and nephew.
Alan L. Grenier ’68, of Topsfield, Mass.; July 2. He was the founder of the Grenier and McCarron law firm in Danvers, Mass. In addition, he was past president of the North Bay Council Boy Scouts of America and the Danvers Rotary Club and a member of American Legion Post 255. He enjoyed traveling and is survived by his companion, Joyce Volpe; two daughters; two sons-in-law; three grandchildren; and a sister.
John M. Gaydos Jr. ’68, of Coventry, R.I.; June 28, of prostate cancer. He was a middle school teacher for 38 years. He taught in Iran as a Peace Corps volunteer and later in Ohio and New Hampshire. He was nominated as 1987 New Hampshire Teacher of the Year. After retiring from teaching, he assisted in his wife’s jewelry business and additionally sold rocks and fossils as He enjoyed learning and was active in his community and church. He is survived by his wife, Marian; and three daughters, including Megan Gaydos ’00 and Lindsey Gaydos ’09.
David A. Hardy ’68, of Easton, Mass.; Dec. 2, of ALS. He was a former information services manager at New England Medical Center Hospitals. He enjoyed gardening and listening to all kinds of music. He is survived by his wife, Bobbi; two children; and two grandchildren.
Arthur S. Grossman ’68, ’71 ScM, of Everett, Wash.; Dec. 21, of complications from ALS. He was a family physician for many years in Everett. After retiring, he taught fitness classes at the Everett YMCA and other fitness clubs and volunteered at the local clinic. He was also a volunteer coach and referee for the Washington State Youth Soccer Assoc. He was a member of the Washington State Medical Assoc. and the American Academy of Family Physicians. He enjoyed swimming, running, biking, bridge, and opera. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Vanderwicken Grossman ’70, ’71 ScM; two daughters, including Emily Grossman ’97; a son; five grandchildren; a brother; and a sister-in-law.
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