Class of 1946
Hope Rosen Einstein writes: “I think it’s probably likely that I am one of the few remaining alumni from the class of ’46. I retired from a Fortune 500 high-tech company where I was an internal control analyst about 25 years ago. Prior to that I was in marketing. I’ve been fortunate to have done a lot of travel for business and personal pleasure. Now I’m pretty much limited to reading and knitting...lots of knitting as well as teaching it. If there are any classmates out there, reach out.” Contact Hope at [email protected].
Harold Demopulos celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends at the Rhode Island Veterans Home. Brown alumni in attendance included George Petropoulos ’50, Amelia Demopulos ’90 and Abigail Demopulos ’94. Harold maintained season tickets near the 50 yard line to Brown football games for decades until age impeded his attendance.
William Stone writes: “I just turned 94 and a friend told me that people with the most birthdays live the longest. What I learned at Brown has been with me all of these years and I just finished writing my tenth bio book and hope to continue until….”
From the November/December 2017 Issue
Barbara Lerner Herzmark writes: “I do so enjoy receiving the BAM—so many happy memories even though it was wartime and acceleration. I’m still in touch with Ruth Warren Cohen. Whoever would have thought: 90 years old?”
From the July/August 2017 Issue
William T. Williams was married for the second time. He hopes to travel and visit relatives in California and Colorado.
From the May/June 2017 Issue
William H. Stone writes: “I turned 92. I am completing writing my ninth book, one book for each decade. I am troubled about Brown students’ political activity.”
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Earl W. Roberts writes: “Muriel and I are still in good health and bouncing between Mystic, Connecticut, and Tucson, Arizona.”
From the September/October 2016 Issue
Secretary Shirley Sugarman Wolpert reports: “Our classmates returned to Brown from near and far to celebrate our 70th reunion. Eight states, from California to New England, were represented by our 1946 alumni. And celebrate we did! We were wined and dined all weekend as old friendships were renewed and new friendships formed. The finale was the Commencement procession, with several of our classmates marching and receiving warm applause from the spectators. The following classmates attended the reunion, and we all vowed to return for our 75th: Skip Barlow, Esther Monti Bello, Ed Clarke, Jose Delgado, Harold Demopulos, Jerry Fernandez, Betsey Leonard Lewis, Bob Mareneck, Gabe Pesce, Sy Port, Earl Roberts, Allan Rosenberg, and myself.”
From the May/June 2016 Issue
Shirley Sugarman Wolpert writes: “Sylvia Rose Pitnof ’41 celebrated her 95th birthday on January 30 with a party in Milton, Massachusetts, where she lives in her own home. Sylvia is a pianist with a degree in music from Brown and a master’s from Wellesley. For many years she was the director of the Shalom Chorale, which was well known in the Boston area. Several members of the choral group attended the party, and with Sylvia directing and accompanying them on the piano, they provided the entertainment. It was a delightful afternoon.”
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Harold W. Demopulos attended the home football game against Harvard on Sept. 27. He writes that his two daughters also graduated from Brown.
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Allan Rosenberg (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).
Bill Stone writes: “I turned 89 years old last December en route to 100. Despite the aches and pains of aging, I am able to volunteer at the research institute of a local hospital. Also, I have just finished writing my sixth autobiographical book. My memories of Brown remain most enjoyable and vivid.”
From the May/June 2014 Issue
Allan Rosenberg (see Dan Rosenberg ’09).
From the March/April 2014 Issue
Earl Roberts and Muriel write they are still doing their “snowbird thing” between Mystic, Conn., and Tucson, Ariz. They enjoyed visiting their two great-grandkids in San Diego over Thanksgiving.
From the September/October 2013 Issue
William H. Stone writes from Barcelona: “I just turned 88 and am doing fine. Lots of good food and wine and exercises to stay young. I regret that my grandson chose Yale over Brown—maybe my great-grandkids will choose Brown. I have lots of wonderful memories from my years at Brown.”
From the March/April 2013 Issue
Robert Mareneck writes that at age 88, he and his wife, Ruby, “purchased a cottage in Williams Bay, Wis., on Lake Geneva, as a ‘fixer-upper.’ Talk about optimism! Typical Brown attitude?”
From the March/April 2012 Issue
William H. Stone writes that he is “still going strong at 86.” He just married a wonderful woman and is writing an autobiography.
From the March/April 2011 Issue
The 65th reunion committee—Ed Clarke '51 PhD, Harold Demopulos, Joe Penner, Earl Roberts, Nan Bouchard Tracy, Dick Tracy, Shirley Sugarman Wolpert, and Jan Wood-Thomas—has met several times to plan a program that will be enjoyable for all classmates. It will include a reception and private dinner on Friday, with dancing for those inclined and capable. On Saturday we will attend the Hour with the President, then have the class meeting luncheon. Dinner will be at the Hope Club. Other, optional events will be in keeping with reunion tradition. Plan to attend, and remember that people make the reunion. Encourage your classmates and friends to attend.
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Earl W. Roberts Jr. is active as a consulting engineer and is promoting his book, Snow Birds, between Tucson, Ariz., and Mystic, Conn.
William Stone is 86 and still living in Barcelona, Spain. He writes that he is in good health except for the usual aches and pains of an octogenarian. He continues to be active in genetic research and is writing a personal memoir. He hopes his youngest grandson will choose to go to Brown next year.
David A. Tuckerman writes that he's looking forward to the reunion in May. "Everywhere I go I meet people who either went to Brown or have descendents that did."
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Thomas F. Boyd lost his wife of 61 years, Martha B. Boyd, on Mar. 12 to complications of surgery for lung cancer. He continues to reside with his son and daughter-in-law.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Robert M. Bassing is catching up on screenings of Academy Award–nominated foreign and documentary films.
Charlotte Meyersohn Lebowitz is living in Natick, Mass. She writes that she enjoys attending theater and cultural programs as well as the town's community and political events.
David A. Tuckerman recently turned 85. He will be sailing on his first cruise with his Baptist Church group to visit Egypt, the Holy Land, Cyprus, Turkey, Ephesus, and Athens.
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Lewis W. Lees is adjusting to retirement after closing his real estate office in July. He and his wife, Kathleen Anderson, enjoyed a weeklong cruise among the islands off central Maine and visited Lewis's former Brown roommate Gerard Fernandez, and his wife, Beverly, at their vacation home on Pemaquid Point. Lewis and Kathleen also visited Callie Gray Henderson and her husband, Bob, in Nashua, N.H. He writes: "Kathleen's many-faceted volunteer work keeps her weeks full. Golf, gardening, and catching-up activities without deadlines are enjoyable."
Jane Campbell Smith enjoys living in Fox Hill Village, Westwood, Mass., near her children. She writes she is sad to report the death of her husband, Bart Smith, but "other Brown friends are here."
Bill Stone continues to be in good health and does volunteer research. He finished two books of quotations and memorable tales.
Morrie Stout enjoys retired living and recently had a fourth great-grandchild.

From the May/June 2009 Issue
Dave Tuckerman writes: "I'm keeping active after the death of my wife, Betty. I have a car again and am enjoying the many activities it makes possible. I play golf at least once a week and attend the many things to do here in the D.C. area."
From the January/February 2009 Issue
Thomas F. Boyd still lives in a large home in Reston, Va., with his wife, Martha; son, Stone; daughter-in-law, Sarah; and two grandsons. The oldest grandson is in his sophomore year at Columbia College in Chicago, and the youngest is a senior in high school at the New School of Northern Virginia. Thomas just celebrated his 60th wedding anniversary.
Seymour Port (see Rhonda Port Walker '75).
Edwin L. Sherrill Jr. retired on July 1, 2008, from the Incorporated Village of East Hampton, N.Y., after 35 years in village government. He is now a trustee emeritus of the village.
Jane Smith enjoys tennis, travel, music, and the garden club at Fox Hill Village with others from Brown. She hopes to travel with Brown alumni soon.
From the September/October 2008 Issue
James Austin MD is the author of Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness. He lives in Columbia, Mo.
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Robert M. Bassing wishes to extend a friendly hello to everyone.
Richard M. Seidlitz writes: "Back to Columbia in pursuit of a master's in history. I'm planning trips to Ireland and Israel. Doris and I are feeling well and still go to gyms."
Mary Lou Standish Smith writes: "We are at Frasier Manor with many old friends!"
Miriam Rose Wotiz (see Sue Wotiz Goldstein '71).
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Robert E. Beauregard retired as an automation engineer in 1993. He also earned an undergraduate degree (BSEE) from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an MSEE from the University of Houston.
Judith Korey Charles writes: "My company continues to handle the public relations for New York City's Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit, which is now in its 28th year. Fortunately, my work leaves me just enough time to take advantage of New York's culture scene and to shuttle down to Fredericksburg, Va., for visits with my 4-year-old granddaughter, Madison."
Nathaniel Davis published a second edition of A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy.
George Heitman writes: "My wife and I are living through our six grandchildren. We fight age with sports—theirs! It's fun and so far it's working."
William H. King has lived for fifty years in the same home in Tucson, Ariz., as of September 2007. He writes: "My neighbor labeled us collectively as the dinosaurs of Indian Ridge."
Kathleen Anderson Lees is still playing tennis (with a knee brace) and active in community/volunteer work. She and her husband, Lewis '45, just celebrated sixty years together and love life in the mountains of western North Carolina.
Beatrice Leonard Lewis skied on Good Friday, 2007, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of a trip with an embryonic Brown Ski Club. The group was filled with veterans and was especially memorable to Beatrice, who broke her ankle.
Robert H. Mareneck writes: "I'm celebrating good health, good golf, good water color painting, and good friends. Retirement is worth the effort, especially when one has a great family."
James E. McHale writes: "I retired from the construction business and am now telling old war stories in sunny Florida."
George B. Melrose writes that his wife's stroke and his declining vision have prompted a new lifestyle. He writes: "Both of us received accolades when we resigned from extensive volunteer and civic activities. Best to all. Live life to the fullest."
Bob O'Donoghue writes he enjoys playing bridge and golf, as well as dancing and traveling.
Dante A. Pennacchia and his wife have been married for 63 years and have four grandchildren. He writes: "Our one great-grandchild passed away after birth. We have five children of our own, three boys and two girls. One boy passed away June 27, 2007."
Earl Roberts and his wife, Muriel, winter in Tucson, Ariz., and summer in Mystic, Conn. He writes: "We're blessed with good health and look forward to our first great-grandchild in the spring."
Charles Sleicher and his wife, Jan, continue to enjoy life despite the increasing aches of age. Charles had his nineteen-year-old titanium knee replaced in August and hopes that the new one will last another nineteen years.
Jerome K. Sherman and his wife, Hildegard, who celebrated 55 years of marriage in December, take frequent cruises and travel extensively. Jerome received the Univ. of Iowa Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006.
William H. Stone turned 83 in December and continues to do genetic research.
From the November / December 2007 Issue
Albert Novikoff moved to a new condo on Roosevelt Island in New York City in September. He writes: “I am still teaching. My son Alex got a PhD in medieval history; my son Tim is going back to graduate school at Cornell in applied math; and my wife, Daniele, retired last year. Parenthood came late to us.”
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Thomas Boyd writes: “I still live in a large home in Reston, Va., with my son, Stowe; daughter-in-law, Sarah; and grandsons, Kennan, 17, and Conrad, 15. My telephone number is in the phonebook. I’m glad to hear from old friends if they’re in the neighborhood. We are twenty minutes from Washington, D.C.”
Edward Clarke presented a lecture to the sophomore engineering class at Brown on Nov. 7, 2006. It was called “Putting a Face on Semiconductors” and included a brief history of semiconductors and wireless applications (wireless telegraphy, radio, and radar), and a discussion of the sinking of the Titantic in 1912 and the Battle of Britain in 1940. Ed also described modern semiconductor history and the roles of Brown alumni (including himself, his classmate Lynn Pease, and Lynn’s father) in events from World War I to the end of the Cold War. If any members of 1946 would like a copy of Ed’s paper, please write him at 85 Richards Ave., Paxton, Mass. 01612.
Robert Cook writes: “I spent twenty years in Lititz, Penn., and moved Oct. 4 to a retirement village with 300 guests and 24-hour nursing care. My doctors, daughter, and her family are twenty minutes away in Center City, Philadelphia. Jean-Ann Heffernan ’51 and I take it one day at a time and are doing our best. Cheers.”
Paul Green writes: “Rowing single and doubles at Saugatuck Rowing Club and running ‘Nevah Surrendah’ program to encourage staying in shape, particularly for people with Parkinson’s (which I have).”
Caroline Henderson writes: “Bob and I have moved into a beautiful retirement community just across the state line from our home of fifty-five years. We are getting acquainted and into some activities between doctors’ visits and a brief hospital stay for Bob. All properties in Tex. (our winter home for twenty-five years) and the big RV have been sold. Next will be the home in Lincoln, Mass. Then maybe we can really begin to have fun.”
John Henderson writes: “On July 1, 2006, Jane Barry and I were married. The ceremony, at which some twenty-seven relatives, mostly Janie’s, were present, took place at the Biscayne Bay Yacht Club. Janie, who is from Argentina, has lived in Miami since the early 1970s. She was widowed about three years ago, near the time my former wife, Judith Arango, died. We feel hugely fortunate to have found each other.”
Ernest Hofer ’47 AM writes: “I had a minor heart attack on Jan. 6, 2006, which slowed me down for a couple of months. I enjoy being a member of the Common Room at Trinity College, Oxford. The Oxford summer seminar I established in 1966 is still running—English, politics, and international law classes. I also welcome friends to my London Club, Ogilvy and Mather, which I became a member of in 1962.”
William King writes that his brother-in-law’s death, two months after the 60th reunion, “has kept my wife, Marge, and me occupied like we have full-time employment. Many thanks to class president Dick Tracy and the committee members for a memorable reunion.”
Charlotte Meyersohn Lebowitz writes: “Our 60th reunion was very special. I was so pleased to be there. It had been a sad winter and spring. My beloved husband, Marshall, passed away in Dec. ’05, and my daughter Katy in Apr. Both struggled bravely with cancer. I wish to thank my dear Pembroke classmates and friends for their care and concern.”
Rob Lowe writes: “Shirley and I had an enjoyable cruise last summer traveling the Danube, Main, and Rhine rivers. We are in good health and happy about the lack of hurricanes this year.”
Hugh MacNair writes: “I’m enjoying retirement and kids with families in Tacoma, Wash.; Libertyville, Ill.; and Portsmouth, N.H. The highlight of 2006 was a trip to Costa Rica with son Doug, his wife, and two grandkids, 11 and 6.”
Bernice Cohan Meyer writes: “Joel and I did attend the leadership conference in late Sept. When I received the Brown Bear Award in 1981 it was the only alumni award and it was presented during Commencement ceremonies on the Green. Now it is a festive two-night celebration with many well-deserved awards. In the course of mingling with many younger alumni in leadership positions, I concluded that Brown’s future is in good hands.”
Gerald Ogan and Judy report that they are doing well, working part-time. “We are in Swampscott, Mass., from mid-May to mid-Oct. each year."
Lynn Pease writes: “Made a twelve-day trip to Ireland in June ’06 with a Brown alumni group, staying in Ennis and Kilkenny with daily outings to see the wonderful west and southeast areas of the country. The trip was well organized, the campus director/guide a gem, the hotels hospitable, the sights stunning, the group congenial—and nary a drop of rain fell. Brown Travelers can be recommended.”
Foula Dimopulos Peterson writes: “I am now homebound—unsuccessful hip replacement. My husband, Nicholas, died Nov. 18, 1997. My son Paul N. Peterson is my sole caregiver, and my second son, Mark, is a music director at Barton College in N.C.”
James Siegal writes: “I am living a retired lifestyle in Fla. at an enormous apartment hotel. All services complete, and it is adjacent to the grounds of the Mayo Clinic and its brand-new ten-story hospital. All parts of this old body seem to be in great shape. With a bit of luck, I’ll be there.”
Charles Sleicher writes: “Have been doing a modest amount of traveling and photography. My health is good, but arthritis is beginning to be troublesome. My wife, Jan, is also in good health, so we are grateful. We have a condo in a continuing care retirement community now under construction. We will move in around Oct. 2008.”
William Stone writes: “I moved to Spain five years ago. I do volunteer research and editing at Hospital Sant Pau and Medical School. The young doctors make me feel useful and important, which is appreciated at my age (82). So far, I’m in good health. I am hoping that my grandson will enroll at Brown someday.”
Erwin Strasmich writes: “I have been residing in New York City for the past six years and enjoying every minute! I have met classmate Joe Penner here on several occasions. My best to all.”
Jean Walker Tartter writes: “I am living in a delightful upscale continuing-care retirement community on Lake Champlain thirty-eight miles from son David, who is assistant attorney general in Montpelier. My freshman roommate at Pembroke, Martha Jane ‘MJ’ Hunt Stevens, lives not far away in Burlington, Vt., as does my granddaughter Molly, who is now at Stanford. Life is yet a pleasure.”
K. Douglass Tobin writes: “Sorry I’ve been so delinquent in telling where I’ve been. I had many great years at General Electric. I lost Marge on Aug. 12, 2002. I have a daughter with two wonderful children, a son who graduated last spring from Syracuse cum laude (now a sportscaster at NBC), a daughter who has just started at Marquette in the five-year medical program, and a son who is still living in San Diego with a great wife after graduating from UVM. I’m still the same, but classified last year with having Alzheimer’s. So far this has not gotten in the way. I may surprise you one of these days and show up!”
Shirley Sugarman Wolpert writes: “I am enjoying my retirement from Brown where I worked in the Alumni Office for twenty-six years, but I am still involved as a Brown volunteer: secretary of my class, board member of the Pembroke Club of Providence, and member of the Maddock Alumni Center House Committee.
From the May / June 2007 Issue
Allen Rust writes: “Had to miss our 60th reunion. The restaurant business is demanding time and money and has replaced retirement, but it makes the wife happy. I am meeting a lot of interesting people, and she’s repaying the town for giving her great childhood years. Hope to make one more reunion.”
From the March / April 2007 Issue
James Austin is now in Columbia, Mo., teaching part-time at the University of Missouri Medical School and looking forward to a trip to China.
Dean Staats ’48 AM has been happily walking the Avenue of the Arts in Philadelphia with his wife, Marilyn. He carries on the tradition of the 1944 Brown tennis team by winning, once again, the Delaware County Senior Games.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Class president Dick Tracy writes that he is pleased to report the outstanding results of the 60th-reunion class gift campaign. The class set a new record for the 60th-reunion gift to the Brown Annual Fund, raising $123,396, with 50 percent participation. All gifts to Brown (comprehensive total) were also an impressive $891,631. Congratulations to Ed Clarke ’51 PhD, Jerry Fernandez, and Dick Seidlitz, who served as co-chairs of the gift committee, for the excellent results of the campaign.
Thomas F. Boyd continues to live in Reston, Va., in a large home with his son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons. He is listed in the phone book and would be glad to hear from old friends at any time. He is still married to his original wife, Dr. Martha Boyd, and they will be celebrating their fifty-eighth wedding anniversary soon.
Judith Korey Charles writes: “My public relations company, Charles & Associates, is still going strong focusing on gourmet food and fine arts. Still fun and satisfying.”
John Nelson writes: “Enjoying the colorful foliage and sights and sounds of three-rivers Pittsburgh to the maximum extent possible (in spite of a creak or two here and there).”
Earl W. Roberts Jr. writes: “It was good to see so many of our friends at our 60th reunion!”
Richard Seidlitz is still attending Columbia University and is only a year away from a master’s in history.
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Judith Korey Charles (see Stephanie Silk Abdo ’80).
Dick Tracy reports: “The surviving members of the class returned for the 60th reunion in very good numbers and had a very enjoyable time. After registration, classmates met for a reception and the Brown Bear Buffet. Some hardy ones enjoyed the Campus Dance on a beautiful summer night. Saturday’s schedule included the class luncheon with an interesting presentation by Dick Spies, Brown’s vice president for planning. He discussed in detail the academic enrichment program. In addition the required class meeting was held. The class dinner was a very successful social event followed by the now famous WaterFire show in Providence. Sunday had the traditional nostalgic Commencement procession, which seemed more remarkable than ever with record-breaking crowds. The weekend concluded with a luncheon that allowed classmates an excellent opportunity for final greetings. An excellent time was had by all on a very memorable occasion. On to our 65th reunion!”
From the May / April 2006 Issue
Dick Tracy reports: “Plans have been completed for an enjoyable 60th reunion. All the traditional events have been included as listed in the registration form. The new three-day format has required some schedule changes, but they were well received in the initial trial last year. The new program offers an active schedule, but the reunion committee has made an effort to provide the most physical convenience for classmates to attend selected events. As always, the success of the reunion will directly relate to how many classmates return. In making your plans, contact other classmates and encourage them to attend. Also, you may be certain you will have an enjoyable and nostalgic weekend on the exciting Brown campus. See you there!”
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Robert H. Mareneck writes: “All five offspring and two stepchildren are alive and well with the twelve grandkids maintaining the good ‘vibes.’ Health is as good as it gets at 80, with a steady eighteen golf handicap and an occasional watercolor-painting award. Credit to Brown and my wives, Katie and Ruby, for appreciation of a positive life. To the Brown Alumni Magazine—keep up your editorial integrity and independence.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Shirley Sugarman Wolpert, who last fall started her twenty-fifth year working in the Brown alumni office, reports that Elsie Anderson Lewis Drew passed away on Dec. 17, after an illness. Her husband, Arthur Drew ’43, lives at 600 Ives Rd., East Greenwich, R.I. 02818. Elsie’s Providence Journal obituary described her as a leader in the nursing profession. Shirley invites anyone visiting Rhode Island to stop by the Maddock Alumni Center and say hello.
Raymond Armstrong writes: “I lost my wife, Maureen, to cancer in October and have not yet bounced back.”
Claire Stone Auerbach writes: “We spent the winter in Florida again. I still play golf and take adult education courses.”
Robert E. Beauregard writes: “At this age and with no children at home, my wife, Lorraine, and I find that we are bouncing around in our large house. We are emptying the house of unneeded furniture and sorting through truly historical documents. We have learned that our family directly participated in winning WWII against Japan, in developing aircraft jet engines and communication and weather satellites, in putting men on the moon, and in automating U.S. factories. Our efforts, we expect, will result in a change of address in the not-to-distant future.”
Betty Moyer Bell writes: “I’m still holding my own here in the same old place. I manage to keep things going, although I have contacted a nearby retirement home.”
George E. Berger writes: “I’m happily retired in California. I’m trying to cram it all in before old age makes me less mobile.”
Fowler Blauvelt writes: “Norma Emerson Blauvelt ’52 and I are in good health despite the usual aches and pains of advancing years. We spent five months in our Los Angeles apartment, near the family of our younger son, Richard ’84, so that we can spend time with his two sons, our only grandchildren. From Los Angeles, we can also easily visit our daughter in northern California. In the spring we went to Vermont to visit our other son.”
Henry W. Boger writes that he is still consulting.
Thomas F. Boyd writes that 2003 was a very busy year: “In the spring my wife, Martha Boyd, and I attended my 55th reunion at Boston Univ. School of Medicine. Martha received her MD there in 1964. In July I had the cataract removed from my left eye, and in September I had the same procedure on my right eye.”
Carolyn Adams Bradley notes that she now has two new great-grandchildren, Alec Robert Bilodeau, born March 7, 2003, and Isabella Allison, born Aug. 11: “And I already had two darling great-granddaughters thanks to my son, Earl ’64.”
Bette Lipkin Brown has been living in Brookline, Mass., with her daughter. Physically she is fine, except that she is legally blind and has Alzheimer’s. Bette enjoys shopping, visiting museums, attending the theater, and taking day trips. She spends the winter at her home in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Judith Korey Charles writes that on May 20, 2003, she was named Woman of the Future by the New York Women’s Agenda, a public policy advocacy group, and that on June 20, 2003, her first grandchild, Madison Anne Charles, was born.
Stanley Charren writes: ‘Thirty years after starting U.S. Wind-Power, I am encouraged to see wind energy and hydrogen moving into public awareness and support. We recently spent three weeks in Europe.”
Ned Clark notes that he is still enjoying retirement after nine years and has four grandsons, including Ben Clark ’05, and a great-granddaughter.
Edward Clarke ’51 PhD continues to lecture to Brown’s sophomore engineering classes on the subject of semiconductors. He also lectures and writes papers about new automobile technology and was one of the first to acquire a Toyota Prius hybrid-electric car.
Robert B. Cook and Jean Heffernan Cook ’51 celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on Oct. 15.
John A. Cuculo writes that he has three daughters and six grandchildren: “I keep busy with golf, yard work, and my old teaching job at North Carolina State. I still write research proposals and research papers. I feel bad about the obituary notice of my friend Edward Lind ’47 reported recently in the BAM.”
Anne Cooney D’Antuono writes: “I recently visited with our son Donald ’72 and his family. He has two girls to educate. He keeps watching the price at Brown and shuddering.”
Nathaniel Davis has published the second edition of his book A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy (Westview Press). A quarter of the text is newly written, so producing the book was a considerable task.
Arnold W. Durfee writes that two of his grandsons are members of the New Bedford Young Marines: “I am recovering from colon surgery and am hanging in at 130 pounds. My wife, Alicia, a resident at St. Elizabeth’s Manor, suffers from advanced Alzheimer’s. I’m still active as an advocate for senior citizens and their families.”
Lucile Burton Foster finished two years as president of the Meshanticut (R.I.) Garden Club. She also leads a junior version of the club and recently won a blue ribbon in a state flower show.
Mel Frank is spending winters in Florida and summers in Providence.
Elizabeth Gates Gibson writes: “The sad news is I lost my husband, William, last August to prostate cancer. He was 81. I expect to sell our little horse farm and go to a retirement home.”
George Hagemeister says that his wife, Mary Jane, passed away Feb. 17, 2003, a few months before the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. His daughter, Bonnie, and her husband are both captains in the U.S. Navy and are back from a tour in the Mediterranean and the Near East. George’s son, Robert, and his family still live in Westbrook, Conn.
Albert Hartley is still working as superintendent of the Lawrenceville, Ga., gas department despite suffering severe injuries when he was hit by a pickup truck in January 2000. After eight operations, including hip and knee replacements, he sometimes walks with a walker or a cane. He has four children, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
George Heitman writes: “I’m feeling better after two tough years, so Doris and I are traveling again. We took six family members to Costa Rica this summer. We continue to remodel our home. The kitchen is next.”
John Henderson reports that his wife, Judith, died July 13, of pancreatic cancer: “Judith and I had ten wonderful years together. For that we were hugely grateful. I continue to live in Miami and would welcome your calls or visits. My phone number is (305) 662-9181. I am blind, but healthy and active. My three girls, including Sophie ’86, have been a great support.”
Ernest H. Hofer ’47 AM writes: “I still return each summer to my flat in Brighton, England. I also consult with the director of the Oxford Summer Seminar at Trinity College, Oxford, which I founded and directed for twenty-seven years. In the U.S., I’m active in town committees and at the Univ. of Massachusetts.”
Bill King notes that he still spends four months at our summer cottage in Enfield, N.H., and eight months in Tucson, Ariz.
Charlotte Meyersohn Lebowitz writes: “Marshall and I are still very involved in the Town of Natick. I take an annual trip to the Caribbean. In August, our children and grandchildren joined us at an inn in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where we have vacationed for fifty years. We are proud of our oldest grandson, Dov Lebowitz-Nowak ’04, who is sings with an a cappella group and is concentrating in theater.”
Kathleen Anderson Lees reports: “I’m still up to my eyeballs in church and volunteer work. Between golf and his commercial real estate business, Lew ’45 keeps busy.”
Betsey Leonard Lewis writes that she is in Santa Fe waiting to get into a continuing-care facility in New Jersey: “I’m still a downhill skier. In addition to volunteering, I attend numerous cultural events.”
Donald Lester writes: “After three years in a wheelchair, I’ve had a miracle: my tumor has shrunk and I can walk with a walker. We now have fifteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. I am writing my autobiography for my children. In June I was honored with a celebration of my fifty-five years in the Presbyterian ministry. My wife, Elaine, and I are planning a trip through the Panama Canal to celebrate our 30th anniversary.”
Robert Lowe reports that he and Shirley are both well and busy.
Peter L. MacLellan Jr. writes: “Ann Marie and I enjoy tennis, golf, and the Atlantic Ocean, while trying to keep track of our six children and thirteen grandkids. We had our annual family two-hand touch football game on Thanksgiving, and I didn’t drop a single pass.”
Hugh “Sandy” MacNair reports: “Winnie and I still live in our small town in the woods in the Northwest. We had all three kids and all five grandkids with us for a superb cruise through Alaska’s inside passage to celebrate our 50th anniversary last summer.”
James McNeil had replacement surgery for a knee he first injured while playing baseball at Brown against the Seabees in 1944.
Alfred I. Miranda writes: “I’m still alive and kicking, I think! Best to all from sunny south Florida.”
Frank R. Moulton Jr. is a retired oil company executive.
Eugene F. Mullin reports that he was married to Marcia Steinberg on Nov. 22. He has moved from Alexandria, Va., to Montgomery County, Md.
Thomas J. Murray says he is “still rocking along, thank God.”
Betty Baird Nickerson reports that she just finished a concert and has begun rehearsals for another. She sees Caroline Gray Henderson and her husband, Bob, in the summer and spends Christmas on Cape Cod.
Robert O’Donoghue writes: “Vi and I are living in a retirement community and enjoying our lifestyle. We play lots of golf and bridge. We spend the entire year in Florida except for trips, which we still enjoy.”
Jerry Ogan notes that Judy and he are doing well. They spend six months in Florida and six months in Swampscott, Mass.
Joseph S. Olcott reports that he’s retired after forty-five years as business owner: “I’m living in the same house I built in 1949 on twenty acres overlooking the Potomac River near Washington, D.C. I’ve had the same wife for fifty years. We have no children, but we enjoy our simple lifestyle.”
Joe Pannone celebrated his 80th birthday on June 25, 2003. He writes: “Amy and I still live in Huntington Beach, Calif. We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in 2003. Amy’s 80th birthday was Feb. 29.”
Carl Paulson restricts his activities due to a November 2000 stroke. He cannot drive, read, or speak fluidly, although his comprehension is fine and he can carry on a conversation with assistance. He walks for an hour every day and does ninety minutes of yoga. He also paints small abstract watercolors.
Foula Dimopulos Peterson writes: “I walk every morning with a group of mall walkers. I live on the first floor of a two-family house, and my oldest son, Paul, and his family live upstairs. I’ve been widowed for four years and have only now made a new life for myself.”
Earl W. Roberts says he is still active in consulting and promoting his books. He also hikes, golfs, and skis.
Allen Rust reports he “finally bit the bullet and joined the wife in her natal home in Canal Point, Fla. My wife is in the process of acquiring a mansion for a B&B. I’m her mule.”
Elliot Salter notes that everything is good and he hopes to see everyone in ’06.
Robert G. Scott reports that he turned 80 on Nov. 7 and his health is still good.
Scott Shepherd has three children and eight grandchildren. He plays golf and bridge and builds model airplanes.
Edwin L. Sherrill writes: “I am in my twenty-ninth year as a village trustee in East Hampton. If all goes well, I will run for another four-year term. My son, Capt. E.L. Sherrill III, has been on duty in the Persian Gulf.
Gordon Shillinglaw writes: “Home health-care duties have ended my travel and budding golf career, but I still manage to play tennis a few times a week.”
Robert E. Silverman is tickled that his granddaughter, Kate Whalen ’07, is at Brown.
E. Sybil Blackman Simon writes: “I moved to a smaller place now that I spend six months in Florida. I took a marvelous trip to the Scandinavian countries and St. Petersburg, Russia, this past summer.”
Charles Sleicher writes: “Jan and I celebrated our 50th anniversary in September with a splendid dinner at the Jules Verne Restaurant at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. One of my photographs won an award from Nature and was displayed at the Smithsonian in Washington.”
Mary Lou Standish Smith writes: “We enjoyed a recent trip to an Elderhostel in Egypt. We also went to Guatemala in February.”
Morris A. Stout III writes: ‘The schedule calls for a retirement area in Philadelphia. We spent forty years in our current home and hope for twenty-plus in the new one. Our first great-grandchild, a girl, arrived in February 2003.”
Erwin E. Strasmich met Bernie Bell ’42 and his son at the Brown-Columbia game last fall. Erwin also visited Leonard Lewis ’48 at his Palm Springs pad, which was formerly leased by Elvis Presley.
Lois Thornton Tegarden writes: “My husband, Hollis Tegarden ’46, died April 14, 2003. We had a simple service written by our daughters, Deborah ’71 and Pamela, at Swan Point Cemetery in Providence. On Feb. 3, I had a heart attack and now have an implanted defibrillator. I had to sell our home in Jamestown, R.I., while Hollis was in a nursing home.”
David Grote Thornton would like to hear from classmates.
Dick Tracy reports he and Esther “Nan” Bouchard Tracy keep busy visiting distant children and attending local grandchildren’s sports games. Dick still enjoys attending Brown athletic events. He will also serve this year as a corporation member on the advisory committee on admissions. Nan remains faithful to Pembroke.
David A. Tuckerman writes: “We have joined the folks who have sold the homestead and moved to assisted living. It’s a different lifestyle but appropriate for those of us 80 and over, I guess. We hope to be able to return to Brown for the 60th reunion.”
From the March / April 2004 Issue
Elsie Anderson Drew (see Eunice Bugbee Manchester ’52).
Charlotte Meyersohn Lebowitz writes: “Marshall and I are still very involved in the Town of Natick working for and enjoying local political, educational, and cultural events. In August our children and grandchildren joined us at an inn in the White Mountains, where we have vacationed for over fifty years. Now I look forward to a trip to Barbados. We are so proud of our oldest grandson, Dov Lebowitz-Nowak ’04, who sings with the Bear Necessities and whose concentration is theater.”
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Judith Korey Charles writes: “On May 20, I was named ‘Woman of the Future’ by the New York Women’s Agenda, an organization that is an advocate for the interests of New York women. On June 20, my first grandchild, Madison Anne Charles, was born. Her father, Frederic Korey Charles, is now on the staff of the homeland security department.”
Elsie Anderson Drew (see Eunice Bugbee Manchester ’52).
George Hagemeister writes: “My wife, Mary Jane, passed away on Feb. 17, 2003, eight days before her seventy-third birthday. We would have celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary on June 27. We didn’t quite make it, but it was forty-nine-plus years of bliss. She was a fantastic wife, mother, and grandmother.”
George Heitman writes: “I’m slowly solving my breathing problems so we can travel again. I took my grandchildren to Costa Rica this summer. It was a wonderful experience.”
Bob Mareneck writes: “John Manchester ’74 was elected mayor of Lewisburg, W.Va., in the spring and is a favorite of voters. Lewisburg’s population is around 4,000. The town’s Brown alumni club numbers two: John Manchester and Bob Mareneck.”
Betty Baird Nickerson writes: “I had a brief reunion with classmate Callie Gray Henderson and her husband here in Peacham. I enjoy concerts with our North County Chorus and do art and display work with local organizations.”
Dick Seidlitz writes: “I retired from Morgan Stanley in February after fifty-four years in the investment banking business and am now a candidate for a master’s in European history at Columbia. My wife, Doris, and our children, Jane, Anne, and Richard Jr., are all doing well. We have two grandkids, Hannah, 6, and Andrew, 2.”
James S. Siegal writes: “I sold my apartment last year, but living in a retirement community with all those sick people was not my lifestyle. Instead, I bought a house nearby that was in poor repair. I had a new roof put on, twenty-two pine trees removed, and new gutters installed. My heirs in Connecticut and England will access the house when I’m gone.”
Jane Campbell Smith writes: “I’m happily ensconced in Westwood, Mass. I’m enjoying retirement but am still involved in consulting for Executive Service Corps, garden clubs, travel, and fun with nine grandchildren.”
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Jan Ward Allen writes: "The Pembroke Club of Providence held a well-attended summer luncheon at the Dunes Club in Narragansett, R.I. My sister-in-law, B.J. Ward, of Dallas, was my guest. A University of Texas alumna, she is the wife of my brother, Fletcher W. Ward '50."
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Charlotte Meyersohn Lebowitz writes: "Marshall and I are still very involved in the Natick (Mass.) community. Last year, we were honored to receive the Natick Education Foundation's Shining Light Award. We are proud to have our grandson, Dov Lebowitz-Nowak '04, at Brown."
Mary Lou Standish Smith wrote in March: "I'm still healthy and busy. I'm taking an Elderhostel trip to Iran in early May, after doing one in Cuba last year."
Dick Tracy and John Bach reunited last summer over dinner in Newport, R.I. John, who is still coaching in the NBA and is enjoying good health after previous heart problems, also visited Brown for the first time in many years.
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Class secretary Shirley Sugarman Wolpert reports:
"Claire Stone Auerbach writes: 'My husband and I spend our winters in Boynton Beach, Fla.'
"James H. Austin writes: 'Judy and I have retired from the medical school in Colorado and now live in Moscow, Idaho, where I'm an affiliate professor of philosophy. My book Zen and the Brain (MIT Press, 1998) is in its fifth printing.'
"John Bateman writes: 'I sold our house in New Hampshire during the summer, as we are moving to Naples, Fla. We plan to be in New England frequently to visit children and grandchildren.'
"Bob Beauregard writes: 'I retired in 1993 from MK Ferguson as staff engineer. My wife and I are active in church affairs. Our five children and thirteen grandchildren are spread out all over the country.'
"Betty Moyer Bell writes: 'Sorry, no interesting news. I'm looking forward to our next reunion.'
"Bob Black writes: 'About fourteen years ago, Ruth and I "adopted" a Brown student from Seoul, Korea, Jihyun Koo '91, '96 M.D. Jihyun is working on a dermatology residency at the University of North Carolina. In October, Ruth and I had the pleasure of attending Jihyun's wedding in Seoul to Paul Kim, a New York attorney.'
"Tom Boyd writes: 'I continue to live in Reston, Va., with my wife, Martha Bayles Boyd. We live in a large house with son Stowe, daughter-in-law Sarah Hoover Boyd, and grandsons Keenan, 12, and Conrad, 10. I took a trip to Ireland with my wife and daughter Tanya in September.'
"Ed Clarke '51 Ph.D. writes: 'For the third year in a row, I delivered a lecture to Brown's sophomore engineering class on the U.S. semiconductor industry. The lecture was presented on Nov. 13.'
"Robert Cook writes: 'I retired back in 1987. My wife, Jean Heffernan Cook '51, and I still do antique shows.'
"John Cuculo writes: 'I am still consulting and researching in fiber and polymer science at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.'
"Anne Cooney D'Antuono writes: 'My brother John J. Cooney Jr. '41 passed away on Oct. 29.'
"Nathaniel Davis writes: 'I am still teaching at Harvey Mudd College. I'm working on the second edition of my book A Long Walk to Church, after completing research for it last summer in Ukraine and Russia.'
"Howard Drew writes: 'I'm active with public service, beach and mountain vacations, golf, and numerous other family activities with my children and six grandchildren.'
"Melvin Frank is 'pretty much' retired and spends winters in Jupiter, Fla.
"George Heitman writes: 'I spent the year trying to recover from an accidental overdose of steroids taken for an infection and a cough. I'm back in business and am planning trips and house renovations again.'
"Ernest Hofer '47 A.M. writes: 'A total knee replacement kept me off the tiles for a good six months. My former jobs and education at Oxford keep me in the England several months a year.'
"Doris Pepper Katz writes: 'Our newest grandchild arrived in June 2001. I'm still chairing the Quality of Life Board for the City of Ormond Beach, Fla., as well as heading the Sculpture Garden Committee. I'm also playing lots of bridge on the computer.'
"Bill King writes: 'During the past decade, my wife, Marge, and I have been active in the Tucson chapter of the Reserve Officers Association Department of Arizona, supporting local high school and university ROTC programs.'
"Ed Knights writes: 'Ruth and I enjoy our hilltop home in New Hampshire and a condo in Charlestown Navy Yard. Our GeneSaver DNA preservation business is in its fifth year. I have also published numerous articles on genetics and genealogy.'
"Don Lester writes: 'I've been slowed down by an inoperable tumor in the spinal cord and am now limited to a wheelchair. Two months in a rehab hospital have helped some of the paralysis in my legs. A fourth great-grandchild has arrived.'
"Betsy Leonard Lewis writes: 'I moved to Santa Fe for skiing and culture and found an abundance of both. I also enjoy volunteer work and an active social life.'
"Elwin Linden is now living in an assisted care facility after having been very ill.
"Walter Lossow passed away on Oct. 16.
"Bob Lowe writes: 'We had a great trip to Ireland with the Brown alumni group and particularly enjoyed the talks by professor Perry Curtis.'
"Peter MacLellan writes: 'Ann Marie and I are still active on the tennis courts, golf links, and the Atlantic Ocean. We will be attending our third and fourth grandchildren's college graduations this spring in New England.'
"Hugh 'Sandy' MacNair writes: 'Winnie and I are thoroughly enjoying retirement in Port Townsend, Washington. We have been here eleven years and love the neighborhood, the town, the scenery, and the lack of traffic.'
"Jim McNeil writes: 'I retired five years ago from my dental practice and stay active with golf, reading, New York Times crossword puzzles, and chasing my grandchildren.'
"George B. Melrose writes: 'Our 50th wedding anniversary was celebrated in Bermuda with our children and their spouses. Darl and I are very active with the Buffalo Yacht Club, bridge, and bowling. I chair the town planning board and environment commission. I also successfully overcame prostrate cancer.'
"Alfred Miranda writes: 'I love south Flo- rida - hurricanes, floods, droughts, and all.'
"Birgir Moller writes: 'I have been retired since 1992, but due to dizziness physical activities are now limited. I went this year to Mallorca and to Copenhagen, where our son lives with our only two grandchildren. We are looking forward to seeing them in Iceland for half a month in December.'
"Jerald Morganstein writes: 'I retired from my orthodontics practice in Massachusetts in 1989. I have been living in Naples, Fla., since then.'
"Mary Hellstrom Nesline writes: 'My grandson, Eric Paul Nesline, was born on Aug. 5. Eric joins sister Eva.'
"Gerald Ogan writes: 'We are currently healthy, spending six months in Florida and six months in Swampscott, Mass.'
"Fred Parkinson passed away in February 2000.
"Carl Paulson had several strokes last year and is unable to write. He remains in good physical shape and lives at home alone with daily help from his son, Mark, and daughter, Sandra. Carl still attends miscellaneous art gallery openings and eats breakfast every Sunday with his old running group.
"Earl W. Roberts writes: 'Muriel and I enjoyed the 55th reunion very much. We'll be in Tucson until May 1.'
"W. Scott Shepherd is still in Pinehurst, N.C., with his wife, Button. He writes: 'We play golf, bridge, and build remote control airplanes. We have eight grandchildren.'
"Gordon Shillinglaw is now fully retired and trying to learn how to play golf as a project, not a hobby.
"James Siegal writes: 'I just returned from a month in Spain and Africa. I'm planning to visit England's Lake District in the spring. I'm still living at the Cypress Country Club on Hilton Head, S.C.'
"Sybil Blackman Simon has moved back to Providence, but still spends six months a year in Florida.
"Charles Sleicher, of Seattle, writes: 'The two highlights of the past year were the first pregnancy of my son's wife, and a weeklong trip to the coast of Katmai National Park to photograph Alaskan brown bears.'
"William H. Stone writes: 'I have finally retired and left the classroom after almost fifty years as a professor. However, I will continue my genetics research for at least five more years here in San Antonio.'
"Morris A. Stout writes: 'We built a new house at Pocono Lake, Penn., where we spend the summer. Debbie and I took a cruise on the Baltic in August.'
"Erwin Strasmich writes: 'I have joined the Lexington Club and have worked on political campaigns, including Mark Green's run for New York City mayor. Rebecca Lowenstein Cauman '38 is also a member. I recently visited with Joe Penner when he was in from Florida.'
"Lois Thornton Tegarden writes: 'Hollis is now in a nursing home just a few blocks from my office. I see him every night I am working. I had a wonderful time at the Dunes Club luncheon in Narragansett, R.I., with Rita Reilly Price, Barbara Martin Leonard, and Elsie Anderson Drew.'
"Bobby Titsworth Thomas writes: 'Norman and I are still healthy and active, living in Marblehead, Mass. Our youngest son, Justin Smith, was married in January 2001 and has opened his own woodworking business in Providence. Norman is retiring as treasurer of St. Andrew's Church here and we expect more time to travel.'
"David Thornton would like to hear from my classmates.
"Priscilla Biron Wood writes: 'I'm still taking our grandchildren to our Maine cottage each summer and remain active in church. I'm still upright and walking but now read large print books.'
"Madeline Bucci Zahorjan writes: 'My three children all attended Brown as undergraduates. Now my granddaughter is there in her sophomore year.' "
Stella Hughes Julian writes: "My son Michael '86 is a Nasdaq floor trader. He continues to live in Hoboken, N.J."
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Herm Rudman, of Westlake Village, Calif., writes: “I just completed writing and publishing my first book, Memories of a Connecticut Native: A Nutmegger’s Narrative. There’s much in it about Brown experiences.”
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Class president Dick Tracy reports: "Bob Mareneck celebrated his 75th birthday with his son on a Brown Travelers Baltic cruise in June 1999. The itinerary allowed for a side trip to Latvia to visit a small town where Bob’s family is still settled. This was the first family contact in two generations. In November, Bob ventured to a small town in Russia on a volunteer project with Citizens for Democracy. He was told that he was the first and only foreigner these Russians had ever seen. It seems this area of Russia was off-limits to foreign travel during the Soviet era. Bob returned to the States for Thanksgiving."
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Constance Starr Brock, of New York City, writes: "On Jan. 12, I was honored with induction as a chevalier in l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French government. I received the honor for bringing French culture to the attention of the National Arts Club, at which I started a monthly French program called "Le Cocktail Français," which encourages French conversation in an informal setting and includes a brief program in French. The award was presented by Charles Barrière, education attaché at the French Cultural Embassy."
George Hagemeister, of Cutchogue, N.Y., writes that his daughter, Bonnie Ann Nault, was made a captain in the U.S. Navy. Her husband, James, is captain of the U.S.S. Toledo submarine.
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Ed Clarke, of Paxton, Mass., writes that he and his wife, Vivian ’49, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last year with their four children and most of their twelve grandchildren, who came from Arizona, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. Ed’s 94-year-old father hosted one of the major events at his home in Rhode Island. Guests included Lynn Pease and his wife, Martha; and Robert Smith and his wife, Louise Jessell Smith ’49. Ed and Vivian then cruised the Danube, Main, and Rhine rivers, as well as the Danube-Main canal, on an October cruise sponsored by Brown and Cornell. Brown’s engineering department invited Ed to lecture about the semiconductor industry to the entire undergraduate engineering student body in November.
Dorothy Dobson Colver, of Brewster, Mass., writes: “All is well. My husband, Jack, and I have enjoyed living on Cape Cod for the past three and a half years. However, we occasionally spend time elsewhere. Together we have thirteen grandchildren ranging in age from 21?2 to 231?2. All of them are a delight.”
Frank Delzio, of New York City, writes: “After thirty-two years with Westinghouse (which shamefully is no longer in existence) and seven years with two different and disparate Brazilian companies, I have been running my own company for the past four years, which is something I should have done a long time ago. Still in good health, I enjoy a golf handicap of seven, and I occasionally shoot my age: 74.”
Myron Gordon, of Albany, N.Y., retired on Dec. 31. He continues to teach and to be active in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG). He writes: “Karol and I spent ten days in London, where I chaired the program of the New York State ACOG meeting. My son, Seth, is a sophomore at Albany Academy and is destined, he says, to play baseball for the New York Yankees. He won the headmaster’s bat prize as a freshman varsity player.”
Betty Sue Ernst Greenebaum, of Scarsdale N.Y., writes: “Just for fun, ten of us who had lived in West House during 194445 got together. Attending were Callie Gray Henderson, who organized and hosted the event at her home in Lincoln, Mass.; Phyllis Ensor Packard ’45, of Bridgewater, Mass.; Kay Towne Anderson ’45, of Amherst, Mass.; Betty Baird Nickerson, of Peacham, Vt.; Carolyn Helliwell Campbell, of Topsfield; Mass.; Hope Rosen Einstein, of Stamford, Conn.; Fran Morton Nugent ’45, of Norwich, Conn.; Kathleen Anderson Lees, of Hendersonville, N.C.; and Joan Kunkel Tanner ’47 of Portland, Ore. It only took fifty-four years to get together again, and it was more wonderful than anyone could imagine.”
George Hagemeister, of Cutchogue, N.Y., reports that his daughter, Bonnie Ann Nault, has attained the rank of captain in the U.S. Navy, and his son-in-law, James Nault, is captain of the submarine U.S.S. Toledo.
John Henderson writes: “President Gee’s swing through the south Florida Brown clubs early last year got me involved in leading the resurrection of the local organization, which had come somewhat unglued. It couldn’t have been more fun. We generated a turnout of almost ninety at President Gee’s luncheon with Miami and Ft. Lauderdale alumni. In the spring we also successfully completed the BASC interviews; we had a great dinner meeting at which Professor Charles Neu talked Vietnam War history; and we saw the new Miami Heat arena in a tour led by its architect, Laurinda Spear ’72. I hope that next year’s efforts will be led by alumni who are perceptibly younger than I.”
Herbert Hirsch, of New York City, writes: “Following graduation from Brown, I attended Columbia Law. Most of the time thereafter I was with one law firm in New York City, which grew from thirty lawyers to 450. My practice focused on corporate and art law. I am now ‘of counsel’ (a euphemism for retired) at Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson, where I concentrate on art law, which in New York City is currently headline news, especially with the Brooklyn Museum and Egon Schiele cases. I am chair of the art law committee of the New York City Bar Association. As interest in art increases and values rise, lawyers (curse them!) become more involved, so art law has become a specialty within the field of intellectual property. I am the father of three sons, one of whom graduated from Brown in 1986.”
Doris Pepper Katz writes: “I am chair of the Quality of Life Advisory Board and the Sculpture Garden Committee in Ormond Beach, Fla. I have returned with a vengeance to playing duplicate bridge. I also play OK bridge on the Internet. Are there any other alums doing it?”
Kathleen Anderson Lees, of Hendersonville, N.C., writes: “Lew and I are well and happy and playing tennis. Our daughter, Kristin, lives here with her husband and three children. In September we all took a trip in an RV covering 5,320 miles in the South and Southwest.”
Peter L. MacLellan Jr. writes that on a long summer weekend in late August he and his wife, Ann Marie, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with their six children, thirteen grandchildren, and the rest of their family in Ascutney, Vt. Peter writes: “Twenty-nine of us, aged 5 to 75, canoed down the Connecticut River. We renewed our marriage vows at the St. Francis of Assisi church in Windsor, Vt. After a memorable dinner that included an Irish band, Ann Marie and I flew to Honolulu to stay at the the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, where we honeymooned in September 1949.”
George B. Melrose, of Kenmore, N.Y., writes: “Davl and I took a trip of a lifetime. We cruised on the Queen Elizabeth II to Southampton. The Queen’s Grill stateroom, the cuisine, and the service were all exceptional. Then we took a limo and flight to Glasgow, where we joined an eight-day tour of Scotland. The pièce de résistance was the three-hour Concorde flight to New York City. I am on X-1, X-2, and X-5 design teams, so I dialogued in the cockpit with the crew. I never thought I’d fly at Mach 2. At home the latest project is restoring a section of the Erie Canal. Prostate cancer last summer was successfully treated with radiation and a seed implant. I’m active in bridge, bowling, and the Buffalo Yacht Club. My 50th wedding anniversary is in May; we will celebrate with a family cruise to Bermuda.”
Birgir Moller writes: “After my last post as minister counselor at the Icelandic Embassy in Copenhagen from 1983 to 1992, I retired at age 70. My Swedish wife, Gunilla, and I have since been living in Reykjavik, Iceland. My hobby has been studying Italian and Spanish, which has enabled me to read in the original such authors as Isabel Allende and Gabriel García Márquez. In the summer I enjoy playing golf. My wife, who loves to paint, has had several exhibitions in Copenhagen and here, with favorable reviews by art critics. We both love playing music and listening to concerts and records. In the autumn we prolong the summer with a three-week stay in Italy, Crete, or Spain. This autumn we went to Mallorca. Our health is reasonably good. Best wishes to old friends and acquaintances.”
Betty Baird Nickerson reports that she is illustrating a friend’s poetry book. She also had an exhibit in August at the local historical building.
Joseph Penner, of St. Petersburg, Fla., writes: “Grace and I recently celebrated our 39th anniversary. Our son, David ’88, lives in Baltimore. Our son, Jason; his wife, Bonnie; and our two grandsons live in Lake City, Fla. I am still active in real-estate development with commercial projects in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as a residential undertaking on the Hudson River in Dutchess County, N.Y.”
Justin Richman, of Newton, Mass., writes: “I retired from private practice in 1997. I am now doing research with a foundation at M.I.T. I have also returned to practicing at the New England Medical Center of Lifespan and to teaching at Tufts University Medical School.”
Earl W. Roberts, of Mystic, Conn., writes: “I’ve cut back on my engineering-consulting work, except for expert-witness litigation. Muriel and I are taking more pleasure trips. Last summer we traveled on the canals and rivers of Russia, with lengthy stays in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In the winter we were in our Tucson condo. In the summer, we’ll have a family reunion in houseboats on Lake Powell.”
Dick Seidlitz, of Pound Ridge, N.Y., writes: “Doris and I spent an enjoyable ten days in London and Paris with Neil and Betty Stone Ellis ’49 eating up a storm! We’re enjoying our first grandchild, Hannah Katherine, who is 18 months old. I still work full-time at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.”
Jane Campbell Smith writes: “We live in Westwood, Mass., near most of our eight grandchildren, who provide fun, entertainment, and opportunities for babysitting. I do a lot of consulting for Executive Service Corps, which I enjoy for keeping my thought processes active. We also travel a lot; we’re about to go to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and the Chilean Fjords a part of the world that is new to us.”
Mary Lou Standish Smith, of Boulder, Colo., writes: “Nineteen ninety-nine was a great year for me! I saw my grandson graduate from Cornell in May. I also joined my husband, Ernie, at his 55th reunion at Swarthmore. We are both busy with six other grandchildren and with our visits in the East and West. My interests in handbells and quilting continue.”
William H. “Bill” Stone, of San Antonio, writes: “I am still the distinguished professor of biology at Trinity University in San Antonio, where I teach two classes a semester and carry on with my research, though at a slower rate than I did years ago. I gave a paper in Beijing last October and am on sabbatical in Barcelona this semester. I will reach three-quarters of a century next December and plan to continue ad infinitum.”
From the September / October 1999 Issue
Anne R. D'Antuono sold her beautiful old home and moved to 52 Black Plain Rd., North Smithfield, R.I. 02896. She would love to hear from classmates.
Ruth Ferguson Mitchell (see Earl W. Harrington Jr. '41).
From the July / August 1999 Issue
Judith Korey Charles, New York City, writes: "Not retired yet! As president of Charles & Associates, I continue to get my clients' stories in print, on television, and on the radio. Most clients are in the food industry, including the French Comt Cheese Association, featured in recent months in Bon Apptit, House & Garden, and the New York Times. The client that gives me top personal satisfaction is the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit, a major New York happening that is now in its 68th year. I also serve on the boards of Veritas, one of New York State's drug rehabilitation programs, as well as the Roundtable for Women in food service, and the North West Central Park Multiblock Association. My husband, Fred, continues his law practice, primarily in litigation. Son Frederic, a U.S. Air Force captain, is safely ensconced in Hill Air Base, Utah, after serving in Kuwait.
Edward Clarke, Paxton, Mass., was awarded the Brown Engineering Alumni Medal during Commencement Weekend 1998 as part of the Brown Engineering Sesquicentennial celebration. He was recognized for his work in the U.S. semiconductor industry, in solar energy, and in university education. He and his wife, Vivian Bergquist Clarke '49, had a family reunion in July 1998 with some of their children and eight of their twelve grandchildren on two houseboats on Lake Powell, Utah.
Paul Green, Westport, Conn., is still publishing Desalination and Water Reuse Magazine. He writes: "Eleanor and I enjoyed a conference in Amsterdam in September. I'm also an active member of the Saugatuck Rowing Association and am very proud of Brown's rowing teams. A new grandchild is on the way, which will bring the total to seventeen - and I remember all the names!"
Jack F. Heinz, Philadelphia, writes: "Once again it appears that I am not a contender for the Nobel Prize, a Hollywood Oscar, or the Heisman Trophy. Undaunted, I'll keep trying. In all modesty, I did pass the A.A.R.P. course for elderly drivers - and with flying colors, I might add."
John Henderson writes: "Winter base is Miami and summer is the San Francisco Bay Area. Call Judith and me. Last year we managed to spend a month in London and a few weeks in Mexico. All in the cause of late literacy. Back at the ranch, I am working to help resuscitate the Brown Club of Miami and Fort Lauderdale. In the process, I am meeting a great bunch of slightly younger fellow Brunonians."
Donald Lanning, Friendswood, Tex., writes: "My wife and I are active in Friendship Force foreign exchange trips, having traveled most recently to Scandinavia in the summer of 1998. We are still operating a small cattle ranch near Houston part-time and square-dancing as a regular adventure."
Donald Lester, Naperville, Ill., writes: "After a year off to travel and celebrate my 50th year of ordination to the ministry in the Presbyterian Church, I am now in my eighth interim pastorate. Last year we traveled to Russia, Alaska, and the northwest states. Our next travels will take us to Eastern Europe and for the Passion Play at Oberamergau, Germany. We spent Christmas with my family, which includes five children, thirteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. My health is good after a battle with prostate cancer. I'm planning more travel in 2000."
Robert Mareneck, Lewisburg, W.Va., is fully settled in the magnificent mountains of West Virginia, only seven-and-a-half miles from golf at the Greenbrier. Life, he writes, is "like the song 'Almost Heaven.' I'm trying desperately to 'shoot my age.' I'll probably have to wait past the millennium, God willing. Anytime one of you '46ers is driving past Lewisburg, stop and give us a call. We're in the book. All eleven grandchildren - from Ireland to Oregon - are doing well."
Stephen W. Nease, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, writes: "Semiretired, I am serving at Mount Vernon (Ohio) Nazarene College, where I was a founding president in 1966. My title is executive director for capital and endowment development. We have eleven grandchildren and one great-granddaughter."
Justin Richman, Newton, Mass., retired from private medical practice about a year ago, but is still working at Boston Heart Foundation, a research group associated with M.I.T., and teaching at Tufts Medical School. He is also trying to use a computer.
Richard Shaw, Livingston, N.J., is now fully retired. He completed seventeen years at Drew University Media Center, following thirty-three years at Bell System and a tour in the U.S. Navy. Now he's a full-time grandfather of two. He writes, "Life has been good to us, praise God."
E. Sybil Blackman Simon, Warren, R.I., writes: "I've been trying to be a bit more adept with my Macintosh computer. It's stimulating for the old brain. Went to an Elderhostel in Scottsdale, Ariz., that highlighted the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and Cosanti, an environmental architect who designs sculptural bells. In January I went to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. I'm just an old history major who enjoys seeing the world."
Charles Sleicher, Seattle, writes: "I continue to enjoy photography and had some success in it this past year, including winning one national contest, getting an honorable mention in another, and getting a photograph published in National Geographic (October 1998)."
Janice Wood-Thomas, Cumberland, R.I., just joined Brown Community Learning in Retirement. She writes: "Lots of interesting people, topics, situations, and challenges. I'm volunteering for Aging 2000 and learning about computer use and the World Wide Web, which seems to satisfy the desires of my intellect. My dear family supplies the rest of life's best. May it be so for us all."
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Donald G. Lester, who toured Russia and the U.S. Northwest in 1998, is beginning his seventh post-retirement interim-pastor assignment in Naperville, Ill.
From the September / October 1998 Issue
Nathaniel Davis returned to teaching at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif., after spending the 1996-97 academic year on a Fulbright Scholarship to the Russian State University of the Humanities in Moscow.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Stella Hughes Julian, Providence, is living at the St. Joseph Living Center, which she describes as "an assisted living facility with a warm, caring staff [where] they keep us very active." Her son Michael '86 received his master's in German literature and language from the University of Florida in 1996. He passed the bar exam and is working for the law firm of Yeager & Banks in Orlando.
Betty Baird Nickerson's husband, Hal, passed away on Nov. 1. She is grateful he was able to attend her 50th reunion in 1996. Betty lives in Peacham,Vt.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Stella Hughes Julian, Providence, is living at the St. Joseph Living Center, which she describes as "an assisted living facility with a warm, caring staff [where] they keep us very active." Her son Michael '86 received his master's in German literature and language from the University of Florida in 1996. He passed the bar exam and is working for the law firm of Yeager & Banks in Orlando.
Betty Baird Nickerson's husband, Hal, passed away on Nov. 1. She is grateful he was able to attend her 50th reunion in 1996. Betty lives in Peacham,Vt.
From the March / April 1998 Issue
Dorothy Dobson Colver (formerly Dorothy Dobson Clarke), Brewster, Mass., married John R. Colver on May 5, 1996.
John Henderson married Judith Arango on Dec. 27, 1996, the fifth anniversary of the day they met. "Forty-eight years ago last June, when I was graduating from Harvard Law School, Judith was graduating from Wellesley," John writes. "It took us a while to get together, but it was worth the wait. We live in Miami in the winter and across the bay from San Francisco in the summer. The five children we have between us are spread out, more or less, along the route."
Carmela Bruno Ragosta ’46, of Providence, R.I.; Jul. 22. She was a social worker in Providence until she retired to be a full-time mother and homemaker. She was an active member of Veridames of Providence College, Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, and the Aurora Civic Association. She was an accomplished pianist and enjoyed baking and cooking. She is survived by four sons and daughters-in-law, 12 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren.
Ruth Warren Cohen ’46, of Boca Raton, Fla., formerly of New York City and Charlotte, N.C.; Jun. 20. While at Brown she met her husband Leslie Cohen ’44, who predeceased her. In addition to being a homemaker, she was a needlepoint shop owner for a while and, later, a real estate broker. She retired to Boca Raton in 2004. She enjoyed playing tennis and went on to win many club tournaments, as well as the amateur women’s golf championship of North Carolina. She is survived by two daughters, two sons, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Dean R. Staats ’46, ’48 AM, of Media, Pa.; Apr. 14. He was a retired actuary and a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He enjoyed traveling, the arts, bowling, and tennis. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn; a daughter-in-law; a grandson; and nieces and nephews.
Charles A. Sleicher Jr. ’46, of Seattle; Jan. 23. He was professor emeritus of chemical engineering, University of Washington, and a cofounder of Washington’s winery Associated Vintners. He entered the NROTC program at Brown and underwent submarine training with the U.S. Navy. He obtained a master’s in chemical engineering from M.I.T. in 1950 and a PhD from the University of Michigan in 1955. After marrying and moving to California, he worked for Shell Oil (1955-1959) and started a family. He studied fluid mechanics at the University of Cambridge (UK) for a year and in 1960 joined the chemical engineering department at the University of Washington, where he served as chair from 1980 until retiring in 1991. He was active in a play readers group and monthly wine-tasting. He had varied interests from designing and building a log cabin, to teaching himself how to play the banjo. He enjoyed reading and traveling and became an award-winning photographer, leading photo safaris to Tanzania into his 90s. He is survived by daughter Gretchen Sleicher ’79; a son and daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and brother Harry ’48.
Woodbury C. Titcomb ’46, of Holden, Mass., and Naples, Fla.; Aug. 23, at 100 years of age. While at Brown, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy ROTC and was commissioned to the USS New Orleans in February 1945. He was a fighter director and visual intercept officer in the Combat Information Center (CIC), where he used new radar technology to identify and intercept enemy craft. He returned and married his high school sweetheart but was called to active duty a second time. He was promoted to lieutenant and CIC officer commissioned to the USS Macon. After his military service, he began a long career in banking. He spent 15 years with First National Bank of Boston, where he rose to vice president before being hired as president of First Manufacturer’s National Bank of Lewiston, Me. In 1976, he returned to Massachusetts and was a consultant to Framingham Trust Company. In 1978, he was hired as president and CEO of Peoples Savings Bank of Worcester, Mass., and remained there until it was purchased by Shawmut National Corporation. He was active in the Worcester community, serving as president of the Worcester Club and a member of Worcester Country and Tennis clubs. In 1994 he retired to Naples, where he enjoyed 26 active winters. He is survived by his companion, Karen Donovan; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren.
Gerard “Jerry” Fernandez ’46, of Longwood, Fla., formerly of Maine and New York; Apr. 21. After graduating from St. John’s University Law School, he began working at the law firm of Hawkins, Delafield & Wood in New York City. He was instrumental in maintaining and growing the firm’s practice and reputation during his 66-plus years with the firm. Additionally, he helped with the expansion of the firm’s practice in Maine prior to retiring in 2017. He was a World War II Navy veteran. He is survived by a son, three granddaughters, and a great-granddaughter.
Miriam Klein ’46, of Hamden, Conn.; Oct. 3. She was an education coordinator from 1968 to 1973 for the former New Careers Program in New Haven (Conn.). She subsequently held positions at Yale before retiring in 1992. She enjoyed music and played both piano and cello. She also enjoyed traveling the world and staying connected with friends whose relationships spanned 50+ years. Mindful of staying physically fit, she worked out with a physical trainer up to the age of 95. She is survived by three daughters.
Fowler Blauvelt ’46, of Vero Beach, Fla.; Nov. 10. After Brown, he joined Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation as a sales trainee and was promoted to branch manager in 1960. In 1969, he became group vice president responsible for domestic manufacturing, marketing, and sales functions relating to textile fiber used in fabric and reinforced plastic applications, and insulation for transportation and home appliance applications. He was elected executive vice president and a member of the board of directors in 1975 with additional management responsibilities such as overseeing the human resources, industrial relations, and information technology systems departments. He retired in 1985. He was an NROTC Brown graduate and served in the final months of World War II. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi, Burning Tree Country Club, International Club, and the Moorings Club. He is survived by a daughter; two sons, including Richard ’84; two daughters-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Shirley Sugarman Wolpert ’46, of Providence and Narragansett, R.I.; June 29, after a brief illness. She was the face that greeted everyone who entered Brown’s Maddock Alumni Center for more than 26 years. As former BAM Editor Norman Boucher put it, she was “Brown’s unofficial ambassador.” In addition to greeting thousands of alumni, students, parents, faculty, and staff, she also met and helped many celebrities through the years, including John F. Kennedy Jr. ’83, George Harrison, Peter Jennings, Andrew Young, Jonas Salk, Danny DeVito, Howard Cosell, and Jane Fonda, to name a few. She was an active member of the Pembroke Club of Providence, eventually serving as president, for which she received the President’s Award in 2001. She was a former member of the Brown Alumni Association Board of Governors and was secretary of her class for many years. She attended her 70th Reunion in 2016 and was upset that there was no 75th Reunion planned in 2021. She is survived by daughter Nancy Wolpert Rachman ’79; a son and daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; cousin Harold Gadon ’49; and several nieces and nephews.
Bunny Cohan Meyer ’46, of Atlanta, formerly of Miami; Mar. 5. After marrying and moving to Miami, where her husband built a residential architecture practice, she pursued a wide range of activities on behalf of her community and Brown. She was instrumental in the founding of the Pembroke Alumnae Club and was president of the Brown Club in 1981, the year she received the Brown Bear Award. She held board positions with the Visiting Nurses Association and Florida International University. In her 90s, she was an honoree at the Profiles of Positive Aging sponsored by LeadingAge, and her memoir encapsulated how she lived her life: “Stay constructively busy and think creatively.” She is survived by a daughter; son James ’76; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; two great-granddaughters; and sister Marcia Cohan Blacher ’49.
Betty Baird Nickerson ’46, of Peacham, Vt.; Nov. 18. She was a teacher and her career began in Springfield, Vt., where she met her future husband. In the 1960s, both she and her husband accepted teaching positions at Blue Mountain High School. She retired in 1989. She enjoyed singing in the North Country Chorus. She wrote two books, Does a Stone Grow? and Visitation of Our Muses, which reflected on her career as an elementary art teacher and her love of verse.
Rena Pritsker Button ’46, of Cambridge, Mass., formerly of Delmar, N.Y.; Nov. 18. Throughout her time in New York, she worked to improve social services and youth programs in the Albany area. She was active in local and national politics and served on boards of many local organizations and in leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal and the National Council of Jewish Women. In 1996, she ran as the Democratic candidate for New York State Assembly in the 102nd district. In 1997, she cofounded Two Together, an afterschool reading program for children in Albany’s South End. She moved to Cambridge in 2015. She is survived by sons Joshua Posner ’71, Bruce Posner ’73, and David Posner ’76; three daughters-in-law, including Eileen Rudden ’71; four stepchildren and their spouses; and 15 grandchildren, including Samuel Posner ’03, Joseph Posner ’07, Charles Posner ’11, and Raphaela Posner ’18.
Esther “Nan” Bouchard Tracy ’46, of Providence, R.I.; Nov. 19. She was a social worker for the City of East Providence before starting a family. Involved in her community, she played bridge and golf at the Wannamoisett Country Club and helped run their junior golf program in the late 1970s. After raising her children, she got more involved at Brown and joined the Alumni Relations team, where she became assistant director of class reunions and held that position until 1990. Respected by both alums and staff, the Association of Class Leaders established the Nan Tracy ’46 Award to recognize a class leader who exhibited distinguished service to his/her class and/or the University. After retiring from Brown, she focused her time supporting her grandchildren and traveling. Her famous turkey stuffing and pies will be missed by her family and friends. She is survived by her daughter Marianne Tracy ’79; sons Robert ’76, Edward ’81 and Kevin ’85; three daughters-in-law; nine grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
Kathleen Anderson Lees ’46, of Hendersonville, N.C.; Oct. 12. She had a passion for science and a possible career in microbiology until she met her future husband, married, and traveled with him while he was in the service. Settling in Peoria, Ill., she started a family and volunteered in the Peoria community. She was particularly proud of her involvement with American Field Service for Central Illinois, where she would “adopt” high school students from around the world and mentor them for decades—even hosting one of her “formerly adopted kid’s son.” Her commitment to the betterment of the Peoria community led to her recognition in 1975 as the recipient of the Tom Connor Service Award as an outstanding volunteer in the Peoria area. After moving to Hendersonville, she again was involved in the community, helping the underserved Latino community via the United Way and St. James Episcopal Church and serving 19 years with Guardian Ad Litem. She was an active participant and board member at Kanuga Conference Center and was one of the initial organizers of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Breakfast in Hendersonville. For this work, she was named Citizen of the Year by the North Carolina Chapter of Social Workers and Distinguished Civitan Citizen of the Year in 2000. The Community Foundation of Henderson County awarded her the 2021 Dorothy Dellinger “Dot” Marlow Philanthropic Catalyst Award and she was also honored that year as the Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation. She enjoyed reading, music, and traveling. She is survived by four children, including son Carlton Lees ’72; 10 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and a brother.
Howard E. Drew ’46, of Keller, Tex.; Sept. 7. He worked for one company for 44 years at locations in six states; for his last 20 years he was manager of the Uniroyal/Michelin Ardmore tire plant. He had served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was active in the Ardmore community on boards of the United Way, Chamber of Commerce, Ardmore Development Authority, Memorial Hospital and Foundation, Ardmore Village and the Goddard Center. He was a lifelong Episcopalian and member of St. Philip’s Church, where he served many years on the vestry and various church committees. He is survived by three children and their spouses, six grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
Pauline D. Mullins ’46, of Providence; Aug. 3. She continued her education by earning a master’s degree in education from Rhode Island College and taught in the Providence school system. During summers, she hosted a weekly television program sponsored by the Providence School Department. In addition, she taught elementary education at Providence College and Rhode Island College. Aside from teaching, she enjoyed playing competitive contract bridge and through the American Contract Bridge League she earned the designation of Life Master in 1991. She is survived by many cousins.
John F. Larsen ’46, of Silver Spring, Md.; Jan. 8. He was an entrepreneur and a Purple Heart recipient. He believed every day was a gift. He enjoyed reading, writing plays, poetry, songs, and playing golf. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, six grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
Thomas J. Murray ’46, of Kensington, Md.; Dec. 17. He was the publisher of The Social List of Washington, D.C., better known as “The Green Book.” He took over as publisher in 1985 after the death of his wife, whose grandmother had started it in 1929. It continues to be published today by his son Peter. He had a 21-year career in the Navy serving aboard several ships, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. In 1960, he was assigned to the Pentagon and retired in 1964. He then began a career as a financial planner, launching his own firm, Thomas Murray Associates, in 1978. Additionally, he held leadership positions with the American Legion, the Knights of Malta, St. Andrews Society, and the Wheaton-Kensington Rotary Club. He is survived by five children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Leonard P. Garr ’46, of Auburndale, Mass.; Mar. 27. He left his studies at Brown during his sophomore year for active duty during World War II and served as a cryptographer in Burma. He returned to Brown after the war and completed his degree. For 35 years he was CEO of two corporations, Eddy St. Realty Co. and Garr’s Fabrics, Inc. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two grandsons, and a great-granddaughter.
James T. McNeil ’46, of Melrose, Mass.; Nov. 2. After serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he graduated from Brown and then from New York University College of Dentistry. He opened a dental practice in Medford, Mass., which he closed once he was called back to service during the Korean War. After completion of his military service, he returned to private practice, this time in Everett, Mass., where he practiced until his retirement. He was a trustee of Bridgton Academy and enjoyed playing tennis and golf. He is survived by seven children and their spouses, 15 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren.
Paul S. Goldstein ’46, of Hamden, Conn.; Aug. 24. He was a longtime practicing pediatrician in New Haven, Conn. He earned his medical degree and did his residency at Yale, then served in the Armed Forces Medical Corps in Japan during the Korean War. In 1952, he joined with Dr. Morris Krosnick in private practice while operating the Yale Pediatric Allergy Clinic. There, he initiated the Pediatric Endocrine Clinic and together they launched Pediatrics Associates of New Haven in 1962. In addition to being generalists, they would each cover more special interest areas covering all pediatric fields and became role models for other practitioners. Pediatrics Associates served as a training site for the pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) program and Paul served as president of the National Board of PNPs from 1979 to 1981. In 1976, he was appointed chair of the department of ambulatory services and community medicine at St. Raphael’s Hospital and was instrumental in helping to establish the emergency medical services system in New Haven. He is survived by three children and their spouses, including daughter Jill M. Goldstein ’76 and son Laurence ’79; and four grandchildren.
Marian Rupp Roecker ’46, of Buffalo, N.Y., formerly of Geneseo, N.Y.; June 27. She was an occupational therapist in Rochester and Mount Morris before retiring in 1982. She enjoyed traveling, gardening, playing bridge and golf, and was a lifelong member of the Geneseo United Methodist Church. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, and a sister.
John H. Dolan ’46, of Delray Beach, Fla.; June 13, of congestive heart failure. After serving in the Navy and graduating from Brown, he worked as an executive for the Grace Line steamship business in Santiago, Chile, where he met his wife. They married and moved to Long Island, N.Y., where he worked for Moore McCormack and Norwegian Caribbean cruise lines. In his 50s he changed careers and worked at Merrill Lynch. After retiring, he volunteered with the Peace Corps in Guatemala. He later moved to Delray Beach and traveled the world. He enjoyed gardening and watching Jeopardy! He is survived by three children, including son Rod ’74; a grandson; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.
Lawrence Mueller Jr. ’46, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., formerly of Asheville, N.C.; Feb. 17. He had a 43-year career in the carpet industry with extensive experience in both domestic and international carpet operations, manufacturing, and product development. He was employed for more than 32 years with Mohawk Carpet Corp. as vice president of commercial product development, including four years in Brussels, Belgium, as technical director of Balamo, S.A. Tournai, building a joint venture carpet company from the ground up. He continued his career in 1984 with Stratton Industries, Inc., as vice president of research and development, and then as vice president of manufacturing and development. In 1987, he concluded his career as vice president of manufacturing for Harding Carpets in Canada. He was a longtime volunteer at the North Carolina Arboretum in Asheville and the Radio Reading Service for the Blind and enjoyed singing in choirs, including the Asheville Choral Society. He was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; four children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Mary Donatelli Nation ’46, of Vero Beach, Fla., formerly of Providence; Dec. 29, after a brief illness. She was a social worker in Providence, and after earning her master’s degree from Boston University she worked as a medical social worker in the Boston area. She volunteered with several organizations throughout her life, especially those dedicated to the political and personal empowerment of women, such as the League of Women Voters, the Democratic Women’s Club, and Planned Parenthood. In April 2004, at the age of 80, she proudly participated in the March for Women’s Lives in Washington, D.C., to defend a woman’s right to reproductive choice. She was also instrumental in the successful bid to place a historical marker in Fellsmere, Fla., to commemorate the first-ever vote cast by a woman in Fellsmere. After retiring to Florida in 1990, she and her husband enjoyed collecting antiques and opened Nation’s Bounty, an antique business. She was an avid gardener and is survived by three children and three grandchildren.
Myron Gordon ’46, of Palm Desert, Calif.; Dec. 6. Upon completion of his medical degree at the University of Buffalo and his Naval service, he became a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital (New York City), chief of staff at Metropolitan Hospital (New York City), and in 1980 chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Albany Medical Center. He enjoyed playing tennis, dancing, and visiting the Saratoga Race Track. He is survived by his wife, Karol; a son and daughter-in-law; and two grandsons.
Howard F. Greenhalgh ’46, of Providence; Sept. 3. He worked as an administrator for the Rhode Island Board of Elections for 34 years before retiring in 1986. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II and he enjoyed playing golf and ice hockey, which he continued into his 70s. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-laws, four grandchildren, three sisters, and nieces and nephews.
Alfred M. Buff ’46, of New York City; July 4. As a World War II Army Air Corps veteran, he spent more than 40 years as an engineer with New York State and was involved with building the New York State Pavilion at the World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows. Later he worked with the department of health as a supervisory sanitation engineer regulating hospitals and nursing homes, and concluded his career as an environmental engineer with the department of conservation. He volunteered with organizations involved in the Hudson River and enjoyed skiing and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Lenore; daughter Carolyn Buff ’84; a son; and a grandson.
Herbert “Skip” Barlow Jr. ’46, of Annapolis, formerly of Providence and Barrington, R.I.; June 2. After graduating from Brown as an ensign in the Navy, he toured the Pacific in 1945 on a troop transport. He then served in the Naval Reserve for 23 years, retiring as a lieutenant commander. After active duty, he attended Catholic University Law School in Washington, D.C., and worked in the U.S. Patent Office and the Navy Department. Upon graduating from law school, he returned to Rhode Island and joined his father’s patent law firm, now known as Barlow, Josephs & Holmes, Ltd. He was active in the intellectual property section of the American Bar Association and chaired the trademark committee. He was an avid sailor, a member of Brown’s sailing team, and competed in 18 Newport-Bermuda races, navigating once to first place overall. He and his wife cruised the Caribbean and Florida Keys. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren.
John E. Lombardo ’46, of Orleans, Mass.; Feb. 1, after a brief illness. He spent his entire career at the Traveler’s Insurance Company, retiring as a vice president in 1988. He enjoyed performing in local community theater, stamp collecting, bird watching, jazz music, fishing, and playing bridge. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He is survived by sons John ’76, Michael ’79, Jeffrey ’84, and their spouses; five grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; and three siblings, including Joseph Lombardo ’43.
Roger S. Hoff ’46, of Newtown, Pa., formerly of Trenton, N.J.; Feb. 18. After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he received the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, he worked in the insurance industry. He later had a long career with the Department of Labor, State of New Jersey, as a labor economist and manager. He was active with the Old Mill Hill Society in Trenton and the Men’s Club at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton, and supported the Edinburg Historical Society (N.Y.). He enjoyed dancing, hunting, trap-shooting, fishing, gardening, and cooking. He is survived by his wife, Katharine; three children, including son James ’74; two stepsons; and two step-grandchildren.
Eva Bello Grant ’46, of Glen, N.H.; Jan. 26. She worked in the catalog department of the Hamilton Smith Library at UNH and for the North Conway Public Library and Granite State College, and served as librarian for Kennett High School. She enjoyed skiing and playing tennis and golf. She is survived by three children and their spouses, three granddaughters, and a great-grandson.
James M. Stewart ’46, of New York City; Nov. 11, from Alzheimer’s. He had a long career in the advertising industry before embarking on a global banking career. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy. In retirement he enjoyed gardening. He is survived by a daughter, a son and daughter-in-law, grandchildren, a sister-in-law, a niece, and a nephew.
Elizabeth Roby Manners ’46, of Clinton, Conn.; Oct. 22. She taught kindergarten and elementary school art in Meriden, Conn. At the end of World War II, she traveled to Paris to take care of children orphaned by the war. She married in 1949 and moved to Omaha, Nebraska, where she and her husband founded Countryside Community Church. They moved back to Connecticut in 1959. She enjoyed being both a mother and a pastor’s wife and later taught at the Mandana Armstrong Nursery School, eventually becoming its director. She moved to Clinton in 1985 and was active in the First Congregational Church of Westbrook. She and her husband founded a nonprofit called The American Friends of the Asian Rural Institute to support mission work. She enjoyed camping, boating, sketching, painting, traveling, and volunteering. She is survived by four children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
Nancy J. Sandberg ’46, of Rockford, Ill.; Sept. 30. She was an elementary teacher in the Rockford public school system, where she was named Teacher of the Year in 1985. She retired from teaching in 1991 and worked with student teachers at Rockford College. She was a member of the National Educational Association and Illinois Retired Teachers Association, and a member and past president of the Winnebago County Retired Teachers Association. She was also a member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Zeta Chapter, serving as president from 1986 to 1988. She is survived by 10 nieces and nephews, including John Curtin ’73 and Michael Curtin ’77.
Rodney G. Sarle ’46, of Brunswick, Me.; May 27. He served in the U.S. Navy’s officer training program then held business positions before he joined the faculty of the University of Maryland. He was later appointed to the faculty of the School of Business Administration at UNC Chapel Hill, where he earned a master’s degree from the School of Library Science. In 1958 he was selected by the Library of Congress to serve in various research, reference, and administrative positions before being appointed as the director of the Library’s acquisition and processing office attached to the American Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, in 1964. In 1967, following the Six-Day War, he was evacuated from Egypt and assigned as director of the Library of Congress office in Karachi, Pakistan. He later held dual appointments as director of both the Cairo and Karachi offices. Subsequently, he headed the Library’s offices in New Delhi, India, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He returned to Washington, D.C., in 1976 and headed the Library of Congress’s programs in parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. He retired to Brunswick in 1989, where he continued to travel and volunteer at local libraries. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by nieces and nephews.
Barbara Lerner Herzmark ’46, of San Pedro, Calif.; Mar. 22. She lived in Denver, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tucson prior to San Pedro and was always involved in the community in which she lived. She taught, was a camp counselor, was a Cub Scout den mother, and was a volunteer. She liked hiking, biking, camping, and weaving. She is survived by three sons and their families.
William L. Yeager ’46, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Unadilla, N.Y.; May 5. He was president and owner of Tieco-Unadilla Corp. and active in his local community serving on several boards. He served in the U.S. Army and enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; three daughters and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Richard J. Tracy ’46, of East Providence; May 2. After earning a degree in mechanical engineering at Brown through the Navy ROTC program, he was commissioned in the navy and served in the Korean War as chief engineer of the USS Watts until 1953. He returned to Providence and worked at General Electric as a sales engineer and after a 22-year career at GE, he joined Taft Pierce Mfg. in Woonsocket, where he worked as vice president of sales and marketing until the company was sold in 1984. In 1986 he joined the Small Business Association of New England as the Rhode Island chapter representative until retiring in 1999. He was a Brown trustee from 1972 to 1977 and a recipient of the Brown Bear Award for outstanding alumni service. He enjoyed singing and was a member of the University Glee Club and St. Margaret’s Choir for many years. He also enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Esther Bouchard Tracy ’46; four children, including daughter Marianne Tracy ’79 and sons Robert ’76, Edward ’81, and Kevin ’85; and eight grandchildren, including Kaitlyn Tracy ’14 and Brian Tracy ’21.
Robert Nason ’46, of Dresden, Me.; Apr. 6. He was an artist and teacher. He taught art at the junior and senior high school levels and later was an instructor in design at Simmons College and instructor in drawing and painting at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. His work has been displayed at galleries and colleges in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and Maine. His final exhibit in 2018 was at Rising Tide Community Market in Damariscotta, Me. He created original works in every type of traditional and experimental media. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and is survived by three children, 12 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, three former wives, a niece and two nephews.
Richard L. Lapan ’46, of Sarasota, Fla., formerly of Warren and Wickford, R.I.; Apr. 29. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he worked for the Veterans Administration Providence regional office until his retirement in 1981. In addition to being an Eagle Scout, he was treasurer for Central Fire Co., commander of American Legion Post 11, usher for St. Mary of the Bay, Warren School Committee chair, and an AARP driving instructor. He enjoyed woodworking, telling jokes, playing golf, genealogy, and the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by two sons, six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.
Jose M. Delgado ’46, of Marion, Mass.; Apr. 14. A physician/psychiatrist, he was most proud of developing The Professional Counseling Center, a multidisciplinary mental health center in New Bedford, Mass., still in operation today. He was retired from St. Luke’s Hospital medical staff. He was certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, the American Psychiatric Assoc., and the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. He is survived by his wife, Sandra; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; two granddaughters; and two brothers.
Julianne Heller Prager ’46, of Saint Paul, Minn.; Feb. 9. She earned her doctorate in organic chemistry from Cornell Univ. and began her career at 3M, where she worked for more than 27 years as a polymer and fluoroxy chemist, ending her career as executive director of 3M’s Corporate Technical Planning and Coordination. At the time of her retirement she was the senior ranking woman at 3M. She was an advocate for women in the sciences, a mentor and guide for women at 3M, and an active participant of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Chemical Society. In 1971 she was the first female elected to chair 3M’s Technical Forum, which engaged in a variety of outreach, including starting the Visiting Technical Women Program in St. Paul, developing a Teachers Working Science and Technology summer internship, and mentoring high school students through its Science Training Encouragement Program. In addition to outreach, she helped foster a program at 3M called the Genesis Project, which rewarded innovation. She also developed several patents and wrote numerous published articles. She was honored in 1986 as the recipient of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Chemical Society Award for her outstanding contributions to chemical research. She was a trustee emeriti and a member of Sigma XI and is survived by a sister, Janet Heller Gourley ’53, and several cousins.
Seymour I. Port ’46, of Cranston, R.I.; Jan. 13. He was a self-employed manufacturers’ representative in the costume jewelry business. He served as a naval officer in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters during World War II and was a member of Touro Fraternal Assoc., the Masons, and the Jewish War Veterans. He enjoyed traveling and dancing with his wife before her passing. He is survived by daughter Rhonda Port Walker ’75 and her husband, and granddaughter Allison Walker ’12.
Esther Monti Bello ’46, of Providence; Jan. 22. She was head of the North Providence High School math department for many years before retiring. She is survived by three children, five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and niece Diane Monti-Markowski ’78.
Robert P. Davis ’46, of Marblehead, Mass.; Aug. 4. After serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he worked as the owner and president of Central Chemical Corp. of Salem, Mass. He enjoyed playing golf and duplicate bridge. He is survived by two daughters, including Diana Nielsen ’71; son-in-law Arthur Nielson ’68; three grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
Frances Jenckes Christensen ’46, of Essex Junction, Vt.; Aug. 22. She worked in product development labs before marrying and starting a family. She later continued her education and joined the faculty of the former Pine Ridge School in Williston, Vt. She enjoyed singing in the University of Vermont Choral Union and Essex Junction First Congregational Church Choir. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by four sons and their spouses, and nine grandchildren.
Gabriel V. Pesce ’46, of Oxnard, Calif.; Jul. 6. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he worked for several aerospace companies, including Lockheed, Republic Aviation, and Abex Corp., where he was a regional manager living in Wiesbaden, Germany. He eventually started his own company, Santa Ynez Engineering, in 1971, and later G.V. Pesce & Associates, working on numerous civil engineering and land development projects in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles counties. He concluded his career as contact base engineer at Morón Air Base near Seville, Spain. He was an accomplished artist and enjoyed sailing. He was active in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and various yacht clubs in Ventura County and was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Alpha Phi Delta. He is survived by four children, including Vincent ’73; four grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
George E. Berger ’46, of Los Angeles, formerly of Chicago; June 1, from complications of hip surgery. He and his brother established a family business, Rittenhouse Paper Co., in 1947 in Chicago. He retired in 1983, moved to Los Angeles, and pursued his interests in photography, literature, the French language, and traveling the world. He was a U.S. Navy World War II veteran and is survived by two daughters and three grandchildren.
Robert A. McIntosh ’46, of Hamden, Conn.; Jan. 31. He worked with Mohasco Industries, Amsterdam, N.Y., for 32 years. He retired in 1981. He was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran. He is survived by cousins.
Charlotte Meyersohn Lebowitz ’46, of Boston; Dec. 8. She worked as a licensed social worker at the Framingham Youth Guidance Center and the Brandon School, and eventually became a school social worker with the Natick (Mass.) public schools. She was active in community activities and supported many arts programs. She enjoyed swimming, playing tennis, and traveling. She is survived by a daughter; five grandchildren, including Dov Lebowitz-Nowak ’04; two brothers; and nieces and nephews.
Miriam Steinhardt Lyons-Kragen ’46, of Millburn, N.J.; Nov. 1, after a brief illness. She was the former director of the Milton School in Millburn. She is survived by two daughters, a son, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Elizabeth Starkey Charette ’46, of Albuquerque; Aug. 3. Prior to settling in Albuquerque, where she was an ESL instructor at Albuquerque Tech Vocational Institute, she traveled and lived around the world with her husband, a U.S. diplomat. She lived in Korea, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Guyana while teaching, writing, and earning two master’s degrees. She also earned a doctorate in educational linguistics from the Univ. of New Mexico. She published numerous scholarly papers, received a fellowship to Hunter College, and was a columnist for newspapers in Seoul, Korea; and Washington, D.C. She served as the director of both the American Nicaraguan evening school and Georgetown American University in Guyana and taught English at Kyunggi Girls High School in Seoul. She was an active member of her local church. She is survived by five children.
Douglas V. Crook ’46, of Kingston, N.H.; Sept. 24. He was a retired physician and chief of the medical staff at Merrimack Valley Hospital in Haverhill, Mass., where he chaired numerous committees and was appointed district medical examiner. He was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society and a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine; a daughter and her husband; a son; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
George L. Heitman ’46, of Wyckoff, N.J.; Sept. 26. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and the Korean War. After returning from service he started Ceramics International in Mahwah, N.J., and manufactured ceramic-to-metal parts for the electronics industry. He enjoyed classic cars, boats, buying and fixing older homes to sell, and attending his grandchildren’s sporting events. He is survived by his two sons, their wives, and five grandchildren.
Allan J. Rosenberg ’46, of Canton, Mass.; Sept. 5. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he worked for General Electric for 40 years. He retired in 1987 as vice president of the aerospace division in King of Prussia, Pa. He was a founding member and past president of Temple Emanu-El of Marblehead, Mass., and a member of the American Society of Metals, the American Welding Society, Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi. He is survived by daughter Nancy Rosenberg ’76; sons Lawrence ’72, John ’74, and Arthur ’82; two daughters-in-law; nine grandchildren, including Emily Shapiro ’09 and Daniel Rosenberg ’09, ’10 ScM; four grandchildren-in-law, including Maggie Mustard Shapiro ’07 and Meghan Patrolia Rosenberg ’10; and four great-grandchildren.
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