Class of 1957

Send your news to class secretary Bob Hummerstone or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Feb, 2025
A Stone for the Corner
From the Archives: the origin story of West Quad, now known as Keeney Quad. Read More
Aug, 2024

Ronald E. Baker writes from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: “Thanks for the recent BAM stories on Covid recovery and getting out of an anxiety loop. Here in Canada, we are getting stoic about the drift of world affairs, pandemics, wars, and politics—hoping for the best and planning for the worst. My wife Barbara and I are active in Rotary, our Church, and community programs to help less fortunate people. That gets our minds off all the negativity. Since my return to Canada after 32 years in Europe, I have been interested in precious metals and copper mining as an investor. Since I attended the Prospectors and Developers Association Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention in Toronto this March, we are pleased to see our Canadian gold, copper, and precious metals companies doing very well. I want to meet fellow Brunonians with similar interests in such pursuits, especially in Canada; and to restart the alumni interviewing program for admissions applicants. Please contact me at (519) 586-2176 or [email protected].”

Apr, 2024
12-Step Alternative
A science-based, non-religious recovery program has become #2 after A.A. Read More
Jan, 2024

Arlene Brown Eskilson writes: “My grandson, David Eskilson ’26, who graduated in 2022 as valedictorian from a Chicago public high school, follows two grandparents— John Eskilson ’57 and me—as well as his parents Jordana Friedman ’93 and Stephen Eskilson ’90 AM, ’95 PhD, and aunt Christine Eskilson ’81 to Brown. Yay!”

Nov, 2023

John R. Chandler writes: “My wife, Tina, and I have found a very comfortable cottage on the grounds of Noble Horizons located in Salisbury, Connecticut, where we are now in our third year and enjoying the excellent services that Noble Horizons offers to the cottage residents. I’m still playing golf at a local country club and have even managed to shoot my age on several occasions this season. Having spent most of my working life at the Hotchkiss School, located five miles away, I am pleased to welcome a granddaughter who will enter the school as a ninth grader this fall. Her dad was a member of the class of 1989 at Brown.”

Nov, 2023

Ronald E. Baker and his wife, Barbara, moved from Port Rowan, Ontario, on Lake Erie’s north shore to Unitarian House, a senior retirement center on the Ottawa River just 10 miles north of Parliament Hill. They write they are both in good health and spend winters in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, swimming, sight-seeing, and getting involved in Mexican community service projects sponsored by a local Rotary Club. After a year as president of the Rotary Club of Simcoe, Ontario, in 2022, Ron transferred his membership to the Rotary Club of West Ottawa. Barbara also joined the club. On May 6 they attended a gala Ottawa celebration of the coronation of King Charles III sponsored by the Monarchist League of Canada. Ron writes: “We enjoyed my 65th reunion last year but miss our contacts with the Brown Club of Toronto and interviewing Brown student applicants and hope to meet Brunonians in the Ottawa area to follow similar activities. Please contact us at Unitarian House, 506-20 Cleary Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 3Z9, Canada; [email protected].”

Aug, 2023

Joseph Gerstein writes: “After a successful pilot of the SMART Recovery Program at Danbury Federal Correctional Institute for Women in 1995, I was asked to train 200 federal prison system treatment personnel as SMART Recovery facilitators in 1998. I then obtained a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to create a SMART Correctional Version: InsideOut. This is now being used in 200 prisons and jails globally. A condensed version is being introduced into 250 sober homes and reentry residences under grants from Health Resources and Services Administration and Elevance Health. As a volunteer, I have facilitated almost 800 SMART Recovery meetings in prisons and jails. I presented information about the remarkable efficacy of this program at the request of the director and leadership staff of NIDA. One of the parolees who has benefited from it was subsequently invited as keynote speaker at the NIH/NIDA annual awards ceremony in February.”

Jun, 2023

Ashley Tessmer writes that her mother, Barbara Sears Tessmer ’57, passed away on Nov. 27. See Obituaries.

Apr, 2023

Rev. Arthur B. Williams Jr. was recognized at the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church meeting in Baltimore in July as the senior active bishop of the
Episcopal Church.

Apr, 2023

Judy and George Rollinson continue to enjoy living in the Prestwick Chase retirement community in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. George writes: “Residents are friendly and interesting, and staff members are hard-working and pleasant. Judy fractured her pelvis, but with physical therapy is doing well. I said goodbye to my gall bladder and am doing fine. We enjoyed our time in Florida but are now 1,500 miles closer to our four sons and their families. One son lives 10 minutes from us and has been very helpful. I encourage classmates to voluntarily submit their news to BAM, we enjoy hearing about you.” They were saddened by the loss of George’s brother, John Thomas Rollinson ’60, who passed away in February 2022.

Apr, 2023

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM published Wildcat on the Shoreline with Antrim House Books. Lee writes: “The poems in the book center on the natural world of the Connecticut shoreline as well as on thoughts about death and the spirit, with reflections on art and literature and the literary life.”

Jan, 2023

Judy and George Rollinson continue to enjoy living in Prestwick Chase, a retirement community in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. George writes: “Residents are friendly and the staff does a fine job managing a complex of about 200 people.” They are in regular contact with their four sons, who live in Greenfield Center, N.Y., Hadley and Bedford, Mass., and Middletown, R.I. They enjoy good health, although in this chapter in their lives they have regular medical appointments. George is saddened by the passing of his brother, John Thomas Rollinson ’60 on February 21 (see September-October ’22 Obituaries).   


Nov, 2022

Joe Gerstein writes: “I was the founding president of SMART Recovery [Self-Management Addiction Recovery Training] in 1994 and I am still on the board. SMART’s handbook was recently published in Haitian Creole and Japanese, its 15th and 16th languages.Recent grants from Health Resources & Services Administration to introduce SMART into 100 rural county sober homes and Anthem Health to introduce SMART into 150 sober homes in 14 states are in progress. Visit”

Nov, 2022

Barbara and Ron Baker came from Ottawa, Canada, to join the 65th Class reunion with 14 classmates present who included: Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco, Phil Abbatomarco, Sandra Sundquist DurfeeJack Giddings, BG Goff, Raya McCully Goff ’58, Barbie Davies Ramsdell,  J. J. (Pete) Roe III, Cliff Slater, Barbara Sears Tessmer, Tom Wiener, Louise Ladd Wiener ’58,  Marilyn Mapes Yeutter, and Bruce Yeutter. Ron writes: “On a bright Sunday morning, a jolly gang of four (Bruce, Pete, Ron, and Tom) carried the 1957 banner, helping lead a group of oldest grads down College Hill. We were met by thunderous applause and loud cheers from a huge crowd: faculty, Class of ’22, and alumni. A grand finale for our Class of ’57, “ever
true to Brown.”

Aug, 2022

The Harris County Medical Society and the Houston Academy of Medicine named Augustus White the winner of the John P. McGovern Compleat Physician Award during the groups’ Installation of Officers & Leadership Recognition ceremony held Feb. 25. The annual national award recognizes the physician who embodies the ideals of Sir William Osler: medical excellence, humane and ethical care, commitment to medical humanities and writing, research, and harmony between the academic and medical practitioner. Dr. White’s commitment to excellence is demonstrated by his continued contributions to the field of orthopedics. Throughout his more than 60-year career, he has excelled as a teacher, mentor, and humanitarian caregiver. His focus has been on humanitarian patient care and concern for social justice, including writing several books highlighting disparities in healthcare. In July 2020, Boston’s Augustus A. White III Institute for Healthcare Equity was established with the mission of ensuring “equitable care to minority communities through communicating and mobilizing best practices across the healthcare ecosystem.”

Jun, 2022

Dorothy Crews Herzberg writes: “My sixth book, Sharing the Journey, Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, is available on Amazon and I think it’s the best one. I’ve been a Unitarian for more than 70 years, but a member of UUCB for 30 years. It’s a story of the life of the congregation for the past 30 years, and a resource book for ministerial candidates and new ministers for our congregation. I completed it just before getting a lumpectomy and radiation, which required rest. I keep up a weekly game of Scrabble and serve on a couple of boards and some committees, but this may be my last book…who knows?”


Jan, 2022

Joe Gerstein writes: “After a successful pilot in sober homes and reentry programs in Oregon, Montana, and Kentucky, in conjunction with the Fletcher Group (Ernie Fletcher, a former Governor of Kentucky), I was able to obtain a grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration to introduce the SMART Recovery (Self-Management Addiction Recovery Training) ‘Successful Life Skills with InsideOut Tools’ correctional program (funded by NIDA) into 100 rural county sober homes and reentry programs throughout the United States. The SMART Recovery Program is evidence-based, abstinence-oriented, and self-empowering. Its free, mutual-aid meetings, which are run by trained facilitators, are available in 23 countries:”

Aug, 2021

Norman Bolotow writes: “After 49 years of living on the Warren River in Barrington, Rhode Island, I have relocated to Laurelmead, an adult cooperative community on Blackstone Boulevard in Providence, which is very close to where I grew up and my family lived until 1963.”

Jun, 2021

Joe Gerstein writes: “Although well on the way to my 85th birthday, I have enough energy to remain deeply involved with my favorite charity: SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training). At the onslaught of the pandemic we had to move rapidly from 27 online meetings to 800 in order to provide forums for the participants in our 3,500 global free, weekly mutual-aid meetings. In the course of this development, we added Zoom meetings in Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian. The SMART Recovery Handbook has been published in 16 languages with four more in preparation (Japanese, Haitian Creole, Punjabi, and Hebrew, with a grant from the Israeli Government). receives almost 2,000,000 unique visitors annually.”

Apr, 2021

Jon Land (see Augustus White III ’57).

Apr, 2021

John G. R. Wolfe writes: “I’ve started a major, five-year, grassroots campaign to help a small nonprofit rescue and restore a derelict tall ship, Falls of Clyde of Honolulu. 2021 is a critical year; she’s threatened with destruction if not soon moved. Scotland will restore her when she’s moved to Glasgow. No space here for details; more at”

Apr, 2021

Ronald E. Baker writes from Port Rowan, Ontario, on the North Shore of Lake Erie: “We continue to ‘survive and thrive’ here in Canada, safe from COVID-19 since March 2020. As president of the Rotary Club of Simcoe, I’m very active, meeting every week on Zoom. Projects to help the poor and disadvantaged, end polio, and clean the environment around the world continue. We seek reliable partners in Mexico and Haiti for schools and water well development. Our next big effort is on Earth Day, April 24, 2021: We join with hundreds of Rotary partners and volunteers to clean up the shores of plastic waste on all the Great Lakes in the U.S. and Canada. Please, classmates, join us. Let me know at [email protected] or (519)-586-2176 if you can partner with us in this major effort. I also hope to hear more from Marilyn Mapes Yeutter about our reunion plans for 2022.”

Apr, 2021

Augustus White III coauthored Overcoming: Lessons in Triumphing over Adversity and the Power of Our Common Humanity with Jon Land ’79 and David Chanoff. Overcoming follows White’s journey pursuing his dream of becoming a surgeon and breaking several “color barriers” in the process. (see Beyond the Gates pg. 38) 

Apr, 2021

Janet Rowden Mergenthaler moved to a senior living residence in Southport, Conn. She has five married children and 12 grandchildren. Her husband, Francis, passed away in 2019. Contact Janet at 917 Mill Hill Terrace, Southport, CT 06890. 

Mar, 2021
Getting Through It
How do some people thrive despite adversity? Read More
Nov, 2020

Dorothy Crews Herzberg self-published her fifth book, Through the Writer’s Eye. The book compiles stories and poems from 17 of her writing group’s participants. Every Monday morning, the writing group reads a poem, writes spontaneously, and shares. Dorothy will also be included in Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Edition

Aug, 2020

Ronald E. Baker writes from Port Rowan, Ontario, Canada, on the North Shore of Lake Erie. “Still active and healthy (no COVID-19 here yet). On December 21, I was married to Barbara Ann Hill-Holland. We began our honeymoon travels with families in Baltimore and Florida; then Mexico in January and February, returning to Canada just before the national quarantine started. On July 1, I took over as president of the Rotary Club of Simcoe, Ontario. We’re now very active online as a community service club helping many needy causes in Canada and abroad. When the Canada/USA border opens again we will surely attend my 65th. I’m still able to march down the hill.” 

Jun, 2020

Judith Corbett Bartow and her husband, Arthur, sold their upstate mountain house and are back at home full-time in New York City. Judy is writing fiction again and has just published Last Chances, a story collection, with Page Publishing. Arthur is busy writing a memoir of his life in theatre, and daughter Joanna currently chairs the Department of International Languages and Cultures at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Apr, 2020

Gus A. White III was the Feb. 27 guest speaker for the Black History Month Fireside Chat Series, sponsored by the Offices of Diversity and Inclusion of the Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He was also a plenary session speaker for the 2019 Annual Medical Education Conference of the Student National Medical Association. The session was entitled, “First Among Firsts: Breaking down barriers and defining the leadership path” held in Philadelphia on April 18, 2019. On May 9, Gus presented the Dr. Augustus A. White III and Family Faculty Professionalism Award at Stanford School of Medicine. In mid-May, Gus led a “Fireside Chat” presentation at the Feagin Leadership Forum at Duke University, a program founded by his former Vietnam colleague, the late Dr. John Feagin. He was a guest on the Movement is Life Health Disparities podcast series. The episode is entitled: “Fellow humans, meet Professor Augustus White III, MD.” It was posted May 31, 2019. Podcast page: Gus recently became a member of the HistoryMakers Medical Advisory Board. His term will extend through 2022. The second edition of his book, Seeing Patients: Unconscious Bias in Health Care, which he cowrote with David Chanoff (Harvard University Press, 2011), was updated and published under a new title: Seeing Patients: A Surgeon’s Story of Race and Medical Bias (Harvard University Press, November 2019). Gus and his coauthors, David Chanoff and Jon Land, are currently working with their literary agent on a book with the working title Overcoming.


Nov, 2019

After retiring as an independent educational consultant, Stan Vincent has been able to move ahead with two long-delayed family-related projects: genealogy and the scanning and organizing of slides and prints shot since his days on campus. He continues to play trombone with the seven-piece New Black Eagle Jazz Band, as its only remaining founding member. This year, as the band played concerts and private parties in every New England state, Stan had the pleasure of reconnecting with a number of Brown alums, among them Lee Jacobus.


Nov, 2019

Marianne Mazen Lazarus writes: “The new old age? After the death of my husband in 2014, I’m selling the house we lived in for 48 years in Lexington, Massachusetts. Four years ago, I bought a ranch-style house nearby to live on one floor. It needed remodeling and I have been working on it ever since—supervising an obliging carpenter/contractor who gutted it to put in totally new insulation (trying to jump on the green train) and of course, everything else. I’ve been playing architect, fulfilling a lifelong wish that Pembroke steered me away from. After I move in I’m expecting to not be satisfied and thinking of trying it again in another year or so, to try to make use of what has been a fine learning experience, maybe a little closer to Providence. And I have a new first grandchild.”


Nov, 2019

Ron Baker is president-elect of the Rotary Club of Simcoe, Ontario, Canada, and is also active in the Brown Alumni Club of Toronto interviewing Canadian admission candidates. Last May, Ron and his fiancée, Barbara Ann Hill-Holland of Ottawa, attended the club’s meeting at the home of Samara S. Walbohm ’93. Her guest, Dr. Dietrich Neumann, professor of history of art and architecture at Brown, gave what Ron says was “a marvelous illustrated lecture on the many statues and architectural features on the Brown campus.” In June, Ron was invited by the Governor General of Canada to Rideau Hall, her official residence, for the inauguration of the Queen Elizabeth II Equestrian Monument. Ron, who is a Canadian citizen, is a member of the Monarchist League of Canada, whose members support their constitutional monarchy and the royal family.


Sep, 2019

John Wolfe writes: “I was very pleased to have an all-too-brief visit from Britten Dean and wife Kayoko Ishizaki. Their itinerary allowed only time for a nice dinner, plus the ‘Wolfe Lightning-quick Blitzkrieg Tour’ of the local Anchorage area.”


Sep, 2019

 Judy and George Rollinson are enjoying life in the Prestwick Chase retirement community in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where they moved in May. “Staff and other residents have been friendly and welcoming,” says George, “and the facility is quite nice. We encourage classmates who have not yet made such a move to give it serious consideration.”


Sep, 2019

Dorothy Crews Herzberg writes: “I was selected for a Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award. I believe it comes out in 2020. I’ve done community organization for 50 years and worked in law enforcement (including the IRS!) and teaching. I’ve written four books, including one on the Peace Corps. I am curious if any classmates have been in the Peace Corps. My husband, Doug, began teaching in a new school, Pinole Valley High, in August.” Contact Dorothy at [email protected].


Sep, 2019

Britten Dean writes: “My latest book has just come out, a translation of The Wasteland by Japanese author Takako Takahashi, an unusual novel by a woman Christian writer. Rush to buy it while supplies last! With that project completed I was in a carefree mood, ready to enjoy a long-planned trip to Alaska in May. This included a land portion from Fairbanks to Anchorage (taking in Denali) and then a cruise from Seward to Vancouver, B.C., taking in Glacier Bay National Park, the Inland Passage, and interesting stops along the way. When in Anchorage, Kayoko and I met up with John Wolfe, a classmate and Theta Delta Chi fraternity brother. We had a fine dinner together and a personalized tour of Anchorage and environs.”


Jul, 2019

Judy and George Rollinson moved to Prestwick Chase, a retirement community in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., and are enjoying their new home. They are familiar with the area, as Judy attended Skidmore and has been an active alumna, and one of their sons lives 15 minutes away. They look forward to staying in touch.


Jul, 2019

Dick Godfrey writes that he is winding up his work with Direct Relief, now the largest humanitarian aid organization in the U.S. providing medical aid to millions of people around the world.


Jul, 2019

Carol Werlock Cobb continues to have a busy law practice in Newburgh, N.Y., with emphasis on family law, including matrimonial, as well as real estate.


Jul, 2019

Gloria Markoff Winston writes: “Since 2008 I have been living at Laurelmead. I have spent my winters in Palm Beach, Florida, since 1982 and fully returned to Providence (no more ‘snow birding’) in 2015. I have everything I need in life except Florida sunshine so I take my vitamin D pills every day. I play duplicate bridge every week and join the poker game at night and still find time to volunteer at Miriam Hospital. Many of my life-long friends that I followed to Laurelmead are no longer here, but I am surrounded by new friends, many of whom are also members of the Brown family, including Paul Alexander ’67, ’69 ScM; Janet McWain Colby ’60; Rosemary Mizener Colt ’84 PhD; Abraham Ehrenhaus ’45; Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus ’49; Deborah Mulcare ’68; John Schultz ’62 ScM,’68 PhD; Daniel Siegel ’57; Eugene Weinberg ’51; Robert Wood ’58; Louise Wood ’75 MAT; and Lucinda Dohanian-Welch ’00. We also have many esteemed Brown faculty members, past and present, including Lewis Lipsitt, Robert Davis, Laura Durand, Frank Durand, Francis McNelis, Gordon Wood, John Coleman, Annette Coleman, Robert E. Lanou, Richard Yund, and Nancy C. Rhodes, who was an associate director of admissions at Brown.”


May, 2019
Big Game Hunting
One family’s passion for collecting Victorian table games Read More
May, 2019

Augustus A. White III presented a lecture hosted by the department of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in February and became the Inaugural Alvin H. Crawford, MD Eminent Visiting Scholar. His book, Seeing Patients: Unconscious Bias in Health Care, which he co-authored, will be reissued under a new title: Seeing Patients: A Surgeon’s Story of Race and Medical Bias. Gus and his co-author are currently drafting another book, Out from Under: Essential Lessons to Live the Life You Want.

May, 2019

Mark Kessler writes: “Steve Cutler and I again upheld the honor of the class of ’57 against Bob Gordon ’56 and Steve Rogers ’56 on the golf links at Jupiter Country Club in Florida, in February. No one got injured.” This annual clash of the same foursome has been going on for 16 consecutive years.

May, 2019

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM writes: “Joanna and I met Anita and Gus White over the holidays at the home of a mutual friend. We had a good talk/mini-reunion. In February, I had lunch with Ned Perkins ’59, and Bill Chadwick ’58, both of whom now live nearby. We had some reminiscences of Brown in the days of our youth.”

May, 2019

Dorothy Crews Herzberg writes: “Doug took a break from teaching computers in high school, for surgery. He is recovering and hopefully going back to teaching. He is not ready to retire. We have been married seven years now.”

May, 2019

Joe Gerstein writes: “I have finished my second term as president of SMART Recovery Self-Help Network, which is science-based and self-empowering and applies to any sort of addiction. It has been endorsed by almost all pertinent U.S. Government agencies. In the 25 years separating my terms, the network has grown from 13 to 3,000 free meetings in 23 countries, facilitated by thousands of trained volunteers. For information:"

May, 2019

Ronald E. Baker writes that he is enjoying the best of a cold Canadian winter keeping very active. “I just finished cutting forest undergrowth to open up Savanna grassland patches for oak tree seedlings on the 2,500-acre St. Williams, Ontario Forest Reserve, where I’m a trustee. On January 27, I interviewed four admission candidates with a team of 24 Toronto Brown Club Alumni members led by Dr. Albino Chiodo. I’ve been elected president of the Rotary Club of Simcoe for 2020-2021. I’m planning to return to Brown for Commencement and hoping many ’57 classmates will show up.”

Mar, 2019

Joyce Gillespie Briggs again hosted a Pembroke mini—a group designated as the G-7. This year Raya McCully Goff, Anne Walter Lowenthal, and Sandy McFarland Taylor attended this gathering, along with honorary member, Bob Goff ’57. Barbie Chaplin, Sue Haneman Ayers Phelps, and Anne Guerry Pierce have been participants in earlier years.


Mar, 2019

Gus White was honored at the 14th Annual Augustus A. White Spine Symposium in October. The event was hosted by the Department of Orthopaedics at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Partnership, in Boston. The keynote address was presented by Dr. Claudia Thomas, the first African American woman orthopaedic surgeon in the United States.


Mar, 2019

Roger and Helen Heckel Stoddard ’56 sold their condo in Lincoln Ridge to move to Concord, Mass. Roger writes: “From three floors to three rooms. My books are scattered as far as Alfred, Maine, and Charlottesville, Virginia.”


Mar, 2019

Graham Rose writes: “Nancy and I relocated to Williamsburg, Virginia, about 10 years ago and should have done it sooner. I’m still practicing law in New York City, but on a noticeably reduced basis. I would enjoy seeing or hearing from friends and classmates.”


Mar, 2019

Jay Leavitt was elected to the Governing Board and Leadership Council of the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care. His article Moon Rocket was published in the January 2019 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine.


Mar, 2019

Charles Hill writes: “I’m in my 28th year as a college teacher, just surpassing the 27 I put in as a Foreign Service Officer. Courses this semester are World Order and the Liberal Arts and a new course on the fate of Tibet in modern power politics.”

Mar, 2019

Jim Goldsmith writes that since retiring from Burlington Industries some 20 years ago, he has been volunteering at Phelps Hospital for about two hours a day for usually six days a week. He has been a trustee of the hospital for a number of years and understands the changes in the medical environment. He writes: “I’m playing pretty good tennis and pretty bad golf, but at least I am still able to play. Donna and I have been married 33 years and all my children and grandchildren are healthy and doing well.”


Mar, 2019

Britten Dean and Kayoko treated themselves in November to a three-week cruise to Hawaii, which neither of them had visited before. The trip began in San Diego, cruised five days to Hawaii, seven days around the islands—including a helicopter flight over a volcano and lava beds, and a submarine tour of the ocean floor and coral reefs—then five days back to San Diego.  Britten writes: “An interesting version of American culture.”


Mar, 2019

Ron Baker writes: “My beloved wife of 58 years, Jackie Ferris Baker, died in February 2018.   Jackie was my date at our graduation and came with me to several class reunions. Undaunted by grief, I’m busy in the Rotary; as an Anglican lay minister; in the Canadian minerals industry association; and in a local forest conservation reserve trust board. I’m a member of the Brown Club of Toronto and an alumni interviewer of admission candidates. I keep busy visiting friends, my daughter, three sons, and seven grandkids. I enjoy contacting classmates.”


Jan, 2019

Mike Geremia is enjoying living in the mountains of North Carolina in Connestee Falls. “It is like New Hampshire, without the cold,” he writes. He is active in the American Legion, the Transylvania County Honor Guard, the Western North Carolina Museum and the VFW.


Jan, 2019

Britten Dean writes: “Kayoko and I vacationed for a month in Paris this past summer, our first extended trip to the City of Lights. We saw all the great sights, visited many of the innumerable museums, ate lots of really good food, and improved my French.”


Jan, 2019

Don Arsenault writes: “I just got back from two weeks in Gig Harbor, Washington, and Vancouver, B.C. I did a little salmon fishing and whale watching. Still playing pickleball five days a week when I am back home. Joyce and I are closing in on our 60-year wedding anniversary and are blessed with relatively good health. Wish my classmates the same thing since we are all moving into our mid-80s.”


Nov, 2018

John G. R. Wolfe ’57 writes from Anchorage, Alaska: “With wife Margaret in full-time nursing home care, I am getting into downsizing from a too-large house. I have found a new scenic property and now am planning designs for a smaller home to be built in 2019. I am keeping myself busy and off the streets at age 88.”  

Nov, 2018

Last April, Augustus A. White III ’57 delivered the commencement address at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Medicine. In June, he received the 2018 Northfield Mount Hermon School Alumni Citation Award. The 2018 annual issue of The Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School was dedicated to Gus for his longstanding accomplishments at the school, citing his impact on its orthopaedic residency program. And in August, Gus received the National Medical Association’s 2018 Meritorious Achievement Award for his exceptional work in medical service, medical research, and academic medicine. The Association is committed to promoting and advancing the art and science of medicine for people of African descent.

Nov, 2018

Brad Walters ’57 writes: “I was sorry to hear of the passing of Marc McClelland ’57, my freshman roommate. Marc left Brown to enroll in the U.S. Air Force Academy. Where did we meet up some 40 years later? On a cruise line tour bus in Ho Chi Minh City.”

Nov, 2018

Maryann Filson Smith ’57 wrote a BAM note to classmates welcoming visiting Brown Christians with introductions to Christian centers near her home on Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada, and Ron Baker ’57, who was on a business trip to Vancouver, responded, visiting Bowen Island in May. “We enjoyed recalling events of our student and alumni years,” writes Maryann, “while hiking, touring, and sharing our faith journeys and recent activities at our church in British Columbia and Ron’s home town of Port Rowan, Ontario.”

Nov, 2018

Dorothy Crews Herzberg ’57 writes: “My new little book, Use Your Voice: Political Poetry and More, is available on Amazon. It contains thought-provoking poems such as ‘One No Trump’ and ‘Trumpitis.’ A new dimension in poetry.”

Sep, 2018

Sandra Giles Perrault writes: “Some former Sharpe House girls have stayed in touch for over 60 years and get together periodically. Those who live in Massachusetts—Johanne Bennett Morrison, Pat Pennal MacKenzie, Judith Lister Yelle, and me—gather throughout the year to celebrate our respective birthdays. We have also traveled extensively together since 1994. Twice a year we visit with Joan Wallace Hawkinson and her husband, Don ’58, when they come to Maine from Minneapolis. We also stay in touch with Anne Crook-all Hockenos (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.) and Jan Yeutter Shapiro (Rochester, N.Y.). Judy Yelle moved into assisted living after the death of her husband, Lou. Pat MacKenzie and her husband, Don MacKenzie ’57, sold their home in Acton and moved to Concord. We are all looking forward to our 60th reunion next year.”


Sep, 2018

Judith Krasnoff Perlow writes: “I am happy to report that I’m still walking the earth and enjoying movies, live theater, opera, symphony concerts, and eating out. I have been retired for some years now from the University of Tampa, where I was a counselor in the adult learners’ program, a job I loved. Since then I have belonged to several book groups and still attend one regularly. At 83, I am hardly lithe, but I do go faithfully to a fitness class three mornings a week and walk two miles when the weather permits, so not in the summer. I am in the process of checking out independent/assisted living facilities in Massachusetts, since both my daughters live in the greater Boston area.”

Sep, 2018

Dorothy Crews Herzberg writes: “My book, Use Your Voice: Political Poetry and More, is available on Amazon. It contains poems such as ‘One No Trump,’ ‘Sanctuary Stomp,’ ‘What It Means to be a PCV,’ and much more. Thought-provoking.”


Jul, 2018

Phoebe Erickson (see Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’57).


Jul, 2018
A Diversity Milestone
The 2018 Black Alumni Reunion Read More
Jul, 2018

Tom Rollinson traveled from his home in New Mexico to visit his brother, George Rollinson ’57, and his wife, Judy, in their new home in North Kingstown, R.I. On his return journey Tom visited classmate Jef Fall at his home in New York City.

Jul, 2018

Maryann Filson Smith writes: “I enjoy using our Bowen Island guesthouse and bunkhouse to host Brown alums during September and June, saving July and August for our large family.”

Jul, 2018

Jean MacGregor Simon and her husband, Jack, announce the Feb. 16 birth of their sixth grandchild, Aidan Allen Simon.

Jul, 2018

George Rollinson and wife Judy have been enjoying their return to Rhode Island for the past two years. They are in North Kingstown, 1,500 miles closer to their four sons and their families. They are becoming active in church and the Military Officers Association of America and are taking classes at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at URI and the local senior center.

Jul, 2018

Harvey Reback is semi-retired but still working part-time as a medical director of a nursing home.

Jul, 2018

E. Thomas Jones writes that he is “excited about the next four years of Brown football. The son of close friends in California, Austin Whitsett, has chosen Brown over a number of major colleges. He was the running back on the high school state championship team this past season.” He adds: “While searching for military caps as Xmas gifts for my deceased brother’s two sons, I found that my Sigma Nu fraternity brother Ron Harrison ’59 was based on the same carrier as my brother, who was JFK’s Marine One chopper pilot.”


Jul, 2018

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson writes: “I’m looking forward to a week at Topsail Island, North Carolina, with our five sons, their spouses, and five grandchildren, including Phoebe Erickson ’17, and 10 days at the Santa Fe, New Mexico, Chamber Music Festival.”

May, 2018

The 13th Annual Augustus A. White III Spine Symposium was held in October by the department of orthopaedics at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Among his many recent honors, Gus spoke at the First Parish Church in Weston, Mass., about the impact one person can have in changing institutional practices and policies, and highlighted how far society still must go to overcome racial, cultural, gender, and institutional biases. Gus also led a workshop at the 2017 National Caucus on Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Health Disparities. He addressed the Conference of National Black Churches on injustice and bias in our health system. In 2016, Gus became an honorary lifetime member of the Brown University Advisory Council on Diversity, appointed by President Christina Paxson. He is also president of the Brown class of 1957.

May, 2018

Joe Gerstein writes: “I was the founding president of the SMART Recovery Self-Help Network in 1994. There were only a few meetings in the United States at that time. I am now president again, but there are over 2,600 meetings in 25 countries on six continents, and we are training 300 facilitators per month. SMART (Self-Management Addiction Recovery Training) is a science-based, abstinence-oriented, self-empowerment, volunteer-driven program. Meetings are free. Check it out at”

May, 2018

Rusty Chandler retired from the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Conn., in 2000, but continues to live in the area, as his daughter is director of athletics there and his son Chisholm Chandler ’89 is headmaster of nearby Salisbury School.

Apr, 2018

Lewis A. Kay ’59 AM writes: “After a major medical incident and a few months in the hospital and rehab centers, I am back to work at Pediatric Dental Associates on a part-time basis and loving it again. The Dr. Lewis A. Kay Excellence in Education Award has been established by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, presented to the member who most closely follows my ideals in pediatric dentistry. JoAnn and I still live in Moorestown, New Jersey, but spend several months a year at our home on Long Beach Island. Best wishes to all.”

Apr, 2018

Lee A. Jacobus writes: “Joanna and I are well, and I am sorry to miss our 60th reunion. I’ve had a busy year writing. My book The Bedford Introduction to Drama, eighth edition, was published by Macmillan in October. Astonishingly, six of the modern playwrights included have either undergraduate or graduate connections with Brown. In addition, the 10th edition of my book The Humanities Through the Arts will be published soon. It has been translated into Chinese and published on the mainland. It is used in the Paññasastra University of Cambodia.”

Apr, 2018

Britten Dean writes: “Kayoko and I took a two-week December vacation to Mexico to study the ruins of the old civilizations: Olmec, Maya, and Aztec. They were impressive; we learned a lot.”

Apr, 2018

George W. Cowles writes that he and his wife of 55 years have moved from Westchester County, N.Y., to Durango, Colo. George writes: “We have two daughters there whom we wanted to be nearer to as we slip into our dotage.”

Jan, 2018

Augustus A. White III gave the keynote address at a symposium at Tufts University School of Medicine in October entitled “Breaking the Silence: Impact on Bias in Health, Part 2.” A panel and roundtable discussion followed his address. Gus also was the designated honorary captain of the Brown football team, including representing Brown military veterans at midfield for the ceremonial coin toss at the Brown-Penn game last October, during the Military Appreciation/ Salute to Service Day.

Jan, 2018

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: “I enjoy hearing from my old friends whose cruise ships, tours, or travels bring them to Vancouver, British Columbia. Bowen Island is only a 20-minute ferry ride off the coast of West Vancouver.”

Jan, 2018

Richard Mertens attended the 55½-year reunion in early September of his class from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, which was held in London and Cambridge, England.

Jan, 2018

Dick and Kate Bernhard Godfrey ’60 are still living in Santa Barbara but have downsized to an apartment for their remaining years. They still travel and have a cabin in Montana, where they spend three months of the year. All three children live nearby with five grandkids ranging in age from 8 to 19. Dick’s focus the past 20 years has been Direct Relief, one of the leading humanitarian aid organizations in the world, where he has served as chair.

Jan, 2018

Britten Dean writes: “Kayoko and I took the better part of a week last fall to tour the museums, historic hotels, and coal fields of West Virginia, including an underground rail trip into one of the mines. While in Charleston visiting the capitol, we chanced to be chatting with the speaker of the house of delegates, Steve Harrison ’90, and discovered we were both Brown alums. Later in the month, we took a few days to visit Asheville, North Carolina, home of the Vanderbilt Estate.”

Jan, 2018

Patricia Kelley Cunningham writes: “George and I are now studying at the Instituto di Venezia. We have just finished three weeks of classes with both group and individual instruction. We love this school because you meet so many fascinating people from around the world. We also enjoy the many historic sites, such as the Doge’s Palace and St. Mark’s Basilica, as well as the Peggy Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art. And when you are not in the mood for touring, you can always enjoy a lazy gondola ride down the Grand Canal at twilight.”

Jan, 2018

Jay A. Leavitt writes: “My third article this year in Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities appeared in the November issue. It discusses application of a new analytical tool that I developed. I am living with my wife Virginia, in the beautiful mountains south of Lake Lure.”

Jan, 2018

Richard Barker writes: “My daughter, Jessica J. Barker ’03, opened a Cuban-themed restaurant in San Francisco’s Mission
District in March, called Media Noche. It has had an enthusiastic reception and excellent publicity. A second location is under consideration. Her sister, Rebecca Bridges ’05, now a resident of Menlo Park, is an educational therapist and a proud mother of two. I underwent a triple bypass in March but have mended well. I am still involved at Brown in several capacities, including the board of the Watson Institute.”

Jan, 2018

Bob Saltonstall writes “My wife, Jane, and I just moved about five miles down the road in Rancho Mirage, California, but, at our age, what a project! We hired art handlers to move our significant collection of ceramic sculptures and paintings, but we swear to not move again. We have downsized and are really enjoying our new digs. Jane continues as president of the Palm Springs Art Museum, not to mention other board responsibilities. I now walk with a cane and discomfort, so I am pretty completely retired, striving to keep up with our significant social activities. Anyone visiting here, please let us know because we’d love to share stories from the ’50s and later.”

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Bob Hummerstone or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Phil and Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco enjoyed celebrating their 60th reunion along with their son, Robert ’82, who was celebrating his 35th. Phil and Patricia traveled to Ireland in July with the Chorus of East Providence. The chorus performed three concerts sponsored by Music Celebrations International in Limerick, Killarney, and Kilkenny. “In addition,” they write, “there was plenty of time for sightseeing, including a day in Dublin. The chorus sang an impromptu concert on the steps of Trinity College Library after viewing the Book of Kells. A great time was had by all.”

Susan Bengtson Barnes writes: “Not doing much these days. Youngest granddaughter is in college, three others are in college, and one just graduated.”

George Delaney writes: “Our 60th reunion was a memorable and enjoyable event with many longtime friends in attendance and all with so many stories to tell. Inspired by my active classmates, I took a part-time summer job on Cape Cod working as a golf course ranger at both Highland Links in Truro and Chatham Seaside Links.”

Jim Harmon, who led the U.S. Export-Import Bank, is closing his emerging-market investment firm to focus on nonprofit investing. He is also chairman of the Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund. In June, Jim testified to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa on “Grading the Egyptian and Tunisian Enterprise Funds.” In addition, the Hill published an op-ed in July that Jim authored describing the role of enterprise funds and specifically the EAEF. 
Dorothy Crews Herzberg
attended the Peace Corps Connect conference in Denver. “It was wonderful to see and feel the energy and vitality of the Peace Corps. I was among the first volunteers serving in Nigeria in 1961–1963.”

David M. Kaplan writes: “I want to inform classmates of the passing in early June of my wonderful wife, Nancy, after a 10-year struggle with Alzheimer’s. Life goes on for us all, and I am extremely fortunate to have two wonderful sons, daughters-in-law, and three happy, smart, and beautiful granddaughters. I’m back now spending winters in Longboat Key, Florida, and summers in Boston and traveling a bit to New York, where I had a nice visit with Bob Waldman and Judy. I also traveled to Vermont and New Hampshire. I had a nice golf reunion this past winter in the Palm Beach area with Steve Cutler, Jim Harmon, and Mark Kessler. Some of us gathered in Boston for our 60th—we’re not really getting older, just getting better—at least that’s what we tell each other. I have nephews and great-nephews at Brown. Hopefully, we’ll all still be around for our 65th.”

George Rollinson and wife Judy are enjoying their return to Rhode Island and are living in North Kingstown. They have spent more time with their four sons and their families, caught up more frequently with old friends, and spent more time involved with Brown activities. George writes that they represent the “hardware” industry, as George had a shoulder replacement and Judy had a hip replacement. They are both doing well.

Francine Flynn Silberman writes: “I spent three weeks in Chile in August, where I had five extraordinary days on Easter Island with a private guide. I explored exciting Santiago and Vina del Mar. I visited eight wine plantations, which included five days in Santa Cruz. It’s a great country and travel destination, plus the people are very friendly to Americans.”

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: “I would enjoy meeting Brown Christians, as I have access to Christian centers here on Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada. Some are subsidized for Christ-centered professionals.”

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Bob Hummerstone or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco writes: “We had a great 60th reunion weekend. Good friends, memories, and food. Marie O’Donahoe Kirn ’62 AM and I were class marshals. It was a very emotional walk down the Hill with all the cheering.”

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and David Durfee ’56 celebrated their 60-year anniversary by taking a Silver Seas Cruise to Spain, Portugal, and France. Also in their group were Liz Evans Hamilton ’55 and her husband, Barry.

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’59 AM writes: “My 60th Brown reunion was great. I’m looking forward to spending two weeks at the Aspen Music Festival. My favorite retirement activity continues being a CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate, for abused and neglected children.”

Mike Geremia writes: “Shirley and I have scheduled a trip to Scotland and England in the fall. We are enjoying life in the North Carolina mountains. I am very busy with the Transylvania Honor Guard. I am also first vice commander at the American Legion.” Mike and Shirley also have been volunteers at the Brevard Music Center since 2007.

Nat Greene regrets that he was unable to participate in the 60th reunion and sends best greetings to his classmates. As a professor of history at Wesleyan, Nat still teaches full time, working with students more than ever. In addition to teaching, Nat has served frequently as a lecturer on Smithsonian tours in France and Spain and is doing so in Normandy in October.

Class secretary Bob Hummerstone reports that the new class officers for the class of 1957 are president Gus White, vice president Barbara Sears Tessmer, treasurer Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’59 AM, and himself.

James McCurrach writes: “Sure sorry to have missed the reunion. My right hip is being replaced for the second time. The first one was in 1999, after my years as a professional squash racquets player.”

Francis Thorley is happily retired and spends his time golfing, fishing, and with grandchildren. He winters in Florida but spends most of the year in Maryland.

Max Volterra reports that he is still practicing law in Attleboro, Mass., on a limited basis and is a member of the election commission there. He also is a trustee of Bristol Community College, sings in a church choir, and spends some time in Wellfleet, Mass.

Brad Walters writes: “I un-retired last May to start a driving service. There’s a huge customer base here in South Florida. The income keeps me well supplied in Brunonian favorite beverages. Alums in zip 33446 might want to chat over drinks.”

Augustus White III continues his many efforts to address disparities in health care. Among his recent efforts was delivering the keynote address at the 2017 J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society luncheon at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, presenting the 2017 departmental diversity program lecture at Massachusetts General Hospital, and speaking at the minority faculty reception at Stanford Univ. School of Medicine. At that event, Gus presented the 2017 Dr. Augustus A. White III and Family Faculty Professionalism Award, which recognizes the outstanding work by a Stanford Medical School faculty member to reduce health disparities and/or enhance the effectiveness of underrepresented minorities through research, education, mentoring, or service to the university community. Gus also delivered the 2017 Commencement address at the Stanford School of Medicine.

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Bob Hummerstone or directly to the BAM at [email protected]

Ardell Kabalkin Borodach writes: “I’m still enjoying New York but don’t travel much. I volunteer at the Frick Museum and get to museums and the theater as much as possible. My husband, Jerry Borodach ’55, and I always keep a special place in our hearts for Brown and look forward to reading all about the reunion. We’re also proud that our two sons, Samuel ’87 and Andrew ’93, as well as our son-in-law, Kenneth Elmore ’85, are Brown graduates.”

Shirley DeLyne Forssell moved to a senior living facility.

Sue and Robert Gersky moved from California to Eagle, Idaho. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in May. They survived Idaho’s snowiest winter in 50 years and look forward to some great fishing in the months to come. Robert still remembers with amazement the week in May 1957 when he married Sue, graduated from Brown, and reported for active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Judith Sims Roberts writes: “Greetings from Florida. We have two trips to Rhode Island planned, but neither coincides with the reunion. I was widowed in 2007 and, until I finally retired a year ago as interim associate rector at St. Mark’s in Venice, Florida, continued to serve as an Episcopal priest. In 2015, I married a childhood friend, Clem Bethel (Bryant College). We are permanent residents of Florida. Clem is a golfer, so this climate is ideal most of the time. I still do some substitute teaching and preaching. We’re both healthy and thankful for the privilege of enjoying sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico most evenings.”

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: “I am thankful to have attended the ‘old Brown,’ as many of us are. Our distribution courses opened educational doors we might not have had the wisdom to open as 18-year-olds.”

John Wolfe writes: “No special news from here in Anchorage, Alaska, but I would very much like to hear from any 1957 Theta Delta Chi classmates who plan to attend our 60th reunion.”

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Bob Hummerstone or directly to the BAM at [email protected]

Don Arsenault writes: “Wow! Sixty years sure did fly by! I’m enjoying my octogenarian years by playing pickle ball five days a week with much younger players. My wife and I are celebrating our 56th wedding anniversary, and I spend some time staying in touch with some of my old hockey buddies: Harry Batchelder ’58, Bobby Borah ’55, Ed Eastman, Max McCreery ’58, Billy Sepe, and Pete Tutless. All seem to be doing great and enjoying retirement. I’m looking forward to a great turnout for the 60th.”

Dick Cota writes: “Sandy and I are living on North Hutchinson Island in Florida. The Atlantic Ocean is outside our window. Our health is good, my golf game not so good. I serve on the board of our condominium and on the board of the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast. Last summer we took a small travel trailer on a 5,000-mile trip through Canada to Niagara Falls. This year we plan to take it to California.”

Britten Dean writes: “Recent travels include 10 rainy days in the British Isles in January visiting London, Shakespeare’s birthplace, Edinburgh, the Lake Country, Cardiff, and Stonehenge.”

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson is looking forward to the Pembroke luncheon at reunion weekend. She is also eager to be spending two weeks at the Aspen Music Festival this summer. Her granddaughter Phoebe Erickson ’18 will graduate with a degree in engineering. 

John Eskilson writes: “I am retiring from the practice of law. I have been at the same Chicago law firm for 51 years—an anomaly in this day and age. Years ago, I found my niche as an estate planner. In more than 50 years of practice, I have worked with innumerable clients to plan for care during incapacity, to minimize taxes upon transfer of wealth, and to help them in adjusting to the loss caused by the death of a loved one.”

Mish Taylor Fowle writes: “In early January, my husband, Bruce, and I took a fantastic eight-day expedition on the Amazon River in Peru with Brown Travelers. The trip was perfectly choreographed: We visited local villages and met with school children and a shaman, fished for piranha, encountered an anaconda and boa, and birded on pristine tributaries (144 species of birds seen) with top-notch native naturalists. Many of our fellow travelers had a Brown connection, but nobody old enough to be celebrating a 60th reunion.”

Dorothy Crews Herzberg is active with the ACLU in Berkeley. They just did a panel meeting on Islam in the post-election world. Dorothy is also on the Northern California Peace Corps Volunteers Board.

M. Charles Hill is in his 25th year of teaching at Yale, mostly in the humanities and in the program and course in grand strategy.

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM, is teaching in Wesleyan’s Lifelong Learning Program. His five-week course is called Mythmaker: The Poetry of William Butler Yeats.

After retiring some 20 years ago, John Kohlhepp and his wife, Joanna, moved to a golf course community in North Carolina. They now live in a suburb of Richmond, Va.

Ira Levin writes: “After living in the Rome area for 43 years, where I taught ancient history in an international school, I have moved to London to be near my daughter. Italy is unique and attractive in so many ways, and after living so long there, I could say it is in my blood (figuratively, of course), but the U.K. is a country that works.”

In January, Richard Mertens participated, along with 175,000 other people, in a rally on Boston Common and march to protest the election, inauguration, and policies of Donald Trump.

Robert Norman writes: “Looking back, it seems to have gone way too fast! I’m still working on my bucket list. For my 80th birthday I did a tandem jump from 9,500 feet into my club’s driving range and invited 300 of my closest friends to observe. We all had a ball. I’m still flying my Piper Dakota and playing tennis and golf. Christa and I celebrated our 55th anniversary in November. I’m active in local charities in North Carolina, as well as the county Republican club and several other organizations. We’re healthy, and life is good in paradise. Looking forward to seeing y’all at the reunion.”

Harvey Reback retired from full-time internal medicine practice in May 2016 but still works part-time as a nursing home director.

Diane Pardoe Rosenfeld and Peter E. Rosenfeld write: “This will confirm that, much to the displeasure of the actuary of the AT&T Bell Labs retirement plan, we are still kicking (as well as skiing, sailing, and skating), as the length of our retirements gets very close to equaling the number of years we worked for Ma Bell—who now rests in pieces.”

Francine Silberman writes: “At 80-plus, I find the best way to keep on going is just to keep on going! Last October I visited the Haliburton Lakes in Ontario, Canada, then continued on to the Berkshires and Boston, where I enjoyed five world-class museums and five special exhibits. The finale was a day in Providence and walking the Brown campus. Everything had changed and, at the same time, nothing had changed. Students were sprawled on the Green with tablets and earphones, but the bookstore was bustling with students buying books. The written word is alive and well on the Brown campus.”

Jean MacGregor Simon writes: “We hope to see you all at our grand 60th reunion.”

Jerry Zieselman writes: “I celebrated the 20th anniversary of my retirement on October 31. Paula and I are still living in New York City and traveling as often as possible. We had a great three weeks with the Brown Travelers in Florence this fall, and we already have three or four short trips planned for 2017. Looking forward to spending reunion weekend with daughters, Ellen Zieselman ’87 and Hallie Zieselman ’92.”

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Britten Dean writes: “Kayoko and I escaped from some winter weather in Charlottesville, Virginia, by vacationing a week in warm Martinique. Our breezy hotel room atop a hill afforded an impressive view of the capital, Fort-de-France, and of the sea beyond. Good eating, too.”

Mike Geremia writes of visits from his son, Mike, over the holidays, followed by driving down to Clearwater Beach “to enjoy some warm weather for a while,” adding, “My daughter has been on a flying trip to New Zealand and Australia.” Writing in December from North Carolina, Mike adds, “We have been lucky to have escaped the wildfires all around us. My heart goes out to our neighbors in Tennessee, who have suffered much with the fires and tornadoes.”

Betty Hoadley took a nostalgic Rhine River boat trip in the late fall. She was returning after 25 years to Germany, where she lived in Osterholz-Scharmbeck during Operation Desert Storm.

Lee Jacobus writes: “I will be teaching a five-week course at the Wesleyan Institute for Lifelong Learning at Wesleyan University this March/April. The title of the course is Mythmaker: The Poetry of William Butler Yeats. It is an excursion into Yeats’s passion for the mythic world of Cuchulainn, Finn MacCumhal, and Queen Maeve.”

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Elizabeth Reis Baecher, Patricia Kelley Cunningham, Mary Patten Lafferty, Janet Rowden Mergenthaler, and Joyce Williams Warren enjoyed a four-day holiday in Manhattan in October. They toured the Morgan Library and Museum, the Frick Collection, and St. Ignatius Church. They write that they “ate a lot.”

Patricia Kelley Cunningham writes that she and her husband, George, will study Spanish at a Barcelona language school for five weeks next April and May 2017. She writes: “We continue to be fascinated by the cultural options in and around Barcelona: the Benedictine Abbey of Montserrat, the Sagrada Familia Church by Gaudí, as well as other Gaudí landmarks throughout the city. We also really enjoy the unforgettable Picasso Museum and the museum dedicated to Joan Miró. This will be our first spring visit to Barcelona, and we are looking forward to meandering around the city and using our Spanish every day.” She adds that she is excited about the upcoming 60th reunion: “I can’t believe it!!”

Joe Gerstein was a visiting scholar at Stanford. He writes: “I was ensconced in an office high on a hill overlooking the lovely campus. I lectured and conducted seminars explaining how and why Tufts Health Plans, a nonprofit HMO where I spent the last 10 years of my career as a medical director, has been so successful. Tufts is rated the number one HMO in the United States by Consumer Reports. We have put our house in the Boston suburbs on the market and plan to join our family with young grandchildren in Miami Beach, Florida.”

Dorothy Crews Herzberg has a new book out: Cameos: Profiles of People and Projects. “Life is a mixture of fiction and nonfiction,” she writes, “and so is my book. Available on Amazon.”

Lee Jacobus reports: “My 10th edition of A World of Ideas will be out in February. I am finishing work revising the eighth edition of The Bedford Introduction to Drama, which includes some new playwrights with Brown Theater connections. Both are published by Bedford Books under the aegis of Macmillan.” He and his wife took a November cruise that started in Athens, ended in Rome, and stopped at Rhodes, Cyprus, Israel, Crete, and Naples. “The last time I tried to go to Pompeii,” Lee writes, “we arrived as the gates closed for a strike.”

Harvey Reback retired from clinical practice in internal medicine but still works part-time as medical director of a nursing home.

Richard Thomson writes that he and his wife, Marilyn, are downsizing and moving their residence on Nantucket 1.2 miles to a new home at 18 Sherburne Commons 02554.” 

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Pat Kelley Cunningham writes: “My husband, George, and I are studying Spanish at the Escuela de Idiomas in Nerja, Spain. We are back in our Spanish mode after studying the last three years in Sorrento and Venice. Nerja is a picturesque little village on the Mediterranean. Málaga is nearby, and the Picasso museum is really worth a visit. We are here for five weeks. George, a recently retired dentist, received his B.A. in Spanish summa cum laude in 2015 from the University of Delaware. Thanks to Brown for the unbeatable liberal arts education that has accompanied me all these years.”

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’59 AM writes: “In July, I enjoyed visiting Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Slovenia. My long travel wish list is getting shorter: 52 countries so far. In addition to traveling, taking courses, and doing board work, I most enjoy volunteering as a court-appointed special advocate for abused and/or neglected children. I’m also looking forward to my oldest granddaughter’s Brown ’17 graduation in engineering.”

Mike Geremia visited his son in Florida in May. His son had just returned from a six-month deployment in the Middle East. Mike lives in the mountains of North Carolina and has been traveling in that area and is planning more trips to see his son.

Betty Kilgore Hoadley planned to take a nostalgic river cruise from Amsterdam to the Lucerne, Switzerland, area in late October. She had lived in northern Germany for six months when her son was involved in Desert Storm.

Marie O’Donahoe Kirn ’62 AM plans to move to Piper Shores, a continuing care retirement community on the coast of Maine in Scarborough. She looks forward to exploring the coast with Marcia Sewall, who lives in Brunswick.

Ken Latchis retired as an emergency physician in 2007. He was active with the Brown University Orchestra when at Brown and since 2007 he has resumed his clarinet studies and participates in chamber music concerts four or five times a year in the Washington, D.C., area, where he is a performing member of the Friday Morning Music Club. He and his wife have eight grandchildren living in the D.C. area. Ken writes: “We very much enjoy being with them and continue to travel as much as our good health allows.”

Eugenie Genie Loupret Martin reports: “While I was a student at Brown, I performed with Sock and Buskin, Brownbrokers, the Chattertocks, the Brown University Chorus, and the Brown Glee Club (as a soloist). In my golden years, living in a 55-plus community in Ocala, Florida, I am a ballet dancer and teacher. During 2007, I started a ballet club for other community residents in addition to myself, and it has grown over the years. Nowadays, I teach and take five classes a week: two beginner classes, two advanced ones, and a fusion floor barre class, which includes elements of Pilates exercises and yoga, in addition to ballet. We participate in club fairs and perform as part of health and fitness activities. They say that 80 is the new 60. I hope it continues.”

James McCurrach is still teaching on a full-time basis and doing some part-time duty as a tutor with a local company that specializes in after-school tutoring with kids needing extra help.

Harvey Reback retired from the practice of internal medicine after 50 years but still works part-time as a nursing home director.

Joan Reinthaler retired from teaching math in 2008 and began working with Math for America (Carnegie Institution and American Univ.), mentoring beginning math teachers in the D.C. public schools. Joan also began building houses in D.C. with Habitat for Humanity and now volunteers once a week building and leading crews. She is still writing music reviews for the Washington Post, singing in a chorus, and doing some traveling.

Don Saunders had laser surgery and was recuperating at home in Boston and in East Gloucester, Mass. His wife, Liv Ullmann, was traveling to Scandinavia to direct a stage adaptation of an Ingmar Bergman film, Private Confessions.

George Rollinson writes: “Judy and I have just moved back to Rhode Island. We’ve had 11 wonderful years here in Vero Beach, Florida, but do miss being closer to our four sons and seven grandchildren. We’re not getting any younger, and time with family becomes more precious every year. We moved from Vero on July 11 and have just moved into our new home (a condominium) in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Hope all is going well for each of you and that you are enjoying a good summer. We look forward to good old New England weather—snow and all.”

Jean MacGregor Simon and her husband, Jack, report the December 2015 birth of their latest grandchild. Jean writes: “We travel a lot, especially to Atlanta and Chicago, visiting three of our grandchildren. We love it in Huntsville, Alabama, where we’ve been for 32 years. I’m looking forward to our reunion in 2017.”

Earlier this year, Gus White was a copresenter at the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses Surgical Conference and Expo, as part of a program entitled “Unconscious Bias: Are You Giving Safe Care to All of Your Patients?” Additionally, Gus was a participant in the Harvard Medical School Academy Faculty Development Series. Last spring, the school’s combined orthopaedic residency program named several societies after prominent physicians; one is named the Augustus White Society. Gus also received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from William James College in Newton, Mass., where he was introduced by his daughter, Atina White ’98, who is a life coach. Gus also has been named an Honorary Lifetime Member of the Brown University Advisory Council on Diversity and continues to be active with writing projects.

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Patricia Kelley Cunningham writes: “My husband and I planned to travel to Nerja in southern Spain for five weeks in August and September. We study Spanish at the Escuela de Idiomas in Nerja. It’s always invigorating to meet people from around the world in our classes. I read the Brown Alumni Magazine from cover to cover and enjoy keeping up to date on the activities of my classmates.”

Mike Geremia writes: “Shirley and I went to Clearwater Beach to welcome home my son, Sgt. Michael Geremia, who served a six-month deployment in the Middle East. Thank the Lord he returned home safely.”

Lee Jacobus’s new novel, The Romantic Soul of Emma Now, is available in bookstores and on Amazon: “It is set in a fictional version of Gloucester, Mass., and involves the Georges Bank. Of course, it is also a love story.”

James McCurrach continues his teaching, working this past summer on the campus of the College of San Mateo, teaching writing to a relatively small group of middle school students.

Judy and George Rollinson have relocated to Rhode Island and are renting a condominium in the Cedarhurst community in North Kingstown. They write they have had a very happy experience in Vero Beach, Fla., for the past 11 years, but want to be closer to their four sons in the Northeast.

Francine Silberman writes: “I spent May in Paris renting an apartment in the Marais district. It proved to be a wonderful experience, although security was up and tourism down. I felt perfectly safe due to the increased security everywhere. And it was great to find no lines at the museums and a welcome table in every restaurant. My French was better than expected, and I received a warm welcome everywhere. Parisians were out and about, living life to the fullest in their unique city. Yes, I’ll be back for another visit in the not-too-distant future. I’m now 81, and it is certainly the time to travel as long as we are able. Happy to answer any questions about travel in France. Just e-mail me.”

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: “I am impressed with Brown’s new facilities, and depressed by the theme of all marching to the same drummer, chanted no less. University means unity in diversity, lest we forget. I agree with the younger (than I) graduate who said he came to Brown to get the best education, not just to be taught by a professor who looked like himself. Many alumni I meet of different religious and ethnic backgrounds are so thankful to have attended the ‘old Brown.’ We think the new Brown has lost its way, trying to be uniformly politically correct.”

Max Volterra moved his office to 8 North Main St., Suite 201, Attleboro, Mass. He writes: “I am still practicing law, although on a more limited basis: no litigation—strictly elder law, estate planning, probate, contracts, and real estate. I now have a third grandchild and spend my free time in Wellfleet, on Cape Cod, where my spouse has a retail store, the Eclectic Company, on Commercial Street. I am doing some sailing and enjoying the Cape with all its splendor.”

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Norm Brust writes that several Brown friends and classmates met for lunch at BR’s Monponsett Inn: Norm and Janet Biehn Brust ’58, Ralph Anderson and Jane Doan Anderson ’60, and Corinne and Lou Martinage. Things are going well for everyone, Norm says, and they all agreed that life is busier now than before retirement. Ralph continues his long-term support of Habitat for Humanity, and Jane is busy with her biking and hiking clubs and is an enthusiastic gardener. Norm is an active director of both the Southern New England Entrepreneurs Forum and TYP356ne, which is the New England club dedicated to preserving, restoring, and driving vintage Porsches. Janet is an enthusiastic gardener and just returned from her annual get-together with her daughter and daughters-in-law at the Philadelphia Garden show. She also stays active with her deep-water aerobics program. Norm and Janet enjoy touring back roads in New England and upstate New York in their 1963 Porsche cabriolet. Lou is an avid photographer and a member at the Cape Cod Art Assoc., and does a lot of woodworking, including designing and maintaining unique street signs for the Whaling Port Homeowners Assoc. Lou and Corinne recently visited their granddaughter, who is attending the Univ. of Saint Andrews in Scotland.

Norma and Bob Hummerstone live in Stonington, Conn. Bob writes: “We enjoy the Connecticut coastline and have easy access to Providence and Boston.” They are looking forward to a Brown Travelers cruise of the Dalmatian Coast this fall.

Judy and George Rollinson are in the process of relocating to Rhode Island. They have had a good time in Vero Beach, Fla., but would like to spend more time with their four sons and their families, and also old friends in the Northeast.

Rosamond Jean MacGregor Simon announces the Dec. 22 birth of her fifth grandchild and third grandson, Edward Declan Simon.

Brad Walters writes: “My wife, Florine, and I just moved from the ‘slow side’ of Florida (Sarasota) to the ‘wild side’ (Delray Beach). Hope to connect with alums in the area.” He adds: “I have been in touch with Fred Behringer and met my frosh roommate Marc McClelland in, of all places, Ho Chi Minh City.”

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Robert Ackerman writes: “The ultrasound laboratory I founded in 1974 at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston has been named after me. It was perhaps the first consultative laboratory for the noninvasive evaluation of carotid artery disease. I am only partially retired. For diversion, I row on the Charles River in Cambridge, Mass. I rowed again this year in the three-mile Head of the Charles Regatta, which is the largest rowing regatta anywhere.”

Mike Geremia was in a car accident in January while driving in a snowstorm. He writes: “I slid all the way down a hill, hit the side of the road and sheared off a stop sign, grazed a steel pole, and finally hit some bushes that stopped me from going into a creek. The car was totaled, and I got shingles from the trauma of being completely out of control.”

Don Saunders writes: “I just hit 81 and healthwise feel great. I’m still chairman and CEO of my family’s commercial real estate investment firm. I’m a Brown trustee emeritus and reside in Key Largo, Florida. My wife, Liv Ullmann, premiered her latest play at the National Theater in Oslo, Norway. The play was critically acclaimed and went on a nationwide tour.”

Brad Walters moved across Florida with his wife, Florine, and would like to hear from any alums in the area.

Gus White continues to address issues of health care disparities, “a very substantive national problem,” he writes, “which requires sustained efforts in education.” In the past few months he presented a Faculty Professionalism Award at Stanford Medical School for advancing diversity and provision of equitable care; participated on a panel at the UConn Medical Center addressing health care disparities; lectured as part of the Harvard Medical School Health Equity course; attended a national caucus on arthritis and musculoskeletal health disparities in Washington, D.C.; provided an overview of health care disparities at the Hospital for Special Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City; participated in a roundtable/medical staff conference at the Hospital for Special Surgery; provided a presentation on health care disparities to the Department of Surgery at the Univ. of Washington Medical School; and participated on the advisory board committee at Stanford.

John Wolfe writes that his wife, Margaret, became a full-time Alzheimer’s resident in a nursing home near Anchorage, Alaska. John visits her daily, and writes: “I try to keep her somewhat involved in her former activities in the local community.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Jack Giddings continues to practice medicine full-time in Jacksonville, Fla., though he retired as medical director of a large rehab center. He writes: “Spare time when available is parceled out among family, Civil War tours, and a thriving orange grove.”

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM writes: “On a recent week-long visit to see our granddaughter in Florence, Italy, we particularly enjoyed seeing the Duomo Museum. The remodeling is spectacular.” She has a book due out this spring titled Approaching Great Ideas.

John F. Just retired as clinical professor emeritus in the surgery department at the Medical College of Wisconsin after 43 years practicing general thoracic surgery.

John McDaniels writes: “To celebrate my 80th, I spent five days backpacking in the Swiss Alps with our four grandsons (ages 24, 21, 11, and 8). We were in the Jungfrau region and above Zermatt, with the nights spent in mountain huts. We rock-climbed one day with a guide who said I was the oldest client he’d ever had. We were welcomed back by my wife, Beverley Cox McDaniels ’60 and our daughter, Louise McDaniels Zornoza ’82.”

Helen Donaldson Nienhueser received the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Alaska Conservation Foundation. The award recognizes her work in activism and land protection through writing, volunteering, and citizen engagement. She writes: “Alaska in many ways has been my life’s work. Of course Brown/Pembroke deserve part of the credit!”

Brad Walters writes: “Still enjoying residency in Sarasota, Florida. The lack of hurricanes the past several years helps too. Looking forward to the 60th in May 2017. Would like to hear from alums in Sarasota area.”

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM, along with his wife, Joanna, and his son, James, spent a week in Florence, Italy, in early November. He writes: “We visited our granddaughter, Caitlin, who is studying there for her first term of her junior year. We stayed in town and soaked up the atmosphere.”

Dick Marcus writes: “Linda and I are headed to Naples, Florida, for the winter. If any of our classmates are in the area (or planning to be) and would like to connect, please call.”

James McCurrach continues his work tutoring students and uses his teaching certificate for part-time substitute teaching at a nearby public elementary school.

Judy and George Rollinson celebrated Christmas up north with their four sons and families. They enjoy life in Vero Beach, Fla., where they are active in their alumni organizations (including the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast) and the Navy League.  

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Don Arsenault writes: “I spent most of June and part of July in New England watching my grandson MJ Brown play for the North Shore Navigators in the Futures Collegiate Baseball League. They played all over Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. I spent a few days with Max McCreery ’58 on Martha’s Vineyard watching the Navigators play the Sharks. Navigators’ home field is historic Fraser Field in Lynn, Massachusetts.”

Tony Booth writes: “Still traveling as much as we can. We have three children—one in Florida, one in Massachusetts, and one in Washington State. If we had had a fourth child, he/she would probably be in San Diego. Our motor home has been to Florida, Massachusetts, Iowa, and Mexico so far this year.”

Patricia Kelley Cunningham writes: “George and I returned to Italy for five weeks this fall to continue our Italian studies at the Instituto Venezia. We have found it fascinating to live in Venice and explore the tiny ancient side streets and canals. We have once again rented an apartment in the Dorsoduro area, where the university is located. We enjoy the rhythm of daily living: school, shopping, and cooking fun healthy meals in our own little ‘home away from home.’”

Britten Dean writes: “Kayoko and I took a long-anticipated trip to France this summer to escape the oppressive humidity of Charlottesville, Virginia; to brush up my language skills (I was a French major at Brown); and of course to sight-see and gourmandize. We spent 10 days each in Montpellier, Besançon, and Nîmes. Nîmes was our favorite city, with its charming historic section and many Roman ruins. Unfortunately, the trip turned disastrous when I came down with pneumonia halfway through. On the bright side, however, my French did improve, especially in medical terminology.”

Mike Geremia and his wife, Shirley, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to Honolulu and a Pride of America cruise around the Hawaiian Islands. He also reports that his son, Mike, married Gina Mucci of Miami, Fla., on June 27. “They got married aboard a yacht out of Clearwater Beach, with about 50 wedding guests. In September, we are going to Clearwater Beach to see my son off as he goes over to Qatar with the U.S. Air Force.” Mike’s fall travel plans include a trip to Tennessee in October, as well as a November trip to Jamestown, R.I., for his cousin Charlie’s 95th birthday. He writes: “I hope to stay put here in God’s country, the mountains of North Carolina.”

Judith Wright Hill continues to volunteer at the Palm Beach Zoo and remains active in the Audubon Society, where she writes she is “fighting to ensure there is sufficient funding for the restoration of the Everglades. We are also trying to prevent further encroachment into the agricultural sections of our country. I was in Chicago earlier this year to celebrate a friend’s 80th birthday, and she came to celebrate mine (along with family and other friends). She and I have been close friends for over 55 years. I would love to hear from Brown/Pembroke friends.”

Robert Hill writes: “And so it is that my beloved Sara has completed her time on earth.”

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM attended the Green Mountain Writers Conference in August. He writes: “I was pleased to have my granddaughter, Caitlin Benzenhoefer, there as a young poet. She will be in Florence, Italy, for the fall, where Joanna and I will visit her.”

David Lewis remains active on the emeritus faculty at Brown, focusing on public policy issues around addiction. While waiting for the R.I. legislature to reinstate the Good Samaritan Law, he, with the Rhode Island Medical Society, wrote a letter to every police chief in the state urging them not to arrest those who call for medical help for themselves or others for drug overdoses. He writes: “Elly Levinson ’59 and I are enjoying our generation-skipping grandchildren, ages 9 months, almost 3, 16, and 18. All great fun. I love being ‘Papa Dave.’”

Judy and George Rollinson enjoyed a six-week trip to the Northeast this summer to visit family and friends. Highlights included attending a granddaughter’s high school graduation and visiting the Brown and Skidmore campuses. They look forward to returning north for a week over Christmas to celebrate with their four sons. 

From the September/October 2015 Issue

Bob Corrigan received an honorary degree from Brown and delivered the Baccalaureate address at the May Commencement.

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’59 AM writes: “If all goes well, granddaughter Phoebe Erickson ’18 (daughter of Lars Erickson ’79) will graduate at our 61st reunion.” Marilyn also notes that she has traveled to 49 countries so far.

Dick Godfrey and Kate Bernhard Godfrey ’60 spent the summer at their cabin in Mission Valley, ten miles south of Flathead Lake in Montana. Dick writes: “It is a wonderful counterpoint to an active life in Santa Barbara the rest of the year. Glacier National Park is two hours away, and kayaking and boating on the lake are always pleasant. Family members visit en route to camping trips in the area.” Dick continues to fund-raise for Direct Relief, a global humanitarian aid organization based in Santa Barbara.

Dorothy Crews Herzberg wrote An Enduring Friendship for Cynthia Collymoe Parker on her 80th birthday. Dorothy writes: “We have been friends for 67 years. We met at a Unitarian church. Her father ​was a legend in White Plains, New York, really as a precursor to Martin Luther King. Both my parents were social activists; both ran for Congress.”

Charlie Hill writes: “Just in from Sunday morning sculling on the Housatonic in my 30-year-old single, and happy to hear how well the Brown crew performed in the IRA national championship: fourth out of 24 varsity crews from around the country.”

James McCurrach continues to work. He writes: “I have taken on a full-time summer position tutoring writing to middle school and high school students here in the Bay Area.”

Richard Mertens writes: “I was in Basel, Switzerland, at the end of May for the 55th reunion of my class from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. I stayed a few extra days to sightsee elsewhere on my own. I had a very enjoyable and exhausting time. Basel is quite a charming city.”

Judy and George Rollinson spent five weeks visiting family and friends in the Northeast. They continue to enjoy life in Vero Beach, Fla. George remains active in the Brown Club, the Navy League, and other alumni organizations.

Maryann Filson Smith writes: “I was glad to see Brown recently welcome Christian Union, which provides a meeting place for various lectures and fellowships on campus. During these postmodern days, it is great to see choices offered for students who value their faith.”


Stan Vincent writes: “I’m keeping my chops in shape as founder/trombonist of the New Black Eagle Jazz Band. Celebrating our 44th year, we’ll be performing this summer and fall at clubs and onstage throughout New England, as well as at festivals in Colorado and Pennsylvania.”


From the May/June 2015 Issue

Donald Arsenault writes: “My grandson and I spent two weeks in Italy over the holidays, stopping off in Germany for a few days. He is a junior at Lee Univ. and will be playing summer ball for the North Shore Navigators in Lynn, Mass., this summer. Looking forward to spending the summer in New England for a change.”

Mike Geremia reports: “Around Christmas, Shirley and I went to Florida again. We rented a condo at Madeira Beach. I have been active in the Honor Guard for Transylvania County and have been busy with the Knights of Columbus; I am a fourth degree now. Also a member of Post 88 American Legion here in Brevard County. This summer Shirley and I are going to Clearwater Beach for my son’s wedding. In August, we are going to Hawaii for our 50th wedding anniversary and taking a cruise around the islands. I have been in touch with Bill Feeney ’60 and Dave Milot ’58.”

A retrospective of Grier Horner’s paintings will be held June 5–27, 2015, at the Lichtenstein Center for the Arts in Pittsfield, Mass., in conjunction with her 80th birthday.

Ralph Leonard is still active in the real estate business in Beverly, Mass. He lives in a colonial farmhouse in Effingham, N.H. He writes: “I have had cancer three times: throat, prostate, and jaw bone, and am cancer-free due to Dana Farber, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Massachusetts Eye and Ear—great doctors, early detection, and faith. A woman doctor from Brown wrote a book with 65 recipes that help fight cancer. There are some I have every week. I have had seven children, and our baby is 52.”

In January, Roger Eliot Stoddard received the Modern Language Assoc. Prize for a Bibliography, Archive, or Digital Project for his 2012 work, A Bibliographical Description of Books and Pamphlets of American Verse Printed from 1610 through 1820.

Dick Thomson writes: “There was a little excitement on Nantucket, where we live year-round. In January we got hit by another perfect storm. There was a foot of snow, a Nor’easter with 65-mph sustained winds and gusts of 80, sea surges of seven feet, and three feet of water in the downtown area. In several areas, including ours, wind gusts reached 92 mph. (Hurricanes are 75 and up.) We were without heat, electricity, and cell phone service for 45 hours and without landlines, cable TV, and Internet access for 95 hours. Afterward, we received phone calls from Virginia, Florida, and California telling us what had happened, because it had been on all the network newscasts. (We had no idea.) Next winter we are heading south.”

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Class secretary Robert Hummerstone reports that San Francisco State Univ. announced a new faculty position, the Robert Corrigan Visiting Professorship in Social Justice in the College of Ethnic Studies, on Oct. 26. The position recognizes Robert’s commitment to social justice and diversity during his 24-year tenure as the former president of the university.

Ronald Baker retired in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada, and lives on the north shore of Lake Erie. He writes: “Jackie and I enjoy excellent health, active all year.” Last April, they visited Chicago for the first time since 1963 and enjoyed the Frank Lloyd Wright homes in Oak Park, the Univ. of Chicago, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and their old neighborhoods. They also visited the Frank Lloyd Wright houses in Buffalo, N.Y., where they have season tickets to the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. They enjoyed lake swimming with friends and family all summer, and often visited with their four children and seven grandchildren. In October, they traveled to Rome and Naples to feast on the amazing art, architecture, music, and sculpture and to visit the Vatican and the ruins of Pompeii. In November, Ronald reports, the Brown Club of Toronto celebrated the University’s 250th year at the Woodbine Racetrack, including a Brown Club horse race event hosted by Woodbine Group Chairman Jim Lawson ’80. Ronald writes: “Jim is a great leader of Brunonians, doing so much here in Canada. I continue interviewing young Canadians seeking entry to Brown. Other activities include the Rotary Club of Simcoe, Ontario, and serving as a lay minister for the Anglican Church of Canada. Imagine, an old Saturday night reveler and Sigma Nu fraternity member like me ending up preaching the good news on Sundays! I am also quite active in the Prospect and Development Association of Canada. Life is good in Canada! Come visit us next year.”

Richard Barker announces the Sept. 30 birth of Declan Barker Bridges to his daughter, Rebecca Barker Bridges ’05, and her husband, Iain Bridges: “All are thriving.”

Patricia Kelley Cunningham reports that she and her husband, George, scheduled a three-week trip to Paris to celebrate his retirement from his dental practice. She studies Italian literature at the Univ. of Delaware, where George is pursuing a BA in Spanish literature.

Mike Geremia writes: “Shirley and I are going to Clearwater Beach, Fla., again this year. I am active in the American Legion Honor Guard and the Knights of Columbus at my church, Sacred Heart. I am a fourth-degree Knight. We are planning a Hawaii vacation for this summer to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.”

Betty Kilgore Hoadley is cutting back on her volunteer board work to tend to her “bucket list.” She writes: “Cruises to Alaska and the eastern Mediterranean with grandchildren are already crossed off the list. Life is good.”

Ira Levin moved from Rome to London. He writes: “London is quite a city, and things work here in a way that I never saw in my 44 years in Rome. Rome has other qualities, however.”

Judy and George Rollinson spent Christmas at home in Vero Beach, Fla. This spring, they will make a trip up north to attend the senior recital of their grandson, Gabriel, at the Manhattan School of Music. They also plan to spend a few weeks in the Northeast this summer to visit family and friends.

Francine Flynn Silberman participated in two global exchanges with Friendship Force International, one to Colombia in August and one to Mexico in October. She writes: “We were home-hosted by local families, participated in Spanish language study, and did some off-the-beaten-track touring. Colombia was a complete revelation. The cities Bogota and Cartagena were safe for visitors and the country is amazing. This was my fourth trip to Mexico, and I fall more in love with that country all the time. We spent more time than usual in Mexico City and the province of Veracruz. We were lucky enough to be in Oaxaca for the Day of the Dead ceremonies.”

Augustus White was inducted into the Stanford Alumni Association’s Multicultural Alumni Hall of Fame in October. Inductees are honored for distinguished service to their communities and society at large. This fall also marked the 10th annual Augustus A. White Spine Symposium, in Boston, hosted by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where Gus served as orthopedic surgeon-in-chief for 13 years.

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Arthur Bartlett is now retired from Jones and Bartlett Publishing Co. and is living in northern Sierra Nevada during the summers and Tucson, Ariz., during the winters. He and his wife, Nancy, hope to attend the 60th reunion.

Verna Werlock Cobb writes: “Busy with criminal/family/immigration law practice in Newburgh, N.Y., with husband John Cobb ’55 and son Stephen Cobb ’86.”

Pat Kelley Cunningham writes from Venice that she and George have planned a three-week trip to Paris in January visiting friends and enjoying all the city has to offer. She writes: “I need to practice my French, because we haven’t spent time in France for five years. We are just always busy trying to keep up with our Italian and Spanish. Keeps us on our toes!”

Sandra Sundquist Durfee teaches a course called “Poetry for the People: The Poets Laureate of the U.S.” at Washington College in Chestertown, Md. Her husband, David Durfee ’56, serves on the board of the Kent County Historical Society.

Irene Gouveia spent three days in Venice, Italy, this summer with her two nieces and a nephew before the four of them boarded a cruise to Greece. She also attended a niece’s wedding in Santa Barbara, Calif.

Bill Hayes is taking a class on Matisse at the Museum of Modern Art.

Lynn Hare Jachney writes: “After 45 years in a large Victorian house in Swampscott, Massachusetts, we have moved back to Marblehead and have a beautiful condo on the harbor. Full deck in front, huge window on side of the living room looking onto the harbor, a pretty beach next door, and a full wall of glass looking out on the harbor for one wall of the bedroom. It’s perfect and we are delighted. Downsizing wasn’t easy, but we are so thankful to our children, who helped enormously.”

William Haslan and his wife, Verna, have eight grandchildren, five of them boys and three girls.

Jerome Hanley moved from his home at the Landings, a gated golf community on Skidaway Island, Ga., to Marsh View Senior Living, a nearby assisted living facility. He writes: “It’s very posh with a gourmet dining room and adjacent bar, fitness center, and various hobby outlets. I’m still trying to play golf. My only regret is that after 20 years of teaching and doing theater, there’s not much real opportunity here.”

Dorothy Crews Herzberg-Frew is still a substitute teacher and tutor at the GED class at the jail. She is on the boards of the East Bay Chapter of the United Nations Assoc. and the Northeast Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM has been giving readings at libraries and bookstores on how to write travel fiction, using examples from his book Hawaiian Tales.

Cathie Durand-Viel Rapuano sent three sons to Brown—Chris ’82, Rich ’86, and David ’90. Now she has a grandson, Danny ’17, on campus. She writes: “Quite a tradition for an exchange student from France!”

Harvey Reback still practices internal medicine as part of Southcoast Health in Fall River, Mass.

Judith Sims Roberts is serving as interim associate rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Venice, Fla., and “loving the work.”

Judy and George Rollinson planned to celebrate the holidays at home in Vero Beach, Fla. They continue to enjoy their activities with the Navy League and school alumni organizations. They are planning one or two trips to the Northeast this spring and summer to visit family and friends.

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: “I read that Brown joined the Ivy League’s Christian Union, a great opportunity to meet like-minded students for conferences on various campuses. Congratulations to Matt Woodward, Christian Union’s ministry director at Brown, with a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton. I look forward to seeing the new headquarters on the Brown campus.”

L. Michael Snyder is working full-time at UMass Memorial Medical Center and Quest Diagnostics in Marlborough, Mass. The 10th edition of his textbook in lab medicine, Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, was just published.

Augustus A. White III recently received the Brown Alumni Association’s 2014 Joseph M. Fernandez ’85 Award. This was the fourth year the BAA presented this award. A list of award recipients is in “2014 Alumni Recognition Awards,” Classes, November/December 2014. Additionally, Bob Corrigan writes: “Stanford Univ. is honoring Gus White at its 20th annual Multicultural Alumni Hall of Fame reception.”

From the November/December 2014 Issue

Rusty Chandler took a brief golfing trip to Ireland this summer. “We stayed at a rental house near Clifden and played several rounds at nearby Connemara Golf Links. Weather was very accommodating: it only rained once, and that was just a passing shower.”

Patricia Kelley Cunningham and her husband, George, are studying in Venice for five weeks this fall. They rented an apartment in the university district, Dorsoduro, and are attending the Instituto Venezia, in Piazza Santa Margherita, for their language classes.

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM writes: “Joanna and I went to visit the Grand Canyon, Zion, and other parks in May. They are still majestic and inspiring.”

Mary Medsger Lalos, husband Peter, and four members of their family traveled to Greece in August for 10 days to vacation and attend a family wedding in Athens.

Karl Lauenstein reports: “Having been ‘summer people’ in Brunswick, Maine, since retiring in 1999, Joan and I bid farewell to Fairfax, Virginia, in 2012 and became year-round Maine residents. We are active supporters of the Maine Maritime Museum, which recently elected me to its board of trustees, as well as the Maine State Music Theater at Bowdoin College. International travel remains high on our agenda, including several enjoyable trips with the Brown Travelers.”

Bill Rivelli writes: “Cynthia and I are more and more taken with our granddaughter Sofia’s growth and development (15 months now) and expect to be very busy with her since our daughter-in-law, Colleen, is pursuing a graduate degree in education. Colleen will be training to teach dance in the New York City public schools. Our son, Taylor, continues creating music (most recently for the documentary Bronx Obama) and pursuing a career with Apple. Our daughter, Sarah, is the director of the med/psych residency program at Duke, and grandson Guillaume is a fluent French speaker who traveled this summer to Belgium and France with his parents. I’m finishing up a five-year project photographing the renovation of the United Nations building in New York City, with a book to be published next year. Cynthia and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary September 7. Our lives together have been blessed with loving family, wonderful friends, and a successful business, which we built together and has given us beautiful memories and an archive of amazing photographs.”

Judy and George Rollinson spent four weeks in the Northeast last summer, having sold their cottage in Narragansett, R.I. They visited family members and friends, and got to watch their grandson, Alex, throw the ceremonial first pitch at a Pawtucket Red Sox game after becoming national champion among 8-year-olds in the pitch/hit/run youth baseball competition. Judy and George continue to enjoy Vero Beach and are active in Navy League and school alumni organizations, including the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast.

Don Saunders writes that his wife, Liv Ullmann, screened the world premier of her latest film, Miss Julie, starring Colin Farrell and Jessica Chastain, at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. “We reside with our 9-year-old mini Dachshund, Chelsea, mainly in East Gloucester, Mass. We have, combined, three amazing daughters: Lisa, 56, who is senior vice president of my real estate company; Pamela, 55, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, who is self-employed and consulting with Goldman Sachs; and Linn Ullmann, who has published her fifth novel, The Cold Song, in several languages. We also have three grandchildren. I’m a healthy 80-year-old as of January 28. I’m sending love to all from the Saunders-Ullmann family.”

Maryann Filson Smith drove across the Canadian Rockies and prairies for the first time. “Lake Marion (near Banff) and Lake Louise were the show stoppers, and the prairies in late July were aglow with wide ribbons of sunshine and yellow canola blossoms laced with green crops of corn and vegetables, all against a canvas that was largely deep blue sky! What an eyeful, after having only experienced my Kansas grandfather’s pale wheat farms in the past, where he said I could look farther and see less than any other spot in the world. And, yes, I had climbed the Colorado Rocky Mountains on a burro many moons ago, which would have been totally unthinkable near Banff.”

Bob Tatem writes: “My wife and I have now established our home in Sun City Center, Florida, after 40-plus years in Fairfield, Connecticut. We are also selling our summer home in Vermont, as we plan to do more travelling now that our four kids have settled down. One has already retired from the U.S. Navy. One of our grandchildren is in the U.S. Air Force and lives about 20 minutes from us. He has two children of his own, and my wife is pleased he lives so close!”

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Mike Geremia writes: “Shirley and I went on an 18-day tour of Italy. In March, we took a riverboat cruise up the Danube from Budapest, Hungary, to Passau, Germany. We spent last December and January in Clearwater Beach, Fla., where we rented a house two blocks from the beach. In June we planned a trip to Little Harbor, Ruskin, Florida. Now I sure would like to stay home for a while.” This summer Mike and Shirley volunteered at the Brevard (N.C.) Music Center. They also played in the Connestee Falls summer bocce league.

Jim Goldsmith still volunteers daily at Phelps Memorial Hospital, where he is on the board. He writes: “I am getting a firsthand glimpse at the changing face of medicine. We are in negotiations to affiliate with a much larger hospital, as are most small community hospitals (and in fact as are most single-practice physicians). Two doctors at Phelps graduated from Brown undergraduate and medical school, but the year 1957 is almost foreign to them. My youngest daughter just graduated from CAP21, which is a two-year musical theater conservatory school in New York City, and now is auditioning and trying to make her way in a very competitive field. My oldest grandson is off to Hofstra. My wife, Donna, and I have a place on the Cape, which we try to get to as often as possible.”

Betty Kilgore Hoadley completed eight years on the board of trustees of the Univ. of New Hampshire. She crosses items off her bucket list each summer by taking trips with the grandchildren. Much of her volunteerism involves committees that award college scholarships or support local care for cancer patients.

Richard Mertens writes: “In mid-June I returned to the Netherlands for a reunion with my clubmates from the Delftsche Studenten Corps, to which I belonged when a Fulbright Scholar at the Delftsche Technische Hogeschol in Delft. It was very pleasant seeing many old friends again.”

George Rollinson and his wife, Judy, still enjoy life in Vero Beach, Fla. They participate in activities with their school alumni organizations, the Navy League, the theater, and others. They enjoy good health, in part due to ample time spent with doctors.

Bob Saltonstall writes: “My wife, Jane, and I finished up a very busy winter season in Palm Springs, Calif. We were cochairs of the Palm Springs Art Museum’s 75th anniversary celebration, which ended with a large gala celebrating the best ever in most categories of activity. Now life has slowed down a bit. We spent much of the summer in Sun Valley, Idaho. We both also enjoy skiing there during the winter. Life is good to us.”

Francine Flynn Silberman writes: “I continue to explore our wonderful neighbors south of the border. I spent three weeks in Ecuador this past February. I stayed ten days in Quito and Cuenca, staying with two Ecuadorian families. Then I took an excellent exploratory tour of the country. I’m also busy these days taking Spanish classes.”

Jean MacGregor Simon reports from Huntsville, Ala.: “We are healthy, and we travel a lot. Despite a lot of traveling, I still look forward to our grand 60th reunion in 2017!”

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: “I was delighted to hear that Christian Union, an Ivy League ministry, has been welcomed at Brown. They have great fellowship among the rest of the Ivies. Apparently a few forums have been scheduled. Great news.”

Bob Tatem and his wife, Elaine, have established residency in Florida after 10-plus years as snow birds. Bob writes: “Regretfully, we have sold our house in Connecticut and are putting our house in Vermont up for sale. If you are in the vicinity of Sun City Center, Florida, give us a call.”

John Wolfe (Theta Delta Chi) and his wife, Margaret, planned for a good summer with two trips east from Alaska for weddings of younger relatives in Maryland and Iowa. John writes: “We’re looking forward now to the Barbershop Harmony convention at New Orleans in early January.”

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Fred Behringer writes: “My wife of 55 years, Joanne (Penn State ’57), passed away January 11. She was a retired teacher, food columnist, and restaurant critic known for her elaborate tailgate spreads. I am relocating from Pennsylvania to our longtime home.”

Dorothy Crews Herzberg’s book Me, Madam: Peace Corps Letters from Nigeria, 1961–1963 is available at Amazon. She writes: “I was one of the first volunteers. When we went, the Peace Corps had not yet been approved by Congress. I wrote over 100 letters home, and they are the basis of the book. So it is first-hand observation. So far everyone has liked it!”

Gus White has written an article in the new Journal for Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities that, he writes, “might be of interest to women, the elderly (us), and others at risk. It is called ‘Some Advice for Minorities and Women on the Receiving End of Health-Care Disparities.’ It can be found at .”

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Peter Bolton and his wife, Bev, write: “We have relocated to Winchester Gardens, a retirement community in Maplewood, New Jersey, which is much closer to our daughters and grandchildren. We would love to hear from other Brunonians in northern Jersey.”

Rusty Chandler and his wife, Tina, visited Fripp Island in South Carolina in April to get out of the New England cold.

Robert A. Corrigan retired from San Francisco State as president emeritus after 25 years of service. The Robert A. Corrigan endowed chair in American Studies was established at San Francisco State.

Jack Giddings continues to practice medicine full-time in Jacksonville, Fla. In his spare time he gardens, walks on the beach, and does some volunteer work. Jack, along with his wife, Sue, and son, Matt, were interviewed by a local newspaper on a visit to Gettysburg battlefield on the anniversary of the battle. Jack writes: “Special visits were on tap to the Texas Monument and the Vermont Memorial.”

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM and Joanna plan to visit Bryce Canyon, Sedona, and other such sites. Lee writes: “We have wanted to see our national parks for some time, and this is the time.” Lee is the author of the new short story collection Hawaiian Tales: The Girl with Heavenly Eyes, 14 stories that look beyond the surface lives of tourists and retirees, natives and transplants, to the joys and mysteries within. Though fictional, each of the stories is based on the people Jacobus has met, the places he’s visited, and the experiences he’s had both on and off the beaten path. “My stories are about people seeking some solace and joy, whether as tourists or as people who’ve lived in Hawaii all of their lives. The stories explore the moral center of their characters in their environment and focus, largely, on the inner lives of women and men, young and old, as they confront the realities and challenges of modern life in Hawaii, with all of the expectations and dreams that lead them.” Lee is a professor emeritus of English at UConn. For more information visit .

Jim McCurrach works for Catapult Learning, which operates under Title I government grants that involve teaching small groups of students who need extra help in reading and mathematics. He writes: “It has me working 25 hours a week, which is more than enough in light of my approaching 80th birthday in early June. My partner and I finally got married Dec. 30 after sharing each other’s lives for 32 years.”

George Rollinson and his wife, Judy, continue to enjoy life in Vero Beach, Fla., as they participate in activities with their school alumni organizations, the Navy League, the theater, and other events. They have sold their cottage in Narragansett, R.I., so, instead of going north for five months, they will be in the Northeast for about one month during future summers, visiting family and friends.

From the March/April 2014 Issue

Peter Bolton writes: “We have moved to a beautiful retirement community in Maplewood, New Jersey, called Winchester Gardens, to be near children and grandchildren. We would love to see Brunonians in northern New Jersey. Between us, we have six children and 14 grandchildren. I am long retired from the Department of State. Bev tutored and taught writing at Virginia Theological Seminary until declining eyesight forced her to retire.”

Mike Geremia writes: “We just got back from an 18-day tour of Europe, including bella Italia, which was the best country by far. Guess I am a little prejudiced, being of Italian descent. Shirley and I loved it and are going back for a river cruise with Viking.”

Dorothy Crews Herzberg has written a book based on letters she wrote from Nigeria, where she served in the Peace Corps from 1961 to 1963. It will be available on Amazon. It is called Me, Madame, Peace Corps Letters from Nigeria, 1961–1963. Dorothy writes: “I was in the first 400 volunteers. There is some mention of Pembroke in it!”

Lee Jacobus writes: “My book of Hawaiian Tales was republished in an enlarged edition in March. The prepublication reception has been extremely good, I’m happy to say.”

William F. Reed retired after 50 years of newspapering in Virginia. He and his wife, Margaret Candler Reed, have a son, a daughter, and six grandchildren, and live in Virginia Beach.


From the January/February 2014 Issue

Pauline Veneri Bowen went on a fall riverboat cruise through Portugal and Spain. She writes: “Loved it. Riverboat cruising is the way to go—relaxing, casual, great food and people.”

Rusty Chandler writes: “Tina and I had a nice trip last summer to Gettysburg, Pa., where they are observing the 150th anniversary of that battle. It is quite a sight, and I commend it to anyone who has not had that experience. We also took in the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pa.; spent a day driving through the Amish country; and then two days in various Philadelphia museums.”

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’59 AM enjoyed a Road Scholar visit to the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Albuquerque, N.M., in October. She is looking forward to opera performances in Sarasota, Fla., in February.

Wyeth Lynn Hare Jachney writes: “In June, Dick and I took a trip beginning in one of our favorite cities, Venice. We rented a small apartment for five days. Dick carried my four-wheel walker over the bridges and I held on to the railings of the many bridges of Venice. Then we joined a Brown small cruise ship trip down the Adriatic. Life aboard was delightful, beautifully organized, fine food, perfect. We stopped at many of the lovely towns and cities of Croatia, saw the Bay of Kotor, the Ionian Islands, and around the bottom of the Peloponnese and a stop in Nauplia. We ended this lovely trip by visiting friends for the day in Athens and enjoying a three-hour lunch at the new archeological museum at the Acropolis with them.”

David Lewis (see Beatrice Wattman Miller ’35).

Richard B. Mertens joined the Brown Travelers in September on a trip to Alsace, Burgundy, the Loire Valley, and Paris. He writes: “Lots of good food and wine. I visited a friend near Nancy prior to the trip and stayed in Paris for a few days after.”

Karl Panthen writes: “Barrie and I are moving into an independent living facility in Albuquerque, N.M. Our middle daughter, Kris, and her husband live in Albuquerque. After 78 years in Westchester, N.Y., this is a brand new page in our life. I’ll still be working with Wells Fargo Bank as a mortgage loan officer. Maybe I’ll retire, but who knows.”

Bill Reed writes: “I’ve been retired from newspapering here in Virginia since 2000. I still keep my hand in the business with a monthly column or two. I am closing in on 80 years on this planet. I am still married to the same person I married 54 years ago. We have two children and six grandchildren. I have undergone two knee replacements and a series of chemo and radiation treatments for breast cancer, but so far I am in good health. I often think of those days at Brown and the friends I made, and hope they’ve been as lucky as I have been.”

Barbara Sears Tessmer reports that a mini-reunion was held in New York City the first weekend in October. Attending were Elizabeth Reiss Baecher, Marva Dates Belt, Patricia Kelley Cunningham, Mary Patten Lafferty, Janet Rowden Mergenthaler, and Joyce Williams Warren ’60 AM. Barbara writes: “A most enjoyable time was had by all.”


From the November/December 2013 Issue

Mark Abramowitz writes: “In the last ten years Joan and I have been seeing the world—cruises, bicycle trips, and various land excursions. Our two daughters graduated from Brown in 1981 and 1982, and we have four grandchildren, including a granddaughter in the class of 2015. I’m still going to school for literature and history classes mostly and am very active in Outward Bound.”

Don Arsenault writes that he is recuperating from his second knee replacement to go along with his hip replacement. “Old wounds from playing in the Hobey Baker rink at Princeton. Boards were set in concrete. Doc says I can get back to playing tennis in 6–10 weeks. I now have two new knees and one new hip. Rehab going great, and I must say they have perfected the procedure. The surgeon did six that same day.”

Rosemary Carroll writes: “I was invited to be on a panel at a conference, ‘Remembering Hannah Arendt and her book Eichmann in Jerusalem,’ in September at Wesleyan Univ. I was a Master of Arts student at Wesleyan in a seminar Professor Arendt gave. I also continue as a member of the board of directors of the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast in Florida.”

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and Dave Durfee ’56 write they are enjoying life on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Mike Geremia and his wife, Shirley, are planning a visit to Italy in November. He writes that his daughter, Julie, is still flying all over the world with AA, where she has been for 25 years. His sons are still living in Florida. Son Mike and his fiancée, Gina, visited in July, and they went to Linville Caverns and white-water rafting on the Nantahala River.

Polly Griscom writes she is now living in a retirement community. She is painting almost daily and had a one-person show in October. She writes: “I finally mastered figures in watercolors.”

William Hayes has accepted an invitation to join the advisory board of Baruch College’s Zicklin undergraduate honors program.

Dorothy Crews Herzberg retired from teaching in 2005 and substitute teaches in high school in the West Contra Costa School District. She is on the boards of the U.N. Assoc. of the East Bay, the Berkeley/East Bay ACLU, and the Ujima Family Recovery Services. She is active in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley and is working on a book about her two years in Nigeria with the Peace Corps.

Lee Jacobus ’59 AM writes: “This September I began my 10th year as a regular on WNPR’s ‘Faith Middleton’s Book Schmooze,’ talking about contemporary and classic books. My own book, Hawaiian Tales: The Girl with Heavenly Eyes, will be out in October. Bill Kelly and I see each other for dinner and theater in the spring and fall. He’s busy writing, and his book, The Basilisk Solution, is now available.”

Beatrice Ellis Jillette is a retired graphic artist and special ed instructor. She writes that she is currently involved in “saving things” as a Friend of Mount Sunapee, a volunteer archivist with two historical societies, and a Friend of the Goshen Grange Hall. She lives in a small rural town and is active as a library trustee and a member of the budget committee and conservation commission. She paints several times a week and is a juried member of the New Hampshire Art Assoc. and the Vermont Watercolor Society. She enjoys walks in the woods, gardening, and photography. She has four children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Marie O’Donahoe Kirn ’62 AM writes that, after three decades of working with hospice, she is teaching a course on “Living With Our Mortality” at the Institute for Lifelong Education at Dartmouth. She says the topic “has been a powerful experience for many.” Marie has lived in a farm-based cohousing community ( ) in Hartland, Vt., since 1997.

Cathie Durand-Viel Rapuano writes she is looking forward to getting up to Providence again as her grandson Danny has joined the class of 2017, following in the footsteps of his father, Chris Rapuano ’82.

William M. Romer retired after 53 years as an active priest in the Episcopal Church in the U.S. and Ireland. He also spent 20 years in New York State working in child and family development. He is treasurer of his condo association and active in Massachusetts Democratic politics. He has six children and nine grandchildren.

Don Saunders writes: “I’m very proud to report that I have been living in Manhattan since June, after spending the final three weeks of the shooting of Liv Ullmann’s new film, August Strindberg’s 1800s play, Miss Julie. It was shot in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, just a wee bit short of a two-hour drive from Belfast. Liv has written and directed it and, for all intents and purposes, produced it, and collaborated with the Norwegian Cultural Department.” Don adds that he is also working on President Paxson and some alums to honor former Faunce House director Bill Surprenant for his years of service to Brown.

Alan R. Shalita has been awarded the Gold Medal of the American Academy of Dermatology, its highest honor.

Francine Flynn Silberman writes she spent July traveling in Finland, Estonia, and Russia. She visited St. Petersburg and Moscow and had a seven-night Volga River cruise on a small luxury ship originally built for the Communist elite. She spent eight hours in the Hermitage Museum over a three-day period and would be glad to share info with anyone interested.

Mary Ann Filson Smith asks: “Have you ever thought of lending your extra garage space to local musicians? I never did until approached by two fellow church members. Check out Ginger 66 on YouTube if you want to see my garage band interviewed and performing on TV.”

George Stephenson writes: “We had two grandchildren, Lucy Stephenson ’13 and Ben Stephenson ’13, graduate from Brown. A very proud moment. I’ll start working on the other six grandchildren.”

Brad Walters and his new wife have moved to Sarasota, Fla. “We are just getting settled and would like to hear from any classmates from the late ’50s years. Florine and I attended my 65th reunion at Northfield-Mount Hermon School and met up with some ’57 Brunos. Gus White gave his usual elegant presentation, this one focusing on the health crisis facing minorities and the quality of treatment they receive.”

Augustus A. White III was presidential guest speaker at the Western Orthopaedics Assoc. annual conference in July. Gus also has accepted the invitation to be an associate editor of the new Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. In August, he was guest of honor at a Houston forum on race and justice sponsored by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School. The institute honored him as a Legend. Other participants included Louis Sullivan, past secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Alvin Poussaint, Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry; and David Satcher, former U.S. surgeon general.


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Joanne and Fred Behringer returned to their summer home in Ocean City, N.J., in May after a six-month absence. “Damage from Sandy forced a total rebuilding of the first floor—an excruciating process to remodel a house,” writes Fred. “Joanne (Penn State ’57) has applauded the highly positive impact of Bill O’Brien ’92 as coach of the beleaguered Penn State football team.”

Britten Dean and his wife took a late-spring tour all around New England in their VW camper. “Highlights included a 60-year reunion at my Massachusetts prep school; a visit with Vermont classmate Marie O’Donahoe Kirn, who spent much of her career in hospice care and is now devoting her endless energy to palliative care; and a Maine windjammer cruise, which I’d been hankering to do ever since I was a youngster.”

Carol and Bill Freund “are reluctantly leaving our central Ohio garden Shangri-La of nearly 30 years. Look for us next in Holly Springs, southwest of Raleigh, N.C.”

Mike Geremia recently took part in annual senior Olympic games. He participated in 10 events and won five gold and five silver medals. Events included shuffleboard, long jump, shot put, discus, cycling, basketball, and football.

Bill Hayes traveled to Paris, Brazil, and Argentina. He continues to mentor students at Baruch College and with the student committee of the New York Society of Security Analysts.

Judith Hill writes: “Due to major problems in the Palm Beach County housing market, I now have my granddaughter, Stacy, and her daughter, Josalynn, living with me. Josalynn is seven, so my life has changed significantly. On the whole, it is fun as long as you don’t value your privacy.”

Barbara Ramsdell (See Engagements & Weddings Sally King McBride ’07).

Cynthia and Bill Rivelli write: “We welcomed Sofia Rafaela Rivelli into our lives on May 18, 2013—our first granddaughter and a real cutie. We’re spending time helping out the new parents, both here in the Big Apple and at our place in the Catskills, where the air is fresh and cool. We enjoyed our yearly visit to Durham in April and a visit with our grandson (now 6½) and his parents.” They continue to photographically document the renovation of United Nations headquarters in New York. “I was asked to follow the progress with my cameras and in my own way in order for them to have more than just the record shots of the entire project,” writes Bill. “It usually works out to one day a month of photography (which is about all that Cynthia and I can handle at our age). Since I’m using original photographic methods, tools, and film, and some of my favorite mechanical cameras, and calculating the color of the light and how much of it is available, I feel like a kid in a candy store. The adventure should continue for another year, perhaps more.”

Judy and George Rollinson will return to Florida after spending five months in Narragansett, R.I., during which they enjoy visits with their children and families and with friends. Their health continues to be very good, thanks in part to some successful medical activity. Judy had cataracts removed from both eyes, and George had an ablation to correct an irregular heartbeat.

Stan Vincent and the New Black Eagle Jazz Band have kept up a rugged schedule this year with concerts and private parties in every New England state, as well as festivals in Pennsylvania, California, and Colorado. Stan writes: “The band was formed in 1971, and I am its original trombone player. For sounds reminiscent of Wriston Quad circa ’57 and their schedule, check out .”

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Tony Booth writes: “We are still traveling in our motor home. We’ll spend March and April in Florida visiting our daughter and friends. In May, we will be in Newport, Rhode Island, for my 60th reunion at St. George’s. In June, we will be on Cape Cod with our entire family to celebrate our 50th anniversary.”

Patricia Kelley Cunningham writes: “My husband, George, and I are returning to Sorrento, Italy, this summer. We rent an apartment and attend the Sorrento Lingue language school. It’s always a fun time with visits to the islands of Capri and Ischia, Pompeii, Positano, and Amalfi. Plus we get the bonus of practicing our Italian in a genuine setting.”

Terry Newell is retired and has been married 51 years with three children and six grandchildren, two of whom are starting college this fall. Terry still enjoys golf, fishing, and lots of bridge. He writes: “Hope my classmates are as fortunate as I have been!”

Joan Reinthaler retired almost five years ago from a career teaching high school math. Since then, she has been working with Math for America, an American Univ. and Carnegie Institution collaboration, mentoring young math teachers in the D.C. public schools. She writes: “I’m still a music critic for the Washington Post, and since retirement I’ve been building houses once a week with Habitat for Humanity, where I have served as a crew leader.”

Francine Flynn Silberman writes: “The Tampa Bay area of Florida offers a wide choice of memberships for active seniors. Think of an interest and there is a club (art, lifelong learning, travel, computer, vegetarian, and so on), and all with on-the-go members well into their 80s.” Francine plans to visit Chiapas, Mexico, on a cultural exchange sponsored by Friendship Force International, a worldwide nonprofit organization working for peace and friendship.

Alan Shalita, a professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, has been awarded the gold medal of the American Academy of Dermatology, its highest honor.

John Wolfe and his wife, Margaret, returned home to Anchorage, AK, in February after their annual winter break from the ice and snow. They spent six weeks in Florida, including a week’s cruise to the western Caribbean. John writes: “I am always interested in hearing from any Theta Delta Chi members from 1955 to 1960.”


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Polly Veneri Bowen writes: “My cousin and I took a wonderful riverboat cruise down the Danube. We stopped in several places in Germany and Austria. My special treat was hearing the Vienna Symphony play many Mozart favorites. Strasbourg was pretty neat too. I highly recommend river boating.”

Rusty Chandler regrets missing the 55th reunion. “Tina and I were on a Russian trip at that time.”

Britten Dean and his wife, Kayoko, went on a wine cruise in November, stopping in Bordeaux, Bilbao (in Spain’s wine country), Porto (Portugal’s wine capital), and other places. Unfortunately, on the trip he developed bronchitis, which laid him up for weeks after returning home. As a result, “car trips in the good ol’ U.S. of A. are my vacations of the future!”

Lee Jacobus writes: “Joanna (RISD ’60) and I were in Egypt last March between political catastrophes and found the people warm and friendly toward us.” St. Martin’s has published a new edition of my Bedford Introduction to Drama. I gave a talk last fall at the Florence Griswold Museum in Connecticut, ‘Devotional Poetry and Meetinghouse Church Architecture.’”

Art Pickard is rules committee chairman for the U.S. Power Squadrons, “the premier U.S. boating organization.” He adds, “I chair a team of six others who are responsible for approving bylaws for our 400 squadrons and 33 districts.” Art has been a Power Squadrons member for 26 years, has passed all of its educational courses, and has taught all but two. He has been named a life member for his years of dedicated service.

Robert Rosenblatt retired from ob-gyn practice seven years ago. He is now doing part-time work with the New York State health department. He writes: “Carol and I still live in the Albany area. Our five children are all in the area and we are kept busy by our grandchildren.”

Don Saunders hosted the Brown Club of Boston’s welcome to Brown’s new president, Christina Paxson in December. “It was the largest turnout in the club’s history,” he reports. Don has also been invited to a dinner reception at the White House. “My daughter, Lisa, a senior vice president in our company, will be joining me while my wife, Liv, is in Oslo, directing Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya.”

In November, Francine Flynn Silberman traveled to Peru, spending five days in the Amazon and then 12 days in Lima, Cuzco, and the Urubamba Valley. “I climbed most of the major Inca sites, including Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu,” she writes. “The trip was extraordinary, and I’m so glad I did not put it off any longer.”

Rosamond Jean MacGregor Simon and her husband, Jack, announce the Oct. 19 birth of twin grandsons, Finnlay and Jackson Simon, to their middle son, Donald, and his wife, Amy.

Brad Walters reports: “My wife of 11 years, Myra, passed away in November after fighting cancer for five years. We traveled extensively during that time and before.” Brad looks forward to the 60th reunion.

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Pauline Veneri Bowen took a boat trip down the Danube through Austria, Hungary, and Germany. She writes: “I highly recommend river boat cruising: relaxing and a lot of fun.”

Bob Corrigan writes that, after serving 24 years as president of San Francisco State Univ. (following nine years as UMass Boston chancellor), he has stepped down. After a year’s sabbatical, he will return to the faculty as the Robert A. Corrigan Professor of American Studies.

Steve and Ruth Schulz Cottrell live in Key West, Fla., and celebrated their 54th anniversary with a trip to Panama City, Panama, and Manaus, Brazil. Steve writes: “Ruth has been dealing with cancer for the past year and a half. We highly recommend seeing both cities and the Panama Canal. The opera house in Manaus, in the upper Amazon, is magnificent.”

Maryann Filson Smith writes: “I had great fun last summer volunteering with my daughter as a hostess for Barnabas Family camps on Keats Island and for the SALTS Society tall ships open house in Victoria, B.C. I am looking forward to a day’s sail aboard the Pacific Swift, a tall ship we built on site at Expo ’86.”

David Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Community Health and Medicine at Brown and a doctor, still teaches at Brown, with an office in the soon-to-be public health school. He writes: “Eleanor Levinson Lewis ’59 and I are well, with children and grandchildren.” David’s current projects include working for parity for mental and addictive diseases and implementing the Affordable Care Act. He also served on a committee on improvements in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse disorders in the armed forces and reserves. 

Linda and Dick Marcus are wintering in Naples, Fla. Dick is in the Brown Club there and welcomes calls and visits.

George Rollinson and his wife, Judy, are back in Florida for the winter. George is active in the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, which he helped found.

Richard D. Thomson has enjoyed living year-round on Nantucket for the past 12 years. In July, his new novel, The Pier Group: A Nantucket Mystery, was published electronically on Kindle, and the paperback version is expected in January. It features “an ex-Navy Seal who helps a former Seal buddy indicted for a brutal murder.”

W. Bruce Warr writes: “Since retiring nine years ago as a researcher in neuroscience, I and my partner, Verla, have helped manage an urban wetland sanctuary and nature center near our home. Our group, Friends of Heron Haven, was recently recognized for its contributions to the Omaha, Neb., community. I realize how much I owe to my professors at Brown, who gave me a solid grounding in psychology: Julius W. Kling, Lorrin Riggs, and, of course, the soul of the department, Professor Harold Schlosberg.”

Augustus A. White III received the Otis Social Justice Award from Wheaton College in Massachusetts for “exceptional contributions in promoting greater understanding of issues central to a just society.” He also received an honorary doctorate from Suffolk Univ. for his distinguished career in medicine.

Warren Williams and his wife, Isobel, spent 10 days on Italy’s Amalfi Coast, which he calls “paradise.” They play and sing with a ukulele band in Swansea, Wales.

John Wolfe and his wife, Margaret, of Anchorage, Alaska, plan to attend the nationwide Barbershop Harmony Society convention in Florida, then cruise the western Caribbean “seeking respite from Alaska’s ice and cold.”


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Nick Clapp and his wife, Bonnie, backpacked 1,150 miles across France and Spain, following a medieval pilgrimage route, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. It was, they write, “the walk of a lifetime.”

Patricia Kelley Cunningham and her husband, George, spent six weeks in Spain last summer. First they attended language school in Barcelona, and then they “headed for the Costa Brava and just did the beach scene in the little Catalan village of Llafranc.”

Bill Hayes visited Cuba last spring. He writes: “In addition to seeing the beautifully restored Old Havana, I got a view of a country in transition to free enterprise. Everyone we talked to was open and candid about the country’s problems. There were very few pictures of Fidel anywhere.”

Dorothy Crews Herzberg (See Engagements & Weddings).

Lee Jacobus and his wife, Joanna, visited Egypt last spring as Lee researched his upcoming book, Humanities Through the Arts. They rode camels, Lee writes: “Joanna fell and broke her right arm and leg. She’s doing well now.”

James McCurrach of San Francisco teaches history in a private school and spent a good part of the summer working on a novel he expects to be published this year. He and his partner of 30 years recently got away for a six-day trip to Maui.

Karl Panthen and his wife, Barrie, attended the 55th reunion. Karl writes: “In 2001 I had a major cancer operation on my throat. I’m doing pretty well and have gone back to work at Wells Fargo Bank. My speech is so-so, but I can handle it.” Next year Karl and Barrie plan to visit their youngest daughter and her husband, in Doha, Qatar.

Harvey Reback still practices internal medicine in Somerset, Mass.

Joan Reinthaler works for the Carnegie Institution and American University as a teacher-mentor for Math for America and is a music critic for the Washington Post. She also builds houses for Habitat for Humanity and recommends this hands-on labor to everyone.

Pete Roe is involved in various civic activities on Long Island, including the Rotary, Boy Scouts, his church, and the Patchogue Business Improvement District, of which he is president. He recently stepped down as village justice in Bellport after running unopposed for 12 consecutive four-year terms. Pete also interviews prospective students for Brown and has recruited several promising student athletes.

Donald Saunders has been elected a trustee for life at the Clinton Foundation and Library in Little Rock, Ark. He  attended a small dinner with President Obama and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and celebrated the Bruins’ Stanley Cup win at the White House.

Gus White’s Seeing Patients: Unconscious Bias in Health Care received the British Medical Association Book Award in 2011. Gus also received a 2012 achievement award from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Bishop Arthur Williams is presently serving as assistant bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. Arthur retired as Bishop Suffragan of that diocese and continues to live in Cleveland with his wife, Lynette. Arthur writes: “St. Stephen’s Church on George Street, which sponsored me in seminary, celebrated the 150th anniversary of the dedication of their building and asked me to return to preach at the morning service and to be their after-dinner speaker at the Hope Club that evening. It was a great occasion to see old friends and colleagues, including Bishop Hays Rockwell ’58 and his wife, Linda; the Rev. Harry Gordon ’52; and the Rev. Larry Bradner ’60 MAT.”

Bud Williams and his wife, Isobel, live in Wales and play and sing with a ukulele band. They recently played Ode to Joy with the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. Bud writes: “We can now add to our résumés that we played a gig in the famous St. David’s Hall in Cardiff. But privately, we do not expect to be invited back!”


From the September/October 2012 Issue

George Rollinson writes: “Judy and I recently enjoyed my 55th reunion. It was really great seeing classmates, other alums, and staff, and enjoying the atmosphere on campus. We are most appreciative of all the hard work of staff and others who made the reunion such a success. Reluctantly, I must comment on some negatives. The campus was incredibly crowded. Parking was extremely difficult to find, and for us senior citizens, the resulting walking was a challenge. There must be reasons to have graduation and reunions on the same weekend. However, I hope that the decision makers will seriously consider having those events on different weekends as was the case a number of years ago. Again, we want to express our thanks to those whose hard work made the reunions so successful.”  


From the July/August 2012 Issue

Robert A. Corrigan, president of San Francisco State Univ., received the John Hope Franklin Award from Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. During his 54-year academic career, Robert has championed diversity in higher education.

Nancy Brookover Beil, Judy Griswold Hicks, Roberta Walker McColl, Janet Rowden Mergenthaler, and Elizabeth Webb had a fall mini-reunion at Judy’s home in Mystic, Conn. They are planning another mini-reunion in September 2012. 


From the May/June 2012 Issue

Nancy Brookover Beil, Judith Griswald Hicks, Janet Rowden Mergenthaler, Roberta Walker McColl, and Elizabeth Webb had a mini-reunion in 2011 at Judy’s home in Mystic, Conn. They have tentative plans for another reunion in September.


From the March/April 2012 Issue

Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco reports that plans for the 55th reunion have been completed. The festivities take place on the weekend of May 25. The class needs volunteers for class officers or for the nominating committee.

Rosemary Carroll writes that the Brown University Club of the Treasure Coast had a successful year with two excellent speakers: Brown political science professor James Morone and Jim Walsh ’81, who spoke on Iran.

Rusty Chandler regrets that he won’t be able to attend the reunion in May as he’ll be traveling in Russia at that time.

Patsy Kelly Cunningham writes that this summer she will again be studying in a language school in Barcelona. She spent part of the winter in St. Martin, where she was able to put her French to good use.

Britten Dean and his wife took a two-week trip to Peru and found Machu Picchu and the Amazon basin very impressive. They also enjoyed the Peruvian cuisine.

Mish Taylor Fowle writes that Marcia Sewall had a one-person show of her paintings at the Old Schwamb Mill in Arlington, Mass., last summer. Marcia spends her summers in Rockland, Me., and the rest of the year in Dorchester, Mass.

Bill Hayes is currently writing book reviews for the New York Society of Security Analysts’ financial blog (

Fred Humeston writes: “I have joined two colleagues in pediatric practice and have closed my solo practice of 45 years. I’ve decided to cut down work hours to three days a week and enjoy semi-retirement. Could not bring myself to quit completely!”

Richard Mertens joined the Brown Travelers on the “Village Life Dordogne” trip, staying in the restored medieval town of Sarlat with daily side trips to visit prehistoric cave art, Romanesque churches, villages, and the pilgrimage site of Rocamadour. Professor Laura Durand was the Brown lecturer on the trip.

Jim McCurrach’s memoir Unrequited Time has been published and is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon. It includes private school disasters and experiences during his years at Brown. He is currently working as a high school history teacher and is looking forward to the 55th reunion.

Cynthia and Bill Rivelli joined several of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York “to support all the young people who no longer see any possibility for success in our society due to a lack of opportunities and a skewed and unequal playing field. We support them and will lend these old feet and bodies to the success of their various causes.”

Bud Williams and his wife, Isobel, have enrolled in a jive dance class. After giving Isobel a ukulele for Christmas, he took her skiing in the Austrian Tyrol.

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Don Arsenault and his wife, Joyce, went to a reunion of U.S. Army football players with whom Don played back in the '50s in Wertheim, Germany.

Barbie Borngesser Breer lost her husband, Bill, this past October. Although diagnosed with lymphoma, he persevered and was able to continue to travel the world and to spend time with their eight grandchildren.

John Rusty Chandler and his wife, Kristina, write that they took a train trip across the Canadian Rockies. They recommend this journey as a "bucket list" trip.

Theodore Colangelo writes: "For three years I've been events chairman for the Vero Beach Brown Alumni Club. Our first speaker this season was Jim Walsh '81. He presented 'My Five Dinners with Ahmadinejad: Iran, Nuclear Weapons, and the Middle East' on Dec. 7."

Sandra Sundquist Durfee writes: "More and more often I hear from you that you have been delighted to make connections with fellow members of our class. We have a great opportunity to continue to meet each other again this year at our 55th. It's not too early to make plans! Dave Durfee '56 and I are eager to share tales of Tanzania with those of you who recommended the trip to us!"

Jim Harmon was chosen by the White House to represent the United States on the G20 High Level Panel on Infrastructure. The panel is composed of 17 global leaders, from both the public and private sectors, with worldwide experience in infrastructure projects.

Billy Hayes is now a mentor at Baruch College.

Dorothy Crews Herzberg attended the Peace Corps' 50th reunion in Washington D.C. She was one of the first 400 volunteers sent overseas to Nigeria, where she taught secondary school from 1961 to 1963 and did sewing projects in the villages.

Lynn Hare Jachney and her husband, Dick, spent four weeks in Nantucket in August. They enjoy going to their grandchildren's sporting events.

Lee Jacobus '59 AM has written Crown Island, now available on Kindle. He and Bill Kelly '51 met Jim Furlong '58 and discovered their Brown connection.

David Kaplan writes: "Sadly, my dear wife of 50 years, Nancy, has been living in an assisted-living 'memory unit' since March. I first noticed symptoms of cognitive impairment and short-term memory loss about eight years ago, but it has gotten worse, as Alzheimer's always will over time. Naturally, I'm very sad, but now that she is in a safe and nurturing environment in the Boston area, where I also maintain a summer residence and where my children and grandchildren live, and I am no longer the 24/7 caregiver, my life is somewhat better. Hope to make it to our 55th this year."

Richard Marcus and his wife, Linda, are spending the first few months of the year in Naples, Fla., and would love to see any other Brown sunbirds in the area. They will be attending the 55th reunion.

Robert Norman renewed his friendship with Terry Uyeyama at the Union League Club while attending a wedding in New York City. They were both U.S. Air Force career fighter pilots, but their paths had never crossed and they hadn't seen each other since graduation. They had a great time catching up on all their life experiences and mutual friends.

George Rollinson and his wife, Judy, are enjoying their winter in Vero Beach, Fla., where their activities include the Navy League and the Brown Club. George enjoys seeing Brown classmates Ted Colangelo and Rosemary Carroll in Florida.

Francine Flynn Silberman traveled to Costa Rica last August, where she experienced zip-lining, white-water rafting, horseback riding, and other activities.

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: "There was a small Wall Street sit-in that paled in comparison to the madhouse that occurred after my Canucks lost to the Bruins." She writes that her daughter, Katie Milway, sat on the board of World Vision last year.

John Wolfe has regretfully ceased his barbershop singing activity, giving in to aging of voice, ear, and eyesight. However, he and his wife, Margaret, attended the Midwinter Convention of the nationwide Barbershop Harmony Society.

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Arthur Bartlett writes that after 13 years, he and his wife, Nancy, are still in the "lost sierra" north of Lake Tahoe. They spend their winters in Tucson, Ariz.

Ardell Borodach is selling her apartment and plans to move to Riverdale, N.Y., not too far from New York City, but with more space. She will continue to volunteer at the Frick Collection and attend classes in Jewish studies at the Drisha Institute.

Rusty Chandler and his wife, Tina, continue their travels with a cross-Canada trip from Toronto to Vancouver with stops in Jasper, Lake Louise, and Banff.

Robert Corrigan announced to the San Francisco State Univ. faculty that he has spent his final year as president. He has served in that position for 24 years and before that was chancellor of UMass Boston.

Britten Dean attended a Road Scholar program at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore. The weeklong program dealt with the evolution of the piano and medieval and Renaissance music.

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and her husband, Dave, spent a week on Mackinac Island, Mich., and have returned from a trip to Tanzania.

Mike Geremia and his wife, Shirley, toured Costa Rica last January and traveled to Florida for two weeks in March. A highlight of the Florida vacation was a trip on a B-25, sitting in the copilot's seat. The flight was a birthday gift from Shirley.

Bill Hayes has signed up to be a mentor to students at Baruch College.

James McCurrach is back in the classroom for the new school year. He is making final changes in his memoir and expects the book will be in stores soon.

Tom Rapp is taking "one glorious day at a time in minimal Marfa, Texas," with his partner of 21 years, Toshifumi Sakihara. They are enjoying the challenge of opening a new restaurant in a tiny town in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Tom sends his best to all.

William Rivelli and his wife, Cynthia, spent the summer in Wurtsboro, N.Y., returning to New York City only to continue his photography project at the United Nations. They write that they are looking forward to the 55th and, health permitting, hope to see you there.

Mary Ann Filson Smithwrites that her husband, Mallory, had requested a Hawaiian-style sea burial with kayaks, flowers, and songs in front of their home on Bowen Island, British Columbia. During the ceremony, the local ferry's passing set up "serious wave action" under the floating dock upon which the family stood, almost sending them into the water. Mary Ann and her family give thanks for Mallory's incredibly good life.

Stan Vincent's New Black Eagle Jazz Band gave a 40th-anniversary concert in September at the Collings Foundation Museum in Stow, Mass. Also, the band's set at the Newport Jazz Fest in August was recorded by NPR. You can access it on the Internet.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Ted Colangelo is enjoying life in Vero Beach, Fla., playing golf and cooking. He is active in the local Alumni Club as vice president and chairman of events.

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and her husband, Dave '56, purchased a timeshare in Cabo San Lucas. Sandra writes: "Now we just have to keep going to the gym to stay healthy enough to remain active."

Judy Griswold Hicks is researching the history of businesses in downtown Mystic, Conn., and writes: "Fun to see what was here in the 19th century. Some have continued on into the 20th century but haven't found any reaching into 21st. New set of Mom and Pop enterprises."

Fred Humeston is still working three days a week in a private pediatric practice in the San Francisco Bay area. He writes that he is enjoying his grandchildren, traveling, and gardening, and "sometimes misses the New England seasons, but not the snow."

John F. Just, retired on June 30, 2010, after 42 years as a thoracic surgeon.

Tom Rapp is living in Marfa, Tex., with Tosh, his partner of 20 years. He writes: "Both kids prospering and five grandchildren growing."

Judy and George M. Rollinson returned to Narragansett, R.I., after a winter in Vero Beach, Fla. While in Florida, they enjoyed activities with the Navy League and the Brown Club, which George helped found. He was also pleased to present the Club Book Award to a deserving student at Vero Beach High School.

Leonard H. Sills and his wife, Deane, have lived on St. Simons Island, Ga., for the past 27 years and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Jekyll Island. They recommend G. Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island: "You'll never feel the same way about money again!"

Alesandra Schmidt Woodhouse writes: "I've been organizing my collection of Pembroke and Brown memorabilia with the intent of turning over all this material to the Brown Archives. Included are Pembroke scrapbooks and many loose items related to academic and social life on campus, ranging from letters from the deans to the minutiae of everyday life. All of this presents a fascinating picture of what it was like to be a student in the 1950s, but the materials I value most are the splendid letters written to me by Professor Herbert Newell Couch, Mrs. Couch, and Professor John Rowe Workman after 1957, when I'd begun graduate studies. Professors Couch and Workman were generous correspondents with their students, and surely there must be other alumnae who have letters from them. Perhaps you do? If so, I urge you to consider giving them to the University Archives."

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Joyce and Don Arsenault celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in January by renewing their vows on a trip to the Bahamas. Don, Bill Sepe, and other members of the Brown hockey team saw Rod Dashnaw '58, '69 MAT inducted into the Northwood School (N.Y.) Hall of Fame.

Francine Flynn Atkins has taken two trips with Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT). Her first was with her daughter on the Route of the Maya tour to Central America. Highlights included visits to the great sites of Copan and Tikal plus Lake Atitlan. In January her OAT trip was the Morocco Sahara Odyssey; she spent two days tent camping in the Sahara and crossed the High Atlas Mountains.

Ardell Kabalkin Borodach writes: "I'm still keeping busy in the Big Apple, volunteering at the Frick Museum and taking classes in Jewish studies. In addition, Jerry Borodach '55 and I enjoy the theater, museums, and all the culture of the city."

Polly Veneri Bowen went to Sicily in October with the Brown Travelers. She writes: "Sicily is absolutely beautiful with olive groves, the sea, temples, and churches." Donald Bowen '56 stayed home with their three dogs, two cats, and one tropical fish.

Tina and Rusty Chandler visited Egypt and Jordan in November. They write: "During our 19-day trip, we saw no hints of what was soon to come."

Mike and Shirley Geremia visited the Canadian Rockies and spent Thanksgiving with their three sons, who all live in Florida.

Steve Cutler, Bob Gordon '56, Mark Kessler, and Steve Rogers '56 celebrated Steve Cutler and Mark's 75th birthdays in February in Florida. Steve writes: "The young'uns defeated their elders on the golf course with a dramatic win on the 18th hole and dedicated the win and their winnings to the class of '57. On to next year!"

Pat Kelly Cunningham was in Italy again this spring studying Italian at the Eurocenter. She will be studying Spanish at the Escuela de Idiomas, in Nerja, Spain, this summer.

Britten Dean writes: "I returned from a cruise around the eastern Mediterranean. We were originally scheduled to go to Cairo, but that got scratched. Then Libya started blowing up. It was fascinating watching all these developments on the ship's television, viewing reports on channels from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia. Like everyone else on the cruise ship, I was of course disappointed about not seeing the pyramids, but hope things will have settled down enough to permit travel in Egypt while I am still in this world."

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and her husband, Dave Durfee '56, are well, but travel a lot less while they wait for the economy to pick up. Sandra writes: "We are flabbergasted at the hoops young college aspirants must go through with their applications as we watch our first grandchild jump through them. Things were certainly simpler in 1952, when we applied, and even in the 1970s, when our children went through the process. Applications to seven or eight colleges? Oh, my!"

Sue and Jack Giddings spent a long weekend last fall on the Vicksburg, Mississippi, battlefield with a national park guide. They describe the terrain as rugged but worth the effort. Jack is still working 60 hours a week as a family physician. During his leisure time he reads and tends his orange grove. This year he had a bumper crop and was able to donate much of it to the local food bank.

Jim Goldsmith spent the winter and spring months doing the college tour with his daughter, who is a senior in high school. He is finding the whole application process remarkably changed since his era, with the common application and essays that can be done on computer and sent directly without any paper changing hands. His daughter is an aspiring theater major, so she must also undergo auditions.

Bill Hayes spent two weeks in Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan, enjoying the great art of Italy but not loving the inclement weather.

Judith Wright Hill writes: "My daughter, Bonnie, and I had a wonderful trip to Italy in October. The daughter of a close friend got married in a little town south of Florence. We stayed in a beautiful inn located in an olive grove and explored Italy before and after the wedding."

Lewis Kay writes: "At the end of May, in New York City, I will receive the highest award given by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry—the Distinguished Service Award. It is only given when there is a recipient voted upon by the board of trustees. I am humbled and honored."

Helen Donaldson Nienhueser visited Michocan, Mexico, and found life normal and tranquil. She writes that she regrets that the U.S. and Canadian media have frightened tourists away from the area.

Judy and George Rollinson enjoyed their winter in Vero Beach, Fla. They have been keeping busy with activities related to the Brown Club, the Navy League, the Classical Orchestra, and the Distinguished Lecture Series. They returned to R.I. in February.

Don Saunders writes that "life has been great" to him. His daughter, Lisa, is senior vice president of his commercial investment real estate company in Boston. Daughter Pam is a graduate of Harvard and of Stanford's business school and lives in Santa Fe with her husband and a son, Ben, a National Junior Golf champion at age 14. Don is the owner of the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers and adjoining office building. He and his wife, Liv Ullmann, have been extremely active during the past year. Liv was asked to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for a Chinese dissident imprisoned in China. She also directed A Streetcar Named Desire in New York City. The award-winning production toured nationally and internationally.

Maryann Filson Smith accompanied her daughter, Katie Milway, to the Vancouver International Writers Festival, where Katie was asked to present One Hen, her children's book on microfinancing.

John Wolfe and his wife, who live in Alaska, spent Jan. in Fla. visiting relatives before traveling to Las Vegas for the Barbershop Harmony Society convention.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Francine Flynn Atkins Silberman took her daughter, Kathleen, on a two-week trip to Central America in late November. Francine writes: "We went with Overseas Adventure Travel on their Route of the Maya tour. It certainly was an unusual small-group adventure as we visited some spectacular Mayan ruins, including Copan and Tikal. Lake Atitlan and Colonial Antigua were also on the itinerary plus some unique experiences with indigenous peoples. It was the perfect birthday/Christmas present to ourselves."

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Class president Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco writes: "Thanks to all of you who have responded with news and dues. Congratulations to the classmates who continue to be recognized for outstanding contributions in their fields. Thank you also to all who have volunteered to help with class events and our 2012 reunion. More volunteers and ideas are welcome, and we are still collecting class dues."

Patricia and her husband, Phil, attended alumni fall weekend. She writes: "It is always stimulating and informative. The crowning point was the exciting game between Brown and Harvard. Full, cheering stadium. Go Brown!"

Fred Behringer and his wife, Joanne, spent a long weekend in Newport in November with a side trip for tailgating at the Brown–Yale game, marking the 35th time in the past 37 years that they have made the Newport-Providence run from Pennsylvania.

Ted Colangelo (see David Garr '52).

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and her husband, Dave '56, write: "We had an exciting afternoon in Princeton watching a real nail-biter of a football game, with Brown coming from behind after the half and beating the Orange quite nicely. It was a perfect fall day, culminating in a bit of celebration afterward with Jim Page '56."

James Harmon was featured in the Oct. 18 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek. Jim's company, Caravel Fund, has invested in a new pasta-making factory in Lima, Peru. Harmon is described as a "frontier investor" who is "disposed to spot opportunities hiding amid chaos."

Bill Hayes has been enjoying a class on Matisse at the Museum of Modern Art and continues to write book reviews for the newsletter of the New York Society of Security Analysts. He also continues to arrange Authors at Nyssa programs.

Dorothy Crews Herzberg returned from Kochin, India, where she was a delegate to the 33rd World Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom. The Dalai Lama, Swami Agnivesh, and other world religious leaders addressed the congress. She writes: "India is fascinating and challenging!"

A play by Lee Jacobus '59 AM, A Hero of Tal Afar, was part of ACTOUT, a Theatre4 production of four one-act plays in a dinner-theater setting in New Haven on January 12–13. Last fall he gave readings from his novel, Crown Island. His other book, Volcanic Jesus, is now available on Kindle, and Crown Island will follow shortly.

Linda and Dick Marcus write that they enjoyed the Brown Travelers cruise on the Rhine in July. "There were a few couples from our era but none from the class. Peter Harrington '84 AM, curator of the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, was an outstanding resource person and great company."

Jim McCurrach and his partner had to put European travel plans on hold this past summer, but he did manage to sneak away for five days to Albuquerque and Santa Fe. He is back at his teaching post with more students than ever and is also running the after-school sports program. He "constantly gives thanks for working and making a contribution at the tender age of 76." His memoir will be published by Dog Ear Press this year.

Bill Rivelli and his wife, Cynthia, announce their son's wedding to his college sweetheart. They sent the newlyweds on a honeymoon in Italy, where they visited with family friends and explored Rome, Florence, Venice, and Asolo.

Pete Roe was featured in the Sept. 2010 issue of Long Island Pulse magazine as a "Legal Eagle," one of the top attorneys in Suffolk County, N.Y. He serves as the chair of the Surrogate's Court Committee of Suffolk County and sits on the Executive Committee of the New York State Bar Assoc. He enjoys interviewing applicants to Brown.

Judy and George Rollinson are back in Vero Beach, Fla., after a very pleasant summer in Narragansett, R.I. Highlights included lunch meetings with Norma and Bob Hummerstone and Leslie and Val Pelletier. They also enjoyed the Brown Club of R.I.'s All-Ivy Clam Boil at Haffenreffer and had the pleasure of picking up the speaker, Professor Arnold Weinstein, who was coming in from Block Island. George also served as Brown's representative at a college fair in Vero Beach (see David Garr '52).

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Richard C. Barker writes that his daughter, Rebecca Barker '05, announced her engagement to Iain Bridges on May 14. In February, Richard was asked to serve another term as a Brown trustee.

Dick Crews and his companion, Maria Della-Cioppa, enjoyed a 17-day cruise through the Greek Islands with visits to Cannes, Florence, Athens, and Venice. He writes that as a former classics major he was "blown away by the Acropolis and the majesty of the Parthenon." They plan another European trip for this fall.

Patricia Kelley Cunningham spent eight weeks in Florence, studying Italian literature and art history. She will vacation for a month in France this summer in Villefranche-sur-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, and St. Paul de Vence.

Britten Dean enjoyed a reunion with Lee Jacobus '59 AM in his Connecticut home in April. They enjoyed sharing news about their careers in higher education.

Bill Haslam's wife of 42 years died in 2002, and in 2008 he married Verna, whom he had dated more than 50 years ago. Bill's first wife had sung at Verna's wedding, and Bill had worked with her husband. Between them they have four grandchildren. The Haslams live in Foxboro, Mass.

Charlie Hill writes that Yale Univ. Press published Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order in June.

Martin Imm and his wife bought a house in Waldoboro, Me., and have made it their year-round home. The Medomac River winds along the edge of their property. Martin's firm's new name is Capital Access Strategies.

Mike Geremia and his wife, Shirley, have been busy hosts at their home in Connesstee Falls, N.C. They were visited by son Jonathan; Dave Milot '58 and his wife, Marguerita; and others. Mike has enjoyed meeting other Brown folks in his new home town.

Nat Greene has chosen not to retire anytime soon and continues to teach at Wesleyan Univ., where he is a professor of history. His courses are devoted to European history in the 19th and 20th centuries. French history is his specialty, affording him visits to France every year. In the spring he served as a lecturer on a Smithsonian Institution tour of France. He and Anne celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this year. Next year his daughter Elizabeth Greene Hart '91 will celebrate the 20th anniversary of her graduation from Brown.

Roger Mansell's research on POWs held by the Japanese in WWII has been placed in the Hoover Institution Archives at Stanford. He continues to speak on the subject at numerous POW conventions in the U.S. and around the world. He has been instrumental in identifying men buried as "Unknown."

Barry Merkin spent the summer in Croatia.

Steven A. Mintzer and his wife, Gail, celebrated their 52nd anniversary on July 1. He writes he is enjoying his retirement, spending winters in Wellington, Fla., and summers on Long Island, N.Y. He has 11 grandchildren, and his daughter Jane Mintzer Hoffman '82 celebrated her 50th birthday.

In November 2009, George Newton Jr. was invited to become a member of the Marine Board, a committee within the National Academy of Sciences/Engineering that advises the president and Congress on matters relating to U.S. commercial maritime interests. He writes that he and Peggy moved to Marstons Mills on Cape Cod a year ago and have learned that retirement does not mean idleness.

Robert A. Norman is still flying, playing golf and tennis, and staying active in the local Military Officers Assoc. of America.

Tom Rapp writes that he is enjoying living in Marfa, Tex.

Bill Rivelli is continuing with his five-year commission to photograph the renovation of the United Nations Building. He and Cynthia cheered their son's band, Dujeous, in WNYC's Battle of the Boroughs and report that the band served as backup for a show featuring Diddy in July.

Don Rhine; his wife, Rebecca; and their daughter, Rachel, attended the rededication of Rhode Island Hall last October when the Joukowsky Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient World opened. They had a wonderful visit with Arte Joukowsky '55 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky '58 and had the opportunity to attend the Brown vs. Princeton football game.

George Rollinson writes that he and his wife made their annual trek home from Florida to Rhode Island in May and spent a pleasant summer in Narragansett. Just before they headed north, George's brother, Tom Rollinson '60, performed a wedding ceremony in Florida for a cousin's son. Over the summer the Rollinsons enjoyed visits with family. They attended the Brown Club of R.I. All-Ivy Cookout in Bristol and had the pleasure of transporting the speaker, professor Arnold Weinstein, from the Block Island boat pier to the event and back.

Donald Saunders writes that he and his wife, Liv Ullman, "have full plates this summer." Liv is rehearsing Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night, in Oslo, Norway.

SUNY Downstate Medical Center is creating an endowed chair in dermatology in honor of Alan Shalita.

Harry Smith and his wife, Clare, plan to return to Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, this September to see the right whales again; in November they will go to Tortola for "fun in the sun."

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes: "If you want to have a West Coast reunion, tell me. I think I could arrange one on Bowen Island, a 15-minute ferry ride to West Vancouver, B.C. The quick bus service from Seattle is most affordable." She also reports that she was appalled at the violence at the G20 conference and at the amount of money her country (Canada) was forced to spend on security for the event.

Augustus A. White III was honored with the William W. Tipton Jr. Leadership Award on Mar. 11 for his work as an educator, mentor, and champion of diversity initiatives. He received the award at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons' annual meeting in New Orleans. In addition, two of Gus's former students honored him by dedicating a new community center in his name inside the Crane Creek Medical Center in Melbourne, Fla.

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Dorothy Crews Herzberg raised $23,000 to send 14 students and two teachers from Richmond and Kennedy inner city high schools in California to Washington, D.C., to participate in the Close Up Foundation program. She has been on the board of the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program for four years, helping to run the soup kitchen and family shelter.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

John Just and his wife, Beth, recently returned from Bukoba, Tanzania, representing their daughter's project in Africa. Their daughter is the principal donor for the building of a high school.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Condolences from the class go out to Doug Godshall on the death of his mother. He reports that she was 98 and died peacefully in her sleep.

Phil Abbatomarco and Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in August. They write: "We enjoyed several gatherings with our immediate family. Then we treated ourselves in September with a return trip to Italy and a cruise on the Mediterranean, stopping in several ports and ending our special holiday with a few days in Barcelona and Madrid."

Francine Flynn Atkins writes: "In November I took a three-week trip with my daughter to visit Merida, the capital of the Yucatan, Mexico. This unique city was once the richest in Mexico and today is a fascinating fusion of colonial Spain and living Mayan culture and cuisine. We climbed the ruins of the great Uxmal pyramids and visited four other off-the-beaten-track Mayan ruins as well as the 18th-century haciendas. We even drove deep into the jungle to peer into the turquoise depths of a hidden cenote. Even after three weeks we had hardly scratched the surface of all the wonderful sights this hidden treasure of Mexico has to offer. Perhaps the best part of the trip was finding that I could still walk and climb these amazing sites. A little slower than yesteryear, but got there in the end. Living in Mexico may be in my future. I would love to hear from any Brown graduates residing full- or part-time in Mexico."

Ronald E. Baker was the chairman of the first-ever Norfolk County, Ontario, Author's Book Fair, which was held in November at the Lighthouse Festival Theatre in Port Dover, Ontario. Twenty-five Canadian authors and five musicians were present. Ronald started this initiative to show the greater public the accomplishments of local writers, artists, and musicians. Ronald writes that it was extremely successful and he that plans to do it again November 27–28, 2010.

Tony Booth and his wife spent the summer traveling with a Winnebago group throughout New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. This summer they will return to Alaska for their seventh motor homers' group trip. Their sixth grandchild, Anna Catherine Booth, was born in October. In November they chaired a Heifer Project International Living Gift Market that raised a new high of more $512,000 to be used to provide animals to families all over the world.

Tina and Rusty Chandler visited the Loire Valley and Normandy in October. They cruised the Seine and stopped in Monet and Van Gogh country. The trip ended in Paris, where they spent two days.

Britten Dean and his wife, Kayoko, took a two-week cruise that included passage through the Panama Canal and a visit to Cartagena, Colombia, and a Costa Rican eco-excursion. Britten writes: "Reading David McCullough's book The Path Between the Seas just before traveling enhanced the experience."

Shirley and Mike Geremia attended the graduation of their youngest son, Jonathan, from the Univ. of South Florida in St. Petersburg. They also visited their son Michael in Orlando and their niece in Atlanta. They are enjoying life in the North Carolina mountains.

Bill Hayes remains active in the New York Society of Security Analysts.

Joanna and Lee Jacobus '59 AM traveled to China and experienced what was said to be the coldest, snowiest winter since Mao made the Long March 60 years ago. While anchored on the Yangtze, they were surrounded by swirling snow and thick fog and were unable to see beyond 12 feet outside their cabin window. Lee was doing research for his Humanities Through the Arts book, which will have Beijing's Bird's Nest Stadium on the cover.

Jim McCurrach and his partner are enjoying their new home with its views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the ocean. A possible move to Palm Springs will be on hold until the economy improves.

Ted Parrish retired from college teaching and is volunteering with a group that seeks to develop 31 units of affordable housing in his hometown. He is also helping develop Boys & Girls clubs in three counties in central North Carolina. On campus he is a part of a management team overseeing 23 projects targeting health disparities throughout North Carolina, and he is working with a group that has set records among historically black colleges and universities for blood drives, registration for bone marrow and organ transplants, and sickle cell anemia screening.

Clare and Harry Smith report that they were "privileged to attend a wild party of right whales off Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, in early October. Ten of them sported about, totally oblivious to our group." In mid-October they were on Cape Breton Island enjoying a fierce snowstorm.

Mary Ann Filson Smith's daughter Katie Milway Smith received both the 2009 Massachusetts Young Adult Literature Award and the 2009 Best Book for Young Children Africana Book Award for One Hen: How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference.

Max Volterra and his wife, Marion, were chosen to be the 2009 Persons of the Year by the United Regional Chamber of Commerce in Attleboro, Mass.

Bob Winning writes: "I retired years ago from Warner Bros., International Division, as vice president of administration. I'd held a similar position at Capitol Records International for several years before that. I've been an avid bicyclist since the 1960s and have written one book, now out of print, on a transcontinental bicycle ride from Santa Monica, Calif., to Boston, and one on bike rides in and around Los Angeles. The latter is still in print. We have lived in Los Angeles since 1959, having moved here after I received my MBA from Columbia. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2008 with a family get-together on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Our son, who lives a couple of blocks away, has two daughters. Our daughter, who lives in Santa Rosa, has a daughter and son. We have traveled extensively and lost count of the countries we've visited. Our next trip will be to South India. We were in Myanmar, Bhutan, and Canada last year. Read more on my website:"

Margaret and John Wolfe escaped their native Alaska to attend the mid-winter convention of the nationwide Barbershop Harmony Society. They also took advantage of the sunshine to cruise the western Caribbean. While at home, John is involved with his genealogy hobby.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Rosemary Carroll and Sandy Schmidt Woodhouse celebrate mutual birthdays in October each year. Rosemary is doing well after suffering a broken hip. Her many friends came through with food and flowers during her convalescence. Sandy brought a picnic lunch, and the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast sent flowers, as did the President of Coe College, where Rosemary taught for three decades.

John Chandler has all three of his children living in Salisbury, Conn. His son, Chisholm '89, is the headmaster of Salisbury School.

Bob Corrigan was the 2009 recipient of the Commission of Access, Diversity and Excellence Award from the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities for "maximizing institutional and societal resources to broaden access and opportunity in higher education." He also received the Most Admired CEO award from the San Francisco Business Times.

Britten Dean joined an Elderhostel group during the summer for performances of the Des Moines Opera Company, enjoying a "flawless" Barber of Seville. He also traveled to Badlands National Park, enjoying the byroads in his Volkswagen pop-top camper van.

George Delaney's son Brian '87 and a colleague have been honored by the Swedish Academy with what is called an Extra Pris, or special prize, accompanied by a monetary grant. The award was for Brian's translation from German to Swedish of Hegel's phenomenology. Brian's book Andens fenomenologi is the first Swedish translation. The Academy noted it was especially impressed that this complex philosophical work was translated from one foreign language to another by a native English speaker. Brian is finishing his dissertation on Hegel and Nietzsche for the Univ. of Chicago. He translates, writes, and has been the host for symposiums for philosophers.

Sandy Sundquist Durfee and husband, Dave '56, enjoyed a stay in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, at the Shaw Festival, attending seven plays (by Shaw, Coward, and O'Neill) and ten lectures in five days. They recommend this as a wonderful fall experience.

Mike Geremia and his wife, Shirley, flew to San Francisco to attend their daughter's graduation from the American Airlines Academy. Shirley, a former AA attendant, was happy to pin on Julie's wings. Back home in North Carolina, they took a semester of ballroom dancing and are members of the Silvermont Ballroom Dancing Club.

Laurie Kelleher Goring plays duplicate bridge and tennis, and she volunteers at the local hospice. She writes: "Life is good."

George and Judy Rollinson are back in Florida after a very enjoyable summer in Narragansett, R.I. They caught up with their four sons and families, all of whom are doing fine. George was very pleased to receive his Alumni Service Award in front of Judy, three of their sons, a daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren. Over the summer they connected with Norma and Bob Hummerstone, and on the trip south they connected with Jack Giddings.

Lee Jacobus '59 AM and Joanna were in China for the month of November. He was photographing and doing research for later editions of his book The Humanities Through the Arts, which will be out in its eighth edition in the spring. It has been translated into Chinese and published in China by McGraw-Hill. "Now I know what my name looks like in Chinese characters," Lee writes.

Jim McCurrach is putting the final touches on his memoir, which deals with youngsters and their problems with "so-called" grown-ups.

Bob Saltonstall and his wife, Jane, traveled by riverboat between St. Petersburg and Moscow and were delighted to see the new Russian society. They spent time in Paris before returning to Rancho Mirage. Their oldest grandchild is now a Brown freshman.

Maryann Filson Smith did an Anne of Green Gables dream trip in the Maritimes with her 10-year-old granddaughter. They saw two musicals devoted to the novel. Two other grandchildren chose trips to the Galapagos and Yellowstone Park's Jr. Ranger program.

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco and Phil Abbatomarco traveled to Chicago in May for their daughter's graduation from the Art Institute of Chicago. In July they joined the Brown Club of Cape Cod for a delightful afternoon on the Cape Cod Canal. Also cruising were Pat and Bob Cowan, Barbara and Paul Brown, and Bud and Sally Nichols Tracy.

Rosemary Carroll praises George Rollinson for his yeoman work in founding the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast and for serving as its president for the past three years. George is now working with Rosemary on the club's by-laws, and Ted Colangelo has lined up three Brown professors to speak during the 2009-10 year. "The club," Rosemary writes, "seems to have great luck in obtaining speakers from Brown."

Steve and Ruth Schultz Cottrell cele-brated their 51st wedding anniversary in September. Their trip to Peru this year brings them close to their goal of having visited 100 countries.

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and David Durfee '56 write that they enjoyed spending time in Hilton Head, S.C., with Carol and Art Love '56. They have been rendezvousing there, enjoying days on the beach and dinners out for at least ten years. In September, the Durfees spent a week on Nantucket and a week at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. They saw five plays in four days and were treated to morning lectures each day, making the experience even richer.

Shirley and Mike Geremia visited their daughter in San Francisco. They hiked all over the city and realized that the exercise was good and needed. After visiting their daughter, they flew to Florida to see their sons.

Jack Giddings still practices medicine full time in Jacksonville, Fla. He and his wife, Sue, were in Providence for the football banquet in February.

Bill Hayes traveled to Berlin, Prague, Budapest, and Vienna in September.

Lee Jacobus visited Winterthur, the du Pont estate in Delaware, during the past spring. He also visited Longwood Gardens and the Brandywine Museum, which display so many Wyeth paintings. The trip was part of his research for the new edition of The Humanities Through the Arts, which McGraw-Hill will publish next year. Lee is also the author of Hawaiian Tales: Volcanic Jesus.

Jim McCurrach writes that he and his partner traveled to the Far East during the summer and were most interested in China. The trip's highlight was the four days in Tibet, during which they experienced the challenge of the 13,000' elevation. Jim has completed his 400-page memoir, which will be published next year.

Peggy and George Newton moved to 68 Waterford Dr., Marstons Mills, Mass. 02648.

Mary Bayley Pickard and Artemas Pickard volunteer for the Scarborough, Me., historical society, the U.S. Power Squadrons, and their local, county, and state political party. Mary is the secretary and a director of the historical society and has just finished writing a grant application for a youth education initiative involving the historical society, the local library, and the Scarborough Middle School. Mary also serves on the U.S. Power Squadrons' executive committee and is the editor of the squadron newsletter, which won a national journalism award in 2008. Art holds executive positions in the squadron. Both Pickards serve on their local party committees. Art is the local party treasurer and the state committeeman for their county. This past summer their son, Thomas '87, visited from Santa Monica, Calif., with both granddaughters.

Brad Walters and his wife attended the South Florida send-off reception for the Class of 2013. He was most impressed with the students and reports that "Brown is getting some fine freshmen from this area."

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Dick Barker writes that he was especially pleased to have his daughters, Anne (Stanford '79), Jessie '03, and Rebecca '05, present when he received his honorary doctorate in humane letters at Commencement. The event was very special and the hospitality wonderful. He looks forward to the day when he can wear the colorful hood again.

Bill Hayes visited London and Paris in May, taking the Eurostar train under the channel. He recommends the D'Angleterre Hotel on Rue Jacob as a place to stay in the City of Light.

David Lewis is enjoying a year of milestones: the 50th anniversary of his marriage to Eleanor Levinson '59; her reunion; the 25th reunion of their daughter, Deborah '84; and the marriage of son Steven '87. David remains an active Brown professor with an emeritus title, teaching in the public health program, codirecting a project to educate judges nationwide, and working to include addiction and mental health in health care reform. For more information visit:

George Newton and his wife, Peggy, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June and moved from McLean, Va., to Marstons Mills, Mass. George writes, "Cape Cod has always been a special place for us both, for that is where we met and where we spent our honeymoon. We are looking forward to returning to our roots!"

Cynthia and Bill Rivelli thank all who voted for their son's video Break Bread, which aired on INDY-TV. Bill is celebrating his 50th year as a professional photographer, and his images from the Red Eft Gallery are now back in their studio in N.Y. In Aug., several of Bill's black-and-white prints were in a show celebrating Sullivan County.

Judy and George Rollinson enjoyed the summer in Narragansett, R.I., and look forward to returning to Vero Beach, Fla., this fall. George is pleased to report that Dan Garr '52 has become president of the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, which George founded and served as president of for the past three years.

Alan Shalita serves as distinguished teaching professor and chairman of the dermatology department at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. He has no plans to retire anytime soon. He is engaged in an active research program and is teaching and lecturing across the country and around the world.

Janet Tella Toomey (see Deborah Toomey Wallace '96).

Joy and Bill Wadsworth visited John and Beverley Cox McDaniels '60 in North Hampton, N.H., in June. Bill credits the 50th reunion as the catalyst for awakening old friendships. He also writes that John is helping young people in Me. and N.H. with their college applications.

Gus White announces the birth of his first grandchild, Leah Vivian MacDonald. The baby's mother, Annica, graduated with honors from Olin Business School at the Univ. of Washington. Annica will be working in human resources at the Eli Lilly headquarters in Indianapolis.

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Phil and Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco have purchased a condo in West Yarmouth, Mass., and hope to spend more time there during the summer. Phil continues as part-time adjunct professor at Rhode Island College and as guitarist in the Strictly Sentimental Swing big band and Seniors for Jazz, a small group. Patricia is busy with Patrician Properties and the downtown Business Assoc. of East Providence. They are taking a course together in conversational Italian. Their grandson Benjamin, 10, is an emerging actor; he has had nonspeaking roles in Cashmere Mafia and Burn after Reading, and will appear in future episodes of Gossip Girl, Law and Order, and Criminal Intent. Benjamin is the son of Lisa and Robert Abbatomarco '82.

San Francisco State Univ. has raised $1.9 million for the Robert Corrigan and Joyce Corrigan SF Promise Endowed Scholarship Fund, which honors the couple's 20 years of leadership. The program aims to put a college education within reach for all San Francisco students and will guarantee admission and financial support for any who meet admission requirements. In addition, Bob received three honorary doctorates from the Chung Yuan Christian Univ. in Taiwan, J.F. Oberlin Univ. in Tokyo, and the Univ. of San Francisco. Bob also received the Distinguished Community Service Award from the Anti-Defamation League of San Francisco, the Unsung Hero Award from the Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco, and the first Mensch Award from the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame of Northern California. And, finally, he was inducted into the UMass. at Boston Athletics Hall of Fame.

Rosemary Carroll, correspondent for the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast of Florida reports another successful season. The club hosted a cocktail party and a talk by President Simmons, who was accompanied by members of the Alumni Relations department and a Brown senior who gave a piano solo. In April the club hosted a dinner with Mike Stanton, author of The Prince of Providence, about former mayor Buddy Cianci. Rosemary will be in Newport from May until late October. She serves on three boards: Brown, the American Association of Univ. Women, and Hanson's Landing, the condominium complex where she lives during the winter.

Sandra Sundquist Durfee and Dave Durfee '56 hosted a mini Beta Theta Pi reunion in March on Hilton Head Island. In attendance were Jim Rogers '56 and Jim Page '56. Sandy writes: "We also visited Ric Brown '58 and his wife, Lynn, in Beaufort. Lynn's art show at the local gallery was most impressive, and her imaginative paintings sell rapidly. I want to thank all of you again for your submissions to the class notes. Corresponding with you is such a treat and certainly beats the vapid meanderings of those messages on Facebook and Twitter!"

Mike Geremia spent May in Florida, was in Rhode Island this summer to attend an aunt's 100th birthday party, and then returned to the cool mountains of western North Carolina.

Mark Kessler writes: "Things are going well, even in these trying times, especially when one considers the alternatives and stops to contemplate his or her blessings." Mark's wife, Susan, is close to becoming a licensed landscape architect, his children are doing well and are still interested in their parents, and his career is still intact. His stint as general counsel for Toll Brothers Inc. has been extended. He hopes he will be around to see the homebuilding market climb back up the ladder and that he will be able to be part of the re-growth of a major industry. While he waits, fly-fishing is supplanting his golf hobby. In January, the Kesslers spent time with the families of Steve Cutler, Steve Rogers '56, and Robert Gordon '56 in Florida. Mark gives thanks to the BAM and John Lyden for keeping up with the status of many classmates and sends his best wishes to all.

James McCurrach's school year came to an end, and he and his partner spent the summer on a river trip in China that included a high-speed train through the mountains from Beijing to Tibet. They also visited a distant relative of Jim's in London and spent a few days in New York City. He is thinking of spending just one more year teaching.

Barry Merkin teaches entrepreneurship at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management, and his wife, Jasminka, is a retired surgeon. They have five grandchildren—two in Chicago, one in Los Angeles, and two in New Haven, Conn.—children of their daughter, Beth '81. They spend summers at their home on the Adriatic Sea in Croatia and winters at their condo in Snowbird, Altoona. Barry also remains very involved as vice-chairman of the Institute of Laryngology and Voice Restoration at the Harvard Medical School and the World Presidents Organization. He remains in touch with Gus White, Jim Harmon, and Steve Cutler.

Peggy and George Newton spent time this past winter with Barbara and Howard Miller in Bonita Springs, Fla. George and Howard had a mini-reunion foursome on the golf course with Jack Marshall and John Keith. George writes: "The conversation and enjoyment far exceeded the quality of the golf."

Bill Rivelli's son, Taylor, is part of the group Dujeous, which debuted a video for the hip-hop single "Break Bread" (http://vimeo.com3547318). They have played the Apollo and continue to get bookings for major music venues in New York City. Bill had another major group photography exhibition at the Red Eft Gallery in Wurtsboro, N.Y., in May, and will participate in two more theme shows during the summer. He is being considered for a solo exhibition in a Toronto museum and for an extended fine art assignment for the United Nations. Bill's daughter, Sarah, is an attending physician and head of the med/psych intern program at Duke Medical Center. Her husband, Xavier, is an attending physician and researcher in sleep studies at Duke.

Judy Sims Roberts is living in Englewood, Fla. Her husband, Rick, died in October 2007. Judy works four days a week as an assistant pastor at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Punta Gorda. She says that a new grandchild living in St. Louis lights up her life. She and Rick did some traveling in earlier years, and she was fortunate to spend two weeks in Greece with friends last summer. Florida is now her permanent residence, but she does manage to get back to New England each summer to visit family and friends.

Judy and George Rollinson are spending the summer in Narragansett, R.I. They are enjoying visits from and to their four sons and their families in the northeast. Over the past winter, in addition to involvement with the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, they enjoyed activities with the Navy League and Atlantic Classical Orchestra.

Bob Saltonstall's first granddaughter, Caroline, graduated from high school this May and will be a freshman at Brown where she earned early admission. Caroline's mother works at Brown in construction project management. Bob is still living in Rancho Mirage, Calif.

In April Augustus White III codirected a three-day continuing education course on healthcare disparities entitled "Getting to Equal: Strategies to Improve Care for All Patients" under the Harvard Medical School department of continuing education.

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Donald Arsenault is still playing tennis three times a week and trying to survive the real estate crisis. His condo project on Tybee Island in Georgia is selling slowly.

Judith Corbett Bartow writes: "My husband, Arthur, and I are both retired, I as director of communications for a multistate health plan, he as artistic director of the undergraduate drama program at the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. We have survived our back-to-back serious surgeries, my brain surgery and Arthur's heart surgery, by trading caretaking duties. Both of us are doing well now." Judith continues with therapies following her brain surgery. After Judith's career in business writing, she is rediscovering her voice as a storyteller, while Arthur is developing a second acting career. Judith's story Solstice appeared in the winter 2009 issue of the literary journal the MacGuffin.

Ardell Kabalkin Borodach still enjoys New York City and volunteers at the Frick Museum while taking classes in Judaic studies at Drisha, a women's institute in Manhattan. Ardell also volunteers to help people manage their finances through AARP.

Sandra and Dave Durfee '56 spent a week in San Diego and declared it the city with the most perfect climate they have ever experienced. She writes: "During three weeks in February, we traveled on a tour entitled On the Route of the Mayas and visited ancient sites in San Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. We continue to be amazed at the sophistication of that ancient civilization. By the time this goes to print, the snow and ice will have disappeared for those of us above the Mason-Dixon Line, and Brown will be anticipating another Commencement. It doesn't seem possible that it was two years ago that we marched down the hill to the applause of the graduating seniors. What a moment!"

Michael Geremia traveled to Rome in January to visit Ira Levin, who lives in Campagnano di Roma. Ira was a seasoned guide as he has lived in Rome for 40 years. He is an Italian citizen and maintains a small travel agency, Italy Tours. Mike and Shirley are tentatively planning a trip to Barcelona in the spring.

Robert Goff and Maraya McCully Goff are doing well. They attended the January inauguration in Washington, D.C., and had a wonderful time.

William Hayes Jr. is on the editorial board of the Investment Professional, a new quarterly published by the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA). He is also in charge of the Authors at NYSSA program and coproducer of the society's new monthly Career Coffee program series.

M. Charles Hill Jr. lectured on international security to a class of 500 cadets at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point and led a seminar with the faculty on current world problems.

Lee Jacobus '59 AM has been blogging at The new edition of his Bedford Introduction to Drama is now out, and A World of Ideas will be out by spring. He and Bill Kelly continue to have high hopes for their small independent press, Hammonasset House Books. You can read samples at

Marie O' Donahoe Kirn '62 AM lives in a co-housing community that was named in the top ten green co-housing programs in the country. It has composting toilets and heats 22 living units and a common house with one wood furnace. Marie helps to produce cheese and maple syrup on the 270 acres of farm and forest. Britten Dean and Kayoko visited after the 2007 reunion. Marie says all are welcome to visit.

James McCurrach Jr. and his partner spent a week in Palm Springs over Christmas while taking a break from teaching. They had beautiful weather, good food, and a daylong tour in Joshua Tree National Park. They are planning a China trip this summer.

Robert A. Norman completed a one-year term as president of the Sandhills Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. He was also elected to the board of directors of the men's club of the Moore County Republicans. He is active in local charities and flies his Piper Dakota and plays golf and tennis.

Harvey A. Reback practices internal medicine in Fall River, Mass., at Hanover Internal Medicine and Southcoast Physician Services.

George Rollinson and Judy enjoyed a pleasant season in Florida while the Northeast experienced severe weather. They are active in the local council of the Navy League and enjoy their involvement in the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast they founded. Ruth Simmons spoke at their February meeting, which had 110 attendees. The Club continues to gain momentum.

John Rue III was elected to his 12th four-year term as village justice for the village of Bellport, N.Y. He also started a new law firm in 2000 and serves on the executive committee of the general practice section of the New York State Bar Association.

Maryann Filson Smith was snowed in for a week over Christmas at her Bowen Island home and endured an electrical outage on Christmas Day. Her daughter Katie Milway's book, One Hen, is being featured at a microloan organization's recognition program that includes Madonna's African efforts (

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports that she has been appointed to the board of the Baltimore Shakespeare Festival. She writes: "We work during the school year with Arts for the Schools, bringing age-appropriate materials to the public city schools. We are excited about a new venture: intergenerational work with a senior citizens' complex and a city middle school, in which young teens will be paired with elders to read, interpret, and rework intergenerational scenes from the Bard which will then be performed for other middle school students." She and her husband, Dave '56, spent October in Greece and Turkey.

Elizabeth Reiss Baecher works as publicity chair for Friends of the Hudson Trail, a volunteer organization involved in building a 350-mile trail from New York City to Mount Marcy, the state's highest peak. She would like some company on this venture and suggests looking at for more information. She has also volunteered to work on the 55th reunion.

Fred Behringer is semi-retired, but continues in the golf business as editor of the New Jersey State Golf Association's official magazine and as a public relations consultant for New Jersey country clubs. He and Joanne (Penn State '57) enjoyed the mini-reunion prior to Brown's victory over Penn in football last fall. They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to Turks and Caicos Islands in the Carribean.

Polly Veneri and Donald Bowen '56 joined other Brown alums on a trip to Umbria. They stayed in Spoleto, Italy, and visited many surrounding small towns and villages, including Assisi.

Rosemary Carroll continues to be active with the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast in Fla., the American Assoc. of Univ. Women, and the board of directors of Hanson's Landing, where she lives from November to May. The Brown Club recently had its first event of the season, a catered barbeque at Marsh Island, near Vero Beach. There was a good turnout of alums from along the Treasure Coast. In February 2008, President Simmons visited. Rosemary reports that George Rollinson, as president, and Ted Colangelo, as vice president for programs, have done a terrific job in helping the Club do well in its three years of existence. Ted reports that a future speaker will be Mike Stanton, an investigative reporter and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, who will speak about former mayor of Providence Buddy Cianci. The club also has 12 Steering Committee members, who come faithfully to the monthly planning sessions.

Patricia Kelley Cunningham spent ten weeks traveling and studying in Italy again. She rents an apartment in Florence and attends classes in the Italian language at the Eurocentres in Piazza Santo Spirito.

Britten and Phil Dean used their economic stimulus check to sign up for a Caribbean cruise in early December, accompanied by their sisters and all the spouses. Britten has just finished a stint on the board of directors for an organ concert series in Charlottesville, Va. He also completed two years on the board of the Piedmont Council of the Arts, which helps to further the arts in the Central Virginia area. He is looking forward to private life, in which he will relax by continuing his translation work on a modern Japanese novel.

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson '59 AM is immersed in volunteer activities in the Richmond, Va. area. She is on the boards of the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority and Virginia Planned Parenthood and is an elected member of the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Assoc. She is also involved locally with Master Gardeners and Tree Stewards. On July 1, she left for a 16-day trip to St. Petersburg, Russia, and the Scandinavian capitals. She traveled to South America in the winter, and Eastern Europe is in her spring plans.

Bud Feuchtwanger left the presidency of an environmental and health care foundation after turning it around. He is now consulting part-time with new foundations. He writes that he is also trying to get his golf handicap down from 8.7, which is proving very hard to do.

Mike Geremia and his wife, Shirley, visited one of their sons in St. Petersburg, Fla., for Thanksgiving and then the other son, Mike, in Orlando. They have been going to Florida every month to see their sons and hope that they can remain in North Carolina for a while. Their daughter, Julie, flew to Europe for the holidays as a flight attendant for American Airlines.

Irene V. Gouveia '61 MAT took her two great nieces and great nephew on a ten-day cruise last July to Bermuda, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, and Puerto Rico.

Bob Grafton '67 PhD retired from the National Science Foundation and spends part of his time as a docent at the National Postal Museum in Washington, D.C. Their newest grandchild is Bryce, who along with his sister, Savannah, 4, are children of Ben and Jen and live in Denver. Bob's son Geoff and his wife, Julie, have two teenage children, Alex and Daisia, and his daughter, Megan Gottesman, lives in New York City with her husband, Brian, and son, Sam. Sasha, 3, lives in Washington, D.C., with Evan and Sarah.

Bill Haslam and his bride, Verna, spent their honeymoon on a cruise and vacationing in Florida. He has known Verna for 50 years; his first wife sang at Verna's wedding.

Bill Hayes chaired a talk by the New York Brown Club's president, Vicky Oliver '82, about her new book: Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots, at the New York Society of Security Analysts.

Richard Ionata writes: "In 1982, Gert and I established the Demenico Ionata Prize in Engineering in honor of my father, Class of '26. Over the years, it has evolved into one of engineering's most prestigious commencement awards. It was with great pleasure that one of the 2008 recipients, Natalie Johnson '08, was featured for her research in capturing mercury from spent compact fluorescent lamps in the Sept./Oct. issue of BAM."

James McCurrach teaches part-time and tutors. Last summer he took a river trip down the Danube from Budapest to Nuremburg. He spent Christmas with his sons and their families and then went to Palm Springs.

Bob Minnerly and his wife, Sandra, traveled to Sheffield, Mass., to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Berkshire School. Bob was appointed the fifth headmaster of the school in 1970. While at the event, he met classmates Jim Harmon and James McCurrach, who was accompanied by his son, Jimmy, a former student of Bob's at Berkshire. Jim Harmon was awarded the Berkshire School Alumnus of Distinction at a separate luncheon. Bob was delighted to see many of his former students, some of whom are now members of the Berkshire Board of Trustees.

Mary Bayley Pickard and Artemas M. Pickard celebrated their 51st anniversary on June 5. Their wedding party consisted of best man Robert A. Norman, Gerritt Vander Veer, David Jackson '56, maid of honor Jane Almy Scott, Pauline Veneri Bowen, and Priscilla Everett Richardson. After four years with the Navy and 40 with IBM, the Pickards retired and moved to Maine in 2001.

Also celebrating a half-century of marriage are JoAnn and Lew Kay and Gail and Steve Mintzer.

Bill Rivelli's fine art images were on display in his fifth group show at the Red Eft Gallery in Wurtsboro, N.Y., beginning in November. Several images from his Cathedral Portfolio were part of the commemorative literature and exhibition for the rededication of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City. Bill and Cynthia's son and his wife are attending physicians at Duke Univ. Hospital. Their son, Taylor, a musician, producer, and sound engineer, is engaged to his college sweetheart, Colleen Cintron. Taylor's group spent December 2007 entertaining U.S. troops in the Far East.

George M. Rollinson and Judy are enjoying life in Florida and participating in the Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Navy League.

Alan R. Shalita writes that during the past four years he has been elected to honorary membership in the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Dermatological Assoc., and the American Society for Dermatological Surgery.

Mary Ann Filson Smith and her 10-year-old granddaughter took the Junior Ranger course at Yellowstone Park in July with a national ranger. They earned their Junior Ranger badges together. Mary Ann wonders how many 73-year-old Junior Rangers are in the class.

Bob Sweeney's daughter Linda '91 is training a third generation of Bruins with Miles, 9, Pamela, 6, and Hugh, 3, sharpening their skills while Mom interviews prospective Brown students in Bergen County, N.J. Bob writes that he enjoyed the Bears' wonderful winning football season.

Steve Twaddel and his wife, Doris Whitney Twaddel '59, have lived in Australia for more than 28 years. Doris received her PhD at Sydney Univ. several years ago.

When William Wadsworth retired from the stresses of college teaching, he looked forward to a simple life in Machias, Me. He soon discovered that life can become even more complex after retirement. He became a trustee of the local Congregational church, writing the by-laws and managing two funds. When the church bought three derelict buildings in town, he was asked to run a capital campaign to handle the bank debt. The new buildings needed lawns, so he prepared and sowed many square feet of rough ground.

Jane Albertson Weingarten is once again enjoying the life of a student, now at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement, where she takes courses in Russian literature, global issues, politics, art, and other subjects. After living in West Newton Hill, Mass., for 36 years, she moved to a little house across from the Charles River near Harvard Square. For the past several years, she has been an overseer at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where her family has created a wonderful legacy for her late husband, Charles Weingarten '56. The Dr. Charles H. Weingarten Adaptive Sports Program enables people with brain injury, stroke injury, or other serious physical or mental disabilities to improve their health and gain independence with the help of a team of therapists and sports instructors. She has recently been appointed to the advisory committee for the Harvard Medical School Palliative Care Program. She enjoyed her work as a journalist, from which she retired in 2003. Her three children and two grandchildren live in Brooklyn, Chicago, and western Mass.

Augustus White will lead a three-day continuing medical education course in Boston in April on eliminating health care disparities. The title of the course is Getting to Equal: Strategies to Improve Care for All Patients. He also copresented a paper on health care disparity elimination which will be published in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Gus's daughter Alissa was married to P.O. Nilsson in April 2008, and his daughter Annica expects to finish business school at Washington Univ. and to give Gus and Anita their first grandchild in May. Anita worked on the Obama campaign in North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Gus sends his warmest regards to everyone.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Patricia Kelley Cunningham and her husband, George, studied Italian this past summer at a language school in Sorrento, Italy. She writes that she highly recommends the experience.

Bill Hayes took a course in international political development at the London School of Economics summer school. He writes: "The students, who were mainly in their twenties, were from all over the world. It was a fascinating introduction to the new generation of global students."

John F. Just began his 40th year of practice as a general thoracic surgeon. He was granted the status of clinical professor emeritus of surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Over the last 17 years, he has taught 113 surgical residents.

Don Saunders still works full-time in the hotel business and in commercial real estate, primarily in Boston. He still serves as president of Farview Inc., Brown's commercial real estate company for 38 years. Don has completed 10 years on the board of governors of the John Carter Brown Library; 42 years as a Brown Trustee Emeritus and as a loyal member of the Brown Sports Foundation; 31 years on the facilities and design committee, and 18 years on the Brown Corporation's real estate subcommittee.

From the November/December 2008 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports:

Barbara and Anthony Booth led a Winnebago RV tour from the headwaters of the Mississippi at Bernidji, Minn., to New Orleans. They then hosted a Winnebago rally in Branson, Mo.

Marjorie Winneg Cohen writes: "I am a retired elementary school teacher (as of 1992). My husband, Bob, died in January 1995 of cancer. I have one son, David, who is married to Debra; David and Debra graduated from the Univ. of Rochester. David went on, after a stint in the U.S. Navy, to earn his MBA from Rutgers. David and Debra are the proud parents of Gabriel, 3, and live in Skokie, Ill. I visit them four or five times a year. After retiring from teaching, I worked as a receptionist at a local private girls' high school for almost ten years. I love to read, travel, and go to concerts, theater, and museums. I stay in touch with Patsy Kelley Cunningham."

Douglas Godshall donated a space shuttle thermal-protection tile to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia to be part of a permanent display. He acquired the tile as the government engineering representative at Lockheed monitoring development and production. His job also entailed the evaluation and disposition of all structural anomalies involving space vehicles.

William Hayes attended the London School of Economics summer school, taking a course in international political development. He writes that he was excited to meet the new generation of global students from a wide array of countries.

Grier Horner had several large paintings in shows held at the Zeitgeist Gallery in Pittsfield, Mass., in August and at the TSL Art Gallery in Hudson, N.Y., in September. They followed a solo show at the Lenox Library in Lenox, Mass., in 2007, sponsored by the Sue A. and Robert H. Gersky Foundation. (Bob Gersky was Grier's roommate at Brown.) A solo show is scheduled at Simon's Rock at Bard College in Great Barrington, Mass., during the 2009–10 academic year. Since he retired as the associate editor of the Berkshire Eagle in Pittsfield eleven years ago, art has been Grier's career.

Lewis Kay was recognized by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for his contribution to the oral health care of children with special needs. During his membership with the Academy, he served on the forensic dentist Ground Zero identification team.

Mary Patten Lafferty and her husband, Walter, took their six children and four grandchildren on a nine-day cruise to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. While on another trip to Africa, they ran into Gerry Scott, husband of the late Jane Almy Scott.

Judy and George Rollinson enjoyed a busy summer in Narragansett, R.I., and write that they are looking forward to another season in Vero Beach, Fla. They are keeping busy with the Navy League, the Atlantic Classical Orchestra, and the Theater Guild. They are also looking forward to the third season of the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, which George founded.

Mary Ann Filson Smith's daughter, Katie Milway, has written a children's book on Third World microfinancing, One Hen, and with her friends has raised almost half a million dollars for multiple myeloma research.

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports: "Elizabeth Reiss Baecher is working as publicity chair for Friends of the Hudson Trail, a volunteer organization involved in building a 350-plus-mile trail from New York City to Mount Marcy, the state's highest peak. She suggests that we look at the front-page article on the subject in the Westchester edition of the Journal News, published June 6: She adds: "Characters welcome!" She also has volunteered to work on the 55th reunion.

Britten Dean has just finished a stint on the board of directors for an organ concert series in Charlottesville, Va. He has also completed two years on the Piedmont Council of the Arts board of directors, which helps to further the arts in the Central Virginia area. He is looking forward to "private life," where he will relax by continuing his translation work on a modern Japanese novel.

Sandra Sundquist Durfee has been appointed to the Baltimore Shakespeare Festival's board. She writes that during the school year she works with the Arts in the Schools, bringing age-appropriate materials to the city public schools, and she is excited about a new venture: intergenerational work with a senior citizens' complex and a city middle school, where young teens will be paired with elders to read, interpret, and rework intergenerational scenes from the Bard and then perform them for other middle schools.

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson is immersed in volunteer activities in the Richmond, Va., area. She is on the boards of the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority and Virginia Planned Parenthood and is an elected member of the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association. She also contributes time to community activities associated with Master Gardeners and Tree Stewards. On July 1st, she left for a 16-day trip to St. Petersburg, Russia, and the Scandinavian capitals. Travels to South America in the winter and Eastern Europe in the spring are in her plans.

BG Goff participated in the Newport-to-Bermuda race in June.

Bob Minnerly reports that in late May he and his wife, Sandra, traveled to Sheffield, Mass., to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Berkshire School, where Bob served as the school's fifth headmaster after his appointment in 1970. At the reunion he ran into Jim Harmon, who received Berkshire's Alumnus of Distinction Award, and Jim McCurrach, who was accompanied by his son, Jimmy, one of Bob's former students. Bob writes that the weekend was a trip down memory lane and a welcome opportunity to visit with former students, some of whom are now Berkshire trustees.

Mary Bayley Pickard and Artemas M. Pickard celebrated their 51st anniversary on June 5. After four years with the U.S. Navy and 40 years with IBM, the Pickards retired and moved to Maine in 2001.

Also celebrating a half-century of marriage are Lew and JoAnn Feldman Kay and Gail and Steve Mintzer.

Mary Ann Filson Smith and her 10-year-old granddaughter took a trip in July, taking the Junior Ranger course at Yellowstone Park with a national ranger and earning their Junior Ranger badges together. Mary Anne wonders how many 73-year-old Junior Rangers there are in her class.

William Wadsworth retired from the stresses of college teaching and looks forward to a simple life in Machias, Me. He became a trustee of the local Congregational Church, writing the by-laws and managing two funds. When the church bought three derelict buildings in town, he acquired the obligation of running a capital campaign to handle the bank debt. The new buildings needed lawns, so he prepared and sowed many square feet of rough ground, which, of course, needed watering. He quotes Samuel Clemens: "What a wholesale return of brute labor for such a puny investment of mouthiness."

Jane Albertson Weingarten is a student once again at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement. She takes courses in Russian literature, global issues, politics, art and more, and has moved to a little house near Harvard Square after living in West Newton Hill for 36 years. For the past several years she has been an overseer at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where her family has created a legacy for her late husband, Chuck (Brown '56, BU School of Medicine, '60): the Dr. Charles H. Weingarten Adaptive Sports Program, to enable people with brain injury, stroke injury, or other serious physical or mental disabilities to improve their health. She was also recently appointed to the advisory committee for the Harvard Medical School Palliative Care Program.

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Philip F. Abbatomarco writes: "I continue with a part-time position at Rhode Island College as an adjunct professor in the elementary education department. My responsibility is to supervise student teachers in public schools during their last semester prior to graduation and certification."

Dick Barker became chairman of the San Francisco Ballet on July 1 after having been treasurer for two years. The ballet is now celebrating its 75th year.

Ardell Kabalkin Borodach (see Emily Joan Wigod '88).

Mish Taylor Fowle, Carol Wozak Hill, Judith Corbett Bartow, Stella Giammasi, and Dolly Senerchia '55, met for lunch in New York City on April 9 to celebrate the life of Janet O'Callaghan Mariani, who died of cancer in January. In her memory they attended the opening-night performance of Candide, a favorite opera that the women had shared over and over with Janet during their senior year.

Russ Frazier writes: "My wife, Marge, and I are snow birds, spending half the year in Pompano Beach, Fla., and the other half in Lavallette, N.J. I'm doing a lot of golfing and boating, not much skiing and hunting anymore. We have three children and three grandchildren. Hope to get back and visit Brown in the near future."

Dick Godfrey and Kate Bernhard Godfrey '60 spent a month in New Zealand and loved it. Kate remains active with her horses and Dick works for Direct Relief International, a 60-year-old humanitarian aid organization based in Santa Barbara, Calif. Dick writes: "If one measures people served in terms of courses of treatment, our medical aid went to over 49 million people last year, up 16 times since 1998. Today we can leverage gifts 39:1, thanks to an endowment fund which covers all administrative and fund-raising costs."

Nancy and David Kaplan report that they had a wonderful visit from Donald Saunders and Liv Ullman, who was given the 2008 Master of World Cinema Award by the Sarasota Film Festival. Liv also spent an evening with the president of Sony Classic at the Historic Asolo Theatre Films in a discussion of the ten or so films in which she acted or which she directed. The Kaplans spend about seven months (October to May) on Longboat Key, Fla., keeping busy with the West Coast Symphony, Florida Studio Theater, various lecture series, and golf. They look forward to returning to the Boston area for the summer, to spend time with their three granddaughters, ages 9, 10, and 14.

Walter and Mary Patten Lafferty write that they had a terrific trip to Africa, starting in Cape Town, going on safari in Kenya, and then cruising down the Nile. They also visited the Middle East, with a trip to Petra and Jerash.

Judith Sims Roberts writes: "My husband, Richard F. Roberts (Boston Univ. '56), died after a brief illness on October 22, 2007. We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in August 2007. I am serving as part-time assistant at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Punta Gorda, Fla., and continue to live in Englewood, Fla."

Judy and George Rollinson write they have been enjoying the summer in Narragansett, R.I., visiting family and good friends in New England. During the past season in Vero Beach, Fla., they thoroughly enjoyed activities with the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, which George founded and leads. Four successful meetings were held with speakers John Tomasi, Jesse Maddox, Paula Pillsbury DeBlois '89, and Richard Houghten, founder and CEO of Torrey Pines. Unfortunately, the visit from basketball coach Craig Robinson was aborted after he accepted the Oregon State coaching position. Ted Colangelo and Rosemary Carroll have been assisting enthusiastically in the club's leadership.

Alan Shalita is being honored at SUNY Downstate Medial Center with a chair in dermatology in his name.

Barbara Sears Tessmer's daughter Marlowe Tessmer (Northwestern '92) received her PhD in pathobiology at the Brown Commencement in May.

Jerold Zieselman (see Emily Joan Wigod '88).

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports: “I encourage classmates to send news and information either to me or directly to the BAM at [email protected]. If you are willing to share your email address, you will receive timely information about classmates and updates about our website. Bob Minnerly's efforts to create an interesting, amusing, and informative web site must be applauded. Be sure to check it from time to time for updates at and send pictures and information for the site to either Bob or me. Thanks to the internet, our communication becomes timely and frequent. It's a new age, septuagenarians!"

Polly Veneri Bowen and Don Bowen '56 are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this May. They have four sons and four grandchildren. Don is professor emeritus at the Univ. of Tulsa. Polly is retired from the American Red Cross and is adjunct faculty at local colleges and universities.

John Conner writes: "Henrika and I welcomed our first grandchild, Sarah Madeline Sireci, in August of 2007. I retired in November and I am now taking a creative writing course and studying Spanish."

Rosemary F. Carroll writes: "I am in the second year of a two-year term as president of the Stuart, Fla., branch of the American Association of Univ. Women. In January 2008 I was appointed to the board of directors of the Hanson's Landing Condominium Association, my place of residence. Also, since 2007 I have been on the steering committee of the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, which has had very successful seasons."

Ted Colangelo writes: "I am happily assisting president George Rollinson in organizing the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast based in Vero Beach, Fla. We just had our fifth dinner event with Paula DeBlois '89 as our guest speaker. Each event has been highly successful, averaging 40-50 attendees."

Robert Corrigan writes that he is in his 20th year as the president of San Francisco State Univ. He was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from Chun Yuan Christian Univ. in Taiwan and also a distinguished community service award from the San Francisco based Anti-Defamation League. He recently finished a two-year term as chairman of the board of directors of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, as well as a one-year term as chairman of the board of directors of the American Association of Colleges and Universities.

Patricia Kelley Cunningham writes: "I am teaching Spanish in kindergarten and first grade part-time at St. Edmond's Academy in Wilmington, Del. This past November, I enjoyed a sailing holiday on the Nile. I do plan to come to the 55th reunion; missed not being able to attend the 50th. I still keep in touch with Francine Flynn Atkins, Nancy Brookover Beil, Janet Rowden Mergenthaler, and Margie Winneg Cohen."

Bud Feuchtwanger has been president of the Tamarind Foundation, a private operating foundation devoted to the environment and selected healthcare issues, for the past two and a half years. He is married to Irene, a psychologist, and they live in Manhattan and have a place on Long Island.

Mike and Shirley Geremia's two sons were married in May and June. In the fall, Mike and Shirley will go to Italy and meet up with Ira Levin, who has lived in Rome since 1970. Mike is keeping up with friends from Brown; Bill Feeney '60, Bob MacArthur, and George Rollinson. Mike writes: "We love living in the mountains of Western North Carolina and find it is like living in New Hampshire without the winters."

Robert H. Goff has just completed two years as chair of the Alliance of Artists Communities, an organization who advocates for creative environments that advance the work of artists of all kinds. Headquartered in Providence, the Alliance also supports the artists' world both in the U.S. and abroad.

Bill Kelly and Lee Jacobus '59 AM and a third writer have launched a new press, Hammonasset House Books. Covers, descriptions, and sample chapters of their first four books can be seen on their website, Bill writes: "The novels and short story collection—all written by HHB principals—are high quality but unlikely to rip across theater screens and earn buckets of money."

Eugenie Loupret Martin writes: "I am still a private tutor and an officer in the Democratic Party in Marion County, Fla. Hopefully, we will gain seats in the 2008 election. Theater is my place for the future. I am now teaching and studying ballet and working with a group to start a performing arts center in this part of our country. It would include acting, music, and dancing for all ages if it comes to fruition."

Burnley Miles writes: "I am retired and enjoying time to travel. I have been married 50 wonderful years to the love of my life, Madeline Kimberly Miles '55. Three sons, eight grandchildren, and a house full of stuff we are trying to downsize—all of this due in part to Brown."

Robert E. Oberg writes: "My wife, Eleanor, and I retired to our Florida home in Ft. Meyers in June of 2000. We are having the time of our lives! In May of each year we drive back to New England and stay for three and a half months. We stay one month with relatives and the remainder of the time we rent a dorm at Franklin Pierce Univ. in New Hampshire. We are enjoying ourselves completely."

Dorothy Young Peirce writes that she gets through the winters in Vermont by keeping very busy: volunteering, spending time with family and friends, doing a bit of teaching and college counseling.

George Rollinson writes: "Judy and I continue to enjoy our seven months per year in Vero Beach, Fla., and five months in Narragansett, R.I. I continue to enjoy my involvement in the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast, which I was instrumental in founding two years ago."

Robert Rosenblatt writes: "I recently retired from 41 years doing obstetrics/gynecology. My wife, Carol, and I have five children and seven grandchildren. We spend winters in Ocean Ridge, Fla., and I play as much golf as I can."

Mary Ann Filson Smith writes that her daughter, Katie Smith, has just launched a new children's book, One Hen, a story based on an improbable but true African success story.

Bob Saltonstall writes that he is living in Rancho Mirage, Calif., and loving it. He traveled with a friend on a business trip to Malawi, joining him in an effort to bring broadband to the country. He reports: "The project is unearthing all sorts of curiosities and is taking a new turn every day."

Susan Low Sauer has taken the reins of her husband's company, which owns and manages more than 120,000 square feet of retail space along Route 4 in Paramus, N.J. Susan, a widow since April 2007, writes that she knew more about the business than she realized and that running the company has been more fun than she expected. She plans to run the company according to her husband's motto and the words inscribed on his tombstone: "If it ain't fun, don't do it."

Augustus White, of Harvard Medical School, was presented with the Smith and Nephew Endoscopy Distinguished Clinician Educator Award by the American Orthopaedic Association in June of 2007 for his contributions to the field of orthopaedics.

Bud Williams writes that he and his wife, Isobel, spent a week in the Galapagos Archipelago "dodging iguanas, tortoises, sea lions, hammerhead sharks, and a wide assortment of other exotic and unique animals."

John Wolfe and his wife, Margaret, left their home in Alaska in January for the midwinter convention of the nationwide Barbershop Harmony Society in San Antonio, Texas. John has been singing with the Anchorage chapter for 15 years. While in the North, he is trying to conclude a genealogy project, which he describes as "obsessive." He would like to hear from old Theta Delta Chi friends.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports: “I encourage classmates to send news and information either to me or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Robert Ackerman writes: "With much regret, I missed the 50th reunion because of professional commitments abroad with the European Stroke Society. Stroke disease has been my medical specialty for the past 40 years. I have been at the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. By specializing in both neurology and neuroradiology I was able to pursue innovative clinical research in this area. My lab at MGH provided the first consultative carotid artery ultrasound studies in the country and among the earliest positron emission images of acute stroke disease. Twenty-five years ago I founded the Boston Stroke Society, which I have chaired ever since. The American Heart Association recognized these efforts with a career achievement award in 2004. In addition to medical research, since graduation I have been a journalist, gardener, and rower, and briefly, a husband and stepfather. My garden is on a moraine in Gloucester, Mass. My rowing I do in a single shell next to my Cambridge home on the Charles River, where I have competed frequently in the Head of the Charles Regatta. I hope classmates who wander (or row) this way will visit."

Don Arsenault and his partner have built a beautiful condo project on Tybee Island, Ga., which is just outside Savannah. They received the island's Historical Society Preservation Award for the building. The condo is called Captain's Watch, and you can find pictures on the internet.

Mariette Perron Bedard continues to run her antiquarian book shop, Tyson's Old and Rare Books, which is now online helping customers find special out-of-print books. She spent last summer traveling in eastern Canada with her daughter, Nancy Stigers '82.

Tony Booth has been spending two weeks on a Habitat for Humanity build every year for the past six years. He spent three weeks in the Gulf Coast area working with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Britten Dean had a good Elderhostel trip on the Erie Canal late last summer. He writes: "I grew up in that part of the country, so it was very much a nostalgia trip for me. I keep my mind alive by pursuing my interest in Japanese literature. I taught the great 11th-century novel The Tale of Genji a couple of years ago at a volunteer institute with the University of Virginia, and am now translating a contemporary novel from Japanese into English. Walking and yard work keep me physically fit."

Sandy and Dave Durfee '56 and Bob and Sandra Minnerly spent a week in the Florida Keys in January, visiting Key West, kayaking, and, Sandy says, "eating fish that jumped from the sea onto the grill." She writes: "It was great fun reminiscing about the 50th reunion and planning for the future. The Durfees entertained Jim Page '56 on Hilton Head Island with more kayaking, bike-riding, and other activities that belied their senior citizen status."

Charlie Hill still teaches at Yale. He's now teaching three courses; his favorite is Architecture of Power, an idea traceable back to William Jordy's art and architecture course in 1953. He kept working on it in graduate school at Penn, where he narrowly missed becoming an architectural historian.

Judith Wright Hill writes: "I am currently volunteering at the Palm Beach Zoo and taking care of my 2-year-old great-granddaughter, Josalynn, one day a week while her mother finishes her degree in education. In January, I traveled to Hawaii, where I met Helen Donaldson Nienhauser and her husband, Gayle, as they took a break from Alaska's cold and darkness. I had a great time at our 50th reunion, my first."

Judith's e-mail address was incorrect in the class yearbook.

Martin Imm has been attending events at the Boston Brown Club, which he says should serve as an inspiration to other clubs throughout the Brown community. At one event, hosted by Don Saunders at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Lincoln Chafee '75 spoke with candor about his role in the U.S. Senate. Don hosted a second event, the club's Christmas party, with a turnout of more than 200. Martin met some recent graduates, including researchers at Massachusetts General and a member of the class of '02 who is working on his PhD at MIT in computer science and mathematics. "One of the greatest pleasures of joining a Brown Club," Martin writes, "is the opportunity provided to meet other graduates who are creating significant lives for themselves."

Ira D. Levin writes: "Over Thanksgiving, I returned to the Brown campus for the first time since 1961. I was accompanied by Joel Kane '56, whom I hadn't seen since he graduated. We were on the swimming team together, so we paid a visit to the old pool to find that it had been converted to a dance floor or small theater. As we were peeking through the window, two students inside came over and opened the window to find out what we wanted. We explained that we were just taking a peek at where we used to swim back in the 1950s and that their dance floor was once our swimming pool. They laughed, perhaps at the idea that their practice floor was once a swimming pool, or perhaps at the sight of two oldsters pressing their noses to the window like two young kids, or perhaps at both."

Bob Norman was a cochairman for the Military Officers' Association of America, Sandhills Chapter, administering the Empty Stocking Fund for Moore County, N.C. The group raised more than $220,000 from donors and sponsors, thus providing a meaningful Christmas for about 1,000 families. Bob and Crista spent two weeks during the Christmas holidays with their three teenaged granddaughters in Colorado Springs and managed to ski Breckenridge with them. Bob still flies his Piper Dakota and plays golf and tennis regularly.

Judy and George Rollinson report they have enjoyed their involvement with the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast (Florida) and have been assisted enthusiastically by Ted Colangelo and Rosemary Carroll. Judy and George enjoyed a trip back to Rhode Island over the Christmas holiday to visit their four sons and six grandchildren as well as some friends and other family members.

Susan Low Sauer was grateful to Doris Finke Minsker for sending her reunion mementos on. Susan is now a self-described real estate mogul, selling commercial properties. She hopes that there will be a mini-reunion in New York City in 2008.

Hugh Smith lives in Southport, Conn., with his wife, Sally, of 50 years. He has been an independent and freelance photographer "for 30-something years" and has traveled extensively, covering America's Cup sailing in Australia, missionaries in the jungles of Ecuador, and taking many group and family portraits in the United States. His two grandchildren, Riley and Teddy, and his own children, who live nearby, are keeping the Smiths closer to home these days.

Mary Ann Filson Smith is a volunteer bent on improving our health care, child care, and foreign aid process. She is beginning a focus group to do some strategic planning about working through groups such as OXFAM or World Vision.

Dick Thomson and his wife, Marilyn, escaped the New England winter by traveling to St. Kitts-Nevis in February and will be spending time in Italy in March and April.

Virginia Wyler-Saunders was startled when she looked at the class reunion yearbook and discovered on page 112 that she was married to Tom Mackey. She and her late husband, Berthold Wyler, belonged on page 166.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports: “I encourage classmates to send news and information either to me or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Nancy Jacobs Arkin writes that she traveled to Weston, Fla., with three friends during the summer and plans to travel to Puerto Rico with the same group.

Dick Barker writes that he spent the summer at his ranch south of Sun Valley, Idaho, doing lots of fly-fishing and taking a float trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. His two daughters, Jessica ’03 and Rebecca ’05, visited with friends for eight days. He connected with classmate Bob Saltonstall, who has taken a place in Sun Valley and is as sharp as ever and very fit.

Tony Booth and his wife, Barbara, lead RV caravans for Winnebago-Itasca Travelers. Last summer they made their fifth trip to Alaska, where they watched wildlife, saw Mt. Denali, caught many fish, and enjoyed cool weather. They spent Thanksgiving week on Edisto Island, S.C., with their family.

Rosemary Carroll writes that she has settled into her home in Florida. She is in the second year of a two-year term as president of the Stuart, Fla., branch of the American Association of University Women. An article she coauthored with Eliza Cope Harrison, “Newport’s Summer Colony: 1830-1860,” was published in Newport History, the journal of the Newport Historical Society. For the past two years Rosemary has been listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Education.

Ann Christmann writes that she is now married to her partner-in-crime of 24 years, Henry Gates—math professor, world traveler, and couch potato. She and Henry watch a lot of NASCAR and Yankee games. She volunteers for the Audubon Coastal Center in Milford, Conn., where she is a docent. She would love to hear from classmates.

Ted Colangelo and his wife, Kay, took a small yacht cruise of twenty people to Sicily and the Aeolian Islands. They ended their trip with a week of cooking classes at a beautiful winery in the mountains north of Palermo.

Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’59 AM writes that in October she went on an 18-day trip to Turkey.

Jack Giddings writes that last summer he went with the Brown Travelers to Tuscany with his wife, Sue; their son, Matt; and their daughter-in-law, Dara. They found the group congenial, the lecture “super,” and Italy magnificent.

Douglas Godshall is recovering from a hip transplant operation.

Jim Goldsmith, along with his daughter Kira, volunteered again for the Barclays, the first of the FedEx Cup elimination tournaments as ShotLink personnel. They track how long the player’s drives are on a particular hole and electronically send the information to TV personnel. He writes that seeing how differently the professionals swing is an education. His middle daughter, Kim, has had her third child, so he now has three grandchildren. He volunteers at the Phelps Memorial Hospital, at his temple, and at the Midnight Run, which feeds homeless people in New York City.

Charlie Hill spent the summer as usual, preparing for the fall term teaching at Yale with a couple weeks at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. He also put in many hours as a senior foreign policy adviser to Rudy Giuliani in his campaign for the presidency.

Fred Humeston writes: “I had a great time at our 50th reunion visiting old classmates and renewing old bonds and friendships. It passed too quickly. I must get back to Brown more frequently, perhaps when I retire from my pediatric practice.”

Wyeth Lynn Hare Jachney owns Hylas Yachts with her husband and son, Kyle. They had four sailboats in the Annapolis Boat Show.

James McCurrach spent a busy summer tutoring in San Francisco. He continues to teach history and geography on a half-day schedule, but plans to finally take a break by traveling to South America this summer.

Robert Norman writes: “We have recently moved into our dream house in the Pinewild Country Club, a gated community. We’re on the fifth fairway of the Holly course (designed by Gary Player). Tennis, golf, and flying are still fun and exciting. Come see us—we have ample room!”

Paul Oppenheimer invites all classmates to visit him in Cape Town, South Africa. He returns to the United States a few times a year to visit his children and grandchildren.

Dorothy Young Pierce writes that she enjoyed the summer in the hills of Vermont and welcomed many visits from family and friends.

Bob Press writes that he continues to enjoy hot and humid Houston, even after 32 years there.

Judy and George Rollinson returned to Florida to enjoy the fruits of their efforts in starting up the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast. Six or seven fellow alums have come forward to assist in the leadership, including Rosemary Carroll and Ted Colangelo.

Alan R. Shalita writes: “Sorry I missed our 50th. I am still actively working as chairman of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and continue to enjoy academic life. Being surrounded by bright young students keeps me going, as do my five grandchildren. I also join you all in mourning the loss of classmates who are no longer with us.”

Maryann Filson Smith writes that she entertained many house guests over the summer, including a L’Abri Canada speaker’s family and people from South Korea, keeping them in touch with the international Christian scene. The United States has a L’Abri in Massachusetts that eastern Canadians attend, and West Coast Americans come to Maryann’s place on Bown Island. In September she and Mal swam the tidal river daily in Eastham, on Cape Cod, and had their annual maritime fix on pristine Prince Edward Island before returning home to a very chilly fall.

Warren Williams and his wife traveled from Wales to Washington, D.C., this past summer to attend the Office of Strategic Services Society dinner.

From the November / December 2007 Issue

To all classmates: Those of you who could not attend the 50th but would like to purchase reunion watches, send $20 for each and your name and address to: Alumni Office, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912. We will send you the real thing.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Class secretary Sandra Sundquist Durfee reports: “I encourage classmates to send news and information either to me or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco writes: “I am honored to be selected as president of our class and sincerely appreciate your confidence. Our other class officers—Sandra Sundquist Durfee, Bob Minnerly, and John “Rusty” Chandler—are equally enthusiastic. Bob is working on setting up a class Website, and Rusty Chandler will soon be looking for ways to enhance our treasury. Bob Hummerstone, Matt Maloney, Phil Abbatomarco, and I thank all of you for your very generous comments about the yearbook, and we congratulate you for your accomplishments. We also thank Bob Goff and the reunion committee for our 50th gala weekend. The events were varied, interesting, and, most important, a lot of fun! A very special thank-you to Paula DeBlois ’89 and her assistants in Brown’s Alumni Relations office for their guidance. Last but not least, a thank-you to the 174 alumni (sixty women, 114 men) and guests: the 293 who returned to campus and enjoyed a superb 50th. I encourage you to keep in touch with alumni in your area, to actively share your ideas with us, and to contribute news to the BAM. We are a great class!”

Anthony Booth and his wife have retired to Hot Springs, Ark. They have been leading RV tours for Winnebago and returned to Alaska for the sixth time in July and August of 2006. They are also active in Habitat for Humanity and have been on five two-week builds. They met Stan Leibo ’58, in New Orleans last March while working with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Rosemary Carroll is back in Rhode Island spending her summers away from her Florida home. She writes that she had a terrific time at the reunion and was delighted to see and talk with so many classmates. She remarked on the easy rapport and the forming of lasting bonds.

Bob Goff writes: “On behalf of the committee, the alumni office, the advancement office, and everybody who helped with the 50th, we thank you all for coming to Brown for the special weekend. The weather was perfect, Campus Dance overwhelming, Commencement exciting, and the class events memorable. Thanks again. We look forward to the 55th!”

Jim Goldsmith was re-elected as community representative and president of the Phelps Auxiliary on March 28 by the board of directors of Phelps Memorial Hospital Center in Sleepy Hollow, N.Y. He is currently serving his second term as president, having also served as first vice president, second vice president, and Briarcliff Manor area chairman.

Robert Grafton ’67 PhD and his wife, Kay, were blessed with four new grandchildren within a two-year span, making a grand total of six youngsters. Robert is working part time managing a computer science research program at the National Science Foundation.

Roberta Abedon Levin writes: “I sometimes have to pinch myself, I am such a lucky person: one husband, three wonderful children, five grandchildren, and one home in Rhode Island and one in Florida! How good it is!”

Bob Minnerly and his wife, Sandra, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June with their family. While at the reunion, Bob was delighted to run into some former students who were back for their Brown reunion.

Don Rhine and his wife, Rebecca, enjoyed a trip with the Brown Travelers to the Wonders of the Ancient World. They were led by fellow alumni Artemis ’55 and Martha Sharp Joukowsky ’58. Also on the trip were Connie Reimers Cowen ’59 and Richard Ballou ’66.

Bob Saltonstall and his wife, Jane, were sorry to miss the reunion, but they have been busy planning a move to Rancho Mirage, Calif. With children on both coasts, they spend a considerable amount of time on airplanes. They now have a grandchild old enough to drive.

Mary-Ann Filson Smith had a “King” reunion: she enjoyed seeing the “King House Princesses” and sat next to B.B. King while waiting for the graduation procession to march down the hill. She also managed to interview some current students in one of the unisex bathrooms about the mores of the young. Like some of the other women who stayed at Goddard House, she was surprised by the male residents of the dorm while showering.

Larry Waterman writes that he made use of his Spanish major by spending twenty-two years with the Latin American division of Pan American and then seventeen years with LACSA, the airline of Costa Rica. He and Joan have retired to Miami Lakes, Fla., but Larry is still keeping his hand in the workforce by volunteering to man the information booths at Miami International Airport.

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson reports: “Classmates are encouraged to send news and information to me or directly to the Brown Alumni Magazine, [email protected]."

Robert Goff writes: “This is being written on the first of May with only hope in mind for the 50th reunion. When you read this we will know that it was not worse than the 25th in 1982. It could not have been, as that was the ‘worst Commencement ever.’ People still say, ‘Remember ’82’ and groan. It started raining on Friday and did not stop until Monday afternoon. Besides that, it was cold. We thank all for coming this year and hope you have some good memories. The new officers are in place and will be doing an excellent job for the class. Enthusiasm is high and we look forward to more and merrier.”

Peter Gold writes: “After the 45th reunion in 2002, I decided to merge my accounting practice with a larger accounting firm so I could slow down a little, travel more, and spend more time with our six children and eight grandchildren. Then we sold our home in Scarsdale about four years ago and moved to a condo in the neighboring village of Ardsley, N.Y. More recently, we have been spending our summers in the Hamptons at our youngest daughter’s home with grandchild number nine. Our recent travels have included a month cruising South America from Valpariso to Rio de Janeiro and a thirty-day trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. Vietnam is an amazing experience.”

Judy and George Rollinson are pleased to report that the Brown Club of the Treasure Coast (Fla.) has become a reality. Their inaugural season included two dinner meetings at which attendance was good and fellowship was great. Speakers were Fay Vincent, former baseball commissioner and retired business executive, and Wendy Schiller ’02 AM of Brown’s political science department, who spoke on presidential contenders. A number of alums, including Rosemary Carroll and Ted Colangelo, have come forward to share leadership duties and ensure the club’s future success. Judy and George also enjoyed a visit from Mike Geremia, who was in Vero Beach visiting his brother. They did a lot of catching up, and since Mike went to Moses Brown and Judy to Lincoln, they knew a lot of people in common.

Francine Flynn Atkins Silberman writes: “I spent a month in Italy and especially enjoyed spending two weeks in Florence as the guest of Patricia Kelley Cunningham while she attended an Italian language school. I toured the great museums. I also spent two weeks in Rome, where I rented an apartment in the historic center. It was a wonderful return to Italy, and I was pleasantly surprised to find how much fun I had on the trip solo.”

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson reports: “Classmates are encouraged to send news and information to me or directly to the Brown Alumni Magazine, [email protected]."

Mark Kessler, a partner at the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, recently received the 2007 Philadelphia Bar Association Business Law Section Dennis H. Replansky Award. The award was given at the Section’s annual reception on January 16 at the Pyramid Club in Philadelphia.

Janet Glen Larrabee writes: “Sold my business in 2001 after twenty-five years as a retail entrepreneur. Retirement is great—freedom at last to come and go as I please. Half my time is spent sorting, shredding, and donating. This is what occurs after forty-five years in the same house. Sadly, I will miss the reunion, as overnight travel is complicated because of health issues. Not to worry, I’m on the go and enjoying myself. My best to all my classmates, and know I wish I could be there with you. Is it really 50? Good grief!”

George Rollinson and wife, Judy, have started a Brown Club of the (Fla.) Treasure Coast with help from several alumni, including Rosemary Carroll and Ted Colangelo. The first meeting, held on January 30, featured Fay Vincent, former baseball commissioner and retired business executive, as guest speaker. The second meeting was held March 9 with Brown’s Wendy Schiller, professor of political science and public policy, speaking on presidential contenders. In addition to the fine speakers, excellent fellowship was enjoyed by attending alumni and their guests.

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson is in the process of starting a Brown club in Florida’s Treasure Coast area with a lot of help from Ted Colangelo. They have already had a already had a brainstorming session and are planning a first meeting in a couple of months. If you are interested, please contact George. He also encourages classmates to send news and information to him or directly to the BAM at [email protected].

Don Bird and his wife, Martha, are enjoying life in Kernersville, N.C. One granddaughter is a college junior, and the other is a high school senior. Don suffered a stroke on September 14 and was hospitalized till September 30. He is making good progress, thanks largely to Martha’s quick action in getting him medical attention. He doubts he will be able to attend the 50th reunion, but sends best wishes to all.

Beverly Decker writes: “Since retiring in 1992 after thirty-one years with IBM, I’ve finally done a little traveling. So far I’ve found St. Petersburg, Russia, most intriguing, but I am fickle and falling for some aspect of each new place I visit. My residence is now equally divided between Barrington, R.I., in the spring and summer, and Florida in the fall and winter."

Bob Goff writes: “By now you should have received the 1957 Yearbook Fifty Years. If not, either our planned mailing did not quite make the February deadline, or your address is not current. Thanks to the committee chaired by Bob Hummerstone for all the help in preparing this wonderful document for our class. Now if you have not made plans to return to Brown on the weekend of May 25, please do so. We want you to return and be with us for the 50th! It would be no fun without you. See you there!”

Bill Hayes continues as chair of the career committee of the New York Society of Security Analysts ( Bill writes: “We put on a monthly Career Chat program that ranges across topics from Early Stage Career Challenges to Careers in Derivatives. We have just started doing podcasts. I am also involved in the NYSSA summer student-mentor program.”

Judy and George Rollinson had a most enjoyable visit in November with Sue and Jack Giddings in Jacksonville, Fla. They were given a tour of the area and attended the Monday night Jaguars football game. George’s Giants did not do well against the Jaguars, but that could not spoil a wonderful time. Jack and Sue are still working full time, he in his internal medicine practice and she at a skilled nursing facility.

Bill Wadsworth retired ten years ago and moved from California to Maine. He writes that he is enjoying life Down East and that he and Joy Richardson have found happiness together. In the past nine years he has “acquired” nine grandchildren, six of Joy’s and three of his. They live near Machias and a tidal river. On his property is a commercial blueberry field (it turns a beautiful scarlet in the fall, rust in the winter). Bill has rediscovered music after many, many years; he and Joy sing in two choirs and are involved in stage musicals. They plan to attend the 50th.

Robert Zimmerman’s sixth grandchild, Matthew Zimmerman, arrived on July 16. He and his wife, Becky, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on December 26.

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson reports: “Classmates are encouraged to send news and information to me or directly to the Brown Alumni Magazine, [email protected]."

Douglas Godshall writes: “I was an officer in the U.S. Navy for three-plus years, primarily as the chief engineer on a ship in the Far East prior to the Vietnam War. Returning to the U.S., I attended graduate school at the Univ. of Washington and subsequently at San Jose State Univ. in materials science and economics. During this period I accepted a position with Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, Calif., on the nuclear submarine program, where I participated in the development of the Sea Trial Certification requirements. I later transferred to the Air Force at the Lockheed facility in Sunnyvale, Calif., and married Suzanne Lyford, a Phi Beta Kappa psychology major from the Univ. of California at Berkeley. I acquired registration as a professional engineer in California. While in Sunnyvale, I became involved in the initial development of the space shuttle, particularly of the insulating tiles, and developed a patentable method for measuring inherent residual stresses.

Subsequently I was employed with Lockheed on intelligence satellite programs and was eventually manager of electronic parts and reliability for a major defense satellite communications program. During the interim, I managed the U.S. Navy Science Fair program in San Francisco and was promoted to captain, U.S.N.R. I retired in 1960 as a consequence of an asthmatic condition and moved back to Pennsylvania."

Bob Goff writes: “The 50th yearbook is in process as I write these notes on October 31. We have received more than two hundred replies to date and will be meeting with Bob Hummerstone and his committee to look at the list to get some more replies. By now you will have received more mail and information about the 50th plans. We hope you are planning to come back to Brown on May 25, 26, and 27! This is an opportunity for all to gather, see the ‘current Brown,’ and have a great weekend. Please come.”

Robert Grafton writes: “Happiness is a new granddaughter born Aug. 12 in Washington, D.C.! She makes the fifth among the children. Kay and I are happy in the D.C. area in what are now the ‘inner suburbs’ of D.C. E-mail contact before our 50th reunion is welcome.”

Charles R. Meader writes: “Hello, class. Looking forward to our class reunion, especially premed class and Phi Delts in the 1957 or 1958 graduating classes. Frank Jackson, George Rollinson, and I hope Bill Romer and maybe Bob Freeman will be in our little group. I have reserved rooms at the Holiday Inn near the T.F. Green airport. Looking forward to this low-pressure weekend. Come to relax a little.”

Jane Heyck Montgomery writes: “Claude and I are enjoying Houston and Galveston. We have a home in Galveston and spend much time beach-walking there. Looking forward to my 50th this year!”

Harry J. Smith and his wife, Clare, were guests at the Druskinikai Poetic Fall Festival in Lithuania this past year.

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Class secretary George Rollinson reports: “Classmates are encouraged to send news and information to me or directly to the Brown Alumni Magazine, [email protected]."

Bob Goff writes: “This is your opportunity! For those of you who have never—and there are very many of you—written to the BAM and told us all the interesting things you have done with your life since 1957, you must do so now in order to be included in the yearbook. This book will be the most interesting one ever, but only if you are included. We want to know about you. Don’t think of it as tooting your own horn, but just telling your story to the rest of us. Bob Hummerstone and his committee have done their work and will cry bitter tears if you have not done yours before the cutoff date. Please reply to the most recent plea for information. Thanks.”

Mary Medsger Lalos writes: “We took the entire family to Greece last year, a visit to my husband’s roots. Grandchildren are Jack and Eva. Peter is still practicing law full-time.”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson reports: “Classmates are encouraged to send news and information to me or directly to the Brown Alumni Magazine, [email protected]."

“Please make a note on your calendar that our 50th reunion will take place May 25–27, 2007. We are hoping for a strong turnout, including some who have never been back. One key to good participation is networking, calling fellow classmates and encouraging them to attend. Bob Goff has organized a good-sized committee, but we can always use more help. Please feel free to contact BG to volunteer your assistance.

“Judy and George Rollinson had a very enjoyable reunion with Ruth and Frank Jackson and Charlie Meader, meeting them at the historic Bok sanctuary in Lake Whales, Fla. (If that name is familiar, founder Edward W. Bok’s grandson Derek served as president of ‘another’ Ivy League institution).”

John Esterline writes: “After forty-five years as a landscape architect in our family landscaping business, I will hang up my T-square and triangle in late 2006. I plan to travel more, and who knows what? I’m looking forward to our 50th Brown reunion next year.”

Lillian Shoushan Berberian Klanian announces the birth of her granddaughter Livia Shoushan Klanian, daughter of Peter and Kirsten Dekin Klanian ’93, of East Greenwich, R.I.

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson encourages classmates to send news to him or directly to the Brown Alumni Magazine.

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Classmates are encouraged to send information about themselves to George Rollinson, class secretary.

Warren W. Williams has been awarded a PhD in history by the Univ. of Wales. His doctoral thesis is titled British Policy During the Occupation of Austria, 1945–1955.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Britten Dean reports that since retiring he has completed a two-year ceramics curriculum at his local community college. “My artistic conception, however, far outpaced my technical expertise, and fully half of my creations ended up in the trash can. I’ll again be driving my VW camper to California this summer to visit my son and his family in Sacramento, stopping in Sante Fe for a week’s Elderhostel. I still keep my hand in teaching; last year I gave a lecture series on modern China, and this coming fall I will do a lecture series on The Tale of Genji (the 11th-century Japanese novel), both with an institute associated with the Univ. of Virginia.”

Robert Minnerly writes: “Coming out of retirement again, I was named the first executive director of the R. Merle Palmer Minority Scholarship Foundation, based in Tacoma, Wash. The foundation supports eighty minority students in colleges, primarily in the state of Washington. Approximately 200 deserving students have benefited from the foundation.”

George Rollinson reports that in May he and his wife, Judy, flew to San Francisco, then drove south to L.A. and then east to New Mexico (visiting George’s brother John Thomas Rollinson ’60, an Episcopal priest in Clovis) and then north to Denver, where they caught a flight home. They visited more than twenty relatives, friends, and in-laws. Last summer they enjoyed a visit with Britten Dean as he passed through Rhode Island. Classmates can send news to George or directly to the BAM.

Stan Vincent reports that he and Carol have moved to Cape Cod, much to the delight of their visiting children and grandchildren. Stan is a full-time educational consultant placing students in boarding schools here and abroad. He also continues as trombonist with the New Black Eagle Jazz Band, whose latest CD, On Higher Ground, has just been released.

From the July / August 2004 Issue

David C. Lewis, the Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown, was honored for his contributions to the treatment of addictive disorders. He received the John P. McGovern Award and Lecture at the 50th-anniversary banquet of the American Society of Addiction Medicine .

Bob Minnerly writes: “Out of retirement again, this time to become executive director of the R. Merle Palmer Minority Scholarship Foundation, a nonprofit in Tacoma, Wash., that provides about $250,000 a year to minority students, twenty-six of them this year alone. Since the foundation began in 1983, 85 percent of the students who have received its scholarships have graduated from college.”

Warren “Bud” Williams successfully defended his doctoral thesis, “British Policy and the Occupation of Austria, 1945–1955,” and was awarded a PhD in history by the Univ. of Wales.

Robert P. Zimmerman writes that his daughter Susan graduated from the Univ. of Hawaii in Dec. 2002. He also welcomed his fourth grandson, Bauer Eugene, on Aug. 6, 2003.

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Class secretary George Rollinson would like to remind classmates to send their news to him or directly to the BAM.

Dorothy Crews Herzberg writes: “I am teaching in an inner-city high school in Richmond, Calif. Over the past three years I have raised money to enable Richmond High students to participate in the Close Up program—a week in Washington, D.C. We have visited the Senate, the Supreme Court, and this year plan to watch the House in session, besides visiting congressmen and senators.”

Lynn Hare Jachney writes: “After thirty-five years of arranging clients’ worldwide yacht charters with my company, Lynn Jachney Charters (LJC), I retired from the company in July. Three grandchildren, volunteer work, travel, reading, tennis, and bridge lessons keep me busy.”

Lee Jacobus ’59AM writes: “Dance Therapy, a trio of one-act comedies I wrote for my son James, was produced in Jersey City in December and at the Where Eagles Dare Theatre Festival in New York City in January.”

Harold J. Sutphen writes: “I continue to lead an active life in Virginia’s ‘Northern Neck.’ I serve as docent, boatbuilder, and skipjack captain at Reedville Fishermen’s Museum and work with the Coast Guard Auxiliary. I’m also sailing Chesapeake Bay and making passages to and from the Virgin Islands, primarily as an organizer of the West Marine Caribbean 1500 Cruising Rallies, now in their fifteenth year.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

David C. Lewis, professor of medicine and community health and the Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction studies at Brown, has been elected chairman of the board of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.

From the January / February 2004 Issue

David C. Lewis, the Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University, has been elected chairman of the board of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.

Janet Rowden Mergenthaler writes that she, Bobbie Walker McColl, Barbara Sears Tessmer, Nancy Brookover Beil, Judy Griswold Hicks, Joyce Williams Warren, Priscilla Brewster Uhl, Cynthia Galazzi Lewis, Mary Patten Lafferty, and Marva Dates Belt enjoyed a mini-reunion in New York City in May. They spent three nights at the Gramercy Park Hotel with dinners at Bolo, Union Square Cafe, and Ouest. Activities included the Frick Museum, Broadway shows, the American Ballet Theater, and a visit to the World Trade Center site.

Joseph Shapiro (see Alyson Yashar ’89).

Hugh Smith writes: “I just celebrated my forty-sixth wedding anniversary with the love of my life, Sally. We have four kids living in four separate states. At my recent 50th reunion at Deerfield Academy, I received the C. Alice Baker Award for outstanding volunteer participation over the years.”

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Richard C. Barker writes: “Daughter Jessica ’03 graduated from Brown with a degree in economics and American civilization. Her sister, Rebecca ’05, will spend her first semester this year in Seville, Spain.”

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Augustus A. White III has been named to the National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health. Orthopedic surgeon-in-chief emeritus at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, White is an international authority on the spine. He is also a professor of orthopedic surgery at Harvard Medical School.

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Dorothy Crews Herzberg writes: "I am still teaching English as a Second Language at Richmond High School. This year I raised $27,000 to send students to Washington, D.C., for a week. My son Samuel is married with two daughters and works as a city planner in San Mateo, Calif.; daughter Laura is a pediatrician; and son Daniel is a teacher."

Fred Humeston writes: "I'm still in a private pediatrics practice in the San Francisco Bay Area."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Report from reunion headquarters: "Reunion plans are complete. We hope to see you at Brown for a great weekend May 24-27. Join us at your class events, Campus Dance, the Pops Concert, and the Commencement March. Register at If you haven't received your reunion mailing, please contact (401) 863-1947; reunions@brown. edu."

Cyrille Bloom Pokras writes: "The best thing that happened to me in 2000 was the birth of my first grandchild, Zoe Elizabeth. In 2001 I was appointed the first resident member of the Sun City Huntley Community Association governing board of directors."

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Jim McCurrach spent the summer teaching fifth- and sixth-graders at a San Francisco private school. He has accepted a full-time teaching position at a small San Francisco private high school, where he will teach history and English and supervise several physical education sessions. He writes: “Small classes (average size: fifteen students) and an exciting new challenge at the ripe old age of 66.”

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Augustus A. White III was elected the first president of the J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society, a multiracial medical society dedicated to eliminating racial and ethnic disparity in musculoskeletal health care. White is ortho-paedic surgeon-in-chief, emeritus, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. A professor of orthopaedic surgery at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard/MIT division of health sciences and technology, White is chairman of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons diversity committee and a member of the Harvard Medical School’s executive council on diversity.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Robert A. Corrigan, president of San Francisco State University, was among the fifty college and university presidents recognized by The Templeton Guide: Colleges That Encourage Character Development. Arthur R. Taylor was also among the fifty (see Class Notes, March/ April BAM). "That must say something about Brown and the class of ’57 when it comes to values!" writes Robert.

Nathanael Greene (see Elizabeth Greene Hart ’91).

Bill Haslam moved from Mansfield, Mass., to Florida in August 1999. He writes that though he is retired, he spends time selling part of his huge collection of sports trading cards.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Gustaf Sobin has published Luminous Debris (University of California Press), a book of essays on artifacts and their messages from the landscapes of Provence and Languedoc. He is working on a novel, The Fly-Truffler, which is set in Provence, where he has lived for the past thirty-five years.

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Robert Norman recently retired from Raytheon, where he was vice president of Raytheon International Inc., Europe, in Brussels. He will divide his time between a residence in Pinehurst, N.C. (Pinewild Country Club ­ on the fourth green); an apartment in Berlin, Germany; and oft-delayed leisurely travel to more exotic places. He looks forward to more involvement in Brown affairs and to his 45th reunion. He recently renewed an old friendship with Ron Baker, who also resides in Brussels.

Matthew Perlman (see Marc Osofsky ’92).

Olga Gemski Robinson (see Chase Robinson ’85).

Arthur R. Taylor, president of Muhlenberg College, is among the fifty college and university presidents who were recognized by The Templeton Guide: Colleges That Encourage Character Development for outstanding leadership in the field of student character-development.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Robert L. Sweeney, of Northport, N.Y., announces the marriage of his daughter, Linda Beth Sweeney '91, to Cary Torkelson (Northwestern University) in New York harbor aboard the Lady Windridge on July 31. The wedding party included Elizabeth Greene Hart '91. Other guests included Josh Gold '91, Reginald Patota '54, Philip Cannon '55, Stewart Y. Fish '58, Susan Lawser Voss '91, Paul Voss '89, and Lynn Elizabeth Nelson '91. The bride works at Condé Nast Publications in New York City. The couple lives at 136 Orchard Park, Allendale, N.J. 07401.

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Douglas Godshall, of Quakertown, Pa., has been elected chairman of the open space and historical preservation committee of Richard Township in Eastern Pennsylvania.

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Philip F. Abbatomarco and Patricia Checchia Abbatomarco (see Robert Abbatomarco '82).

Bob Zimmerman, Bellevue, Wash., retired from Boeing in 1995. His wife, Becky, graduated from the University of Washington in 1996. Son Michael works for a computer company. Daughter Esther, who is married and lives in Jerusalem, is the mother of two little boys. Daughter Sharon is planning to apply to graduate school. Daughter Susan is in her second year at Bellevue Community College and hopes to study abroad next year. Bob now teaches at Hebrew school teacher and at the local High School of Jewish Education.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Lillian Berberian Klanian and her husband, Peter, celebrated the wedding of their son, Peter (Boston College '89), to Kirsten Dekin '93 on Sept. 11 (see Kirsten Dekin '93).

Warren W. Williams was accepted this year as a graduate student in history at the University of Wales. His objective is a Ph.D., with a focus on the allied occupation of Austria after World War II.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Donald Huttner (see David Huttner '88).

Robert A. Norman writes that he is "thoroughly enjoying" his life working in Europe as vice president of Raytheon Europe-Africa International.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Bob Comery see (Dorothy Haslam Comery '43).

George Rollinson is managing consultant at the Providence office of Drake Beam Morin, an international outplacement firm that helps with job searches following unemployment due to reorganization, acquisition, or downsizing. George and his wife, Judy, are enjoying condo life in Bristol, R.I., and visiting their three grandchildren.

Harold J. Sutphen writes: "After spending last winter cruising the Caribbean in our boat, Helen and I decided to stay home this winter. With luck I'll make a dent in all the projects that have accumulated since we moved to Kilmarnock, Va. I'm still doing some writing on boating and other seamanship subjects, but generally I'm having a very busy retirement life."

From the September / October 1998 Issue

An informal gathering of mostly King House '57 alumnae was held recently in New York City. The group had dinner at the Etats-Unis restaurant on 81st Street, which is owned by classmate Tom Rapp. Those who attended included: Barbara Charlton Adams, Nancy Brookover Beil, Marva Dates Belt, Patricia Kelley Cunningham, Judy Griswald Hicks, Mary Patten Lafferty, Genie Loupret Martin, Judy Wilcox Martin, Janet Rowden Mergenthaler, Barbara Sears Tessmer, and Joyce Williams Warren.

Richard P. Clark's class year was incorrect in his obituary in the July/August BAM. The BAM regrets the error.

Douglas Godshall writes: "After two years of semi-retirement in semi-rural Pennsylvania, I have started an engineering consulting practice for quality assurance, reliability, and system safety. My particular interest relates to expert testimony involving litigation."

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Robert A. Norman works for Raytheon as European regional vice president. "We're currently merging Hughes Aircraft activities with Raytheon International Inc. in Brussels from where we'll supervise all Raytheon activities in Europe," Robert writes.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Our 40th reunion is a memory, but our 45th is still a promise. In preparation for 2002, we'd like to maintain and expand communication among class members. Classnotes are welcome, too, and they can still be sent the old-fashioned way. - Linda Perkins Howard, secretary

Michael Geremia writes: "After living in the beautiful bluegrass country of Lexington, Ky., for the past two years, I moved to Winter Park, Fla., to retire." Michael worked in the airline industry for thirty years.

Warren "Bud" Williams writes: "After almost thirty years of residence in Asia, my family and I moved to Swansea, in the south of Wales, in July 1995. The U.S. Army provided the opportunity for me to see Southeast Asia in 1967 (I served as a captain and then a major with the special forces), and I fell in love with the place. Pfizer, the pharmaceutical firm, employed me in various executive positions from 1970 to 1982 in South Africa, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Japan, and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong my wife, Isobel, and I founded our own consulting firm, which we ran successfully for more than ten years. Isobel is taking a degree in Italian at the University of Wales. Our daughter, Katie, 13, was selected last year for the Glamorgan County under-fifteens field hockey team and spends a lot of time horseback riding and playing tennis. She is doing very well at the Ffynnone House School. I am semi-retired, although I'm spending a lot of time in Asia, studying Welsh at the university, and singing second tenor with the Dunvant male choir, Wales's largest and oldest male voice choir. I retired as a rugby referee two years ago. I am very interested in re-establishing contact with my Brown friends."

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Our 40th reunion is a memory, but our 45th is still a promise. In preparation for 2002, we'd like to maintain and expand communication among class members. Classnotes are welcome, too, and they can still be sent the old-fashioned way. - Linda Perkins Howard, secretary

Michael Geremia writes: "After living in the beautiful bluegrass country of Lexington, Ky., for the past two years, I moved to Winter Park, Fla., to retire." Michael worked in the airline industry for thirty years.

Warren "Bud" Williams writes: "After almost thirty years of residence in Asia, my family and I moved to Swansea, in the south of Wales, in July 1995. The U.S. Army provided the opportunity for me to see Southeast Asia in 1967 (I served as a captain and then a major with the special forces), and I fell in love with the place. Pfizer, the pharmaceutical firm, employed me in various executive positions from 1970 to 1982 in South Africa, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Japan, and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong my wife, Isobel, and I founded our own consulting firm, which we ran successfully for more than ten years. Isobel is taking a degree in Italian at the University of Wales. Our daughter, Katie, 13, was selected last year for the Glamorgan County under-fifteens field hockey team and spends a lot of time horseback riding and playing tennis. She is doing very well at the Ffynnone House School. I am semi-retired, although I'm spending a lot of time in Asia, studying Welsh at the university, and singing second tenor with the Dunvant male choir, Wales's largest and oldest male voice choir. I retired as a rugby referee two years ago. I am very interested in re-establishing contact with my Brown friends."

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Selena Winicour Barron is director of the child protective division in the department of social services, Westchester County, N.Y. She obtained an M.P.A. from Pace University while working for the county.

Linda Perkins Howard writes: "Our thanks and best wishes go out to Charlotte Lowney Tomas, who has served as our class secretary for years. She has graciously agreed to help me as the new secretary, but I'll also need your help."

Bob Hummerstone has retired from Texaco to become a freelance writer. He specializes in corporate communications, including speeches, articles for print, opinion pieces, and position papers. Bob was speechwriter for senior executives at CBS, General Foods, and Texaco, and before that a writer with Time, Life, and several newspapers. Bob and his wife, Norma, live in Greenwich, Conn.

J. Harvey Sproul Jr. has been elected vice chairman of the board of directors of Penn Millers Mutual Insurance Co. He is president of H.B.S. Enterprises Inc., H.B. Sproul Construction Co., Harco Excavating Co., and Sproul Realty Company Inc., all located in Clarks Summit, Pa. Harvey and his wife, Linda, live in Waverly, Pa., and have three children.



Jan, 2025

Marilyn Mapes Yeutter ’57, of West Caldwell, N.J., formerly of Montclair, N.J.; Aug. 22. While attending Brown, she met her future husband, Bruce D. Yeutter ’57, and upon graduation they were married and started a family in Montclair. She was a member of Union Congregational Church, the Montclair Garden Club, Bradford Bath & Tennis Club, and the Montclair Golf Club. She had a lifelong passion for sports that included traveling to attend Brown football and soccer games but, more importantly, watching her daughter compete on the Brown swim team. She also attended her grandchildren’s sporting events. For more than 40 years the family gathered at the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where she enjoyed collecting sea shells and walking the beach with her children and grandchildren. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three daughters, including Diane Rothberg ’83 and Stacey Ross ’94; three sons-in-law; seven grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. 

Jan, 2025

Priscilla “Shelley” Everett Richardson ’57, of Manitowoc, Wisc., formerly of Portsmouth and Dover, N.H.; Jul. 1. She retired as director of medical records at Seacoast Mental Health Center in Portsmouth. She enjoyed tutoring elementary school students, baking, sewing, knitting, and traveling, especially to Switzerland. She is survived by two daughters, two sons-in-law, five grandchildren, a great-granddaughter, and several nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2025

Cynthia Galazzi Lewis ’57, of Bristol, R.I., formerly of New York; Aug. 11. She was a biology lab technician and held office manager positions at multiple companies during her career. She enjoyed sailing, gardening, visiting museums, and traveling. She is survived by two children. 

Nov, 2024

Constance Loring ’57, of Portland, Me.; Apr. 16. She was a co-owner of the family printing business, C. Parker Loring Bank Stationers, with her brother Bill, who predeceased her. She was a longtime member of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, where she had many friends. She is survived by four children, two grandchildren, and a cousin.  

Nov, 2024

John F. Just ’57, of Elm Grove, Wisc.; Mar. 28. For more than 48 years he was a thoracic surgeon and served the Milwaukee community. He was an emeritus clinical professor of surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin and a recipient of several clinical faculty department of surgery teaching awards. He was an avid reader and enjoyed classical music and traveling to more than 50 countries. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; five children and their spouses; and 14 grandchildren. 

Nov, 2024

Paula Anne Koffler Granoff ’57, of Palm Beach, Fla., Old Westbury, N.Y., and Providence, R.I.; May 28, after battling a long illness. She had an eye for art and was able to cultivate a collection that she donated to RISD’s museum/school. In recognition of her support, she was appointed to the RISD Board and was the recipient of the Athena Award in 2006 and an honorary doctorate in fine arts in 2010. She was a strong supporter of RISD and other organizations. She and her husband were responsible for the contemporary art wing at RISD and also gave generously to the Providence Public Library, donating the technology wing at the Rochambeau Avenue branch. She began playing golf in 1956 and eventually became a member of Ledgemont Country Club (Mass.), Alpine Country Club (R.I.), Glen Oaks Club (N.Y.), and High Ridge Country Club (Fla.). She won more than 60 championships, including three senior state championships in Rhode Island, and had 14 holes in one. She is survived by her husband, Leonard; two sons and daughters-in-law; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and sisters Sandra Koffler Bornstein ’63 and Phyllis Koffler Braddock ’67.  

Nov, 2024

Paul P. Brown ’57, of Eastham, Mass.; Apr. 8. He was employed at United Technologies Research Center as an aeronautical engineer specializing in wind tunnel and jet fuel research for 37 years. He was a hockey enthusiast, having played in high school and at Brown, and was a referee for 35 years. Additionally, he was involved with Meals on Wheels, delivering for more than 20 years as well as preparing tax returns in AARP’s tax assistance program. He was an active member of the Wapping Community Church of South Windsor (Conn.), and then the Eastham United Methodist Church of Cape Cod. He served as a deacon and member of the board of finance, and sang in the choir. A boater and fisherman, he enjoyed membership in the Cape Cod Power Squadron. He is survived by a daughter, two sons, two grandchildren, a great-grandson, and a sister.

Aug, 2024

Robert Erler ’57, of Windham, N.H., formerly of Haverhill, Mass.; Jan. 29. For 35 years he was employed with Western Electric and for 20 years he was involved with his family balsam fir Christmas tree, wreath, and kissing ball business, which included a roadside flower and vegetable stand. In 1996, he retired as captain of the Ayers Village Volunteer Fire Department. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, where he served both active duty and in the reserves. He and his wife, Carolyn, who survives him, moved to Windham in 1999. He is also survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two sons and daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

William R. Rivelli ’57, of New York City; Jan. 16, from Covid and kidney disease. He had a passion for photography since he was 12 and after graduating from Brown honed his skills as an assistant to Life Magazine photographer Nina Leen. After his training with Nina Leen, he assisted several prominent photographers before opening his own studio in 1963 with a focus on corporate and industrial photography. His assignments took him around the world. He was an active board member of the American Society of Media Photographers, lectured to chapters around the country, and created a correspondence template to improve the business relationships between clients and independent photographers. During his 50-year photography career, he pursued projects that included images documenting the five-year renovation of the United Nations building and a commissioned portfolio of black and white art prints depicting the resilience of Citibank employees post 9/11. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

Richard A. Ionata ’57, of Vancouver, Wash.; Sept. 13. He is survived by his wife, Mary.

Jun, 2024

Shirley DeLyne Forssell ’57, of Savannah, Ga., formerly of McLean, Va.; Mar. 3, 2023. She was a retired school teacher. She is survived by her husband, Robert; three children and their spouses; four grandchildren; and a sister. 

Jun, 2024

Stephen J. Aronoff ’57, of White Plains, N.Y.; Dec. 21. After graduating, he joined the family business, Lady Lynne Lingerie, and remained there throughout his career. He wrote poetry and was a member of the Poetry Caravan for several years. He played tennis, appreciated good films, enjoyed jazz and opera music, and especially enjoyed spending time with family. He is survived by his wife, Anita; three children; 12 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

Richard Nooney ’57, of Wakefield, R.I.; Sept. 3. He was employed at ITT Grinnell Corp. and Nooney Controls Corp. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He is survived by his wife, Gail. 

Apr, 2024

Jane Heyck Gaucher Montgomery ’57 of Houston, Tex.; Aug. 14. She worked as the manager of the bridal registry at Bering’s Gifts for nine years and for four years as assistant manager at Pavillon Christofle’s bridal registry. She was a member of Christ Church Cathedral for 19 years. She is survived by two daughters, a stepdaughter, a granddaughter, and brother Theodore Heyck ’63.

Apr, 2024

Edward B. “Pete” McLean ’57, of Bellingham, Wash.; Jan. 18, 2023. He did his residency at Yale, which had connections to Haiti’s Hospital Albert Schweitzer (HAS), where he spent six months to determine if it would be suitable for an ophthalmology rotation. In 1970, he and his family lived for three months on the HAS campus while he did a rotation there. Finally, in 1971, he was a clinical retinal fellow at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami. There he learned how to perform retinal reattachments using laser technology. At the completion of his training they moved to Seattle, where he accepted a teaching position at the University of Washington in 1972. In 1978, he cofounded Ophthalmic Consultants Northwest. In 1980 a lifelong dream was realized when work on the Eclipse, a 46-foot yacht designed by Bob Perry, began. In 1992, he and his racing crew competed in the Vic-Maui, a race from Victoria, BC, to Lahaina, Hawaii. He retired in 2001. He is survived by three children, including daughter Allison McLean ’81; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and two granddaughters. 

Apr, 2024

Ralph H. Hood ’57, of Doylestown, Pa.; Aug. 11. Upon graduation, he entered the U.S. Army Reserves and subsequently went on to a long career as a stockbroker and investment banker working at Girard Bank, Parrish & Company, Lionel D. Edie & Company, and Manufacturers Hanover, and retiring from PNC Bank. He was a member of the Philadelphia Cricket Club and Delta Kappa Epsilon. He enjoyed playing squash and tennis, which he continued playing into his early 80s. He never missed a game as line judge for his son’s Water Tower Soccer Club team and enjoyed watching his daughter’s tennis tournaments. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and five grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

Patricia Kelley Cunningham ’57, of Wilmington, Del.; Aug. 1. After Brown, she received two master’s degrees in French; one from Marquette University and one from Middlebury College. A lifelong learner, she spent most of her vacations studying in France, Spain, and Italy and took further graduate classes at Bryn Mawr College and the University of Delaware. For 40 years, she taught French, Spanish, Italian, and English. She taught world languages at Wilmington Friends School, Tatnall School, St. Edmond’s Academy, and Archmere Academy. From 1981 through 1988 she was chair of Archmere’s Foreign Language Department. After her tenure, she shared her teaching expertise as a supervising and mentor teacher, establishing a program which guided new and developing teachers. After retiring, she was instrumental in the redesign of the Spanish curriculum at Saint Edmond’s Academy. For several years she taught Spanish there to fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students and helped interview and mentor new teachers for the seventh and eighth grade middle school program. She also assisted in establishing a Spanish immersion summer program at the Escuela Idiomas de Nerja in Spain. She is survived by her husband, George. 

Apr, 2024

Rosemary F. Carroll ’57 of Middletown, R.I., and Stuart, Fla.; Sept. 15. She was an assistant professor at Notre Dame College, then moved to Iowa and became the Henry and Margaret Haegg Distinguished Professor of History and chairperson of the history department at Coe College in Cedar Rapids. She was also an affirmative action officer, a pre-law advisor, and a faculty representative for the Truman Foundation, the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, and the British Marshall Scholarship. She served on the board of directors for Mental Health Associates, was president of the Women’s Leadership Training Institute, and volunteered as legal counsel to help the poor in Cedar Rapids. She was the recipient of the Radcliffe-Hickes prize at Brown, among her many other accolades. She was included in the World’s Who’s Who of Women, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in American Law. She is survived by cousins. 

Apr, 2024

Barbara Charlton Adams ’57, of Meadville, Pa., and Hyannis Port, Mass.; Aug. 2, after a brief illness. After graduation, she and Barbara Sears Tessmer traveled internationally. Following their travels, she studied library sciences in Boston and was a librarian at MIT’s Dewey Library, where she met her future husband. She was an avid reader, a certified indexer, and trained editor. She belonged to many book clubs and was a patron of the Meadville and Hyannis public libraries. She is survived by her husband, Earl, and two sons. 

Apr, 2024

Frank M. Jackson ’57, of Lakeland, Fla.; Apr. 6, 2023. He had a 35-year career in education as an English teacher at New Trier High School; acting dean and associate professor at New York State University at Potsdam; humanities chairman at Genesee Community College; and dean of humanities and communications at Mohawk Valley Community College. In retirement he served on the board of Mid York Library System and enjoyed researching his family’s history. He is survived by his wife, Ruth, and three daughters. 

Apr, 2024

Donald Huttner ’57, of Denver; Oct. 22. He was a retired cosmetic surgeon and veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He enjoyed politics, the Denver Broncos, and Brown. The Huttner Room of the Faculty Club is named in his honor. He is survived by a daughter; sons David ’88 and Michael ’92; and eight grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

Nancy Brookover Beil ’57, of Port Washington, N.Y.; Nov. 1. She was employed at Clarke Botanical Garden and enjoyed being a patient relations volunteer at North Shore University Hospital. She enjoyed gardening and playing golf in her ladies league at Plandome Country Club. She is survived by her husband, Arthur Beil ’55; daughter Robin Mansfield ’80; two sons and daughters-in-law; 10 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 


Aug, 2023

Eugene G. Cohen ’57, of Scituate, Mass., formerly of Winthrop, Mass.; Mar. 20. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Army. Following his military service he was the proprietor of Schair’s Fuel Service and an active member of Winthrop Little League and Winthrop youth hockey. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; a daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren.

Aug, 2023

Henry S. Bernstein ’57, of Santa Rosa, Calif.; Feb. 11, after a long battle with COPD and kidney disease. He was a retired CPA. He enjoyed playing golf with his buddies at Bennett Valley Golf Course, where he shot a hole in one, and sharing the Thanksgiving holiday with his family. He is survived by his wife, Elayne; four children; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2023

Anne Brewer Alden ’57, of Newton, Pa.; Feb. 8. She was a homemaker and assisted in her husband’s medical office. She enjoyed gardening, birdwatching, and knitting. She is survived by four children, 11 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

Gerritt H. Vander Veer Jr. ’57, of Spruce Head, Me.; Nov. 12. He had a 25-year corporate career, including working at MassMutual for eight years, John Hancock for two years, then MetLife, where he spent 15 years in various positions including strategic planning and human resource management. After his time in the corporate world, he and his family moved to Portsmouth, N.H., and he was the owner and CEO of Snowden Association, a regional executive coaching business in New England. He was involved with Rotary International, the United Way, Youthlinks, and Broadreach. In 2001, he retired to Spruce Head and enjoyed fishing, sailing, and the Rockland Yacht Club. He is survived by his wife, Toni; a daughter; two stepdaughters; two grandsons; and two brothers.

Jun, 2023

Barbara Sears Tessmer ’57, of West Yarmouth and Dover, Mass.; Nov. 27, after a brief illness. After graduating from Brown, she worked for William J. Porter in the Office of North African Affairs at the State Department in Washington, D.C. For decades she was a vocal activist for Cape Cod, where she was born and raised. She was a leading figure and influential consensus builder in the Hyannis Park Civic Association and also worked tirelessly in support of the Association to Preserve Cape Cod. She remained in close contact with many of her classmates and, in 2022, she served as vice president for the 65th reunion of her Brown class. She will also be remembered for her signature broiled lobsters. She is survived by her husband, J. Richard Tessmer; daughters Ashley Brooke Tessmer ’82 and son-in-law David James Harrop; Kendall Tessmer Brown ’89; Marlowe Sears Tessmer ’08 PhD and son-in-law Richard John Bennett, Brown associate dean and molecular microbiology and immunology department chair; and a granddaughter.


Jun, 2023

Paul K. Lange ’57, of Rochester, N.Y.; Dec. 27. He graduated from the University of Michigan Law School and was admitted to the California Bar in 1961 and the New York Bar in 1962. He was a practicing trial attorney in Rochester for 56 years and proud of being named one of New York’s outstanding lawyers by his legal peers. He enjoyed art and music and sang for years with the Rochester Oratorio Society. He is survived by three children, three stepdaughters, and nine grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

Richard J. Kostecki ’57, of Ponte Vedra, Fla., formerly of Waterbury, Conn.; Nov. 27, following a long illness. After graduating from NYU Medical School and a short stint in the Army, he and his wife went to Kenya with their family, where he was a member of the Flying Doctor Service. Returning to the U.S., he practiced plastic surgery in Waterbury for 28 years, serving as chief of staff at St. Mary’s Hospital for many years. He retired to Ponte Vedra in 1998. He enjoyed playing tennis. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, and two sisters.


Jun, 2023

George M. Glassman ’57, of Beacon Falls, Conn., formerly of New Rochelle, N.Y.; Jan. 8. After Brown, he completed medical school at NYU, an internship at Greenwich Hospital, and a dermatology residency at New York University Medical Center. He then served in the Navy as a lieutenant commander and as chief of dermatology at St. Albans Medical Center in New York from 1966 to 1968. He joined a dermatology practice in White Plains (N.Y.) in 1968, which he eventually ran as a solo practitioner until his retirement in 1996. He enjoyed spending time with his family and traveling with his wife, especially their annual New England foliage tour. He is survived by his wife, Carol; daughter Laurie Glassman-Wisnewski ’87, ’92 MD; a son-in-law; and three grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

Mariette Perron Bedard ’57, of Swansea, Mass.; Dec. 21. An antiquarian book and map dealer, she ran Tyson’s Old and Rare Books in Providence for 42 years before closing the bookshop in 2012. She continued the business online until she retired. She was a charter member of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Antiquarian Booksellers Association and a frequent exhibitor at Boston book fairs. She enjoyed hunting for rare books, maps, and other historical printed materials and working with local libraries, museums, and historical societies to expand their special collections. She is survived by daughter Nancy Stigers ’82; two sons; two daughters-in-law; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Apr, 2023

Max Volterra ’57, of Attleboro, Mass.; Oct. 3. He was an attorney for more than 50 years. He practiced law in a Boston firm for a short time before starting a practice in Attleboro, eventually taking on partners to form Volterra, Goldberg, Mangiaratti & Jacobs. He insisted on equitable treatment for those in need, which could be seen through his engagement in pro bono work and his support for Bristol Community College (BCC) and other Attleboro-based organizations. He was a former member of the Attleboro City Council, Massachusetts House of Representatives, Sturdy Memorial Hospital Foundation, and a longtime member of the Attleboro Redevelopment Authority and the Attleboro Elections Committee. He acted as Attleboro City Solicitor (as well as Rehoboth and Seekonk) and served as Governor Dukakis’s legal counsel. He was also an active member of Congregation Agudas Achim Synagogue, and tutored students at the local Literacy Center. He was the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including a Community Service Award issued by the Massachusetts Bar Association in 1994, Bristol Community College Foundations’s 2006 Distinguished Citizen of the Year, and the 2022 John J. Sbrega, PhD, Exemplary Service Award. He enjoyed skiing, sailing, singing, and traveling with his family and many friends. He is survived by his wife, Marion; a daughter; a son; three grandchildren; a sister-in-law; a niece and a nephew.

Apr, 2023

Richard B. Mertens ’57, of Duxbury, Mass.; Sept. 24. He was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship upon completion of his graduate studies at Harvard and thereafter spent three years in the Netherlands studying and working on post-war rebuilding of the city of Delft. Upon his return to the U.S., he was hired as a city planner at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. He was a deacon at St. Botolph parish and he enjoyed traveling, painting, and the arts.

Apr, 2023

Robert S. McLandress ’57, of Chino Valley, Ariz.; June 13.


Apr, 2023

John C. Goddard ’57, of Medfield, Mass.; Sept. 18, from complications of COVID. He attended Brown on an ROTC scholarship and served on the USS Fidelity. He spent most of his working career in human resources at Honeywell, Inc. He was a fan of the Boston Red Sox and Boston Bruins and an avid animal lover. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, and two grandchildren.

Jan, 2023

Rene P. Supino ’57, of Fort Lee, N.J.; July 27.  He had a career in insurance, founding Supino Davies & Company, where he served as president and CEO for more than 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis; a daughter; a son; two grandchildren; and two brothers.

Jan, 2023

Stephen M. Smithwick ’57, of Falmouth, Me.; June 9. After graduation, he started a career in the insurance industry in Boston. In 1987, he and his business partner opened their own practice, Smithwick & Clarke Insurance, in Portland. His sons joined the business and it evolved into Smithwick & Marines Insurance with an office in Falmouth and locations across New England. He owned more than 30 boats over the years, ranging from small sailboats to large power boats. One of his favorite annual trips was to Roque Island (Me.). He was a skilled racer and in 1950, he and his team won the North American Junior Sailing Championship (SEARS cup). Throughout the years he always had dogs by his side. He is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, nine grandchildren, and a cousin.

Jan, 2023

Lee S. Nemlich ’57, of Weston, Vt., formerly of New York; July 2. He was a long-time Little League coach; involved with the American Field Service (AFS), a high school foreign student exchange program; and a representative of the office furniture industry to the United Jewish Appeal. He retired at 52 and moved to Vermont, where he became active in the Weston Recreation Club and served on the boards of the Stratton Arts Festival, the Stratton Mountain Trailblazer Ski Club, and the Weston Community Association. For 12 years he was a mountain guide at Stratton Mountain. He was a trustee of the Wilder Library in Weston and volunteered at the Weston Theater Company as an usher. He was also a member of the Israel Congregation in Manchester. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne; three children and their spouses; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Judith Wilcox Martin ’57, of Swanzey, N.H.; May 15. She married and raised a family while working at her father’s car dealership in New Britain, Conn. After relocating to New Hampshire, she worked for many years at Peerless Insurance Company. She sang in church choirs in both Connecticut and New Hampshire. She enjoyed gardening, traveling, genealogical research, and reading. She is survived by her husband, Richard; two daughters; a son; a son-in-law; six grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.


Oct, 2022

John L. Marshall III ’57, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Pawtucket, R.I.; Apr. 11. After graduating from Harvard Business School, he learned the construction business working at J.L. Marshall & Sons. In 1963, he and his wife founded Marshall Contractors, Inc. (MCI), and became a leading builder of microelectronics fabrication plants and biotechnology labs. They sold the business in 1996 to Fluor Daniel. He served on the board of trustees at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket. He was involved with Meeting Street School and the R.I. Philharmonic before relocating to Florida. He enjoyed playing golf, fishing, and watching sports. He is survived by two children, five grandchildren, and a sister.

Oct, 2022

William D. King ’57, of Hingham, Mass.; Apr. 27. He left Brown to join the Army. After his military service, he worked in the investment business and retired from Smith Barney. He played hockey until he was 65 years old and enjoyed skiing and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Cindy; four children and their spouses; nine grandchildren; and a brother and sister-in-law.

Oct, 2022

Richard Andersen ’57, of Washington Grove, Md.; Feb. 20. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy for five years as a commissioned officer, spending two years at sea aboard a destroyer escort and three years in communications intelligence with the Naval Security Group. Building upon experience and knowledge gained while with the Naval Security Group, he worked in technical and management positions at IBM, Honeywell, and General Electric. He later entered into federal government work and served with the Air Force and the U.S. Customs Service in an information technology management post until his retirement in 2009. He is survived by three daughters and their spouses, two stepsons and their spouses, 11 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, a niece and
nephew James H. Herzog Jr. ’74.


Aug, 2022

Gabriel Walker Jr. ’57, of Portland, Me.; Mar. 1. He taught science at Lincoln Junior High School for two years, leaving to obtain a master’s degree from Texas A&M University. Following graduation, he and his family returned to Portland and he taught at Portland Junior High School for one year, transferring to Portland High School, where he taught biology for 30 years. After retiring from teaching, he embarked on a second career with the Portland Sea Dogs. He enjoyed his time at the ballpark because it allowed him to reconnect with former students. He also enjoyed woodworking projects and maintaining his home and garden. He is survived by his wife, Sally; six children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; brother Roy ’68; and many nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2022

Grier Horner ’57, of Pittsfield, Mass.; Feb. 7, of a brain injury sustained in a fall. In 1969, he was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship in journalism to Stanford University. A 32-year career at the Berkshire Eagle newspaper followed. He was a reporter and associate editor before retiring in 1997. He had many diverse interests including painting—some of his work was shown in galleries and he had a one-man show at Berkshire Community College. He also enjoyed carpentry, with which he designed an addition to his house; sailing and competing in regattas; and cycling, which he began doing in his 50s. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Clary Horner ’58; three children and their spouses; five grandchildren; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2022

Frank J. Smith Jr. ’57, of Concord, Mass.; Dec. 10. He taught English at Concord-Carlisle High School, retiring in the mid-1980s, and coached tennis, soccer, and wrestling. He was a member of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Wrestling Coaches Hall of Fame and the New England Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame and in 2007 was inducted into the Massachusetts chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. He was a certified arborist and tree surgeon and in 1982 founded Olympic Tree in Concord. He provided professional full-service tree care to many clients, including Concord Academy and the Orchard House. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; a stepson; and two grandchildren.

Jun, 2022

Richard P. Nathan ’57, of Winter Park, Fla.; Sept. 12. He worked in several government positions, including assistant director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, deputy undersecretary for welfare reform in the U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare, and director of domestic policy for the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The majority of his career was spent as director of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government (1989-2004) and as the codirector from 2005 to 2009. Subsequently, he was a professor of political science and public policy at Rockefeller College at SUNY Albany. He enjoyed family vacations that built strong family bonds. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, four grandchildren, and his sister-in-law and brother William ’64.

Jun, 2022

Louis Montanaro ’57, of Allen, Tex.; Dec. 11. He earned an MBA from URI and worked as an engineer on the design team for the Navy’s aircraft carrier steam catapult system. He wrote a textbook on pipe hanging design, then became a lead engineer for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. Next he formed MSQ Engineering, LM & Associates, and acquired Texas RC Planes. He is survived by  five children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, one great-grandchild, a sister and brother-in-law, and a brother
and sister-in-law.

Jun, 2022

Robert J. Giordano ’57, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y.; Nov. 7. He had a career in human resources, mostly as HR director for the Mennen Company in Morristown, N.J. He began as a private pilot in his teenage years and later was a flight instructor. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; two sons; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; and a sister.

Jun, 2022

John “Jack” Fahey ’57, of Warwick, R.I.; Dec. 2. He taught mathematics in the Warwick public school system, mainly at Warwick Veterans Memorial High School. He served as department chair in mathematics at Gorton Junior High School before retiring in 1989. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by 13 nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2022

Jean Lowrie Dudderar ’57, of Roxbury Township, N.J.; Nov. 11. She was a homemaker and later worked as a library aide and secretary. She volunteered with the Madison (N.J.) public school system. She was a figure skating enthusiast and an avid walker and enjoyed reading. She is survived by a daughter and a son.


Jun, 2022

David Colinan ’57, of Barrington, R.I.; July 25, 2021. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Navy and he was active in the American War Orphan Network. He was also an amateur ham radio operator for more than 60 years. With the support of the Lincoln Woods Running Club and the Leukemia & Lymphoma’s Team in Training, he ran his first marathon at the age of 60 and participated in the Mt. Washington Road Race several times. He placed eighth in the Boston Marathon in his age group in 2005. He is survived by his companion, Millie Stewart Cozzens; three daughters and sons-in-laws; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.


Jun, 2022

Dan M. Bliss ’57, of Riverside, R.I.; Nov. 15. After Brown, he worked at Rhode Island Supply, a family-run furniture business, before entering real estate development. He became general manager and managing partner of Warwick Mall when it opened in 1970 and was involved with Bliss Properties in East Providence. He enjoyed traveling with his wife before her passing, as well as reading, fishing, and playing racquetball with his “motley crew.” He is survived by a daughter and grandson.


Apr, 2022

Robert E. Tatem ’57, of Sun City Center, Fla.; Feb. 5, 2021. He was a teacher before joining UPS, where he worked for 25 years prior to retiring. He enjoyed tinkering in his workshop and teaching his children and grandchildren to fish. He was active in his local community, serving on the neighborhood security patrol. He was a naval officer, member of the Military Officers Association of America, and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by his wife, Elaine; four children and their spouses; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews. 

Apr, 2022

Michael Scardera ’57, of Hamden, Conn.; Sept. 18. He had a long and successful career as a research scientist at Olin Corp. An avid stamp collector, he was a lifetime member of the American Philatelic Society. He is survived by his wife, Georgette; four children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; and
two great-grandchildren. 


Apr, 2022

Gustave W. Kilkenny ’57, of Mainesburg, Pa.; Sept. 6. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War and at the Pentagon before retiring after 20 years of service with the rank of major. He received the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal. Following military service, he worked for the U.S. Postal Service, studied history at Mansfield University, and was a substitute teacher in the Mansfield (Pa.) school system for many years. He enjoyed hunting and fishing and is survived by a daughter, a son and daughter-in-law, and four stepchildren. 

Apr, 2022

Richard D. Godfrey ’57, of Santa Barbara, Calif.; Oct. 12. After graduating, he married Katherine Bernhard Godfrey ’60, joined the Army, and was stationed in France. Upon completion of his military service, he and Katherine moved back to Rhode Island and Richard entered the banking profession with a focus on trust services. He rose to head the asset management subsidiary of the Industrial National Bank of Providence. In 1975, he accepted a position at American Express in San Francisco and relocated to the West Coast. He retired after a successful career with Trust Company of the West and settled in Santa Barbara, where he volunteered in the community and served on several boards and committees, including Direct Relief and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. He is survived by his wife, Katherine; three children; and six grandchildren. 


Jan, 2022

Henry L. Thompson Jr. ’57, of Quogue, N.Y.; Aug. 4, from complications of Parkinson’s disease. After Brown he attended Harvard Business School and spent his entire career as an investor. He volunteered with churches and nonprofits and helped friends navigate the markets. He retired in 2001 as senior vice president of Fiduciary Trust Company. He enjoyed fishing and playing golf and bridge, achieving the rank of life master. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Mary; three children and their spouses; and six grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Joseph S. Carnabuci ’57, of South Easton, Mass.; Aug. 8, after a long illness. After Brown, he entered the U.S. Navy operating out of Cape Canaveral during the firing of the Polaris fleet ballistic missile. He was honorably discharged as a lieutenant junior officer and received the Navy Unit Commendation. He attended Boston University Graduate School of Business and graduated from Suffolk University School of Law in 1968. He had served as assistant manager of the Brockton Chamber of Commerce and served as executive director of the North Attleboro Chamber of Commerce for four years. During his time as an attorney, he was a member of the Plymouth County Bar Association and for a time served as its president. He was also a recipient of the Alan M. Hale Award for providing outstanding legal services in Massachusetts. He enjoyed attending performances of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Metropolitan Opera. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; three sons and daughters-in-law; four grandchildren; a brother; and two nephews. 

Oct, 2021

Leonard P. Zych ’57, of Schertz, Tex.; May 2. After a 30-year career in the U.S. Air Force, he became the training director of two multi-million-dollar companies in San Antonio. He remained in the business sector for seven years and then transitioned to teaching seventh and eighth grade math at St. George Episcopal School, where he eventually became headmaster. He volunteered with civilian, military, and religious organizations. He is survived by his wife, Regina; six children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a brother.

Oct, 2021

Judith Krasnoff Perlow ’57, of Framingham, Mass., formerly of Seminole, Fla.; Apr. 20. She earned her master’s degree in library science at URI and worked as a children’s librarian at the Pawtucket Public Library for many years. After moving to Florida in 1980, she held positions at the University of Tampa. She was a member of the American Association of University Women and enjoyed crossword puzzles and word games. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses, and two granddaughters.

Oct, 2021

M. Charles Hill Jr. ’57, of New Haven, Conn.; Mar. 27, of complications from pneumonia. After graduating from Brown and completing his graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, he worked in foreign service postings in Switzerland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Vietnam. Among other positions, he served as a policy advisor at the State Department, was an advisor for Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, was a political counselor for the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, was executive aide to Secretary of State George Shultz, and was an advisor to former Secretary-General of the United Nations Boutros Boutros-Ghali. In 1992, he joined the Yale faculty and taught history and political science for more than 20 years. When he stopped teaching, he still continued to go to his office every day until March 21. A book entitled A Commonplace Book for Charles Hill will be published as a memorial.

Aug, 2021

Kent H. Sabin ’57, of Jacksonville, Fla., formerly of Fair Haven, N.J.; Feb. 28. After earning a master’s degree in electrical engineering from NYU in 1959, he began a career at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Whippany, N.J., where he was awarded the Distinguished Technical Staff Award designed to recognize sustained achievement. He retired in 1989. He enjoyed running and participated in numerous marathons. He was a member of the Jersey Shore Running Club and a founding member of the Rumson Chapter of the Hash House Harriers international running group. In retirement, he embarked on a 9,000-mile solo bike trip across North America and after more than five months biking, he arrived back home in New Jersey on his 28th wedding anniversary. He moved to Jacksonville in 2008 and is survived by his wife, Susie; a daughter; two grandsons; a sister; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2021

Louis R. Maiello ’57, of Cranston, R.I.; Apr. 2. After Brown, he went on to study medicine at the University of Bologna in Italy. He returned to Rhode Island and cofounded and worked as a radiologist for Rhode Island Medical Imaging for 35 years. He enjoyed traveling with his wife and summering at their home on Great Island, boating, clamming, and spending time with his family and friends. He is survived by his wife, Carol; two daughters; a son-in-law; three grandchildren; and a sister.

Aug, 2021

Jay Leavitt ’57, of Hendersonville, N.C.; Feb. 25. Just prior to his junior year at Brown, while a member of the cheerleading squad, he had a tumbling accident that caused him to break his neck and become a hemiplegic. Despite his disability and as a Fulbright scholar, he went on to attend the University of Italy at Pisa where he taught a numerical analysis course. He later taught in the mathematics department at the University of Minnesota and became an associate professor in their computer science department. In 1973, with the passage of Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, he became active as an advocate for the disabled. He served on several commissions for the disabled under then New York Gov. Mario Cuomo and was a member of the board of directors of Western New York Independent Living Center. He retired to North Carolina and underwent spinal surgery that left him a paraplegic. In his mid-70s, he passed the FINRA Series 65 Exam and created and published forecasting tools for stock market analysts while continuing to advocate for the elderly and serve on a state board addressing the needs of residents in long-term care facilities. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; a son; two grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law and several cousins.

Aug, 2021

Lewis A. Kay ’57, of Moorestown, N.J.; Mar. 26. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and for more than 50 years worked as a pediatric dentist. He was affiliated with several hospitals and organizations, including Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as a senior dentist, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine as an associate pediatric dentist, Cooper Hospital Medical Center on the cleft palate team, Episcopal Hospital/Temple University as clinical director, Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped as president and board member, New Jersey Dental Association, New Jersey Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He was recognized for his outstanding service and extraordinary effort as a member of the Dental Identification Unit during 9/11 and in 2011 was the inaugural recipient of the Dr. Lewis A. Kay Excellence in Education Award. He also served in the United States Army. He is survived by his wife, Jo Ann; daughter Dana Kay Smith ’82 and her spouse; son Stephen ’85 and his spouse; and four grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

Robert K. Hitt ’57, of Port St. Lucie, Fla., formerly of Cheshire, Conn.; Nov. 21. He played football at Brown his freshman year, then interrupted his college years to serve in the U.S. Marines before graduating from Brown upon his return. He worked in the family business, Hoffman Paint and Wallpaper, his entire career and was president of the company for most of those years. He was a referee and umpire for several sports and earned the position of referee for Division One football games. He was an active member of the Connecticut Governor’s Footguard and a lifetime member of the Lanphier Cove Association of Branford (Conn.), where he served as president and treasurer. After moving to Port St. Lucie, he continued to be involved in many social groups until his health prevented it. He is survived by his wife, Sally; two daughters and sons-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Carolyn Urquhart Shively ’57, of Van Nuys, Calif.; Jan. 4. Upon graduation, she studied as a Woodrow Wilson Scholar at King’s College London, then settled in California and worked at UCLA. In later years she became an avid birder, amassed a large collection of books, and volunteered for many years at the Sherman Oaks Library.

Jun, 2021

Mercedes Hutchison Quevedo ’57, of Providence; Dec. 16, of complications of COVID. She taught in Naperville, Illinois, and Springville, New York, and then returned to Providence, where she taught at the Gordon School before retiring in 1997.

Jun, 2021

Robert G. Hellstrom ’57, of East Hampton, Conn.; Jan. 15. He was an underwriter for Phoenix Mutual Life for more than 30 years. He served his country as a member of the Connecticut Air National Guard and was a longtime member of the Belltown Car Club and the editor of their newsletter. He is survived by a cousin, two nieces, and a nephew.

Jun, 2021

Don. F. Goodwin ’57, of Grantham, N.H.; Jan. 12, of pancreatic cancer. After Brown, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. After three years he transitioned to the U.S. Naval Reserves, served for 20 years, and retired as a commander. He had a long career as a financial executive with National Grid, New England Power Company, and its subsidiaries Narragansett Electric and Massachusetts Electric. While working at Narragansett Electric, he earned an MBA from URI. For many years, he helped local community theaters by building sets and continued his support of them wherever he lived. He was active with the National Ski Patrol. He is survived by his wife, Susan; four daughters; and grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Richard A. Chagnot ’57, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Franklin, Mass.; Jan. 17. He had a career in sales and retired from the office products division at IBM. He was an avid golfer. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; four children; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 

Apr, 2021

Graham S. Rose ’57, of Williamsburg, Va.; Oct. 4. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy and, upon his honorable discharge in 1960, earned his JD from Harvard Law School. He was a trustee and deacon for many years at Garden City Community Church and later served as deacon at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. Graham enjoyed the outdoors, priding himself in becoming a master naturalist with the Historic Rivers Naturalist Program of Williamsburg. He spent much of his time volunteering with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, determined to clean the waters by growing and maintaining his own oysters in the Lafayette River. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; a daughter; a sister; a sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Donald R. Lawton ’57, of Gansevoort, N.Y.; Sept. 28, of Parkinson’s disease. He was an electrical wholesaler for many years, owning his own business, Econ Electric, and later working at M. Gold & Sons and Clifford Gray Electrical, before retiring in the late 1990s. An avid sports enthusiast, he ran long-distance track in high school and college, played tennis, and was a Red Sox fan, who was able to meet his hero Ted Williams and the entire 1949 Red Sox team after winning an essay contest about his favorite team. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; four children and their spouses; 12 grandchildren; three great-granddaughters; a sister; and two brothers.

Apr, 2021

David C. Lewis ’57, of Providence; Dec. 2. He was the professor emeritus of Community Health and Medicine and the Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown. In 1982, he founded the Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies and directed the center for 18 years. Prior to founding the center, he was chair of the Department of Community Health at Brown. He founded a think tank advocating for prevention and treatment rather than incarceration for substance use disorders called Physicians and Lawyers for National Drug Policy. He advised presidents, members of Congress, governors, and philanthropists in all aspects of the field of addiction, from recovery to decriminalization and legalization of drugs. He was a member of numerous boards, including the Drug Policy Foundation, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, and the Coalition on Physician Education in Substance Use Disorders. He was an internationally known author of more than 400 publications. In December 1997, he received the American Medical Association’s Education and Research Foundation Award in recognition of “outstanding contributions and leadership in championing the inclusion of alcohol and other drug problems into the mainstream of medical practice and medical education.” He also received the W.W. Keen Medical Alumni Service Award from the Brown Medical School Alumni Association for “the physician leader and educator whose contributions represent the best of both clinical and academic medicine.” He enjoyed photography and traveling and was an active member of the North American Nature Photography Association and the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. His work can be seen at He is survived by daughter Deborah Lewis ’84; son Steven ’87; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and seven nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Stephen D. Cutler ’57, of Brookline, Mass.; Nov. 24. After earning his MBA at Babson College, he embarked on a successful career in investment management. In 1962 he was called to serve in the Air National Guard. Upon his return he held leadership positions at the Massachusetts Bay Company, Barings America, and ultimately Essex Investment Management, for which, since 1989, he was president and senior portfolio manager. He was active in his community and an engaged philanthropist who supported numerous causes, including Combined Jewish Philanthropies and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. He was a trustee of Babson and established the Stephen D. Cutler Center for Investments and Finance, a world class lab that advances financial education for the entire Babson community. He was a member of Pi Lambda Phi. He is survived by his wife, Alice; three children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Fred Behringer ’57, of Worcester, Pa., formerly of Ocean City, N.J. and Lansdale, Pa.; Dec. 3. Throughout high school and during summers while in college, he worked as a part-time sports editor for The Ambler Gazette, and upon graduating from Brown, he was hired as a managing editor. As the community newspaper group grew, he eventually served as vice president and executive editor for more than a decade. Other than a brief stint (1960-61) on active duty in Washington, D.C., as a member of the U.S. Air Force National Guard during the Berlin Crisis, he ran the editorial side of Montgomery Newspapers until his retirement in 2001. He then served as editor of GAP, the magazine of the Golf Association of Philadelphia, and spent 14 years as a writer and editor-in-chief of New Jersey Golf, the New Jersey State Golf Association magazine. He also was the author of Where Should We Have Stopped? The Story of a Remarkable Family. He was an active member of numerous newspaper societies and spent 12 years teaching courses in mass-media law, ethics, writing, and editing at Temple University. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Society of Newspaper Editors, the Penn State University–Pennsylvania Society of Newspapers Liaison Committee, and the Philadelphia Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, serving as president of each. He also served as a national ethics chairman for the Society of Professional Journalists, was cochairman of the 1980 National First Amendment Congress, and was secretary-treasurer of the First Amendment Coalition of Pennsylvania. At the local level, he served as a president of the King of Prussia Rotary Club and Ambler Public Library, playing a major role in the formation of the Wissahickon Valley Public Library. In addition to numerous state and national writing and design awards, he received the Freedom of Speech award from Temple University and the Ambler Jaycees Distinguished Service award. He enjoyed spending time with his family at his Ocean City home, playing golf, and following the Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies. He is survived by a daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. 

Jan, 2021

Patricia Goodwin ’57, of Canton, Ohio; July 11. She moved with the Navy while working as a probation officer, guidance counselor, and teacher before taking time off to raise her children. She then settled in Canton and worked in real estate. She enjoyed poetry and gardening. She is survived by her four grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

James N. Corrigan ’57, of Washington, D.C.; June 15. After moving to Washington in 1960, he served as a staff assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell. In 1966, Jim began his 40-year career with the Riggs National Bank, where he was vice president for private banking. He was a member of the Chevy Chase Club and the Metropolitan Club, where he served two separate terms as a member of the Board of Governors and Chairman of the Athletic Committee. Until his death, Jim was an avid squash player and proud of his 2018 Super Legends Championship titles in both hardball and softball. At Brown he was a member of the track and field teams and particularly enjoyed long distance running. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; five children; eight grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.

Jan, 2021

Norman T. Brust ’57, of Bridgewater, Mass.; Sept. 3. He received his master’s in electrical engineering from Northeastern University in 1967 and continued in the engineering field working for such prominent companies as EG&G, RCA, and General Dynamics. His interests shifted to sales and marketing, and in 1988 he started his own consulting firm helping small businesses and entrepreneurs with marketing and corporate strategy. He moved to Bridgewater in 2001, where he continued consulting and was actively involved in supporting small businesses, including involvement with the WPI Venture Forum, Southern New England Entrepreneurs Forum (SNEEF), and the BSU Entrepreneur in Residence program. He was involved with local and regional Porsche clubs, including a term as president of the Northeast Region of the Porsche Club of America. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Janet Biehn Brust ’58; a daughter and son-in-law; three sons; a daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; a sister; a niece; and a nephew.

Nov, 2020

James McCurrach Jr. ’57, of San Francisco; Apr. 9, after a long illness. He had a varied career that began as vice president at Bankers Trust in New York. He owned and operated a restaurant in New York City during the late 1970s and later was a player and teacher of squash until he settled in San Francisco in the early 1990s and began teaching. He spent the last 25 years of his life enjoying the Bay Area, dining out, attending the theater, and reading and writing. He is survived by two sons

Sep, 2020

Elizabeth J. Webb ’57, of Naples, Fla.; Oct. 20, 2019.

Sep, 2020

Richard M. Quinn ’57, of Indianapolis; Feb. 8, after a battle with lung disease. He was the CEO of INDO Advertising and served on two bank boards in Marion, Indiana, then moved to Indianapolis, where he was the owner of The Beer Company and subsequently founded and was president of Cameron Springs Water Company. He was active in his community and served as president of the Brown Club of Indiana and was on the board of the Indiana Repertory Theatre. He enjoyed sailing and exploring and is survived by his wife, Jean; daughter Heather ’86; two sons, including Richard ’84; three daughters-in-law; and four grandchildren.

Sep, 2020

James F. Buote ’57, of Costa Mesa, Calif.; Dec. 1. He worked at the Xerox Corp. for 34 years and served in the Korean War. He enjoyed reading and antique cars. He is survived by his wife, Glenda; four daughters; a son; 11 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Jun, 2020

Valmore A. Pelletier ’57, of Albany, N.Y.; Jan. 7. After graduating from Albany Medical College in 1963, he served in Vietnam as a captain in the U.S. Army, commanding a mobile army surgical hospital unit. Upon return from Vietnam, he worked in private practice as a neurosurgeon in Albany. He is survived by his wife, Leslie; a daughter; two sons; two daughters-in-law; and six grandchildren.


Jun, 2020

Lee E. Norton Jr. ’57, of Virginia Beach, Va.; Dec. 9. He was a commander in the U.S. Navy, a naval aviator, and an OPS officer on the USS Independence. He received several awards for his distinguished military service, including the Meritorious Service Medal with Gold Star, Navy Commendation Medal and National Defense Service Medal. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; two daughters; a son; eight grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.


Jun, 2020

Virginia Kelly Mortimer ’57, of Simsbury, Conn.; Dec. 23. She worked at Southern New England Telephone before starting a family. In 1967, she and her husband founded the Periodical Corp., a printing and publishing company in West Hartford, Conn. She retired in 1994. She worked with her husband, both professionally and on many charitable projects, including recruiting and shipping medicine, hospital equipment, books and supplies for Episcopal schools and medical facilities in the (Palestine) Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. She volunteered for the Evangelism Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut importing olive wood crosses from Bethlehem and selling them to American Christian churches. In 1985 she founded the Barnabas Foundation, a private, nonprofit foundation that makes gifts primarily for Christian endeavors. She was a lifelong knitter and enjoyed making prayer shawls for people in hospitals and nursing homes. She is survived by her husband, Laird; a daughter; and a grandson.


Jun, 2020

Daniel G. Siegel ’57, of Providence; Dec. 18. He was the proprietor of M&S Rare Books and M&S Press of Providence and an icon in the book collecting world for more than 50 years. He retired in March 2019. He was a member Brown’s Library Advisory Council, a board member on the Friends of the Library, and a long and dedicated supporter of special collections at Brown. He twice received Brown University Library’s highest honor, the William Williams Award, once as an individual for his generous gifts to special collections and once as a 2012 member of the Library Advisory Council for its support of the renovation of the John Hay Library. To honor his generous support to the library throughout his life, Brown has established The Daniel G. Siegel Fellowship. The focus of his most recent gift was American literature, American history, and the history of science, but it also encompassed a broad range of other subjects. He served as president of Common Cause of Rhode Island for many years. He was an avid sprinter who competed in masters track events both locally and around the country until his late 70s. He is survived by his companion, Sheila Hughes; two sons; two daughters-in-law; three grandchildren; sister Judith Siegel Novak ’55; niece Lindsey Arenberg ’86; and nephew Andrew Arenberg ’84.


Apr, 2020

Donald J. Rhine ’57, of Wilmington, N.C.; Nov. 1. He worked in various fields, including retail and real estate development. His positions took him to areas such as Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, and North Carolina. As a senior vice president for Family Dollar Stores, he conducted business in China, Hong Kong, Korea, and Vietnam. He and his wife created the Rhine Family Endowment for Jewish History at UNC Wilmington. He enjoyed fishing, reading, playing golf, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca; two daughters; a son; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Barry Merkin ’57, of Chicago; Nov. 24. He was an entrepreneur and professor of management and strategy at Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management from 1993 to 2011. He was honored with the Supporter of Entrepreneurship as part of Ernst & Young’s 2000 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. He was actively involved in the Young President’s Organization and is survived by his wife, Jasminka; daughter Beth Merkin ’81; a son; and three grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Edward T. O’Dell ’57, of Westwood, Mass.; Oct. 7. After Brown, he went on to earn his law degree from the University of Chicago Law School and then worked for the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. In 1966, he moved to Boston and joined the law firm Goodwin Procter, becoming partner in 1970. He was instrumental in the founding of the firm’s investment management practice. He retired in 2000 and mentored young entrepreneurs by volunteering with the northeast chapter of SCORE. He enjoyed playing pool,cards, and traveling. He is survived by daughter Christine Harrington ’90 and her spouse Nathan Harrington ’90; a son and his fiancé; a daughter-in-law; and six grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Jerome R. Hanley ’57, of Savannah, Ga., formerly of Albany, N.Y.; Oct. 11, after two years of battling complications from a stroke. He joined the faculty of Dartmouth College and then SUNY Albany as a professor of theater before retiring in 1996 to Savannah. He was involved in the works of the Empire Theater in Savannah and directed several productions at the Methodist Church. He was also an accomplished singer and enjoyed being a member of the church choirs in Albany and Savannah. A history buff with an interest in the Civil War, he spent years researching and visiting numerous historical sites. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Ann; three daughters and their spouses, including Kate Hanley Durand ’87 and son-in-law John Durand ’87; four grandchildren, including Laura Durand ’16; a sister; and three brothers.


Jan, 2020

Dorelyn Foster Anderson ’57, of St. Cloud, Minn.; Aug. 22. She was an avid reader and community activist. She is survived by her husband, Myron ’59 PhD; a son; a grandson; and two brothers.


Nov, 2019

Richard H. Pierce ’57, ’63 PhD, of Westwood, Mass.; June 1, of a heart attack. He was a Classics and Egyptology professor at The University of Bergen, Norway. He traveled frequently back to the United States and was active working in Sudan and Egypt, was an adviser for numerous Sudanese PhD students as well as Norwegian students, and worked with colleagues in a variety of disciplines at the university. He is survived by his wife, Wenche, and a son.


Nov, 2019

Warren A. Larson ’57, of Lanesborough, Mass.; July 13. After a year of employment as a production supervisor with DuPont in Buffalo, N.Y., he served three years in the U.S. Air Force at Charleston AFB, S.C., as a chief of administration. Following military service, he was employed at Sprague Electric Co. in North Adams, Mass. He retired in 1991 as quality control manager. He was a member of the Mystic Lodge of Masons and the Berkshire Royal Arch Chapter of Masons. He enjoyed baseball card collecting, gardening, photography, fishing, hunting, and attending sporting events. He is survived by four children and their spouses, 11 grandchildren, a great-grandson, a sister and brother-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.


Nov, 2019

Kenneth L. Greif ’57, of Washington, Conn., formerly of Baltimore; Aug. 20. He earned a law degree in 1961 from the University of Virginia School of Law. In 1968, he obtained a master’s degree in teaching from Johns Hopkins University. He practiced law for several years at Frank, Bernstein, Conaway & Goldman before joining the Park School faculty in 1963, where he served as English department chair and advised the school’s literary journal, Parkpourri. He retired in 1997. He maintained a second home in Washington, where he taught English from 2002 to 2004 at The Gunnery private school. He is survived by a daughter and four grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Donald P. Bullock ’57, of Plymouth, Mass.; July 7, after a series of lengthy illnesses. He had a successful sales career that took him all over New England. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and enjoyed collecting antiques, woodworking, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Marianne; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; two brothers; and several nieces and nephews.


Nov, 2019

Arthur C. Bartlett ’57, of Blairsden-Graeagle,Calif., formerly of Portola Valley, Calif.; May 2. He was a ski instructor before beginning his career in educational publishing at Addison-Wesley. In 1977, he joined W.H. Freeman & Co. and pursued his career in college textbook publishing. He and a former president of Addison-Wesley cofounded Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc., in Boston in 1983, though he worked out of the Portola Valley office. The company sold in 2007 and became Jones & Bartlett Learning, a subsidiary of Ascend Learning. He retired in 1997 and moved to Blairsden-Graeagle. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and enjoyed playing golf, fishing, and skiing. He was also a fan of the Boston Red Sox and Stanford football. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; a daughter and son-in-law; and a granddaughter.


Sep, 2019

Robert M. Press ’57, of Houston; Apr. 22. He and his wife owned and operated Lorandi Optical in Houston until they sold the business in 1998. He enjoyed traveling, playing golf, and spending time with his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine; two daughters; a son-in-law; and five grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Michael L. Wilder ’57, of Victor, N.Y.; Mar. 25. He worked at Pfaudler, Inc., prior to owning and operating Rando Machine Corp. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Army. He enjoyed history, reading, and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; three children and their families; a sister; and nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2019

Robert Saltonstall Jr. ’57, of Rancho Mirage, Calif., formerly of Concord, Mass.; Apr. 2. He had an accomplished career that included president of The O’Day Company (Mass.), general manager of Waterville Valley (N.H.), vice president for operations at Harvard and associate dean for operations at Harvard Medical School. He also headed Harvard’s United Way Campaign and was president of and member of the board of directors at the Dance Umbrella in Boston. An avid collector of ceramic contemporary art, he volunteered at the Palm Springs Art Museum for more than 10 years. At Brown he was a member of the varsity hockey team and after Brown enjoyed sailing, winter skiing, and traveling the world experiencing new cultures. He is survived by his wife, Jane; four children; eight grandchildren, including Caroline Saltonstall ’13, Elizabeth Saltonstall ’15, and Ryan Chace ’20; two sisters, including Nathalie Forbes ’62; a brother; and former wife, Elizabeth Chace ’59.


Jul, 2019

Richard W. Miller ’57, of Orleans, Mass., formerly of Westwood, Mass.; Mar. 13. After graduation he served in the U.S. Air Force as a second lieutenant and assistant provost marshal in charge of 200 military policemen. He left the service in 1960 but remained in the U.S. Air Force Reserve with the rank of captain. He located to Boston and opened his own insurance agency, which he ran for 35 years. As a mortgage broker and real estate appraiser, he represented several banks and insurance agencies. He continued his ties to Brown as president of the Brown Club of Boston and enjoyed interviewing prospective students. He volunteered in Westwood, serving on multiple town boards and as a youth sports coach. After relocating to Orleans, he became active in the community. He enjoyed swimming, running, and playing golf and tennis. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; five children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; a great-grandson; and a brother.


Jul, 2019

Mary Patten Lafferty ’57, of Silver Spring, Md.; Mar. 22. She was a former systems analyst at NIH in Bethesda. She was an avid bridge player and enjoyed world travel. She is survived by six daughters, four grandchildren, and a brother.


Jul, 2019

Joseph DuPont Jr. ’57, of Tucson; Apr. 6. He worked for his father’s trucking company, DuPont Express, as well as for Narragansett Brewery until graduating from Brown. He then entered the U.S. Air Force and enjoyed a 28-year career as a pilot. He served in both Korea and Vietnam and was awarded several combat medals from both the U.S. and the Republic of Vietnam. He retired in 1985 as a lieutenant colonel from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and worked at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort for 12 years. He enjoyed solving crossword and Sudoku puzzles, reading mystery books, and trips to Hawaii, France, and Italy with his wife. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; three children; and a granddaughter.


Jul, 2019

Abbie Mustermann Paterson ’57, of Ludlow, Vt.; Mar. 25, after a short illness. She is survived by a daughter.


May, 2019

Robert H. Ackerman ’57, of Cambridge, Mass.; Dec. 18. He worked in pioneering research in the fields of stroke imaging and prevention, including private patient practice, consulting with private companies, and in educating students and faculty in the field of medicine. He helped in the development of non-invasive modalities for the diagnosis of carotid disease and the use of positron emission tomography in the study of ischemic stroke, and was the program director of the National Institutes of Health funded Interdepartmental Stroke Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. He was an associate professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School and a member of their medical school admissions faculty for many years. In the early 1990s he was a distinguished scientist in the department of radiologic pathology of the Armed Forces Institute. In 2013 Massachusetts General Hospital honored him by renaming the MGH Neurovascular Laboratory, which he had founded in 1974 and where he was serving as chairman emeritus, as the R.H. Ackerman Neurovascular Lab. The lab was one of the first non-invasive labs in the country dedicated to using ultrasound to understand blood flow to the brain to identify patients at risk or who have experienced stroke. For many years, he served on several advisory boards and sponsored notable charities, including well known public and private organizations throughout the Boston metro area. An avid rower, he often competed in the Head of the Charles Regatta in Cambridge, as well as other best in class competitions, such as Henley Royal Regatta in England. He enjoyed gardening, writing stories, playing the piano, and traveling. He was a member of the American Board of Radiology, the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the Cambridge Yacht Club, and the Eastern Point Yacht Club in Gloucester, Mass. He is survived by a stepbrother and several nieces and nephews.

May, 2019

Marva Dates Belt ’57, of Phoenix, Md.; Dec. 9, of cancer. She was a retired librarian of Enoch Pratt Free Library. She was active in civil rights issues and was a member of the Maryland Congress of Racial Equality. After retiring from the library, she commuted daily to Moorland Spingarn Research Center at Howard University and researched the enslaved people and Native Americans of Northumberland County, Va. She also did research for the play Having Our Say, based on the book by Bessie and Sadie Delany,  and edited Dr. Roland McConnell’s book, History of Morgan Park. She is survived by her husband, Stephen; a sister; a brother; a sister-in-law; niece Karen Dates Dunmore ’86; and three nephews.

Mar, 2019

Richard D. Thomson ’57, of Nantucket, Mass.; Nov. 22. He worked in advertising, specializing in marketing, and was known for his work with Procter & Gamble, General Mills, Ford, Unilever, Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Oscar Mayer. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and is survived by his wife, Marilyn; three sons, including Peter ’89; a daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren.

Mar, 2019

Leonard S. Ridley ’57, of Springville, Utah, formerly of Fairhaven, Mass.; Oct. 18. After earning a master’s degree at Boston University’s School of Social Work, he was employed in child protective services and the Rodman Job Corps Center in New Bedford, Mass. In 1968 he established a residence in Connecticut and initially worked as executive secretary on a special governor’s committee assisting in the development of a multi-faceted children’s service department. Subsequently, he worked as a psychiatric social worker at an experimental child guidance center in Hartford’s inner city. He concluded his career as a supervisor at a Connecticut psychiatric hospital for adolescents in Meriden, Conn., in 1992. He enjoyed painting, writing, and blogging poetry. He is survived by his wife, Janet; four sons; five grandchildren; and several stepchildren.


Mar, 2019

Lois Kaufman ’57, of Fullerton, Calif.; Nov. 22, of squamous cell sarcoma. She was a retired teacher and homemaker. She is survived by her husband, K. Richard Kaufman ’57; two sons; and two grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Charles R. Meader ’57, of Grantham, N.H., formerly of Norwell and Hingham, Mass.; Sept. 22. After serving as a general medical officer in Vietnam, for which he earned a Bronze Star, he moved to Norwell and worked in the South Shore Medical Center. Later he moved to Hingham and began a private medical practice, which he maintained for many years. He eventually moved his practice to Nashua, N.H., and after retiring from clinical practice, moved to Concord, N.H., where he was a medical consultant in the Social Security Disability Determination Services office of the State Department of Education. He retired from that position and moved to Grantham. He was the author/creator of DiagnosisPro, a computer diagnostic tool. He sold the program, but continued to contribute information to the company operating it for several years. He is survived by his wife, Marthe; five children; two stepchildren; eight grandchildren; two sisters; and his former wife, Roberta Kelly Meader.  


Jan, 2019

Richard Marcus ’57, of Pittsburgh; Aug. 9. After obtaining a Juris Doctorate from the Univ. of Pittsburgh, he pursued a business career and for 46 years operated General Materials Terminals on the Ohio River, which was begun by his father. During the 1970s he became an adjunct professor at the Univ. of Pittsburgh in the Administration of Justice Department. He is survived by daughter, Susan Jacobson ’82; son, Joel ’85; three grandchildren; and a sister.


Jan, 2019

Robert A. Freeman ’57, of Keene, N.H.; Oct. 15. He taught English at Dennis-Yarmouth High School on Cape Cod and later at Northfield Mount Hermon School in Mass. In 1969 he completed his theological studies at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Mass., and served as rector in churches in Newport, Vt., and Lee and East Hampton, Mass. He retired as rector at St. John Episcopal Church in Walpole, N.H. He enjoyed designing gardens and landscapes, collecting model trains and reading. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, and a daughter.


Jan, 2019

V. Dale Meyer Dermer ’57, of Richmond, Va., formerly of Pittsburgh; Aug. 13. Having left Brown early, she continued working toward her degree while starting a family. She obtained a degree in English literature from the Univ. of Pittsburgh in 1975. She began playing duplicate bridge in the early 1970s and was closing in on becoming a triple life master. Among her many accolades in contract bridge, she won the North American National Women’s Pairs Championship in 1985, for which then Mayor Caliguiri declared April 27, 1985, as Dale Dermer Day in the city of Pittsburgh. She is survived by five children, including son David ’83; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

Nancy Myer Hopkins ’57, of Scarborough, Me.; July 5. She was a private consultant on family and child relations. She was involved in refugee resettlement with Lutheran Social Services in Minnesota. She was also a lecturer and consultant on clergy families. She enjoyed gardening, sailing, painting, sheep raising, and travel. She is survived by five children and six grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

James P. Cohen ’57, of Santa Fe, N. Mex.; June 2. He enlisted in the National Guard after Brown, followed by a time working in the family business, the Loma Dress Co., in Manhattan. He sold his shares at the age of 40 and retired to make ceramic sculptures. He enjoyed classical music and the opera and served for many years on the boards of the Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus and the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. Additionally, he was on the board of Performance Santa Fe. He was also a master gardener, and his home garden appeared in the book Behind Adobe Walls: The Hidden Homes and Gardens of Santa Fe and Taos. He enjoyed playing tennis, dancing, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Linda; son Richard ’90; and two grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Joyce Williams Warren ’57, ’60 AM, of Roslyn Heights, N.Y.; Dec. 17. She was a professor of English and director of Women’s Studies at Queens College in New York. She was the author of The American Narcissus: Individualism and Women in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction; Fanny Fern: An Independent Woman; and Women, Money, and the Law: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Gender, and the Courts, as well as the children’s book A Mouse to Be Free. She served on her local library board and was active in environmental and community organizations. She is survived by her husband, Frank ’57 AM, ’62 PhD; four children, including Catherine Warren ’88, and their spouses, including Anthony R. Loumis ’99; and five grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Carlton V. Phillips ’57, of Scottsdale, Ariz.; Feb. 8. He was an officer in the Korean War and retired from the Reserves in 1984 as a colonel after service in the Aviation Systems Command. At the age of 80, he continued to give civil air patrol cadets sailplane orientation rides. He founded an aviation business and later a regional investment banking firm. He was active in his church and was a member of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and the Mayflower Society and chapter president of the Sons of the American Revolution. He is survived by four daughters, three sons, 10 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and a sister.


Jul, 2018

Thaddeus S. Newell III ’57, of Rochester, N.Y.; Jan. 20. He worked more than 30 years at Lincoln Rochester Trust Co., retiring in 1990 as a senior vice president. He volunteered for the United Way of Greater Rochester and chaired the Rochester Monroe County Chapter of the American Red Cross, from which he was awarded the Clara Barton Award. He enjoyed fishing and playing golf and was a member of several golf clubs. He is survived by his wife, Sherley; three sons; six grandchildren; brother Frances D. Newell ’58; a niece; and a nephew.


Jul, 2018

Walter L. McGarry Jr. ’57, of Cranston, R.I.; Feb. 22. He had a 43-year career in human resource management positions. He enjoyed volunteer work and served on the board of Access Point of Rhode Island. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; a brother; a sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2018

Marc M. McClelland ’57, of San Antonio, Tex.; Mar. 4. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, he joined United Airlines as a pilot. He returned to the military and had a 33-year career before retiring in 1987 as vice commander. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War. He is survived by his wife, Celia; three sons; a daughter-in-law; eight grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; a half-sister; and a half-brother.


May, 2018

Suzanne May Garber Massy ’57, of Northampton, Mass.; Oct. 11. She was a librarian at the D’Amour Library at Western New England College in Springfield, Mass., before retiring in 2000. She was also a Town of Wilbraham library trustee for 10 years and president of the Massachusetts Library Trustees Assoc. She enjoyed traveling, hiking, and biking. She is survived by her husband, William; two sons; six grandchildren; a stepdaughter; and two step-grandchildren.


May, 2018

Ralph L. Leonard Jr. ’57, of Effingham, N.H.; Jan. 17. He joined his father’s real estate business, Ralph L. Leonard & Son, in Beverly, Mass., and after his father retired, operated the business as Ralph Leonard Associates until his own retirement in 2016. He was an avid outdoorsman and enjoyed skiing, hiking, mountain climbing, boating, and horseback riding. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; seven children, eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; a sister; and a brother-in-law.


Apr, 2018

Frederick J. Mernick ’57, of Wakefield, formerly of East Greenwich, R.I.; Oct. 19, after a lifelong struggle with diabetes. He was vice president of Matec Inc., for 30 years. A U.S. Air Force Korean War veteran, he was also a former clerk of the State of Rhode Island Judiciary Committee, a former member of East Greenwich Town Committee, and a former chairman of the East Greenwich Juvenile Hearing Board. He is survived by his wife, Ann; two daughters, including Lee Chartier ’77; three sons; three daughters-in-law; two sons-in-law; 12 grandchildren; and three sisters.

Apr, 2018

Robert A. Norman ’57, of Pinehurst, N.C.; Dec. 1. He served in the U.S. Air Force for 30 years, retiring in 1987 as a brigadier general and command pilot. He was variously assigned to Fort Leavenworth, Kans.; the Pentagon; and Ramstein and Sembach Air Bases in Germany. His final assignment was as deputy defense adviser to the U.S. NATO mission in Brussels, Belgium. After retiring from the U.S. Air Force, he remained with his family in Brussels, where he headed the European office of E Systems and then Raytheon Industries. In 2000, he retired from industry and moved to Pinehurst. He was active in the Military Officers Assoc. and the Republican Men’s Club, and he enjoyed flying his airplane and playing tennis and golf. He is survived by his wife, Christa; a daughter; a son-in-law; three granddaughters; and a sister and brother-in-law.

Feb, 2018

Raymond E. Dunleavy ’57, of Ocala, Fla.; Sept. 27, of cardiac arrest. He had a career in investment banking and pension investment with banks in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Florida. He retired from SunTrust Bank in 1996. He enjoyed raising and showing Sealyham Terriers and was a member of the American Kennel Club. He was also a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Burgatti Dunleavy ’58; a brother, Thomas ’60; two sisters-in-law; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Feb, 2018

Alan E. Fishkin ’57, of Oklahoma City; Oct. 5. He is survived by a brother and nieces.

Feb, 2018

William L. Haslam ’57, of Quincy, Mass.; Aug. 13, after a brief illness. He served in the National Guard before beginning a career in publishing. He retired in 1993 as general manager of Prime National Publishing Corp. in Weston, Mass. He was an avid New England sports fan and former president of the Baseball Card Collectors Association of America. He enjoyed traveling and is survived by his wife, Verna; a daughter; a son; two stepdaughters; three grandchildren; six step-grandchildren; and two nephews.

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