Class of 1980

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

Jan, 2025
“The Best Burrito, Evah!”
From Mom’s home cooking to James Beard and beyond Read More
Nov, 2024

Anne Regenstein writes: “Ted Lemon and I have been friends since our freshmen year in Perkins in 1976 and in January we took a wonderful three week vacation with our spouses to Costa Rica. On the Osa Peninsula we saw snakes, tapirs, monkeys, sloths, and anteaters. Ted and his wife, Heidi, are busy running their successful winery, Littorai. I am a semi-retired maternal-fetal medicine specialist enjoying the opportunity to travel more now that I am not working full-time.” 


Anne Regenstein ’80 and Ted Lemon ’80
Nov, 2024

Dan Miller writes: “I’m enjoying life in Newton, Massachusetts, with my wife, Linda; our kids are nearby. I’m semi-retired (still doing some IP litigation consulting; I’ll retire when Mick Jagger does; not before!) with plenty of time for board gaming and puzzle creation.” Contact Dan at [email protected].

Nov, 2024

Steven James writes: “I semi-retired last August after nearly 40 years in the biotechnology industry, the last 20 spent as CEO of three biotherapeutics companies in the SF Bay Area. I split time between the Bay Area, where I am on biotech company boards and Carmel Valley, where I essentially do nothing but relax and have fun. I’ve been married to my wife, Maria, for 30 years and have a 29-year-old son (a book editor living in Dallas) and 27-year-old daughter (film and musical theater actor living in Chicago). My wife and I oversee a handful of educational scholarship funds and charitable foundations. I see and speak often with Jim Diao and David Ricci. Dave and Laura Ricci stayed with us for the Big Sur Marathon, where their son, Simon, an elite marathoner, won the race handily.”

Nov, 2024

Doug Edwards writes: “Most of my time these days is spent on politically related activities, but art is my escape and how I retain a grip on sanity, though judging from what I produce, that grip is tenuous at best. My one month solo show went up at Kaleid Gallery in San Jose on June 7. It’s full of bizarre and occasionally unsettling drawings and paintings. You can check out my work on Instagram @randommarks.”

Doug Edwards ’80
Nov, 2024

Jeff Dennis writes: “On June 3, 2023, my 65th birthday, I suffered a massive stroke, had emergency brain surgery, spent two weeks in a coma and a total of 10 weeks in two hospitals. Miraculously, I’ve had a complete recovery, with no lasting impairment. I received well wishes from people from all aspects of my life, including many of my Delta Phi Omega fraternity brothers. I’m back to work and a fairly normal life after a pretty scary ordeal.” Contact Jeff at [email protected].

Aug, 2024

Tom Hier writes: “Thirty years ago I started a resource planning firm, Biddison Hier, Ltd., working with colleges and universities devising strategies to use their facilities to enhance the college experience. We worked on all types of campus spaces: academic buildings, student housing, student centers, classrooms, dining halls, campus public spaces, even parking (the thing that seemed to generate huge interest to many people on campus). Our work had two overarching goals: (1) minimize the need for investment in capital projects by focusing on renovation and re-use before new construction, and (2) foster better and stronger communities through creating spaces that would allow people to come together naturally in various campus settings. Thirty years hence it is time to retire from this work and embark on new challenges. My first post-retirement act will be this summer, when I spend eight weeks in Vermont learning Arabic in a language immersion program sponsored by Middlebury College. After that, who knows? I’m looking forward to catching up with classmates at our 45th reunion in 2025.” Contact Tom at [email protected].

Aug, 2024
A Nurturing Kitchen
R.I.’s Hope & Main has helped launch more than 500 food businesses Read More
Jun, 2024
In the news

The Science Coalition recognized U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan ’80 as a 2024 Champion of Science.  The Science Coalition is a nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research institutions. In an interview with Manchester Ink Link, Hassan says, “Science is necessary for informed decision making, for innovation that leads to economic growth, and for maintaining a high quality of life.”

Jun, 2024

Peter Simonse writes: “My book, Uncooperative Characters, won the 2023 Best Indie Book Award for best short story collection. You can find samples of my work at”

Jun, 2024

Terrence Hook writes: “I retired from IBM in 2018 after 38 years there, but I just can’t let it go, so I continue to consult part-time for IBM Research out of Albany (N.Y.), calling in remotely from my farmhouse in Vermont. Our older daughter and our first grandchild live in Westchester County (N.Y.) awaiting baby brother’s arrival. Our younger daughter lives in Los Angeles.  Both fell rather far from the rural Vermont tree! Retirement is good and aside from the IBM work, we ride our horses, play golf, and ski (although not all at the same time).” 

Apr, 2024
Visual Therapy
Digital imagery helps people express complex emotions. Read More
Apr, 2024
Talking Cure
A podcast by two sisters helps Black women navigate healthcare. Read More
Apr, 2024
The power and resilience of swimming in icy waters Read More
Apr, 2024

Roberta Lawrence writes: “I’m settling into life in Savannah, Georgia, and the extra coastal garden season we enjoy each year. I’m privileged to work at Ray Ellis Gallery on Ellis Square in the picturesque historic district. Ellis (1921-2013) painted for more than 70 years and on all seven continents. His work was commissioned for the official U.S. White House Christmas card three years consecutively and was awarded the Salmagundi Club’s Medal of Honor for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts.” Contact Roberta at [email protected].

Apr, 2024

After long public service careers—32 years with the Department of Veterans Affairs for John and 24 years in the Florida public schools for Meg—John Auerbach and Meg Scholl Auerbach ’81 have retired and moved from Gainesville, Fla., to Plantation, Fla., to work for Nova Southeastern University. John is a professor of psychology and Meg teaches English in the Upper School at that institution’s University School.

Apr, 2024

Karen Misler writes: “My husband, Barry Feigenbaum, and I had a thrilling summer of 2023. Our daughter, Stephanie Feigenbaum, married Avi Arfin on July 3. In attendance at the wedding—in addition to her brother Jeremy Feigenbaum ’11—were Laurie Bass ’76, Katherine Johnston Hutto (my Brown roommate who transferred after sophomore year), Susan Israel ’76, and Randa Reitman ’80, ’83 MD (Avi’s aunt). Then our son Jeremy married Adam Amir on September 3. Wedding guests included Laurie Bass ’76, Jerry Cedrone ’11, Katerina Wright ’11, and Gabriella Ra’anan ’11. Our cup runneth over.”

Nov, 2023

Jean Leahy writes: “After almost 40 years of practicing law and almost 30 years in California (not sure which of those two things would have sounded more implausible to me in June of 1980), I retired at the end of July 2023. At the end of a career during which I spent some time in a couple of jobs making rich people richer (looking at you, HP), I’ve spent the last seven years doing incredibly rewarding work at the Bay Area’s largest nonprofit provider of shelter and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness ( And while I’m not pulling up all my California roots just yet, I will be spending lots more time on Cape Cod in the coming years, where I spent summers as a kid with my grandmother, back when local phone numbers were just five digits. In addition to digging out my old art supplies, sailing in waters a whole lot warmer than the Pacific, and writing a book (working title: Happy At Work, Even if You’re a Lawyer), I’m really looking forward to being able to hop in a car to visit East Coast friends, instead of having to board a plane. And once I get settled, I’ll have a spare room, a couple of beach bikes, and a big stack of beach towels ready for Brown friends stopping by!” Contact Jean at [email protected].

Nov, 2023

Philip Kaplan won the American Association of Community Theatre’s 2024 New Play Fest with his play, I Thought I Knew You. The production will be performed at Stage Left Theatre in Spokane, Washington, from March 22 to April 7, 2024.

Apr, 2023

Josh Ruder writes: “I exhibited my sculpture this fall at two independent schools: a solo show at Deerfield Academy in Western Massachusetts and a sculpture and stone bench at the Pingree School north of Boston. Several Brown alums, including my mom, Debra Bradley Ruder ’80, attended the shows. I work mainly in carved marble and welded steel but love to experiment with other materials too. Please check out my website at or contact me at [email protected].”

Apr, 2023

Daryl I. Smith ’84 MD, professor of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center, School of Medicine and Dentistry, published Pathogenesis of Neuropathic Pain: Diagnosis and Treatment, 1st ed.

Apr, 2023

David Ricci writes: “No plans to retire. I really enjoy my work as a portfolio manager helping clients achieve their own retirement and other goals. My wife Laura and I have upped our travel, especially with the kids out of the house. 2022 included trips to Jackson Hole, Yosemite, Nantucket, Cayman Islands, Turkey, Copenhagen, and India. I made a visit back to campus while watching my daughter’s regatta on Narragansett Bay. I am in regular touch with classmates Jim Diao and Steve James. And I squeeze in visits occasionally with classmates Frank Burt and David Harris. I’m looking forward to our next in-person reunion in 2025.”

Jan, 2023

Howard Yaruss writes: “After a career in law, I started teaching economics, a subject that has fascinated me since college. This led me to write a book that brings together my best classroom hits/anecdotes/analogies: Understandable Economics, which was published in September with Prometheus Books. I still live in New York, serve on my local community board (the Upper West Side), am active politically and would love to hear from classmates.”

Jan, 2023

Brad Richards writes: “I have returned to Houston after living in London for almost five years and serving as the managing partner of the London office of Haynes and Boone, a large U.S. law firm based in Texas, at which I just celebrated my 30-year anniversary. I have been married for 41 years and have three grown married children and two grandchildren. I wish I knew more of my classmates, but I had to work full-time to afford Brown (aid was hard to get then and there were no limits on student work in those days), so I didn’t get to know as many classmates as I would have liked.”

Jan, 2023

Claire Nobles married Tim Mehok at St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 6, 2021, with Mary Jo Gagliardo and Joe Colagiovanni ’78 in attendance. Claire and Tim live primarily in Oberlin, Ohio, with some time spent in Alexandria, Va.

Jan, 2023

Roberta Lawrence moved to Savannah, Ga. She writes that she is enjoying creative work, visits to the beach, southern living, and avoiding hurricanes. Friends visiting the area are urged to contact her.

Jan, 2023

Peter Bonner writes: “Big events happened in 2022! My grandson, Adrian Evan Stern, was born on September 24, and I retired at the end of December after 38 years of practicing law, 33 of which were with the federal government.”

Nov, 2022
Baked-in Memories
How food transports us to people and places Read More
Nov, 2022

Howard Yaruss writes: “After a career in law, I started teaching economics—a subject that has fascinated me since college. This led me to write a book that brings together my best classroom hits/anecdotes/analogies: Understandable Economics (September 2022, Prometheus Books). I still live in New York, serve on my local community board (the Upper West Side), and I am active politically and would love to hear from classmates.”


Jun, 2022

Susan Hurwit continues to love her work as a child and adult psychologist in private practice in Newton, Mass. Her story The Space Between Human Beings, created as a response to people’s curiosity about what happens in play therapy, has moved audiences at Boston area story slams. Her article “Finding the Perch: Psychotherapy During Times of Mutual Uncertainty and Grief” was published in Now single with two adult children, she enjoys small music
venues, attending Buddhism and psychotherapy conferences, and finding quiet in the stillness of nature.

Susan Hurwit ’80
Apr, 2022

Eric Sirota ’80 ScM (see ’80).

Apr, 2022

Diana Davis Williams writes: “After many years working in South Africa in arts management, art tourism, and cultural policy, I have moved to live outside Lisbon with my husband Nick. We have semi-retired here on the Portuguese Riviera. We are enjoying life within the burgeoning art scene here, exploring the trails of the Sintra hills, and playing lots of tennis and golf. Please get in touch if you are in the area at [email protected].”

Apr, 2022

Jim Sweetser writes: “I’m retiring from Sweetser Law Office PLLC on December 8, 2022, at age 65. One of my sons is taking over and kicking me to the curb. My wife Dee and I have five kids who are now adults. No grandchildren yet. We will be staying in a vacation home on the Big Island in Hawaii during the winter months and on Lake Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, the rest of the time. If Brown friends are in the area, look me up to get together. Retirement should be a good time to renew friendships and a new page in the journey for us all. Not done. Just transforming.” Contact Jim at [email protected]; (509) 998-0671.

Apr, 2022

Jonathan Schwartz launched Climate Media Exchange and just filmed the Red Rebels, a stunning street mime troupe. His series on health and safety in the motion picture industry is soon to be released by Audacious Film and Digital.

Apr, 2022
Image of BJ Miller holding her dog

BJ Miller writes: “Hello fellow Brunonians, what an interesting time on the planet. I spent decades on the business side of the film biz, switched to the field of health and wellness in 2014, and am truly gratified that I did. I want to be where I can serve the most. One of my passions is connecting people to 100 percent pure products from Mother Earth as a complementary modality to help them achieve both their physical and emotional health goals. I am happy to offer my Brown colleagues a free virtual wellness consultation. My other passion is being a spiritual coach (Miracle-Minded). I hold one-on-one virtual sessions with people, ‘walking with them’ to help them take responsibility for their lives and achieve their potential as expeditiously as possible. I wish all of you and yours the very best in 2022 and look forward to connecting and finding out what you’re up to!”

Apr, 2022

Terence Hook writes: “I am continuing to enjoy the semi-retired lifestyle here in Vermont. After some 38 years with IBM I retired in 2018 but I continue to consult on a part-time basis with IBM Research in Albany, New York. That leaves me with the flexibility to ride our horses, play golf, go skiing, sketchily maintain our 1805 farmhouse, and do other important things like serve on the board of the Yale Club of Vermont. In 2021 my wife, Andrea, and I celebrated our 37th anniversary and most importantly, the marriage of our daughter Catherine.”

Apr, 2022

Mark Gould and his wife, Allison, successfully completed a yearlong project of throwing a wedding for their daughter, Caroline, during the middle of the plague. Frank Fuerst ’79 also attended the outdoor affair, which was blessed with perfect late October weather. Although he is looking forward to retirement someday, Mark remains very busy as a solar energy and commercial real estate attorney in Atlanta.

Apr, 2022

Jeff Dennis launched www.AltHealth.Me, a social media platform and marketplace for people struggling with chronic conditions.

Apr, 2022

After 40 years in the music business as a multi-platinum selling singer and songwriter, Dana Calitri is loving teaching songwriting and voice at the Steinhardt School at New York University. She is happily married to musician/composer Martin Briley and stepmom to his two beautiful daughters, Vanessa and Olivia.

Apr, 2022

Bruce Bukiet was promoted to the rank of professor in the department of mathematical sciences at New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he also serves as associate dean for undergraduate studies in the College of Science and Liberal Arts.

Apr, 2022

Sue Schukar Berdy writes: “After nearly 30 years in practice as an allergist, I retired in December 2019 and haven’t looked back. I’m enjoying many of the things I delayed during college/medical school/residency/fellowship/raising kids and practicing medicine. Our two children, Andrew and Emily, have both married and settled in our hometown of St. Louis. We have four grandkids who live within a few miles of us. St. Louis is still our home but we purchased a second home in Bonita Springs, Florida.”

Jan, 2022

David LaFontaine writes: “This past year I piloted a course entitled ‘LGBT Themes in Literature’ at Massasoit Community College, where I have taught full-time in the English department for 25 years. This course is the first literature course devoted to this topic to be offered in any state college in Massachusetts. I decided to focus on classic authors whose sexuality served as a source of creative inspiration in their writing. Beginning with the sonnets of Shakespeare and concluding with the poetry of Mary Oliver, the course encourages students to utilize literature as a way to learn about and validate the experiences and history of LGBTQ people. Authors such as Lorraine Hansberry and
Carson McCullers are beginning to be understood more fully in terms of their sexuality. This is an exciting time in education for research and teaching pertaining to diversity. I welcome hearing from anyone who would enjoy learning more about the course and viewing the materials.”

Jan, 2022

Sandra Bromberg Eskin joined the Biden-Harris Administration in March as Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A 1984 graduate of U.C. Hastings College of Law, she has worked on product safety and labeling issues, with a focus on food safety, for a range of consumer advocacy organizations since the1990s.

Aug, 2021

Karen Ticktin writes: “I moved back to my old stomping grounds on the Upper East Side with my newish husband Doug. When I’m not providing personal and corporate branding services, I’m listening to my daughter Lacie’s radio show (Northeastern ’23) or FaceTiming with our grandkids in Florida and Los Angeles. I would love to reconnect with any and all classmates.” 


Aug, 2021

Robert Pfeffer writes: “I am still living in New York City while practicing medicine at NYU and on the faculty at the NYU School of Medicine. With the deepest pride imaginable, I want to congratulate my son Matthew Pfeffer ’21 on his graduation from Brown this spring. Way to go Matt! Both of us are ever true.”

Aug, 2021

Penny Dinneen Hillemann is executive director of Rice County United Way in Northfield, Minn. Previously, she was vice president and senior communications counselor at Neuger, a strategic communications agency. She and David Keyes ’78 were married in 2008. She writes that the children she shares with former husband Eric Hillemann, Phoebe (Kenyon ’11), Hallie (Lawrence ’16), and Henry (St. Olaf ’23)—are “launched, or nearly so.” Penny has served on many boards and is learning to play bluegrass banjo.

Aug, 2021

Deborah Heiligman published her 33rd book for children and teens, She Persisted: Clara Lemlich. The book is about a Ukranian immigrant who rose to a position of power in the women’s labor movement and incited the famous Uprising of the 20,000 in 1909. She writes: “I was so inspired writing about one badass Jewish woman that I’m now tackling another, Emma Goldman. This one will be for young adults (and older adults).” Find her work at 

Apr, 2021

Michael Canton writes: “Upon matriculation to Brown, I became an instant fan of the 360 Degree Black Experience in Sound on WBRU. Decades later, I joined the public radio station WYEP as a volunteer host and 360 was my template for presenting a broad swath of Black music. I host The Soul Show (TSS), which is popular and well respected in the Pittsburgh market. In 2020, TSS achieved syndication in the African American Public Radio Consortium and it was really gratifying to be picked up by Rhode Island Public Radio,, Saturdays 10 p.m. Eastern. Maybe you’ll hear the 360 legacy.”

Jan, 2021

Barry Jacobs writes: “My third book, AARP Love and Meaning After 50: The 10 Challenges to Great Relationships and How to Overcome Them, was published by Hachette Books. It was literally a labor of love; I cowrote it with my wife, Julia Mayer. After many years as a clinical psychologist and family medicine educator, I’m now two years into my encore career as a healthcare consultant for Health Management Associates, a national healthcare consulting firm. I still live in leafy Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, around the corner from Swarthmore College. I would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].”

Aug, 2020

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: “My husband and I live in downtown Boston, near Beacon Hill. It is strangely quiet here but we are doing fine with many adjustments to our routines. I am so happy that my class was able to have an incredible 40th reunion celebration last May in Providence. I feel sad for the Class of ’80 and all other 2020 reunion classes, along with the Class of 2020, that their experience this year will be very different from ours.”

Jun, 2020

Christian McBurney published George Washington’s Nemesis: The Outrageous Treason and Unfair Court-Martial of Major General Charles Lee During the Revolutionary War on January 30 with Savas Beatie. The book relies on original documents (some newly discovered) to combine two dramatic stories involving the military law of treason and Court Martials, creating a balanced view of the American Revolution’s most fascinating personality.

Jun, 2020

Melanie Mitchell’s new book, Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans, was published in 2019 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Apr, 2020

Kristin Faust was named by Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker as executive director of the state of Illinois ’s housing finance agency, the Illinois Housing Development Authority. She writes: “IHDA is something akin to a public bank for affordable housing. It administers the vast majority of funding for the creation and preservation of affordable housing for the state. With my daughter, Sojourner, off studying at Emory University in Atlanta, I was just getting the hang of being an empty nester. I spent the last five years as president of Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago. I’m looking forward to this new challenge.”


Apr, 2020

Our 40th reunion plans are in place. Please join classmates for a fabulous celebration May 22-24, 2020. Our theme? “Reunited and It Feels So Good!” We’ve got tunes to guide our way…with blasts from the past and cheers to the future. A slide show is being created for the weekend so send photos from our time at Brown. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to reminisce. Email pictures to [email protected] by April 30, 2020.


Jan, 2020
In the news

Brian T. Moynihan ’81, CEO of Bank of America, hosted this year’s Latino Corporate Directors Association Convening in New York. Launched in October 2016, LCDA’s inaugural convening has become the most prominent gathering of U.S. Latinos at the highest levels of corporate leadership.The event brings more than 130 CEOs and C-suite executives to discuss boardroom issues, particularly the business case for board diversity and inclusion. Three corporations that have two or more U.S. Latinos on their boards received awards, including Regional Management Corp., where Peter Knitzer ’80 serves as president and CEO.

Sep, 2019
Tony Horwitz ’80
Finding the American story that lies between red and blue Read More
Sep, 2019

Class secretary LeRoy F. Anderson reports: “The great class of 1950 (I believe the largest in history) held a mini-reunion on Thursday, May 23, at the University Club, which was an ideal location for our great reception. The setting was just right and the chef’s team prepared a most delicious meal. There was an abundance of comradeship as we all caught up on family and Brown news. Additionally, we focused enthusiastically, and with some disbelief, on our 70th celebration coming along in 2020. Attendees included myself and my wife, Claire Anderson, Caroline Decatur Chick, Pauline Longo Denning, Temple Fawcett, Nancy Chick Hyde ’80, Russ Kinne, Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63, Paul D. Lipsitt, William L. Mayer, Donald B. McLellan, Jeffrey S. Michaelson ’80, and Rita Caslowitz Michaelson.”


Jul, 2019
In the news

Alison Ressler ’80, a partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, was one of four professionals named to the Los Angeles Business Journal’s 2019 Business Hall of Fame for her work in mergers and acquisitions.

May, 2019
Fresh Ink
New books by Kate Ascher '80, Thomas Mallon '73 and Monique Tello '95. Read More
May, 2019
Truth to Power
CNN and the role of the press during the Trump era Read More
May, 2019

Maxwell “Mac” Sturtz, who turned 100 on Jan. 24, marked this special milestone with a grand party attended by more than 60 close friends and relatives who came from far and wide to celebrate with him at Primavera Restaurant in Croton Falls, N.Y. In honor of his centennial, the Westchester County board of legislators declared January 24, 2019, “Maxwell Sturtz Day.” Mac also received a number of letters and accolades, including a certificate from Brown University and the Brown Alumni Association. Congratulatory letters and toasts were presented by his daughter, Laura Sturtz Kleinman ’77, and his son, Ted Sturtz ’80. Attilio Cecchin ’78, recruited by Mac and who has stayed in touch over these many years, made a presentation to Mac from the Brown Football Association in recognition of his successful efforts in the 1970s to draft players for Brown football, including Eliot Warner ’76, and Kevin Webb ’78, both of whom played on the 1976 Ivy League Championship Team.

Jan, 2019

Amit Trehan and his wife Sara (Yale ’06) announce the birth of their son, Deven Lalit Trehan. Amit and Sara were married at the Pierre in New York in 2015. In attendance were Tejas Raval ’04 MD; Marie Sankaran Raval ’04 MD; Abby Pungot ’02; Nina Desai ’05 MD; groomsman Puneet Masson ’01, Juli Smith ’92 and Alan Kaplan ’80. Amit is the lead U.S. restructuring lawyer and the global head of resolution planning and bank structure for Barclays.

Jan, 2019

Steven P. James is living in the San Francisco Bay area with his wife, Maria, and two children in college. He writes: “My last two jobs as CEO of biotechnology companies ended with acquisitions by big pharma. I am currently CEO of Pionyr Immunotherapeutics, an immune-oncology drug discovery company developing a new generation of potential cancer cures. I enjoy occasional ski trips with Jim Diao and Dave Ricci. Being on the board of trustees of a private boarding school in Rhode Island brings me back to Providence at least once a year, which I enjoy.”


Jan, 2019

Donald C. Eversley writes: The Black Alumni Reunion was the best Brown event by far I’ve ever attended. I’m happy to be working in both healthcare and economic development in South Bronx, where I see Lewis Spann ’81 every day.”

Jan, 2019

Stephen Ziobrowski and his wife Anne moved to Providence. He writes: “Our younger daughter Hannah is a PhD candidate at Brown’s School of Public Health, so this was a chance to live close to her and her dog. We have already connected with some Brown friends in Providence, including Stephen Yan ’80 and his sister Donna Yan. If there are other Brown friends lurking in the Providence area, I would be delighted to hear from them.”

Jan, 2019

George P. Caraberis writes: “With our daughter Jennifer Caraberis ’08 living in South Boston and our son Brant and his family living in Natick, Massachusetts, Janice and I are regular visitors to Camp Bruno for football and lacrosse. We often tailgate with Joan and Mike Bernert ’76 and Fred and Lori Goldstein Polacek ’80.”


Nov, 2018

Pete Simons ’80 writes: “After having retired from a 30-year career in finance, I am pleased to announce the publication of my new comic novel, The Coyote, a modernization of the tale of Don Quixote. More info can be found on my website:”

Nov, 2018

Ric Kaner ’80 was appointed the Dr. Myung Ki Hong Endowed Chair in Materials Innovation at UCLA, where he is a distinguished professor in the Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Materials Science & Engineering. Ric is looking forward to a lecture tour of Great Britain as part of the 2018 Centenary Prize, which will be presented to him by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Ric and Sara Dayan Kaner ’82 celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Sept. 4.

Sep, 2018

Donald Hook ’61 PhD (see Terence Hook ’80).


Sep, 2018

James A. Warren published his newest book, God, War, and Providence: The Epic Struggle of Roger Williams and the Narragansett Indians Against the Puritans of New England, in June. James is a freelance writer, a former visiting scholar at Brown, and a regular contributor to the Daily Beast.


Sep, 2018

Terence Hook, son of Donald Hook ’61 PhD, has retired after 38 years as an electrical engineer at IBM. He is so far actively embracing the post-employment life, enjoying skiing, golfing, riding his horse, and running his small farm in northern Vermont, along with his wife of 35 years, Andrea Salvatore Hook. Daughters Catherine and Elizabeth are currently eschewing the rural life and are ensconced in Manhattan and Portland, Me., respectively, both of which he finds good places to visit.


Sep, 2018

Laurel Greenberg, Tina Crenshaw, Ellen Comley, and Holly Cahow Lasagna reunited in festive style in Charlotte, N.C., in June to celebrate 40 years of friendship. Eschewing a European vacation, they opted for a food-and-drink escapade around Charlotte’s lesser-known hot spots and partied like it was 1979.


Sep, 2018
Rights, Now
Former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards ’80 says there’s never been a better time to fight for change. Read More
Jul, 2018

Richard Ellenbogen ’83 MD (see ’80).


Jul, 2018

Richard Ellenbogen’s ’83 MD daughter Rachel L. Ellenbogen ’11, ’18 MD, graduated this year.


Jul, 2018

Diane E. Dresdale is a proud mother to Marielle (Ellie) Rogoff ’21. Diane writes: “Ellie is loving Brown. Go, Bears.”

Jul, 2018

Jacqueline B. Bechek was appointed the female board of trustees member of the BMW Car Club of America Foundation. The Foundation teaches teens safe driving, maintain BMW archives, and operates as a BMW Museum in Greenville, S.C.

May, 2018

Thomas Epstein writes: “I retired from the R.I. Department of Environmental Management at the end of July after 35 years. I’m driving a school bus now and continuing to play King Richard at the King Richard Renaissance Faire in Carver, Massachusetts. In September, I will be performing in my 25th season there. This past Christmas I also did some professional Santa work. So I’m busy enough. I would love to see classmates at the Faire this year.”


May, 2018

Eight college friends who were roommates at Brown—Rachel Balaban, Dariel Young Curren, Jennifer Evans, Kiki Gershman Kennedy, Jeanne Leahy, Pamela Breslin Murphy, Cathy Curlett Parsells, and Carolyn Coletti Psinakis—went to Florence, Italy, in February to celebrate their 60th birthdays together. They have been close friends since freshman year and have gotten together regularly over the 37-plus years since they have graduated, despite the distances that separate them.


Apr, 2018

Eric Sirota ’80 ScM writes: “I have been a research physicist for more than 31 years at ExxonMobil, but I’m also a composer/playwright. My musical Frankenstein, based on Mary Shelley’s novel, is playing Off-Broadway at St. Luke’s Theatre in the heart of the New York theatre district.”

Apr, 2018

Ralph Rugoff ’80, director of London’s Hayward Gallery, has been named artistic director of the 58th Venice Biennale, which will run from May 11 to November 24, 2019. “The appointment of Ralph Rugoff confirms the Biennale’s primary goal, to qualify the exhibition as a place of encounter between the visitors, the art, and the artists,” Biennale president Paolo Baratta said.

Apr, 2018

Angus Rockett retired in January 2016 after 30 years on the faculty of the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Unprepared for leisure life, he is now the department head of metallurgical and materials engineering at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo. Angus writes: “It is lovely in Golden with a lot of sunshine, beautiful mountains to play in, a great university to be part of, and great faculty to work with.”

Apr, 2018

Doug Edwards writes: “After t aking five years to eke out a bachelor of arts in English from Brown, I was convinced I’d never sit in another classroom. Yet somehow I managed to make it through the MFA program at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and now am only one degree behind my wife, Kristen Benson Edwards ’83, who got her PhD in Russian and Soviet history from Stanford. While it’s still Dr. and Mr. Edwards, I am closing the gap. My work will be on display at a student gallery in San Francisco during the month of March.”

Jan, 2018

Sabina Magliocco writes: “In September 2017, I started a position as professor in the department of anthropology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, joining fellow Brown alumni Jennifer Kramer ’91, Bruce Granville Miller ’73, and Sara Shneiderman ’97. I will be helping to build an interdisciplinary program in the study of religion in the Faculty of the Arts. Although I miss California, I’m enjoying exploring Canadian culture as part of this new adventure.”

Jan, 2018

Jane de Winter announces the Aug. 7 wedding of her daughter, Marguerite McCray Joutz ’15, to Manas Gautam ’12 in New York City. She writes: “They are living in the city, where Manas is an investor at Morgan Stanley, and Marguerite began working as the confidential assistant to the New York Times editorial board editor. They are very happy, and Marguerite’s three brothers are pleased to welcome a fourth brother.”

Dec, 2014
Fresh Ink
New books by alumni and faculty inclues a thriller about a stalker and a road-trip conversation about art and life. Read More

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Susan Fisher Plotner published The Holistic Dog: Inside the Canine Mind, Body, Spirit, Space with Skyhorse Publishing. She writes: “It’s a book of touching dog stories, accompanied by my photographs, that was two years in the making.”

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Sandra Eskin (see Allison Bernstein ’09).

Liz Roberts resigned in January from the NYU Child Study Center in Manhattan. She is now the national director of clinical services for the College Internship Program (CIP), a transition program that supports young adults with learning differences across five campuses in the United States. More information about the CIP can be found at . Liz is happy to be living in the Southern Berkshires with Garrett Vail and daughter Elena Weissmann ’18. Daughter Sophia teaches in New York City. Liz enjoys hikes up Tom Ball Mountain from her backyard, as well as her new tractor and many weekend outings with Debbie Bradley Ruder and husband, Eric, who live nearby. Liz attended the 125 Years of Women at Brown Conference.

From the July/August 2017 Issue


Bradley Richards was appointed administrative partner of Haynes and Boone CDG, LLP in London, following the merger of his law firm with a London boutique specializing in ship construction, offshore energy infrastructure, and international arbitration. He looks forward to seeing old and new Brown friends in London.

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Barbara Montford writes: “I have been unable to entice any of my nieces/nephews to attend Brown, in spite of my glowing memories. I have three left, and the youngest would be in the class of 2035! Pray for my success.”

Joan Munves Boening writes: “I’m so excited to have become a grandmother for the second time in October. My grandson, Barrett (Bear), joined his older sister, Charlie, on October 14.”

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Steven P. James lives in Woodside, Calif., in the San Francisco Bay area with his wife and son (20) and daughter (18), both college students. He has been a serial biotech company CEO and currently sits on several private and public biotech boards and is CEO of an immuno-oncology company. He is also a trustee of Middlebridge School in Narragansett, R.I.

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Barry J. Jacobs received the Don Bloch Award for lifetime achievement from the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, a national organization dedicated to the integration of physical and mental healthcare. He is the coauthor of AARP Meditations for Caregivers.

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Mark Farnham (see Mark Callahan ’10).

Alice Kaltman’s debut short fiction collection, Staggerwing, was published by Tortoise Books in October. Alice first attempted to write short fiction her sophomore year at Brown. She writes: “It wasn’t until 35 years later I tried it again. Better late than never.”

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Barry J. Jacobs’s second book on family caregiving, AARP Meditations for Caregivers—Practical, Emotional and Spiritual Support for You and Your Family (cowritten with his wife, Julia L. Mayer), was published in July by Da Capo Lifelong Books. He continues to work as the director of behavioral sciences for the Crozer-Keystone Family Medicine Residency Program and to live in Swarthmore, Pa.

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Pamela Breslin Murphy ’80 (see Robert H. Breslin Jr. ’50).

From the March/April 2016 Issue

France Overbeck ’80 (see Alan Rosenberg ’58). 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Tonia Healey published Sand Stone, a poetic memoir about Brown, available on Amazon. She writes: “It is dedicated to Michael Harper, George Morgan, and Ferd Jones, along with other professors who changed my life.” 

From the September/October 2015 Issue

Rachel Balaban (see Micki Israel Balaban ’51).

From the March/April 2015 Issu

Leonard Bell was appointed chairman of the Board of Directors of Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. in October.

Jim Lawson (see Ronald Baker ’57).

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Rachel Balaban (see Micki Israel Balaban ’51).

Maryann Walsh Wolff writes: “I moved my business intelligence software company, myself, my mom, my children, and my cat to Austin, Tex., in 2012. I’m loving everything Austin has to offer.”

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Hilary Weinert Hershman writes: “In June 2013 I began practicing law in a new setting as research director of the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Post Audit and Oversight. I enjoy working in the beautiful Massachusetts State House and contributing to the welfare of our citizens. Our twins, Jason and Leora, turned 20 at the end of January. Jason is a sophomore at Northeastern, and Leora enlisted in the Israeli Army.”

Peter Kobs writes: “The publishing division of my company, Blue Sail Press, just released its first graphic novel, a groundbreaking crime story called Street Poisoning by Jerry Steiner. The hand-illustrated book was created entirely within the walls of prison. It tells a harsh but realistic story of childhood poverty, drug dealing, and gang violence in the black community. Steiner, 63, served 27 years for armed robbery, a crime committed during his involvement with a black militant organization called the Republic of New Africa. Learn more about this very unusual book at .”

Ronald Scheinberg, a shareholder with Vedder Price P.C. in New York City, published his first book, The Commercial Aircraft Finance Handbook (Euromoney Books). Ron specializes in the topic. He lives with his wife, Stacy; daughter, Dani; and two Havanese dogs, Oreo and Millie. His two older daughters are in college. Ron previously served on the New York City Rent Guidelines Board for three years under Mayor Bloomberg.


From the March/April 2014 Issue

Rachel Balaban is excited to be back on campus as adjunct lecturer in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies. With Julie Strandberg, Rachel cofounded and codirects Artists and Scientists as Partners (ASaP) and taught the course this fall. ASaP advocates for research exploring diverse medical and arts practices for people with Parkinson’s disease and autism spectrum disorders. Rachel and her husband, John Burnham ’78, live in Middletown, R.I., and have three children: Isabel, 25; Olivia, 23; and Sophie, 20.

Ronna Clayton Benjamin quit working as an attorney two years ago when she discovered, after her nest emptied, that she would much rather write. She is a partner and managing editor of , an online magazine for women. Ronna writes: “Anyone reading this will totally relate, men included. I write humorous pieces for the magazine each week. My kids are happy off on their own, and I am still happily married to an awesome (but not Brown grad) guy!”

Steven James lives in Woodside, Calif., with his wife, Maria, and two teenage children. He is CEO of Labrys Biologics Inc., a biotech company developing monoclonal antibodies to prevent chronic migraine headaches. From 2009 to 2012 he was CEO of KAI Pharmaceuticals, which was acquired by Amgen in 2012. He is a trustee at Middlebridge School in Narragansett, R.I., which brings him back to the Brown neighborhood often.

Jonathan F. Stone has been back working in Providence as executive director of Save the Bay for five years. He enjoys seeing classmates coming through town.

Jim Welsh writes that he has enjoyed the last 15 years in Los Altos, Calif., with his wife, Tina, and their three children: Lily, 13; Shannon, 11; and John Henry, 8.

From the January/February 2014 Issue

Rachel Balaban is excited to be back at Brown as an adjunct lecturer in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies. Along with professor Julie Strandberg, Rachel cofounded and codirects Artists and Scientists as Partners (ASaP) and is coteaching this fall. ASaP advocates for research exploring diverse medical and arts practices for people with Parkinson’s disease and autism spectrum disorders. Rachel and her husband, John Burnham ’78, live in Middletown, R.I., and have three children: Isabel, 25; Olivia, 23; and Sophie, 20.

Jeanne Mello Day ’80 (see Sally Cameron Mello ’58).

Jose Luis Hinojosa began a position as family physician at the newly renovated Stanton County Hospital in Johnson, Kans., Sept. 1. He provides complete health care to families at the clinic, emergency care at the emergency department, obstetrical and newborn care, and long-term care at the hospital’s state-of-the-art unit. Jose writes: “The community is nearly 50 percent Spanish-speaking. Needless to say, I’ve been received with open arms! Now, Spanish-only-speaking patients don’t have to travel an hour to seek medical care. And my English isn’t all that bad—I perfected it at Brown!” 


From the November/December 2013 Issue

Steven Robinson (see Elsie Zelman Robinson ’51).


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Kimberly Davis’s poetry chapbook, Alchemies of Loss, is available from major book retailers.

Catherine Curlett Parsells has worked as executive director of the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation since 2010. Cathy lives in Wilmington, Del., with her husband, Mark, and children Claire, 5, and Jackson, 12.

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Mari Alschuler completed a PhD in leadership and education at Barry Univ. in 2012 and relocated to lead the social work department at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol, Va. She has been a licensed clinical social worker for more than 22 years, and is also a registered poetry therapist and published author. She leads seminars in the United States and abroad in poetry and journal therapy.

James V. Downes continues as a senior institutional researcher at Washington State Univ.

Debbie Bradley Ruder, Rachel Balaban, and Helene Miller, write: “Last year’s master dance class during Commencement and Reunion Weekend was such a success that we’ll be dancing again in 2013 with alums, students, and their guests. Please join us! Led by the fabulous Julie Adams Strandberg, founding director of Brown’s dance program, the class will be given Saturday, May 25, 3:00–4:30 p.m., at the Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts (Englander Studio) on Angell Street. A reception in the Stuart Theatre lobby will follow at 5 p.m.; the annual Commencement dance concert begins at 7 p.m. The master class and reception are free of charge. However, contributions of any size are welcome and will go toward The Fund for Dance @ Brown, which will support a variety of dance-related programs, initiatives, activities, and resources for students and faculty. Look for more information in the Commencement and Reunion Weekend guide and on the Dance@Brown Community Facebook page.” 


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Doris Anthony Bastiampilla writes: “Hi y’all! Still in Tucson, trying to write puppy books. I am on Facebook so look me up. Come visit! See everyone in 2015.”

Ken Coburn writes that he is working to open minds to a new possibility for the U.S. health system—advanced preventative services for chronically ill older adults. In July he published a study on this subject in PLoS Medicine “Any kindred spirits out there interested in or working in this area?”

Sarah Freiberg Ellison writes: “Time seems to be disappearing alarmingly fast. I have now been living in the family homestead for 15 years. Who said you can’t go home again? My older child is a high school senior looking into colleges. My ‘baby’ is 15 and in high school as well. I continue to perform, teach, and write about the cello, and have a busy season ahead.”

Jay Hickey writes: “I am a labor relations specialist at UConn. My wife, Kathy, and I live in Cromwell, Connecticut. Our daughter, Kelly, is in her last year of graduate school, while our son, Dan, has just started his first year of graduate school. This past fall, Peter Reilly, Robert Mansfield, and I got together like old times, attended a New England Patriots game, and rehashed old Brown stories. Peter and I also spent an afternoon with our old Brown baseball coach, Woody Woodworth.”

Eric S. Hillemann is the author of the biography A Beacon So Bright: The Life of Laurence McKinley Gould, which was published by Carleton College in December. He completed his 23rd year as Carlton College Archivist.

Steven James lives in the San Francisco Bay area with his wife, Maria, and their teenage son and daughter. Steve was most recently CEO of Kai Pharmaceuticals. The biotech was acquired by Amgen Inc., in July, and Steve is taking some time off before starting a new adventure.

Richard Linn writes: “I had a great visit with my son, Matthew Linn ’16, during family weekend. I was amazed by the transition of downtown Providence, and very impressed with the evolution of the Brown campus. I also enjoyed walking around the East Side and Wayland Square, and especially appreciated a gift of Portuguese bread from Silver Star Bakery from my son for my birthday.”

Medina Sampanis Vasily’s daughter, Elizabeth Vasily ’13, is graduating from Brown in May and will be attending Georgetown Law School next year.

Katharine F. Wellman was excited to visit Brown with her daughter Amelia. 

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Rock Tate announces the 2012 formation of the Tate Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in West Palm Beach, Fla. He has been with the firm for more than 30 years and is a certified financial planner. He serves as a first vice president, financial adviser, and senior investment management consultant at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. Rock lives in Lantana, Fla., with his wife, Lyn. He is a member of the finance board at Our Savior Lutheran Church and a founding president of the Lake Worth High School chapter of Dollars for Scholars.

Irene Zahorjan McNamara (see Engagements & Weddings, Shannon O’Hern ’06).

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Peter C. Harvey (see John Monaghan ’55).

Renee E. Tribert’s graduate thesis for a 1988 Penn master’s in historic preservation was recently published by Wesleyan Univ. Press: Gervase Wheeler: A British Architect in America 1847–1860. It traces Wheeler’s career at a time when architecture was a nascent profession.

From the May/June 2012 Issue

Rachel Balaban, Helene Miller, and Debbie Bradley Ruder write: “We’re planning to hold a master dance class during Commencement/Reunion weekend 2012 to bring back memories and reconnect as a community of dancers. Contributions of any size raised through the class will help support the University’s dance program, which has enriched and influenced our lives in so many ways. Led by Julie Strandberg, the class will be given Saturday, May 26, 4–5 p.m., at the new Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts in the Englander Studio, with a reception to follow. For more information, visit

Renee Tribert writes: “My master’s thesis for the historic preservation program was recently published by Wesleyan Press. Its subject is a British architect who worked in the States in the early days of the profession.” The book is titled Gervase Wheeler: A British Architect in America, 1847–1860, and is coauthored by James O’Gorman.

From the March/April 2012 Issue

Eric Newman will have two pottery exhibits on display during the March 2012 NCECA convention in Seattle. NCECA is a national organization devoted to the ceramic arts. Eric has been a resident artist at Seward Park Clay Studio for 20 years and is excited to share his most recent work with a larger audience. One show will focus on pottery for pets (food and water bowls and funerary urns) and the other is a commemorative installation honoring his mother, who died in August. More info is available on Eric’s Facebook page.

Lisa Pemstein-Krantz (see Jan Horwich Weinberg ’58).

Harold Siden writes: “At Family Weekend I visited our daughter Ellie Siden ’15 and ran into Lois Watanabe Gregg ’84 and her husband, Pete—who were residency classmates of mine—on the steps of Faunce House! My wife, Anne Gorsuch ’82, was at McGill visiting our other daughter, Hannah. Anne is now chair of the history department at the Univ. of British Columbia and enjoying the new challenges.”

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Doug Edwards's first book, I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59, about the joys of being the sole English major in a start-up full of engineers, was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in July.

Richard Goldberg is a federal prosecutor, chief of the economic crimes section in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Philadelphia. He was recently selected as a Wasserstein Public Interest Fellow at Harvard Law School and last year received a Fulbright grant to lecture on computer and intellectual property crime at the City Univ. of Hong Kong.

David Harris (see Jerry Young '54).

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Ona Nierenberg (see Eve Watson '96).

Doug Edwards writes: "My book, I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee #59, was released on July 12 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It talks about the challenges of being the sole English major adrift in a sea of engineers at one of the world's most data-driven companies."

Diane Barzman Heiman and Liz Kellner Suneby's third book, The Mitzvah Project Book: Making Mitzvah Part of Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah ... and Your Life, was published in September. "The book is packed with ideas to help teens connect something they love to a meaningful mitzvah or community service project. With over 80 stories from kids across the country (including Nancy Kreisman and Bill Goldberg's kids) and over 100 project ideas organized around interests and activities, the book gets kids off to a great start and hopefully to a lifelong commitment to service. Learn more at

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Doug Edwards writes: "After spending way longer than I expected researching, writing, and defending my work against editorial revisions, I have finished my book, I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59. Houghton Mifflin will publish it this July. I look forward to writing nothing more complicated than Costco shopping lists for many months, or possibly years, to come."

Janet MacLeod is a partner in the intellectual property group at Fox Rothschild, LLP, in their New York City office.

Meredith Stone has served as cantor at Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester in Rye, N.Y., for the past 25 years and received an honorary doctorate from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in May. She lives on the Upper West Side of New York City with her husband, Martin Rutishauser '70, and daughters Mirit, 13, and Lila, 10.

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Sam Wineburg was named the Margaret Jacks Chair of Education and History at Stanford.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Brad Richards and his wife, Amy (Univ. of Iowa '83), celebrated the graduations of their two oldest children, Jennifer (Vassar '10) and Neal (Georgetown law '10). Both are gainfully and meaningfully employed. Neal married Emery Gullickson (Rice '08) in August 2010. Brad and Amy are happy and healthy after 29 years of marriage.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Leonard Bloom and Margery Silberstein '81 report that their son, Jamie, is a junior at the Univ. of Michigan. Their daughter Allison Bloom '14 is at Brown. Their younger daughter, Kate, is a high school freshman. They write that they enjoyed wandering around Brown's campus when they moved Allison into her dorm, and were surprised to see all the new construction. Lennie continues to practice medicine in the largest urology practice in Montgomery County, Md., and Margery is assistant general counsel at Clark Enterprises Inc.

Kimberly S. Davis won the 2009–10 James Wright Poetry Award for her entry, Alchemy. Judge Carl Dennis, a Pulitzer prize–winning author, said Davis's winning poem "not only deals with a particular loss, but finds a way to explore loss as a process." Kimberly lives in Hingham, Mass., and teaches creative writing at the Cambridge Center in Harvard Square.

Sven C. Risom and his wife, Laura, moved back to Block Island to start a premium yarn-and-fiber company, North Light Fibers. He writes: "Please stop by the mill and let us know how you are."

Victor Waters became the chief of staff at the Sioux Falls VA Medical Center in South Dakota.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Nancy Weissman writes that her class reunion was also a family reunion. Her mother is Janice Synes Weissman '50, and her cousin is Felicia Rubin Birnel '65. Nancy notes that her classmate Fred Armstrong's father, Richard Armstrong '50, graduated the same year as her mother.

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Ray Madoff is a professor at Boston College Law School and lives in Newton, Mass., with her husband and three children. She just published Immortality and the Law: The Rising Power of the American Dead.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Howard Beebe is happy to announce that he recently became a canvas painter and is known as William Beebe in this capacity.

Sarah Freiberg Ellison's father, Malcolm Freiberg '47 AM, '51 PhD, recently turned 90. In 2008, the Massachusetts Historical Society, his former place of work, celebrated his 50th year of service with the Malcolm and Mildred Freiberg Fellowship. Sarah's mother, Mildred Pansey Malcolm '37, passed away in 2006. Sarah is currently a professional cellist in Boston with a busy schedule as a mom taxi to two teenagers.

Julie Shapiro Schecter's oldest daughter, Alyssa, will be a senior at Univ. of Virginia in the fall, and her youngest daughter, Monica, will be entering Penn.

Howard Schrader was named executive vice-president and general counsel of ACE Overseas General, the international arm of the insurance company ACE Ltd.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Adrianne Kalfopoulou's second poetry collection, Passion Maps, has been published by Red Hen Press.

Edward Marcaccio (see Rose Ditommaso Marcaccio '55).

Duncan McArthur writes, "After reconnecting at our 25th reunion, Lisa Carpenter '81 and I were married three years ago in St. Louis. It was great to have fellow alums Pam Miller, Alan Rosenwasser, Paula Batt Wilson, Ray Wilson '78, Michael Chase, Kate Loudon, Sylvester Price, Jenna Crockett '78, and Karen Wood join us for the ceremonies." Lisa is a career law clerk for a federal district judge. Duncan works on software applications at a local insurance company.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Jackie Baum Bechek is looking forward to her 30th reunion, when her son Michael '10 graduates as well. She recently vacationed with Dorrie Anthony Bastiampillai at BMW Performance Driving School in Greenville, S.C. She writes that it "got [me] addicted to driving fast!"

Jeanne Besser moved to Montclair, N.J., after 11 years in Atlanta. Her second cookbook for the American Cancer Society, What to Eat During Cancer Treatment, was published in August. Her previous cookbook for them, The Great American Eat-Right Cookbook, was published in 2007.

Michael Doyle and Wendy emptied their nest this fall and sent their twins off to college, Kevin to George Washington Univ. and Emily '13 to Brown, where she joined her older brother Matt '10, who is majoring in International Relations. Michael is a specialist in reproductive medicine and founder and director of Connecticut Fertility Associates, and Wendy is a criminal psychologist. Michael writes: "Having two kids at Brown this year has given me the excuse to relive those precious college years a bit. It's hard to imagine that I'll be marching in Commencement again this spring some thirty years later. I can't wait."

Shepherd Iverson, also known as Ken Shepherd, writes: "At 53, I finally got married to a wonderful Polish physicist and became a father to her (and now our) 6-year-old, Tomek. We have a home in northwest Florida, but we both teach at Inha Univ. in Korea. We love Korean culture. I am teaching cultural anthropology and film studies. It would be fun to hear from long-lost Brown friends."

Cynthia Harding works in public health, leading the Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Programs for Los Angeles County. She also performs music with two ensembles: Huayucaltia, which plays Latin American folk jazz, and Conjunto Jardin, which features traditional Mexican music. Her albums can be found at and

Tom Lawton (see Sammy Fong '85).

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Tom O'Connell left his post at the World Health Organization in Geneva, where he was a health-systems policy expert for the Health System Governance, Policy and Aid team. His new position is with UNICEF in New York City, where he was appointed to the Health Systems and Strategic Planning Unit post of senior health specialist, economic analyst, in UNICEF's Programme Division.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Terence Hook writes that his two daughters graduated this spring: Catherine, from Washington and Lee Univ.; and Elizabeth, from Rock Point School in Burlington, Vt. Terence remains at home in Vt., working with IBM, skiing, and riding horses.

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Joan Munves Boening is president of James Robinson Inc. Her son Justin is in the MFA program at Columbia Univ. in poetry. He is poetry editor of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. Her son James is a student at the Univ. of Kansas in Lawrence.

Jon Haberman lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Anne Dullea, and their children, Emma and Joe. A cabinetmaker and designer, Jon has a workshop just outside the city and a company, Jon Haberman Cabinetwork. He continues to play garage rock once a week with a group that includes Ed Gilland and Rich Lucas '89.

David Harris (see Abbe Beth Robinson Young '58).

Curtis Kendrick is on the board of directors of Mouse, a nonprofit that creates technology-based opportunities for underserved students to succeed in today's information society.

Amy Goldman London's younger daughter, Stephanie, will enter Brown this fall as a member of the class of 2013. Amy's older daughter, Liz, is a junior at Vassar. Amy has worked at the New York City law department since she graduated from law school, and is currently a senior counsel in the tort division.

Melanie Mitchell has a new book out for general readers, Complexity: A Guided Tour, published by Oxford Univ. Press. Melanie is currently a professor of computer science at Portland State Univ. and external professor at the Santa Fe Institute. She lives in Portland, Ore., with her husband, Kendall Springer, and two sons, Jacob, 9, and Nicholas, 7.

Brad Richards is an attorney and partner at Hayes & Boone LLP in Houston. He has been married to his wife, Amy, for 27 years, after proposing on the eve of graduation in 1980. They have three young adult children: Neal (Georgetown Law '10), Jennifer (Vassar '10), and Paul (Hendrix '12).

Medina Sampanis Vasily writes that her daughter Elizabeth was accepted into Brown's class of 2013 and will be attending Brown in the fall.

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Kimberly Davis has launched a new blog, devoted to creative writing.

Penelope Hillemann married David Keyes '78 on Aug. 2 and is now vice president and senior communications counselor at the marketing and public relations firm Neuger Communications Group.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Douglas Parker's new musical, Life on the Mississippi, will be a part of the Goodspeed Festival of New Artists at Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam, Conn. He writes: "If any old friends are around, come see it and say hi."

Debbie Bradley Ruder writes: "I was back on campus in November for the most romantic of occasions, the 30th-anniversary celebration by Helene Miller and Jamie Kase '82 of their first kiss. The festivities began with a tailgate lunch before the Brown–Yale football game and featured a dinner dance that night in Andrews Dining Hall, the dormitory where one of their first kisses occurred. About 25 adults and their kids came from near and far to attend, including alumni Harry Rosenberg '82, Tony Weisman '82, Jami Star '81, Susan Manning '81, Susan Goldberg Gevertz '83, and John Gevertz '78. Helene and Jamie live in New York City with their four sons, ages 6 to 16, and they continue to kiss!"

John Sinnott recently joined Gilbane Building Company's Rhode Island district as vice president and district manager.

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Susan G. Kornstein '83 MD is a professor of psychiatry and obstetrics/gynecology at Virginia Commonwealth Univ. School of Medicine, where she directs the university's Institute for Women's Health, which has been designated a National Center of Excellence. She recently got back from a trip where she chaired the 3rd International Congress on women's mental health and edited the first comprehensive textbook on women's health. She writes: "It was a great meeting, with about 50 participating countries."

Douglas Parker's new musical, Life on the Mississippi, had its New York City premiere in April as part of the York Theatre's Developmental Series. It featured an all-Broadway cast, including Ashley Brown, the star of Mary Poppins.

Rock A. Tate and Joseph Jamiel were teammates on Brown's football team for four years. Rock writes: "Fast-forward 28 years; Rock and Joe recently attended the Sacred Heart Univ. 2012 orientation where their sons, Rock A. Tate, Jr. (Cardinal Newman High School, West Palm Beach, Fla.) and Joe Jamiel Jr. (Dennis-Yarmouth High School, Mass.), will both play football for SHU under the head coach, Paul Gorham, who worked on the staff at Brown for five seasons. Joe is a member of the 125th Anniversary Football Team; he ranks eighth in all-time Brown punt return yards and led the Ivy League in kickoff return average in 1977."

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Brad Richards writes: "I have reached my half-century milestone! I am in my 24th year of practicing law at Haynes and Boone LLP in Houston. This summer my wife, Amy, and I will celebrate 27 years of wedded bliss. My three children are prospering: Neal at Georgetown Law, Jennifer as an undergraduate at Vassar, and Paul will be a freshman at Hendrix College."

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Bruce G. Alexander writes that he's a partner with the West Palm Beach, Fla., law firm of Casey Ciklin Lubitz Martens O'Connell, and has been selected for inclusion in the 2008 edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Bruce received his designation in the area of construction law. This is the second year in a row that he has been named. He has practiced exclusively in the area of construction law for the past 25 years.

Mike Canton has joined Pittsburgh NPR affiliate WYEP-FM as a volunteer cohost of The Soul Show. Listen in at, Saturdays 2-5.

Robert Mansfield (see Bruce Mansfield '54).

Howard S. Schrader writes: "This year I left the law firm world by becoming senior vice president and general counsel of ACE Overseas General, the international arm of the global insurer ACE Ltd."

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Kenneth Coburn wishes his best to all.

Thomas Epstein writes: "I am so proud to announce that I have been appointed to public office (specifically, Lord High Everything Else, otherwise known as Pooh-Bah) in the Brown University Gilbert and Sullivan Society's production of The Mikado in April. Go to for more production details. I will also be playing the King again at King Richard's Faire in Carver, Mass., this coming autumn."

Anthony Hartmann writes: "I'm still living in New Jersey, after more than 20 years. I am working as department chairman in emergency medicine for a suburban hospital. With both my daughters at Brown, I've been getting up to Providence more often. I would like to hear from friends and classmates."

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Derek Donovan retired as a colonel from the U.S. Marine Corps after twenty-six years of active-duty service. His last assignment was with the President’s Commission on Care for America’s Returning Wounded Warriors. He is now vice president for operations with the Fisher House Foundation, which builds comfort homes for families of wounded servicemen and women at military hospitals and VA medical centers.

David Durfee ’92 PhD (see Celinda Gourd ’04).

Penelope Dinneen Hillemann is a senior communications counselor at Neuger Communications Group, a full-service strategic-communications firm working with clients nationwide. Penelope writes: “Eric Hillemann and I became amicable ex-spouses in 2006 and still live just a few blocks apart in Northfield, Minn. Our daughter Phoebe is a first-year student at Kenyon College, Hallie is in high school, and Henry is in second grade. I blog on a variety of environmental/greener-living topics, including eating locally ( Stop by sometime!”

Elizabeth Roberts recently joined the newly formed Asperger Institute at the NYU Child Study Center. Liz is a pediatric neuropsychologist. For more information, visit She lives with her daughters, Sophia and Elena, in Highland Park, N.J.

Debbie Bradley Ruder writes: “Things are good here in Newton, Mass., where I live with my husband, Eric, and my sons Josh, 14, and Ethan, 11. We also have two cats, Puck and Noche. I recently received an award from the American Medical Writers Association for a 2006 article I wrote for Harvard Magazine featuring a course at Harvard Medical School that matched first-year students with patients facing life-threatening illnesses. I am now collecting stories about good-byes at the end of life. I’d love to hear from anyone with such a story. In addition to living next door to Elizabeth Madden Mirabile ’90, I had fun one summer weekend in Rhode Island with Helene Miller, her husband, Jamie Kase ’82, and our combined six sons.

David Breskin lives in San Francisco with his two kids, Billie Miro and Thelonious Blue; with Ornette the dog; and with Isabel the wife, who is an art historian and author of the forthcoming novel The Accidents of Children. David has written seven books, most recently an epic poem called Supermodel. Next up, a collaboration with Ed Ruscha and Nels Cline, Dirty Baby, due in spring 2009. In his spare time, having taken Econ 1 at Brown (pass/fail) and passed, he runs an alternative fund-of-funds called Poetic License Partners, which invests in hedge funds and private equity funds.

Debbie Block writes: “We just celebrated the bat mitzvah of our daughter, Avital. Her brother, Kobi, is already planning for his in two years! I left teaching to focus on my consulting business full time. I provide support to institutions to make their resources accessible to educators. I spend most of my time as the director of education in the map division of the Boston Public Library, although I find myself taking on such diverse projects as writer workshops; I even helped write a national certification exam for high school history teachers.

Jessica R. Wolff is policy director of the Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College, Columbia Univ. Her book with coauthor Michael Rebell, Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity, will be published by Teachers College Press in January. She lives in New York City with her husband, Stephen Wanta (RISD ’80) and her daughters, Violet, 17, and Ivy, 12.

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Jody Adams is the chef and owner of the renowned Rialto Restaurant in Cambridge, Mass. She has won the James Beard Award; was named by Food & Wine as one of the top-ten best new chefs; and was recently awarded four stars, the highest rating, from the restaurant critic at the Boston Globe, for the third time. Over the years, Jody has employed Brown alumni in her kitchens, working as cooks and sous-chefs. She writes that she would be thrilled to see more Brown alumni in the restaurant.

Elizabeth Meader Bartnick ’80 (see George Thurston ’73).

Diane Barzman Heiman writes: “Liz Kellner Suneby and I, 28 years after our first joint writing project during junior year in an American civilization class, coauthored a nonfiction book for tween girls, See What You Can Be: Explore Careers That Could Be For You!, just published by American Girl Inc. We were thrilled to include a profile of our former housemate Mary Chapin Carpenter ’81. This book gives us a wonderful excuse to talk every day. Liz lives in Wellesley, Mass., and is busy with her son, Josh, 14, and daughter, Emma, 11.  I’m adjusting to having my eldest, Allie, off to college at Washington Univ. in St. Louis and trying hard not to cling to my tenth grader, Carolyn. Liz and I are lucky that our husbands are friends, too.”

Margaret E. Murray writes that to celebrate her graduation from law school twenty years ago, she has left her mid-size firm to open her own law office in San Francisco. She will continue to practice labor and employment litigation, conflict resolution, and compliance counseling.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Joan Munves (see Edward Munves '52).

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Paul Schrier has been named managing partner of Nixon Peabody LLP’s San Francisco and Silicon Valley offices.

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Edward Chu ’83 MD, was appointed to the position of deputy director of the Yale Cancer Center on Jan. 1. Dr. Chu has held positions of increasing responsibility at Yale Cancer Center since 1996 and is professor of medicine and pharmacology and chief of medical oncology. In his new role, he will continue to lead the section of medical oncology and will also direct the clinical research initiatives for the Center.

John J. McConnell Jr. was honored by Lawyers USA as one of their 2006 lawyers of the year for his landmark prosecution that found paint manufacturers liable for injuries caused by lead paint.

Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, and her daughter Lily spoke at a tea given for Nancy Pelosi on the eve of her swearing in. The gathering honored the late Texas governor Ann Richards, who was heralded for helping to pave the way for the female Speaker. Cecile Richards once worked on Pelosi’s staff and said her mother would have loved to have seen Pelosi become House speaker.

Steve Stockman writes: “After years directing commercials here in Los Angeles, I decided I needed more terror and frustration in my life, so I wrote and directed an indie feature. The result, Two Weeks, starring Sally Field and Ben Chaplin, debuted at the Hamptons Film Festival in October. It was picked up by MGM and opened in select U.S. markets March 2. Details at”

Will Waggaman writes that he has teamed with Michael Ives (Yale ’80), to form the Ivy Group, which offers exceptional New York City residential real estate services, from rentals to purchases, starter to luxury. Visit their website at The Ivy Group will contribute five per cent of earned commissions directly to Brown.

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Jackie Baum Bechek is delighted to announce that her son Michael has entered Brown as a member of the class of 2010.She writes: “It was fun being on campus exactly thirty years after I was a freshman myself.”

Margaret Wood Hassan, attorney and New Hampshire State Senator, recently joined Pierce Atwood LLP in the law firm’s employment and employee-benefit practice groups.

Douglas Parker writes: “My latest play, Life on the Mississippi, based on Mark Twain’s autobiographical book of the same title, will have its world premiere at the Roxy Regional Theatre in Clarkesville, Tenn. (just outside of Nashville), on March 23 and will run through April 7. Meanwhile, I’m halfway through the score of a new musical, and my previous play, Bessie: The Life and Music of Bessie Smith, is being considered for production at several theaters across the country after a successful premiere last spring.

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Jody Adams won the prestigious Women Chefs and Restaurateurs’ Golden Whisk Award. The award, which recognizes “excellence in the dining room” and honors “a woman whose passion and excellence as a chef or cook serves as a role model for others,” was presented at WCR’s national conference in Atlanta in November.

Dennis Butler’s article “Benjamin Graham in Perspective” appeared in the summer 2006 issue of Financial History, a publication of the Museum of American Finance in New York City. It is also available online at cscc-toc.html. Dennis is president of Centre Street Cambridge Corp. investment counsel.

Jeanne Day (see Jim Mello ’58).

Joe Jamiel (see Lester R. Allen Jr ’50).

Robert A. Mansfield is a senior vice president and member of CPCU, Hub International Brewer & Lord, LLC.

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Stephanie Silk Abdo and Richard Abdo ’78 are pleased to report that their son, Gregory, will be a member of the class of 2010. He played for his high school soccer team, which won the class-5A state championship in Florida. Their daughter Nicole, 15, is a national champion in gymnastics. In 1994, they moved from Massa­chusetts to Clearwater, Fla., where Rick practices orthopedic surgery. Stephanie’s father is Norman B. Silk ’49, whose cousin is Judith Korey Charles ’46.

Lloyd Levin is one of the producers on the movie United 93. His nephew Noah Levin ’10 will enter Brown in the fall. Noah’s father, Steven ’81, and his mother, Renee Schaap Levin ’81, are also Brown graduates. Lloyd and Steven’s father is Morris J. Levin ’53.

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Plans for our 25th reunion are just about complete! It promises to be fantastic, and we look forward to seeing many of our classmates, May 27–29. The weekend will begin with our welcoming reception, dinner at the Brown Bear Buffet, and (of course) the Campus Dance. Saturday will be packed with Commencement forums, a presidential address, field day, and our class dinner, complete with dancing to the sounds of the ’70s and ’80s. One highlight of the weekend will be a class breakfast/ panel discussion on Sunday, followed by the Commencement march. Be sure to check our Web site at 1980 for class information and reunion details. If you have any questions or haven’t received your registration mailing, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; [email protected].

Jonathan Klein was named president of CNN’s domestic network. Jonathan is a former CBS News vice president and the founder of the Internet business FeedRoom, a broadband news network.

Guy Sanchez and Joan Khattab are happy to announce the Oct. 16 birth of their son Cayetano in Providence. Guy writes: “We plan to bring him and our daughter Lydia, 9, to the 25th reunion. We should be back on a normal sleep schedule by then!”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Alan Hecht writes: “I have joined Context Media in Providence as vice president of products.”

Eleni Kelakos has produced her third CD, Where I Come From, and will kick off the 2004 Lowell Summer Music Series in Lowell, Mass.

Larry D. Kramer has been appointed dean of Stanford Law School.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Nancy Chick Hyde and Debbie Bradley Ruder, class president and secretary, report: “Don’t forget to clear your calendars for Memorial Day weekend 2005 when we’ll be celebrating our 25th reunion. We’ll gather on campus to see old friends, dance, eat, play, and reflect on how our lives—and the University—have changed over the past quarter-century. During the coming year, you’ll find more details on our class Web site and in the mail.”

Edward Chu ’83 MD, professor of internal medicine and pharmacology at Yale’s School of Medicine, has been named chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer Center.

Efraim Grinberg, president and CEO of Movado Group Inc., was one of thirty-one finalists for Ernst & Young New Jersey’s 17th annual Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Ric Kaner reports that he received UCLA’s Gold Shield prize for excellence in research and teaching. “In my acceptance speech I dedicated the award to my faculty research adviser at Brown, professor emeritus of chemistry Aaron Wold. I also received a Fulbright fellowship that will enable me, my wife, Sara Dayan Kaner ’82, and our three children, Jolie, Rhody, and Gilon, to spend the first five or six months of 2005 at the Univ. of Wollongong in Australia. Friends are welcome to visit us Down Under.”

Larry Kramerhas been named dean of Stanford Law School. Larry was an associate dean for research and academics at the NYU School of Law and is a constitutional law expert. He is the author of The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review (Oxford).

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Jeff Dennis’s book Lessons from the Edge, written with Jana Matthews and Peter Economy, was named in the 2003 Library Journal Best Business Books roundup in the entrepreneurship section.

From the May / June 2004 Issue

John S. Auerbach writes that he was inducted as an honorary member of the American Psychoanalytic Association in January. John and his wife, Deborah Bryan, reside in Johnson City, Tenn., while John continues to work as a clinical psychologist. He is coordinator of the post-traumatic stress program at the Mountain Home Veterans Affairs Medical Center and professor of psychiatry and behavior sciences at East Tennessee State Univ. Deborah, having left the field of psychology, is now an artist.

Mary Palladino Barrow was admitted to the partnership of Halloran & Sage. She practices in the area of estate planning, probate, and trust law.

Jeff Dennis has coauthored Lessons from the Edge (Oxford). He writes: “The book, which was listed in the National Post as one of Canada’s top ten business books for 2003, is a compilation of first-person accounts by over fifty entrepreneurs of their worst mistakes in the business and the lessons that they learned. After Brown, I went on to obtain a law degree from the Univ. of Western Ontario and have been a ‘serial entrepreneur’ in Toronto ever since. I recently gave a lecture as a distinguished speaker as part of the University of Western Ontario’s 125th anniversary celebrations.”

Don Eversley writes: “After all these years, I have returned to Providence as president of the Providence Economic Development Partnership. My son, Julian, is 3, and my wife, Emeline, a musician from Haiti, is finishing her eighth album of original music.”

Brett Helm writes: “My wife, Sandra, and I became grandparents for the first time with the arrival of Indiana Bradford-Oyler in October. I am teaching U.S. history and government at Providence High School in Charlotte, N.C. I received National Board Certification in 2000 and have served as a curriculum consultant with the Bill of Rights Institute in Washington.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Jeff Klein reports that his company, Social Alliance Marketing, is making a positive contribution to society through business. “Current projects include National Geographic Caravan, addressing the issue of cross-cultural understanding through a multiyear media and education program; and Convergence for GlobalGiving with HP and VISA, designed to support social entrepreneurs in developing countries.” Separately, Jeff is helping build ChiRunning, a new fitness program that dramatically reduces impact and injury associated with running. He lives in Marin County, Calif., with his wife, Margaret Jane, and daughter Meryl Fé.

From the January / February 2004 Issue

James Barron writes: “I’ve moved to Rome for the year with my family. My kids, Isabelle, 13, and Ben, 10, are attending the Ambrit overseas school. I’m writing my fourth book, dealing in art, and brushing off the Italian I learned at Brown. My wife, Jeanette, has her third book of photographs coming out next spring.”

Alan Hecht writes: “I just began my third year teaching full-time in the management department at Providence College. I’m teaching small business/entrepreneurship and project management classes.”

Sue Howitt (see Deborah Blicher ’85).

Sally Solis-Cohen has been named the 2003 advocate of the year by the National Association of Women Business Owners’ Philadelphia chapter. Sally is the director of WHYY Advantage Productions.

Sam Wineburg is a professor in Stanford’s School of Education, after thirteen years at the University of Washington.

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Mary Minow writes that the American Library Association has published The Library’s Legal Answer Book (2003), which she wrote with Tomas Lipinski. Mary lectures regularly about the impact of the U.S. Patriot Act on civil liberties.

From the May / June 2003 Issue

Alison L. Kane writes that she is divorced, living in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and working at a local mental health clinic, where she sees patients and is the senior supervising psychologist.

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Peter Kobs writes that he realized his lifelong dream of “sleeping” aboard a World War II submarine in Lake Michigan with a pack of seventy screaming Cub Scouts. He is now recovering at his home in Battle Creek, Mich., with his wife, Sharon, and son, Austin.

Robert A. Mansfield has been elected president of the Boston chapter of the CPCU Society.

Russell Settipane writes that a general reunion of Delta Tau alumni and friends is being planned for 6 P.M. on Friday, May 23, before Campus Dance.

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Howard Brooks was named the 2002 Defender of the Year by the Nevada Attorneys for Criminal Justice. He has practiced law in Nevada since 1988. He specializes in litigating death-penalty murder cases.

Thomas A. Epstein writes: "After playing the royal cook, Bob Crumpet, at King Richard's Faire in Carver, Mass., for the past eight years, I'll be filling the role of King Richard himself for the first time this autumn. It's good to be the king. Come and grovel!"

Robert D. Richman was named a "super lawyer" by Minnesota Law & Politics, Minneapolis/St. Paul, and Twin Cities Business Monthly. Richman works with Margulies & Richman in Minneapolis.

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Richard Jerome has opened Richard Jerome PC, a law and consulting firm, in Washington, D.C. The firm specializes in police reform and civil rights. Richard served as U.S. deputy associate attorney general from 1997 to 2001, coordinating justice department efforts to promote police reform.

Aron "Ron" Rose writes: "My private practice in ophthalmology and my job as an associate clinical professor at Yale keep me busy, along with teaching stints throughout the developing world. I love my wife, Stacey, a concert pianist, and our three daughters."

Paul M. Schwartz was named a fellow at the American Academy in Berlin for 2002Ð03. He is a professor at Brooklyn Law School.

Claudia J. Stoltman writes that she continues to dance. She premiered the classical work Simple Gifts at Jacob's Pillow and, later, at Lincoln Center as part of a concert of classical works. She recently worked as a guest artist with the Portland Ballet in Maine, which will perform her recent ballet, Joyeux, in October. She has formed her own classically based company and is happily married to theater director Brian Leahy Doyle.

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Gino Del Guercio writes: "I'm producing a four-hour documentary series for PBS entitled Red Gold: An Epic History of Blood. It's been a three-year project filmed around the globe and edited in London. It was scheduled to be broadcast nationally on PBS June 23 and 30 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. And for those of you living in the U.K., it will be broadcast on Channel 4 sometime in the fall."

Alan Hecht writes: "I am now a full-time adjunct faculty member in the management department at Providence College." Pamela Breslin Murphy (see Robert H. Breslin Jr. '50).

Thomas O'Connell writes: "After finishing a project at the World Health Organization, I'm taking time off to finish an M.B.A. Old friends are invited to visit us in the Geneva, Switzerland, area."

Susan G. Kornstein '83 M.D. is coeditor of Women's Mental Health: A Comprehensive Textbook. Susan is a professor of psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Medicine. She also chairs the division of ambulatory care psychiatry and is executive director of both the VCU Institute for Women's Health and the Mood Disorders Institute.

Rita Rooney writes: "Larry Conway '81 and I enjoyed seeing our roommates Steve Friedman and Michelle Taylor Dillione when each visited Nantucket with their families over the past few summers. We'd love to hear from other Brown friends, too."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Kathleen Bezdziecki Retterson writes: "I am living in southern California with my two children, Jack, 13, and Ellie, 5. I'm the head of Amgen's Thousand Oaks manufacturing site. Between family and work, I'm having a blast."

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Terence B. Hook writes: “I live in northern Vermont with my wife, Andrea, and our two daughters, 10 and 13. I am a senior technical staff member at IBM Microelectronics. We’ve been in Vermont since I finished my doctorate at Yale in 1986. In the winter we ski, and in the brief but lovely summer we ride our horses. We continually fix our 200-year-old farmhouse and other ancient stuff.”

Jon Klein (see David Shrier ’95).

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Jeffrey M. Engel writes: "I’m a general internist in solo practice in New York City and a voluntary faculty member at the New York University School of Medicine. My partner, Jordan Jacobs, is a set designer for film and television. We live in Manhattan but try to spend as much time as we can at our weekend house, a 270-year-old former tavern and stagecoach stop in Usquepaugh, R.I."

Kathy Mylrea writes: "My husband, William Charnley, and I have one son, Piers, who was born in September 1999. We live in London, where I am head of environmental law at Simmons & Simmons."

Andrea N. Neal was named editor of the Indianapolis Star’s editorial pages. She was previously the paper’s chief editorial writer.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

John Edelman writes that he is engaged to Robin Segal (Vassar, Georgetown Law, University of Chicago M.A.). A September wedding is planned, with Peter Hawthorne as a groomsman. Robin is a vice president of Near North National Group. John is managing director of global human resources at Daniel J. Edelman Inc. and its operating companies, Edelman Public Relations Worldwide and PR21. John is on the City Year Chicago board, the young entrepreneurs forum of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, and the Chicago Convention and Tourism Board. He is a member of Young Leaders United, the Human Resources Management Association of Chicago, and the Media Human Resources Association of the Society of Human Resources Management.

Nancy Brownstein Mallery, of Avon, Conn., looked forward to seeing old friends at the 20th reunion. She and her husband, Kevin, planned to bring Sam and Will, both 31 1/2, and Nina, 5, to give them a tour of where Mom went to school. Hal Pashler writes that the National Academy of Sciences awarded him the Troland Prize for his experimental breakthroughs in the study of spatial attention and his theoretical analysis of human cognitive architecture. Hal is a professor in the psychology department at U.C.-San Diego.

Anne Regenstein writes: "I live in San Francisco with my husband, John Hefti, and our children: Talia, 3, and Jacob, 5. I work part-time as a perinatologist (high-risk obstetrics). John started his own company, Signature Biosciences. Life is busy and good."

Steven Solow will leave his job as chief of the environmental-crimes section at the U.S. Department of Justice to be a visiting professor at the University of Maryland School of Law. Steven previously taught environmental law at Pace University law school in White Plains, N.Y., where he codirected the environmental litigation clinic. From 1987 to 1994 he investigated and prosecuted organized-crime involvement in environmental-law violations as part of the New York State Organized Crime Task Force.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Kate Freed, of Wooster, Ohio, writes: "Big doings here in Ohio: got married in November and am now packing up for a two-year stint in Belgium with my husband, Lee A. Simpson (Ohio State ’69), a twenty-eight-year veteran of Newell/Rubbermaid."

Sarah E. Gilbert writes that she married Mark Bartner (Duke ’81) on May 30, 1999, in York, Maine. Guests included Lisa Shea-Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Katie Shubik Diemer, Laura Schoenbrunn Bradford, Lori Salz Norman, Linda Kulla ’82, and Susan Biener Bergman ’78. The wedding was at the Dockside Guest Quarters Inn, owned by David Lusty ’51. Sarah and Mark are adopting a girl from China.

Laurel Greenberg writes that she finished her personal documentary, 94 Years and 1 Nursing Home Later, in which she explores the relationship between her father and grandmother near the end of her grandmother’s life in a nursing home. The film premiered in Boston in January and has won two awards, including best documentary at the Silver Images Festival in Chicago. Look for the film in festivals around the country.

Robert A. Mansfield writes that he was elected president of the Rotary Club of Cambridge, Mass. He was also elected trustee of the Cambridge Family YMCA, where he serves on the executive committee. Robert is vice president of Brewer & Lord, a Citizens Bank of Massachusetts subsidiary that provides personal, commercial, and employee-benefits products to consumers and businesses, primarily in eastern Massachusetts.

Lee Psinakis; his wife, Kathleen; and their two sons, Alec, 6, and Chase, 2, moved in August from New Jersey to the East Bay of northern California. Lee writes that he joined Hewlett Packard a year ago after sixteen years with AT&T, and is now the Western region manager for the AT&T/HP Solutions Alliance Program ( Lee would love to catch up with friends in the Bay Area.

Eva Sardi Shragis writes: "Our family is doing well: our son, Alexander, is in first grade at Ezra Academy; our daughter, Kathryn, will start kindergarten there next year. I am still a research chemist. My husband’s job allows us to travel to Hawaii, Cancun, and other places for fun."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Reunion chairs Guy Sanchez and Shelley Weiss report: “We look forward to seeing you, your family, and your friends at our 20th reunion on May 26­29. Please register as soon as possible after receiving the mailing. If you do not receive registration information, contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; [email protected]. For other questions or comments, e-mail the reunion committee at [email protected].”

Oliver A. Batson writes: “My first wife, Jennie, died in 1997, but I am now happily married to Julie C. Batson and a proud parent of five children, ages 6 to 13. I am still in oncology practice in the Pacific Northwest.”

Ruben C. Cordova has accepted an assistant professorship at the University of Texas at San Antonio, where he will teach courses in Mesoamerican, modern Mexican, Chicano, and 20th-century art history. Ruben received his Ph.D. at U.C.­Berkeley in 1998 and this past year he was an assistant professor of art history at the University of Texas­Pan American. Ruben has previously been curator of the Mexican Museum in San Francisco. Eric and Penny Dinneen Hillemann, of Northfield, Minn., write: “We’re happy to announce the birth of Henry David on Oct. 8. He joins Phoebe, 10, and Hallie, 7. Eric has been a college archivist at Carleton College in Northfield, Minn., since 1990. He is also active in the world of academic-quiz competitions as a master’s player, as the coach of the 1999 national undergraduate champion Carleton team, and as a partner in National Academic Quiz Tournaments. Penny continues to be a happy ex-lawyer. She works part-time in the marketing department of WCAL-FM, a classical-music public-radio station serving Minneapolis and St. Paul.”

Dolores McDonagh, of Silver Spring, Md., writes: “I still love my job at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, where I am director of membership. Two years ago our own historic home got a little smaller when Noah arrived, joining his big brother, Ian. In May, I will participate in a three-day walk to raise money to combat breast cancer. I’ll be walking in memory of Trisha McDonagh ’78 and Libby Meader Bartnick.

Tracey Estlow Motolanez, of Verona, N.J., writes: “A lot has happened over the past twenty years. I got my M.B.A. in finance from New York University in 1991 and promptly entered the unrelated field of computers. I am now a senior consultant in the education-services department at ICM, a computer-solutions company in East Hanover, N.J. My husband, J.G., and I married in 1993 and have a son, Alexander, 4 1?2.” Tom O’Connell writes that he and his wife, Christine, live near Annecy, France.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Reunion cochairs Guy Sanchez and Shelly Weiss report: "Our 20th reunion is coming up quickly and, like the year 2000, it will be something to celebrate. Plan on returning to Brown May 26-29 to join the rest of the class in making this a reunion to remember. We are planning some great events. Registration information will be coming soon, but we would like to hear from you now with your thoughts, ideas, and plans for the weekend. Committee volunteers are welcome. Contact us at [email protected]. We'll let you know what's happening, and you can let classmates know that you'll be coming back. We'd like to know how many people would like to join us in reserving a block of rooms in a local hotel. Let's make this our best reunion yet."

Sarah Wilson Aycock writes: "I work half-time as a family physician for the Indian Health Service, and I take care of nine-month-old twins Isabel and Max.

Jason Berstein '85 M.D. (see Bernard J. Berstein '50).

Alexander J. Cohen writes: "I'm an entrepreneur-in-residence at the venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins, where I am incubating a new Internet company, my second Internet startup. I continue to lecture in film studies at U.C.-Berkeley, where I have taught since 1990. My wife, Ruth, and I live in San Francisco's Noe Valley and have a son, Isaac, 3."

Ken Gee (see Hawlan Ng '93).

Tom Hier writes: "With the 20th reunion upon us, it's time to send in my first class note. I returned home to Washington, D.C., after college, where I've lived continuously except for a two-year stop in business school. Six years ago I started Biddison Hier, a management consultancy that does resource planning for higher education. We've created sort of a niche market by helping institutions mesh their mission-related objectives with their financial, physical, and human resources. We've been privileged to work with some of the finest institutions in the country (although still not Brown!). On the personal front, my partner, Bill, and I have renovated a bungalow in the Chevy Chase section of Washington, D.C., and are enjoying the revival of the arts and crafts movement. In the small world department, Bill recently had a piece of furniture made, and discovered that the craftsman, John Haberman, was my classmate. (John and I did the 'do you know' game and discovered we knew no one in common.) I look forward to catching up with old friends at the reunion. (Dorrie Anthony, I'm supposed to place my twenty-year call to you, but I don't know where you are.)Jay P. Hickey and his wife, Kathy, live in Cromwell, Conn., with their children, Kelly Ann, 13, and Danny, 9. Jay writes: "I am manager of the labor relations unit in human resources at the University of Connecticut. I can't believe that our 20th reunion is around the corner."

Reg Smith (see Hawlan Ng '93).

Diana Davis Williams announces the birth of Benjamin David Thomas on July 7. He joins sister Georgia, 2. Diana writes: "My husband, Nicholas, and I live in London, where I am identity manager of NCR's U.K.-based financial services division. I attended the wedding of Carrie Swanson '81, whom I see often."

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Maura R. Grossman received her J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, from Georgetown in May. She attended law school after more than a decade as a clinical psychologist and hospital administrator. She has joined the New York law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and will focus her practice on commercial litigation and white-collar crime.

Janice Hazlehurst, her husband, Renato Moura, and their children, Amelia, 5, and Raphael, 2, moved in August to Cairo, Egypt, where they will remain for two years.

Mark Moss is living in Charlottesville, Va., with his wife, Melanie Morris, and their 14-month-old son, Ben. Mark is an adult, child, and adolescent psychiatrist. He would love to hear from friends in the classes of '79 and '80.

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Aliki Barnstone '83 A.M. is moving to Las Vegas, where she will be an associate professor in the English department at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Her book of poems Madly in Love (Carnegie-Mellon University Press, 1997) was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Her husband, Joseph Clark, is a fiction writer whose book Jungle Wedding was published by Norton in 1998. Aliki writes, "Our daughter, Zoe Marika Barnstone-Clark, 2, is just learning to put sentences together. Her first, while we were house-hunting in Vegas, was a specific observation one might expect from the child of writers: 'The airplane in the sky goes whoosh.'

Paul Sigel is working on his doctorate in clinical psychology.

John Schwimmer writes: "Our family keeps growing. On Nov. 18 our daughter, Daisy Melinda, was born, joining Lucy, 5, and Jake, 7. Three kids are a handful, but a wonderful handful. I am a partner at Alschuler, Grossman Stein & Kahan, the same firm I entered right out of law school. I am specializing in business litigation, including corporate, entertainment, intellectual-property, and commercial matters. I would love to hear from old friends - turning forty last year really made me nostalgic for my college friends and experiences."

Helen Wagner (see Michael S. Kupersmith '64).

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Frederick Armstrong (see Lincoln Armstrong '88).

Debra S. Block writes: "A lot has happened since I wrote almost a decade ago. My husband, Rabbi William Hamilton, and I live in Brookline, Mass., where I teach English and history at a local prep school. I finally finished my Ph.D. in history at the University of Pennsylvania, defending nineteen days before our son, Kobi, was born in April 1997. Our daughter, Avital, 4, loves her Brown T-shirt, but wonders why it is navy blue."

Pat Carroll Ingram is keeping New York commuters informed as a morning-drive cohost on WCBS newsradio 88. Brown friends can tune in between 5 and 10 a.m. weekdays. Pat lives near Nyack, N.Y., with her sons, 7 and 9.

Andrea Neal, Indianapolis, was a first-place winner in a national contest sponsored by the Education Writers Association. She won in the category of opinion writing in newspapers with circulations of more than 100,000. Her winning entry was a series of articles about reading instruction and the debate over phonics and whole language concepts. Andrea is chief editorial writer for the Indianapolis Star and a former member of the BAM editorial board.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Elizabeth Juka Cuthbert and Sam Cuthbert announce the birth of Hannah Cantwell on Nov. 25. Hannah joins Elizabeth, 11, and Thomas, 8. Elizabeth and Sam are teachers in Hagerstown, Md.

Pattie Speier and Andrew Green are enjoying life in the Land of Oz with their children, Gabriel and Sarah. Pattie has traded consulting to nuclear power plants for a new career in residential architecture.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Wendy Schornstein Good writes: "Lisa Good Dissinger, Barbara Jacobs Aland, and Jack Aland '79 stopped by during the Thanksgiving holiday with their families. Each of us marveled at how the other three never seem to age. It was great to see our kids enjoy playing together."

Debra Bradley Ruder has become manager of internal communications at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, a leading cancer research and treatment center. Her other full-time job is loving and raising Joshua, 5, and Ethan, 2.

Howard S. Schrader, Scarborough, N.Y., and his wife, Nancy Gutman, announce the birth of their second child, Isaiah Martin Schrader, on Dec. 7. Howard is a partner in Coblence & Warner in New York City.

Ira L. Siegman '83 M.D. and his wife, Ellen (Cornell '83), are enjoying life in Florida with their son Reuben Ilan, who is almost 3. Ira practices cardiac surgery with a group in Tampa, and Ellen teaches business law at a local college. They have not been back to New England for a few years but would like to attend a reunion in the near future.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Sharon Weiss Maluth is living in San Mateo, Calif., with her husband, Elliot, who is a principal with Behrman Capital, a private investment firm. The couple has two children, Sam, 31Ž2, and Hannah, 6 months. She would love to hear from classmates in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Margaret E. Murray and her husband, Michael Mendelson, welcomed Eleanor Mary (Brown '20) in July. Margaret is a partner specializing in commercial-contract and employment litigation at Folger, Levin & Kahn in San Francisco.

Julie Shapiro Schechter, Ridgefield, Conn., left GE Capital to become general counsel of Compass International Services Corp. in New York City. She writes: "Our family is doing great - Alyssa and Monica are now in fourth and first grade."

Eva Sardi Shragis started her twelfth year in the pharmaceutical-research industry. Eva writes: "Our son, Alex, started kindergarten this year, and our daughter, Kate, is in preschool. We're having lots of fun."

Meredith Stone writes: "Several years ago I auditioned for a conductor, Martin Rutishauser '70, who turned out to be a fellow music major. I got the part. Three seasons of Pagliacci later, we got married in August 1993 at the base of Jiminy Peak in the Berkshires. I'm still singing, still cantor of Congregation Emanu-El of Rye in Westchester, N.Y., and on the cantorial faculty of the Academy of Jewish Religion. I'm delighting in motherhood - our daughter, Mirit Elena, celebrated her first birthday on Oct. 22. We live on New York City's Upper West Side, and I'm currently appearing in that perennial Broadway phenomenon, Stroller Brigade, with a cast of thousands."

Karen Ticktin married Stephen Foreht on Sept. 27. He is a native of Toronto and has his own law practice in New York City. Karen is still at Showtime, where she runs the advertising department.

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Chuck Keller married Laura Goode in April. The ceremony took place on top of Aspen Mountain in Aspen, Colo. "We skied down the mountain afterwards to a chorus of "YEEEEE HAAAAA"!!! Our families and friends celebrated with us, both in Aspen and in Laguna Beach, Calif.," he writes. Several Brown alums attended the ceremony. Chuck is an ophthalmologist in Orange County, Calif., and would welcome news from classmates.

Douglas James Rose wrote: "I will be leaving private practice as a senior litigation associate at Mitson Law Associates, Woonsocket, R.I., this fall to attend the Carroll Graduate School of Management at Boston College. I have been awarded a full-tuition graduate faculty assistantship to complement my studies toward a master's in business administration.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Yu-Wen Hwang Wu, Wayland, Mass., was one of fifteen artists to receive a 1998 Massachusetts Fellowship for Visual Artists in painting.

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Donald C. Eversly has returned to arts and entertainment and international-business law in New York City. He is also of counsel to the law firm Pilgrim & Associates and a principal in Chatoyer Arts & Media.

Sally Friedman and her husband, David Gmach (Oberlin '83), announce the birth of their son, Ilan, born in April 1997. When not chasing after Ilan, Sally works as a lawyer at the Legal Action Center, a public-interest law firm that does legal and policy work relating to HIV, alcoholism, and substance abuse. David is director of the 14th/Union Square Business Improvement District.

Steve Friedman was named one of the 1997 Top 100 Multimedia Producers in America by Video/Multimedia Producer magazine. He is a founder and principal of Creative Producers Group, a St. Louis company that produces interactive multimedia, video, and corporate meetings and events.

Meridy Smith Glenn and husband Keith (Wright State '86) announce the birth of Tavis William on Jan. 22. He joins sister Tegan Marie, 3. Meridy received her M.B.A. from the University of Cincinnati (UC) in June 1997, after several long years of attending school part-time. Keith received an M.B.A. from UC last June as well, but through the one-year program. Meridy is still employed at UC and this fall will be entering her sixteenth season as head soccer coach.

Tony Horwitz published Confederates in the Attic (Pantheon), which was reviewed in the May/June issue of BAM. In 1995, Tony won a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting, and in 1992 he won the Overseas Press Club Award for his coverage of the Gulf War. Now a senior writer for the Wall Street Journal, he spent ten years as a foreign correspondent in Australia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Tony lives in Virginia with his wife and son.

Curtis Kendrick and Mary Beth Souza Kendrick '83 announce the birth of daughter Caroline Lindsay in December. Caroline joins brother James, who will turn 2 this year. Mary Beth and Curtis both work as librarians within the Harvard University library system.

Jane Krumrine Lawson-Bell is a principal in the architectural firm Atkin, Olshin, Lawson-Bell and Associates in Philadelphia. Alexander Paul Bell was born on May 19, 1997, joining brother Patrick, 3.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Norman Alpert, Purchase, N.Y., writes: "My family is well, and my four kids - Caroline, 10, Erin, 9, Heidi, 6, and Adam, 4 - keep Jane and me very busy. The only tough thing to face in 1998 is my 40th birthday, but so will most everyone in the class of '80. So, Iguess I'll try to lose some weight instead."

James D. Barron published his first book, She's Having a Baby - and I'm Having a Breakdown (William Morrow). The book, a man-to-man guide for fathers-to-be, gives advice on how to get through pregnancy. James is an art dealer and writes for publications such as Glamour, the Paris Review, and Garden Design. He lives in New York City and Connecticut with his wife and two children.

Sarah Freiberg Ellison writes: "After twenty years away, I've moved back into the house in which I grew up, in Belmont, Mass. My parents, Mildred Pansey Freiberg '32 and Malcolm Freiberg '47 A.M., '51 Ph.D., have moved just two miles away to a glorious condo in an eighteenth-century farmhouse. Meanwhile, my new son, Lloyd (born Sept. 28), and daughter, Lenora, 3, are enjoying their new abode. My husband, Jeff Ellison, a chemist, works in Cambridge at Epix Medical Inc. Although I have cut down on my time away from home, I still play cello with the Portland (Oreg.) Baroque Orchestra and Philharmonia Baroque of San Francisco and am a contributing editor for Strings magazine. Now that I am back east, I have enjoyed catching up with old friends from Brown, including Pat Carroll Ingram, Laurel Shader '81, and Ellen Langer '81."

Steve Friedman, Chesterfield, Mo., was named by Multimedia Producer magazine one of the top 100 multimedia producers in the United States.

Dave Harris (see Abbe Beth Robinson Young '58).

Roberta Lawrence, Troy, N.Y., took a tour of Renaissance mural paintings in Italy last January. Her handmade book containing electronic images is traveling with a group art show sponsored by CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts). Roberta writes: "I hope to keep this hi-tech, hi-touch thing going as I continue to explore graphic design (and wonder why I never took anything at RISD)."

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Mari Alschuler, New York City, is in charge of utilization review for the New York region at Daytop International. Her first book of poetry, The Nightmare of Falling Teeth (Pudding House Press), will be published in 1998. Mari's psychotherapy practice includes clinical hypnosis, writing as a healing tool, and career counseling.

Kathleen Palombo King received her Ed.D. from Widener University last May. She is now an assistant professor of adult education and a program coordinator at Fordham University's Graduate School of Education at Lincoln Center, New York City.

Paula L. Lewis is medical director of the New York Methodist Family Health Center in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Pamela B. Miller (see Martin Miller '49).

Peter Rogers writes: "After marrying Patrice in 1989, I set out with her by car from Boston to Honduras, spending almost a year in Mexico and Guatemala. After returning, I did international law work with the Kuwait government and set up my practice in Boston. Patrice and I have done more traveling - to Ecuador to hike the Andes and to Panama to trek through the Darien jungle and the cloud forests. Our new company, Casa Tito, imports great coffee from the oldest and largest producer in Panama.



Jan, 2025

 Lee Warshavsky ’80, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Aug. 26, from complications of ALS. He was an attorney for the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development and more recently was associate director and general counsel at the Settlement Housing fund. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a son; his mother; his mother-in-law; two brothers-in-law; and two nieces. 

Jun, 2024

Col. Derek “Moondog” Donovan ’80, of Alexandria, Va.; Feb. 11, of esophageal cancer.  He joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1981 and following his commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant, he attended the Basic School at Marine Corps Base Quantico and subsequently attended flight school at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, earning his wings as a naval aviator in 1983. Designated a Huey helicopter pilot, his initial squadron was the North Carolina based Gunrunners, where he received his call sign Moondog. His career included deployments and affiliations with the Gunrunners, Golden Eagles, Blue Knights, Warriors, Ugly Angels, and Black Knights. He flew more than 3,500 flight hours, visited more than 70 countries, lived aboard U.S. naval vessels for more than four years of his life, and was qualified in eight different military occupational specialties. His assignments included being selected as aide-de-camp to the Secretary of the Navy and the commanding officer of the Marine Corps Air Facility at Marine Corp Air Facility Quantico, Virginia. His last assignment before retiring was with the Presidential Commission for the Care of America’s Returning Wounded Warriors.  Donovan also had a stint working in the nonprofit world for Fisher House Foundation. As a volunteer, he worked as an elected official, interviewed prospective students for Brown, and gave driving lessons to local youth. He was a member of the Order of the Kentucky Colonels, an ordained nondenominational minister (via the internet), and a life member of several veterans service organizations. He is survived by his wife, Kathryn; a daughter; a son; four grandchildren; his mother; a sister; and two brothers. 

Apr, 2024

Namsun Jack ’80, of San Marino, Calif.; Sept. 7. After Brown she attended Washington University School of Law in St. Louis and received her JD in 1983. She moved to Los Angeles and worked as a commercial litigation attorney for more than 10 years, including at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. She settled in San Marino, where she lived for more than 25 years. She was a devoted sports fan, especially tennis and cross-country running, and spent many years cheering on her children around the country as they competed in their respective sports. While at Brown she was a member of the women’s tennis team and continued to be a supporter. After the practice of law, she directed her attention to educational, community, and nonprofit service activities, including being a board member and other executive roles for the Southern California Tennis Association, Brown University Sports Foundation Parents Leadership Council, San Marino National Little League, National Charity League of San Marino, Crowell Library Foundation, and Lacy Park Tennis Foundation. She is survived by her husband, J. Michael; daughter Devon Jack ’20; a son; a sister and brother-in-law; two brothers and sisters-in-law; a niece; and five nephews. 

Nov, 2023

Diana Puglisi George ’80, of Palmyra, Va.; June 16. She was a publications editor at the Virginia Law Foundation, LexisNexis, and Saint Martin’s Press. As an active parishioner at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, she was a greeter, lecturer, and a member of the choir. She enjoyed reading and gardening as well as photography, sketching, painting, and various other kinds of arts and crafts. She is survived by her husband, Daniel; two sisters-in-law; and a niece and nephew. 

Aug, 2023

Lansing D. Moore ’80, of Bronxville, N.Y.; Feb. 6, of cancer. He was one of New York’s premier fine art restorers and for 40 years served as the president of Center Art Studio, Ltd. He was an active member of the Onteora Club and enjoyed cooking. He is survived by his wife, Iliana Engelke Moore, and son Lansing Moore Jr. ’12.

Aug, 2023

Douglas J. Haymaker ’80, of Warren, N.J.; Jan. 13, after a year-long illness. He completed a doctoral degree in clinical psychology at the University of Florida and subsequently established private practices in Princeton and Oldwick (N.J.), eventually practicing with his wife in Bridgewater (N.J.) for 10 years. He consulted at Morristown Memorial Hospital and St. Clare’s Hospital. He supervised Rutgers graduate students and was voted supervisor of the year by his colleagues and students in 2016. He also served as an alumni interviewer for Brown. He published several research articles during his time in academia. He is survived by his wife, Stephanie, and two brothers.

Jun, 2023

William Talley Jr. ’80, of Providence, R.I.; Nov. 25. He graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Law and became a criminal defense lawyer for more than 35 years, working as an attorney for the Committee for Public Counsel Services and as a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School. He had also been a faculty member at the Kessler-Eidson Program for Trial Techniques at Emory Law. He was an All-American athlete, playing football, basketball, and baseball, and he enjoyed all Cleveland sports teams. He coached basketball at the Pawtucket Boys and Girls Club for many years and served on the board of trustees of the Gordon School. For more than 30 years he was an active and proud member of his book group, the Genius Men’s Book Club, as well as an avid and talented photographer. He is survived by a son, his mother, and a brother.


Jun, 2023

Theresa J. Miller ’80, of Miami; Dec. 18. She worked as a paralegal at the state attorney’s office before marrying in 1985 and moving to Durham, N.C. Brain surgery to correct an adult onset seizure disorder left her disabled and with a life filled with challenges. She eventually divorced and moved back to Miami. She was an avid Miami Dolphins fan. She is survived by a daughter, a son, two sisters, a brother, and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2023

Marc F. Swift ’80, of Albany, Ga., formerly of Tulsa, Okla.; Aug. 24, from complications of a brain tumor. At age eight, his family moved to Paris, France, and upon graduation from Rugby School in England he matriculated at Brown. During his time at Brown he met Joy, who would become his future wife. Their friendship was rekindled more than 40 years later and led to their marriage in 2021. In 1977, he was diagnosed with an astrocytoma and given only five years to live. But in 1978, he was born again and through worship service was healed. He moved to Tulsa and opened a car detailing business. Later in life, his son died and he wrote The Coolness of Josh. He then became caregiver for his father, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and wrote From Alzheimer’s With Love and coauthored Healing of the Heart Workbook: New Joy and Peace after Childhood Abuse. He reconnected with Joy and moved to Albany and was married. Eight months later, he was diagnosed with a glioblastoma. He began creating oil pastel drawings and created more than 60 before his passing. He is survived by his wife, Joy Handelman-Swift ’78; a son; a stepson; and a brother.

Jan, 2023

Christopher D. McQuilkin ’80, of Ridgefield, Conn.; July 2, of pancreatic cancer. He worked at Atari as a lead programmer for the Dig Dug game. He transitioned into the financial field in 1988 and became head of oil trading operations for United Bank of Switzerland and was later CEO of National Discount Brokers. He was active in the Ridgefield community and enjoyed gardening and playing (and beating) his kids in Scrabble and Jeopardy! He is survived by his partner, Tina; three children; his mother; and seven siblings.

Jan, 2023

Nancy L. Goodick ’80, of Lowell, Mass.; July 24. She continued her education after Brown, earning an MBA from Boston University, and then worked for Massachusetts Electric until retiring in 2015. She enjoyed volunteering and was active in her church. She is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, two nephews, and an aunt.

Aug, 2022

Kenneth S. Hahn ’80, of Homer, Alaska; Feb. 6, in an automobile accident after suffering a medical condition. He was a physician who previously worked in Carnation, Washington, prior to joining Kachemak Medical Group in 1996. He was on the South Peninsula Hospital medical staff from 1996 to 2017 and served as chief of staff in 2012. In addition to his work as a doctor, he was part of Homer’s peony farming and gardening community and assisted in the Homer Peony Celebration. He is survived by his partner, Linda Stearns; three children; two grandsons; and his former wife, Nancy Karle.


Apr, 2022

Howard S. Klein ’80, of Phoenix, Md.; Sept. 11, from glioblastoma. While attending Brown, he joined the crew team and Kappa Delta Upsilon. After graduating, he returned to Baltimore to earn a law degree from the University of Baltimore School of Law and worked at the Frank, Bernstein, Conaway & Goldman law firm in Baltimore before returning to Forest Hill to join his family’s growing supermarket business. He became an executive of his family’s chain, Klein’s ShopRite supermarkets, transforming a small general store into a chain of nine full-service supermarkets and an associated real estate development company. Over the years, he assisted in capital campaigns and fundraising efforts for McDonogh School and was the recipient of their 2009 Alumni Distinguished Service Award; he was inducted into the Circle of Philanthropy in February 2021. In the spring of 2021, the Class of 1976 established an endowed scholarship in his name. He enjoyed skiing and playing golf and is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter; two sons; two grandsons; and a brother. 


Apr, 2022

David S. Bigelow IV ’80, of Harrison, N.Y.; Oct. 17, of pancreatic cancer. He spent his career in the financial services industry, most recently as managing director at Fiduciary Trust International. He was instrumental in fundraising and was involved as a mentor with first generation college students through Project Basta. He enjoyed spending time skiing with his
children in Vermont. He is survived by his mother, four children, three siblings, many nieces and nephews, and his former wife. 


Apr, 2021

Thomas A. Epstein ’80, of Carver, Mass.; Sept. 30, of cancer. He was a supervising engineer for the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management for more than 35 years, where he was credited with being a skilled writer. He wrote some of the first rules for solid and hazardous waste management programs and created the department’s first website as its webmaster. He retired in 2018, then drove a school bus and played Santa Claus for the Edaville Railroad. He was also an actor who won the role of Carver’s King Richard’s Faire’s Chef Crumpet in 1993 before being crowned king in 2002, a reign that lasted 16 years. He is survived by his wife, Diandra, and two children.


Jan, 2021

Frederick J. Brian ’80, of Fort Pierce, Fla.; Feb. 7. He spent his career working with his childhood friend Bob Picerne at Picerne Real Estate Group. He traveled the world and enjoyed boating, fishing, and skiing. He is survived by his wife, Leslie; his father Joseph ’47; two sisters, including Wynne Brian ’81; and a brother.

Nov, 2020

Wendy Schornstein Good ’80, of New Orleans; May 24, after a battle with glioblastoma brain cancer. After Brown, she went on to Tulane Law School, where she was a member of Order of the Coif and Tulane Law Review. After clerking at the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, she joined Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel in the estate and trust practice, remaining there until 1988. After Hurricane Katrina, she began photographing and documenting various aspects of street, burial, and musician culture and ritual. This included David Peters Montana, Big Chief of the Washitaw Nation Mardi Gras Indian Tribe, as well as local musicians, including Kermit Ruffins and his “We Partyin’ Traditional Style!” album. She served as an executive board member for Jewish Family Service of Greater New Orleans and of Temple Sinai, where she cocreated and led Sabbath of the Soul. She was a longtime supporter of local artists and the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Prior to her death she had trained to be a medical advocate for victims of domestic violence with the New Orleans Family Justice Center. She is survived by her husband, Julian; two daughters and sons-in-laws; her parents; two sisters and their families.

Apr, 2020

Sallie McLean Ramsden ’80, of Lyme, N.H.; Oct. 28. A homemaker and community volunteer, she restored old homes, researched the genealogy of her family, and was instrumental in restoring the Lyme Congregational Church and Lyme Academy building. She was a leader of the Lyme Historians and co-authored a history of Lyme. She enjoyed gardening, sailing, skiing, hiking, and traveling. She is survived by her husband, Richard Ramsden ’59; a daughter; two sons and their spouses; and seven grandchildren, including David Rabin ’14.


Jul, 2019

Morris V. Johnson ’80, of San Francisco; Dec. 26. He began working as a lead developer for several artificial intelligence start-ups in the Bay Area. After teaching in Germany for a period of time, he began his own consulting business and eventually became a lead developer at Audacity, an open-source digital audio application software. He played keyboard at several San Francisco venues over the past 20 years, including performances with his own Vaughn Johnson Trio. He is survived by a brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew.


Sep, 2018

Peter M. Kriff ’80, of Columbus, Ohio; Mar. 26, of cancer. He was head of his own advertising/design agency in Burlington and a 30-year member of the Vermont Jazz Ensemble. For the last 10 years he was executive director of the Vermont Statewide Independent Living council. He is survived by his wife, Robyn; a son; a stepson; his mother; a sister; and a brother.


Apr, 2018

William M. Waggaman ’80, of Edgartown, Mass., formerly of Norwalk, Conn.; Oct. 21. He was a retired marketing manager. While at Brown, he was a member of the rowing team. He is survived by his wife, Audrey; two daughters; a son-in-law; his mother; a sister; and two brothers.

Feb, 2018

Jonathan Resnick ’80, of Chappaqua, N.Y.; Sept. 28, due to complications from the onset of septic shock. He worked as an assignments editor and a political editor at WBZ-TV in Boston prior to helping start CNBC as their first news editor. He later joined his father’s business, Barbizon Lighting, which he built into a large lighting and rigging supply company. At Brown he was a member of the soccer team and Delta Phi Omega. He remained active with Brown as a class officer, reunion officer, and supporter of the Brown Sports Foundation. At the time of his death he was helping coordinate a soccer reunion commemorating the 1970s soccer teams that achieved great success. He enjoyed coaching boys and girls soccer in Chappaqua for two decades and was a congregant of Temple Beth El. He is survived by his wife, Sue; three children; three sisters, including Maxanne Resnick ’81; and several nieces and nephews.

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