Class of 1960

Jan, 2025

Mark Joseph writes: “This past May I attended the graduation of my granddaughter Sylvie Weiman ’24. Her mother—my daughter, Cara Weiman ’92—graduated from Brown as did her husband, Bob Weiman ’91. My younger daughter, Kippy Joseph ’94, attended this wonderful University as did Bob Weiman’s sister, Pam Thiessen ’90. Their stepfather, David Good ’52, also matriculated at Brown. Now my grandson, Theodore Weiman ’28, is a freshman. Blessed by Brown, I graduated a long time ago.”

Jan, 2025

Jane Doane Anderson and Joan Hoost McMaster report: “Our first Pembroke Class of 1960 Inaugural Mini-Reunion was held at the Lodge on the Haffenreffer property overlooking Mount Hope Bay in 2003 and was enthusiastically attended by 15 classmates. Warm greetings and laughter accompanied our lobster bake as we rekindled our friendships over a sumptuous luncheon. Perfect weather and a tour of King Phillip’s extensive property with seaside views and breezes. In subsequent years, additional Pembroke Class of 1960 Mini-Reunions were held in Newport at Rough Point, Newport Art Museum, Redwood Library, and the International Hall of Fame followed by luncheon at La Forge Restaurant and a cruise of Newport Harbor and Brenton Point on The Flyer catamaran. Wonderful times and memories. The following classmates attended: Jane Doane Anderson, Mary Birdsall Cervoni, Hope Cranska, Joan Voelker English, Linda Blackman Feldman, Sue Heller, Barbara Little Jaffe, Dot Vischi Kelly, Rosemary Smith Kostmayer, Joan Hoost McMaster, Barbara Jones Nicholson, Deborah Kingman Ormsby, Minna Saxe, Ann Wennberg Seddon, and Marge Tingle.”

Jane Doane Anderson ’60 and Joan Hoost McMaster and ’60s friends
Nov, 2024

Janice Kruger writes: “I attended Commencement for my great nephew Seth Sabar ’24, who graduated with honors and a joint bachelor of science degree in mathematics and computer science. Three other alumni cheered Seth on in person: his parents Meg Van Achterberg ’93, ’97 MD and Ariel Sabar ’93, and his grandma Barbara Bromer van Achterberg ’62. My sister Stephanie Kruger Sabar ’60 cheered remotely.”

Apr, 2024
Marjorie Tingle ’60 and friends


Marjorie Tingle writes: “Ten members of our class have met regularly for over 60 years! For the first two decades after walking down College Hill the group gathered annually at a member’s house large enough for growing families. Fiftieth birthdays were celebrated together at the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center in New York. In following years, memorable meetings were planned at destination sites across the country. Sadly, two members, Martha and Hope, have recently departed. (The photo was taken in August 2014, the last time all 10 of us were together. From left to right: Martha White Keister, Joanne Tenedine Rees, Marjorie Tingle, Barbara Jones Nicholson, Elaine Tetreault Smith, Minna Saxe, Suzy Werber Dworsky, Hope Cranska, Barbara Little Jaffe, and Peggy Durham). Yet we are constantly amazed and thankful that in our mid 80s, we still have eight members who anxiously await monthly Zoom meetings (husbands included). We still reminisce about our time at Brown but also have good conversations about books, current events, and family members. Over the years, our friendship has grown deeper as we supported others through the many ages and stages of life. Our group is an example of the power of friendships developed during college years.”

Apr, 2024

Brent Harold, Arnold Hetzer, and Bob Pearson of Wellfleet, Mass and Vieques, PR; Bridgeport, Conn. and Venice, Fla.; and Wellfleet, Mass. and Tucson, Ariz., respectively, converged in Newport, R.I., for a reunion of walking, eating, and talking. 

Jul, 2023
From the Archives: The Brown Connection at America’s Cup
Read More
Jun, 2023

Anne Jones Mills lives in Colorado, having moved there in 1991 after retiring from IBM. She worked until age 75 and has been very active in her Wind Crest community, where she is a longtime resident. She serves on Breckenridge’s National Repertory Orchestra Board and is its treasurer. She is also a Brown trustee emerita and life trustee at Ottawa University. Her husband passed away in March 2022.


Jun, 2022

Carolyn Nygren Curan writes: “I remembered it was Josiah’s birthday today as I was in the studio making mini replicas of some of the examples of ancient pottery he used in his lectures years ago, but I was two years ahead. (I guess forgetfulness happens with octogenarians, but I sent off a small donation celebrating his life in any case.) Who knows if I’ll be around for his real leap year birthday in 2024! Josiah has always been dear to my heart, and I am always sad when fellow alums do not post on his Facebook page. Thus this note to Brown hoping that others will commemorate his birthdays, perhaps with a gift to his university. I am in two shows this year: Haverford Guild of Craftsmen spring craft show, as well as the miniature show at the Philly/Cherry Hill Hilton in November. I am hoping that I will see some acquaintances from Brown at the Philly show, and I’ll even give you one of my little brown jug minis as a memento of Josiah if you drop by to say hello. COVID-19 messed up studio time and life in general at Quadrangle Independent Living, where I moved in fall of 2019, but things have thankfully pretty much opened up again. The Quadrangle has somewhat the atmosphere of a college campus for the older set with a preponderance of liberal-thinking retired academics, artists, and movers and shakers. I heartily recommend it if you are thinking of changing your domicile. FYI, did you know that Josiah Carberry had some years at Wesleyan after his career at Brown, part of the Carberry legend according to Wikipedia? Although unfortunately not a fan of Carberry, my oldest son Andy is a Wesleyan professor of the humanities specializing in 18th century French literature and Diderot. He gave a lecture here at the Quadrangle on his forthcoming book, Who’s Black and Why? A Hidden Chapter from the Eighteenth-Century Invention of Race, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Unfortunately, the lecture had to be on Zoom, so I was cheated out of an in person visit. C’est la vie.”

Apr, 2022

Joan Hoost McMaster was honored for her 56 years of dedicated volunteer service at the Junior League of Rhode Island’s 100th Anniversary Celebration on Oct. 16 at the Chapel Grille in Cranston, R.I. Joan has served in various officer positions with the JLRI culminating in vice-president of projects, developing three exciting new community projects. Subsequently, she served at the national level of AJLI as a member of the Area I Council. She both attended the Alene Morris Career Development conference in Boston and led a follow-up implementation conference for Area I leagues. Joan subsequently served as Brown’s Career Development Librarian, leading student workshops, scheduling corporate/student interviews, and increasing the scope and diversity of career development resources. Most recently, Joan has chaired the JLRI Annual Women Authors Luncheon featuring talks by outstanding local women authors followed by very successful book-signings.

Jan, 2022
In the news

The Land Report announced that Ted Turner ’60 donated one of his bison ranches in the Sandhills of Western Nebraska to serve as the cornerstone of the brand-new Turner Institute of Ecoagriculture, a nonprofit agricultural research organization. Its objectives are to explore the intricacies of sustainable natural ecosystems and related human economies to promote healthy soil, grass, water, and wildlife populations while helping ranchers and farmers. 

Jun, 2020

Carolyn Nygren Curran writes: “Last May a potter friend mentioned senior independent living places in the Philly area with pottery studios and swimming pools. Eureka! By October this widow had moved from her house in North Carolina to the Quadrangle at 3300 Darby Road, Apartment 1106, Haverford, Pa. 19041. It’s a hotbed of creativity and cultural life with seemingly no ‘old thinking’ people. Three of my pieces were selected for Clay Studio’s annual ‘Small Favors’ show in Philly, and other opportunities for continuing my career as a potter are also close at hand. I’m midway between my three sons and their families. Perfect!” Contact Carolyn at

Apr, 2020

Ed Sheridan writes: “This class of ’60 alumnus lives across the country from Brown in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. I remain involved in education of one sort or another. I tell traditional folktales in our elementary school on Lopez Island and I am active with the Family Resource Center here as a mentor. Our three children live in California and Alaska and my wife Diana and I live in a small senior community here on Lopez Island where I learn about community development every day.”


Apr, 2020

Class copresidents Bill Brisk and Cheryl Lampe Tennille report: “Our 60th reunion—can you believe it?— is coming up on May 22-24. Our committee has put together a weekend full of events planned for your enjoyment in seeing old friends and making new ones and stimulating your academic interest. Please join us.”

Jan, 2020

Margaret Smith Skovira and her husband, Joe, enjoyed the Brown Travelers trip to Portugal in July. They live in Lexington, Va. She writes that she is looking forward to the 60th reunion.

Jan, 2020

James T. Johnson writes: “It’s about time for me to send in a summary update on myself. When I entered Brown in the fall of 1956 as the first of my family to go to college, I had no idea how Brown would open new worlds to me and help to shape the development of my life. Starting out in physics, I eventually got my degree in mathematics/economics and went on to pursue a PhD in religious ethics at Princeton. I embarked on a teaching career at Rutgers University, received several national grants, authored a number of books, and edited two scholarly journals. Mine has been a full, happy, and productive life, and I honor Brown for the experiences that got me started.” Contact James at [email protected]

Sep, 2019

Les Weinstein and Lynn Jatlow celebrated their first wedding anniversary and their 37th Valentine’s Day this past February. Les writes: “We were married at our home in Bethesda, Maryland, last year by a ‘rent-a-rabbi’ that we found on the internet, and the ceremony was watched via Skype by our three children and six grandchildren who live in Texas and Vermont. Quite the twenty-first century wedding!” Contact Les at [email protected].


Jul, 2019

Tom Rollinson was the featured contrabassoon soloist at a concert by the Clovis Community Band in New Mexico.


Jul, 2019

Joan Hoost McMaster hosted Junior League of Rhode Island members and their guests at the Brown Faculty Club on Saturday, April 27, for the 5th Annual Women Authors Luncheon. The guest authors were Emily Arnold McCully ’61 and Mary-Kim Arnold ’93, ’95 MFA. McCully has written and illustrated more than 30 children’s books and was awarded a Caldecott Medal. She spoke about her most recent book, She Did It!, a compendium of the success stories of 21 prominent American women. Arnold is a writer, poet, and visual artist, and serves as a visiting lecturer in English at Brown. Her new book, Latency for the Long Moment, is a memoir of her life as a South Korean orphan who was adopted and raised by American parents. She describes her continuing search for her birth mother over the years and wonders what life would be like if they were to meet some day. Following the authors’ presentations, there was a book-signing. Joan writes: “A delightful afternoon!”


Jul, 2019

Gloria Markoff Winston writes: “Since 2008 I have been living at Laurelmead. I have spent my winters in Palm Beach, Florida, since 1982 and fully returned to Providence (no more ‘snow birding’) in 2015. I have everything I need in life except Florida sunshine so I take my vitamin D pills every day. I play duplicate bridge every week and join the poker game at night and still find time to volunteer at Miriam Hospital. Many of my life-long friends that I followed to Laurelmead are no longer here, but I am surrounded by new friends, many of whom are also members of the Brown family, including Paul Alexander ’67, ’69 ScM; Janet McWain Colby ’60; Rosemary Mizener Colt ’84 PhD; Abraham Ehrenhaus ’45; Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus ’49; Deborah Mulcare ’68; John Schultz ’62 ScM,’68 PhD; Daniel Siegel ’57; Eugene Weinberg ’51; Robert Wood ’58; Louise Wood ’75 MAT; and Lucinda Dohanian-Welch ’00. We also have many esteemed Brown faculty members, past and present, including Lewis Lipsitt, Robert Davis, Laura Durand, Frank Durand, Francis McNelis, Gordon Wood, John Coleman, Annette Coleman, Robert E. Lanou, Richard Yund, and Nancy C. Rhodes, who was an associate director of admissions at Brown.”


May, 2019

Tom Rollinson, who began playing duplicate bridge at the Brown Bridge Club in 1956, regularly partnering with Jef Fall, recently achieved the rank of Ruby Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League.

Jan, 2019

Cheryl Lampe Tennille writes: “To stay abreast of reunion relevance, your co-president attended ’17 and ’18 Alumni Fall Weekends. I found a cheery young staff to coach me and enjoyed easy multi-generational interaction. I even tested some ideas for our next reunion. Personally, I freelance edit small projects and I am looking forward to training in high gear for ski season. What say you, oh so quiet classmates? Let’s hear from more of you.”


Jan, 2019

Joan Hoost McMaster was honored at the 140th Anniversary Gala of the Massachusetts Society for the Protection of Children for her long and meritorious service on the State Board.


Jan, 2019

Carolyn Nygren Curran writes: “Spent my 80th birthday with a family reunion by an Adirondack lakeside cottage. It was wonderful to have all the generations together for a week. I returned to prepare for a September IGMA show in Connecticut (my return to miniature pottery show biz after hiatus of many years) but Hurricane Florence had other plans and I had to cancel. My home in New Bern, North Carolina, was fine, but there was so much damage in our area. Let me know if you’re in the area for a visit.”


Sep, 2018
William Simmons ’60
“One of the most distinguished scholars of Native New England” Read More
Jul, 2018

Tom Rollinson traveled from his home in New Mexico to visit his brother, George Rollinson ’57, and his wife, Judy, in their new home in North Kingstown, R.I. On his return journey Tom visited classmate Jef Fall at his home in New York City.

Jul, 2018

Michael Hittle writes: “In retirement I have turned my historical attention from Russia to Wisconsin, and the result is An Accidental Jewel: Wisconsin’s Turtle-Flambeau Flowage (Little Creek Press, 2018). Part environmental history and part social history of Wisconsin’s northern woods, this book tells the story of a storage reservoir, constructed in 1926 for the purpose of downstream power generation, that evolved into a semi-wilderness body of water that has drawn anglers, campers, nature watchers, and scientists from around the country. That project completed, I led a group of intellectually vigorous seniors through a speed course on the history of Russia.”

Jul, 2018

Carolyn Curran writes: “If health holds out, I’m getting back in the world of miniature pottery this year. I am participating in a local pottery show and the BadAss Miniatures exhibit at YoHo Artists Open Studio Event in Yonkers, N.Y., through July 22. After an absence of 15 years I’ll also be participating once again in the International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA) show at Hartford-Windsor Marriott in Connecticut (Sept. 18-23). I am having great fun doing research on ancient pottery and have built miniature kilns for firing Greek and Roman pottery. I am amazed at the research material and images available on the Internet now; it is much easier to find info than in the olden days, although books are still my passion. This summer I get my wish of a week’s family gathering for my 80th birthday: three sons and their wives and kids. Life is good despite creaks and groans and the passing of my best pal and spouse, Tom, eight years ago. Last year freshman roommate Ann Erpenback Bottelli and her husband came to visit here in New Bern, and I wish others would find their way here as well.”

May, 2018

Joan Clement Pickett writes: “I am happily living in the same home as in 1981. I garden, volunteer, play grandmother to three, care for three champion Scotties, and still love to sing. Life is good.”

May, 2018

Thomas Dunleavy retired in 2001 as president of Risdon Corp., an international packaging company and also as vice president of Crown Holdings. He is active with the Knights of Columbus, church and community financial committees, and alumni organizations. Thomas and his wife, Pat, have six children and are proud grandparents to 21 grandchildren, ages 10 months to 26 years. He is enjoying golf, traveling, and grandchildren activities.

May, 2018

Deborah Colborn writes: “Part-time work, part-time art, and full-time happy life on Maryland’s Eastern shore.”

May, 2018

James Bower officially retired from his last school, San Miguel, a middle school for boys, grades five to eight. He says that word has it that they may want him back to do a special enrichment class for sixth graders. He is not likely to say no.

May, 2018

John Bellavance is still enjoying the Cape after many years of retirement. He keeps busy with golf and bridge and a large family that includes 12 grandchildren. John welcomes a call if you make it across the bridge.

May, 2018

Robert Bachelor received his gold pin marking 40 years of Federal Service.

May, 2018

Richard Bower writes: “My granddaughter Emily Maenner ’16 makes the fourth generation of Brown alums in the family. My brother Jim Bower ’60 still lives adjacent to the campus. My daughter Sally Maenner ’84 is an active interviewer for Brown in the Minneapolis area. Ever true.”

May, 2018

George Ulrich writes: “When Sally and I took up housekeeping in an assisted living facility in the South Denver area, it took a while to adapt to our new lifestyle. Not used to living with elevators, wheeled walkers, electric scooters, and oxygen carts, we’re amazed, after nearly three years, at how much we enjoy the urban environment on this 84-acre campus. We’ve renewed acquaintances with several professional colleagues in the area and other U.S. geology surveyor retirees. We also have made friends with a couple of Brunonians; Norm Walters ’45 and Ann Jones Mills ’60. I’m still playing tennis and pedaling on bike/pedestrian trails in the area. Besides working in the wood shop and placing 18 bluebird houses around campus, which so far have attracted only tree swallows, I’ve joined the Learners Committee, supporting 10 to 15 courses of four to eight weekly classes three times each year. I’ve also generated two courses: one on the Grand Canyon and another on Adventures to a Rocky Moon, reminiscing about the Flagstaff days of the last four Apollo missions.”

Apr, 2018

Alan Tapper writes: “Mark Joseph ’60 and his wife, Patricia, were honored as the Association of Fundraising Professionals Outstanding Philanthropists of Maryland 2017. They have been outstanding in their contributions to our community.”

Apr, 2018

Tom Rollinson sailed on the Queen Mary 2 and spent a week at the Wagner Opera Festival in Bayreuth, Germany. He is retired but serves as organist at St. James Episcopal Church and as principal bassoonist for the Clovis Community Band in New Mexico. Tom’s wife, Shirley, teaches at Eastern New Mexico Univ. in Portales.

Jan, 2018

Dick and Kate Bernhard Godfrey ’60 are still living in Santa Barbara but have downsized to an apartment for their remaining years. They still travel and have a cabin in Montana, where they spend three months of the year. All three children live nearby with five grandkids ranging in age from 8 to 19. Dick’s focus the past 20 years has been Direct Relief, one of the leading humanitarian aid organizations in the world, where he has served as chair.

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

Jane Doane Anderson writes: “Our grandson, Carlos Rotger ’17, graduated from Brown in May. Marching down the hill with him were parents Jose and Barbara Anderson Rotger ’86 and grandparents Jane Doane Anderson and Ralph Anderson ’57. It was also Ralph’s 60th reunion. A very special day for our family.”

Paul Choquette Jr. writes that he has eight grandchildren and the first two have headed off to college: Notre Dame and Duke. He is not retired, but “retiring” and “in good health, as is Libba.”

Dan Cromack (see David Cromack ’92).

Tony Ittleson writes: “My wife and I celebrated my 80th birthday in Italy with friends. Coming year travel plans include a cruise with friends and going to Rwanda to meet and greet the gorillas. I will, as always, be working on behalf of Brown. In the current campaign I am on the executive committee of the trustee emeriti and cochair of their fund-raising efforts. My oldest granddaughter will (I hope) be graduating from our esteemed University. My grandson, who is a Brown sophomore, continues the family tradition.”

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Jim Bower writes: “After retiring from the San Miguel School in June 2016, I was delighted to be invited back to run an enrichment class for a group of sixth-graders. That worked out well, so I have been asked back to run a similar class next fall. The school also wants me to fill in as the assistant baseball coach.”

Bill Brisk is active in his law practice, specializing in elder law. He has taught elder law and end-of-life decision making at two law schools and published books in the areas of elder law and international politics. This fall, he plans to initiate a course for a community group of seniors. Bill writes: “It begins with a premise that, regardless of age, we are all capable of making changes for the better. The idea came to me after reading Living with Intent by Mallika Chopra ’93. The course will focus on learning from the book’s strategies about making serious changes and keeping commitments as we age. We will all read short books on different types of personal changes and get together to discuss and reflect on our strategies in implementing them. In doing so we can share ideas and how to overcome hurdles.”

Joan Hoost McMaster volunteers in Providence and in Rhode Island and has held many leadership positions over the years, including past president of the Kent County Alumnae Club and elected member of the Associates Council of the Pembroke Center. She is also the owner of McMaster Associates, offering consulting work for local nonprofits. She hosts an annual Women Authors Luncheon for the Junior League of Rhode Island and was featured as the Sustainer Spotlight in its Anchor publication.

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Lang D’Atri continues to enjoy practicing law and maintaining his family farm. He is chairman of the Stark Community Foundation.

Joan McMaster writes: “The Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County celebrated its 68th Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Warwick Country Club on Wed., June 8. Following a luncheon, President Carolyn Capwell Gammell ’52 called the meeting to order. Elected officers for 2016–17 are President Carolyn Capwell Gammell, Vice-President Anne Renzi Wright ’47, Secretary June Foster LeMay ’52, and Treasurer Jean Giuliano George ’59. Committee chairpersons include, Program: Lillian Berberian Klanian ’57 and Dotty Mancini Lafond ’56; Ways and Means: Pauline Longo Denning ’50; Sunshine: Marge Hiles ’49; Hospitality: Rula Patterson Shore ’67; Publicity: Joan McMaster; Historian: Joan Chiappinelli Sammartino ’54; Membership: Barbara Kemalian Stone ’53; and Ex-Officio: Betty Leaver Goff ’53.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

E. Lang D’Atri continues to practice law, as well as manage and operate his farm. He serves as chairman of the Stark Community Foundation.

Steve Jackson retired last year as IT director at American Seafoods International in New Bedford, Mass. He writes that he took his three grandchildren—ages 8, 10, and 12—on a seven-week, 6,000-mile odyssey to Florida, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Bighorn National Forest, and Indiana Amish country. “A good time was had by all!”

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Cynthia Hoffman (see Marshall Cohen ’54).

Greta Schipper Reed published her book, Sacred Enticement: A Skeptic’s Journey to Faith. In it, she recounts her early attempts to make sense of faith, and to reconcile it with the intellectual demands of a philosophy student. Schipper Reed eventually became an ordained minister. She writes: “Several chapters are set at Brown, and some of you may recognize professors and notable occasions. You can find out more about the book at its website, .” 

From the May/June 2015 Issue

Joseph Werbicki had a busy last quarter of 2014. After retiring from a successful safety management career at General Dynamics, he began a career as a safety consultant and trainer, developing and marketing a comprehensive safety training program designed to educate workers about on-the-job risks, with the goal of reducing workplace accidents. His article, “Causes Versus Reasons,” appeared in EHS Today, while two additional articles were published in The Beanpot, the newsletter of the Greater Boston Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). He was a guest speaker at the New England Regional ASSE Professional Development Conference, the Safety Assoc. of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Construction Safety Consortium (SAFER), and the Worcester County/Green Mountain (Vt.) ASSE. He will also speak before the Spring Worcester County/Green Mountain Professional Development Conference and the Rhode Island Precision Metalforming Assoc. Joe is a certified safety professional living in Swansea, Mass.

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Class co-presidents Jane Doane Anderson and Jim Bower write: “We hope you are making plans for our 55th reunion, Friday, May 22, through Sunday, May 24. We will begin on Friday evening with a reception and dinner in the Chancellor’s Dining Room. Our class dinner on Saturday will be at the University Club and, as always, we will cap the weekend with Brown’s renowned Commencement celebration on Sunday. We look forward to seeing you!”

Jane Doane Anderson writes: “The class of ’60 took advantage of a perfect fall day on Saturday, Sept. 27, to host a tailgate party before the Brown–Harvard football game. Attending were Fred Alper, Jane Doane Anderson, Jim Bower, Mary Birdsall Cervoni, Paul Choquette, Becky Hill Eckstein, Linda Blackman Feldman, Sandra Hodgkins Francis, Sig Friedman, Joan Hoost McMaster, Steve and Janet Cole Seltzer, and friends and family. A lot was going on at Brown all day to commemorate the 250th birthday. We were able to attend lectures, tours, and exhibits. After the game we stayed at the stadium for the birthday fireworks. Afterwards we were surprised and disappointed to find our tailgate table, with food trustingly left out for our late-night snack, was completely bare when we returned…. We hope that someone really enjoyed those brownies!”

Jim Bower writes: “I have decided that this will be my last year of full-time teaching. Little did I know when I started my first job at Wilbraham Academy that I would become a lifer. Stops along the way have included a year and a half at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru; headmaster of Dedham Country Day; running a charter school in Franklin, Mass.; and finally here at San Miguel School in Providence. So what’s next? At least for a year, I’ll be preparing San Miguel for its every-10-year New England Association of Schools and Colleges evaluation. My wife, Kathleen, and I live right down the street from the Brown campus, so that gives us plenty of good things to do. We also own a home on the coast of Maine, which we’ll be able to take further advantage of. Our daughter Jenny and her family live in Mamaroneck, N.Y., and her three children attend Rye Country Day, so we will see lots of them. Our 55th is fast approaching. Don’t think ho-hum. It’s going to be a not-to-be-missed occasion. Hope to see you there.”

Keith Eveland recently illustrated the children’s book The Yoyo & The Piggy Bank, due out in April.

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Jean Chase McCarthy ’66 MAT writes: “Since the death of my husband, Jerry, I spend six months in Needham and stay the rest of the year here at the Vineyard. Volunteer work, Bible study, duplicate bridge, golf, and watercolors are on the agenda.”

Jerry Rhine published Healing Cancer, Heart Disease, and More, available on Amazon. He writes: “I am a 20-year survivor of advanced heart disease, including multiple heart attacks and strokes, as well as a 10-year survivor of both prostate cancer and stage three B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. My book describes how my faith and psychoneuroimmunology led to my long-term survival.”

From the November/December 2014 Issue

Joseph DiChiaro writes: “I have been out of touch with Brown since graduation, except for a period of doing applicant interviews while I lived in California. Following my exodus from Rhode Island, I began what culminated in 32 years in the U.S. Air Force, preceded by six years in the U.S. Army. I interrupted law school at UCLA for Vietnam, but completed it at Loyola Law School in LA and practiced for 22 years before retiring both as a lawyer and a member of the military. I then attended Fuller Seminary and Calvary Bible College and returned to New England in 1995 to form a church in New Hampshire, which I have pastored since then. All of our eight children remain on the West Coast, along with our 11 grandchildren. Unfortunately, none attended Brown, but we do count Stanford, USC, UCLA, and three Cal State students among our brood and their spouses.”

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Les Weinstein retired after working 42 years with the federal government and received an FDA Distinguished Career Service Award from FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg. He will continue to teach political science as an adjunct professor at Montgomery College in Rockville, Md.

From the March/April 2014 Issue

Bill Brisk continues to practice elder law in Newton, Mass. He teaches the subject at Suffolk Law School and devotes time to several organizations that support elder issues. He was hailed as “Elder Law’s Renaissance Man” in the Oct./Nov. issue of NAELA News, which included a cover photograph of Bill; his wife, Maria; daughter Angelica; and granddaughters Alejandra and Isabela.


From the January/February 2014 Issue

Becky Eckstein (see Beatrice Wattman Miller ’35).


From the November/December 2013 Issue

William J. O’Neill (see Births & Adoptions, Jessica Galante O’Neill ’03). 


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Tom Rollinson writes: “My thanks to Jim Bower for his gentle reminder in the latest BAM to the illustrious class of 1960 that personal bits of news are still desired. “Let’s go, 6–0!” as we used to chant as enthusiastic freshmen. I’ve noticed that news of my distinguished classmates has been rather scarce in recent years. Maybe some of us need an extra reminder now and then! So here are a few bits from Old Tom, the first in several years: I continue to delight in the blessings of my third retirement, enjoying life here in scenic New Mexico, which we modestly call the Land of Enchantment. Odd hours are filled in by serving as a church organist and choir director and helping out in our local jail ministry, helping guys to prepare for the GED. This summer I traveled to Russia to teach English and the Bible in a public school. (Ironically, that’s something I might have difficulty doing in this country.) Over the years I have had the pleasure of serving as an alumni admissions interviewer for Brown. That’s a fairly easy task, since here in eastern New Mexico we only have one applicant about every three years! Earlier this year I celebrated the Richard Wagner Bicentennial by attending performances of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg in Chicago and Parsifal in New York City. While in New York I visited with Jef Fall. I have known Jef since second grade. In retirement, like many of us, he is working on his second or third book. My wife, Shirley, has abandoned her earlier career in medical research in favor of teaching New Testament Greek and Biblical archaeology at our local university. Last year she and I visited my brother, George Rollinson ’57, and his wife at their waterfront home in scenic Narragansett, R.I. What a great place to spend the summer! I hope others will respond to Jim Bower’s encouragement by sending in their news!”

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Jane Doane Anderson writes: “I’ve been happily retired for ten years. Being involved with class of  ’60 activities has been an enjoyable part of that. I’ve had the opportunity to be in touch with many classmates and to maintain a connection to Brown. I am happy to report that my grandson, Carlos Rotger, will be a member of the class of 2017. In the summer, several of us, including some of my husband Ralph Anderson’s ’57 classmates, occasionally gather together on Cape Cod: Sandra Hodgkins Francis, Carolyn Clary Haeberli, Barbara Hajjar, Linda Woodworth Keado, Lou Martinage ’57, Carol MacLennan, Barbara Carlson Perkins and Ned Perkins ’59, Ann Rogers, and Bob Watson ’58. I enjoy biking, hiking, cross-country skiing, and gardening. When I need a rest, I work on my rug-hooking. This means that at last I have found a use for those old white Pembroke blazers—mine and Carol MacLennan’s have been turned into a rug. Ralph and I were given season’s tickets for the Brown Bears 2013 season so we’ll be there rain or shine. Look for us in the parking lot!”

Copresidents Jane Doane Anderson and Jim Bower write: “Conversations at our mini-reunion showed a lot of interest in keeping lines of communication open and informative. We agree and invite more of you to submit news—travel; retirement; relocations; professional, civic and cultural endeavors; family milestones; and so on—for our class website and for the BAM. You may submit news directly to BAM: The Classes, Brown Alumni Magazine, Box 1854, Providence, R.I. 02912; fax to (401) 863-9599; [email protected]; or . To submit information on our class website go to and follow directions on the homepage. Additionally, you may contact Becky Hill Eckstein or Rosemary Smith Kostmayer. Please make sure that your e-mail address is up-to-date in the alumni directory so that you will receive class e-mail communications. Update your information at”

Jim Bower writes: “Hello, class of 1960. The class officers and I are trying to encourage interest in submitting information for our column in the BAM. Get on those computers and let us hear from you. I’m still working at the San Miguel School in Providence, where I teach, run the admissions office, and coach baseball. San Miguel is a Christian Brothers school serving low-income boys, grades 5 to 8. I enjoy the work and hope to continue. Out of school, Kathleen and I own a home in Castine, Maine, where we play lots of tennis and golf. Recently my handicap has begun to rise alarmingly, but I remain ever hopeful. We can’t wait to get your news.” 


From the January/February 2013 Issue

Jane Doane Anderson writes: “By all accounts, our first mini-reunion was enjoyed by all. A rainy late-October day did not dampen the spirits at the Brown Faculty Club reception on Friday evening. By Saturday, blue skies and sunshine provided a perfect fall day for a tailgate party at Brown Stadium and the Brown vs. Cornell football game. We were grateful to the Brown Bears for an exciting game. Brown won the battle of turnovers, resulting in a 21–14 victory. We wrapped up the day with a pleasant dinner at the Agawam Hunt Club. We would like to thank Becky Hill Eckstein and Joan Hoost McMaster for arranging the festivities. In attendance were classmates Jim Bower, Bernie Buonanno, Mary Birdsall Cervoni, Paul Choquette, Janet McWain Colby, Barbara Deller, Mary Miga Fenlon, Tim Hennessey, and Ed Rundquist, along with spouses and guests.”

Joan Hoost McMaster writes: The Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year! We will be hosting our 65th anniversary gala event in April at the Warwick Country Club. President Paxson has graciously accepted our invitation and will give a talk on the arc on women in higher education then and now. She will also offer the congratulations of the University on this auspicious occasion!”

Barbara Church Stern announces the death of her best friend from Pembroke, Lois Smith Montalbano, this past summer after a long illness. Barbara is reconnecting with other classmates. She writes: “It is never too late!”


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Judith Eaton writes that her son Peter Galea ’96 graduated from Harvard with a master’s degree in statistics in May 2012.

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Class president Joan Hoost McMaster reports: “More than 30 Pembroke Club of Kent County members attended our annual luncheon meeting on May 15 at the Warwick Country Club. Club members honored Cleo Palelis Hazard ’51 and her husband, Bob, for their long and outstanding service to the club with a tribute and a gift. Vice president Betty Leaver Goff ’53, secretary Jean Giuliano George ’59, treasurer Anne Renzi Wright ’47, and I were reelected. Club members voted to donate $608 to the women’s crew for a cox box and microphone to assist in improving crew relay times and stroke rates.”


From the May/June 2012 Issue

Josiah S. Carberry II writes: “Recovering during lunch after participating in an annual Empire State Building walk-up. Made it to the 86th floor. Need better shoes or newer knees for next year. Laura says hello to her 1960 classmates.”

Becky Hill Eckstein writes: “Save the dates! We will be having a class of 1960 mini-reunion on October 19–20 in Providence. We have reserved a block of rooms at the Ramada Inn in Seekonk, Mass., only a 10-minute drive from campus. Our plans include a welcoming reception and tailgate party at the Brown-Cornell football game. Because it is Family Weekend, there will be forums on campus. Carpooling can be arranged in the fall. As most of the details will be sent via e-mail, please be sure we have your correct e-mail address. You may also contact Becky Eckstein. Please check our class website at periodically for reunion updates. We hope to see many of you in October!”

From the March/April 2012 Issue

Bill Brisk’s second career as a lawyer in Newton, Mass., is approaching 40 years. He’s completing his second year as editor-in-chief of the law review published by the National Academy of Elder Law and annually updates Massachusetts Elder Law and MassHealth Update. He teaches a course on the end of life at Suffolk Law School. He and Maria continue travelling, most recently to Cambodia and Vietnam.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Carolyn Nygren Curran writes that life is going on after the sudden death of her husband, Tom, almost a year ago. Her new grandson, Thomas, arrived in November to ease the transition. She just returned from a conference watching six master potters and decorators from Jingdezhen, China, and writes: "It's mind-blowing, even to someone who's been a potter for 40 years now." Her son Matt is in Raleigh with a thriving consulting business; son Andy has a new book out and a new title as dean of humanities at Wesleyan Univ. in Conn., and son Bill is transforming the lofts and lobbies of Philadelphia with his metalwork designs. She also writes: "Life is good, but would be even more fun with visits from old pals from Pembroke days. The welcome mat is always out."

Roger Feldman announces that his granddaughter, Perry Feldman '15, is entering Brown this fall. The daughter of Roger's son, Hadley Feldman '83, she is the third Brunonian generation in a direct line of Feldmans.

Ed Forrest writes from South Carolina: "My wife and I are enjoying the fruits of retirement by living in paradise year-round and by frequent traveling on cruise ships to ports around the world. The other major portion of our lives is volunteering on numerous civic and charitable boards here in the low country. It is definitely give-back time." He has served as the Commodore of the South Carolina Yacht Club and urges boaters traversing the Intracoastal Waterway to stop at the marina. "Good health and good luck."

Rick Germani writes: "After ten years in retirement on Cape Cod, we built a home in Tehama, Calif., a Carmel community owned and developed by Clint Eastwood. We love our life here, but now, four years later, we find that we miss our friends and family back East. So we are now beginning the search on Cape Cod for our next home close to those we love. We still plan to escape New England winters for a rental in Carmel with Gus, our second golden retriever. Life has been very good to us and we look forward to future adventures."

Lenny Karpman writes: "Pura vida from Costa Rica. We garden, play golf, bird-watch, and care for parrots, chickens, dogs, cats, ducks, and fish. My fifth book, Voy! the Russian Word for Wow!, is on Amazon. Our writing group, the Bards of Paradise, is about to release Costa Rica Kaleidoscope."

A. Paul Kelly writes that he and his wife both received Fulbright Awards. He has been awarded a 2010-2011 Fulbright Regional Research grant at Sultan Qaboos Univ. in Muscat, Oman, and also in the United Arab Emirates. He is doing research on the epidemiology and genetics of keloids. His wife, Beverly Baker-Kelly, has also been awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to lecture and do research in Muscat.

Ed Lawler published Management Reset: Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness. He writes: "It convincingly argues that how organizations are managed needs to change in order for them to be successful in today's rapidly changing global economy."

Class president Joan Hoost McMaster reports that on October 28, the Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County and the Alpert Medical School group Women in Medicine hosted a program on Healthy Aging in Older Women. The luncheon was held in the refurbished Pembroke Library and attended by more than 70 club members and women medical students. Brown geritrician Lynn McNicoll gave a multimedia presentation profiling the criteria for healthy aging, and panelists Betty Leaver Goff '53, Marge Logan Hiles '49, and Dorothy Markoff Nelson '35 each described a medical problem she had successfully overcome. Joan thanks everyone who participated.

Peter Scott Oberdorf writes: "I spent Christmas 2009 in London with my daughter Sara, who then went on a trip around the world. In April of 2009 I joined up with Sara for a great six-week trip to Australia and New Guinea. We visited with our Australian cousins in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, and then with my nephew Tim in New Guinea. It was a wonderful trip with many fun experiences and visits. In the summer of 2009 I was busy helping Sara get settled into her new apartment and new job with the UMass. Medical School, in Worcester. My daughter Patty was married on October 9, 2009, to Matthew Stiggins. They now reside outside of Nashville. I continue to live on Schroon Lake in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State and have a condo in Montreal, which I visit regularly. I am on the board of the Seagle Music Colony of Schroon Lake, a summer opera and musical theater program for young artists."

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Peter Scott Oberdorf spent Christmas 2009 in London with his daughter Sara, who then went on a trip around the world. In April, he joined up with Sara for a six-week trip to Australia and New Guinea. They visited with Australian cousins in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, and then with a nephew in New Guinea. He writes: "It was a wonderful trip with many fun experiences and visits." Last summer, he helped Sara settle into her new apartment and new job with the Univ. of Massachusetts Medical School, in Worcester, Mass. His daughter Patty married Matthew Stiggins on Oct. 9. Peter lives on Schroon Lake in N.Y.'s Adirondack Mountains and has a condo he visits regularly in Montreal.

Carolyn Stedman Whittemore writes: "My two oldest grandchildren are freshmen in college. Taylor is at SUNY Syracuse, and Caitlin is at Colgate. I try to keep busy volunteering and baby-sitting for my youngest son's kids. I finally joined the hi-tech age and have an iPad."

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Richard C. Adams relocated from Cape Cod, to Leland, N.C., in the fall. He is fully retired.

Quentin R. Searle writes that he recently visited the plantation on Amelia Island, Fla.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Robert E. Nadeau recently retired from his private adult psychiatry practice in Rochester, N.Y.

From the July/August 2010 Issue

In May, Joan Hoost McMaster was elected as president of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Assoc. of Univ. Women. Joan is president of the Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County and a member of the Pembroke Associates Council.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Class secretary Jane Doane Anderson writes: "The reunion committee has been busy planning a memorable weekend. Check out the reunion website at for details on the weekend and our growing list of attendees. If you plan on joining us, please register. Blurbs and bios are welcome. Also be sure to make your 50th reunion gift to the Brown Annual Fund at between now and reunion weekend to help us reach our class goal and make a positive impact on life at Brown today."

Lenny Karpman just released his latest book, First, You Boil a Chicken: Food-lover's Guide to the World's Chicken Soups. It delivers international chicken soup and stew recipes from more than 100 countries and insights into people, their culture, climate, economies, and beliefs. It is now available through,, and

A. Paul Kelly's Dermatology for Skin of Color won two 2009 American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Carolyn Stedman Whittemore visited Brown with her children and grandchildren in November. She writes: "It was fun to show them where I spent good times and met and married their late grandfather, Malcolm Whittemore."

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Veronika Albrecht-Rodrigues is writing a book about how she and her late husband experienced WWII, and how this experience affected their lives. Her husband fought for four years with the U.S. Army, and she lived her childhood in war-gripped Austria. She writes: "He spent his final years in the grip of PTSD that hollowed out his spirit and destroyed his body. I am still very much alive, still struggling to get free. With my book I plead that we all commit to the unwavering pursuit of peace in the world. This we can do not by simply longing for peace, but by acting for it. And my action is this book." Veronika's daughter, Maria Veronika Rodrigues, recently received her PhD in applied ethics from Melbourne Univ. in Australia and is associate professor in the department of international relations at Deakin Univ. in Melbourne. Veronika's sister, Rodelinde Albrecht '64, is director of the progressive introduction service Concerned Singles.

Stuart Doling and Ann will cruise from Istanbul to Singapore, a 40-day jaunt. He writes, "This will just about fill out my wish list of places to have seen." They will travel to Israel, Egypt, Oman, Dubai, Mumbai, Gao, among others. He hopes to keep a diary of his experiences and will share it and photos when he returns home.

Richard Press was elected chairman of Transatlantic Holdings, one of the world's five largest reinsurance companies, where he had served on the board since retiring three years ago. The company Richard chairs, IT Pomeroy Solutions, is in the process of completing its sale to a private equity firm. Richard works on the boards of a few other companies: most notably the medical malpractice insurer for Harvard- and MIT-affiliated medical schools and hospitals, the insurance company that insures two thirds of the country's public-housing authorities, and Boston's Beth Israel Deaconness Hospital. He also advises the CEOs of a domestic major investment firm and a Bahrainian-based investment company. He and his wife, Jeanne, recently visited their six children and nine grandchildren. Bill '90 and Jen are in California. They came to campus on Family Weekend to see their youngest child, who is a sophomore at Brown. Richard writes, "Life is full and rewarding, though I wish my golf were better. As my son Ari '08 said, retirement is about being in control of your life, however you define it."

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Joan Hoost McMaster reports that the Pembroke class of 1960 and their guests joined the Brown Club of R.I.'s All-Ivy event at the Haffenreffer Reservation in Bristol for a very fast-paced and illuminating presentation by Professor Ken Miller titled "From Darwin to Dover." Guests played lawn games and took lazy strolls along the waterfront in the afternoon. Classmates and guests included Betsy and George Champlin, Elaine Decker '67, Becky Hill Eckstein, Marjorie Logan Hiles '49, Noel Farnsworth Mann and her son, Charles; Joan Hoost McMaster, Deborah Kingman Ormsby, and Barbara Kurlancheek Shaffer. Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth '59 and her husband, Deck, as well as Caryl-Ann's mother, Beatrice Wattman Miller '39, also joined the group. Joan writes: "Kudos to Ginny Tortolani McQueen '81 for organizing this great occasion. Everyone is looking forward to our 50th Reunion!"

Jane Hummerstone Hersey completed a YouTube film to alert consumers about the link between certain food additives and various behavior, learning, and health problems. Search for "Feingold Diet" on YouTube. Jane and her husband, Harry Hersey, have worked for many years helping families of children with various behavior and learning problems, including ADHD. Jane is the director of the nonprofit Feingold Assoc. of the United States and has written two books on the link between diet and behavior, learning, and health.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

The second edition of Adrienne Lehrer's book Wine and Conversation was published in April. A linguist, she analyzes the words and metaphors people use to describe wines, and she reports on experiments testing whether people understand those words the same way.

Joan Hoost McMaster (see Eunice Bugbee Manchester '52).

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Anne Jones Mills retired as CFO and vice president for business management at Ottawa Univ. in Kansas. She took on this new role after retiring from IBM in 1991. Anne continues as a trustee for several Aquila mutual funds. She and her husband enjoy living in the West, splitting their time between homes in Colo. and Ariz.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Joan Hoost McMaster was elected to the Associates Council of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women. She would enjoy hearing from classmates, friends, and other PDQs!

Ron Tschudy writes: "My wife, Cynthia, retired from teaching high school art in 2007 and now kick-starts production in our 28-year-old pottery business every morning. We do the Ann Arbor Guild summer art fair and other northern Michigan fairs. I am also the Democratic precinct delegate for our township. Any other classmates out there?"

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Jane Doane Anderson writes: "As class webmistress, I recently received a letter from someone who found a camera containing a photo of five women all wearing Pembroke T-shirts. In an attempt to locate the owner, this kind person googled Pembroke and found our class website. The camera was found last May caked with weeds and mud in Stamford, Conn. If you think it could be yours, please contact me."

From the November/December 2008 Issue

Marion Aherns Allen writes: "I have finally pulled myself out of the throes of moving from Alexandria, Va., to N. Branford, Conn., near where I spent many happy summer days and weeks on Long Island Sound while a student at Brown. I refurbished a wonderful little property in N. Branford and now care for flowers, gardens, home, and frog pond. The best part of moving to the country is that I have time to contact friends in the area. I still travel lots to visit friends, family, and new places, but I would like to see anyone who looks for new horizons. I saw Joan Hoost McMaster last year for a midsummer lunch in Newport. I missed this year's trip, but will not miss the next. It's really fun to be back in New England."

Jim Marsh and Gioia Browne were married in September 2006 and live in Little Compton, R.I. Jim has been elected chairman of Rhode Island Public Radio.

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Olive Jeanfreau Alexander writes: "My husband, Earl G. Alexander '63 PhD, and I have been married 50 years. We have a son and a daughter, 10 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Before our past 20 years in Fort Worth, Tex., we were missionaries in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii (1975–78) and Guatemala (1983-87). Though a mathematics major at Brown, I have written a book entitled Dmitri: A Tale of Old and New Russia, published by Morgan James Publishing in June. Dmitri gives a compassionate view of the Russian people. It is a representation of aspects of Russian history from 800 A.D. into the future, as it tells of the experience of a small purple dragon named Dmitri. Dmitri is a symbol of Russia's soul. Reading Dmitri can give the reader new care and concern for our former enemy. I welcome comment on Dmitri."

Ronald J. DiPanni, vice president and treasurer of the Bel Canto Vocal Scholarship Foundation, has taken on new duties as chairman of the auditions committee. This fall he will travel to Northwestern and the universities of Michigan, Texas, and Southern California, in search of talented young opera singers to compete for vocal scholarship awards in Providence next December. For more information visit or contact Ron.

Ann Hansen Knepp writes: "I have retired from the practice of law and, after 25 years of marriage, taken my husband's name, and started a business making accessories for needle workers—Annie's Keepers. I never expected to retire but I find I am really having fun. It is amazingly nice not to have anything I ought to be doing."

Ed Sheridan writes: "My wife, Diana, and I moved back to Puget Sound in 1996 and are now living among the cedar trees and herons on this beautiful island. We are celebrating our 45th anniversary this summer. For the past 10 years I've been a visiting artist in local schools, telling traditional folktales and teaching children about creating their own stories."

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Richard C. Adams retired as chief medical officer of Falmouth Hospital in August 2007. He writes he now has more time for his wife, yard, and golf.

Richard Press writes: "Although my eight grandchildren are an important part of my life, my proudest moments this year will no doubt be when my son, Ari '08, graduates from Brown in June, and then in September when his sister, Lara, the youngest of my six children, begins Brown to become my third child to do so (Bill '90 was first). Equally significant is the fact that I will be celebrating a major anniversary with Jeanne, who somehow has been able to tolerate me for 25 years. I now serve on two public corporation boards (Transatlantic Holdings, a NYSE company, one of the world's largest reinsurance companies, where I am the lead director; and IT Pomeroy Solutions, a NASDAQ technology company), two private company boards (including the lead insurer for two-thirds of this country's public housing authorities; and a start-up biomedical company), and three eleemosynary boards (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Controlled Risk Insurance Company, the medical malpractice company for all the Harvard-related hospitals and schools; and the National Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Center at SUNY Stony Brook), and am an advisor to a major investment firm (Standish Mellon). I work on the photographic committees of several museums and work closely with the photographic curators of several others. I am in my second year as the area interview chairman for Brown—a truly gratifying experience, which provides insight into the incredible caliber of the school's applicant pool. I logged over 75 glorious rounds of golf in 2007 and skied with some of my kids at Beaver Creek. The bottom line is that life is good—very good!"

Joseph Werbicki is completing a year as chairman of the board of the Massachusetts Safety Council, serving more than 900 companies in southeastern Massachusetts. At the same time, as a past president of the Safety Association of Rhode Island, he is serving on its board of directors.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Gary Alton retired in 2006 after a 40 year career in information technology management in the insurance, local government, consulting, and banking fields.

Melvin Levine (see Craig Pohlman '89).

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Dirk T. Held ’72 PhD is the Elizabeth S. Kruidenier Professor of Classics at Connecticut College and was recently given the college’s award for faculty leadership.

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Joan Hoost McMaster writes: “We enjoyed a picture-perfect Newport day for our fourth mini-reunion on Saturday, July 14th. Rough Point, a huge manor house perched on a large rock outcropping that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean at the edge of the Cliff Walk, is amazing! Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable, not only about the furniture, tapestries, carpets, and portraits adorning the mansion but also about the Duke family’s fortunes, family relationships, and unusual experiences. Lunch at the Casino restaurant overlooking the Tennis Hall of Fame awards ceremony was fabulous!”

Peter A. Winograd has been elected to a second two-year term as secretary of the American Bar Association’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar. The council is designated by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit law schools in the United States.

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Class co-presidents Ed and Barb Jones Nicholson send greetings to classmates and an invitation to visit the class of 1960’s recently updated class Web site, “We hope this finds you well and enjoying activities that keep you healthy and intellectually stimulated. Our class Web page aims to keep you interested and informed over the next three years as we head toward our 50th reunion. Please send your news, enjoy the photos and classmates’ news, and keep in touch through this cyberspace network, which is so ably managed for us by Jane Doane Anderson.”

From the March / April 2007 Issue

David Laub and Bob Battel, 1956 alumni of the Nichols School in Buffalo, N.Y., were honored at the annual meeting of the school’s alumni association on December 22. David received the Distinguished Alumnus Award, which is given to alumni who have donated extraordinary time, energy, and wisdom through their volunteer efforts. Bob received the Robert E. Dillon Jr. Award in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to Nichols as an out-of-town alumnus.

Peter Winograd was appointed professor emeritus at the University of New Mexico School of Law as a public member for a three-year term by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education.

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Al Vandam retired in 2004 from Bank of America and is currently coaching soccer and squash at St. Mark’s School in Southborough, Mass. Hobbies include bowl making from local trees, golf, and two grandchildren thanks to Todd Vandam ’92 and his wife, Gerilyn. In July Al married Alison Ann Corner. Her father was Ernie Corner ’49. Todd Vandam was the best man, and Hilary Vandam ’97 was a bridesmaid. Guests included Nestor Nicholas ’61 and Don Richardson ’62. Al and Alison live in Sudbury, Mass.

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Frederic M. Alper married Donna Mager on June 27 in Beverly, Mass. Fred’s brother Daniel ’63 was the best man, his sons Jeremy ’95 and Michael were groomsmen, and his grandson Aaron, 3, was the ring bearer. Other Brown alumni in attendance were Jody Feder ’95 who is married to Jeremy; Larry Gross ’63; Fred’s nephew Ty Alper ’95; and Fred’s nieces Robin Alper ’97, McKaile Alper ’95, and Wendy Strothman ’72. Fred’s wife, Donna, is a dentist and a Harvard PhD in medical sciences who does oral cancer research at the Forsyth Institute in Boston. Fred is enjoying a post-career career as an adjunct professor in entrepreneurship at Babson College. He sits on several corporate boards and teaches entrepreneurship to nonprofits and family enterprises, and he also teaches abroad. In addition to his entrepreneurial activities Fred is involved in several philanthropic initiatives. Fred and Donna went to Tanzania on a photographic safari for their honeymoon. They will reside in Boston.

Benjamin V. Lambert, CEO of Eastdil Realty, received the James E. West award, named after the first chief executive officer of the Boy Scouts of America, who established an endowment fund in 1910 to ensure the future of scouting in New York City.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Robert P. Pearson’s 1975 book, Through Middle Eastern Eyes, was named an outstanding academic title in the 2004 issue of Choice magazine, the American Library Association’s periodical.

Rebekah Hill Eckstein (see Hank Vandersip ’56).

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Peter Dames and Tarasa Davis ’88 spent nine weeks this winter driving 9,000 miles in their Land Rover from Panama to California through Central America and Mexico. On previous road trips Peter has driven from Atlanta to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and from Caracas, Venezuela, through the Amazon to Tierra del Fuego. Peter and Tarasa met at an Atlanta alumni function honoring Peter’s old pal and former business partner, Ted Turner, and have been together for ten years. They divide their time between homes in Atlanta; Ponte Vedra, Fla.; and Big Sur, Calif.

Joan Hoost McMaster writes: “The class of 1960 Pembrokers are looking forward to their second annual ‘mini reunion’ on Friday, July 16, from 2 to 6 p.m., when they will cruise on the Vista Jubilee to view the tall ships anchored at Quonset Point. Dinner, live music, and sea breezes will add to our enjoyment as we catch up on the latest news of our classmates and reminisce about wonderful old times from more than forty years ago (but who’s counting?). Please join us for a great day.” If you did not receive your invitation or if you have any questions, please e-mail Joan.

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Joan Hoost McMaster writes: “The class of 1960 Pembrokers are looking forward to our second annual mini-reunion on Saturday, July 17. We plan a cruise to view the Tall Ships anchored at Quonset Point, R.I. Dinner, live music, and sea breezes will add to the enjoyment of the event as we catch up with classmates and reminisce about old times.” For more information or to RSVP, contact Joan.

Dick Press writes: “In December our son, Ari, was admitted to Brown’s class of ’08, joining his older brother, Bill ’90, in what is developing into a fine tradition. His younger sister, Lara, who is still four years away from having to decide about college, is already talking about Brown. Our grandchildren, the oldest of whom is 12, do not yet have college admissions on their radar screens. I am the head of Wellington Management’s Insurance Asset Management Group, and my wife, Jeanne, is thriving as a mother and grandmother.”

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Wilbur T. Albrecht writes: “I retired this past June as professor of English at Colgate University, where I taught for thirty-six years.”

Paul Choquette Jr. (see Paul Choquette III ’97).

From the November / December 2003 Issue

A. Richard Caputo (see Lisa Caputo Morris ’86).

Peter A. Winograd, associate dean and professor at the Univ. of New Mexico School of Law, has been reelected to a three-year term as a member of the Council of the American Bar Association’s legal education and admissions section.

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Joan Hoost McMaster (see Hank Vandersip '56).

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Tricia "Trixie" Thomas Semmelhack writes: "I just retired from my partnership in the Buffalo, N.Y., law firm of Hodgson Russ to pursue my lifelong dream of working on 'animal law.' I am now engaged in a self-study course and hope to participate eventually in developing better judicial and legislative protection for animals. Hank and I live on a farm with a herd of companion llamas, dogs, and cats."

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Caroline King Hall ’73 Ph.D. (see York A. King Jr. ’34).

Thomas H. Quill Jr., of Providence, has been named managing director of the Rhode Island operation of Aon Risk Services.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Fred Alper (see Ty Alper ’95).

Rick Germani writes: "After more than thirty-five years in a high-tech career that gave my wife, Gini, and me the opportunity to live in Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Texas, and California, and that gave me the opportunity to manage computer-supply operations throughout the Far East and Europe, we retired to Cape Cod to enjoy an active life near our children and grandson. We are now deeply involved in building a new home in Osterville, Mass. It has been a lot of fun, but also requires patience, as the building boom has made schedule delays the norm. Since our move, we have reconnected to Brown, enjoying our season tickets to Brown football and seeing old friends. We look forward to my 40th reunion." Rick and Gini welcome e-mail.

Peter Winograd received an honorary degree in January from the John Marshall Law School in Chicago. Peter has served on the school’s board of visitors for several years.

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Reunion chair Rebekah Hill Eckstein reports: “The class is ready for a memorable weekend reunion on May 26­29. Please return your reunion registration, which you should receive soon, as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; [email protected]; or call me at (401) 455-2083. Personal updates for the reunion yearbook must be sent to me at 401 Rochambeau Ave., Providence 02906, by April 1.”

Anita Cunitz, of Rockville, Md., writes that she is still working. Her son, Matt, is a musician and a restorer of vintage pianos. Her daughter, Sarah, is a senior human-biology and health-care policy major at Stanford.

Jean Chase McCarthy ’66 M.A.T., of Wellesley, Mass., was named a James R. Rinehart and Molly Rinehart Faculty Chair in the Humanities at the Dana Hall School, where she is chair of the social sciences department. She joined the school in 1967 and has since taught U.S. history, East Asian studies, political science, Western civilization, and European social history.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Paula DeBlois '89 R.U.E., associate director of alumni relations, reports: "Make plans now to return to campus for the 40th reunion on May 26-29. We have planned a weekend that will showcase Brown, Providence, and the class of '60. If you did not receive a fall mailing, please call reunion headquarters. There will be ample housing available on campus, but if you prefer to stay in a local hotel, book a room now. For hotel information or to report a change of address, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947."

Jim Butler (see Janet Butler '91).

Vince MacDonald Sr. (see Vince MacDonald Jr. '90).

Will Mackenzie, of Sherman Oaks, Calif., writes: "I got an Emmy nomination for directing the TV series Everybody Loves Raymond.

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Stephanie Kruger Sabar (see Meg Van Achterberg '93).

Peter A. Winograd received the Robert J. Kutak Award, given annually by the American Bar Association's council of the section of legal education and admissions to the Bar. An associate dean at the University of New Mexico School of Law, Peter has served as the president of the law school admission council, vice chairman of the section's task force on law schools, and chairman of several committees and site-evaluation teams. He served on the New Mexico State Bar's committee on minorities in the profession and received an outstanding contribution award from the New Mexico State Bar in 1993.

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Class president Becky Hill Eckstein reports: "Plans are well under way for our upcoming fabulous 40th reunion next May. Thanks to all who have responded to the letter soliciting suggestions, help, personal updates, and donations to help defray the cost of class mailings. Those who haven't responded may contact Becky or Paula DeBlois.

"Jim Bower moved back to Providence two-and-a-half years ago and is headmaster of a four-year-old charter school in Franklin, Mass.

"Bill Brisk writes that he is a grandfather of a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old. He recently cowrote Massachusetts Elder Law (Lexis) and was inducted as a fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys in May. He still manages an active elder law practice in Newton, Mass.

"Sally Faulstich Clifford welcomes visitors to her Maine home. Elaine Tetreault Smith and her husband, Bill, have a summer home down the road from Sally.

"Clifford Ehrlich reports that he is spending about 40 percent of his time in the Napa Valley, where he is growing Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot grapes on a ten-and-a-half-acre vineyard he has bought.

"Jane Webbink Goldman, of New York City, reports that Deborah Colborn has left Zimbabwe.

"Rockwell 'Rocky' Gray teaches non-fiction writing at Washington University and Webster University in St. Louis. His daughter, Elizabeth '99, represents the family's fourth generation to graduate from Brown.

"Joan Hoost McMaster's management and marketing consulting practice is McMaster Associates, Management Solutions.

"Jane Baker Spiegle and her husband, Gene, have sold their home in New Providence, N.J., and now divide their time between a condo at 233 Long Meadow Rd., Bedminster, N.J. 07921, and a home on Cape Cod.

"Robert Stetson writes that he is a part-time pastor at Roslindale Baptist Church in Massachusetts. He also does temporary work through Accountemps and is active with the Brown Club of Worcester and BASC. He and his wife, Ellie, have three married, 'gainfully employed' children. Robert and Ellie enjoy their summer home in Maine, and they recently traveled to England.

"Ron Tschudy writes that he's still making and selling pottery. His wife, Cynthia, has switched from teaching art in the Elk Rapids, Mich., elementary schools to teaching middle- and high-schoolers. Their son, Jake, is a college student in Michigan. Ron hopes to make the reunion, but 'I'd have to come a long way, baby,' he says.

"David Wilson and his wife are in the process of moving from Charlevoix, Mich., to Barrington, R.I."

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Sindey L. Beck, Chicago, retired from the chairmanship of Biological Sciences at DePaul University in June. He is still at DePaul, supervising graduate students and the animal facility in the new biology building he ushered in.

Stuart Doling writes: "While recovering from a severely broken leg, I have managed to (1) sell our home in Albany, N.Y., (2) cruise to the Panama Canal, and (3) reschedule the 'lost' trip to London that had to be canceled due to the accident. Not only am I a proud member of the class of 1960, but this December I will also be sixty. That is a little difficult to comprehend, Ivy League education notwithstanding. Having retired from the State of New York some seven years ago, I have had a wonderful opportunity to sample the good life in Florida."

Becky Hill Eckstein reports that she has finally moved from Short Hills, N.J., to Providence. She welcomes visits from friends and classmates; with several extra bedrooms, she's looking forward to frequent mini-reunions. Her older son, John '90, has announced his engagement to Lisa Patrick. They will be married over Labor Day weekend in New London, N.H. Friends can check on wedding plans at or can search for John Eckstein on Yahoo.

Edwin F. Nicholson and his wife, Barbara Jones Nicholson, have retired, and moved to Wickford, R.I., in July. They are taking advantage of the Brown Community for Learning in Retirement program.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Judy Eaton (see Mary and Ken Eaton '33).

Barbara Anne Hajjar will retire from private pediatrics practice after thirty years and will travel between her homes in York, Maine; Boston; and Sarasota, Fla.

Roger C. Kostmayer, Baltimore, and his wife, Pamela, both of whom frequently travel to Key West and to mountain states, occasionally bump into old friends in airports. They saw Paul Choquette in Boston, and Billy Hayes '59 and his wife, Berkley, in Sun Valley, Idaho. The Kostmayers' sons both work in the same executive-search consulting firm that specializes in senior financial services positions. John is partner and manager of the New York office, while Matthew works in the Baltimore branch.

Elaine Tetreault Smith, Andover, Mass., recently participated in the annual summer reunion of a group of class friends. This summer the reunion took place on Bailey Island, Maine. Other attendees included Martha White Keister, Sally Faulstich Clifford, Minna Saxe, Hope Cranska, Edwin Nicholson, Peggy Durham, Suzanne Werber Dworsky, and Barbara Jones Nicholson.

Douglas S. Tolderlund, head of the science department at the United States Coast Guard Academy from 1983 to 1991, was awarded the Distinguished Faculty Award, which recognizes outstanding senior faculty members who inspire an enthusiasm for learning in their students. He continues to teach in the department's marine science section.

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Dorothy Kushner Miller married David Love (Penn '56, Harvard Law '59) on June 7. Her three daughters, Lisa, Karyn, and Alison, and three granddaughters, Nicole, Amanda, and Isabel, attended the wedding. Nicole and Amanda were flower girls. Dorothy has been an adjunct professor of English at Boston College since 1980. Her specialties are multicultural literature and nonfiction writing. She writes: "I'm working on a Ford Foundation grant to study folk tales of various cultures. Their relation to the literature of those cultures has opened up a whole new way of looking at literature for me. I also teach small writing workshops and enjoy the one-to-one contact with my students." She'd love to hear from classmates.

Susan Fox Rubenstein writes: "Our daughter Lori just completed a one-year internship at the Norwalk Emergency Clinic and Darien Animal Hospital. She graduated from Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine in 1997. Our son Stephen married Polimarta Caballegan on Aug. 29. He is a C.M.S.W. and AIDS counselor with the City of New York."

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Dorothy Kushner Miller married David Love (Penn '56, Harvard Law '59) on June 7. Her three daughters, Lisa, Karyn, and Alison, and three granddaughters, Nicole, Amanda, and Isabel, attended the wedding. Nicole and Amanda were flower girls. Dorothy has been an adjunct professor of English at Boston College since 1980. Her specialties are multicultural literature and nonfiction writing. She writes: "I'm working on a Ford Foundation grant to study folk tales of various cultures. Their relation to the literature of those cultures has opened up a whole new way of looking at literature for me. I also teach small writing workshops and enjoy the one-to-one contact with my students." She'd love to hear from classmates.

Susan Fox Rubenstein writes: "Our daughter Lori just completed a one-year internship at the Norwalk Emergency Clinic and Darien Animal Hospital. She graduated from Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine in 1997. Our son Stephen married Polimarta Caballegan on Aug. 29. He is a C.M.S.W. and AIDS counselor with the City of New York."

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Alan Caldwell lives in Gardenville, Nev., near Lake Tahoe. He owns a renewable energy company, which has developed "an innovative type of wind turbine," Alan writes. "The turbines will be the windpower component of renewable energy power systems designed to provide utility-grade power to remote areas of the world currently without power, or with only substandard power."



Jan, 2025

William J. O’Neill ’60, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., formerly of Red Hook, N.Y.; Jul. 5, of cancer. Following Brown, he graduated from Duke Law School and was appointed a special agent with the FBI in 1963, serving for eight years in North Carolina during the height of the civil rights era. After his divorce from his first wife, he relocated to Red Hook, where they remained friends and coparents. Upon his return to New York, he was hired as an assistant district attorney in Dutchess County and remarried. He retired from the district attorney’s office on December 30, 2002, concluding 31 years as a trial lawyer, as well as being instrumental in the training and development of many young attorneys. He then joined his longtime friend’s law firm part-time and retired a second time in 2012. In retirement he served as the appointed chief deputy of the town and was instrumental in the preservation of farmland and public spaces. He was elected four times to the Town Board through 2021. He is survived by his wife, Jean; four children and their spouses, including son Alec ’03; three stepchildren; 13 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and many nieces and nephews. 

Jan, 2025

George S. Champlin ’60, of Barrington, R.I.; Aug. 22. After Brown he earned his MBA from Pace University and was a member of the National Business Honorary Society. He worked for a variety of companies, including CBS Inc., Ard Appraisal Company, and the Vanguard Group. He was a member of the Appraisal Institute, having completed an MAI Designation as a successful real estate appraiser. In retirement he was a member of several social clubs and organizations. He was a coordinator for courses at Providence’s Lifelong Learning Collaborative. He served on the board of directors as the treasurer and secretary of the Bristol County Water Authority. He was a member of the Barrington Garden Club and served as an elder at Barrington Presbyterian Church. While at Brown he was a member of the sailing team. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; son John A. Champlin ’09, two stepchildren, a daughter-in-law, two grandchildren; and two siblings. 

Jan, 2025

Robert A. Brown ’60, of Mattapoisett, Mass.; Aug. 19, after a short illness. He worked for many years as an engineer for different companies, including Sippican Company and the Acushnet Company, which makes Titleist products. He holds many patents for his unique inventions. His passion for the beach led to countless hours restoring Cannonville Beach. He enjoyed biking, sailing, and playing tennis, which he did into his 80s. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son, and two grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

E. Lang D’Atri ’60, of Canton, Ohio; Aug. 2. After Brown he continued his education at the University of Cincinnati College of Law and then pursued a master of laws at Northwestern University. He was admitted to the Bar in 1963. He practiced law in Canton his entire career and was a trustee or member of numerous boards. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and reading. He is survived by three children and their spouses, six grandchildren, and a great-grandson. 

Nov, 2024

Ralph J. Haglund ’60, of Rhinebeck, N.Y.; Apr. 11. After receiving a master’s degree from Wharton School of Business, he served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy stationed in the Philippines. After his military service, he had a successful career as a stockbroker in New York City. An avid runner, he completed three marathons, two of which he ran with his wife, Tina, who survives him. He is also survived by a son.


Aug, 2024

Eugenia Bruno Spencer ’60, of Wakefield, R.I.; Mar. 4, after a short illness. She had been a social worker at the Health Center of South County in Wakefield, where she served the community for more than two decades before retiring in the early 2000s. After graduating from Brown, she married a naval officer and lived in the Panama Canal area and New York City before returning to Rhode Island. During that time, she developed an interest in dance, particularly classical ballet, modern dance, and choreography, which she then studied. For many years she enjoyed annual trips to see the New York City Ballet. As a reverend’s wife, she also shared in the ministry and mission of the church. She enjoyed cooking and gardening and was known for her tomatoes that she made sauce from and shared. During the Christmas season, family and friends enjoyed her cookies and eggnog. She is survived by two sons, two daughters, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, four grandchildren, and a sister. 

Aug, 2024

Linda Ceperly Smith ’60, of New Providence, N.J.; Feb. 9. While attending Pembroke, she met her future husband, Doug Smith ’60, who survives her. He pursued an MBA at Columbia University while she worked at various clerical positions in New York City. In 1970, they moved to Toledo for Doug’s work and she spent the next 16 years there raising a family, volunteering with Meals on Wheels, and pursuing many hobbies. In 1980, she earned her PhD in psychology at the University of Toledo. They moved two additional times before settling in New Jersey. She worked at Hackensack Meridian JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison, evaluating and supporting adolescents and adults suffering from head injuries. Once retired, she and Doug traveled the world together. She took up the piano and volunteered as an ESL tutor. She also enjoyed working in her garden. They moved to the Lantern Hill Senior Living Community in December 2019 and she took part in the many classes and reading groups that Lantern Hill provided. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her daughter Marci Smith Brand ’84; a son and daughter-in-law; and two granddaughters. 

Aug, 2024

Linda Buchman Allen ’60, of Wayland, Mass.; Feb. 10, from metastatic breast cancer. After earning a master’s from Lesley University, she married and moved to Duxbury, where she was appointed president of the Duxbury Art Association. She was known for her pastel portraits, teaching portrait classes for adults and high school students, and exhibiting her work locally. She was diagnosed in 1985 with breast cancer that later metastasized and there were additional health challenges throughout her lifetime, but she cherished each day with a positive approach. She took solace in the fact that her two granddaughters were born and were her guardian angels. In 1992, she began swimming daily in Walden Pond and developed a passion for photographing its foliage and wildlife. Walden Pond became her healing place and she exhibited her work at the Tsongas Gallery. She spent several years counseling adolescents in both a clinical and school setting, followed by working as a surgical liaison at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, where she provided counseling and support to patients and their families facing terminal diagnoses and going through the dying process. She was a member of the Deaconess Bioethics Committee and was proud to have been a participant in the film When Breast Cancer Comes Back: Skills for Living. She was a presenter at the American College of Oncology Administrators Second Annual Symposium and instrumental in the development of a course on death and dying at Harvard Medical School. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, and two granddaughters. 

Aug, 2024

Dennis S. Moore ’60, of Princeton, Mass.; Feb. 25. During his 40-year working career, he was employed at J.B. Lowell, Inc., the Draper Corporation, the Norton Company, Tambrands, Inc., and Sheppard Envelope. He was a competitive tennis player and a member and officer of tennis clubs in Princeton and Worcester. He is survived by his wife, Anne; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and four siblings. 

Aug, 2024

Reid Higgins ’60, of Vero Beach, Fla., formerly of Cotuit, Mass.; Mar. 8. He held positions with the Atlantic Richfield Company and the United Gas Improvement Company as an assistant director of personnel, then went on to create and head the personnel department at Wellington Management Company, where he rose to vice president. He was transferred to Wellington’s Boston office in 1975, and he and his family lived in their summer home in Cotuit as year-round residents. He enjoyed wood carving, and, following his retirement from Wellington in 1989, turned his hobby into a second career selling carved birds at shops and craft fairs. He taught an annual seminar on bird carving in Cotuit. In his later years his focus shifted to watercolor paintings, mostly nautical and pastoral scenes and shorebirds. He is survived by his wife, Len; four children and their spouses; 11 grandchildren; and his former wife, Joanie Higgins. 

Aug, 2024

Ronald P. Formisano ’60, of Lexington, Ky.; Feb. 20, following a period of declining health. After earning his PhD from Wayne State University, his career included professorships at Wayne State University, Clark University, the University of Rochester, the University of Florida, and the University of Kentucky, from which he retired as the William T. Bryan chair. Additionally, he held Fulbright appointments in Rome and at the University of Bologna. He was the author of ten scholarly books and, in retirement, began writing fiction, authoring three detective novels featuring his characters Nathaniel Thorne and Dante Steele. He was a talented chef, a sommelier, and enjoyed playing tennis and sailing, especially at his home on Chebeague Island, Me. He is survived by his wife, Erica; a daughter; and a son. 

Aug, 2024

Albert E. Easton ’60, of Slingerlands, N.Y.; Feb. 2, from prostate cancer. He began an actuarial career in 1960 and in 1966 became a fellow of the Society of Actuaries. In 1969, he accepted a position as actuary at the Berkshire Life Insurance Company in Pittsfield, Mass., and rose to vice president. He was a deacon and choir member at South Congregational Church, where he also helped lead the youth fellowship groups. He was a 50-year member of the Monday Evening Club and volunteered with the Salvation Army, the Girl Scouts, and Rotary International. He served as president of the United Way of Pittsfield from 1979 to 1981, and was awarded the Robert K. Agar J. Volunteerism Award. He sang tenor in the Berkshire Concert Choir. In 1986, he and his family moved to Chicago and he became the director of examinations for the Society of Actuaries. He later led the Albany office of Milliman & Robertson and settled in Slingerlands. There he was involved in Rotary International, serving a term as president of the Albany chapter. He sang with the Mendelssohn Club, and he joined the First Presbyterian Church, where he served as treasurer, deacon, and choir member until 2022. With the Rotary, he traveled to Honduras and helped build houses and wells. He also coauthored two editions of Actuarial Aspects of Individual Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts and taught a class on the text to actuaries in Romania. He retired in 2002 from Milliman & Robertson. He is survived by two daughters, including Nancy Easton ’86; two sons-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; a grandson; a sister and brother-in-law; brother Nicholas ’72; and a sister-in-law.

Aug, 2024

Donald R. Combs ’60 of Freeport, N.Y.; Jan. 14. He proudly served 28 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a pilot. During his service, he was an instructor pilot at Moody Air Force Base and served multiple tours in Vietnam. He also worked for more than four years at Lockheed Martin establishing and instructing the air ground operations school in Khamis Mushayt, Saudi Arabia. He received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Purple Heart. In retirement, he managed the Seadrift Restaurant in Crestview, Fla. He enjoyed woodworking, especially making furniture for his children and special crafts for his grandchildren. He is survived by five children, seven grandchildren, a great-grandson, a sister, and eight nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2024

Stuart S. Berman ’60, of Lawrenceville, N.J.; Mar. 20. He graduated from Columbia Law and began working at the Federal Reserve before becoming assistant general counsel at Prime Motor Inns, now Prime Hospitality. He retired as in-house general counsel of Hillsborough Associates. He was an advocate for those affected by Gaucher disease, a condition he personally battled, and he supported the Gaucher Disease Center at NYU. He worked for a short period as a New York City taxi driver and was a veteran of the Navy Reserve JAG. He enjoyed sailing and traveling, attending the Yankees opening day each year and traveling to Florida for their spring training. He also enjoyed solving the New York Times crossword puzzle. He is survived by his wife, Judith; a son and daughter-in-law; a stepdaughter and son-in-law; a granddaughter; and brother Robert ’64.

Jun, 2024

Richard A. Young ’60, of Greenwich, Conn.; Nov. 27. He graduated from the University of Virginia Law School and became the managing partner at Martin Clearwater & Bell. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and he enjoyed photography, tennis, and cars. He is survived by his wife, Carol; four children; and eight grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

Barbara Kurlancheek Shaffer ’60, of Kingston, Pa.; Jul. 8. She taught art at elementary schools in West Chester, N.Y., for many years prior to opening her own book shop that she operated for 30 years. In 1979 her sister joined her and the book shop grew to become The Tudor Book Shop and Café. Together they brought in local artists and held author signings with both local and nationally published authors. They curated a selection of gifts, custom imprinted stationery, invitations, and unique author events. She enjoyed knitting, was a gifted ceramicist, and more recently enjoyed weaving at the Jewish Community Center. She is survived by her husband, Charles; a daughter; a son; two grandchildren; two sisters, including Lynn Gonchar ’63; a brother; a sister-in-law; and a brother-in-law. 

Apr, 2024

Elizabeth H. Cranska ’60, of Chestnut Hill, Mass.; Aug. 20. She continued her education at Simmons School of Social Work, earning a master’s degree and then becoming a certified licensed social worker. She was affiliated with Boston hospitals and area clinics and nursing homes in social work and psychotherapy. Her group of Brown friends met regularly for many years and frequently for a long weekend. They continued through Zoom meetings during COVID. She enjoyed traveling and hiking. She is survived by a sister and two nephews. 

Apr, 2024

Frank V. Boragine ’60, of Gilbert, Ariz., formerly of Danville, Calif., and Chicago; Jul. 29. He had a successful career at Dun & Bradstreet, which led to a management promotion in Chicago in 1969. He retired in 1981 and he and his family moved to Danville, where he and his wife started J. Boragine & Associates in San Francisco. In 2007, he fully retired and moved to Gilbert. He was a member of the ROTC and Sigma Chi at Brown. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; and six grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

J.Barry Burns ’60, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Prov-
idence, R.I.; Nov. 17. After Brown he entered the Navy and later worked for Honeywell in human resources. He moved on to Digital Equipment Corp. and Bank of Boston before pioneering Outsourcing Solutions for smaller businesses needing human resource consulting. For 40 years he taught and mentored people in the human resources field. While at Brown, he was a member of the “Cinderella Crew.” He enjoyed wood carving, photography, cooking, sailing, and traveling. He is survived by a daughter; son Geoffrey ’90; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and four nieces and nephews. 

Nov, 2023

Margaret Steinhaus Sheppe ’60, of Scarsdale, N.Y.; May 26. After Brown, she worked at Time Inc., where she met her late husband. They married and moved to Scarsdale and raised a family. She worked at Sybil Wild Travel from 1967 to 1985 and then founded her own travel agency, CMR Travel. She was a huge Yankees fan and also enjoyed watching baseball and tennis on television with her sons and grandsons. She is survived by three children and their spouses, including daughter Laura Miller ’87; nine grandchildren, including Emma Miller ’16; two sisters, including Nancy Zisson ’65; brother-in-law William Zisson ’63; and several nieces and nephews, including Alex Zisson ’91.

Nov, 2023

Louise Patton Pearson ’60, of Springfield, Va.; Apr. 20. After receiving her master’s degree in remedial reading from Southern Connecticut State University, she taught English and reading at the high school level and at the Italian Air Force Academy. She lived in several states and countries and enjoyed snorkeling, camping, and entertaining in her home. She was a member of the Colonial Dames Society of America and Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by her husband Pete Pearson ’61; four children and their spouses; and 12 grandchildren. 

Nov, 2023

Judith H. Linn ’60, of Wayland, Mass.; May 8. She earned a master’s degree from Boston University, where she later taught for many years and was appointed an adjunct assistant professor. She joined the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) in 1976 and became the New England chapter secretary followed by her 1985 appointment to president of AMWA’s national association. Her dedication to AMWA was recognized in 2002 at the New England chapter’s 25th anniversary celebration by the governor of Massachusetts, who declared it Judy Linn Day. A membership award was also created in her honor. She is survived by her husband, Harold; a sister; and a sister-in-law.

Aug, 2023

John S. Moyle ’60, of Kingsport, Tenn., formerly of Scarsdale, N.Y. ; Feb. 7, after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s. From 1960 through 1963 he served as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, reaching the rank of captain. Thereafter, he attended Columbia University and received a master’s degree and after teaching for several years received his doctorate from Columbia in supervision and consultation in science education. His teaching career spanned 35 years in the Bronxville Middle/High School in New York, where he served as science department chair and also coached the wrestling and track teams. From 1974 to 1983 he was an adjunct lecturer in geology at Manhattanville College in Purchase, N.Y. He also taught a class in science teaching preparation at Fordham University. In Scarsdale, he was a founder and board member of the Greenburgh Nature Center, president of the Edgemont Board of Education, president and field trip leader for the local Audubon Society, a Boy Scout leader, and coach for several youth recreational teams. He served as chair of the board of deacons and was financial secretary for the board of trustees at Scarsdale Community Baptist Church. He was also a member of the board of management for the Asa Wright Nature Centre in Trinidad, West Indies, for many years. He led CCD photographic and natural  history tours to East Africa for eight summers and led tropical ecology workshops in Trinidad and Tobago for two decades. He retired to Kingsport in 2004 and became an active member of the community. He sang tenor in the  Sanctuary Choir at the First Baptist Church Kingsport and was involved with Habitat for Humanity. For seven years he volunteered in the lab and led tours at the Gray Fossil Site and Museum in Gray, Tenn. He is survived by his wife, Polly; a daughter and son-in-law; sons John ’90 and Robert ’92; two daughters-in-law; six grandchildren; two brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law; and six nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

Huc Hauser ’60, of Bennington, Vt.; Dec. 8. Following service in the Navy, he attended and graduated from Brown. His career was primarily in the defense industry, specializing in undersea warfare with several defense contractors. Later, he worked for Northern Lights Cable Co. and Hemmings Motor News, both in Bennington. He is survived by a daughter; son Peter ’78; and two grandchildren, including Margaret Hauser ’13.


Jun, 2023

Jonis Halpert Davis ’60, of Seattle; Nov. 8, of cancer. She taught at Seattle Community College and Portland State College (Ore.), before teaching at the Bush School in Seattle. She enjoyed reading and traveling. She is survived by her husband, Charles; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren.

Jan, 2023

Graham N. Raynolds ’60, of Hadlyme, Conn.; June 7. He enrolled at Brown and completed two years before enlisting in the U.S. Army and serving in the Korean War. After his honorable discharge, he returned to Brown to complete his degree. He earned a private pilot’s license and during the 1960s and 1970s made a living working for various lengths of time along the U.S. Gulf Coast flying helicopters to offshore oil rigs and in Alaska flying seaplanes as a bush pilot. It was during his time in Alaska that he crash landed the plane on a glacier and had to survive a week in his street clothes with only a sleeping bag and expired canned goods he found in a hunting cabin. He returned to Hadlyme and became one of the many who contracted and suffered from Lyme disease. He enjoyed singing, joining the Chorus of Westerly in 1994 and remaining an active participant for the next 19 years. He participated in several performances with the chorus over the years, traveling to England and singing at Westminster Abbey and St. Albans Cathedral. He was honored to learn from the legendary Sir David Willcocks. Later, after working for years on website design and management jobs, he started his own business in the ’80s called Prime Time Satellite TV, installing satellite dishes in backyards. He enjoyed sailing on the Connecticut River, hiking, camping, and walking the trails of the Gillette Castle grounds. He is survived by a niece and a nephew.


Oct, 2022

Lawrence D. Ackman ’60, of New York City; May 31. He joined his father’s finance brokerage firm Ackman-Ziff Real Estate Group in the 1960s, then became president of the company in 1968 and CEO in 1977. In 1995, Simon Ziff became president of the firm and Lawrence moved to work on real estate deals with his son at Pershing Square Capital. During his tenure at Ackman-Ziff he helped develop the mortgage brokerage industry: the business of helping developers borrow money to finance real estate projects. He was instrumental in putting together the land and financing for deals struck by some of New York’s leading developers. Among his many clients were the Friedland family, with its Friedland Properties development firm, which he represented on most of its acquisitions that reshaped Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side. He also helped arrange a $100 million construction loan for developer Harry Helmsley to build One Penn Plaza, a 57-floor skyscraper on Seventh Avenue between 33rd and 34th Streets. At the time, the loan was one of the largest ever made. In the 1990s, he helped developer Irwin Cohen finance the acquisition of an old Nabisco factory complex on Ninth Avenue, between 15th and 16th Streets, which was turned into Chelsea Market, a food hall and retail complex that helped revitalize the neighborhood. He was on the board of the New York Philharmonic, for which his firm helped arrange, pro bono, the financing for the $550 million renovation of the music hall at Lincoln Center now called David Geffen Hall. He also funded the purchase of the hall’s new digital organ. He enjoyed traveling with his wife to more than 70 countries and singing while his wife played piano. He is survived by his wife, Ronnie; a daughter; a son; son-in-law Max Rosen ’81; and seven grandchildren, including Samuel Rosen ’14.

Oct, 2022

Peter L.V. Spencer ’60, of Wakefield, R.I; Apr. 7, after a long illness. For 31 years he served as rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Wickford. Previously he served as curate at St. Paul’s in Pawtucket after completing his studies at General Theological Seminary in New York City in 1965. He strove to build a “community not dependent on clergy,” allowing him more time to focus on pastoral care and support a range of local ministries dedicated to helping people in need in the community. While at Brown, he joined the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps and served two years active duty before entering General Theological Seminary. In retirement, he served on the board of trustees of St. Elizabeth Community and assisted various parishes in the diocese. He enjoyed gardening, nature, and trips to New York City and Italy. He is survived by his wife, Eugenia Bruno Spencer ’60; two daughters; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and a sister.

Oct, 2022

Robert A. Courtemanche ’60, of Hagerstown, Md.; May 7. After graduating from Brown, he entered the U.S. Marine Corps. He had a 21-year career with the Marines serving in Vietnam and on various bases across the U.S. To maintain his fitness during his service he ran marathons and played baseball and golf. He retired as a lieutenant colonel. While still in the Marine Corps, he continued his education and earned a master’s degree from the University of Maryland. After his retirement from the Marine Corps, he worked in human services as a director of the Prince Georges County Mental Health Association and an executive member of Volunteers of America, where he served as commissioner minister. He volunteered at a variety of organizations and made donations to local, national, and international organizations supporting health and wellness. He enjoyed gardening, cooking, and woodworking and was an avid football and baseball fan. He is survived by his wife, Anne; four children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and many cousins, nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2022

Wilbur H. Sprinkel Jr. ’60, of Reno, Nev.; Mar. 10. After Brown he earned a law degree from the University of Virginia. He was an accomplished public sector attorney, serving as assistant attorney general to three Nevada attorneys general, and as assistant district attorney to two district attorneys. He also owned and operated a private practice. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, two granddaughters, and four great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

John T. Rollinson ’60, of Clovis, N. Mex.; Feb. 21. A native of New Jersey, Tom attended Brown for two years and completed his junior year at the University of Vienna. He returned to Brown for his senior year, where he graduated with high honors and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He enlisted in the Army and served 20 years. After completing basic training and the Army Language School, where he studied Russian, he earned a direct commission. In addition to being fluent in Russian, he also spoke French, German, and Vietnamese. He earned a master’s degree in Russian Studies at Georgetown University. He served two tours in Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star for meritorious service among other decorations. His last five years were spent at the Pentagon serving as an intelligence analyst. Upon retirement from the Army, he earned a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry. Ordained an Episcopal priest in 1985, he served churches in Clovis, California, and Texas. He was also an accomplished pianist, organist, and composer, and played the bassoon and contra-bassoon. A serious philatelist, he assembled an award-winning collection. He enjoyed chess and bridge, earning the rank of Ruby Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League. He is survived by his wife, Shirley; brother George ’57; two cousins; and other family and friends.

Aug, 2022

Stephen K. Oberbeck ’60, of Sanibel, Fla.; Jan. 26. After Brown he was awarded a fellowship to the Iowa Writers Workshop and began a career of writing that included a decade as cultural editor at Newsweek, where he wrote book, theater, art, music, and film reviews. He edited the Book & Arts page for the St Louis Post-Dispatch and wrote frequently on cultural subjects for many publications including the New York Times, New York Post, Newsweek International, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and the Paris Herald Tribune. He published numerous poems, short stories, and creative commentary in various national and international periodicals. In 1968, he was awarded an Alicia Patterson Foundation grant to live and travel in Europe and report on the intersection of art and technology. As a marketing writer, coach, and business analyst, he worked with many global companies, including Fidelity Investments, Nomura Group, Saab, Chrysler, Exxon Mobil, PepsiCo, Price Waterhouse, and Philip Morris, writing speeches for top-tier corporate executives, producing major marketing materials, and conducting media and marketing seminars. After moving to Sanibel Island, he continued to share his craft by leading writing workshops on memoirs, short stories, and film. He mentored many burgeoning Island authors to help them write their first personal memoirs and works of creative fiction. He is survived by a daughter, three grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2022

Lawrence B. Morse ’60, of Ivoryton, Conn.; Feb. 14, after a brief illness. He retired in 1999 from Fiserv, Inc. He was previously employed with Society Savings Bank, Boston Safe Deposit and Trust, Travelers, and Cigna. He had been an active member of the First Church of Christ in Saybrook, Conn., and several other community boards and committees. He also enjoyed woodworking and antique cars. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; three daughters; two sons-in-law; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2022

Thomas E. Steckbeck ’60, of Ocean, N.J.; Jan. 1. He began working at Polaroid as a sales representative and eventually served as the director of marketing. He spearheaded the launch of the SX-70 camera and conceptualized their still-existing rainbow logo and packaging. He then moved to Bell & Howell/Mamiya, where he was CEO of the camera division. Soon after, he was named president of consumer products at Sony Corporation. He retired from Toshiba American as both executive vice president and board member. In retirement, he formed two consumer product companies, MoistMates and MagicMenu. He is survived by his wife, Sandee; four children and their spouses; nine grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.


Jun, 2022

Pamela White-Stevens Lakey ’60, ’64 AM, of Florissant, Mo.; Dec. 21, of non-COVID long-term respiratory illness. After Brown, she married, started a family, and taught art history at Gordon College (Mass.). After divorcing, she moved to Texas and provided for her sons as a draftsman in the oil and gas industry, followed by a position as a middle and high school art and science teacher. She survived a head on collision with a drunk driver and was in a coma for four weeks, then had to learn to walk and speak again; she needed to be in a nursing home from her early 60s on, where she taught arts and crafts to the residents and to her grandchildren. She is survived by two sons, three grandchildren, two brothers, and many nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2022

Michael K. Evans ’60, of Boca Raton, Fla., formerly of Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia; Feb. 13, 2021, after a long illness. He was an associate professor at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. He left to head Chase Econometrics in Philadelphia, and later was president of Evans Economics in Washington, D.C. He is survived by his wife, Susan Carroll; two daughters, including Ellen Evans ’87; son David ’89;
and six grandchildren.


Jun, 2022

Minna Snyder Dew ’60, of Melbourne, Fla.; Dec. 24, of complications from Alzheimer’s disease. She graduated from Carnegie Mellon and worked as a senior probation officer for the State of Connecticut. She used her writing and research skills to prepare detailed pre-sentence investigations for the criminal courts. After moving to Florida, she volunteered on the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit grievance committee. In the 1980s, she owned and operated a dating service. She was known for her sense of humor and enjoyed reading, cooking, traveling, and playing tennis. She is survived by daughters Julie Harrison ’85 and Eve Harrison ’88 and their spouses, and four grandchildren.

Jun, 2022

Thomas M. Churchill ’60, of Paradise Valley, Ariz.; Nov. 2, after suffering from a stroke in July. He moved to Arizona to begin a career in radio broadcasting and became one of the founders of KRFM radio. He joined the Arizona Air National Guard and later founded Churchill Productions, providing the music programming for stations across the U.S. After 30 years in the radio business, he sold the company and began his next 30-year career as a full-time stock and bond market investor. He enjoyed traveling and fly fishing. He is survived by his wife, Muffie; three children and their spouses; six grandchildren; and a sister.

Apr, 2022

Allan W. Osborne ’60, of Bellefonte, Pa., formerly of Elgin, Ill., and Williamston, N.C.; Oct. 22, after a long illness. He taught at Middlesex Academy in Concord, Mass. before moving to Elgin, where he spent seven years building the theater program and teaching English and drama at the Elgin Academy. While there, he completed his master’s in theater at Northern Illinois University. In 1972, he moved his family to Williamston and developed a successful theater program for the high school. He founded the local Martin Community Players and spent 25 years as its artistic director. He and his wife retired to Bellefonte in 2006 to be near their children and grandchildren. In retirement he continued to be active in local theater. He is survived by his wife, Deborah; two daughters and sons-in-law; three grandchildren; a sister; a niece; and three nephews. 

Apr, 2022

Richard A. Laudati ’60, of Fort Myers, Fla.; Sept. 18. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he graduated from Brown. His first job was with IBM and lasted 10 years before he established Applied Systems Development Corp., from which he retired in 1985 and settled in Florida. He enjoyed playing golf and gardening. He is survived by his wife, Elsbeth; a stepdaughter; a stepson; sister Ruth Laudati Robinson ’66; brother Robert ’63; niece Heather Robinson ’89; and nephew Robert Laudati ’85.

Apr, 2022

Robert P. Burchard ’60, ’62 ScM, of Springfield, Va., formerly of Catonsville, Md.; Sept. 21, of complications of Parkinson’s disease. He served in the Peace Corps in Nigeria teaching microbiology at Obafemi Awolowo University. After returning to the U.S., he joined the faculty of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, as a professor of biological science, remaining there for 33 years. He was a campus leader for decades, serving as president of the faculty senate, interim chair of his department, and interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. In retirement, he volunteered for another 14 years teaching, researching, and working on committees. He also cofounded and chaired the Baltimore Inner City Outings program of the Sierra Club. He was a supporter of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Center Stage, and Walters Art Museum. He is survived by his wife, Ann; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; and a sister. 

Apr, 2022

Allan I. Bezan ’60, of Denver; Sept. 7. He was a pediatrician from 1964 to 1971 and then became a psychiatrist. He was a founding director of inpatient and day hospital services at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, where he remained for 21 years. He was a member of the corporation of Winsor School, an avid art collector, and enjoyed traveling. He is survived by a son and two grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Ronald G. Whittle ’60, of Belfast, Me.; Aug. 17. After Brown, he received a master’s in history from Clark University. He had a career teaching and coaching in private schools, beginning at the Gunnery in Washington, then at Kathleen Laycock Country Day in Greens Farms and at Choate Rosemary Hall (all in Conn.). In 1986, he and his family moved to Belfast and he began a career as an assistant dean of admissions at Colby College. He is survived by his wife, Carol; son Jonathan ’85; a daughter; a daughter-in-law; a grandson; six step-grandchildren; seven step-great grandchildren; and two step-great-great-grandchildren.

Jan, 2022

Charles A. Heckman ’60, of North Haven, Conn.; Aug. 2, after a short illness. After Brown and a year of graduate study in France, he attended the University of Chicago School of Law, where he was a managing editor of the Law Review. He went on to teach law, specializing in legal history and commercial law at the University of North Dakota, the University of Houston, Western New England University, and Whittier Law School. He concluded his teaching career at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. He retired as professor emeritus and elected member of the American Law Institute. While at the University of Houston, he established a legal course in Mexico and attended meetings of theEuropean Society for Comparative Legal History. He enjoyed reading detective novels, solving crossword puzzles, and playing bridge. He is survived by his wife, Honor; a daughter and son-in-law; four sons; a daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Clark E. Goebel ’60, of Easton, Mass.; July 8, of cancer. An outstanding athlete, he was invited to try out for the Phillies but declined and joined the Navy. He attended Brown’s ROTC program and met his wife while a student. After graduating, he served as an officer during the Bay of Pigs. He was later promoted to lieutenant and served in Vietnam. He was honorably discharged in 1978 and settled in Ossining, N.Y., where he worked as a programmer for Reader’s Digest. He and his family moved to Wilbraham, Mass., where he worked for Mass Mutual and eventually went on to work for Monarch Life Insurance Company, helping the company’s real estate portfolio grow during his tenure. Some of the developments he was involved in included Monarch Place of Springfield, the World Trade Center in Boston, and Marina Bay in Quincy. He was a fan of all sports but particularly enjoyed tennis, and golf, and the Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots, and Celtics. He is survived by his wife, Gail Cox Goebel ’61; two daughters; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; nine grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Stuart P. Doling ’60, of Albany, N.Y.; Aug. 9, of complications from multiple illnesses. He graduated from Albany Law School and spent the majority of his professional career as an attorney for the New York State Division of Corporations. He participated in numerous marathons and bicycle rides and enjoyed scuba diving, traveling, completing the New York Times crossword puzzle, watching all types of sports, and having friendships with people from all walks of life. He is survived by three children, a sister-in-law, and two nieces. 

Jan, 2022

Thomas B. Caswell Jr. ’60, of Wayzata, Minn.; Aug. 20. He spent his entire business career with the Caswell-Ross Insurance Agency, also serving as president of the Independent Insurance Agents of Minnesota. In 1990 he retired from business when he and his partners sold Caswell-Ross. For many years he was involved with United Theological Seminary and served as a trustee for more than a decade. At age 54, he went back to school working toward a Master of Divinity in Religion and Theology degree. He graduated from United Theological Seminary in 1994, having received multiple academic honors, including the New Testament Academic Prize. He also served on the seminary’s presidential search committee and was the interim vice president for donor relations, and he and his wife, Nancy, endowed the Wilys Claire Nelson Scholarship. He was active in Wayzata Community Church, serving on committees, task forces, and boards. He was also an officer and board member of the Minnesota Conference of the United Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Seidl Caswell ’60; six children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; a sister; a brother; and several nieces and nephews. 

Oct, 2021

Loretta Inez Dates Shields Smith ’60, of York, Pa., formerly of West Baltimore; May 11, of heart failure. She was among the first African American women to attend Pembroke College, as noted in BAM’s September-October 2020 issue Classes section. Upon receiving her bachelor’s degree, her graduation was noted in the Baltimore Sun. She returned to Baltimore after graduating and began her professional career as a Clifton Park Junior High School librarian in the Baltimore City Public School system. She later earned a master’s degree at Goucher College. She met her future husband, Dr. Stewart Smith, on a blind date in 1958, but both went their separate ways. In the 1990s, after both had married and divorced, they were reintroduced, married in 1994, and lived in Pittsburgh. There she became the recording secretary of the Black Association of South Hills and active in Delta Sigma Theta sorority’s local chapter, as well as the Pittsburgh chapter. She later joined the staff of Mount Lebanon Library, from which she retired due to illness. She enjoyed walking, aerobics, and traveling with her husband throughout the Caribbean. She is survived by her husband, Stewart; a brother; niece Karen E. Dates Dunmore ’86; and three nephews.

Oct, 2021

Jean Memmott Phinney ’60, of Beverly, Mass.; June 10. She was a real estate agent at Barbara Goldberg Real Estate Agency and then worked for many years at Bostik, a Division of USM in Middleton, retiring after many years and having served as the executive assistant of the company president. In 1966, she was a contestant on Jeopardy! and placed second. She enjoyed playing golf, traveling to Europe, and cruising the Caribbean. She is survived by two daughters, two sons-in-law, and two grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Stephen E. Mintz ’60, of Larchmont, N.Y.; June 7. He was employed as a systems analyst for New York State and was a former chairman of the Vocational Advisory Committee at Hudson Valley Community College. He was president of the Y-Knot Sailing Organization from 2007 to 2009 and was an amateur radio enthusiast. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, a stepdaughter, two grandchildren, and a sister, Joan Mintz Parlin ’59.

Oct, 2021

Frank T. Hayes ’60, of Washington, Utah; Jan. 12. After beginning his engineering career in the Boston area, he married, started a family, and relocated to Northern Vermont. A decade later he and his family moved to Southern California, where they remained until moving to Utah to enjoy retirement. He had a successful career in the aerospace industry. He was a design and engineering manager and later was a technical director for some innovative companies. While back on the East Coast, he trained as an EMT with his wife and helped launch a volunteer rescue squad. He was a coach and athlete and enjoyed participating in many individual sports over the years, including skiing, skating, hiking, swimming, waterskiing, scuba diving, table tennis, and racquetball. Later in life, he competed in the Senior Olympics. He found focus and peace of mind by playing music and practicing Kung Fu and Tai Chi. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; two sons; grandchildren; and a brother.

Aug, 2021

Ann Jolly Howard ’60, of Greenfield, Mass.; Apr. 10. She taught English at Greenfield High School for 30 years. After retiring, she volunteered as a tutor for English as a Second Language students. She thoroughly enjoyed American literature and film. She is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and a brother and sister-in-law.

Aug, 2021

Rockwell Gray Jr. ’60, of St. Louis, Mo.; Apr. 12. He was a professor of philosophy and taught at Washington University and Webster University in St. Louis, as well as secondary schools in the U.S. and abroad. He lived and traveled extensively in Spain and Chile. He wrote the biography of Ortega y Gasset, The Imperative of Modernity, as well as A Century of Enterprise: St. Louis, 1894–1994, and translated a collection of Chilean folk tales by Yolando Pino Saavedra. He had a great sense of humor and could break into song, remembering obscure lyrics and melodies. A reader of Walt Whitman and Robert Frost, he enjoyed being read to by his wife during the last months of his life. He is survived by his wife, Madelyn; three children, including Elizabeth Gray ’99, ’04 MAT; and four grandchildren. 

Aug, 2021

Olive Jeanfreau Alexander ’60, of Fort Worth, Tex.; Feb. 28. She was a musician, author, educator, and missionary. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, 10 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and two sisters.

Jun, 2021

Barry M. Mitchell ’60 PhD, of Kingston, N.J.; Jan. 26. He was a mathematician whose career included teaching at Columbia University, Bowdoin College, and Rutgers University. He authored two textbooks, Calculus Without Analytic Geometry and The Theory of Categories. He is survived by friends and family in Canada.

Jun, 2021

Wilber L. Stadele ’60, of Belle Mead, N.J.; Dec. 26, of cancer. Like his father and grandfather before him, he worked in the church organ industry. In his lifetime, he installed more than 2,500 organs for churches, homes, and events. One of his proudest career highlights was setting up the organ for Pope Benedict XVI’s 2008 Papal Mass at Yankee Stadium. When not designing and installing organs, he enjoyed restoring antique furniture, collecting art, and making improvements to his historic farm. At Brown he wrote for the Brown Daily Herald. He is survived by six children, including daughter Marjorie Stadele ’87; 12 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and sister Marjorie Stadele Aamodt ’51 ScM.

Jun, 2021

Benjamin V. Lambert ’60, of New York City; Jan. 31. He worked selling fabrics in Manhattan’s garment district before landing a job at a mortgage firm. In 1967 he founded Eastdil with the idea of bringing an investment banking approach to real estate brokerage. Eastdil Secured is known for iconic and record-breaking deals including the purchase of Irvine Ranch and sales of the GM building, Embarcadero Center, and Helmsley portfolio. Beyond his involvement with Eastdil, he was an adviser to several corporate boards and organizations, including the Irvine Company and Hilton Hotels Corporation. He was also a founder and chairman of the Harlem Day Charter School and a member of Brown’s board of trustees. He is survived by his wife, Linda; daughters Alexa Lambert ’85, Lauren Lambert ’88, and Hilary Lambert ’91; two sons-in-law; stepson Oliver Lloyd ’03; a daughter-in-law; six grandchildren, including Jack Parker ’18 and Grace Parker ’21; and a brother.

Jun, 2021

Carlton F. Andrus ’60, of Alexandria, Va.; Feb. 7. After graduating, he moved to Washington, D.C., spent five months on the staff of Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, and became active in the D.C. Young Republicans, serving as their treasurer in 1965. Following work on the 1968 election and 1969 inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon, he joined the former Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and worked for seven years in a variety of legislative positions, then as a legislative assistant to Senators Harry F. Byrd and Robert C. Byrd. In 1981 he transferred to the Government Accountability Office, retiring in 2006 as deputy budget officer. He sang in three church choirs and in 2008 joined the Mt. Vernon Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, the Harmony Heritage Singers, and served as its president. He participated in the Meals-On-Wheels program and was active in the Alexandria chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, where he held leadership positions including president. He is survived by his wife, Kathy; four daughters and their spouses; 11 grandchildren; a sister; and a brother. 

Apr, 2021

George D. Tidd ’60, of Indio, Calif.; Aug. 29, of cancer. He served in the U.S. Air Force and rose to the rank of captain. For more than 35 years he worked for the Mobil Oil Corp. and lived in many places around the world before settling in Indio. He enjoyed reading and playing golf and is survived by his wife, Vera; a son; and a granddaughter.


Apr, 2021

Anthony J. Petrarca ’60, of Vandergrift, Pa.; Nov. 11. While playing Brown football he was drafted in the sixth round of the American Football League to play professional football for the then–Boston (now New England) Patriots but declined and became an English professor. He taught at Washington Township High School before embarking on a career as a college professor as well as working in depth on the equal rights movement at the college level. His early career included teaching at Edinboro Univ., Alliance College, and Gannon University before moving on to the English departments at the University of Pittsburgh and Community College of Allegheny County, from which he retired in 2013. He was an avid sports fan and was inducted into the Alle-Kiski Hall of Fame in 2012. He is survived by his wife, Judith; three children; and eight grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

James A. McIntyre ’60, of San Diego; Aug. 16. He earned his JD from Stanford University Law School and spent his career at the San Diego law firm of McInnis, Fitzgerald, Rees, Sharkey & McIntyre as a civil trial attorney, where he became a named partner. Known as a formidable trial lawyer, he tried more than 115 civil jury trials, most notably winning the biggest jury award to date in San Diego County against Hartford Insurance Company in 1985. Jim had a long and impressive career as a legal professional and was nominated by President George H.W. Bush to the Federal District Court. In 1993, he was appointed as judge of the San Diego Superior Court and elevated to the Fourth District Court of Appeals in 1996, where he sat for 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Victoria; four children; and three grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

Carol G. Maclennan ’60, of Sarasota, Fla.; Aug. 25, from complications of a stroke. Toward the end of her junior year at Pembroke, Carol was recruited for a women’s internship program at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J., where she learned FORTRAN and worked in the acoustics department. After graduating, she was hired in the Bell Labs acoustics department as a senior technical aide. She and her boss worked together for more than 35 years collaborating with space physicists around the world on data sent back by such spacecraft as Telstar, Voyagers I and II, Ulysses, and Galileo. Their office also worked on the Earth’s magnetosphere and she often traveled to set up and maintain instruments. She was promoted to the rank of technical staff and coauthored more than 200 papers on a variety of topics in geophysics. She was involved in the Murray Hill Canoe Club, which ran hikes, canoe trips, and ski trips for the Bell Labs community. Even into her late 70s, Carol was skiing, canoeing, hiking, and helping to run canoe trips to the Adirondacks. She enjoyed music, singing in several choral groups and getting involved in folk dance groups, and also enjoyed cross-stitch, knitting, and quilting. She is survived by a daughter, two grandchildren; and sister Iva S. Maclennan ’70.

Apr, 2021

Rosemary Smith Kostmayer ’60, of Baltimore; Sept. 27, of cancer. She worked as a financial spokesperson for Aegon insurance and later as an IBM systems engineer in both New York City and Washington, D.C. She continued to be active with Brown, interviewing prospective students in Maryland, serving as vice president of her class, as a class marshal in 1985, as cochair for the 60th reunion, and as her class webmaster. She was a member of the Associated Class Leaders Committee and received a Volunteer Leadership Excellence Award recognizing her numerous volunteer efforts. She is survived by two sons, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

Harry H. Hersey ’60, of Williamsburg, Va.; July 21, after a brief illness. After graduating, he worked for the New Jersey Department of Transportation. He then entered a three-year training program with the U.S. Department of Transportation. As a highway engineer, Harry and his wife traveled across the country, living in California, Nebraska, and Texas prior to settling in Alexandria, Va., where they lived for 33 years before retiring and moving to Williamsburg. In retirement, he assisted his wife in her work with the Feingold Association of the United States and her publishing company Pear Tree Press. He is survived by his wife, Jane Hummerstone ’60; two daughters; two grandchildren; and brother-in-law Robert Hummerstone ’57.

Apr, 2021

Peter W. Conrad ’60, of Skillman, N.J.; Oct. 29. Before retiring, he was an adjunct professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark for many years; prior to that, he was an aeronautical engineer. He enjoyed rowing and was a member of the Carnegie Lake Rowing Association in Princeton. He is survived by a brother and sister-in-law and many cousins.

Jan, 2021

Jon J. Sullivan ’60, of Annapolis; June 3. He was the owner of Fahrney’s Pens in Washington, D.C. He is survived by a daughter, a son, two grandchildren; and two brothers.

Jan, 2021

John R. Pflug Jr. ’60, of Crozet, Va.; July 2. He was a developer of commercial properties in northern Virginia. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Lynch Pflug ’61; two sons; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and two step-grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Sheila Boberg Delhagen ’60, of Emmaus, Pa.; Aug. 26. She is survived by two sons, including Jack Delhagen ’87, ’92 MD; a daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; a great-grandson; a brother and sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2021

Anne Lusk Colter ’60, of Bonita Springs, Fla.; July 10. She traveled in her motor home for 20 years working in the National Park visitor centers in Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, and the Everglades. She was a volunteer paramedic, educator, docent, and a lover of geology and the natural world. She is survived by a daughter.

Jan, 2021

Robert Casey ’60, of Stonington, Conn.; Apr. 13, 2019. He worked at Bankers Trust for a year and then served until 1964 in the U.S. Navy, rising to the rank of lieutenant. His service included being on the USS Notable during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After the Navy, he attended Rutgers as an MBA graduate student and passed the CPA exam in 1965. He worked as a CPA for Lybrand in Hartford, Conn., and then in San Francisco until 1970, when he moved to work as vice president and controller for National Life in Montpelier, Vt. In 1978, he moved to Connecticut Mutual Life in Hartford, where he attained the position of senior vice president and remained there until retiring in 1994. He was an active member of the communities in which he lived, including editing the Good Times Dispatch in Kent, Conn., in the 1950s and later serving with many boards, churches, and clubs. He is survived by his companion, Neeljte Udo; two sons and their spouses; a stepson; three grandsons; a niece; five nephews; and his former wife, Pamela Lewis.

Nov, 2020

Daniel G. Wayne ’60, of Riverside, R.I.; June 10, of Parkinson’s disease. An early job entailed test-driving cars for Rolls Royce in New York. This was followed by positions in marketing for Royal Crown Cola, Irvin Industries (in the parachute division), Haskon Corporation, Auto Placement Center, and Comsearch on the East Coast, as well as European Auto Parts in northern California. He enjoyed tinkering with cars, being part of the pit crew for his racing friends, riding his motorcycle, painting model airplanes, and building sculptures and stained glass. He also enjoyed watching Jeopardy! and was often the winner of the in-person version played during his time at the Scandinavian Home Assisted Living Community. He is survived by his wife, Vera Samak Wayne ’65; daughter JC Wayne ’88 and her partner; daughter Halley Townsend Wayne Lavenstein ’92 and her spouse; and two grandsons.

Nov, 2020

Charles E. Houriet ’60, of Flemington, N.J.; May 17. He was a retired stockbroker. He was a Mason, a longtime member of the New York Athletic Club, and a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by a brother and several nephews.

Nov, 2020

Lawrence W. Hegarty ’60, of Weatogue, Conn.; Apr. 7. He served in the U.S. Navy for three years after attending officer candidate school. His career spanned many areas in sales and sales management, including selling safety products for a Chicago-based firm that named him salesman of the year. He was an avid sailor and owned sailboats throughout his life. He is survived by a son and his spouse, two grandchildren, a brother and sister-in-law, and his former wife, Constance Hegarty.

Nov, 2020

Cheryl Snider Conron ’60, of Worcester, Mass.; May 2. She worked in alumni affairs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute for many years. She was an avid reader, especially in history. She was a skilled carpenter and furniture refinisher and enjoyed gardening. She is survived by her husband, John ’61; daughter Maura Conron ’84 and her spouse; a son and daughter-in-law; three grandchildren, including Kolya Shields ’24; two step-grandchildren; and a brother.

Nov, 2020

Robert B. Carlin ’60, of Marblehead, Mass.; Apr. 15, of cancer. A Swampscott High School four-year, three-sport varsity athlete, he continued both his football and baseball careers at Brown, earning many accolades including captain of the football team in 1959. He spent time playing football for the semi-pro Providence Steamrollers and baseball for the Cape Cod League, then served in the U.S. Army, where he was also fortunate to play football. Upon discharge, he worked for 45 years in the insurance business. He enjoyed traveling, playing golf, and sailing. He is survived by his wife, Lissa; three daughters; two sons-in-laws; seven grandchildren; and a sister. 

Sep, 2020

Philip H. Tenenbaum ’60, of Rancho Mirage, Calif.; Feb. 26. He was the founder and sole owner of The Chicago Wine Company, which conducted its first fine wine auction in April 1977, making it only the second company (after Heublein) to conduct wine auctions in the U.S. An avid tennis fan and player, he won two tennis tournaments while serving in the U.S. Navy and in later years was tutored by Dennis Ralston. He is survived by his wife, Susan, and brother Robert ’64.

Sep, 2020

David Reissig ’60, of Swanton, Vt.; Mar. 30, from COVID-19. He attended Brown for a year before transferring to UVM. He completed training at the Customs Academy in Washington, D.C., became special agent in charge of U.S. Customs in Rouses Point, N.Y., and worked in the Middle East as a U.S. sky marshal. He went on to serve in the Secret Service; one assignment included providing protection for President Ford. In the ’80s, he was assigned as a special agent to represent U.S. Customs on the security detail for the Lake Placid Winter Olympics. He spent time in Key West, Fla., in charge of a drug task force and later served as the U.S. Customs Representative to Canada for the U.S. Consulate in Montreal. At the end of his career, he became supervisor in charge of the special investigators working out of the U.S. Customs offices in New York and Vermont. He retired after 28 years but continued to work part-time for the Defense Department, the FBI, and the U.S. State Department performing background investigations for another 25 years. He enjoyed time with family, fishing, biking, skating, skiing, and playing pickleball. He is survived by his wife, Ione; two daughters; a son; six grandchildren; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.

Sep, 2020

A. Richard Caputo ’60, of Shavertown, Pa.; Mar. 11, after a brief illness. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, he served in the Judge Advocate General’s Department of the U.S. Air Force for three years, then joined a law firm that over time became known as Shea, Shea & Caputo. In 1997 he was nominated to the federal bench by President Clinton and served as a federal district judge on the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania for 22 years. He was a member of various community organizations, a founding director of the Luzerne Foundation, director of the Federal Judges Association, and a member of the Third Circuit Committee on Model Civil Jury Instructions. He enjoyed playing golf and had an interest in cars. He is survived by his wife, Rosemary Shea Caputo ’62; two daughters and their spouses, including Lisa Caputo Morris ’86; son A. Richard Caputo Jr. ’88 and his wife, Laurel Reed Caputo ’88; and seven grandchildren, including Albert R. Caputo III ’18 and Jackson R. Caputo ’21.

Sep, 2020

Richard D. Brown ’60, of West Lake Hills, Tex.; Mar. 5. Following his time in the U.S. Army, he attended the University of Pittsburgh and received his master’s in public administration. He moved to Austin in 1963 and began a long association with the Texas Municipal League, becoming executive director in 1970. Retiring in 1985, he represented many different clients and was routinely named one of the state’s top lobbyists. He served as alderman, mayor pro tem, and mayor of the City of Rollingwood from 1985 to 1995, and was instrumental in devising a bill to create library districts. He is survived by his wife, Jann; a daughter and her spouse; a son; three grandchildren; a stepdaughter and her spouse; a stepson and his spouse; seven step-grandchildren; two sisters; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2020

Stephen P. Dretler ’60, of Natick, Mass.; Jan. 9, of Parkinson’s disease. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and a pioneer in the field of urology at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he practiced for more than 40 years. During his long and distinguished medical career he changed the way kidney stone disease was treated. He was an innovator in the use of lithotripsy and lasers to treat disease in less invasive ways and a lifelong inventor who collaborated with engineers to develop groundbreaking medical instruments that are in use today worldwide. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He enjoyed spending time at his seasonal home on Martha’s Vineyard, reading, antiquities, jogging and playing golf. He is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, eight grandchildren, a sister and brother-in-law, a brother and sister-in-law, nieces, and nephews.

Jun, 2020

Roger P. Sacilotto ’60, of Warren, R.I.; Jan. 2, of a long illness. He worked as a chemist at the Geigy Chemical Co. in Cranston, R.I., and later for the Philip A. Hunt Chemical Corp. in Lincoln, R.I. He served as treasurer and vice president of the Enrico Caruso Society in Manville, R.I. He enjoyed boating, camping, fishing, traveling, and sports. He is survived by his wife, Mona; four children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and two brothers.


Apr, 2020

Norman J. Pineault ’60, of Fernandina Beach, Fla.; Oct. 24. After graduating from Brown, he served in the U.S. Air Force and attained the rank of second lieutenant. Following his military service, he earned an MBA at Northeastern University and went on to work in the finance department at General Electric in Lynn, Mass. He retired in 1986 and in 2004 moved to Florida. He was involved with Respect Life Ministry and a supporter of the St. Gerard maternity home and Christian high school for unwed mothers. He was also council program director at Respect Life for two years. He is survived by his wife, Sandy; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Frank A. Spellman III ’60, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y.; May 23. He was retired from IBM and enjoyed a good book, watching sports, and bowling. He was proud to have bowled a perfect game of 300 in 1980. He is survived by a sister-in-law and nieces and nephews.


Nov, 2019

William S. Clarke III ’60, of Princeton, N.J.; Aug. 21, 2018. He practiced corporate law for 50 years and was a philanthropist in land preservation, environmental issues, and animal protection. He was past commodore and trustee of the Barnegat Light Yacht Club and an active member of the International Lightning Class Assoc., the Catboat Assoc., the Steam Automobile Club of America, and the Nassau Club. He is survived by his wife, Wendy; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and a niece and nephew.


Sep, 2019

Richard M. Galkin ’60, of Boca Raton, Fla.; Apr. 18, after a long illness. He oversaw Time Inc.’s entry into ownership of cable systems in the 1960s, including Sterling Manhattan Cable Television, where he served as president during the formation of HBO. After leaving Time Inc., he established the cable franchises for Providence, North Providence, and Pawtucket, R.I. He maintained an ownership position until its sale to Times-Mirror Corp. in 1985. He was instrumental in the creation and management of Comsat’s disruptive new venture Satellite Television Corp. For more than 30 years he served on the board of trustees and directors of The Royce Funds, as well as being chairman of its audit committee. In semi-retirement, he served as chairman of the City of Boca Raton Telecommunications Advisory Board for nearly 20 years and as president of the Boca Raton Marina Yacht Club. He established a scholarship at Brown in his father’s name, the Joseph Galkin 1931 Family Scholarship. He is survived by his wife, Ellen; a brother; and three nephews, including Justin Sanders ’04.


Sep, 2019

Robert E. Casey ’60, of Stonington, Conn.; Apr. 13. He worked at Bankers Trust for one year and then served, until 1964, in the U.S. Navy, achieving the rank of lieutenant. After obtaining his MBA from Rutgers, he worked as a CPA for Lybrand in Hartford and San Francisco until 1970, when he moved to work as vice president and controller for National Life in Montpelier, Vt. In 1978 he moved to Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company in Hartford, where he attained the role of senior vice president and retired in 1994. He was active in his community and served on several boards. He enjoyed playing bridge, golf and tennis. He is survived by his companion, Neeltje Udo; two sons and daughters-in-law; a stepson; three grandsons; five nephews, a niece; and a sister.


Jul, 2019

Carl A. Wattenberg Jr. ’60, of St. Louis, Mo.; Mar. 27. He was senior vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary at Mark Twain Bancshares for 24 years. He was the director of several national and state chartered banks over the course of his career. He also served as director and general counsel for the St. Louis Jr. Chamber of Commerce, with the Jaycees, and as treasurer of Laumeier Sculpture Park. After retiring from banking, he was of counsel with the law firm of Kodner Watkins, as well as advisory director for Citadel Trust Services. He served in the U.S. Army as an intelligence officer and later in the U.S. Navy as a JAG for seven years. He enjoyed gardening, investing, and world travel. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two children; three stepchildren; and 10 grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

John A. Tisdale ’60, of Peabody, Mass.; Feb. 18. He was a junior engineer at Block Engineering; he matriculated to Bell & Howell Communications as a senior engineer in instrumentation; moved to RCA, which became General Electric; and then to Martin Marietta, where he was a test production engineer. He retired in 1994. He enjoyed singing as a part of the Protestant choir at Brooksby Village, served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, and was a member of the Glacier Society. He also served as a historical guide at the Buckman Tavern in Lexington and was an avid collector and procurer of HO scale railroading. He enjoyed hiking, canoeing, sailing, history, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Thelma; siblings; and nieces and nephews.


May, 2019

Robert E. Nadeau ’60, of Little Compton, R.I.; Dec. 26. After graduating from Tufts Medical School and completing his residency at Dartmouth, he served as a captain and general internist in the U.S. Air Force from 1966 to 1969 stationed in Spangdahlem, Germany. He further trained in psychiatry at the University of Rochester (N.Y.), where he remained as associate clinical professor of psychiatry. He continued in private practice and teaching until retiring in 2009. He was a member of the American Psychiatric Assoc. and at Brown was a member of the varsity golf team and Delta Upsilon. He enjoyed driving his tractor and working in his woodshop. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Tillinghast Nadeau ’61; four children and their spouses, including Elizabeth Nadeau ’83, Dana Nadeau ’85, and Robert Nadeau ’96; eight grandchildren; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.

May, 2019

Alan C. Laymon ’60, of Mantoloking, N.J.; Jan. 29. He had a career in advertising media sales at Young & Rubicam and later at CBS Sports. While at Brown he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and began playing bridge and competing in many tournaments. He served on the Mantoloking Borough Council for 10 years and enjoyed swimming and playing tennis. He is survived by his wife, Susan; three children; and four grandchildren.

May, 2019

Peter Kallas ’60, of Wilmington, N.C.; Jan. 12. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps as a captain at the Communications School in Camp Pendleton, Calif., he began a career in international banking, retiring as vice president of the Bank of New England in Boston. He traveled to more than 40 countries during 26 years in the industry and provided consulting services through the International Executive Service Corps to banks in Russia in 1993. While living in Colorado he served on the Denver World Affairs Council and the Institute for International Education Fulbright scholarship committee  and presented at the Aspen Institute and University of Colorado on world affairs. While living in Plattsburgh, N.Y., he volunteered with Friends of Point Au Roche and Kiwanis International and was a literacy volunteer. He is survived by his wife, Mara; three children; seven grandchildren; and wo brothers.

May, 2019

Donne Hansen Forrest ’60, of Scarsdale, N.Y.; Jan. 7. She worked in publishing for more than 40 years. She retired as director of subsidiary rights for Penguin Random House in 2015. She is survived by two sons; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a sister.

May, 2019

James G. Conzelman Jr. ’60, of Wilton, Conn., formerly of St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 7. He worked in various positions over the course of his career, including project specialist with First National Bank of St. Louis, vice president of institutional sales at the brokerage firm of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, vice president of the US–USSR Trade and Economic Council, and executive director of the Association of Executive Recruiting Consultants. In early 2000 he began volunteering at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission and the Jewish Home for the Elderly of Fairfield County, and from 2006 to 2016 he volunteered at the Connecticut Hospice in Branford, Conn. He was an accomplished athlete and coached his grandsons’ youth football program. He also enjoyed cooking and music. He is survived by three children and eight grandchildren.

Mar, 2019

Jerry Rhine ’60, of Greenwich, Conn.; Aug. 12, after a long illness. He was a commercial real estate broker and is survived by his wife, Jennifer; a daughter; a son; and a brother, Donald ’57.


Mar, 2019

Robert W. McCourt ’60, of Short Hills, N.J.; Oct. 26. He worked for 43 years in various management positions at Public Service Electric & Gas Co. in Elizabeth, N.J., planning the electrical infrastructure of Newark Liberty International Airport and the redevelopment of Liberty State Park and Ellis Island. He specialized in electromagnetic field issues management, environment, health, and safety concerns. He provided expert advice on electromagnetic field issues to the general public and media and was a proud member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He worked to raise funds for various international Catholic organizations, churches, and schools. He also enjoyed woodworking, gardening, and reading, especially books about World War II by Samuel Eliot Morison. He is survived by his wife, Helen; two daughters; a son-in-law; two grandchildren; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.


Mar, 2019

James M. Bower ’60, of Providence; Oct. 16. He was an educator for more than 50 years, including a year at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The American School of Lima, Peru. For several years he served as head of charter schools throughout Massachusetts and for 15 years was headmaster of Dedham Country Day School. His career concluded with a 15-year involvement with The San Miguel School in Providence, where he taught English and geography, was director of admissions, and coached baseball and chess. He served on the boards of both the Genesis Center and Hamilton House in Providence, and Family Service of Rhode Island. He enjoyed spending summers at his house in Maine with family and friends, sailing, and playing golf and tennis. He is survived by his wife, Kathleen; a daughter; a son-in-law; three grandchildren; a brother, Richard ’56, and nieces Amy Bower ’81, Sally Maenner ’84, and Emily Maenner ’16.


Mar, 2019

Ann Erpenbeck Bottelli ’60 of Vero Beach, Fla., formerly of Summit and Newark, N.J.; Aug. 21. She was an accounting director at Prudential Insurance in Newark. She traveled widely for Prudential sharing accounting principles with regulators and industry colleagues. She also worked independently as a graphic designer developing her own business as a practicing artist and calligrapher while raising a family in Summit. She was a longtime volunteer with the Junior League of Summit and served on the board of directors for the New Jersey Center for the Visual Arts. She enjoyed playing tennis and trail walking. She is survived by her husband, Richard; a daughter; three sons; and two daughters-in-law.


Jan, 2019

Frederic M. Alper ’60, of Boston; Aug. 9, after a long illness. He was president and later chairman of Morris Alper, Inc., one of the largest food brokerage companies in the country, founded by his grandfather. Before his tenure at Morris Alper, he worked in the supermarket business in Latin America. After retiring from Morris Alper at age 55, he became a professor of entrepreneurial studies at Babson College. He was active in Brown affairs, beginning as an alumni interviewer in 1986 and progressively moved into service roles in support of his class fundraising; he was also a 1995 Class Marshal, a Swearer Center volunteer, and performed a wide range of services as a Trustee and member of the Brown Corporation from 1995 to 2001. Most recently he was a member of the President’s Leadership Council assigned to an ad-hoc committee of the Brown Corporation, where he produced the Alper Report, which led to the establishment of a need-blind admission policy at Brown. The Alper Family National Scholarship that was originally started by the late David Alper ’30 continued with the commitment of Fred and his brother Daniel ’63 to provide financial aid to students. Over the course of his career he sat on several boards, was a generous donor to multiple political and charitable causes, and was the recipient of numerous recognitions. He enjoyed classical music and played tennis. He is survived by his wife, Donna; two sons, including Jeremy ’95; two daughters-in-law; a stepdaughter; four grandchildren; a sister; two brothers, including Daniel ’63; and several nieces and nephews, including Robin Candler ’97, McKaile Alper ’95 and Ty Alper ’95. 

Jan, 2019

Francis C. Spicola ’60, of Portsmouth, R.I.; Aug. 3. He was a mechanical engineer who began his career at Pratt-Whitney before starting a 40-year career at the U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport. He enjoyed cooking, photography, and traveling the world. He is survived by five children and four grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Linda Woodworth Keado ’60, of Dallas, formerly of Troy, N.Y.; Aug. 1. She taught social studies and was also a school librarian at Lisha Kill Middle School in Colonie, N.Y. She later was a volunteer tutor and mentor at Stults Road Elementary School in Dallas. She was involved in her local church and enjoyed playing tennis. She is survived by three daughters and their spouses; three grandchildren; a brother; two sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


Jan, 2019

Stephen A Kanter ’60, of Pasadena, Calif.; Sept. 5. After serving with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps, he practiced medicine, specializing in diagnostic radiology with expertise in angiography and interventional radiology. He practiced for more than 40 years in academic, private practice, health maintenance, and finally more than 20 years with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. He had a strong commitment to nonprofit organizations and served on many boards, including Coleman Chamber Music Assoc., the Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the Pacific Asia Museum, and the Pasadena Conservatory of Music. He is survived by a brother.


Jan, 2019

Edward A. Forrest ’60, of Hilton Head Island, S.C., formerly of West Hempstead, N.Y.; Sept. 5, following complications of surgery. Before retiring in 2001 and moving to Hilton Head, he worked as a stockbroker and was a member of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, instructing disabled skiers at Windham Mountain in the Catskill Mountains. He was active in South Carolina community activities and enjoyed traveling and sailing. He is survived by his wife, Eileen; a daughter; a son; a son-in-law; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and four nephews.


Sep, 2018

Nail M. Senozan ’60, of Long Beach, Calif.; Apr. 29. He was a chemistry professor and researcher at Cal State Long Beach, where he was named University Outstanding Professor. He was appointed chair of the chemistry department in 1996 and served in this capacity until his retirement in 2007. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Diane.


Sep, 2018

Gordon E. Wood ’60, of Danvers, Mass.; Apr. 7. For three years he was the English department chairman at Timberlane Regional High School in Plaistow, N.H. In 1972 he was appointed the coordinator of Language Arts for the Melrose Junior and Senior High Schools. He retired from secondary education in 2001. In addition, he was an adjunct professor in English at Middlesex Community College in both Lowell and Bedford, Mass., for 23 years and taught English composition and literature at North Shore and Northern Essex Community Colleges. He enjoyed following the Red Sox, reading, dancing, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Diane; two sons and their wives; two step-daughters; and three grandsons.


Sep, 2018

John D. Ross ’60, of West Falmouth, Mass.; Mar. 8. He had a career in the Boston financial district, did nonprofit management consulting, and, in retirement, environmental stewardship as past chair of the board of Buzzards Bay Coalition, as well as serving as a board member at Cape Cod Maritime Museum. He is survived by his wife, Martha; a daughter; two sons; and six grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Theodore C. Anderson Jr. ’60, of Conway, S.C.; Apr. 20. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and later in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves for nine years, discharged with the rank of captain. He was a buyer for Bloomingdale’s and Allied stores, both in New York. He also owned and operated Ted’s East End Market in Southampton, N.Y., for 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Diane; four children and their spouses; five grandchildren; and a great-grandson.


Jul, 2018

James C. Butler III ’60, of Greenbelt, Md., formerly of Syracuse, N.Y.; Feb. 9, after a brief illness. He was president of the family business, Syracuse Pottery, for many years prior to moving to Maryland. He enjoyed fishing, bowling, and boating. He is survived by a daughter, Janet Butler Berry ’91; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and five grandchildren.


May, 2018

Fred A. Windover ’60, of Boston; Dec. 4. He worked briefly in Florida before joining Sprague Electric in Lexington, Mass., in 1967 as an attorney. He was general counsel and acting vice president with Sprague through several transitions. He retired in 2009 from Allegro Microsystems in Worcester, Mass. He served the boards of the Williamstown Theater Festival, North Adams Hospital, the Massachusetts College of the Liberal Arts, and the Worcester Art Museum. He was a member of the Massachusetts Council for the Arts. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; eight grandchildren; a sister; a brother; a sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


May, 2018

Katherine Guthrie Bergen ’60, of Port Washington, N.Y.; Dec. 18. She worked briefly as a writer and editor in New York City and was a staff member on Nelson Rockefeller’s 1964 campaign. She was involved in Port Washington community affairs, including the Science Museum, the Community Chest, and the Landmark on Main Street. She enjoyed tennis, bridge, Scrabble, and reading. She is survived by her husband, G.S. Peter Bergen; three daughters; and four grandchildren.


Feb, 2018

Bruce C. Barton ’60, of Littleton, Colo.; Aug. 20, of cancer. He is survived by his wife, Deborah; a daughter; two stepchildren; and three grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Caroline King Barnard Hall ’60, ’66 AM, ’73 PhD, of Moon Township, Pa.; July 13. She was associate professor emerita of English and Women’s Studies at Penn State. She also taught at Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., the Univ. of New Orleans, Tulane Univ., Louisiana State Univ., Loyola of New Orleans, and Xavier Univ. of New Orleans. She was awarded senior Fulbright lectureships at the Univ. of Klagenfurt (Austria), the Univ. of Copenhagen, the Free Univ. of West Berlin, and the Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia). She was an accomplished cellist and enjoyed field hockey, tennis, golf, and skiing. She is survived by her husband, John Hall; a brother; and nieces and nephews.

Feb, 2018

Edwin W. Hansen ’60, of North Andover, Mass.; Aug. 19. He served in the U.S. Navy before beginning a career at IBM. He later was the director of research at the Boston Co. and then founder and managing director of Harbor Capital Management in Boston. He was a trustee of Stevens Memorial Library in North Andover and enjoyed athletics, traveling with family, and playing golf and bridge. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; two daughters; his mother; and a brother.

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