Class of 1974
Send your news to the BAM at
Ken Field writes: “My newest album release, which I think might be of interest to the Brown alumni community, is The Canopy, Neuma Records, September 20. Music for the album was commissioned by choreographer and dancer Joanie Block ( for her 2024 production of Under the Canopy, which focused on expressions of love, loss, and resilience from members of the Boston dance community.”
Class co–vice president for communications Scott Harris reports: “24 percent of our class attended our 50th Reunion, which is well above the percent turnout of 50th Reunions in recent years (specifically 242 classmates; 348 overall). Weather was terrific, comments were very positive, and many good memories. See the Class Facebook page for pictures. The class thanked Carol Norris Brown for her many years as a class officer including the past 25 years as president. Class Zoom calls have resumed on a now quarterly cadence. The first call featured Ken Field (saxophonist, flutist, and composer) and Dan Jay (architect, community volunteer, and outdoorsman).”
Howard Frumkin writes: “At Trust for Public Land’s recent Day on the Hill event in Washington, D.C., Brown alumni found each other: TPL’s Director of Federal Climate Change Policy Bart Johnsen-Harris ’12 ; member of TPL’s Washington Advisory Board Alden Garrett; former Brown Corporation member and member of TPL’s National Board Jerome Vascellaro ’74; and myself, senior vice president and director of TPL’s Land and People Lab. Unfortunately it was a dress-up event and none of us had brought our Brown t-shirts!”

Scott Harris writes: “The class of ’74 continues connecting with periodic class Zooms titled ‘Life’s Journey after Brown.’ We have heard from Jeffrey Austerlitz ’78 MD, Mike Balaban, Carol Norris Brown, Pam Constable, Larry Elder, Charles Tansey, and Catherine Vuozzo Ventura.”
Bob Condon writes: “I had the privilege to give the closing remarks at the 25th anniversary celebration of Community Partners International (CPI) in San Francisco. This event brought together a group of doctors and public health experts that I have worked with for 33 years. For eight years I ran a small nonprofit with a charismatic young doctor before merging with another group with more of a public health focus. This group was the start of CPI. Our initial project was setting up five satellite clinics on the Thai/Burma border working with local partners who were at war with the Burmese military. We were able to document how we virtually eliminated malaria in our border areas. With these results we were able to access multiple grants and other funding which launched CPI on a whole new path. CPI understood that the key to improving health services for the hard-to-reach communities was to support community-led and community-based local organizations as key service providers. Today CPI serves vulnerable communities in Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Nepal. After many years serving on the board and coordinating development activity, I remain involved as board emeritus. CPI will put $40 million to work in 2024. It has been a remarkable journey working with a group of extraordinary people.”
David Baldwin writes: “My wife, Karin Kramer Baldwin ’74, has been a runner for as long as I can remember. In the last ten years she has traveled the world, competing in marathons in Big Sur, Paris, New York, Berlin, Lubec, TromsØ, the Redwoods, and her most recent was in the Reykjavik Marathon in Iceland in August. With the race behind us, there were three women, Karin included, in the 70+ age group. That puts her in an elite group of older women who run marathons.”
Daniel G. Jay writes: “Since June 1974… After a year of travel and various jobs, I took a train from New York to St. Louis. I had been accepted into a joint architecture/MBA program at Washington University, which I completed in four years. The day after graduation, I joined Christner Partnership, at the time a 24-person architecture firm. I retired after 26 years as managing partner. My practice was focused on corporate work environments, cultural institutions, and some urban planning. Almost all of my work was in the St. Louis community, and we grew the firm to be a local leader in our markets. While in grad school, I purchased a gut-rehab house in the city, and armed with this asset, I wooed Mary Ann Lazarus. We were married in the back yard in 1980. As a fellow architect, she became a national leader in the green building movement, serving in national leadership roles, and receiving national recognition. We had three children and now have three grandchildren. The house was our unfinished home for 43 years. I am now retired and serving on museum, theater, and community sustainability boards and enjoying travel and furniture making. I went to wooden boat school for two weeks and hope someday to build my own boat.”
Annaliese Marston Bischoff, a Western Massachusetts artist and landscape architect, has been collecting drawings and etchings of trees by Frank A. Waugh for the past decade. She is currently writing a book called The Man Who Loved Trees, designed to show some of these little known works and tell something of the man who made them. Annaliese writes: “I would like to note that I was a student of both Walter S. Feldman and Edward Koren between 1970 and 1973. They both influenced my work. I am sad to learn that they are no longer with us; I would have liked to share my upcoming book with them. I have many memories and anecdotes from both of these important teachers.”
Karin Kramer Baldwin writes that she and her husband, David Baldwin ’75, welcomed in her 70th birthday skinny-dipping in the Mediterranean Sea, on the island of Formentera, Spain. Just prior to that, Karin enjoyed a Dead & Company show with Steve Zieff. After, she met up with Kit Kinports ’76 for dinner at Balthazar in New York City. Karin and David capped it all off with a week in Maine with Peter Hetz ’75 and Charlie Weinstein ’75. Karin writes: “Thanks to Brown for inspiring everlasting friendships.”
lass Co-Vice President Scott Harris reports: “We are continuing our class Zooms titled ‘Life’s Journey after Brown.’ Since the last BAM, Steve Barlow, Sandy Darity, Chris Gallo, Candy Heald, Jean Rosenheim Lange, and Mike Nichols have spoken or are scheduled to.”
Mary Hutchings Reed ’73 AM launched her sixth book, Free Spirits, on Oct. 1 and it is available on in print, on Kindle, and by contacting her through her website Her first historical novel, Free Spirits is inspired by real events, including the efforts of Victoria Woodhull to reform the marriage laws, the trial of spirit photographer William Mumler, the hoaxes of P.T. Barnum, and the cultural fascination of 1860s America with spiritualism. She thanks classmate Thomas Mallon for introducing her, through his many novels, to the 1860s and ’70s and the fun of writing historical fiction. Free Spirits was named a finalist for the 2023 Pacific Northwest Writers Association prize for unpublished historical fiction. Mary and her husband, William ’74, moved to Walworth, Wisc., full-time during Covid and continue to enjoy gardening, sailing, golfing, duplicate bridge, and escaping Midwest winters on long cruises, most recently a 75-day journey around South America, Antarctica, and the Amazon.

Cy Stein ’74 is the recipient of the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society in recognition of his four decades of scientific research dedicated to developing novel anti-cancer drugs and his career treating prostate and genitourinary cancer patients.
Scott Harris reports: “We continue connecting with periodic class Zooms titled ‘Life’s Journey after Brown.’ Recently featured were Chris Gallo, Roscoe Howard Jr., Barbara Lee Hoyt, Jeffrey Mazique, Dan Neff, and Charles Tansey.”
Mark your calendar! Reunion 2024 will take place May 24-26. It’s essential to confirm that your alumni profile has the correct email address for updates regarding Reunion Weekend, which will be sent via email. Simply visit and follow the instructions provided to access your profile.
Marc Silverstein writes: “The 1973 Brown lacrosse team was Brown University’s first-ever undefeated Ivy League lacrosse champions and a quarter finalist in the 1973 NCAA Division I men’s lacrosse tournament. On Saturday, April 22, 2023, a remarkable 20 out of the 30 team members and coaches returned to Stevenson-Pincince Field to celebrate the 50th anniversary of that championship season, where they were honored by the Brown Sports Foundation and the friends and fans of Brown lacrosse at halftime of the Brown-Cornell game. The celebration, which began with cocktails and a reception on Friday night, coincided with the annual Brown lacrosse alumni weekend (held every year since 1975, except during 2021 due to COVID). In addition to the 21 team members and coaches, the weekend also attracted nearly 60 other alumni lacrosse players from the Classes of 1965 through 2022, and numerous other friends of Brown lacrosse.”

Richard Louth has been an English professor for 45 years at Southeastern Louisiana University. He is the founder and director of the Southeastern LA Chapter of the National Writing Project, as well as the founder of the New Orleans Writing Marathon. He and his wife, Doris, celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in September 2023.
Scott Harris writes: “We are connecting in new ways with periodic class Zooms titled ‘Life’s Journey after Brown.’ Stuart Symington, Warren Marcus, Dom Starsia, Judith Sanford-Harris, Roscoe Howard, Jeff Mazique, and Charlie Tansey have spoken (or are scheduled to) thus far. In May, Jameson freshman hallmates Alan Gillespie, John Hadeler, Dick Lazaroff, and myself gathered for several days of golf, drinking the legendary restorative spring waters, and spinning tall tales at French Lick, Indiana.”
Scott Newcombe writes: “This winter, for the second time in nearly five decades, John Mathieu, Peter Copeland, and myself found ourselves in the same city (Vancouver, Wash.) at the same time. It was just long enough to share an Italian meal together, reminisce about our own culinary attempts while living off campus, and agree to make a real effort to get to the 50th reunion. We are hoping other friends can get there as well.”
Saxophonist Ken Field led his 80-piece Hoot Band in January in Wollongong, NSW, Australia, for the HONK! Oz and Illawarra Folk Festivals. This is the seventh year that he has traveled from Massachusetts to lead the group, performing his arrangements of Australian music, original compositions, and traditional New Orleans second line repertoire. He is one of the organizers of the Somerville (Mass.) based HONK! Festival of Activist Street Bands, an annual event that began in 2006 and has spawned over 20 independent HONK! festivals around the globe. He is currently working on a commission of original music for Under the Canopy, a dance performance, due to premiere in 2024. This summer he will be performing Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Club in Provincetown, Mass.
Patience Armstrong moved from New Jersey to Virginia to be closer to her daughter and writes that she is enjoying the warmer weather.
Paul Anagnostopoulos met up with Scott Harris in October for a pleasant lunch when Paul was back in St. Louis for a high school reunion. Paul writes: “We hadn’t gotten together for many years, so it was lots of fun.” Paul officially retired on his 70th birthday this past January. That lasted for about two weeks until he got a call from an old client for a new project.
Bill Reed writes: “My wife, Mary Hutchings Reed ’73, ’73 AM, is part of the 50-year reunion planning. We will both be in Providence in the spring.” Contact Bill at (312) 718-0207 or at
Bradley B. Cruickshank writes: “The June wedding of Ted Karwoski’s son Alex, in Washington, D.C., afforded a reunion for KDU Brothers Brad Falkof, Keith Carlson, Jay Tierney, Ted (aka “Bear”), and myself. Alex, a Cornell grad, has been a member of the USA Men’s Olympic Rowing Team for many years and represented the U.S. in the 2016 Summer Olympics, as well as in several World Rowing Championships, including 2022.”

Judge Robert Holzberg ’74 was recognized as one of the top mediators in the country by Chambers USA, a leading business guide to the legal profession. He is one of just 42 mediators selected nationwide. Holzberg retired from the Connecticut Superior Court in 2012 after more than two decades of service, and now leads the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practice at Pullman & Comley, one of Connecticut’s largest and oldest law firms. The Best Lawyers in America named Holzberg 2022 “Lawyer of the Year” for mediation in the Hartford area and he was also recognized on the 2023 Best Lawyers list for arbitration. Under Holzberg’s leadership, Pullman’s ADR practice has been recognized as the top ADR provider in New England by ALM publications.
Ted Clarke writes: “Twelve classmates from 1974 (Don Bogan, Mike Cirello, Bob Condon, Jim Dawson, Bruce Gelfand, Roscoe Howard, Jim Hutchison, Jamie Kiernan, Marshal Luther, Mike Miller, Bob Watt, and I) gathered in Vegas this spring to watch March Madness, reminisce about Brown, brag about offspring, pretend to play golf, complain about bodily aches and pains, avoid discussing politics and religion, and rekindle old friendships. All intend to be at the 50th reunion.”
Frank Morgan writes: “On the advice of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, graciously appointed me as an honorary member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (‘MBE’). This honor is conferred by Her Majesty in recognition of my services to British charities in New York.”
Jacqueline Doyle retired from her job as an English professor at California State University, East Bay, and accepted a position as creative nonfiction editor at CRAFT literary magazine. Ten years ago she shifted her emphasis from literary scholarship to creative writing. She has earned seven notable essay citations in Best American Essays, first place in Black Lawrence Press’s chapbook competition, and numerous other awards. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Find her work and contact information at
Karin Kramer Baldwin and David Baldwin ’75 welcomed in Karin’s 70th birthday skinny-dipping in the Mediterranean Sea on the island of Formentera, Spain. Just prior to that, Karin enjoyed a Dead & Company show with Steve Zieff. And after, she met up with Kit Kinports ’76 for dinner at Balthazar in New York City. Karin and David plan to cap it all off with a week in Maine with Peter Hetz ’75 and Charlie Weinstein ’75. Thanks to Brown for inspiring everlasting friendships.
Richard Lazaroff, now retired from pediatric practice for six years, has released his second book, Illumination, this one is a piece of historical fiction taking place in South Haven, Michigan, once the “Catskills of the Midwest.” It is a four-generational story exploring the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of American Jews as they face the lure of assimilation and secular success, the pain of antisemitism, and the search for a spiritual grounding in the modern world.
Gary A. Neidich ’78 MD (see ’74).
Gary A. Neidich ’78 MD has been named professor emeritus at the Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota. He has been with the university for 38 years and has been section chief of pediatric gastroenterology for more than 25 years. He also is on the Professional Education Committee of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition and has received several teaching and clinical awards from the university.
Warren Marcus writes: “In April of 2020, I had a near-fatal bicycling accident. My recovery has gone exceptionally well for many reasons, but particularly, and in no small part, because of the love and support of classmates who reached out during the early months. Thank you—you know who you are. Part of the ‘journey’ was to write and publish a short book about that year: I Shouldn’t Be Here: Learning from a Miraculous Recovery. And yes, please wear your helmet when you ride.”
Dick Wingate married his longtime girlfriend Renée Mandis on Aug. 26 at the Foundry in New York City. They were thrilled to have their combined families at the event, as well as Steve Meredith and Jim Zisson. Dick continues to operate DEV Advisors, a media and entertainment consulting firm, and Renee is cofounder of WSAA, a Westport, Conn., advertising agency. They live in Weston, Conn.
Jay Davis writes: “I am retiring from the practice of law after 31 years, the last six years primarily representing children in foster care and juvenile delinquents. From 1999 to 2015, I was a Pennington County public defender. I spent seven years with Legal Services and two years in private practice before that. Trite to say that ‘we’ll travel more’ since we’ve traveled just fine anyway. Still active in the local Democratic Party and the Sierra Club, among other things. Still living in Rapid City, South Dakota.”
Brad Cruickshank writes: “Although I’m still running my diversified construction company here in Atlanta, I am traveling once again. I am saddle-sore from six days horseback riding in the Bridger Wilderness in Wyoming. We camped at 9,200 feet and rode out to fish various high mountain lakes each day—up to 10,200 feet. Next month, my wife Denise and I will return to Los Barriles on Mexico’s East Cape for blue marlin, sailfish, and tuna, as well as an ATV tour into the desert.”
Timothy Runkel published The Warrior Surprises Gog and Magog, an imaginative novel that focuses on God’s fulfilling the prophecies of Ezekiel.
Ed Murphy and Patrice moved to Virginia Beach from St. Louis (after 40+ years) to be near their daughter and two grandchildren.
Scott Harris writes: “Pandemic zooms with classmates were fun; however having those conversations over pitchers at the GCB would have been icing on the cake.”
Judith Foster writes: “I retired 10 years ago as principal of the Neighborhood School, a small progressive public school started by six teachers, including myself. Since then, I have been making pottery, traveling, working part-time for the Studio in a School association and playing with my grandchildren, along with my husband, Mark Andres ’74.”
David Denekas writes: “Mike Sansing and I got married in 2015 after a successful 36-year trial period. I have retired from family medicine (medical records clerk, ha ha) but continue to work as assistant medical director for Calvert Hospice in Maryland. We are still sailing the Chesapeake Bay, working (too much) in the yard, and traveling. Our scheduled trip to Scotland was scuttled and replaced with a road trip to Maine this fall in Harvey the RV, a.k.a. ‘Shake, rattle, and roll.’ Holidays, sadly, as for many of us, were just the two of us and family only by Zoom. We look forward to a more sociable 2021. (Jackie Hess: I can still recite the story of Prinderella and the Cince.)”
Andrew Kaunitz, a professor and associate chairman in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Florida College of Medicine in Jacksonville, received the 2020 Leon Speroff Outstanding Educator Award from the North American Menopause Society, the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond. Dr. Kaunitz sees patients at UF Southside Women’s Health at Emerson, where he also serves as medical director.
Ken Field published his recording, IRIDESCENCE, which resulted from a spontaneous improvisational performance in Berkeley, Calif., collaborating with keyboardist Eric Glick Rieman and percussionist Karen Stackpole. The recording is available through Ravello Records.
Andy Gralla writes: “Half a century after his father was admitted, Brown admitted my son as a junior! The Gralla family is very, very proud. It’s fun to share this news with the class. I hope this finds everyone well. Bye for now.” Contact Andy at
Marc Freed received a master’s in Curriculum Development and Instructional Design and a Certificate of Online Teaching from the University at Albany (SUNY) in May. Marc writes: “I enrolled in the program a year ago after retiring from the financial services industry to learn how to teach math and data science online. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, I am currently teaching K-12 teachers how to teach online as a faculty member of the Academy for the Advancement of Teaching, Leadership, and Schools, the professional development arm of University of Albany’s School of Education.
Frank Morgan has begun a two-year term as president of the St. George’s Society of New York in its 250th anniversary year. With a staff of five, including two social workers, it provides housing, nutrition and other assistance to those of British and Commonwealth descent in distress in the tri-state area. It also awards scholarships at Lehman and Hunter Colleges and supports pediatric cancer patients and their families visiting from the United Kingdom for treatment in New York. Frank writes: “After a life of many blessings, it is time to give back.” Visit:
William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen published From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century on April 20 with UNC Press.

Stuart Symington IV ’74 has been appointed special envoy for South Sudan by the U.S. State Department. There, he will lead efforts to support the peace process and a successful political transition. He is a retired ambassador who previously served as chief of mission in Nigeria from 2016 to 2019, Rwanda from 2008 to 2011, and Djibouti from 2006 to 2008.
Brian Bixby, co-chair of Burns & Levinson’s Private Client Group and chair of the Probate & Trust Litigation Group, was named to the Massachusetts Clients’ Security Board, which works to preserve the public’s trust in the legal profession by reimbursing client-victims who have suffered financial losses due to misappropriations by Massachusetts lawyers.
On October 26, the Brown University Corporation dedicated a memorial to Trustee Ken McDaniel. The memorial is an engraved concrete block lining a brick walkway in the Maddock Alumni Center gardens. Ken died on June 11, 2019, just 16 days after celebrating his 50th class reunion (See Farewell, BAM Obituaries, September/October). Following the dedication, the Class of 1969 presented a 154-page book created and published by his classmate Thelma Austin. The title is A Faithful Servant: Biographical Tribute to Kenneth Harrison McDaniel, 1947-2019. In addition to his biographical summary, the book features 24 tributes. Tributes were from President Christina Paxson and seven current and emeriti trustees, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey ’70, Sheryl Grooms Brissett Chapman ’71, Spencer Crew ’71, Galen V. Henderson ’93 MD, Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, and Preston Tisdale ’73. Nine classmates who contributed were Linda Abbott Antonucci, Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson, Gail DeCosta, Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD, Anderson Kurtz, class president Joseph Petteruti, Theodore Sherrod, Wesley Smith, and Randall Ward. Two other alumni also contributed: Glenn Dixon ’70 and Russell Malbrough ’98. Others who contributed were professor Françoise Hamlin, Reza Clifton, Paul Simas, Stanley Thompson, and Rev. Adam Young. Copies of the book were presented to President Christina Paxson; Ken’s wife, Susan McDaniel; and the John Hay Library. All alumni are encouraged to have their autobiographies and biographies archived in the John Hay Library.

The St. Louis Bridge Center, the seventh largest duplicate bridge club in the United States, has elected Richard Lazaroff ’74 to the board of directors. Lazaroff, a retired pediatrician, is also author of a parenting book entitled Some Assembly Required.
Elizabeth Beckhard Waller married William C. Woods (Yale ’70) in a small, private ceremony on March 5 in Ocala, Fla.
Warren Marcus writes that after 17 years in the classroom and 26 years at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, he downshifted at the end of April. His emphasis at USHMM has been teacher training, docent training, working with military audiences, and Holocaust Encyclopedia online content. He will continue to work part-time for the Museum in those areas. He’s also planning to do some consulting, charity work, substitute teaching, political activism, and as much tennis as he can handle. He and wife Lisa have been married for 31 years and have two grown children, Ally and Joey.
Anne Berchenko Weisholtz and Steven Weisholtz announce the wedding of their son, Daniel ’02 to YunXiang Chu on June 10, 2018, in Copake Lake, N.Y. In attendance were Boris Abromov ’00; Daniel Ko ’01; George Kong ’02, ’03 ScM; Eric Snyder ’03; and Cara Zeldis Snyder ’03. Daniel is a neurologist with a specialty in epilepsy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Class of 1974 co-vice president for communications Jim Morris writes: “The Class is now fully immersed in its spectacular 45th reunion that sets a new standard for future reunions. All of your class officers look forward to sharing pictures of classmates at the festivities through email and on our Class of 1974 website.”
Richard Ziolkowski writes: “I am sorry that I will miss our 45th reunion but it coincides with a conference a friend is running and I promised to be there. I was the 2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Advanced Science and Technology sponsored by the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO). I was with DSTO’s Advanced Materials Division at its Fisherman’s Bend site in Melbourne applying my metamaterial and antenna expertise to problems of mutual interest. My Fulbright journey took me across Australia to give state presentations in Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, and Sydney. A friend was starting a research center, the Global Big Data Technologies Centre in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and asked if I would be interested in joining in the fun. I said yes and my Fulbright journey in Australia has continued. I have been a distinguished professor for half-time the last three years with UTS and The University of Arizona in Tucson, Ariz. Because the UA thought I was too much of a scholar and was tiring of the half-time situation, I retired from it in May 2018 in order to be at UTS for the majority of the next few years. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, The Optical Society, and American Physical Society and was president of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society in 2005. I received the Honorary Doctorate, Doctor Technish Honoris Causa, from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2012. I have been informed that I am the recipient of the 2019 IEEE Electromagnetics Award, one of the IEEE Technical Field Awards. I have indeed been a very busy scholar as an academic. My Google Scholar page is open if anyone is interested in the technical details. I will look forward to being at our 50th reunion in 2024.”
Dee Michel writes: “After many years of research, writing and hunting for a publisher, my book Friends of Dorothy: Why Gay Boys and Gay Men Love The Wizard of Oz is available! A sample chapter, ways to get a copy, blog, etc. can be found at I would love to hear from classmates and gay Oz fans."
Ken Field will present a program of the animation of his late wife, animator Karen Aqua, with his soundtrack music rearranged for a live ensemble of four alto saxophones and drums, at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston on March 22, 2019. His group Revolutionary Snake Ensemble is scheduled to perform on Mardi Gras at The Regattabar. Also in March, Ken will be awarded the annual Children’s Champion Award for his 30 years of service to Tutoring Plus of Cambridge, where he currently serves as vice president of the board of directors.
Jeffrey Austerlitz ’78 MD writes: “After 40 years of practicing medicine, the last 14 in primary care at the Providence VA Medical Center, where I was also in charge of the third-year medicine clerkship outpatient experience at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University, I have decided to retire. I plan to spend more time with Joanne, my wife of 38 years, my two grown children, three grandchildren, and the rest of my extended family.”
Class president Carol Norris Brown reports: “Our class reunion is just around the corner and we are looking forward to catching up with our classmates in Providence May 24-26, 2019. Make sure to check for your registration materials via email from Brown and make your reservations for the weekend. We are expecting a great turnout for our 45th.”

Lewisburg Mayor John Manchester ’74 was named a Distinguished Mountaineer by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice for his efforts leading Lewisburg forward for the past 15 years. During his tenure as mayor, Lewisburg was named Coolest Small Town in America in 2011 by Budget Travel, America’s Favorite and Happiest Mountain Town in 2014 by Travel + Leisure, and one of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s America’s Dozen Distinctive Destinations.
Paul Zimmering ’79 MD retired from orthopaedic surgery in December 2017 after more than 33 years practicing. Paul writes: “My wife, Betsey, and I spend the summer at our home in Connecticut and winter at our home in Florida. We welcomed our first two grandchildren into the world during the past year. We are enjoying retirement and our ever expanding family.”
Bob Watt and Scott Harris won the Senior Member-Guest Open at St. Louis Country Club in October.
Mike Nichols is still in Houston and has retired three times (SYSCO Corp. as General Counsel, Grocer Supply as COO, and Houston Park Board as Interim CEO). He celebrated 42 years of marriage with Marcia Couch (UGA ’74) and has four children and three grandchildren in four different time zones. Life is good spending time with the kids in New York, Dallas, Salt Lake City, and Seattle, plus time on Lake Livingston in Texas. He also enjoys promoting progressive issues as a board member and former chair of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast and the American Jewish Committee, where he and Marcia focus on immigration reform. He also volunteered with the City of Houston as a member of the Civil Service Commission and the Long Range Financial Management Task Force. He is still writing but remains unpublished.
Theodore Karwoski retired for a few years then started a new medical device company, Bearpac Medical. He writes: “Back in the fight and life is great.”
Ken Field was granted a Composer in Residence fellowship in October at the Ucross Foundation in Wyoming. He was music curator for the Celebrity Series of Boston’s “Jazz Along the Charles” event in September, in which 25 jazz ensembles simultaneously performed two sets of Boston-related music along the banks of the Charles River. In March 2019 the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston will present a program of the animation of his late wife Karen Aqua (RISD ’76) with live soundtracks composed, arranged, and performed by Ken with an ensemble of four alto saxophones and drums. He also cocurates the Boiler House Jazz Series at the Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation in Waltham, Mass.; hosts The New Edge weekly radio program of creative instrumental music on WMBR-FM; and leads his New Orleans-influenced improvisational brass band, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble.
Roscoe Howard was appointed the special compliance coordinator for ZTE Telecommunications of Shenzhen, China, by Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Aug. 24. Roscoe is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Barnes & Thornburg, LLP.
Scott Harris reports: “Save the dates for our 45th reunion (and the 50th anniversary of the Open Curriculum) May 24-26. The reunion committee is planning a terrific weekend (including Dean Hazeltine joining us for dinner). Classmates will receive detailed reunion information in March. Our turnout was stellar (20 percent) for the 40th reunion. For more information, contact your class communication officers.”
Jeffrey L. Purvin writes: “After a long career in business, I’m working full-time with my wife, Francesca, on the University of Fashion website, where she’s handling the fashion end and I’m handling the business end. It’s been a great way for me to learn some new skills and keep my brain sharp in retirement. I’m taking a break from music after rejoining my Brown bandmate, Mark Blumenkranz ’72, ’75 MD, ’76 MMSc and the Fabulous Kangaroos a few years ago in Silicon Valley. I’ve stayed in touch with many of my other Brown classmates, including Mike Byers ’71, Noah Dorsky ’74, Peter Mansfield ’71, Eric Oliner ’72, and Peter Reinke.”
Co–vice president for communications Jim Morris ’74 reports: “Reunion is fast approaching and your class officers are busily planning for another successful reunion. More than one out of five of our classmates attended our 2014 reunion, so think of those you want to see and save the dates—May 24–26. As your class officers plan, we invite you to send any input or ideas you have concerning possible activities, speakers, topics, venues, etc.”
Aaron Kashtan (see Judith Finkelstein Kashtan ’74).
Paul Koza writes: “I caught up with Mike Bernert and his wife, Joan, and Richard Gamble ’74 and his wife, Kathy, in Florida on vacation... Great to see Brown alums in the Keys.”
Judith Finkelstein Kashtan writes: “Our son, Aaron Kashtan ’05, continues his lifelong passion for comic books. His first book was published by Ohio University Press: Between Pen and Pixel: Comics, Materiality, and the Book of the Future (Studies in Comics and Cartoons). He is currently teaching at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte.”
Carol Norris Brown reports that plans are underway for a wonderful reunion next spring. She writes: “Save the dates for a return to Providence on May 24–26, 2019. We are looking forward to seeing you there.”
Stanley Spinola is the chair of microbiology and immunology at the Indiana Univ. School of Medicine (IUSM) in Indianapolis. He has been at IUSM for 25 years and was the director of the division of infectious diseases before taking his current position. His research centers on how bacteria causes disease. He was the recipient of the IUSM 2017 Basic Science Excellence in Faculty Mentoring award.
Neil Kiely is director of institutional advancement for St. Luke’s School in Barrington, R.I.
Steven Kalter writes: “I am still working as a hematologist and oncologist in San Antonio—32 years with the same group, South Texas Oncology and Hematology. I have been with my wife, Karen, for 32 years, and my son, Benjamin is 22 years old, and a college graduate. He was not interested in a medical career as he was an economics major. My hobbies include freshwater fishing and driving around our ranch property enjoying wildlife. As an oncologist, I’m not a hunter.”
Rick Irving still works as a social worker and is now a grandfather, with a second grandchild on the way.
Susan Buffum has retired and relocated from the Northeast to the red rocks of Sedona, Ariz. She writes: “I haven’t missed the business world yet. I’m hiking, playing lots of golf, volunteering, and enjoying the great outdoors here. Life is good. Let me know if you are in the area.”
Tanya Brown moved to Ithaca, N.Y., last year to join the NYS Unified Court System. She writes: “Beautiful city with 13 natural waterfalls, two colleges, and lots going on all the time. I like it very much in spite of the winters. It’s especially rough because Ithaca is built like a bowl, so you’re always going up or down a hill. Regards and best wishes to everyone.”
Richard Lazaroff writes: “After 35 years of a rewarding pediatric practice, I have retired to exercise more, care for my family, and write a book on parenting: Some Assembly Required, now available on Amazon. I look forward to the 2024 reunion—why not?”
Marc C. Blum writes that his wife, Kathleen Bersch Blum; Linda and Kenneth Polivy; and Karen and Andrew Kaunitz met for a weekend of merriment for Andy’s 65th birthday in Jacksonville, Fla. As avid supporters of the Jacksonville Zoo, Karen and Andy even included a great behind the scenes visit to see “their” tiger, Kayla Rose.
Gary Neidich ’78 MD is section head for pediatric gastroenterology at the Univ. of South Dakota and the recipient of two awards from the Sanford School of Medicine: the Department of Pediatrics Master Clinician Award and the Sanford School of Medicine Class of 1983 Annual Award for Excellence in Teaching and Service to the School of Medicine.
From the November/December 2017 Issue
From the September/October 2017 Issue
Ken Field was named a 2017 finalist in music composition by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. He served on a music composition grant review panel for the American Composers Forum in St. Paul, Minn., and performed live soundtracks for a special program of the animated films of his late wife, Karen Aqua, at the Animator Festival in Poznan, Poland, in July.
Jan May is the executive director of Legal Counsel for the Elderly, a public-service nonprofit law firm that provides free and reduced-fee legal services to low- and moderate-income older people living in the District of Columbia. Over the last 40 years, he has led the organization’s growth into a mid-sized law firm. In addition to managing the its growth, he has progressed from managing attorney to executive director in 2002 and has trained thousands of lawyers and paralegals in substantive law, delivery systems, and management issues. He also has overseen the development of a volunteer network through which Washington lawyers and paralegals provide pro bono services to the city’s elderly. Jan writes: “I am very lucky. I have worked with hundreds of attorneys who have dedicated their lives to serving some of the most vulnerable among us: the elders of our community.”
W. Keith Wyatt, director of Ivie, McNeill & Wyatt, announces the opening of its new office in Leimert Park at 4401 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 318, Los Angeles 90008.
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Jim Morris writes: “The class officers are beginning to lay the groundwork for the 45th reunion in 2019! Please e-mail Jim with any news or new contact information that you are willing to share with classmates through the BAM so that old friends can reconnect.”
John Lozier retired in January after 27 years as the founding executive director of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, a membership body of clinicians, administrators and people without homes, grounded in the principles of human rights and consensus decision-making. He is enjoying time with his wife, Joceline Lemaire ’76, and a host of projects.
Carol Norris Brown says that she is looking forward this summer to the freedom of more daytime control of time for friends, family, and boating. She would love to hear from classmates. “If anyone finds themselves coming through the Washington, D.C., area, it would be great to catch up in person.”
From the May/June 2017 Issue
Carol Norris Brown writes: “We are starting to look forward to our next reunion in May 2019 and other class fun. It would be great if you could check to make sure that you have an e-mail listed in your Brown alumni profile so we can keep you informed of plans. It is important that we can reach you via e-mail, as most of our communications will be only electronic to save costs and trees. Looking forward to seeing you all!”
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Scott Harris writes that he went to Washington, D.C., to witness the swearing in of Trip Symington as U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria. Previously Trip was ambassador to Rwanda and Djibouti. Before the ceremony Scott visited with Jean Rosenheim Lange in Georgetown.
In November 2016, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching named Geoffrey J. Sadock Professor of the Year for the State of New Jersey. The ceremony took place in Washington, D.C., and was followed by a reception in the Folger Shakespeare Library.
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Candace Lee Heald (see Virginia Macmillan Trescott ’38).
Kevin Hunt (see Allison Lombardo ’05).
From the September/October 2016 Issue
Nan Bailey (see Jean Miller ’49).
From the May/June 2016 Issue
Dee Michel writes: “I attended the Brown Association for Cooperative Housing on campus in October. I stayed with Kathie Klein and her husband, Cliff, in a fun apartment downtown and was delighted to reconnect with many Carberry friends and a few from Milhouse. I made some new friends too.”
From the March/April 2016 Issue
Stuart Himmelfarb is a senior fellow at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and cofounder of B3/The Jewish Boomer Platform ( )
Dick Wingate was named president of artist and entertainment services for the North American branch of UK-based Crowdmix. He writes: “Crowdmix is the soon-to-be-launched social music platform that lets you discover music through friends and friends through music.”
From the January/February 2016 Issue
Robert Dickson donated a kidney to his wife, Jacqueline Hess. After a complicated course, both are now doing well. They write: “Many Brown friends were incredibly supportive and helpful through this arduous time, and we wish to let everyone know how appreciative and grateful we are.”
Rob Halpern writes: “After 41 years, I get to return to Providence for work! My firm, Zoo Horticulture Consulting & Design, is assisting the Roger Williams Park Zoo with the design of their new rainforest exhibit and building. It’s good to be back!”
After 20 years of working for Interbrand, a top brand consultancy, Tom Zara was named president of its New York and San Francisco divisions. He is also the Global Practice Leader for Energy and Corporate Citizenship. His clients have included Humana, John Deere, General Motors, New York Life, and Thomson Reuters.
From the November/December 2015 Issue
Allison McMillan (see Anson Nickel ’09).
Daniel Neff (see Elizabeth Trongone ’06).
Marty Rosenthal writes that he and Steve Zief completed the Mt. Tam Century bike ride. “We went up, over, and around Mt. Tamalpais and the rest of Marin County, just north of San Francisco. Since it was also Jerry Garcia’s birthday, we wore our best Grateful Dead bike shirts to celebrate. I will be attending the Brown Association for Cooperative Housing’s 45th anniversary reunion in Providence the weekend of October 24 and look forward to seeing other early Milhous alumni.”
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Jocelyn Greene (see Marjorie Greene Hazeltine-Wolfe ’44).
Roscoe Howard Jr. writes that some members of the class of ’74 freshman football team and others got together in Charlottesville, Va., to watch University of Virginia Head Lacrosse Coach Dom Starsia’s team take on Georgetown on Apr. 18. In attendance were Don Bogan, Dan Cesarz, Mike Cirullo, Jim Dawson, Mike Fratantuono, Paul Henry, Bob Koch, Wally Leuders ’73, John Lomicky, Joe Martino, Krissy Lasagna Starsia, ’76, Dan Walus, and Curt Zingaro.
From the March/April 2015 Issue
Mark Heymann writes: “Life is great here in Dallas, politics aside. My son, Harrison, is 13 and soon will be looking at colleges. My company, UniFocus, is a world leader in workforce management technology in more than 100 countries.”
Jon Sallet is general counsel of the Federal Communications Commission.
Carey Timbrell ’74 (see James Steiner ’59).
From the January/February 2015 Issue
David Ranz welcomed his first grandchild, Eliza June, and anticipates the arrival of the second. He writes: “Hope springs eternal for another Ranz at Brown.”
William R. Reed retired from active internal medical practice in March 2014. He was elected to the steering committee for the Illinois chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program.
Michel Selva (see Anna Squires Levine ’08).
Robert G. Yizar missed his 40th reunion in order to “give away” his daughter, Tiffany M. Yizar ’07 to Troy Lochner in Cancun, Mexico, on May 22.
From the November/December 2014 Issue
David Epstein (see Barbara Oberhard Epstein ’48).
Candace Lee Heald (see Virginia MacMillan Trescott ’38).
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Ken Field, saxophonist and composer, leads the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble, whose third CD, Live Snakes, has been released by Accurate Records. The CD received an Editor’s Pick in Downbeat. The New York Times said the group “pursues a sinuous, writhing counterpoint, in ways that justify the band’s name.” Time Out New York called the band “sizzling,” and CriticalJazz claimed that the CD would “set your hair on fire.” The group performed at the UFO Festival in Roswell, N. Mex. July 4–5, and at the Festa del Redentore (which celebrates the end of the Venetian plague in the 16th century) in Venice, Italy, on July 19.
Amy Leeds writes: “It’s hard to believe we had our 40th reunion. Feels like yesterday we were hanging out at the GCB and Papa’s Truck. This June also marked the 40th anniversary of my move to New York City. I still love living here but escape often, as my husband and I continue to travel frequently. We now spend a great deal of the winter at our home in Antigua. I’m an avid golfer now and always look forward to an annual visit from my golfing buddy, Beth MacDonald Kiernan.” Amy’s daughter, Stephanie Brag ’08, recently left her public relations job to start Dee Hutton, a fashion company specializing in high-end, made-to-order women’s evening wear. Her son, Matthew Brag ’11, just completed his first year at Harvard Business School.
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Nora Burgess ’77 MD, a former Brown trustee, retired after 30 years as an adult cardiovascular surgeon at the Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center. She also spent eight years as the medical center’s chief financial officer and assistant physician-in-chief. She continues to volunteer and teach cardiac surgery with medical missions and was president of Women in Thoracic Surgery. She writes: “After more than 10 years of scuba diving with husband, Robert Liburdy ’75 PhD, among remote archipelagoes of the South Pacific, the Banda Sea, and West Papua, we are now turning to land-based travel in Africa and the Amazon and a transit of the Northwest Passage. We invite friends to visit us in Tiburon, California.”
Don Nadel retired from IBM last July after 30 years there and 10 years with other technology firms. He writes: “After retiring, we finally sold our London house. My wife, Lesley, and I had already bought an apartment in Ra’anana, Israel, and subsequently made aliya (gaining Israeli citizenship) in 2012. Although I’m advising a local startup in the social networking business, mostly we play bridge, entertain, read and travel. Our next trip will be to visit our daughter in New Zealand, where she’s attending the University of Auckland for a master’s in environmental science. Life is good.”
John Rosenberg and Scott Sammis (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).
From the May/June 2014 Issue [40th]
Sanford D. Brown and Joan Miller Brown ’76 celebrated the birth of their first grandchild in 2013. Their three children are all married and doing well. Daughter Jen is VP and executive director of, at NBC news, and lives in New York City with her husband, Gust, and their daughter, Charlie Jane. Son Sanford Brown ’04 and his wife, Sarah, are finishing up their medical residencies at Brown. Son Edward Brown ’07 is VP of sales for Andera, based in Providence.
Steven Feinsilver ’77 MD was appointed professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, where he directed the Center for Sleep Medicine.
John Rosenberg (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).
Scott Sammis (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).
From the March/April 2014 Issue [40th]
Nancy L. Campbell ’78 MD writes: “After practicing emergency medicine for a number of years, I went back and studied osteopathic manual medicine, completing a residency at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1995. I’ve been married to Matthew Lawrence since 1995 and have a practice of osteopathic manual medicine in Pittsfield, Mass. When I married Matthew, I suddenly had a share of two wonderful children, Isaiah and Eliza, and now have two grandchildren. Life is good.”
Dee Michel is looking forward to seeing other folk dancers, Bach members, linguistics majors, and other friends at the reunion in May.
James M. Morris retired as general counsel of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corp., and continues to practice law as a member of the Washington, D.C.; New York; and Illinois bars. Jim had been FCSIC’s general counsel since 2007, and prior to that he was executive assistant and counsel to the Farm Credit Administration chairman. When Jim retired, the FCSIC board of directors’ resolution stated that it “will miss the wise counsel and expert advice Mr. Morris provided,” noting he “took the lead in obtaining new legislative language that aligned FCSIC premiums with the obligations that FCSIC insures.” Jim serves as class of 1974 vice president for communications. He indicates that the class officers are working hard to plan exciting events for the upcoming reunion in May.
Lee Thomas teaches in the surgery department at the Tuscaloosa branch of the Univ. of Alabama School of Medicine, specializing in breast care. Lee has a wife and one daughter, all doing well.
Jim Zeckhauser received a master’s from the Univ. of Chicago in 1981. Since then, he has been helping inner city Chicago teens land jobs and local firms find great entry-level employees. After joining the staff of nonprofit Youth Guidance 24 years ago, Zeck created Loop Discovery Search, a navigation training and cultural immersion program that has introduced 1,500 youths to downtown Chicago: the public transportation system, teamwork, the principles of producing high-quality work, and deep-dish pizza. Zeck also writes poetry and runs local marathons and the River to River Relay across Illinois. He gets together with Tim Vogel, Steve Zieff, Steve Onysko, Ellen Saxe Saliman, Gerry Norton ’75, and John Spellman ’73. Zeck and his wife, Becky Mitchell, have been together for 37 years and have a son, Danny.
From the January/February 2014 Issue
Dave Denekas writes: “Mike and I are planning to attend our 40th reunion. We’ve already reserved rooms. Our trip of the summer was to Brittany, France, a new location for us. I am practicing Family and Internal Medicine in a three-doctor office, though I’ve got three decades worth of projects for retirement, including learning how propellers work, how to spin better bowls on a lathe, and how to get my cello fingers back again.”
Marc Silverstein climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro along with his son, Zach Silverstein ’13, friend Stuart Himmelfarb, and significant other, Lisa Meek. The trip was in celebration of Zach’s graduation from Brown and Marc’s 60th birthday. The trek also coincided with the anniversary of the passing of Marc’s mother, Marilyn Silverstein, who died last August from Alzheimer’s disease. Stu’s mother also died from Alzheimer’s, six years ago. Therefore, they dedicated their trek to Marilyn Silverstein and Belle Himmelfarb and sought to raise $1 per meter of Kilimanjaro’s elevation in support of the Alzheimer’s Assoc. Marc writes: “I am pleased to report that we successfully reached both goals. Uhuru Peak is 5,895 meters high, and we raised over $6,200.”
Robert G. Yizar relocated from New York to Florida in 2012 with his wife, Andrea. He writes: “We are retired and fulfilling our bucket list. Unfortunately I will miss our 40th reunion because Tiffany Yizar ’07 has a destination wedding in Cancun, Mexico. I remain forever true to Brown.”
From the November/December 2013 Issue
Brian D. Bixby has been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2014 in the fields of family law, trusts and estates, and litigation trusts and estates. This is the fifth consecutive year in which he has been selected for this honor. He is a partner and member of the executive committee, chairman of the probate and trust litigation group, and cochair of the private client group at Burns & Levinson.
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Marc C. Blum announces his successful recovery from pancreatic and hepatic cancer surgery at the Univ. of Wisconsin Hospital. He writes: “Of course, I should have had no doubt as to the positive outcome of my complex procedure when post-operatively my surgeon noticed a Brown University book in the hospital room. It turns out that Dr. Clifford S. Cho ’91 was in attendance.”
H. Wayne Carver II ’77 MD writes: “I retired after 31 years of service with the State of Connecticut. In 1986 I became the youngest chief medical examiner in the county. I left as the longest-sitting chief. My practice is not completely over, as I will be back as a half-time retiree until a new chief is appointed.”
R. William Hunter is in his 30th year teaching English at Hamden Hall Country Day School. He writes: “Susan, my newspaper-editor wife, just stepped out of full-time work, and this idea has its appeal to me as well. Hoping to see the 251 Bowen St. crowd again and friends at one of these upcoming reunions.”
From the May/June 2013 Issue
Carol Norris Brown writes: “A year from now we hope to see each of you in Providence for our 40th reunion and Brown’s 250th birthday. It should be an amazing time! Reach out to your friends and mark your calendars! We are hearing from many who plan to return. Special thanks to classmates and reunion host committee members who have already sent in their class dues—it makes planning a great weekend so much easier. If you haven’t yet, please contact me or another class officer for a form or find the form at We hope to see you in Providence next year!”
James F. Brown IV writes: “2012 was a transitional year in some respects. My daughter, Molly, has a new job in Newton, Massachusetts, working for a graduate school of professional psychology, and my father died at age 91 after attending his 70th reunion at Princeton. I’m adjusting to climate change by summering in New Hampshire.”
Christopher Gallo writes: “I retired from BlumShapiro in September 2012 and started my own consulting firm focused on helping entrepreneurs succeed, assisting family-owned businesses in transition, enhancing not-for-profits’ business processes, and providing forensic accounting and litigation support services. After starting my career at Ernst & Young, I became a partner at Nishball, Carp, Niedermeier, Pacowta (NCNP) in 1988 and joined BlumShapiro in 2009 after NCNP merged with them. What a great time it’s been! I look forward to seeing you either on a golf course or at a signing for my soon-to-be complete book, Unlikely Champions: The Road to Williamsport and the Biggest Upset in the Little League World Series: The story of the 1989 Trumbull Little Leaguers.”
Ann S. Waterman recently retired as creative director of WhoDunnit Murder Mystery Theater, a popular performing arts group that has produced more than 30 of her murder mystery plays. Ann and her husband live in Louisville, Ky.
From the March/April 2013 Issue
Brian D. Bixby was elected to the executive committee of the law firm Burns & Levinson LLP, with offices in Boston, Providence, and New York City. He also serves as cochair of the private client group.
Marc C. Blum is happy to report that all four of his children have now finished school and have full-time, benefit-paying employment.
David Denekas writes: “My friend Mike and I are happy and well, celebrating 33 years together. We travelled to the Pyrenees this past fall for hiking, eating, drinking, and chatting up our French hosts. Later fall weekends saw us on our little sloop sailing the middle Chesapeake Bay. We’re counting days to our next reunion.”
John Regan is celebrating 25 years practicing spinal surgery in Beverly Hills, Calif. He served as medical director of the Institute for Spinal Disorders at Cedars-Sinai Hospital. Presently, he is directing the Spine Group Beverly Hills and coaching his daughter, Audrey, in youth soccer. Nicolas graduates from high school this year.
Doug Skopp and his wife, Evelyne, received the honor of having SUNY Plattsburgh’s Holocaust Memorial Gallery named after them. The gallery establishment and naming were the result of efforts by alumni and friends of the college, who have given more than $25,000 to put in place the Douglas R. Skopp Endowment for the history department and to fund the Skopp Competition on the theme of the Holocaust, an annual contest that challenges students in all disciplines to submit original works that commemorate the tragedy. The couple is overwhelmed by this generous gesture on the part of Doug’s former students and colleagues.
Carey H. Timbrell had a great mini-reunion during the Brown-Cornell football game with Bradley Cruikshank, Ted Karwoski, and Keith Carlson.
Robert G. Yizar writes: “Andrea and I relocated from New York to Florida. Did someone say ‘retired’? I will see you at the 40th. How quickly time flies by. Enjoy life.”
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Joan Weinberger Berman (See Engagements & Weddings, Helene Strauss ’05).
Brad Cruickshank writes: “KDU brothers Keith Carlson, Brad Cruickshank, Brad Falkof, Ted Karwoski, Carey Timbrell, and their spouses tailgated under sunny skies prior to the Bruins’ football victory over Cornell in Providence. All 1974 KDU brothers, please contact one of us about next year. Let’s grow the group in preparation for our 40th reunion.”
John Egelhofer ’77 MD (See Engagements & Weddings, Kathryn Egelhofer ’06).
Ken Field, Boston saxophonist and composer, performed in Atlanta in October with the Georgia Symphony Orchestra for the premiere of Erik Lindgren’s Extreme Spirituals. Field’s latest work, featuring his music for film and dance, was released in November by Innova Recordings.
Robert G. Yizar retired with his wife, Andrea, to Temple Terrace, Fla., leaving daughter Ebony in Mamaroneck, N.Y., and daughter Tiffany Yizar ’07 in Los Angeles.
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Jerome Vascellaro and Mary Aguiar Vascellaro (see Sally Nichols Tracy ’58).
From the September/October 2012 Issue
Carol Ann Cooper is retired from her career as a psychiatric social worker/ psychotherapist at the trauma treatment clinic where she did post-traumatic stress counseling and rehabilitation of war and torture victims. She remains an active member of Amnesty International and is currently chair of Democrats Abroad Sweden–Gothenburg.
Susan Manley Champion (see Phyllis Reynolds Manley ’49).
Richard Wingate announces his association with New York City–based Digital Entertainment Ventures (DEV), which provides early-stage capital to the next generation of digital media companies, and the formation of affiliate company DEV Advisors, which he joined as principal. DEV Advisors acts as a bridge between the technology and entertainment industries, providing digital business strategy, content acquisition and licensing, access to key relationships, and market and product development.
From the May/June 2012 Issue
Daniel Coleman writes: “I want to share with classmates that in November I was re-elected to the Carrboro, N.C., Board of Aldermen with the third-highest vote total in Carrboro history. I have since been appointed Mayor pro tem by my colleagues. Carrboro is known as the Paris of the Piedmont, and I’m sure fellow alums will enjoy a visit.”
Pamela Constable (see J. Cheston Constable ’39).
Jonathan Sallet (see Shirley Lechtman Sallet ’50).
From the March/April 2012 Issue
Brian Bixby was included in Best Lawyers in America 2012. He concentrates his practice in all aspects of estate planning, fiduciary administration, probate and trust litigation, family law, and guardianships and conservatorships. He and his family reside in Cohasset, Mass.
Richard Kirsch’s book, Fighting for Our Health, was published in February. It tells the story of the grassroots campaign to pass health reform legislation, which he led. Richard is trying to catch up to his wife, Claudia Ricci, who published her second novel, Seeing Red, early in 2011.
From the January/February 2012 Issue
Communications secretary James M. Morris writes that he and his wife, Delilah, continue to live in northern Virginia, where Jim is general counsel of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation. Jim and Delilah have three sons: James is a senior at Brown, Elliott is a sophomore at Emory Univ., and Michael is a freshman at Emory. Jim notes that in September class president Carol Norris Brown and Carl Brown invited classmates to a dinner at their home in Virginia, one of a number of gatherings that have fostered a strong sense of community among class members in the Washington, D.C., area. As the class nears the halfway point in the path to its next five-year reunion in the spring of 2014, Jim encourages class members to contact him if they have news for the class or plans to visit Washington, or just want to catch up.
Stephen Foley (See Engagements and Weddings, Jeanne Gerrity '02).
From the November/December 2011 Issue
Marjorie Thompson'79 PhD (see Births & Adoptions, Alexis Thompson '02 and Sarah Bowman '06).
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Tom Bannon welcomed his first grandchild, James Brookover Jr., on Nov. 4.
Joan Weinberger Berman (see Engagements & Weddings, Laura Goodman '05).
Faye Venetia Harrison, a professor of anthropology and African American studies at the Univ. of Florida, was an Andrew W. Mellon Visiting Fellow at the Univ. of Cape Town in spring 2011. She has been invited to the Univ. of Suriname to give an intensive summer seminar on feminist, indigenous, and other critical research methodologies.
Roscoe C. Howard Jr. is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Andrews Kurth LLP, practicing in litigation, antitrust, and white-collar criminal defense. He is also president of the U.S./Canada Fulbright scholarship board of directors, succeeding Jamie Kiernan in the position, and a member of the NCAA Division I committee on infractions.
Robert Koch writes: "After a rewarding management and sales career in television creative services, followed by several years of entrepreneurial endeavors, I'm exploring a transition into higher education administration or development. Advice, suggestions, and input are welcome."
John Manchester, mayor of Lewisburg, W.Va., for the past eight years, is proud to note that Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel Magazine just named Lewisburg the Coolest Small Town in America for 2011. It will be featured in Budget Travel's September issue.
Anne Berchenko Weisholtz and Steve Weisholtz (see Engagements & Weddings, Paul Charney '95).
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Steve and Anne Berchenko Weisholtz (see Len Charney '62).
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Roscoe C. Howard Jr. is a partner at Andrews Kurth LLP in Washington, D.C. His son Adam Howard '12 is at Brown. Adam's brother, Conklin, is in the class of 2011 at the Univ. of Chicago. Roscoe and his wife, Deb, live in Chantilly, Va.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
F. Gregory Ahern (see Dylan Brown '03).
On April 27, the U.S. Patent Office awarded U.S. Patent No. 7,707,092 to Marc S. Freed and Lyster Watson and Co. for a "System and Method for Ranking Investment Performance." Marc developed the statistical measure to isolate idiosyncratic returns of hedge funds from those attributable to a hedge fund index.
A. Waller Hastings has been appointed chair of the humanities department at West Liberty Univ. in West Virginia, after three years teaching children's literature in the library school at Rutgers. He recently became a grandfather for the first time.
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Jeff Lantos was awarded his second grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has studied the birth of the global economy in London and the Netherlands and was at the Newbury Library in Chicago last summer studying cartography. His new musical, Plymouth 2.0, made its world premier at the Broad Stage in Calif.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Jonathan Benjamin recently became a grandfather. He continues his pediatrics practice, but anticipates spending more time with his children in Southern Calif.
Peter J. Blatman has been living in San Francisco for the past 30 years. He has been married since 1997 and is leading a global technology advisory services practice for Deloitte Consulting.
The wedding of Joshua Crist, son of Peter Crist and Stephanie Wardrop Crist, took place in December. Brown alumni who attended include Don Bogan, Ted Clark, Bob Condon, David Duhaime '73, Claire Flanagan Duhaime '75, Roscoe Howard, Nino Moscardi '73, and Bob Watt.
Mary Finnerty Nachbar and Robert B. Nachbar '79 PhD became grandparents after their daughter, Mary Curan Nachbar Schiefelbein '01, '03 ScM gave birth to John Robert in December 2008. Her youngest is in eleventh grade and Bob is still at Merck. Mary is still a Girl Scout leader and would like to hear from classmates.
Henry Gould writes he is a cryptic poet-librarian and is featured on YouTube in "Interviews with a Mirror."
From the March/April 2010 Issue
Ken Field, Boston saxophonist and composer, will premiere his commissioned score for the dance piece Double Expose at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York City Mar. 25–28. Ken's latest collaboration with his wife, animator Karen Aqua (RISD '76), is the film Twist of Fate, which premiered at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston and was screened at film and animation festivals in Denver, Telluride, and Ottawa. His improvisational brass band, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble, traveled to New Orleans in February to march with the Krewe of Orpheus in their annual Mardi Gras parade.
Jocelyn Greene (see Kenneth Greene'42).
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Class vice president for communications Jim Morris reports: "The class of '74 was named Class of the Year by the Brown Association of Class Leaders. That says a lot about the energy that our class exhibited at the reunion and over the years! Our class president, Carol Norris Brown; former class president Gail Costa; Susan Buffum; John Hirsch; and I accepted the award on behalf of the class at the Recognition Ceremony on Oct. 3 in Alumnae Hall. A picture is posted on our class website. Current class officers attended sessions and workshops at the Alumni Fall Weekend held Oct. 2–3 at Brown. The other class officers and I would like to call your attention to the new Brown Alumni Career Navigator, can provide useful career information and connect you to a network of Brown graduates. Please update the e-mail address you have on file at the Brown alumni website."
Roy W. Beck received the 2009 Alfred Bressler Prize in Vision Science. The award is given annually to a vision researcher whose leadership, research, and service have resulted in important advancements in the treatment of eye disease. Roy and his wife, Ruth Hanno '72, live in Tampa, Fla., where Roy is executive director of the Jaeb Center for Health Research, a nonprofit company that coordinates multicenter clinical trials, principally in eye disease and in type 1 diabetes ( Roy and Ruth's three children all graduated from Brown: Jody '00, Andy '02, '06 MD, and Eric '08.
Mitchell Driesman '77 MD (see Hilary Farrell '05).
William Fairbanks moved his law practice to the specialty estate planning and tax firm of Hamilton Thies Lorch & Hagnell LLP earlier this year.
Mark Guss retired from IBM in 2007 and bought Bethel Power Equipment. Mark writes that his son, Mike, graduated with honors from New York Univ.'s Stern School, and his daughter, Allison, is at Rider Univ.
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Jocelyn Greene Beyrle (see Kenneth Greene '42).
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Connect with us at the Brown University Class of 1974 Facebook page.
Class vice president for communications Jim Morris writes that the class had a great 35th reunion. "There was a strong turnout, with 134 class members bringing 87 guests. Highlights included a Friday night dinner in a tent in front of R.I. Hall, leading to the Campus Dance on the Green. The weather cooperated, and classmates danced and talked into the morning hours. At the class luncheon on Saturday, Pam Constable spoke about her experiences as a journalist in Afghanistan and her book, Fragments of Grace: My Search for Meaning in the Strife of South Asia. On Saturday night, classmates enjoyed a New England-–style lobster dinner while hearing a touch of New Orleans in the music played by Ken Field and his band, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble. Other classmates took leading roles in forums: Scott Harris discussed career management in today's economy, and Dean Dent discussed the 1968 walkout. The high point for me was the emotional march down College Hill with the graduating class. The procession creates a strong affinity among alumni and the new Brown graduates. If you haven't done it since graduation, you can't imagine the impact it will have on you! I would enjoy hearing from any classmates, especially ones who may be coming through the Washington, D.C., area. Our class president, Carol Norris Brown; officers Susan Buffum, Steven Birnbaum, John Hirsch, Brad Cruickshank, Carl Brown; and I are trying to improve non-reunion opportunities for all classmates to communicate and get together with their friends. The class hopes to set up occasional gatherings so classmates can get together informally. We would like to use e-mail to get the word out on these informal activities in an environmentally friendly manner and with a minimal impact on our limited class budget. Please make sure that you are aware of these and other class activities by updating the e-mail address you have on file with the Brown alumni website."
Steve Dentel was named a prince in the village of Bakang, near Bamendjou in western Cameroon. The ceremony, conducted by the village chief, recognized Steve's work in the area with Engineers Without Borders. A picture is at
Mary Counihan Livingston '74 AM still practices law and lives with her family in Mass. Her husband, Dunbar (Trinity College '72), is an associate justice of the Salem District Court. Their daughter, Schuyler, is at Trinity College and plays on both the women's squash team (ranked number three in the nation) and women's tennis team. Their son, Sam, is a fifth-former at St. George's School in Newport, R.I.
Donald Nadel was recognized by Lotusphere in Jan. for his 25 years of service with Lotus Software. In 2005 IBM appointed him a distinguished engineer. In 2000 he was elected to the IBM Academy of Technology, a cross-disciplinary organization of 300 top technical professionals impacting global strategy. He lives in London with his wife, Lesley, who is completing a degree in Jewish history, and daughter Caroline, who just finished her first year at Imperial College London. He recently visited with Michael Walach '75.
At the National Press Club in April, Thomas Tamm received the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling, named in honor of Ron Ridenhour, who revealed the facts of the My Lai massacre in Vietnam. A former justice department lawyer, Thomas was honored for exposing warrantless wiretapping by the Bush administration. James Risen '77 won a Pulitzer for reporting the story in the New York Times, and Thomas was the subject of a Dec. 22, 2008, Newsweek cover story. In April, Esquire magazine listed him as one of 66 "men to emulate."
Robert Weinberg '78 MD (see Eugene Weinberg '51).
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Andrea Lucile Burgo-Black has been with the Veterans' Administration for 25 years as a primary care doctor. She has also worked as a member of the clinical faculty at Yale. She has four children, three in college and one in medical school.
Clytia Montllor Curley writes: "My husband, Joe, and I launched our only daughter, Nora, off to college in 2006 (she is a sophomore at the Univ. of Southern Calif., along with senior Paul Shapiro, son of Emily Fenn Shapiro). That same summer I retired from a research (entomology) position at UC Berkeley, and I now teach biology at every level of public secondary education in the state. I am still in close contact with a few old friends from Brown: Marcia Yudkin, Emily Shapiro, Michael Cunning '73, and Naomi Segal Deitz. We also regularly see fellow Bay Area inhabitants Ed McAlpine '73 (now my brother-in-law), John MacArthur, and Alan Harper '78. Last summer I had a visit from my best friend from high school and her son Ian Hovander '12 just before he headed off to Providence for freshman orientation. Lucky him—three more great years ahead!"
Scott Harris writes: "Join the class Facebook group (you need to have an account). Search for Brown University Class of 1974."
Marc Alan Silverstein writes that his daughter, Sydney '12, just finished her freshman year at Brown, where his son, Zachary, will join her when he starts this fall. Marc continues to enjoy practicing real estate and construction law at Jones Day in Cleveland.
From the May/June 2009 Issue [35th]
Jonathan Benjamin writes: "Thirty-five years after graduating from Camp Bruno, I am going to be a grandfather. Looking forward to our reunion."
Lynda Ivey Bigler graduated from Yale Divinity School in 2007 and was ordained in January 2008. She writes that she is the third person with a disability to seek ordination in the United Church of Christ. In February, she began her work as a parish minister in Humboldt, Iowa. Her husband, Robert Bigler '77 MD, continues to work for Kaiser Permanente in Oregon while he searches for a medical practice in Iowa. He plays trumpet in two wind ensembles. Last winter he won Best Restored Car 2008 at the Portland Roadster Show after restoring his father's 1949 Ford convertible. Daughter Sheryl Bigler '04 is applying to grad school and for fun is learning how to show her Shetland sheepdog. Son Scott (RPI '07) works for GM in Warren, Mich., where he is on their show-car design team.
Brian D. Bixby was appointed by the Massachusetts Bar Association to chair its Taxation Law Section for the 2008–09 year.
Lydia Cort lives in Santa Fe, N. Mex., and is semiretired from teaching art. She assists special needs students.
Ken Field and his improvisational brass band, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble, made their fourth trip to New Orleans to march with the Krewe of Muses in the Mardi Gras parade. The Revolutionary Snake Ensemble's new CD, Forked Tongue, has appeared on several "Best of 2008" lists in the United States and Europe. Look for it at
Stuart Symington, a former ambassador to Djibouti, was sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda by U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte. Among those in attendance was Scott Harris.
Richard Preisler is the chair of the chemistry department at Towson Univ. His wife, Barbara Corak (Drexel Univ. '75), teaches middle school. Their daughter, Shelley, is in the eighth grade in a magnet French program.
From the March/April 2009 Issue [35th]
Linda Zonfrillo Jzyk, class vice president of communications, writes: "Please make plans to attend our 35th class reunion, May 22–24, to renew friendships and see the wonderful additions to the Brown campus. Your class officers and reunion committee—Carol Norris Brown, John Hirsch, Sue Buffum, Bernard Buonanno, Patricia Jenny, Cornelius Kiely IV, and I—have been finalizing the details of an exciting program. Remember to update your profile at so you won't miss any class news. You might also want to check out the class website at
F. Gregory Ahern is the chief public communications officer of an investment company in Washington, D.C. He also has a home in Watch Hill, R.I., and keeps in close touch with classmates in the New England and Washington areas.
Brian W. Ball writes that he and his wife, Judy, a Univ. of Tennessee graduate, have been married for 27 years and have three children. His two sons graduated from the Univ. of Delaware, and his daughter attends the Univ. of Alabama. He has worked at Advantis Commercial Real Estate in Washington, D.C., for the past 32 years and his son, Brian Jr., has joined him.
Sanford D. Brown and Joan Miller Brown '76 recently celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary. Sanford writes: "We enjoy traveling to see our kids. Jenny (Emory '02, Columbia '05) is senior producer of the Today show website and an adjunct professor at Columbia Graduate School. Our son Sandy '04 is a third-year medical student at Tufts. Our son Edward '07 remains in Providence as a national sales representative for Andera, a software company started by another Brown grad. I still run a law practice, and Joan is director of a nursery school. I would enjoy hearing from Brown friends."
Peter Pickens works full-time in hematology and oncology and works as voluntary faculty member at the Temple and Drexel medical schools. He was honored with the Philadelphia William Osler Award in teaching in 2004. He also joined the Senior Olympics and ran the 100- and 400-meter races.
Ellen Davis Sullivan received the third-place prize in New York City on Dec. 9 at a ceremony for Moment magazine's short fiction contest for her story "Yiddish Land." Pulitzer Prize winning author Geraldine Brooks judged the contest. Ellen's story "Yiddish Land," appears in the November/December Moment.
John E. Tierney Jr. writes: "Six years ago I read Rick Warren's book, The Purpose Driven Life, and it had a profound effect on me. I quit my job, got my MAT at Clemson Univ., and started teaching literature to sixth and seventh graders. Bottom line – I've never been happier or more fulfilled. My wife, Kate, and I now have six children ages two to eleven, with the last four being blessed adoptions. I'm planning on teaching and staying young for many years to come."
Elizabeth Beckhard Waller and her husband, Steve (George Mason '75), have retired to their dream home at Slow Turning Farm in Ocala, Fla. Elizabeth enjoys the company of her horses and dogs after a rewarding 25-year career with the Fairfax County (Va.) Public Library. Friends and classmates are always welcome to stop by for a bit of rural serenity.
From the January/February 2009 Issue [35th]
Steven Birnbaum writes that his daughter Molly '05 won a Pulitzer Fellowship at her graduation from the Columbia School of Journalism and that he tied for second place in the 2008 New England Senior Amateur Golf Championship.
Carolyn Scott Brown, author of the Black Woman's Guide to Menopause/Doing Menopause with Heart and Soul, was featured in a LifeFocus TV documentary called Menopause Mania. Carolyn's new book, 30 Days to a Stress Free Lifestyle, will be published this year. Check her website at
Bernard J. Buonanno Jr. was appointed regional vice president of distribution for the Midwest region of AARP Services Inc.
Mark and Roberta Haynes de Regt '76, '79 MD moved from Westport, Conn., to Seattle in 1996. They are now empty nesters. Their son, David, graduated from Reed College in 2006; daughter Anna is a senior at Swarthmore; and daughter Elizabeth is a sophomore at MIT. Roberta is a peri-natologist in Kirkland and Bellevue, while Mark is a lawyer in Seattle. For recreation, Robin skis and hikes, while Mark races his Spec Miata and does astrophotography (see Mark and Roberta look forward to attending reunion festivities in the spring.
Kate Flynn was appointed president of the Health Care Improvement Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on building partnerships for better health care in the Philadelphia region.
John F. Hirsch has left his position as a senior development director at Brown to become the director of major gifts and gift planning at Wheaton College in Norton, Mass. His wife, Susan, continues to work at Brown as the program manager for the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the Watson Institute. Their two sons are both married. Josh, 32, lives in Denver, and Ben, 30, has recently moved to the Baltimore area. Their grandson, Zach, is almost 2 1/2 years old.
Elizabeth Laterra Hobbins retired in December 2008 after 34 years with the U.S. Department of Defense, where she was a manager of worldwide IT services.
Will Joyner recently stepped down from his longtime post as executive director of communications and editor of the Harvard Divinity Bulletin at Harvard Divinity School. He now works at home, writing a book and taking care of daughter Carolina, 2, and son Alec, 16.
Mike Kornblum and his wife, Sue (URI '69), are officially empty nesters now that their youngest, Sarah, has graduated from Skidmore, moved to Manhattan, and found a job. Mike writes that he still works at Cone LLC and hopes to see everyone in May.
William R. Reed practices general internal medicine and enjoys swing dancing with Mary Hutchings Reed '73 AM. He also enjoys long-distance sailing and teaching biomedical ethics to first-year medical students.
Robert Roer and Margie (Duke '73) still live in Wilmington, N.C. Robert is completing his 30th year on the faculty at UNC Wilmington. For the last six, he has been dean of the graduate school and research. The couple's daughter, Sara, graduated from George Mason Univ. in 2005 with a BFA in dance and is living and dancing in New York City.
Jerome Vascellaro and Mary Aguiar Vascellaro are enjoying San Francisco after living there for more than two years. After 28 years with McKinsey & Company, Jerome is starting anew with TPG Capital. Mary enjoys her work as a board member of Teach for America in the Bay Area, and is trying to jump-start some creative writing projects.
From the September/October 2008 Issue [35th]
Ellen Davis Sullivan writes: "After 20 years of writing, during which I specialized in unpublished fiction, I finally have news: my play, The Unveiling, was selected for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education's 2008 New Play Development Workshop. It was performed June 12–14 as part of Boston's Playwrights' Platform Festival. My story 'Memoril' was accepted for the debut issue of the literary journal 94 Creations."
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Ted Clarke '75 MAT writes: "As we start to anticipate our 35th reunion, I find myself reading the obituaries along with the class notes. I am hoping to keep myself in the active section for a few more years."
Bruce Leslie '74 (see Rebecca Spielfogel Polivy '02).
Kenneth and Linda Grossman Polivy (see Rebecca Spielfogel Polivy '02).
Myron Stachiw writes: "I am now in my fourth year of living in Ukraine. Following two years of a Fulbright research fellowship on the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster on the cultural heritage of Ukraine, I assumed the post of director of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine and the Ukraine office of the Institute of International Education in September 2006. It is an incredible time to be in this emerging post-Soviet democracy, which struggles daily with its historical and cultural identity and memory as well as with its future orientations in the world community. I was fortunate to be here during the Orange Revolution of 2004; the social, cultural, and political turmoil that has followed that incredible societal upheaval has made Ukraine a remarkable place to be for an anthropologist and historian. I continue to maintain a home in East Woodstock, Conn. My wife, Nancy Mabry, continues to work in Providence, R.I., with the Groden Center, and my son, Andrew, now 21, is a sophomore at Hampshire College."
Ellen Davis Sullivan (see Rebecca Spielfogel Polivy '02).
Frances Wentworth (see Janet Cameron Claflin '45).
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Faye V. Harrison published a new book, Outsider Within: Reworking Anthropology in the Global Age (Univ. of Illinois Press, 2008).
Adrian Hlynka and his son, Christopher, recently received a U.S patent for their tumbling robot.
Amy Leeds writes: "My daughter, Stephanie Brag '08, is an art history major and graduated from Brown this year. She has loved her four years at Brown and particularly enjoyed looking after her younger brother, Matthew Brag '11, who was a freshman this year. They even took two classes together. I am still in touch with fellow classmates Steve Dunn (whose son was also in Stephanie's graduating class), Jamie and Beth MacDonald Kiernan, and Dick Lazaroff. Charlie Craig's '72 daughter, Denia '08, has been Stephanie's roommate for the last three years."
Allison McMillan writes that last June she was elected to the board of directors of Chorus America, a service organization supporting choruses across North America. Alli is executive director of Providence Singers Inc.
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Robert Condon writes: "I have lived in Berkeley, Calif., since 1992, when I started an alternative investment firm and began running the business end of a nonprofit group doing medical relief work for the displaced people of Burma ( My wife, Debbie Van Dusen, is involved with a nonprofit arts organization, and we are lucky to be in touch with many Brown friends. We love traveling to Asia and hiking in the Berkeley hills and in the Sierra with our two dogs. Life is good, and we feel very lucky."
Lannie Taliaferro (see John R. Jolly '59).
Robert Weinberg '78 MD (see Eugene Weinberg '51).
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Brian D. Bixby has been appointed by the Massachusetts Bar Association as the chair of the association’s Taxation Law Section Council. He is cochair of the private client group at Burns & Levinson LLP in Boston, where he concentrates on estate planning, fiduciary administration, and probate court litigation.
Steve Dentel is a professor of environmental engineering at the Univ. of Delaware. As an adviser to the local Engineers Without Borders chapter, he recently traveled to Cameroon with a group of undergraduates. The group is developing potable water supplies for a remote village in the high plateau region. A blog with pictures is at
Ken Field writes: “The Bridgman/Packer Dance piece Under the Skin was performed with my live and prerecorded score at Rhode Island College on November 30. In addition to numerous other venues, the pieces were presented in Budapest last April at a historic theater where Beethoven once performed. Under the Skin was also performed at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston in December and at the Alabama Dance Festival January 18–20 and will be performed at the Flynn Center in Vermont on March 28. A CD was released in 2007 on Innova Recordings as part of their select short-run series. Find more info at and at”
Joel Shalowitz ’77 MD was a Fulbright senior specialist and visiting professor at Keio University Medical School in Tokyo, where he taught both medical and management students and studied the Japanese health care system. Joel is professor and director of the health industry management program at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.
From the November / December 2007 Issue
Jon Lomartire writes: “I am embarrassed by the national government, alarmed by the undeclared war by the upper class, and incensed by the price gouging by universities.”
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Theodore Clarke '75 MAT writes: "I recently enjoyed a Vegas reunion with classmates Robert Watt, Donald Bogan, Roscoe Howard Jr., Robert Condon, Peter Crist, and two of the finest from the Class of '73, Nino Moscardi '73 and David Duhaime '73. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
Faye V. Harrison was appointed director of African American studies at the Univ. of Florida, where she has been professor of anthropology since 2004. She is the executive program chair for this year's annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. She is publishing a new book, Outsider Within: Reworking Anthropology in the Global Age, this fall.
Andrea Udoff (see Andrew Goldsmith '99).
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Wally Hastings writes: “During the 2007–08 academic year, I will be a visiting professor at Rutgers Univ., teaching children’s literature in the School of Communications, Information, and Library Studies. I’m hoping to see some old friends while I am in the East.”
Richard Heller (see Melisa W. Lai ’94).
Stuart Himmelfarb was elected board co-chair of the New York Jewish Week, New York City’s largest circulation Jewish newspaper. Debbie Lippman Himmelfarb ’75 is vice president of marketing at Forbes. Their son, Eric, is a sophomore at Georgetown Univ.
Keith H. Williamson writes: “After eighteen years in Stamford, Conn., I am back in my hometown, St. Louis, where I am general counsel of Centene Corp., a public healthcare company.”
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Andrew Arnold, a Murray-Heilig Endowed Professor and the Chief of Endocrinology at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, received the 2006 Louis V. Avioli Founders Award of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), which recognizes fundamental contributions to basic research. He received the award in Philadelphia during the ASBMR Annual Meeting in September. Joining the celebration at the ceremony were Andrew’s parents, Barbra and Frank S. Arnold ’45, of White Plains, N.Y,. and Donald Delson ’73 and Cordelia Hebble Delson of Swarthmore, Pa. Andrew’s research accomplishments include discovery of the cyclin D1 cancer gene and identification of the central molecular cause of parathyroid cancer.
Francie Wentworth Claflin (see Lillian Hicock Wentworth ’35).
Melanie Kosich writes: “Kathy Tamaki, Carol Miller, Nancy Hough, and I were joined by two other friends this fall to attend a private cooking-school weekend at the Snowvillage Inn in Snowville, N.H. This was the second time that we have planned a reunion around cooking classes and travel. What a great way to stay in touch with friends!”
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Boston saxophonist and composer Ken Field’s commissioned score for the dance piece “Under the Skin” was staged for two sold-out performances at City Center in New York City in October and has been released on Innova Recordings. Field’s latest collaboration with his wife, animator Karen Aqua (RISD ’76), is the short abstract animated film Sensorium, which premiered at the Denver Film Festival in November. With the group Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, he performed recently in Hartford (Conn.), Boston, and Atlanta in collaboration with acclaimed African American spiritual singer Oral Moses.
Jane Heitman Green writes: “My son Andrew is a freshman at Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte and my son Adam is a high school freshman at the Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, N.C. My husband, Bob, and I are passionate supporters of the Carolina Ballet and enjoy all of the cultural, educational, and sports events in the Triangle.”
Robert G. Yizar writes: “After twenty-five years with Citigroup, I turned in corporate life for teaching. I joined the NYC Teaching Fellow program. I teach seventh-grade math at I.S. 190 in the Bronx. Wish me luck!
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Bud Wiley ’74 BA,’77 MD writes that he is in private practice as medical director of Beauty Thru Health Dermatology in Oklahoma City. He is married to Cynthia, and on May 20, 2005, Clarence Wiley Jr. was added to the family. Chris, 27, is a staff sergeant in the air force and has a daughter, Joo-Yung, 2, with his wife Ju-A. Amber, 25, received her BA from Yale in 2003 and her MA from the Univ. of Virginia 2005. She is working for a PhD in architecture at George Washington Univ. in Washington, D.C. Rolond is 15.
From the May / June 2006 Issue
Sam J. Docknevich writes: “Last year was a year of milestones for the Docknevich family. Our daughter started college in Virginia, our son started high school, my wife had her gallbladder out, and I celebrated my tenth year at IBM. I still enjoy doing Brown alumni interviews and meeting such a wonderful group of young adults. With one child off to college, Laurie and I have started to think about life without children in the house. It’s scary and exciting to be entering the next stage of our life. It would be great to hear from old friends and classmates.”
From the March / April 2005 Issue
Marcia Yudkin writes: “Two years after my husband and I moved to Goshen, Mass. (population 920). I was appointed town librarian. It’s an interesting way to meet our human neighbors, as otherwise I see mainly bears, beavers, birds, bats, moose, and other creatures from our house in the woods. Anyone who wants to catch up on my writing and consulting career can visit my Web site at”
From the November / December 2004 Issue
Dean A. Dent was inaugurated as the 162nd president of the Morris County Medical Association. He is a practicing anesthesiologist in Morristown, N.J., and the first African American to serve as president of the association.
Lawton Wehle Fitt has been appointed by the board of Reuters Group as a non-executive director. She and Penny Hughes are the first women directors on the board of Reuters. During her twenty-three years at Goldman Sachs, Lawton was the first woman to be made partner in the firm’s equity division. She is a non-executive director at CIENA Corp. and a trustee of several not-for-profit organizations across the world. She is also the current secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts in London with responsibility for managing the 236-year-old organization.
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Hope Saunders Elliott reports that she is “still alive and kicking. All three children are pretty much grown up. Lance is assistant vice president at People’s Bank here in Stamford (Conn.). Daughter Micaela is working at a local gym, and son Gabriel is in his last year of high school. Presently, I am the executive director of Horizons at Greens Farms Academy in Westport, Conn. Plans are to head to Florida in the next year. Please e-mail me.”
Ken Field, a Boston saxophonist and composer, was interviewed on Croatian national radio and on Zagreb’s top independent station, Radio 101. Field was in Zagreb to attend screenings of Andaluz, a film by his wife, Karen Aqua, which was competing in the Zagreb animation festival. Field produced music for the film. More information is available at
Roscoe C. Howard Jr. has joined the Washington, D.C., law firm Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton. Previously he was a U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia.
Frances Wentworth (see Beatrice Wattman Miller ’35).
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Bob Weinberg ’78 MD writes: “I married Barbara in 2001 and added Alyssa, Jason, and Shyler to the family with Emily and Ellen. Emily graduated from SUNY Geneseo this spring and is planning to be married next April. I have been practicing pediatrics in Geneva, N.Y., since 1983 and live along the wine trail on beautiful Seneca Lake.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Reunion weekend is May 28–31. For more information, contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or
Jonathan Benjamin writes: “Looking forward to our 30th reunion.”
Akim Czmus ’77 MD has joined the firm Sheller, Ludwig & Badey as an associate. He will focus on medical malpractice, personal injury, and drug and medical-device product liability.
Cordelia Hebble Delson and Don Delson ’73 write that their girls are all in college now: Madeleine is a senior at Bryn Mawr, Renie is a senior at Trinity, and Samantha is a sophomore at Brown. Don commutes from their home in Swarthmore, Pa., to New York City, where he is a managing director at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Cordelia writes, “I spend my time as a volunteer, mainly chairing two music boards: the Chester (Pa.) Children’s Chorus and Astral Artistic Services, an organization that promotes the careers of young professional musicians.”
Amy Paller, a tenured professor of pediatrics and dermatology at Northwestern, writes that she has been appointed chair of the Department of Dermatology at the university’s Feinberg School of Medicine. She is a member of the board of directors of the American Academy of Dermatology and the Society for Investigative Dermatology, and she is president-elect of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. Amy lives in Wilmette, Ill., with her husband, Ethan, and their three teenage boys.
From the March / April 2004 Issue
Our 30th reunion plans are complete, and we hope to see you back at Brown on May 28–31! Join fellow classmates for a great reunion weekend, including a pre–Campus Dance reception, a class dinner at the newly renovated Verney-Woolley Dining Hall, and a class brunch at a special location on Sunday. Registration information will arrive soon, so please make your reservation early. Register online at and address any questions to reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or
Deborah Spitz ’77 MD reports that she and Janice Cleveland Washburn ’84 have opened a new dermatology practice together, Dermatology Specialists of Wellesley, Mass.
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Carolyn Scott Brown writes: “I am thrilled to announce the publication of The Black Woman’s Guide to Menopause: Doing Menopause with Heart and Soul (Sourcebooks Inc.). I wrote this book to empower women of color to celebrate the second half of life.”
Sandy Brown writes: “After twenty-five years of practicing law in the county seat, I eliminated my commute by setting up a new law firm named Brown & Connelly in my hometown of Ocean Township, N.J. My wife, Joan Miller Brown ’76, is the director of a local preschool. Our son Ted ’07 is enjoying his freshman year at Brown. We are looking forward to my 30th reunion in May, when we will also be celebrating the graduation of our son Sandy ’04. Daughter Jenny is a graduate of Emory University and works as a sportswriter for the Asbury Park Press.”
Robert Falotic was honored recently with the Johnson Medal for Research and Development. The award is the highest distinction given to a researcher in the Johnson & Johnson family of companies. Robert was recognized for his accomplishments related to the creation of the CYPHER Sirolimus-eluting Coronary Stent.
Stephen Foley (see Don Foley ’42).
John Manchester (see Bob Mareneck ’46).
Robert G. Yizar writes: “How quickly times passes and repeats itself. Daughter Tiffany ’07 is now at Brown.”
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Lawton Fitt (see Marshall Cohen ’54).
Andrew Kaunitz, a professor and assistant chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Univ. of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, was selected as a member of the school’s first group of “Exemplary Teachers.”
From the March / April 2003 Issue
Dave Denekas writes: “I’ve just returned from a People to People Ambassador trip to China with a delegation of emergency doctors. We met with some of our counterparts in both rural and urban settings, and in both Western and traditional Chinese hospitals. Henry Lin ’94 was on the trip as well. He is chief emergency resident at Yale, and I enjoyed hearing about his more recent experiences at Brown.”
Marc Freed writes that he has joined the hedge-fund investment-advisory firm Lyster, Watson & Company as a managing director. He joins Charlie McNally ’76, with whom he worked at Salomon Brothers in the 1980s.
Olafur Gislason writes that he is proud to welcome his son, Stefan Gislason ’06, to the Brown community. Stefan is safely ensconced in Archibald. Daughter Erika is a junior at Mount Holyoke. Olafur writes: “Thus, the family is now HolyBROke.”
Chuck Willand writes: “Friends of the late H. Dwight Wesley ’74, ’77 M.D., who would have turned 50 on September 4, gathered on Oct. 19 at the Westerly, R.I., home of Sarah and Jonathan Shay to honor Dwight’s life and memory. The occasion also marked the 50th birthdays of most classmates in attendance. Making the trip were Vicki and Tim Richards; Bob Brown; Roger Maxfield ’77 M.D.; Brian Pistolese ’73; Katherine and Olafur Gislason; and Lora and Paul Schubert ’91. The celebration rekindled friendships that date back to freshman week of 1970. We shared memories of Dwight, who passed away in August 1984, and of our years together at Brown. We enjoyed a splendid meal, a musical jam into the wee hours, and camaraderie for the ages.”
From the November / December 2002 Issue
John Cullen writes: "I'm entering my 25th year at Bowdoin College. I just completed my certified logging professional field test and am adding selective wood harvesting to my part-time job list."
Ellen Saxe Saliman was awarded an honorary doctor of Jewish communal service degree in May by Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion. She is a senior adult worker for the Peninsula Jewish Community Center in Belmont, Calif.
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Rabbi Ellen J. Lewis delivered the baccalaureate address at Stanford on Saturday, June 15. Her son, Gideon Lewis-Kraus, was in the graduating class. Ellen's other son, Micah Lewis-Kraus, is also a student at Stanford and will be entering the sophomore class this fall.
Frances Wentworth (see Janet Cameron Claflin '45).
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Ken Field writes that he was commissioned by New Orleans's Dog & Pony Theatre Company to create original music for its production of the Tennessee Williams classic Suddenly Last Summer. The play, with Field's prerecorded score for solo and layered soprano saxophone, was presented during March at the New Orleans Contemporary Art Center as part of the annual Tennessee Williams Festival. In May, Field returned to New Orleans for performances of his score for the Dog & Pony production of Revolution: A Ballet on Wheels.
Donald Lenehan writes: "I am executive vice president and chief marketing officer of Global Beverage Systems in Latrobe, Pa., which markets Le*Natures waters, teas, juices, and lemonades."
John P. Pelegano writes: "I have been appointed chief of pediatrics at the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain, Conn., and chair of the Committee on Children with Disabilities of the Connecticut chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. More importantly, I recently married Nancy, who has two children, Benjamin, 9, and Hannah, 5."
Marjorie Drucker Thompson '79 Ph.D., of Providence, has released Driving to Distraction, a CD of sixteen original songs. Her Web site is www.mosugarmusic. com. Marjorie, who works at Brown as the undergraduate biology dean, and Ian '79 Ph.D. recently celebrated the graduation of their oldest daughter, Alexis '02.
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Karen Feldman writes: "In July 2001 I opened my new business, Urban Eden, specializing in interior design and feng shui. In November I attended the Nine Harmonies School of Feng Shui in Indiana and received my certification as a practitioner. I now offer seminars and workshops."
From the September / October 2000 Issue
Ken Field writes that he recently completed a visiting-composer residency with the Creative Music Orchestra in New Haven. In late May he performed his music at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans as part of Revolution, a collaboration with the Dog & Pony Theatre Co. The show included dancers on bicycles, skateboards, and in-line skates. For this piece Ken worked with Delfeo Marsalis and New Orleans musicians. In past months Ken has released two CDs: Pictures of Motion, which he says was called "stunningly beautiful" by the Cleveland Scene, and Tokyo in F, a live recording of an improvised concert in Japan, which a Boston music writer labeled "breathtaking." To learn more, go to http://
From the July / August 2000 Issue
F. Gregory Ahern, senior vice president and director of industry affairs and public relations at State Street Corp., was elected to the board of the New England Council, the country’s oldest regional business organization. Before joining State Street, Gregory directed corporate affairs and marketing for the Boston Co.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Elissa Goodman Annunziato ’77 and Edward Annunziato ’77 have established the Michael S. Goodman Memorial Fund at Brown in memory of Elissa’s brother. The fund will support the undergraduate group in the psychology department, providing money for visiting faculty, scholars, and lecturers. Visitors might teach courses, give lectures, participate in workshops, and facilitate discussion groups on topics of interest to psychology students. Contributions may be sent to the Brown University Gift Cashier, Box 1877, Providence 02912.
Jay Davis writes that he moved to Rapid City, S.Dak., where he works in the Pennington County public defender’s office.
PE Corp. appointed Peter Dworkin director of investor relations for the PE Biosystems Group. Peter was formerly senior director of investor relations and corporate communications at Matrix Pharmaceutical.
Jeffrey Lantos, of Marina Del Rey, Calif., writes that his musical, Big Tush, Little Tush, played to packed houses at the Secret Rose Theatre in Los Angeles. Check out songs and scenes from Jeffrey’s historical musicals, Miracle in Philadelphia, Hello Louisiana, and Water and Power, on the Web at Songs from all three shows will be sung at the Democratic Convention in August.
Hon Fon Louie Mark (see Yvonne Mark ’92).
Allison McMillan, of Portsmouth, R.I., writes: "The Rhode Island Foundation awarded me a fellowship to support my work as president of the Providence Singers, an auditioned chorus started by former Brown choral director Bob Molison in 1971. The fellowship will allow me to attend choral-arts conferences and to meet with top-ranked choral leaders nationwide and in Europe to learn more about developing and leading choruses like the Providence Singers, which aspires to greatness."
Tim Richards writes: "I had a great time at last year’s reunion. It was good to see Olafur Gislason, but I missed seeing Eddy Holt, Kevin Walther, Lee Thomas, Alfie Esposito, Tai Kashmiry, Mark Peters, Bob Brown, and other old buddies. If anyone is out there, please call or e-mail. Miami – a very ‘sensitive’ city – is fine, but almost anything gets us going. I think it’s the fact that most of us are still suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of Hurricane Andrew. If you happen to look through the Florida Martindale-Hubbel volume and run across the firm of Richards, Mur & Polansky, that’s me and I’m the boss. I’m having lots of fun. Hopefully my partners will buy me out in the not-too-distant future so I can go back to college and study Proust."
Bryson Waldo writes: "After fifteen years in pediatric nephrology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, I have moved to a general pediatrics practice in Birmingham, and I love it. Jay Davis dropped in a couple of years ago and is doing great. I do miss Steve Emancipator since leaving nephrology."
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Scott Harris writes that he had such fun at the 25th reunion last May that he has already booked room reservations for the 30th. He has left corporate America after twenty-two years and is now in the executive-search field with DHR International, the tenth-largest executive-search firm in the nation. Scott and Michelle live in St. Louis with their daughter, 6, and son, 3.
Perry Premdas writes that he became chief financial officer and management-board member of Celanese AG, which Hoechst AG spun off on Oct. 25 to become an independent company listed in New York and Frankfurt. When not on airplanes, Perry lives and works in Frankfurt and Pennsylvania.
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Ken Field announces the creation of sFz Recordings, a new music label devoted to delivering creative new music to a wider listening audience. Ken is a saxophonist, flutist, percussionist, and composer whose music is heard regularly on Sesame Street.
Will Joyner writes that after twenty years in New York City, he and his wife, Linda Norden '75, have moved with their sons, Luke, 12, and Alec, 7, to the Boston area. Will, who worked for many years at the New York Times, is now editor of the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, a quarterly journal. Linda is curator of contemporary art at Harvard's Fogg Museum.
Charles D. Tansey writes: "I've been appointed by the Clinton/Gore administration to the Small Business Administration, which is responsible for the guaranteed lending, microloan, venture capital, and new-market programs. The position enables me to expand on the work I've been doing for undercapitalized businesses during the past decade, particularly in the areas of minority and female-owned businesses."
From the November / December 1999 Issue
Ken Field was composer-in-residence at the Fundacin Valparaso in Spain during September. Pictures of Motion, his second solo CD of alto saxophone trios and quartets, was released in October on the sFz label.
Art Italo writes: "I regret not being able to make it to the class reunion, but wish all my friends in the class of '74 the best. I was married in May 1997 to Elizabeth Pelypenko. On March 12, 1998, we had our first child, Valentino. I am president of Italo Consulting, a management and marketing consulting practice devoted exclusively to Atlanta law firms."
Rabbi Ellen Lewis has been certified as a psychoanalyst by the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies in New York City. Ellen has a private practice in Watchung, N.J., and in Manhattan.
Mark Rogers, his wife, Jennifer, and big brother Kirk announce the births of Katherine Scott and Madeline Christian on April 8 in Arlington, Va.
From the July / August 1999 Issue
Sanford D. Brown, Allenhurst, N.J., is an attorney in Freehold, N.J. Joan Miller Brown '76 is director of the Wesley Nursery School in Oakhurst, N.J. They recently enjoyed a reunion with Irene Park '76 at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Irene is a children's book editor in New York City, where she resides.
Jane Heitman Green planned to attend her 25th reunion with her husband, Bob, and two sons, Andrew, 11, and Adam, 7. She writes: "We are happy and busy all the time in Simsbury, Conn. I am a member of Simsbury's planning commission and democratic town committee, and I have recently begun to write about local events for a regional newspaper. I would love to hear from friends."
Stuart Himmelfarb, Tenafly, N.J., is president of Himmelfarb Marketing Group, a young-adult marketing and media company, and a founding partner of Student Monitor, a college research company.
Mary Counihan Livingston '74 A.M. has been practicing law in Boston since 1979. She writes: "I have lived on the North Shore in Nahant since Dunbar Livingston (Trinity College '72) and I were married in 1984. Nahant is an island community where the emphasis is on summer fun, especially sailing and tennis. We have two children - a daughter, Schuyler, 10, and a son, Sam, 7 - who attend Tower School in neighboring Marblehead. Dunbar is a prosecutor with the Essex County district attorney's office. I am a member of senior management in the law department of New England Financial, where I also serve as general counsel to its electronic-commerce subsidiary, Interactive Financial Solutions."
James Malachy Morris is now senior counsel to FCA, a McLean, Va., company that supervises a group of banks and affiliates that provide credit for agriculture, commercial fishing, and international trade. James and his wife, Delilah, live near Washington, D.C., with their three children.
Lenny Savoie, Wilton, Conn., finally left Playtex after twelve years and started his own consulting business, More Than Music. The firm specializes in brand identity, jingles, and music marketing. Lenny reports that all is well with the family.
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Richard E. Johnson '81 Sc.M., '88 M.D. writes: "I have returned to practicing anesthesiology after taking three years off to care for my two wonderful sons, Christopher, 5, and Patrick, 2. I was on the anesthesiology faculty at Duke University Medical Center for two years prior to that, after finishing a fellowship in neuroanesthesia. We have now moved to a private practice at a large county hospital in southwest Oklahoma, one-and-a-half hours southwest of Oklahoma City. It is very different from the academic practice at Duke, but challenging and enjoyable nonetheless. We are enjoying the new environs, the southern Great Plains - complete with bison and oil wells - though we miss the trees of the piedmont of North Carolina. The kids are enjoying the local day care and kindergarten very much. I'm looking forward to the 25th reunion (along with several other class friends, including Nancy Campbell, Karen Greif, Greg Spanos, and Sylvia Turner '73) and hoping to see some other old friends from the orchestra and wind ensemble. Would love to hear from Brown alums and friends in the area."
Ted Karwoski writes: "Life continues at its hectic pace, with four kids all creating fun and frolic. My wife, Donna, and I almost feel like we're back in school with nightly homework responsibilities. Currently vice president of research and operations at Atrium Medical Corp. in Hudson, N.H., I've watched as we've grown from three staffers to more than 215 in the past fifteen years. I think I've become the 'establishment' I desperately tried to avoid. Looking forward to the reunion and hanging with classmates."
Mike Kornblum writes: "After twenty-five years as a broadcast journalist working at television stations in Providence, Indianapolis, and Boston, I went through a career change and am now in year three of leading the media services department of Cone Communications, a Boston-based public relations company. I'm enjoying the world outside newsrooms. My wife, Susan (University of Rhode Island '69), and I have a son, Mark, who is finishing his senior year in high school and looking forward to college, and a daughter, Sarah, who is in seventh grade and can't wait to officially become a teenager. We look forward to seeing everyone at the class reunion in May."
Don Nadel has been with Lotus (software, not cars) for fifteen years. "Since 1994 my role as chief systems architect for Lotus Consulting in Europe has seen me flying all over from my London base. More importantly, I got a life (British wife and daughter) shortly after arrival in England. Previously I lived and worked around Boston for about twenty years in various computer-system development positions," he writes.
David Stark has been named the Dr. Howard B. Hunt Centennial Professor of Radiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. The title honors him for his contribution in developing the center's radiology department. David co-authored the country's leading MRI textbook.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Come back to Brown for our 25th reunion, May 28-31. This is a very special opportunity to see old friends, meet new ones, and experience the University and Providence as they are today. More than 150 classmates already plan to attend this memorable weekend. Reunion events will include dinner with President and Mrs. Gee at their home, the always popular Campus Dance, timely Commencement forums, an elegant class dinner on the Green in concert with the Pops, a traditional New England clambake on the grounds of the Eisenhower House in Newport, the award winning WaterFire in downtown Providence, and the inspiring Commencement procession down College Hill. Please plan to spend the full weekend with us. We expect to break all twenty-fifth reunion records. If you have not received class mailings, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947. Your registration packet will be arriving in the mail soon.
Jocelyn Greene (see Marjorie Hazeltine '44).
Catherine Vuozzo Ventura and Alexis Ward '79 announce the birth of Lucas Philip Fortune Ward on Oct. 10. Alexis and Catherine have now moved back definitively to New York City, but Catherine still telecommutes every day to Rome.
Dick Wingate looks forward to the 25th reunion and urges all his former WBRU programming staff to attend. He and his wife, Karen, daughter, Rachael, 8, and son, Nicholas, 3, are living in Westport, Conn. Dick is head of content development and label relations for Liquid Audio, the leader in secure on-line music delivery systems.
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Ready or not, it is almost time for our 25th reunion! Make sure you save the dates, May 28-31. Join fellow classmates at what will be one of your most memorable weekends at Brown. Reunion chair John Hirsh and his committee, which includes Bernie Buonanno, Gail Costa, Linda Zonfrillo Jzyk, and Neil Kiely, have many great events in store for you! This promises to be the reunion you won't want to miss! Look for your upcoming mailing to register, and please return your 25th-reunion book survey as soon as possible. If you have any questions, call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.
John Blum and Penny Nixon Blum, Grafton, Mass., are thrilled that their daughter Jennifer '02 is at Brown. John continues as a product manager at Toshiba America, and Penny is in annuity operations at Allmerica Financial. Their other daughter, Maggie, is a freshman in high school.
Lawrence Golbe was honored in June by the Parkinson's Unity Walk in New York City for his groundbreaking work in Parkinson's Disease research. Lawrence and his colleague, Roger Doviosin, were dubbed Champions of Parkinson's Research for their work in isolating a gene they believe is responsible for some cases of the disease.
Joseph T. Grause Jr., Needham, Mass., writes: "Cypress Holding Company, started in the fall of 1995, is almost three years old! I'm looking forward to seeing classmates next May at our 25th."
Mark W. Guss, Redding, Conn., is still working for IBM after twenty-four years. He coaches soccer for his son, Michael, 11, and daughter, Allison, 9. Mark writes: "As a single father, I find that things get quite hectic, but life is very rewarding. My best to all!"
Scott R. Harris, St. Louis, and his wife, Michelle, are busy raising two young children and working. Scott, Daniel Jay, and Rick Witmer recently got together for dinner to reminisce about their canoe trip down the Allagash twenty-five years ago after exams and before commencement with six other Brown classmates.
Don Lenehan joined Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods in Little Rock, Ark., as senior vice president and management director. The firm is the largest advertising, marketing, and public relations firm in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. He previously was senior vice president of marketing for Royal Crown Co., vice president of marketing for CNN, and group brand director for the Coca-Cola Co.
Pamela Farrell Lenehan married Lawrence F. Guess, an orthopedic surgeon at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, on July 11 in the backyard of their home in Needham, Mass. Among the family members attending were Susan Farrell '72; Larry's daughters, Elizabeth, 23, and Caroline, 19; and Pam's children, Sarah '02, and Paul, who is 14. Pam works for Oak Industries, in Waltham, Mass., where she is senior vice president for corporate development and treasurer.
Marsha R.B. Clark Schachtel, Severna Park, Md., became a senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies in October 1997.
Paul H. Staker has been named a general manager for Ryerson Coil Processing, part of Chicago-based Ryerson Tull. Paul previously served as controller of Ryerson Coil Processing for eight years.
Sylvia Turner-Yanofsky writes: "I have returned to Texas after an eighteen-month adventure as a child psychiatrist in Dunedin, New Zealand, where I was the only public-sector child psychiatrist in the region for more than a year. Monthly flights to a rural clinic were definitely exciting, especially the day we couldn't fly home. My sons, ages 14 and 10, would like to return to live there, but there was a paucity of symphony positions available for my musician husband, Alan. A six-week locum position in New Hampshire is allowing an escape from Dallas heat and a chance to visit friends Karen Greif and Nancy Campbell. I'm looking forward to our 25th reunion and would love to hear from friends while I decide what I want to do next when I grow up."
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Your 25th Reunion Committee which includes John Hirsch, Bernie Buonanno, Gail Costa, Linda Zonfrillo Jzyk, and Neil Kiely has been working hard to make May 28-31 a most remarkable weekend. Many great special events are planned for you, along with traditional favorites. We hope to break all attendance records, so please make every effort to attend. Whether you attend or not, please remember to return the mini-yearbook form enclosed in the fall class mailing. If you have not received the fall class mailing, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.
Jeff Lantos has had three musicals produced this year: Tight Quarters at the Performing Arts Center in Tulsa, Okla.; Miracle in Philadelphia at Orson Bean's Pacific Resident Theatre in Los Angeles; and Hello Louisiana in Los Angeles.
From the September / October 1998 Issue
Bob Bigler '77 M.D. has left academic medicine to work in the hematology and oncology group at Kaiser/Northwest Permanente in Portland, Oreg. He finds his new career direction very rewarding and enjoys the additional family time. He now has time to run a chess club at the junior high school, help out with Boy Scouts, and teach sixteen-year-old Sheryl to drive. Bob's wife, Lynda Ivey Bigler, has finally found time to pursue the writing career she has always dreamed about. She is taking creative writing classes at Marylhurst College, which is located right across the street from their new home. Lynda is also the West Coast regional director for the Brown Alumni Schools Committee, though Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and church continue to play important roles in her volunteer life as well.
Joe Halloran III writes: "We have moved to Raleigh so that I may continue my career in public-health nutrition with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Special greetings to the Basement Gang, Power Street Players, and members of the Brown Orienteering Club."
Wally Hastings has been promoted to full professor of English at Northern State University in Aberdeen, S. Dak., where he continues as coordinator/head of the department. He is planning a sabbatical to write a book about Disney animation. He and his wife, Suzanne, have two daughters, Sara, 12, and Emily, 8.
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Steven Rattner was elected to the Brookings Institution's board of trustees in February. He is deputy chief executive of Lazard Frères & Co. in New York City, where he works with clients in mergers, acquisitions, and corporate finance. Steven, who worked for the New York Times for nine years, writes on public policy issues for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times.
David Epstein (see Barbara Oberhard Epstein '48).
Karen Feldman writes: "After a career change in the early '90s from art direction and graphic design to interior design, I entered the interior design program at RISD. I'm enjoying my wonderful clients and challenging projects here in Rhode Island and in Naples, Fla."
Curt Zingaro writes: "After fourteen years of living in Cincinnati, the family has come full circle back to the Philadelphia area. Matt, Nicole, and my wife, Marian, are adjusting to the hectic pace of the East Coast. Vincent is completing his first year at Florida State, while I travel up and down the East Coast. My new position with General Binding Corp. is eastern regional sales manager for the custom products division."
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Michael J. Busko is division vice president for Hertz Claim Managment in Park Ridge, N.J. He lives in Newburgh, N.Y., with his wife, Mary, and their sons, Nikolai, 16, and Alexei, 13, who both play hockey and musical instruments.
Barbara Ehrlich (see Stanley L. Ehrlich '45).
Ken Field has a new e-mail address and Web site: http://
Faye V. Harrison has a new position at the University of South Carolina as graduate director of women's studies and professor of anthropology. She is also coordinating a symposium on women and gender for the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, which will be held in Williamsburg, Va., from July 26 to Aug. 1.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Michael J. Busko is division vice president for Hertz Claim Managment in Park Ridge, N.J. He lives in Newburgh, N.Y., with his wife, Mary, and their sons, Nikolai, 16, and Alexei, 13, who both play hockey and musical instruments.
Barbara Ehrlich (see Stanley L. Ehrlich '45).
Ken Field has a new e-mail address and Web site: http://
Faye V. Harrison has a new position at the University of South Carolina as graduate director of women's studies and professor of anthropology. She is also coordinating a symposium on women and gender for the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, which will be held in Williamsburg, Va., from July 26 to Aug. 1.
From the March / April 1998 Issue
Julio De Quesada enjoys his work as president and CEO of Citibank Mexico. He has led the effort to expand Citibank's operations in Mexico. He and his wife, Sabina, have been involved in community activities, such as providing continued support to the Mexican children's cancer society and building a clinic for juvenile diabetes patients at Mexico City's Children's Hospital. He is particularly proud of the student exchange program between Brown and the Universidad de Las Americas in Puebla, Mexico, funded by a Citibank grant.
Jane Heitman Green has moved to Simsbury, Conn. She writes: "My sons, Andrew, 9, and Adam, 5, are making friends and enjoying school. My husband, Bob, and I are enjoying our new home and community. I would love to hear from classmates."
Stuart V. Himmelfarb, Tenafly, N.J., formed the Himmelfarb Marketing Group Inc., a New York-based marketing and media consulting company specializing in the young adult market. He is also a founding partner in Student Monitor LCC, a college research company.
Chuck Horn has been promoted to colonel in the U.S. Army. He is assigned to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and is an assistant professor of pediatrics and adolescent medicine at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences.
Jeffrey B. Lantos, Marina Del Rey, Calif., writes: "Tight Quarters, a musical for which I wrote the book and lyrics, ran for thirteen weeks in Los Angeles and won nine Drama-Logue awards."
Leonard J. Savoie announces the birth of Lucas Backer Savoie on May 2.
Steven Vanze (see Denise Huttmann Gorham '67).
Marcia Yudkin has been appointed the on-air and on-line marketing correspondent for The Job Show, broadcast Saturday mornings on WABU in Boston and available on the Web at Marcia's ninth nonfiction book, Writing Articles about the World Around You, was published in February by Writers Digest Books.
David B. Mazza ’74, of Miami; May 6, after many years suffering from COPD. After earning his MBA from Harvard, he began his career working for Russell Reynolds Associates in senior level recruitment. He later cofounded his own executive search firm, Mazza & Riley. In 1998, he cofounded Grove Street Advisors, managing customized venture capital, private equity, and buyout portfolios for clients worldwide. In retirement he worked as a consultant helping companies build management teams and boards of directors, identify potential investors, and refine company strategies. He enjoyed all sports, especially playing golf and skiing. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; a son; and a sister.
Cornelius E. Kiely IV ’74, of Barrington, R.I.; Feb. 3. He was a former ranger for the Cape Cod National Seashore and more recently was director of institutional advancement at St. Luke’s School. He served on the Bristol 4th of July Committee and was a Eucharistic minister at St. Mary’s in Bristol. In addition, he helped lead a local suicide survivors support group and was a proud member of Alcoholics Anonymous for 26 years, where he offered mentorship and support for those suffering addiction in their lives. While at Brown, he was president of the Sigma Chi fraternity and a member of the men’s football team. He is survived by his wife, Laurie; two sons, including Stuart ’00; two daughters-in-law; and two sisters.
Judith Finkelstein Kashtan ’74, of Minneapolis; Nov. 28, as the result of a sudden brain hemorrhage. She was a psychiatrist and advocate for women as leaders in the profession. She served as past president of the Minnesota Psychiatric Society and was a member of the board of trustees of the American Psychiatric Association. She is survived by her husband, Clifford; three children, including Aaron ’05; her father; three siblings and their spouses; and many nieces and nephews.
Michael J. Michael Jr. ’74, of Cranston, R.I.; Jan. 1. In his early career he held positions in government, including with the IRS, before becoming self-employed. He was a die-hard Yankees fan and enjoyed playing basketball, bocce, and golf. He is survived by a daughter; a son; three sisters, including Bonnie Del Signore ’82; brother Stephen ’92; brother-in-law Bruce Del Signore ’82; and several nieces and nephews.
R. Harold Holbrook Jr. ’74, of Atlanta; June 25, 2021. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne.
Karon V. Gibson-Mueller ’74, of Ipswich, Mass.; Feb. 22, after a short but progressive illness. After obtaining her master’s in education from Tufts University she taught in the Stoneham public school system for more than 35 years, completing her career in the Cambridge public school system. She is survived by her husband, Rick; two daughters and their spouses; two stepdaughters; five grandchildren; her mother; a sister; a brother; a stepfather; and a stepmother.
Alan J. Lizotte ’74, of Bristol, R.I., formerly of Albany, N.Y.; Jan. 24. After serving in Vietnam, he attended Bristol Community College and with the help of Helaine Schupack there, he was admitted to Brown. In 2018 he established the Helaine Schupack Endowed Scholarship fund at BCC to help adult learners. He had a 36-year career with the University of Albany School of Criminal Justice, focusing his research on gun ownership and delinquency. In the mid 1980s he cofounded the Rochester Youth Development Study, which continues to shape and inform research and national policy. He and his coauthors were honored with the American Society of Criminology’s Michael J. Hindelang Outstanding Book Award for Gangs and Delinquency in Developmental Perspective. In 2009, he won the University of Albany president’s award for excellence in research; through student nominations, he received its Bread and Roses Award for excellence in promoting gender equality; and in 2014, he was named a fellow of the American Society of Criminology. He is survived by his wife, Lisa, and many friends, colleagues, and former students.
Debi Coleman ’74, of Portland, Ore.; Oct. 15. After receiving her MBA from Stanford, she became part of the original Macintosh team and rose to serve as the company’s chief financial officer and, later, vice president of information systems and technology. She moved to Oregon in 1992 to be vice president of operations and materials at Tektronix but left two years later when Tek spun out printed circuit board manufacturer Merix, where she served as CEO. In 2001 she left Merix to start SmartForest Ventures in an effort to boost local funding available to Oregon startups. SmartForest’s portfolio included an array of regional tech companies, among them SignaCert, Kryptiq Corp., NexPlanar, iMove, Attensa, and Phoseon. In 2008, she formed Rainy Day Productions to fund local theater groups. A longtime patron of the arts, she served on the boards of the Oregon Ballet Theatre and the Oregon Symphony, eventually expanding her activities to include producing Broadway plays, most notably Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. She served on several public companies’ boards of directors and this past September she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from Technology Association of Oregon. She also received the C200 Luminary Award Honoring Women in Business in 2002 for Technology Innovator and was an emerita member of the Brown Board of Trustees. She is survived by her mother, four siblings, 13 nieces and nephews, and eight grand-nieces and nephews.
Diane F. Green-El ’74, of Queens, N.Y.; Oct. 2. She had a career as a pediatrician and a healthcare administrator beginning with a position at the Syracuse Community Health Center, which launched a 40-year commitment to promoting quality healthcare for all. During her tenure at Syracuse, she was medical director of the health center and later became the first medical director for Total Care, a licensed health maintenance organization designed to insure underserved populations. She was instrumental in the development of a seven-day-a-week urgent care program called Extended Hours Services. She later helped to expand the center’s ob-gyn department to include midwives. Under her clinical leadership, the center became one of the first to be certified by the Joint Commission on Health Care Organizations. She maintained her pediatric practice while performing her administrative responsibilities. She was a member of the National Medical Association and an active member of Central Baptist Church. She enjoyed arts and crafts and making jewelry. She is survived by two sons, four grandchildren, her mother, a brother, and a niece.
Richard Preisler ’74, of Reisterstown, Md.; June 2, of progressive supranuclear palsy and possibly COVID-19. He was a chemistry professor and department chair at Towson University. He retired in 2017. He enjoyed classical music, reading, and family. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; his mother; and a sister.
Barbara A. Erwin-McGuire ’74, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.; Sept. 11, of pancreatic cancer. She obtained a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in neuroanatomy and joined the lab of Nobel Laureate Torsten Wiesel at Harvard as a postdoctoral fellow. She then moved to Rockefeller University in New York City, where she continued to explore the microscopic structure of the retina. She also lectured at Cornell Medical School. She became disenchanted with research science, returned to Columbia to obtain her master’s in social work, and practiced privately for 20 years. She enjoyed genealogy and gardening. She is survived by her husband, Don, and two daughters.
P. Kevin Walther ’74, of Flowery Branch, Ga.; Apr. 20. After receiving his law degree from Indiana University, he specialized in residential and commercial real estate law in the Atlanta area from 1979 until his death. He enjoyed cooking for and hosting family gatherings, gardening, and walking on the beach. He is survived by his wife, Kimberly; a daughter; his stepmother; two grandchildren; and six siblings.
H. Wayne Carver ’74, ’77 MD, of Old Saybrook, Conn.; Dec. 26. He did his forensic training at the Cook County medical examiner’s office in Chicago. He went on to become the chief medical examiner of the State of Connecticut and served with distinction for 24 years. He strove to be impartial to both the prosecution and defense when called to testify, while showing compassion to families. At Brown he played drums in the marching band and played in three orchestras. He enjoyed cooking and is survived by his wife, Deborah DeHertogh ’74, ’77 MD; two sons; a sister; and nieces and nephews.
Carolyn Spiro-Silvestri ’74, of Norwalk, Conn.; Feb. 17, after a brief illness. She pursued a career in modern dance prior to becoming a psychiatrist. She spent many years in private practice and co-authored with her twin sister, Pamela ’75, Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia in 2006. She is survived by her husband, Sal; a daughter; a son; a grandson; two stepsons; three siblings, including Pamela ’75; and four nieces and nephews.
Olafur Gislason ’74, of Jamestown, R.I.; Oct. 3, following a prolonged illness. He worked in seafood sales for most of his life. In 1989 he cofounded Southstream Seafoods, where he served as vice president until retiring in 2017. During his tenure, the company grew to be an industry leader in seafood importing and sales. He was an accomplished bassist and guitarist, who played with numerous rock bands. He was an active member of the Brown Club of Rhode Island and served as president of BASC. He was also active in the Jamestown Community Theater and Boy Scouts of America. He is survived by his wife, Katherine; a daughter; a son, Stefan ’06; a brother and sister-in-law; a nephew and nieces.
Gary W. Royal ’74, of Evans, Ga.; Jan. 21. He met his future wife during their freshman orientation week at Brown and married a week after graduation. After working for the U.S. Postal Service during his college years, he briefly sold life insurance in Ocala, Fla., before he transitioned to a research laboratory technician role in immunology at the University of Florida. They moved to the Baltimore-Washington area in 1978 and he worked in another immunology research lab in Baltimore, trained as an air traffic controller in Northern Virginia, but found his calling in computer science. He joined the National Security Agency as an intern in 1981 and during his career there specialized in various subdisciplines, ending up in finance and budget. In the mid-1990s, he moved his family to Evans, Ga., to work at Fort Gordon. He helped his wife to homeschool their children. After overcoming early skepticism, he made a decision to follow Christ and engaged in regular Bible study. He enjoyed the fellowship and friendship of the believers, teaching scripture, and participating in Bible study and prayer groups. In 2013, he was invited to join Gideons International, where he served as treasurer for the local camp and participated in numerous Bible distributions. He is survived by his wife, Catherine E. Stone Royal ’74; three children; and two brothers.
Mark J. Maguire ’74, of Nashville; Aug. 9, 2023, of heart failure. Upon graduating, he continued to work at Brown as a research assistant in the neuroscience department. In 1991, he transferred to Vanderbilt. In addition to being survived by a sister and brother William ’72, he will be mourned by the family of Mark Stublarec ’74, to whose son he was godfather, and Richard Fortinsky ’77 AM, ’84 PhD, who had a 40-year tradition of spending New Year’s with him.
Michael “Mick” Anthony DiMartino ’74, of Kissimmee, Fla., formerly of Pacifica, Calif.; Feb. 14, after a battle with leukemia. He held various jobs that included teaching in a high school, tutoring, and working overnight shifts at an asylum, but his love of sports led to a career officiating volleyball, football, and softball, and to his future wife, whom he met while umpiring a game that her team was playing. They married and started a family. He was supportive of the many sporting events, theater productions, and recitals of his children. In 2021, they moved to Florida. He is survived by his wife, Melinda; a daughter; a son; brother Joseph ’70; and many nieces and nephews.
Joyce L. Walker ’74, of North Kingstown, R.I.; Jul. 31. She was employed in the hospitality industry for many years until her retirement. She traveled across Europe with a good friend and enjoyed exploring new countries. She also traveled to Oregon many times to visit family and discovered Powell’s Books. She would return home with a suitcase full of books. She was known for her chocolate chip cookies and for enjoying cooking for friends, finding yard sale deals, and surprising friends and family with gifts. She is survived by three siblings and six nieces and nephews.
Karen Jakubowski ’74, of New York City; Jun. 16. She went on to earn her MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and at the time of her death was working as a media marketing executive at PHD Marketing. She volunteered with FedCap Inc. She was an avid reader and enjoyed completing the New York Times crossword and Spelling Bee puzzles. She is survived by a sister and two nephews.
Nellie L. Bailey Drinkard ’74, of Knoxville, Tenn.; Aug. 25. She is survived by her husband, Stanley; three children; a granddaughter; a sister; and three brothers, including Harold Bailey Jr. ’70.
Richard D. Pass ’74, of Barrington, R.I.; Dec. 20. He was a Brown rugby team member, earned his law degree from Villanova Law School, and was an attorney in East Providence for more than 20 years. He practiced shamanism for many years and was a member of the Providence Institute. He enjoyed gardening, playing golf, and spending time in nature. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; two grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; brother Robert ’66; a niece and a nephew.
Debra J. Osnowitz ’74, ’75 MAT, of West Roxbury, Mass.; Apr. 7. She taught sociology at Clark for several years. Among her publications are many articles and a book from Cornell University Press, Freelancing Expertise: Contract Professionals in the New Economy. She was interested in social theory, culture, work, occupations and professions, and organizations. She was continuing her research in sociology at the time of her passing. During the 1970s, she was a member of the advocacy group 9to5 and part of the National Association of Working Women, where she chaired the Women in Publishing group. She then worked for many years as an editorial freelancer and was a founding member of the Freelance Editorial Association. She enjoyed classical music and played the viola. She is survived by four nieces.
Gary E. Wilcox ’74, of Wilmette, Ill.; Feb. 15, of metastatic melanoma. After Brown, he attended Dickinson School of Law and became a prosecuting attorney in Delaware County. Following a move to Chicago, he worked as a litigator with Peterson, Ross, Schlerb & Seidel, and later with Hardt & Stern. He enjoyed playing squash and tennis, competing in—and winning—numerous squash tournaments through the Racquet Club of Chicago. He also enjoyed auto racing, fishing, and music, and had a deep love of art, cultivating his own artistry in both photography and pottery. He is survived by his wife, Julie; three children; a sister; a brother; and many nieces and nephews.
Deborah L. Homsher ’74, of Ithaca, N.Y.; Mar. 16. She won a Wallace Stegner writing fellowship at Stanford University and followed with an MFA in fiction writing from the University of Iowa. She was employed as an adjunct English professor at Ithaca College and during that time, raised a family and published From Blood to Verdict, Women and Guns, and The Rising Shore—Roanoke. In 1995 she was hired as managing editor of publications in Cornell’s Southeast Asia Program, a position she held for 19 years. After developed an enthusiasm for rowing a single shell that lasted for years, and also enjoyed hiking, biking, and gardening. She is survived by her husband, Hugh Egan ’74; two sons, including Kevin Egan ’03; a sister; and a brother.
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