Class of 1958
Please send your notes to class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie or directly to the BAM at alumni_magazine@
William E. Corrigan Jr. joined the Brown Club of Rhode Island Board of Directors in June, 1966. He served as president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and house chairman. Presently he is a BCRI trustee and a former member of the Brown University Commencement Pops Concert Committee 1966-2005. He served as cochairperson of the Concert on two occasions. He is the recipient of a 2013 Brown Alumni Association’s Alumni Service Award.
William Corrigan was presented with the 2024 Brown Club of Rhode Island Alumni Service Award at the Brown Club of Rhode Island Annual Meeting and Dinner held at the Providence Art Club on May 16. The award was given in recognition of dedicated service to the Brown alumni community.
Sarah Grace and Jared Schober were married on August 13, 2022 in Boston. Quite a few Brown alumni were in attendance, including Samuel Brebner, Ross Dispenza, Loren Dowd, Norman Grace ’58, Robert Grace ’84, Stephanie Grace ’87, Corey Holman, James Janison, Natasha Nelson, Perry Rosenberg, Barbara Anderson Rotger ’86, Jose Rotger ’86, Miriam Grace Silverman ’66, Celina Stewart, Alice Sun, Amy Sung ’14, Caleb Tower ’85, Edith “Dede” Tower ’85, and Klara Zimmerman ’15. Jared and Sarah met on the first day of college at Brown—they were neighbors in Perkins Hall. They currently reside in Berkeley, Calif.
Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Continuing a tradition started after our 50th reunion, a tiny remnant of the Angell House dorm mates got together after Labor Day at the Long Beach Island (N.J.) summer home of Joe and Jane Bertram Miluski. Roz Kennedy Johnson and I were their happy guests, though we regretted the circumstances that prevented many of those who attended in earlier years from coming. On my way back to Massachusetts, I had lunch in one of the jazziest diners in the U.S.A., the Stanford Diner (Conn.), meeting up with another “Angell,” Betty Wolin Baer.”
Lois Hammersberg Lowry was hospitalized in Jackson Hole, Wyo., with Covid-19. Once she was discharged she was faced with her real problem: how to return to Maine while still testing positive and lugging an oxygen tank. The answer? She chartered a small private jet which got her to Portland in four hours for a formidable sum. The current challenge? Getting the insurance company that provided her with vacation insurance to reimburse her for this expense. Lois’s most recent book, TREE. TABLE. BOOK., will be published with Clarion Books on April 23.
Norman Grace (see Sarah Grace ’16).
Jim Furlong published Uncertain Perceptions on Aug. 11. It is available through Amazon or Kindle in eBook or paperback form. The back cover reads: “A once-vigorous 25-year-old news reporter, fearful of the schizophrenia that felled his father at the same age, regains his courage by fighting enemies in a small Connecticut town.”
Copresident James Moody reports: “We had a small but mighty crowd, about 20 classmates, at our 65th Reunion. The largest event turnout was at the Saturday lunch, which took place at the University Club. Those attending were: Kay Ulry Baker, Bob Blakely ’59 MAT, Pam and Ken Borden, Ted Cohen, Stan Dobson, Maraya McCully Goff and BG Goff ’57, Henri Gordon, Pete Howard, Joel Katz, Jane Bertram Miluski, Marie and Van Radoccia, Linda and Hays Rockwell, Diane and Bob Sanchez, Jill Hirst Scobie, Charlie Shumway ’66 AM, Louise Ladd Wiener and Tom Wiener ’57, and my wife, Donna and myself. They are the ‘Intrepid Few.’ It was disappointing not to see everyone, but we understand that we are a bit more vulnerable and finding housing was challenging. We enjoyed the company of those who could attend and the weather was great.
“We honored our fallen classmates by reading their names. We are sorry to report that we lost 130 classmates since our 60th Reunion; obviously, some key people like Dick Carolan, Martha Sharp Joukowsky, Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT, Art Parker, and Joe Tebo were on that list and had always attended. From what we can gather from the University, we have around 350 classmates still standing! We also thanked our communication team, including Jill Hirst Scobie for her work on our class notes in the BAM, and Jim Furlong and John Reistrup for their work on the newsletter and the class website. Sadly, our newsletter editor and invaluable webmaster, John Reistrup, has passed away.
“The memorial plaque for Martha Joukowsky was unveiled. The ceremony went smoothly, and Jerry Levine authored the speech given. Jerry was also given due credit for being one of the movers and shakers who made the memorial to Martha happen. Jane Bertram Miluski spoke about Martha’s impact. If any of you are on campus, stop by Rhode Island Hall and see it and the archaeological exhibits on display there.
“The Class did well in their contributions to Brown. As of mid-June, the Class had given or pledged to give $758,914 against a goal of $600,000. We also exceeded the University’s cash goal of $250,000 by giving $353,414. We finished our reunion dinner Saturday night with a Brown singalong led by Jane Miluski, Charlie Shumway, and Tom Wiener ’57. Hope to see you at our 70th in five years!”
Class Secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Class of 1958, our 65th Reunion is approaching. Please mark your calendars for May 26-28 (Friday to Sunday), 2023. To repeat the sage counsel given in an earlier communication from the Alumni Office, if you intend to go to a hotel: ‘Book your rooms early! With larger classes at Brown now, hotel rooms become harder to find and are taken quickly. Or make life easy and go back 65 years by booking a room on campus in one of the quads.’ More about how to do that as well as specific plans for our 65th Reunion will come at a later date.”
Kay Ulry Baker went on a pilgrimage with her church to Rome, Assisi, and Oberammergau in July. Kay writes: “We were privileged to see and hear Pope Francis conduct a special mass for a Congolese delegation in St. Peter’s Basilica. After visiting many of the traditional Roman sites, we spent several days in Assisi perched on the side of a mountain. Cobblestone streets that seemed to be almost vertical were a challenge. Then we were on to Bologna, Verona, and through the Brenner Pass (Alps), and next the quaint villages of Bavaria. Then the highlight of the trip: the Passion Play in Oberammergau, which dates back to 1634 and a promise made to God when the plague was brought to the village, is performed every ten years. On to Florida, renewing old acquaintances, then driving slowly back to New York, visiting friends and family along the way. I believe I have had enough walking and driving for another year and am looking forward to our 65th in May.”
Paul Schaffer writes that he has enjoyed reading about his fellow ’58s and being reminded about his Brown years and the friendships that were made, especially with his roommate, Dr. Bernie Asher. Paul, who has been married to his artist wife, Betty, for 62 years, is still active in his family’s business, A La Vieille Russie, specializing in Russian art and precious objects. “Our son Mark, despite his PhD in plant molecular genetics (Harvard, Berkeley, Weizmann), is active in our business, and our daughter, Catherine Schaffer Rose ’86 (Columbia MBA), is actively raising our two grandchildren, while continuing to use her business skills.”
In 1958, Dr. Lois Hodgins Monteiro ’70 PhD married George Monteiro ’54, ’64 PhD, and he later became a faculty member in the English department. After Lois received her PhD she was a faculty member in bio-med until she retired. “Apart from Martha Sharp Joukowsky ’58 PhD and Artemis Joukowsky ’55, I think that we might be the only other couple with ’58 affiliations who made their lifelong professional lives at Brown, quite an accomplishment. Please let me know if you know otherwise. Furthermore, son Stephen ’90 and daughter Kate Monteiro ’87 AM graduated from Brown.”
Dr. Dorothy “Doe” Cotton-Pemstein continues to play piano for sing-a-longs both for residents in independent living and for those in the memory unit. Doe writes: “Music remains even when many other cognitive abilities decline. It would be a superb gift to hear from any classmates in the area (Greater Boston) and to connect by either phone, (781) 234-2238, or email at [email protected], or even personally if we wear name tags to identify ourselves—hah!”
Martha Collins Keen writes that she is the third member of the Collins family to graduate from Brown. The first was Frederic W. Collins, class of 1928; the second Susan D. Collins Wroth ’54.
Class Secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Hear ye, hear ye, or read ye, read ye!! Class of 1958, our 65th Reunion is approaching. Please mark your calendars for May 26-28 (Friday to Sunday), 2023. You’ll be glad to know that Jim Noonan says, ‘If I’m alive, I’ll be there!’ and Van Radoccia notes that he’ll ‘be there on May 26-28, the good Lord willin’ and the crick don’t rise.’ So please follow the fine example of these intrepid ’58s! And now, to repeat the sage counsel given in an earlier communication from the Alumni Office, if you intend to go to a hotel: ‘Book your rooms early! With larger classes at Brown now, hotel rooms become harder to find and are taken quickly. Or make life easy and go back 65 years by booking a room on campus in one of the quads.’ More about how to do that, as well as specific plans for our 65th Reunion will come at a later date.”
Jill Hirst Scobie and Lois Dean visited with Joseph and Jane Bertram Miluski at their summer house on Long Beach Island (N.J.) for a post–Labor Day get together. “We were freshmen at Angell House back in the day. A jigsaw puzzle, the beach, great food and drink, and the pleasure of interesting company and conversation. What good fortune.”
Bob Sanchez had COVID and attended his granddaughter’s graduation from the College of Charleston in step with the times—he streamed the ’22 graduation, which was very long with two graduation classes marching. Among his numerous activities are: secretary of the weekly men’s coffee speaker program, a group leader of Great Decisions seminars, Naples Daily News opinion contributor, participant in monthly progressive luncheons, a board member of the Reserve Officers Association, the Brown University Club of Southwest Florida, and the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association.
Lois Hodgins Monteiro enjoyed a post-pandemic Fourth of July in downeast Maine with her daughter and son Stephen Monteiro ’90.
Gerald (Jerry) Levine’s granddaughter, Ilana, daughter of Jodi Levine Avergun ’84, is heading up the New York Yankees PR department for all off field events and activities. Jerry writes: “Shades of George Costanza from Seinfeld, she doesn’t have to report to George Steinbrenner. If the Yankees keep playing as well as they are now (July), I may have an inside chance to get some World Series tickets come this October.”
Pete Howard and Jane Loveless Howard write: “We are mostly at home for medical reasons that most of you probably share.We follow events in Arlington, Massachusetts, where we have lived for the last 58 years. It is heartening to see some of the things we have worked on still going strong, such as the Arlington Human Rights Commission’s Vision 2020 (now called Envision Arlington), active garden maintenance in the Town Hall gardens, small repairs to Town Hall furnishings, and various repairs to most of the houses in our neighborhood.” Jane adds that a granddaughter, whose father is David Howard ’89, ’91 ScM, ’95 PhD, is teaching at an elementary school in Providence, her third year.
Class Secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “I repeat what you have, no doubt, read in our class newsletter. Please mark your calendar for Friday through Sunday, May 26-28, 2023, for our 65th reunion. If you are hoping to stay in a nearby hotel or motel, be sure to book your rooms early. With the larger classes at Brown, hotel rooms are more difficult to find and are taken quickly. Or make life easy for yourself, go back 65 years and book a room on campus. Information about how to do this
will be forthcoming.
Paul Schaffer writes: “I very much enjoyed seeing old friends at our 60th reunion, and I have been pleased to follow BAM postings of ’58 classmates, old friends and new. Some brought sad news, but most were happy and upbeat, and all reminded me of my Brown years, and the friendships that were made. I am pleased that I am in frequent contact with Bernie Asher, my freshman roommate. As for me, I’m still active in the art business in New York City and my artist wife, Betty, and I, are about to celebrate our 62nd wedding anniversary. Our son Mark, despite his PhD in molecular genetics (Harvard, Berkeley, Weizmann), is active in our business, and our daughter, Cathy Schaffer ’86 (applied math, Columbia MBA), formerly in the financial side of the medical field, is actively raising our grandchildren, while continuing to use her business skills.”
Everett Pizzuti and his wife have five sons and are the grandparents of eight (ages 6 to 27). They are “upsizing,” moving into a 7700 sq. foot home, which includes an in-law apartment for their bachelor son. They are still quite mobile and like to “travel, gamble at casinos, go out to dinner, cook, grill on the deck, and make pizza from scratch in our wood fired Italian pizza oven. And so [we] keep very busy and stay young.”
James Rich Jr. writes that he last contributed to Classes five years ago. Since then he reports that he has given up flying his twin engine Cessna. However, he notes happily that the plane “still resides in the family. My son, James Rich III ’01, is the new owner and the airplane is now based in Boulder, Colorado. He, his wife, and three children ages 8, 6, and 4, now fly to Colorado ski areas.” Jim learned to fly with the Brown Flying Club, as did his son, James, who has had the plane refurbished and flies it to Little Compton (R.I.) each summer to vacation.
In February, Lois Hammersberg Lowry’s newest book, The Windeby Puzzle, was published by HarperCollins. She writes: “It is an anthropological mystery of sorts, set in the first century and written when I was in quarantine and was able to spend my time on research. I also spent my pandemic time talking by Zoom to classrooms around the world: Turkey, Romania, Kathmandu, Iran, Korea, Brazil, Japan….so many others. And it was heartening to find that wherever they are, whatever their culture and language, teenagers care about, worry about— and yearn to fix—the same things in this troubled world.”
Jerry Levine writes: “In February and early March, I underwent cataract removal and new lens implants in each eye leading to amazing improvement. This operation is commonplace for people in our age group, but how many of us can claim that it was done by a Brown alumnus? In this case, Edward Lai ’97, a senior surgeon in the department of ophthalmology at the Weill Cornell Division of NY-Presbyterian Hospital.”
David Clough writes: “As a happy member of the Class of 1958, I hit 90 in November. During the past few years I have self-published a half dozen books featuring my life as a watercolorist. In Maine, where I have lived with Janet, my wife of nearly 40 years, I also walked a sober life for nearly 50 years.”
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Our copresidents Jim Moody ’65 ScM and Jane Bertram Miluski ask you all to mark your calendars for May 26-28, 2023, for our 65th reunion. Let’s show them ‘Who’s Still Great?….58!!’ And here’s another reminder, how to get to our engaging Class of ’58 Newsletter: contact [email protected]. You’ll be glad you did.”
Sandy McFarland Taylor has been in touch with her childhood bestie, Carol Jadick Hanson, who lives in Lawrenceville, N.J. Sandy visited Carol this past February, traveling with her daughter, Sarah Taylor ’90, from Tuxedo Park.
John Reistrup writes that his granddaughter, Gina Reistrup, is studying for her master’s in public health at George Washington University while also being gainfully employed at a public health clinic at George Mason University. She went to Mpala Research Center in Kenya to learn research methods of vector-borne disease surveillance, i.e., tracking the spread of disease by mosquitoes, ticks, etc.
Kay Ulry Baker writes: “I finally organized myself (including those books, spices, and just about everything else). I sold both New York and Florida townhouses and instead am living in a Lifecare Retirement Community on Long Island. It took quite a bit of downsizing, but I think the Jefferson’s Ferry community here in South Setauket, New York, is worth all that hassle. I’ve had the opportunity to make new friends, renew some old pastimes, and develop new interests. This is a vibrant place that encourages continuing development along with the security of a community. Quite a life change, but always something new.”
Class Secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Once again I am urging you to frequent the Class of 1958 website ( or simply search for ‘Brown Class of 1958.’ The class website, set up with the help of Alumni Relations, features many sources of information previously scattered. Just above a letter of greeting from our copresidents, you can learn how to update your profile. This will enable you to get in touch with other alums via info in the Brown database. You can enjoy a photo gallery immortalizing decades of our reunions and mini reunions, news, notes, and tributes to classmates, links to our Class of 1958 Newsletter, Brown Insider newsletter, and the Brown Daily Herald, as well as to the BAM. Copresidents Jim Moody ’65 ScM and Jane Bertram Miluski would like you to bear in mind that in May 2023 we will be celebrating our 65th reunion. Oh, mercy, mercy me! Who knows where the time goes!”
John Spicer writes: “Let me share a family story of remarkable good luck. It is a sea story, an outing planned well ahead by my son, Doug, in Westport, Massachusetts, where our class held its recent anniversary celebration at the Acoaxet Club. The summer of ’21 had been a party to storms and much fog on the Rhode Island oceanfront and Hurricane Henri was heading toward us just as Doug was planning to take me and five family members to sea by way of the Westport River estuary in a friend’s Herreshoff Alerion sloop. The eye of the storm was headed directly for our harbor, but then she (sorry, boats and hurricanes are sexist) slowed her forward progress. I had the helm from the dock and took her into the harbor, on a rising wind against strong tide, sailing a rolling broad tack over tall swells, ripped with refreshing spray. It was a glorious day of full sun and wind, tucked between eerie calm and the expected storm. Henri turned back towards Connecticut and on to New York. But five miles out to sea, we all took turns at the tiller with full sun and wind and returned safely to port.”
Bob Feldman writes: “By the time these class notes appear I will know whether my daughter Hannah has been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted at Brown. She spent last summer attending the Brown Summer School, albeit online. My guess is that there are not many of us who have a daughter applying to Brown for that class (2026). On a non-family note, I thoroughly enjoyed the John Willenbecher show at the Craig F. Starr Gallery in New York. The show presents drawings and sculptures that John created in the late ’60s. Clever, beguiling, and bewitching.”
James Noonan of Oldwick, N.J., attended St. Raphael’s Academy in Pawtucket, R.I., where he played basketball and golf (captain), and was on the track team. An engaged alum, he has become very active within the last ten years, both donating and raising money. Because of this dedicated activity he has been elected to the St. Ray’s Hall of Fame and, along with three others, will be fêted on April 2, 2022.
James Mello writes: “Our son, Roger, and his wife and I have started a woodworking business called Mellowood. Our principal product is Adirondack chairs, but we make other items as well.”
John Willenbeche writes: “I will be having an exhibition at the Craig F. Starr Gallery, 5 East 73rd St., New York City, from October 5, 2021, to January 15, 2022. The show will consist not of recent work but of my very earliest paintings on paper and constructions from the 1960s.”
Leslie Feifer Peltier welcomed a third great-grandchild, Cleo, born October ’20 in Chicago, and hopes that Cleo and her parents will visit the East Coast. Great-grandchildren #1 and #2 currently live in Oklahoma. Last year a grandson gave her StoryWorth as a Christmas present: “Weekly you receive questions/prompts to encourage you to write about various aspects of your life. You submit your writing to StoryWorth and at the end of a year all your writings are bound into a keepsake book. Voila! A memoir!”
Paul Johnson, a Sigma Nu, writes that he visited Bill Chadwick, a Kappa Sigma. Both are connected to Vero Beach, Fla.
Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Perhaps you sometimes ask yourself how you can be in touch with your classmates and friends from your days at Brown? Our newsletter coeditor John Reistrup has turned webmaster, overhauling our Class of 1958 website. Check it out. Here’s the link: The website is organized in this manner: “Home Page” is about the class and its activities; “About Us” lists class officers and cabinet; “News and Notes” is written by and about our classmates; “Having My Say” contains original essays by classmates; “Online Conversations” is a selection of emails that have been shared between and among class members; “Photo Gallery” shows images from our 60th reunion, as well as other gatherings; “Remembering” is a page of links to the obituaries of deceased ’58s going back to 2008, as well as pictures of our 50th reunion; “Links” lists other websites for Brunonians. The pages titled “News and Notes,” “Having My Say,” and “Online Conversations” will be the main vehicles replacing our award-winning newsletter and will expedite communication between and among classmates. Alas, I have the melancholy task of telling you that Sandy McFarland Taylor is resigning from her position as copresident of the Class of 1958. Sandy brought intelligence, wisdom, energy, great ideas, endless good humor, and boundless enthusiasm to this office. She was present at every reunion and every mini-reunion. She’d be there to greet you and there to ensure that all ended well. And she attests that she “loved every minute of it.” As the mother of three daughters, two of whom are also Brown graduates, she is and always has been deeply committed to the University and invested in its future. We salute you, copresident Sandy, and thank you for all your work on behalf of our class over the years. You really have been “ever true.” Consequently, Jane Bertram Miluski has agreed to serve as Jim Moody’s copresident. A dynamic duo, I’d wager.”
Jodi Levine Avergun (see Jerry Levine ’58).
Copresident Sandy McFarland Taylor has left her Manhattan co-op for the quieter joys of Tuxedo Park, N.Y., living with one of her daughters. Since Sandy had visited there for many summers and throughout the year, she was already well acquainted with Tuxedo Park. She remains very engaged with the local Episcopal parish, having at one time served on its vestry.
Hays Rockwell has put the quieter time caused by the pandemic to good use. He has written two memoirs. One is focused upon persons who influenced his life and the second recounts all the places he and his wife lived throughout their lives. He’s also written about the year of the pandemic so that future generations may have a “real time” accounting of what it was like. The father of four and the grandfather of eight, his family is far flung: from California to Switzerland, from Boston to London, and various spots in between. Each summer the Rockwell clan normally has a grand reunion at their coastal Rhode Island home; although this was an impossibility during 2020, he does look forward to a time when they can all reassemble.
Jerry Levine’s daughter, Jodi Levine Avergun ’84, has been named one of the 500 leading lawyers in America by Lawdragon. She is the chair of White Collar Defense and Investigations at Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft LLP, where she is a partner.
Peter Hornbostel published his second book, Come On In, I’ll Tell You A Story. He writes: “You can get it from Amazon for about $16. Classmates can get it from me at a $1 discount. So far, it’s pretty successful and lots of fun.”
Since 2005, Adrienne Arabian Baksa and her husband Richard have been running a free Buddhist correspondence course for prison inmates. Each student inmate is provided with course books, assignments, and an experienced mentor. The curriculum is designed to acquaint students not only with Buddhist theory but, more importantly, with the practices of meditation and mindfulness. These practices are considered essential in changing “unskillful” mind states (greed, anger, ignorance) into “skillful” ones (generosity, compassion, wisdom). The program has grown significantly and they now have nearly 600 students from 46 states and several foreign countries. If you are interested in learning more about their work, contact Adrienne at [email protected].
Mary K. Miluski (see Joe and Jane Bertram Miluski ’58).
Janet Woodley Koch moved from Rehoboth Beach, Del., to the Templeton of Cary, a continuing care retirement community in North Carolina, to be near her daughter Barbara and granddaughters Nicole, Katie, and Emily.
Joseph M. Kusmiss published his second book of haiku, Spring Visitors, with Red Moon Press. His first haiku book, end of summer, was published in 2015.
Shirley Sanderson Avery is caring for an ailing spouse. She continues to be engaged with St. Andrew’s, her church in New London, N.H. She is delighted that her daughter and son-in-law have moved next door and is grateful for her son, daughter, in-laws and two grandchildren as well.
Abbe Robinson Young moved from her home in Newton, Mass., to NewBridge on the Charles in Dedham, Mass. She is enjoying herself by continuing to participate in her exercise class (at first virtually and now socially distanced but in person). She’s also learning new things and taking up new interests such as playing poker and setting up a bird feeder. She is developing a new passion, opera, with a virtual course. Her classmate, Dr. Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein, also lives at NewBridge.
Joe and Jane Bertram Miluski are staying home and keeping well, and managed a tiny Christmas socially distancing with two of their five children: Hank and Mary K. Miluski ’81. Jane is filling the days with reading, knitting, and walking but was gleefully anticipating reaching a three-day, distanced-but-live watercolor workshop in February. She remains grateful that in 2019 she realized a dream of getting most of their large family together for two weeks in a Tuscan vineyard.
Nancy Redden James volunteers with Ventures in Community, which includes various houses of worship, nonprofits, and social agencies that work together. Nancy works for its hypothermia outreach program that provides shelter for homeless people each night from December through March. Prior to the pandemic she served as an overnight chaperone and she still contributes by providing meals.
Ulysses S. (Jim) James is the conductor and music director of the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic and the artistic director of the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association. Some of his classmates went to a concert given by the WMP in Washington, D.C. The orchestra has not been able to perform since April due to COVID-19, but they have presented a weekly chamber music series (performed on a Friday, edited on Saturday, broadcast on Sunday at 3 p.m. and available on YouTube). James is hoping that the full orchestra will be able to begin rehearsing again in July, dependent, of course, upon the distribution of the vaccines.
Class newsletter editors John Reistrup and Jim Furlong report: “the Brown Class of 1958 website is up and running successfully, thanks to the staff at alumni relations. Simply search “Brown Class of 1958” or click on the link: https:// It is readable on home computers, tablets, Androids, and iPhones. However, if you are using a personal computer, not all features (like the page index) are immediately visible. In that case, items that you can’t find can be located by clicking on a “hamburger” icon (trio of lines arranged like an equal sign plus one or a side view of a hamburger). The website features many sources of information that were previously scattered. On the home page, immediately above a letter of greeting from presidents Sandy McFarland Taylor and Jim Moody, you may find out how to update your profiles, which will allow you to be in touch with other alumni in the database. It also offers news and notes about classmates (including a tribute to contemporaries who made lasting contributions to race relations as well as some light-hearted recollections about Rhode Island dining), a photo gallery immortalizing years of reunions and mini-reunions and clickable links to our Class of 1958 Newsletter, the Brown Alumni website, the Brown Insider newsletter and Brown Daily Herald, as well as the Brown Alumni Magazine.”
John Selig (see David Kramer ’53).
David Kramer was honored on Nov. 18 with the Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Founders Fund Award, which was “presented to an individual whose excellence in and outstanding dedication to environmental and water conservation serve as a model for future generations.” David writes: “I started fly-fishing at age 12 and continued for the next 70 years. In 1963, I was a founder of the Theodore Gordon Flyfishers. Over the years there have been many members who were Brown alumni, including Sara Low ’83 (one of the first women fly-fishing guides in America), John Selig ’58, and the late J. James Gordon ’52.”
It is with great regret that copresidents Jim Moody and Sandy McFarland Taylor have concluded that the plans for a fifth mini-reunion, which was to be held in Boston in the spring of 2021 (BAM Classes, June-August 2020), will have to be postponed for the time being due to ongoing concerns related to the pandemic and the health of their classmates.
Barbara Comroe Trevaskis and her husband moved from New Jersey to the Jacksonville, Florida, area to a continuing care retirement community several years ago. Like Judith Perlin, they are enjoying safe, socially distanced happy hours, as well as remote exercise classes. Thanks to the magic of Zoom, we were able to see a painting she had done. She has also been learning to do tole painting, which according to Wikipedia is “the folk art of decorative painting on tin and wooden utensils, objects, and furniture.
Judith Ann Perlin moved to a senior independent living community within the last year. She has been participating in safe, socially distanced, but still happy-to-be-there happy hours and finds this is an easy way to get to know her neighbors. She enjoys shopping at her local farmers’ market, which luckily is within walking distance.
Not to be outdone, Tom Moses has been playing tennis in Sarasota, Florida, while the temperature has been in the low nineties.
Jane Bertram Miluski, a watercolor artist, has not been able to paint of late due to the heat... alas, no air conditioning in her studio. Like many others, she has had to cancel various workshops she was scheduled to give due to the coronavirus. Once we can go about safely, she hopes to resume both her painting and her teaching. In the meantime, she’s been watching Turner Classic Movies (thank you, Ted!) and reading Sinclair Lewis.
This past July, Gil Lugossy was to have received an award for service to the public and the community from the Polish Arts Club of Trenton, New Jersey. Now, he is scheduled to receive it in 2021. By background, Gil is Hungarian American, and his late wife, Lee, was Polish American; they were longtime members and supporters of the organization.
Connie Black Engle’s son, Douglas, normally a resident of Brazil, has been sheltering in place with his parents. One of the tasks he took on was bringing all of Connie’s children’s books upstairs so that she could peruse them and decide what their destination ought to be. She has sent a bundle off to Bank Street College of Education in New York City and to the Providence Athenaeum.
Kathie Schutt Chadwick has been watching the news assiduously and reading a lot of Louise Penny, a Canadian author who is very popular with the “Angells” group. Kathie is quite musical and served as a choir director for many years. For our Zoom meeting she donned a T-shirt that had a musical staff with the following notations for meter: 6/4, 9/8, 11/16. Underneath was this brief sentence: “These are difficult times.”
Adrienne Arabian Baksa, who lives in Costa Rica, has been a lifelong (and very adept) piano player, but she is now in the process of divesting herself of a lifetime’s worth of music (books and sheet music). A formidable task. She is also passing on the work she and her husband, Richard, have done with incarcerated people. This is another formidable task.
Betty Wolin Baer has spent the last several months dealing with the after effects of a flood in her Connecticut condo. Lots of insurance, lots of logistics, and lots of dealing with contractors.
Charlie Shumway ’66 AM (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
Jim Moody ’65 ScM (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT (see Bob Sanchez ’58).
John Spicer, who gives his nickname as “Snowshoe,” writes about a weekend in Freedom, N.H. “It was my 93rd, granddaughter Nora’s 33rd, and grandson Sam’s 26th birthdays that we were celebrating in an extravagant former hunting lodge built for writer Corey Ford. The Airbnb description of our hillside abode hardly touched the triumph and tragedy of Ford’s “Stoney Broke” writing home. As a base for our explorations, Freedom offered an unexpected variety of hikes and climbs near a once huge volcanic blast site. Many were the presents, including recordings of favorite books by my own family. It was clear, however, that my creative family were the best presents of all.”
Bob Sanchez continues his extraordinarily active life. The Brown Club has provided many interesting and engaging programs and outings: talks from faculty and administrators about campus and academic activities, a visit to the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens in Miami, a visit to an Everglades nature preserve, and a trip to Fort Myers to watch the Boston Red Sox. Bob attended a gathering at which the New Curriculum was the topic of discussion. “A number of those attending the gathering were actually on campus during the negotiations among the faculty, the administration, and the students. Robert Lynch ’69 was active in the brouhaha over the NROTC remaining or leaving. He wrote an interesting piece putting the events in context, The Almost Forgotten Story of How Brown University’s New Curriculum was Nearly Derailed by Subterfuge.” Bob keeps in touch with: Stan Dobson, Jim Furlong, Warren Healey, George Held, Pete Howard, Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT, Jerry Levine, Jim Moody ’65 ScM, Tom Moses, John Reistrup, Charlie Shumway ’66 AM, Sandy McFarland Taylor, Bill Traub ’59, George Vandervoort, and Roger Williams.
Kenneth Kurze’s wife, Ingrid Fischer Kurze, died in May 2019. Since Kenneth was an officer in the Foreign Service, they shared a life of travel and adventure. She gave birth to her daughter and three sons, each in a different country: India, Nepal, Morocco, and Washington, D.C. She was an avid hiker, skier, trekker, and traveler.
Judith Katz Block’s husband, Kean Block (Yale ’53, Harvard Business School ’55) died in March after 61 years of marriage and a ten-year battle with cancer. His career was primarily in finance. He was very active volunteering in their community and was the president of the Yale Club in Chicago for several years.
Betty Belknap Stirling’s granddaughter, Amber Demers, graduated from Salem State University in June, while her younger sister, Jennelle, graduated from Pentucket High School and will enter Dean College this fall—both are honor students. The rest of her grandchildren are either college graduates or currently attending college.
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Copresident Jim Moody is proposing that we have our fifth ‘mini-reunion’ in Boston, either in the fall of 2020 or the spring of 2021. Boston is a charming historic city rich in culture with wonderful museums and galleries, music venues from the BSO to Passim’s and everything in between—restaurants of every style and ethnicity, theaters, parks, glorious public sculpture, etc. So much to do, see, and enjoy. Jim is looking for some ’58s who would volunteer to see this event to its successful completion. If you would be interested, please contact him at [email protected]. This is a wonderful way to renew old friendships and hold this thought...time, it is a wastin’.”
Pat Fogarty-Cavagnaro writes: “I have been in Italy for 45 years, married here, and have a son who’s been sent as a parish priest to just south of Amsterdam, Holland. My first 15 years were in Florence, where I taught English at Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori and did lots of translations as well as my own writing. The last 30 years I have lived in Rome, where I started an English series on Italian arts for a Roman publisher. After that I did freelance work, translations, and further writing and book columns. On the non-work side, living in Florence and Rome is just as amazing as you might imagine. My memories of Pembroke and Brown remain strong, especially working with many classmates on The Pembroke Record and in the Student Government Association.”
On October 26, the Brown University Corporation dedicated a memorial to Trustee Ken McDaniel. The memorial is an engraved concrete block lining a brick walkway in the Maddock Alumni Center gardens. Ken died on June 11, 2019, just 16 days after celebrating his 50th class reunion (See Farewell, BAM Obituaries, September/October). Following the dedication, the Class of 1969 presented a 154-page book created and published by his classmate Thelma Austin. The title is A Faithful Servant: Biographical Tribute to Kenneth Harrison McDaniel, 1947-2019. In addition to his biographical summary, the book features 24 tributes. Tributes were from President Christina Paxson and seven current and emeriti trustees, including Bernicestine McLeod Bailey ’68, Harold Bailey ’70, Sheryl Grooms Brissett Chapman ’71, Spencer Crew ’71, Galen V. Henderson ’93 MD, Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, and Preston Tisdale ’73. Nine classmates who contributed were Linda Abbott Antonucci, Phyllis Cunningham-Hutson, Gail DeCosta, Ido Jamar ’74 ScM, ’77 PhD, Anderson Kurtz, class president Joseph Petteruti, Theodore Sherrod, Wesley Smith, and Randall Ward. Two other alumni also contributed: Glenn Dixon ’70 and Russell Malbrough ’98. Others who contributed were professor Françoise Hamlin, Reza Clifton, Paul Simas, Stanley Thompson, and Rev. Adam Young. Copies of the book were presented to President Christina Paxson; Ken’s wife, Susan McDaniel; and the John Hay Library. All alumni are encouraged to have their autobiographies and biographies archived in the John Hay Library.

Bob Sanchez continues to interview Brown applicants and represents Brown at “College Night” at Golden Gate High School. He writes many letters to the editor (Naples Daily News) and articles for the Pelican Bay Post and serves as president of both the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association (14,000 residents) and the Reserve Officers Association. After 10 years, he is turning over the presidency of the Brown Club but remains on the board. He leads Great Decisions seminars for the Council on World Affairs and serves on the Golden Apple Committee for Collier County, which recognizes outstanding teachers and awards grants to worthwhile schoolroom projects. He manages to play tennis and bridge three times a week.
Ellen Lowenstein Boschwitz completed a year-long yoga course and is now a certified yoga instructor and is teaching classes. Her husband of 63 years, former U.S. Senator Rudy Boschwitz, remains deeply involved with his former Senate colleagues.
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Once again, the old Angell House ‘Angells’ were lucky enough to gather for several days right after Labor Day at the Jersey shore (Beach Haven, Long Beach Island). Joe and Jane Bertram Miluski were our warm and welcoming hosts. This was the first time that Betty Wolin Baer attended. Hooray for that! Lois Dean was our photographer and videographer. Hooray for that! Coming from California, Judith Ann Perlin travelled the farthest distance. Hooray for that! Roz Kennedy Johnson kept us in stitches. Hooray for that! And I write about it in the BAM. Dick Scobie (Dartmouth ’56) became an honorary Angell by entertaining us all with his beachside bagpiping.
“On Alumni Weekend, Jim Furlong, John Reistrup, and I received the annual Alumni Service Award ‘by developing an exceptional communication strategy and digital plan…[they] have kept their class meaningfully connected.’ You’ll be glad to know that the interactive newsletter developed by John and Jim is ‘so popular, it is being included in the Brown University archive.’ Class co-presidents Sandy McFarland Taylor and Jim Moody, along with Jim’s wife Donna Moody, also attended. Highpoints of the evening were addresses by President Paxson and Spencer R. Crew ’71, a brilliant historian who is currently serving as the interim director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. There were several other ’58s in attendance, including Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT, but, alas, we didn’t meet.”
Tom Moses and his wife, Judy, are still playing tennis at their local tennis club. Tom writes: “We play with one 86-year-old former food critic from Los Angeles who is still quick, and another who went to the Ohio National Finals. Each summer we venture to the Georgia mountains in Hiawassee on Lake Chatuge. There we join old friends and some former tournament players three times per week at the community center. In our home town of Sarasota, we play in the mornings despite heat indexes reaching 100 or better. Once, the local fire department arrived, thankfully, in a small red truck and used flat dental floss to remove my ring from the swollen finger.”
Ulysses S. (Jim) James writes: “Nancy Redden James and I are both fine, she’s busy with the Quaker Meeting (Society of Friends) next to Fort Belvoir and I with the orchestras. I oversee two youth orchestras and conduct an adult orchestra in the D.C. metropolitan area, the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic. The Philharmonic had an interesting 2018-19 season because 14 of the 16 works we performed were composed by women. The music was wonderful and included music from Boulanger and Farrenc to McTee and Higdon. This season we’ll continue performing at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria and at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax. I’d be happy to provide two complimentary tickets to any classmate wishing to attend a concert. Please contact me at least a day prior to the concert at [email protected] or 703-799-8229. The concert schedule may be found at”
Russell Pierce claims to be the only member of the Class of 1953 to march in the 251st Commencement procession. “I was especially proud that our family now has three generations of Brown graduates, including my wife Anne Guerry Pierce ’58, our daughter Betsy Pierce Dallapé ’86, and son Russell B. Pierce Jr. ’87 and his wife Lisa Strauss Pierce ’87, and their son Ethan G. Pierce ’19. Two other grandsons, Charles Dallapé ’22 and James Dallapé ’23, round out our family list. I ponder whether our family will end up with more Brown degrees than the original Brown family!”
Emil Soucar writes: “I am a retired Temple University emeritus associate professor. Since retirement in 2010, I have had a small counseling psychology practice in Wenonah, New Jersey. My wife of 51 years passed away in 2011. My daughter, Beth Soucar ’91, also has a psychology practice in Newtown, Pennsylvania, and my son Robert is a landscaping artist.”
Dick Lang writes: “After I married Susan Haydock Lang ’59 and graduated from law school we moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan, where I was a trust attorney with a bank for four years. I then practiced law and was a partner with a firm for 21 years handling civil law matters and doing a considerable amount of trial work, including appellate practice. We later moved to our cherry farm in Northport, Michigan, and I became general counsel for Wolverine Power Cooperative for 11 years. After 36 years of full-time law practice I retired at age 62 from Wolverine and started a part-time law practice (representing many clients and also doing some pro bono work). At age 75, I am fully retired and have stayed involved in organizations including the Lions Club and our church. We have three grown children and six grandchildren. Susan, after teaching, retail work, art work, and nursing home employment, has developed dementia and I am her caregiver, but she is still able to knit, read, and be active as much as possible with friends. I now have heart disease, but we’ve had a good life. We remember many friends at Brown and say ‘hello’ to you.”
Dick Carolan writes: “Last fall Hugo Mainelli, Ed Eastman, and I lunched together in Newport, Rhode Island, with Joe Tebo, who was on an East Coast cruise. It was a great time.”
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports for Jerry Levine: “It is my sad duty to pass on news for Jerry Levine. In October his son, James H. Levine, died suddenly of a massive heart attack at work, just two weeks shy of his 53rd birthday. He leaves sisters Jodi Levine Avergun ’84 and Debby Levine Rifkin (UMass ’85), and mother Linda Paige-Levine (Columbia ’66, NYU ’68).”
Gloria Markoff Winston writes: “Since 2008 I have been living at Laurelmead. I have spent my winters in Palm Beach, Florida, since 1982 and fully returned to Providence (no more ‘snow birding’) in 2015. I have everything I need in life except Florida sunshine so I take my vitamin D pills every day. I play duplicate bridge every week and join the poker game at night and still find time to volunteer at Miriam Hospital. Many of my life-long friends that I followed to Laurelmead are no longer here, but I am surrounded by new friends, many of whom are also members of the Brown family, including Paul Alexander ’67, ’69 ScM; Janet McWain Colby ’60; Rosemary Mizener Colt ’84 PhD; Abraham Ehrenhaus ’45; Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus ’49; Deborah Mulcare ’68; John Schultz ’62 ScM,’68 PhD; Daniel Siegel ’57; Eugene Weinberg ’51; Robert Wood ’58; Louise Wood ’75 MAT; and Lucinda Dohanian-Welch ’00. We also have many esteemed Brown faculty members, past and present, including Lewis Lipsitt, Robert Davis, Laura Durand, Frank Durand, Francis McNelis, Gordon Wood, John Coleman, Annette Coleman, Robert E. Lanou, Richard Yund, and Nancy C. Rhodes, who was an associate director of admissions at Brown.”
Bob Sanchez writes: “With two sets of twin grandchildren (4 years and 18 years), we are watching them enter preschool and college, respectively. We visit them in Connecticut at Christmas and they visit us in Florida during spring break. I am still busy heading up the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association, the Reserve Officers Association, and the Brown Club. I’m still interviewing Brown applicants, still playing tennis and bridge two or three times each week, and still writing letters and articles for the Naples Daily News and the Pelican Bay Post. We’re fully recovered after riding out Hurricane Irma, which passed right over our heads here in Naples.”
Hays Rockwell writes: “We’re still living in rural Rhody in the house we had built 17 years ago. Among the visits to the doctor that our age group knows well, I am working on another small memoir, mainly for the readership of our children and theirs. It’s about the places where we’ve lived and worked and the ways in which each shaped what passes for my character. Of course, Brown is one such place. I especially liked writing that chapter.”
Lee Jacobus ’59 AM writes: “Joanna and I met Anita and Gus White over the holidays at the home of a mutual friend. We had a good talk/mini-reunion. In February, I had lunch with Ned Perkins ’59, and Bill Chadwick ’58, both of whom now live nearby. We had some reminiscences of Brown in the days of our youth.”
C. William Stamm enjoyed a Brown Travelers trip to Copenhagen, Oslo, and Bergen. He writes: “Beautiful scenery and good traveling companions. Brown trips are fun.”
Bill Johnston writes: “Like most of us I’ve had some losses of friends and family but I, my wife, and kids are fine. I still share an office with another faculty member at nearby Babson College working with MBA students. They are starting to suspect that my technical experience dates back to the discovery of fire, so my days are numbered. Before my almost 30 years at Babson, my 30 years’ work at our company, Kidde-Fenwal, did give me a chance to develop and manufacture fire detection and extinguishing systems. I continue to golf and ski (very carefully). Hope you all can remain active and useful.”
Joyce Gillespie Briggs again hosted a Pembroke mini—a group designated as the G-7. This year Raya McCully Goff, Anne Walter Lowenthal, and Sandy McFarland Taylor attended this gathering, along with honorary member, Bob Goff ’57. Barbie Chaplin, Sue Haneman Ayers Phelps, and Anne Guerry Pierce have been participants in earlier years.
David P. Prescott writes: “I am about to mark my ninth year in Santa Fe, after having spent all of my prior life on the East Coast. My wife of seven years, Patricia Cloud, and I continue to travel extensively. This past summer we joined the Brown Travelers Rhine River Cruise, meeting up with Gordon ’54 and Joan Edgley Webster ’58, whom we first got to know on a Brown Travelers Baltic Cruise a few years ago. I keep in touch with my former roommate Lee Berk.”
Charles Connell writes: “I retired in 2013 after 51 years of teaching German language, literature, history, and culture at the college level. Of those years, 45 were at Cornell College in Iowa, which remained peaceful during my stay. Now we live in a life-care community in Cedar Rapids, where we decline in comfort.”
Virginia Abrams Mead writes: “My husband, Dr. Richard Key Mead, died in January 2016. At the time of his retirement in 2000 he was awarded emeritus associate professor in medicine. He started as a clinical instructor at the inception of the Warren Alpert Medical School, a volunteer position while he continued his practice in primary care/cardiology. I have been teaching decoupage for thirteen years at the Handicraft Club at the corner of College and Benefit streets. Our first grandson is at Cornell, our first granddaughter is at the University of San Francisco.”
Doe Cotton-Pemstein ’58 writes, “I am living in an elder community in Dedham, Massachusetts. I play the piano frequently in an Alzheimer’s unit, songs of the ’40s and ’50s. Participants often sing every word.” Doe plans to begin playing in other dementia units. She has also written a booklet based on many years of leading a widow/widower support group at Newton-Wellesley Hospital. It’s available online at
Jodi Levine Avergun (see Jerry Levine ’58).
Sandra Giles Perrault writes: “Some former Sharpe House girls have stayed in touch for over 60 years and get together periodically. Those who live in Massachusetts—Johanne Bennett Morrison, Pat Pennal MacKenzie, Judith Lister Yelle, and me—gather throughout the year to celebrate our respective birthdays. We have also traveled extensively together since 1994. Twice a year we visit with Joan Wallace Hawkinson and her husband, Don ’58, when they come to Maine from Minneapolis. We also stay in touch with Anne Crook-all Hockenos (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.) and Jan Yeutter Shapiro (Rochester, N.Y.). Judy Yelle moved into assisted living after the death of her husband, Lou. Pat MacKenzie and her husband, Don MacKenzie ’57, sold their home in Acton and moved to Concord. We are all looking forward to our 60th reunion next year.”
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Our 60th reunion began with a cocktail party at the Faculty Club, followed by dinner. Professor Martha Sharp Joukowsky gave a timely and fascinating talk about United States and Turkish relations and the implications for NATO. This was followed by a tribute to the late Gerry Alaimo. For the intrepid, Campus Dance; for others, camaraderie or bed. Saturday morning, the all-class memorial service at Sayles, forums throughout the morning as well as a chance to hear President Paxson. Saturday afternoon, Brown and Pembroke luncheons under the same tent followed by a class panel discussion: Jim Furlong on U.S. newspapers’ fight for survival, Bill Jesdale on secondary education, Mike Trotter on what’s to become of the legal profession, Jill Hirst Scobie on the women’s movement (sorry, Jane Bertram Miluski, there should have been time for you). This followed by a dinner in a tent adjacent to the new engineering building followed by class awards. Again, for the energetic, Waterfire in downtown Providence. Sunday morning: the unforgettable and unmissable march down the hill. Then a ‘winding down’ event at the concluding luncheon at the Acoaxet Club in Westport, Mass. Special thanks to Jim Moody and Sandy McFarland Taylor, our copresidents, for all their organizing efforts as well as our terrific Alumni Office staff person, Maren Nelson. A job well done by all. A further thanks to Stan Dobson, Jim Furlong, Jane Bertram Miluski, and Bob Wood for all their work and efforts as well.”
Judith Ann Perlin writes from Berkeley, Calif., that she still goes “dancing to the old-time jazz of the ’20s and ’30s, albeit much more slowly and creakily than in days of yore.” She lives in gratitude for her great good fortune to be living in her comfortable home, in a town she loves, with good friends, family, and lots of enjoyable things to do nearby.
Don MacKenzie describes himself as “more or less retired.” He attends a few board meetings each month and calls it work. He has also retired from the job as the Acton, Mass., Town Moderator after 40 years and 40 elections.
For the last two and a half years, Jane Fliegner Blythe has been involved in active work to save a parcel of land from development by working with the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, helping to raise money to buy the land from a developer and to significantly lower the taxes of persons currently living in the proposed tax district.
Larry McMaster and wife Carolyn (Cornell ’71), started a commercial blueberry farming operation. Larry writes: “Hugely expensive and hugely demanding of sweat equity. Those 6,036 bushes were planted in April 2017 and are not in the least forgiving of any lapse in care and nurture. Nevertheless, we have high hopes for delicious pies in our future. If our efforts play out according to plan, we might even enjoy some income along with those pies. I remember reading a recent post by a classmate; ‘The best way to keep going is just to keep going.’”
Jane Fleigner Blythe is planning her fourth annual grandmother/granddaughter trip with her 16-year-old granddaughter, Alexis, and highly recommends it. They have stayed at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah for a week, spent several days at a hotel in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and last year stayed in Sanibel and Siesta Key (Sarasota, Fla.). This year it was ziplining in Costa Rica. She writes: “It is beyond wonderful to be able to share these special times with my only grandchild.”
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Greetings to the great class of 1958. Here’s hoping that many of us will gather for our 60th reunion May 25–27, 2018. On Friday, May 25, check-in is at Wriston Quad. Rooms are available for approximately $70 per person in the Keeney Quad, where the rooms have recently been redone and there is an elevator. Be advised that there are no bathrooms in the rooms. If you are planning to room off campus, please make your reservation ASAP as accommodations are going fast and some hotels are running in the $400–$500 range per night and require a three-night minimum. The schedule is as follows: Wine/ beer gathering in one of the lounges in Keeney Quad for ’58 only (3–5 pm) followed by a reception and dinner at the Faculty Club (6–11 pm). We hope to have Dr. Martha Sharp Joukowsky speak on U.S. relations with Turkey and their implications for NATO. For those who do not choose to attend Campus Dance, camaraderie will continue until 11:00 p.m. at the Faculty Club. On Saturday, May 26, there will be university activities, meeting with the president, lectures, and forums with various professors from 8 a.m. until noon. There will be separate class luncheons for Pembroke and Brown alumni under tents adjacent to Maddock Alumni Center (noon–2 pm); class panel discussions in Joukowsky Hall, and more lectures by faculty and honorary degree recipients (2–4 pm). A reception and dinner will be held under a tent in the Starr Plaza located behind the Watson Institute on Thayer Street (6–10 pm) with class awards and an opportunity for another lecture by a class member. Afterglow will be in our designated lounge in the Keeney Quad at 10 p.m. On Sunday, May 27, we will march down the Hill (and, hopefully, back up again), and we will have a final luncheon at the Acoaxet Club, Westport, Mass. (1–3 pm). Personal transportation will be needed for the Sunday luncheon. Our goal is to keep all dinners at our traditional level of $58.00 per person.”
Carol and Frank Young are looking forward to moving to Kendal, a life-care community in Pennsylvania. After surviving the loss of their family home by fire and Frank’s stroke, it has been a challenging 18 months. They look forward to benefiting from the many support systems that are in place there. Many family members have resided there so they expect to feel right at home. The presence of a large extended family in the area and manageable distances for their children to visit are two added benefits.
Pat Patricelli joined Brown Travelers for a trip to the Netherlands and to Brussels on a river cruise. Pat writes: “Tiptoed through the tulips, saw some fabulous art, cruised the canals, and heard interesting lectures by Brown Professor Emeritus Duncan Smith.”
Early in October, Barbara Chaplin, Jim Furlong (Dick’s freshman roommate), Joyce Gillespie Briggs, and Sandy McFarland Taylor, responding to an invitation extended by his widow, Lynne, attended a ceremony in Monroe, Conn., to honor Dick Emmons, who died last February. Dick was cited by Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education for spending hours since 2003 teaching youth, families, children with special needs, and military veterans how to fish. CARE placed a commemorative bench near the shore of Great Hollow Lake in Monroe embossed with a brass plaque which noted that Dick was a “compelling raconteur . . . who shared his passion for fishing and fish tales with kids and their families.”
Kate Kissane Whistler retired from the CIA 15 years ago. She and her husband, Len Whistler ’55, have been traveling ever since. Having lived in South American countries over the years, they are now concentrating on the rest of the world. Their favorite trips to date include South Africa, New Zealand, Istanbul, and cruising the Rhine.
From the November/December 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
Barbara Florop Doolittle continues to work as a substitute teacher at a neighborhood elementary school. She writes that she has arrived at an impressive milestone—she donated her 140th pint of blood and is grateful that her health still allows her to do this.
Raya McCully Goff and her husband, Robert Goff ’57, celebrated their 60th and are now great-grandparents.
Brenda Williams McLean writes she is still a California resident, still a history buff, and still a New Englander at heart.
Richard Montgomery is still in Pittsburgh and plans to be in Providence for our 60th.
Aileen and William Murck missed the New York City mini-reunion because they were in Bermuda with their youngest son, his wife, and grandson.
Pat Patricelli has been taking courses at Babson Univ., one on the history of journalism, the other on American architecture. She’s also been to the Netherlands with Brown Travelers.
Alan Rosenberg and his wife, Anita, are still dividing their time between New York City and Boca Raton, Fla. He writes: “After successful heart valve surgery, I found my activity level was not affected, and it may have even led to an improved golf game.”
Bob Sanchez writes: “We had a very successful outcome again this year with Brown applications. Eight acceptances out of 56 applications. Our Brown Club of Southwest Florida is thriving, with a busy calendar ahead. Our ‘Out to Lunch Bunch’ still meets for our monthly luncheons during the hot months of summer.”
Judy Sargent Weaver’s husband, Bill, suffered a stroke and passed away. Their three children and grandchildren have been very supportive. Judy is beginning the arduous task of moving out of the longtime family home.
From the September/October 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie or directly to the BAM at [email protected].
Bill Corrigan was the recipient of a 2017 Brown Athletics Appreciation Award in recognition of his volunteer service to the Bears’ ice hockey program over the past 60 years. The presentation took place at Brown’s Ninth Annual Senior Athlete Celebration and Awards Luncheon held at the Biltmore Hotel in Providence.
Bernard Asher, a recipient of his hospital’s “2017 Health Care Hero” award, has retired from the active practice of general surgery after 45 years. He and his wife, Lilian, continue to live in Batavia, N.Y., albeit now in a house where one can avoid stairs. They also have a condo in Skaneateles, close to their children, and he still pursues his avocation, aviation. Bernie writes: “Life continues to be fun.”
Bob Blakely ’59 MAT and Nancy Nichols took a small-ship cruise to the Maritime Jewels of the British Isles in July. They enjoy wintering in Cape Coral, Fla., and are anticipating the class of 1958’s 60th reunion.
Bert Clark, who was an air force aviator for 21 years, enjoys reading nonfiction, especially when it is related to his former profession, as well as playing bridge twice monthly and “nickel-and-dime” poker once a month. He and wife, Sharon, attend group meetings with their Lutheran “teaching” pastor in their adopted home in the Pacific Northwest. Bert further enjoys his newest family member, a great-grandson.
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein has been pleased with the wider publication of her booklet “Out of the Ark,” which deals with the loss of a life partner and the ensuing grief. More information can be found at
Stan Dobson represented the class of 1958 in the march down College Hill. He’s done this for close to 40 years and has a goal of someday being able to lead the procession, but suggests that that might still be 15 years away. He enjoyed some of the many interesting Commencement forums, including “Learning from Elephants to Treat Patients with Cancer,” which focused on why elephants don’t develop cancer and how their genes can be used as treatments for breast cancer.
Bob Feldman writes that his son, Stephen Feldman ’89, has played with Team USA on the 2017 Great Grand Masters Beach Ultimate Champions, beating Canada in the final 13–4. Bob asked him if he intended to wear his medal to his law office, and Stephen retorted that he would, but only during depositions.
Pete Howard, attempting to garden in Arlington, Mass., writes that he has endured “a near Biblical plague of rabbits.” Despite his cleverly enclosing the vegetable garden with 2x3-inch fencing, the baby rabbits decimated seven of his 18 pepper plants. Pete outfoxed them with 1-inch chicken wire.
Lois Lowry has been traveling to Botswana, South Africa, France, Germany, and Cuba, with her spouse-equivalent, Howard Corwin, a physician. Both were widowed six years ago and write that they “discovered that life still had lots of adventures and romance.” Their next trip will be to northern Spain. As if that weren’t enough excitement, Lois is looking forward to an animated film based on her book The Willoughbys.
Ludlow Miller and his wife, Babbie, have moved from Philadelphia to Stonebridge Creek, a continuing care retirement community, in the town of Pleasanton in northern California, in order to be closer to two of their children and five of their grandchildren. They write: “The community provides lots of new friends, activities, and, fortunately for me, new golf friends.” They are enjoying their new home and exploring the state of California.
Scott Roberts has moved to Linden Ponds in Hingham, Mass. Scott has eight grandchildren, ages 11 through 21, and he sees them weekly. He is anticipating the class of 1958 60th reunion next year, which will dovetail nicely with the 30th of his son William Roberts ’88.
Kirk Smith and his wife, Anne, had a vacation in Spain, ibex hunting in both the Gredos and Beceite regions, where they obtained trophy animals. On a more urban note, they also visited both Segovia and Madrid, enjoying the beauty of the country and the delights of the cuisine. Later, they went game hunting in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, where they enjoyed a comfortable lodge, good company, and excellent food. Again, game animals were abundant, and they added to their trophy collection.
Barbara Shipley Boyle is living happily in San Francisco, playing duplicate bridge, and thinking seriously about heading back to Providence for the class of 1958 60th reunion. She still gets together with a group of local Pembrokers once a year.
Charles Shumway ’66 AM visited Sun Valley, Idaho, where he has both family and friends, hopeful that he would survive the 6,000-foot elevation. Charles writes: “I’m still a political junkie, reading editorials from at least two newspapers every day and The Economist, which in my opinion is the only weekly magazine worth reading.” Charles looks forward to the next class of 1958 mini-reunion.
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie or directly to the BAM at [email protected]
Eugene A. Brickash writes: “Still alive, active, looking good! I take trips to Rhode Island about once a year, fewer to the rest of New England. Here at Heritage Hunt, a private community in Virginia, I golf and dive and used to sing and act in theater. My wife is a singer and director. I’m a retired professor after teaching various English classes for 35 years at Roger Williams Univ. I no longer drive—my wife does—and I live at my desk in the corner of the garage. I’m carving driftwood into small wooden art pieces and dabbling with poetry writing. Here’s to all of you still alive—make the most of it with wife, kids and grandkids.”
Anne Browne Easton writes: “Happy to hear of the mini-reunion’s success. We are happily retired, George from the ministry and me from running a regional high school media center. We have three wonderful daughters and four grandchildren. Family life is so precious.”
George Held published his 20th poetry collection through Goldfish Press Seattle. He writes: “This book is about the rural environs of Oneonta, New York, where my wife, Cheryl, and I spend part of each summer. I will participate in a full-moon walk in Bridgehampton, Long Island, where I’ll be reading my moon poems.”
Joel D. Katz writes: “Doing well—last man standing in the family business but still going. Saw my first grandchild get married in June.”
Stephen Kurtz writes: “This winter, Audrey and I took two weeks in St. Thomas and one week in Key West, Florida. Looking forward to the next reunion, our 60th, in 2018.”
Alan Rosenberg writes: “Anita and I are still living part-time in New York City and Boca Raton, Florida. Had a successful heart valve surgery last year; it hasn’t affected my activity and may have even have improved my golf game. Sorry to have missed October’s mini-reunion.”
C. William Stamm writes: “Life at Essex Meadows, a retirement community in Essex, Connecticut, continues to be great. We are heading to Barbados for a two-week cruise on the Royal Clipper. In August, we will cruise to Scotland, Iceland, and Norway on another two-week adventure. Traveling while we still can!”
Sandy McFarland Taylor enjoyed the Chattertocks performance in New York City this past winter, where all the “Chats” alumnae were invited on stage to sing the final song, My Funny Valentine. Sandy’s daughter, Sarah Taylor Rountree ’90, and grandson Brody, 11, spent a week at Longboat Key in Florida last winter. Sandy also enjoyed a week in St. Croix with Sarah, Brody, and son-in-law John Rountree ’90, where they ran into Martha Sharp Joukowsky and Artemis ’55 at a local restaurant where the Joukowsky clan was enjoying a family reunion.This summer Sandy and daughter Anne Taylor Madden ’86 intend to visit granddaughter Allie, 17, on the Brown campus while she participates in a music program there.
Sally Nichols Tracy and Martha Collins Keen write: “We will be celebrating our great good fortune as Pembrokers, 1950s Brown alumnae, and friends for all these years with reunions in Richmond, Virginia, and on Cape Cod.”
Last fall Mike Trotter, senior counsel at Taylor English Duma LLP in Atlanta, taught The Evolution of the Practice of Law and Law Practice Economics at Emory’s law school and more recently The Future Practice of Law. His new book, What’s to Become of the Legal Profession?, was published through CreateSpace and is available on Amazon.
From the May/June 2017 Issue
Send your news to class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie or directly to the BAM at [email protected]
Ron Offenkrantz (see Paul Lipsitt ’50).
Stan Dobson writes that his business, Soccer International Inc., is in its 41st year and he’d enjoy hearing from anyone who’s buying soccer balls for their school or local club (youth or adult). He claims he can still carry 50 of them in each hand for 50 yards (yup, deflated and in a box!).
Richard Dunn moved from the Boston area to Bristol, N.H., where he enjoys living just half an hour from several ski areas and growing cherries, peaches, blueberries, and raspberries to stay healthy.
In February, there was a gallery talk on Picturing Math at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City featuring a number of works that Bob Feldman (Parasol Press, fine art prints) had published, including the complete Concinnitas portfolio. Interestingly enough, the portfolio includes an aquatint by David Mumford, a Brown emeritus professor of mathematics and a Fields Medal winner. Ten other mathematicians and physicists were asked to write what they considered to be the most beautiful mathematical expression, and their replies were turned into 22-by-30-inch aquatints.
Ruthy and Walter Gale moved to Eagle’s Trace, a continuing-care retirement community in West Houston, Tex. They write: “As for many, this involved the blood, sweat, and tears of downsizing, but we have met with some old friends and feel blessed.”
Joan and Warren Healey escaped at least part of this past winter by travelling to Manaus, Brazil, cruising the Amazon, and finishing their trip in Rio de Janeiro.
Mary Marinelli Gizzarelli and her daughter, Claudia, are the directors of Northeast Pageants of America, featuring children one month to 12 years, with judges who are model agents seeking new faces for ads, packaging, and commercials. The children are judged on their appearance in dressy attire on the runway. Winners in each category receive a $300 U.S. Savings Bond. Mary considers this an opportunity for these young people “to gain confidence and poise” while displaying their charm.
Robert P. Sanchez writes: “The Brown Club is alive and healthy here in Naples, Florida. I interviewed some outstanding applicants for the class of 2020. Jill Hirst Scobie is doing a great job with class notes as our class secretary . Go, Bruno!”
Sandy McFarland Taylor enjoyed a week in St. Croix with her daughter Sarah ’90, son-in-law John Rountree ’90 and their son Brody. Sandy writes: “We were delighted to run into Martha Sharp Joukowsky and Artemis ’55 at a local restaurant where the Joukowsky clan was enjoying a family reunion.”
Joe Vanable is writing a book on mental illness based on the honors course he taught at Purdue. It deals not only with the illnesses themselves, but their biological basis and amenability to treatment, as well as such issues as the lack of access to treatment, stigmatization, misguided public policy, and the preponderance of the mentally ill to be found in the prison system.
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie asks that you send your news to her.
Raya McCully Goff, Anne Walter Lowenthal, Sandy McFarland Taylor, and Anne Guerry Pierce convened in Litchfield, Conn., at the home of Joyce Gillespie Briggs. They were joined by two dedicated ’58 devotees: Bob Goff ’57 and Russell Pierce ’53. Some of them took an edifying and illuminating trip to the Litchfield Distillery.
George Held published a new chapbook of moon poems, PHASED II (Poets Wear Prada, 2016). One of its poems has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, his ninth such nomination.
Martha Sharp Joukowsky (see Dewey S. Wigod ’84).
Both Audrey and Steve Kurtz write that they enjoyed the New York mini-reunion a great deal. They also had an especially wonderful Thanksgiving because their entire family was together for the first time in many years, including their daughter and their daughter-in-law, both considered cancer-free: “Such a great cause for celebration.” Steve continues to interview Brown applicants.
Jerry Levine attended the New York mini-reunion. While all were celebrating their “combined” 80th birthdays at Orsay’s Restaurant, Jerry was called forward by copresidents Sandy McFarland Taylor and Jim Moody, to be presented with a silver picture frame in gratitude for his 25-plus years of service to the class.
Jane Bertram Miluski attended the New York mini-reunion and then celebrated her 80th with three weeks in Italy, spending her birthday in Florence riding the carousel in the Piazza Della Repubblica, then dining in the Piazza della Signoria. This was followed by a brief stay in Milan, where she saw The Magic Flute at La Scala.
Jim Noonan writes that he and his wife, Ruth, are in good health, going back and forth between Florida and New Jersey, visiting their five children and four grandchildren. Jim plays as much golf as he can.
Ron Offenkrantz had a law review article published: “Sua Sponte Actions in the Appellate Courts: The ‘Gorilla Rule’ Revisited” in the Univ. of Arkansas Journal of Appellate Practice and Process, Spring 2016 issue.
Bob Sanchez has served on the Collier County (Fla.) committee to select the five winners of the “Golden Apple” award, given to the outstanding teachers in the area. Bob has found it inspirational to meet these dedicated and sometimes unconventional professionals. It ties in nicely with the Leadership Institute that he is running with Robert P. Lynch ’69 in Naples, Fla.
Frank Young returned home in December after three-and-a-half months recuperating from a stroke.
From the January/February 2017 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “The rain poured down on those of us who attended the Class of 1958 NYC mini-reunion on Oct. 21. We began our wonderful Manhattan weekend with a delicious luncheon in the Patrons Lounge at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Some of us chose to explore several of the galleries containing Dutch old masters while hearing instructive and illuminating commentary by our own Dr. Anne Walter Lowenthal; others surveyed European art (1250–1800). That evening we gathered together again for a reception and dinner in the Ivy Room at the Cornell-Brown Club, an event that gave us time to circulate and catch up with our classmates. Saturday morning we went our separate ways, gathering later at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre to see Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. Sunday morning we convened at the Orsay Restaurant, enjoying a delectable brunch, celebrating our shared 80th birthdays with a decadent chocolate cake, remembering those who are ill and those we have recently lost, and honoring former class president Jerry Levine. We salute copresidents Sandy McFarland Taylor and Jim Moody, treasurer Bob Wood, and song leader and centerpiece assembler vice president Jane Bertram Miluski for the hours of planning, logistics, arrangements, attention to detail, troubleshooting, and organization of information that made this mini-reunion possible. Attendees included Lillian and Bernie Asher, Kay Ulry Baker and daughter Caryl Baker, Mort and Janet Cohen Berfield, Carolyn Nichols Boday, Zoe and Art Bylin, Sandy and Betsy Morriss Campbell, Peggy and Bill Chadwick, Bob Cole and daughter Carolyn Cole, Lois Dean Courtney, Rosemarie and Stan Dobson, Andree and Don Dowling, Bunny and Jim Furlong, Erica Steffan-Hearst and Sheldon Hearst, Pete and Jane Loveless Howard, Meg and Paul Johnson, Roz Kennedy Johnson, Carol Batchelder Jones, Audrey and Steve Kurtz, Linda and Jerry Levine, Anne Walter Lowenthal, Jane Bertram Miluski, Lois Hodgins Monteiro ’70 PhD, Donna and Jim Moody, Carolyn and Art Parker, Pat Patricelli, Catherine and John Reistrup, Jordan Ringel and Nelsa Gidney, Betty and Paul Schaffer, Jill Hirst Scobie, Joyce and Bob Selig, Charlie Shumway ’66 AM, Libby Coe Strizzi, Gerry and Bob Tavares, Sandy McFarland Taylor, Ann and Joe Tebo, Doria Tenca, Barbara Comroe Trevaskis, and Anne and Bob Wood. Please send your news.”
Debby Karp Polonsky and her husband, Dick, have lived in Newport Beach, Calif., for 35 years. They are fortunate to have their three children and eight grandchildren living in nearby Los Angeles, where they also have a condo located near museums, restaurants, and performance venues, thus avoiding freeway traffic. They’ve collected contemporary art for many years, enjoy the local wine country, and attend music festivals in both Aspen and Vail.
Jack Selig retired in 2012 from a commercial real estate management company in Manhattan after 38 years in real estate investment sales and leasing. He and his wife, Marilyn, have been married for 54 years and enjoy traveling. They have seen much of Europe, Central America, South America, China, India, and Southeast Asia. He writes that their favorite trip was in 2014 in a villa on the crest of a Tuscan ridge with their two married children—John ’90 and Kathryn Selig Brown (Dartmouth ’87)—and five grandchildren. Jack stays in contact with roommate Steve Barkin, and they meet in Manhattan when they can to reminisce over a plate of sushi.
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Please send your news to me."
Dorothy Cotton writes that life at Newbridge on the Charles in Dedham, Mass., is filled with courses, concerts, lectures, films, and many interesting people. She delivered a lecture about her work leading a widow/widower support group at Newton/Wellesley Hospital for many years.
Pete and Jane Loveless Howard announce the birth of their first great-grandchild, Howard Ross Feder Keyes, currently living in New Hope, Pa.
Bob Sanchez, a retired Lt. Commander of the U.S. Navy, was elected president of the Naples Chapter of the Reserve Officers Association, whose membership is composed of retired and reserve military officers. Bob is working with Robert Lynch ’69 to establish a Leadership Institute in Naples. The LI is designed to bring together community and business leaders with proven skills and abilities.
Dr. Arnold Platzker, professor emeritus at the Keck School of Medicine of the Univ. of Southern California, has been elected to the board of directors of the Retired Faculty Association. This past spring he received the 2016 Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award. He spends his free time tending his vineyard and raising rare orchids. A total hip replacement has precluded his annual fall trip to Paris, so instead, Arnold and his wife, Marjorie, will be visiting the vineyards of Southern California.
From the September/October 2016 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Please send your news to me."
“This is the final shout-out for our mini-reunion/80th birthday celebration in New York City, Oct. 21–23, 2016. The response has surpassed expectations, with more than 60 people planning to attend. We’ll start with a kickoff luncheon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, followed by a lecture tour of the Dutch Galleries led by classmate Dr. Anne Walter Lowenthal, ‘Rembrandt and Friends ($17).’ There will be a reception and dinner ($58) at the Cornell-Brown Club, 6 East 44th St., an easy walk from our headquarters, the Roger Smith Hotel, 501 Lexington Ave. (at 47th Street) 10017, (212) 755-1400). Rooms are $270 per night, if rooms in our Brown ’58 block are still available. We outgrew JoJo’s. Saturday, tour the museum of your choice: the Frick ($15), the Guggenheim ($15), the Museum of Modern Art ($16), or the 9/11 Memorial ($18). Saturday luncheon is either on your own or at The Modern, the restaurant adjacent to MOMA, 9 West 53rd St. Cost yet to be determined. Saturday afternoon we’ll attend the musical Beautiful, depicting the life of singer-songwriter Carole King. Those attending have already made partial payment to our treasurer Bob Wood for tickets. Dinner that evening will be on your own. Our final fête will be a birthday celebration and brunch at Art ’55 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky’s apartment on Park Ave. If you are attending, an itemized bill will be sent to you individually in September. When you do respond, be sure to make checks payable to Brown University Class of 1958, and mail them to Bob Wood, 39 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Mass. 02771.”
Barbara Shipley Boyle (see Margaret Ajootian Layshock ’45).
Peggy and Bill Chadwick along with son/stepson Craig Patenaude ’81 and his wife, Kris, attended a concert at the Church of the Epiphany in Washington, D.C. The performance was by the Metropolitan Philharmonic Orchestra, with our own Ulysses James conducting. Nancy Redden James joined them for an hour after the concert as they reminisced about the “Brunotes Plus One,” their Dixieland jazz band of the late fifties.
Jim Noonan writes that he and his wife, Ruth, are still healthy and active. They spend their time visiting their five children and their various grandchildren, playing golf, working some, and going to Florida for five months each year.
From the July/August 2016 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Save the date! The class of ’58 will celebrate our shared 80th birthdays with a mini-reunion in New York City on Oct. 21–23. The weekend is built around a Broadway show and various museum tours. A block of rooms has already been secured at the three-star Roger Smith Hotel for $270 per night. On Friday, there will be a kickoff luncheon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art followed by a lecture tour of the Dutch galleries from Dr. Anne Walter Lowenthal, “Rembrandt and Friends” ($17.00). Friday evening, there will be a reception and dinner at JoJo’s French Restaurant, 160 East 64th St, near Lexington ($58.00). Saturday morning tour the museum of your choice: the Frick ($15), the Guggenheim ($15), the Museum of Modern Art ($16), or the 9/11 Memorial ($18). That afternoon we will attend the musical Beautiful, depicting the life and musical talent of Carole King. The group rate for orchestra seats is $108 per person. Please remit a deposit of $50 to our class treasurer, Bob Wood, 39 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Mass. 02771, as soon as possible to secure your seat. Write your check to: Brown University Class of 1958. Details concerning museums may be found in an earlier e-mail sent by Jim Moody. The weekend will conclude with a brunch at the Park Avenue apartment of Art ’55 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky. This mini-reunion will be a delightful way to enjoy the Big Apple, renew old and enduring friendships, and celebrate turning 80!”
Jane Fliegner Blythe writes that she had a wonderful time interviewing eight Brown applicants. It renewed her faith in the younger generation and left her impressed with the quality of education given in the Sarasota, Fla., schools.
Dick Emmons reports that he’s “still dodging bullets.” Although he and wife Lynne are no longer traveling they are a “Happy Pair,” whose “playground is simply smaller.”
Ed Flattau is glad to report the publication of his book From Green to Mean: The Republican Party’s Downward Environmental Spiral. A reviewer noted that Ed “has been a hallmark of the environmental industry for over 40 years and so consequently has a long-term perspective that few pundits or politicians do.”
John Gamwell, a retired orthopedic surgeon who worked for 30 years in the department of orthopedics at Emory Univ., attends the local Brown Club events occasionally and enjoys lectures and other cultural offerings.
After 42 years, Larry Grebstein retired from teaching psychology at URI (undergraduate, graduate, directing a PhD program). In retirement he has continued to consult to Ocean Tides, a residential education and treatment program for male adolescents, and has recently coauthored a book about the program and its participants. He has also volunteered to work with cancer patients through the Survivor Training and Rehabilitation program at South County Hospital. He is planning a trip to Tanzania with his wife, his son, and his son’s family.
George Held was the judge of the annual Great Neck, L.I., poetry contest and read some of his own poems at the awards ceremony.
Joan and Warren Healey took a Norwegian Star cruise from Tampa to the western Caribbean, visiting three Mayan ruins (Altun Ha, Chacchoben, Tulum). They ended the trip by visiting their grandson, who had just finished his freshman year at the Univ. of Tampa.
After 50 years, Jan Horwich is leaving her Glen Rock, N.J., home for an apartment in Fair Lawn. She’s retired from English SAT tutoring and writes: “It’s time to relax!”
Charles Martell hosted a guest from Zaragoza, Spain, and then took an international trip himself, traveling to Sardinia, Corsica, and Croatia.
Jane Bertram Miluski spent a week with her sister in Barre de Potosi, a small Mexican village, teaching watercolor painting in a wildlife preserve and living in Betsy’s Bungalow (as in designer Betsy Johnson). Her next trip is to Buonconvento, Italy, and then the New York City mini-reunion.
Dave and Judy Kelso Nass ’61 ScM spent February and March sojourning in Fort Myers, Fla., where they were visited by Nancy and John Bloom, who was Dave’s Slater Hall roommate. “A good time was had by all.”
Leslie Feifer Peltier writes she had a wonderful 80th birthday celebration that included most of her children, grandchildren, and friends. She is a great-grandparent since great-grandson Harper was born in Bryan, Tex., surrounded by a family of Texas A&M grads. She hopes her gift of handmade Brown bear items will remind them of the Ivy League.
Diane and Bob Sanchez have been members of the Naples, Fla., Chapter of the Council on World Affairs and active participants in a weekly Great Decisions seminar. Bob has been invited to serve as moderator and leader of their discussion group for the upcoming year. They are also active in the Naples Progressive Movement.
Mike Trotter was honored by the State Bar of Georgia and the Center for Civil and Human Rights along with a number of other Georgia lawyers for their “contribution to the Civil Rights Movement and the struggle for equality and integration of African-American citizens in Georgia . . . as one of the Georgia lawyers who worked for justice and equal treatment for all of Georgia’s citizens.” In March the mayor of Atlanta presented him with the Phoenix Award, the city’s highest award for community leadership, because of his work concerning public education and race relations. Because of his contribution to the city in a wide variety of community and political affairs and because of his work on behalf of reform and improvement in the city, he was recognized by the Atlanta City Council, and March 21, 2016 was declared Michael H. Trotter Day by the Fulton County Commission. Mike writes: “It was a nice day for me and my family, and we greatly appreciated the recognition of many years of public service.”
Martha Clarke and Alfred Uhry’s Shaker dance-theater piece, Angel Reapers, was seen in New York City, under the auspices of the Signature Theatre Company. It was first presented in 2011.
From the May/June 2016 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Save the date! The class of ’58 will celebrate our shared 80th birthdays with a mini-reunion in New York City on October 21-23. The weekend is built around a Broadway show and various museum tours. A block of rooms has already been secured at the three-star Roger Smith Hotel at 501 Lexington Avenue. The room rate is $270 per night, and you will need to identify yourself as a member of the class of 1958. On Friday evening, there will be a reception at the hotel followed by dinner on your own, or, if you prefer, arrangements could be made for a group dinner at Orsay’s (reasonable French food). On Saturday we will attend a matinee of the musical Beautiful, which depicts the life and music of Carole King. The group rate for orchestra seats is $108 per person. Details concerning museum tours will be available later. The weekend will conclude with a brunch at the Park Avenue apartment of Art ’59 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky. This mini-reunion will be a delightful way to enjoy the Big Apple, renew old and enduring friendships, and celebrate turning 80! To secure a seat, send a $50 deposit to class treasurer Bob Wood at 39 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Mass. 02771. Checks may be made out to Brown University Class of 1958.”
Jill and her husband, Dick, welcomed their sixth and seventh grandchildren, Henry and Annie Tyler-Scobie. Henry and Annie were adopted by the Scobies’ son, Bradford, and his husband, Chase Tyler.
Bill Corrigan completed his 61st consecutive year of involvement with the men’s ice hockey program at the end of the 2015–16 season. He writes: “A 1961 charter member of the Brown Hockey Association, I have served in all of the organization’s official positions and recently completed a 17-year term as the BHA’s executive director and treasurer.”
Marie Louise Clemens Demchak visited northern Scotland, the Shetland Islands, Iceland, and Norway last July with her friend Bob. She has four children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Barbara Florop Doolittle is a substitute teacher at her local elementary school, which is within walking distance of her home.
Jack Roach writes: “Judy and I moved from our home of 21 years to a nearby gated community abutting the same golf course. It’s still a detached single-family, but it requires less care. We divide our time between San Diego (May to October) and Palm Desert (October to May).”
Bob Sanchez writes: “Lots of activity here in sunny Naples, Florida. Still heading the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. We have a busy calendar of events, and I’m interviewing applicants.”
Mike Trotter was part of a group of Georgia lawyers to be honored by the State Bar of Georgia and the Center for Civil and Human Rights for their contributions to the civil rights movement and for working toward justice and equality for African American citizens in Georgia.
From the March/April 2016 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “We will celebrate our shared 80th birthday with a mini-reunion on Oct. 21–23, 2016, in New York City. This will be a fine opportunity to renew our friendships with classmates while enjoying the sights, theater, and excitement of New York City. A block of rooms has already been secured at the three-star Roger Smith Hotel, 501 Lexington Ave. (cross street: East 47th Street), New York, New York 10017 (212-755-1400); the room rate is $250.00 per night, which by New York City standards is considered quite reasonable. On Friday evening there will be an opening reception at the hotel, followed by dinner on your own or, if you prefer, arrangements could be made for a group dinner at Orsay’s (reasonable French food), at Lexington and 73rd. Nothing is written in stone. Saturday will be devoted to museum tours. The possibility of attending a show is being investigated. With luck, we might get a block of tickets to Hamilton, the “hottest” show on Broadway. It features Daveed Diggs ’04 as the Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson. The weekend will conclude with a catered brunch at Martha and Art Joukowsky’s ’55 apartment on Park Avenue. Be sure to visit the class website, which has been updated. The link is: . There are some great pictures of past reunions, and it is another excellent way to be informed about class doings.
“The Pembroke Club in San Francisco met on the first Saturday in December at Barbara Shipley Boyle’s apartment, had a luncheon and white elephant sale, and sent about $1,000 to the Women’s Center at Brown. Brenda Williams McLean is one of its active members, as is Susie Langdon Kass and ’59ers Gale Williams Woolley ’63 MAT, Liza Taft, and Carolyn Mayo Munsell.”
Bert Clark writes that soon after graduating he and his roommate, Jim Wakefield, decided to visit the John Carter Brown Library, which they had never visited in all their time at the University. They discovered that it housed one of the nation’s premier collections of Americana. Evidently, the curator was delighted to have visitors and gave them the “10-cent tour.” Before they left, the curator handed Bert the Bay Psalm Book, the first book printed in America. Bert asked what it was worth and the reply was “priceless.” And thus began his lifelong love of books and book collecting.
With the start of the 2015–16 season, Bill Corrigan began his 61st consecutive year of involvement with the Brown men’s ice hockey program. A 1961 charter member of the Brown Hockey Assoc., he has served in all of the BHA’s official positions and recently completed a 17-year term as its executive director and treasurer.
Peg Roy Ewing moved back to New Jersey to be closer to her family. She writes: “That doesn’t slow me down. I went on a Road Scholar tour of India for two-and-a-half weeks. They did a great job of helping us get immersed in the culture and the history of India. We visited Jaipur, Agra, Udaipur, and finally Delhi. Lots of holy cows. I am still playing competitive tennis.”
Jim Furlong writes that Donna and Jim Moody hosted a Delta Upsilon get-together. The group included George Held, Bill Jesdale, Bill Johnston, Bill Murck, John Reistrup, Carol and Stan Vincent ’57, and Wendy Pyper, widow of Bob Pyper ’59. Activities included a Friday night cocktail party and dinner at the Moodys’ Westport, Mass., home, a Saturday morning visit to the campus winding up at the Slavery Memorial, tailgating at the Dartmouth game, warming up at Wendy’s Rumford, R.I., home, and a final Saturday night dinner at the Waterman Grille. One of Bill Jesdale’s sons, Todd, joined them for the game and final dinner. Jim Moody led them in a toast to the seven members of the original ’58 pledge class who are no longer living: Peter Dana, Ralph Ginsberg, Fred Hill, Bob McLaughlin, Bob Pyper, Glen Rowell, Palmer Sealy, and Jack Wright.
John Gamwell graduated from the McGill Univ. School of Medicine in 1963. He spent an orthopedic residency at the Emory Univ. School of Medicine from 1966 to 1970 and remained on the faculty of medicine until his retirement in 2000.
Peter B. Howard writes: “I enjoyed a little backyard engineering: a small winch to open our heavy cellar hatch. The winch has a permanent magnet motor powered from a small battery that is kept charged with a battery keeper. The winch is operated with a remote control. There is an emergency kill switch. It’s very easy on the back. Come push the button.”
Jackie and Dave Labovitz have downsized, but continue to have a place in the Watergate, D.C., area and are in the process of opening up Jackie’s new gallery, Cottage Curator, located in an old schoolhouse in Sperryville, Va., close to their country house. Jackie will display her own work as well as that of other artists, and she is offering curatorial services to area residents. Dave is learning about fast-paced retail and online business.
Donald Lazere’s seventh book, Political Literacy in Composition and Rhetoric: Defending Academic Discourse Against Postmodern Pluralism, was published in fall 2015. Donald taught composition and literature at California Polytechnic in San Luis Obispo, Calif., from 1977 to 2001. In addition to many articles in scholarly journals, he has written columns and book reviews on the culture wars in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun, Newsday, The Nation, The Village Voice, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. Now retired, he lives in Knoxville, where he has taught part-time at the Univ. of Tennessee.
Jim Mello and Sally Cameron Mello received help from their extended family (three of their four children, six of their nine grandchildren, and one of their great-grandchildren) while they were in the midst of the Christmas tree sales season. This is their 30th year of selling trees, which they raise on their Virginia farm. They are grateful for the support of their family and for their good health.
David Nass writes that he and Judith Kelso Nass ’61 ScM went on a two-week trip through French Canada to trace Judy’s family history. The trip ended in Boston, where they visited Dave’s Brown roommate, John Bloom, and his wife, Nancy.
Hays Rockwell writes: “I had successful brain surgery in autumn 2014 at Mass General, in Boston. I witnessed a grandson graduate from the International School of Geneva in Switzerland, and his sister from the London School of Economics and Political Science. I went with the whole family (of 18) to a Montana ranch for a week. Great fun.”
Alan Rosenberg writes: “Anita and I just returned from a fabulous trip in India. A remarkable view of a culture so different from our own. The tour was organized superbly by the Newark Museum. I even met France Oberbeck ’80, a second-generation Brunonian.”
Anne and Kirk Smith spent three weeks on a leopard-hunting safari in Zimbabwe in June. They write: “While this was the most basic and primitive of the five hunting trips we have taken, it was by far the best adventure. We were able to observe elephants, zebras, giraffes, and wildebeests, as well as the leopard. Everyone we met was friendly and helpful, but life is quite difficult for many who live there, a situation exacerbated by lack of electric power. We also had an opportunity to learn about the actions being taken by hunting organizations to control and eliminate poaching, a serious threat to all African wildlife.”
C. William Stamm writes: “Donna and I had a very delightful Brown Travelers trip to Eastern Europe and a Danube cruise. It was wonderful to go traveling with Duncan Smith ’61, ’63 AM, ’67 PhD, who was the Brown lecturer. An interesting mix of travelers from several colleges. We made many new friends.”
Betty Belknap Stirling writes that her husband, Bill, died Oct. 21 of Alzheimer’s, after being ill for five years. Betty and Bill met at Draper Lab in Cambridge, Mass., where they worked for a combined 70 years. He was a photographer, eventually becoming head of the photo and audio-visual lab there. Leaving Draper in 1992, he opened his own business, and then later fully retired. She also writes that her twin grandsons, Stephen (Roger Williams Univ. ’15) and Michael Messina (Keene State ’15), are both gainfully employed.
Brody Summerfield writes: “Great hunting season. Harvested a 6-by-7-foot bull elk north of Hayden, Colorado. Used a crossbow to harvest an 8-point whitetail deer on our farm in Missouri. Lots of lean venison for us and the local food bank.”
From the January/February 2016 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Save the date! The class of ’58 will celebrate our shared 80th birthdays with a mini-reunion in New York City on Oct. 21–23, 2016. This will be a fine opportunity to renew our friendships with classmates while enjoying the sights, theater, and excitement of NYC. Details to follow via separate correspondence.” Send news to Jill.
Joyce Gillespie Briggs entertained classmates Raya McCully Goff, Anne Walter Lowenthal, Anne Guerry Pierce, and Sandy McFarland Taylor in Litchfield, Conn. Russell Pierce ’53 and Bob Goff ’57 were also in attendance. They enjoyed the foliage, dined well, and toured the countryside. Sue Haneman Phelps and Barbara Chaplin sent their regrets from the West. Joyce writes: “We have been gathering together in this fashion for about 20 years.”
Kathie Schutt Chadwick hosted another meeting of old Angells: Lois Dean, Connie Black Engle, Carol Batchelder Jones, Jane Bertram Miluski, and Jill Hirst Scobie. They spent five days on the banks of the St. Lawrence River watching the ships pass by, in addition to exploring a castle, working on jigsaw puzzles, and talking.
Doe Cotton-Pemstein, after 12-plus years of widowhood/solo living, has found a new community at NewBridge on the Charles, in Dedham, Mass. She takes music and film courses, attends concerts and lectures, and finds common ground with others. Her book, Out of the Ark, deals with the grief of losing a spouse and is available at
Phil DuMond is recovering well from a fractured hip and hip replacement. He writes that the injury occurred while he was bringing two horses into his barn. They were frolicking with a dog and Phil got tossed over a concrete horse waterer. Fortuitously, X-rays and CAT scans revealed two undetected aortic aneurysms.
Gail “Dolly” Farago Forbes now resides in Palm Beach, Fla.
John Gamwell retired in 2000, after practicing orthopedic surgery at Emory Univ. School of Medicine for 30 years.
Warren Healey underwent hip surgery soon after all his wonderful trekking through Spain. He writes that his recovery is “slow but sure!”
Lois Lowry (see Andrew Blauner ’86).
Charles Martell and his wife, Leyla, traveled throughout California and Nevada. Charles writes that the most interesting-sounding event they encountered was the Candy Dance Festival. Next it’s off to Mexico and Latin America.
Bob Sanchez writes biweekly letters to the editor of his daily newspaper, and contributes commentary to semi-monthly editions of the Pelican Bay Post. He writes that this “forces a certain focus on what’s going on in our world, while tennis, bridge, reserve officer association luncheons, etc., allow for a reasonably graceful passage into senior citizenhood.”
Emil Soucar retired from the Temple Univ. faculty but has a small clinical psychology practice. In October a joint birthday party was arranged for Emil, his son, and his grandson, with a belly dancer providing part of the entertainment.
Sandy McFarland Taylor writes that “three handsome, dashing members of the class of ’58” took her out to dinner: Art Parker, Steve Singiser, and Bill Tozier. Art and Steve had come down from New England to visit Bill in New York City.
Mike Trotter was appointed chair of the law firm finance committee of the practice division of the American Bar Association. He is also on the boards of the division’s knowledge strategy group and of its lawyer leadership and management group.
From the November/December 2015 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Save the date! The class of ’58 will celebrate our shared 80th birthdays with a mini-reunion in New York City October 21–23, 2016. This will be a fine opportunity to renew our friendships with classmates while enjoying the sights, theater, and excitement of New York City. Details to follow via separate correspondence.”
Bob Blakeley ’59 MAT divides his time between Bridgewater, Mass., and Cape Coral, Fla. He and Nancy enjoyed a three-week cruise and land tour of the French and Italian rivieras. He writes: “Having visited 48 states, I finally visited numbers 49 and 50.”
George Cooper received the Captain’s Award from the Friends of Chatham Waterways (FCW), which recognizes his service in the protection and preservation of waterways and neighboring lands in Chatham, Mass. He served as president of FCW from 2010 to 2012. He now chairs the Land Bank Open Space committee and is clerk of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee.
Ulysses James conducted the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic and the Alexandria Singers for their concert, “Beatles to Broadway,” in early June.
Ann Kimball Heinrichs writes: “I have become interested in genealogy, in particular the ancestry of my paternal grandmother, who was my constant companion as a child.” She also writes that she is working in stained glass and enjoys participating in local art shows with her husband, Bob, who paints. She remains active in her local church and sings in the choir.
Tom McNeill retired from orthopedic practice several years ago and now devotes himself to learning modern physics. He and his wife, Anne, plan to divide their time between Lake Geneva, Wis., and Naples, Fla., by moving to a continuing care retirement community, the Arlington. Tom writes: “Thus we will be able to golf year round.”
Judy and Tom Moses visited Provincetown, Mass. Tom writes: “After perusing the fascinating shops and galleries of Commercial Street, we were having a bite to eat and were surprised to find posters and magazines covered with pictures of my cousin and namesake: Thomas Lanier Williams, aka Tennessee, the celebrated playwright. P’town was celebrating ‘Year TENN, A Decade of Tennessee Williams.’”
Pat Patricelli returned from her fourth Brown Travelers trip, this time to Eastern Europe: Warsaw and Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria; Bratislava, Slovakia; and Prague, Czech Republic. She writes: “A highlight of the trip was seeing the film Two Who Made a Difference, the heroic story of Martha and Waitstill Sharp (parents of Martha Sharp Joukowsky) as they rescued Jews in Prague from the Nazis on behalf of the Unitarian Service Committee. The film will be shown on PBS in 2016.”
Diane and Bob Sanchez escaped the hot Naples, Fla., summer by visiting Long Lake, Minn. They enjoyed the views of loons and bald eagles before moving on to Lake Itasca, the headwaters of the Mississippi. Along the way, they visited local wineries, fairs with Scandinavian treats, ancient Lutheran church reproductions, and Viking longboats.
Betty Belknap Stirling reports that her husband, Bill, is now in a nursing home due to Alzheimer’s. Her twin grandsons both graduated from college in May: Michael Messina magna cum laude from Keene State College in New Hampshire and Stephen Messina cum laude from Roger Williams University.
Sandy McFarland Taylor went to Scotland with her daughter Sarah Taylor ’90. She writes: “We visited grand castles (among them Doun’s), the Tallisker Distillery, the Isle of Skye, and the island where Dumbledore is buried (thank you, Harry Potter).”
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “2016! That would be the year when most of us will turn 80. Our stalwart copresidents, Sandy McFarland Taylor and Jim Moody ’65 ScM, think next year might be a good time to have a mini-reunion in New York City in either September or October. So read our class notes assiduously to learn about what’s happening.”
Kay Ulry Baker went on a 12-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land, visiting the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Jericho (where she rode a camel), the Wailing Wall, and the Garden of Gethsemane, among other places. She writes: “The trip gave me a new vision of my relationship with the earth, with its people, and with God.”
Jane Fliegner Blythe and her granddaughter, Lexi, spent a week at Best Friends, the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the United States. She reports that it spans 400 acres and holds almost 22,000 lost, abused, or abandoned animals. During her stay, she was interviewed about her volunteer work with animals and introduced to a room full of people from all over the world.
Peggy and Bill Chadwick have downsized but are still on the campus of Grand Harbor, Vero Beach. Bill remains active with alumni in the Treasure Coast Club, and he and Peggy spent their summer months in Old Saybrook, Conn.
In memory of her parents, Connie Black Engle attended the children’s book award ceremony at the Bank Street College of Education. Shael Polakow-Suransky ’94 is the president of BSCE.
Joan and Warren Healey toured Spain in May: Barcelona, northern Spain, Bilbao, and Madrid. They saw many sights, including the Palacio Real and the Cathedral Almudena.
George Held’s new poetry collection, Bleak Splendor, was published by Muddy River Books of Brookline, Mass.
Charles Martell published his book of poems, Saint Francis of Assisi: My Words (Book One). He spent his career in academic libraries at UC Berkeley, Sacramento State, and the Univ. of Illinois. He has had more than 80 articles published in the field of library and information science.
Jane Bertram Miluski and a friend had a marvelous time in France—first a week in Paris, then a house in Provence. The trip was a Van Gogh pilgrimage, from Montmartre to St.-Rémy to Arles to Auvers-sur-Oise.
Irene Mungiu writes: “I continue in my career as president and CEO of Instructional Systems Company, and I recently moved from New York City to Woodstock, N.Y., to enjoy life in the country.”
David L. Nass and his wife, Judy Kelso Nass ’61 ScM, spent February and March in Fort Myers Beach, Fla. He writes: “It was a little warmer there than at home in St. Paul, Minnesota.” Dave’s Slater Hall roommate John Bloom and his wife, Nancy, joined them for two weeks in March.
Charles Paley and his wife, Annie, settled into their new apartment in downtown Providence and enjoy attending events at Brown. Charles keeps in touch with Hal Meyer and Dick DeVito.
Pat Patricelli spent the early summer visiting Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary with Brown Travelers. In September, it was off to France, Italy, and Spain. She writes that BT does a “fabulous job mixing basic sightseeing with knowledgeable guides and fascinating lectures with Brown professors.”
David Ridderheim served as a guardian for one of 70 WWII veterans as they toured various memorials and monuments in the District of Columbia, courtesy of Honor Flight Northeast Indiana. He writes that they were “warmly thanked by all whom they passed in the city,” and were greeted by thousands of cheering citizens and serenading bands when they returned home to Fort Wayne, Ind.
Robert Sanchez continues to serve as president of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. He writes: “It is alive and thriving. Recent activities have included the Ivy Fest, which had a turnout of 285 from all eight Ivies and the Seven Sisters; a trip to the Edison Museum; theater events; a conservancy tour; a book signing by a board member author; the lunch bunch monthly luncheons; a holiday party; and a visit from the dean of the medical school.” Bob also reports that there were 45 applicants from Naples this year, with eight acceptances. He and his wife headed up to Commencement in May, where Bob had the “privilege and pleasure” of handing out degrees this year to geological sciences scholars. The trip also included visits to family in Keene, N.H.; Fairfield, Conn.; Smithtown, N.Y.; and Boston. He writes that his daughter Stephanie ’89 is enjoying Boston.
From the May/June 2015 Issue
As ever, please send your news to class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie.
Carolyn Nichols Boday, Betsy Morriss Campbell, Hannah Dunn Miller, and Joan Fay Tumilty spent two days together last fall in Newport, R.I., “trying to remember exactly where we picnicked on the beach and how we managed to climb the railings at The Breakers in May 1958.” This time they took the official tour. They wrote: “It was great to be together again.”
Nancy and Pete Charron moved to a continuing care retirement community, downsizing from 3,000 square feet to 1,500. Apart from Nancy’s arm, injured during the move, and Pete’s knee injury (1959 plane crash), they are doing fine.
Ed Flattau’s fifth book, a polemic about the Republican Party, was published in late spring.
Jim Mello made note of the death of football teammate Fran Carullo, who became an English teacher and a lobsterman. Jim writes: “One component of the bond was the shared stress and rigor of football itself. Another was our common background as undereducated Italian kids trying to integrate in a very strange environment.” Although Jim lost touch with him, he always considered him one of his anchors and gives this brief remembrance “as a testimonial to the wonderful guy he was.”
Judy and Tom Moses continue to play tennis valiantly (with younger and reportedly more skilled opponents) and to party devotedly (with tennis and Brown friends). They’ve dined recently with Don and Pat Pennal MacKenzie ’59 and with Dorothy and Roger Williams.
Don Nelson reports: “For the third straight year Max McCreery and Chauncey Wedgewood won the prestigious Chilmark Striped Bass Invitational Tournament with a total catch of over 150 pounds. Max reports that the largest striper weighed 42 pounds. He attributed his success to the use of the ‘Carberry Classic’ bass plug.”
Mike Trotter still practices corporate and securities law in Atlanta and is working on his third book, which will focus on the economics and operations of American law firms and law departments. He writes: “The prospects for lawyers are better than many self-proclaimed experts are predicting,” although the financial remuneration for most won’t equal 1995–2007.
Charles Turner, who lives in Redmond, Wash., spent most of his career as an attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice, with a particular emphasis on drug law enforcement. President Reagan appointed him U. S. Attorney for Oregon in 1982; he served in this position until 1993. In addition to his professional work, he has been involved in a wide variety of community organizations and activities. Charles lost his wife, Margot Mackmull Turner ’59, to thyroid cancer in February 2008.
From the March/April 2015 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “As ever, please send your news."
Rosemarie and Stan Dobson traveled to India and Nepal. “Seeing the Taj Mahal at daybreak, having a tiger preening himself within feet of our vehicle, and walking up to Mount Everest all contributed to making this tour memorable forever.”
John Gamwell worked at Emory Univ. in Atlanta from 1970 until 2000. He is taking it easy and enjoying his retirement. He sends his best to all ’58s.
George Held launched the third volume in his series of animal poems for children, Neighbors: The Water Critters, with illustrations by RISD alum Joung Un Kim. On hand were composer David Morneau, who set the poems to music in Book 1, as well as soprano Christina Hourihan and classical guitarist Kenji Haba to reprise their November concert performance at Jan Hus Church in Manhattan.
Ronald Offenkrantz was named to the National Law Journal’s inaugural list of “50 Litigation Trailblazers and Pioneers.” Ron is best known for being the first to successfully secure a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) arbitration award in an international overbilling/breach of fiduciary duty conspiracy case.
Art Parker writes that in early November, Leslie and Bill Tozier hosted a grand three-day party at Babington House, a resort southwest of London. Bill invited his bachelor roommates: Warren Paul and Steve Singiser and their wives. Leslie and Bill have purchased an apartment in New York City, so they’ll be spending more time in the U.S.A.
Bob Sanchez regrets not having been able to attend the most recent mini-reunion, but he and Diane were awaiting the birth of twin grandsons, Tommy and Chase. Bob is celebrating the eighth year of his two-year term as president of the Brown Club. Among the year’s events: streaming a Brown/Yale football game, a wine tasting, a faculty talk, a celebration of the 250th, and a visit from President Paxson.
Bill Stamm and his wife, Donna, took a river cruise from Nuremberg to Amsterdam, their 10th Christmas cruise. They write that they enjoy making new friends and running into people with whom they’ve cruised before.
Ken Street is still very active in the FOCUS Marines Foundation, which has tended to 30-40 wounded post-9/11 U.S. Marine veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan transitioning into civilian life. Some are missing limbs, some have service animals, and most suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and/or traumatic brain injury. “Very intense and emotional,” Ken says.
Brody Summerfield still climbs trees to hunt whitetail deer. He writes that, using a bow, he harvested a 12-point buck weighing 230 pounds and scoring 155.5 on the Pope & Young Club point scale. It will provide enough venison for a year. Brody is looking forward to hunting turkeys in April.
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Sandy McFarland Taylor, copresident of the class of 1958, was delighted with the turnout for the class mini-reunion held during Alumni Fall Weekend and Brown’s 250th anniversary celebration. Friday evening began with a wonderful party at the home of Artemis Joukowsky ’55 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky. We dined at the Hope Club, and Martha gave a fascinating talk on her decades of experience with Brown’s archeological dig at Petra, Jordan. She also sketched her insider’s view of the various forces operating in today’s Middle East. We had glorious weather for the Brown-Harvard night game (with fireworks afterwards), and everyone enjoyed catching up with classmates on College Hill. Closing out the weekend was entertainment by Connie and Art Parker with a clambake at their waterfront home in Westport, Mass. A special thanks to copresident Jim Moody for his great organizing. Please send your news to Jill.”
Kay Ulry Baker sends kudos to the mini-reunion organizers. She writes: “I left Providence after that enjoyable interlude and took in the autumn color in New Hampshire. After that, it was off to Club Med, where I enjoyed four days of tee times with my golfing buddies. I’m happy to be in warm Florida.”
Stephen Barkin continues his involvement in real estate ownership and management. With Madeline, his wife of 53 years, he visits his children and grandchildren in Florida and Maine. He meets often with his Brown roommate Jack Selig.
George Held completed his trilogy of animal poems for children with the January publication of Neighbors: The Water Critters, illustrated by Joung Un Kim, a RISD graduate.
Steve Kurtz and his wife, Audrey, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the Marriott in Park Ridge, N.J., with more than 60 friends and relatives. They enjoy spending weekends at their second home in the Berkshires, swimming, canoeing, and attending concerts at the Tanglewood Music Center. They have six grandsons.
Lois Hammersberg Lowry (see Mary Serenna Foxall Day ’49).
Charles Martel and his wife, Leyla, spent a month in Australia, where they spent almost four hours walking around Ayers Rock. They write that a high point was celebrating their daughter-in-law’s 50th birthday, along with her submission of her doctoral thesis in psychology. Charles writes that he had “never seen the sky so spectacular.”
Jim and Sally Cameron Mello continue to create inventory for their gallery, River District Arts, in Sperryville, Va. Their honey and shiitake mushrooms are available at their local farmers market, and their grandson, Steve, markets their organic vegetables. They write: “The Christmas tree crop is thriving, as are the great-grandchildren.”
Jane Bertram Miluski hosted Adrienne Arabian Baksa, Kathie Schutt Chadwick, Lois Dean, Connie Black Engle, Roz Kennedy Johnson, Carol Batchelder Jones, Judith Ann Perlin, Jill Hirst Scobie, and Barbara Comroe Trevaskis at her summer house on Long Beach Island, N.J. She writes: “We ate, drank, talked, generally made merry, and attended a showing of The Giver, based on Lois Hammersberg Lowry’s young adult book.”
Tom Moses reports the passing of Bruce Fowler. Tom remembers the last time he saw Bruce, when the two of them played tennis with Don Mackenzie and Roger Williams. Classmates may contact Bruce’s wife, Maryann, though suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Jim Noonan regrets that he missed the mini-reunion. He was chairman of his high school’s 60th reunion celebration, which was held on the same weekend. He writes: “I did make it to the last half of the Brown-Harvard game. Well done.”
Bob Sanchez writes: “Diane and I visited Connecticut for the birth of our twin grandsons. I’m still serving as president of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida and returning for Commencement each year. We have an active calendar of events scheduled this coming year for the Brown Club, including a theater event, boat ride, conservatory trip, wine tasting, Edison/Ford museum visit, holiday party, Red Sox game, professor visit, astronomy lecture and stargazing evening.”
From the November/December 2014 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “As ever, please send your news.”
Kay Ulry Baker has been busy. She reports that she is the past president of the Boynton, Fla., Woman’s Club. They have been working on a restoration of their nationally registered historic building, raising money and obtaining matching funds from city and state. This past summer she visited Italy, Greece, and Turkey, trekking through historical sites. Kay now has three great-grandchildren.
Lynne and Dick Emmons attended the retirement of Captain Russell Larratt in San Diego. Captain Larratt is the son of Michael Larratt and Barbara Chaplin Larratt. Attending this festive event were all four Larratt brothers, their wives, and many grandchildren.
Lee Ann Etscovitz published a new book, An Inner Roadmap of Gender Transformation, in May. “A soul-searching and thought-provoking exploration of the inner and outer struggles faced by many transsexuals…, [written with] emotional depth and unflinching honesty,” it is available through Amazon, as is her earlier book of poetry, Let the Dandelions Grow.
Pam and Ed Flattau visited their architect daughter, Victoria, who is living in Tunisia. Ed wrote a piece on the ecovillage where Victoria is volunteering her services.
John Gamwell retired after 30 years of orthopedic surgery as a member of the Emory faculty. He lives in Roswell, Ga., and enjoys events in the Atlanta area, as well as and reading and traveling. He sends his best wishes to all.
Bruce McFadden attended his 60th high school reunion in White Plains, N.Y., accompanied by his son. Only a nephew’s wedding kept him away from the Providence mini-reunion.
Jim and Sally Cameron Mello write they are still working hard on their crafts for their gallery at River District Arts in Sperryville, Va. They sell honey and shiitake mushrooms at the farmers market, and their Christmas trees are pruned and thriving. Great-grandchildren play at the farm, and Sally watches the sunsets, wishing the whole world were as peaceful as it is there.
Connie and Max McCreery have returned to Martha’s Vineyard after an East African safari and a canoe trip on the Amazon. They also had cocktails with the elusive Josiah Carberry. They were looking forward to a summer highlighted by the visits of various D.C. VIPs on the Vineyard.
After 43 years, Everett Pizzuti retired from Astro-Med in early 2014. He was a cofounder and finished his career as CEO. He writes: “Retirement? It’s like a vacation every day. I have made the transition from CEO to CBO (Chief Baby Officer). With five sons and seven grandchildren, and another grandchild expected, life is no doubt full.”
Diane and Bob Sanchez now have seven grandchildren. The most recent additions were twin boys, Chase and Thomas, of Fairfield, Conn., born in early July.
John Willenbecher’s Tribeca studio was featured in the July 20 online publication Hyperallergic: Sensitive to Art and Its Discontents. To view more, visit .
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Our next mini-reunion will be held Sept. 26–28 in Providence. Highlights will include a welcoming reception at the home of Martha Sharp and Art Joukowsky ’55, along with Martha’s reflections on changes over the years to Brown’s Petra project and to the Mideast in general; dinner at the Hope Club; Saturday’s colloquiums, tours, and open houses; a ’58 tailgating party on the deck of Wyndham Gardens before the Brown-Harvard game; and, finally, a Sunday clambake at the Parkers’ in Westport, Mass. Information about costs and venues will be provided through regular mail and e-mail.”
Bill Corrigan received a commendation in recognition of his retirement after 48 years of service during the annual business meeting of the Brown Club of Rhode Island in Sayles Hall.
Stewart Fish writes that he is “still above ground and vertical in Vero Beach, Fla., and loving every moment of it, taking cruises and fishing.”
Warren Healey and his wife, Joan, cruised through the Panama Canal after visiting Key West and Cartagena. Next, they visited Puntarenas, Chiapas, and Acapulco, ending in San Francisco. They intend to mesh the ’58 mini with their 60th high school reunion in Pawtucket.
Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT is now the chairwoman of the Corporation emeriti executive committee and associate chair of the Brown-Tougaloo Partnership.
Dick Neal recently spent time in Rome and took a cruise in the western Mediterranean. He followed that with three weeks in Cancun.
Bob Sanchez and his wife, Diane, continue to be a peripatetic pair, making their annual pilgrimage to the Northeast to visit children and grandchildren, to attend Commencement, then to visit Boston, Cape Cod, and Long Island. “Tennis, bridge, and strong drink keep us going in our little corner of the Florida peninsula. Soon it’s off to Minnesota and Arkansas.”
Betty Belknap Stirling continues to be the perennial organizer of her East Bridgewater (Mass.) High School reunions. The 60th is approaching.
John Willenbecher married Jean-Patrice Marandel on Thanksgiving Day 2013, at the home of their friends Richard and Mary Lanier in Falls Village, Conn. Richard Grossman, a psychotherapist and noted Emerson scholar, performed the ceremony, which took place at the dining room table between the turkey course and the pumpkin pie. John is an artist and lives in New York City, and Jean-Patrice is the Robert H. Ahmanson Chief Curator of European Art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Coming at us fast!! Our next mini-reunion will be held Sept. 26–28, 2014, in Providence. Highlights will be the Brown-Harvard game, events surrounding Brown’s 250th anniversary, and (possibly) a clambake in Westport, Mass. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel for $95 per room, per night (double or king-sized bed). For reservations, please call (401) 272-5577 before Sept. 1. Be sure to mention that you are with the Brown class of 1958. As ever, please send your news.
“Also, Henry Chapman, son of Alfred M. Chapman who was an All-American swimmer and captain of the Brown swim team, would be interested in hearing from anyone who recalls Alfred as a scholar, an athlete, a gentleman. Alfred began his professional life as a teacher, then married, had three children, earned a master’s in Latin and another in Greek; however, from the mid-1960s onward his life took another trajectory as Alfred and his family had to deal with the onset of paranoid schizophrenia. I would be glad to forward any information to Henry.”
Jim Moody reports: “For classmates who have decided that life is better without e-mail or who simply missed the class Bravo blast, we have created a Class of 1958 Newsletter to complement the class notes that appear in Brown Alumni Magazine.
“We hope that in the future the newsletter will be written largely by readers eager to communicate with classmates. At this stage of life, class members have walked a long way on many paths. We have hard-won experience and well-tested opinions; we have a lot to write about. The volunteer newsletter staff will provide editorial support if needed.
“Just send your contribution to our secretary, Jill Hirst Scobie. In addition, please begin using a second address: [email protected]. Jill and newsletter editors will determine how to use what you send. Note that BAM reaches all classes, while the newsletter is aimed only at our class. Our goal is to put out at least one edition a year, but we may well publish more frequently if the flow of material warrants. To view the first edition, go to the following website: . If you need help, go to your local library.”
Ellen Loewenstein Boschwitz received a “Woman of Distinction” award from the Univ. of Minnesota. Ellen is the mother of four sons; grandmother of seven; an advocate for children with special needs; a businesswoman who has worked as a manager, a merchandiser, and a buyer; and the wife of former senator and ambassador Rudy Boschwitz.
In April, Carolyn and Tom Develin took a river cruise on the Elbe from Prague to Berlin on a small ship powered by water jets to allow for the shallow drafts. They had a chance to visit smaller towns and cities in northern Germany.
Emily Waters Fortnum, wife of Donald Fortnum of Gettysburg, Pa., passed away. During her last year she was visited by Pembroke friends Babbie Clary Horner, Andree Guay Wells, and Bitsy Hitchcock Nebauer.
Joan and Warren Healey write that they cruised from Miami through the Panama Canal and eventually landed in San Francisco. They spent a few days on the West Coast.
John Lorand writes: “My wife, Cil, and I celebrated our 50th anniversary in June. I have flunked retirement by working in the chemistry lab the last few years—one paper published so far, two more in gestation. Three kids and two grandkids are thriving.”
Charles Martell invited Alan Taylor to speak at a Friends of the Library event in Charlottesville, Va., and soon after that Taylor won his second Pulitzer for The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia. Later in the spring, Charles and his wife, Leyla, cruised from Rome to Saint Petersburg to Amsterdam.
Jane Bertram Miluski was honored by the Rose Valley Historical Society and Museum in Moylan, Pa., with a retrospective of her paintings, 1979–2013. Jane is a prizewinning watercolorist and teacher.
Tom Moses and his wife, Judy, claim to have found the Fountain of Youth in competitive senior doubles tennis with 11 friends (ages 48–82) for up to three sets (90 minutes). They write: “We have no aches or pains.... Then it’s nap time, naturally.”
Ron Offenkrantz went on a bucket-list adventure trip to Brooks Falls, Alaska, with his magician/actor grandson, Alex, to photograph grizzlies catching salmon.
Patricia Patricelli writes: “Heading to the Dalmatian Coast with Brown Travelers, a trip that has been on my list of places to go. I continue to tutor ESL first graders and take courses at Boston University.”
Arnold Rothstein (see Toby Cohen ’09).
Charles Shumway is taking an extensive summer road trip in his RV from Hilton Head, S.C., to Greenwich, Conn.; Newport, R.I.; Yarmouth, Me.; and eventually back to Naples, Fla.
Bonnie and Louis Silverstein have been making Nantucket baskets for the past 20 years. They enjoy keeping the tradition of this true American craft alive and also enjoy showing and selling them at their winter home on North Captiva Island, Fla.
Alfred Uhry was “flattered to be asked to write a piece for The Brown Reader: Fifty Writers Remember College Hill". Richard Foreman ’59 and Lois Lowry are also contributors. Alfred describes it as a “very good read” and he thinks no other college has done anything quite like it. You may obtain a copy through Amazon or through Brown.
Joseph Vanable has spent his retirement years active in the National Alliance on Mental Illness (Indiana) Public Policy Committee. He continues teaching an honors course on brain disorders—covering serious mental illness, its biological basis, treatment and the lack of access to it, legal aspects, etc. His hope is to get mental illness into the open and to encourage students to work in mental health.
Frank Young writes that Edwards House friends Peter Kopke, Tom Moses, Don McKenzie, George Vandervoort, and Roger Williams had another reunion in Sarasota, Fla., where Pat Pennal MacKenzie ’59 and Don hosted a dinner for all the men and their wives.
From the May/June 2014 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Our next mini-reunion will be held Sept. 26–28 in Providence. Highlights will be the Brown-Harvard game, events surrounding Brown’s 250th anniversary, and a clambake in Westport, Mass. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel for $95.00 per room, per night (double or king-sized bed). For reservations, please call 401-272-5577; make sure to mention you are with the Brown class of 1958.”
The class of 1958 extends its condolences to Bruce McFadden, whose wife, Natalie, died suddenly in December. They had been married for 55 years and together reared five sons. A memorial service held at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, Calif., was so well attended that 100 people had to be turned away.
John Bloom and his wife, Nancy, moved from their Boston home overlooking the Charles River to Lasell Village in Newton, Mass. John stays in touch with Slater Hall roommates Larry Kocher, Peter Kuniholm, and Dave Nass.
Charles Connell retired after 51 years of college teaching, the last 45 spent as a professor of German at Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
William E. Corrigan Jr. was selected as a recipient of the 2013 Alumni Service Award, given for “distinguished continuing volunteer service to Brown in any field of alumni activity.”
Stan Dobson writes: “My wife, Rosemarie, and I managed to escape the Virginia winter (which I believe was harder than usual) by spending a week on Grand Cayman. Prior to that we had a memorable trip to South Africa around the time of Mandela’s death. We heard interesting talks from persons imprisoned with Mandela and from others actively involved in ending apartheid.”
Dolly Farago Forbes sold the small hotel that she helped her mother run, along with her daughters, in Watch Hill, R.I. She looks forward to the freedom to enjoy herself, to travel, and to spend winters in Palm Beach while she is still active and healthy. She writes: “This is an especially happy year because my granddaughter will be a freshman at Brown.”
Ludlow Miller and his wife, Babbie, moved in early January from Philadelphia to the San Francisco Bay area to be near two of their three children and four of their six grandchildren. They write that they look forward to this new life on the West Coast.
Pat Patricelli spent the last two weeks of September touring the villages and vineyards of France, ending in Paris thanks to the fine efforts of Brown Travelers. Back in Boston she takes courses at Boston Univ., tutors first graders in reading, and enjoys Boston’s wonderful cultural offerings: ballet, theater, and symphony.
Arnold Platzker, now professor emeritus at the USC-Keck School of Medicine, and his wife, Marjorie, the interior design director at an international architecture firm, travel frequently to the wine country in their native California, as well as twice a year to Paris, and this past year to Portugal and Spain.
Robert P. Sanchez keeps busy as president of the Brown Club of Southern Florida, which has a crowded calendar of events, including a visit from President Christina Paxson in March. Robert also interviews admission candidates. He does some traveling, plays bridge and tennis, and is involved in local politics.
From the March/April 2014 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Our next mini-reunion will be held Sept. 26–28, 2014, in Providence. Highlights will be the Brown-Harvard game, events surrounding Brown’s 250th anniversary, and (possibly) a clambake in Westport, Mass. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel for $95 per room, per night (double or king-size bed). For reservations, please call (401) 272-5577 and mention that you are with the Brown University class of 1958. As ever, please send your news.”
In January, Martin Bernheimer traveled to Seattle to participate in Opera Weekend, which involves the Metropolitan Opera National Council Pacific Northwest auditions. He lectured on “Critics: Who Needs Them?” and later participated in a panel discussion entitled “Opera: State of the Art.”
Barbara Shipley Boyle hosted the 26th consecutive annual Pembroke gathering in the San Francisco Bay area. Susie Langdon Kass attended, but Brenda Williams McLean, a regular, wasn’t able to come. On the first December Saturday the group meets and auctions off items to one another to raise money for the Pembroke Center.
Bill Chadwick and his senior fraternity brother Socrates Mihalokos ’55 serve on the Treasure Coast Alumni Club. Bill and his wife, Peggy, cruised the Caribbean with Meg and Paul Johnson in January.
In November, Barbara Chaplin, Raya McCully Goff, Anne Walter Lowenthal, Anne Guerry Pierce, and Sandy McFarland Taylor gathered for a weekend at the home of Joyce Gillespie Briggs. Non-classmates Bob Goff ’57 and Russell Pierce ’53 also came, and at the end of the weekend Lynne and Dick Emmons joined the convivial group for lunch.
Dick Emmons reports a miraculous improvement in his health. He and wife, Lynne, had quite a holiday jaunt: visiting a son in Idaho; then visiting Barbara Chaplin’s and Mike Larratt’s son, Greg, in Spokane; then off to Orlando, Fla., to be with Mike and his wife, Eileen; then down to Winter Park to be with Barbara’s brother Ray and his companion, Michael. Dick writes: “Next it’s on to all the national parks we haven’t seen together or have missed.”
Ed Flattau is working on his fifth book about partisan environmental politics in our nation’s capital.
Joan and Warren Healey had a pre-Christmas visit with daughter Candace Healey ’84, who is the deputy director of the James A. Michener Art Museum, which this winter hosted the exhibition “From Philadelphia to Monaco: Grace Kelly Beyond the Icon.” Warren writes: “When in Doylestown, Pa., visit the ‘art and soul of Bucks County.’”
Arnold C. Platzker writes: “This past year has been a very busy one for the Platzker family. We still live in Los Angeles, and after 40 years, I retired as professor emeritus from the faculty of the USC-Keck School of Medicine and the Division of Pediatric Pulmonology at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles. I continue to mentor a fellow’s research and participate in committees and conferences. Marjorie continues as interior design director for the L.A. office of NBBJ, the international architecture firm. Our son, David, is the curator for prints and books at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. He and his wife, who has an art gallery in Chelsea, have a 13-year-old daughter. Our daughter, Liz, lives in Philadelphia where her husband, an adult pulmonologist, heads the Pulmonary Hypertension Program at Penn. Liz continues to work as a fashion designer. They have a 2-year-old daughter. In my free time I keep busy raising hundreds of cymbidiums and rare orchids in our greenhouse. Five years ago I planted Grenache noir grape vines imported to the U.S. from Château Beaucastel in the Rhône Valley. While we have a wonderful yearly crop of grapes, we have not yet made wine, but look forward to doing so. Marjorie and I travel frequently to the southern California wine country. We also visit France and Italy. This year we visited Portugal and Spain, too. For more than 30 years, we have visited Paris at least twice a year, and I published a 20-page newsletter on Paris.”
Robert P. Sanchez, president of the Brown University Club of Southwest Florida, writes: “We keep an active calendar of events, including theater parties, air/boat environmental trips, new-student receptions, hosting visiting professors, museum visits, and interviewing Brown applicants. Diane and I make our annual summer visit to Minnesota to see our four children and five grandchildren. I still sail and play tennis.”
Bob Selig has been appointed CEO of Taylor Community, a continuing-care retirement community in Laconia, N.H. He is currently chairman of the board of trustees of Laconia Public Library, a director of the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire, and a director of Shalom TV and the Lake Opechee Preservation Assoc.
Michael Seligman is still busy working. This is his 37th consecutive year as one of the producers of the Oscars, and he also produces live events and television specials. He enjoys visiting with his 8-year-old granddaughter, Avery, and 2½-year-old grandson, Dylan. In his spare time he sculpts in bronze, terra cotta, and wood, preparing for a third exhibition. He sold 16 pieces during his preceding two shows. He and his wife, Teresa, recently purchased a condo in Palm Springs, Calif.
In October Michael Trotter gave the keynote presentation at a conference on the future of the legal profession, which was sponsored by the National Assoc. of Legal Career Professionals Foundation. It was one of many speaking engagements that followed the publication of his book Declining Prospects, about the economics and prospects of the legal profession.
From the January/February 2014 Issue
The class of 1958 is proud to have had two of its members honored at the Brown Alumni Awards Luncheon. Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT was honored with the H. Anthony Ittleson ’60 Award for her dedication to Brown over the years, her enthusiastic involvement in class reunion gift campaigns, and her prior service as a member of the Brown Annual Fund Executive Committee. Bill Corrigan received an Alumni Service Award for his work as a club leader and class leader, and for his longstanding dedication to the Brown hockey program, where he began as student manager of the team. The award seeks “to recognize those whose work, love of Brown, spirit of cooperation, and selflessness stand out and who will continue to provide these invaluable services.”
Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Our mini-reunion will be held Sept. 26–28 in Providence. Highlights will be the Brown-Harvard game, events surrounding Brown’s 250th anniversary, and (possibly) a clambake in Westport, Mass. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel for $95 per room, per night (double or king-size bed). To make reservations call (401) 272-5577, being certain to mention that you are with Brown University Class of 1958.”
Tom Develin writes that he and his wife, Carolyn, have enjoyed watching their grand nephew, James Develin ’10, number 46, playing fullback for the Patriots. He’s setting aside his Brown engineering degree for a while and instead is frequently the lead blocker in many running plays.
Phil DuMond and his wife, Mary, traveled the Oregon Coast this past autumn and enjoyed themselves despite the rain.
Ed Flattau’s wife, Pamela Flattau, was appointed to the U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Psychological Science by the National Academy of Sciences.
John Gamwell is retired from Emory’s School of Medicine, where he practiced medicine from 1970 to 2000. He writes: “All the best to everyone.”
George Held’s new book, Culling: New and Selected Nature Poems, published by Poets Wear Prada Press, will launch on Feb. 27 at the Cornelia Street Café in Greenwich Village, N.Y.
Peter B. Howard’s and Jane Loveless Howard’s oldest granddaughter and her husband have bought a home in New Hope, Pa. She holds a master’s in art history and is on the staff at the Michener Art Museum.
Edwin Levy celebrated the 34th anniversary of his investment management company, Levy, Harkins & Co. He still serves on the boards of Beth Israel Hospital and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, both in New York City.
Brenda Williams McLean cohosted a Brown tailgate at Stanford on Oct. 5 with Gail Wooley ’59, ’63 MAT ; Virginia Tortolani McQueen ’81; and Richard Muschell ’75. Eighty Brown classmates and family members welcomed Stanford’s new director of athletics, Bernard Muir ’90, to the Bay Area.
Sally Cameron Mello and James Mello have been very busy on the farm show tour. Jim weaves, and Sally and daughter Jeanne Mello Day ’80 paint and hook rugs, keeping their gallery supplied with items. You can “visit” them at . Meanwhile, their son, Craig Mello ’82 (Nobel Prize in medicine, 2006), is very excited about Crispr, a genome editing technology that will speed up research.
Tom Moses and his wife, Judy, spent their third successive summer at Brasenhill, the “Downton Abbey” of Lebanon County, Pa. Designed by architect E. Donald Robb, it is a 38-room Jacobean stone estate filled with antiques—including a replica of Michelangelo’s bed. The great room is a copy of the one in Haddon Hall in England, and the staircase is a scaled-down version of one in the Philadelphia Art Museum.
Charles P. Paley and his wife, Ann-Marie, moved to a retirement community, The Village at Waterman Lake in Greenville, R.I. He writes: “It’s great to be near our son and his family and, of course, to be near Brown. We’re enjoying meeting our fellow residents, including several Brown alums, and talking about old times.”
Evandro Radoccia and his wife, Marie, are now great-grandparents to Marrissa Kay. He writes: “I thought we were too young for this, but there she is.” Apart from that significant event, Van occasionally trades political barbs with Stan Dobson and socializes with Joan Castronovo Owen and her husband, Bill Owen ’59 MAT.
Jerry Romano writes that, after retiring from textbook publishing in 1995, he started a computer-based company that developed one-on-one learning programs for disadvantaged students. Heart problems led to a second retirement, but he has developed an interest in making whimsical things out of found objects.
Alan Rosenberg has written a book on the current status of U.S. medical practice and is awaiting acceptance by a publisher. He has seen Leslie Silverstein and Owen Hoberman and has spoken several times with Richard Emmons, who happily reports that his medical problems have improved.
Bob Sanchez continues as president of the local Brown Club. He is busy with an annual family-visiting trek to Connecticut, playing tennis, sailing, and interviewing Brown applicants.
Elizabeth Belknap Stirling has twin college-sophomore grandsons, Stephen (Roger Williams Univ.) and Michael (Keene State), who are studying in Scotland and London respectively for a semester.
William Summerfield writes: “Bow season in Missouri. I harvested a doe and a real nice 10-point buck. Our ‘eats’ on our farm are really bringing in the deer and turkey.”
Marion McFarland Taylor gathered for a weekend with classmates at the home of Joyce Gillespie Briggs in early November.
Ann Thorndike (see Beatrice Wattman Miller ’35).
Mike Trotter was the keynote presenter in October at the National Assoc. of Legal Career Professionals conference concerned with the future of the legal profession. Mike continues to write and talk about the legal profession and has been featured recently in articles in the New York Times, Business Week, Inside Counsel, etc. For greater depth, visit his website: .
George Vandervoort led a “just for fun” 29th Annual Bike Ride from Wilmette, Ill., to Lake Forest, and back again. The cyclists saw beautiful views of Lake Michigan and George invites all classmates to join them for the milestone 30th Annual.
Bob Wood and his wife, Anne, toured some of the Maritime Provinces in Canada, relaxing in Bay Fortune, Prince Edward Island. On their way home they visited Wheaton friends in Belfast, Maine, and son Christopher Wood ’87 in New Hampshire.
From the November/December 2013 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Here is information about our first mini-reunion since our 55th. It will be held Sept. 26–28, 2014, in Providence. Plan on attending the Brown–Harvard football game, participating in events celebrating Brown’s 250th anniversary, and possibly feasting at a clambake in the Westport, Mass., area. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel for $95/night (double or king-size bed). To make reservations call (401) 272-5577, and mention that you are with Brown University’s class of 1958. As ever, please send your news.”
Barbara Chaplin, Lynne and Dick Emmons (Russell’s godparents), and Mike Larratt attended the Change of Command for son, Capt. Russell Larratt, Commanding Officer, Navy Operational Support Center, San Diego, in late July. Russell’s wife, his three children, his three brothers, and their wives and children also participated.
Peter Dana announces the June birth of a new grandson, Townsend Perry Bottomley. In late August through mid-September, Peter traveled to Russia and Denmark.
Lou and Gil Grady left Louisville, Ky., after more than 35 years and relocated to Ave Maria, Fla., east of Naples, adjacent to the Panther Run Golf Course. Gil is looking forward to catching up with other Brunonians in southwest Florida.
Joan and Warren Healey traveled from Hamburg to Berlin and then cruised from Tangermunde to Dresden, eventually ending in Prague.
Jane Bertram Miluski visited the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y., as she has many times since 1985. This time she sang with Ysaye Barnwell, PhD, musician, actor, educator, and a member of the acclaimed a cappella quintet Sweet Honey in the Rock.
In July, Carol and Frank Young took their 10-year-old granddaughter, Abby Gandrud, daughter of Lisa Young Gandrud ’85, on a river cruise in Spain and Portugal; it was an intergenerational trip run by Road Scholar, so there were many other children on board.
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “As ever, please send your news."
“Seventy-nine ’58’s (27 women, 52 men) had a wet and wonderful 55th opening with a late afternoon reception at Buxton House. We shmoozed, managed to recognize each other, and were serenaded by several delightful student a cappella groups. Then it was on to a fine dinner at the University Club. For the intrepid, the next destination was a rather damp but festive Campus Dance. Saturday morning found many of us in Sayles Hall for the all-class memorial service, followed by coffee with the president and the provost. The Brown men had a dampish luncheon in a tent on the grounds of the Maddock Alumni Center, while the women (Pembrokers all) were ensconced in the blessedly dry Hope Club. Mid-afternoon there was a panel discussion, “55 Years of Change.” Saturday evening, we returned for a celebration dinner, again at the Hope Club, followed by speeches, etc. Fond thanks to Paul Johnson, our retiring copresident, and to Sandy McFarland Taylor for continuing as copresident; and welcome to Jim Moody, who will also be serving as current copresident. Jim James directed us in singing a rousing version of the alma mater. On Sunday many of us participated in the wonderfully traditional, yet new and ever-evolving Commencement procession. If you were very observant, you would have seen Bob Feldman playing with the band as it went by. The sun emerged for the midday graduation. For those of us lucky enough to have both a final burst of energy and adequate time, there was a luncheon at Donna and Jim Moody’s club, the Acoaxet Club, in Westport, Mass., overlooking the water. What a great closing moment! Thanks to Roz Kennedy Johnson for her reunion summary e-mail.”
Robert Barta writes: “Since retiring in 1996, my wife, Joni, and I have toured 29 countries (Egypt and China twice), traveled around the world 10 days after 9/11, and cruised the Rhine and Danube from the North Sea to the Black Sea both ways. Miles more to go. I’ve been married to Joni for 49 years; our four children have produced five grandchildren, aged 2 to 26, and one great-granddaughter, who is 1 year old. Our 1678 home in Maynard, Mass., is now getting a substantial addition.”
Bob Feldman reports that he is doing a very “odd project,” a portfolio of aquatints of equations and expressions by Nobel Prize–winning physicists or Fields Medal–winning mathematicians. It is being copublished with the Yale Univ. Art Gallery. Bob will be commuting between Munich and Portland, Ore., during the upcoming academic year.
Family graduations kept Sue Haneman Phelps from attending the 55th. She and her husband had a family reunion this summer in Steamboat Springs, Colo., with 36 participants.
Jim Mello writes: “I remember sitting in Sayles Hall in ’54 listening to President Keeney describe the new world we would be entering. He said, ‘Look to your left, look to your right. When you graduate, those two people will be gone.’ So it was with great delight that I saw on the donor list that his prediction was wrong. Pete Megrdichian and Ludlow Miller not only graduated but are still supporting Brown.”
Diane and Bob Sanchez write that they enjoyed seeing all the changes on campus (Alpert Medical School, downtown campus extension, athletic facilities, etc.), as well as the nostalgically familiar. Best of all was seeing “classmates whose faces and bodies may have undergone some time-related changes, but whose spirits and memories are a joy to share.” Further visits were to Fairfield and Long Island as well as to Long Lake in northern Minnesota.
From the May/June 2013 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Class of ’58, save May 24–26 for our 55th. The main class events will be dinner at the University Club on Friday night (cost: $58, including open bar), class luncheons Saturday noon (Brown on grounds of Maddock Alumni Center, Pembroke at the Hope Club), a second class dinner, and a brunch Sunday at the Parkers’ home in Westport, Mass. We will present a panel of class members and other experts working in diverse fields, who will lead an open discussion on many of the important changes of the last half century. Yes, we’ll have another shot at the identification and criticism of ideas. There will be the traditional events: Campus Dance, alumni forums, the hour with the president, and Commencement. The University has changed its position on free rooms for the 50th-and-over reunions. Jim Moody secured a block of 15 rooms at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel at India Point: $299 per night for a city view, $319 per night for a harbor view room. These rates apply to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights; if you come earlier or stay later, the rates drop to $129 and $149, respectively. To make a reservation, please call (401) 272-5577 and reference the Brown University Class of 1958. Thanks to Jim for all of his organizational work, as well as to the inestimable Paula DeBlois of the alumni relations office. As ever, please send your class notes news.”
Bernard Asher, a practicing surgeon, and his wife, Lilian Asher, a retired anesthesiologist, divide their time between Skaneateles, N.Y., and Pelican Bay, Naples, Fla. Their eldest son, Robert, is a lecturer at Cambridge, England, and just wrote a book about evolution. They have two other children and two grandchildren.
Albert Clark and his wife, Sharon, are building a retirement home in Silverdale, Wash. This is their fifth build. Albert writes: “A nick-of-time visit to the John Carter Brown Library in those few days prior to my graduation turned me into a true bibliophile and poor man’s collector. I won’t speak to friends who boast about their Kindles.”
Dick Emmons and Mike Larratt will each be in a wheelchair at the 55th, chauffeured by their dedicated wives, Lynne and Eileen.
Edward Flattau’s daughter, Victoria, is an architect currently living in Tunis and working on sustainable development there. They are considering visiting her in the North African capital.
Stephen Kurtz and his wife, Audrey, divide their time between New Jersey and a home near Tanglewood in the Berkshires. With six grandsons (the eldest of whom just celebrated his bar mitzvah), snorkeling, swimming, and interviewing for Brown, Stephen writes: “Life is rewarding.”
Dave Labovitz writes: “The United States Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C., is presenting an exhibition of my wife Jackie Bailey Labovitz’s photographs until Oct. 14. Jackie is our official class photographer and an honorary class member. She will also be giving a lecture on June 11 and Oct. 1 entitled, ‘Understory: A Perspective on Painting with Light.’ To view her recent work, visit .”
Gilbert Lugossy writes: “I continue to serve as a member of the board of directors of Capital Health System in Mercer County, New Jersey, and as board secretary. I am also active in Democratic party activities.”
Rick Montgomery, a retired lawyer, and his wife, Kathy, still call Pittsburgh home. They visit New England frequently to see their daughter, Mary Montgomery ’02, a medical resident at the Brigham in Boston, and in the summer they are in Little Compton, R.I.
Alvin Mullery has been living in France for almost 30 years—in the winter in Cagnes-sur-Mer (between Nice and Antibes) and in the mountains near the Mercantour National Park during the rest of the year. He writes: “For someone who loves the mountains, the sea, and good food, it is paradise.”
Judith Cole Youngman published Amadeus Quilts, A Journal of Encouragement by the Muncy Historical Society. Each page is illuminated with pictures of the quilts she has made.
From the March/April 2013 Issue
Save May 24–26, 2013, for our 55th reunion. The main class events will be dinner at the University Club Friday ($58, including open bar), class luncheons and another class dinner Saturday, and brunch at the Parkers’ home in Westport, Mass., Sunday. The class of ’58 will present a panel of class members and other experts working in diverse fields, who will lead an open discussion on many of the important changes of the last half-century. Yes, we’ll have another shot at the identification and criticism of ideas. There will be the traditional events such as Campus Dance, alumni forums, the Alumni Hour with the President, and Commencement. The University has changed its position on free rooms for the 50th-and-over reunions. A campus room will be $65 per person per night, or $260 for a couple staying Friday and Saturday nights. In view of this, Jim Moody secured a block of 15 rooms at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel (the former Radisson) at India Point; $299 per night for a city view, $319 per night for a harbor view room. These rates apply to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights; if you come earlier or stay later, the rates drop to $129 and $149 respectively. To make a reservation, please call (401) 272-5577 and reference the Brown University Class of 1958. On March 1, all classmates should have received a hard copy with the full schedule of both class and university events, as well as registration materials, including on-campus housing. Furthermore, there will be e-mail information and the chance to register online. Thanks to Jim Moody for all his organizational work, as well as to the inestimable Paula DeBlois, of the Alumni Office. As ever, please send your class notes news.
Harry Batchelder had an extended adventure in the spring of 2012 traveling the Ho Chi Minh Trail solo for about 145 miles. You can read all about it, and peruse the illuminating photos and maps, in his monograph on this formidable trek at
Sally Cameron Mello writes that all their children are living lives that “honor the spirit of learning and service.” Jeanne Mello Day ’80 is a librarian; Frank ’81 is starting his own business; Craig ’82, a Nobel prize winner, gave a speech at the Nobel Awards which you can hear at ; and Roger, their youngest, is a UVA graduate and an educator. Sally and Jim are working “harder than ever” on their Christmas tree farm and she wonders, is it age that makes it seem harder?
Rosemarie and Stan Dobson took an 18-day tour of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Russia. Although unused for 50 years, Stan’s linguistic skills “were still good enough that they were never thirsty or lost.” They found the flight from Washington, D.C., to Frankfurt on one of Boeing’s initial 747-8 planes an “incredible experience.”
Ron Edwards, a sculptor, and his wife, Judy (RISD ’60), an abstract painter, are having a retrospective show of their artwork Mar. 7 through Apr. 13 at the Arno Maris Gallery at Westfield State Univ., in Westfield, Mass. The show represents 70 years of their combined work. To see samples, go to
Margaret Ewing writes: “Looking forward to our 55th. My son Bruce Ewing ’88 and daughter-in-law Tracey Navin Ewing ’88 will be celebrating their 25th at the same time. I recently returned from an African safari in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa. It was very up-close-and-personal with the critters. We also visited villages and schools.”
In early November, Joyce Gillespie Briggs entertained classmates Anne Walter Lowenthal, Anne Guerry Pierce, Raya McCully Goff, and Sandy McFarland Taylor, as well as Bob Goff ’57 and Russell Pierce ’53 at her home in Litchfield, Conn. A good time was had by all: lots of photos reviewed, lots of reminiscing, lots of fine food. On a sadder note, Joyce’s husband, Robert S. Briggs ’53, died on Dec. 2 (see Obituaries).
Steve Kurtz and his wife, Audrey, write that they are enjoying full retirement and visiting their six grandsons, the eldest of whom just celebrated his bar mitzvah. Steve and Audrey spend summers in a lake house in the Berkshires, with easy access to Tanglewood. “Listening to the BSO on the lawn there is Steve’s idea of heaven. Other rewarding activities: hiking, cycling, canoeing, traveling, snorkeling, and interviewing for Brown.”
Jane Loveless Howard of Arlington, Mass., recently stepped down from her 20-year leadership of the town organization Vision 2020, which she helped found. Arlington recognized her service with a party in town hall, where state legislators, town selectmen, and Vision 2020 leaders praised her work. Jane continues to consult and to serve on several committees.
Robert P. Sanchez is still president of the Brown University Club of Southwest Florida in Naples. He writes: “We have an active calendar of events coming up. I’m busy interviewing applicants for Brown and working with the other Ivy League schools on joint activities.”
Lee Sheldrick keeps himself well occupied with occasional reinsurance consulting and arbitration. In the winter he skis at Wachusett Mountain, in Massachusetts, and in the summer he sails and does race management.
Charles Shumway moved to a condo on Hilton Head, S.C., where he enjoys tennis and racing sailboats.
Bill and Sally Whitcomb Keen have moved into a newly renovated Craftsman bungalow in Arlington, Va., close to a daughter, a great library, and the Metro for trips into D.C.
Carol and Frank Young visited Portugal in October and ran into Joan and Warren Healey at their hotel. Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy prevented the Youngs’ return for several days and caused extensive damage to their home in Freeport, N.Y.
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Believe it or not, our 55th reunion is approaching quickly! Save May 24–26, 2013. The main class events will be dinner at the University Club on Friday night, a class luncheon Saturday, a class dinner at the Hope Club, and a brunch at the Parkers’ home in Westport, Mass., on Sunday. There will also be the usual events: Campus Dance, alumni forums, the alumni hour with the president, and Commencement. The University has changed its position on free rooms for the 50th-and-over reunions. A campus room will be $65 per person per night, or $260 for a couple staying Friday and Saturday nights. In view of this, Jim Moody secured a block of 15 rooms at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel (Old Radisson) at India Point: $299 per night for a city view, $319 per night for a harbor view room. These rates apply to Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights; if you come earlier or stay later, the rates drop to $129 and $149, respectively. To make a reservation, please call (401) 272-5577 and reference the Brown University Class of 1958. We encourage you to attend. Since future correspondence will primarily be by e-mail, please advise alumni relations of your e-mail address. More detailed information will arrive later by snail mail and electronically. Thanks to Jim Moody for all of his organizational work. As ever, please send your class notes news.”
Pulitzer Prize winner Martin Bernheimer, who was featured in the November/December BAM, gave a six-session opera criticism lecture series “from the perspective of a critical and sophisticated listener.” He continues to cover the classical music scene for the Financial Times and to write articles on music for sundry publications, including Ravinia and Promenade.
Jane Bertram Miluski hosted a now-annual reunion of old “Angells” at her Long Beach Island, N.J., summer home. In attendance were Adrienne Arabian Baksa, Connie Black Engle, Rosalind Kennedy Johnson, Carol Batchelder Jones, Judith Ann Perlin, Jill Hirst Scobie, and Barbara Comroe Trevaskis. Judith Ann Perlin won the “long distance award” by traveling from Berkeley, Calif.
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein writes: “A warm hello to scattered classmates. If any of you live in or visit the Boston area, please be in touch for a visit and lots of nostalgia.” She continues to lead spousal-loss support groups at Newton-Wellesley Hospital and to attend the symphony, listen to chamber music, watch foreign films, and enjoy her grandchildren.
Dick Emmons and his wife, Lynne, took the car train to Florida and visited Mike Larratt and his wife.
Bob Feldman is toggling between Portland, Ore., and an apartment in Munich, which he shares with his sculptor wife, Julia Mangold, and their eight-year-old daughter, Hannah.
Ken Kurze regrets that he hasn’t done any foreign travel lately, but says the list of places he and his wife would like to visit has grown.
John Lorand reports from Mount Pleasant, Mich., that he has two “lively and civilized” grandchildren and has just fulfilled a years-long dream by acquiring a lakefront cottage with good fishing, nature walks, and great sunsets.
Newbery Award winner Lois Lowry has been getting wonderful press of late, notably in the October 7 New York Times, for her latest book, Son. There was also a long essay about her in the culture pages of the Boston Globe.
Sharpe Ridout is still enjoying the great North Carolina weather and continuing to work. He writes that he is “enjoying it and plans on working ‘til I drop.”
C. William Stamm writes: “Donna and I moved to Essex Meadows, a life-care retirement operation, in April. We sold our big house in East Haddam, Conn., downsized, and moved to a cottage with one floor, no stairs, and no upkeep. There is so much going on around here that it is hard to keep up. Who said that retirees do nothing but sit around? There are a lot of Brown graduates here. We have to hold our own against the people from New Haven.”
Frank Young and his wife, Carol, spent a week in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone with their eighth grandchild and then took a 13-day tour on the Douro River in Portugal in September.
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Believe it or not, our 55th reunion is less than a year away! Save May 24–26, 2013. The main class events will be dinner at the University Club on Friday, class luncheons Saturday, class dinner at the Hope Club, and a brunch at the Parkers’ home in Westport, Mass., on Sunday afternoon. Obviously, there will be the usual events like the Campus Dance, alumni forums, the Alumni Hour with the President, and Commencement. The University has changed its position on free rooms for the 50th and over reunions. A campus room will be $65 per person per night, or $260 for a couple staying Friday and Saturday nights. In view of this, Jim Moody ’65 ScM secured a block of 15 rooms at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel at India Point; $299 per night for a city view, $319 per night for a harbor view room. These rates apply to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. If you come earlier or stay later, the rates drop to $129 and $149, respectively. To make a reservation, please call (401) 272-5577 and reference the Brown University Class of 1958. We encourage you to attend. Since future correspondence will primarily be by e-mail, please advise Alumni Relations of your e-mail address. More detailed information will arrive later by snail mail and electronically. Thanks to Jim Moody for all of his organizational work. As ever, please send your class notes news.”
Carl Aronson writes that after a 46-year academic career (Penn and Haverford), he is now fully retired. He and his wife, Marjorie (also retired), are dividing their time between Springfield, Pennsylvania, and the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. Carl, having sold his full-sized sailboat, has resumed building and sailing radio-controlled model boats; Marjorie is an award-winning quilter.
Dick Emmons writes that he is in the last stages of geriatric heart failure. Despite this he hopes to make his 55th reunion. He and his wife, Lynne, hope to make the time left “as enjoyable as they and the cardiologist can. No reason to be sorry about this. . . . It’s what it is.”
Warren Healey and his wife, Joan, spent 12 days in July cruising on the Danube from the Black Sea to Budapest, visiting Bucharest, Belgrade, and Lake Balaton (among other places). Next on their travel docket is Portugal.
Sally Whitcomb Keen and her husband, Bill, are downsizing and moving to Arlington, Va., in November to be near their middle daughter, who is remodeling a 1920s craftsman bungalow for them. In mid-winter they will visit South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Tom McNeill and his wife, Anne, attended his 50th medical college reunion at the Univ. of Illinois Chicago Medical College campus. Tom has retired from practicing orthopedics, and they now divide their time between Wisconsin and Florida.
Bob Murphy continues his music-filled pursuits, playing at the Cedar Basin (Cedar Falls, Iowa) Jazz Festival and the Stanford Jazz Festival and teaching at the Chicago Latin Jazz Workshop and the Stanford Jazz Workshop during the summer. In the fall he teaches a jazz combo at Stanford.
Sandy McFarland Taylor jigged and reeled her way through St. Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, with 12 Scottish country-dancing friends and toured the excavations at Hadrian’s Wall. Later in the summer she visited daughter Sarah McFarland Taylor ’90 and her husband, John Rountree ’90, and grandson Brody McFarland Rountree. Next it was on to a women’s retreat center in Newbury, Mass., and then a visit in Stamford, Conn., with Lynne and Dick Emmons.
Sally Nichols Tracy and Susan Adler Kaplan attended a reception for President Christina Paxson at the home of Jerome Vascellaro ’74 and Mary Aguiar Vascellaro ’74, which overlooks Menemsha on Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. This was the annual Brown get-together. Sally and Susan write that it was “especially nice to meet and speak with the new president.”
Bob Sanchez writes that he and his wife, Diane, continue on their peripatetic way, visiting friends in Minnesota, visiting the Bay Area, and driving up the Oregon coast. Once again, they’ll participate in a reunion with Bob’s USS Rochester shipmates in San Diego.
From the September/October 2012 Issue
Jill Hirst Scobie reports: “Believe it or not, our 55th reunion is less than a year away! Save May 24–26, 2013. The main class events will be dinner at the University Club on Friday night, class luncheons Saturday, class dinner at the Hope Club, and a brunch at the Parkers’ home in Westport, Mass., on Sunday afternoon. Obviously, there will be the usual events, such as Campus Dance, forums, the Alumni Hour with the President, and finally Commencement. The University has changed its position on free rooms for the 50th and over reunions. A campus room will be $65 per person per night, or $260 for a couple staying Friday and Saturday nights. In view of this, Jim Moody secured a block of 15 rooms at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel (the old Radisson) at India Point: $299 per night for a city view room, $319 per night for a harbor view. These rates apply to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights; if you come earlier or stay later, the rates drop to $129 and $149, respectively. To make a reservation, please call (401) 272-5577 and reference the Brown University class of 1958. We encourage you to attend. Since future correspondence will be primarily by e-mail, please advise Alumni Relations of your e-mail address. More detailed information will arrive later by ‘snail mail’ and electronically. Thanks to Jim Moody for all his organizational work. As ever, please send your class note news.
Bob Doyle was featured in the May/June BAM (Classes, “Renaissance Man”). The article summarized his transition from astrophysics and practical inventing (video games, etc.) to philosophy. Last year he self-published Free Will: The Scandal in Philosophy. To learn more about Bob, go to his website:
Barbara Florop Doolittle stays engaged with the world by scoring math proficiency tests, creating data reports based on test results, mentoring in an elementary reading program, knitting for Warm Up America (nursing homes, homeless shelters, etc.), and serving as financial secretary of her church. Her only grandchild recently graduated from high school; his ambition is to become a chef.
Lee Ann Etscovitz moved to Hatboro, Pa., instead of relocating to Colorado as she had originally planned. She is now close to all conveniences: a “typical American small town.” Her new address is 420 South York Rd., #61, Hatboro 19040.
Stewart Fish writes that he is “still enjoying life to its fullest in Vero Beach (Fla.), especially when the snow birds have flown north! What a great town.”
Eleanor and Peter Kuniholm, professor emeritus and former director of the Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology at Cornell, are leaving Ithaca for the New England coast. Their new address is Blueberry Farm, 523 State Route 129, Walpole, Me. 04573.
Jerry Levine had a total knee replacement in April and two months later was driving again. He writes that his next goal is the New York City subway steps, which he intends to conquer.
Charles Martell walked the Camino de Santiago from Roncesvalles to Santiago, Spain—440 miles—during 33 days in May and June. He writes: “I met scores of wonderful pilgrims, and, despite the physical challenges, the personal and social aspects were very rewarding, as was the beauty of the countryside.”
Jim Noonan won the Superior Seniors Golf Championship in Ponte Vedra, Fla. This September he and wife, Ruth, planned a visit to their daughter and her family in Maui.
Pat Patricelli took a late spring trip with Brown Travelers, stopping for a whirlwind tour of Dublin, then on to Barcelona, San Sebastian, Burgos, Pamplona, Bilbao, Madrid, and Toledo. “Professor Mercedes Vaquero … made ancient and medieval Spain come to life,” Pat writes. “Learning, learning, learning!”
Diane and Bob Sanchez attended Commencement, “where we bade farewell to outgoing president Ruth Simmons, and met incoming president Christina Paxson.” They also met honorary-degree recipients Diane Sawyer and U.S. Rep. John Lewis (Ga.), and Bob presented degrees to the geological sciences majors. “More visits with family and friends throughout the summer. And we are anticipating our 55th.”
Bill Stamm and his wife, Donna, moved into Essex Meadows in Essex, Conn., with the attendant challenges of minimizing and simplifying. Since they already knew people there, Bill says it’s proved to be a very welcoming situation. They have a river cruise planned for December. “In the meantime, it is boxes and more boxes.”
Sally Nichols Tracy and her husband, Bud ’59, wintered in Tucson and visited Erik and Pat Carlson Collett in Lone Tree, Colo., on their way home to Cape Cod, where Sally is the new president of the Brown Club. She writes: “There’s nothing like catching up and reminiscing.”
Sue and Mike Trotter recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Mike is also celebrating the release of his new book, Declining Prospects: How Extraordinary Competition and Compensation Are Changing America’s Major Law Firms, and the paperback reissue of his ’97 book, Profit and the Practice of Law: What’s Happened to the Legal Profession. Mike writes: “You may have heard about the new one on NPR or read about it in the New York Times or Business Week. All this and the arrival of a first grandchild!”
Ellie and Bob Watson celebrated their 50th anniversary in late April at an intimate dinner hosted by their children. Joining them were two members of the original wedding party: Ellie’s sister, Rose, and Ralph Anderson ’57, accompanied by his wife, Jane Doane Anderson ’60.
From the May/June 2012 Issue
Stephen Barkin writes that he had a “very rewarding Brown experience” doing admission interviewing with BASC in the New York City area. It reconnected him with Brown and with the Brown Daily Herald, where he was once a member of the staff. He recommends BASC interviewing strongly and says it is “like going back in time, and what a great trip.”
Barbara Shipley Boyle spent a week in El Salvador in February and plans to attend the Women’s Leadership Conference, celebrating 120 years of women at Brown. She hopes that many classmates will participate.
Betsy Morriss Campbell retired 13 years ago and has been having fun writing short pieces for newspapers and magazines. Recently, one of her stories appeared in a new book, Final Fenway Fiction.
Lenore Donofrio DeLucia ’60 AM, ’62 PhD, and Clement DeLucia ’63 report that their daughter, Karen DeLucia Pinch ’88, is the first female captain in the R.I. State Police department.
Stan Dobson and his wife, Rosemarie, took an 11-day tour of Panama and Costa Rica.They were “on the go from dawn to dusk,” says Stan, and highlights included going through the Panama Canal, snorkeling, traipsing through jungles, and seeing indigenous tribes living on small islands.
Anne Browne Easton is retired in Essex, Conn., sharing a happy and busy life with her husband, Rev. George Easton ’56. They enjoy skiing, hiking, sailing, paddling, and spending time with their three daughters, their husbands, and four grandchildren. “Too many projects, too few hours in the day,” Anne writes.
Dennis Fish writes: “During a South American cruise in January, my wife and I discovered we were sharing a 4x4 vehicle with Stephanie Burns ’79 while on a shore excursion in the Falkland Islands to see several species of penguins. Small world!”
Walt Gale and his wife, Ruth, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in February. At their wedding, Walt Fisher was the best man, and the late Serafino Fusco ’54 was a groomsman.
Norman Grace (see Bob Grace ’84).
Barbara A. Scott continues to enjoy retirement living in the mountains of western North Carolina. She writes: “Although officially retired, I’m busier than ever writing a book on the Occupy movement, taking classes, being active in peace movement politics, working on the Cecil Bothwell congressional campaign, and volunteering to edit and assemble the collected lectures on religion and philosophy of Professor Farley Snell, which brings me full circle to my Brown major, philosophy, as well as many years of teaching the sociology of religion at SUNY New Paltz.”
From the March/April 2012 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: “Please send your news. If you haven’t done so, please submit your e-mail address so that you can be in the loop."
“As you already know, there will be a class of ’58 mini-reunion in San Francisco, Apr. 27–30, 2012, organized by Brenda Williams McLean and other dedicated ’58s. The weekend will begin with a 6 p.m. reception at the Marine Memorial Club and Hotel, 609 Sutter St., reunion headquarters. Highlights include a lecture on jazz by our own Bob Murphy, followed by a concert by the Natural Gas Jazz Band, of which Bob is a member; a brunch in Sausalito; and a trip to the wine country. We are loosely structuring the several days in San Francisco so that classmates can put together their own tours since there is so much to see and do in ‘the city by the bay.’ Please refer to your snail mail flyer for more details.”
Martin Bernheimer, a Pulitzer Prize winner, will be lecturing on “Manon and the Age of Beauty” at the Metropolitan Opera Guild Learning Center at Lincoln Center in New York City on Mar. 26 at 6 p.m. He will explore this musical portrait of innocence corrupted and sensuality betrayed.
Bob Feldman is traveling to Munich in June for an exhibition by his wife Julia Mangold, at the Walter Storms Galerie. Last year Bob’s entire family went to Prague to see his son, Stephen Feldman ’89, compete on the world championship –winning Ultimate Frisbee team.
Ed Flattau reports that his son, Jeremy Flattau ’01, has started a political consulting business, Flattau Associates, in Washington, D.C.
Maraya McCully Goff and Robert Goff ’57 have moved from their loft apartment in downtown Providence to their house in Little Compton, R.I. Raya writes: “Full-time country living is a joy; we haven’t felt so relaxed in years. The city mice have adapted to the life of a country mouse with surprising ease.”
Eileen and Mike Larratt moved in May from Hawaii to Winter Park, Fla. They have seven grandchildren on the west coast and two on the east. Son Doug, who is retired from the U.S. Navy, works as a defense contractor; Glen is at Cornell in computer systems; Russ is a U.S. Navy captain; and Greg represents GE in the Health Care Division. Eileen and Mike write that they are busy, happy, and looking forward to the 55th.
Jerry Levine spent two weeks in San Francisco. He particularly recommends the Taj Campton Place Hotel and Gump’s department store, and hopes that all attending the San Francisco mini-reunion have as good a time as he did. He also mentions that his brother-in-law created the public art sculpture in Union Square opposite Macy’s.
Bruce McFadden is still engaged in an active interventional cardiology practice and lives in Santa Barbara, Calif., with his wife, Natalie. Three of their four sons and four grandchildren live in town; the fourth son is a radiologist living in Washington, D.C. Bruce says he “only has night call three or four times a month.... It is my good luck and privilege to practice medicine with colleagues younger than my youngest son.”
Linda and Hays Rockwell joined the Brown Travelers in October for a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia. They write: “Brilliant art and architecture, very good lectures, and a bright and amiable company made up of people in the (extended) Brown family.”
C. William Stamm writes: “We have our home on the Connecticut River on the market, hoping to move to Essex Meadows, a retirement community in Connecticut. Our timing is terrific in a terrible market. Didn’t I learn anything in Economics 101? We took our annual Christmas-to-New Year’s river cruise from Amsterdam to Vienna. We have taken a European river cruise for the past six or more years. A good way to relax and celebrate.”
Barbara Harvey Taylor writes: “My grandson David M. Taylor III is a wrestler at Penn State on a five-year full scholarship. He won his weight class as a freshman last year in the Big 10 and was second in the NCAA. He is an All-American. He was named 2011 Big 10 Wrestler of the Year and 2011 Big 10 Freshman of the Year as well. We are very proud of him.”
Jan Horwich Weinberg attended a Viennese-type salon 75th birthday party for Doe Cotton-Pemstein, a fête created by her daughters Lisa Pemstein-Krantz ’80 and Karen Deresiewicz. A chamber quartet charmed the 50-plus guests with Mozart, followed by humorous and creative variations of “Happy Birthday to You” in the styles of Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, and Dvorak.
Abbe Robinson Young, whose three children all attended Brown, now has grandchildren continuing the tradition. Jason Harris ’10 graduated Phi Beta Kappa and is working with Match Schools, a program for inner city students. His younger brother, Alex ’13, is a tight end on the football team. Abbe highly recommends the “under-the-lights games.”
From the January/February 2012 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "The class of '58 is taking it on the road again, planning a four-day destination reunion in San Francisco, Apr. 27–30, 2012. The reunion will feature a trip to wine country, a brunch in Sausalito, and a lecture by Bob Murphy on jazz, followed by a concert by the Natural Gas Jazz Band, of which Bob is a member. The several days in San Francisco will be loosely structured so classmates can put together their own tours, since there is so much to see and do. Save the date and we will convey more of the details as the plans develop."
Kathie Schutt Chadwick hosted a mini-reunion of women who spent their freshman year in Angell House. In attendance were Carol Batchelder Jones, Jane Bertram Miluski, Connie Black Engle, Jill Hirst Scobie, Rosalind Kennedy Johnson, Judith Ann Perlin, and Elizabeth Coe Strizzi.
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein continues to lead a therapy group for widows, and enjoys the cultural benefits of Boston, with special devotion to the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Gustav Mahler. She treasures time with her two daughters and two granddaughters. She is also taking a course at Brown titled Music and Ideas, Mozart to Ellington.
Lee Ann P. Etscovitz and her spouse, Sonja, are planning to move from Philadelphia to the Boulder, Colo., area, where they will live with Lee Ann's sister. They "look forward to life in the beautiful Rockies and close to family," Lee Ann writes.
George Held wrote Neighbors (published by Filsinger and Co. Ltd. in late 2011), a hardcover picture book of animal poems, illustrated by RISD graduate Joung Un Kim.
Jim Moody '65 ScM attended Glendon Rowell's September memorial service in Kennebunkport, Me., and spoke about Glen's connection to Brown.
Diane and Bob Sanchez spent late summer driving west to the lake country in Minnesota, visiting friends, watching loons, and pontoon partying. In October, they welcomed their fifth grandchild, Connor Robert Wilcox, 9 pounds 5 ounces.
Emil Soucar, was widowed in April. A retired professor of psychology at Temple Univ., he continues his private practice and teaches one course per semester. His daughter, Beth Soucar '91, is the mother of his 3-year-old grandson.
George Vandervoot attended a U.S. Navy reunion cruise with his old USS Begor shipmates. They visited Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta.
From the November/December 2011 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "Remember, we want to stay in touch with you and provide timely information on class events. If you haven't done so, please give us your e-mail address so that we can reach you swiftly and in a cost-efficient way. Be sure to keep your e-mail contact information current. We hope this will keep you informed and foster a sense of inclusion. Also, there is another mini-reunion for the class of '58. We're planning a four-day reunion in San Francisco, April 27–30, 2012. It will feature a brunch in Sausalito, a trip to the wine country, and a lecture on jazz by our own Bob Murphy, followed by a concert by the Natural Gas Jazz Band, of which he is a member. The schedule will be left fairly open so that classmates can have a chance to tour this fascinating city on their own. Save the date and look for more details in the BAM class notes and on e-mail. "
Barbara and John Brown are still practicing law full-time together in their own firm. They do have time for vacations and family. Daughter Meredith '87 will attend her Brown 25th reunion in 2012. "No downsizing yet!"
Earl and Connie Black Engle visited Brazil with their son, Douglas, a freelance photographer, and his wife, Tatiana, who live there. They visited Mariana and Ouro Preto and then took a cruise on the Rio Negro before ending with a few days in Rio.
Ron Edwards and his wife, Judy (RISD '60), hosted the 25th Western Massachusetts Annual Invitational Croquet Tournament in July. In attendance were their four children, including Glynn Edwards '83 and Julia Edwards '92, as well as six grandchildren and 50 other guests. Julia was a member of the croquet team while at Brown.
Field and Stream magazine honored Dick Emmons with a Heroes of Conservation Award. He has helped "create more than one thousand new anglers in eight years as a volunteer certified fishing instructor with Connecticut Aquatic Resource Education. He helped modify the state-funded educational program ... and emphasizes ethics in his free workshops."
Congratulations to Ed Flattau, who was named the best D.C.-based columnist in the July issue of Washingtonian Magazine. Two former Pulitzer Prize winners were runners-up.
Janet Nelson Hall took a cruise in early summer with Dirck and Judy Abbot Myers on a Holland America ship from Boston to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Montreal. Aside from trips, Janet is playing violin in the Cleveland Women's Orchestra and caring for grandchildren.
Jim James writes he had "a wonderful and rewarding time conducting a 108-person orchestra with a 287-voice chorus in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall. It was a 'Tribute to Wounded Warriors' and 350 were in the audience. It was a great success."
For the 23rd consecutive year, Stanley Leibo, a professor of biological sciences at the Univ. of New Orleans, taught a four-day workshop on cryopreservation of gametes and embryos at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Me. Afterward, he visited with Norman Cowen '56 and his wife, Diane, and also with Martin Feldman and his wife, Ellen, all of Maine.
Newbury Award-winner Lois Hammersburg Lowry has another feather in her cap. She was an answer in the New York Times Aug. 5 crossword.
Jim Noonan reports that he stays busy with business, golf, and family.
Charles Martell published a book of poetry, A Man of Ampurdan: Grandfather's Spanish Civil War Poems, available through Amazon and as a Kindle e-book. In the spring, he visited Botswana and Zimbabwe and became a sponsor of Motocross racer Brady Armstrong.
Harold Taylor is the task force chairman for the American Society for Testing and Materials WK31671 "Standard Practice for Calculating the Resource Depletion Potential for Mineral Commodities" for the E 60 Sustainability Committee.
Bud '57 and Sally Nichols Tracy entertained Duane '60 and Carol Batchelder Jones for lunch on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. They looked at old Angell House pictures and discussed a mutual interest—genealogy.
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "If you haven't done so, please give us your e-mail address, so that we can contact you easily and efficiently and be sure to keep your contact information current. Be in the loop!"
Peter Dana tried retiring three years ago, but found he wasn't ready for that, so he joined Eastern Bank's capital markets operation in Boston, working with fixed income national institutional accounts. His five children have all graduated; four are married and three have children. He recently ran into Dick Dana '56 in the Virgin Islands.
John W. Gamwell retired from the orthopedic surgery department at Emory Univ.
Anita Moore Gander's fabric art was included in this spring's AAUW Utah Women Artists Exhibition, a biennial juried show. Her piece portrayed a Costa Rican bird, the anhinga, with machine and hand-stitching on fabric that she dyed.
Charles Martel and his wife, Leyla, spent six weeks in Botswana, where she was in the Peace Corps, staying with friends and visiting the ministry in Gabarone, where she once worked. On the literary front, Charles's book of poetry, A Man of Ampurdan: Grandfather's Spanish Civil War Poems, will be out this summer and available on Kindle.
Tom Moses writes that he planted a lime tree and scrubbed the lanai for a party that was attended by Pat Pannal Mackenzie '59 and Don Mackenzie, Dorothy and Roger Williams, and Carol and Frank Young. The entertainment included a singer who covers the Kingston Trio. "Reportedly, Don and Tom still know most of their lyrics," Tom writes, "Very good!"
Alan S. Rosenberg retired from his cardiology practice on June 30 after 42 years. He will do consulting for the Northshore Health Systems and ProHeath. He and his wife, Anita, celebrated their 50th anniversary last year and are awaiting the sale of their house before moving to Manhattan.
Robert P. Sanchez is still busy in Naples, Fla., as president of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. He interviewed a large number of applicants to Brown (class of '15) and invited David Rohde '90 to speak to the club.
Louis Silverstein, who lives on North Captiva Island, Fla., took a February trip to Africa, visiting Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, as well as Kruger National Park in South Africa. "It was the ultimate Africa trip," he writes.
Sandy McFarland Taylor is a member of the vestry at St. Mary's Church, where she spends weekends and summers. She is also a committee member of the Tuxedo Performing Arts Group, which provides cultural events in local country settings. While in Manhattan, Sandy attends performances at Lincoln Center and enjoys dancing with the local branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, along with her Pembroke roommate, Anne Walter Lowenthal.
Kate Kissane Whistler cruised through the Panama Canal, followed by a trip to China in February. Last November she and former roommate Sally Cunningham Street Brown had a mini-reunion, meeting for lunch in upstate New York while on their way to Canada.
From the May/June 2011 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "Remember, we want to stay in touch with you and provide timely info on class events. If you haven't done so, please give us your e-mail address so we can reach you most efficiently. Be sure to keep your contact e-mail current. We hope this will keep you informed and foster a sense of inclusion." Send your news to Jill Hirst Scobie.
Adrienne Arabian Simidian Baksa's daughter Darlene Simidian died of cancer Jan. 11 in New York City. She was surrounded by family and friends, including her sisters—Linda, a television producer for Good Day New York, and Rachael, a school principal in South Pasadena, Calif. Granddaughter Grace made a video of Darlene's life. Adrienne and her husband, Richard, still run the Buddhist Correspondence Course for more than 500 inmates.
Stephen Barkin writes that he still enjoys his career in New York City real estate. He and his wife, Madeline, celebrated their 50th anniversary. Son Jeffrey is a doctor in Portland, Me., and daughter Elizabeth is a psychiatrist in Miami. They are blessed with six grandchildren. Stephen and his roommate at Brown, Jack Selig, meet for a monthly lunch.
Dick Carolan, Charlie Batchelder, Ed Eastman, Hugo Mainelli, Max McCreery, and Art Parker met for lunch at the University Club in Providence in January.
George Cooper is president of Friends of Chatham Waterways. The group is preparing to celebrate Chatham's tercentennial in June 2012. Major concerns are wastewater issues and how land development affects water quality in marine estuaries.
Larry Delhagen and his wife, Sheila Boberg Delhagen '60, moved from R.I. to their new Twin Oaks home in South Whitehall Township, Pa. Their elder son, Larry Jr., lives in Emmaus, Pa., and has three daughters, one a sophomore at West Chester Univ. Their other son, John '87, '92 MD, lives in Round Rock, Tex., where he is chief of staff at Georgetown Community Hospital and a senior partner at Northstar Anesthesiology Assoc. of Dallas. In Aug. 2010, Larry and Sheila celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a gala party in Emmaus, hosted by their sons. Brown alums in attendance were Larry's brother, Jack '56; Frank Yanni '56; Douglas Smith '60; and Linda Ceperly Smith '60. Larry writes: "We encourage classmates traveling through the Lehigh Valley to give us a shout."
Carolyn and Tom Develin write: "We had quite an adventure during last year's volcano eruption and subsequent restriction of European airspace. At the end of a cruise from Monte Carlo to Venice, we discovered the Venice airport was closed. Between the Regent Cruise Line and good travel insurance, we got six extra days in Padua at a four-star hotel (just 50 minutes from Venice). Wonderful!"
Ed Flattau is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post; his blogs can be downloaded at
Retired orthopedic surgeon John Gamwell now makes plant stands, pot stands, and stands to hold multiple serving dishes, out of sticks from the woods.
Mary Marinelli Gizzarelli '62 MAT and her husband, Robert (Providence College '59, Bridgewater College '62 AM), announce the marriage of their daughter, Claudia, to Michael Baaklini, a pulmonologist and internist who is the founder of Cedarz Medical & Cosmetics in Bristol and North Providence, R.I. The marriage took place on Oct. 24 with the reception in the grand ballroom of the Providence Biltmore Hotel.
Martin McDonald retired from environmental and oceanographic work and moved to Cape Cod in 1998. Son Peter is an architect and also a resident of the Cape, and daughter Megan McDonald '86 is a veterinarian in Connecticut. Martin enjoys golfing, playing tennis, and fishing. His civic responsibilities include serving as a selectman for the town of Eastham and serving on the board of the Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative, which brings green energy to the Cape.
Sandy McFarland Taylor made a trip in February to St. Croix with daughter Sarah McFarland Taylor '90, son-in-law, John Rountree '90, and grandson Brody, 6.
Dick Neal has been supervising the administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, sometimes known as the Nation's Report Card. He and his wife are planning a three-week trip to Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Larry Salzman has been interviewing applicants to Brown in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area under the BASC program. He writes that he doesn't "envy the admission office having to choose from this group of extremely bright and talented kids," but he highly recommends volunteering for BASC as "a way to give back."
Bob Sanchez reports that there was a "fabulous turnout" of 150 for a talk by David Rohde '90 and his wife, Kristen Mulvihill '91, at the Southwestern Florida Brown Club. Other Ivy clubs were invited and were well represented at this event.
Michael Seligman is the supervising producer of the Academy Awards. He writes that last September $80 million was raised on the second Stand Up to Cancer fund-raiser, which was shown live on all four networks as well as on many cable stations. He is preparing for his second sculpture show soon after the Oscars.
Lee Sheldrick is conducting BASC interviews. He makes good use of the Massachusetts winters, skiing several times a week with "quite a group of older folks ... many, if not most, older than I am."
Charles Shumway '66 AM, recently divorced after 10 years, is buying and selling real estate, selling a sailboat, and deciding where to settle. He writes that he "needs to experience the seasons ... and also needs great tennis," so he is considering N.C. and the Wilmington, Del., area.
Louis Silverstein and his wife took a trip to Africa in February, starting in Kruger National Park, then on to Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Please send your news to Jill Hirst Scobie. If you haven't done so, please give us your e-mail address, so that we can contact you easily and efficiently, and be sure to keep your contact information current. Be in the loop!
Carl E. Aronson and his wife, Marjorie, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary just before Christmas at a party for family and friends hosted by their daughters, Linda and Kristen.
Martin Bernheimer is still toiling as a New York music critic for the Financial Times and Opera magazine (London), as well as preparing a five-part lecture series for the Metropolitan Opera Guild during March and April.
Florida has two civic-minded classmates (and probably more): Bill Chadwick is stepping down after eight years on the Indian River County Hospital District Board, and Paul Johnson serves on the Orchid town council.
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein is lecturing on the Myth of Closure, elucidating the dangers of linear thinking as applied to grieving and loss. She notes that "stages of mourning leave many widows and widowers worrying that they are 'sick' as they have not reached a certain 'peace' after x amount of time."
Stan Dobson is looking for classmates to accompany him down the Hill "to celebrate our 75th year on the planet" and keep his "streak of 20 perambulations alive." He visited Petra in late October to learn more about the work done by Professor Emerita Martha Sharp Joukowsky and her archeology students. Stan says the tour guide mentioned their work many times.
Don Dowling, a resident of the village of Golf, Fla., is entering his 50th year practicing law.
Lynne and Richard Emmons visited Barbara Chaplin in Portland, Ore., on a six-week trip through the Pacific Northwest. Then, in late January, they headed to Las Vegas for their son's wedding.
David Fishel and his wife, Connie, cruised to Bermuda to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. David has returned to teaching statistics, basic math, and astronomy at Frederick Community College in Maryland.
Having reached the mandatory retirement age of 70, Manuel Kyriakakis retired as chief justice of the Massachusetts Housing Court in 2006. He and his wife, Elaine, live in Tiverton, R.I., in the Village on Mount Hope Bay, where he is president of the board of directors. He continues to enjoy skiing, model sailboat racing, and golf.
Alan Leader accepted the invitation of his daughter, Anne Leader Kay '89, to join her and her husband and son on a Disney cruise. The staff represented 62 different countries, and on the last night they marched through the dining room carrying their various flags—living proof of globalization.
Charlie Martel is on the adjunct faculty at Drexel's iSchool in Sacramento, Calif. Last summer and fall he taught face-to-face classes, and during the winter term he taught an online course, Academic Library Services.
Sandy McFarland Taylor reports that she reconnected with alumni at the Boldly Brown event in New York City last November. She sat with classmates Jim Moody and Jerry Levine as President Simmons described the great strides Brown has taken and the promising response to the Campaign from alumni and friends. In February, Sandy took a trip to St. Croix with daughter Sarah McFarland Taylor '90; Sarah's husband, John Rountree '90; and their six-year-old son, Brody McFarland Rountree. The Rountrees, who live in Winnetka, Ill., hope Brody will be a Brown student some day, as his parents, his aunt Anne Taylor Madden '86, and his grandparents were.
Sally Whitcomb Keen visited Connie Black Engle in Hendersonville, N.C., on her way back from Thanksgiving in Charleston. They had a long, leisurely lunch in town and vowed to do it again.
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "We want to stay in touch with you and provide timely info on class events. If you haven't done so, please give us your e-mail address so we can reach you swiftly and in a cost-efficient way. Be sure to keep your e-mail contact information up to date. This will enable you to receive communications easily, and we hope it will foster a sense of inclusion.
"The class held a mini-reunion in Providence on Sept. 24–26 during Alumni/Homecoming Weekend. Attending were Kay Ulry Baker, Bob and Sylvia Thorley Blakeley, Joyce Gillespie Briggs, Bill Chadwick, Pat Carlson Collett, Stan Dobson, Dick Emmons, Bob and Claire Hokenson Finnegan, '57, Gail Forbes, Jim Furlong, Bob '57 and Raya McCully Goff, Janet Nelson Hall, Pete and Jane Loveless Howard, Paul Johnson, Art '55 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky, Kenneth Kurze, David Labovitz, Brenda Williams McLean, Jim Moody, Bill Murck, Jim Noonan, Arthur Parker, Pat Patricelli Russell, '53, Anne Guerry Pierce, Van Radoccia, Allen Rosenberg, Jill Hirst Scobie, Lee Sheldrick, Steve Singiser, Mike Strem, Sandy McFarland Taylor, George Vandervoort, Bob Watson, Bob Wood, and Lee Yeaton. Many of us stayed at the Radisson while others enjoyed the hospitality of local friends and classmates.
"We began with a reception and dinner at the Brown Faculty Club, followed on Saturday morning by a walking tour of Benefit Street (including the Hathaway Brown House) and a tour of the John Nicholas Brown Mansion. Early that afternoon, Jim Moody accepted the 2010 Class of the Year Award in recognition of our dedication to class connections. This was particularly fitting, given all the work Jim has done to organize and spearhead class activities in recent years.
"The intellectual high point of the weekend was early on Saturday afternoon at the Joukowsky Center, where Dr. Martha Sharp Joukowsky moderated a panel discussion, 'Exploring Religious Complexities and Conflicts in Today's Society,' with David Coolidge '01, Brown's associate chaplain for the Muslim community, and the Rev. Janet Cooper Nelson, chaplain of the University. Co-president Paul Johnson movingly introduced his friend Dr. Augustus "Gus" White III '57, a former trustee of the University, who spoke about his experiences as an undergraduate and years later as a University Fellow, when at President Swearer's request he spearheaded a group that delved into a minority welcoming community embracing diversity and pluralism.
"Dr. White, who was the first African American graduate of Stanford Medical School, has had a stellar career as an orthopedic surgeon and professor at Harvard Medical School and at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital. He described his new book, Seeing Patients, as a hybrid: part memoir, part autobiography, and part essay on the American health care system.
"Then came a tailgate party on the deck of the Radisson, followed by the Brown–Harvard game. We ended with a Sunday brunch at Connie and Art Parker's home in Westport, Mass."
Bill Chadwick was recently reelected treasurer of Indian River County Hospital District. Bill is one of a number of our classmates who lives in Vero Beach, Fla.
Don Cohen (see Engagements & Weddings, Abigail Gilbert '02).
Bill Corrigan and Anita celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by touring the Canadian Rockies via rail and motor coach.
Larry Delhagen and Sheila Boberg Delhagen '60 now live in their Twin Oaks home in Allentown, Pa., to be near their son Larry Jr. and three of their six grandchildren. Their other son, John Delhagen '87, '92 MD, lives in Round Rock, Tex. Their travels have taken them to visit brother John Delhagen '56 in Naples, Fla., where they've enjoyed the "lunch bunch," consisting of Bob Sanchez, Charles Shumway '66 AM, and Frank Yanni '56.
Marie Louise Clemens Demchak writes that her son, Bill, has been in the financial news of late and that his dad, Bill Demchak '56, "would have been proud." Her granddaughter also just got engaged.
Connie Black Engle is pleased with the Brown Alumni Magazine's decision to require a user name and password to read class notes online.
Joan Gordon Flanagan recommends getting an ultrasound at your next check up; she did, and a shadow was detected on her kidney, which later proved to be a tumor. She writes: "All's well that ends well, glad to say."
Ed Flattau sends along this pithy review of his new book, Green Morality, from Alex Shoumatoff of Vanity Fair: "An easy-to-read must-read for all who love our planet and want to know the truth about what is happening to it. Flattau does a deft job navigating through the misinformation and disinformation of the bad actors."
Martha Lundin Fordiani and her husband, Al, still play golf. They took their granddaughter on a tour of Brown and found it highly informative and somewhat nostalgia-producing.
Maraya McCully Goff writes that she enjoys teaching memoir writing to "the gray-haired population," from ages 62 to 91. She writes: "Nearly everyone is there at the request of their children, who want to know what it was like when they were growing up: when phones were stationary, televisions were black-and-white and small, and two-car families were the exception rather than the rule."
Charles Gordon and Marilyn spent three weeks in Europe on a Tauk Danube River cruise from Prague to Budapest, stopping at Passau, Vienna, and Linz. They then flew to Rome and on to Positano on the Amalfi coast.
Norman Grace received the 2010 Distinguished Clinician Educator/Mentor Award from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. The award recognizes the skills of outstanding clinicians and educators who have made momentous contributions to hepatology over an extended period. Norman splits his time between New Seabury, Mass., and Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. He is director of clinical hepatology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and a lecturer on medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Jane Loveless Howard was recently recognized for her 20 years as chair of Vision2020, a volunteer organization in Arlington, Mass. Town manager Brian Sullivan said that few could have built and maintained the organization as Jane has and that the participating volunteers are a "valuable and appreciated resource."
Ken Kurze and Ingrid celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a party given by their children, including Barbara Kurze '82, and then took a Boston-to-Bermuda cruise to make up for the honeymoon they never had.
Mike Larratt has four sons. He writes: "Good news–all are employed, and they live all over the country: Ithaca, New York; Jacksonville, Fla.; Vancouver, Wash.; and Thousand Oaks, Calif. That is far-flung!"
Ed Levy lives in Manhattan and is busy with grandchildren, business, and the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
Gilbert Lugossy is the recipient of the Clara Barton Award, presented by the American Red Cross, Central New Jersey Chapter. Gil was elected secretary of the board of directors of the Capital Health System of Trenton, N.J., and Mercer County, and reelected as a member of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.
Brenda Williams McLean dove off Fiji after earning her Open-Water SCUBA certification.
Charlie Mead Jr. is into his ninth year of teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in Alexandria, Va. At the outset, most of his students were Hispanic; now half the class is mostly from Sudan and Ethiopia and many of them are Muslim.
Virginia Irma Mead spends some of her time on College Hill doing découpage at the Handicraft Club in Providence. She spends summers on Cape Cod in East Harwich, Mass.
Jim Mello and Sally Cameron Mello now have a great-granddaughter, Lily.
Tom Moses III and Judy moved into a new home in Sarasota, closer to their favorite beach, Siesta Key, and close to classmates Roger Williams Jr. and his wife, Dorothy, and Don MacKenzie and Pat Pennal Mackenzie '59. Tom enjoys giving tours to visitors and those "looking for that elusive retirement paradise."
Hugh Pearson writes that he had an exciting 2009–10. His first two grandchildren were born in 2009, and 2010 started off with a one-month trip to Australia and New Zealand. He writes: "Both great experiences. Life is good!"
Jack Roach and his wife, Judy, took a cruise from Singapore to Thailand, India, Mumbai, Egypt, and Greece, then it was back home to San Diego while their classmates enjoyed the Washington, D.C., mini-reunion.
Robert Sanchez relayed the news that Glendon Rowell died on Sept. 19. Glendon's wife, Vermen Verallo-Rowell, and his younger daughter, Cristina V. Rowell '04, were with him in Arkansas at the time. A service was held in Makati City, Philippines, on Sept. 26, and another is planned for June or July in Kennebunkport, Me.
Robert is still serving as president of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. Club members do BASC interviews, present Brown book awards, and attend college-night events. They have an active meeting and events calendar for the 2010–11 season, including visiting professors, a visit and talk by David Rohde '90, a holiday party, nature walks, a theater event, a Red Sox spring-training game, an Ivy League picnic, and a new-student reception. Robert and Diane had a great visit to Salt Lake City and to Minnesota's Lake Country last summer.
Louis Silverstein and his wife, Bonnie, spend winter on North Captiva Island, Fla. Louis writes: "It is so small, in fact, that transportation is by golf cart, bicycle, and walking." They split summers between Massachusetts and Maine.
C. William Stamm and his wife, Donna, have repeated a favorite cruise from Nuremberg to Amsterdam for the last five years. He writes: "Exploring on our own, meeting familiar travelers, and making new friends—a relaxing way to travel with your hotel going with you."
Ken Street helped form the Midwest Marines Foundation, which sponsors, organizes, and participates in hosting wounded marines back from Iraq and Afghanistan in week-long sessions at a secluded lodge near St. Louis. They help transition the wounded from active duty by administering programs that help them develop the knowledge and skills to build a successful civilian life.
Michael Trotter is still a practicing attorney in Atlanta. He is working on a second book about the status of the legal profession.
George Vandervoort bicycled 98 miles from Chicago to Warren Dunes, Mich., in June with 240 other cyclists.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
Bill Corrigan and his wife, Anita, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by touring the Canadian Rockies via rail and motor coach.
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "Since the Washington, D.C., mini-reunion was such a smashing success, a second class of '58 mini has been planned for Homecoming/Alumni Weekend (Sept. 24–26). We have a block of 20 rooms reserved at the Radisson Hotel, 220 India St., Providence, (800) 333-3333 or (401) 272-5577, at approximately $100 per night. This rate will be in effect for three days prior to and three days following the weekend, should you wish to extend your visit. To reserve a room, you must make a deposit with your credit card for one night's stay, identifying yourself as a member of the Brown '58 reunion group. There will be a cocktail reception on Friday evening (Sept. 24), and you'll be on your own for dinner. Providence has a wide variety of great restaurants. On Saturday there will be a 9:00 a.m. meeting for class officers and council members, followed by the Brown/Harvard football game. For those not attending the meeting, there are many interesting activities and presentations provided by the University throughout the day. Since the game is early in the season, we are hoping for pleasant weather and a good Homecoming crowd. That evening there will be a second cocktail reception and dinner at the Faculty Club. On Sunday, Connie and Arthur Parker have again graciously extended an invitation to their home in Westport, Mass., for brunch at 11:00 a.m., following the tradition established at our 50th. In order to focus communication, please contact Jim Moody if you wish to attend. Furthermore, if you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments, please send them to Jim. Remember, we want to stay in touch with you and provide timely information on class events. If you haven't done so, please give us your e-mail address so that we can reach you swiftly and in a cost-efficient way. Be sure to keep your e-mail contact information up-to-date. This will enable you to receive communications easily, and we hope it will foster a sense of inclusion."
Judy Katz Block's book, David: A Love Song, has been made into an e-book and can be found on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble's website.
Susie Langdon Kass still teaches swimming part-time at the UC San Francisco Fitness and Recreation Center. She and her husband are devoted to Scottish country-dance, dancing twice a week and sometimes more. She writes that the highlight of the past year was their daughter's wedding in Killington, Vt. They will travel east again in July for dance camp at Pinewoods Camp in Plymouth, Mass.
Gil Lugossy received the Clara Barton Award from the American Red Cross Central New Jersey Chapter. Gil was also elected secretary of the board of directors of Capital Health System of Trenton and Mercer County, New Jersey, and was reelected as a member of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.
Thomas Moses III and his wife, Judy, took a cruise to the Mediterranean, visiting the Greek islands and Egypt, with stops at the Giza pyramids and the Cairo Museum.
Larry Salzman is entering his 21st year as director of the Lake Calhoun Sailing School in Minneapolis. He writes: "Calhoun is an urban lake, approximately one mile in diameter, where we own 65 boats—Optimists and 420s—and serve more than 800 students from ages 3 to 75 in the summer. Since the school is a nonprofit, funding is an ongoing issue."
Bob Sanchez and his wife, Diane, were in Providence for Commencement. As a trustee emeritus, Bob presented degrees to both seniors and graduate students. The weekend included a celebration of the success of the Boldly Brown Capital Campaign, for which he served as regional vice-chairman. Furthermore, he has been busy interviewing Brown applicants for admission. In June he traveled to St. Maarten, and he visited Santa Fe for a reunion of the USS Rochester, on which he served as a naval officer.
Sally Nichols Tracy and Harvey Tracy Jr. '57 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in May by taking a Brown Travelers trip to the provincial French countryside.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "Since the Washington mini-reunion was such a smashing success, a second class of '58 mini-reunion has been planned for Homecoming Weekend, Sept. 24–26, 2010.
Plans for the 2010 Homecoming Weekend in Providence are in process. Friday night will include cocktails followed by a dinner at a local club or at a special location on campus. On Saturday there will be either a class panel discussion or a presentation by a noted Brown faculty member, followed by the Brown/Harvard football game (or other athletic events that are taking place that day). The football game is early in the season, so we are hoping for pleasant weather and a good Homecoming crowd. For those desiring an alternative to athletic events, there will be a house tour on the Hill. That evening there will be a second cocktail reception and dinner.
Following the tradition established at our 50th, Connie and Art Parker have again extended an invitation to their home in Westport, Mass., for brunch on Sunday. If you believe you will attend or have suggestions or comments, please contact Jim Moody. Please send your news to Jill Hirst Scobie."
Adrienne Arabian Baksa is enjoying her life in Costa Rica.
Barbara Shipley Boyle participates in an annual Pembroke meeting on the first Saturday of each December. This past year Susie Langdon Kass and Brenda Williams McLean attended. Barbara writes: "This is a dwindling group of Pembrokers who have met every year for at least 50 years. We auction stuff off to each other and raise money for the Pembroke Center."
William Chadwick is treasurer of the Indian River County Hospital District.
Dorothy Cotton is working as a bereavement leader for spousal loss, participating in weekly French group discussions, and playing the piano for sing-a-longs at various private clubs.
Denny Fish was saddened to report the Jan. 26 death of his friend and Brown roommate, David Bosland, of Bridgewater, N.J., and Block Island, R.I. (see Obits).
Charles F. Gordon Jr. writes that he is enjoying living on Amelia Island, Fla. He plays golf, fishes, and attends the theater.
Warren Healey and his wife, Joan, flew to Buenos Aires for four days before cruising on the Norwegian Sun for two weeks. They returned to Jacksonville, Fla., and were warmed by a visit from their daughter, Candace Healey '84, who lives in Pa.
George Held and his wife, Cheryl, hosted 45 friends and fellow poets at Greenwich Village's Cornelia Street Café on Jan. 28 for George's 75th birthday party. Among those present were Jim Furlong and his wife, Mary.
On Jan. 2, Pete Howard and Jane Loveless Howard celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with their four children, including David Howard '89, '95 PhD; their daughter-in-law, Maria Fratus Howard '90; and their five grandchildren.
Sally Whitcomb Keen and her husband, Bill, were awarded the Distinguished Service Award at Washington and Jefferson College for service to the college and the community. Recent travels include a train trip across Canada; Mayan history studies in Belize, Honduras and Guatemala; and an Arctic exploration to Scotland, Faroe Island, Iceland, Svalbard, and Norway.
David Labovits has agreed to serve on the Class Council. He and his wife, Jackie, hosted a brunch at the Washington mini-reunion and Jackie has become '58's "unofficial" photographer.
Mike Larratt has four sons and eight grandchildren residing in different parts of the country.
Brenda Williams McLean writes that she regrets missing the '58 mini-reunion in Washington D.C. She earned her open-water scuba certification last fall in October. She looks forward to the next mini-reunion.
Charles Mead Jr. has been teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) at Christ Church in Alexandria, Va., for nine years. "When I first started teaching ESL, most of the students were Hispanic. Now half of the class is Muslim, mostly from Sudan and Ethiopia."
James and Sally Cameron Mello's granddaughter, Melissa Mello '14, the daughter of his son Craig Mello '82, will be attending Brown in the fall. They also have a 10-month-old great-granddaughter named Lily.
Tom Moses and his wife, Judy, left Reading, Pa., for the winter and headed to Sarasota, Fla., to meet up with various old Brown friends, including: Peter Kopke, Don MacKenzie, Pat Pennal MacKenzie '59, Mimi and George Vandervoort, and Roger Williams Jr.
Hugh Pearson announces the 2009 and 2010 births of his two grandchildren.
Leslie Fiefer Peltier retired with her husband, Raymond, to Franconia, N.H., where she enjoys snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, level-ground hiking, and her book club. She did enjoy the Alumnae Club of Kent County in R.I., and hopes that a newly forming group, Upper Connecticut Valley Brown Club, will develop well and be geographically accessible.
Robert P. Sanchez resides in Naples, Fla. He is busy with the Brown Club of Southwest Florida, interviewing applicants for the class of '14, playing bridge and tennis, and spending time with his grandchildren.
Radley Sheldrick is still active with the Aria Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society, and with racing and sailing dinghies. He is vice commodore of the Chatham (Mass.) Yacht Club and a member of the Orleans Yacht Club (Mass.). He also serves as a BASC interviewer and recruiter. He remains active in the Brown Club of Southwest Florida and has visited some professors, including Ross Cheit.
C. William Stamm and his wife, Donna, celebrated Christmas and New Year's in Germany on a cruise from Nuremberg to Amsterdam.
Conrad Squires published First Emperor Tales from the Jade Room through Marshall Cavendish Corp. The book is selling very well in Singapore. More information on the book can be found on
Michael Trotter is in his second year as a partner with Taylor English Duma LLP, practicing corporate and finance law. He is also currently working on his second book about the status of the legal profession.
Frank Young and his wife, Carol, took a cruise on the Adriatic, visiting cities in Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia-Herzegovina with Overseas Adventure Travel.
From the March/April 2010 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "Please send your news."
George Antone writes that after teaching history for many years at Appalachian State Univ. in North Carolina and at the Université d'Angers in France, he returned to Rhode Island and became director of international programs at Salve Regina Univ. in Newport.
William Chadwick writes: "Great time in Washington, D.C., with the class of '58. Thanks to Jim Moody '65 ScM and others for arranging the events."
David Clough and his wife, Janet, attended the wedding of his niece, Dorothy Hamill (yes, the Olympic skater) to John MacColl in Baltimore. David's painting continues to flourish after 37 years as a professional artist. He is in the midst of assembling and compiling a book of his Caribbean watercolors and photographs, which he hopes will be published in early 2011.
George Cooper retired to Chatham, Mass., where he is actively involved in local nonprofit organizations and town committees concerned with open space acquisition and the preservation of the Cape's natural environment. He serves as vice president of the Friends of Chatham Waterways, which produces an award-winning publication, Chatham Blue Pages, available at
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein combines both clinical and personal experience by leading a group for widows and widowers at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Mass. She also takes music courses, plays piano for Great American Songbook sing-alongs, attends the symphony, and makes good use of Boston's French Library.
Anne Browne Easton retired after 24 years as a high school library media specialist. She writes that although she misses the teenagers and her colleagues she loves the freedom to travel, read, do volunteer work, and ski midweek. Two of her grandchildren have just entered Bryn Mawr College and American Univ. She and her husband, George, a retired United Church of Christ minister, consider themselves blessed with a loving, busy family and good health.
Lee Ann Etscovitz opened an office in Philadelphia, where she offers psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families. Her certification is in marriage and family therapy with a specialty in gender and sexual identity. She also presents workshops to help management and employees deal positively and effectively with GLBT coworkers, and she runs a Writing-Plus, a program tutoring individuals to improve writing skills and to use writing as a source of emotional healing.
Ed Flattau's fourth book, Environment-alism and Immorality, will be published this summer. It explores human beings' ethical relationship with the world around them.
George Held writes: "If you would like to watch and listen to my work online, go to If you just want to read, go to (my name will be in the left-hand column)."
Paul Johnson and his wife, Meg, hosted a pregame brunch at their home in Guilford, Conn. In attendance were Bernie Buonnano '59, Andy Davis '59, Art Joukowsky '55 (Martha Sharp Joukowsky was in St. Croix working on her next book), Susan Adler Kaplan, Anne Walter Lowenthal, Sandy McFarland Taylor, Rick Nelson'59 and Judy Wallace Nelson, Connie and Art Parker, Pat Patricelli, Ann and Steve Singiser, Bob Tavares '58 PhD, and Bruce '57 and Marilyn Mapes Yeutter '57.
Jerry Levine writes that his daughter, Jodi Levine Avergun '84, made full partner in the law firm Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, after retiring two years ago from the U.S. Department of Justice as chief of staff in the Drug Enforcement Administration. Jodi and her family have lived in Potomac, Md., for the last six years, having relocated from New York City because of an earlier DOJ promotion.
Bruce McFadden reports that his youngest son, David, is a radiologist specializing in body imaging at Washington Hospital Center.
Hays Rockwell (see Andy Strauss '85).
Alan S. Rosenberg continues in his cardiology practice in Great Neck, N.Y. He writes that he will soon be braving a reverse commute after he and his wife, Anita, move into Manhattan. He looks forward to the stimulation of urban life. He regrets missing the Washington, D.C., mini-reunion and the Johnson brunch, but is hoping future get-togethers are in the offing.
Glendon Rowell believes that he is living in "the right part of the world (the Philippines) for a recession/depression." He finds the executive search business (his) and the hypoallergenic cosmetic business (his wife's) to be very resilient; still, he's "got his fingers crossed." Glen frequently goes to Hong Kong for business and would enjoy seeing any classmates who are planning to be there.
Bill Silvert and his wife, Maria Emilia, visited Chile in January, where Bill gave two talks on aquaculture in Puerto Montt and delivered a presentation at the Univ. of Concepcion to commemorate the first circumnavigation of the Americas by the Canadian survey ship Hudson in 1970. In February, he visited Mozambique and Kruger National Park in South Africa.
Ken Street is involved with a new organization that counsels and mentors returning U.S. Marines wounded both mentally and physically in Iraq and Afghanistan. "The purpose is to assist groups of 30 in transitioning to civilian life by providing them with a week-long sabbatical in the countryside near St. Louis, using both lay and professional volunteers."
Michael Strem and his wife, Ann, welcomed their first grandchild, a girl named Sequoia Hope Strem-Dennis, in November.
Sandy McFarland Taylor writes that the early November brunch before the Brown-Yale game at Meg and Paul Johnson's home in Connecticut, was really wonderful. Immediately after the party, she and Anne Walter Lowenthal "Thelma-and-Louised" it to West Point to attend a Scottish Highland ball that evening. Sandy spent a week in Florida over the holidays with her daughter, Sarah McFarland Rountree '90, Sarah's husband, John Rountree '90, and Sandy's grandson, Brody McFarland Rountree, 5.
Tom Wilson, a 30-year member of the advisory board of the Bureau of National Affairs' Antitrust & Trade Regulation Report, writes that also on that board are Larry Sorkin, '64 and Tefft Smith '68. Tom, who leads the antitrust practice at Tydings & Rosenberg LLOP in Baltimore, was recently named a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.
Ellie Marks Zexter '62 MAT writes that she is very busy in Los Angeles playing daily tennis, teaching at her grandchildren's school, facilitating a book club, and interviewing prospective Brown students. Recently she and her husband, Ron, saw Al Uhry's Parade, at the Mark Taper Forum.
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "The class of 1958 mini reunion in Washington, D.C., October 9–12 was a smashing success. Attending were Joan and Bob Barta, Priscilla and John Becker, Bob Blakely MAT '59 and Sylvia Thorley Blakeley, John and Barbara Shipley Boyle, Peggy and Bill Chadwick, Betsy and Bob Cole, Rosemarie and Stan Dobson, Pamela and Ed Flattau, Henry Flynn and Diane Weir, Henri Gordon, Joan and Warren Healey, Ulysses and Nancy Redden James, Meg and Paul Johnson, Stan and Roz Kennedy Johnson, Nancy and Bill Johnston, Duane '60 and Carol Batchelder Jones, Jackie and David Labovitz, Natalie and Bruce McFadden, Jane Bertram Miluski, Donna and Jim Moody '65 ScM, Aileen and Bill Murck, Connie and Art Parker, Gardner and Barbara Murphy Patrick, Marie and Van Radoccia, Cathy and John Reistrup, Verm and Glendon Rowell, Diane and Bob Sanchez, Jill Hirst Scobie, Ann and Steve Singiser and their daughter, Dondie and Pete Sugden, Geraldine and Bob Tavares, Sandy McFarland Taylor, Lewis and Ann Cutler Townsend, Bill Tozier and their daughters, and Carol and Frank Young.
"The weekend began with a Friday reception. Saturday we toured the White House thanks to Dana Singiser '92, an assistant to President Obama for legislation. We then visited several historical venues. On Saturday evening there was an off-the-record panel discussion moderated by John Reistrup, a 12-year Washington Post journalist and executive editor of the Seattle Post Intelligence. On the panel were Nicole Isaac '00, deputy director of legislative affairs for Vice President Biden, and former Taubman Center director Darrell West, who is now vice president of the Brookings Institution and its director of governance studies. We ended the weekend with a Sunday brunch at the Watergate apartment of Jackie and Dave Labovitz and then a concert presented by the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic, conducted by musical director Ulysses S. "Jim" James.
"Special thanks to Donna and Jim Moody for all their great planning and organizing; as well as to Dana, Jackie, and Dave; Jim James; and copresidents Paul and Sandy. Consider coming along for the next mini."
Robert P. Sanchez attended the mini-reunion in Washington D.C., then continued to upstate New York for a family wedding, and then to Connecticut to see his kids and grandkids. He writes: "Back to sunny Naples. Our Brown Club of Southwest Florida season is under way, and I'm still serving as president."
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Jill Hirst Scobie writes, "By the time you read this note, the Washington, D.C., class mini-reunion will be well behind us. No doubt it was a wonderful, interesting, and educational interval, with plenty of time to socialize and reconnect. Thanks again for Jim Moody's organizational abilities and to all those who made it happen."
Adrienne Arabian Simidian Baksa's address in Costa Rica is 218 (not 216) Roca Verde, Alajuela, Atenas, Atenas (all on one line, and, yes, two "Atenas"), 20501 Costa Rica.
John Brown reports that he; his wife, Barbara; and their daughter, Meredith '87 practice law full time under the name Brown and Brown. In June, John and Barbara celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Paris with their family, and Meredith had her wedding reception on a yacht in the Seine.
Pete Charron and his wife, Nancy, moved from their home in St. Petersburg, Fla., to 8606 Centre Court, Largo, Fla. 33777.
Ted Cohen's granddaughter, Melissa Prusky, entered Brown with the class of 2013. Ted and his wife, Bonnie, live in West Palm Beach, Fla., having moved there after he retired from law practice in New York City. They maintain a New England connection by summering in Tiverton, R.I.
Jim Furlong's daughter, Suzanne, had twins, a girl and a boy, at New York Univ. Medical Center, Manhattan. Jim writes that he and his wife are delighted with these second and third grandchildren. He is active in conservation as a director of the Groton, Conn., Open Space Assoc. ( and is learning many lessons about land management while running a 75-acre nature preserve. He is also doing some freelance editing for the money and writing fiction for the challenge.
Anita Moore Gander's husband, James, retired from teaching economics at the Univ. of Utah, but still publishes papers. Anita, who has a doctorate in social work, is retired from clinical social work practice and academic teaching. Their lives are full of hobbies, reading, and visiting grandchildren in Washington, D.C., and New York City. They'll miss the "mini" because James will be teaching at Chulalonghorn Univ. in Bangkok and then going on to Vietnam.
George Held has poems on the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's discovery of the river named after him in Bridging the Hudson. He also has poems on the economy in The Red and the Black, and other work in the Notre Dame Review and the New York Quarterly, among other publications.
Ken Kurze and his wife, Ingrid, took a Boston-Quebec Ville-Boston cruise in September. Ken and Ingrid are seasoned travelers, as Ken spent 29 years in the U.S. Foreign Service.
Charles Martell, emeritus dean and university librarian at UC Sacramento, is a member of the adjunct faculty at the iSchool at Drexel Univ. in Philadelphia. He has received a Fulbright specialist candidate award to focus on social networking and its implications for the future of academic libraries.
Bob Murphy completed his 36th year of teaching at the Stanford jazz workshop this past summer. He spent August and September touring Australia with the Natural Gas Jazz Band, playing at a number of jazz festivals. He is teaching beginning jazz performance in the Stanford music department this fall. Bob writes: "In short, I'm old—but far from retired!"
Ron Offenkrantz published an article on commercial arbitration costs and escalating arbitrator fees in the July/August issue of the New York State Bar Association Journal.
Bill Silvert '65 PhD reports that he has had to close the Centre for Gastronomic Research in the Algarve, Portugal, thanks to the difficult global economy. This past year he and his wife, Maria, have visited France, Bulgaria, and Greece, and they have plans to see Mozambique and South Africa. Bill writes they welcome classmates and other friends.
Bill Stamm and his wife, Donna, took a three-week cruise down the Danube, from Nuremberg, Germany, to Budapest, starting with three days in Dresden. Torrential rains caused authorities to prohibit all river traffic, but the problem was solved by two nights in a four-star Budapest hotel. They were so delighted with this experience that they plan another river cruise, from Nuremburg to Amsterdam, for late December.
William Brody Summerfield writes that he had a great hunting season. Having created a hunting preserve on the 158 acres where he lives with his wife, Alice, he writes: "I got an eight-point whitetail buck with a bow, a ten-point with a gun, and a real nice five-by-five elk in Colorado." He also has quail and tom turkeys on his land and bass in his pond.
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "Join your classmates for a wonderful mid-autumn weekend. The class of '58 mini-reunion will be held on Columbus Day weekend, Oct. 9–12, in Washington, D.C. We are booked in the Westin Grand at 24th and M St. NW; (800) 228-3000 or (888) 627-8406; Alaska & Hawaii: (800) 228-1212; $189/night for three nights if you reserve by Sept. 9 and mention our group name, Brown Class of '58. Friday evening will begin with a welcoming reception and dinner. On Saturday morning, there will be an optional bus tour with a knowledgeable docent. A private tour of the White House has been arranged by a Brown graduate who is a special assistant to the president. From 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. an expert will discuss the current Washington scene, followed by cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Dinnertime will be your chance to go out on the town with old friends and classmates. Sunday afternoon we'll hear the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic conducted by our own Jim James. The rest of the time you'll be on your own to reminisce and see the attractions of our nation's capital. A $200/per person fee will cover the cost of bus charters and food and drinks at the two evening events. We hope you make your reservations early, which will make subsequent planning much easier. Many thanks to vice president Jim Moody '65 ScM for getting this so well organized."
Bob Feldman writes that he played in the Brown Alumni Commencement Band for the umpteenth year: "The band's musicianship is nearly on a par with its irreverence." Bob currently lives in Portland, Ore.
Pat Patricelli made the NBC Evening News in late April for her participation in a Boston citywide mentoring program that is improving students' reading ability.
Jack Roach and his wife, Judy, enjoyed a river trip to Holland and Belgium. They particularly recommend the flower auction near the Amsterdam airport. After a visit from son Jason '91 and his wife, coming all the way from Singapore, they RV-ed through northern Nev., Idaho, and Ore.—camping, hiking, and fishing—and ended in Wash. State.
Jim Rich bought a boat and spent part of this summer cruising the Boston Harbor Islands, viewing the Tall Ships, continuing onward to the Maine coast, and then returning to Sakonnet, R.I.
Bob Sanchez, president of the Brown Club of Southwest Fla. and a trustee emeritus, enjoyed marching down the hill at Commencement, as well as visiting with daughter Stephanie, '89 and handing degrees to 30 sociology concentrators. After visiting family, Bob and his wife, Diane, returned to Naples, Fla., where they enjoy tennis, sailing, and croquet.
Lee Sheldrick spent a New England summer, boat racing and serving as the rear commander at the Chatham (Mass.) Yacht Club, where his wife, Karen, chairs the dock committee. The summer ended with a cruise to the Baltic countries and to St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sally Nichols Tracy, current vice president of the Brown Club of Cape Cod, Mass., held the annual Hyannis Golf Club sendoff for seven local students who are matriculating at Brown this fall. The partygoers enjoyed a talk by Professor Christopher Neill, who does research at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass. Priscilla Pierce Moor serves as the BCCC secretary.
Frank Young and his wife, Carol, witnessed the ceremony marking their son's retirement from the U.S. Navy after 20 years in the submarine service. To their delight, their children and grandchildren attended.
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "Please send your news. Join your classmates for a wonderful mid-autumn weekend. The class of '58 mini-reunion will be held on Columbus Day weekend, October 9–12, in Washington, D.C. We are booked into the Westin Grand—(800) 228-3000 or (888) 627-8406; Alaska & Hawaii: (800) 228-1212—at 24th and M Streets NW. $189/night for three nights if you reserve by Sept. 9 and mention our group name: Brown Class of '58. Friday evening will begin with a welcoming reception and dinner. On Saturday morning, there will be an optional bus tour with a knowledgeable docent. A private tour of the White House has been arranged by a Brown graduate who is a special assistant to the President, though the timing of this event is yet to be determined. From 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. an expert will discuss Current Washington followed by cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Dinnertime will be your chance to go out on the town with old friends and classmates. Sunday afternoon we'll hear the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic conducted by our own Jim James. The rest of the time you'll be on your own to see the attractions of our nation's capital and reminisce with classmates. There will be a $200/per person fee to cover the cost of the food and drinks at the two evening events and the bus charters. We hope you make your reservations early, which will make subsequent planning much easier. Many thanks for the hard work of vice president Jim Moody '65 ScM in getting this so well organized. A letter with more details will follow soon."
Art Ames and his wife, Karen, are spending part of the year in Storm Lake, Iowa, where he practiced medicine for 30 years before retiring. They also visit their beachfront condo in Madeira Beach, Fla., and spend time with family in Phoenix and grandchildren in St. Louis.
Adrienne Arabian Baksa moved with her husband, Richard, to Costa Rica, leaving Tarpon Springs behind. Her daughter, Rachael, just presented her with a new grandson, Gabriel Simidian Nicoli. Adrienne and Richard continue their joint work of helping incarcerated people learn about Buddhism.
Judith Katz Block wrote a book of poetry about losing one of her sons, David: A Love Song. Her eldest grandson, Sam Block, will be entering Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism this fall.
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein lives in Boston's Back Bay. As a clinical psychologist she leads a support group for widows and widowers, a work she embarked upon in memory of her husband, Richard Pemstein '51; she finds that joining the professional and the personal makes a powerful combination for leading the group. Two daughters, two granddaughters, and discussion groups at the French Library also engage her.
Lois Dean just returned to Chevy Chase, Md., after a month at her place in Bradenton Beach, Fla., painting and doing portrait photography, computer graphics, and other creative projects in the company of artist friends.
Stan Dobson writes that last October he spent three weeks in the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu. He found it a "wonderful trip that was physically demanding but definitely worthwhile and incredibly amazing." He continues: "We've snorkeled many times in many places but never side by side with penguins, seals, and huge turtles."
Lee Ann Etscovitz writes to tell about her journey. When Lee Ann attended Brown her name was Lionel Etscovitz. In 2001, at 65, she had sexual reassignment surgery. Lee Ann has a doctorate, was a professor of education, sold cars, and after completing an internship in Marriage and Family Therapy is working hard at developing her own therapy practice as well as being a specialist in transgender issues.
Lois Hammersberg Lowry has written a new book, Gooney Bird Is So Absurd, the fourth in her popular Gooney Bird series. Lois has won many awards, including Brown's 2006 William Rogers Award.
Michael Trotter has written a 24-essay series on national issues for a local newspaper, which the Georgia Online News Service is republishing and offering to other media outlets.
George Vandervoort writes: "In November I went to Saudi Arabia in an unsuccessful attempt to sell an electric power plant. However, I did send a shipment of Saudi dates, on consignment, to Peter Kopke's fruit importing business."
Abbe Beth Robinson Young and Jerold Young '54 write that they have a formidable Brown contingent in their family: daughter Elisabeth Young Harris '82 is married to David Harris '80; their son Jason Harris is a junior, and Alex Harris will enter in September. Other Brown alums in the family include daughter Marjorie Bearse Young Chimes '84 and son Andrew Young '86. Last winter Abbe and Jerold travelled through the Panama Canal and, in March, celebrated their 50th by spending a week on the Mayan Peninsula.
Frank Young writes: "For the third year in a row six of us who spent freshman year in Edwards House got together in Sarasota, Fla., in March. Tom Moses and his wife, Judy, invited us to a gathering at their house. Those in attendance were Peter Kopke, Don and Patricia Pennal MacKenzie '59, George Vandervoort, Roger Williams, and myself. This year the group was expanded to include Bruce Fowler, visiting from N.C., and Bob Sanchez, who drove up from Naples, Fla. Judy and Tom Moses did a wonderful job of hosting."
From the May/June 2009 Issue
Kay Ulry Baker has a second great-grandchild, Jayden Jon Baker, who is the younger brother of Thea Christine, 2. Kay serves as president of the Boynton (Fla.) Women's Club while working as a care manager at Care Source in Fort Lauderdale and golfing twice weekly. She considers her return to Long Island, N.Y., in the summer as her vacation.
Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein leads a spousal bereavement group at Newton-Wellesley (Mass.) Hospital, and has written Out of the Ark, a manual for spousal loss. She also enjoys taking music courses at Harvard, attending the symphony and opera, participating in discussion groups at the French Library, and spending time with her daughters and grandchildren, who live locally.
Stan Dobson visited the Galapagos and Machu Picchu for three weeks in late Oct. He writes that it was a wonderful trip that, despite its physical demands, was incredibly amazing.
Philip G. DuMond writes: "Mary and I continue to enjoy retirement living in Star, Idaho, where golf, reading, and tending to our horses takes up much of our time. I am in the final recovery stages of three hip operations resulting from a mishap with one of our horses. Nonetheless, we are looking forward to getting back in the saddle."
Raya Goff and Robert Goff Jr. '57 attended the Obama inauguration. Raya writes: "Although we probably didn't see anything more than what the TV audience saw, we soaked up the excitement, joy, happiness, etc., of this historical moment. A wonderful experience!"
Peter Grimm writes from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., that he has worked in the yachting industry since 1958 and currently is employed at Sparkman and Stephens (yacht design, marine engineering, yacht brokerage). He has been married to his wife, Nancy Lasselle, for more than 50 years. They have four children: Karyn Grimm Herndon '81, currently an ob-gyn in the Chicago area; Peter Jr.; Leslie; and Scott. Peter and Nancy also have nine grandchildren.
Stanley Leibo was presented with the Pioneer Award at the 35th Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society. He is a professor in the department of biological sciences at the Univ. of New Orleans and a senior scientist at the Audubon Institute Center for the Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans.
Sally Cameron Mello is hooking rugs, Jim Mello is selling firewood, and they've just received a shipment of what will one day grow into Christmas trees: 1,000 pine and 1,000 spruce.
Jane Bertram Miluski enjoys teaching travel workshops. She just returned from taking seven women to Jamaica to paint in watercolor.
Debby Karp Polonsky and Dick celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Feb. 15 with their children and eight grandchildren in Newport Beach, Calif.
Alan Rosenberg writes that he sees patients as president of North Shore Cardiology Associates and that he enjoyed seeing so many old friends at the 50th reunion.
Robert Sanchez heads the Brown Club of S.W. Florida, in Naples with many alumni, including Dave Wilson, John Pearson '56, Charlie Shumway, Tom McNeill, and Terry Franc. Their active season includes faculty speakers Kenneth Miller '70, Dietrich Neumann, John Stein '95 PhD, and John Tomasi; a nature walk on Marco Island; a theater event; interviewing 29 candidates for Brown admission; a Boston Red Sox game in Ft. Myers; and a sendoff party for the incipient freshmen in June.
Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "I've been receiving interesting news from many of our classmates. However, for those of you who do not use the computer, please feel free to send me a postcard or letter so I can include your news."
Barbara Ann Scott has been an adjunct professor of peace and justice studies at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, N.C., since Aug. 2008 and is an emeritus professor of sociology at SUNY New Paltz. She loves living in her mountain home with a stunning view of Mt. Mitchell and the Black Mountains that surround it. She writes: "Come visit me sometime and see why western North Carolina is a mecca for retirees!"
Bob Selig is a trustee of The Taylor Community, a continuing-care retirement community, and chairs both the CEO search committee and the Fund Development Committee as well as the Laconia Public Library (N.H.) trustees. He and his wife have ten grandchildren ranging from one year to college age.
Emil Soucar (see Elizabeth Soucar '91).
Lucia Scola Traugott just welcomed her third great-granddaughter. Her son, Mark, is a visiting scholar at Harvard and is writing a volume about the historical significance of the French barricades. Her daughter, Kathryn, designs textiles.
Mike Trotter joined the young law firm of Taylor English Duma LLP. Mike is involved in developing strategy, marketing, and some corporate and securities matters. His daughter, Anne Trotter '88, is director of legal administration at Viacom in New York City.
From the March/April 2009 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie reports: "Please send class note information to me. Your classmates would enjoy reading about you."
"On September 27, the class council met in Providence at the Hope Club to review last May's reunion, plan for future events, effective communications, and the best use of the class gift. Attending were copresidents Paul Johnson and Sandy McFarland Taylor, vice president Jim Moody '65 ScM, treasurer Bob Wood, secretary Jill Hirst Scobie, and class council members Raya McCully Goff, Bill Johnston, Jim Mello, Sally Cameron Mello, Art Parker, Pat Patricelli, and Dave Wilson. Information about upcoming events will be circulated once plans have been solidified. It was a wonderful (though rainy) day on the College Hill: Brown beat Harvard."
Adrienne Arabian Simidian Baksa writes: "Due to the kindness of Jane Bertram Miluski, several of us got together for a mini-reunion at the Jersey shore. It was wonderful to be able to spend time with Jane, Judith Perlin, Rosalind Kennedy Johnson, Constance Black Engle, Barbara Comroe Trevaskis, Carol Batchelder Jones, and the high-energy, still cute-as-can-be Jill Hirst Scobie. Judith Wallace Nelson was unable to make it, but she was certainly in our thoughts. What a gift to be able to spend a little time with these fabulous women, most of whom I had not seen for 50 years."
Barbara Shipley Boyle and her husband, John, have celebrated 50 years of marriage. Two of their bridesmaids, Polly Barnes Hester and Barbara Murphy Patrick, as well as Barbara's husband, Gardner Patrick, made it to San Francisco for the event. Barbara Shipley Boyle sends along special thanks to those who helped create our reunion yearbook.
David Clough has been immersed in the art world for more than 35 years after leaving an earlier marketing career in the hospitality industry. He paints and publishes watercolors of the West Indies, New England, and Florida. His work may be found in collections from Russia to China, and his greeting cards are widely distributed. David is married to Janet Norment, with whom he lives in Falmouth Foreside, Me., and winters in Naples, Fla.
Ed Flattau is working on his fourth book about environmental issues while his son, Jeremy '01, is in Washington, D.C., working on a governance project.
Marty Lundin Fordiani and her husband, Al, traveled to Scandinavia this past summer, after which the couple visited St. Bonaventure Univ. (N.Y.), Al's alma mater, for the school's 150th anniversary celebration. Marty and Al also recently celebrated their 50th anniversary thanks to a celebration hosted by their five children..
Walt Gale and his wife, Ruth, survived Hurricane Ike, escaping with only a few missing shingles. They count their blessings every day.
George Held has published two poetry books: The News Today and Phased.
Peter Kuniholm, a professor at Cornell, missed the 50th reunion in May because he was in Istanbul collecting oak pilings from the sixth-century Byzantine harbor for dendrochronological dating.
Jerry Levine, former class president, continues to practice transactional real estate law in New York City. His wife, Linda, has retired from banking, and they recently traveled to San Francisco, Dallas (where they saw the late Edgar Robinson '55 and his family), El Paso, and Burlington, Vt.
Bob Murphy teaches at Stanford and performs jazz. One of his bands, the Natural Gas Jazz Band, has a once-a-month gig in Marin County, Calif., and tours worldwide.
Janet Nelson Hall, along with Judy Abbot Myers and her husband, Dirck, visited Sandy McFarland Taylor in New York City for a week of fun and culture, attending an open rehearsal of the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center, visiting the Van Gogh show at the Museum of Modern Art, and touring the new Museum of Art and Design. The visitors also took in Greenwich Village and a Broadway show.
Ron Offenkrantz had a very eventful six months: the 50th reunion in which he marched down the Hill with son Jon '87, and the 50th wedding anniversary with his wife, Blossom. His son, Eli, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at a ceremony that included Mark Kessler '57, for whom Jon now works. The final celebration was the 10th anniversary of son Paul's tenure as cantor of Temple Israel in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Jim Rich continues to run an oil service company, fly airplanes, and sail boats. He flew to the Bahamas last year and intends to fly to the Caribbean this year.
Bob Sanchez enjoys life in Naples and serves as president of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. His son, George, was married in September in Lake George, N.Y., and he visited with his shipmates from the USS Rochester.
Lee Sheldrick consults and arbitrates reinsurance disputes, despite being semiretired. He attended the annual ARIAS-U.S. convention in New York City during early November and earlier in the year enjoyed a trip to England.
Steve Singiser and his wife, Ann, just celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. Steve works at the Trust Company of Vermont, which he founded nine years ago.
Harry Taylor helped organize a Christian renewal weekend for prisoners in the Hagerstown (Md.) MCI. In December he participated in a trip to Italy with his choir, which sang at Mass at St. Peter's.
Sally Nichols Tracy, vice president of the Brown Club of Cape Cod, and her husband, Bud '57, volunteered to work on restoring houses in New Orleans damaged by Hurricane Katrina.
Lucia Scola Traugott moved to Ann Arbor two years ago to escape the ravages of two hurricanes, Frances and the more notorious Katrina, and to be closer to her son Michael. Another son, Mark, lives in Boulder Creek, Calif., and daughter Kathy is in Vermont. Lucia has four grandchildren and twin great-granddaughters. She continues to enjoy concerts, reading, and the daily news.
From the January/February 2009 Issue
John S. Shapira writes: "Reunion was terrific, and it was a thrill to see 'our bear' so heartily appreciated by graduates and parents alike. We look forward to the 55th!"
Elizabeth Belknap Stirling writes that her grandson Thomas D'Alessandro graduated cum laude from UMass Boston last May; her grandson is a freshman at UMass Amherst; and her twin grandsons, Michael and Stephen Messina, are sophomores at Westford Academy, where they run track.
From the November/December 2008 Issue
Mary Sabin Blakeslee writes: "Two years ago I moved to Raleigh, N.C., where I am near my two sons and their families. I love the rural setting while still being able to get to the fine museums, theaters, and colleges nearby."
From the September/October 2008 Issue
Class secretary Jill Hirst Scobie writes: "Please send class notes to Jill Hirst Scobie or directly to BAM. Stay in touch with your class by visiting our website, which will be managed by Bob Doyle. Many thanks to Sandy McFarland Taylor for her great contribution to these notes. We hope to see you under the Alumni Tent at Homecoming and other Brown events this fall. Check your football schedule and call a few classmates to make plans.
"Our 50th reunion! What was your most exciting moment? Was it actually recognizing Mike Trotter or Peg Roy Ewing without checking the nametag? Was it realizing that Susan Adler Kaplan, trustee of the University, really does know half the people in the Commencement procession? Was it chatting with the Pembroke May Court lovelies: Susan Ayers Hanneman Phelps, Ginny Coley Gregg, and Judy Sargent? Maybe it was watching Dick Carolan receive the Lifetime Service Award. Or was it seeing Martha Sharp Joukowsky (another Lifetime Service awardee) walk down the hill in full academic regalia as the chief marshal?
We celebrated our 50th on Commencement weekend, enjoying beautiful weather throughout. Friday evening began with a lovely cocktail party given by Art and Martha Sharp Joukowsky at their Prospect St. home. Then it was off to Sayles Hall for a gala dinner, where we heard about our record-breaking numbers: 224 classmates attending (with many spouses and companions along for the fun), and our class gift (as of June 17) was $1,116,937.00, with 57 percent participation. President Ruth Simmons accepted a giant mock check for that amount, presented by new copresident Paul Johnson. The other new class officers are: copresident Sandy McFarland Taylor, vice presidents Jim Moody '65 AM and Jane Bertram Miluski, secretary Jill Hirst Scobie, and treasurer Bob Wood. Many thanks to our outgoing class officers: copresident Jerry Levine; vice presidents Pat Patricelli and Bill Johnston; treasurer Bill Corrigan; and secretary Susan Adler Kaplan. Campus Dance followed for the energetic and intrepid.
"On Saturday morning many attended the All-Class Memorial Service, with Raya McCully Goff and Art Parker participating as psalm readers, and Jerry Levine and Sandy Mc Farland Taylor as lighters of the '58 candle. President Simmons conducted her annual 'Hour with the President' on Lincoln Field. She not only shared her vision for Brown, but included many of her administration in the general discussion that followed her talk. After this interesting and informative hour, many of us attended a fascinating Commencement forum, 'On Turning History into Drama,' in which classmate Alfred Uhry was introduced as the only American writer to have been awarded an Oscar, a Tony, an Emmy, and a Pulitzer Prize. David Kertzer '69, Brown provost and author of the nonfiction book The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, discussed the challenges of using history as the basis for drama, which Alfred did in Edgardo Mine.
"Breaking with our earlier tradition, we had a combined (Brown-Pembroke) class luncheon under a tent near Carrie Tower. After this, some attended other forums or the Field Day. Saturday evening found us during the cocktail hour under a tent in front of Andrews Hall, then inside for dinner followed by a wonderful DVD screening of The Way We Were, produced by Bob Watson with able assistance from Pat Patricelli and Susan Adler Kaplan. This included nostalgic shots of campus and our undergraduate life, as well as reunions through the years, with wonderful background music, including the Alma Mater. Alas, where was Bob? Not at Reunion, having experienced a cardiac event a few days before reunion. Happily, he is recovering well, according to his wife, Ellie.
"Sunday, Commencement day, saw our class marching down College Hill to the familiar strains of the Brown Band playing the Commencement March. The University then treated the fiftieth-and-over classes to a gratis luncheon. Connie and Art Parker invited the whole class to their country home in Westport, Mass., for a delightful after-party of cocktails, barbecue, and birthday cake.
"Classmates came from great distances: Bill Silvert from Portugal, Eileen and Mike Larratt from Hawaii, and Leslie and Bill Tozier from London. California and Florida were dueling for numbers: California sent 16 and Florida, 13. Bob Feldman came from Oregon, along with five from Colorado. Massachusetts was best represented with 50 strong, and 'little old Rhode Island,' came in second with 26. A number of '58 Brown/Pembroke classmate couples were there, notably our Nobel Laureate–producing Sally Cameron and Jim Mello, as well as Jane Bertram and Joe Miluski, Nancy Redden and Jim James, Jane Loveless and Pete Howard, Sylvia Thorley and Bob Blakeley.
"Surely we were all extremely fortunate. Not only in the weather but in the efforts of the Reunion Activities Committee, headed by Paul Johnson, and assisted by Raya McCully Goff, Susan Adler Kaplan, Jim Moody, Art Parker, Pat Patricelli, Bob Sanchez, Sandy McFarland Taylor, and Bob Watson. There were 356 photos sent into the Reunion Yearbook. Raya and Sandy served as coeditors, with assistance from Bob Watson as photo editor and additional help from Pat, Susan, Jim, Art, Bob, and Jill Hirst Scobie. Unit chairs were the magic: Bob Barta, Art Bylin, Dick Carolan, Bill Chadwick, Barr Clayson, Bill Corrigan, Larry Delhagen, Stan Dobson, Don Dowling, Dick Emmons, Ed Flattau, Jeff Goldberg, Susan Kaplan, Bill Lane, Hugo Mainelli, Jack Mazzanovich, Max McCreery, Joe Miluski, Jim Moody, Art Parker, Pat Patricelli, Bob Sanchez, Steve Singiser, Michael Strem, Bob Watson, Lee Wilson, and Marty Wolman."
Frank Young writes: "I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed the 50th reunion. I especially want to thank Martha Sharp Joukowsky for opening her house for the class reception on Friday. There were so many other outstanding events, too numerous to mention. The Commencement Procession was special. There were several good comments that I heard during the march, but the one I like the best was from someone in the 20th reunion class saying as he went by our group, 'I'm looking at my future and soon I will see my past.'"
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Ron Edwards writes: "My new career as a sculptor follows my 30-year career as a professor of mathematics. I share a studio with my wife, Judy (RISD '60). Our work can be seen at"
Susan Adler Kaplan '65 MAT (see Elaine Berlinsky Fain '70).
Marion McFarland Taylor writes that she, Anne Walter Lowenthal, and Barbara Chaplin visited Sue Haneman Phelps at her home in Arizona late in March.
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Class secretary Susan Adler Kaplan reports: "Reunion '08—don't miss it! Join classmates at our 50th celebration to greet old friends and make new ones. We are planning exciting class and University events. We hope everyone will stay to march through the gates at Commencement, just as we did 50 years ago! See you May 23–25th on the hill."
David G. Bosland and his wife, Caroline, enjoyed their 50th wedding anniversary with a cruise through the Panama Canal early this year, then visited relatives in California. They followed this with a train ride over the Rockies to visit their son, Carl, an attorney in Denver, and his wife, Sharon. David and Caroline both look forward to the reunion in May.
Don Dowling (see Daisy Wademan Dowling '96).
George Held writes that Garrison Keillor read his poem, "Aftermath," on the NPR radio show "The Writer's Almanac." George has received five nominations for a Pushcart Prize. His latest work, The Art of Writing and Others, has been hailed as his best collection of poems.
Stanley Leibo was named a Fellow of the Society for Cryobiology by the Board of Governors in recognition of his contributions to the discipline of cryobiology and to the society. This society of biologists, physicians, and engineers is an international organization founded to promote scientific research in low-temperature biology and to disseminate this knowledge. In 2006 he was the Spallanzani Lecturer at the 10th International Symposium of Spermatology in Madrid.
Robert Sanchez is president of the Brown Club of Southwest Florida. He and his wife, Diane, recently visited England and Ireland.
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Barbara Florop Doolittle writes: “Although I officially retired from the classroom two years ago after 45 years of teaching second and third graders, I still work part-time doing testing for the Claremont, N.H., school system as part of Reading First and No Child Left Behind.”
George Held just published his 10th poetry collection, The Art of Writing and Others (
Susan Adler Kaplan ’65 MAT writes: “Greetings to the class of 1958. Watch your mailboxes to receive information on our 50th reunion, which will include exciting events and venues, all easily accessible on campus. Congratulations to all for the record-breaking number of biographies submitted for our 50th yearbook. Make your reservations for Reunion Weekend, May 23-25, and please plan to march at Commencement. Our class Web site will soon be on the Brown Alumni Association page (”
Charles Mead Jr. and his wife, Mary Jane, are looking forward to the 50th reunion in May.
Bob Murphy writes that after more than twenty years of teaching jazz informally in the Stanford music department, he has received an academic appointment as lecturer there. Bob recently completed a two-week performing tour of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway with the Natural Gas Jazz Band.
William Silvert ’65 PhD writes: “In July I started a new career by opening the Centre of Gastronomic Research, a bistro located about 20 km north of Faro in the Algarve. It has been fun, as we have people coming from many different backgrounds to prepare dishes from all over—Brazil, Goa, East Timor, Argentina, Thailand. I hope that some of my classmates will make it over; it would be great to have an informal reunion here. In the meantime, I hope to make our 50th and look forward to seeing many old friends in Providence.”
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Richard Levine writes that he is "happily retired and alive," though still single (and not married as reported in the last BAM).
Jerry A. Romano writes: "Life since my days at Brown has been a wild adventure. If interested, you can read all about it in my recent memoir, Monkey Corner: Life on the Outside Looking In. I would be pleased to hear from any of my old friends in the classes of 1956 and 1958."
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Richard N. Levine writes that he is alive and happily married.
Sandy McTaylor reports that this year’s Baccalaureate speaker and honorary degree recipient, Nobel Prize-winner Craig C. Mello ’82 [BAM, May/June], is the son of Jim Mello and Sally Cameron-Mello. “Dr. Mello, now a Howard Hughes investigator at UMass Medical School, accompanied his paleontologist father (Jim) on fossil-hunting expeditions as a teenager, when he became intrigued by evolutionary biology. At Brown he was first interested in chemistry, but his curiosity about biological processes led him into biochemistry and eventually into genetic engineering. The class of ’58 salutes this outstanding young man and his parents, Jim and Sally.”
Patricia Patricelli writes: “I’m having a great time taking courses at Boston Univ. and tutoring an ESL student at a local public school in Boston. I’m looking forward to my 50th in 2008.”
Jerry Romano has written a memoir, Monkey Corner: Life on the Outside Looking In (PublishAmerica), about growing up in Malden, Mass.
Robert P. Sanchez reports: “We have had an exciting, busy season of events here at the Brown Univ. Club of southwest Fla. Many snowbirds have headed north for the summer, but we have planned an active agenda for the fall and winter season.”
Frank Young writes: “While vacationing at Siesta Key, Fla., in late Feb. and early March, my wife and I had the opportunity to spend a day with four of my freshman-year Edwards House dorm-mates. We met at Myakka State Park, some with families, and enjoyed the company and park facilities. Gathering that day were my roommate, Roger Williams, the two across the hall, George Vandervoort and Tom Moses, and Don MacKenzie.”
From the May / June 2007 Issue
Class secretary Susan Adler Kaplan reports: “Alfred Uhry’s play, Edgardo Mine, opened for a limited engagement at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. It is based on the book The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, by David Kertzer ’69, our new provost at Brown. We send our sympathy to classmate Kay Ulry Baker on the death of her husband, our classmate Pearce Baker. They had hoped to attend our 50th reunion next year as well as celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Cait Calvo, Susan Adler Kaplan, and Franz Kretzmann met recently and reminisced with professor James O. Barnhill. Michael Seligman was the executive producer for this year’s Academy Awards. He has also produced the Kennedy Center Honors as well as many Emmy and Academy Award events. Reunion plans are well under way, and we expect a record attendance for our 50th.”
Sandy McFarland Taylor writes: “If you’re not one of the many who’ve already responded to our 50th reunion mailing, please send in your current photo and alumni questionnaire with your 50-year synopsis and reflections to Alumni Relations (Class of ’58), Brown University, Box 1859, Providence RI 02912. Your friends are eager to hear about you, so don’t be among the missing.” This message has been brought to you by your 50th reunion committee, who are editing your reunion yearbook and who are happy to answer your questions.
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Attention all ’58 classmates. Our predecessors, the members of the class of ’57, are now curled up with their copies of the ’57 50th Reunion Yearbook in anticipation of their big reunion this year. Judging from the reactions from Bob Goff, class president for Brown ’57, it’s a very good read and great preparation for their big reunion this May. We in the class of ’58 don’t want to leave anyone out of our 50th Reunion Yearbook. If you haven’t done so already, please sit down and write us your story. Don’t think of it as “tooting your own horn” but just letting the rest of us know what you’ve been doing and how you feel about it. We hope to have our book in your hands right at the start of 2008, so time is of the essence. The publishing wheels grind slowly, and we want to be sure that our book is ready to go well before the October 1, 2007, deadline. To e-mail your response (and photos), specify Class of ’58 in the subject line and send it as an attachment or mail it to: Alumni Relations (Class of ’58), Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912. Thanks in advance to yearbook committee members Raya McCully Goff and Sandy McFarland Taylor.
Patricia Patricelli finally retired and is now having a ball taking courses at Boston University and tutoring ESL students at a local Boston elementary school.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Class secretary Susan Adler Kaplan reports: “Mark your calendars because ’58 is great! Our 50th reunion will soon be a reality. Make plans now to celebrate during Commencement Weekend, May 25–27, 2008. You should have received a letter during November requesting information for our souvenir yearbook. A small committee is planning programs, new venues, and exciting reunion activities to reacquaint you with Brown. Since the weekend has been shortened by a day, be sure to plan to march with our class on Sunday at Commencement. We will keep updating you on hotels (there are new ones) and other housing options. Please send me any queries and news for the class notes. This promises to be our best reunion ever!”
Class copresident Marion “Sandy” McFarland Taylor writes: “Happy New Year! Our 50th reunion is eighteen months away, which may seem like aeons but will go by in a flash. Our first request for bios and pictures for our reunion yearbook, sent in late October, was responded to within seventy-two hours by Julie Feuer Keim. Congratulations to her for setting such a good example. Other returns are coming in. Please send in your contributions—then you can cross it off your to-do list and bask in a sense of accomplishment. Thank you.”
George Held recently published W Is for War—his ninth collection of poems expressing his current protest against the war in Iraq.
Jim and Sally Cameron Mello write: “Sally and I continue to thrive on our small Christmas tree and organic vegetable farm. Three of our children—Jeanne Day ’80, Frank ’81, and Roger (Univ. of Virginia ’86)—live on adjacent properties and they, along with their children, are a constant joy to us. Our fourth child, Craig ’82, lives with his family in Shrewsbury, Mass., and has just reached a pinnacle of his profession—he, along with his collaborator, Dr. Andrew Fire, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. We plan to go to Sweden for the award ceremony.”
Tom Moses and Judy Moses held a Super Bowl party at their winter home in Sarasota, Fla., for ’58 classmates who flew in from across the country. Tom writes: “George Vandervoort flew in from Chicago, first visiting Bob Sanchez and his wife, Diane, and Dave Wilson in Naples, Fla. Don Mackenzie and his wife, Pat Pennal ’59, flew in from Boston and rented a condo on Siesta Key, Fla., for a week. Pete Kopke flew in from New York and stayed briefly with us. Pete’s firm, Kopke Fruit, is now the largest importer of grapes in the country. His new home near Cannes on the Riviera in France is now completed. Pete plans to ship his Porsche 911 to Amsterdam this summer and race it across the continent. Who says 70 is old? Don Mackenzie and Roger Williams have already made plans to rent in Sarasota, Fla., for the month of February. More than twenty-five Brunonians make Sarasota their home. Come on down!”
Edward W. Poitras spent his summer working hard after suffering a right-side stroke last spring. He is now walking again.
From the September / October 2006 Issue
John Goodridge writes: “I am now semi-retired, meaning that I take the work I want, but don’t promote myself anymore as a pharmaceutical industry consultant and executive trainer specializing in Latin America. My wife and I divide our time between our house in Jalisco, Mexico, and an apartment in Munich, Germany. Our son Andrew ’96 just got his MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management and will now be working in Shanghai. Our other son, Geoffrey (RISD ’93), is a photographer in New York City.”
From the May / June 2006 Issue
Don MacKenzie (see Amy Williams ’96).
Tom Moses (see Amy Williams ’96).
J. Roger Williams Jr. (see Amy Williams ’96).
George Vandervoort (see Amy Williams ’96).
From the November / December 2004 Issue
The Univ. of Minnesota awarded Lois Hammersberg Lowry ’58 its Kerlan Award “in recognition of singular attainments in the creation of children’s literature and in appreciation for generous donation of unique resources to the Kerlan collection for the study of children’s literature.” Lowry’s newest book, Messenger, was published in April.
From the July / August 2004 Issue
On Feb. 28 the new trophy case in the lobby of the Pollard Family Rink at Meehan Auditorium was dedicated in honor of Bill Corrigan. A number of alumni from the men’s hockey team were on hand to surprise Bill. The placard on the case recognizes “Brown’s most ardent hockey fan and faithful historian.” The case was made possible by the generosity of Bill Pollard ’50 and Jeannette Jones Pollard ’48.
The Right Reverend Hays Rockwell conducted Good Friday services at Grace Church in Providence. He is the retired bishop of Missouri, where he served from 1991 to 2002.
John Willenbecher wrote an honors thesis on the work of Harry Bertoia during his senior year at Brown, and Nancy N. Schiffer recently quoted from it at length in her The World of Bertoia. John also had two showings, Two Decades of Painting and Small Paintings on Wood Panels, in New York City during October and November 2003.
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Barrett Barnard (see Justin Monti ’99).
Bill Corrigan (see Gordon Morton ’93).
Jane Fliegner writes: “Wayne Blythe and I were united in marriage on Feb. 14 on the island of Maui. We then cruised the Hawaiian Islands. Our first reception was held on Sanibel. Rita Levine McFarling and her husband, Dan, were in attendance. I am so fortunate, as I not only have a wonderful husband, but a new son as well. We reside in southwest Florida.”
Norman Grace (see Karen Grace ’94).
From the March / April 2004 Issue
James W. Hanner ’62 MAT writes: “It is good to note that author Nathaniel Philbrick ’78 is sitting pretty on Easy Street. (It’s a Nantucket joke.) As a young lad, I caught my first prizes (a few crabs) just a few yards to the right of Mr. Philbrick’s perch. Philbrick’s Sea of Glory was on the Christmas list. I am looking forward to a long armchair adventure during the coming winter nights.”
Stanley P. Leibo writes that he holds the Doris Zemurray Stone Endowed Chair in reproductive biology at the Univ. of New Orleans. He is also senior scientist at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans and is adjunct professor of animal sciences at Louisiana State Univ. in Baton Rouge—all in addition to his position as adjunct professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk.
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Ed Flattau has published Evolution of a Columnist, the 40-Year Intellectual Journey of America’s Senior Nationally Syndicated Environmental Commentator.
Robert P. Sanchez writes: “My new wife, Diane, and I were married on Nov. 30, 2002. We honeymooned on the Costa del Sol. I’m enjoying retirement here in Naples and stay busy with my homeowners association, tennis, sailing, and travel. I just became a grandfather.”
Bill Stamm writes: “We are living on the Connecticut River in East Haddam, up the road from the Goodspeeed Opera House. I have become active in the Goodspeed guild as both treasurer and transportation coordinator, driving the actors and production staff workers to and from the railroad station. This is a chance to meet the actors—there is even a Brown grad now and then.”
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Dorothy Cotton writes that her husband, Richard Pemstein ’51, died on July 9 and would like to be remembered not for his résumé but as a man who lived a “life of the mind” (see Obituaries).
Margaret Roy Ewing ’58 (see Bruce and Tracey Stet Ewing ’88).
From the March / April 2003 Issue
Save the weekend of May 23–26 to celebrate the 45th anniversary of our graduation from Brown. The reunion planning committee is gearing up for a great weekend and hopes that you can join in. If you did not receive the fall reunion mailing, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 to request a copy.
Abbe Robinson Young (see Marshall Cohen ’54).
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Manuel Kyriakakis was named to a five-year term as chief justice of the housing court department of the Massachusetts Trial Court. He was appointed as first justice of the Southeastern Housing Court in 1990. Previously, he was a partner in the Fall River, Mass., law firm of Horvitz, Horvitz & Kyriakakis from 1973.
Elizabeth Belknap Stirling writes that her ninth grandchild, Jennelle Ann Demers, was born on Feb. 27.
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Gerald Levine writes: "My oldest daughter, Jodi Levine Avergun '84, was appointed, effective January 2002, chief of the Justice Department's Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Section. She will be relocating to Washington, D.C., after living the past several years on Long Island. Prior to her appointment, Jodi was an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York."
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Class president Gerald R. Levine reports: “In May I took a personal tour of the Brown University archaeological excavation of the Great Temple in Petra, Jordan. To make my trip more meaningful, site director Martha Sharp Joukowsky provided me with detailed information and key people to meet. A visit to Petra has been called a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it was. Located along the ancient silk route between Asia and the Middle East, Petra became an extremely wealthy city that provided desert merchant caravans with a safe trading site and plentiful water. More than 2,000 years ago, the inhabitants, a tribe of Nabateans, had facades of elegant buildings carved into the multicolored limestone mountains that surround, enclose, and protect the residential valley. Latter-day Roman conquerors added their own amphitheater and temples. Brown Travelers will soon offer a special tour to this site. It should be noted that the site tour will involve a lot of walking under the hot desert sun, but an optional two-person horse-drawn surrey, or a horseback ride through the siq (a very narrow mile-long passage between high cliffs) will shorten the total amount of walking.
“Alan Rosenberg, director of cardiology at North Shore Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y., has been listed in a recent Town & Country article as one of the top 100 medical specialists in the country.
“Sandy MacFarland Taylor is retiring from Dean Witter to become a full-time grandmother.
“Bob Sanchez has retired from Paine Webber to become a member of the Greenwich, Conn., board of assessors and to help manage the congressional campaign of his daughter, Stephanie ’89.
“My daughter, Jodi Levine Avergun ’84, former chief narcotics prosecutor for the Eastern district (Brooklyn, N.Y.) U.S. Attorney’s office, has been appointed chief of the Long Island district of the U.S. Attorney’s office.”
From the September / October 2000 Issue
Michael Trotter (see An Trotter ’88).
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Stephen D. Barkin, of New York City, was elected a director and executive-committee member of the Glaucoma Foundation. He urges all alumni to have yearly glaucoma examinations. He writes: "Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness and is called ‘the silent thief of sight.’ "
Michael Trotter, a lawyer and civil leader in Atlanta, was honored at the Southern Regional Council’s 80th anniversary gala in April for improving race relations and civic participation. Michael is founder of Good Government Atlanta and Research Atlanta.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Larry Kocher writes that he married Rita Bullinger on Dec. 29 at their home in Santa Rosa, Calif. Among the small number of friends at the ceremony was Hawlan Ng ’93. Larry is a retired educator; Rita teaches English at Pines High School in Santa Rosa.
Macey Blackburn McKee Taylor retired from the University of Arizona and keeps busy selling books on the Internet for the Friends of the Tucson-Pima Public Library. She writes: "Most of the action is on eBay and Amazon, but I have privately sold an inscribed first edition of Atlas Shrugged for $2,000 and will soon be selling fine-art books on an art-gallery Web site owned by one of my best customers." For information on sales or donations, contact Macey.
Bob Sanchez writes that he was elected to the board of assessment appeals in Greenwich, Conn. He also sold his 235-year-old house, taking up residence in a condominium. Three months after the sale, the historic home, in which Bob and his family lived for twenty-seven years, burned to the ground while undergoing renovations by the new owners.
William Silvert ’65 Ph.D. writes that he was so shaken by his 40th reunion that he took early retirement and moved to Portugal. By mid-February he expected to be settled near Lisbon. He would be happy to see old friends and classmates.
Adrienne Arabian Simidian will graduate in May from the Buddhist Association of Connecticut’s dharma training program. She writes: "They tell me I’m now qualified to teach Buddhism. I laughed a lot. I spent four days last year with the Dalai Lama, and I still play the piano. I live in Putnam County, N.Y., and have three terrific daughters: Darlene, a computer-graphics artist in New York City; Linda, a TV producer in New York City; and Rachael, an education consultant and bilingual specialist in California. I also have a granddaughter, Grace, 5."
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Class secretary Sandy McFarland Taylor reports: "My daughter, Sarah McFarland Taylor '89, was awarded a Ph.D. from the U.C.-Santa Barbara religion department in June. She has been granted a two-year Mellon Fellowship to do postdoctoral work at Northwestern University.
"Tom Bigford, Anne Walter Lowenthal, David Moore, and George Vandervoort attended the Lake Forest (Ill.) High School class of '54 reunion in August.
"The class received with great sadness the news that Dick Carolan's wife, Mary Lou, has died. We all join in extending our sympathy to Dick and his family.
"Dick Emmons weathered his heart-bypass operation in the summer. Keep up the good work, Dick.
"In July Anne Guerry Pierce hosted a Down East lobster dinner for several classmates against the backdrop of a dazzling Maine sunset. I attended, as did Sue Haneman Ayers, of Evergreen, Colo.; Barbara Chaplin, of Portland, Ore.; Raya McCully Goff, of Providence; Anne Walter Lowenthal, of New York City; and Joyce Gillespie Briggs, of Litchfield, Conn. The next day we headed north from Ann's home in Brunswick to the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland. Pressing northward still, we went to Toddy Pond, Joyce's Blue Hill fishing camp. We shared evolving attitudes, good books, medical milestones, 'grandma notes,' and, of course, many memories of Brown days.
"Carol Jadick Hanson and her husband, Dick, built a lovely Nantucket home after Dick retired early from Merrill Lynch.
"Martha Sharp Joukowsky has published a reference book and field guide on the historical Nabataean site of Petra, Jordan. Petra - Great Temple covers the 1993-97 excavations that Martha directed. Since the excavations are ongoing, additional volumes are planned. The book joins an extensive list of publications by this talented classmate. Many of the book's excellent photos are the work Martha's husband, Chancellor Emeritus Artemis 'Art' Joukowsky '55. What a team! The class of '58 is planning a June mini-reunion in Petra, which will feature a tour of Martha's dig and a cruise around Greece and Turkey. Call Jerry Levine for more information.
"Class president Jerry Levine received a Brown Bear Award during Homecoming weekend. Congratulations, Jerry; you have long deserved this recognition and we're proud of you.
"Bob Sanchez enjoyed his summer trip to Tuscany with the Brown Alumni Travelers. His daughter, Stephanie '89, a teacher in Greenwich, Conn., is one of three first selectmen in Greenwich.
"Bob Strand has been living the bi-coastal life, flying frequently from San Francisco to New York City, where he buys and trades antique watches. He has also made side trips to Brown as an art consultant.
"Doria Tenca schmoozed with New York City classmates at a recent Sports Foundation evening at the New York Athletic Club. She is also volunteering with the Central Park Conservancy.
"Joan Kopf Tiedemann reports that, although traveling is not easy for her, she managed to visit Lake George this summer.
"Alfred Uhry, our Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, earned further laurels last spring when Parade, his musical drama about a 1915 Atlanta lynching, won the 1999 Drama Desk award. In accepting the award, Al announced plans for a national touring production of Parade. Classmates also enjoyed Al's narration of the September PBS documentary Delta Jews.
"Nancy Wooster Chase, of Scottsdale, Ariz., is building a house in Mexico. She's in frequent contact with Gaillee Cary Scott, who also lives in Arizona, and with Connie Hanson, who has her own public-relations firm in Hawaii. They had a mini-reunion when Benita Mangini Jones was passing through."
Stephen D. Barkin, of New York City, writes: "As a person with glaucoma, the eye disease called the silent thief of sight, I decided to do something. I joined the Glaucoma Foundation and became a volunteer and activist. The foundation sponsors early-detection screenings and has raised millions of dollars for optic-nerve research. Our mission is to create a world without blindness. I was recently elected to the board of directors, where I work with Carol Ausobel '77, our new director of development."
William Chadwick, of Burlington, Vt., reports that he received an honorary doctor of humanities degree from St. Michael's College last May, after having served on its board of trustees for nine years, until 1997. He was the first lay chairman in the college's ninety-five years. He retired from Banknorth Group at the end of the year, coincident with the sale of the company.
Larry Kocher (see Hawlan Ng '93).
From the November / December 1999 Issue
The class of '58 invites all interested schoolmates and friends to join in a fourteen-night mini-reunion starting in Petra, Jordan, and continuing on a Greek island cruise, calling on ports in Greece and Turkey. The trip is planned for June 22 to July 4, 2000. Martha Sharp Joukouwsky will lead the group through the excavation of the Great Temple of Petra, and then through the City of Athens. The last stop will be a seven-day Royal Olympic cruise. Based upon a group of twenty to twenty-nine people, and using 1999 tariffs, cost is estimated at $3,350 per person but is subject to change. To register, call class presidents Jerry Levine or Sandy McFarland Taylor, or e-mail Jerry. The registration deadline is Sept. 15.
Robert Feldman reports the birth of Zachary Robert Feldman in Portland, Oreg., on March 7. He is the first child of Wendy Wilkinson and Stephen Feldman '89, the only nephew of Andrea Feldman '87 and the only grandchild of Robert and Linda Blackman Feldman '60.
Marcia Gallup MacDonald (see Michele Goyette-Ewing '82).
Beverly Munter Spence, Simsbury, Conn., writes: "Following an early retirement from the Connecticut Department of Higher Education, I spent one year as the administrator of the Weekend College at St. Joseph College in West Hartford, Conn. Currently I am teaching part-time at the University of Hartford. This year I received two teaching awards, including one from the university for excellence in interdisciplinary teaching. For fun I have enrolled in a graduate poetry workshop at Trinity College and will be studying this summer at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Mass."
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Shellie Hearst, Westport, Conn., known for his spontaneity, married his main squeeze of fifteen years, and his fiancée for eight years, the beautiful Erika Steffen. Erika, who is arguably the world's most gifted career consultant, now has a challenging in-house client, since Shellie sold his business two years ago and now spends much of his time wandering around looking for life's greater meaning.
William Stamm was remarried in June 1998 to Donna Breen, whom he met in a chorus he joined. Donna is the accompanist and assistant director of Cappella Cantrium, a local community chorus of more than 100 singers. "We also sing in an auditioned chorus of about forty, so music is a large part of our lives," William writes. They are moving in the spring to East Haddam, Conn., on the Connecticut River near the Goodspeed Opera House. "It's a new chance for us to get involved with musical theater in addition to our classical chorus work. It is a great time to be alive," William writes.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Lois Dean, Chevy Chase, Md., writes: "My son, Blake, is at Northeastern and now loves New England as much as I do. I'm finally studying history (colonial and English, 1540_1640) and doing family genealogy. This mixes well with the history of city development in New England and with learning how to generate computer maps of historic places and events." She continues that she is "still advocating for the cities" at HUD five days a week. Her husband has retired from the World Bank and is considering "his" Australia as their retirement destination. "If democracy keeps losing out to capitalism/elitism here," she writes, "it may not be a bad move."
Stewart Y. Fish writes: "When, oh, when is Brown going to win an Ivy football championship? (Ties don't count.) I hope I live long enough! They always seem to lose the ones they shouldn't." He is, he says, nevertheless "looking forward to 1999."
David L. Nass, Woodbury, Minn., welcomed two new grandchildren on May 27 _ the third set of twins in his family. His daughter Carla and her husband, Kevin Miller, greeted Eva and Nealon in Columbia, Md. His daughter Linda has two sets of twins.
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Rod Dashnaw (see Allen Ward '64).
Martin Feldman has retired from the faculty at Boston University's School of Medicine. Martin served as professor in the department of anatomy and neurobiology and the department of psychology. He remains a professor emeritus. Martin and his wife, Ellen, are now living in Owl's Head, Maine.
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Betty Belknap Stirling has two new grandchildren: Brielle Elizabeth Stirling, born in October 1997, and Amber Mae Demers, born in May. Betty's grandsons are T.J., 14; Jimmy, 8; and twins Stephen and Michael, 6.
C. William Stamm married Donna Breen on June 14. "Donna is the accompanist for a choral group that I sing with," William writes. "We started dating on a choral tour to Europe last summer. Our honeymoon was another choral trip to Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Music does make the world (mine anyway) go 'round."
From the September / October 19998 Issue
The class of 1958 celebrated its 40th reunion in style on Commencement weekend. Highlights of the event included an authentic Kansas City barbecue for the men on Saturday afternoon while the women enjoyed more genteel surroundings during a luncheon at the Faculty Club. That evening the class gathered at Aldrich mansion for cocktails and an exquisite dinner by candlelight before strolling over to the Green to enjoy the Pops Concert performance by Ray Charles.
On Sunday afternoon, our activities were at the new and vibrant Providence riverfront. The day was capped by cocktails and hors d'oeuvres at the elegant Boathouse restaurant and a presentation of Water Fire, a unique Providence happening that drew more than 10,000 people to the river walk.
Many of the class remained in town for the Commencement march on Monday morning, proudly displaying the reunion plantation hats that distinguished our members throughout the weekend. Many thanks go to reunion cochair Susan Kaplan, who worked with me to make all the arrangements. It was truly a memorable gathering of classmates for a glorious renewal of friendships. - Bill Corrigan, cotreasurer
- 40th reunion attendees included: Jack L. Anderson, Nathaniel Atwater, Shirley Sanderson Avery, Susan Haneman Ayers, Donald Bailey, Pearce Baker, Katherine Ulry Baker, William Barry, Robert M. Barta, Charles Batchelder, John P. Becker, Janet Cohen Berfield, Robert Blakeley, Carolyn Nichols Boday, Kenneth P. Borden, David G. Bosland, Barbara Shipley Boyle, Leonard R. Bradley, Joyce Gillespie Briggs, John J. Bucchiere Jr., Edwin Burkholder, Elizabeth Morriss Campbell, Richard Carolan, Barbara W. Chaplin, Peter Charron, D. Barr Clayson, Donald Cohen, Robert Cole, Patricia Carlson Collett, John P. Colton, Deborah Crowther Cooke, William Corrigan, Dorothy Cotton-Pemstein, Helen Pillsbury Cox, Ronald Darling, Thomas Develin, Stanley Gennat Dobson, Donald C. Dowling, Edward R Eastman, Richard Emmons, Margaret Roy Ewing, Dennis Fish, Gail Farago Forbes, Terry Franc, James Furlong, Maraya McCully Goff, Henri Gordon, Charles Gordon, Virginia Coley Gregg, Michael Harvey-Smith, Sheldon Hearst, Ann Kimball Heinrichs, George Held, Owen O. Hoberman, Barbara Clary Horner, Peter Howard, Rosalind Kennedy Johnson, William F. Johnston, Carol Batchelder Jones, Martha Sharp Joukowsky, Judith Lamb Juncker, Susan Adler Kaplan, Martha Collins Keen, George F. Kennedy, Jack R. Kleiderlein, Peter Kopke, Richard E. Krolicki, Stephen J. Kurtz, Kenneth Kurze, David Labovitz, Michael Larratt, Gerald Levine, Rayanne Walter Lowenthal, Gilbert Lugossy, Donald MacKenzie, Hugo R. Mainelli Jr., Neil McEachren, Robert Bruce McFadden, Robert McLaughlin, Maxwell McCreery, Brenda Williams McLean, Virginia Abrams Mead, Hannah Dunn Miller, Joseph Miluski, Jane Bertram Miluski, Elizabeth Mushinsky Mitchell, James Moody, Priscilla Peirce Moor, Thomas L. Moses, Mary Hitchcock Nebauer, Judith Wallace Nelson, Bruce S. Nielsen, James Noonan, Patricia Patricelli, Barbara Murphy Patrick, Leslie Feifer Peltier, Marilyn Nahabit Peltier, Anne Guerry Pierce, Arnold C.G. Platzker, Paul E. Prindle, Evandro Radoccia, William Riddle, John Roach, Walter Roberts, Hays Rockwell, Alan S. Rosenberg, Robert P. Sanchez, Paul Schaffer, Cynthia Hirst Scobie, Radley Sheldrick, Charles Lakin Shumway, Leslie Silverstein, Louis Silverstein, William Silvert, Roy H. Smith, Loring W. Smithies, Robert Strand, John Kennard Streett, Michael E. Strem, Elizabeth Coe Strizzi, Barbara Harvey Taylor, Harold A.Taylor Jr., Marion McFarland Taylor, Robert F. Taylor, Joseph Tebo, Doria Tenca, Joan Kopf Tiedemann, Sally Nichols Tracy, Michael Trotter, George Vandervoort, Robert Watson, Judith Sargent Weaver, Earle Webster, Irene J. Westing, Louise Ladd Wiener, J. Roger Williams, Joyce Knowles Williams, Leigh A. Wilson, David Wilson, Robert Christopher Wood, H. Lee Yeaton, Abbe Beth Robinson Young, and Frank Young.
Peg Roy Ewing (see Natalie Getzoff 88).
Richard C. Gardner, an orthopedic surgeon in Fort Myers, Fla., and New York City, is the lead expert in the pedicle screw litigation involving 5,000 patients undergoing spinal surgery. The product-liability action has already resulted in payments of more than $100 million to patients and their families. "More than 90 percent of these patients never went back to work and were made worse by the experimental and unnecessary surgery," he writes.
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Hal Bander, Virginia Beach, Va., is a management analyst and instructor with the chief of naval education and training management engineering team. "I wish I had known forty years ago how rewarding teaching would be to me," Hal writes.
Ellen Loewenstein Boschwitz, Plymouth, Minn., is the grandmother of Sammie, 5, David, 2, Justin, 2, and Ben, 1. She is a vice president and buyer for Home Valu Inc., a firm she began with her husband, Rudy (a former U.S. senator from Minnesota); three of their four sons are in the business with them.
David Bosland, Basking Ridge, N.J., retired from Con Edison last July after thirty-nine "exciting and rewarding years," he writes. "Two of our four boys are married and have thus far produced three daughters. We bought a home on Block Island (R.I.) about five years ago and look forward to summering there."
Len Bradley, Cumberland, R.I., writes: "This year is a special one in many ways: 40th class reunion, 40th wedding anniversary, and the youngest two (of the seven) children get married. In May 1997, my youngest child, a daughter, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and was commissioned as an ensign into the U.S. Navy. My grandchildren now number twelve and aren't cheaper by the dozen. Jim Mello, did you catch that? Twelve grandchildren."
Donald C. Dowling reports that his son, Luc '98, graduated from Brown on "Dad's 40th reunion day. And with a 4.0! What do they say? `Like father, like son?' " Don practices law in Delray Beach, Fla., and serves as vice president of the Palm Beach County Brown Club.
Robert Feldman's daughter, Andrea '87, is the new assistant curator of the Eli Broad Family Foundation in Santa Monica, Calif., living the life her father wishes for, in a bungalow by the beach. Robert lives in Scarsdale, N.Y.
Barbara A. Fontaine, Wakefield, R.I., is still going to school. This year she's studying Spanish. Barbara writes: "I'm not retired yet, but I'm starting to think about it. Then what? Travel, maybe, then back to work?"
Edward S. Flattau's son, Jeremy, is a member of the class of 2001. Edward lives in Washington, D.C.
Mary Marinelli Gizzarelli, Providence, has worked part-time for the R.I. State Department of Education since she retired as dean of students at Mt. Pleasant High School in Providence. She has also owned a beauty and model pageant company and traveled extensively. Her daughter, Claudia, married Bryan Bagdasian and received her master's of education from Providence College. Claudia is a guidance counselor in the Providence school system. Mary's husband, Robert, retired from the Providence school department as an assistant principal. They are enjoying retirement tremendously.
Raya McCully Goff writes: "We have nine grandchildren ranging in age from 13 to 3 months. We sold our big house in Providence in August 1997 and moved to a spacious apartment at the head of Blackstone Boulevard. We're not completely out of the homeowner loop because we have a house and some land in Little Compton, R.I. This is my last year teaching English to middle schoolers at Moses Brown. Thirty-one years of classroom life has been educational and wonderful, but it's time for a change. Like all English teachers, I'm working on a book, which I hope to finish next year. I'm also looking forward to an unscheduled existence, with evenings to call my own without the specter of uncorrected papers looming over me."
Sheldon Hearst, Westport, Conn., sold his business, which was founded in 1965. At its core was the concept of "doing well by doing good."
Ann O'Halloran Heath, Jamestown, R.I., married Wharton Biddle on Jan. 28, 1995. Ann is practicing at the Pastoral Counseling Center in Providence. Ann and Wharton's combined family consists of nine children and thirteen grandchildren.
Seymour B. Hall retired from teaching at Hull High School in Hull, Mass., in June 1991. He moved to Florida in June 1997.
Martha Sharp Joukowsky, Providence, writes: "The Brown University excavations of the Great Temple at Petra, Jordan, will see us in the field for the sixth season. All classmates are invited to visit."
Stephen J. Kurtz, Woodcliff Lake, N.J., writes: "My daughter, Jacqueline, was married to Jonathan Prince in August 1997. Jackie is an occupational health specialist employed by the National Institutes of Health in Baltimore. Her husband is an attorney. My son, Stuart, was married on Feb. 22. My wife and I are busy with our careers and have also been in the antique business for the past four years."
Kenneth A. Kurze, Middletown, R.I., writes: "We are still chugging along in retirement. We travel, are involved with volunteer work and some politics, and enjoy good seaside New England living. Our daughter, Barbara '82, is in Portsmouth, N.H., working for Timberland Corp. Our son, Peter, is in Japan as director of the Institute of Foreign Bankers in Tokyo. As a member of the Newport, R.I., `sister-city' delegation, we visited Shimoda and Yokosuka in May 1997, followed by two weeks of hopping on and off bullet trains. We thoroughly enjoyed our first visit to Japan. Our next destinations: Scotland, the Isle of Man, and Israel."
Janet Melkonian Lebkuchner, Warwick, R.I., has been working as a costume shop supervisor for the theater department at the Community College of Rhode Island for the past nine years. This spring she was the costume designer for its annual musical.
Gerald R. Levine moved to Merrill-Lynch's Fifth Ave., New York City, location, where he works in the private client area as a partner in the Stern Asset Management Group, specializing in retirement and estate plans. His daughter, Jodi '84, was appointed chief of narcotics prosecution in the U.S. Attorney's office in New York's eastern district. Last year Jodi was named an outstanding prosecutor in the eastern district and honored at a Washington, D.C., ceremony in Attorney General Janet Reno's office.
Ann Walter Lowenthal (see Margaret Jacoby '52).
Gilbert W. Lugossy, Trenton, N.J., retired April 1, 1997, after serving five elected terms as the sheriff of Mercer County, N.J., and also serving a term as a member of the New Jersey State Parole Board. Gilbert, who graduated from the F.B.I. National Academy in 1983, is currently serving as a director of the Yardville National Bank and Capital Health System.
Elizabeth Mushinsky Mitchell, Wallingford, Conn., writes: "Two of our offspring, Ed '83 and Elizabeth (Biz) '88, celebrated reunions in May. We also have another son, Chris '86."
Priscilla Peirce Moor retired after twenty-seven years of teaching math and science in the Westboro, Mass., school system. After selling the family home of fifty years in Westboro, they are now living in Davisville in Falmouth, Mass. Priscilla writes: "Retirement in the locale of our summers, travel, and time in Naples, Fla., in the winter, make for a great time in our lives."
Tom Moses, Reading, Pa., left the investment business and has since been involved with family members in funding public community projects. Tom writes: "In November 1997, we funded the rebuilding of the town square in a small western Pennsylvania town. In Kentucky we funded a career and college planning center in memory of my father. Last summer we purchased, at an auction, the home of U.S. Senator John Williams, who was edged out for higher office by Andy Jackson. Most of the original furnishings have been located, including the portrait by Rufus King, which I inherited. Upon completion of a historical renovation and the addition of some seventy-five original acres, the homestead will be donated to a historical society for the free use of the schoolchildren of Tennessee."
Jim Noonan, Quakertown, N.J., writes: "All five children are grown up, and four are married. I've had the same nice wife, Ruthie, for almost forty years. I'm still busy working as co-owner of Precision Metals and playing as much golf as I can."
Arthur H. Parker's youngest daughter, Holly, was married in August 1997. Several Brown alums from Arthur's class attended the wedding, as did Holly's brother, Matthew '88. Arthur lives in Barrington, R.I.
Patricia M. Patricelli is co-president of her class and has been marketing director of the Atrium Mall since September 1995.
Leslie Feifer Peltier, North Kingstown, R.I., became "voluntarily unemployed" several years ago, after more than twenty years in various library positions in Rhode Island. Leslie writes: "This year I completed three busy, fulfilling years as president of the Friends of the North Kingstown Free Library. I now look forward to some `sixth decade' pursuits, such as becoming more computer-literate, hiking and cross-country skiing, enjoying our eight grandchildren, and spending a little more time with my Pembroke '58 classmates. Hope to do some traveling in a few years when my husband, a chemist, retires."
Arnold C.G. Platzker writes: "While most of our friends are talking retirement, Marjorie and I seem to be working harder. Marjorie is associate partner and West Coast director of interior design for the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill (SOM). For the past two years, in addition to my position as professor of pediatrics and head of the pediatric pulmonology division at U.S.C. and at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, I have been visiting professor of pediatrics and chief of the pediatric pulmonology division at U.C.L.A. Children's Hospital and Medical Center. For the past eight years I have chaired the pulmonology component of the NIH-funded, multicenter study of the pulmonary and cardiac consequences of vertically transmitted (i.e., mother to fetus) HIV infection. Our kids both live in New York City and are involved in art and design. David and his wife, Susan Inglett, live in SoHo. Susan is an art publisher, and David is an art historian and curator for the pop artist Claes Oldenburg. David has co-authored a book, Printed Stuff, on the print works of Oldenburg. The book received the George Wittenborn Award asthe best art book of 1997. Elizabeth, a RISD graduate, is a fashion designer. She started the women's International Concepts line for Macy's and has recently been recruited to design Ann Taylor's loft line. Marjorie and I usually find time to travel - mixing business with pleasure - to Europe and the Far East. We are especially fond of France, where we often visit friends in a tiny village in Provence. Had we not recently remodeled our home in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles, we would have considered buying a second home in Provence."
Van Radoccia is a probate judge in North Kingstown, R.I., and vice chair of the South County Hospital board of trustees.
David S. Ridderheim, Leo, Ind., retired Nov. 1, 1997, as president and CEO of Parkview Health System after thirty-five years in that organization.
John J. Roach, El Cajon, Calif., spent a month in New Zealand in the spring. John writes, "Wonderful people, country, and fly fishing." John divides his time between San Diego, Palm Desert, and traveling. "It's a great life if you don't weaken!"
Hays Rockwell, St. Louis, took a three-month sabbatical from his work as the Episcopal bishop of Missouri. He and his wife spent most of the time in New Zealand, where Hays worked on a writing project.
Marshall Sawyer, Mattapoisett, Mass., retired after thirty-eight years in education, twenty-eight years of which he spent as a high school principal. He now works part-time for the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association.
Barbara Ann Scott, Salt Point, N.Y., is an associate professor of sociology at SUNY-New Paltz; she teaches courses in media studies, political sociology, theory, and women's studies. She is active in many NGOs devoted to peace, environmentalism, and social justice. She has two sons, Evan, 35, and Eric, 32.
Lee Sheldrick's son, Chris '93, is at Temple University working toward his Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Lee's daughter-in-law, Meghan McGrath '95, entered the Medical College of Pennsylvania in September 1997. His daughter, Jennifer, has provided Lee's first two grandchildren during the past eighteen months. Lee is still working at Arkwright. His wife, Karen, continues to teach in Shrewsbury, Mass. They live in Westborough, Mass.
Richard F. Steele, Derry, N.H., retired as a program manager at Raytheon, where he had worked for thirty-four years. He will celebrate his 40th wedding anniversary in August. He and his wife have three children, including two who were Eagle Scouts. Richard has been associated with the Boy Scouts for twenty-nine years and recently took thirteen scouts on a three-week tour of Russia.
Jeffrey L. Stern, Highland Park, Ill., missed the 40th reunion to attend his daughter's graduation from Scripps College. Jeffrey writes: "Though my upcoming birthday will give me senior citizen status in the eyes of most airlines, I don't expect to retire any time soon from my job in media relations with the Chicago Transit Authority."
Barbara Harvey Taylor, Marietta, Ga., is enjoying retirement and has been traveling and visiting family. She has three children and five grandchildren.
Robert F. Taylor's daughter, Sarah '94, is attending medical school at the University of Massachusetts in Worcester. Robert lives in North Attleboro, Mass.
Sandy McFarland Taylor, Summit, N.J., had a "delightful" visit with Sue Haneman Ayers at her "dramatic" home in Evergreen, Colo. Other classmates visiting were Joyce Gillespie Briggs, Barbara Chaplin, Raya McCully Goff, Anne Walter Lowenthal, Ann Guerry Pierce and husband Russell '53, and Bob Briggs '53. Sandy writes: "Later most of us went to Santa Fe for sightseeing and touring the newly opened Georgia O'Keeffe Museum."
Joe Tebo celebrated daughter Shelly's wedding in La Jolla, Calif., with several friends from the class of '58, including Pete Charron, Jack Kleiderlein, Joe Moyer, and Max McCreery. Also attending were Jack Norberg '53, Stu Erwin '55, and Pete Sweet '60.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Theodore P. Cohen (see Wendy L. Cohen '89).
Tom Moses, Reading, Pa., writes: "Skip Hokanson '59 is marketing a device that shuts off car radios when in the vicinity of emergency vehicles. He recently flew to Detroit to discuss it with GM officials. While in the Midwest he dropped in on George Vandervoort and his wife, Mimi, in Chicago. This summer my wife, Judy, and I met Dave Bliss and his wife, Marty, for brunch in State College, Pa. Dave lives in a mountaintop home in the historic town of Bellefonte, Pa. We spend weekends at my brother's log tanner's cabin in the nearby artists' village of Boalsburg. We are planning a lawn party for the Penn State arts and craft show. All classmates are invited. George Vandervoort continues to commute to the Far East, primarily to China. For a while he kept an apartment in Bangkok. I talked to Pete Kopke recently. His son William is applying to Brown in the fall. His oldest son, Pete Jr. '91, is completing a Ph.D. in computer science at Cornell. The elder Pete was in a serious car accident in which he was hit head-on by a larger car and had to be removed by the jaws of life. Luckily, he suffered only two broken ribs. He recently moved his forty-five-foot cruiser from his summer home in the Hamptons to a small village near Cannes in the south of France. His New Year's resolution is to spend more time on the Riviera. I think we can all echo those sentiments."
Abbe Beth Robinson Young and Jerold O. Young '54 write that their son, Andrew R. Young '86, and his wife, Lita, have a new baby girl, Nicola Rose Young; daughter Carina is 3. Abbe and Jerry's daughter Marji Young Chimes '84 and her husband, Lew, have a new baby boy, Joseph Young Chimes; son Daniel is 3. Another daughter, Betsy Young Harris '82, and her husband, Dave Harris '80, have two sons, Jason, 10, and Alex, 7. Jerry is president and Abbe is treasurer of Harold W. Young Inc., a New England food broker. Betsy is vice president of sales and marketing, and Andrew is vice president of supermarkets, vending, and convenience stores. Marji is director of public relations for Ethan Allen Furniture in Danbury, Conn. Abbe, Jerry, Andrew, and Lita have just returned from Lima, Peru, where they visited Lita's family and traveled to Macchu Picchu to see the Andes Mountains and the Inca ruins. Jerry and Abbe still live in Newton Centre, Mass.; Betsy and Andrew live in Needham, Mass.; and Marji lives in Stamford, Conn.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Theodore P. Cohen (see Wendy L. Cohen '89).
Tom Moses, Reading, Pa., writes: "Skip Hokanson '59 is marketing a device that shuts off car radios when in the vicinity of emergency vehicles. He recently flew to Detroit to discuss it with GM officials. While in the Midwest he dropped in on George Vandervoort and his wife, Mimi, in Chicago. This summer my wife, Judy, and I met Dave Bliss and his wife, Marty, for brunch in State College, Pa. Dave lives in a mountaintop home in the historic town of Bellefonte, Pa. We spend weekends at my brother's log tanner's cabin in the nearby artists' village of Boalsburg. We are planning a lawn party for the Penn State arts and craft show. All classmates are invited. George Vandervoort continues to commute to the Far East, primarily to China. For a while he kept an apartment in Bangkok. I talked to Pete Kopke recently. His son William is applying to Brown in the fall. His oldest son, Pete Jr. '91, is completing a Ph.D. in computer science at Cornell. The elder Pete was in a serious car accident in which he was hit head-on by a larger car and had to be removed by the jaws of life. Luckily, he suffered only two broken ribs. He recently moved his forty-five-foot cruiser from his summer home in the Hamptons to a small village near Cannes in the south of France. His New Year's resolution is to spend more time on the Riviera. I think we can all echo those sentiments."
Abbe Beth Robinson Young and Jerold O. Young '54 write that their son, Andrew R. Young '86, and his wife, Lita, have a new baby girl, Nicola Rose Young; daughter Carina is 3. Abbe and Jerry's daughter Marji Young Chimes '84 and her husband, Lew, have a new baby boy, Joseph Young Chimes; son Daniel is 3. Another daughter, Betsy Young Harris '82, and her husband, Dave Harris '80, have two sons, Jason, 10, and Alex, 7. Jerry is president and Abbe is treasurer of Harold W. Young Inc., a New England food broker. Betsy is vice president of sales and marketing, and Andrew is vice president of supermarkets, vending, and convenience stores. Marji is director of public relations for Ethan Allen Furniture in Danbury, Conn. Abbe, Jerry, Andrew, and Lita have just returned from Lima, Peru, where they visited Lita's family and traveled to Macchu Picchu to see the Andes Mountains and the Inca ruins. Jerry and Abbe still live in Newton Centre, Mass.; Betsy and Andrew live in Needham, Mass.; and Marji lives in Stamford, Conn.
From the March / April 1998 Issue
The countdown has started, and we are looking for you to return for the 40th reunion. Mark your calendars: May 22-25. Come see the Brown you remember, a new Brown you can be proud of, and a Providence you have never seen before. You should be receiving your registration packet shortly. If you did not receive the fall mailing, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.
Edward S. Flattau, Washington, D.C., a nationally syndicated columnist, has published Tracking the Charlatans. The book is a rebuttal to the ideological warfare being waged against environmentalism and the mainstream environmental movement.
Shellie Hearst sold his business of thirty-three years, Supermarket Communication Systems Inc. After getting his M.B.A. at the University of Chicago and working for IBM and Gillette, Shellie started a product-distribution business in 1963 and sold it to his partner two years later. He then founded Supermarket Communication Systems, a distributor of promotional literature in supermarkets. The company grew from a dozen stores in the Boston area into a national network of stores, each hosting Good Neighbor display boards used by shoppers and companies for advertising notices. Bill Parray, Shellie's freshman roommate and Pi Lam fraternity brother, was his business partner for fifteen years. Shellie is active on the boards of several charitable organizations. (This note was submitted by Geneva Whitney '56.)
Ulysses S. James is director of the Mount Vernon (Va.) Chamber Orchestra Association. Conductor of the Mount Vernon Orchestra and Youth Orchestra, Ulysses also directs the city's summer music festival, a monthlong camp for young musicians. Nancy Redden James manages the youth orchestra, works with NationsBank, and is a chaplain at Mount Vernon Hospital.
Michael H. Trotter has published Profit and the Practice of Law - What's Happened to the Legal Profession (University of Georgia Press). A partner in the law firm of Kilpatrick Stocken in Atlanta, Michael is a research fellow and adjunct law professor at Emory University.
Lenore A. Donofrio DeLucia ’58, ’61 AM, ’63 PhD, of Wakefield, R.I.; Aug. 5, of cancer. She worked at Rhode Island College for 10 years as a faculty member prior to becoming the associate dean of the School of Education. She spent two years as the acting dean of the School of Education and then helped to establish RIC’s Office of Institutional Research and Planning. During the last 14 years of her 42-year tenure, she was the vice president for administration and finance. During that time, she launched a capital campaign to renovate many older buildings on the campus. In 1969, she was elected to the Jamestown School Committee and served for seven years, during which time the Melrose School was constructed. Lee also served for several years as the chair of the Democratic Town Committee in Jamestown. She and her husband retired to Wakefield, and she served on the board of their homeowner’s association for more than six years and was president for many years. She discovered Mahjong and enjoyed Thursday night games, playing up to the week before she died. She was recognized for her hard work and accomplishments by being named to the Distinguished Young Women of Rhode Island in 1970 and Outstanding Educator of America in 1971. In 1977, she was named Outstanding Woman of the Year by the Jamestown Business and Professional Women’s Association. Her husband, Clement “Ken” DeLucia ’63, preceded her in death. She is survived by daughter Karen E. Pinch ’88 and her husband, and two grandchildren.
Thomas J. Cogswell ’58, of Macon, Ga.; Jul. 1, of cancer. Music played a major role in his life. At age seven he began playing the piano and later mastered the trumpet. He went on to play the trumpet in the Culver Military Marching Band. After college, he spent six years in the Illinois Air National Guard, where he played in the marching band as well. In 1974, he and his family moved to Coral Gables, Fla., where he became president of Dade Rigging Company. In 1985, he moved to Kiawah Island, S.C., and started a new business, Laser Imaging Products. There he learned the game of golf. He married Jane Thomas in 1996 and moved to Seabrook Island. He retired in 2006 to Callawassie Island, where he continued to play golf, served on the Callawassie Marketing Committee, and joined the choir at The Parish Church of St. Helena. The couple enjoyed traveling the world together, including visits to Alaska, South America, and Europe. At the end of 2022, they moved to Carlyle Place in Macon, and he joined the Choristers. He is survived by his wife, Jane; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; two stepchildren and their spouses; eight grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
Kathryn Kissane Whistler ’58, of Potomac, Md.; Mar. 24. While attending Brown, she met her future husband, Leonard ’55, a Navy officer, and together they traveled the world during his tours of duty and started a family before settling in Potomac in 1973. She worked as a computer programmer for the CIA for two decades. In retirement, they enjoyed traveling together. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three children, two grandchildren, and a sister, Elizabeth Kissane Shequine ’52.
Starr P. Todd ’58, of Hampton, N.H.; Mar. 29. After serving in the U.S. Army and working at various jobs throughout his career, he retired and managed Todd Farm Antiques Flea Market. He is survived by his wife, Dottee; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; two granddaughters; a brother; two sisters-in-law; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Ann Thorndike ’58, of Providence; May 6, following a fall. She worked as a financial manager for Brown’s physics department and was involved with the Audubon Society, the Providence Junior League, and the Pembroke Club of Providence.
Elizabeth Coe Strizzi ’58, of New Castle, Pa.; Apr. 25. She worked as a journalist for several newspapers, including as correspondent for the town of Marshfield (Mass.) for The Patriot Ledger. She enjoyed getting together with friends, gardening, reading, traveling, and her cats. She is survived by three children, four stepchildren, 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and her sister Judy Coe Homeyer ’62.
John L. Selig ’58, of Bridgeport, Conn., formerly of Harrison, N.Y.; Apr. 11. He traveled extensively and served in the U.S. Marine Corps prior to joining his family’s furniture business in the Bronx, Pisers, followed by working 40 years in the real estate industry. He was interested in the environment and enjoyed fly-fishing. He was a member of Theodore Gordon Flyfishers and Riverkeeper, both nonprofits to promote the protection of rivers and streams. He was an active volunteer with the United Way of Westchester County and a member of the Wine & Food Society of New York. He is survived by Virginia Rowen; a daughter; son John J. M. Selig ’90; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and five grandchildren.
Richard J. “Dick” DeVenuto ’58, of Little Neck, N.Y.; Apr. 30. After Brown, he graduated from NYU Law School. He was in private practice for many years before being appointed to the New York Workers Compensation Board as a judge. In this capacity, he traveled all over the state of New York presiding over worker’s compensation cases until he retired. He built a home in 2000 in Palm Coast (Fla.), where he could enjoy the warmth and traveled back and forth to New York for holidays. He enjoyed the beach, building model trains, and attending train and car shows. He is survived by his wife, Rosalie; two daughters; a son-in-law; grandchildren; and his sister
David W. Clough ’58, of Falmouth, Me.; Mar. 22. He worked in sales and marketing at DuPont in Wilmington, Del., before transitioning to the hospitality industry. He was marketing director for Holiday Inn resorts in the Caribbean and later was an international sales manager for Holiday Inn in New York City. At the age of 40, he took up watercolor painting as a hobby and an opportunity arose to move to Maine. For 10 years, he worked in management of the Prince of Fundy ferry line, concentrating on sales and advertising, before beginning a career as an artist. His work has been viewed in galleries, sold privately, and featured in art shows and festivals. He was a Korean War veteran. In June 2023, he celebrated 50 years of sobriety. He is survived by his wife, Janet; four children and their spouses; four stepchildren and their spouses; and many grandchildren.
Anne Shrednik Vickery ’58, of Boulder, Colo.; Dec. 16. For many years she worked for the Colorado Mountain Club. She cofounded the Indian Peaks working group and was a founding member of the Colorado Fourteeners initiative. An avid hiker, she climbed all of Colorado’s 14ers (some multiple times). Music and folk dancing were also her passions and she devoted her time to the Boulder Creek Festival to showcase folk dancing and singing. She is survived by four children, five grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter.
Hugo R. Mainelli Jr. ’58, of Narragansett, R.I.; Jan. 29. He was a retired business owner. He was very proud of his single goal as a member of the Brown hockey team (“One Goal Hughie”), as well as his hole-in-one at Pine Valley Golf Club (while shooting 109). He was an active supporter of the Brown Sports Foundation and a member of the Dunes Club and Point Judith Country Club in Narragansett, the University Club and Hope Club in Providence, and the Royal Poinciana Club in Naples, Fla. He enjoyed gardening, cooking, entertaining, and traveling, especially to Italy. He also enjoyed watching any sporting event that involved Brown. He is survived by six children and their spouses, including daughter Kathryn Mainelli Nani ’86; four grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and a sister-in-law.
Paul Johnson ’58, of Guilford, Conn.; Feb. 6. After graduating he was commissioned in the U.S. Navy and was married. He then graduated from UConn law school in 1966 and was employed by the First New Haven National Bank until 1971, resigning when he was elected president and CEO of Connecticut Savings Bank. He remained in that office for the next 20 years. In 1991, at the invitation of the Hon. Guido Calabresi, he became assistant to the dean and director of the campaign for Yale Law School. In 1994, he became the president and CEO of the Gaylord Hospital, in Wallingford, Conn., retiring in 2001. He was an active Connecticut resident serving on numerous corporate boards. He also was an emeritus member of Brown’s Corporation. An avid golfer, he played competitively later in life and won senior championships at New Haven Country Club and Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club. Most pleasing to him was winning a father/daughter and member/guest championship with his daughter and son, respectively. He is survived by his wife, Gwendolyn; three children, including son Philip ’87; two daughters-in-law, including Stephanie Maggart Johnson ’88; a son-in-law; and seven grandchildren.
John E. Games ’58, of Granby, Conn.; Dec. 25. He completed a master’s degree in engineering from the Rensselaer Hartford Graduate Center and was employed for many years at Hamilton Standard, where he was awarded multiple patents for jet engine control systems. He had a wood shop in his basement and enjoyed making furniture for friends and family. In addition to enjoying photography and poetry, he discovered songwriting and wrote and sang several songs he posted on YouTube. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.
R. Bruce Brougham ’58, of Bridgehampton, N.Y.; Feb. 14. He was a retired managing director of JP Morgan Chase & Co. He enjoyed singing in St. Anne’s Episcopal Church choir and was a member of the Bridgehampton Club. He is survived by his wife, Martha; a son; a sister; a niece; and three nephews.
Kenneth P. Borden ’58, of North Scituate, R.I.; Dec. 23. He graduated from Columbia Law in 1961 and started practicing at Higgins, Cavanagh & Cooney in 1962. He retired at the end of 2005 as senior partner. In 1985, he was inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers Association. He served in the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve as a first lieutenant in the JAG. In Scituate, he served as president of the Ponaganset unit of the American Cancer Society and on the board of directors of North West Mental Health, and he was a member of the North Scituate Zoning Board for 28 years. He was also a member of the University Club in Providence and the Providence Rotary Club, where he served as a trustee of the Rotary Charities Foundation and also for a term as club secretary. He enjoyed pistol shooting, amateur radio, photography, and computers. He is survived by his wife, Pamela; a son and daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.
Ann Kimball Heinrichs ’58, of Middletown, N.Y.; Nov. 14. After graduating, she went on an eight-month tour of Europe. Once stateside, she became a software engineer and worked for American Airlines, Sikorsky Aircraft, and finally IBM. She volunteered with her local church and sang in the choir. She enjoyed visiting the New York Botanical Gardens and had a love for cats. She was a proud 40-year member of AA. She is survived by her stepdaughter and husband and two grandchildren.
Warren G. Paul ’58, of Charleston, S.C., formerly of Armonk, N.Y., and Sydney, Australia; Aug. 6. After graduating, he moved to Manhattan, where he worked in banking and met his future wife. After a brief stint in San Francisco working for Blair Television, he and his family relocated to Pennsylvania, where he met and formed a filmmaking company—the Moving & Talking Picture Company of Philadelphia, New York, and Gradyville—with Garrett Brown, who would go on to invent the Steadicam. Warren was the company’s producer and sales rep in the New York office. Afterward he began a more than two-decade career at IBM as an advertising executive. His work with IBM took him around the globe, including a three-year posting in Sydney. He retired to Charleston and was immersed in the beauty and culture of the city, renovating and restoring a historic townhouse, joining historical societies, purchasing a horse, and entertaining friends and family who visited. He is survived by two daughters, including Jennifer Cohen ’86; and five grandsons.
John V. Reistrup ’58, of Woodbrige, Va.; May 27. He was a self-employed writer/editor. As a journalist, he served in editorial and management roles for such newspapers as the Washington Post, Toronto Star, New York Post, and Seattle Post-Intelligencer. He was coeditor and webmaster of his Brown class newsletter. He served on the advisory panel of the Fairfax County Council of the Arts, was president of the McLean (Va.) Choral Society, and served as shop steward, unit chairman, and president of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, by which he was named Guildsman of the Year in 1970. He enjoyed sailing, reading, playing piano, listening to classical music, and was a New York Giants fan. He is survived by three children and seven grandchildren.
Richard W. Miller ’58, of Wiscasset, Me.; Jul. 4. After Brown, he moved to New York City and had a successful career working in sales at New Yorker magazine. He later started a computer design business located in the Empire State Building. He retired to Maine in the later 1990s. He had traveled to numerous countries and embraced the diversity of the people and their culture. He studied Spanish and spent time in Colombia and Mexico. An athlete, he ran several Boston and New York City marathons and, once he stopped running, was involved with swimming and yoga. He was a member of Psi Upsilon. He is survived by a sister and eight nieces and nephews.
Richard N. Sauter ’58, of Venice, Fla.; Jun. 26, 2022. He was employed with IBM for 40 years. He was treasurer of Gulf Horizon Condominium Association and was a member of the Venice Theatre Committee and the Venice Yacht Club. He and his family enjoyed traveling, especially visiting all of the National Parks. He is survived by his wife, Pat; two daughters and their spouses; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Jerrold A. Olanoff ’58, of Boston; Oct. 12. He was a lawyer who practiced construction law for more than 50 years with Corwin & Corwin. He went on to take over the firm and mentored younger lawyers who in turn became partners and still carry on the practice today. He owned a series of boats and enjoyed sailing up and down the East Coast, in addition to traveling the world together with his partner, Jill Cohen, who survives him. He is also survived by nieces and nephews.
Richard M. Dunn ’58, of Bristol, N.H.; Oct. 25, after a fall. For 54 years he worked in the power industry. He worked at New England Power (Mass.), C.E. Maguire (R.I.), and Stoner and Webster Engineering (Mass.), traveling extensively for work in the U.S. and overseas. He climbed all 48 peaks of the New Hampshire White Mountains 4,000-footers list. He enjoyed hiking, downhill skiing, and gardening. He was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club. He is survived by his wife, Anne; a daughter; and a son.
Judith A. Cole Costello ’58, of Hughesville, Pa.; Oct. 20. Quilting was her passion and life’s work. She was a member of numerous quilting guilds. She was the author of two published quilting books and a designer of four copyrighted quilting patterns. She taught numerous quilting workshops and was a frequent guest lecturer throughout the country. She volunteered for the Lycoming County and Muncy Historical Societies. She was also president of the Junior League of Williamsport and president of the Williamsport Law Wives Association. She is survived by her husband, Edward; four children, including Ashley Grace Youngman ’87; 10 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Edward J. Williamson Jr. ’58, of Roanoke, Va.; May 8. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy for four years, then worked for the Department of the Navy. After retiring from the military, he founded a private consulting group. He was president of his neighborhood watch and vice president and secretary of his local chapter of National Contract Management Association. He enjoyed drawing and spending time at Smith Mountain Lake. He is survived by his wife, Teresa; two daughters; a son-in-law; and a granddaughter.
Richard L. Lang ’58, of Northport, Mich.; June 24. After graduating and working as a claims adjuster for one year in Providence while his wife, Susan Haydock Lang ’59, finished her studies, they relocated to Lexington, Va., where Dick attended Washington and Lee University Law School. He graduated in 1962 and passed the Michigan Bar Exam that December. He was admitted to the Michigan Bar Association and began his legal career as a trust attorney for Michigan National Bank in Kalamazoo. In 1966, he joined the Kalamazoo-based law firm Bauckham, Reed, Lang, Schaefer, Travis & Sparks focused on municipal law and general practice. In 1987 he was named general counsel for Wolverine Power Cooperative and relocated to Northport. After a year, he practiced law from his home office until fully retiring in 2011. He was an active member of Planned Parenthood, the Kalamazoo Jaycees, the YMCA, First Congregational Church, and Phi Delta Phi and he served on numerous boards. He enjoyed all things history related, genealogy, and watching Antiques Road Show. He is survived by three children and their spouses, six grandchildren, and his sister Margaret Lang ’63.
Arlene MacKey Cummings ’58 of Cranford, N.J., formerly of Hudson, N.Y.; July 7. She was a former elementary English school teacher in Claverack (N.Y.) and taught evening classes to recent immigrants as an English as a Second Language teacher. Later in her career she taught incarcerated individuals at the Hudson Correctional Facility. She enjoyed genealogy and spent time tracing her American ancestors back to the 17th century in New York state. She was a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and is survived by three daughters, three granddaughters, and three great-granddaughters.
Albert F. Clark ’58, of Silverdale, Wash.; May 18. He had a 21-year career in the U.S. Air Force, flying 102 combat missions—some during the Vietnam War or on alert during the Cuban Missile Crisis—and was twice awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for an act of heroism or extraordinary acheivement during aerial flight. He retired from the Air Force in 1978 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He then became a stockbroker, followed by a securities principal at Seafirst Bank, retiring in 1996. He was past president of the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island and an active member of first Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church and then Silverdale Lutheran Church. He enjoyed playing games and cards, reading, collecting first edition books, and building model airplanes. He is survived by his wife, Sharon; two daughters; a son; three granddaughters; and two great-grandsons.
Betsy Becker Adams ’58, of Madison, Conn., formerly of Annapolis, Md., York, Pa., and New York City; June 8. From 1959 to 1981 she lived in New York City and worked for Lord & Taylor, the Bank of New York, and Henry Street Settlement. In 1981, she moved to Annapolis and cofounded Sharp-Adams Inc., a Maryland registry of bed and breakfast accommodations. Before retiring she volunteered at the Mental Health Association, where she was executive director for eight years, and served as corporate director in the Maryland office of the American Heart Association. In 2005, after traveling quite a distance, she moved to York, Pa., and volunteered at the reference desk at the Martin Library. She finally moved to Madison in 2013 to be closer to family and was active with the Madison Senior Center. She is survived by a daughter, a son, and four grandchildren.
Theodore D. Seager Jr. ’58, of Millis, Mass.; Jan. 29. He spent his entire career, more than 40 years, working at John Hancock. He was a member of the Society of Actuaries. He enjoyed reading and book collecting. In retirement he opened a used book store in Medway, Mass., called Village Books, which he operated for many years. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two sons and daughters-in-law, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
John J. Roach ’58, of San Diego; Feb. 20. He attended Brown through the Naval ROTC program and after graduation served as a Navy officer for three years. Upon discharge, he began a career in banking at Home Federal Savings & Loan. After leaving banking, he spent several years developing and building homes in San Diego and Orange counties. He was a member of several tennis and golf clubs in San Diego and Palm Desert, Calif. His other passions were gardening, travel, military history, and fly-fishing. He is survived by his wife, Judy; two sons, including Jason ’91; and two grandchildren.
Edmund P. Rihbany ’58, of Fairfield, Conn.; Mar. 19. He retired after a successful career in the plastics sales industry. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed drinking wine and spending time with friends and subsequently established a winemaking and tasting club. He is survived by his wife, Mary; a son; a sister; and nieces and nephews.
Martin A. “Tony” Philippi Jr. ’58, of Little Compton, R.I., formerly of Boston; Mar. 13. After Brown and time served in the U.S. Army, he worked for the First National Bank of Boston, the American Cancer Society, and Equitable Life Insurance Company. After he joined the Union Boat Club in 1967, rowing became his passion. Most mornings he could be found sliding along the waters of the Charles, and he participated in more than 40 Head of the Charles Regattas. He also enjoyed playing tennis. He is survived by a twin sister, a brother, and eight nieces and nephews.
William G. Nicholson ’58, of Yarmouth Port, Mass.; Dec. 4, after a short illness. He had a career as an English and history teacher, first at Columbus Academy (Ohio), then at Cate School in Carpinteria (Calif.) and Charlotte Country Day School (N.C.). He then returned to Connecticut to the Taft School in Watertown, where he remained for 28 years and where he held the Independence Foundation chair for excellence in teaching. He was the author of three books: Pete Gray: One-Armed Major Leaguer, Those Who Served, and The Taft-Thatcher Letters, as well as numerous articles. He was a founder of the Boston Braves Historical Association. During his retirement years on Cape Cod he volunteered with many organizations and was a popular lecturer on poetry at the Academy for Lifelong Learning. He was a lifelong baseball fan, and avidly followed the Atlanta Braves and the Cotuit Kettleers. His passion for teaching, poetry, and baseball was matched only by his love for the Cape’s shellfish beds, where he spent countless happy hours clamming and oystering. He is survived by his wife, Cornelia; three children, including son Hugh ’88; five grandchildren; two sisters; and nieces and nephews.
Helen Pillsbury Cox ’58, of Needham, Mass.; Jan. 15. She was an avid reader and enjoyed solving crossword puzzles. She is survived by her husband, Gilbert; four children and their spouses; and nine grandchildren.
William F. Carroll ’58, ’65 MAT, of Needham, Mass., formerly of Medfield, Mass., and Barrington, R.I.; Nov. 19, after a brief illness. In addition to his degrees from Brown, he received a law degree from Suffolk University. He was an English and history teacher and football coach at Barrington High School. He moved on to public service under three Rhode Island governors, ultimately serving as chief aide for policy to Governor Joseph Garrahy, and later as the director of the department of business regulation. He was instrumental in the founding of Rhode Island Legal Services, which provides legal representation to low-income clients. In 1984 he became executive director and later president of the Life Insurance Association of Massachusetts, moving to Medfield. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard and recipient of the Legion of Merit. He is survived by five children and their spouses, nine grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two sisters, and several nieces and nephews.
George A. Willich ’58, of North Palm Beach, Fla.; Sept. 8.
Lawrence E. Salzman ’58, of Minneapolis; Sept. 19. He worked for Honeywell for five years before pursuing graduate studies at the University of Minnesota. He was a news photographer for the Associated Press for 22 years covering politics, sports, and general news. In 1989 he helped to start the former Lake Calhoun Sailing School (now the Minneapolis Sailing Center), where he served as director for 25 years. He enjoyed choral music and sang with the First Unitarian Society Chorus. He liked jazz and played drums. He is survived by his wife, Martha; two sons and their spouses; four grandchildren; a sister; and many nieces and nephews.
Arnold “Chuck” Rothstein ’58, of New York City; Sept. 28. He received his MD from Chicago Medical School and his psychoanalytic training from Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. He was a member of the faculty and former director of the Psychoanalytic Association of New York, a training and supervising analyst at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, and an honorary member of the William Alanson White Institute. He is the author of five books and numerous scientific publications and the editor of seven books. He frequently contributed to the Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis. He was also a founder of the mental health program at the Lexington School for the Deaf. A former Brown football player, he was an all-around athlete and enjoyed skiing and triathlons. He is survived by his wife, Arden; five daughters, including Anya Cohen ’09; son-in-law Tobias Cohen ’09; and nine grandchildren, including grandson Max Godnick ’13.
Richard S. Rosenberg ’58, of Riverside, Calif.; Oct. 7, of cancer. He attended medical school at NYU, did a fellowship in Cleveland and a residency in Cincinnati, and had a two-year position as a doctor in the U.S. Air Force stationed in Riverside, Calif. Settling in Riverside once his service was completed, he joined the Riverside Medical Clinic as an ophthalmologist. He and his wife spent 20 years living in Riverside and raising their children. In the summers he took frequent backpacking trips in the Sierra Nevada with friends and relaxed at a summer home in Laguna Beach. Winters found him enjoying the slopes at Mammoth Mountain. He had a deep appreciation for art in all forms and enjoyed designing and creating mosaic pieces for his friends and family. He is survived by his wife, Karen; three children; three grandchildren; brother Art Rosenberg ’61;
and a sister-in-law.
Ronald L. Cheney ’58, of Mapleton, Me.; Sept. 5, of cancer. After Brown, he was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Air Force, married, and was stationed in San Antonio, Texas. He and his wife lived in several places during the course of his 20-year military career before settling in Maine. He served in Vietnam, where he was shot down in combat and spent six days in the Laos jungle. He received many honors as a navigator and air traffic controller, including the Distinguished Flying Cross. After his military service, he was employed as a Kenworth Truck salesman. He purchased a pig that produced a litter of eight and from this, Hog Haven Enterprises was born. He became the local pig man for many years. He then joined his son’s potato farming operation, which led to the creation of Cheney Family Farms. He is survived by his wife, Terry Smith Cheney ’60; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; seven grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Richard “Dick” Carolan ’58, of Barrington, R.I.; June 1. He enrolled at Brown on an ROTC scholarship and quickly distinguished himself on the gridiron as a starting center and as linebacker as a sophomore. During his time at Brown he was introduced to teammate Paul Choquette ’60’s cousin, Mary Louise Gilbane; they married after his graduation and military commission. He began a career in investment banking at Kidder, Peabody & Co. in Boston and in 1969 he formed his own firm, Carolan & Co., Inc., specializing in underwriting Rhode Island tax-exempt bonds. He worked closely with governors John Chafee, Philip Noel, and J. Joseph Garrahy in developing quasi-state agencies such as Rhode Island Health and Education Building Corporation, Rhode Island Housing & Mortgage Finance Corporation, Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, and several other tax-exempt bond issue entities. He remained in the municipal bond business for more than 50 years and merged his firm with Oppenheimer & Co. in 2003. In his earlier years he coached Barrington youth hockey, football, and baseball and rarely missed any opportunity to watch his family perform or compete. He helped to create both the Brown Football Association and the Brown University Sports Foundation. His other accomplishments included officer positions with the National Association of Securities Dealers, Securities Industry Association, trustee emeritus of Brown’s Corporation, president of the Brown Football Association, and former director of Almacs Supermarket, Lee Engineering, Barrington YMCA, and Gilbane Building Corp. After Mary Lou’s death in 1999, he established an endowment fund in her memory at the Warren Alpert Medical School for scleroderma research. He is survived by five children and their spouses, including Catherine Daniel ’84, Amy Tyree ’95, and Richard Jr. ’90; 18 grandchildren, including Heidi Anderson ’18 and John Anderson III ’11; five great-grandchildren; brother Francis ’68 and his wife; and nephew David Cary Jr. ’87.
Joyce Knowles Williams ’58, of Smithfield,Va.; June 14. After Brown, she earned a nursing degree from Boston University and worked as a hospital pediatric nurse in Washington, D.C. Later she joined the faculty at George Mason University as a professor of nursing. During her tenure at George Mason she worked closely with the international nursing program and traveled to Saudi Arabia to assist in the establishment of a nursing department and train pediatric nurses for a hospital being built. She enjoyed sailing, skiing, painting, reading, and especially sewing. A gifted seamstress, she sewed American Girl outfits for her granddaughters’ dolls and matching outfits for the girls to wear. She was an active member of the Women’s Club and Red Hat Society, for which she knitted hats for newborns in hospital nurseries. She participated in a book club and enjoyed weekly mahjong games. She also enjoyed taking cruises with her husband Rex before his passing. She is survived by two sons and their spouses, five grandchildren, a sister-in-law, a niece, a nephew, and a cousin.
Anne Guerry Pierce ’58, of Brunswick, Me.; June 20. She was a retired teacher. After Brown, she received her master’s of education from Harvard, married, and started a family. She and her family lived in Connecticut, Missouri, and Ontario, Canada, before settling in Brunswick in 1982. She taught sixth grade middle school and retired from teaching at Brunswick Junior High School in 2000. She was involved in her community and enjoyed art and gatherings with her friends of the Pembroke “G-7.” She is survived by her husband Russell ’53; four children and their spouses, including Russell Jr. ’87; and eight grandchildren.
Constance Lango Fedeli ’58, of East Falmouth, Mass., formerly of Warwick, R.I.; July 10. She worked as a nurse before electing to stay home and raise her daughters. She enjoyed spending time at beaches in R.I. and Cape Cod and, later, vacationing with her husband to beaches in Florida and the Caribbean. She is survived by her husband, Michael ’59; two daughters; and two grandsons.
Anne Browne Easton ’58, of Chester, Conn.; May 23. She was an enthusiastic lifelong learner and went on to earn a master of library science from St. John’s University, where she was class valedictorian. She had worked at the Boston Center for the Arts, at Bronxville Public Library (N.Y.) as a children’s librarian, and at Sarah Lawrence College as a music librarian. She had a 24-year library career at Valley Regional High School Library Media Center (Conn.) and was also a class advisor and chaperone for school trips to Paris, Germany, Spain, and Quebec. She shared her love of opera by chaperoning students to performances. While at Brown, she met her future husband. She supported him as he completed his master of divinity and during his ministry she hosted, sang in the choir, and volunteered in many ways behind the scenes. Part of her lifelong learning included choral music studies and performances for decades in New England, New York, and Europe. Locally, she was a founding member of the board of trustees of the Community Music School and a charter member of New Horizons Band, taking up the clarinet at age 75. She was a board member of the Robbie Collomore Concert Series and traveled with the Berkshire Choral Festival for 18 summers. In Connecticut, she sang with Capella Cantorum. She enjoyed gardening and was creative with textile arts, from sewing clothes and costumes to crewel embroidery, weaving, and knitting. She was passionate about volunteering, serving as a Girl Scout leader and member of the League of Women Voters. She was an advocate for Planned Parenthood, immigrant rights, and social justice. She served in soup kitchens and worked with Habitat for Humanity, among other causes. She is survived by her husband, George ’56; three daughters and sons-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Harold E. Canning ’58, of South Yarmouth, Mass.; June 8, after a brief illness. After Brown, he spent three years in the U.S. Army and then worked as a civil servant for the U.S. Department of State for the remainder of his career. He and his family lived overseas and enjoyed traveling before he retired to Cape Cod in 1992. He also enjoyed gardening and participating in the church choir and church and community activities. He is survived by his wife, Jean; daughter Allison Davies ’87; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and three grandchildren.
Kay Schuster Baird ’58, ’60 MAT, of Charlton, Mass.; June 15. After Brown, she worked in Hawaii at the Korean consulate. There she met her husband, who was in the Navy, and went on to live in Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., and Massachusetts. She worked as a secretary and volunteered with the Republican National Committee before moving to Massachusetts in 2010. She is survived by her husband, Ron; two daughters and sons-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Robert K. Margeson ’58, of Columbus, N.C.; Aug. 27. He served in the United States Navy and was a volunteer in the United States Air Force Ground Observer Corps. He was an avid ham radio enthusiast and a member of the local ham radio club. He is survived by his wife, Robin, and two daughters.
William H. Herrman ’58, of New York City; May 2. He was a professional investor for more than 60 years and had only recently retired from Cannell & Co. A lifelong New Yorker, he enjoyed summers at the Jersey Shore and the time he spent at the Ocean Beach Club. He gave his time and support to many institutions, including the Collegiate School, the Church of the Heavenly Rest, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, General Theological Seminary, and Episcopal charities. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; his son William II ’89 and his wife; four grandchildren; and a sister.
Robert A. Feldman ’58, of Portland, Ore., formerly of Scarsdale, N.Y.; May 22. He attended Yale Law School after Brown and upon graduation, he worked as an enforcement attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission. After a brief time, he joined his father in the book publishing business and in 1970 he founded Parasol Press, a publisher of fine art limited edition prints and photographs. Parasol published the works of renowned writers and photographers. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s he volunteered as a youth soccer coach. He eventually moved to Portland, where a 40-year idea came to fruition when he published Concinnitas. It is a collection of ten aquatints produced from the contributions of ten mathematicians and physicists in response to the prompt to transcribe their most beautiful mathematical expression. It was in collaboration with Dartmouth College professor Dan Rockmore. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Julia; four children, including daughter Andrea Feldman Falcione ’87 and son
Stephen ’89; and five grandchildren.
Stephen D. Barkin ’58, of New York City; Apr. 23. He was active in New York real estate and served as president of the National Realty Club. He was a board member of Temple Israel, Lenox School, and the Glaucoma Foundation. He was an amateur photographer and enjoyed classical music. He is survived by his wife, Madeline; daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and six grandchildren.
Arthur H. Parker ’58, of Barrington, R.I.; Jan. 22. After graduating, he moved to New York City and worked at Chemical Bank. He married, served with the National Guard for two years, then moved to Ithaca and worked for the Cornell endowment. In 1968, Brown offered him a job working on its endowment and he happily returned to Rhode Island and his alma mater. He eventually started Manasett Corporation before joining the investment firm of Standish, Ayer & Wood in Boston as partner. He dedicated his time and donated to many charitable organizations and to Brown. He is survived by his wife, Connie; three children, including son Matthew ’88; eight grandchildren; and his sister and her wife.
James W. Lakey ’58, of Saint John, Kans.; Feb. 12. After attending Brown on a Naval ROTC scholarship, he served three years in the Navy, earning the rank of lieutenant junior grade. A lifetime student, he matriculated at Gordon Divinity School, where he received a masters of divinity degree and was ordained a Baptist minister. He later went on to earn an MBA from Babson College. During the days he worked as a general supervisor and senior engineer at technology companies in Boston, including Sylvania and Polaroid. At nights and on the weekends he was a pastor and teacher. He served many years in several churches. As a teacher, he taught high school science, math, computer science, and physics, and later was an instructor at Barton Community College, where he taught philosophy, ethics, and religion. He was an active member of his community as Republican ward chairman, as a delegate to state conventions, and served on several other councils and committees. He is survived by his wife, Marlies; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a stepdaughter; and four grandchildren.
Roy “Don” Hawkinson ’58, of Minneapolis; Mar. 31. He owned and operated Hawkinson’s Grocery while putting himself through law school at William Mitchell College of Law. He sold his grocery store in 1977 and practiced law until his retirement in 2018. He worked tirelessly for social justice, housing matters, and providing free and low-cost legal services to people in need. He is survived by his wife, Joan Wallace Hawkinson ’59; three daughters and sons-in-law; and eight grandchildren.
Patricia M. Patricelli ’58, of Boston; Dec. 10. She was the fashion director for Filene’s department store, in charge of reporting trends from Paris and Milan and introducing American designers to Boston society. Later she became director of sales promotion for the Sheraton Corporation and traveled the world building hospitality partnerships. She was past president of Fashion Group International of Boston and served on the boards of Schepens Eye Research Institute and the Boston Ballet. In retirement, she volunteered as a reading tutor. She was an avid fan of the Boston RedSox. She is survived by many cousins and friends.
Carol Jean Batchelder Jones ’58, of Concord, Mass.; Nov. 22. She worked at the West Concord Five & Dime for many years and was a tax preparer at H&R Block and an active member of West Concord Union Church. She enjoyed traveling and was a lifelong student, continuing her adult studies in language and participating in the Senior Drama Society at Harvey Wheeler Community Center. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two sons and daughters-in-law, three grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.
Judith Hillery Higgins ’58, of Princeton, N.J.; Jan. 16, from Parkinson’s. She was an associate editor at Random House and Praeger publishers. She wrote and edited ad copy for the former Lawrenceville, N.J.-based Gillespie Organization and Dana Associates. Her articles, short stories, and reviews were published in the Princeton Review, Atlantic, Texas Quarterly, Southern Review, ARTnews, and Art in America; her story “The Only People” was published in The Best American Short Stories in 1968. She created Envoy, a biannual poetry newsletter published by the Academy of American Poets. She was awarded Brown’s Tristam Burges Premium for her outstanding work in English and the Anne Crosby Emery Alumnae Fellowship to study creative writing at Trinity College in Dublin. Phi Beta Kappa. She enjoyed traveling, walking in the woods, attending plays, and drawing humorous holiday cards. She is survived by her son, a brother and his three children, and a cousin and her five children.
Thomas G. Ebbert ’58, of Estes Park, Colo., formerly of New Hampshire; Nov. 9. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Air Force and went on to have a 25-year career with Pan American, rising to the rank of captain. He is survived by a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter, a brother and sister-in-law, two nieces, and four nephews.
Susan Adler Kaplan ’58, ’65 MAT, of Providence, R.I.; Oct. 30. After graduating in 1958, she moved to New York. One year later, she returned to Providence to marry, continue her education, and work as a manager/secretary in the theater arts department. After a year and a half of managing work, she began to teach English at Classical High School, which she did for 28 years before moving into administration. She held various positions with Rhode Island Writing Assessment, Rhode Island Writing Project, and Blackstone Academy. Her love for teaching extended to roles as an adjunct professor at Providence College and Roger Williams University; she also did consulting in New York and California, and in Egypt with the Ministry of Education. She remained affiliated with Brown as a trustee, a trustee emerita, and chair of the Corporation emeritus executive committee. She chaired 100 Years of Women at Brown and served as the associate chair of Brown’s Advisory Council on Relations with Tougaloo College. She also chaired the Ogden Lectures on International Affairs. Her honors included an Outstanding Teacher Educator Award, a Brown Bear, an Ittleson Award, and being voted Teacher of the Year by Good Morning America. She was a proud supporter of Trinity Repertory Company in honor of her late husband, who was a founding member. She also served on the boards of Temple Beth-El and Miriam Hospital. She is survived by a granddaughter, a sister, and many nieces and nephews.
Joseph J. Tebo ’58, of La Jolla, Calif.; Sept. 10, of bladder cancer. After graduating he worked at the Atlantic Richfield Company for 30 years. During his tenure, he was promoted to president of AM/PM International and opened stations in Brazil, Japan, and Indonesia. After his time at ARCO, he continued his career as president of Price Ventures at Price Club (now Costco), then later became CEO of Trusonic, a music and technology company. During his time at Brown, he was a member of the men’s basketball team and cocaptain of the 1957-58 season, was named first team all–Ivy League in 1956, and received honorable mention honors in both 1957 and 1958. In 1978 he was inducted into the Brown Athletic Hall of Fame, and in 2006 he was named to Brown’s 100th anniversary team by being selected as one of the 15 greatest players in Brown basketball history. He is survived by his wife, Ann; a daughter; and a son.
Radley Sheldrick ’58, of Westborough, Mass.; Oct. 29, after a long period of declining health. Upon receiving his chartered property casualty designation, he handled both reinsurance and excess and surplus lines claims at Cameron and Colby, where he progressed to secretary of the company. His final years of employment were spent at F.M. Global in Waltham, Mass., as vice president, where he oversaw reinsurance audits in the London market. In retirement, he continued working in arbitration in the U.S. He was his happiest while racing his sailboat on Pleasant Bay. He was both race committee chair and vice commodore of Chatham Yacht Club. He also enjoyed skiing, fishing, birding, and traveling the world. He is survived by his wife, Karen; a daughter and son-in-law; son Radley ’93 and his wife; and six grandchildren.
James F. Ott ’58, of Melbourne, Fla., formerly of Chicago; Oct. 10, of congestive heart failure. After Brown he earned an MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and his CPA in 1978. He worked in Chicago in various senior financial executive positions, including at AmPro Corp., The Middleby Corp., Chicago Title and Trust Co., the L.E. Meyers Co., Blunt Ellis & Simmons, Eastman Dillon Union Securities & Co., and White Weld & Co., eventually relocating to Melbourne. He retired in 1999. He served in the Illinois Air National Guard and was a member of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Investment Analyst Society of Chicago, the Financial Executives Institute, and the Economic Club of Chicago. He enjoyed reading and collecting classic movies from the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s. He is survived by his wife, Edna; four children and their spouses; and eight grandchildren.
Maxwell R. McCreery ’58, of Chilmark, Mass., formerly of Darien, Conn.; Oct. 22. Completing ROTC at Brown, he graduated as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Air Force and served in Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Maine. After military service, he began a 25-year career at Exxon as a regional sales rep in Northampton, Mass., then as a regional sales manager in Buffalo, N.Y., and finally at the New York City headquarters, where he headed an executive recruiting team. He retired early and had a second career working in outplacement, where he enjoyed helping people find jobs. Actively involved in his community, he started a girls basketball league at the Darien YMCA and was a founder of the Darien Nature Center and Friends of Woodland Park. He served on the board of the Friends of Sengekontacket and United Way, and was on the Board of Selectmen for the town of Darien and the Board of the Democratic Town Committee. He was also president of the Brown Club of Fairfield County. In his 70s he trained and volunteered as an EMT for Tri-Town Ambulance Service and he delivered meals for Meals on Wheels each Tuesday. He is survived by his wife, Connie; daughters Margaret ’87 and Georgia ’89; two sons-in-law; four grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and 18 nieces and nephews.
Donald MacKenzie III ’58, of Concord, Mass., formerly of Acton, Mass.; Sept. 24. After Brown he briefly worked for Mobil Oil Co. and then joined New England Telephone, the beginning of his career in the telephone industry. He held managerial positions there as well as at AT&T and Bell, and was chairman and CEO of NYNEX Information Resources. In the two years prior to his retirement, he was president of the Telephone Pioneers of America. In retirement, he began a charitable foundation fund and was involved with many boards, including Boston Urban Ministries, Acton Library Foundation, and the Discovery Museum. For 40 years he was the moderator for the town of Acton, the longest serving moderator in the town’s history and one of the longest in the state. He also served nine and a half years as chairman of the personnel board. He was a strong believer in volunteerism and giving to the community; he served as president of the Mass Moderators Association. He enjoyed playing golf and tennis and is survived by his wife, Patricia Pennal Mac-
Kenzie ’59; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and two nieces.
George A. Benway Jr. ’58, of Mashpee, Mass.; Oct. 6. After Brown he enlisted in the U.S. Navy Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I., and served on the USS Hartley during the Cuban Missile Crisis naval blockade. Later he taught at the Officer Candidate School. Upon discharge from the military, he married and moved to Mashpee, where he raised a family and started his firm, Benway Real Estate. He was a Mashpee selectman for many years and was proud to be the first Cape Cod Commissioner for the Town of Mashpee. In later years he also served as the Mashpee town moderator. When not busy with his real estate business or Mashpee town business, he was an avid boater. He enjoyed winter skiing, gardening, cooking, and spending time with family. He is survived by three sons and their spouses, six grandchildren, and his former wife, Carolyn McDonald Benway.
Robert A. Wood ’58, of Placida, Fla.; July 3. He moved to Florida after retiring from his career in the investment business. He enjoyed playing golf, chocolate chip cookies, and making people laugh. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; three children; three grandchildren; a sister; and many nieces and nephews.
Stuart E. Money ’58, of Jersey City, N.J.; July 24, after a brief illness. He had a career in financial management. He began working for Texas Instruments, then served as executive director of St. Luke in the Fields Church in Greenwich Village, and retired in 2007 as executive director of the Archdiocesan Investment Fund of the Episcopal Church of New York. He enjoyed history, the origins of language, classical music, and traveling.
Peter Megrdichian ’58, of Cranston, R.I.; July 10. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he attended Brown and later earned a master’s in public administration from URI. He entered state service at the Department of Personnel in 1960 and in 1968 was promoted to assistant hospital administrator at Rhode Island Hospital. In 1974, he was promoted to chief administrative officer. It was during his tenure the hospital achieved accreditation from the Joint Commission of Hospitals. He retired from state service in July 1989 and entered private business. He worked in real estate and was an administrator in a home health care company. He retired permanently in 1993. He was an active member of the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America, was past commander of the Knights of Vartan Arax Lodge and past master of the Fraternal Order of Masons, and served on the board of directors for the Cranston YMCA. He enjoyed playing softball and was a Boston Red Sox and New York Giants fan. He is survived by his wife, Lucy; two sons and daughters-in-law; four grandchildren; a sister; and brother Michael ’59.
Connie Engle Black ’58, of Hendersonville, N.C.; Aug. 12, from complications of a stroke. After college, she traveled to Germany as part of an exchange program, Experiment in International Living, and learned to speak the language there. When the program ended, she stayed on working as a civilian employee of the U.S. Army in Nuremberg, where she met her future husband. They lived in Indiana and she received a master’s in library science from Indiana University. They relocated to New York, where she began a family and worked at the Spring Valley Public Library and the White Plains Public Library. In 1978, the family moved to Michigan and she worked at Wayne State University Library and the Michigan Library Consortium. During that time, she obtained a second master’s in administration from Michigan State University. She retired in 1992 to North Carolina, where she and her husband built a log home on 22 acres of forested land in the mountains, though she continued to work with the Downtown Hendersonville Development Project and later at the cataloging department at Brevard College. She enjoyed traveling and is survived by her husband, Earl; two sons; and a granddaughter.
James V. Thomas ’58, of Middleborough, Mass.; May 25. In addition to Brown, he attended the Aetna Insurance School in Hartford, Conn., and Northeast Broadcast School in Boston. After his military service, he was honorably discharged in 1962 and for many years worked as a licensed broker in the insurance agency established by his father. He also worked as a machine operator for Ocean Spray and a shipper/receiver for Talbots. He was active in his community and served in several elected positions during his lifetime, including deacon of Central Congregational Church and two terms as town moderator. In the late 1970s, he cofounded and published The Nemasket River Journal, whose opinion pages espoused his beliefs of a free press, the power of the individual, transparency, and accountability. He was an accomplished bridge player who attained a Life Master designation from the American Contract Bridge League. He also enjoyed reading and sports, was an aficionado of the Great American Songbook, and was an amateur musician who participated in local musical reviews. He was the original bass drummer for the Middleborough Chowder & Marching Society. He is survived by his wife, Priscilla; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; a sister; and nieces and nephews.
Henry Meade Summers ’58, of Saint Louis, Mo.; May 26, of a heart attack after a long illness. After Brown he went on to graduate from the University of Michigan Law School and started practicing law at the former Thompson Mitchell firm. He was involved in the area of historic preservation. He was an officer of the board of trustees of Landmarks Association of St. Louis and served as its president in the 1970s. He funded The H. Meade Summers Jr. Award for Lifetime Contribution for Historic Preservation and additionally served on the board of trustees of the Missouri Historical Society and the Missouri History Museum in the 1980s and was chairman of the Missouri State Bicentennial Commission. He enjoyed singing and was a former member of Brown’s Jabberwocks. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and six grandchildren.
Edwin A. Levy ’58, of Boca Raton, Fla., formerly of New York City; May 28. He was a businessman, investor, and philanthropist, and the cofounder of Levy, Harkins & Co., Inc., an investment advisory firm started in 1979, where he served as chairman of the board. For 20 years prior, he worked at Bear, Stearns & Co., becoming a general partner in 1971. He joined the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s board of directors in 2002. An avid golfer, he channeled his passion for the sport as the creator of the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s annual golf fundraiser “Breaking PARkinson’s.” He was also involved with Bound for College, a local Florida charity providing college-readiness resources to disadvantaged students. He is survived by his wife, Carolyne; two sons and daughters-in-law; three grandchildren; a sister; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.
Thomas C. Jones ’58, of Palm City, Fla.; Aug. 12, 2020. Following his service in the U.S. Navy, he earned an MBA at Harvard Business School followed by a career in marketing and management consulting, eventually forming his own firm, Tom Jones and Company, which he led until his retirement. In later years, he and his second wife, Erna Bazlen Jones, moved to a farm in Whiting, Vt., where he continued his love of the outdoors, sports, and travel, until eventually settling in Florida. He ran in both the New York City and Boston marathons. A longtime lover of the opera, he spent many years on the board of the Opera Company of Middlebury, Vt. He is survived by his wife, Erna; three children and their spouses, including son Michael ’85; two stepchildren and their spouses; four grandchildren; and many nephews.
Kevit R. Cook ’58, of Palm Beach, Fla.; Apr. 28. He was an avid sportsman and member of the Northeast Harbor Tennis Club. He is survived by his wife, Gail; two daughters, including Cecily Cook ’85; and three grandchildren.
Jack Coffin Jr. ’58, of Sebring, Fla.; June 23. His education at Brown was interrupted by military service in Korea in 1953-1954, after which he resumed his studies and was a member of the football team. After graduating, he was employed with Procter & Gamble for 35 years and later became the owner of Pilgrim Stables at Pompano Park in Pompano Beach, Fla., where he enjoyed participation in harness racing. He was a communicant and Vestry member of St. Matthews Parish in Jamestown, R.I. for many years and became a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #4300 in Sebring. He enjoyed golf, cooking authentic Chinese dishes, watching sports with his sons, and movies with his daughter. He was an avid fan and collector of all things John Wayne. He is survived by three children, two grandsons, a great-grandson, a sister, and a brother.
Nathaniel B. Atwater ’64 AM (see ’58).
Andree J. Guay Wells ’58, of Nashville; Dec. 16. After earning a master’s in public health from Johns Hopkins University, she worked for many years as a public health nurse, a nursing supervisor and a professor of nursing. She is survived by three children and their spouses and 10 grandchildren.
Kenneth A. Kurze ’58, of Middletown, R.I.; Feb. 24. In 1959, he became a U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Officer and throughout his 30-year service traveled to India, Nepal, Morocco, France, Barbados, and Austria. He and his wife raised their four children on four continents. He was fluent in German, French, and Hindi. In 1982, he completed the U.S. Naval War College Senior Course in Newport, R.I. He received the U.S. Department of State’s Individual Meritorious Honor Award for his handling of political affairs at the U.S. Consulate in Bombay during the 1971-72 Bangladesh War crisis, and the Individual Superior Honor Award for his actions on Grenada to assess the political situation and to ensure the safety of Americans on the eve of the 1983 U.S. invasion/intervention. He retired to Middletown in 1989 and was active in the community. He was an accomplished pianist, an occasional painter, and an avid philatelist. He is survived by daughter Barbara Kurze ’82; three sons; a daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren.
Edward S. Flattau ’58, of Washington, D.C.; Apr. 8, of prostate cancer. He attended Columbia Law School but left after two years to begin his journalism career as a general assignment reporter with United Press International Albany (N.Y.) Bureau. In 1964, he became a political correspondent for UPI in New York State and in 1967, he transferred to UPI’s Washington bureau, where his beat included Congress, various federal agencies and on occasion, the White House. His prize-winning column first appeared when he took over the assignment from the late former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall. His Washington-based column has appeared in as many as 120 daily newspapers at various times during the past five decades. He won 10 national journalism awards, reported from five different continents, and covered the key issues and figures associated with modern day environmentalism. In 2011, the Washingtonian Magazine named him the “Best Columnist” in the nation’s capital. He is the author of numerous books. He was a member of the U.S. Army Reserves and the Society of Environmental Journalists. He is survived by his wife, Pamela; a daughter; and son Jeremy ’01.
Domenic E. D’Eramo ’58, of Millis, Mass.; Mar. 18, after a long illness. After working for Consolidated Edison on Staten Island, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He married in 1961 and settled in Millis in 1967. From 1962 to 1999 he worked for Sverdrup Corporation, beginning as a project manager, and ascended to regional executive working out of the company’s Boston office. He worked on or managed major construction projects, such as the Red Line Extension from Harvard Square to Alewife Station, the Ted Williams Tunnel, and the Old Colony Railroad Restoration project. After retiring from Sverdrup he worked for Rizzo & Associates, where he was part of the team designing the infrastructure for Gillette Stadium. A longtime member of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers (BSCE), he was one of the founders of the Engineering Center, a nonprofit dedicated to the development of young engineers. He also served as BSCE president in the late 1980s and was named a fellow by BSCE. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and served two terms on the Millis Board of Public Works. He enjoyed traveling with family and friends. He is survived by his wife, Janet; three children and their spouses; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Nathaniel B. Atwater ’58, ’64 AM, of Little Compton, R.I.; Feb. 11. He earned a PhD in medieval literature from Exeter University in England and taught English at UMass Dartmouth. He retired in 1991. In retirement he served two terms as president of the Little Compton Historical Society. He enjoyed working in his vegetable garden, Indian artifact hunting, and fishing. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; two grandsons; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.
Judith Lamb Juncker ’58, of Limerick, Me.; Feb. 11. She worked in the Gloucester Public Schools teaching second grade at Veteran’s Memorial School until her retirement. She also worked at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor. She was an active member of the Annisquam Village Church, a librarian at the Annisquam Village Library, and a member of the Chorus North Shore, Annisquam Sewing Circle, and Maine Mineralogical Society. She is survived by three children and their spouses; six grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren; two sisters; and a brother-in-law.
William E. Williams Jr. ’58, of Campton, N.H.; Nov. 1, after a short period of declining health. He had a career in real estate sales and development in New Jersey and with the Dunning Home Group in Hopkinton, N.H. He served two terms in the N.H. General Court and two terms on the Select Board in Sugar Hill. In retirement, he worked for the beaches in Wells and Ogunquit, Maine. In addition, he and his second wife operated the Inn at Skunk Hollow in Sugar Hill for almost eight years. He was an accomplished ice hockey official and past president of the National Ice Hockey Association for metropolitan New York and New Jersey, as well as a soccer official for almost 40 years and a baseball official in both New Jersey and New Hampshire. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He is survived by his wife, Lee; four children and their spouses; a stepson and his wife; nine grandchildren; one step-grandson; nine great-grandchildren; and a nephew.
Robert W. Westgate ’58, of Newington, Conn.; Dec. 7, of complications related to COVID-19. He spent three years as an officer in the U.S. Navy deployed in Europe and throughout the Mediterranean. In 1964, he and his family moved to Newington and he began his career as a safety engineer at Travelers Insurance Company. He earned his MBA at night from the University of Hartford and spent 20 years as an evening instructor at Central Connecticut State University teaching organizational behavior and management courses. He sang in the Silk City Men’s Chorus and enjoyed woodworking projects and traveling to Maine. He is survived by his wife, Betty; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons and daughters-in-law; and eight grandchildren.
Harold A. Meyer Jr. ’58, of Washington, Conn., formerly of Ridgewood, N.J.; Nov. 8. He was active in the Brown University Club of NYC and New Jersey and involved with many local community activities. He is survived by his wife, Louise Burdett Meyer ’59; a daughter and son-in-law; son, Harold III ’86; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Calvin E. Horsman ’58, of Denville, N.J.; Nov. 1, following a brief illness. Upon graduation from Brown and after serving in the U.S. Army, he returned to New Jersey to raise his family and pursue a career in insurance. He operated his own insurance agency in Morristown for years before retiring. He was a supporter of various local and regional charitable organizations and a longtime member of Saint Mary’s Church (Denville) and the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick Morris County. He is survived by a daughter, a son, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, three sisters, and many nieces and nephews.
Walter W. Fisher Jr. ’58, of Brookfield, Conn.; Jan. 23, 2020. He worked at MetLife in New York City and in the late 1960s accepted a position at Lederle Laboratories in Pearl River, N.Y. In 1974, the family relocated to Candlewood Shores in Brookfield, where they shared many years of adventure and happiness. Walter was a production manager for Davis & Geck for 35 years and in retirement remained active by doing volunteer work at the Congregational Church of Brookfield and at the Brookfield Library. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserves and enjoyed traveling to England, France, Scotland, and Hawaii and spending time at his Bermuda timeshare. He is survived by three children, seven grandchildren, a sister, and a brother.
E. Robert Finnegan ’58, of Ormond Beach, Fla., formerly of Madison, Conn.; Oct. 24, after a long illness. He was a disaster recovery specialist with FEMA for 20 years and managed the 9/11 disaster relief center for FEMA in lower Manhattan. He spent time in Guam, Hawaii, and locations throughout the U.S. for months at a time after hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Prior to that, he was an owner of Beazley Realtors in Clinton, Conn., and during the 1970s he was principal of Daniel Hand High School in Madison, and East Hampton High School (Conn.). He enjoyed carpentry and sports, which included announcing the Friday night football games for Daniel Hand High School for years, and was an avid New York Yankees and Giants fan. He is survived by his wife, Carol; four children and their spouses, including daughter Kim Finnegan Drexler ’82; two stepchildren; and nine grandchildren.
Nancy Burgatti Dunleavy ’58, of Ocala, Fla., formerly of Miami, Cherry Hill, N.J., and Stratford, Conn.; Sept. 24. While living in Cherry Hill, she and her husband started Cherrydun, a kennel that bred Sealyham terriers. They moved to Stratford, were involved in the theater community, and began raising four foster children. In 1980 they moved to Miami, where Nancy worked for the U.S. Passport Office and continued to raise Sealyhams as well as perform volunteer work. In 2006, after her husband’s retirement, they moved to Ocala and advanced from dog breeders and trainers to judges and mentors. She is survived by a sister; a brother; brother-in-law Thomas Dunleavy ’60; and six nieces and nephews.
John W. Brown ’58, of La Jolla, Calif.; Sept. 15. He graduated from UConn School of Law and began his legal practice in Greenwich, Conn., specializing in trusts and estate planning. In 1974, he and his family relocated to La Jolla, where he established the estate planning division of Jenkins & Perry. He was later a founding member of Brown, MacDonald & Ravin. John played significant leadership roles in many local professional arts and charitable organizations over the years. He served as chair of the Estate Planning Trust & Probate Section of the San Diego County Bar Association and the La Jolla Probate Section. He was a longtime member and past president of the Rotary Club of La Jolla and also served on the boards of the San Diego Symphony, the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, the San Diego Brown Club, and New Entra Casa. His wife became a federal prosecutor in the 1970s, and the two combined their practices and formed Brown & Brown in 1988. Their daughter Meredith Brown ’87 joined the firm in 1991, and John continued to practice with Brown & Brown until his death. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; two daughters; and two grandchildren.
Robert M. Barta ’58, of Maynard, Mass.; Sept. 29. He worked for General Dynamics Electric Boat Company until moving in 1965 to Rockville, Md., where he worked for the Vitro Corporation. In 1973, he moved with his family to Maynard and worked for Dynamic Research Corporation and later for the Bradford Corporation, retiring in 1996 after 22 years as a reliability engineer for Naval Sea Systems Command. He enjoyed grilling, traveling, and working on jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles and had a passion for partaking in Revolutionary War reenactment. He was a member of Theta Delta Chi. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a daughter; three sons and daughters-in-law; five grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter.
Charles Paley ’58, of Providence; July 25. He survived COVID-19 pneumonia only to succumb to a wound infection acquired during his recovery. He served in the Army National Guard while employed in retail management positions by W.T. Grant. Later in life, after earning a master’s in social work from Hunter College, he joined the psychiatry department at Metropolitan Hospital. He completed Hunter’s post-master’s program in individual therapy and started a part-time private practice, which he operated until 2007. He enjoyed being a member of The Remsenburg Association and the Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons, and despite Parkinson’s progression, he enjoyed grandchildren visits and wearing his 50th Reunion Brown cap. He is survived by his wife, Ann-Marie; a son and daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.
Michael F. Larratt ’58, of Winter Park, Fla.; July 18, 2019, of complications of Parkinson’s. He is survived by his wife, Eileen Kleemeyer-Larratt; four sons and their spouses; and nine grandchildren.
Ronald J. Darling ’58, of Tampa, Fla.; June 26. He obtained his Doctor of Medicine at Marquette University School of Medicine and served in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1963 through 1971 with the 452nd General Hospital. After completing his residency in otolaryngology with the Wood Veterans Administration Center and with the Marquette University School of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals, he practiced full-time at the Veterans Administration and held the position of instructor of surgery at the Marquette University School of Medicine. In 1968, he opened his ENT practice at Moreland Ear Nose and Throat Group in Waukesha and continued to practice until he had a stroke in 2012. He enjoyed making people happy by telling bad jokes and silly limericks. He is survived by his wife, Jane; three children, including son Fritz ’97; seven grandchildren; and a brother.
Barbara Whipple Chaplin ’58, of Portland, Ore., formerly of Madison, Conn.; Nov. 26, 2019, after a short illness. She was an English teacher and traveled extensively before settling in Connecticut, where she spent countless hours as a volunteer and supporter of local Madison public school programs, recreational and sports team organizations, and church and charitable organizations. After raising her sons, she earned her master’s degree in psychology and served as a volunteer for numerous years in rehabilitation hospital service programs. In 1994, she moved to Oregon and was a volunteer at Metropolitan Family Service. She is survived by four sons and their spouses, nine grandchildren, and a brother, Raymond Chaplin ’63.
Diane Demirjian Markarian ’58, of Bethesda, Md.; July 2. She taught elementary school in Warwick, R.I., and in Anne Arundel County, Md., and later held various professional roles with Old Colony Bank, Mass. She served as chair of the Hopedale School Committee, Mass., and was a longstanding member and officer of the Portsmouth Garden Club, R.I. She enjoyed antiques, playing bridge, tennis, dancing, skiing, gardening, crocheting, knitting, sewing, solving crossword puzzles, and cooking. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Shant Markarian ’54; a daughter, Kris Markarian ’84; two sons; two grandchildren; three sisters, including Virginia Demirjian Dadourian ’59; and 12 nieces and nephews.
Thomas M. Wilson III ’58, of Baltimore; Apr. 24. After serving two years in the U.S. Army in Germany, he married and moved to Baltimore, where he worked in sales for Mid-Eastern Box Company. He earned his JD from the University of Maryland School of Law in 1971 and in 1974 established the State of Maryland’s Antitrust Division, which he headed for five years. He successfully defended before the U.S. Supreme Court on antitrust and commerce-clause constitutional issues. In 1979 he joined Tydings & Rosenberg, where he developed and chaired the firm’s antitrust practice. He lectured and published in the U.S. and abroad on antitrust and trade regulations issues, as well as testifying before Congress. A former fellow of the American Bar Foundation, he was selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America every year from 2007 and was named “Lawyer of the Year” in Baltimore for his antitrust litigation practice by the same publication in 2014. He retired from Tydings Law in 2017. He enjoyed traveling and attending the opera and was a fan of the Baltimore Orioles and Ravens. He is survived by three children and four grandchildren.
W. Scott Roberts ’58, of Scituate, Mass.; June 1. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he attended Brown, where he was treasurer of Phi Gamma Delta. After graduation, he joined the Gillette Company as a sales representative in New York City. Over the next 40 years he held many positions there, was recognized with numerous industry awards, and retired as corporate vice president of trade relations in 1999. He volunteered for the town of Scituate, chairing the town advisory committee and helping preserve conservation land. He was a Bruins, Pats, and Sox fan and especially enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Pat; three children, including son Scott Roberts ’88; nine grandchildren; and 17 nieces and nephews.
David B. Peterson ’58, of Melbourne, Fla.; Apr. 18. While at Brown, he enrolled in the ROTC program, then entered the U.S. Marine Corp and was discharged with the rank of captain. He spent most of his career working for the RCA Corp., assisting with the space tracking program. He was a member of a Unitarian Universalist congregation and participated on many committees. He enjoyed solving Sudoku and crossword puzzles and reading two newspapers a day. He is survived by a brother and several nieces and nephews.
Donald C. Dowling ’58, of Boynton Beach, Fla.; Apr. 12. He was a lawyer whose criminal and civil career spanned 52 years and three countries. In 1961, he became a field research associate of the American Bar Foundation, studying law and procedures concerning the commitment and discharge of the mentally ill. He then moved to Chicago and entered private practice, specializing in trial work, until accepting an appointment as the National Defender Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School. A position with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to work on aspects of the Portuguese penal code in Lisbon followed. After returning to the U.S., he worked at GTE International in New York City, then practiced for 33 years as chief trial attorney and head of the Capital Division in the office of the Public Defender in Palm Beach County, Florida. He started his own civil and criminal practice and then later became a partner at Spinner, Dittman, Federspiel & Dowling. He is survived by his wife, Andree Marie-Therese; three children and their spouses, including Luc Dowling ’98; five grandchildren; a sister; two brothers; and several nieces and nephews.
Robert R. Cole ’58, of Westwood, Mass., formerly of Darien, Conn.; June 11. He started his career at Citibank in 1961 and moved to MacKay Shields in 1966, where he was a partner for 22 years. In 1988, he cofounded White Oak Capital Management and ran the business for the remainder of his career. He was a member of several golf and country clubs and an avid tennis and paddle tennis player. He enjoyed traveling and spending summers in Little Compton, R.I., with his family and friends. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two daughters; a son-in-law; seven grandchildren; and a sister.
Jane Horwich Weinberg ’58, of Fair Lawn, N.J.; Mar. 28. She was a teacher in the public school system prior to starting her own SAT tutoring business and helping students reach their college goals over a span of 40 years. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses, and two grandchildren.
Martin E. Plaut ’58, of Buffalo, N.Y.; Feb. 17. For four decades he was a professor of medicine at SUNY-University at Buffalo School of Medicine. He taught internal medicine at Buffalo General Hospital and Sisters of Charity Hospital in Buffalo. He was a 50-year member and past president of the Roswell Park Medical Club in Buffalo and a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the Infectious Disease Society of America. At the time of his death, he was preparing a talk on the novel coronavirus. In addition to scholarly research, he published three novels and The Doctor’s Guide to You and Your Colon. He regularly attended performances at the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and enjoyed visiting art galleries and reading the New York Times. He is survived by his wife, Sharon; two daughters; son Benjamin ’91; two grandchildren; and a brother.
Fred “Woody” Nordenholz ’58, of WinstonSalem, N.C.; Mar. 7. He began his career at Western Electric and served in various management positions before leaving in 1986 to accept the position of president of the Greater Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce. In retirement, both he and his wife earned master’s of arts degrees in liberal studies at UNC at Greensboro. He enjoyed reading and had a special interest in American history and politics. He also enjoyed cross country skiing at The Home Ranch in Clark, Colo., which was a special place for him, having arranged for a group of children with cancer and their families to spend a week of healing and equine therapy there. He is survived by his wife, Lillian; two daughters; and a son-in-law.
Peter C. Charron ’58, of Gulfport, Fla.; Feb. 24. He served two years in the U.S. Air Force followed by a computer position with RCA at Cape Canaveral, then went to IBM, where he worked for 28 years. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; four children; four grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
Frank D. Young ’58, of Kennett Square, Pa.; Jan. 17. He attended Brown and ran track for one year before transferring to the U.S. Naval Academy. He had a varied career as a naval officer, field training engineer, high school math teacher, and computer programmer. He was an avid runner, active in his community, and volunteered with several organizations, including the Freeport Historical Society and the Nassau County Math Teachers Assoc. He is survived by his wife, Carol Ann; two daughters and sons-in-law; two sons and daughters-in-law; 11 grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
Henry E. Jakubiak ’58 of Glen Cove, N.Y.; Nov. 14, of cancer. He had a career as an economist for the International Monetary Fund. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter; a son; and two sisters.
John Downes ’58, of Bridgeport, Conn.; Aug. 8, 2019, after a short illness. He was the author of many books and was a financial consultant and writer whose career encompassed banking, corporate and public finance, and investor relations. His books included Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms, The Barron’s Finance and Investment Handbook, and Investing and Personal Finance: Thriving in Today’s Investment Landscape. In addition to being a follower of current events and an avid reader, he was also a jazz pianist. He is survived by daughter Anne Downes Whelan ’91; two grandchildren; four sisters; nephew Hugh Nicholson ’88; and his former wife, Katherine Downes.
Judith Applegate ’58, of Princeton, N.J.; Dec. 3, after a long illness. She ran a successful antiques business in Massachusetts and Connecticut before returning to New Jersey in 1994. She held various adjunct teaching positions throughout her career, most recently with the Cooper-Hewitt Museum graduate program, the Bard Graduate Center, and the Fashion Institute of Technology. Her professional career in the arts included work as an assistant curator with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; director of education and chief curator at the deCordova Museum (Mass.); director of New York’s Place des Antiquaires; vice president of Citibank Art Advisory Services; and director of Litchfield County Auctions (Conn.). Returning to New Jersey, she enjoyed helping with the Master Gardeners of Mercer County and continued to run her own art and antiques appraisal business before retiring in 2016. She is survived by a daughter, two grandchildren, a niece, and two nephews.
Robert J. Lawton ’58, of Fort Myers, Fla.; Oct. 23. He was an international corporate executive of 27 years in Latin America and Asia. He enjoyed jazz music and sports. He is survived by his wife, Susan; three children; six grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter.
George D. Lamborn ’58, of Vero Beach, Fla.; July 17. He had a long career in the commodities industry. He served numerous financial organizations, among them the Chicago Board of Trade and New York Mercantile Exchanges, the NY Commodities Exchange, as well as markets in London and Asia. In 2005 he was inducted into the Futures Industry Hall of Fame. He enjoyed playing golf, tennis, skiing, fishing, hunting, and traveling. He is survived by four children, a grandchild, a sister, and two former wives.
Richard S. Harrison ’58, of Warwick, R.I.; Oct. 20. He taught biology and biochemistry at Cranston East High School, retiring as director of guidance in 1990. He is survived by his wife, Rose; a daughter; a son; and five grandchildren.
Jane W. Givens ’58, of Frederick, Md.; Nov. 9. She was a special education teacher for Montgomery County Public Schools for 18 years and continued to teach in Frederick County until 2017. She volunteered as a teacher of illiterate adults in the Montgomery County Literacy Council Program and in church educational programs, and for 23 years she was a leader of Recovery Inc., a self-help group for those suffering from nervous disorders. She liked animals, especially dogs, and supported many charities to help protect and care for them. She is survived by her husband, Robert; five children and their spouses; 14 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Martin Bernheimer ’58, of New York City; Sept. 29, of a long battle with sarcoma. He was a former Los Angeles Times music critic and a Pulitzer Prize winner. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1940 and at the age of 14 submitted his first article to Opera News, which was accepted but later scrapped. At Brown, he studied music history and musicology. He also moonlighted as a supernumerary in opera productions with professional companies performing in Boston. As a graduate student back in Munich, he attended the renowned Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, where he studied musicology on a grant from the German state of Bavaria. Around this time, he published his first article in the New York Times, a short piece on Munich opera. Upon returning to the U.S., he enrolled at NYU and was a NYU part-time lecturer. In 1961 he became a temporary music critic at the New York Post and that same year was made a contributing editor for the Musical Courier. From 1962 to 1965, he served as assistant to the music editor of the Saturday Review and managing editor of the Philharmonic Hall Program. He joined the Los Angeles Times in 1965 and became the chief music critic. He stayed with the newspaper for 31 years and won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism in 1982 and ASCAP’s Deems Taylor Award in 1974 and 1978. He was a member of several music-related education programs and became a faculty member of the Rockefeller program for the training of music critics at USC in 1966. In 1969 he joined the music faculty of UCLA and in 1982 became an honorary member of Pi Kappa Lambda. He was a regular lecturer and taught criticism at Cal State Northridge, San Diego State, and California Institute of the Arts. After leaving the paper, he served as a correspondent in New York for the London-based Financial Times covering opera, classical music, and dance. He also served on the board of Opera Magazine. He is survived by his wife, Linda; three daughters; a son; and his former wife, Cindy Bernheimer. (See “Music Appreciation” in the 2012 November/December BAM)
Cynthia N. Peterson ’58, of Petersburg, N.Y.; June 16. After Brown, she went to the Yale School of Architecture. Among her jobs while studying at Yale was working on projects with the noted architect Paul Rudolph. After Yale, she then went to New York City, where she worked for the firm of Davis Brody. While there she worked on design plans for a University of Buffalo renovation, among her many projects. Leaving Davis Brody, she was then a professor of architecture at City College in New York City, a position she held until 1992, when she retired to Petersburg. In her retirement she served as an architectural consultant for the rebuilding of a portion of the public library in Petersburg, and for a while she was a rural mail carrier and even a ski instructor at Jiminy Peak. She donated her body to Albany Medical College and is survived by her sister, Diana Peterson Muzzarelli ’62.
Jean White Mosler ’58, of Hackettstown, N.J.; Aug. 26. She was a library director at Hackettstown Library for many years before retiring. She is survived by many friends.
Alfred U. Howes ’58, of Providence; Aug. 22. He was a licensed navigator in the Merchant Marine for most of his career. He enjoyed spending time at the family farm in North Hero, Vt. and in 2000 donated the property to the Lake Champlain Land Trust. He was active at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church.
Susan Langdon Kass ’58, of San Francisco; June 28. She taught high school biology in the Bay Area, then in 1975 found Scottish Country Dancing. In 1985 she studied for and passed the exam to become a Scottish Country Dance teacher and taught in San Francisco for more than three decades. In 2008 she was recognized for her contributions in promoting the Highland Games with a certificate of appreciation. In addition to Scottish Country Dance, she enjoyed swimming and teaching young children to swim at the UCSF Fitness Center. She also liked gardening. She is survived by her husband, Sid; a daughter; a son; two granddaughters; and two sisters.
Deane K. Fox Jr. ’58, of Lewisville, Tex.; Dec. 3, from Alzheimer’s. He had a career in sales working with the insurance and plastics industries. He retired in 2008 and enjoyed volunteering at the YMCA, sailing, biking, and cooking. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; two daughters and their spouses; four grandchildren; a brother; a sister-in-law; and two nephews.
Judith Riley Doherty ’58, of Westfield, Mass.; May 23, after a seven-year battle with Alzheimer’s. She was the co-owner of Riley’s Sausage Company in Holyoke, Mass. She also worked at ES Sports, Clayton Insurance, and the former Yankee Pedlar Inn in Holyoke. She was active at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church and was a member of the board of directors of Saint Paul’s nursery school. She is survived by two daughters, two sons, two sons-in-law, and two grandchildren.
Joseph Des Roches ’58, of Warwick, R.I.; Feb. 10. He was employed with the Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training for 43 years. He retired in 2008 as chief of employment services. He was an active member of the Rotary Club of Warwick, a former member of the board of directors of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick, and a U.S. Army Korean War veteran. He is survived by his wife, Norma.
Betsy Froehlich Hill ’58, of College Park, Md.; Aug. 11. She taught English as a second language in the Washington, D.C., area for many years. She also served as a docent at the National Gallery of Art and the Corcoran Gallery. She is survived by two daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, a sister, a brother-in-law, and six nieces and nephews.
Thomas B. Bigford ’58, of Williamsburg, Va.; Apr. 11. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he worked for Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, followed by management positions with Carnation in Los Angeles, Ogilvy & Mather in New York, and Ketchum Advertising in San Francisco. He is survived by his wife, Annie; a daughter; a son-in-law; a grandson; two sisters; and a brother.
Edward D. Onanian ’58, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Apr. 1. His career was spent at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C., focusing on labor management relations. Some career highlights included initiating a program for global economic conferences in Paris; being part of an official delegation to Israel led by the U.S. Secretary of Labor; and representing the U.S. in the Geneva economic conferences. He was an active member of the Armenian church and is survived by his wife, Zvart; two daughters; a son-in-law; two grandsons; and a brother.
Lawrence T. Kocher ’58, of Windsor, Calif.; Mar. 16, of complications of Parkinson’s disease. After receiving a master’s degree in education at Harvard, he began his teaching career in Madison, N.J. He moved to California in 1961 and taught at Woodside High School until 1963. He received a master’s degree in history from Stanford and taught at San Carlos High School until 1982. His passion for history earned him a Fulbright Scholarship to India to study in 1967. Upon his retirement, he became a docent at the Immigration Station on Angel Island and a docent at de Young Museum in San Francisco. He became a master gardener and drove for Meals on Wheels, in addition to attending Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Sonoma State Univ. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a son; and a sister.
Neal B. Mitchell ’58, of Northbridge, Mass.; Apr. 8. After graduating from Brown, he received a graduate degree in structural engineering from MIT and was awarded a fellowship to work with engineers and architects including Pier Luigi Nervi in Italy, Eduardo Torroja in Spain, and Manuel Rocha in Portugal. He held teaching positions at RISD, Tufts, Cornell, and Harvard. At the time, he was the youngest assistant professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design at the age of 29 and then the youngest full professor on the Harvard College Faculty, where he started a technology laboratory that achieved an international reputation in teaching innovation and structural engineering. He served on three different Presidential Committees that studied aspects of education in the U.S. In the early 1970s he founded a consulting company that developed a series of management and engineering computer programs that became widely used around the world and marketed by IBM. The firm worked on many industrial and military programs, from the development of the General Motors subsidiary Saturn to the Penguin Missile Program for NATO, as well as many large building and civil engineering projects worldwide. He was recognized as a world leader in program management and lectured worldwide to major Fortune 500 corporations. In 2007 he was the recipient of the Brown Engineering Alumni Medal in recognition of his contribution to the engineering profession. He generously supported undergraduate summer research at the School of Engineering through the Neal B. Mitchell ’58 Award – Systems Thinking Project. He was involved in local government and lent his expertise to several local building, planning, and construction projects. He also helped to develop and teach a systems engineering course to high school students. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and is survived by his wife, Kristin; a daughter; two sons; two daughters-in-law; and five grandchildren.
Catharine Calvo ’58, of Providence; Dec. 5. For 15 years she taught young school children, creating a unique classroom environment while she pursued her theatrical hobby. She guided the development of the Parents Cooperative School in Narragansett, R.I. She was a founding member of the Trinity Repertory Company and worked with the company as a lighting director for two and half years. She was a house manager at Providence Performing Arts Center, vice president of the board, on the production committee of Barker Playhouse, and spent more than 50 years with summer stock and community theater around New England. She experienced every aspect of theater and enjoyed set construction and technical elements. She is survived by a sister and several nieces and nephews.
John P. Hopkins ’58, of Goshen, N.H.; Nov. 13. After teaching at Northeastern Univ. and at a private school in Great Barrington, Mass., he moved to Goshen in 1964 and taught English at Stevens High School in Claremont, N.H. In 1972 he changed career paths and opened a plumbing and heating business. He was also a volunteer firefighter for more than 50 years, a selectman, a school board member, and a budget committee member. He is survived by six children, eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a sister, a brother, and several nieces and nephews.
William H. Tozier ’58, of New York City; May 29. He had a long career in banking, the majority of which was spent in London working for Smith Barney. He retired in 2001. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army National Guard and a member of Sigma Nu. He is survived by two daughters and two sisters.
William R. Starke ’58, of Albuquerque, N. Mex.; May 23. He was the proprietor of the Northern Hotel in Fort Collins, Colo., until its sale in 2000. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and enjoyed both participating in and watching sports. He is survived by five children, 10 grandchildren, and a sister.
Benjamin F. Dudley II ’58, of Falmouth, Me.; June 28, after a brief illness. He worked for many years as a systems analyst for Hannaford Brothers and later was employed with the Maine Turnpike Authority. He enjoyed music, reading, and animals. He is survived by five children.
James Alaimo ’58, of Cumberland, R.I.; May 10. Better known as “Gerry” to the Brown community, came to Brown as a basketball center and left as one of the University’s all-time leading scorers with 1,046 points, having served as co-captain of the Bruins in his senior year, been named to the All-Ivy team, and won the J. Richmond Fales Trophy as the player who had made the greatest contribution to Brown basketball. After graduation he served in the U.S. Army, worked for a short time in the insurance industry and returned to Brown in 1963 to coach the freshman team. After one year, he left to coach Middlebury College basketball, where he remained for five years before returning to Brown as head coach. In 1974 he was inducted into Brown’s Athletic Hall of Fame and in 2006, in recognition of his accomplishments as a player, was named to Brown’s All-Time Team at the 100th anniversary celebration. After 10 years as head coach at Brown (1969-1979), he accepted a position as an administrator in the Providence College athletic department. He retired from Providence College in 2001 as senior associate athletics director and was inducted into the Providence College Athletics Hall of Fame in 2011.
David Jenkins ’58, of Pompano Beach, Fla.; Apr. 18. He was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Church on June 17, 1961, and then to the Sacred Order of Priests on Dec. 23, 1961. He would continue to serve until his passing. He served at churches in the dioceses of Rhode Island, New York, the Windward Islands, and Trinidad and Tobago. From 1970 to 1991 he held multiple administrative and leadership positions at SUNY Albany. In 1991 he took early retirement from academia, bought a sailboat, and headed to the Caribbean to serve. In 2002 he sold the boat and moved to Florida. He is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, nieces, and nephews.
Richard E. Neal ’58, of Andover, Mass.; Jan. 20, of cancer. Following 40 years in education, he retired in 1998 as superintendent of the Andover Public School System. In 1989, he was named Middle Level Administrator of the Year for Massachusetts. An avid sports fan, he coached with Andover Little League and was founder of the Andover Hockey Assoc., where he also coached the Andover Bantam hockey team. In retirement, he worked for another 17 years at the TD Garden in Boston as a guest relations supervisor and was a supervisor for the National Assessment of Educational Progress. He is survived by two daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law, six grandchildren, a brother, and a sister-in-law.
James W. Hanner ’58, ’62 MAT, of Amherst, Mass., formerly of Arcadia, Calif.; Feb. 8. He was a retired financial consultant. He enjoyed singing in the Valley Light Opera and the Hampshire Choral Society. He also enjoyed watching the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by his wife, Martha; a daughter; a sister-in-law; and a brother-in-law.
Charles H. Turner ’58, of Edmonds, Wash.; Jan. 8. He had a private law practice in Chicago in the 1960s, worked in the U.S. Attorney’s office there from 1962 to 1965, and was with the regional solicitor’s office of the U.S. Department of Interior in Portland from 1965 to 1967. He was appointed U.S. Attorney for Oregon under Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush and was lead prosecutor in several highly publicized criminal cases. Among these were the prosecution of the American Indian Movement figures in the aftermath of AIM’s occupation of the Wounded Knee site in South Dakota; the case of a Portland State Univ. professor who plotted to bomb the National Guard armory in Portland; and the case of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and members of his commune for the bioterror attack in The Dalles, Oregon, in which Turner was targeted for assassination. He retired from the U.S. Attorney’s office in 1993. He was a Chicago Cubs fan and enjoyed history, especially Civil War history. He is survived by his wife, Sharol; a daughter; a son; three grandsons; a sister; and a brother.
Joseph A. Santangini ’58, of Providence; Sept. 21.
Edward W. Poitras ’58, of Haines City, Fla., formerly of Winter Haven, Fla.; Dec. 30. At Brown he was a member of the Glee Club and the University Chapel Choir, and worked at WBRU. After graduation and service in the U.S. Army, he worked as a radio broadcaster in Binghamton, N.Y. He later moved to Winter Haven to manage Poitras Groves citrus operations and audition for the Bach Festival Choir of Winter Park, Fla., of which he remained a member for 20 years. He was a member of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church for nearly 50 years and directed its music ministry. He also worked with Christian Prison Ministries and at the time of his death was an officer and treasurer of Faith Alive Ministries. He is survived by his wife, Kay; three daughters and their spouses; six grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and three nieces.
William G. Olsen Jr. ’58, of New Ulm, Tex.; Dec. 24. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, he worked at IBM as a computer programmer. Later he became a consultant in custom programming. He enjoyed building and fixing things, including his home in New Ulm. He also liked cooking and recipe sharing. He is survived by four children, six grandchildren, a sister, and several nieces and nephews.
Charles H. Kershaw III ’58, of Contoocook, N.H., formerly of Barrington, R.I.; Dec. 14. Before joining the U.S. Air Force, he practiced family medicine in Barrington for 15 years. He was a flight surgeon and commander during his 22 years of military service and retired as a colonel. He was a member of the Order of DeMolay and served as a master counselor. He enjoyed sailing, fishing, raising Appaloosa horses, and playing guitar. He is survived by his wife, Joyce; three daughters and their spouses; and eight grandchildren.
Peter Gemski ’58, of Asheville, N.C.; Mar. 15, 2017, of heart failure. He was chief of the Department of Molecular Pathology at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C., from which he retired in 1996. He was a fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and a member of the American Society for Microbiology, Sigma Xi, and Phi Kappa Phi. He enjoyed jazz, playing the trumpet and flugelhorn, and acting as a band leader and arranger. He is survived by his wife, Lenny; a son; a daughter; three grandchildren; a sister, Olga Gemski Robinson ’57; a brother-in-law, John Robinson ’56; and a nephew, Chase Robinson ’85.
Judith Abbott Myers ’58, of Atlanta, Ga.; Oct. 11. She was a homemaker active in her community. She enjoyed playing tennis. She is survived by her husband, Dirck; three daughters; and five grandchildren.
Earle Webster Jr. ’58, of Raleigh, N.C.; Nov. 7. He worked as a sales manager for Blasch Precision Ceramics of New York before retiring to North Carolina. He is survived by his wife, Ethel; a daughter; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Fremont J. Camerino ’58, of Niles, Ohio; Sept. 29.
Ronald E. Oberg ’58, of Glastonbury, Conn.; Sept. 8, of cancer. He was an information systems administrator for the State of Connecticut until he retired in 1998. He was a longtime member of the Glastonbury Yacht Club and is survived by his wife, Mary; three children and their spouses; three grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
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