Class of 1954
Send your news to class secretary Margery Sharp, to class secretary Marshall Cohen, or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
Mary Francis Bishop, Marshall H. Cohen, Felice Rinder Kirsh, and Frank T. Wezniak write: “The relatively warm and sunny weekend on May 24–26 added a glow to the Brown University campus where thousands of undergraduates, graduate students, and new physicians would pass groups of professors, trustees, honored guests, and of course over 25 members, spouses, and children of our 1954 classmates. iPhones popped from the gleeful undergrads taking memorable selfies of our group, as if we were survivors of Normandy on D-Day. Some may recall that when we were undergrads in the 1950s our heroes of Normandy must have seemed as aged as those participating in the Battle of Bunker Hill to members of the class of 2024! The University generously supplied three complimentary meals to our classmates and guests starting with a Friday night welcome dinner at the University Club, and both lunch and dinner on Saturday at the Hope Club. On Saturday, May 25, Class President Ed Bishop chaired our 70th Reunion lunch meeting at the Hope Club, which was recorded by our adopted honorary recording secretary, Mary Francis Bishop. Her takeaway notes are included as follows: Class President Ed Bishop named our class officers at the Hope Club luncheon meeting; they included Dean Seibert as vice president, Frank T. Wezniak as treasurer, and Marshall Cohen as secretary. Ed stays on as president. Pembroke officers were named by returning President Felice Rinder Kirsh and are Jean Nostrand as vice president and Nancy Kaufman Judkins as treasurer. During its 50th Reunion, the Pembroke class made a donation to the Pembroke Center for furnishing an office in Pembroke Hall that included an identifying wall plaque. During this 70th Reunion, the women voted to donate the balance of their treasury of more than $6,400 to the Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund. On the Brown side, Treasurer Wezniak gave an accounting of the class of ’54 funds. Funds are entirely used to support students. Approximately two students per academic year are supported with $25,000 to $35,000 each. In addition to the class officers, everyone happily welcomed back the following classmates, including spouses, children and friends: Jon Berberian, John Chopoorian, Al Gerstein, Jerome Grieder, Sandy Hollander, Jack Maddox, and Hovey Tyndall. The Brown and Pembroke class of 1954 wishes all our classmates fair winds and healthy sailing ahead and, hopefully, see you all back on campus soon!”
Class Secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: "As you probably know, Brown is in the process of creating a memorable weekend for our class during the weekend from May 24th (Friday) to May 26th (Sunday.) It will be a notable accomplishment to celebrate our 70th reunion, our last 'official' reunion and I believe we have through our participation in class affairs, reunions, and mini -reunions, friendships and funding shown a rare sense of service and dedication to the Brown Community. Shortly, I’m told, classmates will receive more details from Brown regarding on campus housing at selected dorms, and locations where we will be enjoying three meals (the venues will be the Hope Club and University Club and subsidized by Brown). We will, as before, hold a class meeting at one of these venues. As usual ,hotels will be in high demand and likely to raise room costs for the weekend. Please make you book ASAP at one of the Providence or nearby hotels, B&B’s, or with private friends. As mentioned, Brown will be sending out information soon about on campus subsidized rooms. Given the senior status of our classmates, all of our activities will be campus centered and a bus or van will be available for the return walk following the traditional College Hill trek (given our VP status we are near the start of the line and the distance is shorter). Looking forward to seeing you again soon on campus. Meanwhile stay healthy and in good spirits."
Al Gerstein writes: “For these past four years the overarching issue has been the impact of Covid on our daily lives. During this period of time we canceled one trip to Europe, have not gone to a theater nor eaten in an indoor restaurant, avoided shopping in supermarkets, and now order everything from Amazon—including a packet of 25 safety pins (who knew one could ever run out of safety pins?). As a new experience we drove a 26-foot RV from Philly to our cabin in Maine and in doing so avoided staying in motels or eating in restaurants. That’s one experience I would gladly have forsaken. However, it paid off! Neither my wife Naomi nor I contracted Covid and we are gradually returning to the lives we were leading before Covid. We’ve been going to the movies, have enrolled in an orchestra series, have rejoined the trip we had to cancel, and most important of all, plan to attend our 70th reunion. Hope to see you all there.”
Class Secretary Ed Bishop reports: “Our 70th Reunion in May 2024 will provide us with a significant chance to see classmates and renew old friendships…and maybe make new ones. I would like to have a meeting of the class officers on Saturday afternoon (May 25), right after our planned luncheon.”
Class Secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “Dear Fellow and Lady Brunonians, please mark your calendars now for our approaching Jubilee 70th reunion in 2024. The dates are set for the weekend of May 24, 2024, Friday to Sunday. Details including meals, housing, and activities will be sent as we get closer, but count on the traditional march down College Hill (a short hike as we are among the senior classes) and camaraderie.”
Mark your calendar! Reunion 2024 will take place May 24-26. It’s essential to confirm that your alumni profile has the correct email address for updates regarding Reunion Weekend, which will be sent via email. Simply visit and follow the instructions provided to access your profile.
Marshall Cohen reports: “Brown Class Treasurer Frank Wezniak reported that the class of ’54, at the time of our 50th reunion, set up a fund to support undergraduate scholarships. We are granting scholarships annually, and the principal is invested with the Brown endowment, which has been doing very well, although this year is the first to be showing a loss through the first five months. In any case, the value of our fund is over $1 million as of last June 30, reaching $1,048,235. Last year we awarded a $37,047 scholarship to a student majoring in international affairs.” Also, Marshall writes that he enjoyed another “tour de force” to Scandinavia last summer with stops to all of the coastal high spots in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, seeing the best of Nordic architecture and joining old friends and colleagues and learning more about the excitement of Sweden and Finland’s applications for membership in NATO. “An unexpected bonus was that we both contracted COVID on the last leg of our journey, which resulted in a five-day quarantine and missing our favorite fish sandwiches in Skagen, Denmark.” Marshall returned home to a letter announcing that he was the awardee of the American Scandinavian Association’s (ASA) Henry Hanson Award (the ASA’s highest honor, named for its founder) for his contributions to the organization as its vice president, president, and board member. ASA promotes cultural and political exchange between the United States and Scandinavia.
Al Gerstein announces the Oct. 27, 2021 birth of his youngest grandchild, Andromeda (Andie) Web Lichtman. She was welcomed by her parents Hilary Gerstein ’03 and Martin Lichtman ’01 and her older sister Winnie. “The family is doing fine.”
Class Secretary Marshall Cohen writes: “As you may have noticed our number of class notes has been getting thin. But as we approach our 70th reunion in 2024, please send me a few lines about…anything! Keep it positive if possible, but do include contact information and news about your daily life, recommended books, tips on travel and/or restaurants, activities of children and grandchildren, family members, recent paroles, books read or written, ways in which Brown’s education helps one cope with current events…in short, there is no editorial censorship, of course.”
Frank Wezniak writes: “Wish I had some exciting news to report to the class, but all that I can report is that Nan and I are trying to avoid the COVID bugs in the air. Also trying to support the local restaurants in Boston, who are continuing to have a tough time. We had a great trip to Texas in June 2021 to attend two of our grandchildren’s graduations. Our grandson Garrett graduated from U Texas, Austin, in a monstrous 100,000 person capacity football stadium. He was a computer science major and got a wonderful software job immediately. A few days later granddaughter Cassie graduated from Colleyville High School and was off this fall to attend NYU. Her graduation was also in a football stadium, but this one was only about the size of the one at Brown. Texans take their football very seriously.”
Send your news to Class President
Al Gerstein writes; “I am pleased to announce the latest addition to my extended family. On Oct. 27, Andromeda (Andie) Web Lichtman came into this world weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces, joining her sister Winifred, age 7. Her parents are Hilary Gerstein ’03 and Martin Lichtman ’01. Needless to say there will be no pressure to join the ranks of alumnae when it’s time to apply to college.”
Class Secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “Brown Class of 1954 officers and their wives met at Gregg’s restaurant in Providence at a small informal reunion to share stories and briefly discuss the upcoming reunion only a few short years away. We expect that for our 70th reunion we can, based on the reunions in previous classes, expect between 30-50 participants. We also expect that all functions will be close to the campus, and, similar to our 65th reunion, will include lunches and dinners at such nearby and walkable venues as the Hope Club and the University Club, as well as the all too familiar Ratty. As a gift to what is our final ‘official’ Brown reunion (many more will follow of course), Brown usually offers free housing on campus. None of the above has been confirmed yet, but is likely. Those in attendance included: Class President Ed Bishop and his wife, Mary; Class Treasurer Frank Wezniak and his wife Nan; and myself and wife, Arlene.”
Marilyn Carlson Simon sends greetings to her classmates. She and husband Bill are well and happy.
Jean Nostrand reported that her son, Guy Dorgan, raced in the National Masters Swim Meet in North Carolina. Guy beat his best times in all his events. Jean, also a swimmer, swims 1,500 yards every day, usually at the Peddie School pool in Hightstown, N.J.
Joan Herbst Lumb of Florida writes: “My art history studies helped me become a docent for 11 years at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, Florida. The museum’s 8,000-piece collection includes American, European, and contemporary works plus photography and Chinese artists. Last summer the museum offered only the outdoor sculpture garden to visitors due to the pandemic. Classmates may contact me for information at [email protected].”
Larry Lundgren writes: “Lyle Bourne, Joan Carmody Theve, and I began first grade in Rumford, Rhode Island, together, graduated from East Providence High School in 1949 together, and graduated from Brown/Pembroke in 1953. Now, I have moved from Linköping, Sweden, to Gothenburg, where I look out my window at a magnificent forest named Delsjöskogen. It is where I run every morning. The single best experience in Sweden was 21 years at the Red Cross, where every week I and colleagues met high school students who came to the country as asylum seekers. The biggest group came from the Horn of Africa. In 2013, I read a New York Times OpEd by former U.S. Census Bureau Director Kenneth Prewitt, to get Americans to discuss ending classification by fictional “race,” as proposed by Prewitt but never again discussed seriously in the Times. Not one of the Somali-born students had any idea that if he or she were to move to America they would be assigned to a “race.” In Sweden, they learned that we all are Homo sapiens. I learned from BAM that at least some Brown medical students have taken the first steps to end the use of “race” in American medicine. Norman James and Alvin Gerstein ’54, please write to me—Google and you will find me.”
Joan Bliss Wilson writes: “As everyone else is doing, we are essentially confined to our campus here at Kendal at Hanover in New Hampshire. Only recently have we had any virus cases and they are in the dementia section. But life goes on. This past year we had two great-granddaughters born and one granddaughter got married. Our son had the virus early on, but is entirely well now and never stopped working. He’s an employment lawyer. Stay well and wear a mask.
Mary O’Neil Ward writes: “In order to escape the unbearable summer heat in Florida, my daughter and I have ordered a camping trailer and plan to revisit favorite spots in New England, especially my son’s gallery of his copper sculptures in Georgetown, Maine (Ledge Island Gallery, [email protected], interesting work from scrap copper salvaged from his construction jobs). I also have 16 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren to visit. I am on oxygen 24/7 to assist my compromised heart and lungs—all those cigarettes had an impact!”
Bruce Mansfield was the grand marshal at the annual Veterans Day Parade in Wellesley, Mass., which honored veterans of the Korean War. Bruce, who lives in Wellesley, heads the Americans For Action nonprofit foundation. Bruce adds that he is the author of the fictional novella The Chameleon and the nonfictional Sides of Life. He expresses his gratitude to Brown for lifelong memories and insights that enabled him to survive all the cycles of life that he and his classmates faced since graduation.
Devra Miller Breslow writes: “Living in Los Angeles has meant serious shutdowns more than once. I keep busy chiefly by Netflix, Acorn, online concerts, opera, and a good deal of reading. My trainer comes twice a week and I have family Zoom calls twice a week.” Contact Devra at [email protected].
Sid Baumgarten writes: “I think this year will stand out because everyone has been impacted by COVID-19. I have finally retired, but that is misleading. I am still active in numerous organizations, still taking my hunting trips, and am even thinking about leaving New York City. Several of my clients were restaurants and small businesses, many of which closed or went completely out of business. The rest have been operating at a huge loss. I cannot recall ever seeing New York City with so many boarded-up locations, deserted streets, and minimal traffic. All of us, Brown-grad kids included, have dodged the bullet and have been healthy.”
Frank Wezniak, class treasurer, reports: “Our Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund has increased its value to $709,572 and provided $26,554 in scholarship aid in 2020. Our gifts to the fund total only $462,974 but good endowment management with limited annual distributions has led to the increased value.”
Al Gerstein writes: “This pandemic has placed significant restrictions on our way of life and has offered other challenges as well. For the past 10 months we have severely limited all social contacts, shopping experiences, or entertainment. Naomi has been able to maintain her practice courtesy of Zoom or Skype. We have managed to turn our house into a modified gym with stretch bands hanging from a variety of doors and we take daily walks for exercise. Home movies have been our main source of entertainment. We just finished a run of Mel Brooks movies (humor is in short supply these days). And we’re seeing some real oldies…Top Hat starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The plot was weak but the dancing was great. In order to get to Maine and maintain our bubble we rented a recreation vehicle and drove to our cabin which is quite isolated. I must say driving a 26-foot vehicle is not for the faint of heart. Our yearly three months in Florida is canceled due to the amount of physical exposure that would be required in making the trip to our condo. We have registered for our vaccinations and await the time when we can return to a more normal way of life. In closing I should mention that we’re both in good health and are looking forward to a better and safer world.”
Joanna Slesinger Caproni writes: “Like everyone else, I am living in the COVID-19 era and what seemed like a decent sized one-bedroom apartment when we worked all day now feels like a small box when one spends the entire day in it. I continue to shop at the nearby supermarket observing all restrictions. People mostly wear masks, but not all. My neighborhood is less affected by the many protests, but several local stores are boarded up to prevent looting. Zoom has provided an opportunity for us to contact doctors, family, and friends. Overall, it has been and is scary! I tried to end on a comedic note, but I fear the disease has sapped my humor.”
Joan Bliss Wilson writes that she and Bob are hunkered down and self-quarantined like everyone else. “However, we’ve been catching up on projects planned since we moved from Princeton 19 years ago. We will miss our traditional family gatherings usually in the summer, especially a granddaughter’s California wedding, which we’ll celebrate later.”
Mary O’Neil Ward writes: “I am so privileged to be healthy and live in Florida, although recent leg injuries laid me up. Thanks to physical therapy I am recovering, and thanks to Brown/Pembroke I have many interests. I do watercolors, including portraits of family and friends and even landscapes. I text my 16 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren too. I appreciate all the work of the many caregivers during this COVID-19 crisis.”
Jane O’Hara Page writes: “For many years my three daughters, a close friend, and I have traveled in April to Las Vegas for several days to gamble away their inheritance (according to husband Dick), partake of the night life and enjoy gourmet food. For obvious reasons, that didn’t happen this year, which was a great disappointment. Dick and I are sheltering and showering in place in our continuing care community in Needham, Mass. We are free to leave but must re-enter through the main lobby, where we fill in a form and have our temperatures taken. One very good meal is delivered to our apartment each day. All group social activities are canceled. We do have an internal TV network which provides information and entertainment. Our kids have introduced us to Zoom and virtual cocktail parties are regularly scheduled. We follow the rules and wear facemasks whenever we leave the apartment. Looking to the future, we have signed up with the Judkins, the Bishops, and Felice Rinder Kirsh for a trip on the Columbia River, but whether that will happen is anyone’s guess.”
Lynn Campbell Morris writes: “Greg and I have passed the ‘sailing test’ by spending time exclusively together for the last eight weeks. This year we celebrated 42 years of marriage. Our daughter Jennifer is in Costa Rica and our son Paul is in California. My Chaucer bibliography published in 1985 was just republished for the Chaucer library owned by the English publishers Taylor and Francis. Hope all Brunonians are safe and well.”
Writer Grace Hays Kone continues to write romance, mystery, suspense and sci-fi under her pseudonym Blair Bancroft. She has written and published more than 40 books. She writes: “I’m trying to squeeze time in to write a Regency Gothic while sewing 100 masks for family and friends and friends of friends. All this activity keeps me from getting bored.”
Charles “Red” and Nancy Kaufman Judkins planned an eighth ’54 mini-reunion with a small group of ’54s and friends to retrace the journey of Lewis and Clark down the Columbia and Snake Rivers in Washington state by paddle-wheel steamer. “We’re all hoping the trip through the lovely wine country of the Pacific Northwest will take place, and if so, there may still be room for you.” Contact Ed or Mary Bishop at (401) 274-4666/4667; [email protected].
Walt Halperin writes: “Willa and I have flown the coop (University House Retirement Home) to wait out the pestilence at our son’s house in Seattle. We get out to cycle the streets often (3-wheel recumbent bikes). On weekends we all go to Lopez Island (one of the San Juan Islands) to hang out on a 30-acre farm—fruit trees, beehives, Bald Eagles overhead, River Otters underfoot. We know just how lucky we are.”
Al Gerstein writes: “Naomi and I continue to do well, no great increase in the negative aspects of the aging process. As with everyone else, we are now embarked on a significant change in our daily functioning (learning how to order food online, getting excited when we score a few rolls of toilet paper). Until COVID-19 appeared we were having a splendid time in Florida, kibitzing on the beach with retirees from all sorts of backgrounds, swimming in the Gulf and working out (kind of) in the condo gym. When the Canadians left at the insistence of their children, we got the message—time to go home. At the last minute the auto train was canceled and we had to drive the 1,100 miles to Philadelphia. Not one of my favorite activities. On the plus side, we were able to cruise at a steady 80-plus miles per hour the whole way. The roads and motels were empty. Quite unnerving. Now I sit with a year’s supply of gloves and masks, two refrigerators chock full, a carton of bran (remember our age), and 24 boxes of Kleenex, sequestered from my fellow man. This better be over before 2024, otherwise we’ll have a reunion that will be truly historic. Did Brown have reunions in 1918?”
Paul Frontiero and Dorothy Zeiger Frontiero (’55 RISD) welcomed their first great-grandchild on January 31. Paul writes: “In these days of staying in place, we see him by Zooming twice a week together with our four children and five grandchildren in a five-state transmission coast to coast: California, Utah, North Carolina, Virginia, and Massachusetts. Transferring to North Carolina from New York by IBM in 1965, I remained here after retirement in 1995. I have finally convinced Dorothy that she is no longer married to an IBM executive but to a trombone player and I have a music degree from UNC-Chapel Hill to prove it.”
Howard “Skip” Fielding reflects on life during the pandemic: “Well, today was an exciting day. There was mail in the mailbox. Joyce and I miss our traveling. We’ve been to many countries on five continents and miss showing slide shows and lecturing about our travels to our church group. Before the quarantine we enjoyed an active life of dancing, movie-going, playing bridge, and seeing family and friends. Hope other ’54ers are also doing well.”
Marshall Cohen and his wife of 25 years, Arlene Sidell-Cohen, still enjoy travels to Europe, although he writes: “The suitcases look more like a hospital as we are senior members of the ‘Pill of the Month Club.’” Marshall has stepped down after serving for two years as president of the American Scandinavian Association but still chairs a photo group that meets at the National Press Club (NPC), where he has been a photographer for 36 years. He was awarded his 12th “Vivian” award from the NPC for his photographic service. Starting with Nikons and now using very light Leicas he has captured (on film and digital media) kings, queens, congressmen, presidents, film and stage stars, corporate leaders, and great Brown presidents Ruth Simmons and Vartan Gregorian. He hopes to complete an autobiography, The Night Nothing Happened, in time for the 70th reunion.
Professor Arthur Blaustein, who recently retired from teaching Politics and Public Policy at UC Berkeley, wrote that he had spent the first month of the pandemic writing a new introduction to the new edition of his book, Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport, which was published in July.
Sid Baumgarten writes: “At the time of this writing, we are currently in the New York City lockdown and luckily Terry and I and all the kids and grandkids are fine. I have been involved in a number of interesting interim projects. I have a small interest in a company that does decontamination as a federal contractor, so we have focused on decontamination of federal law enforcement vehicles. We have already completed projects for the Secret Service, U.S. Marshals, Army, National Guard, and more. We use electrostatic sprayers that cause the ‘fog’ to adhere to the surfaces, an improvement over regular sprayers. I won’t get rich on it, but it does keep me busy and is an important service during this pandemic. Terry is busy with a few of her clients, working remotely, and also engaged in a lot of projects for the Lions Club. I have also started writing a book about my exploits in the DA’s office and its work in Midtown Enforcement. I am focusing much of it on corruption at all levels. I do intend to have one chapter on my years at Brown and, of course, the Brown baseball team and the late, great Lefty Lefebvre. All the best and wishing you and all the 1954 survivors good health and many more years of alumni-ism.”
Hovey Tyndall reunited with his Theta Delta Chi fraternity brothers Mark Hopkins, Dean John Seibert, and William Simon in Concord, Mass., along with their wives, including Marilyn Carlson Simon. The four fraternity brothers have remained in touch for 66 years.
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reflects on the historic 65th class reunion. “We had a near record 35 participants, a large turnout for our class size. We all enjoyed near and on-campus activities and meals and perfect spring weather. A class newsletter is in the printing process and will contain details and photographs. Here are a few highlights: Class Treasurer Frank Wezniak reported that our class set a new record for a 65th reunion with a gift to the Brown Annual Fund of $162,701 (as of May), a team effort with special thanks to Paul Benedum, Roy Gainsburg, Al Petteruti, and Frank Wezniak. The class enjoyed receptions and dinners and luncheons (between lectures and campus visits) at the Hope and University clubs. Brown songs were sung by the ’54- Freelancers” (any classmate remembering the lyrics) seated and between food courses, with encouragement and emotion enabled by an open bar. Class officers were voted into office for the next term of service. New officers are: President Ed Bishop, Vice President Ron Abdow, Treasurer Frank Wezniak, and Secretary Marshall H. Cohen. Warm appreciation was extended to outgoing president Red Judkins. Special thanks were extended for the generosity of Betty and Jon Berberian for hosting a “ninth inning” reception to our class attendees at their home following the commencement activities. As secretary, I join all my classmates in thanking Jill Stange and her assistants from the Brown Alumni Relations Office for enabling all the activities to run smoothly and solving the problems before they occurred. As to rumors that were circulated during the reunion weekend: (1) A special van was commissioned from Pembroke or Brown class treasuries to finance transportation from the Van Wickle Gates to the gambling casino in Connecticut, thereby avoiding walking round trip on College Hill during the long commencement procession—Not True; (2) My photographs are somewhat blurry because I was forced to shoot with one hand, holding up tux trousers that were provided one size too large—Absolutely True; (3) The class is optimistically planning a mini reunion cruise prior to our 70th reunion—Very True.”
Class secretary Margery Gould Sharp reports: “There were 28 of us at our 65th reunion on Memorial Day weekend 2019—eight women and 20 men. Here are some comments from the eight Pembrokers:
Nancy Kaufman Judkins and Red Judkins are still enjoying life in Albuquerque. They attended their eldest grandchild’s graduation from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Wash. Their younger grandson is a freshman there. ‘Our 65th reunion was wonderful.’
Felice Rinder Kirsh writes she planned a July cruise up the West Coast of Norway: ‘It’s always been on my bucket list.’
Anne Clowes McKay says: ‘Living in Vermont within walking distance to Canada and loving everything about being there. Luckily I’m in very good health and spirits.’
Barbara Nahigian Merguerian is enjoying retirement and spending time with her two daughters and two granddaughters (one just graduated from Tufts). She’s also volunteering with several women’s organizations.
‘It means the world to me to be at Brown for the 65th and to be living adjacent to my freshman roommate, Jane O’Hara Page,’ says Diane Lake Northrop. ‘Here’s to the 70th!’
Jane O’Hara Page writes: ‘We left Brown 65 years ago but Brown never left us! How wonderful to be reunited. I have four children, four grandchildren, and a Dartmouth husband.’
Barbara Patton Sciarra moved from Winnetka, Ill., to 1000 Manor Dr., Wilmette, Ill. 60091-1025.
Margery Gould Sharp lives in Vermont. ‘We had a rugged winter this year but I kept going. My daughter and granddaughter did the driving to bring me to the 65th. Still writing publicity, book reviews, and short plays for production.’
Marilyn Carlson Simon and Bill Simon of Southbury, Conn. are happy to announce they’ll be great-grandparents in October—it’s a boy!
Finally, the eight of us held our separate election of officers for our Pembroke contingent and they are: President Felice Rinder Kirsh, Vice President Jeane Nelson, Treasurer Nancy Kaufman Judkins, and Secretary Margery Gould Sharp.”
Martha McKay Frigoletto writes: “My husband of 50 years, Fredric Frigoletto ’54, passed away in 2016. He had lived with a heart transplant for 13 years. I am blessed with our two daughters and seven grandchildren who live in the same town—Wellesley, Massachusetts. I’d love to hear from any near or far ’59ers.”
Marty Kantor’s new book Social Sadomasochism: How Emotional Dominance and Submission Affect People’s Lives is scheduled for late 2019 publication by Praeger publishers.
Sid Baumgarten is still actively practicing law. He moved to the Woolworth Building near City Hall (NYC), which is now close enough to walk to work. He is currently president of the Financial District Lions Club, vice chair of the New York County Lawyers Committee on law-related education, and chairman of New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc., a premier drug rehab program he has been involved with for 41 years. He is also an arbitrator for the court-administered program for fee disputes. He writes: “As long as I am still upright, I enjoy hunting deer, ducks, pheasants, whatever, always joined by my son Roger ’82. My brothers, Joel ’59 and Sam ’65, and my two sons, Fred ’79 and Rog, are all doing well.”
Al Gerstein is looking forward to the reunion. He writes: “I think I can still do the walk down the hill and up again to the green without requiring any medical care. As to what’s happening of any consequence in our immediate lives: had our first trip to Hawaii and paid our respects at the World War II memorial. Even though I was much too young to serve, I was old enough to appreciate what was going on then. Naomi is maintaining a small psychotherapy practice while I’ve been fully retired for six years. We’re still spending the three winter months at Longboat Key, and three summer weeks in Maine. Still driving without any problems. My only real complaint is an increased word-finding difficulty. I’m taking an American History course at Penn and have immersed myself in family genealogy. I can cover eight generations on both sides of my family. It’s a nice obsessive pursuit that substitutes for my past involvement in applicant interviewing, in which I was quite active for the past 20 years. I gave that up this year. It was time. Finally, to enrich our golden years we are very involved with our youngest granddaughter, Winnie, whose parents (Hilary Gerstein ’03 and Marty Lichtman ’01) have lived quite nearby for the past three years.”
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “Our 65th reunion is in full swing and plans are firm for a weekend of fun and great dining. Our ‘senior’ class will parade with honor near the head of the traditional commencement march. Our reunion committee has worked hard and long in advance with our Brown coordinator Jill Stange to book the very best venues for our class luncheon and two dinners. We will enjoy our two class dinners at the Hope Club, the exclusive club, known for its warm colonial decor and excellent food. Our class luncheon will be enjoyed at the University Club, where the food and beverages are prepared with 5-star excellence. As a gift from the class, all meals will be subsidized from the class treasury, still leaving a substantial balance for mailings and class gifts to Brown. During our class meeting a treasurer’s report and a vote for the new slate of class officers will be held. Since the commencement weekend has been shortened in recent years, we have decided to enjoy all our activities on or near the Brown campus. In addition to our luncheon and two dinners, we have scheduled a cocktail hour before one of the dinners, and thanks to the hospitality and generosity of classmate Jon Berbarian and Betty Jane, the class is invited to enjoy a cocktail party at their home following the commencement on Sunday at 181 Lloyd Avenue—a short walk from the campus. In time you will receive reservation forms from Brown with food choices, costs, and housing information. For the time being PLEASE plan to come back to Providence, to your alma mater, and to your welcoming classmates from Brown and Pembroke. Only YOU can make our reunion special and memorable. Mark the dates. The ‘game becomes afoot’ starting on Friday, May 24, and ending Sunday, May 26.”
David P. Prescott writes: “I am about to mark my ninth year in Santa Fe, after having spent all of my prior life on the East Coast. My wife of seven years, Patricia Cloud, and I continue to travel extensively. This past summer we joined the Brown Travelers Rhine River Cruise, meeting up with Gordon ’54 and Joan Edgley Webster ’58, whom we first got to know on a Brown Travelers Baltic Cruise a few years ago. I keep in touch with my former roommate Lee Berk.”
Robert S. Steven writes: “My wife Margrit Benzion Steven and I are settled in a retirement community in Northern Virginia, near two of our three children, enjoying reasonable health for a pair of 86-year-olds. We will not make the reunion due principally to my mobility issues. Our Foreign Service career left us very much interested in world and national affairs and we follow the news with interest and horror, shared we are sure by many of our classmates. Do enjoy the reunion.”
Martin Kantor’s book Passive-Aggression: Understanding the Sufferer, Helping the Victim was published in October 2017 by Praeger.
Chester Kisiel is living in Gdansk, Poland. Visit his blog, He published a novel titled Deadly Icons: Azrael Harvests Art Thieves, available at He writes: “The story is about a young detective who goes to Cyprus to find a killer and a precious stolen icon. He enters a world of villainy, has to fight for his life, and embarks upon a spiritual journey in the place where Christianity got its start in this thriller that asks the big existential questions.”
Annette Winter Ball Bottum writes: “I’m happily retired from full-time environmental scientist work for the State of Indiana. This summer I will grow some vegetables, fruit, and flowers; tend to the grass; do some bird watching; and feed the goldfish in my outdoor ponds. Sometimes I will take my coffee out to the shade of the garden gazebo or entertain the neighbor’s cat, or just enjoy the pages of an interesting book."
Frank Wezniak reports: “As acting treasurer, I received a report that shows that the class of 1954 Scholarship Fund is accomplishing its intended purpose. We established this fund as part of our 50th reunion efforts to support undergraduate scholarships. In 2004, we raised $462,000 for this purpose. Since then it has benefited from wise investing by the Brown endowment, with which it is commingled, and has grown to a value of $570,764 as of June 30, 2017. During this period, it has also provided scholarships to deserving students, of about $25,000 per year. This year’s recipient is Cora Moore, who is an engineering major in the class of 2019. Well done, class of ’54.”
Edward Bishop writes: “ Our blended family continues to grow—now up to four great-grandchildren, two of each. This spring we did a Francis Family trip to the Island of Saint Michael in the Azores. A laidback vacation on a volcanic island with great food, scenic drives, more cows than people, and an advantageous exchange rate. I continue to work diligently on a Providence hotel project and am having a very busy year in real estate. Mary and I hosted a class of ’54 reunion planning meeting on October 20. We enjoyed having classmates gather in our home in the middle of the Brown campus.”
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: “The class of 1954’s 65th reunion committee met in October at the Providence home of Brown class of 1954 vice president Ed Bishop and his wife, Mary. Plans were mapped out for an easy-to-navigate Brown experience in May 2019, with all activities on or around the Brown campus. Thanks to assistance from Paula Deblois ’89 RUE, director of alumni relations, we have secured the Hope Club for class banquets Friday and Saturday nights; the class joint lunch will be at either the Hope Club or the University Club. We thank the graciousness of Jon Sarkis Berberian and Betty Jane Berberian for planning to host a Sunday late afternoon cocktail reception (after Commencement) at their home within walking distance of the Brown campus. We also are planning a possible bus or van tour of the new buildings on or near the Brown campus. This tour supports the theme of our reunion weekend, namely “The New Brown!” The committee decided to eliminate giving a favor to those attending the reunion, with many committee members citing the “tchotchke factor.” Nevertheless, it was reported that the University will be giving out the “treasured collectible Brown baseball cap” which is light to carry, protects from the Rhode Island sunlight (if worn ’54 style with the visor in front), and is “one size fits all.” Others in attendance at the meeting were: Charles Red Judkins, junior president; Frank Wezniak, acting treasurer; Marshall H. Cohen, secretary with Arlene Sidell-Cohen; Herb Cohen, former copresident; Felice Kirsh, Pembroke president; Nancy Judkins, treasurer; and Jon and Betty Jane Berberian. The committee encourages all of you to return for our 65th celebration. Come and enjoy the adrenaline rush of marching down College Hill (we will halt near the top of the hill this time), and share life experiences with your classmates at our dinners, receptions, and other Brown reunion activities. As our beloved classmate Bill Hall wrote in our 50th reunion yearbook, “Life is good, thanks to Brown.”
From the November/December 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Margery Sharp, to class secretary Marshall Cohen, or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Margery Sharp, to class secretary Marshall Cohen, or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
Devra Miller Kraslow revisited India, stopping in Darjeeling, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala in the south and Punjab and Himachal in the northwest. She notes the country has made great progress in technology, stability, and prosperity, but prejudice against lower classes and women still needs to be addressed more forcefully. She plans to visit Ireland and Japan this year.
Joan B. Bliss Wilson writes that her second grandchild was married last summer and that another grandchild announced Joan would be a great-grandmother in August: “Tom and I are looking forward to a trip to Venice, Italy, and Croatia; to another grandchild’s graduation from college; and to a couple of family reunions and a trip to Oregon to see the eclipse of the sun in August. Life is never dull. Cheers to all.”
From the May/June 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Margery Sharp, to class secretary Marshall Cohen, or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
Sidney Baumgarten is still active with his law practice and his positions as president of the Financial District Lions Club, chairman of the board of New York Therapeutic Communities Inc., and chief of the Battery Park City Emergency Response Team. All his children, including Frederick Baumgarten ’79 and Roger Baumgarten ’82, and his eight grandchildren are doing well.
Professor Arthur Blaustein retired after teaching public policy and urban studies for 30 years at UC Berkeley. He was earlier director for 15 years of a national public interest law and policy center at the university and helped establish community and economic development projects in low-income communities across the country. In January he published Make a Difference—The Ultimate Guide To Volunteering.
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen has been elected to his second year as president of the American Scandinavian Assoc. He writes that he “appreciates any class notes from classmates at any time. It is an active class, still with the enthusiasm they had in 1954, and the 65th reunion is in its planning stage already.”
Al Gerstein writes: “This past year has been rather uneventful, which at my age is a good thing—no substantial decline or broken bones. Naomi and I still live in Penn Valley, Pennsylvania, except for three winter months in Longboat Key, Florida, and a summer month on Surry Pond in Maine. Couldn’t ask for a better retirement. I’ve just finished my usual two-month stint for Brown as the director of volunteers who provide interviews for applicants from those areas in the United States that do not have a sufficient number of alumni to provide a face-to-face interview. Things have really changed since we were there. Finally, after many years of wandering through academia, our daughter, Hilary Gerstein ’03, and her husband, Martin Lichtman ’01, have moved to within 18 minutes of us, offering us the pleasure of getting to really know our granddaughter, Winnie (2035?). One never knows.”
Peter Haensel is proud to report that his grandson, Max Haensel, is a member of the class of 2018 and has been a middle-distance runner on the Brown track team since his freshman year.
Walter Halperin writes: “Willa and I moved from our home of 46 years in Seattle to a retirement home, University House, just three miles away. It has nothing to do with the nearby Univ. of Washington, but it’s true that nearly all of our fellow ‘inmates’ are former eggheads of one kind or another, most of whom moved here from elsewhere in the country because their kids or grandkids are working in one of the many high-tech companies in the area. What looked like a difficult transition was not, because everyone here is super-friendly and interesting.”
Martin Kantor’s latest book, Passive-Aggression: Understanding the Sufferer, Helping the Victim, will be released by Praeger Publishers in December.
Grace Hays Kone lives in Longwood, Fla. She continues to write historical romance, mystery, and suspense as Blair Bancroft. She is also writing a science fiction/paranormal series called Blue Moon Rising. She enjoys three granddaughters, reading on her Kindle, and singing in her church choir.
Bruce Mansfield writes: “It seems like only yesterday when I was president of a local Brown club, chairman of Bay State Conference and a close worker with my friend David Zucconi to promote more Brown clubs in Venezuela. I recently celebrated a 40-year relationship with Hovey Tyndall, and with the approval of our families we took a 45-day trip around the world. We both agreed how fortunate we were to grow up in America and experience a higher education at Brown. God bless Brown and America. I have to mention my grandchildren: a granddaughter who is a doctor, a granddaughter in school for her master’s in physical education, and two grandsons who are investment bankers—one in New York City and one in Washington, D.C. You can’t ask for anything more than that.”
John Semonche published his sixth book, Pick Nick: The Political Odyssey of Nick Galifianakis from Immigrant Son to Congressman. It’s the story not only of an ethnic politician breaking into politics using old-fashioned methods in a world shifting to media imaging, but also of a politically changing South and the use of negative campaigning. John retired from the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill five years ago and is now volunteering at performing arts venues in the area.
Paul Taylor ’61 PhD writes: “Though I suffered a heart attack two years ago, I plod along, shifting from scholarship to fiction. I have some 30 short stories looking for a publisher at the moment. My personal papers are at the John Hay Library, Special Collections Division, and I add to them as I find more materials of interest, including correspondence with legendary Brown professors I. J. Kapstein and Michael Harper.”
From the March/April 2017 Issue
George S. Morfogen teaches a scene study class for actors at HB Studio in New York City. He recently appeared in the revival of N.C. Hunter’s A Day by the Sea, Off-Broadway.
From the January/February 2017 Issue
Frank Wezniak writes that all is well with the Wezniak clan in Boston. He has added a few nonprofit activities to keep busy, including working with the corporate relations and development efforts of the Benjamin Franklin Institute in Boston. His wife, Nan, continues her artwork. They are traveling some, including hiking in Yellowstone National Park in August. Frank writes: “Hiking in the park was great, but the 8,500-foot elevation made it very challenging for these old muscles.”
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Red and Nancy Kaufman Judkins cruised east across the ocean on the Queen Mary followed by a few days in Iceland. Their traveling companions were Jane O’Hare Page and her husband, Dick. The quartet has traveled to many parts of the world together in their 60-plus years of friendship.
From the September/October 2016 Issue
Joan Chiappinelli Sammartino (see Joan McMaster ’60).
From the July/August 2016 Issue
Herb Cohen, a former class copresident, practices law full-time in Boston. He writes: “My daughter, class secretary Kathryn Cohen ’04, lives in Guatemala and works for a Central American international law firm. Her fiancé, a graduate of Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, is also based in Guatemala, assisting the Catholic Church in managing its health care programs for Central America.”
Al Gerstein writes: “This year has been fairly uneventful for Naomi and me—no serious illnesses. We finished our snowbird season in Longboat Key, Florida, and despite the cool weather this year we still enjoyed ourselves with beach walks, reading, and cultural events in Sarasota. We attended a Brown Club event, and, much to my surprise, there were a number of grads who were far older than me and functioning quite well, including Sumner Alpert ’49. In May, we traveled to Italy to finally see Herculaneum and Pompeii, something we’ve looked forward to for years. My daughter, Hilary Gerstein ’03, her husband, Martin Lichtman ’01, and their daughter have moved to the D.C. area, allowing us to see them many more times during the year. I am volunteering to interview incoming applicants, taking a course at Penn, and trying to get to the gym three times a week. Not exciting, but a good tempo of life.”
Ernest Klein writes: “Since retiring from my law firm I have started a second career with Boston Midsummer Opera, which I cofounded. We are now in our 11th season performing tuneful operas that are not often heard, but deserve to be ( If any of you plan to be in Boston this summer, please let me know. I would love it if you could take in a show.”
Charles David Lake writes that he is in “blissful retirement.” As a reverend, he worked in college chaplaincy, campus ministry administration, teaching, and interim ministry. He and his wife, Jeannie Wickenden, have two daughters, a son, and four grandchildren. They reside in Marion, Mass., in a house designed by a RISD-trained friend.
From the May/June 2016 Issue
Sidney Baumgarten writes: “I still have an active law practice dealing with both civil and criminal matters. I intend to keep going until at least age 110. I was appointed to the advisory board at St. John’s Univ. for their homeland security department, and to the advisory board of Peirce College in Philadelphia for their criminal justice curriculum. The New Horizon Church in Harlem, New York City, honored me with a ‘Bridge Builder’ award on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I am also an arbitrator for the bar association in fee dispute cases, and vice chair of the Law-Related Education Committee of the New York County Lawyers Association. My kids are all doing well, including Fred ’79 and Roger ’82. One grandson is a sophomore at Penn State and the younger ones are soon to be college bound.”
Bob and Jackie Moore Copp live in Glen Cove, N.Y. Bob writes: “We have been here for 48 years. I retired from Union Carbide in 1996. Jackie recently retired from her real estate business. My list of illnesses is very long, but I feel great, and Jackie is a dynamo!”
Al Fletcher writes that he and his wife, Jean, enjoyed meeting with the Brown Club in Naples, Fla. Al writes: “Bob Sanchez is a dynamic president, and Tyler Day is an interviewing leader extraordinaire. Next event: Red Sox game at Fenway Park South.”
Fred Frigoletto Jr. celebrated his 83rd birthday and 13th year with his transplanted heart. He writes: “I’m no longer doing direct patient care, but I get to the hospital daily to digest the changes that have occurred in medicine. I remain involved with teaching, writing, and administration. Martha McKay Frigoletto ’59 is well and also enjoying our seven grandchildren. We all live in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and are together often.”
Al Gallotta retired after 31 years in the U.S. Navy and 30 more years as a technical consultant in military electronic matters. He writes: “My military career as a naval aviator, program manager, and rear admiral prepared me for my subsequent career in consulting.” He and his wife, Dora, have six grandchildren all living in Virginia.
Charles Genovese writes: “After living in our first retirement location since 1997, Pat and I finally moved to a 55-plus community (though we are certainly on the ‘plus’ side of that number).”
Sandy Hollander writes: “My wife, Roz, and I travel to New York City, Florida, and Colorado from grandchild to grandchild, and to Israel, a couple of times a year. My law firm is my refuge when we are home. I go to work every day and I even bill a few hours. I am the most blessed person that I know.”
Stan Jaffe and his wife, Laura, have lived in Wellington, Fla., for more than 10 years. He writes: “We both have family here, which makes it even more attractive to us. I am fully retired and have been for the entire time that we have been here, but Laura is still working as a realtor and painter.”
Arnold Lederman works full-time as a financial adviser. He writes: “I’ve been married to my beautiful wife, Barbara, for 32 years. I love playing golf at Willow Ridge in Harrison, New York, and enjoying cruise vacations. I had my right knee replaced last year and will probably have the other one done this year.”
Joe Meschino and his wife, Gloria, spent winter break in Key Colony Beach, Fla. Joe writes: “The fishing was great, the stone crabs tasty, and the contract bridge challenging. But temperatures had some difficulty staying in the 70s! On the weekend of May 20, we will be in Providence to see our grandson, Michael, graduate from Johnson & Wales University. Michael is interested in sports nutrition and interned with the University of Texas football team in Austin during his last semester. This fall, we will enjoy a Viking river cruise with our son, David, and his wife, Nina.”
Stuart Nevin lives in New York City with his wife of nearly 60 years. He writes: “I retired from medicine eight years ago, but continue on the board of directors at White Plains Hospital. I consult for the malpractice insurance company we started in 1975, when insurers refused to write malpractice insurance. The ‘healthcare story’ and medicine itself continue to fascinate. Life is still pretty good, and NYC never runs out of energy. I do at times, and wish I could do Brown over again!”
Jean Nostrand returned to New Jersey this spring after spending the winter in Naples, Fla. She writes: “I write articles for a small monthly magazine. This winter I shared information about Naples botanical gardens, cars on Fifth Avenue, and the Revs Institute (Miles Collier’s 100-plus car collection).”
John Semonche retired after almost 50 years as a professor of American constitutional and legal history at the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His sixth book, Pick Nick: The Political Odyssey of Nick Galifianakis from Immigrant Son to Congressman, comes out this fall.
Paul Taylor writes: “I have sent my papers to the John Hay Library’s Special Collections division. They contain correspondence with many celebrated writers—including W.H. Auden, George Steiner, Skip Gates, Rudolfo Anaya—and many documents concerning the Fourth Way Greek philosopher, Georgii Ivanovich Gurdjieff, about whom I have published seven books.”
Doug Turner continues to write a weekly column on Washington, D.C., politics for the Buffalo News. He writes: “I was widowed around two years ago, but I am looking forward to taking part in the white-tie Gridiron Club dinner and show (in which I am the oldest active member), and looking forward to the birth of our 10th grandchild. I am also following the ongoing successes of Brown crew and the Jabberwocks, which I headed in days gone by.”
From the March/April 2016 Issue
Devra Miller Breslow (see Cyrus Miller Hoffman ’62).
From the January/February 2016 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports on the class of 1954’s eighth mini-reunion in October on the cruise ship the Maasdam: “Our week-long voyage, arranged by cruise director Nancy Kaufman Judkins, left Boston for Montreal via the St. Lawrence Seaway. For the most part the seas were calm, although we ‘enjoyed’ one evening of gale-force winds and significant ocean swells. A shipboard telephone message from Class President Charlie Judkins led us to the lounge reserved for classmates, where Pembroke Class President Felice Rinder Kirsh welcomed us aboard. We were delighted to welcome three ‘honorary’ members of our class: Shirley Atwood (wife of Hank Atwood), Mary Bishop (wife of Ed Bishop), and Dick Page (husband of Jane O’Hara Page). Ed brought us up to date on happenings around campus and provided sheet music from the Brown and Pembroke songbooks. Chat and Nancy Lord Watts brought along a 40-year-old yacht flag that has sailed all over the world with them, which they dedicated to Chat’s mother. Dick told of their new retirement abode under construction, and Hank compared his last Navy command to our cruise ship. After the Maasdam docked in Montreal, Frank Wezniak, Suzy and Bob Wigod, Stan Miller, and Cynthia Hoffman ’60 joined the group. Our three days in the city were filled with gourmet French dining and comprehensive city tours, including one by Stan of studios and theaters in Montreal serviced by Stan’s company, Rosco.” The final dinner included plans for the class’s ninth mini-reunion, possibly in Cuba.
Devra Miller Breslow (see Cy Hoffman ’62).
Joanna Slesinger Caproni writes: “Still holding down the fort in New York City.”
From the November/December 2015 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen was elected president and board chairman of the American Scandinavian Association, National Capital Area. The organization supports Scandinavian culture through Nordic-related programs and activities and sponsors a grants and scholarship program. Marshall also recently published Denmark: A Photographer’s Odyssey, a 150-page hardbound book containing photographs taken during his long association with this Nordic country.
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Lewis Gediman published A Turn for the Verse: Limericks with a Twist.
From the May/June 2015 Issue
Fred Frigoletto reports: “I am still able to make it to work every day and have not yet noticed that I’m over the hill. Martha McKay Frigoletto ’59 is also well and is inspired daily by at least one or more of our seven grandchildren, all of whom live in Wellesley, Massachusetts, as do we. Our travels are limited, as I feel most comfortable stateside should my almost 11-year-old ‘new’ heart need attention. So far, it is not a problem. We have a condo in Naples, Florida, that we visit intermittently, and in the summer we spend weekends in Rockport, Massachusetts. We stay in close touch with two classmates, Jean and Al Fletcher and Patty and Bill Peace. Al and Jean have a place in Naples, so we see them a little more often, but a real treat is our ‘mini-mini’ annual reunion at some nearby site. We spent a lovely evening last September with Nan and Frank Wezniak at their beautiful new condo in downtown Boston. Frank is enjoying his fourth retirement and teases me about my lack of same. But I’m listening harder! Best wishes to all.”
Red and Nancy Kaufman Judkins report that 15 men and women have booked cabins for the eighth class mini-reunion, and more may be attending. The reunion comprises a one-week cruise from Boston to Montreal and begins Oct. 10. More information on the cruise, “7-Day Canada and New England Discovery,” can be found on the Holland-America website. Contact Red or Nancy as soon as possible while there are still cabins available.
Marty Kantor announced that he has two books in progress, the first a guide to OCPD (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) and the second on understanding passive aggression.
Doug Turner, commenting on the upcoming mini-reunion, writes: “This trip holds potential appeal, if there are accommodations for Brownies whose legs don’t carry them more than a hundred yards or so. . . . But my wife is gone and would have enjoyed the companionship.”
Chat Watts writes: “Nancy Lord Watts and I are looking forward to two cruises this year. The first crosses the Pacific from Tahiti to Chile aboard Oceania Cruises’ Marina, stopping at Easter Island to see the giant stone carvings (top on Nancy’s bucket list). We crossed the Atlantic from Barcelona to Miami on Marina’s maiden voyage a few years ago. The second will be the circumnavigation of New England in the fall with the intrepid sailors of the class of ’54 at the eighth mini-reunion.
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Walt Halperin writes: “This is the first year in decades we haven’t taken a monthlong foreign cycling trip. We stayed home to hit the numerous trails in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, me on a standard bike, Willa on her new recumbent that tends to go down hills like a speeding bullet, but is tougher going up—you can’t stand on the pedals. New cycling trails keep appearing nationwide and we hope to hit many of them.”
George Morfogen was honored at the Mint Theater Company’s annual benefit at the Metropolitan Club of New York in June 2013. He writes: “Lila Teich Gold, who attended, graciously arranged for Stan Miller and Robert Wals and his wife to participate as her guests.”
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: “The Class of 1954 had a near-record attendance for a 60th reunion with a total of 93 persons, 62 of them Brown and Pembroke alumni. A newsletter is in process and will include the highlights of this fun-filled milestone for our class, which included opportunities to meet President Paxson in person following her remarks at the Ruth Simmons Quad. The class toured the state-of-the-art Erickson Athletic Complex and Brown’s new buildings in the former jewelry district of Providence, as well as the historic campus area and Brown’s recent additions and restorations. We dined, under spectacular white tents, at the Refectory (for a taste of nostalgia) and at the prestigious Hope Club, the setting for our class dinner.
“The new officers for the Brown and Pembroke class of 1954 are: president Charles “Red” Judkins, vice president Edward Bishop, treasurer Tom Simon, and secretary Marshall H. Cohen. The Pembroke leadership will continue to be president Felice Rinder Kirsch, vice president Jean Nostrand, treasurer Nancy Kaufman Judkins, and secretary Margery Gould Sharp.
“We enjoyed the traditional Commencement procession, where our class, as senior alumni, enjoyed a shortened walk through the Van Wickle Gates down College Hill. We were energized by the spirited applause of the many younger classes.… We gave much wise banter to the medical and other graduate students and the large class of 2014 as they passed: ‘Support the Brown Fund,’ ‘Pay Your Taxes,’ ‘Support Medicare,’ and ‘Save Your Notes.’ We earned our applause! Following the traditional awarding of the diplomas and the conferring of honorary degrees (all Brown graduates this time!), our class enjoyed a generous luncheon at the home of the family of classmate Jon Berberian, ending one of the most memorable reunions in our class history.
“The newly elected officers have already decided to plan our eighth reunion, possibly in the Montreal/Quebec/Nova Scotia area, by land or sea. Finally, as you may know, our webmaster, Barry Pearce, passed away in 2013 after many years of faithful and highly appreciated dedication to our class. If any of you are interested in handling the website, please e-mail me and I’ll forward your contact information to the University. It is important that you have had experience posting images and text to a website. The University supplies a template to make the job user-friendly. Brown authorizes only one person for the assignment.”
Sid Baumgarten is traveling and working full-time with his law practice and not-for-profit work. He is the founder (37 years ago) and chairman of the board of a drug rehab program, the New York Therapeutic Communities. He also spoke this year at a Veterans and Memorial Day ceremony in Harrison, N.Y. Sid and his wife, Terry (who founded a new Financial District Lions Club), traveled to Hamburg, Germany, in summer 2013 for a Lions Club international convention and were in Toronto in July 2014 for another Lions Club event. Sid regretted missing the 60th reunion, but happily lunched with his roommate Mel Robinson recently.
Devra Miller Breslow writes that she travels frequently. In February and March she visited Laos and Burma, and in July she ventured to France. Her home base for the last 47 years has been Los Angeles.
Albert A. Gallotta Jr. expresses his appreciation for the officers of the class of 1954 for keeping the class together for 60 years.
Charles Genovese and his wife, Pat, returned from a two-week river cruise in central Europe. They visited Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands, having sailed on the Danube, Main, and Rhine Rivers. In all, they travelled through 67 locks. Now he is back at home in Marietta, Ga., cheering on the Braves.
Class marshal Al Gerstein writes: “I am now fully committed to retirement! Naomi and I spent the snowbird months (January–March) at our condo in Longboat Key, Florida. Naomi still dreads using the ‘R’ word but was happily able to avoid doing so by continuing her psychotherapy practice through the use of Skype. Fortunately, despite our being old dogs, we have been able to master this new online communication tool. In anticipation of boredom we arranged a two-week trip to the Yucatan to snorkel, kayak, and visit ruins. Much to our delight, boredom never happened. We had plenty to do and missed a truly dreadful winter in Philly. I even lost seven pounds because of the significant increase in physical activity provided by daily three-mile walks on the beach, even when the weather was too cold to get in the water. Not a bad life, I must say!”
Marty Kantor’s latest book, Why a Gay Person Can’t Be Made Un-Gay: The Truth about Reparative Therapies, will be published by Praeger later this year.
Felice Rinder Kirsh writes: “Took my children and grandchildren on a Bahamas cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday. Good time had by all!”
Pearl Schwartz Livingstone wrote: “I am involved with nonprofit groups in Northeast Ohio registering students as voters in Cleveland’s 24 high schools. Last year’s count: 1200 students! We do the registrations; the League of Women Voters does the voter education.”
Joan Chiappinelli Sammartino writes: “My two grandchildren are recent Brown graduates and are happily employed in New York City by two different ad agencies.”
Marge Gould Sharp writes about the 60th reunion: “It was good to see all of you. Many thanks to members of the reunion committee, who planned the programs/events for the rest of us.”
Maureen O’Brien Sheehan continues to serve as a guidance consultant at Classical High School in Providence.
Brian Wallace (see Frankie Nuzzo’09).
Bob Wals writes that he and Avis enjoyed their class reunion. They followed it with a trip to Miami to attend their 5-year-old granddaughter’s graduation from nursery preschool. The ceremony was complete with cap and gown and a ceremonial graduation march.
Mary O’Neil Ward spends six months on Marco Island, Fla., and six in Georgetown, Me. She writes: “My 16 grandchildren and three of my six great-grandchildren recently gathered for my 80th birthday. Many graduations, births, etc., keep family life rich. All enjoy varying degrees of success and challenges. My focus is with three spiritual reading groups and traveling. I recently went to the Tuscany region, Amalfi, Italian coast. Life is good, indeed!”
Nancy Lord Watts writes: “We recently moved to Florida. Never thought we’d leave Tucson, but the kids wanted us closer. We live right on the water south of Cape Canaveral, 1791 Hwy. A1A., Indian Harbour Beach, Fla. 32937. It was a good move!”
Joan Bliss Wilson and her husband, Tom, spent two weeks in France in April, including four days in Paris and a weeklong boat trip down the Rhone. In October she’ll do a recorder workshop in Switzerland with a friend from Zurich. She writes: “I’m proud of Tom, who is a top-notch mountain climber. Can’t keep up with him.” She also writes about the 60th reunion in May: “I had more fun than at others. Sorry some of you missed it.”
Caleb Woodhouse writes: “I retired after 16 years as history department chair at Worcester Academy, in Worcester, Mass., but return regularly, since my successors have named the Senior History Award for me, which it is my happy job to present. My wife, Alesandra Schmidt Woodhouse ’57 (Sandy, with whom I miraculously reconnected after too many decades), and I live in Little Compton (R.I.) in an old house that is delightful in summers and invigorating in winters, peaceful and isolated but near enough for drives to Brown. Sandy is active painting. My passion is singing in my church choir and in occasional choruses; I am the star tenor in my teacher’s voice studio, because I’m the only male there. Congratulations to the class and all on the reunions! I can’t say I minded missing much of the traditional hoopla and was on hand only for Saturday’s daylight hours and for Sunday’s march down the Hill—the best part for me was being so cordially greeted and conversing with classmates, all recognizable but somehow warmer and less competitive than back then. It is great to learn that we came back in such numbers.”
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Devra Miller Breslow writes that she continues her life patterns as she did when Lester was alive: a lot of travel in the United States and Europe to see friends and family, and more adventures to Cuba, Laos, and Burma.
Doris Eisenberg Epstein resides in Freedom Village Continuing Care Retirement Community in Florida. She writes: “Keeping busy but have not traveled much in the past couple of years.”
Tim Evans (see Katie Evans Goldman ’10).
From the May/June 2014 Issue [60th]
Don Breslow ’57 ScM teaches a local high school robotics class and keeps fit by hiking. This will be a milestone reunion year at Brown for the Breslows, as Don will be celebrating his 60th, son Richard Breslow ’79 will be celebrating his 35th, and grandson Samuel Breslow ’14 will be graduating. The family will be enjoying a number of activities in Providence including the class of 1954 dinner at the Hope Club.
From the March/April 2014 Issue [60th]
George N. Boulukos, who has been active in the Boy Scouts of America for 60 years now, received the organization’s highest honor, the Silver Buffalo. He was previously awarded the Distinguished Eagle and Silver Antelope awards.
Chester Kisiel writes: “Come join me in the Dante Redux group on ; its aim is to explore in detail The Divine Comedy and its influence on our culture.” Chester published The Saint Luke Adventure, which is available at Amazon.
Bruce A. Mansfield writes: “I’ve returned from a visit to the Matterhorn in Switzerland, and the Swiss people are the best—we Americans should learn from them. I feel blessed, having been born in a hotel room and losing my father when I was 1½, to see the Matterhorn—a dream come true. Having a lifetime career of teaching tennis and playing tennis with some notable people was the icing on the cake. Hovey Tyndall has been a close friend of mine for all these years.”
From the January/February 2014 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen writes: “Our 60th reunion is the weekend of May 23–25. Everyone should plan to return and renew friendships and celebrate the 250th anniversary of Brown’s founding, as well as meet President Christina Paxton. Our reunion committee decided the preliminary details for our 60th, and final registration forms will follow later. Since most hotels in Rhode Island are booking now for that weekend, we suggest that you book now and ask if a Brown rate is available. An alternative will be available. Brown has reserved Buxton House in Wriston Quad for our home on campus. Rooms will be available at a daily rate of $65 per person ($130 per couple). As a convenience, most activities will be on or within walking distance of the campus. One exception may be a historic bus tour of Providence. We’ll kick off the reunion with a Friday night cocktail party, followed by dinner at the Refectory in our private room. Saturday, the Pembroke ladies will enjoy a special luncheon at the Refectory, and the men will dine at the new Brown Athletic Center. Saturday, following Brown-sponsored lectures and seminars, the all-class memorial service, and a possible tour of Providence, the class will dine at the prestigious Hope Club on Benevolent St. near the campus ( ). Sunday the class will be honored as one of the first marching in the traditional processional from the campus to the First Baptist Church (buses will be available for returning to the campus and Commencement). This is a first notice to encourage all of you to reserve the dates and book your hotel.”
Jon Sarkis Berberian announces the artistic successes of his family in 2012–13. His wife, Betty Jane, a singer, performed in classical concerts at the Music Mansion in Providence. His son Karl helped restore the city’s historic Columbus Theater. And Karl’s twin brother, John, had a major exhibition of his paintings at the Armenian Library and Museum of America in Watertown, Mass.
Marshall H. Cohen and his wife, Arlene, joined the Brown Travelers for a tour of Turkey in June. In addition to visiting all the major Turkish destinations—including important archaeological sites at Troy, Perge, Ephesus, Pergamum, and Cappodocia—the group sailed on small, private Gulet boats on the Aegean. Marshall writes: “An added unplanned bonus for this photographer was to witness the demonstrations against Prime Minister Erdogan in Taksim Square, Istanbul; sniff tear gas; and enjoy the hustle of nearly a million opponents to his policies. Our class reunion committee met in October to plan a peaceful, entertaining, and congenial 60th reunion.”
Alan Fletcher and his wife, Jean, spent summer at Chatham on Cape Cod and are spending the cooler months in Naples, Fla.
Chester Kisiel has settled in Gdansk, Poland, with his wife and two cats. He has two children: a son living in Montreal and a stepdaughter in Holland. He published the thriller The Saint Luke Mystery, in which a Brown-educated sleuth is sent to Cyprus on the trail of dangerous art thieves.
Grace Ann Hays Kone is still writing romance, suspense, mystery, and even steampunk and futuristic paranormal. She writes: “More than 25 books and counting. Pen name: Blair Bancroft.”
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen and his wife, Arlene, are recovering from serious damage to their home when a large 100-foot poplar fell through the roof. To recover from the stress of house repairs, they spent three weeks in Turkey in June.
Edward C. Ballard writes that he is still kicking but doing less skiing at age 81. He is busy as a trustee of the Massachusetts Archaeology Society, the Robbins Museum of Archaeology, and the Massachusetts Board of Water Commissioners, in addition to writing about northeastern Native Americans.
Donald Breslow ’57 ScM writes that he is looking forward to the 60th reunion May 23–25, 2014, when his son will be enjoying his own 35th reunion.
John Greene raises and breeds Angus cattle in the Hudson Valley. John also continues to print and has three upcoming print exhibitions this year. He and his wife, Gwen, travel frequently.
Kenneth J. Kessaris talked to classmates and football teammates Girard Haverty, Phil Noel, and Jack Orton, and they agreed after their conversations that “the older we get the better we think we were and are legends in our own minds.”
Chester Kisiel has written a religious thriller, The Saint Luke Mystery, featuring a Brown-alumnus insurance sleuth. Find it in the Amazon Kindle store.
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: “Thirty-three participants enjoyed our seventh mini-reunion in Philadelphia October 25–28. Thanks to the organizational skills of our hosts, Alvin Gerstein and Naomi Gerstein, and the assistance of the always reliable team of Charles Judkins and Nancy Kaufman Judkins (and thanks for the team’s wise foresight to end the mini-reunion one day before Sandy hit the East Coast), our class enjoyed one of its most memorable reunion experiences. Class president Bob Wigod kicked off the festivities at the opening banquet held at the prestigious Union League, founded in 1865. Our class chorus energized us by singing “Ever True” and a repertoire of Brown favorites. Our busy tour included visits to the National Constitution Center, the world-famous Barnes Collection, and a guided city bus tour of Philadelphia. We dined in the Italian and Asian market districts and witnessed the Brown-Penn game with its exciting (but sad) ending. A more complete description of the weekend will be part of a class newspaper when details of our forthcoming 60th reunion in 2014 become available. Attendees at our mini-reunion were: Nancy and Charles Judkins, Naomi and Alvin Gerstein, Suzy and Bob Wigod, Virginia and Bob Jenks, Diana Coates Gill, Mary and Ed Bishop, Diane Lake Northrop, Felice Rinder Kirsh, Gordon Webster and Joan Edgley Webster ’58, Shirley and Hank Atwood, Howard Fielding and Joyce Kennedy, Abbe Robinson Young ’58 and Jerry Young, Arlene and Marshall Cohen, Roslyn and Sandy Hollander, Maria and Tom Gagliano, Jean Nostrand and George Kirby.”
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Joanne Walker Bond writes: “I volunteer in an elementary school and teach an exercise class at a local senior center. I also live within ten miles of my two daughters and three grandchildren.”
Devra Miller Breslow’s husband, Lester Breslow, died in April at 97. In June the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health held his memorial with many tributes from colleagues and family. He served 44 years at UCLA. Devra and Lester were married 45 years.
Diana Coates Gill recently took a trip to Las Vegas and California and visited with Nancy Kaufman Judkins and Charles Judkins.
Grace Ann Hays Kone’s books are on Kindle and other e-readers. Check them out on Amazon under her pseudonym, Blair Bancroft.
As president of Northeast Ohio Voters’ Advocates, Pearl Schwartz Livingstone works on voter suppression referendum petitions, voter registration in inner-city Cleveland, and registration in 22 high schools in the city’s metropolitan school district.
Diane Lake Northrup’s granddaughter, Sarah Forman, is a member of the class of 2013.
Jean Nostrand from Cranbury, N.J., writes that her grandson, Avery Dorgan, finished his freshman year at the Univ. of Vermont, and her granddaughter is a sophomore at the Hun School in Princeton, N.J. Jean enjoys sharing her photos with friends on Facebook.
Class secretary Margery Gould Sharp writes: “I continue to work as a reporter. My play, Floodplain, will be performed this fall. Son Geoffrey produced Is There an Edge to the Universe? My daughter Catherine directs a mentoring program, and daughter Hope is a portrait painter.”
Blyth Barnes Steere and her husband, Norman Steere ’52, live in Vero Beach, Fla. Their three children are scattered about the country in Minneapolis (with Wells Fargo Bank), Redwood City (as a lawyer), and Mill Valley (in construction).
Betsy Turner Taylor lives in a retirement community in State College, Penn., called The Village at Penn State. She and Ted enjoy classes and cultural events at the college. Betsy writes: “We are two miles from daughter Ann, just made director of the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute at Penn State.”
Rosalyn Waldron Wadsworth gave an all-Poulenc recital June 3 at Cathedral Village Retirement Center in Philadelphia. Her 17-year old accompanist is a Presidential Scholar heading to a five-year program at Harvard majoring in biochemistry plus piano study at the New England Conservatory.
Margaret Taylor Welch’s husband, Paul, died two years ago. She left Warren, R.I., in January and lives with her son and his family in Amherst, Mass. Margaret writes: “I enjoy two lively grandchildren, ages 5 and 2!”
From Ft. Collins, Colo., Gail Erickson Woods writes: “I have three children and six grandchildren, 11 to 21 years old. Older two are graduating from college and on to grad school. I’ve moved to an apartment and am dealing with ups and downs of widowhood.”
From the September/October 2012 Issue
Robert A. Frenette writes: “Belatedly, I wish to thank Brown for placing Robert Creeley on its faculty during the final years of his life as a poet. His Selected Poems, 1945–2005 has been a guide for me for several years. I’ll bet Brown helped him and vice versa.”
From the May/June 2012 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen writes: “Soon you will be receiving a letter and reservation form for our sixth mini-reunion in Philadelphia. The festivities will begin on October 25 and end following breakfast on October 28. Cochairs Naomi and Al Gerstein have organized a full schedule of meals and activities that are described in the letter. Some activities include visiting the National Convention Center and the newly opened Barnes Collection and attending the Brown-Penn football game. Our hotel is the prestigious and centrally located Union Club. The room rate will be $262 per night, which includes a full breakfast and taxes. Reservations for a room may be made under Brown Class of 1954 by calling (215) 587-5586. A deposit form will be attached to the letter for sending a $100 per person check made out to Brown (or Pembroke) Class of 1954. You may send in your deposit now or wait to receive the letter. In either case, please mark your calendar and be a part of another memorable class activity.” For more information, contact Naomi or Al Gerstein.
Al Gerstein writes: “Our daughter Hilary Gerstein ’03 has become a newly minted PhD in neuroscience at the Univ. of Wisconsin. She is continuing as a post-doctoral fellow there while her husband, Marty Lichtman ’01, continues working on his doctorate in the physics department. Unfortunately, for the second winter in a row we’ve had to forgo any snowshoeing. My wife, Naomi, broke her foot and has not fully recovered. We anticipate that she’ll be in good enough shape when we spend some time this year in Florida and Turkey. We’ve started taking courses together at Penn. Being surrounded by young people maintains good brain functioning. I don’t suppose the tuition can be written off as a medical expense. Looking forward to the class of 1954’s mini-reunion this October.”
Martin Kantor, a psychiatrist and author, has published Now That You’re Out: The Challenges and Joys of Living as a Gay Man.
From the January/February 2012 Issue
Joanna Slesinger Caproni writes: "For three years, my husband and I have been working on a book of WWII memoirs from the class of 1942 at Dartmouth. These men were in the first semester of their senior year when Pearl Harbor was attacked and 91 percent went to war. The book contains 107 chapters from the European, Pacific, and home fronts with photos. The title is Dartmouth at War."
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: "A large group of classmates and spouses met during Alumni Fall Weekend to plan the next mini-reunion, scheduled for Oct. 25–28, 2012, in Philadelphia, as well as to enjoy watching the Brown football team wallop Princeton. Participating were Mary and Ed Bishop, our Providence hosts; Naomi and Al Gerstein, who are making the Philadelphia arrangements; Herb Cohen; Marshall Cohen; Ed Giberti; Charles and Nancy Kaufman Judkins; Felice Rinder Kirsh; Diane Lake Northrop; Jean Nostrand; Margery Gould Sharp; Tom Simon; Frank Wezniak; and Suzy and Bob Wigod. Other classmates were spotted in the football stands, including Jerry Young and Abbe Beth Robinson Young '58, proud grandparents of Brown tight end Alexander Harris '13."
Arthur Blaustein, who has taught community development and public policy at UC Berkeley for the past 27 years, has published his fifth book, Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport: The Ultimate Volunteer Handbook, a guide for those inclined toward civic engagement.
Sid Baumgarten writes: "My wife, Terry, and I are still living in Battery Park City, 23 years now, and enjoying city life. My law practice is busier than ever, spending a lot of time in court, but like the energizer bunny I will just keep going. Our sons, Roger '82 and Fred '79, are thriving. Fred lives in Sharon, Connecticut, and works at Sarah Lawrence College; Roger lives near Harrisburg, Pa., and is the public relations director for a large health and hospitals organization. Roger and I took my grandson, Alex, on his first hunting adventure last spring, and we expect to take him on his first deer hunt soon. Terry and I just started a new Lions Club in the Financial District. It had its first charter night at the end of October."
Fred Frigoletto writes: " I wish we had something earthshaking to tell but at this point the most exciting news is that we are alive and well. Our oldest daughter, mother of three little girls, graduated from law school, passed the bar, and landed a job in a nice firm in Boston. Our other daughter has graced us with four little ones, who actually live a few streets away from us. In all we have seven grandchildren who live close by. My wife, Martha McKay Frigoletto '59, retired from pediatrics and does a little interior design. I'm still at Massachusetts General Hospital full-time and very pleased to be there. We spend some time in Naples, Florida, in the winter and go to Rockport, Massachusetts, on weekends in the summer. We are in close contact with Bill Peace, Al Fletcher, and John Leahy."
Tom Gagliano received the Spinnaker Award for the Nonprofit Organization of the Year from the Eastern Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce in New Jersey on Nov. 16. Tom founded the Jersey Shore Partnership Inc. in 1991, which became the driving force for the replenishment and redevelopment of New Jersey's 127-mile coastline, greatly enhancing tourism and business activity along the shore. Tom and his son, John '85, continue to be associated with EPS Corporation. John is senior VP, COO, and general counsel and lives in Fair Haven, N.J., with his wife, Cindy, and four children.
Charles Genovese and his wife, Patricia, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Costa Rica in July with their children and their spouses, including son David Genovese '86 and three grandchildren. After living in Connecticut for 39 years and teaching at the Kent School, Charles and his wife retired to Marietta, Ga., to be near their daughter, Pamela, and her family.
Al Gerstein writes: "Planning a trip to Turkey this spring, assuming the Middle East gets no worse. That should help make up for the cancellation of a trip to Egypt last April. This past September we drove cross-country, starting in Madison, Wisconsin, visiting one daughter, and ending in Berkeley, Calif., visiting another. In between we stopped at Mt. Rushmore, Badlands National Park, Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, and Yosemite. And yes, we stopped at the Wall Drug Store in Wall, a town of no significance."
Ed Giberti sends greetings from London. He continues his 20-year involvement with the Brown Club of the U.K., co-organizing major Brown, Ivy League, and U.S. college and university alumni events in London and mentoring recent Brown graduates working abroad ( For the past 10 years, Ed has volunteered as a fund-raiser with the Willow Foundation, a national charity that organizes annual special days for people with life-threatening illnesses. He also serves as a senior warden for St. Francis of Assisi Church, the major Anglican church in Welwyn Garden City.
Bob Hawley writes: "My wife, Elizabeth, and I have been permanent residents of Sanibel, Fla., for the past five years and spend late spring to mid-October at our former legal residence in Swansea, Mass. We have owned our condominium in Sanibel for 20 years, and for 16 years I have been president of the condo association. We recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and are really enjoying our retirement. It is hard to believe that I retired from my position as senior research engineer at Brown's Division of Engineering 25 years ago."
Sandy Hollander writes: "All is well here. There is little personal news except grandchildren and even a great-grandson after eight granddaughters. I still go to my office every day but I cannot understand why it takes me longer to do my work. As for Brown men, I am in touch irregularly but fairly often with Jim Leavitt '53, Arnie Abramowitz '55, Owen Landman '55, Norm Orodenker '55, Jack Maddox, Elton Katz, and my two Brown-graduate children."
Robert Jenks writes: "During Christmas 2010, my wife, Virginia, and I spent three weeks in Burkina Faso, Africa, with our son and his family. They are career missionaries and have lived in Africa for 15 years. We were all invited to a wonderful Christmas party at the American Embassy in the capital city of Ouagadougou. Then we met our gracious host, American Ambassador Thomas Dougherty '73, for a pleasurable reunion of Brown alumni."
Ernest Klein writes: "Three of us started the Boston Midsummer Opera six years ago. I serve as the executive director. The mission of BMO is to widen the audience for this art form by presenting opera that is both affordable and accessible. Our top ticket price is $50, which is about half the price of the other leading opera companies in town. The operas are sung in English with simple and imaginative staging, which attracts a younger audience while still appealing to lifelong opera fans. We have been in the black since inception, and this summer's performances were all virtual sellouts. Read more about us at:"
Chuck Lake officiated at his son David's marriage to Linda Creel on Nov. 26 in Wickenden Chapel at Tabor Academy, which is named for Dave's maternal grandparents. Dave's sister Stephanie Lake, an alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs intervention services coordinator at U.C. Davis, flew in from California. His other sister, Joanna Lake McFadyen, came with her husband, Jim, and daughters Abigail Rose and Megan Nancy, who were flower girls at the wedding.
Tom McCormack worked as CEO of St. Martin's Press and then left to be a playwright. He has written several plays, including Endpapers, as well as the book The Fiction Editor, The Novel, and the Novelist. His son Daniel '90 and daughter Jessie '95 both became Hollywood screenwriters and directors. After they graduated from Brown, Tom gave the University money to build the McCormack Family Theater on campus.
Raymond Watts writes: "I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that, after a fabulous decade, I am no longer teaching scuba diving. My son, Doug, who is an outstanding diver, now has all my equipment. The good news is that the radiation treatment for my prostate cancer seems to have been successful. I am, at least for now, cancer-free."
Jerry Young writes: "All the Youngs are well. I am still working, though two of my kids, Betsy Harris '82 and Andrew Young '86, are running the family business. Betsy and David Harris '80 have one son who graduated last year and is teaching at an English language learning charter school in Boston; his brother Alexander '13 plays varsity football as a tight end. My wife, Abbe Robinson Young '58, and I are looking forward to another adventure in Philadelphia."
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen is recovering from surgery to repair a torn quadricep following a fall on the Mall, in Washington, D.C.
Tim Evans (see Engagements & Weddings, Sam Goldman '08).
George Monteiro '64 PhD (see Engagements & Weddings, Renya Larson '96).
From the May/June 2011 Issue
Joanne Walker Bond retired from teaching in 1997 and now volunteers at a local school in kindergarten and first grade. Her daughters, Jeanne Martin and Sue Silva, live nearby in Windham, N.H. Joanne has three grandchildren.
Arthur Blaustein published Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport on Apr. 5. This is his sixth book. He writes: "Thanks to a generous grant, UC Berkeley, where I've taught for the past 27 years, will give 1,000 books to the graduates of six professional graduate schools."
Nancy Faber Brennan lunched with Leo and Joanna Slesinger Caproni during a visit to New York City. Nancy works as a psychotherapist.
Donald Breslow '57 ScM enjoys retirement with such interesting activities as volunteering to teach math and science in local schools and working with an eighth-grade advanced-math club. Don and his wife, Joan, traveled to Europe last spring, visiting Berlin and Paris. They summer in Falmouth on Cape Cod, and enjoy beaches, boating, and the Cape Playhouse. His grandson, Samuel Breslow '14, son of Richard Breslow '79, is the third generation to attend Brown.
Joanna Slesinger Caproni writes: "Our 2010 mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., was great! Gold stars to all the arrangers of an excellent program." Joanna has been assisting her husband, who is president of the Dartmouth class of 1942, in inviting his classmates or their widows to write their WWII memoirs. She writes: "We expected 30–40 stories but received over 100. Result? We will publish a 500–600 page book Dec. 7, 2011, on the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor."
Ira and Barbara Reuben Levin spent a week in London in October visiting museums and theater. The Levins have four daughters, two sons-in-law, and six grandchildren.
John Maddox added to his many senior bowling awards by winning three gold medals in the Maryland Senior Olympics tenpin bowling competition. Jack also placed third among 3,500 entries in a recent Dutchman bowling tournament in Lebanon, Pa.
Stephen A. McClellan writes that he loves living in "beautiful West Virginia!" His adopted son is now 34 years old and has two children.
Patricia and Donald Romano attended their first mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., in October and write that they had a wonderful time. Don works part-time as a labor and employment attorney on the management side at the same N.J. firm he joined 40 years ago. Don and Pat live in Short Hills, N.J., but stay in Narragansett, R.I., during much of the summer and in Jupiter, Fla., in February and part of March.
Margery Gould Sharp of Hinesburg, Vt., had a short play, Fish and Game, performed by the Parish Players of Thetford, Vt., in early February.
Robert Wals writes: "Our son Ken and his wife, Beatriz, have a new baby boy, Daniel Andres Wals, born on January 11. (That's 1-11-11). He joins his sister, Sarah, who is 2 years old. My wife, Avis, and I just returned from a one-month vacation visiting them in Miami. It certainly was nice being away from all the snow."
Gail Erickson Woods writes: "We are living smaller in a condo in Ft. Collins, Colorado. We enjoy attending the theater, seeing grandchildren, and volunteering with homeless-prevention work. The two oldest of six grandchildren are now in college. So soon!"
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Ron Abdow was renominated to the board at American International College, in Springfield, Mass., where he previously served as chair. He writes: "When I started I had a full head of hair. Now I am gray and have just a few strands left."
Former class president Al Corney writes that he is still building new boats and restoring old ones at the Maritime Museum in Longboat Key, Fla. Two days a week he uses the boat facilities to build furniture. His wife, Judy Robinson Corney '55, is an active bridge player.
Carroll H. Cook confesses to leaving Brown prematurely and returning to get his degree four years and three summers later. He was last at Brown in 1973, when he worked for ABC News and televised the Brown-Harvard football game. Check out his blog at
Al Gallotta Jr. is now retired, and he and his wife, Dora, live in northern Virginia, where their four children and six grandchildren also reside.
Ed Giberti writes from London: "Thank you all for gathering for our 2010 mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., my hometown for four years in the early days of the birth of the Polaroid Corporation. The reunion photos are such a wonderful memory of this latest adventure of our class. I am more than disappointed that I wasn't able to join you all this time. Many thanks to Marsh and the committee for arranging a most enlightening occasion. Where to next? Maybe it's time to come back to London?"
Bruce Mansfield published Sides of Life, a collection of 18 short stories. He is the founder of Americans for Action, a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization dealing with veterans' rights, among other things.
Norm Sprinthall boasts that his new pacemaker is good for another 10 years, but the surgeon forgot to change the oil and filter necessary to improve his golf swing.
Bob Wals writes: "Our son Ken's wife, Beatriz (Titi) Wong, became a U.S. citizen at a swearing-in ceremony on Nov. 19. She was one of six people from Venezuela who became citizens that day in Miami. Also, Ken and Titi are expecting their second child in January, a sibling for 2-year-old Sarah."
Frank Wezniak continues to be active in sports, and for three years has been nationally ranked (no. 5 or 6) in his age group of 75-plus, according to U.S. Squash. Frank writes: "The key to my success is not skill; it is endurance. Most good players our age have quit because of aching knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, or other ailments. I am one of the last few still standing, thus a national ranking! To add to my glory, I was recently in a squash doubles tournament at the Harvard Club in Boston. I was assigned a partner whose name seemed familiar but I could not place. He was supposedly relatively young and very good. When I met Chris Lutes '83 before our first match it took us a while to realize that we both had attended Brown, and finally, that he was the son of a classmate with the same name! Chris (junior) is an excellent player and carried us to the semifinals of the tournament. Thanks to classmate Chris (senior) for providing me with such a good partner."
Jerry Young writes that he and his wife, Abbe, have two grandsons at Brown: Jason Harris '10 and Alex Harris '13. Alex is a member of the football team. Jerry adds: "Abbe and I enjoyed the mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., and hope the class will continue these exciting, interesting trips in the future."
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen writes: "Nature cooperated to provide glowing autumn days for our sixth mini-reunion in the nation's capital. Forty members and guests participated in the reunion events, including Denny Shermon Albershardt, Ed Bishop, Gerry Burrow, Ann Rademachor Burrow '55 AM, Joanna Caproni, Herb Cohen, Marshall Cohen, Joyce Lakin Defandorf, Howard Fielding, Al Gerstein, Diana Coates Gill, Bill Hall, Charles and Nancy Kaufman Judkins, Felice Rinder Kirsh, Diane Lake Northrop, Jean Nostrand, Donald Romano, Maureen O'Brien Sheehan, Sally Donaldson Sloan, Bob Wals, Frank Wezniak, Bob Wigod, and Jerry and Abbe Robinson Young. We stayed at the historic Army and Navy Club on Farragut Square, where we started our reunion with a gala welcome cocktail party and banquet. (A forthcoming newsletter will have all the details). The events included bus trips to Mount Vernon, including its distillery (the nation's first) and grist mill. We also enjoyed a tour of the celebrated Hillwood Estate and Gardens, which was the home of Marjorie Merriweather Post, the legendary heiress to the C.W. Post Co. and later wife of U.S. Ambassador to Russia Joseph E. Davies. Our classmates enjoyed 'colonial' meals in private quarters at Mount Vernon and Hillwood and dinners at the Army and Navy Club and the National Press Club. Frank Wezniak reported on a recent Brown trustee meeting. Attendees also enjoyed a night tour of the well-known D.C. monuments, all five sides of the Pentagon, and a drive around the Mall." Marshall and Arlene Cohen hosted the Washington reunion, assisted by other reunion committee members Red and Nancy Judkins, Bob Wigod, and Diana Gill.
Doris Eisenberg Epstein writes: "This was a rough year. Our daughter, Beth, a doctor with the Oregon Department of Public Health, died. Shortly before getting her diagnosis, she and her husband, Craig, had adopted two boys, 9 and 15, our only grandchildren."
George S. Morfogen continues to perform as an actor in New York City and the surrounding area. Recently, he appeared in the premiere of Terrence McNally's new play, Golden Age, at the Philadelphia Theater Company and at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. At Classic Stage Company Off-Broadway, he acted in The Forest and Uncle Vanya. Last summer, he appeared as Sigmund Freud in the two-character play Freud's Last Session with the Peterborough Players, N.H. This year, he celebrates his 50th year as a member of Actors' Equity.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
Barbara Hobart Mitten writes that she brought her daughter, Jane; younger son, Fred; and granddaughter, Emily, to Brown this summer to see "the grand college where their father and grandfather, Roger Mitten '55, and I graduated and fell in love. I am blessed with such wonderful memories."
Henry Atwood writes: "After living in Virginia Beach for the last 30 years, we have moved to the Pioneer Valley in Western Mass. to be near grandchildren and nearer to my Cape Cod."
William Gray and his wife, Shauna, write that they are enjoying retirement coast-to-coast: Southern California in the winter and Cape Cod in the summer.
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Jettabee Christenson Edman writes: "I've been receiving physical therapy for Parkinson's disease and am blessed to have a terrific registered nurse to help me. I'm building muscles at the age of 77! I'm doing fine, and all my children and grandchildren are happy and healthy."
Jerold Young's grandson Jason Harris '10 graduated this May. Jason's brother Alex Harris '13 is on the freshman football team. Naomi and Al Gerstein's youngest daughter, Hilary Gerstein '03, married Marty Lichtman '01 on Oct. 31. Al writes that the Halloween spirit was felt among the wedding guests. The couple took a delayed honeymoon to Istanbul in April. Al and Naomi are off to Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
The Reunion committee reports: "The sixth mini-reunion to the Nation's Capital is scheduled for Oct.14–17, 2010. Thursday night we'll enjoy a banquet at our hotel, the prestigious, private, and cozy Army and Navy Club in the center of D.C. (at K and 17th St. on Farragut Square). Friday morning our bus will take us through historic Alexandria to the recently renovated Mount Vernon Estate for a guided tour, including George Washington's Distillery and Gristmill. We will enjoy a colonial lunch at the Mount Vernon Inn. Our bus will return us to the Army and Navy Club where you can enjoy the premises before heading out to the nearby National Press Club for a full dinner and a look at this renowned media center. On Saturday, the group will be bused to the Hillwood Estate, Museum, and Gardens in a lovely residential section of Washington, the 25-acre home of Marjorie Merriweather Post, heir to the Post Cereal fortune. Following the tour, the group will have a private luncheon at the Hillwood Café, and time to tour the gardens. At dusk we will board our private bus for a night tour of Washington's famous illuminated landmarks, with a professional guide. Dinner following the tour will be 'freelance' with a variety of choices at convenient restaurants where we can reserve tables for tour members. The committee will be sending out letters requesting your deposit soon, and later an event reservation form. If you have not reserved a room at the Army and Navy Club, please do so ASAP. They are filling fast. The number is: (202) 534-3192; ask for the Brown Univ. Reunion Group. The room rate is $228.00 including tax and breakfast, except Sunday when a late morning brunch will be available at an additional charge."
Gerard Burrow has stepped down as CEO of the Mystic Aquarium, but has remained on the board. He is a trustee of the Univ. of Connecticut, where he chairs the university's Health Center Board, and he also chairs the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders.
Edwin C. Ballard is continuing his archaeological endeavors in order to obtain recognition in New England and Mass. for Native American sky viewing ritual stonework sites. An article on a Sharon, Mass., site was published in the Mass. Archaeological Society's spring 2010 Bulletin.
Former class president Al Corney enjoyed a reunion with Marv Catler '53. Al lives in Longboat Key, Fla., and, although he cannot attend the October mini-reunion, he congratulates the reunion committee for the planning of the forthcoming event.
Ethel Barrett Graham would "love to hear from Helen Shepherd."
Charles Judkins writes that in October the American International College named its new athletic field after his former roommate, Ronnie Abdow. Abdow Field will be used for football, soccer, and lacrosse. Ronnie was a former Division I college football official for 28 years and was inducted into the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame in 1997. Charles won low net score in the New Mexico Senior Golf Assoc. Championship. He and his wife, Nancy Kaufman Judkins, are excited about the mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., next October.
Bruce A. Mansfield was recently presented a service award by the United States Professional Tennis Assoc. after teaching tennis for 45 years to more than 12,000 students. Bruce writes: "If my students are still playing the wonderful game of tennis, I'll really be satisfied that I did a good job."
Mike McSherry and his wife, Joanne Webster McSherry '53, now have 11 grandchildren whose ages range from 1 to 14. Mike spends eight months in Charleston, S.C., and four months in West Falmouth, Mass.
Paul Wittreich is retiring from refereeing soccer and shooting the starter gun for track after 15 years. In the past two years, he has published two books on early aviation pioneers and recently opened a website for his art work. A year ago, he ran a 5K and was the only runner over age 70 out of 300 entrants. He placed first in his age group.
From the March/April 2010 Issue
Marshall Cohen reports: "We are planning a mini-reunion the weekend of Oct. 14 in Washington, D.C. Three days of activities are planned, including a trip to George Washington's newly renovated Mount Vernon; a tour of the Marjorie Merriweather Post Estate and Gardens; a night tour of Washington, D.C.; a class banquet; and dinner at the National Press Club.
"We have booked 24 rooms at the prestigious Army and Navy Club, two blocks from the White House at 901 17th Street NW. To ensure a room, please book soon by calling (202) 534-3192 and asking for the Brown Univ. reunion group. The charge per night, including all taxes and breakfast Friday and Saturday, is $228. A Sunday brunch will be available at an additional charge.
More information and a full event reservation form will follow when all the details are in place. Since we have a limited number of rooms, it is essential to reserve as soon as possible."
Al Gerstein (see Hilary Gerstein '03).
Martin Kantor published Uncle Sam's Shame: Inside Our Broken Veterans Administration in 2008, and Homophobia: The State of Sexual Bigotry Today (second edition) in 2009, both with Praeger Publishers.
Bob Wals (see Hilary Gerstein '03).
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: "Your reunion committee is planning another mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., for the Oct. 14, 2010, weekend. We will supply full details when plans are firm. Most attendees at the past mini-reunions have supplied their updated e-mail addresses to Brown and receive bravo notices to their e-mail from the class. To update your e-mail address, please contact alumni records at (401) 863-2307 or a[email protected] as soon as possible. For those classmates without e-mail, we will be sending out reservation forms by regular mail and will include notices in the BAM. For general information about the reunion, e-mail or call me."
Chuck Blankfort's grandson, Matthew Doyle '10, will graduate in May, and granddaughter Emily Doyle is a member of the class of 2013. Chuck remains in touch with his roommates, Roger Brandwein, Dick Kaufman, and Sid Shulins, as well as friends Rick Amill and Mel Robinson.
Dalia Devenis Bobelis writes: "We have returned to our home in Florida for good after spending 17 years in Lithuania. I would love to see any of my classmates. My former roommate, Barbara Sheldon Anderson, is also in Florida, not far away."
Judith Robinson Corney and Alan Corney live for seven months in Florida and five in New Jersey. Alan volunteers at the Florida Institute of Salt Water Heritage (FISH), building and rehabbing wooden boats. Judith writes: "Contentment and good health make us happy."
Ethel Barrett Graham has lost touch with several Brown friends after moving to North Carolina.
Barbara Hobart Mitten visited Betsy Turner Taylor in Maryland in June. She organized a mini-reunion with a few of their Pembroke friends.
Diane Lake Northrop '54 (see Melanie Northrop '81).
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Sid Baumgarten writes: "I'm still busy crusading for justice. Law practice is keeping me occupied. My oldest son, Doug (the traitor who went to Harvard), got married in June. He lives in D.C., but the wedding and dinner were here in New York City. His younger brothers, Fred '79 and Roger '82, both of whom did go to Brown, were present. I had occasion also to travel to California and combine a business trip with a visit to my daughter, Julia, who lives in Irvine and works for the Orange County Performing Arts Center. My wife, Terry, and I are leaving for Brazil to visit her family and get a few weeks of rest. Her mother lives in the south, where it is now winter and fairly cold, so it is not a beach-type vacation. We will be visiting one of her sisters, who has a mountain inn that is the equivalent of our dude ranch, with horses a-plenty. We enjoyed the reunion and look forward to many more."
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen and his wife, Arlene, recently returned from a Brown Travelers cruise that included excursions into Norway's fjords, Sami and Viking centers, the North Cape, and Russia's White Sea. Marshall writes: "My camera was fully employed, especially in Russian ports such as the Solovetsky Islands and its world famous monastery and notorious gulag."
Ed Giberti writes: "After our 55th reunion in May and visits with our family in the Boston/Providence/Cape Cod area, life in England became hectic one more time. As a member of the Brown Club's U.K. Board since 1992, I am gratified to have been part of a 'continuing adventure' with so many members of the Brown family on two sides of the Atlantic again this year. Here are some of the alumni activities in which I was involved during June and July: A most entertaining and well-attended June 8 visit from Brown Professor Elsa Amanatidou, director of the Center for Language Studies, who spoke about languages as central to international communication; the Brown Club Day at Royal Ascot on June 16, the highlight of the British summer social and racing calendar; an Ivy League alumni reception, hosted by the Brown Club of the U.K. on June 18, in a rotating monthly networking series; and the Henley Royal Regatta at which the men's and women's rowing teams competed from July 1 to July 5 and won the Ladies Plate to the delight of many U.S. and U.K. alumni, parents, and friends. The 2008–09 event calendar drew to a close on July 23 at the Savile Club in London, where more than 150 alumni from 25 colleges and universities were guests of the Brown Club of the U.K. and the Cornell Club of London at the fourth annual U.S. Alumni Summer Reception.
"From a family perspective, the highlight of the year was the March 21 marriage of Jamie, our second son, to Jayne Goodwin, in a ceremony at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Welwyn Garden City, followed by an English countryside reception at Tewinbury Farm. All of my immediate family from the Boston area attended the wedding and enjoyed eight days in London with our four grandchildren: John, 3; Caroline, 5; Jenna, 10; and Ryan, 12. My wife, Jackie, and I continue our volunteer work with the Willow Foundation, a national charity that provides special days for young people with serious illnesses and their families, and with St. Francis of Assisi Church and its youth program in the community of Welwyn Garden City."
Charles David Lake writes: "Jeannie and I have been married since 1963 and have two grown daughters and one son. One of our daughters is director of alcohol- and drug-abuse prevention at UC Davis, while the other is married with two daughters and is an assistant in an early-childhood learning center in Southport, North Carolina. Our son is a chef in Wareham, Massachusetts. I have been assistant minister of First Baptist Church in America; Baptist Chaplain for colleges in Providence; dean of religious life and faculty member at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri; executive director of the Massachusetts Baptist Foundation for Campus Ministry; minister coordinator of the Massachusetts United Ministry in Higher Education; and interim minister of South Baptist Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts."
Gregory Sullivan writes that he is working a 30-hour week as program director for the nonprofit organization IRATE & First Friends, which provides immigrant detainees in New Jersey's detention centers and jails with supplies and assistance. For additional information go to
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: "We enjoyed a rollicking 55th reunion with 80–100 attendees including classmates, family, and guests, culminating with a spirited march down College Hill—and getting closer to the front of the line! Activities, including our class lunches and the gala dinner, were held on campus. Our classmates were identified by the classic Brown baseball cap. Our class newspaper will be arriving shortly with all the details. Class officers will remain in office through 2014. Pembroke officers: Felice Rinder Kirsh, president; Jean Nostrand, vice president; Nancy Kaufman Judkins and Margery Gould Sharp, secretaries. Brown officers: Herbert S. Cohen and Robert M. Wigod, copresidents; Charles I. Judkins, vice president; Thomas H. Simon, treasurer; and Marshall H. Cohen, secretary. Classmates registered for the reunion were: Ron Abdow, Barbara Sheldon Anderson, Sid Baumgarten, Jon Sarkis Berberian, Ed Bishop, Herb Cohen, Marsh Cohen, Joyce Larkin Defandorf, Fred Frigoletto, Tom Gagliano, Al Gerstein, Ed Giberti, Diana Coates Gill, John Greene, Bill Hall, Harriett Nutt Hays, Sandy Hollander, Nancy Kaufman Judkins, Charlie Judkins, Felice Rinder Kirsh, Barbara Rueben Levin, Vincent M. Love, Jack Maddox, Anne Clowes McKay, Mike McSherry, Norma Munves, Alveretta Tupper Murphy, Diane Lake Northrop, Jean Nostrand, Jane O'Hara Page, Bill Peace, Joan Chiappinelli Sammartino, Marge Gould Sharp, Maureen O'Brien Sheehan, Tovia Mancoll Siegel, Tom Simon, Marjorie Jones Stenberg, Myles Striar, Bob Wals, Mary O'Neil Ward, Chat Watts, Frank Wezniak, Bob Wigod, Caleb Woodhouse, Nancy Lord Watts, and Jerry Young."
Jon Berberian writes that with the help of his son Karl, his theater, the Columbus Performing Arts Center, hosted a successful engagement of Lizzie Borden Live and RISE on Broadway's West Side Story. The theater also busily prepared for the R.I. International Film Festival's ninth season in Aug. His son John, a portrait artist, recently won awards for his drawings from the Newport Historic Art Museum and the Wickford Art Assoc., and has a permanent exhibit for viewing at the Marine Museum in Fall River, Mass. Jon's wife, Betty Jane, has been active as vice president of the Chopin Music Club and continues to teach voice privately.
Majorie Jones Stenberg (see Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus '49).
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Alvin Gerstein and his wife, Naomi, announce the engagement of their daughter, Hilary '03, to Martin Lichtman '01. The wedding is planned for Oct. 31.
Ethel Barrett Graham and her husband, Malcolm, are enjoying retirement in Wilmington, N.C. They are grandparents of six and great-grandparents of one little girl.
Bill Hall writes that he enjoys retired life in New York City, attending museums, lectures, and theater; bargain shopping; and meeting Brown classmates for dinner. He is trying his hand at writing the "Great American Novel!" Bill resides in Shaker Heights, Ohio, from June 15 to Sept. 15.
Louis Pastore retired in 1998 and enjoys playing golf, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.
Bill Peace is home after spending several winter weeks on St. Simons Island, Ga. Bill writes: "Thankfully we are in good health, and our best to all."
Norm Sprinthall '59 AM reports that he stays trim by sailing, golfing, swimming, and beach walking when he's not dancing, traveling, or playing with his grandchildren.
From the May/June 2009 Issue [55th]
Albert Gallotta is a semiretired consultant for a high-tech company. He retired from the U.S. Navy as a rear admiral in 1985. He lives in Va. and is still married to Dora, with whom he has four children and six grandchildren.
Girard Haverty and his wife, Bev, drove to N.J. from Conn. to meet up with Maria and Tom Gagliano, and together they enjoyed the football victory against Princeton. Gerry (a former Brown football captain) writes: "The Princeton game was like old times."
Vincent Love is a volunteer at South Street Seaport, cataloguing their maritime collections. He also volunteers at the Metropolitan Opera Guild, takes classes at Fordham Univ., and enjoys Elderhostel tours.
Bruce Mansfield recently published his first novella, The Chameleon. He plans to follow up this work with another mystery, Chameleon II: The Moon Is Rising. Bruce writes that a percentage of proceeds from sales of the book will be donated to a Brown fund and his Foundation of Americans for Action, whose agenda calls for improved public housing and veterans benefits.
James and Joanne Webster McSherry '53 announce the Dec. 16 birth of their eleventh grandchild, Sophie Lauren McSherry.
Robert M. Wigod writes: "This has been a busy year for my daughter, Emily Wigod Pincus '88. Following her March 2008 marriage to Andrew Pincus (a vice-president at Citicorp), she was invested as a Reformed Jewish cantor in May, after completing the five-year program of studies at Hebrew Union College's School of Sacred Music. In June the couple moved into a new home in Metuchen, N.J., and in July Emily assumed the duties of cantor at Temple Har Sinai in Pennington, N.J. On Feb. 18 she gave birth to Nathaniel Adam Pincus. Uncle Dewey S. Wigod '84 and I are both proud."
From the January/February 2009 Issue [55th]
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports that more than 50 participants attended the fifth mini-reunion in Boston on Sept. 25-28: "Despite typically unpredictable New England weather, the group enjoyed a whirlwind of activities, including two cocktail parties at the Boston homes of copresident Herb Cohen and past-president Frank Wezniak. Our tour brought us to all the important Boston historic landmarks, including the Old North Church and Faneuil Hall. We also followed the hoofsteps of Paul Revere to Concord and Lexington. Due to bad weather, our group was touring the JFK Library while the Brown football team trounced Harvard in Providence. We will publish a more detailed reporting of the mini-reunion in our January newsletter, which also will contain more detailed news about the upcoming 55th reunion in May."
Edwin Ballard has stepped down as treasurer of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society and will continue as a trustee. He's also continuing efforts at collection analysis and identifying and reading Native American ritual stonework in southeastern New England.
Diana Gill (see Christopher Gill '82).
Paul B. Taylor '61 PhD writes that he has published the final volume in his pentad on the introducer of fourth-way ideas, G.I. Gurdjieff: A New Life. Earlier volumes described Gurdjieff's teaching and influence in the United States.
Caleb Woodhouse writes: "It's wonderful to be living back in R.I. with my wife Alesandra Schmidt '57 after years of being not too far away. She gardens, I play tennis. We both write a little. She sings, and I sing a lot. Life is good."
From the November/December 2008 Issue [55th]
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: "Ronald Columbus will be attending his first reunion in 54 years in Boston and will see Herb Cohen, a former roommate and a baseball slugger in the senior circuit. After attending two Harvard graduations for his son and daughter and staying at the Charles Hotel, he looks forward to the modest rates at the Harvard Club."
Henry Donaldson is retired and still manages some money for a few clients. He also plays golf and tennis and is taking a watercolor class.
Fred Frigoletto writes: "My donor heart is allowing me to work full-time as associate chief of the Ob/Gyn department at Massachusetts General Hospital and as the Charles Montraville Green Professor of Ob/Gyn at Harvard Medical School. Fortunately, my good health allows me not to feel 75. Martha and I celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary recently and our two daughters, Susan and Laurie, have blessed us with six beautiful grandchildren, all five years old or less. We spend summer weekends in Rockport, Mass., and vacation in the winter in Naples, Fla. We look forward to seeing everyone. It has been a pleasure to see Bill Peace, Al Fletcher, and Tom Snow recently. I see John Leahy and Frank Wezniak more often."
Ed Giberti sends his best wishes to classmates from Italy's major pilgrimage destination, Assisi, where he and a group of church friends from his "adopted home town" of Welwyn Garden City, England, spent the last week of June. The group was invited by the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement to share their home and hospitality at St. Anthony's guest house in the center of Assisi.
Bob Jenks, of Hingham, Mass., has worked for 34 years as the part-time assistant harbormaster in Hingham. He is also in his eighth year of running the launch for the Satuit Boat Club in Scituate. He writes: "I will get back to making puzzles in the fall. Our son, his wife, and three children visited with us for three months. They are missionaries in Burkina Faso, Africa, and get to the states rather infrequently. It was nice to be with them."
Paul L. Rosenberg is the CEO of PLR Inv. Inc., a real-estate finance company in Los Angeles. He recently celebrated his 53rd wedding anniversary with his wife, Suzy, an executive with Sony Entertainment, whom he met on a blind date at Brown.
William Simon writes: "Mark Hopkins, Dean Seibert, and I, with wives Margie, Ann, and Marilyn Carlson Simon, spent two weeks traveling in Ireland in late May and early June, mostly in County Mayo. The sights were amazingly beautiful, and the people delightful. The big challenge was seeing which driver would collect less debris on the side view mirror.
Paul B. Taylor writes: "Since my retirement ten years ago, I have moved from writing about my teaching topics in medieval Germanic literatures to an interest that has occupied much of my life: the life, works and teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff, the father of 'Fourth Way' study and work. The fifth in my pentad of studies of Gurdjieff is now in press."
From the September/October 2008 Issue [55th]
Lewis M. Gediman and his son Paul Gediman '86 recently published Semantricks: A Dictionary of Words You Thought You Knew, a book of creative and humorous definitions for ordinary words.
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Doris Eisenberg Epstein writes: "After many years of telling people we have three grandcats and one granddog, we are about to experience being grandparents for real. Our daughter, Beth, and her husband, Craig, are adopting two brothers, ages 9 and 11. They live in Oregon."
Celia Richmond Meyer writes: "Sorry to miss all the reunions but Jack had a severe stroke in 2004 and we don't travel far from home. We did go to our granddaughter's wedding in Illinois and to see our oldest daughter in Fulton who raises, trains, and competes in shepherding with border collies. Our youngest daughter is a registered dietician and very interested in allergy counseling, especially celiac disease. I keep busy with gardening, both veggies and flowers, and caring for hubby, house, and yard. My best to all my college friends."
Robert Wals (see Emily Joan Wigod '88).
Robert M. Wigod (see Emily Joan Wigod '88).
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: "In anticipation of our 55th reunion in May 2009, the class will hold a mini-reunion September 25-28, 2008, our fourth in recent years. This time we will be based in Boston. In addition to taking advantage of the city's many cultural activities and historic sights, we will tour Lexington and Concord, and be bused on Saturday to the Brown-Harvard football game in Providence. We will also enjoy the hospitality of Bostonian classmates Frank Wezniak and Herb Cohen, who have agreed to host cocktail parties in their homes. Classmates will be receiving more detailed information.
Also,the class expresses its sympathy to classmate John Leahy and his family on the loss of his beloved wife, Nancy, who passed away following surgery in January 2008."
Allister Fraser '62 ScM writes that he is retired following the sale of his share of AEC-Able Engineering Corp. Allister designed and manufactured many hardware subsystems for satellites, space probes, and space stations. He also enjoyed acting and singing in many amateur theaters, including the Gilbert and Sullivan Co. of Santa Barbara. His favorite role, he writes, was Bill Starbuck, the title role in The Rainmaker. Allister keeps busy writing screenplays and novels. For more information log on to
Bruce Mansfield writes: "In 2006 I founded Americans for Action, a nonprofit organization with such active agendas as veterans' benefits and housing issues. I also completed a novella called The Chameleon. The book has received favorable acknowledgements from President Ruth Simmons and others. My son, Robert '80, is senior vice president at HUB International."
Bill Peace writes that he is enjoying retirement and extensive travel, including such destinations as the Irish countryside, St. Simon's Island, Georgia, and Maine. In August '07 he and his wife, Patti, celebrated their 50th anniversary in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, with children and grandchildren.
From the March/April 2008 Issue
The class expresses its sympathy on the passing of our dear classmate Frank Anzivino Jr. to his wife, Ginny, and son, Frank III.
Edwin Ballard is a trustee of the Carpenter Historical Museum in Rehoboth, Mass., and of the town library. He is a member of the executive committee and treasurer of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society and the Robbins Museum of Archaeology. Edwin continues to perform field research on Native American ritual sites in southern and eastern New England. He co-wrote a report detailing his research on a Native American site in Sharon, Mass., that assisted the town in establishing the site as a conservation/recreation area. The report was published in the New England Antiquities Research Association Journal. He looks forward to the 55th reunion year.
Sid Baumgarten is busy with his law practice and watching the grandchildren grow up.
William Brigden reports that he and his wife enjoy retirement in Windham, N.Y., a ski resort town with a nearby golf course. His talented children are Adriane McDermott '91, who works for Nike; Nicholas, a TV documentary producer; and Tracy, creative director at the City Theater in Pittsburgh.
Gerard N. Burrow retired as CEO of the Sea Research Foundation on Dec. 31. In recognition of Gerard's significant contributions to research and education, the trustees of the Sea Research Foundation have established the Gerard N. Burrow MD Research Fellowship to support research at the Mystic Aquarium and Institute for Exploration in Connecticut. Gerard will continue on the organization's board of trustees.
Al Corney and his wife, Judy Robinson Corney '55, are residents of Longboat Key, Fla., but spend summers in New Jersey. Al enjoys volunteer work at the Florida Maritime Museum in the little fishing village of Cortez. He restores old wooden boats, builds new ones, and does anything else to promote the local fishing culture. "Life is good and we are lucky," he writes.
E. Aubrey Doyle retired in 1994 after a 38-year teaching career. He celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in August 2006, and has six children and twenty-one grandchildren.
Paul Frontiero, a retired IBM engineer, received his music degree from the Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in 2006. His band, Who's Your Daddy!, is, as he reports, "a sassy brassy jazz" group that aspires to jazz up a World Series at a Red Sox game one day. Paul reported that during the 2007 World Series he and his wife, Dottie (RISD '55), joined a local Red Sox Nation group, the largest outside New England.
Al Gerstein is completing his 12th history course at Penn and learning to read and write Arabic. He writes: "It's wonderful sitting in on lectures, doing the reading but not having to write papers or take exams. Learning for the sake of curiosity helps exercise the dendritic connections in my brain so they won't decay too much or too quickly. An interesting aspect of the teaching approach is that the vocabulary is taught from Arabic to Hebrew. If I put the most positive spin on the task of learning two languages simultaneously, it's that I'm getting two for the price of one. I've also stayed active in alumni affairs, interviewing as the BASC regional chair for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Puerto Rico. Naomi and I are doing fine, as are my four daughters and five grandchildren. I've received a clean bill of health."
Ed Giberti spent ten days in August at a family gathering at Harwichport on Cape Cod, sharing experiences with relatives and friends, including four grandchildren, as well as dining at fine Cape Cod restaurants, celebrating birthdays, and enjoying the Hyannis-to-Bourne dinner train. Ed also recalled the dramatic memories of his meetings with the British Royal Family in London in March and the regal members of our class in Williamsburg in April. If any classmates are passing through London, contact Ed.
Ethel Barrett Graham writes: "My husband and I took a Great Rivers of Europe cruise during most of October. We loved every minute of it. Grand Circle Tours surely gave us the value for our money; I'd recommend them to everyone! I'd love to hear from classmates with their news.".
John Greene continues to exhibit his paintings in galleries throughout the Northeast. He completed a well-received show at Kasten Fine Arts in Great Barrington, Mass., and in Windham, N.Y., in January. His next show will be at the White Gallery in Lakeville, Conn.
Bill Hall enjoys a leisurely pace in New York City, including readings of Shaw's plays, visiting the Metropolitan and other museums, and bargaining at antique shows. Bill lives in Shaker Heights, Ohio.
Robert Jenks writes: "I had a very interesting summer in the Boston area, including attending a Red Sox game and touring Fenway Park. While performing my summer jobs (Harbor Master at Hingham and launch driver at Scituate) I was involved in the rescue of five people. One individual, a sleepwalker, had walked off the boat in the middle of the night."
Kenneth J. Kessaris proudly announces that the latest of his seven grandchildren will graduate from Columbia. Others are graduates of Providence College, Framingham State, Wharton College, Wheaton, St. Anselm, Franklin Pierce College, and Princeton.
Mike McSherry and his wife, Joanne, spend Oct.-May in Charleston, S.C. and June-Sept. on the Cape in West Falmouth. "This is practically ideal as our four sons and their families live within 75 miles of our Cape house." Frank and Joanne have ten grandkids. "It sure keeps us young."
Ken Moffat writes: "As residents of Florida (and Rhode Island), we enjoy the weather and playing golf. Al Fletcher lives three miles away in Florida and Jack Wallace about six miles away in Rhode Island. It's nice to see that Brown's baseball team won the Ivy championship—the first team to do so since our 1952 team won the EIBL Division."
John E. Orton III retired from the R.I. Superior Court in 1991 as Acting Presiding Justice and rejoined classmate Phillip W. Hall in the practice of law. John and his wife, Denise, were married in May 2000 and live in Narragansett, R.I.
Tom Simon writes: "Carolyn and I spent New Year's in Quebec City, followed by Botswana and South Africa and later China. We also squeezed in a wedding in Kentucky (Carolyn's daughter) and a Simon Centennial in New York City, celebrating my dad's arrival through Ellis Island in 1907. We have five children and seven grandkids."
Anne Barr Wenzel and husband, Howard '53, are considered the oldest certified divers to dive at the Heron Island Resort on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. They have been diving at Heron Island for more than 45 years.
From the November / December 2007 Issue
Sidney Baumgarten writes: “Terry and I just returned from a trip to Brazil visiting her family in the deep south. It was winter there, without much sun, but we had a good time with lots of barbecue. I have been elected chairman of New York Therapeutic Communities Inc., a drug rehabilitation program. I have been on the board since its founding thirty years ago, and this is my second tour as chairman. My daughter Julia just adopted a baby, grandchild number six. I am being presented with the 2007 Community Service Award by the Battery Park City Neighbors Association. It’s a nice recognition and I greatly appreciate it.”
Martin Kantor writes that his new book, Lifting the Weight: Understanding Depression in Men, Its Causes and Solutions was published in August 2007 by Preager.
Paul L. Rosenberg writes that he and his wife, Suzy, recently celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary. They have been living in Los Angeles since 1959. Suzy is the head of promotion for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Paul is president of PLR Investments Inc., a real estate development company.
D. John Seibert writes: “My wife and I celebrated our 50th by working with rural farmers in the mountains of Honduras. This was my sixteenth trip to those villages and as always a satisfying contrast to my experiences in crisis medical care in such places as Albania (refugees), Kosovo, Liberia (civil war), Pakistan (earthquake), Indonesia (tsunami), the Mosquito Coast (Hurricane Mitch), Nicaragua, and San Antonio (Survivors of Katrina). After twenty years in the Vermont Legislature, Ann decided not to run again and to enjoy herself by traveling to exotic places. I am not sure that the mountains of Honduras are what she had in mind, but she is a great sport, and it is nice to be able to do more together.”
Doug Turner writes that he and Howard Wenzel ’53, co-captains of the Brown men’s crew in 1953, held their annual reunion in Washington, D.C., in August. Brightening the table was Anne Barr Wenzel.
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Following our successful visits to Charleston, S.C., and Santa Fe, N.Mex., in recent years, class participants agreed that the recent mini-reunion in Colonial Williamsburg from Apr. 28 to May 2 was the best yet. An unprecedented forty-five classmates and spouses joined to explore the nation's most significant historic renovation, whose principal benefactor was John D. Rockefeller Jr. of the Class of 1897. The group made side trips to plantation houses dating to the early 1700s, revisited the battle of Yorktown, and celebrated the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown (paving the way for Queen Elizabeth II's visit later the same week). George Washington was a surprise guest at our first dinner! Participants included Ron and Gladys Abdow, Joan "Denny" Sherman and Fritz Albershardt, Shirley and Hank Atwood, Mary Francis and Ed Bishop, Leo and Joanna Slesinger Caproni, Karen and Herb Cohen, John and Joyce Larkin Defandorf, Diana Coates Gill, Maria and Tom Gagliano, Naomi and Al Gerstein, Ed Giberti, Marjorie and Jim Gorham, Bill Hall, Roz and Sandy Hollander, Virginia and Bob Jenks, Charlie and Nancy Kaufman Judkins, Felice Rinder Kirsh, Stan Miller, Diane Lake Northrop, Jean Nostrand and George Kirby, Dick and Jane O'Hara Page, Alan and Sally Donaldson Sloan, Peg Tuite, Chat and Nancy Lord Watts, Nan and Frank Wezniak, and Suzy and Bob Wigod.
Hank Atwood and his wife, Shirley, are still living in Virginia Beach, where they have spent the twenty-three years since Hank retired from the U.S. Navy. They plan to move to western Mass. next April. Their daughter and her family (two grandchildren) live there. It's also 450 miles closer to Cape Cod, where they will be spending part of each year in the old family homestead. Hank and Shirley wrote that they loved seeing Hank's classmates at the Williamsburg mini-reunion and can't wait for the next one.
Ed Bishop writes: "On July 1, 2007, my six children, three step-children, fourteen collective grandchildren, and assorted friends boarded the Rum Runner by our beach house on Rhode Island's Prudence Island and ran with the Tall Ships as they paraded out to the ocean. The get-together marked three important life events: my 75th birthday, my oldest child's 50th birthday, and my fifth wedding anniversary to my second wife, Mary. She and I enjoyed the mini-reunion in Colonial Williamsburg, which gave Mary an opportunity to get to know my classmates and their significant others. As always, my house will be open for meetings or get-togethers for the Alumni Leadership Weekend in September. We hosted R. Tyler Day '52 and David Jeffers '82 during this year's Commencement weekend."
Marshall Cohen writes: "Doug Turner, recently retired Washington bureau chief of the Buffalo News, and I, a photojournalist, were recently inducted into the National Press Club's prestigious Silver Owls class, which recognizes twenty-five years of club membership and loyal service. In twenty-five years we will become Golden Owls, the wisest hooters of the club, earning unrestricted license to say and do as we please and make public and private commentary on any subject without penalty or censorship. This license has not yet officially been recognized by the National Press Club."
Fred Frigoletto writes: "Martha McKay Frigoletto '59 and I are celebrating the birth of our sixth grandchild, as well as our forty-first wedding anniversary. I am still working full time directing a busy OB/GYN service at the Massachusetts General Hospital and am thankful for the heart transplant I received in October of 2003. We're heavily into family at this time with all these little ones keeping us on our toes."
Al Gerstein writes: "Naomi and I attended the recent mini-reunion at Williamsburg, where the activities were well planned and the facilities were quite comfortable. Even more gratifying was the opportunity to get to know classmates with whom I had scarcely passed a word in my four years at Brown. I guess one of the fringe benefits of aging is the diminishing importance of gender, career choice, religion, and all those other things that kept me as a somewhat shy undergraduate who might have made more of his four years at Brown."
Steve F. Honan writes: "With granddaughter Sarah Bird '07 graduating from Brown this past May, two others currently attending Virginia Tech and the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), plus three more entering Wellesley, USNA, and NYU (Tisch School) this September, Fran and I are thoroughly enjoying the high-school-to-college transition process. Why not? The parents do all the work. This spring we attended four graduations in four different states, and we have new campuses to explore this fall. We enjoyed seeing classmates at our granddaughter's commencement."
Ernest V. Klein writes: "After almost forty years as a practicing lawyer, I have embarked on a new career as a founding member and executive director of Boston Midsummer Opera (BMO). BMO's goal is to introduce Boston audiences to young singers of exceptional talent through a fresh inventive approach to opera. Sung mainly in English and simply yet imaginatively staged, BMO productions aim to make opera both accessible and affordable while adhering to the highest musical and dramatic standards. Our goal is to widen the audience for this beautiful art form by mounting witty productions with exciting young singers that will attract new listeners as well as appeal to discriminating opera fans. Check us out at I have four grandchildren who range in age from 6 to 11, and Sue and I have a 7-year-old daughter! We live in a house in the heart of Boston that I bought in 1968. It is a great city to be in and only gets better every year."
Jacques Lipetz writes: "Casting aside the attempted ravages of age, I have recently started to move my psychology practice closer to home. I have a general practice concentrating on pain management (treating it, not giving it). I am ever grateful to Brown for allowing me to drink deep and wide from the liberal arts fountains. It is largely a result of that exposure that I was able to change fields from biology to psychology. In May my beautiful bride, Inez, and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. Those of you of the Jewish faith know that 18 is a significant number (meaning life!). Between us we have four children, all doing well, and eight grandchildren."
Joe Meschino took his wife, Gloria, and third granddaughter, Lauren, to Italy for two weeks in June.
Matthew Scharff is a professor in the departments of cell biology and medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. He spends most of his time conducting research in immunology related to cancer and biodefense. During this past year he was made a distinguished professor and was awarded the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Marshall S. Horwitz faculty prize for research excellence and the Albert Einstein Faculty Mentoring Award. He has three children and four grandchildren and lives with his wife, Carol, in Larchmont N.Y.
John E. Semonche writes: "I am still teaching full time as a history professor at the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and celebrated my 45th wedding anniversary in June with my wife, Barbara, who is the director of the library at the university's School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Our daughter and her husband own and operate Migration, a gallery in Charlottesville, Va. My fifth book, Censoring Sex: A Historical Journey Through American Media, will be published in July 2008 by Rowman & Littlefield. It deals with books, magazines, fine art, movies, music, dance, radio, television, and the Internet. One prepublication reviewer called the book fascinating and eminently readable.' I hope others agree; certainly I found the research and writing an engaging departure from my previous work."
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Anne Dufour Clouser (see Scott Cannon ’85).
Ed Giberti writes: “I received an invitation from Buckingham Palace to attend a reception on March 27 for Americans Working in the United Kingdom, hosted by Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. The invitation was a total surprise and caused much interest with family and friends here as to my good fortune, as it turned out, to be one of 400 Americans selected by U.S. Ambassador Robert Tuttle to meet the royal family before their departure to Washington, D.C., New York City, and other points across America during the month of May. The atmosphere during the reception was regal, and the conversations with the Queen, Prince Philip, and Prince Andrew were quite personal and individual. Brown was the topic they were most interested in knowing about, and my role in the U.K. The guest list comprised a cross-section of American business, academic, military, and diplomatic communities. I guess I can say another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me came out of the blue. It truly was a special occasion.”
Walt Halperin writes: “The latest news from Seattle is that we are still alive, but as my wife says, ‘If you get up in the morning and nothing hurts, you know you’re dead.’ We are fighting off decrepitude by continuing to bike over the local hills to work out in a gym every day and also take our usual month-long cycling trip in Europe (this year in Sicily). But the days of camping and sleeping in bushes are over.”
Steve Honan writes: “With granddaughter Sarah Bird ’07 graduating from Brown in May, two others currently attending Virginia Tech and the U.S. Naval Academy, plus three other grandchildren entering Wellesley, Cornell, and NYU’s Tisch School of the Performing Arts in Sept., Fran and I are thoroughly enjoying the high-school-to-college transition process at four graduations this spring (in four different states!) and new campuses to explore in the fall.”
Doug Turner shares the following keen observation with his classmates: “Does ‘Deus’ have a sense of humor? I have been wondering what happened to Brown’s Latin motto In Deo Speramus. It was on the alumni license plates I bought two years ago, but missing from a Brown drinking mug. In place of the Latin motto, there are in big capitals ‘BROWN,’ for the man who laid the cornerstone of University Hall, the treasurer of the College at the time, a member of Congress, and as it developed in recent years, a gentleman associated with the business of slavery. In response to an e-mail that was referred to the alumni office, I was told that President Simmons and the trustees had decided to drop the motto in the interests of compactness and simplicity. I still don’t know if the official seal of the University has been altered.”
Ron Stark writes: “I’m on Cape Cod still consulting on refractories and melting metallurgy. Ginny does antique jewelry, glass, and china.”
From the May / June 2007 Issue
Chuck Burdick writes: “As of February my wife and I have made our permanent residence in Bradenton, Fla., after forty-five years in Pennsylvania. Old age has crept up on me and I am sporting a new right hip and a new cane with which to stroll the Bradenton and Anna Maria Island beaches. It feels good to be ambulatory. On November 11, 2004, I became the great-grandfather of Alexander Charles Burdick, the fourth living generation. His grandfather, my son Charles, lives with his growing family in East Wareham, Mass. My daughter and her husband live in New Freedom, Pa., with my other grandchildren, Ryan, 9, who is currently pursuing the violin; Collin, 6, currently pursuing mischief; and Katie, 3, currently emerging from the terrible twos. New Freedom is a little closer than Cape Cod, and for the past two Thanksgivings, they have been able to spend a few days here enjoying the Florida sunshine and beaches. My grandsons Matthew, 19, and Christopher, 22, attend the Univ. of Massachusetts at Hyannis. Both are Civil War buffs and are pursuing degrees in U.S. history. Their sister, Eileen, 16 , attends a charter school in Hyannis, and is currently touring Greece and Italy with her junior Latin class.”
Carroll “Beano” Cook, who is currently employed by ESPN, writes: “When I entered the workforce in 1956 you could stay with the same company for your whole career. There is no such thing as job security any longer!” Beano also added, “Don’t work just for money, and for heaven’s sake, don’t show home movies!” For the full text of Beano-isms write: C.H. Cook, 643 Liberty Ave., Apt. 1106, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
Tom Donaldson writes: “I seem to have fallen off the map, but all is well in Maine-land. I’m in very good health with the caveat that I believe seven of my fraternity brothers have gone to the promised land—very unusual for Psi-U’s. Latest to go was Quentin McGown of Fort Worth, Tex., in December. Quentin had been in bad health for some time. Still working managing money, and have been playing tennis and painting (watercolor) for about six years now. It’s very therapeutic. The classmates seem to be doing much better than my brothers!”
Bob Furman writes: “I have a great significant other and we have done a lot of travel in Holland, Denmark, China, and we plan to travel to France and England in May. I still work every day as an investment counselor. I now have five grandchildren, ages 2 to 13 years old.”
Ed Giberti writes from the United Kingdom: “The British winter has been mild; politics, Iraq, and global warming grab every headline; and David Beckham has more media coverage than Tony Blair, current prime minister. Sport is the main concern of most, currently soccer and rugby. The Anglican and Catholic churches are talking about a new relationship jointly with Rome, while social events such as British Fashion Week are of primary interest to young women under 50. Over 2,000 managers in the city of London received 2006 year-end bonuses topping a million dollars each. The Brown Club of the U.K. continues to build closer alumni links to Brown. Family-wise, we are all fine at home. My health continues to improve; the doctors now say golf is on the horizon after Easter. Grandchildren are taking over the family. I will be in Boston/Cape Cod the month of April and hope to join the Class of ’54 for our mini-reunion in Williamsburg.”
Joe Malkary writes: “My wife and I have moved to a new home in Valencia Palms. Our telephone number remains the same. I have been enjoying life since retiring nine years ago.”
George Morfogen, the Duke of York in the Classic Stage Company production of Shakespeare’s Richard II, received the annual St. Clair Bayfield Award presented by the Actors’ Equity Foundation to honor the best performance by an actor in a Shakespearean play in the New York metropolitan area. He also played one of the main characters in The Madras House, a Granville-Baker play about sexual inequality in Edwardian England. The show played at New York’s Mint Theater through March 11th.
Jane O’Hara Page and Dick Page write that they just returned from a safari in Tanzania with Nancy Kaufman and Charles Judkins. “We experienced everything from being stranded in the bush for four days due to a swollen river, to the big five (lion, rhino, elephant, buffalo, leopard), to a hippopotamus pool complete with crocodiles, and much, much more. What a great experience!”
John Semonche, a professor at the Univ. of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, is taking a respite from his work on the U.S. Supreme Court to publish a book titled Censoring Sex: A Historical Journey Through American Media. It is due out in July with Rowman & Littlefield.
Douglas L. Turner has stepped back from his full-time job as Washington bureau chief, since 1989, of the Buffalo News and is now the newspaper’s senior correspondent in D.C., a part-time post that allows him to write news and a column for the newspaper.
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Edwin Ballard is an avocational archaeologist who recently completed an eighteen-year study of a class of above-surface remnant laid-up stone constructs that remain in the high-ground backlands of southeastern New England. They are connected to pre-contact Native American ritual practice. His paper on the subject was presented in the Archaeoastronomy session at the November 2006 meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports that Matty Scharff, Manny Gerard, and Stan Miller got together for dinner in New York City in September. The conversation included recollections of the first meeting of the Brooklyn-based trio at the “Welcome to Brown” dinner in the city in the spring of 1950. They were joined on that memorable subway ride by the late Tom Gold.
Sid Baumgarten writes: “I retired from the New York Guard as a brigadier general and have been busier than ever with my law practice. We started an emergency response team here in Battery Park City (remembering our 9/11 trauma) and now have the largest in the country with 250 trained volunteers. All civilians, all devoting their own time to learn medical triage, search and rescue, traffic control, fire suppression, and more. It’s been interesting and has energized the neighborhood. Part of the group (our Marine Rescue Unit) went to New Orleans immediately after Katrina to assist with search and rescue and were awarded a citation by President Bush. Terry and I adopted a Katrina dog—a beautiful black lab found on a rooftop in New Orleans. Kids are all doing well, and we are in good health.”
Barry Brown writes: “I’ll be teaching skiing at Diamond Peak at Lake Tahoe for the sixth year this winter. I’m one of the oldest instructors in PSIA (the Professional Ski Instructors of America) and NZSIA (that’s the New Zealand Snowsports Instructors Alliance) and probably the only instructor in the class of ’54. Fortunately I have better sources of income than an instructor’s salary.
Helen Deuell Carter has recently moved from Miami to New York State.
Paul Frontiero writes that he used his engineering degree from Brown and his MBA from Duke University to complete a successful career in product development at IBM. These days he is pursuing a career as a trombonist. In the process he has just been awarded a bachelor of music degree from the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Along the way he has studied with trombone greats Phil Wilson at Berklee College of Music, Steve Turre at Stanford Jazz Institute, and Scott Hartman at Tanglewood Music Center. He is an annual participant in the Brass Chamber Music Workshop at Humboldt State University at Arcata, Calif. Paul performs in two area concert bands and directs and performs in his own band, Who’s Your Daddy, featuring “sassy brassy jazz.”
Charles Genovese writes that he is in his tenth year of retirement from Kent (Conn.) School. He and his wife are enjoying life “Southern style” in Marietta, Ga., near their daughter in Atlanta, but are still spending summers at Schroon Lake, N.Y. Their son David ’86 lives in Stamford, Conn., with his family.
Al Gerstein reports on the news! The bad news—I broke my foot two weeks before summer vacation, which reduced my activity to sitting on the deck of my cabin in Maine instead of swimming, kayaking, and hiking. The good news—being healed sufficiently by Oct. 15 to enjoy two weeks in Greece. Other news—my daughter Hilary ’03 has started a doctoral program in neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. See you at Williamsburg.”
Ed Giberti reports on the U.K. Brown Club: “The Brown Club of the U.K. (BCUK) has been involved in supporting the planning and execution of the ‘Boldly Brown’ Campaign for Academic Achievement, launched in London this fall by the team of President Ruth Simmons, Chancellor Emeritus Artie Joukowsky, Professor John Donahue, and the campaign leadership. U.K. alumni attended a high-tech presentation by Professor Donahue on ‘Mind over Matter’ via an amazing satellite linkup with Providence, followed by a reception and talk by President Simmons at the Victoria and Albert Museum. The gathering was the largest ever held by Brown outside the United States. Alumni (including Brown’s young alumni studying and working in London) were also invited to meet with President Simmons. The new BCUK Web site is”
Stan Jaffe writes: “Laura and I have been ensconced in South Florida now for just over a year. I’ve been retired from shopping center management since 2001, and Laura is very active as a Realtor and partner of the Jaffe Seal Realty Group. I’ve been keeping myself busy by volunteering for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum doing research for its library over the Internet. I also volunteer for the Judaica Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University a couple of days a week. We have a guest bedroom and love to put up ‘old’ friends. So if you’re in our area, let us know.”
Bob Jenks writes that he has just completed his thirty-second year as assistant harbormaster for the town of Hingham, Mass. “As usual I thoroughly enjoyed this summer job and have now returned to my home in North Carolina. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Williamsburg.”
Tom McCormack made his New York debut as a playwright (at the unseemly age of seventy) with Endpapers, which had the legs to be the longest-running new Off-Broadway play of the 2002–03 season. It has now been published by the Dramatists Play Service.
Joe Meschino will be retiring soon as chairman of the board of trustees of Cape Volunteers in Medicine (VIM). VIM provides totally free health care and medicine to citizens of Cape May County, New Jersey, who have no health insurance and cannot afford to pay for health care services. He writes, “After six years, it’s time to pass the baton to another capable board member.” Joe and his wife, Gloria, spend their leisure time on their boat, The Jetty Jumper, fishing in the bay and ocean waters around southern New Jersey.
Bob Wals writes: “Our son Ken was married in Miami on Nov. 5 to Beatriz Wong (known as Titi). She is a banker with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. She comes from Venezuela and lives in Miami. We expect to have our own class of ’54 micro-reunion with Suzy and Bob Wigod and Naomi and Al Gerstein at the wedding. They have known Ken since he was a baby. Ken lives in Pittsburgh right now. He is a fellow in retina surgery at the Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center for one year. Our daughter Jane, Ken’s older sister, returned to work in Manhattan in September as a teacher of computer graphics at Pelham High School. She has recovered from back surgery performed last spring.”
Frank Wezniak and his wife, Nan, have recently returned from a ten-day biking trip in Tuscany. “Fantastic pasta provided enough energy to power us up the many hills. Every town and fortress is at the top of a hill, and it’s a long, slow process to get up there on a bike! Looking forward to the mini-reunion in Williamsburg this spring.”
Caleb Woodhouse writes: “My wife, Sandy Schmidt Woodhouse, and I have at last made our ‘cardiac-event delayed move’ to Little Compton, R.I. Though our renovated house could be more organized, my own recovery has gone very well. This past summer I gave group and individual lessons to adults in tennis. Please, no gratuitous comments about those who cannot do, teach.”
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen writes: “The class officers have made an adjustment to the dates for the 2007 mini-reunion. We will arrive in Williamsburg, Va., on Saturday afternoon, April 28, and depart on Wednesday morning, May 2. We have reserved a block of rooms with queen beds at the Williamsburg Lodge at a special group rate of $179 a night. Rooms with either king-size beds or queen-size twin beds are both priced at $209 a night. Reservations can be made by calling 1-800-261-9530 and telling them you are with the class of 1954 group. Our booking code is BRODO7A. Although the mini-reunion is not until next spring, classmates are encouraged to make reservations now, as this will be helpful to our committee for planning purposes. We will be required to release all rooms not reserved by Jan. 26. All individual reservations must be accompanied by a one night’s deposit for room and tax, refundable upon cancellation. Classmates will be receiving more detailed information at a later date regarding group dinners and receptions, as well as the scheduled tours of Williamsburg, Jamestown (celebrating its 400th anniversary in 2007), Yorktown, and the Virginia plantations. Classmates wishing to play golf are encouraged to make golf reservations in advance. Some golfers may wish to consider the possibility of planning an extra day before or after the mini-reunion.”
Gerard N. Burrow writes: “In addition to my regular job as director of the Mystic Aquarium and the Institute for Exploration, I am chairman of the board of the Univ. of Connecticut’s Health Center and a trustee of the Univ. of Connecticut.”
Tom Gagliano is senior vice president at EPS, Tinton Falls, N.J., a telecommunications defense contractor with more than 700 employees worldwide. He works with his son, John ’85, who is EPS’s senior vice president and general counsel. Tom writes: “I’m pleased to report that my children, John, Bob, Jim, and Susan, have blessed us with eleven grandchildren, which makes for great family get-togethers. Maria and I thoroughly enjoyed the Santa Fe mini-reunion and look forward to the next event—and the opportunity to announce at dinner that Red Judkins will buy the after-dinner drinks for everyone!”
Ed Giberti, of London, writes that his family lives on both sides of the Atlantic—his son, John, and daughters, Lee Ann and Lisa, and their families reside in eastern Massachusetts. Brother Paul and family live in East Sandwich, Cape Cod, and Ed’s wife, Jackie, and son, Jamie (Univ. of Greenwich), round out the family in England. Ed reports: “I was a member of a Brown volunteer team that created the Brown Club of Japan in 1980, and later served as president and vice president of the Brown Club of the U.K. A recent high was hosting and arranging details for the Brown class of ’54 mini-reunion in London in 2003. The class reunion in Santa Fe was just a very special experience for me to be with classmates and friends over that long weekend last October.”
Joseph A. Meschino and his wife, Gloria, traveled to China last spring. He writes: “The trip included three days in Lhasa, Tibet—a most intriguing city, in spite of our altitude sickness.”
Doug Turner, the Buffalo News’s Washington bureau chief, received the following media citation from Buffalo’s Erie County Bar Association: “His work as a reporter and columnist has aided in keeping the western New York public informed about the impact of Beltway affairs on our region. He is recognized for his notable devotion to equal rights, which reinforced the importance of the protection of our liberties under the Constitution.”
From the May / June 2006 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “On behalf of all the classmates and guests, hearty thanks to classmate Robert R. Jenks for his thoughtful gift sent to the attendees at our class mini-reunion in Santa Fe, N.Mex., last October. Robert created an original handcrafted wooden puzzle especially for the reunion participants. Robert uses a 140-year-old foot treadle jigsaw, owned originally by his grandfather and passed to him from his father, to shape the wooden pieces of his original puzzles. This one, called A Santa Fe Memento, contains fifty plywood pieces and will be a lasting reminder of the fabulous reunion. Robert begins his projects using artwork such as photos, calendars, posters, and catalogs, and mounts the image on plywood. Then the foot treadle saw does its work, twisting and turning out the pieces of the puzzle. Using this antique saw, Robert has developed his own home-based business, RJ Puzzles. For details, contact Bob.
“Classmates who have changed their e-mail addresses in the past year or two and have not corrected them with the University can do so online by logging on to the alumni Web site at Please do so in order to receive e-mail announcements from our class site on Bravo (https://alumni. All changes must be made through the University and not the class secretary. They are corrected and distributed to the various linked Web sites, including Bravo. Of course, continue to correct your addresses and e-mails on our class mailings as well, and if the University changes the system, we’ll have copies on file. Your respective class secretaries can also provide e-mail addresses for classmates.
“Al Gerstein described ‘starting over’ as an undergraduate at Penn for the past four years, explaining that he can take any course open to undergrads for no credit, ‘but who cares ... one doctorate is enough!’ As an undergrad, Al gets gym privileges and plays squash with colleagues. ‘The Penn squash coach is sympathetic to our efforts and kindly refers to us as his protégées.’ A further benefit is that a local Indian restaurant offers an all-you-can-eat buffet and a 20 percent discount to undergrads. Al, along with Bob Wals, Bob Wigod, and their spouses, also enjoyed Brown’s ‘delicious victory’ over Columbia to clinch the Ivy crown. ‘This year was a far cry from the level of football when we were there and were lucky to win more than two games a year,’ Al recalled. (Brown did beat Harvard at Homecoming ’53, however.)
“Jon Berberian writes that with the support of the mayor’s office, he is establishing his Columbus Theatre as a much-needed and affordable performing arts center for organizations such as Opera Providence, the R.I. International Film Festival, the Latin American Film Festival, ECAS Theatre, Cinerama Latino, the Jewish Film Festival, and other groups using the facility for worthy fund-raising activities.
“Congratulations to Walt Stern and his wife, Nora, on the birth of their new granddaughter, Haydn.
“Rear Admiral Albert ’Al‘ Gallotta Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.), writes that he remains active in defense-related assignments and that living in Fairfax Station, Va., near ‘ground zero’ and the nation’s political center, is still fun after thirty-five years.
“Vincent Love retired in 2004 after twenty- one years as vice president of New York City’s Mayflower Hotel. Vincent now does volunteer work at New York City’s South Street Seaport, the American Folk Art Museum, and the Metropolitan Opera.
“Congratulations to Henry Atwood Jr. and his wife, Shirley, on their 50th anniversary in 2005. They are retired in Virginia Beach and in good health.
“The class expresses its sympathy to the family of classmate Judd A. Payne, who died Oct. 19.”
Joanna Slesinger Caproni, of New York City, is a consultant and representative for software for direct marketing and client-base magazines. Her husband is also a consultant. Their family is scattered across the country, representing fields from nursing to neuroscience. They travel as much as they can, she reports.
Jettabee ”Chris“ Christenson Edman’s husband, Silas Ward Gould Edman (Hotchkiss School and Amherst), passed away on Nov. 5 at their home in Lake Wylie, S.C. Other survivors include his daughter, Lisa Christenson Caswell ’78; three sons, Austin, David, and Silas; and six grandchildren. Silas’s career included work with the New York Philharmonic and Chicago symphonies and development of the Nassau Coliseum and Children’s Medical Center (both on Long Island). Services were held both in Lake Wylie and in Hartford, Conn. The class sends its sympathies to Chris’s family and friends.
Ethel Barrett Graham writes: “My husband and I are still located in Hampstead, N.C. We’ve been here for thirteen years of golf so far. Our three children and grandchildren visit from New England periodically, and we spend our summers in New Hampshire. We enjoy traveling and try to do as much as we can. In September we are visiting Italy and have rented a villa overlooking Capri and the Amalfi coast. We can’t wait!”
John Greene is exhibiting his paintings nationally, with a show at New Arts Gallery in Litchfield, Conn., from April 22 to May 15. His work can also be seen at the Kouros Gallery in New York City, Eckert Fine Art in Naples, Fla., SKH Gallery in Great Barrington, Mass., and Windham Fine Arts in Windham, N.Y. Please visit his Web site, www.
Edith Veit Johnstone of Killington, Vt., writes: “I keep busy with my original design artwork that I sell in local shops. I am an avid reader, enjoy my granddaughters, play lots of tennis, ski, and snowshoe!”
Jean Nostrand enjoys wintering in Naples, Fla., and attends meetings of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. Otherwise, she’s at home in Cranbury, N.J.
Dean John Seibert is an active professor emeritus at Dartmouth Medical School. He is involved principally in the International Health and Crisis Center.
From the March / April 2005 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: “The class of ’54 now has our own Web site thanks to the high-tech skills of Barry Pearce. Simply log onto the Brown Alumni site,, and click on ‘Connections,’ ‘Classes,’ and ‘1954.’ If you have not registered on the alumni site, do so first. Once in the class Web site you can view images of the campus, newsmakers at Brown, and classmates, as well as read about planned events. You will also be encouraged to send in photos (to Barry Pearce), and class notes to respective class secretaries: Marshall H. Cohen (Brown) and Marge Gould Sharp (Pembroke). Please bookmark the site and send in news and images!
“Ed Giberti returned home to the U.K. following two cardiac procedures in Boston: a triple bypass, which prevented his attending the 50th reunion, and in September a new pacemaker implant. His doctors predicted a complete recovery and Ed’s return to Brown for a decade of reunions. Ed was able to attend Leadership Weekend in between surgeries and met up with classmates Marg Jones Stenberg, Diane Lake Northrop, Bob and Diana Coates Gill, Marshal Cohen, Ed Bishop, and Frank Wezniak.”
From the November / December 2004 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “The 50th reunion gift committee was advised that our 50th reunion gift has been augmented by $3,462,383, raising our total to $9,456,559. This represents a new Brown record for a 50th reunion gift, easily surpassing the previous record of $6,665,000 set by the class of 1951.
“Bruce Mansfield wrote that serious injuries from a motor accident prevented him from attending our 50th reunion last May. Bruce is recovering at home in Wellesley, Mass. He forwarded the sad news of the passing of classmate Charles Starr in 2000. Charles leaves his wife, Nancy, and four children. He enjoyed a long, successful career in business in the Florida area. Bruce’s letter also initiated telephone conversations with William Considine and Gerry Haverty (former captain of the Brown football squad). One topic was finally clarified, namely the meaning of the term X-back, coined by the 1950 freshman football coach, Jack Heffernan. According to Captain Haverty, X-back referred to a ‘halfback.’ The above football enthusiasts would like to find former team member Levi Thomas.
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports from the 50th reunion: “ ‘We Are Ever True to Brown’ was the chant heard among the spirited members of the class of ’54 returning to the campus for four days of nonstop activities. Prof. Josiah Carberry and his heavenly contacts arranged for sunny skies and fair spring breezes, enabling everyone to enjoy an outdoor jazz reception, cocktail parties, a city tour, the Campus Dance, a Sunday clambake, and, of course, the Commencement exercises.
“Nearly thirty percent of Brown and Pembroke classmates returned for the reunion, a record for a 50th. Classmates were highly visible throughout the weekend, donning red-bannered ‘ranger’ straw hats and colorful beads containing Brown and Pembroke icons (The beads resembled those the chancellor wears at Commencement, and President Simmons wore our beads over her cap and gown for graduation. Thanks to Marjorie Jones Stenberg for conceiving this gift, which was the talk of the campus.)
“The generosity of our classmates and the enthusiasm and hard work of the reunion gift committee cochairs Diane Lake Northrop and Bob Wigod resulted in a generous class gift check for $6 million (well above our $5.4 million target), which we presented to President Simmons at a morning ceremony. This extraordinary gift included fourteen contributions of more than $100,000 and ninety gifts of $1,000 or more.
“Classmates Gerry Burrow, Joanna Slesinger Caproni, Manny Gerard, and Frank Wezniak were panelists at a Commencement forum, informing and entertaining a full house on the topic of ethics and the rise (and fall?) of corporate America. Prof. Paul MacAvoy of Yale was the nudging moderator. The class enjoyed many eating festivals—at the Hope Club, Alumni Hall, the Westin, the Ratty—and tours of the new Providence and a clambake in the Squantum bakehouse. We also paused to recall departed members of the class in an All-Class Memorial Service in Sayles Hall.”
Marshall reports that chief marshal Norma Caslowitz Munves led the Commencement march, with “a few hundred beaded classmates…enthusiastically applauded by the fresh crop of Brown graduates.
“The class expresses its sincere gratitude to all the members of the reunion committee, and especially Ed Bishop and Marge Jones Stenberg. We also express our thanks to all the outgoing officers and our best wishes to the incoming officers. Outgoing presidents Frank Wezniak and Chris Edman passed their gavels to copresidents Herb Cohen and Bob Wigod, and Diana Coates Gill. Tom Simon (treasurer) and Marshall Cohen (secretary) stay on as officers, and Charles ‘Red’ Judkins is the new vice president. On the Pembroke side, Marge Gould Sharp will remain secretary, with Felice Rinder Kirsh vice president and Nancy Kaufman Judkins incoming treasurer. We sorely missed the good company of Ed Giberti, who unexpectedly had bypass surgery in Boston in lieu of serving as an aide in charge during the Commencement—we wish Ed a speedy recovery.”
From the July / August 2004 Issue
From class secretary Marshall H. Cohen: “Norm Sprinthall ’59 AM writes that North Carolina’s beaches in winter and mountains in summer make perfect settings for leisure and travel activities. So far, Norm reports, his recent pacemaker is like the old Timex ad: ‘It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.’"
Ted Ballard, an ‘avocational archaeologist,’ presented a paper at the spring meeting of the New England Archeological Association at Dartmouth titled ‘Astronomy and Myth in Precontact New England.’
Stan Miller writes that he and classmates Manny Gerard and Matty Scharf plan to attend the reunion in May. Stan also reports that his wife of forty-three years, Barbara ‘Bobbie’ Mesirow Miller, passed away in 1998. Three of his children are Brown grads living in the Northeast, and another son lives in Los Angeles, where he writes for E.R. Stan works full-time producing projects for theater, film, and TV, and he travels extensively to his company’s subsidiaries in London, Madrid, Toronto, Sydney, and São Paulo.”
Al Gerstein writes: “Nothing like father-daughter bonding. On Nov. 17, Hilary Gerstein ’03 and I represented Brown at two college fairs. It became quite apparent that the students preferred talking to her. My ego was assuaged by the fatherly pride in seeing her hold forth.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Reunion weekend is May 28–31. For more information, contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or [email protected].
From the March / April 2004 Issue
Your 50th reunion plans are complete, and we hope to see you back at Brown on May 28–31! Join fellow classmates for a great reunion weekend. Registration information will arrive soon, so please make your reservation early. Register online at Contact reunion headquarters with any questions at (401) 863-1947 or reunions@
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “The following classmates plan to attend the reunion in May: Al Corney, Wes Roth, and E. Aubrey Doyle.
“Congratulations to Sid Baumgarten on his promotion in July 2003 to brigadier general in the New York National Guard and on his being recalled to duty as an adviser to the adjutant general. Sid is also active in the medical-device business. His wife, Terry, runs a high-end lumber import business. Sid and Terry have four children and six grandchildren, who are spread out from Colorado to Washington, D.C. Learn more about Sid at the reunion!
“Tom Gagliano writes that he is a senior vice president at EPS, a telecom company, in Tinton Falls, N.J. His son John ’85 is also a senior vice president and general counsel at the same company. Tom has four children and ten grandchildren. Tom and Maria look forward to attending the reunion.
“John D. Greene spent his ‘first’ career on the floor of the American Stock Exchange as a specialist in stocks and options, retiring in 1987. Since then, John has been enjoying a second career as a sculptor and painter, exhibiting throughout the Northeast. He invites classmates to check out his work at John’s wife, Gwen, is a stockbroker for Bear Stearns and Co. The couple raises Belted Galloway cattle on their farm in the Hudson Valley. John plans on attending the 50th.
“Congratulations to Stephen Honan and his wife, Frances, whose oldest granddaughter, Sarah Bird, is a member of the class of ’07. Steve retired from a career in printing and publishing in 1996. Steve and Frances live in their home of thirty-one years in Concord, Mass., and plan to attend the reunion in May.
“Bruce Mansfield, who also plans to attend the reunion, comments, ‘I always felt that two years at Brown was as good as four years at any other college.’
“Mike and Joanne Webster McSherry ’53 canceled a planned cruise to St. Petersburg and Moscow one day before their scheduled departure due to Mike’s emergency gallbladder surgery, Mike is fully recovered, thanks to prompt medical attention and trip cancellation insurance. He plans to attend the 50th in May.
“Bill Peace writes that he enjoyed two Brown football games this fall and met fraternity brother Tom Snow at Dartmouth. Bill spent the Christmas holidays in Calgary and Banff, Canada, and expects to return to Brown for the reunion in May.
“Cameron Sanders is president of the Washington Society Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (the Joukowskys are great mainstays of the organization), and Cameron keeps in touch with Edward ‘Happy’ Castleberry. Cameron’s two kids and daughter-in-law all are Brown graduates. Cameron lives in Washington, D.C.
“Doug Turner is at home in Virginia recovering from left-hip-replacement surgery. Doug still works full-time as Washington bureau chief for the Buffalo News.
“Class president Frank Wezniak plans to recover from recent hand surgery and angioplasty with a bicycle tour in Morocco with his wife, Nan. All the class officers from both the Pembroke and Brown team wish Frank a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing Frank, Nan, and all the classmates at the big 50th reunion in May!
“Class vice president Bob Wigod and his wife, Suzy, traveled to Israel for Thanksgiving, where they visited with their daughter, Emily ’88, who is spending the year in Jerusalem as a cantorial student at Hebrew Union College. They were accompanied by their son, Dewey ’85, as well as Ardell Kabalkin Borodach ’57 and Jerry Borodach ’55. The group toured various archaeological and historic sites throughout the country. Thanksgiving dinner was eaten overlooking the walls of the Old City with Emily’s classmates, who spontaneously began the meal with a rousing rendition of ‘God Bless America’!”
Devra Miller Breslow (see Louis Miller ’29).
Felice Rinder Kirsh (see Michael Kirsh ’91).
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Report from reunion headquarters: “The countdown has started for reunion weekend, May 28–31. Your class reunion committee is planning a spectacular 50th reunion celebration. Your registration information will arrive in the spring. If you have any questions, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; [email protected].”
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “Charles W. Burdick retired on Jan. 31, 2001, after forty years with the Westinghouse Transportation Division and its corporate successors.
“Paul Wittreich writes: ‘I have just finished writing and publishing three books on bicycling and hiking: Tandem Bicycling America, Hike/Bike America, and Trans-Canada Chronicle. In addition, I wrote and illustrated a children’s book, The Wooden Soldier.’ ”
Ronald Abdow writes: “When Brown selected President Simmons for president, Brown picked the best person. Period.”
Doris Eisenberg Epstein writes: “We have given up our ‘big’ house in Ames, Iowa, in favor of a downtown apartment within walking distance of the library, post office, etc. We consider this our new exercise plan.”
Bruce Hunt writes: “Marcia Pickering ’55 and I say hello. We have a slight idea of what the last fifty years have been like. What makes us wonder is what the next fifty will bring.”
Joan Girard Murphy writes: “We are enjoying our ten grandchildren as they grow and surprise us with all their knowledge.”
vMatthew D. Scharff won New York City’s annual Mayor’s Award for Excellence in Science and Technology in the field of biological and medical sciences. A professor of cell biology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Matthew was honored for his work in immunology. Mayor Michael Bloomberg presented the award on Oct. 8.
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: “We enjoyed a whirlwind tour of the United Kingdom during a June mini-reunion that included ‘a day at the races’ at Ascot, tennis at Wimbledon, and the Brown women’s crew taking three of four races at the Henley-on-Thames Regatta. The group was wined and dined at receptions and dinners with the crew and the coaches, John and Phoebe Manzella Murphy ’82. We met with Misha Joukowsky ’87 and his wife, Jane Joukowsky; Barbara Davies Santa Barbara ’69; and Anthony Santa Barbara ’69 at their respective homes. We also met with Lawton Fitt ’74, secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, for a private viewing of an Ernst Kirschner exhibition. Ed Giberti arranged most of the events, and our tour leader was class president Frank Wezniak. The mini-reunion kicked off the festivities celebrating our upcoming 50th reunion. Details about the reunion will be forthcoming starting this fall.
“Jon Berberian was honored by the Providence Phoenix as the ‘Best Entrepreneur of the Year.’ Jon and his wife, Betty Jane, run the historic Columbus Theater in Providence.
“Don Breslow ’57 Sc.M. spends summers with his wife, Joan, in Falmouth, Mass. He retired two years ago from his consulting practice in motion control and robotics. Don, who is now a volunteer eighth-grade science teacher, writes: ‘2004 will be a big year for the Breslow family as I will be celebrating my 50th reunion and son Richard Breslow ’79 his 25th!’
“Gerard Burrow writes: ‘I have now been president and CEO of the Mystic Aquarium and Institute for Exploration for almost two years. We have six beluga whales, although still no babies! On the institute side, we have a major expedition on the Black Sea looking for traces of Noah.”
“Yung Hsuan Chou ’54 A.M. is a retired country parson living in Kingston, Mo.
“Robert diCurcio now has a new Web site,
“Emanuel ‘Manny’ Gerard, the founder of the Gerard Klauer Mattison investment banking firm, remains CEO of Harris Nesbitt Gerard, a new group acquired by the BMO Financial Group.
“Al Gerstein and his wife, Naomi, returned to campus in May to watch the graduation of daughter Hilary Gerstein ’03. Al writes, ‘Despite the staggering costs of Hilary’s education, I think she got more “bang for the buck” than I ever did in my four years. Wish I could get another shot at it!’
“Walt Halperin retired from the biology department at the Univ. of Washington. He is now biking, kayaking, and chauffeuring grandchildren full time.
“Charles ‘Red’ Judkins and his wife, Nancy Kaufman Judkins, report they spent three months in Albuquerque with their delightful two grandchildren.
“Louis Pastore Jr. retired in 1994 and is enjoying golf, travel, family, and friends. Lou was a Rhode Island state senator from 1971 to 1976, and administrator of the Rhode Island Liquor Control from 1977 to 1985. Louis and his wife, Elaine Richard Pastore ’58 A.M., have four children and six grandchildren.
“Bill Polleys and his wife, Nancy, of Warren, R.I., write that heavy travels will prevent them from attending the 50th.”
Bruce Mansfield has been trying to establish a nonsectarian Chapel of Peace on San Salvador Cay in the Bahamas as a place “where everyone on the island can come and worship their God and pray for peace in a world full of complications and problems.” For more information, write Bruce at 509-C Washington St., Wellesley, Mass. 02482.
From the March / April 2003 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen writes: “Chris Lutes, a retired surgeon, continues to live in Maine. He enjoys his woodshop and garden in Scarborough, as well as a second house near Bar Harbor.
“Jerry Young is chairman of his family’s brokerage firm near Boston, but with two children in the business he now has plenty of time for other pursuits, including travel. His wife, Abbe Robinson Young ’58, looks forward to her 45th reunion this May.”
From the November / December 2002 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: "Don Romano and his wife, Patricia, will celebrate forty years of marriage in October. Don is a partner in the New Jersey law firm Carpenter, Bennett & Morrissey, where he practices labor and employment law representing management. Pat teaches first grade in Millburn, N.J. Don and Pat have two children: Tom Romano '92, who this year received an M.B.A. from the Univ. of Texas, and Anne, a guidance counselor in Towson, Md.
"Irwin N. Hassenfeld '56, emeritus professor of psychiatry at Albany Medical College, published an insightful article in the fall 2002 Psychiatric Quarterly entitled 'Doctor-Patient Relations in Nazi Germany and the Fate of Psychiatric Patients.' The article not only explores the breakdown in doctor-patient relations and medical ethics during the period prior to and during the Holocaust, but also offers the historical background of the legislation supporting atrocities committed by internationally recognized German psychiatrists. Hassenfeld also discusses implications of the erosion of the doctor-patient relationship and professional values for current health care in the United States."
Class secretary Margery Gould Sharp reports: "Roberta Trauger Blackmer, of Scotia, N.Y., has retired from teaching. She is doing volunteer work and spending time with her grandchildren.
"Having missed the 45th reunion, Debbie Belknap Clough and her husband, Dick '52, have retired to a condominium in Charlotte, N.C. They also spend five months of the year in Virginia Beach, Va. Virginia Beach makes a great gathering place for their children and ten grandchildren!
"Jettabee Christenson Caswell Edman and husband, Si, are expecting another grandchild in February. She and Si had a wonderful time at the mini-reunion in Charleston, S.C., in February.
"Judith Wells Fieldhouse and husband Jim have moved from Maryland to Tennessee.
"Barbara Gingold, of Hamden, Conn., works part-time as a social worker and serves as a volunteer for the Greater New Haven Cat Project. In 2001 she traveled to Hawaii. She lives with her two feline housemates: Ashley Lyn and Lilrose.
"Ruth Finkelstein Ignatoff has moved from South Orange to West Orange, N.J.
"Nancy Kaufman Judkins, who lives in Rochelle, Md., attended the mini-reunion in Charleston, S.C., last winter.
"Doris E. Kinder informs us that Anne 'Matty' Matthews has been in a nursing home since suffering a stroke in February 2001. Doris sent no news of her own, but she lives in Litchfield, Conn."
"Pearl Schwartz Livingstone continues to work on local political campaigns in Cleveland. She writes that she helped get an African American state representative from Shaker Heights appointed to fill a vacancy on the Cuyahoga County Commission.
"Caroline Kimberly Loring lives in an old house near the ocean in Duxbury, Mass. The house is a lot of work but is much more rewarding than the condo she had moved into following her husband's death. She stays busy with choral singing, sailing, gardening, rug hooking, volunteering, and beach walking.
"Barbara Hobart Mitten and husband Roger '55 have made their home in Paradise Valley, Ariz. They even have a one-hole golf course in their backyard! Barbara was sick with cancer for a while but now is doing well. She is willing to talk to any one who might be facing the same battle. Roger is semiretired from the practice of law.
"Lynn Presbrey Ryan, of Darien, Conn., still pursues her passion - interior decorating. She serves as national program chair of the Garden Club of America. In the winter she and her husband head to Vero Beach, Fla.
"Sally Donaldson Sloan moved from California to Sarasota, Fla. In Los Angeles she was a member of the prestigious Women Painters West organization. She now serves as treasurer of the newly formed Women Contemporary Artists in Sarasota. She exhibits her works at several local galleries.
"Last February, Lynn, Sally, Carolyn Marcy Spears, and Betsey Turner Taylor were part of a New Trier High School class of '50 gathering in Palm Beach, Fla. Later the four got together for a mini Pembroke reunion. All plan to be at the 50th."
Martin Kantor has published My Guy: A Gay Man's Guide to Finding a Lasting Relationship and Passive-Aggression: A Guide for the Therapist, the Patient, and the Victim. He is working on a paperback edition of his 1993 book, Distancing, which is scheduled to come out late next year.
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Class president Marshall Cohen reports: "The reunion committee alerts all Brown and Pembroke classmates that we plan to publish a class book as a gift to attendees of our 50th reunion in 2004. We will be asking for photographs and text from you at a later date. More details will follow our fall meeting, but please start thinking about information and pictures to share with your classmates.
"Gerard Burrow, former dean and ambassador-at-large of the Yale Medical School, has left Yale following completion of The History of Yale's School of Medicine. Gerald has accepted a position as president and CEO of the famed Mystic Aquarium and Institute for Exploration, the research home of Titanic explorer Robert Ballard.
"Norm Sprinthall '59 A.M. writes that a few years ago he edited his last dissertation and became an emeritus academic. He writes: ÔNo more faculty meetings, book references, or "learned" articles to fret over. So far the family, children, and grandchildren are fine. I just received a pacemaker, but I might still be able to pick and roll for Lou Murgo, although a bit more slowly. And imagine the looks I get when I show my grandchildren a Charlie Blankfort set shot - talk about the antediluvian. Anyway, fall and spring on the Carolina coast and summers in the Blue Ridge Mountains make for a great continuum.'"
Sidney Baumgarten, a colonel in the New York State National Guard, served on active duty for four months following the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attacks. On June 22, he was awarded New York's second-highest decoration, the New York State Conspicuous Service Medal, by Gov. George Pataki. Baumgarten, who has also served as deputy mayor of New York City, is president and CEO of a biotech firm in New York.
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Class Secretary Marshall H. Cohen writes: "The weather was more like Iceland than Charleston, S.C., where the class of '54 enjoyed another off-campus mini-reunion in March. Herb Cohen organized this highly successful reunion. Another is in the works for England next year.
"President Jettabee Edman reported that the rain couldn't dampen the group's spirit, as they toured historic homes and visited trendy shops and fine restaurants. Bob Wigod and Herb thank Mike and Joanne Webster McSherry '53 for treating the class to some Southern hospitality, hosting a reception at their house. Also attending the mini-reunion were Maria and Tom Gagliano, Bob and Diana Coates Gill, Bill Hall, Charles and Nancy Kaufman Judkins, Rober and Felice Rinder Kirsh, Allan and Susan Wing Klumpp, Fran and Roy Meeks, Jean Nostrand, Dick and Jane O'Hara Page, Peg Tuite, and Nan and Frank Wezniak.
"Tom Gagliano is senior vice president of EPS COOP of Falls, N.J., and stays active in politics. His wife, Maria, works in the Monmouth County (N.J.) Commissioner's Office and is on the Tax Review Board.
"Bob and Diana Coates Gill are enjoying retirement in Connecticut and New Hampshire.
"Felice Rinder Kirsh and her husband, Bob, are happily retired in Tenafly, N.J. Son Michael '91 was married in December.
"Susan Wing Klumpp and her husband, Allan, live in California. Sue is on the Pasadena (Calif.) Arts League, loves her book club, and is studying the flute. Allan works in developing guidance simulators for a future Mars mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.
"Bill Hall said he is happily retired and is enjoying shopping in Charleston.
"Red and Nancy Kaufman Judkins have finally retired and are enjoying life in Maryland and Delaware.
"Jean Nostrand is a retired school administrator. She lives in New Jersey and Florida. Jean recently traveled to the Caribbean and Disneyland with her grandchildren.
"Peg Tuite, of San Diego, writes that she arrived in South Carolina with a cane and an ankle brace but was thrilled that she could enjoy all the activities. She said the reunion was a dry run for the trips to Britain and Europe she postponed while she was taking care of her mother, who recently died from Alzheimer's disease."
Gerry Burrow '54 (see Dan Kramer '84).
Doris Eisenberg Epstein writes: "As snow- birds, we are in Florida from November 1 through March. We would enjoy getting together with classmates in the area."
Tom McCormack is making his debut as a playwright - at the age of 70. His play, Endpapers, opens at the Variety Arts Theater in New York City in June. Tom was CEO of St. Martin's Press for twenty-six years, and Endpapers is set in a publishing house. Tom's son, Daniel '90, is a screenwriter and director in Hollywood, and his daughter, Jessie '95, is a writer and actor in Los Angeles.
Stan Miller, of Stamford, Conn., writes: "I just returned from a trip to Australia with Carol and Matty Scharff. I'm still working at Rosco Laboratories and enjoying our nine grandchildren."
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: "The class expresses its deepest sympathy to Beth Carter and her family on the death of their beloved husband and father, our classmate David Carter. David passed away on Oct. 29 from complications following hip replacement surgery in April 2000.
"Ronald J. Abdow writes that he is still working and playing hard. He has been chairman of American International College for twelve years. He writes: 'Working with a small, private college is fun and very challenging.'
"Don Cottey writes: 'We're spending six months in Colorado and then six months back home in Florida, a great mix.'
"Howard 'Skip' Fielding writes: 'I am program manager in the environmental division of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. After many years in the petroleum industry as an exploration geologist and manager, I retired and started a second career in environmental geology. Ultimately I ended up in management again and am enjoying protecting public water supplies from contamination.'
"Tom Gagliano and his wife, Maria, are looking forward to the mini-reunion in Charleston, S.C. Tom is happy to report that their children John '85, James, Robert, and Susan are all married and have a total of nine children, with another expected in May.
"Alvin Gerstein joined classmates Bob Wals, Bob Wigod, Stuart Nevins, and their wives for dinner following Brown's victory over Columbia in New York. Al's daughter, Hillary '03, and fellow Brown Band members were treated to batches of 'Famous Alvin's Homemade Cookies' during the game.
"John Greene, an artist specializing in abstract landscapes, reports that he has enjoyed some good shows and good reviews lately. He and his wife, Gwen, live in Manhattan and upstate New York.
"Frank Lord and his wife, Betsy, have spent half a year for the past six years traveling throughout the country working with Habitat for Humanity. On Aug. 4, they dedicated the first Habitat for Humanity home in Duxbury, Mass., for a young widow and her three children. Frank writes: 'As long as our good health and energy allow, we will continue to do what we love - building houses and visiting with our six grandchildren.'
"Bill Polleys writes that he is still teaching skiing at The Canyons in Park City, Utah. He volunteered for the Olympics as a 'field of play' marshal at Deer Valley events.
"Bob Wigod writes: 'Happily retired from the insurance business, Dave West has been dividing his time between Marco Island, Fla., and Bemen, Maine.' "
Warren Bailey, of Plympton, Mass., writes: "I retired March 1, 2001, after forty-three years in the insurance industry. My wife and I are enjoying living next door to our son and two grandchildren. Our other children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren also live nearby."
On Jan. 12, Bill and Marilyn Carlson Simon attended the wedding of their son John '89 and Sarah Locke (Emerson '89) in Wilmington, Vt. Alumni in attendance included Eve Simon Oettinger '78, Elizabeth O'Neill '89, Roddy McRae '89, Bob Kulperger '89, John Herrmann '88, and David Weisman '69. John practices law in Boston.
Paul Wittreich writes that he and his 21-year-old daughter, Caitlin, bicycled on a tandem across the United States. The pair pedaled sixty miles a day over fifty consecutive days in their trip from St. Augustine, Fla., to San Diego, Calif.
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: “Clarence C. Barksdale has served as vice chair and member of the board of trustees at Washington University since 1989. He was board chairman and C.E.O. of Centerre Bancorporation from 1978 to 1988 and vice chairman and director of Boatman’s Bankshares Inc. in 1988–89. Clarence has received many honors, including honorary doctorates of law from Westminster College and Maryville College and an honorary doctorate of public service from St. Louis University. Clarence and his wife of forty-one years, Emily, live in St. Louis.
“Gerard Burrow, a doctor, reports that he is finishing a book on the history of Yale medicine for the 300th anniversary of the university’s medical college. ‘I understand why so many authors become alcoholics!’ he writes. ‘History is a lot tougher than textbooks!’
“Fred Frigoletto energetically continues his medical career as chief of obstetrics at Vincent Memorial Hospital and vice chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Fred was president of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1996 and 1997 and recently received the Presidential Recognition Award from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine for ‘outstanding contributions and service to the expanding future of ultrasound in medicine.’ He is frequently on TV and is an adviser to the press on issues relating to difficult pregnancies.
“Dan Krivit is busy in his Washington, D.C., legal practice, representing state and local governments and private-sector clients in matters involving the federal government. In their spare time, Dan and his wife, Sandy, conduct circuit-riding visits to their children and grandchildren in Missouri, Michigan, Massachusetts, and South Carolina.
“Domenic LaFazia, of Roseville, Calif., owns Triad Plus Inc., a wholesale and retail home-fabric enterprise in Rocklin, Calif. Domenic and his wife, Teresa, have four sons and one daughter.
“Bruce Mansfield is recovering from a serious auto accident that left him with a broken right hip and left foot, a few broken vertebrae, and more. Bruce is an activist for better housing across the United States. ‘Funding is a real problem for people in need,’ he writes. ‘I’m trying to help out.’
“Joseph A. Meschino writes that he is ‘unretired’ and working a shortened week for a small Wilmington, Del., pharmaceutical company. An enthusiastic seaman, Joe was recently elected treasurer of the Avalon Yacht Club, where he launched a new yacht, the Pasta Pot.
“Russell K. Shaffer writes: ‘We met several classmates in May at Mark Hopkins’s house for dinner and had breakfast with Bill Simon, John Seibert, Earl Hamilton, Hovey Tyndall, and their spouses. All looked as good as in 1954 with one possible exception: me! We all plan to attend the 50th reunion.’
“Myles Striar retired from the Boston University School of Education in May as assistant professor emeritus. Myles became a grandfather when Emilie Arial Striar Hernandez was born in May. He celebrated his 40th wedding anniversary in August.
Greg Sullivan writes, "I’m okay."
“Robert M. Watters is enjoying retirement near Guadalajara, Mexico. He is studying Mexican culture and the Spanish language.
“Frank Wezniak, class president, writes: ‘I’m still a consultant in Boston, helping small high-technology companies in strategic planning. I taught the subject for a time at Babson College; it was a tough job leading a case-method discussion of forty bright students twice a day! In this work I help with venture capital and mergers or acquisitions. I’m also doing quite a bit of nonprofit work as treasurer of the Archaeological Institute of America, treasurer of the Old South Church in Boston, and board member of the Vincent Hospital, which is the women’s care facility at Massachusetts General Hospital. Nan and I moved to the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston several years ago and love it. I walk a mile to work across the Public Garden and Boston Common with no concern for the traffic, and we often travel to India, Austria, or Paris with no concern for the lawn. I also ride my bike each August in the annual Pan-Mass Challenge, which is 192 miles across Massachusetts from Sturbridge to Provincetown. About 3,000 riders raised more than $10 million for cancer research at the Dana Farber Institute. I regret to report that the miles are getting longer and hills higher! Isn’t geography supposed to stay constant?’
“Please continue to send in the forms that you have received along with your class dues and any information to be included in the class notes. A listing of classmates’ e-mail addresses will be included in the next ’54 newsletter.”
Joan Anderson Friend writes: “Joe and I spent three weeks in Spain in early summer enjoying Gaudí and front-porch flamenco. We attended a family reunion in the Highlands in August. Anne Barr Wenzel and Howie now live in Albrook, Panama. Anne is still a school librarian. Her students get a big kick out of her arriving at school in a pickup truck! The Wenzels recently visited their daughter in Brazil, where they were impressed by the clean and safe cities and by the fact that public libraries are situated next to public parks. Anne was honored to be invited to a Kuna Indian hair-cutting ceremony, a gathering usually attended only by tribe members. She is still in close communication with the Kuna and enjoys taking school groups to the San Blas Islands. Her four children and six grandchildren are in the New Orleans area.
Margaret “Peggy” Lange Wright died May 5 of throat cancer.” (See Obituaries.)
From the September / October 2000 Issue
Class secretary Marshall Cohen reports: "We are beginning to receive feedback from the ‘What’s New With You?’ forms recently mailed to all classmates.
Ron Abdow writes that he served as board chairman of the American International College for the past ten years and is currently president of Abdow Corp. Restaurant Group. Included among his life achievements is admission to the National Football Hall of Fame. Ron was an NCAA Division I football official for twenty-eight years.
Robert R. Jenks reports that he retired as dean of Graham Junior College in the early 1970s, and more recently, he retired in April from his job with the Advantage Payroll Systems. One of Bob’s greatest achievements was sailing a forty-five-foot ketch across the Atlantic Ocean. He and his wife, Virginia, have two children and four grandchildren."
Chris Christenson Edman reports that she, Frank Wezniak, and the rest of the strategic-planning committee continue to meet at Brown twice yearly to plan the best 50th reunion imaginable. The committee includes the Brown and Pembroke class officers and a small number of dedicated classmates. She writes: "Watch the class newsletter for news of the first mini-reunion. We hope everybody who possibly can will come."
Elga Kron Stulman, of New York City, writes: "I have had two guiding principles in recent years. The first is, ‘look good, feel good, do good,’ and the second, ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’ Being married to Steve for forty-six years certainly helps me feel good. My four children, Jessica Stulman Sheinman ’81, James ’83, Andrea, and Laura, are doing well in their professions. That makes me feel good as well. I have four delicious grandchildren; having them around makes me look good. Going to the gym regularly doesn’t hurt. Neither does getting rid of the gray. We travel each year to one non-industrialized country and one industrialized one. We have been to Papua New Guinea, Italy, India, France, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Argentina, Morocco, East Africa, Greece, and Australia. We just returned from London and Paris and are planning a trip to the Silk Road of China. We spent Passover in Key Biscayne, Fla., with all thirteen family members. I take serious Bible classes and other courses in Judaic studies, and am also on the boards of my congregation and the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education. I take a performance chamber-music class at the Mannes College of Music; I have great fun playing with perpetual low intermediates like me. My studies help me to do good. As for the second motto, ‘no good deed goes unpunished,’ attributed to Harold Ross of the New Yorker, I quote it at least once a week. For instance, I quoted that line when I changed a date in order to baby-sit, only to find out that the grandchild made arrangements for a sleepover. Another time, I decided to make a time-consuming dinner for a friend who was feeling blue, only to find out at the table that she had become a vegetarian. I am still in charge of the student evaluation of teachers at Hunter College, a job that gives me summers off. We have a little place in Sagaponack, Long Island, where I garden, walk, cook, swim, go to classes, play tennis, and entertain. I helped start a new congregation in Sag Harbor. Although I had cancer a while back, I am 100 percent cured. I don’t let a day pass without thinking about my life and thanking God for my good fortune."
Class reporter Betsy Turner Taylor has started to contact fellow classmates living in Massachusetts. Betsy writes that she and her husband, Ted, retired to Williamstown, Mass., where they enjoy the beauties of the surroundings as well as the cultural opportunities. Betsy leads events at the Clark Art Institute, gardens countywide, and is on the board of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. Nancy Shustick Atkin and her husband, Norman, a retired cardiovascular surgeon, live nearby in Stockbridge, Mass. Nancy is involved six months each year with the Berkshire Botanical Garden. In the winter she and Norman retreat to Jupiter, Fla., where Nancy turns her volunteering energies to Planned Parenthood. She also makes frequent visits to the West Coast, where her three children reside.
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: "I made a pilgrimage to Martha’s Vineyard last summer to spend the day with Bob Borod, a fellow member of Professor Chisholm’s Philosophy D-1 class. ‘We made quite a duo,’ Bob recalled, before repeating the ditty we would sing just prior to an hour exam: ‘Who’s the man whose gonna quizz ’em? Here he is now, Professor Chizzum!’ That was the unlikely start of Bob’s forty-year career in show business, which brought him national and international recognition. Bob’s friend and mentor, Professor Jim Barnhill, was a significant inspiration. Bob’s career as a production stage manager included working with such luminaries as Katharine Hepburn, Jerry Adler, John Lithgow, and Glenn Close. His Broadway career included award-winning productions such as Finian’s Rainbow, M. Butterfly, Equus, Amadeus, Damn Yankees, and High Button Shoes. Bob also worked with the legendary Alexander Cohen as production stage manager for nearly a dozen Tony Award and Night of a Hundred Stars telecasts. Bob, who is semi-retired, directs local productions and divides his time between Martha’s Vineyard and Florida.
"Dick Borod has been fine-tuning his tennis game, doing cross-country skiing, and caring for a brood of pets. He is married to Gail Cohen Borod ’59. Dick is now ‘of counsel’ following his thirty-five-year career with the Rhode Island law firm Edwards & Angell, where he specialized in litigation, product liability, and real-estate law. Dick reports that he thoroughly enjoys a guiltless life of unaccountability in East Greenwich, R.I., and Craftsbury, Vt.
"Bob Wigod, who retired from Paine Webber three years ago, continues to spend time analyzing the stock market, working out at the gym, and pursuing various volunteer activities, including at Brown. Along with his wife, Suzy, he enjoys living both in New York City and in New Jersey, where he has a lakeside cottage, as well as frequent travel."
Class reporter Joan Anderson Friend writes: "Betty Kelly Dudley and her husband, Dana, are enjoying retirement. They spend time playing golf and bridge, hosting visitors, and traveling. In 1999 they returned to Minnesota and toured the Blue Ridge, visiting Maggie Reynard Clarridge, Judy Wells Fieldhouse, and Chardy McGinnis English. They toured Germany in October.
"Debbie Belknap Clough and her husband, Dick ’52, live in Charlotte, N.C., from October to May and in Virginia Beach, Va., the rest of the year. Debbie works part-time in the winter and Dick is retired. Biking is a major activity for them. They’ve done six European Elderhostel bike trips as well as a few trips in the States. They have three sons and ten grandchildren. They see Ginny Fellows Maloney quite a bit.
"Nancy Griffin Bell and her husband, Donald, who retired seven years ago, live in the North Carolina mountains in Hendersonville and lead an active life that includes golfing and gardening. They celebrated their 35th anniversary with a trip to the Canadian Rockies."
Class reporter Diana Coates Gill writes: "Bob and I had a good time skiing in New Hampshire and are now back in Noank, Conn., getting ready for summer visits from our five grandchildren. As I write this, we’re preparing to try out our high-school and college French skills on a trip to France with Charlie ‘Red’ and Nancy Kaufman Judkins. Before we go, we will baby-sit for our daughter, Cathy Gill Oulighan ’78, and her husband, Dave ’77, while they go to Paris. I recently talked to Pat Collins, who lives in Branford, Conn., and has had a long career as a theater lighting designer. A Tony Award winner, Pat says that one of her most recent projects was Moon for the Misbegotten on Broadway. She works extensively in Europe, spending more than half the year working on operas in various countries. Her retirement is still a few years away."
Class reporter Nancy Kaufman Judkins writes: "Jane O’Hara Page and her husband, Dick (Dartmouth ’54), enjoyed traveling by boat from Budapest to Amsterdam with a Brown Alumni Holidays tour last October. My husband, Charlie ‘Red’ Judkins, and I also went on the trip. ‘What a pleasant way to see that part of the world,’ Jane writes.
"Margaret Reynard Clarridge’s consuming interest is volunteering weekly with the Literacy Council. She tutors adult Bosnians who spoke no English when they came to America. ‘It’s a slow process but a rewarding experience for me,’ reports Maggie, who retired as assistant headmistress and teacher from the Loudoun (Va.) Country Day School. She spends time with her three grandchildren, who live nearby, and has enjoyed mini-reunions with Judy Wells Fieldhouse, Charlotte ‘Chardy’ McGinnis English, Betty Kelly Dudley, Pat Crabtree Bradley, and Anne Dufour Clouser.
"Judy Wells Fieldhouse enjoys reading, knitting, and working part-time in a locally owned gourmet coffee shop. She lives in Towson, Md., with her husband, Jim, a retired educator. Judy, a retired librarian, enjoys traveling. After her son’s wedding in Sweden a year ago, she and Chardy McGinnis English rented a car and toured Sweden and Germany. In June, Judy and Jim went to Los Angeles, where they visited Chardy, who recently moved to Malibu, Calif., from Baltimore, Md."
Lila Teich Gold writes: "I have spent time in Central Asia and northwest China. I never thought I was bright enough to teach, so I did not. I now know that I am a natural teacher – if only because I respect all people, young and old. If I am lucky I shall enjoy additional years in reasonable health with grace and gratefulness for the abundance I am enjoying. Would that my immigrant grandparents could see the books I have published and life’s bounties I have shared with so many in as anonymous a manner as I can. One book I published, The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela, is required reading in an undergraduate course on the history of Western thought at M.I.T. I have volunteered with Earthwatch on a desert flooding project in the Negev Desert in Israel. I have served on various boards of nonprofit, charitable, and religious institutions. I have been interviewed about some of my books on radio and television. I see Pembrokers and Brown men from time to time. I miss Tom Gold very much, but quite realistically think about what might have happened if he hadn’t had a predisposition to heart disease. Dealing with death on a personal level has made me even more thankful for the great good luck that I enjoy."
Carolyn Reed Pappas, of Scarsdale, N.Y., writes: "I worked for the executive vice president of H.J. Baker & Brothers in Stamford, Conn., in 1994. Later I worked for the vice president in charge of computers, which worked out well since I was trained on them myself. Their business fell off and I was laid off in September 1997, but the company was good to me and gave me a wonderful package of benefits. After some time off I took my current job in Scarsdale. I work in the business office of a group of dentists. It is very low-key and relaxed. I like the people and I love being in the village where I grew up. I am even going to Chamber of Commerce meetings on behalf of my employer. My only child, Doug, is a lawyer with a small firm in Manhattan. Doug graduated with honors from the University of Chicago and magna cum laude from the University of Michigan law school, where he was note editor of the Law Review. He is a baseball fanatic and is ‘of counsel’ to SABR, a national baseball association. He also drives all over the country and is active in the Lincoln Highway Association and the Route 66 Association. I often see Edgar Wells ’53, a retired rector of St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church in Manhattan. We both see Richard Geiselhart ’53, who was Edgar’s roommate at Brown. Richard is retired and living in Skippack, Pa., with his cats. I also hear from my roommate, Joan Bliss Wilson, who lives in Princeton, N.J. I think I will attend my 50th high-school reunion in September. I guess it will give me a taste of what our 50th will be like."
Nancy Lord Watts reports from Arizona that she and her husband, Chat, have been on the road again. In March they cruised through the Panama Canal after visiting with their son, Stephen, his wife, Julie Harrison ’85, and granddaughters Nina and Ruby in Florida. On the way back to Tucson they had a quick reunion with Bid and Jean Schupbach Bidwell. They are in touch with Barbara Hobart Mitten and her husband, Roger ’55, who have lived in Paradise Valley, Ariz., since 1963. Their first grandchild, Emily, was born recently and lives nearby. Roger, an attorney, is semiretired. The Mittens would love to hear from classmates visiting Arizona. Barbara was pleased to have a reunion with Betsy Turner Taylor.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen writes that he married his longtime companion, Arlene Sidell, in Washington, D.C. Arlene recently retired as director of public information for the U.S. Senate commerce committee. Marshall, an independent photojournalist, is a former U.S. Department of Agriculture economist. Marshall and Arlene continue to live at 5131 52nd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016. Marshall alerts classmates to expect the first class newsletter shortly. He looks forward to hearing from classmates with news for the BAM.
Joan "Denny" Sherman Albershardt writes that she and her husband, Fritz, have lived in the same house in Palos Verdes Estates, Calif., for thirty-five years. Denny knits wearable art, using unique designs, wool, and buttons, which she exhibits and sells at shows. Fritz and Denny have a son, a daughter, and three grandchildren, and often travel to the Sacramento, Calif., and Reno, Nev., areas to visit them.
Class reporter Joan Anderson Friend reports: "Anne Barr Wenzel and Howie Wenzel ’53 remain in Panama, two of the relatively few ‘gringos’ who stayed after the Panamanian takeover. They moved to a new home in Albrook, the former air force base, in May. Anne still works at the ISP School, and Howie’s businesses are thriving. They visited their daughter, Karen, and her family in Curitiba, Brazil, for the holidays. They invite classmates passing through Panama to visit."
Midwest correspondent Pearl Schwartz Livingstone reports: "I received the following reunion news from Doris Eisenberg Epstein: ‘Ruth Finkelstein and I were looking forward to attending the 45th, but when Ruth learned that she had to have surgery, she was so disappointed that I decided to spend my reunion with her. God willing, we will make our 50th.’ Doris writes that her husband, Abe, is now mostly retired, and they spent the winter in West Palm Beach, Fla., where her mother is in an assisted-living home. ‘After camping out at Mom’s condo this year,’ Doris adds, ‘we decided to buy our own place. Our plan is to be here from November through March.’ Doris would love to hear from anyone passing through West Palm Beach or Ames, Iowa.
"Still looking for news from Midwesterners Celia Richmond Meyer, Anne Cahalane Free, Marjorie Ford, Carolyn Marcy Spears, Joan Rountree Hayes, Janet Hunt Crull, and Barbara Patton Sciarra."
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: “Doug Turner, Washington bureau chief of the Buffalo News, saw three Brown rowers in glory at the August World Rowing Championships in Canada. They were Jamie Koven ’95, winner of a heat in the singles championship; Xeno Müller ’95, who took a silver in the world singles competition; and Porter Collins ’98, who won the gold in the eight. Doug was class of ’53 crew captain and rowed in the 1956 Olympics. He has been elected president of Friends of Williamsburg Rowing, a foundation that supports the rowing club at the College of William and Mary.
“Sid Richman, former chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital, has recently left the same position at the West Palm Beach V.A. Medical Center. Sid and his wife, Adele, live in the Palm Beach area and also maintain a summer home within a short cast of deep-sea fishing in Watch Hill, R.I. ‘This summer was somewhat disastrous,’ Sid writes. His daughter, Susan, was severely mauled by a grizzly bear, but she is on the road to a full recovery after surgery.
Class reporter Pearl Schwartz Livingstone reports: “Since retiring six years ago from teaching sixth-grade social studies, I am mainly volunteering in political campaigns, mostly for female candidates in Cleveland. As a result, I was appointed to the Board of Trustees at Cuyahoga Community College, an urban two-year school where the welfare-to-work agenda is currently being played out. I spend the summer at a family cottage at the Chautauqua Institution in western New York. I also spend time tending to my eleven grandchildren. I’m still able to handle vigorous vacations (e.g., climbing around Machu Pichu in Peru, and Denali National Park in Alaska). Last, but not least, I am an avid fan of the Cleveland Indians, and I wonder how many others are out there from the class of ’54? As the Pembroke class’s Midwest correspondent, I hope to hear from the ten other class members whom I recently contacted.
“More than forty years had passed since I spoke to Barbara Weller Holaday when, last October, I found her in Tucson, Ariz., where she and her husband, Reed, live for eight months each year. They spend the rest of the year in northern Minnesota in a cabin located near the Boundary Waters National Monument. Barbara married Reed in 1973; they have three children each and eight grandchildren.
“Winter Ball Bottum reports from Columbus, Ind., that five of her six children are married. She has seven grandchildren. Winter continues to work as an environmental scientist specializing in air-pollution control. She enjoys her garden and was looking forward to whale-watching in Baja, Calif., in January.”
Jettabee “Chris” Edman and her husband, Silas, had a great seventeen days in Ireland in September. Chris writes: “It’s one of the most beautiful countries we’ve ever seen. We covered about 1,500 miles of southwestern Ireland and the Dublin area, most of it on roads so narrow we’re still in shock.” Chris also saw Barbara Levin’s art show. “Barbara’s paintings are gorgeous,” she writes, “full of vibrant colors that give a feeling of pure joy.”
Al Gerstein, of Penn Valley, Pa., writes that he and Bob Wals had the pleasure of seeing Brown beat Penn in October (an uncommon occurrence in Philadelphia). As frosting on the cake, Al had the Brown band over to his house for dinner, courtesy of his daughter, Hilary ’03. Following dessert, Bob and Al serenaded the band members (Bob on vocals and Al on the kazoo) with some rousing college songs. Al writes: “Applause greeted our efforts from all but Hilary, who for some unfathomable reason raced from the room thoroughly mortified.”
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Class reporter Joanna Slesinger Caproni reports: "I still haven't had the sense to retire. For the past twenty-two years I have been vice president of Simmons, a company that measures media and consumer habits. I will be married forty years next August. I have three stepchildren, ten grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren who are scattered in Cali- fornia; Savannah, Ga.; St. Thomas; Rhode Island; and Long Island, N.Y. We travel for both business and pleasure whenever we can. My husband, a consultant and a semiretired professor in the hospitality industry, has worked in hotel management in the United States and the Caribbean. Our greatest joys include traveling, visiting our home on Cape Cod, and spending time with our West Highland White named Heather. Heather's 'distant cousin,' Piper, attended the 40th reunion.
"Mary Wallau Hinrichs writes: 'I just returned from three weeks in Central Asia. We've been traveling a lot since my husband retired. I work at Second Harvest, where I take orders from soup kitchens and food pantries. I also lead tours and do fund-raising for our local community college. I often go to the theater and to museums in New York City, and I am also involved in the American Association of University Women. I enjoy reading, stitching (both my own creations and other people's designs), and spending time with our three children, their spouses, and our five grandchildren. All of this seems to keep me out of trouble.'
"Isobel Hinckley Glover writes: 'I was married for forty years in November. My husband and I have a small antiques business (which we started while he was still flying for Pan Am) hiding in a residential building on 79th Street in New York City. Much too busy, we should be retired and taking cruises. We have two children: Jonathan, of Boston, and Julie, of the Minneapolis area. No grandchildren yet, but we're hoping.'
"Letty Lebeck Edes is retired and living in Panguitch, Utah, from April to December, and in Destin, Fla., for the rest of the year (when she's not on a cruise, that is). She recently traveled to New Zealand and Australia and also planned to take a New Year's cruise. She was a stockbroker before shifting careers to run the offices of some small oil companies."
Class reporter Margery Gould Sharp reports: "Although Bea Calvo Crozier calls Maine home, she did a stint in South America in the 1960s with her U.S. Navy husband on a training assignment. She has also visited Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Costa Rica. She recently moved from Freeport, Maine, to Falmouth, Maine. She has two sons, one daughter, and four grandchildren. Son Christopher '89 studied at Oxford after graduation. Bea taught and did volunteer work in Freeport before retiring.
"Susan Sperry Burns explains why she and her husband, William, are antiques dealers: 'We're both pack rats!' Her favorite collectibles are early-American glass, Currier & Ives prints, and clocks. She also buys and sells spinning wheels and belongs to the New Hampshire Guild of Spinners and Dyers. A dyed-in-the-wool knitter, she also makes felt. Susan can be found at shows in Meredith, N.H., and Northwood, N.H. Susan and William have two children and two grandchildren.
"Since June of 1995, Anne Clowes McKay and her husband, Bruce, have been restoring an old farmhouse on a dirt road in North Troy, Vt. 'We love it,' she reports. Anne also works with battered women. A retired psychotherapist, she is close to the Canadian border and to the Jay Peak ski area. The McKays have eight children and twelve grand- children."
Paul Wittreich writes: "This past summer I traveled 2,000 miles on a tandem bicycle along the Mississippi River from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. I biked for thirty-seven days during some of the summer's hottest weather."
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Pembroke class president Jettabee "Chris" Edman reports: "Having gotten sixteen classmates across the country to act as reporters, I thought I better get on with my list. Barbara Reuben Levin, who is getting back into oil painting, was part of a group show in September at the West Hartford Art League. The show was titled '13,' for the thirteen participating artists who have been meeting monthly for thirteen years to critique one another's work. Barbara and her husband, Ira, took their 13-year-old granddaughter, Sarah, to London and Paris late last summer.
"Doris Kinder, of Litchfield, Conn., is retired, but stays active in several statewide adoption committees. She also gardens and volunteers for the Red Cross and the Community Council."
Brown class secretary Marshall H. Cohen reports: "Howard 'Skip' Fielding is a program manager for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, where he manages three programs designed to protect public drinking-water supplies from contamination. He shifted to his present area of interest, which is aquifiers containing drinking-water wells, after many years in the oil industry as a petrogeologist. He missed the recent class reunion, but enjoyed a reunion briefing from the class secretary in Washington, D.C.
"Professor Myles Striar will retire from Boston University's School of Education next year, completing a distinguished career in training secondary-school English teachers. 'I hope to spend my retirement in the company of amusing people,' he writes. When his daughter, Siri, was married in June, Miles was the official, state-certified celebrant of the ceremony, which was held in English, Spanish, Norwegian, and Hebrew.
"Jerry Young writes that he has six grandchildren (four boys, two girls) who he hopes will continue a Young tradition of attending Brown. He works with two of his children, Betsy Young Harris '82, who will become president of his company, and Andrew '86, who will become executive vice president. Daughter Marjorie '84 is vice president of Ethan Allen Inc."
Please send your class notes to Marshall "The class wants to hear from you," Marshall writes.
Margery Gould Sharp continues to live in a big red barn in the town of Hinesburg, Vt., and is now a freelance journalist. She's worked as reporter and photographer at four newspapers and has owned her own weekly newspaper. "You'd think there would be nothing to write about up here, but believe me, there's plenty," she writes. She has three children and three grandchildren, and is the state public-relations chairman for the Vermont Lions Clubs.
Margery reports: "Anne Dermer Stoddard retired to the Sugarbush ski area (Waitsfield, Vt.) in the early 1980s. Anne says, 'Ralph '53 and I wanted to start fresh in a new place while we were still able to enjoy retirement.' She worked for the New York State Insurance Fund after raising three children, all of whom are Brown graduates. She also has three grandchildren. Her son, Paul '78, an associate professor of geophysics, returned from France after viewing the solar eclipse in August. Both Anne and Ralph have turned into Brown football nuts. Ralph is painting and exhibiting works around Vermont.
" 'I'm sorry I didn't make the June reunion,' Ann Tebbetts says. Due to eyesight problems, she is unable to drive long distances. To make life easier, she has moved to downtown Manchester, N.H., where she can walk to most stores and banks. Following college graduation, she studied at night to earn her master's in mathematics from Northeastern University. She designed missile systems and programmed computers prior to her retirement. She has three nephews and three nieces and would love to hear from old Pembroke friends.
" 'Retirement just gets busier and busier,' is Mary O'Neil Ward's take on the subject. She was mighty weary in August when, swamped with guests, she found herself on nonstop kitchen duty. That is the consequence of living in a delightful area in Maine (and of having fifteen grandchildren.) Mary's husband, John, is a master swimmer who builds, sails, and races canoes. 'John's shop is as big as our house,' Mary said. John is a native Mainer and a Bowdoin graduate. Mary and John live on Casco Bay in a home they built themselves.
Commencement weekend included a family reunion for Devra Miller Breslow of Los Angeles; her father, Louis Miller '29 of Scottsdale, Ariz.; and her sister, Linda B. Miller of Cape Cod, who is an adjunct professor at Brown's Watson Institute for International Studies. Cousin Jonathan Kagan '54 attended his class reunion, too. Devra and her husband, Lester, received the U.C.L.A. School of Public Health's 1999 Dean's Award. They were cited for "outstanding achievement, leadership, and contributions."
Joan Anderson Friend, of New Orleans, and her husband, Joe, have all six children and grandchildren living in or near New Orleans. They spent the first two weeks of October in Spain. Joan spoke briefly in August to Nancy Griffin Bell in Hendersonville, N.C.
Al Gerstein, of Narberth, Pa., is overjoyed to announce that his daughter, Hilary, is a Brown freshman.
Sue Wing Klumpp reports that she thoroughly enjoyed the 45th reunion, her first reunion attended since graduation. Since retiring in June 1998 as a school psychologist, she has been improving her flute skills, starting a book club, continuing her involvement with Los Angeles art groups, reading the extensive archives of her writer parents, and traveling with husband, Allan, to Kyoto. She also spent a week in August in Idaho with her far-flung children, their spouses, and her eighteen grandchildren.
Nancy Kaufman Judkins writes: "Joan Girard Murphy, of Wilmington, Del., reports that her husband, William, has just retired. Joan and William, both chemists, have two sons, two daughters, four grandsons, and four granddaughters. 'Chemists run duplicates,' Joan says. In addition to volunteer work and gardening, Joan enjoys dancing, just as she did at Pembroke. Jean McEwan Parker and her husband, of Arnold, Md., have had health problems, but they recently enjoyed getting all four grandchildren together for the first time."
Samuel Pollock '56 Sc.M. (see Hyman L. Pollock '30).
Diana Gill writes: "It was a wonderful 45th reunion this past May; such a pleasure to see so many of our classmates enjoying themselves, renewing old friendships, and even making some new ones. The Pembroke luncheon, held at the Faculty Club, was a high point for many. Marilyn Carlson Simon, retiring president of the Pembroke class of 1954, should be resting on her laurels after playing such a large part in planning and implementing the festivities. Instead she and Bill headed to Provence for a few weeks, where they rented a car and explored the countryside. Thanks, Marilyn, for all you did to make the reunion a success." Since retirement, Diana and her husband, Bob, have been spending winters in New Hampshire, where Bob can indulge his passion for downhill skiing and Diana can ski cross-country. They were surprised that there is a large population there of equally crazy retirees. This summer they got together with Charles "Red" and Nancy Kaufman Judkins, as well as Jane O'Hara Page, and her husband, Dick (Dartmouth '54). At the Gill home in Noank, Conn., they entertained (and were entertained by) their daughter, Cathy Gill Oulighan '78, her husband, Dave Oulighan '77, and their three children.
Nancy Lord Watts and Chat Watts, of Tucson, Ariz., would love to hear from classmates in the area. Nancy reports that since retiring three years ago, they have been doing considerable traveling, including a cruise around the world. Recently they returned from a two-week family reunion on Cape Cod with all thirteen family members. Daughter-in-law Julie Harrison '85 was there with her husband, Dr. Stephen Watts, and two of Nancy and Chat's five grandchildren. She writes: "Gail Erickson Woods and her husband, Porter '52, have extended their hospitality to classmates passing through Fort Collins, Colo. Retired, they spend a lot of time with their five grandchildren, especially the three who live nearby. The others are in Taiwan. Son Timothy is a professor at the University of South Dakota. Gail volunteers on a committee of the International Friends and has been involved in helping the homeless for many years. When he can, Porter directs plays and works with students."
From the July / August 1999 Issue
George Morfogen continues to appear for a third season in the HBO prison series OZ. George plays the role of Bob Rebadow. The executive producers are Barry Levinson and Tom Fontana. In the summer of 1998 George was in the cast of Andrei Serban's production of Cymbeline at the New York Shakespeare Festival in Central Park.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Have you saved the most important dates of 1999 yet? On May 28_31 we will celebrate forty-five great years since graduating from Brown, and we are eager to see a great turnout. Your information to register will arrive soon, so please respond early to confirm your attendance. If you have any questions, please call reunion headquarters at 401-863-1947.
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Mark your calendars for our 45th reunion celebration on May 28-31. Bob Wigod invites all to a reunion cocktail reception on March 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. at St. Martin's Press, 175 5th Ave., New York City, hosted by former St. Martin's president Roy Gainsburg.
Doris Eisenberg Epstein, Ames, Iowa, writes: "Retirement is wonderful. It allows me time to do the most interesting things. Abe and I are involved in a mediation program called restorative justice. If anyone is involved in a similar program, I'd love to hear from you."
Stanford Miller's wife, Barbara Jean Mesirow Miller '54, passed away on July 29. She is survived by four children, Elizabeth '82, Amy '84, Bruce '87, Ellen, and six grandchildren.
John E. Orton III's wife, Sabra Webb Orton '53, passed away on May 16.
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Exciting plans are in the works for our 45th reunion. Save the dates, May 28-31, to renew old acquaintances and make new ones. We hope many of you are planning to join in our "Celebration of Creativity," a portable art show to be held at our Friday welcoming reception at the Annmary Brown Memorial. If you need more information, contact Devra Miller Breslow.
Rebecca Anderson Huntington, Dover, Mass., is still associate director of the Harvard College Fund, working with six classes in their reunion and non-reunion fund-raising. Bobby and husband Carroll have also spent time recently in Germany and Austria.
Joe Meschino has formed a new health-care consulting business, PharmaCepts Associates. He recently retired from the National Institutes of Health as chief of pharmaceutical and regulatory affairs, NIAID, where for the past seven years he oversaw the safety, ethics, and regulatory compliance of about 350 HIV/AIDS human clinical trials testing drugs, vaccines, and microbicides. Joe and his wife, Gloria, are enjoying their new home on the Avalon Bayfront. They have eight grandchildren in Schenectady, N.Y., Nashville, Tenn., and Naperville, Ill.
Rosamond Waldron Wadsworth, Little Compton, R.I., continues to devote her energies to music. Her summer chorus of forty-eight voices held two concerts last August. Her junior choir gave a performance in June of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. In the fall she began her second season of "Concerts at the Point," a chamber music series that features prominent artists.
Catherine Williams, Alameda, Calif., has retired from teaching high school after thirty-eight years. Cappy has been enjoying the freedom to travel to Ohio, Kentucky, the Grand Canyon, and Turkey. She has more travel plans in the works.
From the September / October 1998 Issue
May 28-31, 1999, are the dates for our big 45th reunion! Please put the dates on your calendar now! If you would like to be part of the committee, please contact Marilyn Carlson Simon or Ed Giberti. It promises to be a wonderful weekend. Anyone who would like to be on the reunion gift committee should contact Pearl Schwartz Livingstone, Diane Lake Northrop, or Norma Caslowitz Munves. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
We are also planning our second portable art show, which was such a success at our last reunion. It will be held again at the Annmary Brown Memorial. Begin thinking now of the portable works of visual art (two- and three-dimensional) or writing (poetry, literature, how-to books, cookbooks, comic books, words/images in digital or traditional media, self- or professionally published) you want to bring. If you have questions or ideas, contact Devra Miller Breslow.
- Diana Coates Gill, treasurer
Paul Beekman Taylor has published Shadows of Heaven (Samuel Weiser Inc.).
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Paul Beekman Taylor '61 Ph.D. published Chaucer Translator (University Press of America). Paul is an English professor at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Ed Giberti returned to England eight years ago. There he manages his own international sports marketing consultancy and is active in the Brown Club of Great Britain, of which he is co-president. Ed invites classmates who are interested in serving on the 45th reunion committee to contact him.
Jerold O. Young (see Abbe Beth Robinson Young '58).
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Ed Giberti returned to England eight years ago. There he manages his own international sports marketing consultancy and is active in the Brown Club of Great Britain, of which he is co-president. Ed invites classmates who are interested in serving on the 45th reunion committee to contact him."
Jerold O. Young (see Abbe Beth Robinson Young '58).
From the March / April 1998 Issue
Meredith Hutchings Chester has retired to France for six months each year. "I would be delighted to be visited by anyone doing the route touristique of the Suisse Normande," she writes. "We are just below Thury-Harcourt - in the house with the blue shutters."
Marshall H. Cohen is an independent photojournalist and art reviewer.
Paul B. Taylor has retired after thirty-three years as a professor of medieval English language and literature at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Melvin L. Robinson ’54, of New York City; Aug. 20. After graduating from Brown and Columbia Business School, he joined the family business, B. Robinson Optical, and brought it to new levels of success. He was a supporter of UJA Optical Industry and Brown and he enjoyed playing tennis. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; son Cliff ’92; a daughter-in-law; and four grandchildren, including Jacob ’28.
Peter P. DePaola ’54, ’56 AM, of Fall River, Mass.; Aug. 9. He was a foreign language teacher at Classical High School in Providence for more than 40 years and head of the language department. He was fluent in eight languages. In addition to teaching, he would work alongside his brother at Viking Pharmacy in Fall River. He enjoyed music and was a talented pianist. He was continuously active in charitable causes. He is survived by a sister-in-law and nieces and nephews.
Richard Amill ’54, of Norwalk, Conn.; Apr. 19. He had a long career in educational textbook publishing and held leadership positions at Time Inc., Silver Burdett, Cowles Media Company, Macmillan, Random House, and McGraw Hill. He later founded Learning Supplements, a pioneer in K-12 digital learning. He taught reading skills in-person to students in Bridgeport, Conn., and served as a mentor to elementary, middle, and high school students in Norwalk into his late 80s. He was a volunteer at Norwalk Hospital, the Whittingham Cancer Center, the Connecticut Food Bank, Read Aloud Program, Norwalk Reads, Homes With Hope, Gillespie Center, and OpenDoors Shelter. He was both member and past president of the Kiwanis Club of Weston, Conn., and loved to read, especially anything related to World War II or John Grisham. A lifelong New York Yankees fan, having attended hundreds of Yankees games, he never left a game early in case of a game-winning rally. He is survived by a daughter, two sons and daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.
Russell A. Cook ’54, of Fairfax, Va.; Feb. 28. He had a 22-year naval career and rose to the rank of lieutenant commander as he captained submarines during the early years of the Cold War. After an illness ended his commissions at sea, he was assigned to serve the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. He returned to college, taking night courses to earn a master’s degree in computer systems engineering, and, after being honorably discharged, helped pioneer the development of complex software systems to track detailed, comprehensive expenses for the military. When his children were young, he was actively involved in their scout activities and coached their sports teams. He enjoyed the outdoors and nature, gardening, and camping trips with his family. He is survived by a daughter, two sons, three granddaughters, and four great-grandchildren.
Chester A. Kisiel ’54, of Warsaw, Poland; Oct. 6. He taught at Staten Island College (CUNY) and at international schools, and has written, collaborated, and translated books in sociology, economics, philosophy, Jewish studies, religion, and art. He is survived by his wife, Krystyna; and a son.
Emilio D. Iannuccillo Jr. ’54, of Bristol, R.I.; Dec. 2. He was a lawyer who practiced for more than 60 years in Rhode Island. He served as Bristol probate judge and Bristol town solicitor. He was an original drafting member of the Rhode Island Bar Association Real Estate Standards Committee. He enjoyed camping, gardening, politics, and operating a ham radio. He is survived by his wife, Vicki; two daughters; a granddaughter; and stepchildren and step-grandchildren.
Emanuel Gerard ’54, of New York City; Nov. 5, from cancer. After graduating from Harvard Business School, he was an independent consultant for many companies, including Warner Communications, Atari, and Gerard Klauer Mattison. He was a consistent contributor to Brown and enjoyed being an occasional guest lecturer in Prof. Hazeltine’s Engin 9 class helping to advise young people. He also enjoyed music. He is survived by his wife, Skippy; four children and their spouses, including daughter Nikki Nesci ’93 and her husband Justin Nesci ’91; and 10 grandchildren.
Roy E. Gainsburg ’54, of Rochester, N.Y.; Dec. 9. He earned a law degree from Harvard Law School, then worked for 30 years at the Wall Street law firm Szold & Brandwen, ultimately becoming a senior partner specializing in publishing and literary law. He represented the publishing company St. Martin’s Press, Macmillan Ltd., and the estate of J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as numerous labor-union interests. In 1987, he was named president of St. Martin’s Press, where he worked until 2009, serving as an administrative vice president in his final decade at the company. He also served on the board of directors for The Partnership to End Homelessness in New York City from 1997 to 2006, cochairing the board from 2001 to 2004. He was a baseball fan and enjoyed reading, especially historical biographies, and listening to classical music. He was dedicated to Brown and was a lifelong donor. In 1996, he established the Gainsburg Family Scholarship, which provides tuition for a new Brown undergraduate every four years. He also established an arrangement for the Brown University Library to become the official archive for St. Martin’s Press. He is survived by daughters Julie Gainsburg ’82 and Jeannie Gainsburg ’85; two grandchildren; and a sister.
Thomas C. Tritschler ’54, of Ontario, Canada; Sept. 8. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and professor emeritus at Guelph University, Ontario. While at Brown, he was a member of the track team. He is survived by four children, a granddaughter, and a brother.
Tovia Mancoll Siegel ’54, of Providence, R.I.; Jun. 10. She was a librarian at the Wheeler School, Gordon School, and Temple Emanu-El. She was active in many community organizations, including the Miriam Hospital Women’s Association, where she served as president. She is survived by two daughters and a sister.
Phyllis Rome Schwartz ’54, of Tenafly, N.J.; Aug. 17. She received a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University and worked in the public school system. In retirement she enjoyed bicycle trips and traveling around the world with her husband, Jay, who survives her. She is also survived by four children and two granddaughters.
Roy D. Meeks ’54, of West Lafayette, Ind.; Sept. 15, of kidney disease. After serving in the U.S. Naval Intelligence Reserves, he married and began operating the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge and Restaurant in Lafayette. He was a real estate developer in the Lafayette area and he served on several professional and community boards. Throughout his career he received several hospitality and business awards and was the recipient of the Sagamore of the Wabash award by Gov. Robert Orr. He enjoyed traveling to many countries and playing bridge and golf. He also enjoyed stamp collecting, reading, and fishing. He is survived by his wife, Frances; two sons and daughters-in-law; three grandchildren; and a brother.
Joseph Watmough Jr. ’54, of Venice, Fla., formerly of Harmony, R.I.; Sept. 18, 2022. He taught science at Johnston High School (R.I.) from 1962 to 1989. He was a talented carpenter and landscape artist who enjoyed designing and building homes for functionality as well as landscaping the grounds. He was a U.S. Army Korean War veteran. He was active during the winter months skiing and eventually retired to Florida, where he enjoyed traveling. He is survived by his wife, Joan Capen Watmough ’52; a daughter and son-in-law; and a son and daughter-in-law.
James R. Gorham ’54, of Emmett, Idaho.; Sept. 27. He is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, two grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
Mary O’Neil Ward ’54, of Georgetown, Me.; Apr. 27. She was a homemaker. She enjoyed painting and often her scenes were from her travels to Block Island and Maine. She also enjoyed reading and sewing. She is survived by five children, 15 grandchildren, and 21 great-grandchildren.
Elizabeth Turner Taylor ’54, of State College, Pa.; June 5. She was a volunteer her entire life and held leadership roles in numerous community organizations. For almost two decades she was the pro shop manager at Orchard Lake Country Club. She also served as a docent at the Centre Furnace Mansion. While at Brown, she was a member of several singing and theater groups and served as vice president of her class. She was an avid reader, gardener, and knitter. She is survived by her husband, Alfred; four children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
Tovia Mancoll Siegel ’54, of East Providence, R.I.; June 10, after a brief illness. She was a librarian at Temple Emanu-El, Wheeler School, and Gordon School. She was active in many community organizations, including the Miriam Hospital Women’s Association, where she served as president and editor of Simply Delicious. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, a sister, two sisters-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.
Joan Chiappinelli Sammartino ’54, of Warwick, R.I.; July 4. She taught in Barrington (R.I.), Cranston (R.I.), Melrose (Mass.), Broomall (Pa.), and Winston-Salem (N.C.). She was a president of the Rhode Island Medical Society Auxiliary and a member of the Aurora Club, the Elmhurst Alumnae Association, and the Brown Club of Kent County. She enjoyed hosting holiday dinner parties. She is survived by son Wayne ’80; a daughter-in-law; and grandchildren Laura Sammartino ’10 and Ryan Sammartino ’13.
Ronald H. Coleman ’54, of Bloomfield, Conn.; June 10. He was employed as an engineer for Avco, GCA, Textron, and Mitre. Eventually, he opened his own manufacturing business in Stoughton, Mass., American Engineering. He was an avid bridge and Wordle player. He also enjoyed deep sea fishing, boating, hiking, and playing golf. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and a brother.
Paul G. Benedum Jr. ’54, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Pittsburgh; May 17. He was the founder of the Paul G. Benedum Jr. Foundation, which provided educational opportunities to those less fortunate. In addition, he was active in the family business, Benedum Interests. He had an interest in the stock market and spent hours trading and researching. He was a life trustee of the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh. An avid fly fisherman, he also enjoyed jazz music, which he could play by ear. He is survived by his wife Mary Ellen.
A. Blyth Steere ’54, of Oakmont, Pa., formerly of Pittsburgh; Mar. 8. She met her husband at Brown and after graduation, they married and started a family. Eventually his job at Mellon Bank took them to Buenos Aires from 1970 to 1972. During that time she became fluent in Spanish and once back in Pennsylvania she taught Spanish, for Chatham College community programs. She served in leadership positions on numerous boards over the years in Pittsburgh, as well as on committees and campaigns for Brown. She was an athlete and excelled in horseback riding, field hockey, and lacrosse in her younger years and later played tennis and golf. She is survived by two daughters, including Margaret Steere ’91; son Jamie ’81; two grandchildren; and a sister.
Richard C. Nickerson ’54, of Schenectady, N.Y.; Feb. 26. He worked at General Electric until retiring in 1993. He is survived by his wife, Priscilla.
Joan Girard Murphy ’54, of Wilmington, Del.; Feb. 2, after a long illness. At Brown, she was active in Brownbrokers. After graduation, she worked as a chemist with the DuPont Company in Georgia and her supervisor later became her husband. They moved to Nashville in 1958 and started a family. In 1963, the family moved to Wilmington. She enjoyed being a mother and homemaker and was a skillful seamstress, making draperies for the home and clothing for herself and her children. Later, she became a tax preparer for H&R Block. She served as treasurer and member of the finance committee for her church, St. David’s Episcopal, and was a longstanding member of a local investment club. She taught classes in tax preparation and personal finance. She enjoyed vacations at the beach, dance classes, birdwatching, gardening, a nightly cocktail, tutoring in elementary schools, teaching her granddaughters to knit, do needlework, cryptograms, and puzzles of all kinds. She is survived by four children and their spouses and 11 grandchildren.
Vaughn D. Fuller ’54, ’68 MAT, of Scarborough, Me.; Feb. 15. He attended Brown through the ROTC program, married, graduated, and began his naval career in Corpus Christi, Texas. He was a flight instructor and a pilot flying off aircraft carriers during the Korean War. After the Navy, he and his wife returned to Maine and he taught for a short time at Erskine Academy. He reenlisted and later continued his teaching career at Lincoln Academy (Me.), but the majority of his teaching career was spent in Yarmouth teaching and coaching at South Portland High School, where he remained for 26 years. After retiring, he taught for a few years at North Yarmouth Academy, then headed to Dover Foxcroft, where he and his wife opened the Foxcroft Bed and Breakfast. He enjoyed canoeing, camping, fishing, and annual motorcycle trips. He had a passion for flying and spent summers flying helicopters over potato fields in northern Maine and delivering anglers to remote Maine lakes via float planes, as well as crop dusting. He also enjoyed painting, photography, and reading. He is survived by his wife, Marie; six children and their spouses; grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Joyce Larkin Defandorf ’54, of North Billerica, Mass., formerly of Lexington and Lynnfield, Mass.; Jan. 19. After graduating from Brown, she moved to Boston and held jobs at mutual fund and engineering firms before marrying and raising a family. Her second career consisted of buying and selling antiques for many years. She enjoyed traveling, reading mystery novels, baking, sightseeing, and the Boston Pops. She is survived by her husband, John; three sons, including Chuck ’84 and Jack ’86; a daughter-in-law; a grandson; a brother; and many nieces and nephews.
Ralph E. Brisco ’54, of Farmington, Conn., formerly of East Lyme, Conn.; Jan. 22. After serving in the U.S. Army, he joined CL&P in 1959 as a chemist. In 1967, he was recruited to supervise the radiochemistry and health physics departments and develop the security and radiation protection safety programs at Millstone Nuclear Power Station. In 1979, he transferred to Northeast Utilities to develop and implement emergency preparedness programs for the state of Connecticut. At Northeast he was also involved with fossil fuel power plant chemistry programs, and he served on the Chemistry Committee of the Edison Electric Institute. He retired in 1991. At Brown, he was a member of the men’s swim team, selected as an NCAA All-American in 1953, and inducted into the Rhode Island Aquatic Hall of Fame in 1990. He enjoyed traveling, painting, swimming, sailing, and helping others by being involved with Care & Share of East Lyme. He is survived by his wife, Mary Lou; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons and daughters-in-law; four grandchildren; and two step-grandchildren.
Diane Lake Northrop ’54, of Needham, Mass., formerly of Glastonbury, Conn.; Dec. 22. Her life was spent teaching mathematics and devoting more than 45 years of public service to Glastonbury and 72 years to Brown. She majored in actuarial mathematics at Brown and earned a master’s in education from the University of Hartford in 1970 and later studied taxation. After college, she worked as an actuarial clerk for New England Mutual Life and then at MIT Lincoln Laboratory as a staff mathematician. She stayed at home for 12 years raising her children and then taught math in the West Hartford Public Schools, retiring in 1992. She taught for nine years as a visiting lecturer in math at Trinity College in Hartford and volunteered in the Glastonbury High School math lab. She sang well into her 80s and was a former member of the Pembroke Glee Club, Brown Chapel Choir, and later sang with Concora in Connecticut. She believed in community service and civic engagement. After moving to Glastonbury, she began decades of volunteer commitment to education, town governance, and development and community organizations and was elected to the town’s Board of Finance, on which she served for 42 years and of which she was chair or vice-chair for nearly 39 years. In 2015, when she stepped down at the age of 83, the town celebrated her. She brought the same devotion to Brown, championing the Pembroke Center for Teaching Research on Women and sitting on its Associated Advisory Council for more than 20 years, serving on alumni committees, advocating for the Pembroke Center, planning class reunions, interviewing college applicants, fundraising, and traveling with fellow Brunonians all over the world. In 1994, she was presented with the Brown Bear Award for her service. In 2018, she moved to North Hill Retirement community and participated in a residents’ council. She enjoyed attending concerts at Symphony Hall and having articles from the Glastonbury Citizen and Pembroke Center reports read to her when her vision failed. She was proud to be the first of three generations of Brown women graduates. She is survived by her daughter Melanie Northrop ’81; a son and daughter-in-law; six grandchildren, including Sarah Forman ’13 and Rebecca Forman ’16; and a great-grandson.
Arlene Weintraub ’54, of Newton Centre, Mass.; Dec. 10. After Brown, she attended Simmons School of Social Work and then worked at a community mental health center for many years. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law and a son.
Arlene Weintraub ’54, of Newton Centre, Mass.; Dec. 10. After Brown, she attended Simmons School of Social Work and then worked at a community mental health center for many years. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law and a son.
Philip L. Nash ’54, of Worcester, Mass., formerly of Sterling, Mass.; Oct. 27. He worked at several heating and oil companies in management positions during the course of his career, most recently at C.K. Smith Co. An athlete, he played baseball at Brown and in the Army leagues. In addition to sports, he enjoyed reading, solving crossword puzzles, playing bridge, and annually watching the Kentucky Derby. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a member of the First Church in Sterling for many years. He is survived by his wife, Eris; two daughters and sons-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews, including Carl B. Arlanson ’64.
Henry C. Atwood Jr. ’54, of Florence, Mass.; Jan. 3. He attended Brown on a Naval ROTC scholarship and upon graduation was commissioned an ensign. During his 30-year Navy career he served on both coasts, commanded five ships, and was the recipient of the Legion of Merit. After his military service, he managed a privately owned shipyard in Norfolk, Va., before retiring a second time in 1985 to Virginia Beach. He and his wife then traveled the world and celebrated their 50th anniversary aboard the Queen Mary II. In 2008, they moved to Florence to be closer to family. He enjoyed playing bridge and cribbage. He is survived by his wife, Shirley; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and a sister.
Joanne Walker Bond ’54, of Sandown, N.H.; July 15, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. She began her career teaching second grade in Framingham, Mass., and went on to teach readiness and first grade in Derry, N.H. for another 25 years. In retirement, she worked at an educational toy store, took newborn photos at Elliot Hospital in Manchester, N.H., volunteered at North Elementary School in Salem, N.H., was a reading buddy at Bakie Elementary School in Kingston, N.H., taught senior exercise classes, took tap dancing class, and traveled. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses and three grandchildren.
Rose Thomasian Antosiewicz ’54, of Portsmouth, N.H.; Sept. 13. After Brown, she pursued a master’s at UC Berkeley and, as a single mom, earned her doctorate from UCLA. She traveled throughout Europe on a Fulbright scholarship that ignited a passion for foreign languages, literature, art, and music. She then became a professor at the University of New Hampshire, where she remained for close to 30 years. She enjoyed gardening and later in life became a practitioner of Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement. She is survived by a son and grandson.
Charles R. Alspach ’54, of Dallas; Oct. 12. He had a 36-year career in sales with IBM, obtaining titles of senior sales person and marketing manager. His job brought him to live and work in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York before settling in Dallas in 1968. He regularly received recognition for his service to his customers. He was enthralled with trains and served as an officer of the Garden Railway Club and train museum, volunteering countless hours restoring old railroad cars. He built model and garden railway systems and constructed intricate model train cars, trestle systems, and miniature buildings for his layouts. Throughout his life he took great joy in traveling around the world with his wife seeking out full size and model trains. He enjoyed western and southwestern art, sailing, and spending time with his extended family. He did extensive research into his ancestry to determine he was a Son of the American Revolution. After retirement from IBM, he served on the board of the IBM Southwest Federal Credit Union. He served numerous terms on boards at the Highland Springs Retirement Community and he was very devoted to his church. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.
James W.G. Watson ’54, of West Lake, Ohio; June 5. He was a retired architect. He worked in several firms and became established in Spahn & Associates, then Dyer Watson & Spieth, and subsequently Dyer & Watson in Forest Hills, working on multiple projects for the City of Cleveland, the City of Wooster, Hathaway Brown School, Western Reserve Academy, and the Church of the Covenant. He spent many hours at work and at home on his drafting board, always interested in providing solutions and drawings for house projects for family and friends. He was a longstanding member of the Church of the Covenant, serving in various roles such as deacon, elder, and architectural advisor, and he was the architect for the columbarium within All Saints Chapel that was completed in 2009. He was a Korean War veteran. He traveled extensively with his wife Jane before her passing in 2009. After remarrying, he spent years in West Lake and Sarasota, Fla. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; four children; six grandchildren; seven nieces and nephews; and Barbara’s three children.
M. Boyce Squires Jr. ’54, of New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; July 15. He started his own outdoor lighting business, M.B. Squires Co., focused on lighting commercial businesses, colleges, and bridges. He also founded Squires Antiques and became well-known among dealers and collectors. In retirement, he devoted himself to antiques by teaching and volunteering to develop and manage large antique shows to benefit multiple causes. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; two daughters; and three grandchildren.
Henry “Tom” Donaldson ’54, of Falmouth, Me.; June 27. He worked for Champlin Oil in Oklahoma City before moving to Washington, D.C., where he met his future wife and began a career in finance. They moved to Falmouth in 1984, and he enjoyed playing golf and tennis, skiing, painting, and sailing. While attending Brown, he was a member of the track and field team and joined the Naval Reserve. He is survived by his wife, Sheila; a daughter and son-in-law; son Douglas ’85 and his wife; three grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
Richard E. Woodsum ’54, of Winterport, Me.; Apr. 30. He began teaching in Duxbury, Mass., before continuing his education at the University of Maine at Orono to obtain a master’s in counseling and guidance. He then went on to work for the Bangor School system as a guidance counselor at Garland Street Junior High School. He enjoyed singing, which began when he joined the Brown Chorus. He also enjoyed mountain climbing and restoring old homes, camping, and antiquing. He is survived by his wife, Molly; three daughters; six grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and three siblings.
Robert P. Watelet ’54, of West Hatfield, Mass.; Apr. 13, after a brief illness. After graduating with a mechanical engineering degree, he worked in various space agency programs. He worked with Rocketdyne during the height of the space-race era developing rocket propulsion systems of various types before returning to the East Coast to continue with the Apollo program developing heat shield technology for re-entry. He later worked as an engineer for Kontro, Inc. (Mass.) before retiring. He was an auto racing enthusiast. After having raced a variety of sports cars with the SCCA, he built his own race car and competed successfully in both California and various tracks in New England. In retirement, he worked at the Yankee Candle Car Museum and worked as an orientation specialist at Northampton Senior Fitness Center. He was an active member of College Church for more than 36 years, where he served as an elder and hosted weekly Bible studies in his home. He also enjoyed skiing, playing tennis, and piloting smaller recreational aircraft. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three children; four grandchildren; two stepdaughters and their families of seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.
Phyllis Clarke Perrin ’54, of New London, Conn.; Apr. 3. After college, she lived in New York, where she served on the junior council of the Museum of Modern Art. In 1956, she moved to Furth, Germany, started a family, and volunteered at the German-American thrift store, the Base Community Center children’s program, and the Little Theater Group. She and her family moved back to New York City and in 1969 moved to Connecticut. In 1979, wanting to be closer to the water, she moved to New London, where she served as president of the New London County Historical Society and volunteered for the Trolley Station, Shain Library, and Connecticut College Book Sale. She taught embroidery and, through rigorous examinations, became a canvas embroidery master craftsman. According to her family, she subsequently designed and embroidered a Christmas stocking for the Blue Room which is now part of the White House Collection of American Crafts. She was also an avid quilter, and her large quilts are of her own design. She received certification as a Library Technical Assistant from Mohegan Community College (now Three Rivers College). She enjoyed literature and belonged to book clubs in New London and St. Simons Island, Ga., where she wintered for 35 years. She was also affiliated with the local Religious Society of Friends. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, two grandsons, a sister, and a niece.
Joanne Garberg Bolton ’54, of Johnston, R.I.; Apr. 27. She was a retired phlebotomist with East Side Laboratory. A bingo fanatic, she enjoyed playing anywhere she could. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-laws and a grandson.
Robert C. Arruda ’54, ’58 MAT, of Bristol, R.I.; Apr. 14. He earned advanced degrees from Georgetown University and University of Coimbra (Portugal), and a doctorate of modern languages from Middlebury College in 1977. He was a professor of modern languages in French, Portuguese, and Spanish at State University of Bridgewater (Mass.) for 37 years, retiring in 1997. Following his retirement he taught classes at several local and international colleges and universities. Well-versed in French, Portuguese, and Spanish, he spent many years working and studying in Europe, bringing his experiences back to southern New England. Much of his career was spent teaching languages at Rhode Island universities, including Brown, Providence College, Rhode Island College, and Salve Regina. One of the original founding members of the Bristol Art Museum, he also served several local organizations, including the Coimbra Club, Alliance Française of Providence, and Mosaico Community Development Corp., and he was a 20-year trustee of the Rogers Free Library. He was an active communicant of St. Mary’s Church and served as a eucharistic minister, lector, and on the St. Vincent de Paul Society committee, and he enjoyed giving guided tours of the stained glass windows and the stations of the cross of St. Mary’s. Later in life, his favorite activities included traveling the world with his wife, weekly breakfasts with his “Romeo” group, and working in his garden. He is survived by his wife, Linda; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.
Esther Doolittle Ames ’54, of North Easton, Mass.; Apr. 21, after a long illness. She worked for Harvard University and also spent several years organizing and leading youth travel programs in Europe. She was a former director/trustee of Historic New England, the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and Furnace Village Cemetery Corporation. She volunteered with the Park School, the Fragment Society and many other organizations, and was a member of the Chilton Club in Boston and the Country Club in Brookline, Mass. She enjoyed traveling, hosting, and cooking. She is survived by four children, including daughter Minnie Ames ’93, and eight grandchildren.
Doris Kreiger Vine ’54, of Southport, Conn.; Feb. 11. While raising a family, she volunteered with many local organizations and committees, including the Valley United Way board, the American Red Cross and the Sisterhood of Beth Israel Synagogue as president, and she made textbook recordings for blind students. She was an avid bridge player and enjoyed Broadway theater, reading, and traveling to Europe and Israel. She is survived by four children and their spouses and eight
Thomas R. Stetson ’54, of Woods Hole, Mass.; Feb. 6. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War as a specialist in security analysis. He worked briefly for Conoco in its Texas oil drilling operations doing seismic work before moving to Massachusetts, where the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) hired him as part of its geology department. At WHOI, he enjoyed working aboard vessels creating topographical records of the seafloor and the geology beneath it. WHOI also offered diving training and he became a certified diver. One winter while on a WHOI mission with a scientific research team stationed on Ice Station Alpha in the Arctic, he and the team were marooned when a storm broke their landing strip and planes could no longer land. Eventually the ice moved close enough to Greenland that a plane could reach them. He retired as the administrator of University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System, a national collaboration of universities and scientific laboratories to coordinate oceanographic research. Fascinated by steam power, he had a model steam engine and a collection of steam whistles, which he blew by attaching them to a steam radiator while at Brown. He remained active and healthy sailing, fishing, quahogging, shoveling snow, and chopping wood into his 80s. He is survived by his wife, Judy, and two children.
Norman A. Sprinthall ’54, ’59 AM, of Caswell Beach, N.C.; Mar. 8, after a short illness. He had an extensive career in education counseling and educational psychology beginning at Harvard as an associate professor and program chairman of counseling until 1972. He went on to spend another 22 years in higher education, first at the University of Minnesota, where he served as a faculty member, and for the remainder of his career at North Carolina State University, where he retired as professor emeritus in 1995. He coauthored Educational Psychology: A Developmental Approach and Adolescent Psychology: A Developmental View. During the 1990s, he was the codirector of the Ethical Reasoning Project in Public Administration in the U.S., Poland, and Russia. He also served on the board of directors for the Josephson Institute of Ethics and on the board of advisors for the Character Counts Coalition. He not only wrote several articles with his wife, but he and his wife were also corecipients of the Kuhmerker Career Research Award from the Association for Moral Education in 2005. While an undergrad at Brown, he played varsity basketball for three years and as a post-grad, he worked in the admissions office until 1959. In retirement he enjoyed teaching his grandchildren basketball, golf, and sailing as well as traveling and dancing with his wife. He served in the U.S. Naval Reserves for eight years. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Lois; three children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and his former wife, Barbara Weller Holaday ’54.
Sidney Shulins ’54, of Haymarket, Va.; Feb. 10. After serving as a carrier pilot in the U.S. Navy, he attended Harvard Business School and worked in publishing and advertising, including with the U.S. Postal Service. With the Postal Service, Sid rose to be the executive assistant to the Deputy Postmaster General responsible for the Service’s advertising and market research divisions. He enjoyed skiing and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Gina; a daughter; a son; a stepdaughter; two grandchildren; a brother; and two nieces.
Edward F. Regan Jr. ’54, of Portsmouth, R.I.; Feb. 7, one week after his 90th birthday. After earning his master’s degree in engineering from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute while working in New York for Sperry Corporation, he returned to Rhode Island to raise his family and began a long career at Raytheon, eventually retiring as head of systems engineering. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and he enjoyed traveling, especially to Italy. He also enjoyed genealogy, which led to him writing a detailed history of the family and discovering he was a descendant of a crew member on the Mayflower. He was an accomplished bridge player and a member of the Viking Bridge Club. He is survived by his wife, Pia; four sons; three daughters-in-law; four grandchildren; and a brother.
Edward Marcaccio ’54, of North Providence, R.I.; Mar. 4. Upon graduation from Boston University School of Law, he practiced in Providence with his father and brother. He was an avid boater and enjoyed spending time as carpenter, mechanic, and artist. He is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, including son Edward ’82; four grandchildren, including Stephen ’17; a great-grandson; and a brother.
E. Aubrey Doyle ’54, of Hopkinton, Mass.; Feb. 21. Prior to Brown, he was a gifted student-athlete at Hopkinton High School after overcoming polio as a young child. In addition to his studies at Brown, he played football all four years. After Brown, he entered the U.S. Army, married, and started a family. He also began a long career at Hopkinton High School. He served as a math teacher, math department head, and coach of football, basketball, and baseball before eventually becoming the head varsity football coach. He was the athletic director for more than 20 years and the gymnasium at the middle school was named in his honor. Additionally, he was inducted into the inaugural Hopkinton High School Athletic Hall of Fame class. He was a member of the Massachusetts Teacher Association. After retiring from HHS in 1994, he went on to own and manage Star Package Store in Hopkinton for many years, while continuing to follow HHS and Brown sports. He is survived by daughters Colleen Doyle Charleston ’79 and Elizabeth Doyle Carloni ’80 and son W. Aubrey ’81.
Edward “Hap” F. Castleberry ’54, of Cincinnati; Mar. 17. After obtaining his MBA from Xavier University, he helped run the family business, Cedar Hill Farms, a local dairy. In 1964, after the family business was sold, he began his entrepreneur career by purchasing small businesses to grow and develop. He successfully developed and sold 12 local companies during the course of his career. He volunteered and supported more than 15 nonprofit organizations in Cincinnati as well and was a founder of the Greater Cincinnati Business Hall of Fame. He enjoyed being involved with Junior Achievement of Greater Cincinnati and playing tennis at the Cincinnati Tennis Club. He is survived by four children, 10 grandchildren, and two sisters.
Gordon S. Bigelow ’54 of Orono, Me.; Mar. 16. He was the executive director of the National Board of Funeral Service Education. Previously he was dean and vice president at the University of Maine. He was an Army veteran. In retirement he enjoyed spending summers at his cottage in Hancock and he enjoyed traveling and boating. He is survived by his wife, Beverly, and two sons, including Gordon ’85.
Margaret Franklin Tuite ’54, of Chula Vista, Calif., formerly of Woonsocket, R.I.; Jan. 2. She was a teacher, reading specialist, and consultant for primary and secondary grades in Rhode Island and later in San Diego County. After retiring, she was involved in insurance and financial advisory services. She volunteered with several nonprofit and civic organizations and was secretary of the Brown University Club of San Diego. She enjoyed skiing, sailing, reading, traveling, and playing golf and bridge.
Robert I. Beck ’54, of Palestine, Tex.; Nov. 2. He earned his JD from the University of Houston College of Law and, upon completion of U.S. Army service, practiced law with the Houston firm of Childs, Fortenbach, Beck & Guyton from 1958 to 1987, both as partner and for several years as managing partner. He then became a shareholder, director, and officer of the Houston firm Webb, Zimmerman, Beck, Flaum & Axelrad from 1988 to 1995. He was involved with Meals on Wheels. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; a daughter; and a sister-in-law.
Daniel Abbott ’54, ’58 AM, of Brunswick, Me., formerly of Bridgton; Dec. 31. He taught music at Tufts University and conducted the Tufts University Orchestra, retiring in 1996. He also conducted the Reading Symphony Orchestra for many years. He volunteered with Meals on Wheels, taught music appreciation at the Bridgton Senior College, was an active member of the Bridgton Historical Society, and participated in the Lexington Quartet. He enjoyed fly fishing. He is survived by his wife, Sharon; two sons; and nine grandchildren.
Oliver H.P. Rodman Jr. ’54, of Hingham, Mass.; July 23. He worked in sales at the Boston Globe before retiring in 1994 as vice president of advertising. He was inquisitive and curious and willing to engage with everyone he encountered. He was a U.S. Navy veteran and he enjoyed gardening, birding, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia; three children; two granddaughters; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
P. Gerald DeSimone ’54, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Suffield, Conn., and Old Westbury, N.Y.; July 27. He was a life insurance agent and succeeded in becoming a member of the Million Dollar Round Table. He transitioned into real estate development and was involved in designing, building, and managing indoor recreational facilities, condominiums, and apartment buildings. He was also successful at trading stocks. He was an avid tennis player, golfer, and skier and served as past president of the Quail Creek Country Club in Naples. He is survived by his wife Rose; four daughters; son Gerald ’85; a daughter-in-law; two sons-in-law; 10 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.
Elaine Annotti Scanlan ’54, ’59 MAT, of Riverside, R.I.; Apr. 26. She was a school teacher at Primrose Hill School in Barrington, Hope High School in Providence, and Mount Pleasant High School in Providence before retiring in 1995. She was a communicant of St. Brendan Church, a member of the parish’s Forever Young Club, and a member of the Daughters of Isabella, Riverside Circle. She enjoyed traveling, reading, and cooking. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two sons, a daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren.
John W. Melone ’54, of Stow, Mass.; May 4. He worked in the oil fields of Texas before returning to Massachusetts to build J. (Joseph) Melone and Sons construction company. While at Brown he was a member of the football and crew teams. He enjoyed being around people and family and especially enjoyed listening to their stories. He is survived by his wife, Marcia; 11 children and their spouses; 30 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
Elenore Jean Macphail Weber ’54, of Brunswick, Me.; Jan. 28. She began her career in the museum field in Kentucky as the director of the Louisville Junior Art Gallery. She went on to have a long career as a museum director at the helm of diverse museums and historic sites, including Parrish Art Museum, Rochester Museum and Science Center, Wisconsin Historical Society, Maine Maritime Museum, University of Maine Museum of Art, the Nantucket Historical Association, and various museums in New Mexico. During the 1970s, she was an associate professor at Southampton College (now Stony Brook Univ.) teaching art history and museum studies. In 1972, she was the only woman delegate for the first Sino-American Arts Exchange to China. In addition, she was president of the New England Museum Assoc., codirector of the Museum Management Institute at UC Berkeley, trustee of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, a member of the Museum Studies Committee at Tufts Univ., and on the advisory board of the Maine Crafts Assoc. In later years she continued her involvement with museums serving as a board member and volunteer at the Cultural Alliance of Maine, Hudson Museum, Abbe Museum, and the Sir Andrew Macphail Foundation. She earned numerous awards over the length of her career, including a 2012 Merit Award from the Community Museums Association of Prince Edward Island. She was proud to be a trustee emerita at Brown and is survived by three daughters and their spouses and children.
Jon W. Fay ’54, of Newtown Square, Pa.; Feb. 3. While at Brown, he was a member of the football, lacrosse, and wrestling teams. Upon graduation he joined the U.S. Marine Corps, and once his military service was completed, he earned a degree in metallurgy from the University of Pittsburgh. His career took him to many places across the country before settling in Pennsylvania, where he started his own business that he ran for five years before merging with BenTech. He remained with BenTech for 35 years before retiring. He was always an athlete and competitor, playing golf, tennis, squash, bocce, and cards. He also enjoyed reading and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Inger; three children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; and two brothers.
Susan Sperry Burns ’54, of Manchester, N.H.; May 7, after years battling Alzheimer’s disease. She was the owner and operator of New England Antiquities, specializing in early American pressed glass. She was also an avid knitter who learned to spin and dye all kinds of fiber to make her own yarn. She was an active member of the New Hampshire Knitters and Dyers Guild for many years and she enjoyed refurbishing old spinning wheels and selling them at sheep and wool festivals. She is survived by her husband, William; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; two granddaughters; and nine nieces and nephews.
David Sloan ’54, of East Haddam, Conn.; Mar. 30. After discharge from the Army, he began a career in business development working for several multinational corporations assisting them in building their sales efforts, including international trade. He later became a real estate agent and appraiser serving Connecticut markets until his retirement. He had a mischievous sense of humor and enjoyed the opera, reading, and the N.Y. Giants. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; son David ’88 and his wife; and two granddaughters.
Charles M. Moran Jr. ’54, of Tiverton, R.I.; Feb. 18. He served in the ROTC at Brown and was drafted into the Army during the Korean War. After military service, he worked at Honeywell before transitioning to print journalism. He was a stringer for the Providence Journal and Fall River Herald News, and eventually the editor and publisher of the Tiverton Bulletin in the 1960s. Later he worked in the office at the family business, National Roofing Company, until its closing in 1984. During the time working in the family business, he returned to school and earned a law degree from the New England School of Law. He was passionate about local government and politics and served on the Tiverton Planning Board from 1963 until 1975 and again from 1978 to 1988. He also served on the Town’s Personnel Board in 1977 and 1978. He went on to serve as chairman of Tiverton’s Democratic Town Committee from 1995 until 2011. He was an alternate on the Board of Canvassers from 2011 until 2014 and was part of Congressman David Cicilline’s Senior Advisory Council during Cicilline’s first term. He strongly believed in citizens exercising their right to vote, offering rides to the polls for voters without transportation, and often organized meal delivery to poll workers of both parties on Election Day in Tiverton. He was a communicant of St. Christopher’s Church for more than 80 years. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; two sons; a brother and sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Patricia J. Collins ’54, of Branford, Conn.; Mar. 21, of pancreatic cancer. She was a Tony Award–winning lighting designer. After graduating from Brown, she spent a year at Yale Drama School. She worked as a stage manager at the Joffrey Ballet, then as an assistant to Jean Rosenthal, who was a top Broadway lighting designer at the American Shakespeare Festival Theater in Stratford, Conn. She worked as a stage manager, among other jobs, in the 1960s when Joseph Papp, the founder and director of the New York Shakespeare Festival, hired her to design the lighting for productions of The Threepenny Opera (Lincoln Center Revival) in 1976. She won her Tony for Herb Gardner’s I’m Not Rappaport in 1986, and was the lighting designer for more than 30 other Broadway productions, among them Ain’t Misbehavin’ and Doubt, which earned her a Tony nomination. In a 2002 revival of Lanford Wilson’s Burn This at the Union Square Theater, she transformed figures onstage into what Ben Brantley of The New York Times called “ambiguous silhouettes.” She also worked at regional theaters throughout the United States and with opera companies in New York, San Francisco, Santa Fe, London, Paris, and Munich. She is survived by her partner, Dr. Virginia Stuermer.
Ruth Finkelstein Drill Ignatoff ’54, of Roseland, N.J.; Nov. 20. She was a homemaker who wanted more and returned to school, graduating from Rutgers University School of Social Work in 1968. She accepted a position with the Jewish Family Service, where she worked as a social worker, and was an active member of the Community and Social Agency Employees union. She was a role model for community involvement and an advocate for social justice. In 1970, she led a sit-down strike which ended with her spending an afternoon in jail. She was a lifelong member of the Democratic party and had strong opinions about politics. She is survived by five children and their spouses, including son Jonathan Drill ’80; daughters Rebecca Drill ’82 and Esther Drill ’90; four stepchildren and their spouses; 17 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Olinda Andrade Calista ’54, of Worcester, Mass., formerly of Rumford, R.I.; Feb. 10, of Parkinson’s disease. She continued working towards a master’s degree at Rhode Island College while working as an elementary school teacher in East Providence. She believed in educational equity and was a volunteer for many years with Literacy Volunteers of America, assisting English Language Learners to read and write. Throughout her life she experienced medical challenges, yet did so with dignity and a quiet elegance, always wanting to be productive and contribute to the well-being of her family and others. She was active in the R.I. Chapter of the American Parkinson’s Disease Association. It was her wish to make an anatomical donation (her brain) for the advancement of Parkinson’s Disease research. In 2016, she moved to Worcester to be closer to her daughter and was welcomed by the Briarwood Community, where she actively participated in life and ongoing learning. She is survived by a daughter, two sisters, two sisters-in-law, an aunt, and a cousin.
William Brigden ’54, of Fairfield, Conn.; June 13, 2020, from COVID-19. He was a marketing director for various agencies, including Benton & Bowles of New York City. He retired in 2001. He was an avid golfer, swimmer, and hiker and enjoyed traveling and photography. He is survived by three children, including Adriane Brigden McDermott ’91, and six grandchildren.
Wilhelm F. Zantow ’54, of Orleans, Mass.; Jan. 9, of pancreatic cancer. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and taught electronics at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. He was recruited by IBM in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., then worked at Raytheon Corp. in Sudbury, Mass., finishing his career in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. His proudest achievement was his design of the core rope memory for the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. He retired to Cape Cod in 1992 and began a new career building small boats and cabinets. He was a mentor and sponsor in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous for more than 20 years and a founder of Club Drydock in Harwich, Mass. He was a member of the Nau-Sets Square Dance Club in Dennis and traveled the world attending square dance conventions. He was an active supporter of human rights and social justice activities. He is survived by his partner Elizabeth Kelley; nine children; six grandchildren; a sister; nieces; a nephew; and his former wife, Mary Guinn Zantow.
Robert Wals ’54, of Rye Brook, N.Y.; Jan. 15, from complications of Alzheimer’s. He was a product manager at General Foods prior to founding his own company, Scarsdale Marketing. He was also an adjunct instructor at Manhattanville College in Purchase, N.Y., where he taught Introduction to Marketing for 28 years. He retired in 2011. For many years he interviewed prospective students for Brown. He was a U.S. Army veteran and enjoyed attending the Brown v. Columbia and Brown v. Penn football games, swimming, and participating in sculpture classes. He is survived by his wife, Avis; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; a sister; and nieces and nephews.
Ludwig “Lou” W. Murgo ’54, of San Bruno, Calif.; Jan. 4. After graduation, he enlisted in the Army. He played baseball for the Baltimore Orioles in their farm system and later became a high school baseball, basketball, and football coach both in Rhode Island and in California, where he was honored by Aragon High School for coaching 50 consecutive years. He enjoyed volunteering for local community theatres and orchestras and was active in his church. He also enjoyed reading and writing poetry. He is survived by his wife, Jeanie; two daughters; a son-in-law; three grandchildren; and a brother-in-law.
Glenn C. Morrison ’54, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Feb. 8. He spent most of his professional life in pharmaceutical research with Warner-
Lambert Co. in Morris Plains, N.J., transferring to Ann Arbor when the company merged with Parke-Davis. In retirement, he enjoy-
ed following the stock market, playing bridge, golf, and bowling. He is survived by his wife, Anne; three children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Alfred J. Petteruti ’54, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Jan. 19, from complications of Alzheimer’s disease. After graduating with a degree in electrical engineering, he attended graduate school at Yale and obtained a master’s degree from Northeastern University. In 1956, Al enlisted in the U.S. Army and was stationed as a security officer in Japan. Upon discharge, he worked at Raytheon for 11 years before founding Ocean Data Equipment Corp. Subsequently, he acquired Digitronics, which became Comtec Information Systems, where he served as CEO until he retired in 2000. Along with the company, he was granted numerous patents for a wide range of innovative products. Above all, he enjoyed nothing more than sharing a meal while surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He maintained a lifelong commitment to Brown through philanthropy and other roles, but hosting entertainers who performed at the annual Brown Pops Concert was one of his favorite things to do. Among his contributions, he funded the Petteruti Lounge in Brown’s Stephen Robert ’62 Campus Center and the Petteruti Laboratory for Design and Entrepreneurship (part of the Brown Design Workshop in Prince Lab). He was a BASC interviewer and served as a class marshal. He was a member of Tau Beta Pi and Our Lady of Mercy Church. He is survived by his wife, Mary; daughters Anne Marie Petteruti Barone ’84 and Lenore Petteruti Kopko ’86; sons Robert ’81 and Steven ’83; nine grandchildren, including Alina Petteruti ’13, Marissa Petteruti ’14, Robert Jr. ’17, Anessa Petteruti ’21, Patrick Petteruti ’21, and Michael Barone ’24.
Alphonse U. Marcotte ’54, of Hyde Park, N.Y.; Feb. 4, after a short illness. He was an electrical engineer at IBM for 32 years. He volunteered with Dutchess County Tourism, was involved with the Regina Coeli Church and School, and was a charter member of the Swim and Tennis Club in Hyde Park and a member of the Center for Lifetime Study at Marist College. He enjoyed traveling. He is survived by his wife, Mary Ellin; five children and their spouses; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Girard E. Haverty ’54, of Farmington, Conn.; Feb. 19, of complications of Parkinson’s. He and his brother ran E.J. Haverty, Inc., a construction company founded by their father that specialized in paving and site work in the greater Hartford area. When he was not working, he and his family enjoyed spending time in Florida and Vermont. He enjoyed skiing, fishing, scuba diving, and spending time with his buddies at the West Hartford Exchange Club. He was a former Brown football captain and class marshal. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; two children and their spouses; a granddaughter; a sister; a sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Nicholas C. Siotka ’54, of Towson, Md., formerly of Longs, S.C.; Sept. 27. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War and enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Loretta; two daughters; two stepchildren; and six grandchildren.
Keith G. Milligan ’54, of Seekonk, Mass.; Oct. 1. He was an underwriter executive assistant for Amica Insurance, earning his CPCU designation in 1966. He retired in 1996 after 40 years of service. In 1968, he was one of eight people that founded the Special Signal Fire Association. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a member of the Masons, several antique car clubs, and Mensa.
Barbara Reuben Levin ’54, of Hartford, Conn.; Nov. 19. An accomplished artist, her paintings won juried prizes and awards throughout her career, and her work lives in individual museum and corporate collections. She was active in the Connecticut Watercolor Society and in an artists’ critique group in Greater Hartford. She joined the New Yorker readers group at the West Hartford Public Library and enjoyed discussions with her husband about matters of the day, with her sons-in-law to learn more about their work and interests, and with her grandchildren to hear about their triumphs and struggles. She is survived by her husband, Ira; three daughters; two sons-in-law; and six grandchildren.
Haven P. Cammett ’54, of Lake City, Fla.; Nov. 22, following a long illness. He retired from the U.S. Navy after 36 years as a Naval navigator. He then spent the next 20 years working as a data processor with the Jacksonville Electric Authority. He was a Vietnam War and Korean War veteran and enjoyed flying his private plane. He is survived by his wife, Pearline; four children; four grandchildren; and four sisters.
Richard G. Brodrick ’54, of Barnard, Vt., formerly of New Canaan, Conn.; Oct. 5. After graduating from Harvard Law School, he spent 10 years at a small New York firm specializing in trusts and estates before he founded his own firm, Cross, Brodrick, & Chipman, with an emphasis on corporate law. The firm merged in 1980 with the large international firm of Kelley, Drye & Warren. Dick served on its executive committee until his retirement in 2000. The last 10 years of his career focused on representing many broker-dealers and investment advisors. He provided legal and compliance services for brokerage firms, investment banking and advisory firms, discount brokers, and many of the largest specialist firms on the New York Stock Exchange. He managed and participated in major arbitration and enforcement actions. For three years after his retirement, he served as an arbitrator for the National Association of Securities Dealers in Phoenix. While living in New Canaan, he headed the Child Guidance Clinic. He is survived by his wife, Anne; two daughters; a son; and three grandchildren.
Gail Erickson Woods ’54, of Fort Collins, Colo.; Aug. 8. She worked as a program coordinator with the YWCA in Salem and Portland, Ore., and returned to the East Coast as the assistant director of the New Haven (Conn.) YWCA. In 1970, she was involved with the International Friends Program, welcoming international students to the U.S. In 1978, in Fort Collins, she was involved in volunteer work that led the city to hire her as the volunteer program coordinator. She successfully wrote a grant to establish Senior Alternatives in Transportation (SAINT), in which volunteer drivers help older adults get around. She and her husband moved to Taiwan in 1984 for a year-long Fulbright Fellowship and Gail continued her volunteer work with the Taipei YWCA. In addition to her work welcoming students from around the world, she also supported the homeless at New Bridges and the Homelessness Prevention Initiative (now Neighbor to Neighbor), and older adults through the Foundation on Aging for Larimer County. She is survived by three children and their spouses, six grandchildren, a sister, and a brother.
Paul E. Wittreich ’54, of Franklin, Pa.; Aug. 12. As a member of Brown’s NROTC, he was commissioned an ensign upon graduation. After military service, he worked for 14 years as a research bench chemist for Merck & Co. in Rahway, N.J. In 1969, he left the labs to become a medical associate in the MSD International Division of Merck & Co.; two of his six years there were spent in Europe. In 1975, he was promoted to associate director of Merck’s International Animal Health Products Division. He retired in 1986. Paul was a marathon runner during his 50s, completing 13 marathons. In addition, he hiked the Long Trail in Vermont, completing it in 1973, and completed the Appalachian Trail in 1989 after 47 hikes over 19 years. In the early 1990s he biked across the U.S. and continued to bike every summer in various organized bike tours. He took numerous art classes, allowing him the opportunity to show his work in one-man shows. He is survived by two daughters, two sons, a stepson, seven grand-children, a great-grandson, and several nieces and nephews.
Lynn Campbell Morris ’54, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; June 20, of heart failure. She taught intermediate and high school in Hicksville, N.Y., and later at Stony Brook University, where she served as foreign student advisor and dean for foreign students before retiring in 1998. Lynn worked with students and scholars from 90 countries. She expanded her PhD dissertation to publish Chaucer Source and Analogue Criticism, a computerized index of 200 years of Chaucerian scholarship. A master gardener, she also enjoyed the Kalamazoo Symphony, Viking culture, traveling, and playing bridge and Scrabble. She is survived by her husband, Greg; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren.
Peter H. Mohrfeld ’54, of Black Mountain, N.C.; Aug. 25. He spent most of his career with the Gillette Company working in Boston, New Orleans, Italy, Spain, and Mexico. He served in the U.S. Army and was happiest on the water enjoying sailing and fishing. He is survived by two daughters.
Elizabeth Kelly Dudley ’54, of Chaska, Minn., formerly of Minneapolis and Fripp Island, S.C.; Nov. 18, 2019, of a stroke. She was active in the Welcome Wagon organization and was a hospital volunteer. After moving to Fripp Island, she stayed active playing golf and bridge. She also enjoyed traveling. She is survived by her husband, Dana ’54; a daughter and son-in-law; and three grandsons.
Diane Demirjian Markarian ’58, of Bethesda, Md.; July 2. She taught elementary school in Warwick, R.I., and in Anne Arundel County, Md., and later held various professional roles with Old Colony Bank, Mass. She served as chair of the Hopedale School Committee, Mass., and was a longstanding member and officer of the Portsmouth Garden Club, R.I. She enjoyed antiques, playing bridge, tennis, dancing, skiing, gardening, crocheting, knitting, sewing, solving crossword puzzles, and cooking. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Shant Markarian ’54; a daughter, Kris Markarian ’84; two sons; two grandchildren; three sisters, including Virginia Demirjian Dadourian ’59; and 12 nieces and nephews.
Louis H. Pastore Jr. ’54, of Cumberland, R.I.; May 1. He had a long career as an insurance broker in Providence and Hartford, Conn. He also served as state senator and held a commissioner appointment in the business regulation department. He enjoyed playing golf and was a longtime member of Metacomet Country Club in East Providence. He also enjoyed spending summers with family at Bonnet Shores in Narragansett. He is survived by his wife, Elaine Richard Pastore ’58 AM; four children, including daughter Chaela Pastore ’89; seven grandchildren, including Michael Pastore ’13; and two great-grandchildren.
Vincent M. Love ’54, of New York City; Apr. 16. He was vice president of the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. In retirement he volunteered as a research docent at the South Street Seaport Museum. He enjoyed sailing, opera, and attending productions at the Met. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his brother Arthur ’56; a sister-in-law; a niece; and four nephews, including Andrew M. Love Jr. ’87.
Charles I. Judkins Jr. ’54, of Albuquerque, formerly of Maryland, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; June 26. He was known as “Red” to his family and friends because of his fiery red hair. He was a choir singer all of his life, most recently at Sandia Presbyterian Church. He entered Brown on a Navy ROTC scholarship and played varsity football and basketball, then proudly served during the Korean War. He earned an MBA from Columbia Business School in 1958, was hired by IBM and sold large-frame computers in the New York City area. In 1961, he was recruited to work at Travelers Research Center in Hartford, Conn. In 1967, he and two partners started Geomet, a technical service company in Washington, D.C., and the family lived in Potomac, Md., until 1985, when Geomet was purchased and he partially retired. He then traveled the world with his wife, Nancy, played golf, and enjoyed his summer cottage in Bethany Beach, Del., with family and friends. They moved permanently to Albuquerque in 2003 to take part in the lives of their two grandsons. In 2019, he and Nancy attended their 65th reunion, where they were both honored to serve as Marshals at the 2019 Brown Commencement. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Kaufman Judkins ’54; three children, including son Peter ’84; a daughter-in-law; two grandsons; a brother, Richard Judkins ’59; a sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Armando E. Batastini Jr. ’54, of Providence; Apr. 11. He worked as a student support specialist for the Providence School Department for 36 years. He also worked as a supervisor and director for the Kennedy Recreation Center at the Providence Recreation Department for 25 years. He was named to the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Children and Youth for his work in education. Additionally, he served as State Representative from the Elmhurst/Mount Pleasant and North Providence areas from 1976 until 1992. He was awarded the Hubert Humphrey Public Service Award for his work on the Senior Citizen Bill of Rights legislation. Throughout his life he was involved in all aspects of his community, particularly through sports, having founded the Elmhurst Little League and coached the St. Pius Catholic youth sports basketball team for 61 years. He was inducted into both the New England Basketball Hall of Fame and the Sons of Italy Hall of Fame, and in 2019 the Armand Batastini Recreation Center in Providence was named in his honor. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Mary; three daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren.
Caleb R. Woodhouse ’54, of Little Compton, R.I.; Jan. 28. He had a distinguished career teaching history at both the college and high school level for more than 30 years. He enjoyed singing and playing tennis. He is survived by his wife, Alesandra; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law.
Nancy Schmidt Sherman ’54, of North Attleboro, Mass.; Feb. 20. She worked at Manufacturer’s Bank until she began her family. She was cofounder of the Angle Tree Garden Club and served as its president. She was an accomplished artist and enjoyed knitting, needlepoint, and playing tennis. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren.
Edward Rowland ’54, of South Hamilton, Mass.; Mar. 11. After serving in the U.S. Army, he moved to Carbondale, Colo., where he taught at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School. He moved to Boston a year later to join Estabrook and Company, where he began a career in the investment business that spanned six decades. In 1971, he joined the board of trustees at The Pingree School in Hamilton, later becoming its chair. An avid sailor, he spent many summers on Cape Cod and was a member of the Cruising Club of America, where he served as commodore from 2005 to 2007. He is survived by his wife, Susie; a daughter; a son; two daughters-in-law; a son-in-law; five grandchildren; a sister; and two brothers.
Frank J. Lord ’54, of West Yarmouth, Mass.; Feb. 1. After three years of active duty in the Pacific with the U.S. Navy and 18 years in the Naval Reserve, he retired with the rank of captain. He taught high school world geography in Lexington, attended Boston University to become a guidance counselor, and worked for 38 years as a guidance counselor in both Wellesley and in Duxbury, retiring in 1994. He spent 12 years building houses with Habitat for Humanity and later led his Duxbury church high school youth group to build and repair homes with Rural Missions in South Carolina. During summers he volunteered as a historical tour guide in Duxbury. He joined Mashpee Historical Commission and for decades served as schoolmaster of the One Room Schoolhouse, for which he received a Historical Preservation Award in June 2019. He was appointed to the Mashpee Community Preservation Committee and served as president of the Southport Woodworkers Club and assistant moderator of the Mashpee Men’s Club. He enjoyed historical research and wrote a monthly article about Mashpees’s unique history as a Wampanoag town for the Southport Village Voices. He enjoyed woodworking, swimming, sailing, reading biographies and historical novels, and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; six grandchildren, and two sisters.
Laurie Crispin Elliot ’54, of State College, Pa.; Feb. 3. She was an instructional aide for 33 years at the State College Elementary School library. She retired in 2006. She was a member of State College Presbyterian Church and the State College Choral Society. She enjoyed reading and traveling. She is survived by five children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
Robert A. Seligson ’54, of Oakland, Calif.; Nov. 24. After graduation from the Boalt Hall School of Law at UC Berkeley, he embarked on a law career that spanned more than three decades. He worked for the San Francisco law firm Bledsoe, Smith, Cathcart, Johnson & Rogers for 15 years, becoming a partner in 1963. In 1973, he opened his own law practice in San Francisco and specialized in insurance law and appellate work, and he taught both of those subjects at UC Hastings College of the Law. He served on a variety of committees and boards with the San Francisco and California State Bar associations and retired early to travel with his wife. He is survived by his wife, Marlene; three children; six grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
George Monteiro ’54, ’64 PhD, of Windham, Conn.; Nov. 5. He taught American literature at Brown for 42 years, retiring in 1998. He authored more than 30 books and hundreds of articles on American and Portuguese literature and culture and was an accomplished poet. He was knighted by the Portuguese Government with the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator for distinguished contributions to the study and dissemination of Portuguese culture. He was an avid supporter of the UConn women’s basketball team and a fan of both the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees. He is survived by his wife, Brenda Murphy ’75 PhD; two daughters; son Stephen ’90;
three grandsons; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.
Elton P. Katz ’54, of West Hartford, Conn.; Nov. 19. He earned a PhD at MIT focusing on physical chemistry and received an appointment at Harvard University as research associate in biological chemistry in the department of orthopedic surgery. This was followed by a two-year sabbatical in Israel at the Weizmann Institute of Science. He ended his career as a professor in UConn’s department of biostructure and function. He was an expert in the use of x-ray crystallography as a means to understand the molecular structure of connective tissue with a special interest in collagen. He was an avid sailor, having spent many summers sailing from Rhode Island to Maine and Canada. He played basketball for Brown and enjoyed hiking, swimming, tennis, and biking. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Rosalind; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; two stepsons and their spouses; seven grandchildren; and a sister-in-law.
Bruce H. Hunt ’54, of Marshfield, Mass., formerly of Skiathos, Greece; Oct. 9. After graduating, he served two years in the U.S. Navy, then took a position as a social studies teacher at Northport High School on Long Island, N.Y., beginning a 38-year career as an educator. During his tenure he helped design and implement unique classes and novel teaching methods. During the 1960s he was an active civil rights leader, head of the Fair Housing Association of Huntington, N.Y., and chair of the Huntington Human Relations Committee. He went to Alabama to march with Dr. Martin Luther King from Selma to Montgomery. In 1970 he took his family to Greece, where he taught at the American Community Schools for six years. After retiring from Northport High School, he took positions at the American Embassy School in Damascus, Syria, and lived there for five years. In 1998 he permanently retired and moved to Skiathos, living there for 16 years. In 2014 he moved back to the U.S. and enjoyed time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Marcia Pickering Hunt ’55; a daughter and her husband; two sons and their spouses, including Peter ’84; a son-in-law; seven grandchildren; brother Albert ’50; and many nieces and nephews.
Stephen F. Honan ’54, of Concord, Mass.; Oct. 30. His career centered around publishing and book manufacturing as a senior account manager for the Banta Corp., now known as RR Donnelley. He was a member of Book Builders of Boston and a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed reading, birdwatching, astronomy, and spending time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Frances; four children and their spouses; 11 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a sister, Ann Rodrigues ’66; and a brother.
Arthur Hacking Jr. ’54, of Milton, Mass.; Sept. 29. He was a retired architect. Much of his work was in the biomedical community helping to build functional patient care, administrative, and research spaces at such places as Lahey Clinic and Brigham & Women’s Hospital of Harvard Medical School. He was also a trusted adviser in Boston for more than 30 years. He is survived by a daughter, a son and daughter-in-law, four grandchildren, and a brother.
Elizabeth Kelly Dudley ’54, of Chaska, Minn.; Nov. 18. She resided in several states before retiring to Minnesota. Over the course of her career, she was employed as secretary to the vice president and legal counsel of Bridgeport Brass of Bridgeport, Conn. and as the secretary to the vice president and treasurer of American Water Works in Philadelphia, and later was active with Welcome Wagon in Minnesota. She enjoyed playing duplicate bridge, golf, and traveling. She is survived by her husband, Dana Dudley ’54; a daughter and son-in-law; three grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.
John L. Dodge ’54, of Charlottesville, Va.; Oct. 28. He joined Habitat for Humanity and started the HFH store. He later became a director and then served as chair of the board of directors for many years. He is survived by his wife, Anne Peasley Dodge ’65; three children; and a stepdaughter.
John E. Orton III ’54, of Narragansett, R.I.; Sept. 20. He was admitted to the Rhode Island Bar Association in 1962 and practiced law in Warwick and Providence. In 1969 he was appointed an Associate Justice of the R.I. District Court and then appointed an Associate Justice of the R.I. Superior Court in 1974 before retiring as acting presiding judge in 1991. He was a member of the Brown football team and also played on the U.S. Marine Corps football team. He is survived by his wife, Denise; three sons; two stepdaughters; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.
John D. Greene ’54, of Pine Plains, N.Y.; Sept. 20. After discharge from the U.S. Army, he joined his father in starting the firm Greene & Greene on the floor of the American Stock Exchange. In 1973 he merged his firm into Spear, Leeds & Kellogg, where he remained a partner until his retirement in 1987. He had a second 30-year career as a painter and sculptor. He studied at both the American Academy of Art and the New York Sculpture Center. Over the years he became recognized for his use of encaustic (beeswax), painting primarily abstract landscapes noted for their richness of color and surface and exhibiting throughout the country. His work can be seen at Windham Fine Arts in Windham, N.Y. and Main Street Arts in Clifton Springs, N.Y. He was a member of the board of the University of Rochester and is survived by his wife, Gwen; two daughters; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and two nieces.
Charles D. Drummond Jr. ’54, of Germantown, Tenn., formerly of Tampa, Fla.; Oct. 2, after a long illness. After receiving his medical degree from Boston Univ., he moved to Tampa and practiced urology for 10 years. He then completed a residency in pathology at Tampa General Hospital and the University of South Florida and served as a clinical professor of pathology at USF and a lecturer at Tampa General Hospital’s School of Medical Technology. He was employed as a staff pathologist at Pathologist’s Reference Laboratory and was medical director of the laboratory at Hillsborough County Hospital. In 2000, he moved to Germantown to be closer to his children and grandchildren. He was a member of several medical committees, the Germantown United Methodist Church, and the Rutherford Prayer Group. He also enjoyed watching the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by his wife, Maureen; a daughter; three grandchildren; a sister; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.
Robert F. Copp ’54, of Locust Valley, N.Y.; Sept. 30. He served in the U.S. Navy before beginning his 39-year career at Union Carbide Corp. He was a member of Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club and is survived by his wife, Jacqueline; daughter Catherine Copp Colley ’82; a son; and five grandchildren.
Arthur W. Vietze Jr. ’54, of Stratford, Conn.; Aug. 12. At Brown he was co-captain of the men’s hockey team. He served in the U.S. Army Signal Corp from 1954 to 1957. Upon leaving the army, he was employed by Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. in Philadelphia. He left Liberty Mutual and was hired by Rite Box in Hamden, Conn. In 1969 he cofounded Valley Container, Inc., in Bridgeport, Conn., and in 1973 cofounded Fluted Partition Inc., also in Bridgeport. In 1996 he cofounded Honey Cell Inc. in Shelton, Conn. He enjoyed camping and hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and skiing in Vermont and Colorado. He also enjoyed playing golf and tennis. He is survived by his wife, Carmella; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Roderick Schutt ’54, of Ridgewood, N.J.; June 21. He practiced corporate law in New York City, was a counselor with the Fresh Air Fund Summer Camp, volunteered with Planned Parenthood of Northern N.J., and, after retirement, cooked meals for children in a group home. He is survived by his wife, Rose Marie; two daughters; two grandsons; and sister Katherine Chadwick ’58.
Harold H. Robinson Jr. ’54, of Manchester, Conn.; June 1. He taught English and for 38 years was head of the English department at Windsor Locks High School, where he was also chosen as Teacher of the Year. He served as adjunct faculty at the University of Hartford and at UConn. He later taught English at Manchester Community College and volunteered as an English tutor at Notre Dame Learning Center in Hartford. He enjoyed reading, camping, and traveling with family. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Madeleine; four children; 10 grandchildren; and a sister.
John J. Farrell ’54, of Indio, Calif.; Feb. 7.
Alton C. Emery ’54, of Cranston, R.I.; June 25. He managed the family businesses, Relton Realty and the Hope Theatre Company, for many years. He enjoyed fishing and gardening and is survived by three children, a granddaughter, and a sister.
James M. McSherry ’54, of West Falmouth, Mass., formerly of Charleston, S.C.; Apr. 9. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he began working at E.R. Carpenter Company in Richmond, Va., and later at West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, which eventually became Westvaco. He retired in 1994 as vice president of the Kraft Division in Charleston. He was a member and former commodore of the Chapoquoit Yacht Club in West Falmouth and the Lions Club of Charleston. He enjoyed family summers on Chapoquoit Island and is survived by his wife, Joanne Webster McSherry ’53; four sons, including Peter ’78; 11 grandchildren; a sister; a brother; sister-in-law Joan Edgley Webster ’58; brother-in-law Gordon Webster ’54; and niece Alison Webster ’83.
S. Thomas Gagliano ’54, of Red Bank, N.J.; Apr. 13. He joined the law practice of Potter and Fisher, Long Branch, in 1960 and became senior partner of the firm, which later became Gagliano, Tucci, Iadanza & Reisner, representing municipal governments, land use boards, and authorities. In 1991 he became of counsel at Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, then senior vice president for corporate and legal affairs at EPS Corporation. Active in county politics, he was elected to the Borough of Oceanport Council in 1967, became County Surrogate for a five-year term, and served in the New Jersey Senate for three terms beginning in 1977. He rose in leadership ranks to hold the post of minority leader of the Senate, as well as ranking member of the transportation and communication committees. He was instrumental in forming what is now New Jersey Transit, to which he would later be appointed executive director. In 1991 he formed the Jersey Shore Partnership. He was a member of the Amerigo Vespucci Society of Long Branch; served on the board of East Jersey Savings and Loan; was a founding member of the Ironbound Bank; a founder and board member of Future Vision Cable, which became part of Comcast; and a member of the legislative committee of Meridian Health Care. He is survived by his wife, Maria; four children, including son John ’85; and 11 grandchildren.
Loring W. Chadwick ’54, of Leesburg, Fla.; Apr. 26. He was a music teacher for 28 years in the Cumberland, R.I., school system. He cofounded the Cumberland-Lincoln Community Chorus and served as codirector for 12 years. He was ordained to the Episcopal priesthood in 1958 and served at various locations throughout Rhode Island. After moving to Ocala, he joined the Church of the Advent, assisting as the director of music.
Joan Schlosser Taber ’54, of Barrington, R.I.; Mar. 18. While raising a family, she was involved with civic organizations, taught preschool at St. John’s Day School, volunteered at Encore clothing boutique, was a summer camp director at Bayside Family YMCA, and served as an officer for Barrington Junior Women’s Club. She enjoyed playing tennis and needlework. She is survived by four children.
George S. Morfogen ’54, of New York City; Mar. 8. An actor whose career spanned Broadway, film, and television, he was most recognizable as Bob Rebadow in the HBO series Oz. He appeared in more than 12 television series, including St. Elsewhere, Sherlock Holmes, Kojak, Blood Feud, and Deadly Matrimony. He also appeared in numerous films, including What’s Up, Doc?, Daisy Miller, They All Laughed and She’s Funny That Way. His Off-Broadway credits were numerous and his latest stage production was Traveling Lady at Off Broadway’s Cherry Lane Theatre in 2017. For 17 seasons he was resident actor at The Williamstown Theatre Festival and was an instructor in acting at HB Studio. He is survived by his husband, Gene Laughorne, and two nieces.
Helen Deuell Carter ’54, of Goshen, N.Y., formerly of Fort Myers, Fla.; Nov. 20. She worked as an advertising copywriter at Bonwit Teller in New York City, and after marrying, raised a family. She is survived by three sons.
David F. West ’54, of Bremen, Me., formerly of Harrington Park, N.J.; Nov. 24. He began working in life insurance sales prior to owning his own agency. He was active in the Bremen community and was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by two sons and their spouses and six grandchildren.
Douglas L. Turner ’54, of Springfield, Va., formerly of Buffalo, N.Y.; Nov. 4, after a long illness. He was a rower in the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. In 1957 he joined Buffalo’s Courier Express, advancing as Albany bureau chief, financial editor, city editor, executive editor, and Washington bureau chief. After the Courier closed in 1982, he joined the Buffalo News and was bureau chief from 1982 to 2007. At Brown he participated in varsity crew, sang with the Jabberwocks, and was a member of Beta Theta Pi. For most of his life he was a deacon, elder and trustee of First Presbyterian Church in Buffalo, but converted to Catholicism in 1988 and immersed himself in Catholic literature. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a member of the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Associated Press Managing Editors Assoc. He was also a governor of the National Press Club and a member of the Gridiron Club, an elite journalism society. He is survived by a daughter, two sons, and 10 grandchildren.
William F. Peace ’54, of Rockport, Me.; Dec. 21, after a short illness due to ALS complications. While at Brown, he played football, was president of Delta Upsilon, co-chairman of the Brown Community Fund, and was an active member of the Class Council and Brown Keys. Following graduation, he served in the U.S. Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps. He began a career at Procter & Gamble and later moved to real estate, where he worked for the majority of his career. He received many honors over the course of his professional life, including Realtor of the Year (Hartford, Conn.) in 1983. Residing in Simsbury, Conn., for 35 years, he dedicated countless hours to his community and was honored as Town Citizen of the Year in 1973 by both the Jaycees and the Simsbury Chamber of Commerce. Following his retirement, Bill and his wife settled in Rockport, where he continued his volunteer efforts and was recognized as Volunteer of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce (Camden/Rockport) in 2005. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Patti; two children and their spouses; and three granddaughters.
Edith Veit Johnstone ’54, of Rutland, Vt.; Dec. 6. She taught art in elementary schools and china painting to two groups of adults in Killington, Vt., for 14 years and then became self-employed painting china and eggs for retail shops. She is survived by three children, including Anne Johnstone ’79; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.
Doris Eisenberg Epstein ’54, of Bradenton, Fla.; Dec. 25. After marrying and moving to San Diego, she worked as a social worker for two and a half years. She eventually moved to Ames, Iowa, where she earned a master’s in library science and worked for 20 years as a media specialist for the Ames Community Schools. She was an active member of the Ames Jewish Congregation and its Interfaith Council. In 2005 she retired to Bradenton and became a member of the Sarasota-Manatee Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; two grandsons; brother Benjamin Eisenberg ’51; a sister-in-law; and niece.
Vieri Guy Volterra ’54, of Boston; Nov. 16. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and graduating from Boston Univ. School of Law, he started an independent law practice in New Bedford, Mass., where he went from criminal defense attorney to public defender, assistant district attorney, and finally counsel to the mayor. For the next 27 years he was a Massachusetts judge in the Taunton District Court first, and then for 20 years with the Massachusetts Superior Court. After retiring from the court, he joined his brother’s law partnership and set up an independent neutral mediation practice. In 2009 he left the practice and joined Senior Partners for Justice/Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Massachusetts Bar Assoc. to represent indigent civil litigants in family law disputes. He was vitally engaged in issues of oppression and conflict in the U.S. and internationally. In 2002 he received the Law and Justice Award from the Commission for Social Justice, Sons of Italy in America, and in 2012 he received the Victor J. Garo Public Service Award from the B.U. School of Law. He enjoyed reading and is survived by his wife, Melanie; two children; a grandson; a brother, Max ’57; a sister-in-law; a niece and a nephew.
Barbara Hobart Mitten ’54, of Paradise Valley, Ariz.; Oct. 6. She was a homemaker and in charge of local junior tennis tournaments. She volunteered at the Maricopa County Courthouse and served on several boards, including the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation. She enjoyed being active and did aerobics as well as playing tennis and golf. She is survived by three children, two grandchildren, and a sister.
John A. Wallace ’54, of Warwick, R.I.; Sept. 16. He attended Brown through ROTC and upon graduation became a naval officer and went to flight school in Pensacola, Fla. Following his naval career, he started Copters Unlimited, Inc., at T.F. Green Airport. He later began a second career as an engineer with General Dynamics. He served as president of the Warwick Boys & Girls Club and was a former member of the Jaycees and past vice president of the Rhode Island Pilots Assoc. He was also a member of the American Helicopter Society and enjoyed reading and playing cribbage. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor; a daughter and son and their spouses; two grandsons; two great-grandchildren; and a sister-in-law.
Norman E. Langdon ’54, of Newcastle, Me.; July 29, of pancreatic cancer. He worked as a real estate developer in New Hampshire and Maine before being employed at Damariscotta Hardware in Damariscotta, Me. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and many nieces and nephews.
Delfina Fiorini Shockley ’54, of Lake Havasu City, Ariz.; Dec. 19. She was a retired teacher and enjoyed family and traveling. She is survived by three daughters.
Albert D. Kelly Jr. ’54, of Waterbury, Vt.; July 2, after a brief illness. He taught math and driver’s education at Harwood Union High School in Moretown, Vt. He was also an inaugural instructor and facilitator for the State of Vermont Project CRASH Program in 1973. He was an early member of the Vermont Teacher Credit Union and served on the slate of officers. He enjoyed teaching and in retirement tutored neighbors and volunteered with the North Central Vermont Recovery Center. An accomplished musician, he served in the U.S. Army Band and performed in choirs and bands throughout his life, including the choir at St. Andrew’s Church and faculty theater performances at Harwood. He is survived by his wife, Maureen; eight daughters; a son; 21 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
Virginia Fellows Maloney ’54, of Charlotte, N.C.; May 19. She was a homemaker and volunteer. She enjoyed playing bridge and traveling. She is survived by her husband, William ’51; a daughter; a son-in-law; and three grandchildren.
Robert I. Kramer ’54, of Dallas; Mar. 5. He was a founding partner of Pediatric Associates of Dallas, president of the medical staff at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas, and chairman of the department of pediatrics at Baylor Univ. Medical Center, where he founded the Baylor Pediatric Center for Restorative Care. He was also a faculty member and clinical professor of pediatrics and pulmonology at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He was well-known for his work treating cystic fibrosis patients, primarily through Children’s Medical Center. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics, and a member of the American College of Physician Executives. He is survived by his wife, Joan; four daughters, including Lisa Morgan ’86 and Megan Kramer ’93; a brother, Frederick ’52; and nephews James Kramer ’85 and Andrew Kramer ’88.
Nathaniel W. Horton ’54, of Yorba Linda, Calif., formerly of Northbrook, Ill.; Mar. 23. After passing the Illinois State Bar, he entered into a legal career and advanced through a series of positions at Continental Illinois National Bank, Illinois Central Railroad, United Airlines, and the First National Bank of Evanston (Illinois), where he became vice president and head of the Trust Department. In 1972 he moved to California and was chief legal officer of Capital Guardian Trust in Los Angeles. After further positions with United California Bank and First Interstate Bank, he began a private practice with his wife, Horton & Horton, specializing in estate and family matters. He enjoyed singing in performing groups such as the Over the Hill Gang and Jabberwocks. He also enjoyed traveling and playing golf. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War and is survived by his wife, Kathleen; a daughter, a son; a stepdaughter; two granddaughters; and three great-grandchildren.
Mary Sisk Caulfield ’54, of San Rafael, Calif.; May 8, after a long illness. She was a physician at Spencer and King Orthopedic Group in Philadelphia. She moved to Bethesda, Md., where she worked for the Department of Education and later, after moving to San Rafael, she worked in the emergency department of Letterman Hospital and then the Permanente Medical Group in San Rafael. She retired from practice in 1996. She enjoyed painting and woodworking and was a ham radio operator and an avid gardener. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by her husband, Harry; a daughter; three sons, including Walter H. Caulfield III ’84 and James ’86; 13 grandchildren, including Walter H. Caulfield IV ’15; a sister, Jane Sisk ’63; and nephews John Willems ’85 and James Willems ’89.
Charles D. Lake ’54, of Marion, Mass.; Feb. 16. A retired clergyman. After Brown, he went on to earn a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Yale and a master’s in Christian Theology and PhD in philosophical theology from the Univ. of Chicago before being ordained to the Christian ministry by the First Baptist Church of Melrose, Mass., in 1957. He served as an assistant in the First Baptist Church in America in Providence, then on the faculty of Stevens College in Columbia, Mo., followed by the position of chaplain and dean of Stevens College for 11 years. In 1976 he moved to Marion to become the executive director of the Massachusetts Commission for United Ministries in Higher Education and he later went into semiretirement as interim pastor of the South Baptist Church of New Bedford, Mass., and, finally, preaching at First Congregational Church of Marion. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Richard S. Weinstein ’54, of Los Angeles, formerly of New York City; Feb. 24, from complications of Parkinson’s. He worked for architects I.M. Pei and Edward Larrabee Barnes and spent a year at the American Academy in Rome as a winner of the Rome Prize before joining the mayoral administration in 1966 as an advisor of the new Urban Design Group within the Department of City Planning in New York City. He helped plan and oversee the expansion of the Museum of Modern Art in the mid-1970s, a project that hinged on the transfer of air rights, and he spent six years working on redevelopment along 42nd Street in Manhattan and saving the South Street Seaport. In 1985 he moved to Los Angeles to become dean of the architecture and urban planning school at UCLA. From 1995 to 2008 he was a professor of architecture and urban design. He founded the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies at UCLA, served on the jury for the Walt Disney Concert Hall, and was coadministrator of the architectural selection process for the new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. He immersed himself in political debates over architecture and planning in Los Angeles. He is survived by his wife, Edina; two sons; and two granddaughters.
Gordon F. Udall Jr. ’54, of North Kingstown, R.I.; Jan. 6. He worked in manufacturing for many years as vice president and general manager of Graham Mfg. in East Greenwich, R.I. He was a pilot in the U.S. Navy and later volunteered at the Quonset Air Museum, the South County Museum, and the New England Wireless and Steam Museum. He is survived by his wife, Polly; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; two sons-in-law; nine grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; one step-great-grandchild; and two sisters.
Alan M. Corney ’54, of Saratoga, Calif., formerly of Morristown, N.J.; Jan. 12. He worked in the furniture industry. After retiring, he pursued his interest in boating and building and restoring wooden boats. He was a member of the New Jersey Furniture Assoc. and is survived by his wife, Judith Robinson Corney ’55; a daughter; a son; two grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
Edward Beadle ’54, of Bel Air, Md.; Oct. 28. After graduating from the Univ. of Pennsylvania Dental School, he cofounded Media Dental Associates, where he practiced until his retirement in 1999. He advocated to bring fluoride to the Media Water Company in 1965. He was a member of the Media Rotary Club since 1986, served as its high school foreign exchange program director, and hosted many foreign exchange students. He coached baseball and basketball with the Nether Providence Athletic Assoc. in Wallingford, Pa., and was an amateur ham radio operator. He was a member of St. John Chrysostom Catholic Church for more than 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Mary Jane; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and six grandchildren.
Susan Wing Klumpp ’54, of Weston, Mass., to which she moved after living in various cities in Virginia and California; Oct. 27, of melanoma. She was a guidance counselor at Littleton Middle School in Littleton, Mass., from 1970 to 1976 and later was a school psychologist at Paradise Canyon Elementary School in La Canada, Calif., from 1978 until her retirement in 1998. She was a member of several committees and served on many boards. She enjoyed hiking, skiing, swimming, tennis, snowshoeing, canoeing, contemporary art, poetry, reading, classical music, cooking, gardening, traveling, and genealogy. She is survived by her husband, Allan; a daughter; three sons; nine grandchildren; a great-grandchild; three brothers; and 11 nieces and nephews.
Andrew M. Rasmussen ’54, of Corning, N.Y.; Oct. 3. He began working at Corning Glass Co. in 1962, servicing their melting plants at home and abroad until his retirement in 1995 as a senior project engineer. He was involved in various community programs and supported several animal shelters. He was a U.S. Army Korean War veteran and is survived by four daughters, a son, seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, a niece, and two nephews.
Letty Lebeck Edes ’54, of Miramar Beach, Fla., formerly of Dallas; Oct. 14, 2016. She was a stockbroker with Reynolds & Co. in Los Angeles and later worked as an executive secretary at Verado Energy in Dallas before retiring to Florida.
Milton G. Franklin ’54, of Plainville, Mass.; June 8. He was retired from Texas Instruments in Attleboro, Mass.
Robert R. Johnson ’54, of Louisville, Ky.; Aug. 18. He was a research chemist at Brown & Williamson Tobacco in Louisville until his retirement in 1991. He held several patents and was a member of the American Chemical Society. He enjoyed traveling with friends and family. He is survived by his companion, Shirley Howard; a daughter; and five granddaughters.
Catharine Bancroft Sloan ’54, of East Haddam, Conn., formerly of Old Greenwich, Conn.; Aug. 16. She worked as a dental assistant for many years and was an active member of the Junior League of Greenwich and the Old Greenwich Garden Club. She enjoyed music, traveling, and spending time with her family. She is survived by her husband, David; a daughter and her husband; son David ’88 and his wife; and two granddaughters.
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