Class of 1955
Carol Orkin Agate writes: “Here we are, lucky to be reaching or to have become nonagenarians. We haven’t been a great class for staying in touch. Please let us know where you are and what you’re doing. I am fortunate to be in good health with a severe hearing loss being my one problem with aging. Since hearing loss often leads to dementia I’m determined to remain active and involved. I supplement my hearing aids with various table or clip-on mics to help me participate in lifelong learning activities. I also serve on the Cambridge Board of Zoning Appeals and I am an active participant in my cohousing community. I look forward to hearing (i.e. reading) from you.”
Carol “Cally” Orkin Agate writes: “After 35 years of living in California and 21 of those years working as an administrative law judge, I retired at 74 and moved to Cambridge, Mass., to be near my daughter and live in cohousing. I was sorry we missed our 65th reunion, but did join the virtual one held in 2021. There Leslie Dolby Schwam and I reconnected. We enjoyed the opportunity to get reacquainted after so many years, but were disappointed that no other classmates joined our virtual table in the ‘ballroom’ of the reunion. In March, we got together in person when I spent a month in Florida, where Leslie lives in Boca Raton. She says she would love to hear from classmates in Palm Beach.”
Benita Saievetz Herman writes that she and her husband, Ken, married 62 years, are still in the family homestead in Wyckoff, N.J. Ken is a retired psychologist and WWII veteran. Bennie is winding down her 40-year old practice of being a travel advisor specializing in small ship cruising. “This happened because of Alice Emmert Ward’s speech in Chapel about the Experiment in International Living. In the summer of 1954 I lived with a family in Calais, France and made a lasting friendship with the Baras family and a huge connection to travel. After raising four wonderful humans, occupational therapy no longer held my interest as a career. This is when I returned to my love of travel as a serious endeavor. Always athletic, I combined volunteerism at the Barnert Temple of Franklin Lakes, N.J., where I am a lifetime trustee, and long-distance running training. Miss Rudd of the physical education department would have been proud to see me running 12 marathons with a PR of 4:49 at age 60. An original founder of the Chattertocks, I returned to Brown on the 50th anniversary of the successful a capella group’s milestone and spoke of the campus sensation they created. We have nine grandchildren, four in college. Sorry that we missed our 65th reunion with so many ever-true memories. I am forever grateful for my Brown experience.”
Peter Mayerson writes: “My wife, Lois, and I still greatly enjoy living in Denver, where we have resided now for 57 years. We are both fortunately still in good health. I have long been retired from my practice of psychiatry and psychoanalysis. I belong to a great organization called ‘The Skimeisters,’ which is a group of active 55-or-older people who downhill and cross country ski in the winter and bike and hike in the summer. I’ve lost touch with all of my classmate friends and would like to reconnect with any of you who are still around. Contact me at [email protected] or (303) 903-0930.”

Ted Barrows writes: “To my friends of the class of 1955—Greetings! Jackie and I have faced this last year by taking “bubble” vacations. We have rented houses on the beautiful North Carolina shore and experienced the foliage in the Great Smoky Mountains. We’ve found a lovely home on a stream to enjoy the views, give the dogs good space to run and take in a train trip through the mountains. We miss our classmates and the fun times at football games and reunions. What great memories. I’ve included a picture of me at our beach vacation with our water-loving golden retriever, Pizoo. If you find your way to North Carolina, our door is always open.”
Bill Hinckley writes: “Sue and I are both happy with our new digs at Vi at Highlands Ranch, Colorado; my spouse of 65 years is in a lovely cottage and I am in an apartment in assisted living, a wonderful retirement facility, where one is assured of continuing care at all levels and can be busy or not. We have chosen the former with committee work, trips, and activities with friends and our daughter, a half-hour away. I especially enjoy a group, The Play Readers, where actors read from scripts of plays and musicals to audiences of 50 or more each month. I had to give up my carving of songbirds after 30-some years—no studio here. I wrote a monthly column on birds for a magazine for 10 years and wrote and published three novels and one compendium titled Back Then, on my life in the simple times of the 30s and 40s, which was published in February. Both grands are busy—eldest is a USMC captain and the other is with a veterinary group where she works rehabbing horses and other animals and is pursuing her doctorate. Busy kids. Daughter Marjorie is into the animal thing as well, heading up the Intermountain Rescue and Humane Society. A stern believer, she and Realtor husband Michael house seven in their beautiful home. I would love to hear from any and all Brunonians as we endure COVID-19. Happy 65th, wish we could have been there.” Contact Bill at (303) 471-4053; [email protected].
Warren Ilchman reports: “Postponing commencement and reunions until sometime next year gave the Class of 1955 officers an opportunity to consider leadership. Originally president for our 65th reunion, I am stepping down and am pleased to welcome our class vice president John O’Brien to that position. Our secretary and treasurer, Lucy Brubaker Tortolani and Alan Lawson, will share the responsibility of the vice presidency if required. At the time of the reunion, the class will decide who should be vice president. The many activities that were planned to generate interest among our class members will be offered near the time of the coming reunion. I have been pleased to have had responsibility as president and look forward to the leadership of John O’Brien.”
Alan Lawson writes: “With my many years in the Boston College history department over, Mary Beth and I have moved to Providence, my original hometown. Before leaving, we benefited from Warren Ilchman’s gift of tickets to see the wonderful exhibit of works about Casanova at the Museum of Fine Arts, curated by Warren’s son, Frederick. That event had a nostalgic tinge for Mary Beth because, as a student at Wellesley College, she was Frederick’s babysitter. Now that I’m back ‘home,’ I plan to continue my historian ways at Brown and at the Rhode Island Historical Society, researching a family memoir. I am also glad to be here to help with plans for our 65th reunion and to look after the class treasury.”
John O’Brien writes: “Sad to learn of the death of Gordon Perry. He was a stalwart member of our class who devoted countless hours to the Sports Foundation and the Football Association. He was a founding member of these important University functions. Gordon, along with Art Joukowsky and Dave Zucconi, were instrumental in making all men’s and women’s sports a significant part of the Brown education. I hear regularly from Don DeCiccio who is enjoying the warm Florida weather. He and Sandy have already made their reservations in Providence for our 65th year reunion. The 65th is coming up fast. The plans for the event are coming together and details will soon be sent to the class members. We look forward to seeing everybody.”
Warren Ilchmann writes: “It is hard to believe that we graduated from Brown 65 years ago and will celebrate that occasion with a reunion in May. I didn’t retire until seven years ago and so have pursued an active life since graduating. In retirement, however, I find the chief responsibility daily is to invent a purpose. I soften that process by belonging to two book groups, attending two “short courses” at a local college and taking a nine-week course twice a year at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I am now in my sixteenth course. Fortunately, Brown is here with frequent visits with classmates Ken Peterson and his wife, Joe Blumberg and his wife, John Monaghan, and Walter Goldfarb—people I did not know well in 1955, but who have become close friends since. More reacquaintances will be made as we organize for our 65th reunion. Thanks to the University and our class subsidies, there is no charge for any of our class events. However, please register the meal choices for you and your guests. You may register online at or by calling the reunion headquarters at 401-863-7783. Please join us for this special event. Let me add a personal note about giving at the time of our 65th Reunion. The most I have ever given anywhere and at any time and what I have just contributed to Brown, in gratitude, is $19,550.00. I hope another classmate can give in gratitude $1,955,000.00 or $195,500.00 or even $1955.00. Brown provided the framework and composition for our future lives. We need to say thank you and help Brown continue to play that critical role.”
Class secretary Lucy Brubaker Tortolani reports: “Looking forward to seeing members of the class of 1955 at our 65th reunion. Hope you’re planning to come back to College Hill for this special occasion May 22-24, 2020. Exciting class events, as well as University programs featuring faculty and distinguished alumni, will be on tap for the weekend. Please look for news from the University with more details on the weekend schedule and on suggested accommodations in the Providence area.”
J. Roy McKechnie ’55 writes: “Our 65th reunion now pends…actual dates are May 22-24, 2020. We hope to have a good turnout so if you plan to attend it’s vital that you make accommodation arrangements pronto! Those charged with reunion plans will confer shortly and you will be informed of their decisions. Also, if you would like to help please contact me at [email protected]. Although classmates requested seating on the hill, it will not be possible for us post filing under the Van Wickle Gates. If the walk down the hill is too strenuous you can return to campus if needed. Barbara and I continue to tend to the grandkids we came out here to help with (they’re doing splendidly, of course), and we have become more deeply involved in local doings than anticipated, and get out of town as frequently as possible. Our Puerto Vallarta hideaway is a blessing. Meanwhile, industrial-strength travel absorbs us. Last year’s key trip was Vietnam and Cambodia and this year’s, sans outright warfare, Israel/Jordan/Egypt. Blessings… and more later.”
John O’Brien and Anne Murphy O’Brien were happy to see their son Bill O’Brien ’92 selected as Brown’s chosen honoree at the Ivy Football Association dinner in New York City this past January. About 150 Brunonians were in attendance, including Brown’s new football coach, James Perry ’00. John writes, “We continue to stay in touch with our Naples, Florida friends, including Don Diciccio, who seems to be hard at work on improving his golf game.” John and Anne look forward to the 65th Reunion in 2020, which they hope will be well attended.
Warren Ilchman celebrated a birthday in September with a gathering of friends and family at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. Brown classmates in attendance were Joe Blumberg, Walter Goldfarb, and John Monaghan. The MFA was the party site because Warren’s son Frederick was a curator of the magnificent Casanova’s Europe: Art, Pleasure, and Power in the 18th Century, on display there. He provided information we had missed in History D-1.”
Warren Ilchman ’55 writes: “Our 65th reunion is not far off, and suggestions for the event should be sent to class reunion chair Roy McKechnie ’55. In the meantime, figuring that an 85-year-old is not very useful as a volunteer, I use my time mostly to educate myself. I am into my 17th eight-week course at the Metropolitan Museum, this one on American art of the early 19th century. In October I spent a week in Venice learning about Tintoretto on his 500th birthday. At home, I belong to two book groups—one that focuses on classics and another that focuses on contemporary fiction. I also run a book group at my church. The real pleasure, apart from my family, is meeting monthly or so with my classmates Ken Peterson ’55, Joe Blumberg ’55, their wives, and John Monaghan ’55. Usually with museums as a context, we share our events, frailties, and unachieved aspirations. But we all aspire to our 65th in spring 2020.”
Reunion chair Roy McKechnie ’55 reports: “Greetings ’55, from Ultima Thule, Utah! In preparation of our next reunion, please look for a pre-event survey coming your way pronto. Please answer its queries and return promptly to the cited address. After much discussion with the powers that be, our request for seating south of Van Wickle during and post our pre-graduation ceremony procession (we’ll be right up front) is a no-go. See the survey for details. But our banner proudly citing military service by our men and women, once considered lost, has been found. It should take pride of place during our downhill march. Finally, I’m operating from a range of some 2,300 miles from the campus and really need onsite help. Volunteers are not only welcome but essential. The survey has details. Meanwhile, blessings to all.”
John Strong Jr. writes: “I’m still playing tennis and golf and working in a local soup kitchen. Also, I still travel to New York City for ballet and Philharmonic and to the Staller Center at Stony Brook University for student orchestra and the MetLive.”
Bud Brooks met up with Patrick Petteruti ’21 during a Brown baseball game in Dallas. Bud was a right-handed pitcher from Brown, and Patrick is currently a lefty for the team.
George Ulrich writes: “When Sally and I took up housekeeping in an assisted living facility in the South Denver area, it took a while to adapt to our new lifestyle. Not used to living with elevators, wheeled walkers, electric scooters, and oxygen carts, we’re amazed, after nearly three years, at how much we enjoy the urban environment on this 84-acre campus. We’ve renewed acquaintances with several professional colleagues in the area and other U.S. geology surveyor retirees. We also have made friends with a couple of Brunonians; Norm Walters ’45 and Ann Jones Mills ’60. I’m still playing tennis and pedaling on bike/pedestrian trails in the area. Besides working in the wood shop and placing 18 bluebird houses around campus, which so far have attracted only tree swallows, I’ve joined the Learners Committee, supporting 10 to 15 courses of four to eight weekly classes three times each year. I’ve also generated two courses: one on the Grand Canyon and another on Adventures to a Rocky Moon, reminiscing about the Flagstaff days of the last four Apollo missions.”
Lucy Brubaker Tortolani writes: “I’m enjoying life in Rhode Island and my proximity to Brown. The lectures on campus are topical and stimulating. Gene ’52 and I attend when we can. I play bridge weekly and do Sudoku and crossword puzzles daily. I take pleasure in knitting hats and needlepointing Christmas stockings for my grandchildren, and I enjoy trips to New York City and Boston with my daughters. Most importantly, I am a devoted caretaker for Gene. Unfortunately, I’ve lost touch with many from the class of ’55 but have corresponded recently with Lois McClarin-Revi, and she’s doing well in Hanover, Pennsylvania. She belongs to two book groups and it’s clear from her writing that her sharp wit and views on world affairs are alive and well informed. I have also connected with Nancy Schuleen Helle and she’s still an avid writer and doing freelance work for the Silvermine Art Center in New Canaan, Connecticut. I’m looking forward to our 65th reunion in two very short years and hope to see many fellow classmates there.”
Nancy Schuleen Helle writes: “Leslie Travis Wendel died peacefully on New Year’s Eve surrounded by family at Pennswood Village in Newtown, Pennsylvania. She had lung problems and had been on oxygen. She enjoyed making new friends and all the intellectual and cultural events offered there. She was a reporter for the Pennswood newsletter and in the past year was appointed chairman of the Residents Committee. In December, my daughter Karen and I visited her and we shared scrapbooks and memories of fun things we had done together over the years, including vacations with husbands in France. We have lost so many dear friends that I am counting myself lucky that Herb Helle and I are still alive and ambulatory. I am still doing some freelance writing. I completed a story on the role of art in design at Silvermine Art Center for Venu magazine and a travel piece on the coastal area of Stonington and Mystic in Connecticut, and Watch Hill and Weekapaug in Rhode Island, which will run in a special supplement of a regional newspaper chain in Connecticut. While in Mystic, I visited Dick Nourie at Stone Ridge retirement center. Dick and his wife joined us for a fun dinner. In the past year, I have enjoyed two special events hosted by Brown in New York City, a documentary on a Pennsylvania town surviving tough economic times and a distinguished panel discussion on real news versus fake news in today’s media, held at the Time Warner Center, as well as a winetasting in an art gallery in New Canaan, hosted by the Fairfield County Brown Club. I am still in touch with classmates Jean Sheridan Adams, Audrie Brown Cudahy, Dick DePatie, Alan Lawson, Diane Aspinall Parker, Lois McClarin Revi, Burkey Pratt Thomas, and Lucy Brubaker Tortolani.”
Anne Murphy O’Brien and John O’Brien spend most of the year on Cape Cod after many winters in Naples, Fla. John writes: “In the summer we are blessed to have our three sons close by and enjoy playing golf with John ’82, Tom ’85, or Bill ’92, and various grandchildren. I also still see Don DeCiccio, Ev Pearson, and Gordon Perry at the annual Football Association outing in August, so my game is still not good but the companionship is always great. We are looking forward to our next reunion.”
Adrienne Farr Sabatier and Jane Baltzell Kopp met for lunch in Denver in September. The two were reunited after more than 60 years when Adrienne was visiting her children in Denver and mentioned her old friend from Pembroke. A quick Google search found Jane happy and well in Denver. Over lunch, the two reconnected.
Peter Lisbon writes: “I have been enjoying life in sunny San Diego for the past 17 years after retiring in 1998 from a 40-year career as a librarian at Harvard’s Widener Library. I take courses at UC San Diego and participate in several discussion groups, one of which is hosted by Dave Parker ’54, who also happens to have majored in philosophy.”
Warren Ilchman writes: “Though a widower and retired since 2011, I can say my best work was my last work. For 13 years, I had the pleasure of awarding annually graduate scholarships to immigrants and the children of immigrants. In that responsibility, I awarded 450 Soros Fellowships. From that, alas, I am now retired. Now, like many of my classmates, I have to develop my own purpose. I live in Bronxville, New York, and can walk to my doctors, dentist, bookstore, coffee house, pharmacy, and grocery. I am in two book groups, one focusing on classics and the other on contemporary fiction. I also attend a discussion group on public affairs issues once a month. I am a member of my Vestry and an active member of an aging-in-place organization. One of the joys of where I am living is that I am five minutes from the train station and then only 27 minutes to Grand Central Station. I get into the City two or three times a week. Among other activities, I take an eight-week course in art history twice a year at the Metropolitan Museum. I also have the privilege of seeing, at least monthly, several ’55 classmates: Ken Peterson and his wife, Joe Blumberg and his wife, and John Monaghan. Usually in New York, but also in New Haven and Boston, we go to museums, have lunch, and share life experiences. But there are occasional unexpected encounters with classmates. My son, an art curator in Boston, gave a lecture after which a man introduced himself. It was Walter Goldfarb, our classmate. Walter is a distinguished surgeon in Portland, Maine, and a collector of art. We will meet in New York soon. The 50th and 60th reunions were high points in my life, and I look forward to our 65th.”
From the November/December 2017 Issue
Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].
John Strong Jr. writes he is still maintaining his historic home and is involved with church finances and the soup kitchen. He plays golf and tennis for recreation and attends the opera, ballet, and New York Philharmonic for culture.
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Daniel Chu has had both hips replaced and, as April began, was ambulatory and recovering at home in Red Hook, N.Y.
John Monaghan and three of his classmates, Joe Blumberg, Warren Ilchman, and Ken Peterson, gathered in New York City in late March to dust off their winter lethargy. They visited both the biennial exhibit at the Whitney Museum and the visionaries collection at the Guggenheim, conversed broadly, and dealt briefly with the current politics.
From the March/April 2017 Issue
David S. Decker writes: “I retired from the insurance industry after 38 years. Following that I worked as a volunteer at our local police station. Now I am totally retired, and I am looking forward to the summer at my house in Rhode Island.”
Leonard Whistler II and Kathryn Kissane Whistler have been retired for years and enjoy traveling. They recently traveled to Madrid, Calgary, and some Canadian and U.S. National Parks. They write: “Our three children are doing well, and we have grandchildren at Wesleyan and Vanderbilt.”
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Jackie and Ted Barrows planned a trip to observe polar bears at Churchill in Manitoba, Canada, in October. They write: “Although not necessary for North Carolina living, we bought our gear to keep us warm to -20 C. We continue to enjoy good health, golf, and Brown friends. Best wishes to our great classmates.”
From the September/October 2016 Issue
Robert Barron and Selena Winicour Barron ’57 celebrated their birthdays with family members in the Netherlands. They write that daughters Susan and Wendy are doing well, as are grandsons Jordan and Cameron and granddaughter Ruby. Robert is still answering questions on the Rule 144 Q & A Forum for the Corporate Counsel, writing a column on securities law for the Securities Regulation Law Journal, and teaching a course on foreign corrupt practices as a professor at the NYU School of Professional Studies. Selena is active in the American Association of University Women.
Janice Kennedy Doctor writes that she is enjoying milder weather and getting outside in her power chair.
Robert Ecker writes: “My wife, Peg, and I are enjoying our 34th year in Long Valley, New Jersey. I am participating in a ‘great decisions’ group studying foreign policy; the current subject is global warming. We are going on a Mississippi River cruise aboard the American Queen under the Brown travel program and hope to meet up with other Brunonians.”
Warren Ilchman writes: “Organizing retirement is a challenge. Each year I attend two eight-week courses in art history at the Metropolitan Museum. This year is my 10th course. For 22 weeks each year I help lead a discussion about books relating to church history and moral obligations. My family and I spent 11 days in Japan in January and the Thanksgiving week in Rome.”
John D. O’Brien and Anne Murphy O’Brien write: “We are back on Cape Cod after winter in Naples. Everyone is doing well. John ’82 is in the energy business in Dallas, Tom ’85 is a commercial developer in Boston, and Bill ’92 is a football coach in Houston. We have eight grandchildren, from college age to elementary school age. Grandson Matt O’Brien ’15 is getting his master’s in public affairs at Brown.”
Socrates H. Mihalakos moved to 348 Heritage Village, Southbury, Conn. 06488. Five months of the year he and Joani live in Vero Beach, Fla.
John A. Summerfield writes: “Carole and I are enjoying our retirement in Naples. I have almost retired except for Rotary work.”
George C. Wood is enjoying Minneapolis with his three children, 10 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
From the March/April 2016 Issue
Jim Lichtenstul writes: “Enjoying retirement. Biking, oil painting, fishing, hiking, etc.”
From the January/February 2016 Issue
John Monaghan was inducted into the William Blackstone Society, an honorary organization recognizing residents of Rhode Island’s Blackstone Valley who have distinguished themselves in their careers or in public service. John was cited for his 47-year career in journalism as a reporter and editor at the Pawtucket Times, the Providence Journal, and the Evening Bulletin and for his “involvement in statewide conservation efforts.” He retired in 1998 as managing editor of the Providence Journal, then spent 10 years on the Cumberland Conservation Commission and five years as a board member of the Rhode Island Assoc. of Conservation Commissions. He was also on the BAM board of editors for 18 years, with 12 years as chairman, and is a recipient of the Brown Alumni Service award. He was introduced at the induction ceremony by M. Charles Bakst ’66, a retired Providence Journal political columnist. The society is named for the first European settler of Rhode Island, who arrived in 1635, and is maintained by the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council.
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Ted Barrows and his wife, Jackie, recently celebrated their third year in North Carolina. Though he was not able to attend the reunion, Ted sends his greetings to all classmates. Knowing that a visit to Rhode Island was not possible this year, Ted and Jackie traveled to Utah in April to visit Barbara and Roy McKechnie. Last February, a visit in New York City with Mattis Fern satisfied the Barrows’ desire to see some snow, friends, and family. Ted plans to come up and see Martha and Dick Nourie in the future. Ted is active in the Military Officers Association of America, in an energetic wine tasting group, and at his golf club. He writes: “Living on the 17th tee has its benefits—I get to play commentator to the players off my porch! I keep Stu Erwin in my heart and send my best to Diane. Classmates visiting this lovely area of our state are encouraged to call and visit.”
From the May/June 2015 Issue
George C. Calnan entered Brown with the class of ’55, but left in 1953 to enter the Air Force. After working as an engineering clerk in Lake Charles, La., he returned and graduated in 1960. George eventually settled in San Francisco, where he opened an art gallery, The Prism, and enrolled in a master of arts program at San Francisco State College. He met his wife in the same city, and after they married he embarked on a 30-year-long teaching career. He has twin sons, one married with a daughter and one still at home. He has been retired for almost 25 years.
William Condaxis writes: “Celebrating 62 years of marriage to my wife, Frances. She was the dietitian at the Sharpe Refectory when we met. She is still providing excellent meals. We have great memories of our Brown years. Our daughter, Paula Condaxis Angell ’78, also met her husband, Robert Angell ’78, at Brown.”
Jessie Paquette Mayer writes: “I got married in 1956 and lived in four different states due to my husband’s work. We had six children along the way and finally settled in my hometown, where we had two more children. After they were all in school, I worked as a lettering artist (thanks to a long-ago RISD course) and printed my own Christmas cards. For the most recent 20 years, I was the editor of a quarterly historical publication, the Oneida Community Journal. We have eight grandchildren in addition to the grown children. I read a lot and enjoy backyard bird-watching.”
Socrates H. Mihalakos writes: “Vincent Genua, Don De Ciccio, Bill Condaxis, and I, along with our wives, attended the Brown-Harvard game for the 54th straight year. A great time was had by all, especially seeing several of our classmates. We spend five months at our home in Vero Beach and balance out the year in Connecticut. If you’re in the area, please call or visit.”
From the March/April 2015 Issue
Arnold Abramowitz writes: “Still enjoying retirement in Florida and Maplewood, N.J., playing a lot of bridge, traveling, reading, and resting with my significant other, Helen Beck.”
Robert “Tony” Barron writes: “I am busy in retirement. I teach a course at the New York Univ. School of Professional Studies, where I recently received an award for 30 years on the faculty, and I write a quarterly article for the Securities Regulation Law Journal. My wife, Selena Winicour Barron ’57, is very active in the American Association of University Women. Our daughters and their families, including grandsons Jordan and Cameron and granddaughter Ruby, are well. Jordan, who is an actor, started a run of Camelot on Jan. 29 at the Westchester Broadway Theatre.”
Joseph Blumen spent a year as a general surgeon at an evac hospital in Vietnam, then had a brief tour at West Point, and eventually settled in Newport, R.I., with his family and entered into private practice. He was a member of the Newport Planning Board, on the board of the Seaman’s Church Institute, and served as a physician for the Newport Casino Tournament. After retiring from practice, he has been traveling, with trips that included the Chautauqua experience and visits to the Fenimore Art Museum and Glimmerglass Festival. He is creating a core library collection at the Salve Regina Univ. library entitled “Man’s Inhumanity to Man.” He writes: “Sixty years after Brown, as the old timers say, ‘Every day above grass is good.’”
Judith Robinson Corney writes: “We live a beautiful life in perfect weather in a very busy Silicon Valley, California, retirement community. I am president of our resident association, which sets the tone of our cultural and physical activities. My all-consuming love is duplicate bridge, for which we travel the Bay Area two or three times a week.”
Due to health issues, Janice Kennedy Doctor writes that she is unable to attend any reunions. She recently passed down her waterfront property to her daughter and family. Janice’s grandson, who completed his law studies last May, will be the fifth generation to own the house. Janice split the past two years between the hospital and rehabilitation, but has now returned to an apartment building for independent seniors. She writes: “I love it, and it is only a couple of blocks from my family.”
Bill Hinckley’s second novel, Fast Current, a sequel to An Undercurrent, is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and from Inkwater Publishing.
Marcia Searles Horn writes: “Looking forward to seeing everyone at our big 60. I now have five grandchildren who are college grads. The sixth graduates in June from the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and another one is a law school grad.”
Martin Malinou continues to practice law full-time, while also taking time to visit his sister, Sherri Malinou Spillane ’62, in Los Angeles. He writes: “I have enjoyed meeting her friends in the world of entertainment.”
John T. Strong Jr. writes: “Retirement from Northrop Grumman has been busy—cocordinator of weekly soup kitchen, financial secretary of Setauket Presbyterian Church, and many different positions in Presbytery of Long Island. This all fits around tennis, golf, and maintaining a 160-year-old house and grounds. I take occasional long trips to friends and family in South Carolina and Florida and to New York City for the Philharmonic and ballet.”
From the November/December 2014 Issue
David S. Decker writes: “After 15 years as a volunteer with the Montgomery County Police Dept., I finally retired. I have six grandnephews whom I keep asking to consider Brown—I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Francis A. Brooks Jr. ’65 MAT has two granddaughters at the Univ. of Oklahoma and a third granddaughter entering Texas Christian Univ. this fall. His grandson is beginning his second year at St. Mark’s School of Texas.
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Terry McGowan Heavey (see Katie Evans Goldman ’10).
Alan Lawson writes: “Since phasing out my career at Boston College and now as emeritus, I’ve been poking around in other countries, mostly in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand, with visits to New Zealand and Australia. To do something useful this year I volunteered to teach in India and wound up for several weeks in a village school in Rajasthan. It was more a learning experience for me than for the seventh graders to whom I tried to impart some understanding of English, though I understood none of their Hindi.”
From the May/June 2014 Issue
William P. Hinckley writes: “Sue and I continue to enjoy Colorado, although we are giving up our home and moving into a continuing-care community, guaranteeing that, whatever comes up, we have the care we need onsite. On the granddaughter front, Olivia got her BA from Princeton in June and was commissioned 2nd Lt., USMC, on the same day. While waiting for advanced training school, she is pursuing a master’s in military science at Trinity College. Her sister, Peggy, is a sophomore at Northwestern, where she is mixing formal studies with a second interest in new and different styles of makeup. She has her own blog. My second novel is searching for a good fit with a publisher, and a third, Windigo, is not yet complete, but a Maine publisher is very interested. Soon I finish rehab on a second shoulder repair.”
From the March/April 2014 Issue
Arnold C. Abramowitz is living in Boca Raton, Fla., and spends summer months in New Jersey. He writes that he is fully retired and enjoying it, and looks forward to seeing everyone at the reunion in 2015.
Robert Tony Barron and Selena Winicour Barron ’57 live in Hartsdale, N.Y. Their daughter Susan lives in Manhattan with her husband, Steven. Son Cameron is a sophomore at Brandeis. Son Jordan is an actor in New York City. And daughter Wendy lives in Brooklyn with her husband, Mike, and daughter, Ruby, 11. Selena is active in the American Association of University Women, and the couple leads a current events course at Westchester Community College. Tony writes a column on securities law for Securities Law Journal and teaches a course on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act at NYU.
Fred H. Barrows III and his wife, Jackie, moved to Southern Pines, N.C, where they have settled in a home overlooking the 14th green of their member golf course. Ted enjoys golf and traveling. He writes: “The weather is milder than New England, but since this area was founded by New Englanders, one thinks of the lovely pines and mountains of New England. We welcome friends to come visit this lovely area. We do get back to Rhode Island several times a year. Keep in touch.”
Sally Abbott Barthold writes: “It would be great to hear from classmates.”
Orazio J. Basile retired from 50 years of dermatology practice and his position as assistant professor of clinical dermatology at Brown’s Alpert Medical School. He will continue to travel and maintain his residences in Cumberland, R.I.; Cape Cod, Mass.; and Aruba.
Richard Beers is looking forward to Brown’s 250th this year and his 60th reunion in 2015. He is not fully retired and is still an EMT on a volunteer ambulance. He has 14 grandchildren, with graduates from Bates, Syracuse, Vassar, Georgetown, and SUNY Geneseo. “Four are still in college and three to go.”
William P. Condaxis and his wife, Fran, celebrated their 61st anniversary. They write that they enjoy being with classmates Soc Mihalakos, Donald De Ciccio, and Vincent Genua several times a year.
Donald R. De Ciccio arrived in Naples, Fla., for the winter in October and is looking forward to seeing classmates Everett Pearson, John O’Brien, Gordon Perry, and John Summerfield, as well as Philip Noel ’54. He is also looking forward to his 60th reunion in 2015. He still sees Bill Condaxis and Vincent Genua when he is up north.
Marcia Searles Horn writes: “Sadly, I must report the death of my husband, Raymond Horn, on Sept. 30. My three children, Edward of Milford, Connecticut; Michael of San Diego; and Mindy Rooney of Charlotte, North Carolina, are a great comfort, as are my six grandchildren. I plan to attend the next reunion with my former roommate, Barbara Schoen Silverman, of Longboat Key, Florida. I look forward to seeing everyone.”
Joanna Pozzi Williams retired as professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia, but will work part-time until she has finished her federal grants. She plans to stay in New York City, where she has an apartment at Lincoln Center, but she hopes to spend more time in her house in Bristol, R.I.
John A. Summerfield moved to Naples, Fla.
From the November/December 2013 Issue
Bob O’Such writes: “In June I had a visit from Bob Zimmerman ’56, a fraternity brother I had not seen in 60 years. Bob, who maintains an e-list of Betas, was on his way to Maine for a week of fly-fishing with fellow Betas Vaughn Fuller ’54, ’68 MAT; George Gregory ’56; and Greg Sullivan ’54. It was great to catch up on memories from our undergraduate days. In May I celebrated my 80th birthday. The family rented a house on Cape Cod for the weekend, where all 22 of my immediate family gathered, including three great-granddaughters. We are fortunate to have all of the family residing in Fairfield, an hour from our Guilford, Conn., home. Sally and I celebrated our 58th wedding anniversary in August and will (hopefully) attend my 60th reunion in 2015. Brown has an incredible reputation in our area, and I am pleased to say we have one other graduate in the family, our granddaughter, Carolyn Chang Audino ’02.”
From the March/April 2013 Issue
Francis Brooks writes: “I have a granddaughter in the freshman class at the Univ. of Oklahoma.”
Judith Robinson Corney writes: “We’ve moved from Longboat Key, Fla., to a beautiful retirement community in Saratoga, Calif. We are lucky to be in good health and enjoying our hobbies.”
Fred Stavis writes: “I’ve been married for 53 years—it’s fantastic. I play tennis four times a week and I’ve discovered that I have succeeded at retirement, enjoying piano lessons, theater, athletics, reading, and especially grandchildren.”
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Arnold C. Abramowitz is happily retired in Boca Raton, Fla.
Joan Yurkunas Fitzgerald writes: “I continue to enjoy volunteering as an ESL tutor at Lone Star Community College in The Woodlands, Texas. This year’s class includes immigrants from Egypt, Pakistan, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, and Korea. Some have been in Houston for as little as four months or as many as 14 years. Some have advanced university degrees, while others only went to 8th grade in their respective countries. The work is lots of fun, but challenging.”
Walter B. Goldfarb and Marcia Finberg Goldfarb write that their grandson Jonathan Aronson is in the class of 2013.
Artemis Joukowsky writes: “I am actively engaged at Brown as chancellor emeritus. Martha is completing a book on the Brown excavations in Petra, Jordan.”
Joan Bronstein Soloway returned from an extensive trip to Turkey. She is still summering and wintering at home in the Berkshires, where she continues painting in watercolor.
From the September/October 2012 Issue
John Monaghan’s wife of 53 years, Joan, died on June 4 after a seven-year battle with Parkinson’s. Other survivors include her brother, James J. Noonan ’57; sister-in-law Sheila Monaghan Harvey ’56; brother-in-law R. Peter Harvey; and nephew Peter C. Harvey ’80.
Bob O’Such and his wife, Sally, are celebrating 57 years of marriage with the addition of three great-granddaughters. The latest is Sofia Park Audino, whose parents are Carolyn Chang Audino ’02 and A. Bruce Audino of Fairfield, Conn. Carolyn recently completed her MBA at NYU, and Bruce is a vice president of JP Morgan Chase in New York City.
From the March/April 2012 Issue
William P. Hinckley writes: “Heard from Peter Lisbon, who is living in San Diego, and we got caught up after 50 years. My novel of the Jersey Coast, An Undercurrent, is now an e-book from Amazon, and its sequel, Fast Current, is in final form, edited, and ready for the publisher, with a release date of early 2012. I’ve started a third work, which shifts the locale to Down East Maine in the ’40s. Both Sue and I are well and still enjoying all that Colorado offers.”
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Terry McGowan Heavey (see Engagements & Weddings, Sam Goldman '08).
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Peter B. D'Esopo is working as a school crossing guard. He writes: "Great job for an old fart." During summer he enjoyed his oceanfront home in Ingonish, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.
Shirley Morse Richmond has two great-grandchildren— Kaden, 2, and Connor, 1.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
Arnold C. Abramowitz has been retired for six years and living in Boca Raton, Fla. He spends summers in Maplewood, N.J.
Matt Fern and Sue celebrated their 50th anniversary on Father's Day with their children, Jacqueline Fern '83 and Steven Fern '86, and their families. Matt is still practicing dentistry in Manhattan and enjoys his grandchildren, golf, and February vacations in Maui and Lanai. He is sorry that he could not attend the 55th reunion but sends his best regards to all his classmates and promises to be there for the 60th.
Nancy Schuleen Helle continues to be involved in public relations for artists and real estate clients. In addition to freelance writing for the New Canaan–Darien Magazine, she also plays tennis and participates in book clubs and volunteering activities.
William Hinckley is publishing his novel, An Undercurrent, about the New Jersey shore with a background of charter boat fishing and threads of drug running and murder.
From October to May, Adrienne Farr Sabatier lives in Naples, Fla., where she is a docent for the Naples Museum of Art. She is also involved in the activities of the Friends of Art, which supports the museum. The rest of the year, she lives in Sugarbush, Vt., where she plays golf and tennis and hikes.
Joan Bronstein Soloway is still an active watercolorist. She and her husband, Louis, divide their time between New York City and Lenox, Mass., where she volunteers at Tanglewood.
Joseph R. Tucci continues to serve as professor of medicine at Boston Univ. School of Medicine, as an adjunct professor at Brown's Warren Alpert School of Medicine, and as director of the division of endocrinology in the department of medicine at Roger Williams Hospital in Providence. He has authored or coauthored more than 200 articles, abstracts, and book chapters on a variety of endocrine and metabolic disorders, and has been a principal investigator in more than 50 clinical studies. He writes: "My career in academic medicine and endocrinology has been an exciting and fulfilling experience involving teaching, research, administration, and patient care. And it all began at Brown!"
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Jane Neide Ashcom retired in 2005 from her fulltime position as chair of the English department at the Pingry School in New Jersey. She keeps busy teaching one course a year at Montgomery County Community College, working as a docent at the Princeton Art Museum, and taking care of two grandchildren. Her husband, Ben, is also retired. Their son Will Balsham '91 married Elizabeth Burr '92 in Point Reyes, Calif., on June 26. Their second son, Jonathan Ashcom '96, is a physicist at MIT's Lincoln Lab. Their third son, Nathan Ashcom, and his wife, Brigid, have three children; Nathan teaches math and physics at Bensalem High School, in Pennsylvania, and Brigid is a physical therapist.
Dolores Rinaldi Girillo has a beach condominium in Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. She has had visits from Jean Amirault Brown-Bakrow, Marcia Finberg Goldfarb, Walter Goldfarb, Benita Saievetz Herman, and Sally Robinson.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Bob Borah and his wife celebrated their 50th anniversary with their six children and spouses, plus 18 grandchildren, at the Balsams in Colebrook, N.H.
Stu Erwin enjoys working with John O'Brien to plan the 55th reunion. Stu is now an ad hoc member of the Brown Advisory Council on Athletics, after retiring from active service. He is also a member of the San Dieguito Boys & Girls Club Foundation.
Frederic French Jr. writes: "I continue to enjoy and benefit from assisted living here at Plymouth Crossings, Mass. I would appreciate hearing from classmates, especially fellow naval officers who participated in the NROTC program."
Morton Gilstein, despite a few health issues, is doing well, and occasionally reminisces about the old days with friends Rich Palombo and Bill Renzulli.
Ann Tassinari Haddad continues to live in Sarasota, Fla., but visits family and friends in Massachusetts a few times a year. She volunteers at the Sarasota Visitors' Center and the County Library Administration Offices.
Benita Saievetz Herman continues to work as a travel consultant and cruise counselor. Her husband of 50 years, Ken, a retired psychologist, published his book, Secrets from the Sofa. She spent enjoyable weekends of theater and art in New York City with Arva Rosenfeld Clark and Jane Neide Ashcom.
Since their retirement, Sylvia Thomas Keown and her husband, Bob, have moved closer to their four children. Sylvia currently leads music and mission studies at their new church.
Art Laferriere worked as a chemist at American Cyanamid prior to teaching in the chemistry department of R.I. College. He retired in 2001 and is now settled in Fla. Currently he enjoys attending classic car shows, working out, and sailing.
Gordon Perry directs the Brown Sports Foundation and the Brown Football Assoc., and is a member of the student-mentoring program. His grandson Peter Hughes '10 is following in his family's footsteps as a Brown football player. Gordon had knee replacement surgery in November and contracted pneumonia. He spent almost a month in the hospital and another two months rehabilitating at his daughter's home in N.J.
Veronica Stinnes Petersen retired from teaching pediatrics at the end of 2009. She has eight grandchildren, including Margiana Petersen-Rockney '11.
Bill Prifty has been living in R.I. for more than 35 years and has been a retired stockbroker for about eight years. He has also been a Brown football supporter for many years, attending almost every home game. He and his wife, Janice, recently celebrated their 50th anniversary.
Russell F. Shaw retired from a medical career that focused on pediatrics and occupational medicine. He now lives in N. Mex.
Fred Stavis and his wife, Ruth, have been married for 50 years. They have three children and seven grandchildren and stay active playing the piano and tennis.
John T. Strong Jr. currently serves on three different presbytery committees and functions as his church's financial secretary. He and his wife help serve at a local soup kitchen, where he cooks twice a month. He enjoys gardening and playing tennis and golf. They also enjoy their subscriptions to the New York Philharmonic and the New York City Ballet.
Louis Tanner has enjoyed a year of traveling. He spent last summer in Avignon. He also traveled to the Venice Biennale, the Art Basel Miami Beach fair, and New York.
Len Whistler and Kathryn Kissane Whistler celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with their best man and maid of honor on a cruise up the Rhine to Basel.
Connie Paulson Wilson still lives in S.C., enjoying the beach and playing golf. She visited her two children in Conn. for Christmas.
From the March/April 2010 Issue
Arnold Abramowitz retired from law practice. He lives in Florida with his wife, Helen. When they aren't traveling, Arnold spends summers in New Jersey and plays bridge.
Stuart P. Erwin Jr. writes that his five children and six grandchildren are all doing well. He plans to attend his oldest granddaughter's high school graduation before attending the Brown 55th. He is currently cochair of the 55th reunion committee with John O'Brien.
Walter and Marcia Finberg Goldfarb's e-mail addresses were incorrectly printed in the last BAM.
Rose Ditommaso Marcaccio's son Edward '80 is a vascular surgeon at Rhode Island Hospital, and her other son, Paul, is a practicing physician in Warren, R.I.
On June 18, Martin Malinou was presented with an honorary membership in the Rhode Island Bar Assoc. in recognition of 50 years of outstanding service to the profession and the association.Joel Shapiro writes: "JoAnne and I continue to split our time between Florida, the Berkshires, and New York City. Our five kids between us have produced six on their own. Our youngest, Gabriel '04, will graduate from UCLA Law School in May. I'm still active in my MedEd company in New Jersey."
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Class reunion cochairman John D. O'Brien reports: "Our 55th reunion will take place on May 28-30, 2010. We are hoping for a big turnout on this important milestone. A schedule of events has been sent to all our classmates, and more information will be sent later this year. Please plan on attending and send us your news. We would like to hear from you."
Arnold C. Abramowitz retired as a lawyer five years ago and lives in Florida. He summers in Maplewood, N.J., and is looking forward to the upcoming reunion.
Robert Bernheim is a professor emeritus at Penn State. He still serves on several fellowship committees for the National Academies.
Gerold Borodach is taking classes on Talmud. He's interested in the ancient Temple in Jerusalem and gives talks on its structure and archeology. He and his wife, Ardell Kabalkin Borodach '57, attend lectures, museums, theater, and opera in New York City. Their son Andrew '93 is an attorney for AIG; Sam '87 is an intellectual properties attorney for Fish & Richardson P.C.; and daughter Abigail works as an event planner at Harvard. Abigail's husband, Ken Elmore '85, is the dean of students at Boston Univ. Gerold and Ardell participate in the Brown dinners for seniors in New York City.
William Condaxis writes: "I meet several times a year with Don De Ciccio, Socrates Mihalakos, and Vincent Genua. Though we met 58 years ago at Brown, our friendship is as strong today as it was when we were in Brunonia's halls. I married Frances, who was the dietitian at the Ratty, in 1952, and we marched down the hill with our son Peter, 1¬Ω, in 1955. We will be celebrating our 58th wedding anniversary during this year's reunion."
Donald De Ciccio is recuperating from a complete knee surgery in Naples, Fla. He recently played his first round of golf, at seven weeks post surgery. He looks forward to playing with Brown friends living in the Naples area: Ev Pearson, John O'Brien, Gerry Haverly '54, and Phil Noel '54. He and Sandy enjoy retirement living and look forward to attending the 55th reunion in May. They are eager to see many friends they haven't seen in a long time and to reconnect with some, like Larry Corcoran, whom they haven't seen since graduation.
Robert A. Ecker writes: "My wife, Peg, and I continue developing our secluded property with its forest, quarry, and adjacent waterfalls on Schooley's Mountain in New Jersey. We enjoy world travel, and after returning home we like to create visual and sound shows to preserve our memories. Peg is creative with her continuing abstract art, winning recognition with art shows and sales."
Virginia Feroe Eckert has eight grandchildren ranging in age from 15 to 23. She is a certified scuba diver and recently moved.
Joan Yurkunas Fitzgerald is an active volunteer tutor for adults who want to learn English as a second language through the public library at Lonestar Community College and CyFair. She participates in book clubs, plays bridge, attends operas and concerts, does water aerobics, and visits grandchildren. She also interviews Brown applicants from local schools.
Walter Goldfarb and Marcia Finberg Goldfarb report that their grandson Jonathon Aronson '13, of Cape Elizabeth, Me., is a freshman.
David W. Halvorsen writes: "This has been a very difficult year. My wife, Janice Riley '66 MAT, died of leukemia on May 22. She had received excellent help here on Cape Cod, as well as at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. I cannot say enough about these folks, as well as about the hospice personnel who were present when she passed away."
Joel Lichtenstul has been painting since his retirement from Applefelt in June 2006. He had a one-man art show on Nov. 6 at Bella Arte Art Gallery in the Shadyside area of Pittsburgh. He was named artist of the month by a local magazine called Shady Avenue, which, Joel writes, is a "new trendy-type glossy magazine."
Peter Lisbon has been living in San Diego for ten years, after retiring from his 40-year career at Widener Library at Harvard. He writes: "I dwell on the edge of a brushy canyon not far from La Jolla, enjoying the benign weather very much, and I do a fair amount of hiking in the inland areas, including in parks like Cuyamaca and Anza Borrego, always looking around for various critters and birds. As a perpetual student I also take courses on a variety of subjects at UC San Diego's Osher program for seniors. The riches of Balboa Park, with its museums, zoo, and theaters are always a delight. My only trips East in recent years have been to Truro on Cape Cod for a couple of weeks in early August."
Elinor Jensen Mavor has been pursuing an online freelance illustration business for three years and just launched a new blog:, where her other websites are also listed. She writes that she enjoys a "working" retirement in sunny Arizona.
J. Roy McKechnie and Barbara moved to Odgen, Utah, in August 2006. They are "still trying to get used to being so far from clams, real chowder, real oysters, fresh scallops, and lobster." Barbara retired after 14 years as a regional director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Roy writes that their grandson, Nicholas Rocco, "just turned 4, going on 26." He adds: "We remain staunchly blue in America's reddest state."
Socrates Mihalakos retired as an active judge in 2003 after 15 years on the Connecticut Superior Court and five years as an appellate court judge. He has taken senior status and sits six months of the year. He and Joani live in Vero Beach, Fla., for approximately six months and in Connecticut for the balance of the year.
John O'Brien continues to be an economic development consultant in Massachusetts, trying to help small cities redevelop generations of jobs and tax revenue while improving the quality of life for their citizens. John writes: "These efforts keep me busy along with the pleasurable effort at interacting with my sons and grandchildren."
Cherry Collins Provost writes: "I enjoyed hearing about Brown from my sophomore granddaughter who had an internship in the physics department over the summer. Obviously different genes than mine." Cherry still enjoys the Literary Committee of the National Arts Club that she now chairs. She had lunch with Adrienne Farr Sabatier in New York City on her way back to Florida, and they both hope to attend the 55th reunion.
Willis H. Riccio joined the Boston law firm Looney Grossman in January 2009 as senior counsel specializing in securities law. In September, he was selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2010 edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the specialty of Securities Law. Recently, he had two articles published: "The Ubiquitous Investment Contract" and "A Man Called Charles," about Charles Ponzi. He also coauthored an article entitled "Insider Trading: An Update"with Minette Loula '00.
Joanna Pozzi Williams has been a professor at Teacher's College, Columbia Univ., for almost 40 years. She does research funded by the U.S. Department of Education on reading comprehension, and she teaches graduate students. Joanna writes: "I still find life in the big city exciting, but I also enjoy my summers in Bristol, R.I., where I grew up. I'm really looking forward to our next reunion."
Suzanne Ross Zeckhausen's husband, Paul, passed away in February 2009. Suzanne resides in Wilbraham, Mass. She keeps in touch with Susan Morgan Rolontz, Beth Hughes Hall, and Shirley Denno Fusco, who moved to Wilbraham several years ago. Suzanne's daughter, Tracey Zeckhausen '85, is chief of information and public relations for the State of Rhode Island Department of Corrections. She resides in Narragansett, R.I., with her three children. Suzanne's son, Paul (Middlebury '82), is employed at Aetna Life Insurance Co. in Hartford, Conn.
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Frederic French now lives in an assisted living community in Plymouth, Mass., and rents out his house in Duxbury. He writes that he has his own "gentleman in waiting" who provides independence beyond what the facility offers. He enjoys hearing from former classmates.
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Robert O'Such writes that his eldest grandson, Bruce Audino, is engaged to Carolyn Chang '02. Bruce works for JP Morgan in New York City and Carolyn is attending NYU's Stern School of Business. Robert and his wife, Sally, have been married 54 years and have six grandsons and one granddaughter. They recently became great-grandparents. Robert and his friend James McGall received a Beta newsletter from Ernest Fontan. Ernest would love to hear from other Betas from the early 1950s.
Willis Riccio joined the law firm of Looney and Grossman in Boston last January as senior counsel specializing in securities law. During the past year he had two articles published: The Ubiquitous Investment Contract and Insider Trading—An Update. He continues to teach securities law at the New England School of Law. Last September Willis and his wife, Donna, completed their 52nd voyage with the Cunard Line; they have sailed on both the Queen Elizabeth 2 and the Queen Mary 2. Last February he attended an SEC reunion in Washington, D.C., with Roger Deitz '65.
From the May/June 2009 Issue
Carol Orkin Agate retired as an administrative law judge in California and moved to Cambridge, Mass.
David Decker started his tenth year of working at the local police station in Bethesda, Md., where he is in charge of seven fellow volunteers. He writes: "We have a wonderful time while making a valuable contribution to our community." He enjoys summers in his family home in Tiverton, R.I., which his grandfather built after graduating from Brown in 1876.
Willis H. Riccio joined the Boston law firm of Looney & Grossman LLP as senior counsel in the Litigation Practice Group. He received the Securities and Exchange Commission's Distinguished Service Award and earned the highest rating from the Martindale Hubbell Law Directory. He was named in the 2008 "100 Securities Litigators You Need to Know" by Lawdragon.
From the March/April 2009 Issue
Arnold C. Abramowitz retired in 2004 from practicing law. He lives in Florida but spends summers in Maplewood, N.J. He looks forward to the 55th reunion in 2010.
From the January/February 2009 Issue
Samuel Abt is working occasionally for the International Herald Tribune as an editor in Hong Kong and Paris.
Donald R. De Ciccio writes: "Sandy and I are enjoying life among our homes, as well as trips abroad. We recently enjoyed our 53rd mini-reunion at the Brown-Harvard football game with Bill Condaxis, Vince Guenua, and Socrates Mihalakos and their spouses. It has been wonderful maintaining our close Brown friendships."
From the September/October 2008 Issue
Matt Fern writes that he and Ted Barrows happily carried the class banner down the hill at Reunion '08. Matt's wife, Sue, especially enjoyed celebrating the 25th Reunion of their daughter, Jacqueline Fern '83, with her family and friends. They hope to reunite with classmates at Homecoming, Oct. 24–26.
Willis H. Riccio was recently named one of the "100 Lawyers You Need to Know in Securities Litigation" by Lawdragon. He chairs the securities group at Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C. and is an adjunct professor of securities law at the New England School of Law.
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Gerold N. Borodach (see Emily Joan Wigod '88).
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Willis H. Riccio has been named chairman of the securities regulation and enforcement section at Adler Pollack & Sheehan, a law firm in which he is a partner. He has also recently published two articles. He writes: “My wife, Donna, and I have reached an agreement. She will continue to attend Brown football games with me, provided I agree never to play bridge. Donna is an avid bridge player and a longtime member of the Bridge Club of R.I. Our two grandchildren, Nick and Danny, frequently attend the Brown games with us.”
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Carl Albert is working at Tahoe Valley Campground in South Lake Tahoe, Calif.
William P. Hinckley writes: "It is fun watching granddaughter Olivia as she leads the golf team at the Kent Denver School in Englewood, Colo., playing as number one during her sophomore year. She is also very active in drama as an actress and director. My other granddaughter, Peggy, is among the top equestrian riders in the state, at age 14. She also attends Kent Denver. I am looking forward to the Colorado Carvers show in October, where I won best in division last year."
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Socrates Mihalakos ’55 (see Charles Goetsch ’73).
Joan and John Monaghan and Betty Lou and Joe Blumberg toured Greece last summer. They found it looks pretty much the way professors Couch, Robinson, and Workman described it.
Willis H. Riccio writes: “I’m actively practicing securities law as a partner with Allen, Pollock & Sheehan. I teach and lecture on the subject nationwide—most recently at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. My wife, Donna, and I travel quite a bit. We attend Brown football games regularly with our ‘Brown Club’ grandchildren, Nick and Danny. This summer, Donna and I will celebrate forty-nine years of marriage.”
From the May / June 2007 Issue
John T. Houk is still CEO of the National Heritage Foundation, a charity established in 1968 to encourage philanthropy ( John sets up foundations for individuals, corporations, and communities.
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Alfred H. Phillips writes: “Val Jean and I have been married since September 1959. We continue to be involved in volunteer activities. We are also legislative advocacy volunteers for the American Heart Association (AHA) and have received AHA scholarships to travel to Washington, D.C., to assist U.S. senators and congressmen to make them aware of heart and stroke issues and to urge their support for funding research on heart-disease and stroke prevention programs. We still find time to travel fairly extensively.”
Leonard Whistler and his wife, Kate Kissane Whistler ’58, are enjoying retirement after many years with the U.S. government. They plan to stay in the Washington, D.C., area to be near their three children and two grandchildren. They have been traveling extensively and sleeping late whenever possible.
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Don De Ciccio writes: “We have had a fine spring and fall at our Boylston, Mass., home, as well as a good summer at our Falmouth, Cape Cod, home. I’m going on a two-week safari in Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) with my wife, Sandy, and sister-in-law Linda Larson. We are also looking toward our December-through-May stay at our Naples, Fla., home. Life is good!”
Fred French writes: “The Cape Cod symposium on Addictive Disorders was held Sept. 7–10 in Hyannis, Mass., with more than 700 in attendance and eighty-five exhibitors. Our twentieth will be held on Sept. 6–9, 2007, in Hyannis. Our sister symposium, the U.K./European symposium on Addictive Disorders, will take place in London on May 17–19, 2007. The respective Web sites are and”
J. Roy McKechnie writes: “We’ve moved! Again and finally! A mite short of Brunonians hereabouts, but we’ll manage."
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Mort Gilstein writes: “I missed the 50th reunion because of the sudden death of a very dear friend. I saw Don Leonard, who is also a widower. We make a comical duo, as Don is six foot, nine inches, and I am five foot, six inches. Prior to Christmas I had dinner with Rick Palombo, Bill Renzulli, and their wives, and we were joined by Joseph Tucci. I am still very active at Brown.”
Herb Melendy retired from civil service in the Navy at the end of November 2004and from active naval service in February 1983. His two careers totaled forty-eight years. He writes that while he never got to graduate school, he did study Russian language for two semesters in the early sixties and Icelandic for two semesters twenty years later. He also says he had a lot of fun flying navy airplanes. Herb writes: “The 50th reunion was quite a treat except that I about walked my feet off. I still have twinges of plantar fasciitis as a consequence. Strange how that was not a problem back in the early fifties.”
George Ulrich has been happily retired since 1990. He and his wife of fifty years, Sally (Katherine Gibbs), live in Sarasota, Fla. They have two children and seven grandchildren. He is busy with sailing, bird-watching, playing tennis and bridge, and, since 1994, working with Habitat for Humanity. He has heard from Robert Kenny, a fellow Sigma Chi living in Pittsburgh, who called after receiving the 50th anniversary yearbook. Another classmate from Dr. Quinn’s geology department, Tom Butler, was highlighted in the local paper for his participation in the Winter Olympics luge events in the 1950s. He was pictured on the sled wearing his Brown football helmet. Tom is living in an adjacent neighborhood, and they have become reacquainted. Tom is an avid fisherman.
From the May / June 2006 Issue
Zig Dermer writes: “I’m spending at least a year in Nha Trang, Vietnam, getting to know the life of a Third World country from the inside out. Becoming acquainted with native Vietnamese from all walks of life, not to mention the excellent fresh food prepared for me by my live-in cook, is a delight as well as an adventure. Since I have rented a four-bedroom house, I’d welcome visits from classmates.”
From the March / April 2005 Issue
Class secretary Nancy Schuleen Helle reports: “Your reunion planning committee is busy planning for our fabulous 50th reunion tour of the renowned Watson Institute for —a once-in-a-lifetime milestone! In addition to all the traditional events such as Campus Dance, Pops, class luncheons, dinners, and Commencement, we will have several special tours and presentations just for our class on Friday, May 27. Arranged by our class president, Chancellor Emeritus Artemis Joukowsky, these include a behind-the-scenes visit to the Brown Medical School (where we’ll learn about state-of-the-art research and a few tips for our own health), a lunch and International Studies, and a presentation by Brown’s acclaimed architect Frances Halsband on ‘Brown: The Next 50 Years,’ followed by a tour of the newest buildings and facilities on campus. We are excited that so many classmates have indicated plans to attend the reunion—some of whom have never attended a reunion before. We look forward to seeing you all in May! Your Reunion Committee: Ted Barrows, Bob Borah, Richard DePatie, Steve Ehrlich, Stu Erwin, Matt Fern, Nancy Schuleen Helle, Warren Ilchman, Art Joukowsky, Roy McKechnie, Dick Moore, Dick Nourie, Anne Murphy O’Brien, Gordon Perry, Barbara Grad Robbins, Julie Chrystie Webster, and Leslie Travis Wendel.”
Mark Land writes that he lives in Warren, R.I., with his wife of nearly 50 years, Barbara. His oldest son, Jon ’79, is a best-selling novelist and screenwriter whose first film, Dirty Deeds, will be released in 2005. Mark’s younger son, Charles, lives in West Palm Beach, Fla., and is a real estate developer. Mark says he looks forward to seeing classmates and friends at the 50th, especially his fraternity brothers from Pi-Lam.
Andrew Knowles Smith writes: “After graduation I was employed with Mobil Oil Company in various marketing assignments and Tenneco Oil Company in Houston for a combined tenure of 17 years. I started my own company, Evergreen Oil Company, in 1972. All four of my children are involved fulltime in our companies, and my wife, Melony, and I are free to spend six months in beautiful Evergreen, Colo., and six months on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, where we recently purchased a home. Melony and I are avid golfers and both of our homes are located on golf courses: Hiwan Golf Club in Evergreen and Kiahuna Golf Club on Kauai. I had openheart surgery, a triple bypass operation, last October. It set me back a little, but I’m improving and getting stronger. Won’t be long before I’ll be swinging the golf clubs again. I look forward to seeing old friends and fellow classmates at our 50th.”
From the November / December 2004 Issue
Martin Malinou writes: “On a very hot July 31 I accepted my friend Barrie Shore’s invitation to avoid the city in favor of his breezy East Greenwich yard and vegetable garden, seventy-eight-degree pool water, and grilled salmon and swordfish. His wife, Rula Patterson Shore ’67, shared her Brown news and listened to me explain that fifty years since graduation must be neatly summarized in 100 words for the reunion yearbook. Earlier in the year I had spent a few minutes with our class president, Art Joukowsky, at the University Club in Providence, where the Boston Univ. School of Law honored his service. I have no plans to retire from law practice.”
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Class secretary Nancy Schuleen Helle reports: “The reunion committee is delighted with the response to the last newsletter. Almost every day brings a letter or e-mail from another classmate. As of May 11, nearly sixty 55ers have responded with news and/or dues, and the majority plan to attend our 50th reunion.”
Nancy is “still doing public relations for several clients, and on the advisory boards of the Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum in Norwalk, New Canaan/Darien magazine, and Family ReEntry, a Norwalk-based agency that provides counseling and helps recently released prisoners successfully rejoin their families and communities.” She is also on a new committee to expand programs for New Canaan television, the local public-access station. She and her husband, Herb, spent two weeks in southern Africa, including the Cape Town area, and safari camps in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Class news can be sent to 351 Cedar Lane, New Canaan, Conn. 06840.“Carol Orkin Agate writes: ‘Having started my career late, and loving my work, I kept joking that I would never retire. In April, after turning 70, I took the drastic step of cutting back to three-quarter time as an administrative law judge in California. It’s wonderful to have a job that allows me to slide gently into retirement.’
Robert (Tony) Barron retired in 2002, after thirty-two years with Smith Barney Inc. He has since served as a consultant and expert witness in federal securities law matters. His wife, Selena Winicour Barron ’57, retired four years ago and is active in the American Association of University Women. Tony writes, ‘We were saddened by the passing of our longtime friend and classmate Eric Schwartz, of Villanova, Pa.’
Dick DePatie, class treasurer, thanks classmates who have already sent in their dues and urges the rest to ‘keep those checks coming.’ A high percentage of dues paid in advance will help keep costs down for our 50th reunion. Dues may be sent directly to Brown: Class of 1955, Box 1859, Brown University, Providence 02912. Dick retired after forty years in the insurance business and is now the parish administrator at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in New Canaan, 569 Weed St., New Canaan, Conn. 06840.
David ’66 MAT and Jan Riley Halvorsen are both retired and both doing volunteer work for St. David’s Episcopal Church. David has been director of the Friends of Dennis (Mass.) Senior Center for fourteen years and chairman of the board of trustees at Sesuit Meadow Condominiums for nineteen years, and enjoys golf. Jane, a professional quilter, still quilts every day and has taught for sixteen years. They see Brown people often at the Cape Cod Brown Club luncheons. David and Jan spend a winter month in Bermuda each year and recently traveled to England and France.
R. Dudley Harrington is still working in the investment business. Most of his avocational time involves water activities: he’s a recent past commodore of Edgartown Yacht Club and a trustee of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and was recently elected to the board of Sail Newport, which, with its fleet of 100 boats of all sizes, promotes sailing on Narragansett Bay.
John T. (Dock) Houk is still CEO of the National Heritage Foundation, a charity established in 1968 to encourage philanthropy ( John sets up foundations for individuals, corporations, and communities.
Warren Ilchman is getting reacquainted with classmates while organizing the 50th reunion. After many years in higher education and philanthropy, he now manages a charitable trust, the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, based in New York City. Every year the trust makes thirty two-year grants for graduate study to immigrants and their children. In its seventh year of operation, there have been over 200 Soros Fellows at thirty-nine universities. His wife, Alice, has retired after eighteen years as president of Sarah Lawrence College and later as chair of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation. She now administers a program under the Thomas Watson Foundation that provides summer internships for inner-city college students to make them more competitive for graduate programs and selective fellowships. For the last two autumns they have been resident at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy, where they have written a book on competitive scholarships entitled The Lucky Few and the Worthy Many (Indiana Univ. Press).
Richard Khachian sold his Ford dealership and retired in late 2000 after thirty-seven years in business. He now spends part of his time managing the real estate he has accumulated over the years. He winters in Anna Maria Island in Florida and enjoys golf and short trips in the summer.
Roy McKechnie reminds classmates to respond to the letter asking for your help in compiling the information and illustrations for the 50th reunion class history yearbook. The plan is to mail this publication to all class members well before the 50th reunion. With 517 classmates to accommodate, it is important that you respond as quickly as possible.
Socrates H. Mihalakos went into semi-retirement in December after serving twenty years on the Connecticut bench, fifteen as a Superior Court judge and five as an Appellate Court judge. He now serves as a senior judge on the Appellate Court for approximately five months a year. He and his wife, Joani, spend five months a year in Vero Beach, Fla. He invites classmates to call or drop by.
Roger Mitten is still practicing law at home, part-time, and is chairman of the board for the Valley of the Sun School and Habilitation Center, a $12 million charity in Phoenix. He plays in many golf tournaments and often plays with Brown classmate Tom Jones ’57. This summer Roger and his wife, Barb Hobart Mitten ’54, plan to take their family on a cruise of the Baltic to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary a year in advance. They also plan to attend Barb’s 50th Pembroke/Brown reunion this spring.
Doris Kaplan Morgenstern writes: ‘I am still the director and owner of Communicative Health Care Associates Inc., a private practice serving children, adults, and seniors with speech/language, occupational, and physical disorders. About forty associates work with me in early intervention, Head Start, public and private schools, acute-care hospitals, nursing homes, and in our outpatient facility in Waltham, Mass. Thanks to modern communication technology I can spend the winter in Florida and the summer on Cape Cod. We spend February in Aruba, where we enjoy snorkeling, tennis, and the Arubian community. While in Florida, we participate in water aerobics, play on a tennis team, and volunteer at the VA Hospital in West Palm Beach. I am looking forward to our class reunion, but I think we’re all still too young for our 50th.’
W. Peter Pemberton retired after thirty years as director of sales promotion at the Speidel Division of Textron. A member of Warwick Country Club, he served on the board of governors as golf chair from 1999 to 2002. Current activities are traveling, gardening, cooking, golfing, sailing, and skiing in Davos, Switzerland, and Franconia, N.H., where he and Don Creamer ’47 have enjoyed ‘many years of out-of-control skiing on every trail.’ More recently he helped develop Buttonhole, a nine-hole golf course and teaching facility in Johnston, R.I. It’s been open for a few years now, and more than 2,000 children went through its golf program in 2003.
Veronica Stinnes Petersen retired from pediatric practice at Harvard Vanguard in 2000 and is teaching third-year pediatric students at Children’s Hospital (Harvard), where her husband is still working full-time in pediatric ophthalmology. She has taught Introduction to Clinical Medicine at B.U. Medical School, and for the past few years she and her husband have worked as medical volunteers in India for a month during the winter.
Ken Peterson was part of a group photography show at the Photo District Gallery in New York City. The show, entitled Timelessness, featured several of Ken’s art photos juxtaposing classical and Renaissance objects. The show closed April 12.
Leo Setian is still teaching engineering at John Brown University and plays hockey weekly.
Joel Shapiro’s son graduates from Brown this year. Joel is still president of JL Shapiro Associates, a medical education company, and Health Communications, a medical publisher, both in New Jersey. Joel and his wife have just returned from a cruise on the Queen Mary 2.
John Summerfield is retired and involved in ministry at the First Presbyterian Church of Naples, Fla. He and his wife spend winters in Naples and summers in Park Ridge, Ill.
Joel Thea is still working full time with two sons, Mark and Billy, in the family business. Carol, Joel’s wife of forty-seven years this June, is a psychotherapist with a private practice in Manhattan. Joel is still an active skier and golfer and travels as much as possible.
Jim Webster writes that he is ‘still slugging it out in the investment trenches, now in the twenty-fourth year at Gabelli.’ He is chairman of the subsidiary Gabelli & Co. Inc. In his spare time, he is serving his fifth year as chairman of the Community Foundation of Western Nevada.
Richard B. Wolfson is still working full time as a vice president of AG Edwards & Sons in Fall River, Mass. For the past six years he has spent a lot of time on campus renewing old friendships. He looks forward to our reunion and the graduation of daughter Amy in 2005, which follows the graduation of her sister Julie in 2003.”
Willis H. Riccio reports that after twenty-seven years at the SEC (eight heading the New England regional office, fifteen as NASD vice president and director, and seven years as a special assistant U.S. attorney), he has gone into private practice with the Providence–Boston firm Adler Pollock & Sheehan. He teaches securities law at New England School of Law, lectures throughout the U.S. (including at Brown), and has had a number of articles published. He and his wife, Donna, celebrated forty-six years of marriage on July 5. They have three children, Jeff, Chris, and Betsy; and two grandchildren, Nicholas and Daniel. “I have season tickets to Brown football, where I run into many alumni and friends.” In seventeen years as a football official, he notes, “I never was able to do a Brown game.”
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Barbara Schoen Silverman writes that since retiring from teaching in the late 1980s, she has been thoroughly enjoying life in beautiful Florida. She looks forward to the 50th reunion in 2005.
Sally Delaney Snyder writes that in January she and her husband, who are both retired, moved into a lovely hillside adobe home and are raising avocados. Their seven children are scattered from Arkansas to Alaska, and the couple travels frequently in the United States and abroad.
Louis Tanner writes: “On Oct. 30 we will have been living in London for thirty-four years—and we enjoy it more all the time. The ballet and modern art take up our leisure time, but we are still running a successful European investor-relations consultancy for U.S. companies.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Class secretary Nancy Schuleen Helle reports: “Herb ’52 and I rented a house in the picturesque little town of Le Bugue, in the Dordogne, France, last October with Dick and Leslie Travis Wendel. John Lawson, of Paris, was a guest for a few days. We all enjoyed seeing the prehistoric drawings we studied in art class in the caves at Lescaux, as well as visiting many historic chateaux, including the home of Josephine Baker. We all spent a week in Paris, and Herb and I also explored Bordeaux.
“Anyone visiting Sarasota, Florida, who is interested in a great tour of Old Master paintings at the Ringling Museum should call ahead to see when volunteer docent Robert Anderson ’47 is on duty. We took his tour last year and were happy to discover our mutual Brown connection.
“I enjoyed seeing classmate Tom Jones, of Arizona, at the home of mutual New Canaan friends last fall."
Matt Fern, of New York City, writes that he and Sue had a mini-reunion last summer in Cape Cod with Ken Chambers and Dick Nourie. Unfortunately, he missed the surprise birthday party for Ted Barrows, which he heard was a great success. The Ferns also attended a Classes of the ’50s dinner in New York City chaired by Gerry Borodach and his wife, Ardell Kabalkin Borodach ’57, at Brasserie Julien, which is owned by Cecilia Pineda Feret ’86. Others attending included Phyllis Gushae Lynch and Judy Kahn. The Classes of the ’50s meet for dinner every few months. Those interested should contact Gerry Borodach.
Mort Gilstein writes: “It saddens me to report the loss of my wife, Maureen, on Feb. 9, after six years of gallant struggle against ovarian cancer. Maureen was an active participant in Brown events and will be sorely missed at games and reunions. Representing our class at the funeral were class president Art Joukowsky, Marty Malinou, John Monaghan, Roy McKechnie, Margaret Going Settipane, Don Leonard, and Richard Palombo. Other Brunonians attending included Ann Matteodo Dupre ’61, Bill Corrigan ’58, Joan Fitzgerald Golrick ’47, Bob Blackburn ’67, ’68 AM, Larry Smith ’68 ScM, Bernie Bell ’42, Tom Brady ’51, Bob Kotlen ’49, and professor Luiz Valente ’83 PhD. My deepest thanks to my wonderful classmates and friends at Brown.” Mort lives at 84 Gentian Ave., Providence 02908.
Last year, Art Joukowsky and Martha Sharp Joukowsky ’58 devoted their eleventh summer to archaeological excavations in Petra, Jordan. Art, our chancellor emeritus, maintains an office at Brown and participates in daily activities at the University, not the least of which is organizing the class of ’55’s 50th Reunion in 2005. Martha is planning to add the word emerita to her title following Commencement in order to pursue her archaeological work and publish her magnum opus. The Joukowskys live at 79 Prospect St., Providence 02906.
John Lawson is in his fifth year back in Paris. After surviving two rounds of cancer, he writes that life is good, and Paris is a great place to have visitors. Julia Chrystie Webster is hoping to travel to France this spring to visit John and also to make an excursion to Giverny to see the famous Monet gardens.
Dolores LaPorte Nazareth writes: “My granddaughter Stephanie Minor ’07 makes us a three-generation Brown family. My daughter Annette Nazareth ’78 was a forum speaker at her 25th reunion. She is the director of market regulation for the Securities and Exchange Commission. I was delighted to share my pride with Margaret Going Settipane and Bob and Nancy Stevens Carlson, who attended the forum.” Dolores lives at 22 High Ridge Dr., Cumberland, R.I. 02864.
Dave Zucconi (see William J. Gilbane III ’99).
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Artemis Joukowsky (see Jan Zlotnick ’77).
W. Peter Pemberton writes: “I retired in 1997, after thirty years managing a once- world-famous jewelry company headquartered in Providence. On Nov. 21, 1997, we were asked to vacate our offices and leave the building that same day to satisfy a financial consolidation dictated by the company’s new owners. The company has gone from $95 million to $25 million in six short years.”
Al Phillips writes: “Since my early retirement because of heart problems as business manager of a General Motors facility in the Detroit area, my wife, Val Jean, and I have been significantly involved in a variety of volunteer activities. Particularly satisfying is my work with the American Heart Association and Mended Hearts, Inc. We travel extensively, including trips to South America, New Orleans, New England, and California.”
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Richard Wolfson has been elected chair of the Bristol (Mass.) Community College Board of Trustees. Richard, vice president of A.G. Edwards & Sons in Fall River, Mass., joined the college as a trustee in 1996. He has served on a variety of community boards and is the parent of Julie Wolfson '03 and Amy Wolfson '05.
Dave Zucconi (see Jeannie Stewart '45).
From the July / August 2002 Issue
Ron Kramer (see Dan Kramer '84).
From the September / October 2000 Issue
Art Joukowsky (see Mary E. Holburn ’50).
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Patricia Wolff Gross writes: "Steve and I still live in New York City for the greater part of the year. We enjoy weekends at our house on the Great South Bay in Bellport, Long Island. Our three daughters have initiated us into grandparenthood all at once; we have five grandchildren ages 5 and younger and a sixth on the way. It is great fun."
William Kelley, who won the Academy Award for screenwriting for the movie Witness, has published The Sweet Summer (Westminster John Knox Press). The novel is about an amateur middleweight boxer who is the only white fighter on a U.S. Air Force team touring the South during the Jim Crow era.
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Stu Erwin, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., writes that he became a board member of KPBS television and radio in San Diego. He is executive consultant on PBS Hollywood Television, a national drama series produced by KCET in Los Angeles.
Peter Lisbon writes: "I recently retired from my forty-year career at Harvard’s Widener Library, where I was chief subject cataloger. I continue to work there a few hours a week, but I spent the winter in San Diego, as I have for the past few years. My home continues to be in Cambridge, Mass., but there is a possibility I will migrate to San Diego one of these days. I would be happy to hear from classmates."
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Class president Anne Murphy O’Brien reports: “We encourage you to join classmates at a milestone reunion on May 2629. Your reunion committee is planning a great weekend. Registration forms will arrive soon, so mark your calendars and make arrangements to attend. If you have any questions, contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; [email protected].”
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Class president Anne Murphy O'Brien reports: "May 26-29 will be our 45th reunion. Save the dates. Jim Egan and the reunion committee have been planning many events for the long weekend. Committee members are Richard DePatie, Anne Murphy O'Brien, Barbara Grad Robbins, Bob Borah, Bob Louttit, Mort Gilstein, Mattis Fern, Gordon Perry, Lucy Brubaker Tortolani, Roy McKechnie, Socrates Mihalakos, Margaret Going Settipane, and Ted Barrows. We'll send more information in the next few months. We look forward to a record attendance.
"My husband, John, and I held a summer reunion cocktail party at our home on Cape Cod. Attendees included Dave Halvorsen '66 M.A.T. and Jan Riley Halvorsen; Robert and Nancy Stevens Carlson; Dick and Reenie Hogan Nourie; Phyllis Gushae Lynch; Richard Valicenti; Barbara Pease Peterson; Terry McGowan Heavey; Barbara Perrino Piscuskas '56; Ed Kiely '50; John Prendergast '49; and Jim Kelley '56."
Class cosecretary Nancy Schuleen Helle reports: "Several classmates attended a reunion planning meeting during Homecoming Weekend. Highlights of our 45th reunion will include a class picnic (and possible croquet tourney) on Block Island at the home of Bob Louttit and his wife, Carol; a pre-campus dance cocktail and dinner fete at the home of Artemis 'Art' Joukowsky and his wife, Martha Sharp Joukowsky '58; a pre-pops concert dinner at the Faculty Club; and a Sunday clambake at the Barrington home of Gordon Perry and his wife, Chris. A class newsletter with more details is in the works.
"Art is reunion campaign chair, chancellor emeritus, and a University fellow. He has also received the Brown Bear Award. Art writes that he and Martha, a professor of archaeology at Brown, "have lived in Providence for twelve years and enjoy life here immensely." Martha has just completed her seventh year of excavations in Petra, Jordan, and has published a book about her experiences. Art works with Martha on all aspects of the excavations, especially the photography. Visitors to the site in recent summers have included Queen Noor of Jordan; her stepson, Prince Feisal Hussein '85, son of the late King Hussein; and President E. Gordon Gee and his wife, Constance. Last year, Art represented Brown at the 100th anniversary of Peking University, which is developing an faculty- and student-exchange program with Brown. Art has also traveled to England, France, Japan, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait as part of Brown's global networking strategy.
"Two other classmates have recently garnered awards from the University. At the library's annual meeting in April, Bob Kenny Jr. and Leslie Travis Wendel each received a William Williams Award for extraordinary support of the library. The award commemorates the efforts of William Williams, class of 1769, who sequestered the College library at his home in Wrentham, Mass., throughout the Revolutionary War. For the past six years Bob has volunteered at least three days a week, helping to manage the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, the largest collection of its kind in the world. Bob helps with exhibitions, events, greeting the public, and preserving and acquiring resources. He enjoyed a career in business and served in the U.S. Army, retiring with the rank of lieutenant colonel. His military interest brought him to the Anne S. K. Brown Memorial Lecture in 1993, where classmate Leslie Travis Wendel recruited him as a volunteer.
"Leslie was lauded for her many contributions as coordinator of the Friends of the Library, a position she held from 1991 until she retired in 1995. She lives in Chestertown, Md., with her husband, Dick. Leslie was director of communications and donor relations in Brown's development office from 1978 to 1986, where she helped launch a most successful library-campaign kickoff party - a luncheon and musical revue aboard the Royal Viking Sky. As coordinator of the Friends, she launched the Carberry Cookbook, the holiday-card catalog, and the "Hunk of the Hay" promotion, in which chunks of marble steps from the John Hay Library were sold to alumni. To date, more than 200 'hunks' have been sold, netting more than $2,300 for the library."
Irwin Sydney, of Brookline, Mass., received the Ma'asim Tovim award for good deeds from the New England region of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. A thirty-year member of Temple Emanuel, he is a grandfather of five who enjoys visiting his three children and their families.
David Zucconi (see William J. Gilbane III '99).
From the November / December 1999 Issue
Judith Thorsen Chusid writes: "I have been president of PIC Consultants for approximately ten years. We provide human-resources consulting to companies, as well as career planning and personal marketing to executives, managers, and professionals. The company, based in Vancouver, B.C., has been in existence since 1975. Unlike at our previous company, which was based in Chicago, we find that many of our clients are immigrant professionals and managers. It seems that whatever is happening in the world, we see the effects of it in our office - from the Prague Spring and the beginning of the South African 'brain drain' in the 1970s to Ismailis from East Africa to clients who had been part of the Shah's court. We've also seen Polish professionals who left during the solidarity movement, Chinese academics who left after the Tiananmen Square massacre, and, most recently, we've seen the effects of the Serbian 'brain drain.' Connecting across the cultural divide with these people has been fascinating and challenging. Providing significant assistance to them has been even more of a challenge. On the personal side, our four kids are married, separated, or repartnered (or whatever the correct terminology is), and we have somewhere between eight and twelve grandchildren, depending on whether you count the partners' kids. With a few exceptions, I've been out of touch for a long time with my friends at Brown and would love to hear from you."
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Dick DePattie, class treasurer, and Nancy Schuleen Helle, co-secretary, report an overwhelming response to the November class newsletter, both in news and dues! They are hard at work on another newsletter to publish everyone's news, as well as a few reunion plans.
Mattis I. Fern (see Jacqueline S. Fern '83).
From the January / February 1999 Issue
George C. Calnan retired for four years ago after thirty years of teaching in California, most of them in Santa Rosa.
Warren F. Ilchman has co-edited Philanthropy in the World's Traditions (Indiana University Press). Warren is the past executive director of the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy.
Artemis Joukowsky and Finn Caspersen '63 joined to help the Lawrenceville School and the Peddie School, their respective prep schools, build a joint boathouse in West Windsor, N.J. The new three-bay boathouse, which was dedicated on Sept. 19, provides a home for the two schools' crew programs, which have been homeless for more than a decade.
Dave Zucconi (see Ben Ballard '42).
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Janet MacPhail Smith writes: "A trip back to Brown in July with four of my grandchildren reminded me I need to bring my own and my husband's classmates up-to-date on our comings and goings. George '53 and I have been retired for six years. I taught for more than twenty years as an elementary special-needs teacher, despite having to live with multiple sclerosis for the past thirty years. We have managed a great dealing of traveling since retiring, including a safari in Africa and boating with polar bears in the Northwest Territories. George worked summers for the Woodrow Wilson Foundation from 1984 to 1992. He was part of a physics team that went to colleges and universities all over the country to give workshops to local high school teachers. After he retired, he was a consultant to a three-year high school physics teachers' National Science Foundation grant at the University of Massachusetts. We have a summer home in Eastham, Mass., and have been in touch recently with Nancy and Bob Carlson. We are thinking of downsizing to just one home on the Cape. After forty years in South Hadley, Mass., we are facing a difficult decision. We try to see Janice Kennedy Doctor every other year, and give Shirley Morse Richmond a call when we are in Pennsylvania."
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Stuart P. Erwin Jr. and his wife, Diane, moved to Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. Stuart is chairman of the board of Park City (Utah) Performances and on the executive committee of KWED, the PBS station in Salt Lake City.
Donald M. Seifert ’55, of Summit, N.J.; Aug. 28. During his time at Brown, he was a national collegiate champion and All-American in the hammer throw. He went on to Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Upon completion of specialty training in oral and maxillofacial surgery, he established Summit Oral Surgery. He was an attending surgeon at Overlook Hospital and helped develop their dental residency program, serving as chief and director of dental education at Overlook for more than 10 years. He was also an assistant clinical professor at Columbia University. A member of several boards, he was the recipient of an outstanding citizen award. He enjoyed sailing with his daughters and teaching them how to build a boat. He was an avid skier, bird watcher, and gardener. He enjoyed music and at age 70 learned to play the flute. He also enjoyed traveling the world with his wife, Lynn Betts Seifert ’56, who survives him, along with his two daughters and their spouses; two grandchildren; a sister; and his mother-in-law.
Robert A. Murchelano ’55, of Falmouth, Mass., formerly of Easton, Md.; Aug. 24. After Brown he went on to earn a master’s degree in microbiology from URI. He then served in the U.S. Medical Service Corps before earning a PhD in oceanography from URI. He began doing research for the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Milford, Conn., and in 1970 accepted a position in Maryland to continue his research for NOAA. His career eventually brought him back to Massachusetts, where he worked for NOAA and the Environmental Protection Agency at Woods Hole Laboratory. He authored and published several research papers. In retirement he enjoyed boating, fishing, woodworking, cooking, and classical music. He is survived by his wife, Josephine; two daughters and their spouses; four grandchildren;
two great-grandchildren; and a sister and brother-in-law.
Stephen K. Halpert ’55, of Portland, Me.; Jul. 13, from complications of pancreatic cancer. He served in the U.S. Air Force and, upon discharge, lived in Italy with his wife and children, working on his writing. After moving back to his hometown of Portland, he taught at Deering High School for several years and was a reporter for the Portland Press Herald. He also taught full-time at Westbrook Junior College-University of New England as chair of the English Department for more than 50 years, at Portland School of Art for many years, and at the University of Maine. While at Westbrook (UNE), he began exhibiting photographs featuring local artists, and in 2016 the Stephen K. Halpert Photography Collection was formed in the UNE Art Gallery. He curated three exhibitions in the past year at age 90. He had a passion for cinema that began at Brown and culminated in the purchase of The Movies on Exchange in 1979, where he and his wife showed art and repertory films until 2009. In addition, he owned and operated the Custom Shop, a custom drapery business founded in 1935. He was active in many organizations, including as president of the NAACP and the Baxter Society. He was a trustee of the Tidebrook Preserve in Freeport and coached Little League. He is survived by his wife, Judith Ann Venner; four children; five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; a sister; and many nieces and nephews.
Herbert Ablow ’55, of Lake Worth, Fla., formerly of Swampscott, Mass. ; Jul. 25. He worked at Salem Paper Company, a wholesale paper and packaging distributor founded in 1922 in Salem by his father and uncle. He was vice president and general manager and spent his entire career growing the business. In 1984 he became president and CEO of the company, and in 1992 he sold the business to Eastern Bag and Paper but stayed on to support the relationship until he officially retired in 1994. He was president of the New England Paper Merchants, president of the Salem Lions Club, and trustee of Salem Hospital. He enjoyed playing golf and had memberships at Kernwood Country Club (Mass.), Broken Sound Old Course (Fla.), and Wycliffe Country Club (Fla.), but he was especially proud of his three holes in one. He is survived by his wife, Carol; daughters Linda Ablow Youngentob ’83 and Lauren Ablow Fryefield ’86; two sons-in-law, including Andy Fryefield ’81; six grandchildren; and a sister.
Lois McClarin Revi ’55, of Hanover, Pa.; Apr. 27, following a brief illness. After college she worked as a censor for ABC in New York City for three years—she was one of three people who approved the programming that was broadcast on the station. She spent many years teaching and counseling at York Country Day, the former Eichelberger High School, and at Lower Merion Senior High School and York College. Later, she was involved in real estate with ERA Properties. For much of her life she was an equestrian, having competed throughout her school years. She was a voracious reader and enjoyed following current events and participating in book clubs. She also traveled extensively.
Sylvia Rosen Baumgarten ’55, of La Jolla, Calif., formerly of New York City; Feb. 1, of lung cancer. She was an author, a raconteuse, “queen bee” of the bridal salon, and “Maw,” says her son. She had a million expressions for every occasion and died wearing her favorite sweatshirt, which read, “I’m not bossy. I just know what you should be doing.” From 1982 to 2015 under the pen names Ena Halliday, Louisa Rawlings, and Sylvia Halliday, she wrote for a variety of publishers, including Pocket Books, Harlequin, Kensington Publishing, and Diversion Books. She authored 15 historical romance novels that were highly praised and translated into multiple languages. In addition, she received several awards for her writing, including 1986 and 1987 Gold Medallion Finalist awards from the Romance Writers of America (RWA), a 1989 Reviewer’s Choice Award from Romantic Times magazine, and she was a 1994 RWA RITA Award Finalist. Later on, continuing in the romance sector, she took a job as a wedding gown saleswoman in New York City. She was president of the Romance Writers of America New York City chapter. She played the piano and was a fan of theater, opera, ballet, and classical music. She also enjoyed words and word play and had a Sunday crossword published in the New York Times on July 4, 1971. She had an encyclopedic knowledge of trivia and was a contestant on the game shows Jeopardy! and Who, What, or Where Game. In her 80s, she started a blog titled “Life Lessons from an Old Bitch,” which consisted of a mix of reminiscences, nostalgia, commentary on society, and advice for younger generations. She moved to Atria La Jolla senior independent living in San Diego in 2020 to be close to her daughter and, while there, wrote for and edited the Atria newsletter and participated in play readings. She signed her letters and emails to her children as Maw. She is survived by four children, including sons Fredrick Baumgarten ’79 and Roger Baumgarten ’82; daughter-in-law Barrett Sheridan ’82; sister Deena Rosen Mazer ’62; brothers-in-law Joel Baumgarten ’59 and Samuel Baumgarten ’65; niece Deborah Baumgarten ’85, and former husband Sidney Baumgarten ’54.

Diane Aspinall Parker ’55, of Hilton Head Island, S.C., formerly of New York City; Feb. 10. She graduated from Brown and RISD, then had a long career in the New York garment district designing women’s clothes for Goldworm and other luxury manufacturers. She lived in Italy and Greece for a time before returning to Westchester County, N.Y., where she met and married her husband and had a daughter, Dana Rogers ’88. Both predeceased her. She was an accomplished skier who enjoyed skiing mountains in Europe, particularly in Switzerland and Italy. In addition, she enjoyed playing golf and painting. She is survived by her sister and nine nieces and nephews.
John D. O’Brien ’55, of Harwich, Mass., formerly of Chicago; Apr. 2. Entering Brown his freshman year he met Anne Murphy ’55, who would later become his wife. While at Brown, he was a member of Brown’s football team, played tackle from 1951 to 1954, and was part of the All Decade team. Upon graduation, they moved to Chicago and he began a career in sales. He was a successful sales leader and began a long affiliation with ITT Semiconductor. In 1960, he accepted a position with ITT that brought him and his family back to the Northeast. While in Scituate, he served three terms on the board of selectmen, eventually as its chairman. He was a leader in creating the first units of designated affordable housing in Scituate in the early 1970s. In addition, he served as a state delegate supporting former Gov. Michael Dukakis and he served on the Massachusetts State and Andover Town Democratic committees. In 1975, he was transferred by ITT to Atlanta. In 1978, ITT transferred him back to Massachusetts and the family settled in Andover. He went on to be elected to the Massachusetts senate. In 1992 he and Anne moved to Harwich and he became executive director of the Cape Cod Economic Development Commission and oversaw its merger with the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce. He remained active at Brown, involved with the Brown Football Association and serving as class marshal twice. At the time of his passing he was serving as president of his class. In addition to being survived by his wife, he is also survived by sons John Jr. ’82, Thomas ’85, and William ’92; three daughters-in-law; eight grandchildren, including Matthew T. O’Brien ’15, ’16 MPA; and a sister.
Robert C. Sullivan ’55, of Chappaqua, N.Y.; Dec. 21. After service in the Army, he earned a law degree from George Washington University Law School and had a career as a patent attorney at Union Carbide and Stauffer Chemical Company. He later earned an MBA from Pace University School of Business and served the remainder of his career as vice president and Global Chief Intellectual Property Counsel at Colgate-Palmolive Company. He volunteered as a Community Emergency Response Team member, was a member of the New Castle Board of Assessment Review and the Rotary Club of Chappaqua, and was a parishioner of the Church of St. John and St. Mary for more than 60 years. His many hobbies and interests included coin collecting, wine tasting, book binding, darkroom photography, auto repair, furniture making, gardening, and hiking. He also enjoyed spending time with family and friends at his beach cottage in Charlestown, R.I. He is survived by his wife, Leanora Torres Sullivan ’53; three children and their spouses, including son Robert ’82 and daughter-in-law Christina Kan Sullivan ’84; and eight grandchildren, including Michelle Sullivan ’15.
G. Raymond Fox ’55, of Pensacola, Fla.; Nov. 16. He had a distinguished 30-year career in the U.S. Navy, where he served as a flight instructor, test pilot, and maintenance officer with assignments in Egypt and Israel. He served in Vietnam and was later named Commanding Officer of the Naval Air Rework Facility in Pensacola. He retired in 1986 with the rank of captain and two Distinguished Flying Crosses. He began a second career doing consulting work that supported the Federal Aviation Administration and retired for a second time in 2011 as COO of Subsystem Technologies. He volunteered at both the National Naval Aviation Museum and the T.T. Wentworth Jr. Florida State Museum and was a member of the Rotary Club. He enjoyed reading, skiing, building model ships, and playing tennis and golf. He is survived by four children, four grandchildren, and a nephew.
Charles J. Deignan ’55, of Falmouth, Mass., formerly of New Jersey; Dec. 1. After one year attending Brown, he joined the U.S. Marine Corp. and returned to Brown to complete his degree. He worked in New York City as a sales rep for Liberty Mutual before having a long career in the health and beauty aids industry, where he worked as the assistant national sales manager of Clairol, Inc.; national sales manager of Gillette; and vice president of sales and marketing at Hudson Pharmaceuticals Inc. He retired in 2000 as senior vice president of sales of I.V.C. Industries, Inc., and moved to Falmouth. In retirement he continued to do consulting for various start-up companies until fully retiring in 2014. With a quick wit and dry sense of humor, he started the Marine Corps Birthday Celebration at the Quarterdeck restaurant in Falmouth telling jokes and roasting members, an event that continued for 14 years. He enjoyed hosting annual clam bakes, shuffleboard tournaments, and BBQs for family and friends. He is survived by his wife, Anna; two daughters and sons-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and nine grandchildren.
Daniel Chu ’55, of Red Hook, N.Y.; Nov. 28, after a long illness. He was an associate editor and writer for People, Newsweek, and Time before retiring in 1991. He was a U.S. Army veteran who enjoyed reading and sailing. He is survived by two nieces and a nephew.
Judith Jackson Carroll ’55, of St. Albans, Vt.; Dec. 3. She was a registered nurse. During her time at Brown, she was a member of the Chattertocks. She was also a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in St. Albans and enjoyed singing in its choir. She sailed, skied, ice skated, and enjoyed reading and baking. She is survived by five children, 13 grandchildren, a great-granddaughter, and several nieces and nephews.
Herbert S. Newman ’55, of Lantana, Fla.; Aug. 7. After graduating from Brown, he received a master’s degree in architecture from Yale and was awarded the Eero Saarinen Traveling Fellowship for Academic Excellence in 1959. He began his career as an architectural designer with I.M. Pei and Partners (N.Y.) working on international projects that included Place Ville Marie in Montreal, Canada. In 1964, he established his own practice in New Haven, collaborating for a ten-year period with Edward Larrabee Barnes as architect and planning consultant to Yale. From 1964 to 2017, he taught architectural design at Yale. In 1967, he collaborated with Dean Charles Moore and Kent Bloomer in the establishment of the Building Project (now the Vlock Building Project), which offers Yale’s first year graduate students a program in design and construction in community building for a nonprofit sponsor, including affordable housing. As part of the faculty, he coordinated and directed this project for 50 years. Some of his many contributions to the city of New Haven included the restoration and expansion of New Haven City Hall, restorations of New Haven Union Station, Yale University Law School Library, Battell Chapel, and the Yale Center for American Arts. He was actively engaged in educational, civic, and philanthropic works. His urban renewal development projects included Chapel Square Mall, Science Park, Ninth Square, Downtown South/Hill North, The Arts Center District, the Dixwell Community Center, and the revitalized Broadway District. He was instrumental in the creation of Yale-New Haven partnerships. He was honored in 1981 for his contributions to the profession by being named a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. He served as State Commissioner of Design for the Connecticut Society of Architecture. In 1995, he received the Thomas Jefferson Award for Public Architecture, a lifetime achievement award bestowed by the American Institute of Architects, honoring his career and contributions to the planning and design of public spaces. During his career he was the recipient of more than 60 awards for design excellence, including five National American Institute of Architects Awards for Design Excellence. He has been published internationally and authored articles for numerous publications, including the Journal of Architectural Education, Architect Magazine, Global Architecture, Architektur & Wohnen, Casa Vogue, the New York Times Magazine, Architectural Record, Progressive Architecture, Remodeling Magazine, and Builder Magazine. He retired in 2018. He is survived by his companion, Marsha Schiff; two sons and daughters-in-law; six grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
William “Ernie” Minor III ’55, of Cincinnati; Aug. 8. He was involved in the printing and radio businesses prior to entering politics in 1968, when he worked in New York for the Richard Nixon campaign for president. He was a member of the Nixon White House until 1972. In 1980 during the Reagan for president campaign, he was named director of family scheduling and was part of the transition team. He was appointed by President Reagan to be a member of his Council on Environmental Quality and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 1981. He returned to Cincinnati in 1986 to assist with the city’s bicentennial. He was a founding board member of the Playhouse in the Park and served on the boards of the Camargo Club, Scarlet Oaks, and WCET. He enjoyed running the Reindog Parade and could always be found enjoying lunch at the Mt. Adams Bar and Grill at noon. He is survived by four children and their spouses, including son William IV ’76; seven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Martin S. Malinou ’55, of Providence, R.I.; Aug. 21, after a brief illness. He received his Juris Doctor from Boston University and returned to Rhode Island, where he served as an attorney for more than 50 years. He is survived by a nephew and a cousin.
Philip O. Jarvinen ’55, of Nashua, N.H.; Sept. 7. He earned a master’s from MIT and another master’s from Northeastern University. By age 16 he had acquired his solo pilot’s license and began a lifetime career in the aeronautics and aerospace industry with positions at Boeing and Sanders Associates. For the final 26 years of his career, he was a researcher with MIT’s Lincoln Lab. He received numerous honors and awards, including a Medal of Excellence in math and science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), a graduate fellowship from the National Science Foundation, and an innovative research grant from MIT. He served as the director, program chair, secretary, and chairman of the New England section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was the holder of 15 U.S. patents and published more than 70 professional articles. He enjoyed traveling and is survived by his wife, Claire Fernandes Jarvinen ’56; four children, including son Christopher ’87; three grandchildren; a daughter-in-law and her son; and a son-in-law.
Patricia Goodman Frye ’55, of Newport and Pascoag, R.I.; Jul. 25, just after her 90th birthday. She was an avid gardener and known for her garden design projects, including the Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House garden and the Whitehorne House Museum. She lived for many years in an 1820s stone school house in Pascoag and created a beautiful cottage garden. She is survived by five children and their spouses, nine grandchildren, and a sister.
Nicholas A. Demetropoulos ’55, ’62 MAT, of Cathedral City, Calif.; Jun. 9.
William T. Prifty ’55, of East Greenwich, R.I.; May 4. After Brown he received his MBA from the University of Bridgeport and worked as a broker at Janney Montgomery Scott in Providence. He was a member of Brown’s football team and attended as many football games at Brown as he could after moving back to Rhode Island. He is survived by his wife, Janice, and brother Robert ’56.
John J. Monaghan Jr. ’55, of Cumberland, R.I.; May 4. He had a 47-year career in journalism beginning as a reporter for the Pawtucket Times in 1951 followed by nearly two decades as managing editor of the Providence Journal before retiring in 1998. He transitioned from reporter to editor with his appointment as assistant city editor of the Evening Bulletin, later becoming city editor before his elevation to managing editor in the early 1980s. During his tenure as managing editor, the newspaper won the New England Newspaper Association Newspaper of the Year award. He was a lifelong supporter of Brown and served 25 years as a member of the BAM Board, earning him an alumni service award. He also served on the Cumberland Conservation Commission for 10 years and the Cumberland Boys Club Board for four years and was the founding member and first chairperson of the Cumberland High School Parents’ Advisory Group. An avid outdoorsman, he spent much of his free time at his West Ossipee, N.H., second home canoeing, skiing, snowshoeing, and hiking in the White Mountains. In his retirement he traveled with his wife throughout the United States and Europe and subsequently published pieces on travel, canoeing, and skiing in the Sunday Providence Journal. He is survived by a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; two sisters, including Sheila Monaghan Harvey ’56; and nephew Peter Harvey ’80.
J. Richard Lownds ’55, of Garnet Valley, Pa., formerly of East Granby, Conn., and Los Angeles; July 2. He served in the U.S. Air Force and later worked for Connecticut General, Hay Associates, and Kaiser Permanente Medical Groups, from which he retired in 1998. He enjoyed traveling and singing and was involved with the Barbershop Quartet Society and Songmakers. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a son and daughter-in-law; five stepchildren; 10 step grandchildren; two brothers; and his former wife, Barbara Schiller.
Diana Deliniks Schaumann ’55, of Norwalk, Conn.; Feb. 13. While attending Brown, she was one of the founding members of the Chattertocks. After college, she went to work at New York Life in Manhattan. She married and settled in Norwalk to raise her family. As her children grew, she continued her own studies at the University of Bridgeport and became an accredited elementary educator. She went on to teach grade school in the Norwalk school system for many years. She was equally supportive of her students at Fox Run, Columbus, and the other schools where she taught over the years. She remained a faithful parishioner at St. Jerome’s Catholic Church in Norwalk for as long as she could continue to attend Mass and volunteered in a number of parish community activities and charitable causes. She enjoyed reading, travel, art, music, visiting historic places, gardening, trying out new recipes, tennis and paddle tennis, golf, shopping, and any form of socializing. She especially enjoyed beach visits up and down the U.S. coasts, including annual family vacations on Cape Cod, but even more enjoyable was her own screened-in porch and spending time with her kids and grandkids—and anyone else’s kids—who were always invited to come use the pool and have a snack and a drink. She is survived by three children and their spouses, including daughter Kathrin Schaumann Gaffney ’84; six grandchildren; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.
Adrienne Farr Sabatier ’55, of Naples, Fla., and Vt.; Feb. 12, of acute respiratory failure after dealing with Alzheimer’s for many years. In Florida, she was a docent at the Baker Museum for many years and a member of St. Peter’s Catholic Church and the church’s choir. She was also a member of the Big Cypress Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Naples and a staunch supporter and member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. She lived in several places, including Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, and France, and she enjoyed traveling the world. She is survived by four children and their spouses, including sons Luke ’82 and James ’87; seven grandchildren; and a brother.
Maryanne “Burkey” Thomas Pratt ’55, of Wellesley Hills, Mass.; Jan. 26. An active member of her community, she cofounded the House and Garden Club of Wellesley. She was a member of the Wellesley Junior Service League, a volunteer at the Newton-Wellesley Hospital, and a member of the Wellesley Hills Congregational Church. She is survived by four children and their spouses and eight grandchildren.
Robert O’Such ’55, of Guilford, Conn.; Mar. 13. After graduating, he and his wife moved to New York City, where he became an advertising executive. Eventually, he moved back to Connecticut and worked at Herlin Press Inc., retiring from there many years later as president. He was a longtime member of the Fairfield Beach Club and enjoyed traveling annually to Puerto Vallarta to spend time with friends. He volunteered at the Guilford Food Bank and delivered food for Meals on Wheels. Phi Beta Kappa. As a true Irishman, he loved telling stores and was known for saying “lo and behold.” He is survived by his wife, Sally; three children; seven grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and a sister.
Francis C. Mangione ’55, of Barrington, Ill.; Mar. 23. He was a pension and benefit plan consultant and worked for John Hancock, William Mercer and Marsh McLennan before retiring in 1998. He volunteered and served on several committees in Duxbury, Mass., including the Duxbury Fiscal Advisory Committee, Duxbury Finance Committee, Duxbury Insurance Advisory Committee, Town Manager Search Committee, Finance Director Screening Committee, Land Acquisition Task Force and Public Building Feasibility Study. He also volunteered as a docent for Duxbury Rural and Historical Society. In recognition of his years of dedicated service to Duxbury, he was the recipient of the 2019 President’s Volunteer Service award. He is survived by his wife, Susan; two sons; two daughters-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Charles J. LeBlond ’55, of Montgomery, Ohio;Apr. 3, of pancreatic cancer. His entire career was spent working at LeBlond Machine Tool, a family business. He began sweeping floors and rose to treasurer of the company. Music was an important part of his life and he and his wife followed Dixieland jazz bands across the United States and in Europe. He was a lifelong member of the Les Cheneaux Club and served as its president for two years. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; six children and their spouses, including son Geoffrey ’78; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Carlyn Wegner Duncan ’55, of Andover, Mass., formerly of Danielson, Conn.; Feb. 7. She raised her family while also tutoring at the Rectory School in Pomfret, Conn. She was an active member of Christ Church in Pomfret. She sang in the choir and prepared community kitchen meals. She led the prayer chain for many years and enjoyed knitting prayer shawls for those in need. She was an avid reader. In retirement, she enjoyed doing crossword puzzles, traveling, and spending time with her grandchildren. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two granddaughters, a sister-in-law, and a brother-in-law.
Montigue Morris ’55, of Marblehead, Mass.; Jan. 23. He worked for IBM and other computer companies until 1975, when he and his wife, Betsy, went into business for themselves building new houses and renovating old ones in and around Marblehead. In 1983, at the age of 50, he received a degree from Boston Architectural Center and he and Betsy built a ski house in Vermont with their own hands and without power tools, as the property was not then connected to the electric grid. After retiring in 1993, they began their biggest adventure together—sailing out of Marblehead harbor toward the Caribbean and spending five years aboard SALSA, completing two circumnavigations of the Caribbean, spending the bulk of those years in Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, and Guatemala. Twelve months were spent at Ak’Tenamit, Guatemala, working as full-time volunteers side-by-side with Mayan workers on an education and health care project up a jungle river. He served in the U.S. Army towards the end of the Korean War. He enjoyed singing harmony, was an avid reader, and skied until the age of 88. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; two sons; four grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter.
Nicholas L. J. Ludington ’55, of New York City; Jan. 10, of COVID and pneumonia. Upon graduating from Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy and then started a career in advertising and public relations in New York City. He moved to London and worked there for 17 years before returning to New York City in the 1980s. During his career he worked with such firms as Foote, Cone & Belding, Benton & Bowles, and Ogilvy & Mather. He was involved with the Naval War College over the years and the Roosevelt Institute. He is survived by a son, a sister, a niece, and a nephew.
Marcia Pickering Hunt ’55, of Brant Rock, Mass., formerly of New York and Greece; Jan. 8. She met her husband, Bruce Hunt ’54, while attending Brown; they were married in 1958 and settled in New York for a short period. In the 1970s, during the family’s six years living in Greece, she worked as a librarian at the American Community Schools in Athens. In the 1980s, back in New York, she obtained a master’s in library science from the former C.W. Post, now Long Island University Post, and went on to work as a librarian at Northport Public Library and Northport High School. In 1990 Marcia and Bruce retired from Northport and took jobs at the American Embassy School in Damascus, Syria, where they continued to work as librarian and teacher, respectively, for the next five years. They retired to the Greek island of Skiathos in 1998 and lived there for the next 16 years. In 2014 they left Greece for the last time and returned to Brant Rock. She thoroughly enjoyed music and was one of the first members of the Chattertocks while at Brown. She also enjoyed playing bridge. She is survived by four children, including son Peter ’84; seven grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and a brother and sister-in-law.
Roland J. Dumont ’55, of Bristol, Conn.; Dec. 12. In 1956, he opened Roland Dumont Agency, Inc., in Bristol, which grew to include a large real estate and property management operation. After he transitioned the business to his son, he continued to visit the office daily until just a few years ago. He generously supported many community programs and was among the founding families of Saint Paul Catholic High School. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; son Scott ’81; two daughters-in-law; and eight grandchildren.
George C. Wood ’55, of Anoka, Minn.; Sept. 23. He had been employed with Bank of Boston. He served in the U. S. Army during the Korean War and remained in the Army Reserves until 1993. He was a former member of Brown’s marching band and enjoyed cooking, traveling, and the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by three children and their spouses, 11 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
Maureen McKenna Sparrow ’55, of South Hadley, Mass.; Oct. 20. A dedicated public health nurse, she taught at Holyoke Community College and Elms College before retiring as director of the Easter Seals Visiting Nurses Association in 1998. She is survived by two daughters, a son-in-law, and six grandchildren.
Margaret Millspaugh Moore ’55, of Hartford, Conn.; Aug. 7. She received her master’s degree in social work from Smith College in 1981. She worked/volunteered at Trinity Church, the Hartford Artisans Weaving Center, and Hartford Seminary Library. She is survived by a daughter.
Robert C. Knowles ’55, of Kennett Square, Pa.; Sept. 9. After internships and a residency in clinical pathology at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Cleveland, he served as chief, epidemiology division, and later as director of the scientific department in the Naval Medical Research Hospital in Great Lakes, Ill. Bob continued to serve in the Naval Reserves and retired as captain. From 1969 to 1977, he practiced medicine at Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine. He then became section chief of microbiology and immunology and hospital epidemiologist at the Medical Center of Delaware until his retirement in 1998. He was a member of many professional organizations, including the Medical Society of Delaware. He was an avid photographer and enjoyed traveling and attending musical theater and the opera. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; four children and their spouses; three grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; a brother and sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.
Bruce A. Blinn ’55, of Genoa, Nev., formerly of San Francisco; Sept. 14. He was a chartered financial analyst (CFA). He held positions in Singapore and Wall Street before moving to San Francisco in 1966 to open an office as director of institutional research. He was active in many organizations, including The Olympic Club, Kiwanis, the West Point Inn Association, Toastmasters, and S.C.O.R.E. (Service Corps of Retired Executives). Music and singing were a big part of his life. He sang in the Brown Chapel Choir and the Olympic Club Chorus. He was also a two-term president of Sigma Chi and a member of the Sphinx Club while at Brown. Phi Beta Kappa. While in San Francisco, he and his wife enjoyed hiking and backpacking the hills and valleys in Marin County, Yosemite, and the Trinity Alps. They moved to Genoa in 2018. He is survived by his wife, Pamela; a son; and other family members.
George B. Ludlow Jr. ’55, of Venice, Fla., formerly of Kent, Conn.; Aug. 22. He began teaching at St. George’s School in 1955 and was hired in 1962 to teach French at Kent School. While on the faculty at Kent, in addition to being dorm master and head of the modern language department, he coached tennis, diving, and figure skating. As a diving coach at Kent, he used the trampoline to help divers improve their techniques, skills he acquired while volunteering as a trampoline instructor for Sailor Circus. There he also met his future wife, a fellow faculty member, and together they became involved in the world of figure skating, having reached the upper ranks of the sport themselves. They were both national judges for U.S. Figure Skating. They were actively involved in the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid in 1980 and many other national and international events, and, in 1992, were team leaders for the U.S. Figure Skating team at the Winter Olympics in Albertville, France. Both judged World Special Olympics skating competitions in France, Alaska, and Japan. George was honored with a plaque and pin for 50 years as a judge of U.S. Figure Skating in May at the association’s annual meeting in Colorado Springs. They retired to Venice in 1994. They were members of the Skating Club of Boston and honorary members of the Tampa Bay Skating Club. Avid travelers, they enjoyed cruising. He is survived by two nieces and a nephew.
Mattis I. Fern ’55, of New York City; July 7. He was a dentist in Manhattan and Roslyn for more than 50 years. He graduated from NYU College of Dentistry, where he was a clinical professor, and lectured at dental societies in New York and in Israel. At Brown he was on the swim team and a member of the Tower Club. He was honored in 1972 as area chair of Nassau and Suffolk County of the National Alumni Schools Program (NASP) for Brown, which became the Brown Alumni Schools Program (BASC). He was an officer of the Brown Club of Long Island for several years and class president for 10 years. In addition, he was an aide to the Grand Marshal for his 50th reunion. He was the recipient of the Volunteer Leadership Excellence Award from the Brown Alumni Association and the Association of Class Leaders. He attended every Brown reunion in person through his 60th in 2015. He enjoyed golf, traveling, and everything Brown, especially football games, presidential inaugurations, reunions, and concerts. His favorite friends were also loyal and devoted Brunonians and he never missed an opportunity to promote the University. Once while on vacation in Hawaii he met Sidney Frank ’42; they discussed the opportunity for Sidney to return to campus and reconnect with Brown. He is survived by his wife, Susan; daughter Jacqueline Fern ’83; son Steven Fern ’86; and four grandchildren, including Benjamin Winston ’19 and Emily Winston ’20.
David S. Decker ’55, of Bethesda, Md.; May 4. He worked at Chubb Insurance until retiring in 1992. He was a mentor in the Big Brother Program and volunteered with the Montgomery County police for more than 10 years. He was a lifelong dog lover. He is survived by three nieces and six nephews.
Frank Mangione ’55, of Barrington, Ill., formerly of Duxbury, Mass.; Mar. 23, after a period of declining health. He had a career as a pension and benefit plan consultant working for John Hancock, William Mercer, and Marsh McLennan before retiring in 1998. He volunteered and served on numerous committees in Duxbury for more than 25 years, including the Duxbury Fiscal Advisory Committee, the Duxbury Insurance Advisory Committee, the Land Acquisition Task Force and the Public Building Feasibility Study. He volunteered as a docent for Duxbury Rural and Historical Society. In recognition of his advocacy and years of dedicated service to Duxbury, he received the President’s Volunteer Service Award for his community service in 2019. He is survived by two sons, a daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Richard S. DeCamp ’55, of Lexington, Ky.; May 30. He served in the U.S. Army from 1955 to 1957. After his service, he worked for Central Trust Company in Cincinnati from 1957 to 1960 and then went on to work in sales and as the sales manager for WKYT-TV in Lexington. He was the executive director for the Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation from 1969 to 1973 and for the Lexington-Fayette County Historic Preservation Commission from 1974 to 1988. He continued his work as the director and preservation officer from 1988 to 1991 for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Office of Historic Preservation; preservation advisor to the renovation of Ashland, the Henry Clay Estate, from 1991 to 1992; and administrative assistant working on special preservation and housing-related projects for Community Development from 1993 to 1994. He retired from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government on July 1, 1994, then served on the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council representing the 3rd District from 1997 to 2009. He also served as a board member for the Lexington Public Library, Lexington Convention & Visitors Bureau, Kentucky Humanities Council, Bluegrass Airport, LexArts, Downtown Lexington Corporation, the Town & Gown Commission, and the Henry Clay Memorial Foundation, where he served as president from 2009 to 2011 and then remained an emeritus member. He was a supporter of historic preservation in Lexington and served on the boards of the Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation, Kentucky Heritage Council, National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Victorian Society in America. He was a board member emeritus for Preservation Kentucky, the executive director emeritus for the Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation, and the past president of the Commonwealth Preservation Council. He published an article entitled “Historic Preservation—Gratz Park, Lexington, KY” in Antiques Magazine in 1974 and was the author of The Bluegrass of Kentucky: A Glimpse of the Charm of Central Kentucky Architecture, published in 1986. Photographs for the book were done by his wife, Patricia. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, and a sister.
Mark A. Land ’55, of East Providence; Feb. 14. He is survived by two sons, including Jon ’79.
William L. Joel II ’55, of Richmond, Va.; Feb. 6. After graduating from Brown he served in the U.S. Marine Corps before continuing studies in interior design at the New York School of Interior Design and Pratt Institute. He returned to Richmond and managed the family-owned interior design firm, Richmond Art Company. He specialized in color and lighting. He was active with the American Society of Interior Designers, Retail Merchants Association, Richmond Forum, and Barksdale Theatre, where he designed and built sets for many productions. Another passion of his was model trains and, after retiring, he built an elaborate system in his basement. He is survived by his wife, Merry; four daughters; and eight grandchildren.
Ronald Scheckter ’55, of New Milford, Conn.; June 4, 2021. He was a successful builder/developer in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. He enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by a son and two sisters.
Veronica Stinnes Petersen ’55, of Falmouth, Mass.; July 28, 2021, after a brief illness. She graduated from Columbia Medical School, where she met her husband. After they completed their medical training they moved to the Boston area and she practiced pediatrics and taught at Harvard Medical School. She served on the boards and advisory councils of numerous Boston area educational organizations, but she was most proud of being a board member at Haverford College, where she endowed a professorship in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights studies. She enjoyed art, music, investing, and traveling. She is survived by her husband, Robert; three children; eight grandchildren, including Margiana Petersen-Rockney ’11; and a sister.
William H. O’Donnell ’55, of West Roxbury, Mass.; Oct. 25. He had a career in the U.S. Navy prior to becoming a high school English teacher at Groton School in Groton, Mass. He also owned a fine gifts store in Marblehead, Mass. He was well versed in current events, had a great interest in politics, and enjoyed writing and attending the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He is survived by four nieces and nephews.
James G. McGall ’55, of Freehold, N.J.; Dec. 1. He began his career in the aerospace industry and later was supervisor in the information department of the American Federation of Musicians. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; six grandchildren; and a sister.
Ronald Kramer ’55, of Toronto, Canada, formerly of Boston; Dec. 7. He is survived by his partner Selma Edelstone; four children and their spouses, including son Dan ’84 and daughters Sarah Kramer ’86 and Judith Kramer ’90; seven grandchildren; and a sister.
Walter B. Goldfarb ’55, of Portland, Me.; Oct. 13. He met and married Marcia Finberg ’55, who predeceased him. After receiving his medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine and completing his surgical residency at Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo., where he was an instructor in surgery from 1963 to 1965, he moved his family to Portland and began a surgery practice at Maine Medical Center and Mercy Hospital. He was drafted into the U.S. Army and served at Fort Sam Houston (Tex.) and then became chief of surgery at Ireland Army Hospital at Fort Knox (Ky.). He was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and was commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel during his tenure there. He and his family returned to Portland to resume his surgical practice, from which he retired in 2003 as chief of general surgery at Maine Medical Center (MMC). During his tenure, he served in a variety of leadership positions, including president of the medical staff, trustee, and founding trustee of MaineHealth. He took pride in his involvement in the growth and development of MMC’s surgery department and was twice recognized as Teacher of the Year by surgical students. In retirement, he remained active for 10 years teaching third-year medical students in weekly surgical seminars. He was clinical professor of surgery at the University of Vermont and then at Tufts University School of Medicine when MMC changed its medical school affiliation. He was a member of several medical and surgical societies, including serving in leadership roles. He was also active in the Boston Surgical Society, serving on the executive committee for six years and as vice president in 2005. He wrote 40 articles and two book chapters in surgical literature. He served as a trustee over the years for the Portland Concert Association, Portland Chamber Music Festival, and Maine chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a trustee of the Portland Museum of Art, serving as vice president in 2011, and donated major American paintings to the museum. He enjoyed fly fishing and playing squash. He is survived by three children, including daughter Miriam Goldfarb ’85 and son Adam ’82; and six grandchildren, including grandson Jonathan Aronson ’13.
Harry L. Devoe Jr. ’55, of New Zion, S.C.; Aug. 17. After Brown he attended the University of Virginia School of Law and served as public defender for the 3rd District Judicial Circuit for more than 20 years. He was past president of the Clarendon County Republican Party and a member of the American Bar Association, the American Legion Post 149, and the Turbeville Ruritan Club. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Vietnam War. He is survived by two sons, five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and two nephews.
Kendrick Thayer ’55, of Portland, Me.; Mar. 23, 2021. Following graduation, he served in the U.S. Coast Guard and married. He worked for several years at Rockbestos Wire and Cable Co. in Connecticut before joining Fairchild Semiconductor in South Portland. He was employed by Fairchild and later by National Semiconductor for 35 years in various manufacturing, engineering, and quality assurance functions. In retirement, he enjoyed traveling with his wife, Joan Gately Thayer ’55, who survives him. He is also survived by three sons, including Matthew ’87; two daughters-in-law; and seven grandchildren.
Socrates H. Mihalakos ’55, of Vero Beach, Fla.; July 6. He was a retired appellate court judge. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Air Force. He received the title of first lieutenant and was honorably discharged but continued to serve in the reserves. He attended law school at the University of Connecticut and earned his JD. After practicing in Cheshire, Conn., he was appointed a Connecticut Superior Court judge in 1985, and in 2000, while serving as chief administrative judge in Danbury (Conn.), he was elevated to judge of the Appellate Court, where he served until retiring in 2019. He was active in both Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church (Conn.) and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (Fla.). He is survived by his wife, Joani; four daughters; three sons-in-law; four grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.
Joseph Blumen ’55, of Newport, R.I.; July 25. After graduating from Tufts University School of Medicine, he enlisted as a captain in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and served as chief of general surgery at the 67th Evac Hospital, Qui Nhon, Vietnam, and later on the surgical staff at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. He returned to Newport in 1967 to practice as a general surgeon and primary care physician. Active in the community, he was a member of the planning board for the City of Newport, was a trustee of the Seamen’s Church Institute and was a master Mason and member of St. Paul’s Lodge for more than 50 years. He also established the Dora and Elias Blumen Collection for the Study of Holocaust Literature at Salve Regina University. He is survived by his wife, Dale; four children and their spouses; and six grandchildren.
Gene E. Bloch ’55, of Redwood City, Calif.; July 31. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy, studied physics at the University of Pittsburgh, then worked for many years as a software engineer. His love of language, learning, word games, and science, especially astronomy, never flagged. In mid-life, he and his wife were avid folk dancers in several Eastern European traditions. He is survived by his wife, Kristine Kimble; two brothers, including Dan ’74, ’77 MD; three sons and their spouses; six grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
Anthony R. Jaffe ’55, of Pittsburgh; June 19, of cancer. He had a successful career in advertising, creating iconic commercial jingles and slogans including “Big Fig” Newtons and “Silly Rabbit, TRIX are for kids.” He began his advertising career at the former Doyle Dane Bernbach and rose in the business with positions at J. Walter Thompson, Dancer Fitzgerald, Campbell Mithun Esty, and Della Femina McNamee before joining MARC USA, where he became senior vice president and executive creative director in Pittsburgh. Audiences in the Pittsburgh region have seen his contributions in campaigns for the Pittsburgh Zoo, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Rite Aid Corp., and UPMC Health System. His work has earned him numerous major creative awards, including Cannes Gold Lion, CLIOs, an international Radio and TV Gold Medal, and induction into the Pittsburgh Advertising Hall of Fame. He was a member of the American Society of Composers and Publishers and the Screen Actors Guild. He supported the Brown Sports Foundation and enjoyed solving the New York Times crossword puzzle. He is survived by his wife, Gwen; daughter Elizabeth Jaffe ’87; a son and daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.
Eliot B. Barron ’55, of Hartford, Conn.; July 10. After Brown, he continued his studies at Tufts University School of Medicine, then served in the Army Medical Corps in Germany, followed by a psychiatric residency at the Institute of Living in Hartford. In the decades that followed, he was a psychiatrist in both Providence, R.I., and Hartford. He also served as a member of the Rhode Island Parole Board. Outside of work, he enjoyed traveling and was committed to his Jewish faith and community. He was involved in groups at his synagogues in Providence and West Hartford and is survived by his wife, Vida; three children and their spouses; four grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
Richard M. Coveney ’55, of East Falmouth, Mass.; Apr. 30. After graduating from Harvard Business School, he began his professional career at Procter & Gamble, moved on to PepsiCo, and eventually founded Leasing Services, Inc., in Boston. He retired early from a successful career and eventually settled in Falmouth. His happiest days included sailing the coast of New England with his children, going on walking tours in the Adirondacks, and spending time on the Cape Cod seashore. He is survived by his companion, Margaret R. Steele; three children; and three grandchildren.
Sydney W. Noyes ’55, of Haddon Township, N.J.; Mar. 9. He served two years in the U.S. Army and worked in the field of finance for several years before joining a Philadelphia bank, where he became a senior vice president. He later owned and operated the Potted Plant in Cherry Hill, N.J., for 17 years. He was an avid boater and fisherman. He is survived by his wife, Lois; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; three granddaughters; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.
Emeline Green Gay ’55, of Tiverton, R.I.; Feb. 4. She dedicated her life to education. In her later years, she enjoyed playing golf with her good friend Sheila, traveling the world with her college roommate Brenda Brown Rew, and going to the casino with her son Jeff. Most of all, she loved spending time with her grandson Conor and became affectionately known as “Mamaw” to his group of friends, with whom she spent countless weekends playing poker. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, a grandson and his wife, a brother and sister-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.
Nancy Harrold Thomas ’55, of Richmond, Va.; Nov. 18, from COVID-19. She worked at Johns Hopkins Hospital before marrying. She later was a tour guide for the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, an active community volunteer, and an H&R Block consultant. She enjoyed gardening, cooking, and playing bridge. She is survived by her husband, William; three children and their spouses; six grandchildren; and a sister.
James R. Smith ’55, of Erie, Pa.; Oct. 20. While at Brown, he majored in English literature, played on the football team, and engaged in the ROTC program with plans to become a pilot in the U.S. Air Force. He became a pilot and served in both Korea and Vietnam, achieving the rank of Major USAF, and upon completion of his Vietnam duty he was given the assignment of command pilot for Gen. Graham Commander, U.S. Forces in Japan. This assignment moved Jim and his family to Japan on a three-year tour ending in 1970. His final duty was at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, where he ran their flight simulator training program. In 1976, after 18 years in the military, he retired and moved to Erie, where he took a job with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals as a territory representative. During his 24-year career at Pfizer, he was honored with their Vice President’s Council award. He retired in 2000 and enjoyed playing golf and traveling. He is survived by four sons, a daughter-in-law, six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a brother and sister-in-law, and a niece and three nephews.
William H. Sargent ’55, of Kitty Hawk, N.C.; Nov. 7. An engineer and rocket scientist by profession, he spent most of his working life in aeronautics at Atlantic Research and belonged to The Propulsion Club, a group of engineers and rocket scientists. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Army. He sang in his church choir, was a lifelong fisherman, and enjoyed cooking and hosting parties. He is survived by six children and their spouses, as well as numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
J. Philip O’Hara ’55, of Brooklyn, Conn., formerly of Providence; Oct. 18. He worked in the book publishing industry for 30 years before returning to Brown in 1987. After spending his first year in the Department of Athletics, he joined the Student Activities Office, from which he retired in 2011. He was a founder of the Brown University Mediation Project, oversaw the renovation of Faunce House, and was instrumental in his role as faculty adviser to the class boards. He spent his life in service to other people, volunteering with many organizations. He was the 2010 recipient of a Brown Excellence Award. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; three children; two stepsons; 17 grandchildren; four great-granddaughters; and a sister.
Kenneth E. Doonan ’55, of Providence; Dec. 2. He was an employment skills counselor in Providence for three years. He then worked as a rehabilitation counselor for the State of Rhode Island Office of Rehabilitative Services. While employed with ORS he returned to school and earned a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling. He worked in state service for 28 years, retiring as a disability examiner. After a few years in retirement, he worked as an employment skills teacher and coach at the Outreach Program at Rhode Island College. He and his wife taught ballroom dancing for Cranston Adult Education Programs in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Traveling the world together, they visited more than 20 countries, museums, and archeological sites and enjoyed the cuisine all around the world. As a devout Catholic, he always found a local Catholic church to attend Sunday mass no matter what continent or time zone. He enjoyed classical music, opera, and the theater and was a subscriber to the Rhode Island Philharmonic for nearly 40 years and the Boston Ballet for more than 15 years. He is survived by his wife, Loretta, and several nieces and nephews.
Nancy Stevens Carlson ’55, of North Eastham, Mass.; Oct. 24, after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s. She taught elementary school for 28 years in Barrington, R.I., Folcroft, Pa., and at the Lynch Elementary School in Springfield, Mass. She won several teaching awards, including a commendation from the mayor of Springfield for innovative teaching of our political system to her young students. She was active in Foster Congregational Church, interviewed aspiring candidates for Brown, and enjoyed gardening and hiking with the Eastham Hiking Club. She is survived by her husband Robert P. Carlson ’55; two sons, including Douglas ’83; and two grandsons.

Stephen R. Ehrlich ’55 established several scholarships, providing a foundation of support that continues to make Brown financially feasible for numerous students.
After graduating from Brown and NYU Business School, Stephen became a successful corporate bond trader. He was a partner at Mabon, Nugent & Co. in 1966 and became CEO in 1972. During his tenure, Mabon became one of the largest securities firms in equity capital. He retired in 1992 and formed private financial investment and consulting businesses in New Jersey and Florida.
He strongly believed in the value of higher education and served as a member of the Brown Board of Trustees of the Corporation from 1979 to 1984 and from 1986 to 1992. He and his wife, Mary Ann, were involved with Brown’s first named fund, the Stephen R. Ehrlich 1955 National Scholarship, and served as cochairs of the National Scholarship Program for eight years. Over the following years, they created scholarships including the Stephen R. Ehrlich Family Medical Scholarship, the Stephen R. Ehrlich Fellowship Fund, and the Stephen R. Ehrlich Brown Annual Fund. The Ehrlichs actively engaged with their scholarship students by hosting dinners and attending functions each year. “What started as an awkward dinner with two strangers freshman year grew into an incredible lifelong friendship. Stephen and Mary Ann Ehrlich have been there for me through many chapters of my life,” says Louella Hill ’03, who met Ehrlich through the National Scholars Program at Brown. Roxanne Vrees ’98, ’03 MD, a Stephen Ehrlich National Scholars Program recipient, says: “I still remember our first dinner at Hemenway’s my freshman year and the many other special moments I have shared with Stephen and Mary Ann over the 26 years of our wonderful relationship.”
Stephen received numerous awards, most notably the H. Anthony Ittleson ’60 Award in 2000 and the Brown Bear Award in 2002. And both he and Mary Ann were honored in 2014 with the Artemis Joukowsky Award for their dedication and commitment to the Warren Alpert Medical School. Stephen also served on the boards of the Newark Museum, New Jersey Historical Society, New Jersey Building Authority, and the Rutgers Business Board of Advisors.
Upon retirement, he split his time between Palm Beach, Fla., and Short Hills, N.J., so that he could remain close with his children and grandchildren. He was an avid sports fan of the Yankees and Knicks and enjoyed playing golf and watching classic movies.
Both Mary Ann and Stephen contracted COVID-19 and were hospitalized. Stephen passed away on Aug. 6 from the virus, the day after Mary Ann was released from the hospital. In addition to his wife, he is survived by daughter Lisa Ehrlich Pearlman ’85; a son and daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren. The Stephen R. Ehrlich Memorial Research Fund has been established at Brown to support pulmonary and COVID-related research.
Shirley Morse Richmond ’55, of Wayne, Pa.; Aug. 14. After earning a master’s degree in library science from Villanova University, she worked as a library clerk for Upper Merion Middle School for many years. She was a member of Valley Forge Presbyterian Church, serving as the church’s librarian, president and treasurer of the Church and Synagogue Library Association, a member of the John Howland Society, and a volunteer for the Veterans Hospital. She collected stamps and enjoyed bowling, camping in the family RV, and traveling all over the world. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, nine granddaughters, seven great-grandchildren, and a stepsister.
William P. Hinckley ’55, of Highlands Ranch, Colo.; Aug. 11. He was a coach and teacher at St. Peter’s School in Peekskill, N.Y. After marrying, he moved to New Jersey and joined his father-in-law’s independent insurance agency, R.H. Aaronson & Son. Bill purchased the agency in 1974 and sold it when he retired in 1994. While there, he was president of South Jersey and Long Beach Island wood carving clubs. In 1995, he retired to Colorado, where he enjoyed fishing and a cabin in the mountains while continuing to hone his wood carving skills. At the age of 80 he began to write books. He wrote and published three novels and one memoir, as well as contributed to a column on birds. Bill was an avid angler and enjoyed fishing. He is survived by his wife, Sue; a daughter; and two granddaughters.
Barry D. Coletti ’55, of Duxbury, Mass.; May 31. As a principal of Coletti Brothers Architects in Quincy, Mass., Barry was responsible for the design of nationally and internationally recognized buildings. He enjoyed assisting local homeowners with the design of historically accurate renovations and additions with meticulously hand-drawn and lettered plans and renderings. He was an avid outdoorsman and an accomplished dog trainer, competing in and judging AKC retriever field trials from Maine to North Carolina. He also liked to cook and was known to be a practical joker. He is survived by his wife, Ginny; three sons; four daughters-in-law; six grandchildren; three stepchildren; and a sister.
Cornelius J. Sullivan ’55, of Concord, Mass.; May 22, after a long illness. He worked for Honeywell and later Raytheon as a human resources manager. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He was an active member of Holy Family Parish, where he served as a Eucharistic minister and choir member. He is survived by his wife, Maureen; three daughters and their spouses; a son; and four grandchildren.
Thomas A. Westbrook ’55, of South Windsor, Conn.; Feb. 24. He operated his family’s manufacturing business and invested in real estate. He was an active member of the East Hartford Rotary Club and served as president in 1974. He was also president of the East Hartford Chamber of Commerce in 1974. He enjoyed family vacations, camping, canoeing trips, and playing the piano.
Arthur Scott Jr. ’55, of Bristol, R.I.; Mar. 27. He was a professor of sociology at Providence College. He retired in 2005. He also worked as a civilian contractor with the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed running, swimming, and proudly watching the New England Patriots, the Boston Red Sox, and PC basketball teams. He is survived by two daughters, two sons, a son-in-law, three grandchildren, a great-grandchild, and a brother.
Norman G. Orodenker ’55, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Feb. 18. He received his JD from Columbia University in 1958 and was admitted to the Rhode Island Bar. He was a senior partner at Tillinghast, Licht, Perkins, Smith, and Cohen; legal counsel at the Department of Employment Security (1960-1962); chief legal counsel for all Rhode Island departments of state government (1969-1972); chief legal counsel at the Registry of Motor Vehicles (1972-1974); and chief legal counsel of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (1974-1982). He held numerous leadership roles in community, charitable, and religious organizations. He was recognized for his commitment, dedication, and passion involving social change and justice as a recipient of the NCCJ Humanitarian Award in 1999, the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island Joseph W. Ress Community Service Award in 2004, and the Urban League Humanitarian Award in 2004, and received the Martindale-Hubbell rating AV, which is the highest rating given to attorneys. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Sylvia; three children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; and two sisters.
Harold J. Morick ’55, of Lenox, Mass.; Mar. 27. He was a professor of philosophy at the State University of New York at Albany from 1967 to 2000, specializing in analytic philosophy, Wittgenstein, and Freud. He published three books of philosophy and at the time of his death was editing a selection of essays by Sigmund Freud for a volume about Freud as a philosopher. He is survived by his wife, Jeanette; four daughters; and a granddaughter.
Gordon E. Perry ’55, of Barrington, R.I., formerly of Westport, Conn.; Dec. 9. At Brown he was a member of the ROTC for the U.S. Navy and upon graduation served two years in the Navy, becoming a lieutenant and chief gunnery officer. From 1958 to 1993 he worked in the insurance/pension business for Mutual of New York. He retired as vice chairman and a member of the board of trustees. He moved to Rhode Island in 1996. He was an active supporter of Brown athletics and served as president of the Brown Football Association and president of the Brown University Sports Foundation. He especially enjoyed watching his sons and grandsons play Brown football. He is survived by eight children and their spouses, including son Scott ’92; 12 grandchildren, including Robert Hughes ’17, Alexander Hughes ’20, and William Perry ’22; a great-grandson; and two sisters.
William S. Penhallow ’55, of Charlestown, R.I.; Jan. 15, after a prolonged illness. He was a professor of physics and astronomy at URI for 35 years. Early in his career he conducted research at the Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory. He also taught and conducted research at Brown, Wesleyan University, and Indiana University. He served as director of the URI Quonochontaug observatory and was one of the founders and first directors of the Frosty Drew Observatory in Ninigret Park, Charlestown. He was a lifelong member of Skyscrapers, the Amateur Astronomical Society of Rhode Island, the American Astronomical Society, and the American Association of Variable Star Observers. As a member of the New England Antiquities Research Association, he made groundbreaking discoveries concerning the solar, lunar, and stellar alignments in the Newport Tower in Tower Park, Newport, R.I. He also served as chairman of the Chariho and Charlestown school committees and was the Charlestown Town Moderator. He was a Mason, past master at the Franklin Lodge and past high priest at Unity Chapter. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; four sons and their spouses; four grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
Harvey J. Ades ’55, of Cutler Bay, Fla.; May 19, 2019. He established The Harvey Ades Family Foundation to continue his parents’ tradition of philanthropy. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca; six children; six grandchildren; a sister; and two brothers.
Jeannette Sheridan Adams ’55, of Hilton Head Island, S.C.; Oct. 30. She was a volunteer at Hilton Head Hospital, a member at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, and a stalwart of the golf community at The Sea Pines Country Club. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses.
Robert D. Fitzgerald ’55, of Lake Forest, Ill.; Nov. 11. He was a banker and worked for the Harris Bank, the Continental Bank, and the Bank of America. He enjoyed traveling and being with his family. He is survived by his wife, Patty; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; and a brother.
Richard M. Beers ’55, of Pittsford, N.Y.; Oct. 21. He served as a U.S. Naval officer from 1956 to 1959 before moving to Rochester, N.Y. He worked as a Realtor at Red Barn Properties for more than 47 years and in 1971 was a founding member and EMT at Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance. He retired in 2019. He was an active Pittsford community member and is survived by his wife, Patsy; four children, including daughter Karen Frutiger ’79; 14 grandchildren; a great-grandson; five stepchildren; eight step-grandchildren; and a step-great-grandson.
Peter W. Lisbon ’55, of San Diego, Calif.; May 2.
Stephen D. Booth ’55, of Brattleboro, Vt.; Aug. 19, of kidney and respiratory failure. He had a long career teaching at schools in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Rhode Island before retiring to a slower paced life in Vermont. He was a voracious reader and historian and enjoyed researching his family tree. He also enjoyed jazz music and Broadway tunes. He is survived by his wife, Steffi; two sons; a stepdaughter; two stepsons; and four grandchildren.
Richard K. Moore ’55, of Locust Valley, N.Y.; Aug. 2. He worked at J.P. Morgan for 30 years as a vice president in corporate finance and international private banking, both in New York City and London. He served in the U.S. Air Force and was discharged with the rank of captain. He is survived by four daughters; five grandchildren; a sister, Jacqueline Moore Copp ’54; and niece Catherine Colley ’82.
Richard B. Lund ’55, of Clemson, S.C.; June 11. He was a retired organic chemist who spent the majority of his career working for the Ciba Geigy chemical corporation. He held some original patents for epoxy glue and benzodiazepines. He enjoyed sailing, woodworking, clock building, and milling model engines. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne; a daughter; two sons; and two grandchildren.
Shirley Denno Fusco ’55, of Wilbraham, Mass.; June 16. She was store manager at Denno’s Jewelers in Pittsfield, Mass., and active in school, community, and church groups. She was a member and past vice president of the Wilbraham Women’s Club and member of the Wilbraham Garden Club. She enjoyed traveling and playing golf, bridge, and tennis. She is survived by two daughters, including Carol J. Kressen ’86; two sons-in-law; and five grandchildren.
William P. Condaxis ’55, of West Roxbury, Mass.; June 23, after a period of congestive heart failure and dementia. He worked as a retail executive for Jordan Marsh (now Macy’s) in Boston, Elizabeth Arden in New York City, and Mervyn’s (now Target) in California and Texas. After working and living in Hong Kong for three years, he retired in 1995 to Cape Cod. He moved to Norwood, Mass., in 2006 and to West Roxbury in 2014. He was a U.S. Navy World War II and Korean War veteran. He enjoyed playing cards, skiing, reading, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Frances; four children, including Paula Condaxis Angell ’78; four grandchildren; and a sister.
John P. Burke ’55, of Salisbury, N.C., and Buffalo, N.Y.; Jan. 20. He was a retired certified public accountant. He served as a lieutenant JG in the U.S. Navy from 1955 to 1963. He enjoyed volunteering in his community, reading, skiing, sailing, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Jackie; four children; and four grandchildren.
Joseph F. Granger Jr. ’55, of Matthews, N.C.; Mar. 10. His career was spent in the employee benefit and insurance industry and he retired as senior vice president at Marsh & Company. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a fourth degree Knight of Columbus. He spent 25 years as a member of the Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials and enjoyed playing tennis and cheering for the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; a daughter; a son; and five grandchildren.
Margot Wood Morgan ’55, of Old Saybrook, Conn.; Jan. 23. She was a retired Old Saybrook High School English teacher. She was secretary of the Old Saybrook Board of Education from 1992 to 1994 and chairwoman from 1994 to 1995. She enjoyed time spent each summer in Maine. She is survived by her four children and four children from her second marriage, including John Morgan ’81 MAT; a grandson; and a great-grandson.
Paul H. Letiecq ’55, of Albion and Holley, N.Y.; Nov. 7. He served as the pastor of the Holley Presbyterian Church for ten years. He later served as pastor of the Universalist Church of Middleport for more than 20 years. He was a member of Planned Parenthood, past president of the Cobblestone Society, and active with the prison ministry at the Orleans and Groveland Correctional Facilities. He enjoyed playing tennis, gardening, and supported NPR and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. He is survived by three sons and their spouses; two brothers; a sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
David V. Yale ’55, of Wallingford, Conn.; Oct. 31. He worked at Pratt & Whitney before moving to Prudential Insurance in sales and lastly to Nationwide Insurance in claims management, where he remained until his retirement. At Brown he played varsity football and was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by two sons, four grandchildren, and nieces and nephews.
Alice Emmert Ward ’55, of Wellesley, Mass.; Oct. 29. She worked for many years as a chemist at Dow Chemical in Midland, Mich., and at Ciba Labs in Summit, N.J. She later taught in the computer labs in local schools, including Wellesley Middle School. She was a Girl Scout leader, Boy Scout den mother, soccer coach, and longtime supporter of Wellesley youth athletic programs. Following retirement, she was active with the Wellesley Council on Aging. She enjoyed spending summers at Big Island Pond in Derry, N.H., with family and friends. She is survived by a daughter, a son, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, four grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
Henry Juncker III ’55, of Gloucester, Mass.; Oct. 11. He taught in the Marblehead Public School system for more than 50 years. He was an active member of the Annisquam Village Church, where he served as a clerk, Sunday School teacher, and choir member. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, he was also a longtime member of the Chorus North Shore. He is survived by his wife, Judith Lamb Juncker ’58; three children and their spouses; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; a sister; and a brother-in-law.
Geoffrey H. Spranger ’55, ’67 MAT, of Middletown, R.I.; Aug. 2, following a brief illness. While at Brown he was captain of the sailing team and during summer breaks he was a sailing instructor at Bristol and Barrington Yacht Clubs. Following graduation, he was hired as an English/social studies teacher, sailing coach, and dorm master at St. George’s School in Middletown, where he remained on the faculty until 1971. In 1958 he purchased a Hereshoff Class S-Boat, which he raced for 10 years, winning the class championship in 1968. In 1971 he left teaching to become an associate editor at Sail magazine, where he remained until 1979. He then accepted the position of editor for The Practical Sailor, steering the publication until 1987. In his final working years, he was the salesroom manager at Jamestown Distributors, retiring in 1998. Highlights of his sailing and racing career include being a member of the Newport to Bermuda Race crew in 1964, reporting on racing for the America’s Cup for the Newport Daily News, and acting as copublisher of the America’s Cup Report in 1980 and 1983. His last boat, a custom yacht he spent 10 years building, allowed him and his wife to cruise and race for more than 40 years. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; a daughter; a son; and five grandchildren.
Rose DiTommaso Marcaccio ’55, of North Providence, R.I.; July 28. She was an elementary school teacher in North Providence for many years, where she was honored as Teacher of the Year. An avid gardener, she was a member of the Sundial Garden Club. She enjoyed cooking and entertaining. She is survived by her husband, Edward Marcaccio ’54; two sons, including Edward Jr. ’82; two daughters-in-law; four grandchildren; and a sister.
Sylvia Blackledge Earle Legault ’55, of Somerset, Mass.; Aug. 15, after a brief illness. She began teaching in Rehoboth, Mass., and then in the Fall River (Mass.) public school system. She taught fifth grade at Fowler Elementary School in Fall River for more than 30 years, retiring in 2004. She was a classically trained pianist and gave piano lessons prior to her teaching career. She sold Avon for many years and enjoyed reading, traveling, and watching her grandkids play sports. She is survived by her husband, Ron; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and her grandchildren.
Carl M. Albert ’55, of Cathedral City, Calif.; July 28. He and his brothers owned Plainville Wayside Furniture in Plainville, Conn., for 30 years. During winters he volunteered at Haystack Mountain in Vermont as a ski patrolman. After retiring in 1993, he and his wife sailed from the East Coast through Panama to the West Coast and settled in California, where Carl taught computer classes for the past 18 years and volunteered at the Indian Wells Tennis tournament. He was a U.S. Army veteran and enjoyed traveling, skiing, and playing tennis and golf. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three children; and five grandchildren.
Eliot Fiske Sugerman ’55, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Shaker Heights, Ohio; Mar. 30. She was a college consultant in the Cleveland area before retiring to Sanibel Island, Fla., in 1982 and selling real estate with Merrill Lynch Realty. She was an avid reader and enjoyed playing bridge and tap dancing. She is survived by her companion, Jerry, and two daughters.
Edmond A. Neal ’55, of Cranston, R.I.; Apr. 10. He was president of the former Russell Harrington Cutlery in Southbridge, Mass. He retired in 1996. He had also been president of Washington Forge in New Jersey and the American Cutlery Manufacturers Assoc. He was on the board of Hyde Manufacturing Co. and Harrington Hospital in Southbridge and a deacon of the Roman Catholic Church in Worcester County, Massachusetts. He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. He is survived by his wife, Beatrice; two daughters; five sons, including Edmond A. Neal III ’76; three daughters-in-law; two sons-in-law; 13 grandchildren; a sister, Judy Neal Murray ’63; a brother, Kenneth R. Neal ’66; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and a niece, Stephanie Nicolas ’94.
Norman M. Bouton ’55, of Washington, D.C.; Apr. 7. He served his country as a U.S. Naval lieutenant and Foreign Service Officer. He was posted in Rio, Naples, Athens, and Mexico City, and was chargé d’affaires in Antigua. He enjoyed sailing, medieval history, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Jane Philipp Bouton ’56; three children; and five grandsons.
Leslie Travis Wendel ’55, of Newtown, Pa., formerly of Brooklyn, Conn., and Providence; Jan. 1. She was a reporter for the Hartford Courant from 1971 to 1978, and through 1995 she was a freelance journalist whose articles had appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Examiner, and the Chicago Sun Times. From 1978 to 1986 she was director of communications and donor relations at Brown. She then spent five years as managing director of Wendel Associates before returning to Brown in 1991 as coordinator of the Friends of the Library. She was editor of Special Collections at Brown University: A History and Guide and The Carberry Cookbook. In 1999 she was the recipient of Brown’s William Williams Award for distinguished contributions to the Brown University Library. She was a longtime board member of the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy and served two terms as president. In 1990 she spent time in Argentina weighing, measuring, and banding penguins as part of a research project of the New York Zoological Society. She was a member of the Women’s League of Washington College and a former Regent of Old Kent Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is survived by two sons, including Andrew ’85; a grandson; and two brothers.
W. Kent Montgomery ’55, of Oakham, Mass.; Feb. 19. He was the vice president of human resources at Memorial Hospital in Worcester, Mass., and later a human resource consultant with Montgomery Associates in Oakham prior to his retirement. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; four sons; two daughters-in-law; nine grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
Gerold N. Borodach ’55, of New York City; Feb. 15. He was a retired physician and anesthesiologist. He was a member of the American Medical Assoc. and the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He is survived by his wife, Ardell Kabalkin ’57; a daughter; sons Andrew ’93 and Samuel ’87; and a son-in-law, Kenneth Elmore ’85.
Vaino A. Ahonen ’55, of Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J.; Feb. 4. He had a career in international banking. He retired in 1991 as senior vice president at Summit Bank, which later became Bank of America. He was active in the New Jersey Trade Council, where he served as vice chairman, director, and treasurer. He was also a trustee of the Bergen Philharmonic and the Community Resource Council. He is survived by nieces and nephews.
Lorle Patzau Wolfson ’55, of Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Dec. 8. A commercial interior designer, she worked as a resource coordinator with several firms in Philadelphia, which allowed her to collaborate with other designers. She eventually established her own resource consulting business, Resourcing. She was involved with the Main Line Unitarian Church in Devon, Pa.; served as a host family for many foreign students; and was a board member and volunteer for Philadelphia’s Nationality Service Center, which serves immigrants. She enjoyed cooking, knitting, and needlework. She is survived by her husband, Bertram ’52; a daughter; a son; five granddaughters; and a brother.
John Shearing ’55, of Los Angeles, formerly of Port Murray, N.J.; Dec. 3. He was a Broadway sound designer. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. After Brown, he joined his father at Masque Sound & Recording in New York City. After his father’s death, he bought out his partner, and under his direction Masque became a leading Broadway sound shop whose credits include Grease, Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Ain’t Supposed to Die a Natural Death. He was instrumental in establishing Local 922 Sound Designers Union, of which he became president. He enjoyed skiing all over the world, sailing, playing golf, and cooking. He is survived by his wife, Jane; five children and their spouses, including sons Geoffrey ’94 and James ’98; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Everett A. Pearson ’55, of Warren, R.I. and Estero, Fla.; Dec. 24. Along with his cousin, Clinton Pearson ’52, he founded Pearson Yachts, a pioneer fiberglass boat building business company that was later owned by Grumman. He published The Lure of Sailing in 1965. With Frederick Tillotson ’68, he started Tillotson-Pearson Inc. (TPI) in Warren, which built wind blades for US Windpower, materials for Disney, and numerous other products. He earned a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Fabricators & Manufacturers Assoc. In 2002 he sold most of the business and eventually started Pearson Pilings. An avid sailor and a member of the New York Yacht Club, he competed in local-yacht-club and ocean racing. He also enjoyed playing tennis and golf. He was captain of the Brown football team and inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame in 1983. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; two sons-in-law; eight grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
William J. Frazier Jr. ’55, of Darien, Conn.; Jan. 27. He worked in finance for more than 20 years in New York City and ended his career at Lummis & Co. in New Canaan, Conn. He served as a Eucharistic minister, was captain of one of the local senior men’s tennis teams, and refereed youth hockey until his retirement at age 82. He was a supporter of the Stamford Symphony and the Connecticut Grand Opera, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, a former Brown rowing team member, and a member of Beta Theta Pi. He enjoyed hockey, tennis, biking, and skiing. He is survived by his wife, Jane; two daughters; a son; two sons-in-law; four grandsons; and a brother.
Ernest H. Fontan Jr. ’55, of Kissimmee, Fla., formerly of Lyndhurst, N.J.; Sept. 20. He was a retired corporate manager and a former salesman for Shore’s Men’s Store in Kissimmee. He is survived by his wife, Avalon; three sons; a daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
John W. Cobb ’55, of Newburgh, N.Y.; Dec. 31. After a stint in advertising, he spent 30 years in the restaurant business, then practiced law with Cobb & Cobb for 24 years. He was a member of the New York Bar Assoc. and Psi Upsilon. He is survived by his wife, Verna Werlock Cobb ’57; five children, including son Stephen ’86; and 15 grandchildren.
Bruce A. Bradley ’55, of Monmouth Beach, N.J.; Nov. 9. He was a supervisor at Kiely Construction for 42 years before retiring. He also served as Monmouth Beach commissioner for 19 years, was a 54-year member of the Monmouth Beach fire department, and a longtime member of the Monmouth Beach board of education and recreation departments. He is survived by his wife, Rita; four children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and a sister.
Claire Fredette Sennott ’55, of Amherst, Mass.; Nov. 10. She was an artist and homemaker. She is survived by three daughters, a son-in-law, and five grandchildren.
Robert B. Conner ’55, of Newport, R.I.; Sept. 8. He worked at Raytheon in various positions for 40 years and retired in 2000 as an international marketing executive. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and active in numerous local and national sailing organizations. He was a certified International Sailing Federation judge, president of the Narragansett Bay Yachting Assoc., treasurer of the US Sailing Assoc., chairman of the Rhode Island Olympic Sailing Trials, and a director of the C. Thomas Clagett Jr. Regatta. He was a member of the New York Yacht Club Race Committee during the 1970s America’s Cup years and later served as chairman of the New York Yacht Club Race Committee and chairman of the New York Yacht Club Jury. He enjoyed listening to classical music and opera. He is survived by his wife, Ann, and several nieces and nephews.
Thomas S. Cottrell ’55, of Cutchogue, N.Y.; Sept. 17, of a stroke. After serving in the U.S. Navy and earning his MD, he became senior associate dean of New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y., in 1968. In 1979 he joined the faculty of Stony Brook Univ. as a founding member of the School of Medicine, where he was known as Doctor Tom. He had a 21-year tenure as executive associate dean and associate professor of pathology before retiring in 2000 as professor emeritus. He is survived by his wife, Jane Chichester Cottrell ’57; daughters Anne Cottrell Patin ’87 and Sarah Jane Lazar ’90; a son; two grandsons; and a brother, Stephen ’57.
Stewart H. Moir ’55, of Palm Desert, Calif.; June 13. He is survived by his wife, Ruth.
Dolores LaPorte Nazareth ’55, of Cumberland, R.I.; Sept. 30, of cancer. She was a homemaker recognized by the Rhode Island Association for Retarded Citizens for her advocacy for the developmentally disabled. She was active in alumni affairs and enjoyed genealogy. She is survived by her husband, George; four children, including Annette Nazareth ’78 of 3060 Foxhall Rd., N.W., Washington, DC 20016; eight grandchildren, including Stephanie Minor ’07 and Roger Ferguson III ’13; and one great-grandson.
Margaret Harper Peterson ’55, of Wolfeboro, N.H.; Sept. 25. She was a longtime active member of the Melvin Village Community Church, where she participated in the bell choir. She is survived by two daughters, a son, four grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
Albert O. Saart ’55, of Cranston, R.I.; Aug. 22. After serving in the U.S. Navy and working in the corporate world, he owned and operated Island Lock and Key on Aquidneck Island (R.I.) until he retired in 2007. He was an avid reader and enjoyed the history of World War II and watching Animal Planet. He leaves his partner, Marion Moreid; two daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; and two sons-in-law.
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