Class of 1969
Carol Davidson Humpage and Steven Lewis Humpage moved to Saint Paul, Minn., in 2014 after 42 years in Portland, Ore. Carol paints and teaches watercolor, and Steve is reading his way through his vast library. They are delighted to live near Carol’s sister, Joan Davidson Maclin ’71, as well as their children and grandchildren.

From left: Alan Johnston ’68, Dick Cauman ’71, John Klaffky ’69, Candy Hoffmeier Cauman ’70, Alicia Phillips Klaffky ’70, Janice Kruger ’70, Susan Williams ’70, Karol Adam Neufeld ’70, Annie Cross ’70, Joyce Reback ’70, Fran Rothstein ’70, and John Neufeld.
Annie Cross writes: “On August 6, eight Pembrokers in the Washington, D.C., area from the Class of 1970 gathered for a potluck dinner party. They included Dick Cauman ’71 and Candy Hoffmeier Cauman, Alan Johnston ’68, John Klaffky ’69 and Alicia Phillips Klaffky, Janice Kruger, John and Karol Adam Neufeld, Joyce Reback, Fran Rothstein, and Susan Williams.
Bruce Paul Richards published Jumping the Shark and Other True Stories (Except One). Bruce writes: “The book contains short creative nonfiction and one piece of fiction (reader has to guess!) with a lot of photography (1959 to present).”
David Bubier writes: “The MINT National Bank was recognized by the Independent Banker magazine as an ICBA Top Community Bank Lender in 2021 and was featured in the April 2022 Bank News magazine in an article about four high-performing banks. I was the principal organizer of the MINT and have been its chairman and CEO since it opened in 2009. Hilda Siegel Bubier and I still live in Kingwood, Texas, a suburb of Houston.”
Mark your calendar! Reunion 2024 will take place May 24-26. It’s essential to confirm that your alumni profile has the correct email address for updates regarding Reunion Weekend, which will be sent via email. Simply visit and follow the instructions provided to access your profile.
The 2023 University of Kentucky Libraries Spring Celebration recognized John Thelin as this year’s recipient of the UK Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement on May 11. He has written several award-winning books, including A History of American Higher Education and Going to College in the Sixties. Following his book on college sports scandals, Games Colleges Play, he contributed to an award-winning amicus brief about the commercial exploitation of college student-athletes, which was influential in the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of college student athletes’ lawsuit against the NCAA in 2021. He is a celebrated teacher, having received both the William B. Sturgill Award for outstanding contribution to Graduate Studies and the Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching among other honors throughout his career. Since retiring in July 2022, he continues to write books and journal articles as well as op-eds for the Washington Post and Inside Higher Ed.
Thomas Lindsey married Denise Pickett in February of 2023. Tom met Denise through an online dating service in January 2021 and proposed in June 2022. Thomas is a retired librarian and Denise is a retired registered nurse. They will live in Mesquite, Texas. The couple honeymooned in Fairbanks, Alaska, to see the northern lights.
Jonathan Entin writes: “I am finally retiring after 39 years as a law professor at Case Western Reserve University. The law school held a surprise reception honoring me earlier this month, and I definitely was surprised. You can read more details in the news story that the law school has posted at”
Joe Petteruti, past class president, has written and published A Night She’d Remember. It is the true story of Joe’s grandmother, a Titanic survivor, and includes many wonderful family pictures. It was published by class officer Thelma Austin and her company, My Family Voices.
Ross Fenton writes: “While at Brown, Vietnam veterans Edward Cundy ’68, Richard Gerace, Kenneth Kugel ’68, and I formed a Rhode Island chapter of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Elise Lemire published a book with the University of Pennsylvania Press recounting our efforts over Memorial Day Weekend in 1971 to show the people of New England why the American War in Southeast Asia needed to end, and end immediately. Battle Green Vietnam: The 1971 March on Concord, Lexington, and Boston tells the story of how we walked Paul Revere’s route in reverse over three days. When we tried to stay on the Lexington Battle Green, we were rounded up in what remains the largest mass arrest in Massachusetts history. Lemire has made her book highly readable by recounting the march through the eyes of six of the march participants, me being one of them. It includes several photos of the other
Brown participants.”
John R. Stahl writes: “I have been publishing my own books of esoteric philosophy and metaphysics under the name The Evanescent Press since 1971 in Montreal, letterpress printed on my own handmade paper from handset type and handbound. I have reprinted most of my writings in commercial editions.” Stahl’s books The Laughter of God and More Laughter are available on In addition, two collections of his writings, Selected Articles: Metaphysics and Theology and One Planet Makeover, can be downloaded for free on his website

Bruce Paul Richards writes: “I was wearing an Aloha shirt because it was Friday. I’ve done so every Friday since spending a year in Hawaii after graduation. Having flunked my draft physical (for sleepwalking, of all things), I had gone to Waikiki to celebrate not getting shot in Vietnam, and had gotten shot. But that’s another story. This is about an Aloha Friday two years ago on the eve of Campus Dance. I was in front of my old fraternity house, DTD, drinking a beer, musing about all the wild good times I’d had there, feeling rather ‘studly’ as Johnny-D used to say, in my favorite shirt, when my phone rang. It was my pregnant daughter, Aly Richards ’08, on her way back to campus for her 10th reunion. She and her brother Ryan ’06 had attended a much better place than the bro-fest of my day, but that didn’t taint my rosy visions from 49 years earlier. Aly said not to worry, running late, at the doctor’s and, by the way, your first grandchild and your second will be arriving the same day. Twins! I started to cry. Not just wet-eyed sniffles. Loud and uncontrollably, spilling my beer down the front of my shirt. Passersby looked at me with expressions of pity and alarm. Not that studly, after all. Campus Dance was the same as always. Old timers and young. Same band, or so it seemed. Dancing and drinking (I smuggled in my martinis; told them it was medicine). Even a fistfight. Yup, just the same...Though the old timers of my day dated back to the Great War, some even to the 19th Century. Now they were me. Aly’s friends were nice enough to let me hang out with them instead of the less lively tables of folks more my age. I was a little depressed by the aging of the class of ’68 and disappointed with the dearth of Aloha shirts, but those sorrows proved as transient as...well, you know. Our group celebrated Aly’s great news at the best Aloha Friday Campus Dance ever.”
Thomas Lindsey writes: “I am now licensed as a property and casualty insurance agent in Texas and scheduled to take the life insurance exam.”
Peter Kaufman writes: “Having a ball in Bethel, Vermont, just two towns away from one of my art professors, Ed Koren. We are doctoring up a Ralph Lauren style 1830s brick Cape on two dramatic acres on Route 12. I work part-time as the sexton for St. James Episcopal Church in Woodstock.”
Larry Wilson writes: “Our 50th reunion last year was so enjoyable that Peter Allgeier and I decided to continue the camaraderie by inviting some of our classmates to join us in taking an online course.” Bruce Butterworth, Kathy Kindl Norris, Rauer Meyer, Roger Sherman and Tom West accepted their invitation to meet weekly using Zoom to discuss the lectures. “We first took a Yale Open Course, “The Early Middle Ages,” then eagerly followed up with a Coursera Yale course, “The Age of Cathedrals,” and then a Great Courses course from American University, “An Introduction to the Qur’an.” We are now engaged in a Great Courses course from the University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Law entitled “Liberty on Trial in America.” Our preference, of course, would be to take online courses from our alma mater and we hope that Brown will consider expanding its limited offering of online courses for alumni/alumnae. Our 50th has definitely deepened our bonds of friendship and enhanced our interest in continuing education.”
Bob Sanchez continues his extraordinarily active life. The Brown Club has provided many interesting and engaging programs and outings: talks from faculty and administrators about campus and academic activities, a visit to the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens in Miami, a visit to an Everglades nature preserve, and a trip to Fort Myers to watch the Boston Red Sox. Bob attended a gathering at which the New Curriculum was the topic of discussion. “A number of those attending the gathering were actually on campus during the negotiations among the faculty, the administration, and the students. Robert Lynch ’69 was active in the brouhaha over the NROTC remaining or leaving. He wrote an interesting piece putting the events in context, The Almost Forgotten Story of How Brown University’s New Curriculum was Nearly Derailed by Subterfuge.” Bob keeps in touch with: Stan Dobson, Jim Furlong, Warren Healey, George Held, Pete Howard, Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT, Jerry Levine, Jim Moody ’65 ScM, Tom Moses, John Reistrup, Charlie Shumway ’66 AM, Sandy McFarland Taylor, Bill Traub ’59, George Vandervoort, and Roger Williams.
Thomas Lindsey sold his home and moved to an apartment. He discontinued his online book sale business, but helps charities resell donated books to used book stores. He writes: “$800-1,000/year isn’t a lot, but helps each of them with petty cash purchases. My Daniel Shays’s Rebellion blog is I have 48 Rebellion research subtopics that keep me active.”
Ruth Medak writes: “I am still enjoying the benefits of my great education at Brown. My career started with private practice in internal medicine primary care, then medical quality improvement and finally shifted to hospice and palliative care about 10 years ago. I still can’t believe my luck in being hired by a great hospice serving about 550 patients in a remarkable health system, working with fabulous people from the top of the hierarchy to the aides. Seven years ago (at age 65!) I became the hospice medical director and have enjoyed it so much that I will be working until they make me retire. Meanwhile, life is good, health is excellent, energy outstanding, and friends and family are all doing well. I am soon off to Kathmandu to attend my goddaughter’s traditional three-day Nepali wedding and go on my third trek with one of my sisters. Portland is beautiful with the leaves turning and not too much rain yet. Sadly, I missed the reunion but was thinking of you all. Stay well, contented, and fulfilled.”
Celebrating a career of work on major law firm mergers, dissolutions, and other disputes that have shaped the industry, the New York Law Journal honored Les Corwin, managing partner of Eisner, LLP’s New York office, with its 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award.
On October 26, the Brown University Corporation dedicated a memorial to Trustee Ken McDaniel. The memorial is an engraved concrete block lining a brick walkway in the Maddock Alumni Center gardens. Ken died on June 11, 2019, just 16 days after celebrating his 50th class reunion (See Farewell, BAM Obituaries, September/October). Following the dedication, the Class of 1969 presented a 154-page book created and published by his classmate Thelma Austin. The title is A Faithful Servant: Biographical Tribute to Kenneth Harrison McDaniel, 1947-2019. In addition to his biographical summary, the book features 24 tributes. Tributes were from President Christina Paxson and seven current and emeriti trustees, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey ’70, Sheryl Grooms Brissett Chapman ’71, Spencer Crew ’71, Galen V. Henderson ’93 MD, Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, and Preston Tisdale ’73. Nine classmates who contributed were Linda Abbott Antonucci, Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson, Gail DeCosta, Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD, Anderson Kurtz, class president Joseph Petteruti, Theodore Sherrod, Wesley Smith, and Randall Ward. Two other alumni also contributed: Glenn Dixon ’70 and Russell Malbrough ’98. Others who contributed were professor Françoise Hamlin, Reza Clifton, Paul Simas, Stanley Thompson, and Rev. Adam Young. Copies of the book were presented to President Christina Paxson; Ken’s wife, Susan McDaniel; and the John Hay Library. All alumni are encouraged to have their autobiographies and biographies archived in the John Hay Library.

Jessica Pearce Rotondi married Ravi Mody on May 26 at The Crane Estate in Ipswich, Mass. Jessica is an editor and writer in New York. Her first book about her family’s 36-year search to bring her missing uncle home from the CIA-led “Secret War” in Laos, inspired by Professor Elizabeth Taylor at Brown, will be published in April 2020 by Unnamed Press. What We Inherit chronicles her journey across Southeast Asia in the wake of her mother’s death, following a trail of declassified documents and maps that lead her to family secrets. Ravi is vice president of data at Daily Harvest. Jessica and Ravi met at a startup in Soho, where they decided to test firsthand what happens when you combine marketing and data. Jess thought it was strange but delightful that Ravi was always in the office kitchen when she was. Ravi heard the jingling bells of Jess’s dog, Lola, following her every move, so Ravi knew when it was time to snack. Their wedding was a three-day celebration combining Indian and Western traditions, including a blanket ceremony where they were draped with a quilt Jessica’s mother made her during her freshman year at Brown. In attendance were Lauren Anderson, Erikson Arcaira, Kate Johnston, Rahim Kassam-Adams ’09, David McNamee, Elizabeth Dickson McNamee, Stephanie Minor, Maggie Mustard, and Sam Rotondi ’69.

John O’Reilly Jr. writes: “I finished a great 50th reunion. I am not online and missed the class yearbook deadline. I have copies of my unpublished The Function of Christianity in U.S. History and my unpublished A History of the Christian Church. Best wishes to all classmates.
The class sent out its News and Dues mailing in September. If you have not yet responded, please send your news and your dues check for $69 payable to “Brown University Class of 1969” to Joseph Petteruti, 50 Lloyd Ave., Providence, RI 02906. The $69 covers two years since we did not collect dues during our reunion year.

The Baltimore Sun reported that Rev. Mark E. Brennan ’69 was appointed by Pope Francis as the ninth bishop in the 169-year history of the diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia. Bishop Brennan was previously an auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Baltimore.
Peter Rush writes: “I returned with lacrosse teammates to be honored at a game for the first Ivy Championship team from Brown. Marc Jacobs, Rupert Scofield, Rock Singewald, Wolky Toll and I made it on the field without a stumble. Wish more were there but good to be with old friends. Rick Buck ’70, John Buxton ’69, Randy Cooper ’69, and Greg Elliott ’69 were also present.”
Spike Gonzales, Charles Shumway ’58, ’66 AM, and Roger Young ’50 have been playing tennis together at the Wilderness Country Club in Naples, Fla., for the last decade.

Class secretary Linda Abbott Antonucci reports: “What a reunion! Our 50th reunion was a huge success. We had 240 registered classmates representing 31 percent of our classmates. Including spouses and guests, over 360 attended the reunion. These numbers look very impressive, much like our 25th reunion. We may have set a new attendance record for a 50th. From a dazzling Friday night dinner to a fabulous Sunday luncheon, the events were spectacular. The Black Student Walkout of ’68 forum Saturday morning was phenomenal and well attended. The Jim Northrop Show at noon on Saturday starred Ira Magaziner and Pembroker Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD. Folks are still talking about this tour de force which included the back story leading to the development of the New Curriculum and a personal behind the scenes account of the 1968 Black Student Walkout. Jim’s Q&A on “What are we going to do with the rest of our lives?” electrified the audience. Saturday afternoon’s Designing Brilliance, the Gorham event at the RISD Museum, drew more than 75 people, and the class of 1969 forum on the Vietnam War was standing room only at the John Hay Library. The class memorial service led by Rev. Mark Brennan and Rev. Richard Crocker early Saturday evening was uplifting. The march down the Hill, where the class was greeted with thunderous applause, brought the class full circle, since for many attendees it was their first time passing through the Van Wickle Gates. We have some sad news to report that reunion committee member and Brown Trustee Ken McDaniel passed away on June 11 from a heart attack (see Obits, pg. 66). Condolences can be sent to his family at 56 Circuit Dr., Cranston, RI 02905. Along with Ken, reunion committee members Kathy Au, Thelma Austin, Guillermo Bahamon, Kate Bornstein, Les Corwin, Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson, Mike D’Ambra, Ido Jamar, Ira Magaziner, Jim Northrop, and Scott Somers were vital to our reunion’s success. We had such great diversity of thought and enthusiasm. Congratulations to all who worked so diligently on the forums, t-shirts, and special events. You made us all look good and we salute you and thank you for all your hard work. We must also thank our 50th reunion sponsors J. Scott Burns and Jim Northrop. They provided the class with substantial financial support. This enabled us to have premium liquor, a subsidy for the very special class of 1969 designer t-shirts, and a beautiful catered lunch on Sunday. A special mention also goes to Guillermo Bahamon, who convinced his friend, Brown professor and New Yorker magazine cartoonist Ed Koren, to design our distinctive t-shirts. Class secretary Linda Antonucci and class treasurer Richard Blackman have volunteered to open up a Class of 1969 t-shirt shop. They will send you a “larger than the average bear” t-shirt (sizes XL or 2XL are all that remain) if you send Richard a check for $19.69 payable to Brown University Class of 1969 and send to Bentsen-Combies-Blackman Insurance, 631 Main St., East Greenwich, RI 02818. Ladies, you will own the perfect replacement for your nightgown. Guys, you can bulk up and be the big bear on the block! Once again, thanks to everyone who attended our 50th reunion. It was a blast and maybe the best in a long line of very excellent class of 1969 reunions. You know that we always have the best parties!”
Jonathan Cowan launched Socialize ACE, a new home training system for autistic issues through his company, Peak Achievement Training. The Socialize ACE uses a new form of brainwave biofeedback which trains a 40 cycle gamma brain rhythm he named Neureka! because it is involved in processing new learning and discoveries. He writes: “Training with Neureka! also improves positive feelings, which are known to enhance long-term health.” His previous release, the Peak BrainHappiness Trainer, combined this into a more varied clinical neurofeedback product by adding training for focus and alertness. Jonathan states that this long and winding road actually started with an independent study project during his last year at Brown.
Joe Higgins retired on Oct. 6 after five years as office manager at the Watchung Arts Center, then celebrated his 70th birthday on Oct.19 vacationing in the 1000 Islands. He’s looking forward to the 50th reunion.
Gregory “Spike” Gonzales continues to run tennis programs and teach tennis in Naples, Fla. For the second time in five years, he was named Collier County’s Tennis Pro of the Year. His 16-year-old daughter, Solana, and 10-year-old son, Alejandro, are excelling in tennis, golf, and flag football.
The Class Reunion Committee reports: “As we prepare for our 50th Reunion May 24-26, 2019, the class officers and reunion committee invite you to join us for this momentous event. Remember that you can only register online, and there is a deadline. After that date you can still register, but the University will impose a late fee. Highlights of our upcoming reunion include a class-led University forum on the 50th anniversary of the New (now Open) Curriculum as well as the December 1968 Black Student Walkout. There will also be a special forum on the Vietnam War and its effect on our classmates. We are planning on a big turnout. Call your fellow classmates and prepare to party like it’s 1969.”
John R. Thelin’s book Going to College in the Sixties was published by Johns Hopkins University Press in November. It includes a number of Brown episodes and characters throughout the book.
Save the date. The class of 1969’s 50th reunion is just a few months away— May 24-26, 2019. Contact your friends and make plans to return to Providence. Please watch your email for your reunion registration packet, as it will not be sent by mail as in previous years. Dormitory rooms are guaranteed for members of our class who register, but the cost of those rooms has not yet been determined. You can follow the latest updates on class events by joining our Class of 1969 Facebook page, which is open only to members of the class. We will also be updating our class website which is We look forward to seeing you in May.
Piret K. Virks Congdon ’69 announces the July 7 birth of her granddaughter, Fiona Kensley Congdon. Piret’s husband, James Herbert Congdon, passed away in December 2013.
Mark Brennan ’69 writes: “A couple years ago I wrote that I had completed 40 years of service as a priest in the archdiocese of Washington, D.C., serving at that time in a large, multicultural parish north of Washington, D.C. Then a funny thing happened on the way to retirement—in December 2016, Pope Francis named me an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. I was ordained a bishop on January 19, 2017, and given a supervisory role in about 60 parishes in three suburban/rural counties and in Hispanic ministry throughout the Archdiocese. This is quite a change at my age, but so far it is going well. God does provide strength for the journey. I pray He will do the same for all my classmates.”
Eve Barak ’69 writes: “I've been retired for 10+ years and Gene and I have already filled our Florida home with inordinate amounts of stuff. I very much enjoyed re-unioning with the class of ’68 in May, renewing friendships and acquaintances that had been dormant for 50 years and looking forward to my reunion in May. I'm keeping busy with Hadassah, grandchildren, and traveling.”
Class secretary Linda Antonucci ’69 writes: “Save the date for the class of 1969’s 50th reunion May 24–26, 2019. If you plan to attend and need a hotel room, please reserve your room now. Hotel rooms in downtown Providence are getting scarce and some hotels are already sold out for that weekend. Dormitory rooms are guaranteed for members of our class, but the cost of those rooms has not yet been determined. The class officers and reunion committee are working diligently to create a memorable event. The following is a preliminary schedule of class events for our 50th reunion and is subject to change. On Friday afternoon we have a reception at the class headquarters followed by a class dinner in the evening. On Saturday we have the Brown and Pembroke breakfasts in the morning, then the class lunch and discussion panel at noon, then the class memorial event and an as-yet-undetermined class event. Sunday morning is the Commencement March and at noon we will meet at Joe Petteruti ’69's house for brunch. You can follow the latest updates on class events by joining our class of 1969 Facebook page, which is open only to members of the class. We will also be updating our class website, which is Call your friends and make sure that they are planning to attend. We look forward to seeing all of you in May of 2019.”
Linda Antonucci writes: “Save the date: the class of 1969’s 50th reunion will be May 24–26, 2019. If you plan to attend and need a hotel room, please reserve your room now. Hotel rooms in downtown Providence are getting scarce. The class reunion committee is planning some spectacular events. You can follow the latest updates on class events by joining our class of 1969 Facebook page, which is open only to members of the class. We will also be updating our class website, which is We look forward to seeing you in May 2019.”
Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD (see Linda Antonucci ’69).
Walter Woerheide writes: “After serving as a professor of finance at the University of Illinois at Chicago for 10 years, the University of Michigan-Flint for six years, Rochester Institute of Technology for 11 years, and the American College of Financial Services for 17 years, I retired on Good Friday of this year. I look forward to developing new interests and engaging in new activities.”
For the last 13 years Linda Brown Wilson has been living in the Hilton Head, S.C., area and teaching psychology at the Univ. of South Carolina Beaufort. She writes: “I am getting ready to retire finally this year. Then I hope to improve my golf game and enjoy life in the ‘Low Country.’”
Classmates Robert Dorin, Harlan Hurwitz, and David Parker celebrated at Harlan’s daughter’s wedding in Marble Falls, Tex. Robert writes: “Appetites were whetted for the big 50 in 2019.”
The 50th reunion is less than a year away. The reunion committee, composed of class officers Linda Antonucci, Richard Blackman, Liz Holochwost, Joe Petteruti, and Bob Sherman, and classmates Kathryn Au; Thelma Austin; Guillermo Bahamon; Kate Bornstein; Les Corwin; Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson; Mike D’Ambra; Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD; Ira Magaziner; Ken McDaniel; Jim Northrop; and Scott Somers, is working hard to organize a memorable event.
Naomi Das Neufeld Flagg ’71 MMSc (see ’69).
Pamela Neufeld Collinghood (see Naomi Das Neufeld Flagg ’69).
Ryan Richards and Emily Yahr were married on Sept. 9. They write that it was “a memorable Vermont ceremony and celebration filled with love, laughter, chair-lifting, hammerschlagen, a full wedding conga line, and multiple generations of Brown alums on both sides of the aisle, including Rick Damon ’81 AM, Brad Hessel ’75, Robb Hughes ’08, Leon Jalbert ’69, Bruce Richards ’69, Aly Richards ’08, Celeste Riendeau ’08, Aaron Yahr ’05, and Barron Youngsmith.”
David Parker practices corporate and commercial litigation at Kleinberg, Kaplan in New York City. He is on the board of Brown-RISD Hillel and a school chair for the alumni interviewing program. He and his wife, Ronnie, also enjoy their adventures with the Brown Travelers, most recently to Australia; New Zealand; and Churchill, Canada. In January they went to Antarctica.
Caroline Klock McLaughlin retired on Jan. 20, 2017, from the Town of Lexington, Mass., after 31 years. She is still living in Lexington “for now.”
Thomas Lemire writes: “I remember 50 years ago in the fall of 1967, the excitement of having a new football coach, Len Jardine, a young 29-year-old Purdue assistant who infused high hopes into Brown’s program. New uniforms with gold helmets, better recruiting tools, and upgraded facilities and locker rooms served to inspire us. We didn’t achieve the sharp turnaround that some expected, but the attitude changed, and the administration realized that all aspects of student life benefited from making us more competitive with the other Ivy schools.”
John Krafft returned to his roots and is living back in Long Beach, Calif. He works as international banking credit manager for City National Bank but is thinking about retirement. He writes: “My two daughters are flourishing. Nina is keeping up the family tradition of living in Beijing, where she is a special education resource teacher in a bilingual private school, and Emily is in Portland, Oregon, where she works in development for the Xerces Society, which supports invertebrates. I still keep in touch with my first roommate, Spike Gonzales, who lives in Naples, Florida, and with Peter Ujlaki, who has been living in Japan for decades but who breezes through southern California most years on business. I recently had a visit with Robert Sell and Rita Chao Hadden.”
Lynne Moore Healy was named/inducted a Social Work Pioneer by the National Association of Social Workers in October.
Rita Chao Hadden enjoys teaching Understanding Asia at American Univ. to lifelong learners. She is also mentoring Brown seniors and enjoying time with her granddaughter Mayzie and daughter Tracy Hadden Loh ’04, hiking in D.C., fusion cooking, travels, and acupressure.
Maria Isabel Garcia received the Outstanding Congregational Library award for her church resource center at All Saints Catholic Church in Richardson, Tex., which she started and has directed for 38 years. The award was given at the 50th Anniversary National Conference of the Church and Synagogue Library Association in Rochester, N.Y., in July 2017.
Paul Dunn writes: “While I’ve been continuing my job as executive vice president at Bluerock Capital Markets, Linda and I moved to Laguna Niguel, California, to be closer to our four sons and their families.”
Richard R. Crocker retired and has been named emeritus college chaplain at Dartmouth.
Leslie J. Corwin and his wife, Jessie Bard, traveled to Israel in October 2017 for the international board meetings of the Israel Tennis Centers Foundation and the October 16 dedication of the tennis court in Jaffa in honor of Jean Mills, the Polo Club of Boca Raton’s director of tennis. Les and Jessie are proud to support Israel Tennis Centers, which bring together children from different religions, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds to promote understanding, cooperation, and friendship on and off the court. They have hosted more than 250 people at their home in Boca Raton.
Charles S. Carver is a distinguished professor of psychology at the Univ. of Miami, where he has spent his entire professional career. He received his PhD from the Univ. of Texas at Austin in personality psychology in 1974. His work spans the areas of personality psychology, social psychology, health psychology, and experimental psychopathology. The American Psychological Assoc. has honored him for career contributions to the areas of health, social, and personality psychology. For six years he was editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology’s section on Personality Processes and Individual Differences and six years as an associate editor of Psychological Review. He is the author of 10 books and 410 articles and chapters and a recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award.
Margery Fisher Anderson is enjoying life in Vermont. She teaches Svaroopa yoga and volunteers in the Heartfulness Meditation ashram bookstore in Massachusetts. She travels to New Jersey and Washington, D.C., as often as possible to visit her two grown sons.
From the November/December 2017 Issue
Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].
Karen Williams Lantner ’69 AM writes: “I enrolled in an MFA oil painting program. It’s hard work but very rewarding. My husband, Louis ’68, and I are enjoying our seven grandchildren, all beautiful and smart, of course. I’m looking forward to my 50th reunion.”
From the September/October 2017 Issue
Paul Payton and Bette Schultz ’73 toured Cuba in March via the New York Times Travel program. Paul writes: “It was fascinating, especially since our trip’s mentor was Anthony DePalma, the Times’s former international business correspondent for the Americas, who shared many unusual first-hand insights based on his extensive career in the region and the country.” Bette and Paul also traveled to Arizona to celebrate her parents’ 95th birthdays and 73rd wedding anniversary in May. Bette remains active and is the past president of Dress for Success Morris County. Paul’s band, Rob Carlson & Benefit Street, led by Rob Carlson ’70, played in Connecticut in April and June and in Bethesda, Md., in May. Paul writes: “It’s as hard to book an original music band now as it was when we were doing it at Brown, but the joy of playing together makes it worthwhile.” Their music can be heard at or .
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Edward Blomstedt writes: “I retired in 2014 after 45 years toiling in the trenches of corporate America to no grand purpose or great accolades, but had a heck of a good time and made a thousand friends along the way. In between cycling and golf, I published a book on the cemetery at West Point, New York, Be Thou at Peace: The Cemetery at West Point, N.Y., A Resting Place for Warriors. Mae and I travel the world several months a year: “We’ll have fun, fun, fun, ’til [her] Daddy takes the T-Bird away.”
David Bosworth’s latest book, Conscientious Thinking: Making Sense in an Age of Idiot Savants ( ), is his second book in the last three years. He is professor of English (Creative Writing) at the University of Washington in Seattle.
From the May/June 2017 Issue
Fred Berk writes: “Our daughter, Leah Rae Berk ’05, received her MBA in 2014, gave us our first grandchild in 2015, and joined our family business in 2016. Along with her cousin, she represents the third generation of Berks at Pulpdent Corporation of Watertown, Massachusetts. Pulpdent is a research, product development, and manufacturing company specializing in professional dental products.”
In September 2016, Nancy and J. Richard Chambers enjoyed two mini-reunions, one with Wes and Jill Smith and Peter and Karen Jakes at Wes’s mountain retreat in Truckee, Calif., and the other with Ann Brice at her chalet in Soda Springs, Calif. They finished the trip with a visit to Sequoia National Park. Professionally, Richard has completed a capital raise for a business buyout in Miami and has consulted with several clients in nonbank, bank, and fin-tech fields. He has three granddaughters keeping him busy and bringing him joy.
Leslie D. Corwin writes that life is good personally and professionally. He has been invited to participate in Aspen Institute’s Justice and Society Seminar in July 2017, an annual seminar cofounded by the late Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun and composed of 20 participants from various fields. They will focus on the conceptions of justice and how a just society should deal with issues such as private conduct and public mores, economic disparities, equality, the breakdown of long-established hierarchies of race and gender, and the contours of justice in the international field.
Ann Malone Cowan retired from the Univ. of Kentucky information technology office in September 2013.
Paul H. Ellenbogen retired from radiology practice. His activities now include volunteer work as a docent at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas. He also enjoys playing pickle ball once or twice a week.
Michael V. Elsberry retired from law practice in February 2015 and has been on the go since then. He and his wife of 40 years, Sally Blackmun, have taken nine trips or cruises since his retirement, the most recent a Brown-sponsored cruise in the Peruvian headwaters of the Amazon River in January 2017.
Karen Mollineaux Ferguson writes: “Tom and I continue to live in New Canaan, Connecticut, where we are active volunteers and active grandparents to Henry, Will, and George, who, with our son Matt and his wife, Kate, live in town. There is no planned move to the sunbelts for us. Also, we made a great trip to Sicily.”
Lynne Moore Healy presented on behalf of the NGO Committee on Social Development at an event on sustainable development at UN headquarters in New York City last July.
Tom Lemire is enjoying the arrival of his second grandchild along with part-time work as a marketing consultant in the advanced composite industry.
John Liebmann writes: “Ever since retiring from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, I have been involved with nuclear disarmament and with current debt and humanitarian crises in Puerto Rico, both through religious advocacy organizations. My wife, Millie, started a new career as a vocational rehabilitation counselor, and my son, Elvin, is an artist. We live in Sunnyside, Queens, New York, near Long Island City and Astoria.”
Thomas K. Lindsey retired as a librarian at the end of 2012. He is involved in a variety of volunteer projects, including tutoring prospective military enlistees to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, tutoring GED students, transcribing post-Revolutionary War manuscripts, participating in the Toastmasters International Club, and other volunteer projects as they arise.
Tom McKlveen and his wife, Nancy, moved from Des Moines, Iowa, to Mill Valley, Calif., three years ago. He enjoys conducting alumni interviews. Their son, John ’98, is the area-interviewing chair in Marin County, Calif.
Caroline Klock McLaughlin retired from the Town of Lexington, Mass., on Jan. 20, after 31 years as assistant to the town manager and project manager.
Barbara Gershon Ryder is a professor emerita in computer science at Virginia Tech and has moved to Sarasota, Fla. She welcomes contact from any classmates in the area. She looks forward to spending more time with her grandchildren Riley, 7; Benjamin and Adam, both 4; and Clara, 2, in Seattle and Providence.
John Thelin’s articles and op-eds on higher education have been published in the New York Times, Money, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. Routledge published his new book, American Higher Education: Issues and Institutions, early this year.
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Rev. Mark E. Brennan celebrated 40 years as a priest last May and is pastor of a large multi-ethnic parish 15 miles north of Washington, D.C., with masses in English, Spanish, and French. He writes: “It’s challenging but worthwhile.”
Robert P. Lynch (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
From the January/February 2017 Issue
Thomas Lindsey is tutoring young people trying to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery with the highest possible scores on each subtest. A high score qualifies the person for a broad range of occupational opportunities if he or she does enlist. Thomas is also a volunteer transcriber of post–Revolutionary War manuscripts for the War Department Papers Project. He is learning interesting information about the 20 years of America’s history after the end of the Revolutionary War.
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Robert Lynch (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
From the July/August 2016 Issue
Byron Lichtenberg, currently an assistant professor of business and engineering at LeTourneau Univ. in Longview, Tex., is the program coordinator for the Master of Engineering Management Program. He is also the chairperson of NASA’s Standing Review Board for the Commercial Crew Program. This program is the first commercial development by Boeing and SpaceX to build rockets to take astronauts to the International Space Station and low earth orbit.
Tom Lindsey writes: “I retired from library work December 31, 2012. My wife, Beverly, passed away on October 20, 2015. I am now looking for a combination of part-time and volunteer work in the Fort Worth area.”
Brian Watson writes: “I am currently finishing my last semester of teaching physics at St. Lawrence University. The department is letting me keep my office, so I’ll be continuing a research collaboration with colleagues at McGill University. I expect to enjoy my formal retirement.”
From the May/June 2016 Issue
Fred Berk (see Aracely Pérez ’05).
Terry Warburton (see Pamela Wiseman ’83).
From the March/April 2016 Issue
John Leventhal (see Daniel Leventhal ’07).
From the January/February 2016 Issue
Brett and Janet Uscher Gorkin (see Jessica Gorkin ’08).
Peter Hainer (see Jessica Gorkin ’08).
Paul Payton and Rob Carlson ’70 announce the release of their second album of all-original music, Angels on the Radio, by Rob Carlson & the Benefit Street Band. The album was released by Paul’s label, Presence Records. Paul writes: “We’re hard to pigeonhole, but we’re somewhere in the folk-rock and singer-songwriter areas with a couple of flat-out rockers to boot. I think our albums stand up with the best out there, but with radio play being so hard to come by except for superstars and rappers, it’s an even bigger uphill climb to be heard, especially at our ‘tender young ages.’ However, if you close your eyes, we sound a lot younger!”
Bob Rothstein writes: “I’m now the same age as my class year. Causes one to reflect. Still working the day job at Data Innovations, but under a new corporate ‘conglomerate’ parent as of last March, Roper Technologies. Unfortunately, this time there was no payout, as when private equity firm Battery Ventures acquired us in 2010. So I was faced with actually retiring and going stir-crazy. Thankfully, in 2011 a bit of serendipity made me an ‘equity punk’ in the Scottish craft beer phenomenon BrewDog. That investment, having no hobby whatsoever, and having funds looking for a home from that 2010 buyout, turned a partner and myself into exclusive importers of BrewDog beers for Belgium and Luxembourg (talk about selling fridges to Inuits) as well as licensees to create BrewDog bars in the same territory. Now, after four years trying to get all the pieces in place for the first bar, we finally opened BrewDog Brussels in September in an iconic building across from Central Station, 300 meters from the Grand-Place. Check us out on Facebook (BrewDog Brussels) or, better yet, come visit. Anne retires in January 2017 and is not sure what she’ll do to avoid cabin fever. Shona, after getting a master’s in architecture and another in criminology, is a lieutenant ‘inspecteur’ in the Brussels police force. Liane, after getting her nursing degree and RN in Pennsylvania, is a nurse in the operating theaters of Institut Bordet, a Brussels cancer hospital.”
From the March/April 2015 Issue
David Bosworth published The Demise of Virtue in Virtual America: The Moral Origins of the Great Recession. He writes that it is “a history of cultural and ethical change in America over the last 60 years.” He teaches in, and formerly served as the director of, the creative writing program at the Univ. of Washington in Seattle.
John Leventhal (see Adam Leventhal ’01).
Paul Payton writes that he and his wife, Bette Schultz ’73, had a great reunion weekend last May, first at WBRU and then at the class and university forums on Saturday: “We also enjoyed visiting with Don Fletcher ’69 AM, ’72 ScM, and his wife, Joan Mitchell Fletcher ’70, and Jim Brennan ’69 and his wife, Noel-Anne Gerson Brennan ’70. Last April, Bette and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary by traveling to Phoenix for her parents’ 70th. We also visited Machu Picchu and Cuzco, Peru; the Galapagos Islands; and Quito, Ecuador; and spent some time at our ‘beach box’ on Cape Hatteras, N.C. We are both freelancing, Bette in pharmaceutical consulting and me in voiceover and music. I play keyboards in the backing band for The Toys (of course we played A Lover’s Concerto, a major hit in 1965 on WBRU). This also led to our backing The Drifters at a show in March. I’m also still playing with Rob Carlson ’70 in his band, Rob Carlson & Benefit Street; we’re mixing our second album. Bette and I are grateful that life is good and still full of adventures, with more to come.”
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Paul Ellenbogen is president of the American College of Radiology and is serving his final year on the Board of Chancellors. He writes: “It has been a most interesting and gratifying experience. I will always remember the people that I have met and worked with throughout the United States and throughout the world.”
Joseph Petteruti joined the board of advisors of the Brown University Association of Class Leaders. He was also reelected class president.
From the September/October 2014 Issue
John Ferguson retired in 2013 after 36 years of teaching biology at Bard. He writes: “No more lab reports to grade! I went off the payroll on July 1, and now I’m on the dole.…”
William Flook writes: “Although Barb and I are full-time residents of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, I continue to work as a supervisor for the school psychologists of the Baltimore County Public Schools. Barb retired last year, and I anticipate doing the same in 2015. My daughter Kate and her husband, Pete, are living in Massachusetts with our two grandsons. My son, Billy, and his wife, Kathleen, are reporters in the Washington, D.C., area. My daughter, Maggie, completed her PhD in chemistry at M.I.T. and is now a research chemist for Goodyear in Akron, Ohio. We are all doing well. Sorry to miss the 45th but planning on coming for the 50th.”
Maria Isabel Garcia writes: “At age 67, I am still working two jobs: library specialist IV at Southern Methodist Univ. (35 hours/week) and librarian at the All Saints Parish Resource Library at All Saints Catholic Church in North Dallas, Texas (20 hours/week). I started this church library in 1979 as a volunteer and have been employed by the church since 1985. I currently have more than 30 volunteers helping me.” Maria is the grandmother of 5-year-old Diana Evelyn Askew, and owns two apartments on the south coast of Portugal, where she spends every June.
Alfred Ham retired from Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA on Aug. 31, 2013. He now has more time to spend with his 7-year-old granddaughter and 3-year-old grandson, as well as more time for boating, fishing, golfing, and traveling with his wife.
Joseph Higgins writes: “I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Rob Carlson ’70 and David Buskin ’65 perform as Modern Man at the Sanctuary Concerts in Chatham, N.J. Paul Payton sat in with them on a couple of tunes. I had a brief mini-reunion with Rob, who lived across the hall from me in Hegeman C, and Paul, whom I knew (but not well) during our time at Brown. I hope to book the band to appear next year at the Watchung Arts Center, where I’ve been office manager since October 2013.”
Robert Lynch is the CEO of the Warren Company in Naples, Fla. He writes: “After graduation and a combat tour in Vietnam, I went to Harvard for a degree in organizational behavior. After working in business and government, then starting several companies, 25 years ago I embarked on a journey as thought leader, consultant, and trainer in the emerging fields of strategic alliances and collaborative innovation to help unfold the inner ‘design architecture of cooperation.’ Now, after hundreds of clients, several books, three university programs, and more than 35,000 people trained, I am confident I have learned enough about high-performance teams and trust building to embark on the next phase of my journey: to create a world that is truly synergistic and much less prone to breakdown. I am dedicated to creating a global alliance linking like-minded people to build a world we can trust. I invite any other Brunonians who are so compelled to join me in this noble cause and embark on a journey to fulfill the dream we had when we graduated so many years ago. It’s not too late.”
Candace Page retired in April 2013 after 40 years as a newspaper editor, columnist, and reporter. She is now working part-time as a freelance writer for newspapers and local public radio. She has one daughter, who is an artist on Whidbey Island, Wash., as well as three stepchildren and seven grandchildren.
Paul Payton and his wife, Bette Schultz ’73, celebrated their 20th anniversary this spring beginning with a visit to Bette’s parents in Arizona to celebrate their 70th anniversary and then on to the Galapagos and Machu Picchu. Paul continues to write and play keyboards with Rob Carlson ’70 in the Rob Carlson & Benefit Street band and hopes that the group’s second album will be out by the time you read this. Paul also released his solo doo-wop project as The Kids Would Go Wild by The Fabulous Dudes. Paul writes: “Rock stardom didn’t happen on schedule, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen sometime. Stay tuned!” Meanwhile, Paul finances his rock-star career with his ongoing voice-over work, and Bette has added the role of expert witness to her pharmaceutical consulting work.
Barbara Gershon Ryder, the J. Byron Maupin Professor of Engineering and head of the department of computer science in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, received the biennial Woman of Achievement award from the American Assoc. of University Women of Virginia on April 5.
John Seater ’72 AM, ’75 PhD, retired at the end of June 2013, resigning from his professorship at North Carolina State Univ. The following October he and his wife of 42 years, Susan Harris Seater ’71, ’78 PhD, moved to Walpole, Mass., to be near their two children, Elizabeth Seater ’99, and Robert, each of whom has two children. Although John is no longer working, he is still doing economics. He has an office at Boston College and continues to do research and write papers. John writes: “We just had half the basement converted to a workshop. Once I get my benches and tools set up, I plan to do a lot of woodworking. Playing with grandchildren, doing economic research, working wood, and a wife who still puts up with me: life is good!”
Scott Somers has spent the last 28 years in the executive search field as managing partner at the Windale Group in Glendale, Calif. He writes: “My wife, Anne, and I are healthy. Anne is a retired lawyer and has more time than I do for fun things. I do get my two-mile run in with the dog most mornings. Anne and I both enjoy listening to Brown classmate Jude Ciccolella and his band when they play in Burbank.”
Sandy Stoddard recently bid goodbye to Connecticut and moved to Asheville, N.C. He still works remotely for New York Life in financial reporting. He enjoys his grandchildren and tries to stay active.
Les Twible writes: “At Brown, through Art 58 and my American Civilization seminars, I developed a lifelong commitment to the physical and social problems of distressed cities and rural areas. I am now a volunteer serving dementia patients and the homeless. I received an MBA from UConn with highest honors. I live on the North Carolina Atlantic coast and have a daughter, Jennifer, age 42.”
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Fred Berk writes: “I married Diane Brown, who moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, from Richmond, Virginia. Our older daughter, Leah Rae Berk ’05, is getting her MBA. Our younger daughter, Shira Rose, mentors young women through activist theater. Diane is a gallery instructor at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and is retired from a career teaching theater and public speaking. After nearly a decade in the music industry, I joined my brothers in the late 1970s to run a small company that develops and manufactures professional dental products.”
Joseph Higgins began working as office manager at the Watchung Arts Center in Watchung, N.J., in October. In addition to day-to-day operations, he is also responsible for publicizing performances and exhibits at the center, as well as designing playbills and program guides. With his background in software development, he will soon be taking over support of the center’s website and redesigning its member database.
David Parker was elected president of the board of trustees of Brown-RISD Hillel in April. David was student president of Hillel when he was at Brown and served as a Hillel trustee from 2008 to 2012, when his son, Josh ’12, was at Brown. David practices law in Manhattan at Kleinberg Kaplan Wolff & Cohen, where he represents hedge funds. He and his wife, Ronnie, have been on several Brown Travelers trips, including some with Professor Barrett Hazeltine to Tanzania and Vietnam and Cambodia.
Cyndi White writes that she retired from the federal government in 2008 and that she and her husband, Ted, live in Brunswick, Md., and are part of the International Healing Rooms in Frederick, Md. Cyndi writes: “We pray for people to be healed. . I also finished a book recently to encourage people to have hope for healing: .”
From the May/June 2014 Issue [45th]
Mark your calendars for May 23–26 for our 45th reunion. Your class officers and reunion committee are putting the final touches on what we hope will be a fun-filled and memorable weekend. We are gonna party like it’s 1969! This year’s reunion is “paperless,” so you will have to register online for all the many interesting reunion events. Friday, May 23, will begin with a sit-down dinner on the new Ittleson Quadrangle, in the glow of the Nelson Fitness Center. Campus dance tables have been reserved for our class on the College Green. Saturday noon we will convene for a Grab ‘n‘ Go lunch in a tent on the quiet green in front of Rhode Island Hall. Our discussion topic will be “Crossroads,” a class-led discussion on whether or not we will ever retire and how we will spend the best years of our lives. “Saturday Night Live” will be a performance arts celebration along with dinner on Starr Plaza at the Watson Institute for International Studies. Entertainment will be provided by your classmates! On Sunday, after the traditional pomp and circumstance of the procession down the Hill, the class has planned a special off-campus event. Only those who register will find out our secret. We look forward to seeing everyone soon. Get your hotel reservations booked early. Welcome back, class of 1969.
Thomas Lindsey retired from his librarian job in December 2012. He writes: “John J. O’Reilly is helping me research New Jersey connections to the Massachusetts Daniel Shays Rebellion of 1786–87. It was just one of the insurgencies in Massachusetts. George Washington speculated in a 1787 letter that others were ‘behind the curtain.’ Without semester dissertation or tenure deadlines, following the trails is enjoyable.”
From the March/April 2014 Issue [45th]
We are almost at the eve of our 45th reunion. Mark your calendars for May 23-May 26, 2014. Your class officers and reunion committee are putting the final touches on what we hope will be a fun-filled and memorable weekend. We are “gonna party like it’s 1969!” This year’s reunion is “paperless” so you will have to register online for all of the many interesting reunion events. Friday, May 23, will be a sit-down dinner on the new Ittleson Quadrangle in the glow of the Nelson Fitness Center. Campus dance tables have been reserved for our class on the main green. Saturday noon we will convene for Grab ‘N Go lunch in a tent on the quiet green in front of Rhode Island Hall. Our discussion topic will be “Crossroads,” a class-led discussion on whether or not we will ever retire and how we will spend the best years of our lives. “Saturday Night Live” will be a performance arts celebration along with dinner on Starr Plaza at the Watson Institute for International Studies. Entertainment will be provided by your classmates! Get ready to “rock!” Sunday after the traditional pomp and circumstance of the procession down the hill, the class has planned a special off-campus event. Only those who register will find out our secret. We look forward to seeing everyone soon. Get your hotel reservations booked early. Welcome back class of 1969.
Michael Elsberry writes: “Sally Blackmun and I were blessed with our first, and only, grandchild on Apr. 2, 2013. Addison Leigh Ramey has been a lot of fun since she joined our family. Sally has retired from Darden Restaurants after almost 25 years, and I am working my life in that direction. In addition to my practice as a commercial litigator for Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, I serve as our firm’s general counsel, which takes a good bit of time. We traveled with the Brown Travelers to the Black Sea in 2012 and to the Baltic and Russia in 2013. Good way to travel!”
Jonathan Entin is serving for the second time as associate dean for academic affairs at Case Western Reserve’s School of Law. He writes: “One of my colleagues, who is President Paxson’s father-in-law, has been threatening to use his family connections to get my degree revoked if I assign him to teach in a particular classroom that he doesn’t like.”
Karen Mollineaux Ferguson writes: “Tom Ferguson ’67 and I are happily retired. We are both busy with New Canaan, Connecticut, volunteer activities. Our son, Matt; his wife, Kate; and two grandchildren also live in New Canaan, so we have many activities with them. We have an apartment near Lincoln Center in New York City and spend a night a week there. A great blend of country and city. Life is good!”
Edwina Hartshorn-Flynn writes: “My beloved husband died five years ago. I have moved back to Massachusetts to be near family.”
Linda Bacon Hopkins is the author of False Self: The Life of Masud Khan and the mother of Rebecca Hopkins Smith ’98. After more than 30 years in Philadelphia, she now lives in Washington, D.C.
Alan LaFiura writes: “All three sons have joined the business—Ultra-Poly Corporation, which recycles polyethylene and polypropylene. The business is celebrating its 40th year. My second wife, Beth, passed away on June 13, 2013.”
Tom McKlveen and his wife, Nancy, moved to Mill Valley, Calif. Tom writes that he sold his business in Iowa last year. He and Nancy took that as a sign to make a big change in their lives, and they did. They will be nearer their son, John McKlveen ’98, who works and lives in the Bay Area, but further from their daughter, Mary Elizabeth McKlveen Madden ’92, who works and lives in the Chicago area.
John Murphy writes: “Our youngest has now graduated from college, and I’m on Medicare, so life is at a different stage. I’m still practicing law in Providence. Friends ask why I haven’t retired, but I enjoy what I do! We have four grandchildren now. Our sons have returned to Rhode Island after time in California, so it’s nice to have them (and the grandchildren) close by. We went west to see the Red Sox play in Colorado and to see the Univ. of Texas football game in Austin—a very different scene than Brown Stadium! Life is good.”
John O’Reilly writes that he is still working. He is completing a new chapter to his unpublished work The Function of Christianity in U.S. History. He stays active and works at the local food bank as a volunteer.
Nancy French Reiley was divorced from Tim Reiley in 2003. Her daughter, Laura, is the food critic and feature writer for the Tampa Bay Times, and son Evan is an acoustical design engineer for SMW in San Francisco. Nancy has two granddaughters, Sophie Rottenberg, 18; and Noora Reiley, 6. Nancy has lived in Tampa, Fla., since 2005 and works as the development database manager for the Tampa General Hospital Foundation.
Stephen Sesko writes: “I happily retired in December 2011. I am enjoying my new home and dream library and keeping active by developing my Japanese garden. I also enjoy my annual trip to my ‘home away from home’ in Switzerland. I follow our class and the university regularly online.”
From the January/February 2014 Issue
Kate Bornstein’s book Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us was translated into Chinese and published in China by New Star Press in October.
Winfield Major writes: “Our oldest son, Mark, and his wife, Ashley, blessed Susan and me with our first grandchild, Kaylin Ann Major, on Aug. 5. I am still general counsel for Honeywell Safety Products and manage to get in enough golf to stay consistent. No sign of retirement as of yet.”
Joan Ruffle writes: “After 34 years of being a faculty anesthesiologist at the Penn State College of Medicine/Hershey Medical Center, I officially retired on June 30. My intention was to continue working one or two days a week on an ‘as-needed’ basis. I worked in July and August, but am currently not needed. I am trying to adjust to my new status. There are lots of opportunities to do other things now, and I am just starting to explore those. I hope to be at the reunion in May with my husband.”
Gordon Strauss retired as a magistrate two years ago and moved from Cincinnati to Akron with his wife, Julie Burdick, who got a great job at the Univ. of Akron. He hopes to be at the 45th reunion.
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Hallie Iglehart writes: “It’s been a long time since 1969. After one overland trip from England to Nepal and back (Ross McElwee ’70 came along), two books written (Womanspirit and The Heart of the Goddess), countless workshops taught, and two nonprofits later, I am happy and healthy in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2011, after a quarter-century of envisioning how I could help the million sea creatures that die every year from our trash, I founded All One Ocean. We partner with government and local beach agencies to set up Beach Clean Up Stations: permanent onsite boxes with educational signage, kids’ art, and repurposed bags, enabling anyone and everyone to pick up trash as they enjoy the beach.”
John B. Ferguson retired on June 30 after teaching at Bard for 36 years.
Robert E. Michael organized and moderated the New York Bar Association’s 10th Great Hall program, “Women’s Rights in the Islamic World after the Arab Spring.” He writes: “It included speeches on the status of women’s rights in Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. These followed my introduction on Islamic law basics as well as some primary elements of the Sunni-Shi’a-Salafist schisms and a speech by a senior fellow of the Center for the Rule of Law of the USMA at West Point on the basic issues involving women’s rights and gender equality in Islamic law and the Shari’a. My daughter Elise (Wellesley ’10), after two years as a litigation paralegal at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, has just finished her year at Cardozo Law School and started a summer internship in New York Supreme Court for Justice Doris Ling-Cohan’s office. Her older brother, Alex ’00—married to Molly D’Ambra ’01 and father of identical twins Aliza and Zoey—whom I talked out of going to law school (instead, he became president of his class at Harvard Business School), is very successful heading up entertainment and live events at LivingSocial. Those of you seeking investment advice should call my other son, Philip (Williams ’04), who is in private wealth management at Deutsche Bank.”
Tim Wiggenhorn writes: “I had a wonderful and rewarding career with Sea-Land Service, the pioneer of containerized international shipping, based in New Jersey and later North Carolina. My work took me to approximately 30 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and India. My wife, Beth, and I were able to retire early, and since 2001 we have been living in St. James Plantation in Southport, N.C., enjoying unlimited golf on four courses. My three children live in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Wisconsin.”
From the May/June 2013 Issue
Peter Allgeier is president of the Coalition of Service Industries, a trade association of global service companies dedicated to obtaining more open and fair trade and investment conditions for United States-based service companies. Peter’s wife, Marsha Uehara Allgeier ’70, retired in March as deputy county manager of Arlington County, Va. Their two sons, Matt and Danny, are in graduate school at UC Berkeley in business administration and public health, respectively.
John N. Brittain retired on Dec. 31 after ten years as dean of the chapel and professor of religion at Houghton College, concluding 43 years of ministry in the United Methodist Church, 34 of them on campuses.
Francine Chernack Clark has been a scientific writer for the last 25 years after 18 years as a teacher. To satisfy her teaching urge, she has been an adjunct instructor of mathematics at URI and Salve Regina Univ. since 1999 and has no plans to retire.
Mark Davis and his wife, Beverly, finished restoring an 18th-century farmhouse in his hometown of Hampton, Conn. They added a music studio for rehearsals, where they also perform as a classical guitar duo when they hold their “North Meadow House Concert Series.” Last summer they traveled to Australia, where they performed in Sydney and Perth, and where Mark was a guest conductor for the Federation of Australasian Mandolin Ensembles Music Festival. Mark still plays electric guitar (remember the band Rufus?) and is still in touch with classmate Alan Musgrave (the Night People). Mark’s band, Big Jump, plays a very danceable variety of neo-soul tunes and has recently been performing at the Roots Café in Providence.
Jay DeJongh writes that his third grandchild (and first granddaughter) was born in March 2012. His two grandsons are now five years old.
Maria Isabel Lopes Garcia is a library specialist at Southern Methodist Univ. in Dallas. Maria is also active with her local Brown Club. She writes, “I have enjoyed interviewing student candidates for Brown for several years now.”
Gregory Gonzales continues playing and promoting tennis in Naples, Florida. Having developed and launched the National Tennis Rating Program for the United States Tennis Assoc., Gregory has been inducted into the Eastern Professional Tennis Hall of Fame.
Thomas Lindsey retired as government documents librarian at the Univ. of Texas at Arlington. He has several volunteer projects in mind, including literacy training, basic computer skills training, retraining to help those who learned bad skills by self-taught lessons, and volunteering for two 5k runs a year. He is researching Daniel Shays’s Rebellion of 1786–87 and has found lots of missing information that should be explored.
Lynne Moore Healy was named a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor at UConn, that school’s highest faculty honor. Her husband, Henry S. Healy ’71, marked 40 years at United Technologies last August. He is principal engineer of aerodynamics. Their first grandchild, Mason Bancroft Healy, was born June 24 to Michael Healy ’05 and Jennifer Healy (Princeton ’06).
Paul Payton writes: “At a time when many of my classmates are retiring and record companies are shutting down, I am expanding my Presence Records with a new release, ‘The Kids Would Go Wild!’ by my doo-wop group, the Fabulous Dudes. These are all original songs that are written, performed, and produced in original 1950s–60s styles. We’ve had lots of compliments on how authentic and enjoyable the album is and now, with three CDs and three earlier singles, I think we qualify as a real record label! Details and audio samples are available via , which also features original and new CDs by Benefit Street with fellow alumnus Rob Carlson ’70. My wife, Bette Schultz ’73, and I are looking forward to being on campus for Bette’s 40th reunion this spring.”
John Thelin visited Brown on Oct. 20 to join with more than 200 varsity wrestling alumni to celebrate 100 years of Brown wrestling. He also wrote Centennial History of Brown Wrestling. John’s book A History of American Higher Education was published in a new second edition in 2011 by the Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. In 2011 John received the Outstanding Career Research Award from the Assoc. for the Study of Higher Education.
Walt Woerheide writes: “My most recent publication, ‘Sustainable Withdrawal Rates from Retirement Portfolios: The Historical Evidence on Buffer Zone Strategies,’ which appeared in the May 2012 Journal of Financial Planning, is one that my classmates who are getting ready to retire might find useful.”
From the March/April 2013 Issue
J. Richard Chambers writes: “Consulting work keeps me traveling helping nonbank financial institutions with strategy, technology, and capital formation. I am also serving as a director of First Century Bancshares and VTM LLC. My older son is now in Atlanta at Georgia Tech working on his PhD and at Emory Medical School for his doctor training. My stepson and his wife have our second grandchild on the way. My younger son is a video commercial maker in New York City. In May, Nancy and I will go to Hawaii to attend the ARCS National Board meeting. This past year we did horseback riding in Wyoming and Santa Fe for vacation.”
Bobby W. Clark writes that he and Grace are celebrating the arrival of their first grandchild and soon their 43rd anniversary. He is semi-retired from university life and still writing. His current project is helping a health-care system pioneer write his memoir. He is enjoying life in Durham and summers in Rhode Island.
Rita Chao Hadden presented “Twelve Cultural Expectations-East vs. West” at American Univ. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The renewed focus of interest in Asia prompted her to want to broaden the understanding and appreciation of the differences between Asians and Westerners. Rita was born in Hanoi and raised in Saigon, Phnom Penh, and Hong Kong. She was educated in French, American, and Chinese schools. She has lived and traveled in more than 35 Eastern and Western countries and has always been fascinated by different cultures.
Richard Krafchin writes that he and Barbara are healthy and still happily married. “The absence of problems is a wonderful thing!” He is looking forward to seeing everyone at the 45th reunion and thinks that 45/250 years are tough concepts to absorb.
Tom Lemire was the cochairman of a conference on carbon fiber material in Oct. 2012. He writes: “I’ve been in the advanced composites industry since the day I graduated from Brown, so it’s been a lifelong commitment. I’ll probably retire from my current job soon, but will do some consulting thereafter. Plastics really did turn out to be a calling for this graduate.”
Norman Quandt writes: “After 35 years on the road handling mostly employment litigation of Nestle USA and for the past dozen years labor litigation for various airlines, I retired as an equity partner in the management firm of Ford & Harrison LLP on Jan. 1, 2011.” He and Gail, his wife of 42 years, have built a retirement home in the foothills of the Georgia mountains approximately 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, where they spend most of their time landscaping and gardening. They would welcome seeing and hosting old friends in their self-contained bed and breakfast–type suite any time.
Joan M. Ruffle writes: “I am still working as a faculty anesthesiologist at Penn State’s Hershey Medical Center. I plan to retire in June and work one day a week. My husband has not figured out how to slow down. He has an apartment rental business that he runs by himself, including all the repairs, remodeling, lawn mowing, etc. During tax season he prepares tax returns. We enjoy an occasional vacation, usually two weeks in the Caribbean area, and try to spend a few days in Connecticut visiting my cousins.”
Sandy Stoddard writes: “I am looking forward to retirement. This past summer I had fun throwing the javelin in senior track and field meets, ending the season ranked third in the U.S. and 11th in the world in the 65–69 age group.”
Stephen Terni retired at the beginning of 2012, after 42 years with Exxon. He writes: “Great career, always challenging and meaningful. I lived in five different countries, learning about distinct cultures, and learning a new language. Now I focus on my four children and four grandchildren and on fitness, golf, and hobbies.” He is looking forward to the 45th reunion.
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Kenneth Burchard announces the publication of the second edition of The Clinical Handbook for Surgical Critical Care.
Marcia Rollin Woodward retired as assistant vice president and senior instructor after 19 years at Securities Training Corporation. She writes that she enjoyed reuniting with Chattertock pals Kay Shibley ’67, Margaret French Gardner ’68, and Gwyneth Walker ’68 during Commencement weekend. She currently lives in Claremont, Calif., and looks forward to spending her new leisure time on music, travel, and other hobbies, especially babysitting her new grandson.
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Chris Coles’s art show, “Paintings from the Bangkok Night,” opened at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Oct. 18, in Bangkok. The show features a series of paintings that make use of the colorful neon chaos of Bangkok’s vibrant nightlife. To see “Thaniya Plaza” go to:
Lloyd Keigwin writes: “It has been a good year. First I was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Then I won the 100 breaststroke and took second in the 100 free at the New England Masters championships. Soon after that I was notified that I am funded to lead an expedition into the Arctic next summer. Finally, I got married in May to Veronica Viada, a refugee from corporate America. I’m in my 32nd year at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and no end is in sight.”
From the September/October 2012 Issue
Chris Coles’s exhibition “Expressionist Paintings from the Bangkok Night” opened in Bangkok on July 5.
Paul Ellenbogen has been elected chair of the American College of Radiology Board of Chancellors. A senior attending diagnostic radiologist at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas and partner in Radiology Associates of North Texas, he is also a clinical professor of radiology at the Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. A former president of the Texas Radiological Society, he serves on the Expert Physician Panel of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners.
From the May/June 2012 Issue
The class officers write to congratulate class president Joe Petteruti. The Association of Class Leaders presented Joe with the 2011 Nan Tracy ’46 Award for his “many decades of strong class leadership benefiting both the class and the University.” Joe received the award at Brown’s 28th Annual Alumni Recognition Ceremony on October 15.
The class officers also thank the 100-plus classmates who responded to the fall 2011 News and Dues newsletter: “This response was indeed overwhelming. Your generosity will assist in reducing the expenses of our upcoming 45th reunion. Please note that 2014, the year of our next reunion, coincides with the 250th anniversary of the founding of Brown.”
Charles S. Carver, a distinguished professor of psychology at the Univ. of Miami, received the Jack Block award from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology at its annual meeting in January. This award is given for lifetime scientific contributions to personality psychology. With this award Charles becomes the first person to receive comparable awards for career contributions in the three disciplines of social, health, and personality psychology. He writes that he “owes a great deal to his college roommate for pushing him those many years ago.”
Bill Flook is married with three children and two grandsons. His daughter Kate is married to Peter Desjardins, with whom she has two sons: Tommy, 8, and Charlie, 5. Bill’s son, Billy, is married to Kathleen Miller, and his second daughter, Maggie, has a PhD in chemistry from MIT.
Rich Krafchin writes: “Our company is involved with the creation of an invitations website, I have been working for many years on artificial intelligence research. You can check it out at”
Karen Williams Lantner writes: “We are enjoying urban living, as well as being close to our five grandchildren. My husband, Louis ’68, just retired from the United States government. After living in Africa and Asia, we are relishing the ease of life in an apartment near Washington, D.C.”
Bruce Lloyd writes: “After 18 years of marketing investment management services in Europe and the Middle East I am now principally engaged in a start-up of an advanced technology quantitative equity manager in Los Angeles. My belief is that my business travel will be less frequent and that the flights will be shorter. My wife, Ellie, and I celebrated 40 years of marriage in March. Our daughters—Sandra, 33, and Cynthia, 26—continue to be our pride and joy.”
Janet Solomon writes: “Loving retirement! Traveling (while we can still get around). I am practicing, teaching, and studying ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) both here and in Japan, and trying to keep up with friends. I have given up being a super gardener and now just dabble. My husband, Dinyar, is now a wood-turner, and, between our hobbies and travels, we’ve met new friends from around the United States and the world. Altogether, a good life.”
Elizabeth Pfeiffer Tumbas ’70 AM writes: “In 2003 my husband, Steven Tumbas ’72, ’73 AM, and I retired from our day jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to our 40-acre farm in the Sierra Foothills, where we have planted 10 acres of grapevines and created a five-acre horse facility. I now have two Halflingers, a Trakehner, and an Azteca, and I ride dressage. I also have started a small Boer goat breeding operation. In 2004 Steve was ordained an Orthodox priest and serves at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Jackson, where I am the choir director. Our first grandchild, Norah Alexander Keller, was born October 12.”
From the March/April 2012 Issue
Dorothy Roberts Amorosino writes she is enjoying retirement from special education and speech pathology work. She moved from Massachusetts to Connecticut to be closer to family and also bought a house in a New Orleans historical district to be able to spend time with her youngest daughter and family. She is proud to have a step-grandson at Brown this year.
David A. Bubier organized and opened the MINT National Bank in Kingwood, Tex.
J. Richard Chambers writes that he is a “public company director, private company director, consultant to New Bank Financial Institutions, happily married to Nancy, and a grandfather to Annabell.” He vacationed in Napa, Calif., in September and had a mini-reunion with Jill and Wesley Smith in San Francisco and Ann Brice in Davis, Calif.”
Richard Jude Ciccolella writes that he will be appearing in the lead role in the horror film The Guest Room. He is also costarring with John Heard in Stealing Roses; a number of his original songs will be used in the movie. He recently guest starred on Detriot 187, CSI, NCIS, and House, and will release two new CDs later this year.
L. Gene Dubay writes: “Carol recently retired after 30 years with the Chesterfield County school system. I remain the president of M & R Constructors, a Richmond, Virginia, -based regional industrial contractor. Our children, Michelle and Gene, live in the area. We have four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. I am sure it is a recurring theme of our generation that the past 40 years have rocketed along at breakneck speed!”
Paul Dunn was recently named president of BlueRock Capital, which raises money for institutional real estate investments. “Life in Newport Beach is superb!”
Steve Everall is a partner at the Semple, Farrington & Everall law firm in Denver. He has two daughters in graduate school and writes: “Retirement is not in the immediate future.”
Rita Chao Hadden writes that she is enjoying being president of the Asian American Forum (AAF) in Washington, D.C., after 42 years of technology management and organization transformation work. AAF promotes the exchange of ideas and knowledge between Asia and America through education and small-group activities.
Linda Bacon Hopkins writes: “I work as a psychoanalyst in Washington, D.C. See my book False Self: The Life of Masud Khan. Rebecca Hopkins Smith ’98 lives in Nashville with her husband, Perry, and two gorgeous daughters, Carter and Emery, ages 7 and 4.”
Rich Krafchin writes: “Our company has been involved with the launch of, a commercial website for invitations and holiday cards. I have been working on an artificial intelligence system that I will be releasing in 2012.”
Tom Lemire writes that he enjoyed the Brown-URI football game and the hospitality tent on Oct. 1. He plans to continue working a few more years at his Japanese company, selling carbon fibers and volunteering as cochair for a few Composites Industry conferences. He is still jogging, skiing, and rollerblading in southern California.
David Parker and Ronnie Parker are looking forward to the graduation of their son Joshua Parker ’12. They enjoyed their Brown Travelers tour last February of Tanzania, led by Professor Barrett Hazeltine. David is chair of the litigation, arbitration, and risk management department at the Manhattan law firm Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff, and Cohen, PC. He is also a trustee of Brown-RISD Hillel.
Paul Payton and his band, Rob Carlson & Benefit Street, led by Rob Carlson ’70, believe “you’re never too old to rock and roll” or to compose and play original music. The band has released its first full-length album on What Cheer Records. The company’s business director is Paul’s wife, Bette Schultz ’73. The band has been playing throughout the Northeast, and initial feedback on the album has been very positive. There’s more about the band at Paul continues to work in voice-overs, and Bette is doing freelance consulting in the pharmaceutical field as well as taking a crash course in the music business. Paul and Bette also toured Holland during tulip season in 2011 to celebrate Bette’s birthday and their 17th wedding anniversary, and they plan to be in the Baltic Sea with the Brown Travelers in June.
Joan M. Ruffle continues to work in the department of anesthesiology at Penn State’s Hershey Park Medical Center three days a week. Her husband, George, who is self-employed as a “hands-on” landlord, is busy with a major remodeling project at one of his properties. They had planned a vacation in Mexico in September, but the effects of Tropical Storm Lee necessitated cancelling that.
Randi Amundsen Starmer moved into the timber frame home her son, Tim Starmer ’98, built for her last year just south of Syracuse, N.Y. She has retired from her job as a corporate research librarian and now devotes more time to her interest in native plants and natural landscaping.
From the January/February 2012 Issue
Chris Coles now resides in Bangkok, Thailand, and is one of the artists/writers of the Bangkok Noir movement. A book of his expressionist-style Bangkok paintings, Navigating the Bangkok Noir, was recently published by Marshall Cavendish Singapore and is available worldwide on Amazon and other Internet bookstores. More of Chris's work and information about the Bangkok Noir movement can be found at
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Charles S. Carver received the Univ. of Miami's 2011 Distinguished Faculty Scholar award, which recognizes outstanding career contributions in the scholar's discipline—in his case, psychology. More on his research is at
Richard Jude Ciccolella recently appeared on CSI: NY, Detroit 1-8-7, The Mentalist, and Burn Notice and is now appearing in the Vincent Price role in the horror film The Guest Room.
Paul Payton continues to do voice-overs as his main business, but has taken on a musical project: Rob Carlson & Benefit Street. The new group reunites Paul with Rob Carlson '70, with whom he played in the original Benefit Street from 1968 to 1971. Paul writes: "We have two albums out—our original unreleased 'Benefit Street' and 'American Dream' tracks and a new EP with the new band. Both CDs are on my label, Presence Records. Everything we play is original material. It's fun to get to be a teenager again, but to be old enough to do it right." Paul's wife, Bette Schultz '73 has gotten busier with her consulting firm, Business & Licensing Solutions, and continues pursuing her photography as a serious hobby.
Bob Rothstein writes: "Data Innovations was recently sold by its founders to Battery Ventures, a Boston-based private equity firm. I am continuing with the new owners as managing director of the Europe/Middle East/Africa region. My wife, Anne, and I are not contemplating retirement in the immediate future. Our younger daughter, Liane, graduated as a registered nurse. Our older daughter, Shona, will receive her master's in criminology. I recently participated in the founding event of the Brussels chapter of the BAA. Any classmates coming through Brussels are welcome to get in touch. Lovers of (good) beer and chocolate have preference. And no, we can't control the weather."
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Karen Williams Lantner '69 AM and her husband, Louis P. Lantner '68, just moved and downsized. She is busy with their four grandchildren, and discovered that she loves to create art. Louis is off to Iraq (his second tour) for one year with the state department.
Barbara Greshon Ryder, head of computer science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., was elected vice president of the Assoc. for Computing Machinery. She joined the university in 2008 as the first woman department head in the College of Engineering and now holds the J. Byron Maupin Chaired Professorship of Engineering. Previously she taught computer science at Rutgers Univ. Barbara and her husband, Jon, are residents of Blacksburg, Va., and proud grandparents of Ruby Simone Cloutier. Ruby's mother is their daughter Beth Ryder '95.
From the January/February 2011 Issue
David Bubier was the principal organizer and is a chairman of the Mint National Bank. The bank opened in January 2009 and is headquartered in Kingwood, Tex., where David and Hildy Siegel Bubier continue to reside.
Jay James Jr. (see Jay Z. James '47).
Judy Leiderman Kaufman (see Engagements & Weddings).
David Morf, of Holyoke, Mass., and his wife, Mary, celebrated their 30th anniversary on Sept. 6. They have two children, Ellen, 26, and Tom, 21, as well as one grandchild, Finn, who is almost 2. Ellen lives close by, and Tom lives in Boston. David writes: "The grandparent game is a complete rush." He works with a team on systemic change in problem scenarios such as health care, enabling the social, technical, and economic glue that gives specialists, technology, and patients human-centric adaptability and usefulness across real cases and regions. They select, integrate, and transfer wide-context operational models that work at the technical, social, and interpretive layers of the health care system.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Paul Payton's former bandmate from the Benefit Street Band, Rob Carlson '70, has just released his new CD, Pieces of Paradise. Although Paul is not on the album, he will be playing keyboard again with Rob as he tours to support this release. Details about the album and live engagements are at In addition, Paul is looking forward to finally releasing Benefit Street's music on his own CD label, Presence.
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Paul Payton and Bette Schultz '73 returned to WBRU on Oct. 4 as guest alumni to talk about their careers, answer questions, and offer the student staff suggestions based on their experiences. Paul spent 29 years on the radio and in January 2010 he will have been doing voice-over work for 22 years. Bette was business manager at WBRU, and spent 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry after Brown and Harvard Business School. They hope to return to the station in the future. Paul writes: "The staff we met are some of the smartest and most motivated folks we've encountered in a while, and there are some very talented people on the air and creating production. If they choose to make broadcasting their career, then I have great hope for the future of the medium. From what I observed, WBRU is definitely fulfilling its mission to teach, inspire, and be successful."
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Michael D'Ambra (see Alex Michael '00).
Stephanie Crutcher Deutsch writes: "The information about me in last month's class notes omitted something important: my children! David and I have four wonderful kids: Sarah, Noah, Christopher, and Anna Katherine. We've also had a host of nieces and nephews live with us over the years. Our children are all grown now, but we visit them often—in Anna's case, by flying to Australia."
Robert Michael (see Alex Michael '00).
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Anne Bercovitch '71 MMSc (see Rhana Ishimoto '00).
Fred Berk married Diane Brown, actress and teacher, in 1979. They have two children, Leah Berk '05 and Shira Berk (Hofstra '11). Fred is president of Pulpdent Corp. and partner of BK Recording Studios. He enjoys music, travel, and summers on Cape Cod.
Francine Chernack Clark writes: "I have been a writer for the last 21 years, following an almost 20-year teaching career. For the last 10 years, I have also been teaching an introductory math class at URI and I began teaching spring semester 2009 at Salve Regina Univ. in Newport. Living in Newport indulges my passion for the beach. Following a day at work, I can drive five minutes and spend the late afternoon at Sachuest Beach, reading, walking, and riding the waves. No plans to retire any time soon."
Stephanie Crutcher Deutsch has lived on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., with her husband, David, for 33 years. Stephanie chairs the grants committee of the Capitol Hill Community Foundation. She has written a yet-to-be-published book about Julius Rosenwald and educator and black leader Booker T. Washington, and the program they created together to encourage rural communities in the South to build schools for black children in the early 1900s. David retired from his career as a TV director and is studying for a master's in theological studies at Wesley Seminary.
Bill Flook continues to work as supervisor for psychological services for the Baltimore County Public Schools. His wife, Barbara, is a teacher with the Anne Arundel County Public Schools; daughter Maggie is completing her doctoral studies in chemistry at MIT; son Billy is a reporter for the Washington Examiner; and daughter Kate lives with her husband, Peter Desjardins, and their two children, Tommy and Charlie, in Bedford, Mass.
Rich Higginbotham was recently named the chairman of Tygris Commercial Finance Group Inc.
John Leventhal continues to run the Child Abuse Programs and the Child Abuse Prevention Programs at the Yale–New Haven Children's Hospital. He writes that it has been an interesting, challenging, and rewarding career.
Thomas Lindsey and Beverly Bingham were married Mar. 21 in Jefferson, Tex.
Rauer L. Meyer writes: "Upon the unfortunate demise of Thelen, my firm of 20 years, I've moved across the street to be a partner at Reed Smith, still solving technology and other IP problems."
Naomi Neufeld '71 MMSc (see Rhana Ishimoto '00).
Barbara Gershon Ryder writes: "My husband, Jonathan, retired from Telcordia Technologies, and we moved to Blacksburg, Va., where I became the first female department head in the history of the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. I head the computer science department, which comprises 40 faculty. Jon and I welcome contacts from Brown classmates in the southwest Virginia area."
From the May/June 2009 Issue [40th]
Peter Allgeier writes: "I have been serving as Deputy U.S. Trade Representative since May 2001 and as U.S. Ambassador to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, since October 2005. Marsha '70 is deputy county manager for Arlington County, Va. Our son Matt is an aerospace engineer with Northrop Grumman in Sunnyvale, Calif., and our son Danny graduates this year from William and Mary with a degree in biology. We are living in Falls Church, Va."
Richard S. Blackman and partners moved their insurance office from 655 Main St. to 631 Main St., East Greenwich, R.I. He also chaired the 50th anniversary celebration at Temple Sinai in Cranston, R.I.
Paul H. Ellenbogen practices medicine part-time. He serves on the Board of Chancellors of the American College of Radiology and as secretary/treasurer of the ACR. He was selected to receive the Gold Medal of the Texas Radiological Society at the 96th annual meeting in March 2009. Paul has been married to Macki for 36 years, and both of his sons, Jeff '97 and Marc, are happy and successful in Boulder, Colo., and New York City respectively. Paul writes that his grandchildren, Molly, 8, and Sam, 2, are "adorable of course."
Kathleen Kennedy Eisenhardt has been on the Stanford engineering faculty for the past 25 years. She is the Stanford Warren Ascherman M.D. Professor and codirector of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. Her focus is teaching strategy in tech-based companies, especially in Silicon Valley. She has two grown children and spends free time outdoors in the Bay area and at Lake Tahoe.
Linda Bacon Hopkins's book False Self: The Life of Masud Khan won both the Goethe and Gradiva Awards in 2008.
Ido Jamar '74 ScM, '77 PhD has been a fellow at the Institute of Learning in Atlanta for the past three years, developing and providing professional development in secondary mathematics. He previously worked as a high school math teacher and returned to Brown, where he earned his PhD in cognitive psychology. He worked as a lecturer in educational psychology and mathematics education at Bayero Univ. and Ile-Ife Univ. in Nigeria, and as an assistant professor in mathematics education at the Univ. of Pittsburg. He lives in Atlanta.
John F. Kelsey III and his wife, Pam, sold the business they started in 1986 to BIA Financial Network on Oct. 1, 2008. The Kelsey Group is a leader in research and consulting on how small businesses are evolving their marketing from traditional to new media.
Rich Krafchin just released a new version of his website, that includes 50,000 quotes, a biography of people, a slide show, world events, and much more.
Robert D. Lyman retired from the Univ. of Alabama in 2003 after 25 years as a psychology faculty member and department chair. He then worked at North Georgia College and State Univ. for two years as dean of arts and letters and then at Appalachian State Univ. for three years as dean of arts and sciences. In June 2008, he became provost and academic vice president at the Univ. of Southern Mississippi. His wife, Kathleen Andrews, works as an academic coach at Univ. of Southern Mississippi and his daughter, Meghan Lyman, is a third-year medical student at Emory.
James Mars retired from Ryerson Univ. in Canada in 2007. He continues to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in transportation planning and research methods. Jim and his wife, Joan, recently returned from a trip to New Zealand to visit their grandson, Noah, 3.
Jack McMahon writes: "After 28 years with Owens Corning, I was downsized. It has turned out to be great, however. I hooked up with a small consulting firm, CedarCrestone. I've spent time in Georgia, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. By reunion time I may be on a gig in New York City. Carolyn and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary last year. We're in good health and look forward to seeing everyone."
Rauer Meyer is a partner at Reed Smith after the closing of his firm, Thelen.
Steven Nugent writes that his oldest daughter, Kara Nugent '98, is in her second year of residency at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. She graduated from Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2007. Steven's youngest daughter, Maura, graduated from Boston Univ. Law School in May 2009 and has accepted a job at Goodwin Proctor in Boston. His middle child, Michael, graduated from Rhode Island College in May 2009, and his wife, Mary, works as a pediatric nurse practitioner at Providence Pediatrics.
Candace Page resigned as managing editor of the Burlington Free Press several years ago. She works four days a week covering environmental issues for the paper and spends three days a week with her grandchildren or hiking and skiing in the Green Mountains.
Elliot Perlman '71 AM writes: "Our daughter, Lisa, is a veterinarian in Paoli, Pa. In February, we became proud grandparents of Simon Avi Harwood. Our son, Justin, graduated from the Univ. of Oregon School of Architecture last June and now works for an architectural firm in San Francisco. I continue to practice ophthalmology at the Rhode Island Eye Institute in Providence. I specialize in corneal transplants, refractive surgery, and cataract surgery. My wife, Deborah '72 ScM, '91 PhD, teaches biology courses in the liberal arts department at RISD."
Joe Petteruti invites classmates to a luncheon after the march down College Hill on Sunday, May 24, at his home at 50 Lloyd Ave., Providence.
Neil Ravin moved to New Hampshire from the Washington, D.C., area after 27 years in endocrinology private practice associated with the Georgetown Univ. School of Medicine. He writes: "I'm enjoying being an employee again and allowing others to fight the administrative fights. I get to see the patients and focus on medicine."
Scott Somers writes: "I am in my 22nd year of executive search. My wife, Anne, is an attorney with Bank of the West. We don't have children, but do have ten nieces and nephews. It's hard to believe it's been 40 years!"
John R. Thelin was selected as a Univ. of Kentucky Research Professor in 2001. He received the Provost's University Teaching Award in 2006. In 2007, he received the American Educational Research Associate's Award for Outstanding Research on Higher Education and was featured as an Outstanding Student Athlete Alum as part of the Ivy League's 50th anniversary celebration that same year. John is married to A. Sharon Thelin-Blackburn.
From the March/April 2009 Issue [40th]
Gary Gordon (see Jennie Kerson '00).
Robert E. Michael organized and moderated five programs on Islamic law at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York over the last two years as chair of the committee on foreign and comparative law. The Providence Journal featured an Op-Ed piece on his programs on Nov. 20, 2008. The next two programs will be Jihad, Honor Killing, and Slavery in Islamic Law, open to the public on May 6, and Structuring a Shariah-compliant Transaction, on June 10.
Naomi Das Neufeld '71 MMSc and Timothy Neufeld (see Pamela Neufeld Collingwood '99).
From the January/February 2009 Issue [40th]
Thomas Chestna (see Tamara Chestna '02).
Richard Jude Ciccolella recently appeared on television in Life, Medium, Boston Legal, Prison Break, and NCIS. He will soon appear as Tilda Swinton's ex-lover in the award-winning Julia. Visit for more information.
David Parker and Ronnie are the proud parents of Josh Parker '12. Josh's aunt and uncle are David '64 and Toby Parker London '65. David continues as the chair of the litigation and risk management department of the Manhattan law firm Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff Cohen, PC. He is on the boards of Legal Services NYC, the New York City Justice Project, and the Horace Mann School. He is also an honorary vice president and trustee of Park Avenue Synagogue. A former president of Brown Hillel, David has joined the board of Brown/RISD Hillel and continues as a BASC volunteer.
Joseph C. Petteruti Jr. announces the birth of two grandchildren, Benjamin, 3, and Kate, 7 months. Joseph writes: "They are my pride and joy. I am still toiling in the vineyards of the Bank of America in Providence, and I am still a real estate officer. We are busy working out residential development project loans. I look forward to seeing everyone at our reunion in May. Our reunion committee is planning a spectacular weekend for all attendees."
From the November/December 2008 Issue [40th]
Greg Beckham writes: "After retiring from federal civil service with the U.S. Air Force, I began to hike the Appalachian Trail on March 18, 2008, along with my 26-year old son, Jon. We started at Springer Mountain, Ga. While the goal was for us both to hike all 2,176 miles to Mount Katahdin, Me., in 2008, I broke my leg in New York State and had to leave the Trail after nearly 1,400 miles. Jon finished alone, and the plan is for me to walk the last 775 miles in the next few years."
Ronnie and David Parker are thrilled to report that their son, Josh, is a member of the Brown class of 2012. Josh's proud aunt and uncle are David '64 and Toby Parker London '65.
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Eve Ida Barak is officially retired, and her husband, Gene, will follow shortly. She is getting settled into their new home in Boynton Beach, Fla.
Richard Chambers writes: "Our company has a new name: Chexar Networks, Inc. It focuses on risk-based database management for the cashing of third-party checks. This is a long way from ancient Near Eastern civilization as an undergraduate. Working on the campaign for Brown is fun, as is BASC interviewing. Son Dwight is a master's candidate at MIT and Davis is a junior at Ohio Univ.; stepson Matthew is engaged and planning a wedding in early 2009. Nancy keeps me going."
Willis J. Goldsmith was named Partner-In-Charge of Jones Day's New York office effective January 1, 2008.
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Charles S. Carver was chosen to receive the 2007 Donald T. Campbell Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Social Psychology. The award is given annually by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, which is also Division 8 of the American Psychological Association. Charles is a distinguished professor of psychology at the Univ. of Miami, his academic home since 1975.
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Martha Hansen Adams married David B. Adams (UNC '73) in May 2007. Martha is in private practice as a psychotherapist and lives in Charleston, S.C.
Hon Fong Louie Mark '74 PhD (see Yvonne Mark '92).
Willard Marsden works as the director for international security for RTI International, formerly the Research Triangle Institute, for the last two years ( He is responsible for the safety of RTI personnel working and living outside the United States. He spends about 30 percent of his time traveling, mostly to developing countries. He recently returned from his fourth trip to Iraq and moved his office from the RTI campus in Raleigh, N.C., to Washington D.C.
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Eve I. Barak writes: “My husband, Eugene Davidson, and I are preparing to retire. We’ve bought a new home in Boynton Beach, Fla., sold our house in Washington, D.C., and are splitting our time between a small apartment right next door (literally!) to my office in northern Virginia and telecommuting from Florida.”
Isabel Jackson Freeman and John Freeman ’69 ScM announce the July 4, 2007, birth of their grandson Abram Cyrus Freeman Goldstein. He is the son of Cynthia Freeman ’96 and Joshua Goldstein ’88 and the great-grandson of Frederick H. Jackson ’41.
Sallee Garner and Keith Searls were married in an informal civil ceremony and reception on July 1, 2007, at the Lincolnville, Maine, home of Sallee’s parents. Guests included Rita Chao Hadden and husband Bill Hadden ’68.
Rauer Meyer writes: “I have returned ‘home’ to Los Angeles from the Bay Area, consumed with my 11-year-old twin girls. We’re all stressed applying to middle schools, primping and testing for the privilege of investing ridiculous sums in their lives. The best money we will ever spend! I expect applying to Brown to be a breeze in contrast!”
Bob Rothstein writes: “I’ve now passed the 26-year mark in Brussels and still haven’t sampled all the beers. Since 1999 I have been managing director of Data Innovations Europe, the EMEA regional subsidiary of data innovations of Burlington, Vt., the worldwide leader in middleware for clinical laboratories. The company took a giant leap this past July by acquiring PGP Corp., which is second in the middleware business and is also located in Brussels. My daughter Shona, 25, received her degree in architecture in Brussels in 2006. Already fluent in three languages, she is now in Spain learning a fourth and doing her internship. My daughter Liane, 22, also trilingual, is working in my birthplace, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and still trying to decide on a career. My wife, Anne, and I are adjusting to the empty nest quite well and are not planning to retire very soon. Any friends passing through are welcome to help both of us in our quest to sample all the beers.”
Bill Russo was inducted into the Lafayette College Athletics Maroon Club Hall of Fame, class of 2007. He is the lone coach in this year’s Hall of Fame class. Russo is the Lafayette coach with the most wins during his 19 seasons there. He received the 1988 Eddie Robinson National Coach of the Year Award after leading his team to the Colonial League Championship. His teams also won the championship in 1992 and 1994, and Bill earned Coach of the Year honors following each title. In 1982 he was ECAC Coach of the Year and AFCA Kodak Coach of the Year. He coached fifteen All-Americans and twelve Academic All-Americans and saw sixteen of his former players continue on to professional football. Now retired, Bill lives in Asheville, N.C., with his wife, Sue. The couple has a daughter, Elizabeth.
Walt Woerheide writes: “Earlier this year I was appointed to the Frank M. Engle Distinguished Chair in Economic Security Research at the American College, where I still serve as vice president of academic affairs and dean. My eldest is a sophomore at Lafayette College majoring in civil engineering. My twins are high school seniors looking at colleges.”
From the November / December 2007 Issue
Michael Ailes (see John Wiener ’02)
John Thelin received the American Educational Research Association’s 2007 national award for exemplary research in the study of higher education. John was also featured in the Ivy League’s 50th anniversary series, Ivy at 50, about alumni who were outstanding student-athletes.
Les Twible writes: “I have etched out a professional career in a direct follow-up to the Great Society. I have given thirty-seven years to professional work in rural advancement, public transportation, housing, economic development, and community development in North Carolina and Connecticut. I earned an MBA (Beta Gamma Sigma) from the Univ. of Connecticut. My wife, Sue, and I have two grown children, Jennifer, 37, and Mitchell, 31.”
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Jonathan Ahearn writes: "My first novel, Woman in a Portuguese Market: The Princess Didn't Die, was published last winter. It's a fantasy whose premise is that the accident in which Princess Diana died was staged fiction, and that she is still living incognito. I am still college professing art full time, making drawings and sculptures, and I have no desire to retire. I'm still living with Patrick Pineault, my life partner, and Gertrude and Pumpkin, my current Labrador retrievers."
Willis Goldsmith (see Andrew Goldsmith '99).
Thomas Lindsey writes: "I continue to work as a librarian, but I've decided to retire from that career in December 2012. I think I know what my next career will be, but I know that I'm now executing Life Career Plan Q or R, so I may be at T or U by 2009."
Bruce Lloyd (see Bernie Bell '42).
John Spencer (see Andrew Goldsmith '99).
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Paul Ellenbogen writes: “I’m pleased to report the birth of grandson Samuel Andrew Ellenbogen, born Feb. 14, 2007, to Jeff ’97 and Michelle Ellenbogen in Boulder, Colo.”
Stuart Flashman ’69 ScM helped organize an alumni conference on public-interest law, Advancing Social Justice through the Law, which was held at Brown, March 1–11. He set up the conference’s panel on environmental law.
Jill Stainforth lives in Victoria, B.C., Canada, with her daughter, Sophie, 16. They’ve recently bought a float home on Fisherman’s Wharf and are enjoying lowering their impact. She writes: “We have seals, mergansers, and otters right outside the window. Greetings to old friends.”
From the May / June 2007 Issue
Isabel Jackson Freeman and John Freeman ’69 ScM are very happy to announce the December 10, 2006, birth of their first grandson, Owen Kyrie Larsen. The parents are Abigail Freeman and her husband, Merlin Larsen. Great grandfather is Frederick H. Jackson ’41, aunt and uncle are Cynthia Freeman ’96 and Joshua Goldstein ’87.
Joe Higgins writes: “After years of writing songs that were heard only by my family, I have put some of the best on a CD, The Stone Grizzly Project. To hear samples, visit I’ve distributed copies to family and friends and would appreciate any advice from fellow alumni on how I might reach a wider audience. I’d love to hear from old friends.”
David Kertzer (see Susan Adler Kaplan ’58).
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Stephen Strocker has sold the home-infusion pharmacy he co-owned and managed as CEO, and is now deciding what to do next. His daughter Ali is in the sixth year of a six-year residency in head and neck surgery, and his daughter Carly is a middle-school history teacher in Santa Monica, Calif.
Phillip Zuckerman was elected a four-year term as probate judge for the town of Madison, Conn., this past November. He was the first Democrat to be elected to that position in the town’s history.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Charles S. Carver was recently awarded one of five Distinguished Professorships from the University of Miami for his work that spans personality, social, and health psychology.
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Peter Kaufman, of Bolton, Mass., has retired from teaching architectural history for thirty years, mainly at the Boston Architectural Center. Peter is a realtor with Coldwell Banker, and his wife, Marshall McKee, is a landscape historian and designer.
Hon Fong L. Mark ’74 PhD(see Seamus Mark ’02).
Robert Ruedisueli (see Mary Holt ’02).
John Thelin, University Research Professor at the Univ. of Kentucky, received the 2006 Provost’s Teaching Award for tenured professors.
From the May / June 2006 Issue
Kate Bornstein writes: “My new book, Hello, Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Teen Suicide (Seven Stories Press), comes out in May.” For more information, see =58322100601640.
Isabel Jackson Freeman and John “Jack” Freeman ’69 ScM are very happy to report that their daughter, Cynthia E. Freeman ’96, married Joshua L. Goldstein ’88 on Jan. 1 in Belmont, Mass. Among Brown alums who attended were the bride’s grandfather Frederick H. Jackson ’41 and the couple’s mutual friend who introduced them, Jennifer Callahan ’87.
Edward C. Northwood was listed in the 2006 edition of The Best Lawyers in America. He is a trusts and estates attorney for Hodgson Russ.
From the March / April 2005 Issue
Peter Jacobs ’69 AM, an attorney with Pierce Atwood, in Portland, Me., is listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2005-2006. He was recognized for his work in labor and employment law. He has appeared in each edition since 1987.
From the November / December 2004 Issue
Robert Harada and Catherine Flippen Harada write: “We’re sorry we could not attend the festivities of our 35th reunion. Our son Matthew ’98 and daughter-in-law Teal Bathke Harada ’98 had a healthy baby boy, and we were on our way to meet our first grandchild. Our thoughts were with you, and we hope to see some of you well before the 40th.”
John R. Thelin has published A History of American Higher Education, which dispels several myths from conventional histories of American higher education. John’s book has been favorably compared with the leading scholarship in his field.
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Edward A. Blomstedt writes: “Adapting quickly to the changing world economy, I have shifted from aerospace through health care to the financial services in the past four years. Enjoying every minute. No impressive titles. Who knows, maybe petrochemicals or hospitality next, but there’s always golf and cycling. Mae and I will do our first move in eighteen years to Ambler, Pa., this August.”
Willis Goldsmith writes: “I attended my 35th reunion with my wife, Marilynn, where we managed to spend time with our son Andrew Goldsmith ’99, who was attending his 5th reunion before heading to his Harvard Law School graduation the following week.”
Hon Fong Louie Mark ’74 PhD has been named director of cytogenetics at the B.U. School of Medicine.
John Thelin was selected as one of six “great teachers” among the Univ. of Kentucky faculty. Johns Hopkins published his book A History of American Higher Education in June. Last year John was a keynote speaker for the 150th anniversary of Harvard’s athletics program.
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Paul Ellenbogen (see Greg Schwartz ’97).
Tom Lemire, Steve Wormith, John Rallis, Scott Somers, and Berry Lyons attended the 125th anniversary celebration of Brown football—an outstanding weekend, Tom reports, honoring a sport that in the Ivy League is still held in its proper perspective.
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Reunion weekend is May 28–31. For more information, contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or [email protected].
Leslie D. Corwin has been appointed to the character and fitness committee of applicants for admission to the Bar of the State of New York.
Molly Hurley Moran has published Finding Susan (Southern Illinois Univ. Press). The book is about the disappearance and murder of her sister, and has been optioned for a movie. Molly was interviewed about the book on MSNBC in December. Molly published her essay “Finding Susan” in the July/August 1999 BAM.
Edward C. Northwood, an attorney in the estates and trusts practice group at Hodgson Russ in Buffalo, N.Y., and Toronto, has coauthored an updated version of the taxation treatise Taxation of Distributions from Qualified Plans 2003/2004.
Paul Payton writes: “We remain happy and healthy in Chatham, N.J. Bette Schultz ’73 is still vice president of business development at Novartis Pharmaceuticals and has added mature products to her title as well. In April, we celebrated our tenth anniversary with a second honeymoon where we had our first—Hawaii.”
Frank Scofield (see Rick Carell ’77).
From the March / April 2004 Issue
Report from reunion headquarters: The countdown has started for our 35th reunion, May 28–31. It will be a great weekend, but it won’t be the same without you! Join us at such favorites as a pre–Campus Dance dinner in downtown Providence, our class memorial service, class lunch, and class brunch on Sunday. Registration information will arrive soon, so please make your reservation early. Register online at Any questions? Call or e-mail reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or [email protected].
Stephen Filler, of Durango, Colo., writes: “My daughter Emily (Univ. of Rochester ’93, Vanderbilt School of Law ’96) married Ben Kahn ’91 in October in Portland, Maine. Ben’s mother is Yvette Greifer Kahn ’59. Harry Pozycki, Ted Sienicki, and Mike D’Ambra were in attendance, as were the groom’s brother Adam Kahn ’88, the bride’s aunt Susan Van Wiggeren Markowitz ’68, and the bride’s cousins Cora Shaw ’95, Sarah Markowitz ’02, and Dan Filler ’02 MAT. Other alumni in attendance included Don Clifford ’71, Judy Kirsh ’59, Paul Beinstein ’91, Ben Stein ’91, Will Yu ’91, Sam Eidson ’91, Josh Jones ’92, and Jon Huyck ’91.”
David Parker and his wife, Ronnie, were proud parents when their son, Josh, became a Bar Mitzvah on Oct. 25. Among the guests were Josh’s aunt Toby Parker London ’65 and uncle David London ’64; Harlan Hurwitz ’69, ’70 ScM; and Ellen Fischer Dawidowicz ’79.
Robert Sakayama writes: “I’m still a composer/producer in New York City. My daughter Zebe ’05 is spending her junior year in Italy and having a blast. My daughter Rue is also on the hill, at RISD. All the Sakayamas are performers in my children’s audio adventures, The Growler Tapes. Visit us at”
Anne Neely Seeley and Morgan Seeley (see Charles Giller ’93).
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Report from reunion headquarters: “Plans are under way for a memorable and enjoyable 35th reunion, May 28–31. Registration information will arrive in the spring. If you have any questions, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.”
Rita Chao Hadden is looking for Pembrokers from the class of 1969 who would be interested in sharing their personal stories as part of a discussion panel during their 35th reunion in May. She welcomes stories that relate to the major issues that have dominated your lives in the past thirty-five years, including: workplace issues, civil rights, sexual identity issues, the sexual revolution, local/global action, international experiences, child care, divorce, health care, technology, and the rise of religious and political rights.
Paul Payton (see Bette Schultz ’73).
Frank Scofield writes: “I have retired from my earth science teaching and lacrosse coaching positions with the majority of my mental and physical functions intact. Nancy and I have moved from Sudbury, Mass., to Monument Beach on Cape Cod, giving us more time to sail and travel. Both of our kids will be married this year.”
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Carol Lambert writes: “I have been in Alaska for twenty-four years and have a clinical psychology practice in Anchorage. I have also resumed my career as an artist. My new Web site,, was designed my son Ben’s firm.”
Barbara Davies Santa Barbara and Anthony Santa Barbara (see Marshall Cohen ’54).
From the March / April 2003 Issue
Richard Jude Ciccolella reports that he will be appearing in the television series 24 and later this season on The Agency. He will also be appearing in the movies Star Trek Nemesis, Daredevil (with Ben Affleck), Head of State (with Chris Rock), and Down with Love (with Renee Zellweger). He has released Between the Shadows, his third album of original music. He lives in Burbank, Calif., with his actress wife, Sylva Kelegian, and their three dogs, Sammy, Bobo, and Maize.
Don Humphrey writes: “My wife, Jennifer, gave birth to our son, Kaden Carter Humphrey, on April 15, 2002. Coincidentally, he shares his birthday with my oldest son, David Wheeler Humphrey, born 25 years earlier. There are two others in between: Jonathan Edward Humphrey, 12, and Ryan James Humphrey, 7. I ran cross-country at Brown, and I’ve apparently taken the same approach to fatherhood.”
From the November / December 2002 Issue
Richard Chambers, of Nashville, writes that he has been elected as a director of Nuestra Tarjeta de Servicios, Inc., which operates bank branches under the brand name El Banco de Nuestra Comunidad.
Richard Kogut '90 Sc.M. writes: "I've just joined UC Merced as chief information officer. Construction has yet to begin, but Merced will be the tenth school in the University of California system and the first major research university to be built this century. It's exciting to be able to build an entire organization and telecomunications infrastructure from the ground up."
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Cathy Blumlein Strauss was named as one of Pennsylvania's "Best 50 Women in Business" by Pennsylvania Gov. Mark Schweiker and six state business journals. She is a senior vice president of human resources at Harleysville Insurance.
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Paul Dunn writes: "I've just celebrated ten years as managing director for SEI Investments, an investment management and technology firm. My joys are seeing my two teenage sons grow, playing golf, sailing, and traveling."
Stephen Strocker writes: "I have been CEO of Foremost Clinical Pharmacy Services since its inception in 1992. Daughter Ali started a residency in head and neck surgery at UCLA last summer, and daughter Carly returned to Los Angeles after working in New York City for a year."
John Thelin writes that he has been appointed Distinguished University Research Professor at the University of Kentucky. In March he claimed first place in the senior division (ages 50 and over) of Kentucky's Blue Grass State Games 5K race.
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Stephen J. MacQuarrie has been appointed senior vice president of Boston-based Eastern Bank.
David Weisman (see Marilyn and Bill Simon '54).
From the September / October 2000 Issue
Naomi Das Neufeld ’71 M.M.Sc. is medical director of KidShape, a California-based pediatric weight-control program. She discussed childhood obesity on May 11 at Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island. She was recently named in Who’s Who in American Medicine.
John Seater ’75 Ph.D. and Susan Harris Seater ’71, ’78 Ph.D. spent the spring semester in Siena, Italy, where John taught at the University of Siena. Their daughter, Elizabeth ’99, visited for a week.
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Mark S. Hochberg has become president of the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey, a private foundation that works to improve health care among the vulnerable in northern New Jersey. He writes: "Life moves on. The U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed my wife, Faith, as a federal judge following her five years as U.S. attorney for New Jersey. Our daughter, Alyssa ’02, has given me a new and wonderful perspective of Brown."
Hon Fong Louie Mark ’74 Ph.D. is the invited editor (and author/coauthor of several chapters) of Medical Cytogenetics (Marcel Dekker, New York), a book about clinical cytogenetics and the application of advanced genetic techniques in medicine. Hon Fong is director of human genetics at the Rhode Island Department of Health and is a clinical professor at the Brown School of Medicine. To learn more, go to the "new and noteworthy" page on (Also see Yvonne Mark ’92.)
Diane Archambault Morris writes: "It can be done! After making a midlife career (and country of residence) change, my husband, Morton Ruberger, and I are enjoying life in Reston, Va. Three years ago I jumped from a twenty-seven-year higher-education career in Canada to a job at a software company in northern Virginia. Since our company deals exclusively in MIS for higher-education markets, I feel I’ve gained the best of both worlds – as well as a much earlier spring."
David Parker and his wife, Ronnie, report that their son, Josh, who is in the fourth grade at the Horace Mann School, celebrated his tenth birthday in June with his aunt and uncle, David London ’64 and Toby Parker London ’65, at their vacation home in Bermuda. David Parker, of New York City, chairs the litigation department at the Manhattan law firm of Kleinberg, Kaplan, Woff & Cohen. He serves as a director of legal services for New York City, as an officer and trustee of Park Avenue Synagogue, and as chair of the parents’ campaign for the Horace Mann annual fund. He is also active in the Brown Alumni Schools Committee (BASC), through which he interviews Brown applicants.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Willis Goldsmith, of Chevy Chase, Md., reports that his 30th reunion was especially enjoyable because it coincided with the graduation of his son, Andrew ’99. His daughter, Helene, is a member of the class of ’02 at Princeton.
Wesley P. Kozinn received the 1999 laureate award of the American College of Physicians/Pennsylvania Society of Internal Medicine for excellence in teaching, research, and clinical practice. Wes writes that he directs the internal-medicine-education and infectious-disease programs at Easton (Pa.) Hospital. His sons, Ben and Spencer, are at Fordham Law and Columbia College, while his daughter, Rachel, is a freshman at Vassar.
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Jane Rogers Black writes that she and Don Humphrey attended the graduation of their son, David, from Harvard in June. Also attending were his grandparents, Leonard Rogers '44 and Barbara Orkin Rogers '44. David is an analyst at Lehman Brothers in New York City. Jane is district art coordinator for the Byram Hills Schools in Armonk, N.Y.
Rich Krafchin, of New York City, writes: "Still breathing. (Advice from my 100-year-old neighbor.)"
Joan Ruffle writes: "George Gish and I were married on January 16, 1999. We just came back from our honeymoon, where we experienced Hurricane Floyd on San Salvador Island in the Bahamas. It was indeed a memorable experience. Fortunately no one was injured, and we came home safely -just in time to be subjected to Floyd a second time. We had 125 m.p.h. winds in the Bahamas and 50-60 m.p.h. winds at home, complete with fourteen hours of no electricity."
Sam Rotondi (see Jennifer Seale Aitken '96).
From the September / October 1999 Issue
Thomas W. Berry, Chatham, N.J., was elected chairman of the board of Kessler Rehabilitation Corp. A member of that board since 1993, Thomas is also a Brown trustee. He is a director of the North American Electric Reliability Council, the Hyde and Watson Foundation, and the Red Oak Bank. He is also a trustee of the Frost Valley YMCA and the National Interfaith Hospitality Network. He and his wife, Theresa, have three children, Shelley, Seth, and Adam.
From the July / August 1999 Issue
Wilma Ross Gourse (see Samuel Gourse '40).
John O'Reilly Jr. was looking forward to the 30th reunion. He is attempting to publish his first book, The Function of Christianity in U.S. History. He has also been doing interviews with many talented high school seniors.
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Michael N. D'Ambra received his twenty-year clock last spring from Massachusetts General Hospital, where he has been director of the cardiac anesthesia group for eight years. Michael writes: "In December the trustees and fellows of Harvard begged to inform me they had promoted me to the rank of associate professor of anesthesiology. That plus 75 cents will get me a Snickers bar from the hospital vending machine. Truly important events did happen in our family in the past year or two. Alyssa graduated last June from Harvard, having concentrated in Russian literature with pre-med on the side. Molly is starting her junior year at Brown concentrating in international relations. Meg got a kidney transplant for Christmas, ending seventeen years of home dialysis. We're now busily planning what to do with our new freedom. High on my list is attending the Brown 30th reunion and taking Molly for a spin around the dance floor on Friday night."
John R. Thelin has been named president-elect of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, becoming the first faculty member of a Southeastern university to head the national organization. He has been a member of ASHE since its founding in the 1970s. He is the author of five books, including Games Colleges Play, a history of college sports controversies from 1890 to the present, which was selected as "one of the outstand-ing academic books of the year" by the Association of American University Research Libraries. John is an education professor at the University of Kentucky.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Your 30th reunion plans are complete, and now we hope to see you back at Brown on May 28-31! Join fellow classmates for a great reunion weekend. Registration information will arrive soon, so please return your reservation early. Any questions? Call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Save the dates May 28-31 for our 30th class reunion. Your reunion planning committee has been working hard to plan events that showcase the campus and Providence's new downtown. If you have any questions or have not received any reunion mailings, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.
Ed Blomstedt writes: "Last year was one of celebrations. Mae and I had our 25th wedding anniversary, and our elder son, Eric, graduated from West Point. I continue to labor in the aerospace vineyard while trying to figure out what to do when I grow up. If you are in the West Chester, Pa., area and would like a golf game, look me up and help me decide."
Charles S. Carver, professor of psychology at the University of Miami, received the 1998 award for Outstanding Contribution to Health Psychology from the American Psychological Association. The award honors his research on the role played by personality and coping responses in dealing with such serious health threats as heart disease and cancer. His new book, On the Self-Regulation of Behavior (Cambridge University Press), was published in October. A summary can be found at Chuck and his shag terrier, Calvin, live in Coral Gables, Fla.
Richard Chambers, Nashville, is president of First Commerce and Leasing, based in Nashville, Tenn. Richard's wife, Carol L. McCoy, was re-elected in August to an eight-year term as chancellor in the state court system.
Leslie D. Corwin has co-authored Law Firm Partnership Agreements, which provides guidance and model forms and clauses of law firm partnerships. Leslie is a shareholder in the New York City office of the international law firm Greenberg, Traurig.
Joseph Higgins began a one-year term as president of the Optimist Club of Watchung, N.J. He writes: "I'd enjoy hearing from any fellow optimists."
Rich Krafchin writes: "Can you imagine it? I have to pay Columbia University a lot of money to take away my only son. I always told him he could go to a really good college!"
Steve Tilley writes: "On reading your obituary of John Hawkes (the Guardian in England also had an obituary for him), I looked up a poem I'd written when I read, some years ago, of Hyatt Waggoner's death. Hyatt Waggoner was a remarkable teacher. So was John Hawkes." Steve teaches mental-health nursing, spirituality, and narrative analysis as a senior lecturer in the nursing studies department at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of Negotiating Realities, and editor of The Mental Health Nurse: Views of Practice and Education.
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Save the dates, May 28-31, for our 30th class reunion. This fall you will receive information on our celebration. We invite you to join us back at Brown. If you have any questions please call the reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.
David Morf writes: "We've moved to Northampton, Mass., so my wife, Mary, could finish her long-deferred studio art degree at Smith College. We both grew up in small towns - Mary is from Indiana and I'm from coastal California - and we want to continue living in a place linked with agriculture and education. Our two children are home-schooled (unschooled may be a better phrase, as it more clearly conveys the open inquiry which engages their imagination and energy). Previously we lived in Manila, where I was one of three advisors asked to transform the Philippine capital and securities markets into a more equitable and efficient mechanism for capital formation and investment creation. We reorganized and trained the Philippine S.E.C., drafted new securities laws and rules, installed computer systems, created a modern records-management operation, and worked with the Philippine stock exchange to help it become a self-regulatory organization. Being in Manila for several years was a great experience for the family. Today we are focusing on our new community. Even though it is new to us, it rapidly is becoming home."
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Save the dates, May 28-31, for our 30th class reunion. This fall you will receive information on our celebration. We invite you to join us back at Brown. If you have any questions please call the reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.
David Morf writes: "We've moved to Northampton, Mass., so my wife, Mary, could finish her long-deferred studio art degree at Smith College. We both grew up in small towns - Mary is from Indiana and I'm from coastal California - and we want to continue living in a place linked with agriculture and education. Our two children are home-schooled (unschooled may be a better phrase, as it more clearly conveys the open inquiry which engages their imagination and energy). Previously we lived in Manila, where I was one of three advisors asked to transform the Philippine capital and securities markets into a more equitable and efficient mechanism for capital formation and investment creation. We reorganized and trained the Philippine S.E.C., drafted new securities laws and rules, installed computer systems, created a modern records-management operation, and worked with the Philippine stock exchange to help it become a self-regulatory organization. Being in Manila for several years was a great experience for the family. Today we are focusing on our new community. Even though it is new to us, it rapidly is becoming home."
From the September / October 1998 Issue
Mark your calendars. Our 30th reunion is fast approaching. Festivities begin on Friday, May 28, 1999, and end on Monday, May 31, with the Commencement march. Join your classmates on Monday so that we can experience the unique Brown tradition of march-ing around the college Green, through the Van Wickle Gates, and down College Hill. Your class officers, Bob Huseby, Linda Abbott Antonucci, Richard Blackman, and Joe Petteruti, have begun planning our reunion with the intent of striking a balance among class activities, Brown activities, and down time.
This year's Commencement brought out a few marchers. Bob Harada and Catherine Flippen Harada, Tom McKlveen, and Bob Hopkins had children graduating. Paul Payton was back in Providence to celebrate his wife's 25th reunion. Linda Abbott Antonucci and Richard Blackman were there to make sure the '69 banner was unfurled. Steve Nugent and Tom Gilbane were spotted in the throng as we marched down College Hill.
- Richard Blackman
Kathleen Kennedy Eisenhardt has co-published Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured Chaos (Harvard Business School Press).
Steve MacQuarrie, Wellesley, Mass., writes: "I've accomplished the easier half of changing jobs: quitting the old one. After three years of building EquiServe into the nation's largest shareholder servicing company, I've decided to seek out a new CEO position, after a summer of R & R. An even more significant accomplishment in the past year was playing golf with Rich Higginbotham and Win Major and not getting the stuffing beaten out of me - very different than the historical norm."
Craig Warren received the 1998 Johannes Staalen Award at Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Conn., where he has been a librarian for twenty-two years. The yearbook was also dedicated to him. Craig is the son of Curtis Warren '40.
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Margery Fisher Anderson writes: "Last year was a big one. I left my husband (divorce still in process) in the spring and in the fall discovered a big, juicy cancerous tumor in my colon. So the husband's gone, the tumor's gone, and I am undergoing the aftermath of divorce proceedings and chemotherapy. I still teach yoga and parent my two teenage boys."
Virginia Washburn Hopcraft (see Ralph S. Washburn '43).
Charles J. Lang lives in Huntington, N.Y., with his wife, Louise, and their children: Bryan, a junior at Bucknell; Erik, a freshman at Tulane; and Melissa, a high-school junior. Charles is comptroller of the Rockefeller Foundation.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Mark Davis (see David Hahn '78).
Stephen P. Nugent, Barrington, R.I., was sworn in as public defender of Rhode Island by Governor Lincoln Almond on July 24, after twenty-four years in private practice as a trial lawyer in Providence. Stephen's daughter Kara '98 interned for U.S. Senator Jack Reed in Washington, D.C., last summer. His son Michael is a senior in high school, and his daughter Maura is a junior. His wife, Mary, is a pediatric nurse practitioner. Stephen is chair of this year's Commencement Pops Concert.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Mark Davis (see David Hahn '78).
Stephen P. Nugent, Barrington, R.I., was sworn in as public defender of Rhode Island by Governor Lincoln Almond on July 24, after twenty-four years in private practice as a trial lawyer in Providence. Stephen's daughter Kara '98 interned for U.S. Senator Jack Reed in Washington, D.C., last summer. His son Michael is a senior in high school, and his daughter Maura is a junior. His wife, Mary, is a pediatric nurse practitioner. Stephen is chair of this year's Commencement Pops Concert.
From the March / April 1998 Issue
Terry Katzman-Rosenblum is director of services development at Vanderbilt Mental Health Center. She lives in Nashville with her husband, Bernie, and their daughter, Jodie, 12. "I wish more alums from the '60s would write in to BAM," Terry writes. "It's nice to hear where old friends are today. Can you believe we're 50?"
David Kertzer (see Pam Gerrol '87).
Shel Miller (see Bruce Good '85)
Candace Page is managing editor of the Burlington Free Press in Burlington, Vt., and the mother of Sara, a freshman at Prescott College in Prescott, Ariz.
James A. Northrop ’69, of Onchiota, N.Y.; Aug. 7, of lung and brain cancer. After earning his MBA from Columbia University in 1972, he worked in marketing at Quaker Oats and later became president and COO at Monet. He went on to hold CEO positions at companies that included the Trifari/Marvella Jewelry unit of Hallmark, the Popular Club Plan business of J. Crew, and Crystal Brands Jewelry. In 1989 Fortune Magazine “crowned” him the “King of Costume Jewelry.” In 1994, he acquired Princess House from Colgate-Palmolive and was its CEO for 12 years. He brought the direct selling business model to subsequent roles with the Canadian public company Immunotec and eventually his own Winfield Consulting, founded in retirement. With his colleagues at Winfield, he served more than 60 companies in the direct selling business ranging from start-ups to multibillion-dollar enterprises. He also served on multiple corporate and nonprofit boards, including the Direct Selling Association and the Direct Selling Education Foundation. He is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Jeff Carter ’69, of Los Angeles; Mar. 4, 2024. He went on to graduate from Columbia Law School and began his law practice at Whitman & Ransom in New York City. He later moved to INCO ElectroEnergy & Exide Corps. in Philadelphia as a legal officer and assistant secretary. While in New York he tutored students in Harlem and served on the board of the Timothy School for disabled children. He also served as a deacon at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian and as a counselor in their men’s homeless shelter. After moving to California he continued his litigation practice, but he also spent many years as a mediator in the L.A. County Superior Court Mediation Panels, where he also served as a judge in the Judge Pro Tempore Program throughout Los Angeles County. He served his community tirelessly and was elected multiple times to the Studio City Neighborhood Council. He continued to read and study history and enjoyed golf, tennis, and summer reunions with his cousins. He remained close to many of the friends he made at Brown, particularly those he met in his Sigma Nu fraternity. He is survived by his wife, Rosalind Moore, and a son.
Alexander Perec ’69, of Rochester, N.Y.; Mar. 19. At age 15 he became a citizen of the United States. Upon graduating from Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy, married, started a family, and worked at the University of Rochester for more than 30 years. During that time he was a clinical technician at Strong Memorial Hospital Cancer Center, troubleshooting and repairing various cancer diagnostic and therapeutic delivery systems. He enjoyed ballroom dancing, cruising, card games, and pastoral ministry. He is survived by his wife, Christine; three children and their spouses; two stepchildren and their spouses; two brothers; a sister-in-law; and grandchildren and step-grandchildren.
David W. Griffiths ’69, of Boston; Jun. 18, of cancer. He was a clinical psychologist for many years and a former instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School. At the time of his death, he was in semi-retirement and spent much of the year at his home in Provincetown, where he had been active in the community. He served on the vestry of St. Mary of the Harbor Episcopal Church and enjoyed photography and animals. He is survived by a sister, a nephew, and nieces.
Joe B. Buttrill ’69, of Port Washington, N.Y.; Aug. 6, 2023. He worked for New York Life Insurance Company before joining Dravo Engineering. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; three children; and five grandchildren.
Jeffrey A. Kelman ’71 MMSc (see ’69).
Gordon M.G. Strauss ’69, of Goshin, Ohio; Feb. 2, due to acute myeloid leukemia. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Marine Corps for three years, including a year in Vietnam, for which he received a Meritorious Bronze Star. Following his military service, he earned a law degree from the University of Cincinnati and practiced law for the next 40 years. In the beginning of his career he worked for the General Counsel to the Republican National Committee. He then worked both in Washington, D.C., and Cincinnati representing candidates and political organizations. He was general counsel to the Ohio Republican Party that included Newt Gingrich as a client. He later worked in South Africa (a month before Nelson Mandela was elected) teaching political parties about the country’s new constitution and how to teach their members to vote. During this time, he was named parliamentarian for the committee on rules and order of business and served in four Republican national conventions. Afterwards, he worked with Hamilton County (Ohio) as an assistant prosecuting attorney and retired as a magistrate in probate court. In retirement he enjoyed farm life and handyman work. He would be involved in the Episcopal church wherever he was living at the time. He cofounded the Juvenile Detention Center ministry at Indian Hill Church (Cincinnati). During the last two years, while battling his disease, he trained to become a volunteer chaplain at Christ Hospital. He was a member of the Cammarian Club and Delta Upsilon. He is survived by his wife, Julie Burdick; a son; four grandchildren; a sister; brothers Victor ’70 and Geoffrey ’71; and niece Anne Alice Chagnot ’07.
Jeffrey A. Kelman ’69, ’71 MMSc, of Washington, D.C.; Feb. 8. He was the chief medical officer at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. He had been there since 2005 and helped implement the Part D program. Previously, he served as a senior medical advisor to the Congressional Budget Office. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and was on the staff of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and the NIH’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. He is survived by his wife, Harriet; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; and a grandson.
Robert H. Dorin ’69, of Northampton, Mass.; Feb. 9. He worked in the software industry as an engineer, project manager, and industry analyst. He enjoyed traveling, the theater, music, and especially watching the New England sports teams. He is survived by his wife, Lesley Peebles; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a sister; and a stepson.
Joanne Funger Marden ’69, of Montrose, Colo., formerly of Andover, Mass.; Dec. 2. She earned her CPA license and served on the Andover Town Finance Committee for 39 years and was an active leader in the Andover community. She enjoyed boating, especially around the Newburyport and Boston areas. In 2017, she moved to Montrose and was involved in such local groups as Newcomers and Neighbors and the Women’s Giving Club. She is survived by two daughters, including Elysa Marden ’90; two sons-in-law; three grandchildren; a sister; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
Michael W. Ailes ’69, of Mattapoisett, Mass.; Jul. 2. He earned an MBA from Boston University and was a serial entrepreneur, IT consultant, and seventh grade math teacher. He is survived by his wife, Melinda; two daughters; a son-in-law; three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Thomas E. Jacobs ’69, of West Lebanon, N.H.; May 20, of metastatic colon cancer. He graduated from Columbia University School of Library Service, got married, and spent the next seven years in Baltimore working for the Baltimore County Public Library system. After earning a degree from the University of Maryland School of Computer Science, he and his family moved to West Lebanon and he worked briefly for a small computer company and then in the finance department of Dartmouth Hitchcock, before becoming self-employed and then a stay-at-home dad. He enjoyed hiking, biking, kayaking, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Margaret; three sons; two daughters-in-law; a sister; two brothers-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Kirsten Hedberg Rockwood ’69, of Needham, Mass.; Mar. 25. She began her career in financial services working as an administrative assistant with Studley Schuper in Boston. Soon after, she married and raised a family. She returned to her career after her boys were grown, taking a position with Charles River Hospital in Wellesley as an administrative assistant until the facility closed in 1998. She went on to take a position with the daycare center at Saint Andrews Church in Wellesley and later resumed her role as an administrative assistant in financial services by accepting a job with Wachovia Securities. She remained with Wachovia through two mergers and retired from Wells Fargo in 2014. She enjoyed needlepoint, cross stitch, collecting antiques, baking, and playing tennis. She is survived by her husband, Robert ’68; two sons and daughters-in-law; and six grandchildren.
Adam M. Albright ’69, of Bend, Ore.; Feb. 25, from Parkinson’s. He was an entrepreneur. He enjoyed skiing and hiking, and
was passionate about the environment. He is survived by his wife, Rachel; three children; and four grandchildren.
Stephen H. Messier ’69, of Staten Island, N.Y.; Oct. 6. He was a clinical psychologist. After Brown, he earned a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri. He was a reporter and photographer in the newsroom of WFRV-TV, a television station in Green Bay, Wisconsin, from 1972 through 1976. Thereafter, he lived in New York City for 40 years. He worked as a bartender while earning his master’s and doctorate degrees in psychology from Columbia University. His studies culminated in his work with clinical patients at South Beach Psychiatric Center on Staten Island. He was a former member of the Jabberwocks at Brown and had a lifelong bond with the friends from the former Stites House. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie.
Steven W. Lemiska ’69, of Pawcatuck, Conn.; Dec. 13. He owned Connecticut Sports Club for many years. He is survived by his wife, Sandra; a brother; two sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Gerald E. Johnson ’69, of Fairhaven, Mass.; Dec. 17, of metastatic melanoma. He graduated from western New England College School of Law in 1976 and was admitted to the R.I. Bar in 1977 and the Massachusetts Bar in 1978. He opened the Law Offices of Gerald E. Johnson in Swansea, Mass., in 1978 and practiced until 2018. In addition to his legal practice, he was an adjunct professor at the University of Phoenix and Bristol Community College. He served the Town of Mattapoisett, where he lived for 25 years, as a member and chairman of the Mattapoisett School Committee for 15 years, and was an active member of the Mattapoisett Land Trust. He was an athlete and ran track in high school and college and completed two Pan Mass Challenges benefiting Dana Farber Cancer Institute, three Buzzards Bay Watershed bicycle rides, and multiple Tours de Crème. He enjoyed English and was known to quote Shakespeare and lines from movies. He also liked skiing, sailing, and reading to his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Cindy; two daughters; a son-in-law;
and two grandchildren.
Donald E. Smith ’69 ’71 ScM, of Park City, Utah, formerly of East Brunswick, N.J.; Aug. 28, after a prolonged illness. After obtaining his PhD from Rutgers University, he joined the Rutgers computer science faculty as director of the laboratory of computer science research. He retired after 40 years with the title of vice president of information technology and moved to Utah. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, four grandchildren, two sisters, and brother William ’76, ’82 ScM.
Harold “Harry” Phillips ’69, of Santa Rosa, Calif.; May 26, of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He was a radiologist who practiced for 50 years. He matriculated at Brown and enjoyed playing shortstop and quarterback for Brown’s baseball and football teams. He was scouted as a shortstop by the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox but chose a career in medicine. While growing up in New Jersey, he was the neighbor of Mickey Mantle and would request a signed baseball, which he would then pawn to his friends for pocket money. He attended medical school at the University of Cincinnati and met his future wife. After marriage and a residency at Boston City Hospital, he moved to California to teach at UC Davis Medical Center, eventually settling in Santa Rosa and joining Redwood Regional Medical Group. He worked hard to provide for his family but always enjoyed his children’s sports games and recitals, family vacations, traveling with his wife in later years, and reading. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three daughters; two sons-in-laws; two grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and nieces and nephews.
William S. Latham ’69, of Pueblo, Colo.; July 31, of Parkinson’s disease. He served in the U.S. Army stateside in military intelligence from 1970 to 1976. He then graduated from the University of Los Angeles Law School in 1977 and received his JD. He began his federal civil service career in Los Angeles. He was a labor relations manager at several federal agencies during his career. He retired to Pueblo and did labor relations consulting for Indian Health Service in Oklahoma for several years. He was an avid reader and enjoyed playing golf, bowling, and listening to and singing classical music. He performed at Carnegie Hall in New York with the May Festival and sang with the renowned Cincinnati May Festival Society. He traveled with the May Festival to several European countries and performed at numerous churches. His most memorable trip was seeing Poland just after the wall came down. He and his wife enjoyed RVing for more than 25 years and were members of several RV clubs. They traveled independently throughout the U.S. and Mexico. He also enjoyed training and participating in dog shows across the U.S. He is survived by his wife MaryJane; two aunts; an uncle; and several cousins.
Ronald A. DiPrete ’69, of Cranston, R.I.; June 11. He worked at Baychem Corp. and then at American Hoechst Corp. as an analytical chemist. For a short time, he taught science at Bishop Hendricken High School. In Italy from 1988 to 2007, he was a research chemist. Upon returning to the U.S., he worked in the security department of MGM/Foxwoods until his retirement. He enjoyed writing poetry, drawing, astronomy, music, and history. He is survived by many cousins.
Diane Lafazanis Dulude McKenzie ’69, ’70 MAT, of North Bend, Wash.; Mar. 4, of multiple myeloma. After receiving her master’s degree from Brown, she joined the U.S. Air Force. She retired in 1998 as a lieutenant colonel. Ever strong in her faith, she read the Bible from cover to cover almost on an annual basis. She is survived by her husband, Rick.
J. Richard Chambers ’69, of Atlanta, formerly of Nashville; Feb. 15, of pancreatic cancer. He was CEO of JRChambers and Associates, a recognized authority in banking and financial services, and was known for his expertise in financial credit algorithms. His work in the financial sector included executive positions with Nashville-based banks and with community banks throughout the U.S. He served on several boards and was an advisor to financial companies from coast to coast. He cofounded Music City Money, a financial service provider that was sold to ACE Cash Express. For 50 years his loyalty to Brown was exemplified through the many volunteer and fundraising leadership positions he held, including chairman of the Brown Annual Fund and three terms as director of the Brown Alumni Association Board of Governors. He chaired and/or cochaired his class gift committee for seven reunions and conducted personal interviews with prospective students. He was the recipient of the H. Anthony Ittleson ’60 Award, the Alumni Service Award, and the Brown Bear Award. He was a member/leader in the Nashville Junior Chamber of Commerce and Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of Chaîne des Rotisseurs and a top TripAdvisor reviewer of restaurants and travel destinations. He enjoyed traveling, especially his annual trip to Triangle X Ranch near Moose, Wyo. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; two sons; a stepson; and three granddaughters.
William B. “Jock” Purnell ’69, of Honolulu; Dec. 10. He is survived by his spouse Masako and brother S.R. Purnell ’72.
Stephen Knowles ’69, of Delray Beach, Fla.; Nov. 4, of cancer. His extensive business career included executive positions at General Electric, vice president and corporate controller with Ericsson, and CFO of Specialized Healthcare Partners, a company started by his youngest daughter and her husband.He retired in 2020. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and he enjoyed hiking, kayaking, fishing, sports, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; two daughters; a son-in-law; two grandchildren; and two sisters.
William J. Russo ’69, of Asheville, N.C.; Sept. 29, of cardiac arrest. He was a member of Brown’s Athletic Hall of Fame as an all-conference linebacker and continued to have a career in football as an assistant coach at Brown from 1970 to 1977, which included being part of Brown’s 1976 Ivy League Championship team. He was a head coach for Wagner College from 1978 to 1980 and then Lafayette College from 1981 to 1999. Among his many accolades, he was honored with the Stan Lomax–Irving T. Marsh Coach of the Year Award and the Eddie Robinson I-AA Coach of the Year Award, and was inducted into the Lafayette College Maroon Club Hall of Fame with 103 wins. He completed his coaching career at Wyoming Seminary from 2000 to 2002 in Kingston, Pa. He is survived by a daughter, two sisters, and a brother.
John Rizzo ’69, of Washington, D.C.; Aug. 6, of a heart attack. After Brown, he enrolled at George Washington University Law School and interned at corporate law firms. Upon graduating in 1972, he worked for the U.S. Department of the Treasury. But in 1974, after reading an article published in the New York Times about the CIA being engaged in illicit and covert operations for years, he was prompted to apply for a position at the CIA. He was hired in 1976, and by 1986 he was the liaison between the CIA and the congressional investigators studying the Iran-Contra affair. He held the titles of deputy counsel and acting general counsel. In 2006, President George W. Bush nominated him to become the CIA’s permanent general counsel, but he did not receive Senate confirmation and continued to serve as acting counsel until he retired in 2009. When he retired he received the agency’s Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal and became a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution and senior counsel at the Washington law firm Steptoe & Johnson. During his tenure, he was responsible for the CIA’s detention and interrogation program established in response to the attack on the U.S. on 9/11 and the CIA-directed drone strikes. During the course of his career he worked for 11 CIA directors and seven U.S. Presidents. He published his memoir Company Man: Thirty Years of Controversy and Crisis in the CIA in 2014. In an interview he once said that he always tried his “hardest to do the right thing, even when things were the hardest.” The BAM profiled him in the 2014 “Clear Conscience” story ( He is survived by a son, a stepdaughter, a granddaughter, a step-grandson, and two sisters.
Alan Carlson ’69, of Westborough, Mass., formerly of Londonderry, N.H.; Nov. 12, 2020, after battling Parkinson’s disease. He retired in 2000 from Ziff Davis as a data center manager. After his ROTC commission in the U.S. Air Force, he pursued an MBA at Boston University. He volunteered at the local elementary school for several years teaching math enrichment and he coached Odyssey of the Mind teams, getting to the world finals twice. He then trained shelties and made regular pet therapy visits to the VA Hospital in Manchester and volunteered as a Granite State Sheltie Rescue driver. Later in retirement he rediscovered bridge and joined and helped run the Derry Bridge Club. He was an avid runner before a severe case of food poisoning on a trip to Mexico triggered an autoimmune disease that left him with arthritis. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Martin W. Feller ’69, of Warrensville Heights, Ohio; May 15. Despite becoming afflicted with a debilitating medical condition in early adulthood, he was an inspiration to all who knew him and maintained a positive attitude. He was a prolific writer and enjoyed sending handwritten notes to family and friends. During his youth, he would travel with his parents and brother to Tucson and spend weeks at the Cleveland Indians spring training camp, where his father was a Hall of Famer. During his time at Brown, he was a member of the varsity baseball team. He had a remarkable near-photographic memory for dates and details. He is survived by two brothers, a nephew, and several cousins.
Joseph P. Woodford ’69, of Fairfax, Va.; Dec. 6. After Brown, he continued his postgraduate studies at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. During his time serving in the Navy, he was honored with numerous commendations, medals, and ribbons for his meritorious service. He retired in 1996. Following his retirement, he became the senior advisor to the Northern Virginia Association of Rocketry and volunteered in schools. He is survived by his wife, Consuela; three children; two grandchildren; and five siblings.
Ronald S. Hutson ’69, of Norton, Mass.; Apr. 28, of COVID-19. His career began at the Providence Journal followed by work at the Call & Post, a weekly in Cleveland. He then covered City Hall for the Cleveland Press before joining the staff of the Boston Globe in 1974 as a general assignment reporter. While working at the Boston Globe, he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1975 as part of the newspaper’s coverage of court-ordered school desegregation. He also edited a series about race issues in Boston that was awarded a Pulitzer in 1984. After leaving the Globe, he worked as an adjunct professor of journalism at Suffolk University in Boston and at a nonprofit agency. He is survived by three daughters, two granddaughters, and two sisters.
Harlan Hurwitz ’69, of River Edge, N.J.; Nov. 11. He had a career in dosimetry and software for cash handling systems. He kept active with a wide range of interests, including cars, languages, travel, and sci-fi novels and films. He is survived by his wife, Susan; three children; and a grandchild.
Patricia Tanis Sydney ’69 MAT, of Newtown, Pa.; July 31. She produced her own works of art and taught at Mount Ida Junior College (Mass.), Bucks County Community College (Pa.), and Philadelphia Community College. Additionally, she worked as a curator for the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pa. In 1998, she coauthored The Philadelphia Ten: A Women’s Artist Group, 1917-1945. She served on the board of the Youth Orchestra of Bucks County and enjoyed playing tennis, traveling with her family, and attending classical music concerts. She is survived by her husband, A. David Sydney ’68; three daughters, including Sarah Sydney ’00; five grandchildren; a sister; and two brothers.
Margaret Dworkin Northrop ’69, of Barrington, R.I.; June 4, of Alzheimer’s disease. After graduating from Brown, where she was a class president, and the Loyola University School of Law in Chicago, she practiced labor law, first in Chicago and later for the United Nations at its New York City headquarters. In some of the intervening years, she worked as a magistrate in the Connecticut court system. She was fluent in French, which she mastered as an American Field Service exchange student in Paris. She enjoyed traveling, socializing, and spending time by the ocean. She is survived by her husband, Tom; three sons; three grandchildren; and a brother, Peter Dworkin ’74.
Stephen Strocker ’69, of Tarzana, Calif.; Dec. 21.
Dante E. Boffi Jr. ’69, of Warwick, R.I.; Mar. 29. After earning an MBA from URI, he became a leader in mental health innovations for the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals. He culminated his career at the Rhode Island Department of Administration and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne; two children; four grandchildren; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
David H. Murray ’69, of Dublin, N.H.; Sept. 28. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; four children; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
Jonathan S. Hall ’69, of Kendall Park, N.J.; Oct. 28. He retired in 1989 as a pharmaceutical sales representative with Spex Industries, Edison. He is survived by his husband, William C. Guarini; sister Sheila Hall ’76; and a brother.
George W. Muller Jr. ’69, of Crofton, Md.; Sept. 18, of a cardiac arrest. He obtained his master’s degree in English from URI and pursued doctoral studies in English at Indiana Univ. He retired after 30 years of service with the federal government as an information technology professional. He is survived by his wife, Delice Richards; a son; his mother; four siblings; and five nieces and nephews.
Charles S. Carver ’69, of Coral Gables, Fla.; June 22. He had a long career at the University of Miami, where he was a distinguished professor of psychology and director of the adult division of the psychology department. His work spanned the areas of personality psychology, social psychology, health psychology, and more recently experimental psychopathology. His research was supported by the National Science Foundation, the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Mental Health. He served as editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology’s section on Personality Processes and Individual Differences for six years and an additional six years as an associate editor of Psychological Review. He was the author of 10 books and more than 400 articles and chapters, and his work was cited numerous times. He is survived by his wife, Youngmee Kim; brother Jeffrey ’71; and several nieces.
Stephen Wormith ’69, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, formerly of Sarnia, Ontario; Mar. 28, after a four-year battle with cancer. At Brown he was a member of both the football and hockey teams and after graduation played for the Montreal Alouettes the year they won the Grey Cup. Following hockey, he received his PhD in psychology from the University of Ottawa and held various positions in the criminal justice system at both the provincial and federal level. He then went on to the University of Saskatchewan, where he was a professor and director of forensic behavioral science and justice studies. He traveled the world for many years for the Canadian Government helping with bettering the criminal justice system in Canada. He is survived by his wife, Amelita; a daughter; two sons; a sister; and brother Paul ’74.
Douglas H. Ward ’69, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y.; Dec. 30, unexpectedly while hiking. He graduated from Albany Law School in 1973 and went on to become an assistant attorney general in New York focusing on environmental law. In 1995 he founded the environmental legal practice of Young/Sommer LLC. He was an active member of the Saratoga community and served on several boards, including Saratoga PLAN and the Saratoga Rowing Assoc. He was an avid hiker, rower, tandem biker, and backcountry skier. He also built wooden boats and was a tier stone wall builder. He is survived by his wife, Cory; four daughters; five granddaughters; two sisters; and two brothers.
Stephen A. Wiener ’69, of West Hartford, Conn.; July 24. Following Brown, he obtained an MBA from Bryant College in 1975 and his Juris Doctorate from UConn Law School in 1979. He practiced law in Connecticut and Massachusetts until his retirement in 2012. He was a member of the Brown men’s soccer team and inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. He enjoyed spending time with his family and is survived by his wife, Susan; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; five grandchildren; and his mother.
Edward J. Glasband ’69, of Bloomfield, Conn.; Jan. 28. He was an entrepreneur with a career spanning the packaging industry, real estate development, and the promotional products industry, and was a medical manager/consultant. He also taught real estate finance at the Univ. of Hartford. He was a volunteer at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and at Gifts of Love, in Avon, Conn. He enjoyed traveling, saw all seven continents, and visited more than 70 countries. He especially enjoyed safaris.
Richard B. Keyworth ’69, of Raleigh, N.C.; Nov. 12. He ran a family general store and did pastoral work at many of the local churches. He enjoyed reading history and spending time with his children. He is survived by his wife, Amy, and three daughters.
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