GS Class of 1965
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Our copresidents Jim Moody ’65 ScM and Jane Bertram Miluski ask you all to mark your calendars for May 26-28, 2023, for our 65th reunion. Let’s show them ‘Who’s Still Great?….58!!’ And here’s another reminder, how to get to our engaging Class of ’58 Newsletter: contact [email protected]. You’ll be glad you did.”
Class Secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Once again I am urging you to frequent the Class of 1958 website ( or simply search for ‘Brown Class of 1958.’ The class website, set up with the help of Alumni Relations, features many sources of information previously scattered. Just above a letter of greeting from our copresidents, you can learn how to update your profile. This will enable you to get in touch with other alums via info in the Brown database. You can enjoy a photo gallery immortalizing decades of our reunions and mini reunions, news, notes, and tributes to classmates, links to our Class of 1958 Newsletter, Brown Insider newsletter, and the Brown Daily Herald, as well as to the BAM. Copresidents Jim Moody ’65 ScM and Jane Bertram Miluski would like you to bear in mind that in May 2023 we will be celebrating our 65th reunion. Oh, mercy, mercy me! Who knows where the time goes!”
Hilary Ross Salk ’65 MAT writes: “In 1976, I cofounded The Rhode Island Women’s Health Collective with other Rhode Island women. The organization brought together women to educate and advocate for women’s health care that empowered us to change many practices and policies that were detrimental to women’s health and our rights to control our care and bodies. The organization closed its doors in 1999. In 2016, I published Eavesdropping in Oberammergau, based on my experiences living as a U.S. Army brat in Oberammergau, Germany, from 1949-1952. Oberammergau is the home of the world-famous Passion Play, performed every 10 years since 1634. Finding out that it was considered anti-Semitic and that U.S. Jewish organizations were working to eradicate this aspect of the drama, I was inspired to write the novel given my own Jewish heritage. And in 1982, I ran for governor of Rhode Island as part of the Citizens Party.”
R. Brayton Bowen, ’65 AM, continues to consult in the area of human resources and is certified by the Society for Human Resource Management as a senior certified professional. He speaks on business related topics and teaches at the undergraduate level for Northwood University. He has published Recognizing and Rewarding Employees and Engaging the Heart for People, Performance, and Profit: Seven Competencies of Compassion@Work. He has produced the documentary series Anger in the Workplace, which aired on public radio stations nationally. He has written for the American Management Assoc., HR Magazine, and various other publications. Presently, he is leading the Howland Group, a strategy consulting and change management firm. He writes: “Believe it or not, I still am able to sing (thanks to my training with the Brown Glee Club and Professor David Laurent) and currently perform at two churches in Louisville. I have served on several boards, including the board of directors for the Louisville Committee on Foreign Relations. In 2012, I received the James E. Flynn Peace Award for community service and social justice. My connections with Brown are primarily through the Brown Club of Kentucky, where I serve as vice president for marketing. And I should add, after three tries, I finally got it right; I am happily married to Vaughn Bowen, who is a nurse practitioner and a wonderful partner. I enjoy living in Louisville, but I miss Rhode Island and sailing in Newport waters. If anyone cares to connect, contact me at [email protected]; (502) 558-2154.”
Jim Moody ’65 ScM (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
Bob Sanchez continues his extraordinarily active life. The Brown Club has provided many interesting and engaging programs and outings: talks from faculty and administrators about campus and academic activities, a visit to the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens in Miami, a visit to an Everglades nature preserve, and a trip to Fort Myers to watch the Boston Red Sox. Bob attended a gathering at which the New Curriculum was the topic of discussion. “A number of those attending the gathering were actually on campus during the negotiations among the faculty, the administration, and the students. Robert Lynch ’69 was active in the brouhaha over the NROTC remaining or leaving. He wrote an interesting piece putting the events in context, The Almost Forgotten Story of How Brown University’s New Curriculum was Nearly Derailed by Subterfuge.” Bob keeps in touch with: Stan Dobson, Jim Furlong, Warren Healey, George Held, Pete Howard, Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT, Jerry Levine, Jim Moody ’65 ScM, Tom Moses, John Reistrup, Charlie Shumway ’66 AM, Sandy McFarland Taylor, Bill Traub ’59, George Vandervoort, and Roger Williams.
Christopher Hewitt ’65 AM, ’70 PhD, had his book Catching Terrorists in America: From Martin Luther King Jr.’s Murder to the Boston Marathon Bombing published in 2019. He writes that this will be his last book as he spends most of his free time playing with his four-year-old granddaughter. Contact him at [email protected].
On October 26, the Brown University Corporation dedicated a memorial to Trustee Ken McDaniel. The memorial is an engraved concrete block lining a brick walkway in the Maddock Alumni Center gardens. Ken died on June 11, 2019, just 16 days after celebrating his 50th class reunion (See Farewell, BAM Obituaries, September/October). Following the dedication, the Class of 1969 presented a 154-page book created and published by his classmate Thelma Austin. The title is A Faithful Servant: Biographical Tribute to Kenneth Harrison McDaniel, 1947-2019. In addition to his biographical summary, the book features 24 tributes. Tributes were from President Christina Paxson and seven current and emeriti trustees, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey ’70, Sheryl Grooms Brissett Chapman ’71, Spencer Crew ’71, Galen V. Henderson ’93 MD, Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, and Preston Tisdale ’73. Nine classmates who contributed were Linda Abbott Antonucci, Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson, Gail DeCosta, Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD, Anderson Kurtz, class president Joseph Petteruti, Theodore Sherrod, Wesley Smith, and Randall Ward. Two other alumni also contributed: Glenn Dixon ’70 and Russell Malbrough ’98. Others who contributed were professor Françoise Hamlin, Reza Clifton, Paul Simas, Stanley Thompson, and Rev. Adam Young. Copies of the book were presented to President Christina Paxson; Ken’s wife, Susan McDaniel; and the John Hay Library. All alumni are encouraged to have their autobiographies and biographies archived in the John Hay Library.

Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Once again, the old Angell House ‘Angells’ were lucky enough to gather for several days right after Labor Day at the Jersey shore (Beach Haven, Long Beach Island). Joe and Jane Bertram Miluski were our warm and welcoming hosts. This was the first time that Betty Wolin Baer attended. Hooray for that! Lois Dean was our photographer and videographer. Hooray for that! Coming from California, Judith Ann Perlin travelled the farthest distance. Hooray for that! Roz Kennedy Johnson kept us in stitches. Hooray for that! And I write about it in the BAM. Dick Scobie (Dartmouth ’56) became an honorary Angell by entertaining us all with his beachside bagpiping.
“On Alumni Weekend, Jim Furlong, John Reistrup, and I received the annual Alumni Service Award ‘by developing an exceptional communication strategy and digital plan…[they] have kept their class meaningfully connected.’ You’ll be glad to know that the interactive newsletter developed by John and Jim is ‘so popular, it is being included in the Brown University archive.’ Class co-presidents Sandy McFarland Taylor and Jim Moody, along with Jim’s wife Donna Moody, also attended. Highpoints of the evening were addresses by President Paxson and Spencer R. Crew ’71, a brilliant historian who is currently serving as the interim director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. There were several other ’58s in attendance, including Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT, but, alas, we didn’t meet.”
Arthur S. Reber ’65 AM, ’67 PhD writes: “My most recent book, The First Minds: Caterpillars, Karyotes, and Consciousness was published in November by Oxford University Press. The thesis of the volume is a radical one: namely that consciousness and sentience first appeared along with the very first life forms, the prokaryotes. Yes, bacteria have (very tiny) minds. Just as all other species evolved from these primitive beginnings, so did all forms of mental life. I retired from Brooklyn College and the Grad Center of CUNY in 2005. Rhiannon Allen and I live in Point Roberts, Washington, just a stone’s throw from Vancouver, British Columbia. We both have courtesy appointments in the psychology department at the University of British Columbia, which completes a life-circle as my first academic job was at UBC.”
Nalin Jayantilal Unakar ’65 PhD, of Rochester Hills, Mich.; Jul. 17, after a brief illness. After completing his master’s degree in India, he journeyed to America and graduated from Brown with a doctorate in biological sciences. He went on to work briefly in Canada before joining the faculty at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich., where he advanced from professor to chairman of their biological sciences department. He was instrumental in helping the University expand its biological sciences department and securing funding for its first electron microscope. He retired in 2000 and spent time traveling the world with his wife, Nita, who preceded him in death. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Stephen G. Bishop ’65 PhD, of Northbrook, Ill.; May 28, after a prolonged illness. He received his bachelor’s degree in physics from Gettysburg College and later served on the college’s board of trustees for 14 years. Upon receiving his PhD from Brown, he became a researcher and later leader at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C., with year-long sabbaticals at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Germany and the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in England. In 1989, he accepted a position as professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the microelectronics lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Later in his career, he served UIUC as a faculty fellow and associate vice president in the office for technology and economic development. He and his wife of more than 60 years, Helene, retired to the Chicago suburbs in 2011. In addition to Helene, he is survived by two sons, including Lars Bishop ’94; daughter-in-law Jennifer Acker Bishop ’94; and four grandchildren, including granddaughter Nadia Bishop ’26.
Sridhar K. Iya ’65 ScM, of Gig Harbor, Wash.; Mar. 15. In addition to earning a master’s from Brown, he earned a PhD from Penn State and had a 40+ year career as an engineer, starting with the Union Carbide Corporation in 1974, where he spent 13 years. In 1987 he became a U.S. citizen and began a long and distinguished career at Boeing. He worked on U.S. Department of Defense and NASA contracts with Boeing’s defense group, and in the 1990s he provided technical leadership on the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. He was later recognized for outstanding performance after developing a highly innovative weapon system level assessment approach for subsystem optimization. During his career he authored numerous technical papers, received several industry awards, and was the holder of several U.S. patents. He contributed to publications that included the International Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) aerospace reports and NASA tech briefs. He was the recipient of awards of recognition from NASA, SAE, and various other professional organizations. In the 2000s he worked as a tech leader at Boeing Phantom Works, which was focused on developing advanced military products and technologies, and he became an associate technical fellow. He retired from Boeing in 2013. He enjoyed traveling and visited six continents. He is survived by his wife, Malini, a daughter, and a son.
Dwight M. Scott ’65 AM, of Wayland, Mass.; Apr. 16. After serving in the U.S. Army, he had a long career as a systems staff analyst with Honeywell in Newton, Billerica, and Waltham. He continued his career when Honeywell merged with Bull HN in the United States and France. He enjoyed researching genealogy, all types of music—especially classical, popular, and folk—and cross country skiing. He is survived by his wife, Judith; a daughter; and the mother of his daughter.
Martha G. Satz ’65 AM, of Dallas; Jan. 26. At the time of her death, she was a faculty member in the English department at Southern Methodist University, where she taught since 1976. One of her lasting legacies at the University, beyond the generations of students whose lives she positively impacted, was being one of the founding faculty members of the freshman honors program in the 1980s, a program that still thrives today. She published and presented numerous papers during her tenure on topics as diverse as philosophy, feminism, race, equality, motherhood, adoption, and disability advocacy. She served on and chaired university and national academic committees. At age 68 she earned a master’s degree in counseling from SMU and began a career as a counselor. She was so adept a teacher, mentor, and counselor that many of her former students and patients remained in contact with her throughout her life, some becoming close friends. She is survived by two children, two grandchildren, and six nieces and nephews.
Kenneth L. McKay ’65 MAT, of Decatur, Tex.; Feb. 25. He taught and was an administrator in public education for 46 years. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; four children; two daughters-in-law; 11 grandchildren; a great-grandson; a sister; a brother and sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Shih-kuan “Ken” Hsu ’65 ScM, ’68 PhD, of Shrewsbury, Mass.; Feb. 5. He held a research position at Alden Research Labs in Holden, Mass., and also taught at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In the mid-’80s, he joined the MITRE Corp., where he continued to work into his 86th year. He had many interests but enjoyed any time spent working on cars and/or driving his family on long road trips. He also enjoyed any other activities where he could use his hands to create, such as cooking, sewing, remodeling, and building. His love of technology was equally great as he continuously kept up with the latest technological innovations. He kept active all his life, and well into his mid-80s he was biking and jogging around the streets of Shrewsbury. He is survived by his wife, Mei-sheng; two children and their spouses; two grandchildren; four siblings; and many nieces and nephews.
Lorrena Miller Preble ’65 MAT, of Hope Valley, R.I.; Jan. 21. In addition to teaching in the Warwick (R.I.) school system for 35 years, she also was a research associate in leukemia epidemiology for the Rhode Island Hospital department of oncology. She is survived by a sister, a brother, and several nieces and nephews.
William F. Carroll ’58, ’65 MAT, of Needham, Mass., formerly of Medfield, Mass., and Barrington, R.I.; Nov. 19, after a brief illness. In addition to his degrees from Brown, he received a law degree from Suffolk University. He was an English and history teacher and football coach at Barrington High School. He moved on to public service under three Rhode Island governors, ultimately serving as chief aide for policy to Governor Joseph Garrahy, and later as the director of the department of business regulation. He was instrumental in the founding of Rhode Island Legal Services, which provides legal representation to low-income clients. In 1984 he became executive director and later president of the Life Insurance Association of Massachusetts, moving to Medfield. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard and recipient of the Legion of Merit. He is survived by five children and their spouses, nine grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two sisters, and several nieces and nephews.
Andrew R. Raposa ’65 MAT, of Agawam, Mass.; Sept. 2. He was a distinguished professor in the history and political science departments at Westfield State University for 41 years and chaired the political science department for 12 of those years. He was a U.S. Navy Korean War veteran. He enjoyed reading, swimming, cool jazz, fine dining, and spending time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Anita; a daughter; a son; three grandchildren; a brother; and two nieces.
Randolph D. Sites ’65 PhD, of Goffstown, N.H.; June 2. After graduating from Brown, he had a long career as a chemist. He enjoyed birdwatching and was an avid golf and tennis player. He is survived by his wife, Mary; three children; and three grandchildren.
Carol Weber Brandi ’65 AM, of White Plains, N.Y.; May 10. In addition to raising a family, she worked as a social worker. For many years she was a social worker with the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union in New York City. But after several years working as a social worker she decided to become an educator and taught at Hunter College and Columbia University School of Social Work, from which she retired. A gifted pianist from an early age, she continued to play piano and sing throughout her life in choirs and choral groups. She hosted many parties at her house that were full of music. She was a supporter of Hoff-Barthelson Music School in Scarsdale. In later life, she
and her husband enjoyed traveling extensively in Europe, Alaska, Mexico, and Australia, and especially visiting grandchildren in England and North Queensland. She is survived by her husband, Fred; two children; and four grandchildren.
John R. Lutz ’65 MAT, of Mechanicsburg, Pa.; Mar. 19. He graduated from Millersville University and taught math at Radnor High School (Pa.) for three years before matriculating at Brown. Following graduation he taught at Mechanicsburg Area Senior High School for six years, then became professor at Harrisburg Area Community College for 30 years. In retirement he enjoyed hunting, fishing, playing the piano, and solving crossword puzzles. He is survived by his wife, Anne; four daughters; two sons-in-law; six grandchildren; two grandchildren; and nine nieces and nephews
Arthur C. Watterson Jr. ’65 PhD, of Nashua, N.H.; Sept. 2. He was professor of chemistry at UMass Lowell, where he also served as department chair and acting dean of the college of arts and sciences. He held multiple patents and published numerous papers detailing his study of polymers. He enjoyed the arts and was a fan of classical music, the ballet, and the Museum of Fine Arts. He sang in the choir at Nashua’s First Congregational Church for many years. He also enjoyed photography, mystery novels, crossword puzzles, and the Boston Celtics. He is survived by three sons and their spouses, eight grandchildren, a brother, two sisters-in-law, and nieces and nephews.
Anne MacPherson Lindgren ’65 AM, of New York City; Oct. 31. She was passionate about housing and worked on both the public and private side, including with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She was active with several nonprofits and served on the boards of Settlement Housing Fund and Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center. She enjoyed attending the opera and walking her dog through Central Park. She is survived by three children and seven grandchildren.
Brian Hunt ’65 ScM, ’67 PhD, of Costa Mesa, Calif.; Mar. 31. After two years of service in the Royal Air Force and completing a degree in engineering at Cambridge University, he moved his family to Rhode Island on a Fulbright Scholarship. Upon the completion of two degrees at Brown, he traveled the U.S. for seven weeks and then returned to England and took a post as a lecturer at the University of Bristol. In 1979 he changed career paths and returned to the U.S. to join Northrop Corp. He left Northrop briefly for a position as chairman of the aerospace engineering department at the University of Maryland (1990-1992) only to return to Northrop, retiring from there in 2000 as vice president of engineering and technology. He did work as a consultant for an additional 10 years. Brown presented him with an engineering alumni medal in 1997. He is survived by his wife, Julia; a daughter; a son; and four grandchildren.
Joseph F. Ballou ’65 ScM, of Williamstown, Mass., formerly of Eden, Md.; Sept. 27. During his career in the Navy he earned the rank of commander. He served in the Vietnam War aboard the USS Torsk—which is now a museum in Baltimore—the USS Bacuna, and the USS Mount Katmai. On land his duties included time at the Defense Nuclear Agency and the Military Sealift Command. After retiring from the Navy in 1979, he continued to work for the U.S. Government as a civilian and then for Computer Sciences Corp. He fully retired in 2000 and settled in Eden. He was involved in his community in a variety of capacities and continued to take education classes. He enjoyed gardening and genealogy. He is survived by three children and their spouses; nine grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a brother.
Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, of Providence, R.I.; Oct. 30. After graduating in 1958, she moved to New York. One year later, she returned to Providence to marry, continue her education, and work as a manager/secretary in the theater arts department. After a year and a half of managing work, she began to teach English at Classical High School, which she did for 28 years before moving into administration. She held various positions with Rhode Island Writing Assessment, Rhode Island Writing Project, and Blackstone Academy. Her love for teaching extended to roles as an adjunct professor at Providence College and Roger Williams University; she also did consulting in New York and California, and in Egypt with the Ministry of Education. She remained affiliated with Brown as a trustee, a trustee emerita, and chair of the Corporation emeritus executive committee. She chaired 100 Years of Women at Brown and served as the associate chair of Brown’s Advisory Council on Relations with Tougaloo College. She also chaired the Ogden Lectures on International Affairs. Her honors included an Outstanding Teacher Educator Award, a Brown Bear, an Ittleson Award, and being voted Teacher of the Year by Good Morning America. She was a proud supporter of Trinity Repertory Company in honor of her late husband, who was a founding member. She also served on the boards of Temple Beth-El and Miriam Hospital. She is survived by a granddaughter, a sister, and many nieces and nephews.
Ernest C. Ilgenfritz ’65 ScM, of Easton, Md.; Aug. 22. He taught mathematics at Baltimore Polytechnic High School and Towson University, where he also served as department chairman. He ran in 13 Maryland marathons. He also enjoyed boating, fishing, crabbing, and camping. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn.
Henry Helenek ’65 ScM, ’71 PhD, of Milwaukee; Mar. 7. He was a geology and chemistry professor at Bradley University. He enjoyed the symphony and theater, reading and traveling. He is survived by a daughter, a niece, and a nephew.
Lyle D. Baker ’65 MAT, of Topeka, Kans.; Mar. 24. He served in the U.S. Air Force, where he trained as a pilot. After military service, he taught high school in Clear Lake, Iowa, and junior college in Mason City, Iowa. He was a science and math coordinator for the Fort Dodge Public School system. In 1987, he began teaching at Washburn University in Topeka and with the Department of Education and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, where he stayed until his retirement. He enjoyed photography, genealogy, hiking, traveling, and bluegrass music and its history. He is survived by three children and their spouses, four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and a sister-in-law.
Kenneth V. Anderson Jr. ’63 ScM, ’65 PhD, of Brandon, Fla.; Feb. 24. He was an educator and researcher. He worked at Emory University in Atlanta as an associate professor and then full professor from 1966 to 1979. He was chairman of anatomy and professor of neurosurgery research at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Miss. from 1979 to 1984. He was the recipient of the Research Scientist Development Award from the National Institute of Mental Health and a member of many professional associations. He published more than 60 research papers. Later he worked as a teacher, head track coach, and then headmaster of Brandon Academy. He is survived by his wife, Ann; a daughter; and three grandchildren.
Leonard P. Fletcher ’61 AM, ’65 PhD, of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; Mar. 22. He was recruited by the University of Waterloo in 1965, becoming the fourth faculty member of the economics department. He taught at Waterloo for nearly three decades, retiring in 1994. He founded the Caribbean Canadian Investment Club in 1974. Additionally, he was a founding member of the K-W Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association. He is survived by his wife, Hilda; three children and their spouses; four grandchildren; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.
Elizabeth Ballantine Gardner ’64 ScM, ’65 PhD, of Wellesley, Mass.; Dec. 1. She taught at Queens College in Flushing, N.Y., and Wellesley College before settling into a 50-year career teaching at Pine Manor College, where she also chaired the science department. She endowed a wildlife viewing site at J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Florida and established a scholarship for nurse practitioners at Newton Wellesley Hospital. Her interest in her mother’s family’s well-documented history led her to oversee the distribution of family papers, objects, and photographs to institutions where they could be used for research by the public. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.
M. Gene Taylor ’65 ScM, ’68 PhD, of Kingston, Pa.; June 6, after a lengthy battle with Parkinson’s disease and COVID-19. He was long employed as a physics professor at Bloomsburg University (Pa.) and was previously a physics professor at the American University in Cairo and Wilkes University (Pa.). He held a pilot’s license and was a member of the Civil Air Patrol. He avidly followed the stock market and enjoyed traveling with his family around the world, especially to Egypt. He also enjoyed Ohio State University football, NASCAR, skeet shooting, tinkering with his cars and computers, and following the weather. He is survived by his wife, Wagiha Abdel-Gawad Taylor ’62 AM; three daughters and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and a sister.
Gilbert H. Smith ’63 ScM, ’65 PhD, of Bethesda; July 6, of pancreatic cancer. He joined the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute as a fellow in the viral biology branch in 1965 and became senior investigator in the laboratory of biology in 1970. He most recently served as senior investigator in the basic research laboratory and head of the mammary stem cell biology section. In 2005, he received the National Institutes of Health Merit award. Gil was also a two-time nominee for the E.B. Wilson Medal, the highest award from the American Society for Cell Biology, and in 2008 was a finalist for the Nobel Prize for medicine. He retired June 30, 2020, and was named an NIH Scientist Emeritus. Gil is considered a pioneer in the biology of mammary/breast cancer and stem cells involved in mammary development and cancer. He lectured across the globe and authored 180 research publications while serving on several editorial boards and as scientific advisor for the Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation. While at NCI, he devoted his time serving as a mentor to hundreds of junior scientists around the world. He received the NCI Mentor Merit Award in 2003 and the NCI Outstanding Mentor Award in 2019. In addition to his brilliant scientific career, Gil was a well-respected soccer coach and youth soccer advocate in Northern Virginia, and one of several authors of the original McLean Youth Soccer bylaws. He was also a staff coach for the Virginia Olympic Development Program at the district and state levels from 1983-1990. He is survived by five children, eight grandchildren, a sister, and a brother.
Bobby Z. Workman ’65 MAT, of Murray, Ky.; Apr. 3, after battling Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. He taught math and chemistry in Indiana before earning his master’s degree and entering the paper industry. He worked at Mead Paper (N.C.), then at Bowater (S.C.), and retired in 1998 from Weyerhaeuser (Wash.). He was a member of Epsilon-Lambda Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha.
John M. Howard ’65 MAT (see ’59).
John L. Mothershead III ’65 MAT, of Pasa-dena, Calif.; Mar. 1. He taught at Chadwick School, Flintridge Prep, and several Pasadena-area schools prior to joining San Marino’s Southwestern Academy, where he taught and served as dean of students for 45 years. He was president of the Rotary Club of San Marino, California, and involved with the effort to eradicate the polio virus by traveling with the Rotary teams for national inoculation days. He is survived by his wife, Therese, and a son.
Lawrence A. Retallick ’65 ScM, of Mayfield, Heights, Ohio; Jan. 1. He taught at both the college and high school level, ultimately running several schools for at-risk youth for the Urban League of Cleveland. He served for many years as the assistant executive director of the Cleveland Urban League, finishing his professional career with the United Way of Greater Cleveland. He was an avid sports fan and a gun hobbyist and enjoyed assembling replica model cars. He is survived by a daughter, a son, a sister, and nieces and nephews.
Robert G. Goulet ’65 AM, ’69 PhD, of Brockton, Mass.; Dec. 29. He began his teaching career at Stonehill College in 1968 and continued there as a professor of English and film studies for 44 years. In addition to teaching, he initiated a faculty theater at Stonehill, where he produced and directed. Stonehill awarded him the Louise F. Hegarty Excellence in Teaching Award in 2002. In retirement he continued to work with students through the Boston Seminar Series. He is survived by a sister; a brother; a sister-in-law; and four nieces.
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