Class of 1976

Nov, 2024
Fresh Ink for November–December 2024
Books by Larry Tye ’76, Brianna Craft ’13 MA, and Jay Dolin ’83 Read More
Nov, 2024

Adam D. Harris and Kevin Voyles ’76 have been elected to lead the Wyoming Arts Council Board for the next two years as chairman and vice chairman. Appointed by Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, each is in his second three-year term. The Wyoming Arts Council supports artists and arts organizations in Wyoming through grants, partnerships, and assistance programs.

Nov, 2024

Bob Mars writes: “Four roommates from Brown who were also teammates on the 1976 men’s ice hockey team got together in May. Greg Vezzosi rounded up John Ahern, Tom Colehour and myself for a week of fun at his home in Spring Island (S.C.) There was lots of storytelling (trying to remember if they were actually true), along with golf, skeet shooting, looking at old scrapbooks, bike riding, and tours of the area.” “It was great to see the guys again and create new memories,” commented Colehour.

Archival image of 4 Brown alumni teammates

Image of Brown alumni

Apr, 2024

Joel Scheraga ’79 AM, ’81 PhD writes: “I had the privilege of working with a remarkable team of dedicated individuals from across the federal government to produce President Biden’s National Climate Resilience Framework. This document was released at the White House Summit on Building Climate Resilient Communities that was held in September 2023. The National Climate Resilience Framework is a call to action to help communities confront the climate crisis and become more resilient to the impacts of climate change, but also more safe, healthy, equitable, and economically strong. On October 31, I was honored to receive a national honor award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for outstanding performance management as a member of the climate adaptation measures team. I was also proud that the climate adaptation implementation plan development team that I oversaw received an EPA gold medal for exceptional service.”


Jan, 2024
Electric Switch
Alan Taub ’76 hopes to turn Motor City into E-Motor City. Read More
Jan, 2024

Karin Kramer Baldwin writes that she and her husband, David Baldwin ’75, welcomed in her 70th birthday skinny-dipping in the Mediterranean Sea, on the island of Formentera, Spain. Just prior to that, Karin enjoyed a Dead & Company show with Steve Zieff. After, she met up with Kit Kinports ’76 for dinner at Balthazar in New York City. Karin and David capped it all off with a week in Maine with Peter Hetz ’75 and Charlie Weinstein ’75. Karin writes: “Thanks to Brown for inspiring everlasting friendships.”

Nov, 2023

Chris Bretoi writes: “I was delighted to see a picture of Tom Coakley ’68 in the June-August 2023 BAM (see Classes, pg. 50). While I have never met Tom, I have spoken with him on the phone a couple of times going back a few years ago after, I believe, becoming familiar with Tom’s story in a BAM article. Tom was vice president of operations at St. Lawrence at the time if I remember correctly. Turns out Tom and I have a few things in common. We share a friend in Chris Leach, with whom I played hockey at Lexington High School in Massachusetts. Chris went on to play at St. Lawrence and he and Tom are good friends. Tom and I are also below-knee amputees, Tom having lost his leg in Vietnam and I after being hit by a car while changing a flat tire. Tom served as treasurer for the Amputee Coalition of America for several years. I would see his name in the ACA InMotion magazine among the board’s members. I was hoping to run into him at last year’s ACA conference, however that was not to be. I played freshman hockey and freshman/varsity lacrosse at Brown (1972-1974) and stopped to play hockey in Sweden before returning to my Minnesota roots. I recently retired after working at 3M for 35 years. I am still able to play hockey inline, and more recently pickleball. I recognized some of the names of the hockey players in the BAM class notes, most notably Curt Bennett ’70 and the Gilbanes, although I did not know them.”


Aug, 2023

Stephen Hill writes: “An amazing day in Mexico (October 22, 2022) with four whale jumps, two ‘swag surfs’ and one spectacular wedding as I married my love Ms. Chanté Moore! There were Bruins galore in attendance, including Brickson Diamond ’93, Patti Galluzzi ’83, Lisa Gelobter ’91, Anne Haley, Gary Hill ’87, Lori Hill ’92, Robe Imbriano ’86, Debra Lee ’76, Nancy Prendergast ’83, ’86 MD and David Salzman.”

Stephen Hill ’84 wedding
Nov, 2022
Big Mother Coffeehouse
’70s Heaven Read More
Nov, 2022

Lisa Hall Brownell’s novel, Gallows Road, was published by Elm Grove Press in April. Inspired by true events in 1750s Connecticut, it gives a voice to a young indentured servant who was condemned to death for a crime she swore she did not commit.

Nov, 2022
In the news

Emerson Coleman ’76, retiring senior vice president of programming for Hearst Television, was honored by the National Association of Broadcasters Leadership Foundation, in partnership with Hearst Television, with the launch of the Emerson Coleman Fellowship, a new fellowship established to create a more diverse workforce at every level of the broadcast industry.

Aug, 2022

Carlos Lejnieks writes that there was a great Brown attendance at the late Vartan Gregorian’s memorial service in New York City in April. In addition to Carlos, several current and past corporation members attended, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey Jr. ’70, Angelique G. Brunner ’94, Thomas G. Catena ’86, Ron Margolin, Russell E. Marlborough ’98, W. Lynn McKinney, Joelle A. Murchison ’95, Alice M. Tisch, and Thomas J. Tisch ’76.

Carlos Lejnieks ’00 and corporation members photo
Jun, 2022

Harry Haskell is the writer and host of a new three-part podcast about his step-grandmother Katharine Wright, the sister of the Wright brothers. In Her Own Wright is based in part on his novel Maiden Flight, about Katharine’s late-life marriage to his grandfather and the tragic breach it caused between her and Orville. Among other topics explored in the three-part podcast are Katharine’s prominent part in the women’s movement, her early career as a high-school Latin teacher, and her largely behind-the-scenes role with the Wright Company. In Her Own Wright was funded by Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park in conjunction with the recent world premiere of Laura Kaminsky’s opera Finding Wright. You can listen to the podcast at

Apr, 2022

Joel Scheraga ’79 AM, ’81 PhD (see ’76).

Apr, 2022
Image of Steve Owens behind a microphone

Steve Owens writes: “On Sept. 9, I was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be a member of the U.S. Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board (CSB), having been nominated by President Biden earlier in the year. The CSB investigates accidents at facilities that produce, process, handle, and store chemicals and makes recommendations to prevent future accidents and protect human health and the environment. In addition, my wife, Karen Carter Owens, and I celebrated the wedding of our oldest son, John, to Haleigh Williams in Phoenix, Arizona, on November 13. Our son Benjamin ’17 was the best man. We were blessed to be joined at the wedding by many dear friends, including Jill Berkelhammer Zorn, Bob Keough, and Sue Goldberger ’76.”


Apr, 2022

Joel Scheraga ’79 AM, ’81 PhD, led the team that produced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new Climate Adaptation Action Plan. The plan was released by the White House, along with others from across the federal government, on Oct. 7. It describes how EPA will work with its partners in states, tribes, territories, local governments, and businesses to promote a healthy and prosperous nation that is more resilient to a changing climate with a particular focus on advancing environmental justice.

Jan, 2022

Sandy Posa, cofounder and CEO of Force of Nature, was featured in INC. magazine’s “5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies.” Force of Nature, an environmentally friendly cleaning and sanitizing product, was ranked #405. See page 148 in the September 2021 issue.

Jan, 2022

Peter Hollmann ’79 MD, chief medical officer at Brown, was appointed to lead the American Geriatrics Society, a national society of 6,000 healthcare professionals across the United States. The one-year term ends in 2022.

Nov, 2021
In the news

Griffin Rodgers ’76, ’79 MD, ’79 MMSc, director for the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, was named the 2021 honoree of the National President’s Award by the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP). He was honored in recognition of his “relentless dedication to the kidney patient community, public service, and America’s historic role as a leader in advanced research, medical innovation, and kidney care treatments.”

Aug, 2021

Wendy Rowden was recognized by Crain’s New York Business as a 2021 “Notable in Nonprofits and Philanthropy.” She took the helm of nonprofit Building for the Arts in 2015 and has focused on deepening the organization’s impact in the communities it serves. Its two signature projects are Theatre Row and Music and the Brain. She writes: “I couldn’t have done this heavy lift without the support of my life partner (and college sweetheart), John Carton.”

Aug, 2021

Emerson Coleman continues to develop and launch new media projects in his role as senior vice president of programming for Hearst Television, where he created the weekly national political show Matter of Fact with Soledad O’Brien and the Matter of Fact Listening Tour digital series The Hard Truth About Bias: Images and Reality and To Be an American: Identity, Race and Justice, streaming at

Apr, 2021

Steven Willensky announces that Hudson Theatre Works streamed the world premiere of his musical Elliot and Me. The musical is a funny, heartfelt story of brotherly love featuring music written by his late brother Elliot, who penned hit records like Michael Jackson’s “Got To Be There.” 

Mar, 2021
Listen Well
10 Podcasts by Brown alums Read More
Jan, 2021

J. Patrick Truhn married Michael Andreas Peters on Oct. 7, 2019, at the historic Villa Kogge in the Standesamt of Berlin-Charlottenburg. Classmate Barbara Dooley was in attendance. The couple resides in Berlin.

Jan, 2021

Jeremy Butler retired from the University of Alabama last summer, after teaching TV and film courses for 40 years. “So much of my identity is wrapped up in teaching that I couldn’t quit cold turkey. Last February I agreed to teach a fall 2020 seminar in a special UA program that promotes the liberal arts. Stupid me! I did not anticipate the seemingly unending global pandemic. Teaching via Zoom is awkward and weird, but I’m still enjoying it. Retirement plans? Survive the seemingly unending global pandemic.”

Jan, 2021
Black Girl Magic
In the wake of the 1968 Black Student Walkout, a chapter of the politically engaged, storied Black sorority Delta Sigma Theta was born at Brown. Read More
Aug, 2020

William Tanenbaum is the editor of International Comparative Legal Guide to Digital Health 2020 and the author of the introductory chapter entitled “Digital Health, New Technologies and Emerging Legal Issues.” Bill is an IP and technology lawyer and the practice chair of HealthCare Technology & Innovation Group at the law firm Polsinelli. He was named a lead name in AI and a go-to expert on data by Who’s Who Legal. As class president, he encourages all ’76ers to join the next reunion. 

Aug, 2020

Elizabeth Robertson Laytin reports: “Tom McMahon spearheaded a creativity chain via email a few weeks ago and other ’76-ers joined in. Tom wrote the song ‘Existential Barstool Blues’ and sent the MP3 to his classmates. Craig Scott responded with a poem. Alice Drueding, with husband Joe Scorsone, designed a poster to encourage people to follow social distancing guidelines, and Russ Pollack uploaded his performance on guitar.”

Jun, 2020

Steve Leara (see Bob Tracy ’76).

Jun, 2020

Bob Tracy writes: “My wife Kathy and I live in Hoover, Alabama. We are experiencing empty nest syndrome as our daughters, both Ole Miss graduates, are living in Nashville, Tennessee. Our oldest girl was married on March 2 in Birmingham, Alabama. Mike Bernert and his wife attended, as well as Steve Leara ’86 and his wife. I have been in the carbon and graphite business for nearly 44 years, all with the same company. There is no retirement date in sight. My wife and I would certainly enjoy hearing from Brown friends.” Contact Bob at [email protected].

Jun, 2020

William Grebenc writes: “I retired in June 2019, having been employed in various commodity trading positions with Continental Grain, Cargill, Peabody Energy, and COFCO International.”

Apr, 2020
Explorer Barbie
Boots made for walking and other amazing accessories Read More
Apr, 2020

Steven Maricic writes: “In my novel Defense Mechanism, Colonel Sam Sawyer, the chief of security at a crucial Air Force base in the Arizona desert, learns of a plot to destroy the U.S. in a massive attack and tries his best to stop it. The antagonist, Johnnie Lonetree, is Native American, and Native culture pounds like a drum throughout the tale. In one sense it is a suspense story, but on another level it is about the psychological defense mechanisms all of us employ:
how we protect ourselves, often without knowing it, from the slings and arrows of harsh reality. Visit for more.”


Nov, 2019

Julia Hazen married Zev Simpser on June 8. In attendance were Michelle Beaulieu, Sally Berman ’81, Kimbie Casten, Hillary Dixler, Dave Eichler ’09, Liz Berman Hazen ’76, Ned Hazen ’73, Lara Henneman ’07, Howell Jackson ’76, Nancy Leopold ’76, John Magladery ’73, Jordan Middendorf, Connie Berman Moore ’85, Nina Mozes, Stuart Schussel, and Jeff Wagner ’73.


Nov, 2019

Anna Bobiak Nagurney ’80 ScM, ’83 PhD continues as the John F. Smith Memorial Professor of Operations Management in the Department of Operations and Information Management at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst. This past January she was a keynote speaker at the science festival, Congreso Futuro, in Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile. Also on the program was the Nobel Laureate Brown Professor Michael Kosterlitz. During Anna’s final year in the applied mathematics PhD program, she had an office cubicle in a room in Barus and Holley directly across from the office of Professor Kosterlitz, who had just joined the Brown physics department. In May, Anna became a Fellow of the Network Science Society. In late June and early July, she participated in three weeks of European conferences. At the 30th European Conference on Operational Research in Dublin she presented a tutorial, “Game Theory and Variational Inequalities: From Transportation and Supply Chains to Financial Networks and the Internet,” and spoke on the “Women in Operational Research” and the “Making an Impact” panels. The following week, in Kalamata, Greece, she co-organized the fourth Dynamics of Disasters Conference. Finally, she traveled to Metz, France, where at the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization, she was awarded the Constantin Caratheodory Prize in Global Optimization and delivered the prize lecture, “Tariffs and Quotas in Global Trade: What Networks, Game Theory, and Variational Inequalities Reveal.” She is the first female to receive this prize. The trip ended with two days of vacation in Paris for her and Lad ’74 ScM, ’86 PhD.


Nov, 2019

Liz Berman Hazen writes that her daughter Julia Hazen ’08 married Zev Simpser on June 8. In attendance were Michelle Beaulieu ’08, Sally Berman ’81, Kimbie Casten ’08, Hillary Dixler ’08, Dave Eichler ’09, Ned Hazen ’73, Lara Henneman ’07, Howell Jackson ’76, Nancy Leopold ’76, John Magladery ’73, Jordan Middendorf ’08, Connie Berman Moore ’85, Nina Mozes ’08, Stuart Schussel ’08, and Jeff Wagner ’73.


Sep, 2019

Nancy Harris writes: “My husband, Brad Parsons ’76, and I enjoyed seeing our youngest son Colby Parsons ’19 graduate. He joins his older brothers, Spencer Parsons ’13 and Cameron Parsons ’14. With all the boys living in different cities in the coming years, we can now happily look forward to seeing them at the many Brown reunions ahead.”


May, 2019

Maxwell “Mac” Sturtz, who turned 100 on Jan. 24, marked this special milestone with a grand party attended by more than 60 close friends and relatives who came from far and wide to celebrate with him at Primavera Restaurant in Croton Falls, N.Y. In honor of his centennial, the Westchester County board of legislators declared January 24, 2019, “Maxwell Sturtz Day.” Mac also received a number of letters and accolades, including a certificate from Brown University and the Brown Alumni Association. Congratulatory letters and toasts were presented by his daughter, Laura Sturtz Kleinman ’77, and his son, Ted Sturtz ’80. Attilio Cecchin ’78, recruited by Mac and who has stayed in touch over these many years, made a presentation to Mac from the Brown Football Association in recognition of his successful efforts in the 1970s to draft players for Brown football, including Eliot Warner ’76, and Kevin Webb ’78, both of whom played on the 1976 Ivy League Championship Team.

Mar, 2019

Tom Wadden and George Bray ’53 published Handbook of Obesity Treatment, Second Edition (Guilford Press). Tom writes: “George and I were pleased to recall Brown in the book’s acknowledgement section: ‘We also pay tribute to our alma mater, Brown University, which we both attended as undergraduates more than 20 years apart, and left inspired to pursue careers in science. Little did we know that our paths would cross again in our efforts to treat obesity and diabetes. And finally, we thank our wives (whom we both met at Brown) for their love, support, and understanding.’ We are also principal investigators in Look AHEAD, a study investigating the long-term health consequences of weight loss and increased physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity run by professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the Alpert Medical School, Dr. Rena Wing. Delia Smith West ’81 was the principal investigator from the University of Alabama. The Look AHEAD study is funded by the National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Disease, which is directed by Dr. Griffin Rodgers ’76.


Mar, 2019

Walter S. Bopp writes: “My wife, Marguerite, and I moved to Jamestown, Rhode Island, full-time at the beginning of last summer. We had many guests visit us, including Ned and Liz Berman Hazen ’76. I had a fun time at reunion getting to catch up with Dana and Jim Hahn  and George Kapner, my freshman roommate. Doug Squires, our class treasurer, and I stay in frequent dialogue. Doug and Maggie stayed with us as well last summer.”


Jan, 2019

George P. Caraberis writes: “With our daughter Jennifer Caraberis ’08 living in South Boston and our son Brant and his family living in Natick, Massachusetts, Janice and I are regular visitors to Camp Bruno for football and lacrosse. We often tailgate with Joan and Mike Bernert ’76 and Fred and Lori Goldstein Polacek ’80.”


Jan, 2019

Nancy Siwoff Gilston and her husband Bruce write that they are having a wonderful time watching their family grow. Their two sons and their wives have each welcomed a son; Hank was born on Mar. 18 in Nashville and Hudson was born on Apr. 21 in New York.

Jan, 2019

Susan L. Einbinder is still teaching at UConn but will be visiting faculty at Brown this spring semester. Her new book, After the Black Death, was published in June by the University of Pennsylvania.


Jan, 2019

Craig K. Civic married Beatriz Elena Mujica on Sept. 22 at Brenton Point in Newport, R.I. Judge Colleen Hastings performed the ceremony and Liz Lussier, a development associate in the division of advancement at Brown, was their photographer. Craig writes: “Beatriz is from Colombia and we met on in 2007. It was Beatriz’s second marriage and my first. We had a pre-honeymoon last fall with three weeks in Monterey, California, and Maui, Hawaii.”


Jan, 2019

Thomas C. Albertson is living in Redding, Conn., with his wife, Cathey, to whom he has been married 34 years. They have three grown children. Their oldest son is in the Army, a daughter lives in New Zealand, and the youngest son works for a craft brewery in New York City. Thomas worked for 25 years on Wall Street as an institutional equity sales trader and lived in New Canaan, Conn., where he also ran the youth lacrosse program for 15 years. He still follows Brown lacrosse. Currently he is working with Jim Love ’78 at a subsidiary of CVS which bought the company last year.


Nov, 2018
Walkout Celebration
This year’s Black Alumni Reunion honored the 50th anniversary of a seminal event in Brown history Read More
Nov, 2018

Jeff Shapiro ’76 writes: “After 36 years as a retail pharmacist, including owning my own pharmacy, as well as managing for Fairview and Walgreens, I accepted a job working for LeafLine Labs, which operates a medicinal cannabis operation in Minnesota. I am the clinical pharmacist at the Hibbing dispensary. Minnesota is one of only four states that utilize pharmacists to determine which products the patients get and currently recognizes 14 medical conditions ranging from seizures to intractable pain, cancer, autism, muscle spasms, Tourette Syndrome, and Crohn’s disease. Minnesota allows oils, liquids, tinctures, and topical creams. In the two years I have been doing this, I have seen patients from three months of age to 94 years of age, and the results have been outstanding.”

Sep, 2018
In the news

DEBRA LEE ’76, as reports, has announced her departure as chair and CEO of BET Networks, where she began in 1986 as their first general counsel. Her supervision led to the creation of BET Her, the first television network designed specifically for African-American women, and, as well as such records as the most-watched sitcom premiere (“The Game”) and highest-rated biopic (“The New Edition Story”) in cable history. She plans to continue her work to advance the rights of women and people of color with organizations like Time’s Up and the Recording Academy Diversity and Inclusion Task Force.


Sep, 2018

Maria Defino Whitsett writes: “After 36 years in educational research, administration, and policy analysis, I retired in June 2017 to spend time relaxing, traveling, and pursuing the making of a perfect baguette. My husband doesn’t mind eating all of my practice runs.”

Sep, 2018

Paul Koza writes: “I caught up with Mike Bernert and his wife, Joan, and Richard Gamble ’74 and his wife, Kathy, in Florida on vacation... Great to see Brown alums in the Keys.”


Sep, 2018

John Sheppard ’78 MD, Jon Dehn ’77 ScM, Solomon Picciotto, and Rich Radice ’76 reunited for a benefit rock concert in Cape Charles, Va., on July 14 to raise awareness for organ donation and target research funding for the Eye Bank Association of America.

Sep, 2018
Weather Warrior
Dispatches from the front lines of climate-change adaptation Read More
Sep, 2018
Meet the New Meat
David Lipman ’76 has created a plant-based burger to satisfy carnivores Read More
Jul, 2018

Deborah Good Miller writes that she is enjoying family, friends, and promoting Brookline, Mass., for notable shops, destination dining, and good entertainment. 


Jul, 2018

Felix Alberto Granados has self-published his first book, Refugee: An American Story, available at It is a fast-paced and entertaining autobiography about his family’s lives in America when they were forced to leave Cuba in 1960 after Fidel Castro took control of the country. It has a chapter about his four years at Brown as a student and captain of the soccer team, which won three consecutive Ivy League titles and finished ranked third in the country. He has a 37-year-old son and a 27-year-old daughter who both work for his real estate development company in Florida. He has homes in Florida, Maui, and Oregon and spends his time working, windsurfing, and exploring new adventures.

Jul, 2018

Maria Defino Whitsett writes: “It’s been a year of transitions for us. I retired from educational consulting and policy work; one son graduated from college last year and now lives and works in San Antonio; and our other son entered the U.S. Army. Hayden and I are readjusting to this flexibility. Fun stuff.”

Jul, 2018

Alice Drueding was one of two honor laureates and judges for the 20th International Invitational Poster Exhibition held at Colorado State Univ. in Fort Collins, Colo. Her work was on exhibit in the Gregory Allicar Museum of Art from Sept. to Nov. 2017.


Jul, 2018

Max Crittenden writes: “I retired in October after 38 years as a mechanical design engineer at SRI International. My wife, Rebecca Alzofon, and I have moved from the Bay Area to Borrego Springs, California. I’m learning to tell jumping chollas from teddy bear chollas, quartzite from marble, and every sunrise is a light show better than The Fillmore in the ’60s.”

Jul, 2018

Jeffry Canin is enjoying life in the Seattle area since 1995. He is engaged in university technology commercialization and clean tech venture investing.

Jul, 2018

Tracy Barrett released her newest novel, Freefall Summer, a young adult coming-of-age story. She has written more than 20 books for children and young adults, including nonfiction, historical fiction, mysteries, fantasy, time travel, myth, fairytale retellings, and contemporary realistic novels. She was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to study medieval women writers and won the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Work-in-Progress Grant in 2005.

May, 2018

Merrill Magner became a partner in the tax professional firm Dean, Li and Magner LLC. She is also enjoying being a grandmother to Amber and Lorelai of Winchester, Va.


May, 2018

Tracy Barrett announces the publication of her 22nd and 23rd books for young readers. Marabel and the Book of Fate (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) was published in February, and Freefall Summer (Charlesbridge Teen) was published in April. Two more books in the Marabel of Magikos series are scheduled for release in 2019 and 2020.


Jan, 2018

Tom and Lynn Graham Goldberg of Westport, Conn., announce the July 29 wedding of their son Mark ’07 to Chrissie Koningiser ’07 in Chittenden, Vt. Mark’s twin brother, Dan Goldberg ’07, was best man, and Dan’s wife, Madelyn Morris ’08, was in the wedding party. Their daughter, Carolyn Goldberg Butler ’05, did a reading at the ceremony. Mark and Chrissie’s classmate, Liz Bird, became a Life Minister for the day and officiated to marry them on a field overlooking the mountains. Many other Brown alums attended, including Ben Aronson ’07, Lydia Dworetzky ’07, Caitlin Fox ’07, Mike Hammond ’08, Jon Hillman ’09, Kathleen Loughlin ’07, Jimmy Lowe ’08, John Nagler ’07 Dan Neff ’74, Nancy Fuld Neff, Matt Newcomb, Elise Meyer, Dan Petrie, Jilane Rodgers Petrie ’06, Drew Rifkin ’07, Sophie Waskow Rifkin ’07, Ryan Shewcraft  07, Jackson Shulman ’07, Kevin Sieff ’07, and David Wishnick ’07.

Jan, 2018
Lost In Space
Brown undergrads are sending a mini-satellite to the International Space Station to test batteries. Read More

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Bruce H. Braine writes: “It took retirement from full-time work last year for me to complete my first book, I’ve Got the Music in Me: A Fan’s View of 1960s and 1970s Rock and Pop Music, which has been self-published through Amazon. It was edited by longtime friend and former Brown roommate John Lum, who has spent the better part of his career in editing and publishing. It represented a labor of love with regard to my longtime hobby of collecting, listening to, and reading about rock and pop music since the early 1960s.” More information about the book can be found at

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Bill Morris’s book, American Berserk (featuring Tom Gleason ’74, Howard Chudacoff, Buddy Cianci, and R.V. Cassill) was published on Mar. 7.

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Jaime Wilson (see Allison Lombardo ’05).

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Harry Haskell’s new book, Maiden Flight, is due out in October from Academy Chicago/Chicago Review Press. Harry writes: “My new book is about my grandfather’s marriage to Katharine Wright and the tragic rupture it caused with her brother Orville (yes, that Orville). It’s my debut as a novelist, though the book is really a work of creative nonfiction. I’ll be promoting it with a series of events in Ohio, the Wright brothers’ home state, including a talk in November at Oberlin College, where our daughter Lucy is a freshman. My wife, Ellen Cordes, is in her 10th year as a librarian at Yale’s Lewis Walpole Library, and I continue to work happily as a freelance developmental editor for W.W. Norton and program annotator for Carnegie Hall.”

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Margaret E. Guerin-Calvert and Preston C. Calvert ’79 MD announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Kate Guerin-Calvert, to Farzad Sharafi this September. Meg heads the Center for Health Economics and Policy within FTI Consulting Inc. Preston writes: “I retired from the practice of neuro-ophthalmology six years ago. I am racing sports cars full-time in the Pirelli World Challenge professional racing series, where I was Rookie of the Year in the GTS class in 2015. I served a term as president of the Brown Medical Alumni Association, and will serve again on the board of directors of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society.”

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Anna Bobiak Nagurney ’80 ScM, ’83 PhD is the John F. Smith Memorial Professor of Operations Management at UMass Amherst’s Isenberg School of Management. She was elected a visiting fellow at All Souls College at Oxford Univ. in England for the 2016 Trinity term, where she will continue her research on supply chain competition and quality.

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Richard Aks (see Matt Aks ’11).

Elliott Negin writes: “More than 80 alumni who lived in the Brown co-ops between 1970 and 1980 celebrated the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Brown Assoc. for Cooperative Housing (BACH) on October 23–25. Del Draper ’73, Dee Michel ’74, David Ray ’77, and I organized the event. The weekend included beer and pizza at the Grad Center Bar on Friday night; a three-hour symposium on Saturday featuring Tony Affigne ’91 AM, ’92 PhD; Susan Colwell ’73, BACH founder Steve Cowell ’72, Barnaby Evans ’75, Anita Flax ’81, as well as Elliott and David. Saturday consisted of lunch at the Ratty, a campus tour, dinner at the Faculty Club, and Sunday brunch at the Ratty. In 1970, Brown told Steve Cowell that the co-ops wouldn’t last more than five years. Forty-five years later, they’re still standing. BACH to the future!”

Sandra Sumner Pankiw (see Sumner Alpert ’49). 

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Andrew Berke ’79 MD (see Caren Lee Caplan ’03).

Anna Bobiak Nagurney ’80 ScM, ’83 PhD (see Ying Yu ’03 ScM, ’07 PhD). 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Skye Dent’s pilot script short, Dame on the Train, won a Writers Guild of America, West, contest and was part of a 10-script reading with the WGA on July 29. 

Russell Kirkland ’76 AM writes: “I reluctantly accepted disability retirement from the Univ. of Georgia, a consequence of my 2012 stroke. Now professor emeritus, I have resumed a scholarly career (of sorts).” His recent publications include: “Chinese Religion: Taoism” in the Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare; his “Taoism” entry in the fourth edition of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics; his “Navajo” entry in Multicultural America: A Multimedia Encyclopedia, a nod to his decades teaching Native American religions; “Zen’s Debt to Confucianism” in Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies; and a four-volume collection on Taoism in the Routledge “Major Works” series Critical Concepts of Religious Studies. He writes that the latter “encompasses 59 innovative articles on the Taoist heritage and Taoist studies today by 39 international specialists (17 women, 22 men). My general introduction distinguishes new paradigms that emerge from their pioneering work from traditional (Confucianistic) notions of 20th-century scholarship as well as from perspectives of the first generation of Western specialists.”

Nancy Fuld Neff (see Elizabeth Trongone ’06).

Kim Scala writes: “This has been a great year. I was honored by the San Francisco Business Times as one of the ‘Most Influential Women in Bay Area Business’; I left the law firm where I was a partner to open my own firm; and I traveled to Vietnam. My proudest achievement is the Women in Business Roundtable program I launched for executive women, where I hosted my friends, Brown University’s former Sports Information Director Rosa Gatti (recently retired SVP, ESPN) and Yale standout athlete Lisa Brummel (EVP, Microsoft, and co-owner of the WNBA franchise Seattle Storm).”

From the May/June 2015 Issue

Robert Miorelli retired after 37 years with Pratt & Whitney and its parent company, United Technologies. He writes: “Retirement with a traditional pension plan is one of the greatest ideas of civilization.”

Harry Sparks writes: “In March 2014, I opened a Window Genie franchise, doing window washing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, and window tinting in South Charlotte, N.C.”

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Skye Dent was honored in January with a “Profile in Success” about her ( ). It was issued by the Univ. of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, where she obtained her master’s. This semester she is an adjunct film/TV/journalism professor at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California, while continuing to develop film and TV projects in southern California. She is regularly in touch with fellow Brown grads Benny Ambush ’73, Paulo De Oliveira ’75, and Reynold Trowers ’75, ’79 MD.

Elaine Lustig Duncan writes: “I took early retirement from Verizon several years ago to facilitate a move to the Pacific Northwest after my husband got a job with Amazon. We moved two years ago. I’m switching from law to freelance editing and looking forward to the next reunion.”

Elizabeth Robertson Laytin reports that the class of 1976 threw a 60th birthday party on Sept. 20, featuring performances by the 76 Picks band members. The party, hosted by Elizabeth, Jonathan Gregg, and John Igoe, was held in New York City at Dubway Studios, a recording studio owned and operated by Al Houghton ’79 for more than 30 years. More than a dozen musicians shared the stage in groupings that reconstituted various bands of the era. Band members and performers included John Garrett Andrews, Ken Field ’74, Dean Lozow ’77, Joanne Cipolla Moore, Russell Pollock, Nancy Rosenberg (with her brother John Rosenberg ’74 backing her up), and Craig Scott. Ann Dunnington sent her husband, Will Demers, to play guitar and mandolin for the bluegrass numbers, and Tom McMahon’s brother, Mike, played guitar. Joanne Cipolla Moore had Elliott Negin accompany her on vocals. Ken Field’s brother, Richard Field ’78, brought a Big Mother Coffee House poster to hang behind the band. Mundanes drummer Kevin Tooley (whose father was the late Ed Tooley ’55) and Lonesome Debonaires drummer Stan Mitchell joined the band, which also featured cameos by former Clothespins bassist Tom Currier ’82 and Mundanes keyboardist Jim Gillson.

In the audience were Robin Linton Bennett and her daughter, Becca; Elaine Dolan Brown; Laurie Campbell; Linda Clarke ’78; David Conney; Alice Drueding; Jeannie Donovan Fisher ’80; Bill Flanagan ’77; Victoria Floor; Cindy Furlong; Patti Galluzzi ’82; Joan Citrin Goddard ’79 MD and husband Moses ’79 MD; Barbara Krensky Kaplan; Jack Kingston ’78; Gary Lubben and wife Babette; Susan Mazonson; Bonnie MacDonald McEneaney; Charles McNally; Elise Meyer; Vicky Oliver ’82; Lindy Regan ’78; Robin Sandenburgh; Emily Shapiro ’09; Marc Sciscoe and wife Tara; Harley Stone and his daughter, Charlotte ’11; Will Tanenbaum; and Tom Ziola and wife, Jenny. Alumni came from Massachusetts; Pennsylvania; Florida; Indiana; California; Connecticut; New Jersey; Washington, D.C.; Rhode Island; and New York. Ann Frame sent regrets to her senior year roommates, as she was getting married in Moose, Wyo., the day of the party. Leila Taghinia-Milani Heller hosted a wine and cheese party on Sept. 19 at her newly opened New York City uptown art gallery space. 76 Picks has a Facebook page ( ) that announces upcoming musical performances by Brown musicians and friends. The 2012 album 76 Picks, with cover design by Gail Solomon and sleeve design and performance by Dan Knight, includes original songs written and performed by the above participants and by Tyler Carder, Tom McMahon, Mitch Nassar ’80, and Sandy Sandquist ’75.

Melissa McLoud writes that The Oblate’s Confession, a debut work of literary historical fiction by her husband, William Peak, came out on Dec. 1. In addition to teaching in the Masters of Cultural Sustainability Program at Goucher College, Melissa is the social media marketer for the novel. The Oblate’s Confession is set in Anglo-Saxon England during the 7th century. Read more at .

Eric Nissley married Henry Gibson (UVA ’76) on Sept. 9 in a private ceremony at the top of Mount Sugarloaf near Eric’s home in South Deerfield, Mass. Alums at their reception, held Sept. 13 at The Sycamores on Ryder Farm in Brewster, N.Y., included Dave Denekas ’74, Ken Finder ’77 AM, Rick Hershner, Peter Hollmann ’79 MD, and Anne Ryan ’78. Eric writes: “This was the seventh anniversary of our meeting on a blind date instigated by the mutual friend who officiated at our wedding. Having become engaged last February on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i, we spent our honeymoon on the Big Island, where we devoted one day to climbing Mona Kea—a literal high point to complement the several metaphorical ones experienced in the preceding days. Then it was back to work for me as propagation manager at Pioneer Gardens in Deerfield, Mass., and more semi-retirement for Henry, who is an intellectual property lawyer in corporate practice.”

Michael Snouffer writes: “After 10 years working at Hospira, an Abbott Laboratories spinoff, I retired and started working for AbbVie, the latest Abbott Laboratories spinoff. I’m doing what I love: working on the global enterprise resource planning and business process model rollout.”

Bill Tanenbaum was recently named “The Recommended Lawyer in Information Technology Law in New York.” Only one lawyer is designated in each state. Bill was also named as the “Lawyer of the Year” in Information Technology Law in New York in 2013 and as an “IP Star,” a “Life Sciences Star,” and one of the “Clean Tech 100” for his work in intellectual property and technology law. He is a class officer and an officer of the New York Brown Club.

From the January/February 2015 Issue

William Grebenc is vice president of U.S. and export trading for Peabody Energy in St. Louis. He participates in ultra-endurance events and finished Ironman Lake Placid last July.

Barry Heller is president-elect of the American Board of Emergency Medicine.

Paul Koza announces his retirement as executive sales director of Amgen’s Thousand Oaks, Calif., location after 25 years of sales leadership in the biotechnology industry.

John McClees writes: “Both girls are now out of college, but one is starting a PhD program in marine biology. I am working for a startup alternative energy company.”

From the November/December 2014 Issue

After 26 years as professor of cardiovascular disease at the Univ. of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, Judith Soberman has retired from full-time academics. Though she remains director of the arrhythmia device service at the VA Medical Center, she now has more time to continue research and health policy work. Along with her husband, Len Lothstein (Bowdoin ’76), and other colleagues, she established Paradox Pharmaceuticals Inc. in 2010 to develop safer and more effective cancer chemotherapy. As chief medical officer, she designs human and veterinary clinical trials and works on long-term strategic planning. In addition, Judith writes that she is taking advantage of her retiree educational benefits and an empty nest to study studio art and music.

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Claire Josephson Thurston’s new book, The Dad Difference, is available on Amazon. It popularizes new research that shows how fathers impact children in different ways from mothers, including five ways that fathers affect their children and how this influence will help transform our world. She thanks Brown for trusting her to start on this path when she didn’t know where it would lead.

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Tracy Barrett writes: “Two years ago I resigned from my day job teaching Italian at Vanderbilt to pursue writing full-time rather than squeezing it into my academic schedule. It’s paid off; my 20th book for young readers, The Stepsister’s Tale, a young-adult retelling of Cinderella, was published in July by Harlequin Teen, and number 21 is under contract. We moved away from the congested university area and now live on three wooded acres surrounded by deer, foxes, and turkeys.”

Dave Bernstein (see Randy Schwarzmann ’05).

Jeffrey Eckber rode his bicycle from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to the Manhattan Beach Pier in Los Angeles in early April, taking eight days to soak up the 480 miles to celebrate his “60 years on Planet Earth.” He writes that he then “partied down with Brown hosts extraordinaire, Deborah Shaw and Neil Sevy, and Barbara Krensky Kaplan, Michael Ostroff, Lisa Paperno, Carol Huckaba Rosen ’79, Gary Rosen ’75, ’76 ScM, ’80 PhD, and Joanne Topol ’77. Here’s to you, class of 1976. Forever young.”
Caricia Fisher writes: “After 16 years at the Univ. of Maryland, I took early retirement in 2013. I start as a field interviewer (D.C. metro area) for a longitudinal study run by Univ. of Michigan’s Survey Research Center and funded by NIA. My daughter, Natalia Fisher ’08, continues at YouTube and loves living in San Francisco.”

Nancy Ellis Rosenberg (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).

Debi Pino Schwarzmann and Fred Schwarzmann (see Randy Schwarzmann ’05).

J. Patrick Truhn retired from the U.S. Department of State after a 29-year diplomatic career in Korea, Italy, Morocco, Bulgaria, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, France, and Washington, D.C. He now lives in Berlin.

Randy Wingate (see Randy Schwarzmann ’05).

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Phillis Skye Dent has published her first novel, Killing Kin. She writes: “I hope you will buy it from indie bookseller Pegasus Books, because indie book stores are having such a hard time. It’s in the local author section under the name Skye Knight Dent. After a career as a journalist and then a TV/film writer in Hollywood, I spent the last few years teaching as a full-time assistant professor at the Univ. of North Carolina. I am now starting a new career and spend most of my time in Silicon Valley and the Bay Area. I am still frequently in touch with fellow alumni Melvin Donalson ’81 PhD; Reynold Trowers ’75, ’79 MD; and Benny Ambush ’73.”

Fred Duboe writes: “Sue Ellen and I are preparing for an empty nest. Eric Duboe ’14 will pursue investment banking at William Blair in Chicago. Our middle son, Jason (Harvard ’10), is enjoying his career in venture capital at Chicago Ventures and all the excitement it brings to his life. Our oldest son, Mike (Michigan ’07), married his childhood sweetheart, Jenna Lubin, on Nov. 9 and loves his work at Crowdtilt in San Francisco. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Malaysia and we are overjoyed to finally have a daughter.”

Louis Miller writes: “I’ve been in practice for 18 years in Yuma, Ariz., and was formerly chief of staff at Yuma Regional. I have a daughter studying at Barnard and another deciding where she is going to college. I have been happily married for 21 years to Carolyn.”

Nancy Rosenberg (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).

Robert Thurston was named the 2013 Lawyer of the Year by Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly for two cases argued before the R.I. Supreme Court. One case resulted in the expansion of the risk covered by workers’ compensation, and the other secured full workers’ compensation COLA benefits for workers’ widows.

From the March/April 2014 Issue

Daniel S. Knight writes: “Russ Pollock and Laurie Campbell visited my wife, Beda, and me in Maine. Russ brought his mandolin and did some recording in my music studio after pigging out on Maine lobsters.”

Susie Gladstone Schub and Barry Schub announce that their son, Jeff Schub ’07, married Lisa Bonnifield on Nov. 16 at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., where the couple met while interning for U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg. Brother Robert Schub ’06 and grandmother Sybil Pilshaw Gladstone ’43 attended, as did Karen Kudelko ’07, Kevin Patel ’07, and Nedim Durakovic ’07. A clean-energy and finance consultant with the Coalition for Green Capital, Jeff helps launch green banks in New York and around the country. A Miles Fellow with KIPP’s TEAM charter schools in Newark, N.J., Lisa is training to found her own school in 2016.

Robert Tse received the Secretary’s Honor Award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for leading a successful White House Strong Cities Strong Communities initiative in Fresno by implementing a regional economic strategy, including agriculture technology and broadband. This is the second time Robert has received the award. The other was for developing the first long-term agricultural trade strategy, which was presented to Congress in 1996 while Robert was with the Foreign Agricultural Service. He writes: “The two awards show the value of a fungible set of analytical skills and strategic thinking, as the two agencies (Foreign Agricultural Service and Rural Development) have completely different missions. I follow the maxim ‘always think big and act on it.’”

From the January/February 2014 Issue

Roberta de Regt ’79 MD joined the Brown Medical Alumni Assoc. Board and is the area chair of the Alumni Interviewing Program for Seattle and the Northwest. She writes: “Looking forward to the 2014 Commencement and Reunion activities with Mark de Regt ’74 and other old friends.”

Keith Glassman is developing a feature-length documentary, Why American Men Dance, interviewing male concert dancers across the country. He writes: “My performance group continues its invasion into traditional and site-specific locations in the Los Angeles area. Lately it’s been great to connect with Brunonians Max Crittenden; Jackie French ’77, ’82 MD; David Kay; Nancy Lee Padden; Tom Mallouk; and David Ray ’77.”

Debra Spicehandler and Daniel Leonard announce that Alex Leonard (Cornell ’09) married Emily Winograd (Cornell ’10) on Oct. 12 in Paradise Valley in Scottsdale, Ariz. Brown alumnae in attendance were Gina Scheaffer Russ and Lois Nacht Rosen. Alex graduated from Columbia Law School in 2012 and is a law clerk for Judge William Walls in the U.S. District Court. Emily graduated from New York Univ. Law School and is a public defender for Legal Aid in New York City.

Anna Bobiak Nagurney ’80 ScM, ’83 PhD was elected a fellow of INFORMS, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

Joel Scheraga ’79 AM, ’81 PhD writes: “I was honored to be on the team that produced President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, released on June 25. I contributed to the section focusing on preparing our country for the impacts of climate change.”

Lisa Van Dusen joined the Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund as director of Partner Engagement and External Relations after having codirected Leadership Palo Alto for the past two years. Lisa writes: “Interesting times in the civic leadership and philanthropy innovation worlds. I am still doing video interviews of cool people. Our springer spaniel, Eloise, at age 14, is hanging in there with gusto. Our sons, including Daniel Kelley ’13, are thriving out of the nest. Life is good here in Palo Alto. Feeling grateful!”

From the November/December 2013 Issue

Monica Friar (see p. 53, Engagements & Weddings, Julia Riddle Winter ’08).

From the September/October 2013 Issue

Former roommates Sarah Hyman ’79 MD and Karen Margulis London were speakers at a conference in New Delhi entitled “Autism in India: An Indo/U.S. Workshop on Early Intervention & Awareness.” Susan is professor of pediatrics at Golisano Children’s Hospital, Univ. of Rochester Medical Center, where she is also division chief of neurodevelopmental and behavioral pediatrics. She chairs the American Academy of Pediatrics subcommittee on autism. Karen stopped practicing corporate law after her son’s diagnosis with autism and went on to cofound the National Alliance for Autism Research, and subsequently the Autism Science Foundation. After the conference, Sarah and Karen spent 10 days traveling in northern India with their husbands, William Fricke and Eric London. In May 2012, Susan and Karen celebrated the graduation of their daughters, Allison and Rachel, from Washington Univ. in St. Louis. Like their moms, Allison and Rachel were college roommates for three years.

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Kent D. Lollis writes: “I was surprised with two honors this year. In January, I received the first section award from the Assoc. of American Law Schools Academic Support Section, and in February I received the ABA 2013 Alexander Lifetime Achievement Award, which will be presented in a ceremony at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Dallas, Texas.”

Anna Bobiak Nagurney ’83 PhD was awarded the 2012 Walter Isard Award for distinguished lifetime scholarly achievements by the Regional Science Assoc. International. In addition, Anna announces the publication of her latest book, Networks Against Time: Supply Chain Analytics for Perishable Products, which was coauthored by her husband, Ladimer S. Nagurney ’74 ScM, ’86 PhD.

Joel Scheraga ’79 AM, ’81 PhD, is the senior adviser for climate adaptation at the Environmental Protection Agency. In February the EPA released a draft of its Climate Change Adaptation Plan, produced by the Cross-EPA Work Group on Climate Change Adaptation, which Joel chaired. The unprecedented plan provides a roadmap for how EPA will anticipate and plan for future climate changes to ensure it continues to protect human health and the environment.

From the March/April 2013 Issue

David Erikson writes: “My parents are both gone, and I’ve almost concluded finding good homes for their possessions. I have worked to become at ease with being no better than average. I was a pretty good middle school teacher, but I’m an okay carpenter again now. I’ve tried to make this world a better place in a number of ways. I am worried about climate change and encourage all to work to lessen the suffering and disruption it seems likely to cause.”

William Grebenc has been promoted to vice president for U.S. & Export Trading at Peabody Energy in St. Louis. He continues to participate in various endurance events, and competed in the Moab Red Hot 55K in Utah in February 2012 and the Ironman Coeur d’Alene Idaho in June.

Sandra Alpert Pankiw writes: “I am currently a global sourcing manager with PolyOne and just achieved my 25-year anniversary with the company. I am not sure where the time went, but it has been a great ride. My daughter Rachel graduated last year from Kent State and has started her career in advertising. My 18-year-old, Lauren, is a freshman at Kent State and is studying to be a doctor or an artist or both. We live in Westlake, Ohio, and are happy it is once again a ‘blue state.’ Friends are welcome any time.”

Class treasurer, William Tanenbaum is the chair of the Intellectual Property and Technology Transactions Group at Kaye Scholer LLP in New York City. He was named a “Lawyer of the Year 2013” in information technology law in New York by Best Lawyers in America and is ranked in the first tier in technology and outsourcing in New York by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. His recently published articles include “Big Weather and Cloud Computing: Lessons from [Hurricane] Sandy” (Law360) and “Election 2012 Lessons for the Business Use of Big Data” (The American Lawyer’s Law Technology News). His daughter, Kayla, is at Columbia, class of 2014.

Alan Taub retired as vice president of global research and development for  General Motors and is now a professor of material science and engineering at the Univ. of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is enjoying interacting with students and helping to prepare the next generation of engineers.

Daniel Wasser and Marcia Zaiac Wasser ’78 write: “Our youngest daughter, Melissa, graduated from Cushing Academy in May and is a freshman at Syracuse.”

Maria Whitsett writes: “We are happily avoiding the Formula 1 madness in Austin, Texas, and would welcome hearing from classmates.”

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Andrew Berke (see Births & Adoptions, Caren Lee Caplan ’03).

Max Crittenden writes: “As an officer of the Singlehanded Sailing Society, I’ve been involved in the formation of the Northern California Ocean Racing Council in response to the loss of five sailors in a race around Southeast Farallon Island in April. We are working toward a more uniform and effective set of equipment requirements and race management protocols for the many San Francisco–area yacht clubs that run ocean races. On a less somber topic, I was delighted to learn that Alex Mehran ’03, who set a new record in our club’s Singlehanded TransPac race to Hawaii this summer, is a fellow alumnus.”

Elizabeth Robertson Laytin has published Come Here, Go Away, a coming-of-age story for young adults. Reviews by Barbara Kransky Kaplan and Bonnie MacDonald McEneaney appear on Amazon. The paperback can be ordered from Amazon or via Kindle.

From the November/December 2012 Issue

Susan Einbinder writes that after 19 years in Cincinnati, she is leaving her position as professor of Hebrew literature at Hebrew Union College to join the department of literatures, cultures, and languages at UConn. 

Michael Silverstein’s fourth book, The Trillion Dollar Prize, was published in October by Harvard Business Review Press. It is about Chinese and Indian consumer income growth and the implications for the world. Michael continues to work at the Boston Consulting Group as senior partner in the Chicago office.

From the May/June 2012 Issue

Tom Goldberg and Lynn Graham Goldberg’s daughter, Carolyn Graham Goldberg ’05, married Philip Butler on October 29 in a small ceremony at Cap Jaluca Resort in Anguilla, British West Indies. The couple met at the Yale School of Medicine, from which they both graduated in 2010. Carolyn’s twin brothers, Mark and Dan Goldberg ’07, attended. The couple lives in Boston. From the March/April 2012 Issue

Jonathan T. Tanaka writes: “I’m excited that my daughter Jennifer Tanaka ’12 is a senior. Jennifer is concentrating in international relations and psychology.”

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Helen Norris Baker writes: "I have been practicing law at Freeborn & Peters LLP for nearly 12 years, and am active on the board of a nonprofit that provides a safe place for homeless adults to complete medical recovery after hospitalization, and a fresh start to make stable futures. Roland (UCLA) and I keep up with our combined five children—all adults—and three grandchildren. Would love to hear from friends from Brown."

Tom Goldberg, Lynn Graham Goldberg, Tom Tisch, and Elise Meyer (see Engagements & Weddings, John Feuerstein '05).

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Bradley Brockmann has returned to Providence as the first executive director of the Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights at Miriam Hospital and the Alpert School of Medicine. After college, he custom-built furniture, worked as a correspondent in Southeast Asia, dubbed Chinese Kung Fu movies in English, and appeared in a Taiwanese soap opera. In 1983 he received his JD from the Univ. of Michigan and was a Wall Street lawyer. Then, in 1998, he moved to Mexico City to work at an AIDS hospice and did human rights work in Chiapas. Returning to the United States, he earned a master's at Episcopal Divinity School in 2004, and for several years worked as an itinerant preacher and educator for Partakers, a faith-based not-for-profit that educates the public about prisoner rights and prison reform. Until last fall, Brad was a civil rights attorney with Prisoners' Legal Services of Massachusetts, which provides free civil legal services to the state's prisoners in connection with matters arising from poor medical and mental health care, guard brutality, oppressive conditions of confinement, etc. He taught in the philosophy department of Suffolk Univ., and in the theology department of Episcopal Divinity School. In his free time, Brad teaches improvisational dance, movement, and story-telling, and practices yoga and Boabom, a pre-Buddhist martial art. Jane McKenzie Dennison held a welcome dinner for Brad that was attended by Jessie Pepitone and Chris Graham '75, Rick Browning '75, '78 MD, and Scott Young and Marnie Moore Young '77. Brad writes: "I'm thrilled to be back in Providence after more than a third of a century away, and would love to hear from classmates."

David Haettenschwiller writes: "When not cycling around Switzerland or northern Europe, I'm most likely to be found at work at HSBC Private Bank in Geneva. I stay in touch with Brown as a leader of the alumni in Switzerland who interview the bright, ambitious, and accomplished candidates who want to follow in our footsteps."

Dorothy Chandler Saynisch continues to live and work in Haddonfield, N.J., with her husband, Michael. Their son, Philip, graduated from Penn in 2009, and daughter Olivia, will graduate from the Univ. of Maryland in 2012. Dorothy also interviews local Brown applicants.

From the May/June 2011 Issue [35th]

Anthony Bruzzese '80 MD (see Alec and Jessica Galante O'Neill '03).

Elaine Lustig Duncan retired from Verizon as west region general counsel after almost 20 years. She is enjoying the free time and exploring alternatives, including attending the 35th reunion.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Tracy Barrett's 17th book for young readers, King of Ithaka, was named one of School Library Journal's best books of 2010. Her 18th and 19th books will be out in 2011. More information is available at She lives in Nashville and teaches Italian at Vanderbilt Univ.

Russell Pollock and Laurie Campbell (see Engagements & Weddings).

Victoria Floor (see Engagements & Weddings, Russell Pollock).

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Don't miss your chance to reminisce, catch up with old friends, and meet new friends. Plan to be at Brown Friday through Sunday, May 27–29 for our 35th reunion. Highlights of the weekend will include the class welcome reception, Campus Dance, class dinners, and the Commencement procession. Visit the class of '76 website at to send in your latest news, update your e-mail or contact information, and link to the class Facebook page.

Tracy Barrett's 17th book, King of Ithaka, was published in 2010. The Missing Heir and The Dark of the Moon will be published this year. Tracy lives in Nashville, Tenn., where she teaches Italian at Vanderbilt.

Tom Del Prete published Improving the Odds: Developing Powerful Teaching Practice and a Culture of Learning in Urban High Schools, an outgrowth of his work as director of the Hiatt Center for Urban Education at Clark Univ. combining teacher education and school partnership in a diverse, low-income section of Worcester, Mass.

Barbara Elkins is the director of verbal skills at the Educational Testing Service, where she has been for 12 years, after teaching for 16 years at the Lawrenceville School (N.J.). She writes: "It's an exciting time to be involved in assessment, and I really enjoy the work." Her husband, Tim, teaches math at Lawrenceville. Their daughter works for a public relations firm in New York City after graduating two years ago from Vassar, and their sons are both juniors in college, one at Sarah Lawrence and the other at Hampshire. She writes: "One more year of college tuition after this one, and then we can worry about what they'll do next!"

Fredrick Fish '79 MD and Steven Pavlakis '79 MD (see Engagements & Weddings, Alexandra Pavlakis '05).

Janice Rogers is in her seventh year at Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill, Mass., where she is an assistant dean for developmental education and ESL. Janice writes that her husband, Tim, defies his cancer diagnosis by continuing to manage the Wicked Cool for Kids summer programs as well as its after-school science and art programs. Janice's daughter, Jamie, 22, is immersed in technical theatre, and their son, Evan, 20, is making his way in California and sees music in his future. Janice writes: "I hope to meet up with friends at our 35th reunion!"

Joel D. Scheraga '79 AM, '81 PhD is a member of the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health, which received a 2010 Presidential Award, the Green Dream Team Award, on Oct. 7, for outstanding efforts to promote and improve the goals of President Obama's executive order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance.

Harry Sparks announces that his older daughter, Jackie, was married on May 30 at the Third Degree Glass Factory in St. Louis, Mo. The groom is a PhD candidate in biblical languages and civilizations at Penn. The bride has started Bacovcin Embroidery to create handmade custom-embroidered items. The couple resides in Bala Cynwd, Pa. Harry's younger daughter is a junior with a double major in history and music at Case Western Reserve in Cleveland.

Bob Tracy, his wife, Kathy, and their two daughters all look forward to attending his 35th reunion this spring. He looks forward to hearing from classmates.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Bridget M. Healy, executive vice president and chief legal officer of ING Insurance Americas, oversees its legal and compliance functions in the United States and Latin America, in addition to external affairs in the United States. Previously, Bridget was senior vice president and group general counsel at The Travelers Companies Inc. and vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary for Becton Dickinson and Co. Prior to that, she practiced law in the United States and Europe for nine years. She was honored on Legal Momentum's 40th Anniversary, which hosted an Honors Groundbreaking Women Executives at the Aiming High Awards Luncheon.

Nalini M. Nadkarni is a forest ecologist and professor of environmental studies at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash. On May 4, the National Science Board honored her with a Public Service Award. Previous recipients have included Jane Goodall, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Stephen Jay Gould, and Alan Alda.

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Fred Duboe continues to deliver babies and is vice chair of the ob-gyn department at St. Alexius Medical Center in Ill. His youngest son, Eric Duboe, will enter Brown in September. Son Jason was an All-American lacrosse midfielder at Harvard and graduated in May. Oldest son Mike is a management consultant at Bain in Chicago. Fred writes: "We are excited to be returning to Brown for Convocation in the fall."

Lisa Van Dusen's son, Daniel Kelley '13, transferred to Brown as a first-semester sophomore in January.

Donna Bell Palmer works for the U.S. Treasury Dept. and lives in northern Calif. with her husband, Gordon. Donna would love to hear from Brown friends.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

The daughters of Susan L. Hyman '79 MD and Karen Margulis London '76 are now roommates at Washington Univ. in St. Louis in the dorm Susan's husband lived in as a sophomore. Susan is now division chief of neurodevelopmental and behavioral pediatrics at the Univ. of Rochester. Karen is a founder of the Autism Science Foundation.

Carol Bocaccino Kelly '79 MD writes that her daughter, Erin Kelly '07, married Dade Veron '07 on Nov. 7 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Elmsford, N.Y. Father Henry Bodah, Catholic chaplain at Brown, concelebrated their Mass.

Keith Phillips recently became chief financial officer of Brandywine Senior Living, which owns and operates 19 assisted living facilities in N.J., Penn., N.Y., Conn., and Del., after 16 years as chief financial officer for Wellman Inc.

Joel Scheraga '79 AM, '81 PhD was appointed the new Senior Advisor for Climate Adaptation in the Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation of the Environmental Protection Agency. He officially moved to the Office of the Administrator on Jan. 3.

Valerie Stevens (see Richard Kagen '76 MD).

Leslie Perham Strauss, after teaching science on the west side of Chicago, is now looking for a new job. Her son, Ben, is working as a press person for Ill. Representative Mike Quigley. Her daughter, Rebecca Strauss '11, is spending a semester at the Sorbonne in Paris. Her husband, Jonathan Strauss, recently started his own law practice.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Jeremy Butler writes: "I've been grappling with issues surrounding film and television style since my independent concentration in film studies. I finally published a book on the topic: Television Style. Semiotics concentrators and former Brown Film Society members will no doubt see Brown's influence on me."

Nancy Rosenberg writes: "I embarked upon a doctorate in music education at Boston Univ. in 2005 and am happy to say that, as of my recent dissertation defense, I am officially a doctor of musical arts. My dissertation, 'Rethinking U.S. College Music Theory Education from a Popular Music Perspective,' follows years of teaching, thinking about, and listening to music, and while I am delighted to put it behind me, I also feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to research and write at this point in my life and career. My two children, Benjamin, 25 (Sarah Lawrence '06), and Emily '09, continue to amaze me, impress me, and keep me laughing."

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Marcia Kerensky Coodley has lived with her husband Gregg, and their children, Sam, 20, Rachel, 18, and twins David and Miriam, 6, in Portland, Ore., since 1989. Gregg and Marcia met in medical residency and set up a community medical clinic in 1997. There are 15 doctors in the group. Marcia is also an aspiring painter. Ethan DuBois (see Hilary Farrell '05).

Peter Gosselin lost his wife, New York Times correspondent Robin Taylor, to cancer Dec. 12, 2008. The couple's twins, Nora and Jacob, are now 12. On Feb. 12, Peter resigned as chief economics correspondent for the Los Angeles Times to join the Obama Administration as chief speechwriter for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. They now live in Washington D.C.

Mary Fasenmyer Robinson has been named president and CEO of the National Council for Adoption. Mary has served a range of nonprofit organizations as founder and president of Capacity Partners Inc., a consulting firm specializing in philanthropy and nonproit-management services. She lives in Bethesda, Md., with her musician/songwriter husband, Peter; her son, Nathan, who is now a freshman at Goucher College; and a daughter, Evie, a high school junior.

Douglas Troeger worked as a chemist before earning a doctorate in mathematics from the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. After teaching at Stevens and at Syracuse, he is now in his tenth year as chair of the computer science department at the City College of New York. He lives with his wife, Barbara, and their three sons in Larchmont, outside New York City. Barbara graduated from Vassar; her brother is Delbert Field '74.

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Patti Bond fulfilled her dream of moving to California ten years ago. She lives in Santa Cruz with her husband and two daughters, and they love the culture, the Mediterranean climate, the organic food, and the natural beauty of the Central Coast. Her business as a marketing consultant, publicist, and copywriter continues to thrive.


From the September/October 2009 Issue

Connect with us at the Brown University Class of 1976 Facebook page.

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Jeff Brown writes: "What goes around comes around. I find myself back at the family fortress after Brown and many other adventures, helping my spry 78-year-old mother care for my bedridden 85-year-old father, a World War II veteran. I've been writing a lot lately: poems, stories, even a novel, titled The Sheiks of Al-Anbar. Agents, publishers, and classmates, drop me a line if you have the time."

Becky DeLamotte continues to run her artist management company, Americas Musicworks, which represents Boston-based classical and jazz ensembles that tour nationally and internationally. She recently returned from a concert tour in Thailand where the Duo "2," with flutist Peter H. Bloom and pianist/harpist Mary Jane Rupert, gave two world premieres. She writes: "This was the ideal business trip. The concerts went beautifully, the travel went smoothly, and we had a little time (not nearly enough) to see some sites in this spectacular country."

Frederick Fish '79 MD and Lisa Humphrey Fish '77, '81 MD write that their youngest son, Colin '12, is becoming well acquainted with the Seekonk River, rowing with the freshman crew.

Edward Martin accepted a position as chief medical officer at Home & Hospice Care of R.I. He is also a staff physician at several Providence hospitals and a clinical associate professor of medicine at Brown's Warren Alpert Medical School.

Stephen J. Meister has left his pediatric practice for a position as medical director for the Maternal Child Health Division of the Maine CDC and is still enjoying living in Maine.

From the May/June 2009 Issue

David Fojo has been practicing architecture in Trinidad and Tobago for the last eight years (

Robert Tse was appointed by California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jan. to be Deputy Secretary of Trade Development for the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Robert writes that 2008 marked three milestones for him: "I organized the first official California agriculture visit to Cuba, successfully concluded efforts to create a 'California friendly' U.S. Farm Bill, and facilitated the appearance of California strawberries at the Olympic Games in Beijing, China. I also spoke at the Slow Food Nation '08 Change Makers Day in San Francisco."

From the March/April 2009 Issue

William B. Carey was appointed by Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin to be the new Superior Court judge in Ketchikan, Alaska. After more than 28 years in Anchorage, William and his wife, Kathleen, relocated to Ketchikan, and he began his duties in February. He writes: "Friends and classmates are encouraged to get off the cruise ship and come up to the courthouse to say hello."

Craig Heimark and Libby Hirsh Heimark (see Haley Allen '06).

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Caricia Fisher is program coordinator for the new biophysics program at the Univ. of Maryland. Her daughter Natalia '08 has moved to Hyde Park, Chicago, and works as a web designer at the Univ. of Chicago, after working in Providence over the summer. They would like to hear from friends.

Daniel S. Harrop '79 MD was awarded Papal Knighthood in September 2008 as a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre. The ceremony was at the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul, Providence.

Joel Scheraga '79 AM, '81 PhD was awarded a Bronze Medal for Commendable Service by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Sept. 17. The award cited Joel's "leadership role coordinating and integrating climate change activities across EPA, and increasing awareness of the implications of climate change to the Agency's mission."

Andrew Woodruff works as vice president of research, design, and engineering at Live Tissue Connect in Santa Barbara, Calif., developing new electrosurgical tools. He writes: "I have a bicoastal lifestyle with a home in Connecticut and alternate weeks at each location. I also continue to play cello and am a tenured member of the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra."

From the November/December 2008 Issue

Barry Schub and Susie Gladstone Schub (see Sybil Pilshaw Gladstone '43).

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Preston C. Calvert '79 MD was recently voted president-elect of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, following several years of service on the Society's board of directors.He remains in neuro-ophthalmology private practice in Alexandria, Va., and is on the part-time faculty of the department of neurology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His wife, Margaret E. Guerin-Calvert, is vice chairman and senior managing director of Compass Lexecon, a premier economic consulting firm. He writes that their daughter, Kate, just graduated cum laude from Kenyon College, making her parents very proud. Kate was an intern with the FBI for the summer. Preston writes: "Our family enjoys boating on the Chesapeake Bay and other outdoor activities. I still keep in touch with my good friend and freshman and medical school roommate, Michael W. Cropp '79 MD."

Anna Bobiak Nagurney '83 PhD, the John F. Smith Memorial Professor at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst, organized the conference "Humanitarian Logistics: Networks for Africa," at the Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Center on Lake Como in Italy. The conference brought together researchers and practitioners from many different countries and took place, coincidentally, while the events post-Cyclone Nargis were evolving in Burma/Myanmar. The conference website is at:

Ken O'Keefe (see John Sunder '00).

From the July/August 2008 Issue

William P. Barbeosch writes: "I'd like to report that I'm the chief fiduciary officer of GenSpring Family Offices and chairman of Teton Trust Co., the firm's trust company affiliate. GenSpring (formerly known as Asset Management Advisors) is a multi-family office, founded in 1989. The firm serves over 600 families (both in the U.S. and internationally) with more than $15 billion in assets under advisement. Prior to joining GenSpring in 2006, I was managing director and chief fiduciary officer of Citigroup Trust and head of the fiduciary solutions group. Before that I was a managing director with JPMorgan Chase, responsible for a variety of estate planning and trust administration services for private bank clients worldwide. My wife, Marta Varela, is an adjunct professor in the political science department at Hunter College. Prior to receiving that appointment, she was chair and commissioner of the New York City Commission on Human Rights from 1994 to 2002."

Gail Forsyth-Vail's book, Stories in Faith, was published last year. The book is a collection of 19 tales from numerous cultures and traditions. Gail is the director of religious education at the North Parish in North Andover, Mass., and recipient of the 2007 Angus H. MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious Education.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Tony Affigne '92 PhD writes: "This spring I've been appointed visiting professor of ethnic studies at Brown, teaching the University's first-ever seminar on Latino politics. It's been great fun walking across campus, past old and new memories, to teach students the same age as my daughter (a senior at NYU). Who remembers the Springsteen concert in Alumnae Hall? I can look out my classroom window and try real hard not to time travel! If you're ever in town, look me up. I'm still political science department chair at Providence College, where I've taught since 1991."

Lisa Greenwald Beers writes: "Following 24 years of fairytale-like courtship and marriage, my husband, Lewis H. Beers, passed away last September. The overwhelming sadness has been mitigated by both his love of life and the many friends and family who have given their love. My thanks and gratitude to all."

Leslie Engel (see Ulises Giberga '53).

Daniel S. Harrop '79 MD was inducted into the Bishop Hendricken High School (Warwick, R.I.) hall of fame on March 30, 2008. He was also awarded the Alumni Service Award.

Craig Scott has been appointed president and chief executive officer of TargetRx Inc. as well as a member of the board of directors, effective January 2008.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Jill Grigsby '77 AM married Rett Bull, a friend for more than 20 years, in July 2005. Her daughter was the witness in a small ceremony on her patio, and Jan Hammond provided sentimental tears of joy.

Joel D. Scheraga '81 PhD was recognized as an EPA Nobel Peace Prize honoree by EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson on November 26. He has participated in several IPCC Assessments as a lead author and contributing author. C

Maria Defino Whitsett writes: "A winning Hill Country Cowboys football season for Collin (middle school), best-in-show for LBJ-LASA Robotics Club in our central Texas area for Joe (high school), and lots of Boy Scout activities—we're having a wonderful year."

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Harry Haskell’s new book, Boss-Busters and Sin Hounds: Kansas City and Its Star, was recently published by the Univ. of Missouri Press. Harry writes: “It’s my take on the golden age of progressive journalism before newspapers succumbed to the plague of sound bites, blogs, and creeping triviality. After 16 years of editing other people’s books, I left Yale University Press in 2003 to devote myself full-time to nonfiction writing. My wife, Ellen Cordes, is enjoying her new position as head of technical services at Yale’s Lewis Walpole Library. We seem to have passed our love of books on to 10-year-old Lucy, who raced through all seven Harry Potter novels in less than three months.

Kit Kinports (see Ben Gerhardstein ’04).

V. Jane Suttell married Gabriel Zatlin in the backyard of their Connecticut home on June 30 before family and close friends. Bradley Brockmann, who introduced the couple 26 years ago in New York City, presided. Gabriel has his own connection to Brown, having served as associate director of health services in 1977–78 after his return from overseas service in Indonesia and Camaroon. Jane writes that she has taken the Zatlin surname to honor her delight at finding a soulmate in middle age. She continues her design business in Manhattan.

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Andrew Berke ’79 MD (see Caren Lee ’03).

Lonzia Berry ’89 AM (see Celia Wu Sophonpanich ’83).

Rick Fleeter writes: “Ten years since my last report—I must be working too hard. This year’s highlights, starting with hyping my third new book and definitely nuttiest book published this year, Travels of a Thermodynamicist. I’m starting my fifth year as adjunct professor at Brown and living part time at the beach in Charlestown, R.I. I sold my company (AeroAstro) but failed to retire. Per the book, thermodynamicists don’t retire—they prefer suicide. So far neither has much appeal. Nancy is still putting up with me, which I credit to my being mostly on travel in cohabitation time. After twenty-five years, we haven’t reached the seven-year itch yet.”

Felix Granados, captain of the 1975 and 1976 Ivy League champion soccer teams, writes that he is single, alive, and well, living in Delray Beach, Fla., where he is the president of Granados Management Co., a real estate development and management company. He has two kids: Felix Jr., 27, who works for the company, and daughter Adriana, 17. Felix is semiretired and still a jock. He plays tennis, surfs, windsurfs, and rides motorcycles. He spends the summers in Hood River, Ore., windsurfing and enjoying the great outdoors. Felix writes: “Hello and best wishes to all my classmates and teammates. ”

Rich Simpson (see Greg Clark ’94).

Sue Alexander Simpson (see Greg Clark ’94).

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Tim Athan is an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow, is sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and is assigned to the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Science and Technology.

Marilyn Karol Pelosi was recently appointed associate dean of the business school at Western New England College in Springfield, Mass. She has been on the WNEC faculty for twenty-five years and is looking forward to improving the processes of the business school where she taught for most of her tenure. Marilyn is the daughter of Spero Karol '53 and the late Betty Karol, formerly of Cranston, R.I. Prior to taking the position of associate dean, Marilyn and her husband, Richard Pelosi '75, had been granted sabbatical leaves. While on sabbatical, Dick and Marilyn were visiting scholars at Cambridge University. Their children, Christopher, 11, and Erica, 7, attended English schools. Marilyn returned to her job as associate dean in July, and Richard returned to the classroom as a mathematics professor in September.

Ester Robinski and Peter Pickens '74 are living in Wayne, Pa. Daughter Allison graduated from Yale in May, and son Andy will be a sophomore at Duke. Pete is still in private practice in hematology and oncology in Abington, Pa., and Ester is a private college counselor.

Susie Gladstone Schub and Barry Schub (see Sybil Pilshaw Gladstone '43).

From the July / August 2007 Issue

John Garrett Andrews writes: “I have a son, my first child. My wife, Patty, gave birth to Harrison Reed Javsoro Andrews on July 17, 2006. He already has four teeth and a big appetite. I will be 70 (the new 50) when he heads off to college, fall of 2024. I’m celebrating my tenth year in Los Angeles, and am still in the animation business. I’m having a great time.”

Albert Baffoni ’79 MD writes: “I am enjoying the quiet life of retirement back home on the farm in R.I. I’ve been away long and am back where I started.”

Michael Cropp writes: “I remain in sunny Buffalo—the home of the fabulous ‘Buffalo Sabres.’ I am currently CEO of Independent Health, enjoying the challenges of health care in Western N.Y. Brett ’08 is a junior and Ian ’05 is living in Vail, Colo. and writing for the Vail Daily.”

Carol Bocaccino Kelly ’79 MD writes: “Due to the changing climate of private practice in internal medicine and geriatrics, I took the giant leap of leaving private practice. I just started a new position as a primary physician in a federal PACE (Program for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly) in the Bronx. I am excited about being part of this innovative program working at keeping frail elderly at home for as long as possible. I am also excited about our daughter Erin’s graduation from Brown this spring. As a PLME, she will be staying on to start medical school at Brown.”

Sandra A. Pankiw (see Sumner Alpert ’49).

Griffin P. Rodgers ’79 MD was appointed director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, one of the National Institutes of Health, in Apr. 2007.

Dorothy Chandler Saynisch writes: “My husband, Michael Saynisch, and I are enjoying life in N.J. with a son at Penn and a daughter in her junior year of high school. I am one of the many alumni interviewers and enjoy being a part of the next generation of Brown students. I hope classmates and families are all doing well.”

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Russell Kirkland’s 2004 book, Taoism: The Enduring Tradition (London/NY: Routledge), has now appeared in Italian translation: Il Taoismo: Una Tradizione Ininterrotta (Rome: Astrolabio Ubaldini, 2006). In 2006 he presented the So-Koo Distinguished Lecture in Asian Studies at Michigan State University, and the Pitts Memorial Lecture at the Institute of Human Values in Health Care at the Medical University of South Carolina. He is currently professor of religion at the University of Georgia, where he also serves on the faculty of the Asian studies program, the environmental ethics program, and the Institute of Native American Studies.

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Anthony P. Green has been appointed Vice President of Regional Technology Initiatives for Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania. The company develops, manufactures, and markets products and services for the separation and purification of nucleic acids and other biological molecules.

Kristin Holmes-Linder (see Kenneth L. Holmes ’51).

Sally Olver Sondergaard is a partner in a busy ob/gyn practice in Baltimore. She has started to deliver babies for women she actually delivered! Her husband, Neal ’77 PhD, is a senior scientist with the U.S. Navy. Last year he won the David W. Taylor award on behalf of his division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center.

Ashley Warner writes: “I’m a family medicine physician in Bedford, N.H., and am very happy working with my partners in the Elliot Hospital network. I attended the 2006 class reunion and saw classmate Debbie Rice, who was her usual wonderful self. I welcome any classmates coming through N.H. to contact us.”

From the January / February 2007 Issue

William Grebenc was recently promoted to director of trading for Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU). Peabody Energy is the world’s largest private-sector coal company, with 2005 sales of 240 million tons and $4.6 billion in revenues. William is responsible for U.S. domestic trading.

Ann Costelloe Landenberger ’94 MAT writes: “I loved reconnecting with so many classmates and faculty at the 30th. I missed many more, though, so I’ll have to catch them at the 35th, if not before. I am comfortably nested in Williamsville, Vt. I resettled here from Providence ten years ago. My three boys have thrived in Vermont’s spirited climate––Conor, 20, is a junior at Wheaton; twins James and Gordon are seniors at Leland and Gray, though Gordon has just left for Andover’s School Year Abroad in Rennes, France. I teach English and theater at Leland and Gray UHS in nearby Townshend. I direct the school’s theater program, mounting three shows a year ranging from Oedipus Rex and Romeo and Juliet to Guys and Dolls and Peter Pan. I’m artistic director of Journey East, a Sino-American academy and cultural exchange program that we created in 1999 with support from the Freeman Foundation. Every other year we run a school-within-a-school for a term of study in Asian literature, culture, history, demographics, and language. For one month in that term we tour China with an original music theater piece—a show we create to reflect America’s arts, culture, and spirit of improvisation. In late March, I’ll head off for my fifth trip to China with a new batch of thirty teenagers, two Brown alumni children among them! It’s quite an experience for all. It’d be great to hear from other alums in the area.”

Steve Maricic has written a book called Mr. Lucky’s Favorite Poker Games. It’s about a tough teddy bear from Bayonne who journeys around the world and through the tunnels of time learning countless poker variations from many fascinating characters.

Daniel Wasser and Marcia Zaiac Wasser ’78 write: “We are thrilled to have our daughter Maddie ’10 at Brown! In fact, her room is next door to Marcia’s freshman room and both past and current memories are fantastic!”

From the September / October 2006 Issue

Mariana Hogan writes: “My 30th reunion coincided with the graduation of my daughter, Jessica Almon ’06. We had a spectacular celebration. The highlight for me was participating in the Commence­ment procession as a marshal and seeing Jessica march through the Van Wickle Gates. My husband, Bob Almon ’73, and I had so much fun partying with Jessica’s classmates, their families, and all of our family (including ‘Uncle’ Bill Almon ’75) that I missed my reunion events. I’d love to catch up with other members of the class of ’76.”

Barry Kriesberg (see Sheryl Cuker Appleyard ’84).

Barry Schub (see Sybil Pilshaw Gladstone ’43).

Ronnie Sue Gladstone Schub (see Sybil Pilshaw Gladstone ’43).

Rabbi Faedra Lazar Weiss received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from the Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati at its 2006 graduation this past spring. Faedra has worked for Girls Incorporated at its National Resource Center for fifteen years, advocating for girls and young women through research and evaluation.

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Reunion ’06 weekend is almost here—May 26– 28. Return to campus to renew ties with old friends. Start with Campus Dance and finish the weekend by passing once again through the Van Wickle Gates. Visit the reunion Web site for complete details: http://alumni.

Stephen F. Chrabaszcz ’79 AM has been named principal at Toll Gate High School in Warwick, R.I. He was previously principal at Winthrop High School in Massachusetts.

Joel Scheraga ’81 PhD, national program director for the EPA’s Global Change Research Program, is one of the authors of the Health Synthesis report published in December as part of the Millennium Eco-system Assessment called for by the United Nations’ secretary general, Kofi Annan, in 2000. For that work, Joel was one of the 1,360 scientists from ninety-five countries honored on Dec. 19 with the 2005 Zayed Award for scientific and/or technological achievement in environment.

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Russell Kirkland ’76 AM has published Taoism: The Enduring Tradition (Routledge).

Howard Reisman is pleased to report that the youngest of three daughters, Erica, will be attending Brown next fall with the class of 2009. His middle daughter, Andrea, is a freshman rowing her heart out at Colgate, and his oldest, Alexandra, is a junior at Washington Univ. in St Louis. Howard is CEO of Heroix Corporation, a software company that develops performance and availability monitoring software.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Tony Affigne ’92 PhD writes: “After thirteen years in the same office, I’m moving down the hall this summer, to the (slightly) larger digs set aside for the chair of political science at Providence College. Besides its larger closet and sunny southern view of PC’s new performing arts center, the office includes responsibility for 300 political science majors and the state’s second largest and busiest political science faculty. If the paperwork doesn’t bury me (!) I’ll also continue teaching my black studies and environmental studies courses and working on a long-delayed manuscript for Race and Politics in the Americas.”

Tracy Barrett writes that Oxford has published her eleventh children’s book, The Ancient Greek World. More are in the pipeline. “I’m about to start my twentieth year teaching Italian and other subjects at Vanderbilt. I live in Nashville, Tenn., with my husband, Greg Giles, and son Patrick, 16. Laura Beth, 19, just completed her first year at Vassar.”

John M. Freedman has been chief of anesthesiology at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Santa Rosa, Calif., since 1989 and president of Medical Exchange International Inc. since 1999. John recently led medical delegations to Cuba and supervised charity projects in Vietnam, Tanzania, and Mexico, but, he writes, “my major occupation is my family. I met my wife, Christina, in a Brazilian capoeira class in 1983 and we have shared our passion for travel ever since. My daughter Jessica Rae, 17, recently sang at Carnegie Hall and is teaching vocal jazz in Nicaragua. My son John Stephen, 15, notably climbed to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro at age 10 with dad in tow. And dogs Tasha and Fofa always provide us with a wildly enthusiastic welcome home to the wine country.”

Debra Lee, president and CEO of Black Entertainment Television, was named to the Marriott International board. She received the 2003 Vanguard Award from the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and the 2003 Quasar Award from the National Association of Minorities in Communications.

Griffin Rodgers ’79 MD writes that he enjoyed his 25th Medical School reunion, catching up with friends and faculty and learning about Brown’s Initiatives for Academic Enrichment. He reports that he is deputy director of the National Institute of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases at NIH, and was recently elected to the Association of American Physicians and to the American Board of Internal Medicine’s board of directors.

Gregory Rorke was named president and CEO of ProAct Technologies Corp.

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Tobi Klar Kantor and Jon Kantor are thrilled to announce that Allison Kantor will be entering Brown in September, joining her sister Danielle ’05.

Heidi Neumark’s Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx (Beacon) received the 2004 Wilbur Award in the nonfiction book category from the Religion Communicators Council.

Sandy and Yvonne Chao Posa write: “We are happy to report that our daughter, Andrea, will be in the Brown class of 2008. Her older brother, Michael, is at Stanford and her younger sister, Maria, is in sixth grade. Andrea plans to play field hockey.”

Christina Schoen writes: “In September I changed jobs and started in the Citibank Private Bank, making corporate loans to companies owned by high-net-worth bank customers. It’s a great group of people and very interesting work.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

William Barbeosch writes: “I joined the Citigroup Private Bank, where I am a managing director and responsible for trust, estate, and insurance services for U.S. clients. I previously was a managing director with the JP Morgan Private Bank. My wife, Marta Varela, who was commissioner of the New York City Human Rights Commission during the Giuliani administration, is now teaching constitutional law at Hunter College.”

Jeremy Butler writes: “Last April I married Marysia Galbraith, with Brown roommate Patrick Leary ’75 in attendance. Our son, Jeremy Ian Galbraith Butler, arrived on Sept. 27. Oh, and last year I was promoted to professor. Whew. Shouldn’t life’s pace be slowing down now?”

Steven Childs writes: “I’ve been living in London for twenty-seven years. Last year Margaret and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Our son, Julian, is studying psychology at the Univ. of Kent at Canterbury. I’m a technical consultant with Reuters IT Services.”

Mary Kathryn Garrett, a physician, received the Central Florida Women’s Resource Center Summit Award, an honor presented each year to recognize outstanding women in the Orlando, Fla., area who serve as role models in the service of their community.

Bruce Petrie writes: “A Bearish Note: one Bear graduated, Sarah Petrie ’03, and a second Bear has arrived, Dan Petrie ’07. My third cub, Alec Petrie, is in the first grade.”

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Helen Norris Baker writes: “I am a partner at Freebein and Peters, practicing employment law and enjoying living in Chicago with my husband, Roland.”

Rebecca DeLamotte writes that she continues to run her own business, Americas Musicworks, booking concerts for chamber music and jazz ensembles. She lives in Somerville, Mass., with her husband, Peter H. Bloom, a professional flutist.

Kathryn Garrett was honored by the Central Florida Women’s Resource Center at the 19th Annual Summit Awards “Salute to Women” on Oct. 7.

Evelyn Williams is a principal consultant with DuPont Safety Resources Business. She has been with DuPont since graduating from Brown and celebrated twenty-seven years of service in November. Evelyn consults with other companies to assist them in improving workplace safety.

From the November / December 2003 Issue

George Kay and Katherine Merolla (see Armie Merolla ’51).

Joel Scheraga ’81 Ph.D. writes: “As a member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes regional climate change assessment team, I was awarded an EPA Bronze Medal for Commendable Service in September. The award recognizes outstanding sustained contributions to lasting environmental protection of the Great Lakes, the world’s largest freshwater lake system.”

Pam Silverman writes: “Mark Whalen and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on July 29. We are delighted to report that our daughter, Kate ’07, is now on campus.”

From the March / April 2003 Issue

George Caraberis and Michael Wallace, both members of the 1976 Ivy League championship football team, received the Andrew J. Joslin ’65 Award at the 2002 annual Football Association Kick-Off Dinner. The award is the highest honor given to an individual for dedicated service to the Brown football program.

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Dan Harrop '79 M.D. writes that he was one of two candidates competing for a seat in the Rhode Island House of Representatives representing the district encompassing Brown and Providence's East Side. Dan, a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry in the Brown Medical School, is chair of the Libertarian Party of Rhode Island.

Joel D. Scheraga '81 Ph.D. writes that he received a bronze medal for commendable service from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development in August 2002. Joel has published Discounting and Environmental Policy (Ashgate Publishing Company) as part of the International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy. At the invitation of the Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Joel will be a member of the faculty for the first international water-management course in Switzerland in July 2003.

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Adrienne Graves was appointed president and CEO of the Santen Pharmaceutical Company's U.S. operations. She joined the company in 1995 and most recently was senior vice president of worldwide clinical development.

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Sandy Kryger writes that he and Beth have been living in northern New Jersey for sixteen years. Doug, 19, is a freshman at Brown. Lindsay, 16, and Alex, 11, are students at Saddle River Day School. Having recovered from a lengthy illness, Sandy is no longer doing orthopedics but is very happy as the managing owner of three health clubs and runs an active general contracting firm. He writes: "It was quite weird to move my son into his room only two doors away from my freshman room in Jameson."

Stephen Meister writes in April: "My nephew, Richard '03, recently celebrated his 21st birthday, a year after suffering a terrible head injury. Richard has made a miraculous recovery and we are grateful to the Brown community for its incredible support. Special thanks to Dave Zucconi, Mike Goldberger, and Sheila Blumstein."

Bruce Petrie was recently appointed as president of the Cincinnati Parks Foundation. Bruce is an attorney with Graydon Head & Ritchey.

Ron Washburn writes that he is professor of medicine at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, and chief of infectious diseases at the Shreveport V.A. Medical Center. His wife, Deborah Washburn, works in the surgery department at the LSU Health Sciences Center.

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Keith Glassman writes that he is living in southern California and is touring the state with his surfer-dancer performance work, Mavericks. He writes: "It's a far reach from Manhattan, but you can't beat the beaches!"

Paintings by Bruce I. Petrie Jr. were recently featured at Cincinnati Art Galleries. The exhibition, "Defining Light," ran from February through March.

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Patti Bond writes: “I am enjoying a new lease on life since moving to California last year after twenty years in Marblehead, Mass. (a place that would be impossible to beat except for the winters). Santa Cruz is very colorful and alive, and it suits my soul. I am a founding member and chief operating officer of a start-up ( that provides strategic marketing services to early-stage technology ventures. It’s very exciting to help entrepreneurs bring their dreams to life. My daughters are 6 and 10, and while I won’t include my husband’s age, I will say that I am still blissfully married.”

Bridget M. Healy writes: “I was named vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary for Becton, Dickinson and Co., a $3.6 billion multinational medical-devices and diagnostics company headquartered in Franklin Lakes, N.J. I’m still reverse-commuting from New York City, where Alex, 13, is in eighth grade. At work I’m also responsible for government relations, ethics, and environmental and safety compliance.”

David M. Levine has joined ChoiceSeat, an interactive entertainment network, as senior vice president of finance and administration.

Matt Wald, of Potomac, Md., writes: “In May I was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree from the College of Aeronautics in Flushing, N.Y. I keep it with my Brown diploma and my certificate in auto mechanics from the Providence Vocational Technical Facility. (Do any classmates remember that course?) My wife, Wilma Schiller ’76, ’79 M.D., and I have three children."

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Jane Kallir codirects the Galerie St. Etienne in New York City, which held a show of recent acquisitions from June 20 through Sept. 8.

John A. Sisti is an optometrist at the Eye Center of Florida’s new office in North Port, according to the North Port Sun Herald.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Helen Norris Baker writes: "On Feb. 28, 1998, I married Roland Baker, whom a few of you met at the 1996 reunion. After marriage, I left the suburbs behind and moved into the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. I am a lawyer in the Chicago area, practicing labor and employment law and doing ERISA litigation at the Central States, Southeast, and Southwest health-and-welfare and pension funds. These are the benefit funds into which Teamster contributions are made for the greater part of the United States. Roland is president of First Penn-Pacific Life Insurance Co., a subsidiary of Lincoln National Corp. My son, Dustin Burke, was set to graduate in May from the University of Virginia and to work as an investment banking analyst for Salomon Smith Barney in New York City. I have enjoyed frequent visits back to the campus, which never seems to change much, to see my daughter, Colleen Burke ’02. Now I travel as much as possible with Roland, dabble in a creative writing class, and participate in a gourmet group. I am also on the board of our new homeowners’ association. I occasionally hear about other alumni from my sister, Carol A. Norris Brown ’74, who lives in Great Falls, Va., and has marked the occasion of sending her second child to college by returning to graduate school to study organizational development. I would love to hear from friends and classmates, and am eagerly anticipating the 25th reunion."

Jane Kallir is codirector of Galerie St. Etienne in New York City. The gallery’s principal spring exhibition was From Façade to Psyche: Turn-of-the-Century Portraiture in Austria and Germany, which was scheduled to run from March 28 to June 10.

Randy Komisar has published The Monk and the Riddle: The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur.

Judith L. Levy, of New York City, has joined IBJ Whitehall Asset Management Group as senior vice president and senior legal adviser. Judith was previously vice president and legal counsel for Credit Suisse First Boston.

Samuel Press writes: "I have good reasons for being out of touch. I finished a master’s in public administration at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in June 1997 and returned home to found Vermont Energy Future, a nonprofit that promotes consumer-owned companies in competitive energy markets. Despite protestations about losing faith in civil litigation, I couldn’t resist practicing law on the side. A highlight in 1998 was representing Ben & Jerry’s. The biggest news arrived on Nov. 22, 1998, when I awoke after suffering a cranial vascular accident, commonly known as a stroke. Fancy surgery at the University of Vermont hospital saved me, but I am partially paralyzed on my left side. I’m on indefinite medical leave from my firm while working hard to recover. Progress is slow but seems steady. I was in great shape and free of risk factors. After much diagnostic puzzlement, the medical opinion is that a congenital condition is the root cause. I recovered enough to marry my longtime fiancée, Sue Griessel, in October in a small civil ceremony at home. Vermont District Judge Michael Kupersmith ’64 officiated as surrogate rabbi. Sue is a professional potter, so half the house is now a studio and there’s a half-ton kiln in the garage. Sue attended Western Michigan University and the Kalamazoo Art Institute. Her work is shown at the Frog Hollow Vermont State Craft Centers. My intellectual faculties appear to be intact, but the physical recovery process is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Friends cheering me on include Steve Root ’78, Robin Hazard Ray ’77, Brigid Flanigan ’77, and Kate Fleischer ’79. Sue and I live happily at 40 Booth St., Burlington, Vt. 05401. Harry Hollander and Hugh McGuinness ’78, where are you?"

Steve Socha (see Elizabeth Reilly Socha ’47).

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Helen Norris Baker writes: "On Feb. 28, 1998, I married Roland C. Baker in Chicago. Roland (U.C.L.A.; University of Southern California M.B.A.) runs a life-insurance company. I still practice law, focusing on labor, employment, and employee benefits. In May my son, Dustin Burke, will graduate from the University of Virginia and head off to New York to be an investment banker. My daughter, Colleen Burke, will finish her sophomore year at Brown. I’ve had the best time getting back to campus for visits. I’d love to hear from friends and classmates."

Barbara Elkins, of Lawrenceville, N.J., writes: "On Sept. 1, I began full-time work as an assessment specialist for the verbal-content area at Educational Testing Service. I spend much of my time writing and reviewing questions for the SAT, but I also work on other tests and projects, including writing the text for the new SAT Learning Center on the College Board’s Web site. I enjoy the big change from prep-school teaching to working a forty-hour week in an educational corporate environment. I’m still astonished that I don’t have to grade papers at night."

Donald Gordon was named a partner in the Menlo Park, Calif., office of Heidrick and Struggles International, an executive-search firm. He specializes in the firm’s international technology practice. He was previously C.O.O. of Internet Commerce Corp. Donald has served as a board member of several public and private companies and is active in the American Society of Naval Engineers, The Brown Faculty Club, and the Aircraft Owners’ and Pilots’ Association.

Janet Schaffel ’79 M.D. is a practicing ob-gyn in the Washington, D.C., area. She writes: "I have spent the last seventeen years delivering babies and caring for women’s health at Columbia Hospital for Women and as a partner in the Women Physicians Association. My wonderful nineteen-year marriage to Cuban architect Robert Fraga resulted in my own obstetrical experiences. David is 14 and Andrea, 11. I generally manage to successfully juggle the joys and demands of medicine and family. I always enjoy hearing from Brunonians. I was up for our 20th medical reunion last year."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

The Galerie St. Etienne, of which Jane Kallir is codirector, held an exhibition called “European Self-Taught Art: Brut or Naive?” from Jan. 18 to March 11. The gallery is located at 24 W. 57th St. in New York City.

Art Schoeller, of Westport, Conn., was named vice president of marketing and strategic alliances at Dictaphone Corp.’s communications recording systems division. Art is a twenty-five-year veteran of the computer and telecommunications industries and a well-known call-center expert. He was previously a research director at the Gartner Group, and before that an employee of Lucent Technologies/AT&T.

David Siegel has been appointed president and chief operating officer of the Budget Group. Based at Budget’s headquarters in Lisle, Ill., David oversees all operating functions for Budget Rent-a-Car North America, Budget International, and the Budget Truck group. He was previously president of Continental Express, senior vice president of planning for Continental Airlines, and a director of corporate planning for Northwest Airlines.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Class president Dan Harrop reminds all classmates that the 25th reunion will be Memorial Day weekend in 2001. The class e-mail address is [email protected] and the class Web page is Suggestions, which should be sent to the e-class mail address, will be posted on the Web page. A

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Alan Axelrod, of Providence, is assistant dir-ector of planned giving at the University of Rhode Island. His wife, Adelina (Franconia College '76), is senior catalog associate at the John Carter Brown Library. Their daughter, Caroline, turned 4 in October.

Michael Gizzi '78 A.M. read his poetry at the Providence Athenaeum in October as part of a poetry-reading series. Michael is editor of Hard Press Inc. His awards include the Academy of American Poets Award, a Massachusetts Artists Foundation Grant, and the Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative Writing. In 1997, Michael served as poet-in-residence at Brown. His recent publications are Interferon, Rejection, No Both, and Too Much Johnson.

Rosemary Sullivan moved to the San Diego area to serve as vice president for institutional advancement at Southwestern Community College.

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Albert Baffoni, Andrew Berke, Joan Citrin Goddard, Daniel Harrop, Peter Hollman, Carol Boccacino Kelly, Edward Martin, Janet Schaffel, Wilma Schiller, and Margaret Alexander Wiegand (see '79 M.D.).

Emerson Coleman was named vice pres-ident of programming at Hearst-Argyle Television. He has been vice president and director of broadcast operations at WBAL-TV, the Hearst-Argyle station in Baltimore. In his new role he moves to the company's New York City corporate office. Emerson began his career as a writer and filmmaker. He has also worked at WBZ-TV in Boston and at WJZ-TV in Baltimore, where he was executive producer of local programming. He has been honored with national and regional awards from such organizations as the National Association of Broadcasters, the National Association of Television Program Executives, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and the National Association of Black Journalists.

William A. Tanenbaum, of New York City, joined the law firm Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays, and Handler, and was named chair of its newly formed computer, Internet, and e-commerce group. An Internet lawyer, William represents clients involved in electronic commerce and in developing and using software and Internet technology. His articles have been incorporated into the curricula of Harvard and other law schools, and he has been quoted as an authority on intellectual property and technology law in the Economist, the National Law Journal, and other leading legal and business publications. He was elected by his peers for membership in the Euromoney's Guide to the World's Leading Litigation Experts and Guide to the World's Leading Patent Law Experts, as well as in the International Who's Who of Internet and E-Commerce Lawyers.

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Becky Delamotte is vice president of account management at DukeSolutions, a business unit of Duke Energy Co. She lives in Somerville, Mass., with her husband, Peter Bloom, who is a classical and jazz flutist.

Peter Gosselin has been named national economics correspondent for the Los Angeles Times in Washington, D.C. He, his wife, Robin Toner of the New York Times, and their two children, Jacob and Nora, are moving to Washington.

Judith Gourse Hoffman (see Samuel Gourse '40).

Paul Litwack has joined Da-Tech Corp. as chairman and CEO. The company provides contract manufacturing and engineering services to companies worldwide. Previously Paul was CEO of the Philadelphia-based Frankford Chocolate & Candy Co., a position he had held since 1994.

Georgia N. Nigro has been named the Whitehouse Professor of Psychology at Bates College through 2003. Georgia has been a member of the supervisory board for the Maine Court-Appointed Special Advocate Program, and a consultant for child-abuse agencies. She has also worked for local schools on an HIV prevention project.

Dickey Waldron (see Joel Dunn '94).

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Robert Berger was promoted to senior vice president of regulatory/legal affairs at WinStar Communications Inc. In December he was elected to the operating board of the Association of Local Telecommunications Services. In January, he was elected vice chairman of National Billing and Collection Inc., the nonprofit corporation operating under the auspices of the Federal Communications Commission.His opinion piece, "Telecom and the Six Convergences" appeared in the February issue of X-Change magazine. Robert writes: "In a totally separate vein, my short story 'You Don't Forget' appeared in the most recent issue of Confrontation, the literary review of Long Island University." Patricia Maher has been appointed a deputy assistant attorney general in the civil division at the Department of Justice. Trish oversees the offices of consumer litigation and immigration litigation. She lives in Bethesda, Md., with her husband, Bob Reklaitis, and their sons, John and Thomas.

Lawrence Sherwin has accepted a position in international communications at Novartis AG in Basel, Switzerland. After many years in Munich, he and his wife, Amy Zonderman, are moving with their two children to Germany.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Jane Kallir, of the Galerie St. Etienne in New York City, hosted an exhibition of works by George Grosz and Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler titled "Art and Gender in Weimar Germany." The show was the first in the United States to feature Lohse-Wächtler, an artist murdered by the Nazis in 1940.

Paul Koza vacationed with Tom Clark and family - a total of eleven people - in a North Carolina beach house this summer. Paul is coaching his sons (four of them) in little league football. He was also recently named associate sales director of West Dialysis, Amgen.

Mary A. Rogier is still enjoying the San Francisco Bay Area, four years after leaving Boston. She started a new position as president and executive director of the Northern California Community Loan Fund in October. NCCLF is a nonprofit community-development financial institution that provides financing and technical assistance for affordable housing and community developments in low-income communities across northern California.

Lisa Van Dusen writes: "I am living in Palo Alto, Calif., where I enjoy raising our two sons, Ben, 11, and Daniel Kelley, 9, who wear their Brown T-shirts proudly. I am the part-time marketing director of the Palo Alto Weekly. On December 13, I ran the Honolulu Marathon as part of the Leukemia Society Team-in-Training program. Any contributions payable to the Leukemia Society of America are welcomed and can be sent c/o Lisa Van Dusen, 1868 Mark Twain St., Palo Alto, Calif. 94303."

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Alice Armstrong has moved back to the United States after seventeen years in Africa.

Preston C. Calvert '79 M.D., husband of Margaret E. Guerin-Calvert, writes: "Our twelve-year-old daughter, Kate, is starting seventh grade. Meg is a principal with Economists Inc., an economics consulting group in Washington, D.C., where she is busy with an international client list. She is also an officer of the antitrust section of the A.B.A., enjoys gardening, and has developed a new interest in fly fishing. I have just accepted a new position as vice chair of neurology at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Because of this new career development, I am in the process of ending a busy eight-year private practice of neuro-ophthalmology and neurology in northern Virginia. Fly fishing and my beloved Washington Capitals remain other interests for me. We would love to hear from our friends from Brown."

Ken Day was promoted to vice president of selling-support services at Neiman Marcus. "Although I live in a small city in Texas," he writes, "I travel to New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles at least every other month and would love to visit old friends."

Ronald G. Washburn and his wife, Deborah, have moved to Reno, Nev., where Ron is chief of infectious diseases at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno V.A. Medical Center.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Phyllis Curott will publish A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom and Magic of Witchcraft (Broadway Books) this fall.

Tamara Hauck writes: "Who says it can't happen this long after walking through the gates? My husband, Todd Jerred, and I are thrilled to announce the miracle of our second son, Nicholas Robert Jerred, born Jan. 24. He joins brother Alex, 6." Tammi is working as a consumer products marketing consultant in an effort to balance work with the boys' busy lives.

Frederick D. Johnson, his wife, Avery, and daughter, Juliet, moved to Pasadena, Calif., in June 1997. Fred is agency manager for John Hancock.

Georgia Nell Nigro was promoted to full professor of psychology at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. She was named one of two 1998 recipients of the Maine Campus Compact Faculty Service-Learning Award, one of the most prestigious awards for community service in the state. In 1989, she received the Kroepsch Award for excellence in teaching.

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Perry Cheatham writes: "My wife, Susan, and I just got back from Grand Targhee, Wyo. I'm proud to say that we ran the headwall, not fast, but with style. Now we're back home in North Carolina to start our garden and our first beehive. Life is good."

Andrew Rich has moved his advertising and marketing agency to Norwalk, Conn., after ten years in Minnesota. Andrew writes: "It's been a long time. I hope to hear from many of you, especially those who have potential business."

Joel Scheraga '79 Sc.M., '81 Ph.D. was appointed the new program director for the Global Change Research Program within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's office of research and development. The program is responsible for the EPA's assessment of the potential regional impacts of climate change to human health and the environment, assessment of the impact of global change on ecosystem services, and the development of indicators that can be used to monitor global change.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Marc Cardwell, Vienna, Va., is a foreign service officer and recently returned from sixteen months in Beirut, Lebanon. After more than a decade of involvement with Latin America, he has shifted his focus to the Middle East. "It's almost like a career change," he writes. Mark has a 9-year-old son with whom he spends "a lot of time sailing, snorkeling, and developing his soccer game." Marc expects to be in Washington for the next few years and hopes to attend his 25th reunion.

Manuel E. DaRosa, Bristol, R.I., was promoted to chief financial officer at Meeting Street Center, the Rhode Island affiliate of the Easter Seal Society.

Jane Mackenzie Dennison, Barrington, R.I., writes:"Still doing pediatrics in a growing, wonderful practice.Still raising four boys. Still wonder where all the time went!"

Keith Fishbein '80 M.D. and Nancy Feldman (see Selma Gold Fishbein '48).

Bill Holber (see Jose Estabil '84).

Janet Schaffel (see Jesselyn Brown '92).

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Marc Cardwell, Vienna, Va., is a foreign service officer and recently returned from sixteen months in Beirut, Lebanon. After more than a decade of involvement with Latin America, he has shifted his focus to the Middle East. "It's almost like a career change," he writes. Mark has a 9-year-old son with whom he spends "a lot of time sailing, snorkeling, and developing his soccer game." Marc expects to be in Washington for the next few years and hopes to attend his 25th reunion.

Manuel E. DaRosa, Bristol, R.I., was promoted to chief financial officer at Meeting Street Center, the Rhode Island affiliate of the Easter Seal Society.

Jane Mackenzie Dennison, Barrington, R.I., writes:"Still doing pediatrics in a growing, wonderful practice.Still raising four boys. Still wonder where all the time went!"

Keith Fishbein '80 M.D. and Nancy Feldman (see Selma Gold Fishbein '48).

BillHolber (see Jose Estabil '84).

Janet Schaffel (see Jesselyn Brown '92).

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Gary Alger married Caroline Quinn (WCSU '84) on July 20, 1996. "Blending `hers' and `mine,' we now have: Michael, 13, Bethany, 11, Kyle, 9, and Colin, 5," Gary writes. "I'm singing in a men's close harmony a cappella group in Hartford called the Spare Parts."

Stephen J. Meister and his wife, Dessilla McCann, have settled in the lakes region of Maine. "It's a bit chilly in the midwinter months, but the wood stove and a bright kitchen keep things warm inside," Stephen writes. "I'm in a busy pediatric practice, but I find time for my garden, my kayak, and my family."

Lawrence Sherwin is managing director of America One, a joint venture of National Public Radio and Public Radio International for Europe. Amy Zunderman teaches English at the Barcurian International School. Their children Blake, 12, and Emily, 8, attend German public schools.


Jan, 2025

William E. Warren III ’76, of North Richland Hills, Tex.; Aug. 19. He was a self-taught computer programmer and worked at IBM, Electronic Data Systems, and BNSF, from which he retired as a senior systems developer. In 1988, he was ordained a minister in the AME Zion Church and served as the pastor of Redeeming Covenant Church in Dallas. He suffered a life-altering stroke in 2004 but his resilience never waned. He enjoyed singing and was an active member of the Brown Black Chorus and the Gates of Praise Choir. He also enjoyed playing chess, fishing, bowling, and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Joy Wycliff Warren ’77; eight children; seven grandchildren; and extended family. 

Nov, 2023

Russell Kirkland ’76, ’76 AM, of Augusta, Ga.; May 31. He taught at the University of Rochester, University of Missouri, Stanford University, Oberlin College, and Macalester College. In 1994, he began a career as a professor at the University of Georgia in the religious studies department. In 2012, he had a stroke that ended his teaching career, and he accepted his disability retirement in 2014. He enjoyed walking through the neighborhood and by the river a few blocks away. He also had a passion for sports, especially the Atlanta Braves and the Georgia Bulldogs. He is survived by a brother, an aunt, and a niece. 

Jun, 2023

Linda R. Strominger ’76, of St. Louis, Mo.; Dec. 27. She graduated from Vanderbilt Divinity School in 1980 and was ordained in the Missouri East Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She served several churches throughout the St. Louis area during her ministry. Her areas of specialty included urban ministry, youth ministry, and early childhood education. After retiring from the ministry, she enjoyed art through visits to the St. Louis Art Museum, as well as creating cloisonné enamels in her home studio. She enjoyed listening to music at the St. Louis Symphony and Opera Theatre of Saint Louis and playing her piano at home. She also enjoyed reading, especially mysteries and historical fiction. She is survived by a sister; brother Mark Strominger ’78; three sisters-in-law, including Barbara Woodall Strominger ’80; and many nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

Fritz D. Pollard III ’76, of Frederick, Md.; Oct. 26. He worked at Park Police and later started his own alarm monitoring company, Alarmworks. He was an avid sports fan and enjoyed being a member of a bowling league and Alpha Phi Alpha. He will be remembered for his large stature, smile, gentle heart, laughter, and never-ending concern for others. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters.

Apr, 2023

Daniel S. Harrop ’76, ’79 MD, of Portsmouth, R.I.; Sept. 29. After graduating from medical school, he remained in Providence administrating at hospitals in Rhode Island and Massachusetts and establishing a private psychiatry practice. He also held faculty positions at Harvard and Brown. He was a Rhode Island Republican and activist who ran unsuccessful bids for Providence mayor and the R.I. General Assembly. He believed the only way to improve things was to get involved donating his time, talent, and financial resources to many religious, civic, social, and charitable causes. He was involved in numerous organizations where he held leadership roles, including Bishop Hendricken High School, where he served as president of the Alumni Board and chairman of the Board of Advisors Development and Annual Fund Committees, and was subsequently inducted into the Bishop Hendricken Hall of Fame. Other organizations he was involved in included the BAA, Sigma Chi, Brown Club of Rhode Island, Faculty Club of Brown University, Masons, Mensa, International Order of Odd Fellows,  Ancient Order of Hibernians, Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, National Society of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, the Nathanael Greene Homestead, Ocean State Policy Research Institute, Rhode Island Republican Party, Providence Republican City Committee, Roosevelt Society, St. Thomas Becket Association, and McVinney Foundation. He was a Knight Commander with Star with the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and a Past Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus (Fatima Council), as well as a long time trustee for St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church Parish. He enjoyed traveling, a good meal, a good laugh, history, reading, and involvement with the Art Club, Hope Club, and Aquidneck Club, and sitting at Galilee Beach Club for hours watching the ferries and listening to the waves crash on the shore. He is survived by his partner, Jeffrey Harrington; two sisters; a brother; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2023

Dimitri Teague ’76, of Columbus, Ohio; Aug. 1, after a 20-year battle with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. He met his future wife at Brown and together they attended the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and became members of the Columbus medical community. Dimitri completed his residency in general surgery and spent most of his career as an emergency room physician. He also served as the medical director of the Galion Community Hospital Emergency Department. Later he became a medical consultant for the Ohio Bureau of Disability and the United States Military Entrance Processing Command and, most recently, he provided consulting services for the State of Ohio Attorney General. He was a member of the National Medical Association, American College of Emergency Physicians, American Medical Association, Ohio State Medical Association, and American Medical Tennis Association. He served as a board member for Columbus Montessori Schools and the Oriental Martial Arts College. He was published in the Journal of Surgical Research. He earned his black belt in Taekwondo and was an avid tennis player, having won several titles, and later in life he coached the Whitehall High School Boys and Girls tennis teams. He also enjoyed playing the piano, dancing, and vacations in Jamaica. He is survived by his wife, Dr. Delois Bohanon Teague ’77; a daughter; a son; his mother; four siblings and their spouses; and many nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2023

Ann E. Frame ’76, of Jackson, Wyo.; July 9, of cancer. After Brown, she moved to New York City for a short time until she enrolled at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and earned an MBA in 1982. Returning to New York City, she joined Fiduciary Trust as a financial analyst. In 1984, she was hired by Lazard Frères & Co. as a portfolio manager and eventually promoted to vice president. In the early 1990s, after time spent in New York City, she started her lifelong goal to travel the world, keeping Jackson as home base, but often returned to New York to enjoy Broadway shows, restaurants, and museums. A graduate of the Madeira School (Va.), she maintained a close relationship with the school and served on the board of trustees and cochaired fundraising campaigns that enabled the school to provide scholarships for deserving students. She is survived by her husband, Ed Beddow; a sister; a brother; and several cousins, nieces, and nephews.


Jan, 2022

George C. Scott ’76, of Malvern, Pa.; July 29. He spent 15 years as a member of the technical staff at AT&T and was an assistant professor at Rider University for 14 years, a senior manager at AstraZeneca for 11 years, an assistant professor at Temple University College of Public Health, and a lecturer in analytics at Northeastern University. He had a private pilot license and certification in scuba diving. He volunteered interviewing prospective students for Brown and enjoyed woodworking, traveling, and playing trivia games. He is survived by a sister and brother-in-law, nieces and nephews, and his former wife, Julia Scott. 

Jan, 2022

John W. McEvoy Jr. ’76 of Belmont, Mass.; Aug. 25. While at Brown he played football and baseball and was captain of the varsity baseball team. After Brown, he continued to play baseball in the Intercity Amateur League for the next 18 years. He graduated from Suffolk Law School in 1979 and was appointed an assistant Middlesex District Attorney. He served in that capacity for 42 years. During his tenure, he was a supervisor for each of the three regions within the Middlesex DA’s office; as chief of homicide for more than 20 years and as first assistant district attorney for three consecutive administrations. One of his greatest satisfactions was seeing the continued accomplishments of the many talented dedicated assistant district attorneys whom he helped train. He remained involved with sports and his community, coaching several youth teams. He is survived by his wife, M. Jane Walsh; three children and their spouses; three grandchildren; and two sisters. 

Aug, 2021

Beth Hyams ’76, of Portland, Ore.; Mar. 13, of cancer. For more than two decades she was the voice of public radio on Oregon Public Broadcasting. She began her career as a reporter and anchor at Pacifica radio KPFA in Berkeley. In 1989, after moving to Portland, she was a volunteer coordinator at community radio station KBOO and was hired at OPB in 1993. She joined OPB as morning anchor before settling in at All Things Considered. She retired from the air, remaining as editor and focusing on training and development. A lifelong dancer, she danced with the African dance communities in San Francisco and in Portland. She also liked hiking and gardening. She is survived by her wife, L.C. Hansen; a stepson; a sister; a sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2021

Claude Cazzulino ’76, of Pasadena, Calif.; Feb. 26. After Brown, he was a cub reporter for the Daily Record in New Jersey. In 1984, he graduated from Northeastern University School of Law in Boston, where he studied labor law. He moved to Los Angeles and for more than 32 years was an attorney and partner at Schwartz, Steinsapir, Dohrmann and Sommers LLP, where he advised labor organizations and their healthcare and pension trust funds. He authored an article on domestic relations and employee benefit plans and was a contributing editor to the American Bar Association’s treatise on Employee Benefits Law. He swam with the Masters Swimming Team for more than 10 years, was a potter, and enjoyed skiing, hiking, camping, and traveling with family. In 2017 he was diagnosed and treated for a brain tumor. He is survived by his wife, Theresa; two children; a grandson; his mother; and a brother.

Apr, 2021

William Pordy ’76, of New York City; Sept. 12, from sudden cardiac arrest after a long fight against frontotemporal degeneration. He graduated from NYU School of Medicine and was a nephrologist at Mount Sinai Hospital. He was also an accomplished inventor with several of his patented products on the market. He had a never-ending desire to learn and earned a membership to the Mensa Society. He enjoyed art, the opera, and traveling. He is survived by his brother Robert ’79, ’82 MD; a sister; two nieces; and a nephew.

Apr, 2021

Frank J. Moncrief ’76, of Desert Hot Springs, Calif.; Oct. 7. He was a technical editor and publisher of magazines for electronic engineers and computer programmers. He cofounded a software company, founded a website design business, and taught community college computer courses. In 1983, he spent a year in Kyoto, Japan, practicing Aikido and Buddhist meditation. He wrote a novel, spoke four languages, and traveled the world. He dedicated the second half of his life to developing his psychological and spiritual awareness. He read the Collected Works of C.G. Jung and taught the Enneagram. He enjoyed his time at Brown, especially time with his football teammates and fraternity brothers, with whom he became lifelong friends. He is survived by his wife, Beatrice.

Nov, 2020

Helen Eustis Ederer ’76, of Vero Beach, Fla.; Mar. 29. She was a real estate broker and enjoyed traveling the world, teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique, and competitive open water swimming. She is survived by her husband, David; a sister; and two brothers.

Jan, 2020

Charles F. Wochomurka III ’76, of The Villages, Fla., formerly of Franklin, Tenn.; July 28. After graduating, he went to work for his family’s button business. He then went on to work for more than 20 years at Cummins Engine Co. in various roles spanning several states. He was strong in his Catholic faith and active in parishes where he lived. He enjoyed sports, both professional and local. He is survived by his wife, Jayne; three sons; five grandchildren; a sister; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.  


May, 2019

Edith Andrews Tobin ’76, of San Francisco; Jan. 23, of complications from a brain tumor. While at Brown, she was a member of the women’s track team and spent a summer working on an archaeological dig. After graduation, she traveled the world and visited six continents. A fixture in society columns, she sometimes was a guest and sometimes was a host but always was involved in the greater good. Some of her gala beneficiaries were the Edgewood Center for Children and Families and the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic. She worked as a docent for the Asian Art Museum in 2015 and served on several boards, including Grace Cathedral. She enjoyed time spent at Lake Tahoe and hiking. She is survived by her husband, Joseph; a daughter; two sons; her mother; and two brothers.

Jan, 2019

Kenneth L. Stein ’76, of Chicago; July 18, from metastatic brain cancer. An outstanding diver at Brown and captain of the 1976 swim team, he competed in the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championship in 1976. After Brown he became a plastic surgeon in Chicago, holding board certifications in plastic and reconstructive surgery and in otolaryngology. He traveled annually with Hearts in Motion, a mission group that provided free surgery to treat craniofacial anomalies to Central Americans in need. He was a member of numerous medical societies, including the American College of Surgeons, the American Medical Assoc., the Chicago Medical Society, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons, and the Latin American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He enjoyed entertaining and sang with the Rockin’ Docs Band for more than 30 years. He is survived by his three sons; four sisters; a brother; two sisters-in-law; and 11 nieces and nephews.


Jan, 2019

Gail R. O’Day ’76, of Winston-Salem, N.C.; Sept. 22. She was the dean and professor of New Testament and Preaching at Wake Forest University School of Divinity. She began teaching at Hamilton College in 1982 as an instructor in the religion department. From there she served at Eden Theological Seminary and Emory University’s Candler School of Theology prior to joining Wake Forest. Over the course of her career she wrote numerous New Testament reference works and articles and co-authored Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary: A Guide. She was general editor of the international Journal of Biblical Literature and on the editorial board of The New Interpreter’s Bible. In 2014 she became a member of the 4,000 Footers Club, for hiking all 48 mountains above 4,000 feet in New Hampshire. She was an articulate advocate for theological education and is survived by her husband, Thomas Frank; her mother, Sally Wilcox O’Day ’53; four sisters; a niece and a nephew.


Jan, 2019

Kevin N. Anderson ’76, of Washington, D.C.; May 23, of kidney disease. He spent 10 years as a business reporter and editor at USA Today covering health issues until leaving in 1992 to be communications director for the Alliance for Health Reform. In 1993 he joined the White House Office of Communications, where he served as a chief health policy spokesperson during the rollout of the President’s Health Reform Plan. He later joined his wife in co-founding a corporate and government communications consultancy, where he consulted on health management and policy. Throughout his life he advocated for social justice issues; his most recent cause was sanctuary for refugees, which led to him joining the Good Neighbors Capitol Hill Refugee Resettlement Project. He sang in the Capitol Hill United Methodist Church choir and was an avid fan of the Washington Nationals baseball team. He is survived by his wife, Carol, and a brother.


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