Class of 1953

Apr, 2024

Edith and Marvin Catler are still living in Sarasota. Marvin writes that he has spoken to Dave Kramer

Jan, 2023

Roger G. Smith of Cornelius, Ore., who is a former naval aviator, retired in 2018 after 50 years of internal medicine practice. He writes that his eldest daughter, Audrey Smith ’86, is practicing law in San Mateo.

Jan, 2023

Anne Larkosh Burton writes: “After living in New Jersey, where I enjoyed raising two daughters as well as pursuing a doctorate in ministry and maintaining a private practice in marriage and family therapy for 30 years, I retired to a delightful island on the coast of Maine. There, I found many spirited, bright, and fun loving women with whom I enjoyed developing my skill as a poet and, as a member of the Deer Isle Writers group, where I helped publish volumes of prose and poetry.”

Jun, 2022

Marty Cohen writes: “Following the class pattern, I am now in an adult independent living facility. My wife, unfortunately, is in memory care. I have quit golf but am into bridge and in good health in Florida. Trying to understand politics as they are, not what we studied.”


Nov, 2021

Larry Lundgren writes: “Lyle Bourne, Joan Carmody Theve, and I began first grade in Rumford, Rhode Island, together, graduated from East Providence High School in 1949 together, and graduated from Brown/Pembroke in 1953. Now, I have moved from Linköping, Sweden, to Gothenburg, where I look out my window at a magnificent forest named Delsjöskogen. It is where I run every morning. The single best experience in Sweden was 21 years at the Red Cross, where every week I and colleagues met high school students who came to the country as asylum seekers. The biggest group came from the Horn of Africa. In 2013, I read a New York Times OpEd by former U.S. Census Bureau Director Kenneth Prewitt, to get Americans to discuss ending classification by fictional “race,” as proposed by Prewitt but never again discussed seriously in the Times. Not one of the Somali-born students had any idea that if he or she were to move to America they would be assigned to a “race.” In Sweden, they learned that we all are Homo sapiens. I learned from BAM that at least some Brown medical students have taken the first steps to end the use of “race” in American medicine. Norman James and Alvin Gerstein ’54, please write to me—Google and you will find me.”

Jun, 2021

Roger Smith’s book Guppy Pilot was first published privately in 1998 and then published again through Authorhouse in 2011. It is now available on Alibris, American Book Exchange (AbeBooks), and Amazon.

Apr, 2021

Sara Low (see David Kramer ’53).

Apr, 2021

John Selig (see David Kramer ’53).

Apr, 2021

David Kramer was honored on Nov. 18 with the Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Founders Fund Award, which was “presented to an individual whose excellence in and outstanding dedication to environmental and water conservation serve as a model for future generations.” David writes: “I started fly-fishing at age 12 and continued for the next 70 years. In 1963, I was a founder of the Theodore Gordon Flyfishers. Over the years there have been many members who were Brown alumni, including Sara Low ’83 (one of the first women fly-fishing guides in America), John Selig ’58, and the late J. James Gordon ’52.”

Aug, 2020

Glenn N. Bower of Southern Pines, N.C., is secluded in his retirement place. Although it is composed of four large apartment buildings and homes and cottages, about 300 people altogether, with three dining rooms in their clubhouse, all of these facilities are closed. He is allowed no visitors and meals are brought to his door. He is allowed to visit the grocery store. He says North Carolina’s governor was concerned that two health centers in Pinehurst did not report deaths in a timely fashion and that there has not been good reporting from the State in general. Glenn was an Alpha Delta Phi at Brown, and his late wife, Suzanne Griffiths ’53, four daughters and one granddaughter graduated from Brown.

Jun, 2020

Marvin Catler writes: “We finally moved full-time to Sarasota, where Edith and I are enjoying an active life at Pelican Cove.”

Nov, 2019

David Kramer writes: “In June, Nancy and I had the pleasure of seeing our grandson graduate magna cum laude with a degree in civil engineering from Florida State University in Tallahassee. Later that same day we watched as he received his commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. We planned to travel to the Eastern Townships of Quebec in October—it has become our annual respite from the sound and the fury emanating from Washington for the past few years.”


Sep, 2019

Ann Matteodo Dupre writes: “Having the good fortune to have three brothers precede me at Brown (Sam Matteodo ’51; Maurice Matteodo ’53; and Eugene Matteodo ’56, ’78 PhD)—their mantra was that it was appropriate for me to graduate in 1961 because it could be read upside down, proving I did not know if I was coming or going. It always raised my love and awareness to think of that distinction.”


Sep, 2019

Russell Pierce claims to be the only member of the Class of 1953 to march in the 251st Commencement procession. “I was especially proud that our family now has three generations of Brown graduates, including my wife Anne Guerry Pierce ’58, our daughter Betsy Pierce Dallapé ’86, and son Russell B. Pierce Jr. ’87 and his wife Lisa Strauss Pierce ’87, and their son Ethan G. Pierce ’19. Two other grandsons, Charles Dallapé ’22 and James Dallapé ’23, round out our family list. I ponder whether our family will end up with more Brown degrees than the original Brown family!”


Mar, 2019

Tom Wadden and George Bray ’53 published Handbook of Obesity Treatment, Second Edition (Guilford Press). Tom writes: “George and I were pleased to recall Brown in the book’s acknowledgement section: ‘We also pay tribute to our alma mater, Brown University, which we both attended as undergraduates more than 20 years apart, and left inspired to pursue careers in science. Little did we know that our paths would cross again in our efforts to treat obesity and diabetes. And finally, we thank our wives (whom we both met at Brown) for their love, support, and understanding.’ We are also principal investigators in Look AHEAD, a study investigating the long-term health consequences of weight loss and increased physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity run by professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the Alpert Medical School, Dr. Rena Wing. Delia Smith West ’81 was the principal investigator from the University of Alabama. The Look AHEAD study is funded by the National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Disease, which is directed by Dr. Griffin Rodgers ’76.


Mar, 2019

After selling their Warwick, R.I., condominium, Elaine and Norman “Jessie” James moved to The Seasons, an assisted living facility in East Greenwich, R.I., in December. They would welcome hearing from classmates.

Mar, 2019
Joseph L. Tauro ’53
His decisions transformed countless lives, in the courtroom and beyond Read More
Jan, 2019

Stephen Sultan writes: “As always, I read with interest the September/October issue, particularly the feature on Cecile Richards. As a proud member of the class of  ’53 it was disappointing to see continued silence about news from my classmates, though I realize our numbers are diminishing. At 86, I am happy and fortunate to still be upright. I’m a delighted grandpa of three beautiful granddaughters aged 11, 7, and 3. I am now retired five years after being president of Dramatists Play Service for more than 20 years, where I published more than 35 plays by Brown alumni. Judy and I divide our time between our apartment in New York City and a spacious townhouse in Lenox, Massachusetts, the heart of the Berkshires. We still sojourn in Palm Springs, California, for three months each winter. Life continues to be good and worthwhile. Let’s hear more from ’53.

Nov, 2018

Marvin Catler ’53 and his wife, Edith, returned to Brown for his 65th reunion. Marvin writes: “It was made even more significant by the graduation of our grandson, William Nober ’18. It was a great celebration, and we enjoyed meeting the few classmates who returned.”

Jul, 2018

Richard Bennett Walsh and Janet Colby Walsh ’53 wrote a book for children, A View of the Zoo, that was donated to the St. Louis Zoo as a fund raiser and sold very well. Janet did the drawings and they went to a book signing before Christmas at the zoo. They had fun and sold many books to raise money for the zoo. They have lived in St. Louis for close to 30 years since Dick retired, near all of their children and most of their grandchildren.

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

Norman James writes: “Greetings, classmates. It is great to be home again in our condo after hospital, nursing homes, and assisted living. I’m glad to report that my Elaine is getting physically stronger, but she has some mental problems. The brain surgeon reports she still has a tumor in her frontal lobe, but she rests comfortably most days.”

From the May/June 2017 Issue

David Kramer writes: “Nancy and I moved from Manhattan to our home in Litchfield, Connecticut, in May 2016. I retired from the practice of law as an arbitrator at the end of 2015. I remain as an employer trustee on welfare and pension funds, among other activities. Nancy continues to see patients part-time. We look forward to hearing from friends, and I particularly enjoy reading about members of the class in the BAM.”

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Betty Leaver Goff and Barbara Kemalian Stone (see Joan McMaster ’60).

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Larry Lundgren writes: “I have just submitted a Letter to the Editor concerning one of the main passions of what I call my 10th life, age 73–83, the American fixation on ‘race-based’ medicine, illustrated by a talk given by President Paxson with Dr. Alexander Scott. I write comments in this field every week in the New York Times and learn from other comments and replies that neither Times writers nor many commenters can imagine a world in which medical research is done without using ‘race’ as a variable. In Sweden no researcher would dream of following American practice. If you have thoughts about this contact me."

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Edith Oelbaum Biener (see Susan Biener Bergman ’78).

Elaine “Puff” Regan Dray, Peggy Kohlhepp Gardner, Betty Leaver Goff, Patty Chase Michaud, Sally Wilcox O’Day, Barbara Kemalian Stone, and Norma Byers Willis (see Susan Biener Bergman ’78). 

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Russell Pierce (see Joyce Gillespie Briggs ’58). 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Betty Leaver Goff writes: “On July 31, nine Pembrokers had their annual summer luncheon at T’s Restaurant in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Class members included Elaine Regan Dray, Peggy Kohlhepp Gardner, Pat Chase Michaud, Sally Wilcox O’Day, Janice Swanson Post, Barbara Kemalian Stone, Lee Torres Sullivan, and Norma Byers Willis. Guests were Susan Biener Bergman ’78 (daughter of Edie Oelbaum Biener), and Jane Dray Katzman ’81 (Elaine’s daughter). Jane has agreed to be our official photographer.” 

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Raymond A. Covill’s new book, Revisiting Armageddon: Asteroids in the Gulf of Mexico, is published by Brighton Publishing.

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Ruth Hessenthaler Lewart writes: “I am still quite active in BCUG, my local computer club. I also do some hiking and geocaching (treasure hunting that uses a GPS). That is about the extent of my mathematics. Oh, except that I am also a workshop coleader for Excel.”

Bob Shumaker and wife Beverly celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 17. He writes: “I had planned on a special gathering but had a heart attack at the end of September and surgery to follow, so we made a family gathering our highlight, and it was! I know the geology department at Brown is thriving. It inspired me to a lifetime of study and enjoyment.”

Ann Peterson Zablocki continues to enjoy life in New York City.

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Mary Ellyn Dufek grows organic navel oranges in the southern California wine country. She planned a mini get-together with Maureen Simons Thompson, who lives in Berkeley, Calif. She writes: “Visits from classmates are always welcome.”

Stephen Sultan retired as president and general counsel of Dramatists Play Service in New York City, then joined his wife, Judy Korman Sultan, in Palm Springs, California. In March he flew to Buenos Aires to begin a 30-day cruise along the Pacific coast of South America. “It’s an exciting and nervous time all at once,” he writes.

Steve van Westendorp writes: “Great to see all of our classmates who could make the 60th. Laura Mae and I have been in Raleigh for the past 30 years since retiring from the U.S. Navy. We are finding that as the years go by we can’t do as much traveling as in years past, but we do manage to spend the heaviest parts of these cold North Carolina winters in Sarasota, Florida, as we have for the past ten years. I find it regrettable that Brown continues to reject ROTC programs, which provided me a most satisfying career opportunity in support of our basic freedoms.”


From the March/April 2014 Issue

John Andrews, the class webmaster, has loaded pictures from the 60th reunion onto the class website with the help of Jan Swanson Post, Barbara Kemalian Stone, and Alumni Relations staff person Wendy Goodman. To see the photos, go to 

Patricia Michaud (see George Caraberis ’77). 


From the January/February 2014 Issue

Stephen Sultan writes: “After running Dramatists Play Service for the last 21 years, I retired and became president emeritus. I was honored, along with Christopher Durang, whose plays I publish, by Primary Stages at their annual gala on Nov. 11. Primary Stages is one of the major nonprofit theaters in New York City. I made it to my 60th reunion, and, in spite of the weather, was happy to see such a good turnout for the old guys.” 


From the May/June 2013 Issue

David Robinson writes: “I’m having a bad hair decade. It’s thick and full, nape to brow, ear to ear, as brown as the Brown beanie that once sat on it. Trouble is, I’m 80. At our 50th reunion ten years ago, the rumor drifted around to me that I must be coloring my hair. No, I’ve just got freshman hair sharing a head with dental implants, reading glasses, and turkey neck. My sons rag me for keeping my genes to myself. One of them lives under a wispy Nixonian peninsula flanked by gulfs of glistening scalp. Another’s hairline spans ear to ear by the polar route; with a full beard, only his head’s upper front quadrant sees the sun. I am often mistaken for their younger brother. In May we’ll reunite, and the rumor will surely revive. And I’ll totter down College Hill sporting a button that says, ‘No I Don’t!’ Don’t what – color my hair? Use Viagra? Read the BAM? Let ‘em guess.”

Beverly Schwartz Rosen writes: “I am now living at Wayland Manor in Providence’s Wayland Square. It has been a good choice, made with lots of family help. I am painting more seriously with a wonderful teacher, a RISD graduate, at the Hamilton House. Family is good, interesting, and offbeat, and I am proud of them.” 

Class president Janice Swanson Post reports: "We are fast approaching our 60th reunion and are looking forward to seeing classmates again. Festivities start on Friday May 24, and there is still time to make reservations for the events.  To register online, go to and click on the Reunion Registration link to begin your registration. If you have not yet sent in a reunion gift to the Brown Annual Fund and be included in the participation by classmates, you can send your gift to: Brown University, Gift Cashier, Box 1877, Providence, RI  02912. We hope for a record participation percentage. If you have already sent in your contribution, we thank you." 

From the January/February 2013 Issue

John M. Andrews writes: “Looking forward to our 60th reunion!”

Louis W. Bauman writes: “I can’t believe our 60th Reunion is coming up. All is well with my wife and me and our five grown children, who have blessed us with nine grandchildren ranging in age from five to twenty-one, three of whom are in college. I had a quadruple bypass last year, fortunately with no complications, and I’m still practicing law in my home town of Eastchester, N.Y. I also still serve on the Hawthorne Cedar Knolls School Board (over 40 years now). Life goes on as I move through my 81st year, knowing that only keeping active and being of service wherever and however I can will serve me best as I continue to live a day at a time for the rest of my days.”

Lyle E. Bourne Jr. writes: “Eighty years old and still trucking. I’m retired and living the life of ease, enjoying friends and family. But, as the song goes: ‘Don’t get around much anymore.’ Staying in touch through the BAM and class news.”

Marvin Catler writes: “We have left West Hartford, Conn., after 55 years, returning to Hull, Mass. We plan to spend six months in Sarasota, four months in Hull, and to visit our children and grandchildren the rest of the time. Looking forward to the 60th reunion.”

Duane Clarridge writes: “I have left California for a variety of reasons: to be closer to my clients (and time zone of Afghanistan and Pakistan), closer to children and grandchildren for support in declining years, and because California is bankrupt (with no light in sight), full of criminal politicians, public service unions out of control, a coming devastating water shortage, and a population of ‘takers versus makers.’”

Stavroula Balomenos Demitre writes: “I have retired to Brooksby Village in Peabody, Mass., and I love it. I am here with my eight-year-old Shih Tzu, Andre, and he loves it too. As usual, I have gotten involved with the musical groups.”

Ulises Giberga writes: “My wife, Jane, and I have moved to Manhattan after 35 years in Forest Hills Gardens, N.Y. Fred Fort and I get together for lunch several times a year, and I occasionally see Brown graduates from other classes.”

Barbara Reese Howard writes she is looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones at the 60th.

Frank W. Krohn is enjoying life as a retired sales executive in North Carolina. He has three children and four grandchildren. He would like to reestablish relationships with his classmates.

Carlos S. Miranda sends best wishes to everyone.

Steven van Westendorp writes: “After so many years away from Brown, we certainly hope to make it back this year. In the interim, we continue enjoying life here in North Carolina and still get in a fair amount of travel. We join some of the ‘snow birds’ from up north as they head for Florida come wintertime. I am long since retired from the U.S. Navy and from a few years of teaching here in Raleigh. Laura Mae’s and my health seems to be holding up pretty well, for which we are most thankful. I volunteer with the USO, church, a local radio station, and a soup kitchen—just enough to keep me out of trouble! Hope to see some familiar faces on the Hill come spring.”

Joanna Chiotinos Zauchenberger writes: “As much as I would love to attend the reunion, I am unable to leave my husband, who is bedridden with Parkinson’s. Greetings and best wishes to classmates. I will be thinking of you, hoping you still remember me. If, by some freakish accident, any of you land in Kansas, do call me.”


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Betty Leaver Goff writes: “On July 20 the ‘Pembrokers’ held a summer luncheon at the Shrine Imperial Room at Rhodes Place in Cranston, R.I. Those attending were Louise Anthony Brundage, Betty Leaver Goff, Gloria Villany Holland, Jane Hovey, Patricia Eastwood Kann, Mary Jean Kelly McKenna, Patricia Chase Michaud, Sally Wilcox O’Day, Janice Swanson Post, Amelia Stern Revkin, Barbara Kemalian Stone, and Lee Torres Sullivan. We are looking forward to our 60th reunion in May.”

Amelia Stern Revkin and Bill Revkin write: “No longer Rhode Islanders, we celebrated our 60th anniversary with a family reunion in Branford, Conn., our new summer home. Of 59 family members present, seven were Brown alumni: son Jim Revkin ’81 MD; son Andy Revkin ’78; daughter Diana Revkin ’83; brother Mike Stern ’57; nephew Richard Stern ’88; niece Barbara Revkin ’70; cousin Morris Schwartz ’49. Winters we continue to live in Stuart, Fla., but we plan to go back to R.I. for the 60th reunion of the class of ’53 next May!”

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Betty Leaver Goff (see Joan Hoost McMaster ’60).


From the May/June 2012 Issue

Bob Baldini writes: “I achieved my 20th year of retirement from Corning Inc. on April 1 and continue an active lifestyle with volunteer work and traveling. I have toured all 50 states and continents and more than 70 countries. Hopefully I can continue this pace.”

Rita Schorr-Germain and her husband, Sumner J.P. Germain, moved to Emeritus Assisted Living to be close to their daughter, Emily Germain-Lee, and her family.

Alan Goldberg writes: “Iris and I are excited to be moving into a beautiful new senior residence with magnificent views of Lake Michigan. I have been busy taking courses at the Univ. of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and am now lecturing there on cardiovascular physiology. I am enjoying the teaching and the contact with students (mostly undergrads but some PhD candidates as well). Sorry to learn about the death of our very dear friend Gerald Markowitz ’53.”

Joanne Webster McSherry writes: “We are getting older, but things are going well. My husband, Mike McSherry ’54, and I are still in Charleston, South Carolina, but are figuring out how to move north near our four families: three in the Boston area and one on Cape Cod.”

Stephen Sultan writes: “Our daughter Arian has given Judy and me the most beautiful little baby girl, Avery Harper Rothman. See you at the 60th!”


From the March/April 2012 Issue

William Aznavourian writes: “I am moving well. I'm very busy involved with community activities and occasional travel.”

Jack Fleuridas writes: “Sold my business importing hairdressing and barber cutlery and cosmetic applicators in 2001. Since then I have kept busy teaching scissor sharpening and selling on eBay and at an antiques and collectors flea market. During the warmer months I spend a lot of time gardening and surf fishing. In the fall I still go upland bird hunting, and I also take several vacations a year. Last June, we drove from New Jersey to Colorado and Arizona. It was an enjoyable three-week trip.”

Rita Schorr Germain writes: “Sumner and I retired to a retirement community in Baltimore, close to Emily Germain Lee and her family. Mirah and her family live in East Brunswick, N.J.”

Recently the Sons of Union Veterans presented a certificate of commendation to Caroline and Robert Jacobsen reading as follows: “On behalf of the Sons of Union Veterans in recognition of your valuable help in preserving the memory of the Union soldiers of 1861–1865.”

Charles E. Knox writes: “My wife, Patricia (Rutgers ’57), and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 23, 2010, with a lively party in our house in Carlsbad, California, attended by many friends and relatives from across the country. I finally retired at the age of 74, but have spent most of my time caring for Pat for the past seven years. She’s finally back to health.”

Patricia Chase Michaud writes that her first great-granddaughter, Hayden Lynn Caraberis, was born on Mar. 31, 2011. Paternal grandfather is George Caraberis ’77.

William V. Polleys III writes that his daughter, Cate Polleys ’85, is an executive in Chicago and New York City. William is still skiing, and is retiring as chairman of the board of the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries.

Edgar F. Staff writes: “Besides being an Episcopal priest, I’ve done many other things early on. I was production stage manager for Trinity Rep. I was in theater early on with Sock & Buskin, the Providence Players, City Nights Dinner Theater, Ocean State Light Opera, etc. I sang in several Episcopal choirs. Things are fine and I attend Grace Church in Providence.”

Barbara Carucci Venditti writes: “We have finally downsized.”

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Robert Baldani writes: "As of Apr. 1, 2011, I achieved my 20th year of retirement from Corning Inc. I continue to be very active with volunteer work and traveling. I have toured the 50 states and the seven continents and have visited more than 70 countries."

Leonard Glaser writes that he has been happily married for 53 years. He retired from the industrial real estate business and spends leisure days in Longboat Key, Fla., and West Orange, N.J. He is the grandfather of six collegians, one high school student, and one middle school student.

Stephen Sultan writes: "Our daughter Arian and her husband, Aaron Rothman, are new parents of an eight-month-old baby girl, Avery Harper Rothman. Judy and I now have two beautiful granddaughters, since my son Peter has a 4-year-old named Mila. I'm still working as fast as I can as president of Dramatists Play Service, publishing and licensing plays in the stock and amateur market."

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Vice president Betty Leaver Goff reports: "On July 15, 14 Pembrokers met for lunch at the Shrine Imperial Room, R.I. Those who attended were Louise Anthony Brundage, Gloria Villany Holland, Jane Hovey, Patricia Eastwood Kann, Mary Jean Kelly McKenna, Sally Wilcox O'Day, Janice Swanson Post, Beverly Schwartz Rosen, Edie Wiedeman Smith, Barbara Kemalian Stone, Lee Torres Sullivan, Joan Powers Valinote, Norma Byers Willis, and myself."

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Rayner Weir and his wife just celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. They have three grandchildren, and all are healthy.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

George and Marilyn Rice Bray write that they have traveled this year to Antarctica, the Chinese Silk Road, the Baltic countries, and West Africa in December. George continues to work full-time at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center while commuting back and forth to San Francisco.

Duane Clarridge runs a privately funded professional intelligence service supporting coalition forces in Afghanistan via force protection. He writes: "So sorry to see the total collapse of my old CIA organization and most of the rest of the U.S. intelligence agencies."

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Alan Goldberg writes: "I recently had the distinct pleasure of being on the Provincial French Countryside trip conducted by the Brown Travelers. We saw and did so much and were with such a compatible group. Muriel, our tour leader, was extraordinarily knowledgeable about French life, arts, history, etc. Professor Lewis Seifert made important contributions, and it was the best trip my wife and I had ever taken. But what made the trip unusually special for me was the joy to have met a fraternity brother, Walter Goldfarb '55, whom I had not seen in 57 years! The two English majors immediately bonded and continued to reminisce about old times throughout the trip."

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Stephen Sultan, president of Dramatists Play Service Inc., writes that Wall Street Journal drama critic Terry Teachout reported in January on the 11 most-produced plays of the past decade, 10 of which are represented by Dramatists Play Service.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Constance Wrubel Carrigan congratulates Brown Alumni Magazine for its grand revamp. She says: "It has been so much more interesting."

Alan Goldberg recently wrote a book titled The Doors of St. Michael's, Hidesheim. The book is found on the shelves of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library and is scheduled to be on the reserve reading list for a course in medieval art history.

Peg Ogden is a member of the board of directors of Project Eye-to-Eye, a mentoring program for students with learning differences.

Dave Traynor writes that after retiring from NDE/Abrams Publishing in 1997, he formed his own company, Traynor Educational Services Inc., which he reluctantly closed in 2009 following the death of his wife, Charlotte (Wheaton '56) from pancreatic cancer. "The news from Brown is always welcome and it adds to the New England flavor of the sign in my driveway—Red Sox Fans Only."

Barbara Carucci Venditti writes that her daughter, Elizabeth Venditti '78, worked with George Bray on a National Institutes of Health project about diabetes prevention.

Rayner Weir and his wife, Adele (Winthrop Univ. '54), are well and looking forward to their 50th anniversary. They continue to live in Charlotte, N.C., but now also have time to stay at their house at Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. "Time does fly!"


From the March/April 2010 Issue

Bill Polleys writes that Ellen Greene has written and published Remembering the Sweet Things: One List, Two Lives and Twenty Years of Marriage. The story and selections are about her late husband, Marshall Greene.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Alan Goldberg would welcome any communications regarding his book, Doors of St. Michael's, Hildesheim.

Stephen Sultan is the president and technical counsel of Dramatists Play Service Inc., a play-licensing and publishing company. Stephen writes: "This year I am proud to say that we are publishing the Pulitzer Prize–winning play Ruined by Lynn Nottage '86. Lynn has also just been elected to the board of directors of the company."

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Lyle Bourne, of Boulder, Colo., is a professor of psychology and a member of the Rocky Mountain Brown Club, which he says is a small but lively group.

Larry Lundgren is still in Sweden and is interested in corresponding with classmates by e-mail. If interested, contact Janice Swanson Post for his e-mail address.

Patricia Chase Michaud (see George Caraberis '77).

Betty Leaver Goff reports that 14 Pembrokers and three guests met for lunch on July 17 at the Shrine Imperial Room in Cranston, R.I. Class members who attended were Edie Oelbaum Biener, Peggy Kohlhepp Gardner, Betty Leaver Goff, Gloria Villany Holland, Jane Hovey, Pat Eastwood Kann, Mary Jean Kelly McKenna, Pat Chase Michaud, Sally Wilcox O'Day, Janice Swanson Post, Barbara Kemalian Stone, Lee Torres Sullivan, Joan Powers Valinote, and Norma Byers Willis. For information on future meetings or to report any news, please contact Jan Swanson Post or Betty Goff.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Alan Goldberg writes: "Since my retirement from medical practice five years ago I have been very busy taking courses in history, art history, and philosophy that I wished I could have taken while an undergraduate at Brown. I have just published my first book, Doors of St. Michael's, Hildesheim, and it has been accepted by the library of the Univ. of Wisc.–Milwaukee for its reserve book list for medieval art history."


From the July/August 2009 Issue

Hal Fleming has published The Brides' Fair, a tale of international intrigue and terrorism set in Morocco, where he lived for five years. Hal spent 10 years in West and North Africa, and has worked for the Peace Corps, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and UNICEF.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Betty Goff writes: "Do you remember the wet weather at our 50th reunion? Well, the weather for our 55th was perfect! The reunion began on May 30th with the reception at our class headquarters, followed by dinner at the Chancellor's dining room. The women's Saturday luncheon was at the Portrait Room at the Brown Faculty Club, and for the men it was at the Huttner Room. Saturday evening the dinner was at the Hope Club. All reunion events are now held at Brown. All the events culminated with the traditional Commencement march down College Hill. Attendance consisted of 56 class members and 32 guests. Overall, the class raised $7,950,730 for all University priorities, which is a record for the 55th reunion!"

George Junghanns recently published his new book, The Phoenix circa Anno Domini, which has a dramatically new view of ecclesiastical forgeries from the fall of the Roman Empire/Jerusalem to the present.

Patricia Chase Michaud, Arthur O'Day, and Sandy Wilcox O'Day (see George Caraberis '77).

Bill Polleys writes that he is trying to become the oldest ski instructor at the Canyons Resort in Park City, Utah.


From the November/December 2008 Issue

Mary Ellyn Dufek writes: "My orange grove turned out its best crop yet, though we struggle with the water limitations. In spite of the drought, there was a wonderful show of wildflowers in the spring, both in the desert and in my back lots. Any classmate is a welcome visitor."

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Ulises Giberga writes: "I continue to enjoy retirement tremendously (12 years now!). Acting in an off-off Broadway group, the St. Bart's Players, at St. Bartholomew's Church in Manhattan, gives me particular pleasure. I'm currently appearing in a mixed-cast production of Twelve Angry Men as juror #7, with the pretty unique distinction that there are two other Brown graduates in the cast; Leslie Engel '76 (juror #4) and Jonah Rosen '01 (juror #5). How's that for three generations of Brown actors! Unfortunately, I'll miss our 55th reunion, as our son, Peter, is getting married that weekend. So... I'll look forward to our 60th."

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Reunion co-chairs John Andrews and Barbara Kemalian Stone report: "Our 55th Reunion is fast approaching! Save the dates May 23–25, 2008. Return to your alma mater and renew friendships. Your reunion committee is supporting the University's back-to-campus program, which hosts our reunion events in the environs of the Brown campus."

Norman C. Bassett has retired from the retail furniture business after 50 years. He hopes to continue sailing and maintaining in Maine.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Class secretary Betty Leaver Goff reports: “On July 20, 2007, nineteen alumnae got together at The Imperial Room in Rhodes Place in Cranston, R.I. Those who attended what has become an annual event were Ellen Leete Bell, Edith Oelbaum Biener, Fanny Bojar, Louise Anthony Brundage, Margaret Kohlhepp Gardner, Betty Leaver Goff, Gloria Villaney Holland, Jane Hovey, Patricia Eastwood Kann, Mary Jean Kelly McKenna, Patricia Chase Michaud, Sally Wilcox O’Day, Janice Swanson Post, Edie Wiedeman Smith, Barbara Kemalian Stone, Lee Torres Sullivan, Joan Carmody Theve, Joan Powers Valinote, and Norma Byers Willis.

Anyone who would like to receive notice about next year’s luncheon, please contact Janice Post or Betty Goff. Hope to see many of you at our 55th reunion in May!”

Pat Parcher Cleaveland (see Lena B. Chen ’73).

Martin Cohen writes that, because of children and grandchildren in Las Vegas and San Francisco, he has a vacation home in Reno: “We continue to have a place in Florida, but the West is now home for seven months. There are a few Brown grads here, but none from our class.”

Joanne Webster McSherry writes: “I have ten grandchildren, all 12 years old and under. I still spend four months in West Falmouth, Mass., and eight months in Charleston, S.C. All is well.”

Carlos S. Miranda writes: “Retirement has been great. I travel to Europe every year, mostly to Portugal, where we have many relatives. I retired as vice president of Kellogg International, and we live in Sarasota, Fla. I am a volunteer county court mediator in Sarasota. I have been married to Natalie for fifty-seven years, and we have three children, four grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter.”

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Spero Karol (see Marilyn Karol Pelosi '76)

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Joe Johnston writes: “I enjoyed a wonderful, long-overdue luncheon with Norm James, Dave Lownes, and Bob Lundin, and our ladies. Everyone was still upright, and no one had lost his appetite.”

Peg Ogden (see Valerie Phillips ’98).

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Alfred E. Mackiewicz writes: “Even though I lost my wife of forty-eight years two years ago, I still miss her. I didn’t have the finances or class to attend any of the functions at Brown, but I would like to hear from any of my classmates or football players from the early fifties as I was also a member of the team.”

Beverly Schwartz Rosen writes: “I am well and busy with classes at the Brown Community for Learning in Retirement, and painting at Hamilton House. No major trips since India (Jan./Feb. ’06), but contemplating China. Did a driving trip last summer to see long-lost relatives. Recently I’ve seen a daughter in Brooklyn; cousin Abraham Schwartz ’41 and his wife, Dotty, in Cherry Hill, N.J. and brother there; my daughter and her family in Virginia; and friend Marcia Bromberg (Brown’s Office of International Studies in the 1970’s) in Ashville, N.C. Long trip for driving, but great to see the folks and beautiful country.”

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Gloria Holland writes: “Sorry I missed our mini-reunion in October. I was too busy moving to my new condo in a converted school. It is taking longer than I anticipated to settle in.”

Larry Lundren writes he is having the best years of his life in Linkoping, Sweden, working at the Red Cross with refugees from Iraq (including Kurdistan) and Africa. Many of these refugees have become close friends who educate him about their Middle Eastern cultures and teach him to dance to Iraqi music. He is playing trumpet in Ansgar’s Mission Church Big Band and Wind Orchestra and also getting a 21st-century college education by keeping up with daughter Annika’s courses at the University of Vermont. He’s also receiving a psychology education by translating articles from Swedish to English for university researchers.

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Dr. J. Thomas Johnston retired in 2001 after forty-three years in country practice. He has four successful children and is still married to Jane Hensyl ’52. They have seven grandchildren. They still live in Wyoming and enjoy skiing, horses, and music.

Beverly Schwartz Rosen writes: “Happily retired; traveled to India last winter; four trips to Asia in the last five years; art at the Newport Museum, R.I. Watercolor Society; family is flourishing; grandchildren are either in college or almost there—a good life in a tough world.”

Barbara Carucci Venditti writes: “Jerry and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in Hawaii, where we lived for the first two years of our married life. We were happy to discover that the aloha spirit is alive and well and that Kailua Beach has not changed.”

Howard Wenzel was elected in 2005 to a two-year term as president of the property owners’ association of the Albrook Garden Community, where he lives. Albrook was a former U.S. Air Force Base located in the old Canal Zone, which was turned over to Panama in 1997. Howard writes: “This is my first experience in city government and politics. A significant portion of my time is spent taking action with Panamanian government entities to fight off pressure of developers who want to build new projects in the area. Most of my life has been spent as a developer of real estate projects, and now I am in the reverse role, trying to discourage them in order to maintain the quality of life in our community. In any event, it’s an interesting challenge.”

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Morris J. Levin (see Lloyd Levin ’80).

Amelia Stern Revkin writes: “This is our third year as Floridians, but no 55-plus gated community condo for us—just a small house near the north fork of the St. Lucie river. Yes, it’s flat, but great for biking and gardening. Yes, summers are hot, but Bill ’50 and I can sail and race our old Ranger 23 year round. No more snow, sleet, or ice on Greenwich Bay for us. (Remember that cold, raw, soaking-wet 50th reunion weekend?) We had our own Brown reunion last year when all the family—including sons Jim ’81 MD and Andy ’78, daughter Diana ’83, and my brother, Mike Stern ’57—came down to celebrate my mother’s 100th year. We do plan visits to Connecticut, New York, and Rhode Island during hurricane season, although Andy, our environmental journalist, thinks the storms may move farther north this year. Read all about it in his latest book, The North Pole WAS Here. Regards to all.”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Class treasurer Burt Priest will happily receive class dues ($35) at 301 Metro Center Blvd., Warwick, R.I. 02886.

Curtis Kruger and his wife, Nancy, are back in Florida after a long and difficult boat trip from Maine. After the Christmas holidays, they began planning a trip to the Keys, and in May they plan a return voyage to East Boothbay, Maine.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Robert Conley writes from China: “At an impromptu Brown Club of Shanghai meeting in a neat snug called Sasha’s, Lisa Movius ’98, George Hogeman ’79, and I raised our glasses to toast Brown’s president, Ruth J. Simmons, for opening doors to the global future of Brown’s students. Xie xie (thank you) was our toast. Lisa, a resident journalist, covers Shanghai and southern China’s exploding world of pop culture. George is the American Consular Affairs officer in Shanghai. I was there as a guest of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Shanghai to do a seminar on my field, the dynamics of change—in this case, news in the twenty-first century. So, to our class, let me say zai jian (see you again) at the next reunion.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Rita Schorr Germain writes: “Sumner and I still enjoy working in our respective professions and travel as often as we can. Emily is an associate professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School and her husband is full professor. Mirah is an urban planner; her husband, Murray, is a senior partner in a private radiology practice. Benjamin, 10, Emma, 6, and Rachel, 3, are a joy! Sorry I could not attend our 50th. I would love to hear from all!”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Peg Ogden writes: “There will never be another reunion like our 50th. I still enjoying mediating for the Better Business Bureau of New York City.”

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Brenda Balze Feleppa and Ed Feleppa write: “We look forward to the 55th Jabberwocks reunion next May.”

Tom Geismar (see Amanda McKnight Jaffe ’98).

Edward A. White, of Stone Mountain, Ga., writes: “My first grandchild was born March 24 and will be christened at their Episcopal church soon. Her name is Ellen ‘Ellie’ Layne, honoring her late grandmother, Elaine.”

Jim Winoker (see Alyson Yashar ’89).

From the March / April 2003 Issue

The 50th-reunion planning committee asks you to save May 23–26 for our milestone reunion. Details are finalized, and you will soon receive registration information in the mail. Your reunion yearbook editors, Kenneth Knowles and Edith Biener, have been working hard, and the yearbook is sure to be a highlight of our celebration. You will receive this memento whether or not you attend the reunion. If you have any questions, or you have not received any reunion mailing to date, please call (401) 863-1947. See you on campus!

Howard Wenzel writes: “My wife, Anne Barr ’54, and I landed in a small plane on the Ruth Glacier on Mt. McKinley, Alaska, in late June. We continue to live in Panama. Anne is the librarian of the International School. I work as sales representative for the Pilkington Glass Group in Panama and Central America. I also spend many hours volunteering as the director of a nonprofit English-language academy of the Panamanian Business Sector. See you at the 50th.”

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Bob Kay writes: "I practice psychiatry three days a week in community mental health settings and one day a week at the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis. My recent Psychiatric Times article, "The Know-Nothing Psychiatrist," has elicited some positive response. I'm also heavily involved in the homeschooling movement, the teaching of reading, the application of sociobiology to the raising of children, and the promotion of single-payer, universal health care for all Americans."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Joyce Wilson Linthicum writes: "I've been living at the foot of St. Andrews Mountain for seven years. In 2000 I bought a cottage at Bethany Beach, Del., and spend winter there by the ocean. I have three grandsons: Bill, 5, and Joe and Ben, both 3. My daughter, Mary, and her husband, David, live close by in West Virginia."

Thomas Luff wrote in April: "I'm planning to finally retire in August and then take a monthlong cruise in Europe."

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Frederick Ulbrich Jr. is chairman emeritus of Ulbrich Stainless Steels and Special Metals, which won the MassMutual national family business of the year award. The company is based in New Haven.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

George A. Bray, M.D., was named Boyd Professor at Louisiana State University. His wife, Marilyn Rice Bray, writes: "We have moved to San Francisco. George commutes to L.S.U., where he continues his research. He has no plans to retire and is funded for nine more years."

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Frederick L. Reynolds, of Groton, Mass., writes: "I recently retired from my position as a senior vice president at Fidelity Investments after twenty-nine years with the firm. I continue to be actively engaged in the nonprofit boards of Simon’s Rock College, the Indian Hill Music Center, Deaconess Nashoba Hospital, and the Groton Public Library Endowment."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Duncan MacMillan (see Anne MacMillan Pedrero ’91).

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Corresponding secretary Gene D'Andrea reports: "Marty Cohen writes that he is mostly retired and enjoying life at 3731 Toulouse Dr., Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 33410. From May through October he lives at 5809 Nicholson Ln., #1504, North Bethesda, Md. 20852."

Paul Goldman (see Ilene S. Goldman '87).

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Class corresponding secretary Gene D'Andrea reports: "The class of 1953 expresses its sincere sympathy to the family of Dr. Helen Melaragno. Helen passed away on Aug. 5. Gifts in her memory may be sent to the 1953 Class Scholarship Fund."

Len Glaser, of Watchung, N.J., and Stratton Mountain, Vt., has retired from the industrial real estate business and has lots of time to enjoy his eight grandchildren. He and his wife, Helen, enjoyed the Brown travelers' cruise to the eight Baltic Sea countries in June. Len was reuinted after forty-eight years with his Psychology 101 professor, Lorrin Riggs. Len writes: "The highly educational voyage was enjoyably and efficiently hosted by Laura Freid, executive vice president of public affairs and university relations."

From the July / August 1999 Issue

The class of 1953 extends its deepest sympathy to Ellen Leete Bell on the passing of her husband, Vernon D. Bell.

George Bray Jr., Baton Rouge, La., will retire as director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center on Aug. 1. George, who recently had a grant funded for an additional eight years, also won a National Merit Award. He will remain on the faculty and do research at Pennington.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

John Andersen, Lake Forest, Ill., and John Andersen Jr. '79, Wilmette, Ill., climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in February 1998. There was an unusual amount of snow, which made the climb more difficult, but they made it to the summit and fixed a Brown banner on the mountaintop.

Helen Ware Larkin writes that she and her husband, Jack, taught English in Xi'an, China, in October through an Elderhostel service project. The purpose of the project was to expose Chinese students to native English speakers, since many of their teachers have not studied abroad. "The whole experience was unbelievable, exhilarating, frustrating, and, above all, educational. We found the students to be active, squirmy, and noisy, just like our own. Most of them were also intent on taking advantage of our presence. They would approach us in the hall to practice their English as soon as we arrived at school. They were solicitous, enthusiastic, and friendly and invariably asked if we knew Madonna or Michael Jackson. I pointed out my gray hair and asked if their parents liked their music. That always got a response. Based on our experience with these children, China has a great future. We were in Xi'an for three weeks, and had an opportunity to go sightseeing on weekends. We saw the terra-cotta warriors, the excavations of a Neolithic (4000 B.C.) village, the Great Mosque, a farming village community, jade workshops, silk rug workshops, and the various sights in the city of Xi'an itself. Xi'an was the capital of China for more than 1,000 years, so there is a lot of history right in the city. Our group of eighteen, perhaps because of the combination of service and gray hair, was the most compatible group I have ever traveled with. It was wrenching to say good-bye. I cannot recommend the experience highly enough, but add the caveat that you can't sweat the small stuff (and it's all small stuff)."

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Rita Schorr Germain, Lancaster, Pa., did an interview with the Shoah Foundation. "It was a challenging experience, full of pain and joy, of losses and traumas of the war, of the Holocaust, and of the trauma of displacement and emigrations," she writes. "Yet it was positive having to look at my whole life and feel complete and whole. I plan to deposit copies of my three videotapes at the Pembroke Center and the Schlesinger Radcliffe Library.

Our daughters and their families are a source of pride and joy. I have two grandchildren, Benjamin, 4, and Emma Claire, 8 months. They are a joy and a blessing. Sumner is still teaching full time and wants to continue as long as he can. I have gone back to studying piano, so my Steinway is working hard. My flower, vegetable, and herb gardens are something to share with family and friends. I did cut down on community work; but when needed, I respond. On July 5 we celebrated forty years of marriage, a historical achievement. We are still good friends. Hoping to see all my classmates in our reunion 2003."

The April 1998 issue of the Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology was dedicated to the late Robert L. Kaiser, who passed away in 1995. The dedication read in part: "Dr. Kaiser was instrumental, during his thirty-year career in epidemiology and tropical-medicine research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, in helping change the direction of malaria control from mosquito control to drug prophylaxis and treatment."

From the September / October 1998 Issue


  • 45th reunion attendees included: John Andersen, John Andrews, Ellen Leete Bell, Samuel Bernstein, Edith Oelbaum Biener, Harold Bigler, Robert Briggs, Barbara Bogle, Fanny Bojar, Mary-Elizabeth Hogan Boyd, Elliott Brown, Louise Anthony Brundage, William Burgoon, David Busing, James Carey, Marvin Catler, Deborah Roads Caulkins, Leah Belle Korn Chernov, Duane Clarridge, Martin Cohen, Joseph Coughlin, Eugene D'Andrea, Stavroula Balomenos Demitre, Lincoln Ekstrom, Ruth Burt Ekstrom, James Fernald, Harold Fleming, Frederick Fort, Alfred Geller, Ulises Giberga, Ann Harrington Gifford, Betty Leaver Goff, Paul Goldman, Charles Gnassi, Joan Turner Hastings, Harry Hauser, Janice Milne Hess, John Hill, Gloria Villany Holland, Eleanor Hovey, Norman James, Patricia Eastwood Kann, Kenneth Knowles, David Kramer, Morris Levin, Robert Lundin, Lawrence Lundgren, Myron Mandel, James McGough, Mary Jean Kelly McKenna, Richard Mendelsohn, Peggy Ogden, Russell Pierce, Robert Pike, Burton Priest, Janice Swanson Post, Amelia Stern Revkin, Beverly Schwartz Rosen, Eleanor Ekblade Seaman, Harriett Rubin Sherman, Joanne Butler Sherman, Edythe Wiedeman Smith, William Spindel, Carl Stenberg, Barbara Kemalian Stone, Dale Strand, Stephen Sultan, Joseph Tauro, Joan Powers Valinote, Barbara Carucci Venditti, Dick Vreeland, Gloria Rosenhirsch Wallick, Richard Webb, William Whitehouse, Winthrop Wilbur, James Winoker, Nancy Siederowf Wolfson, Donn Worth, Ann Peterson Zablocki, and Ralph Zalusky.


    Joseph L. Tauro (see Elizabeth Tauro Saunders 84).

From the July / August 1998 Issue

John A. Andersen, Lake Forest, Ill., retired from Northern Trust Bank in 1996 after thirty-nine years of service. He is now a consultant to the bank. His eleventh grandchild was born to David '82 and Mary Andersen last February.

Sam Bernstein, New Canaan, Conn., is an attorney in Stamford, Conn. He is the senior partner of Zone & Bernstein and is affiliated with his son, Harold, in the practice. His daughter, Cathy, is an appraiser with Met Life in White Plains, N.Y. Sam is married to the former Sarey Frankel; they celebrated forty-three years of marriage last December. The couple has four grandchildren: Leora, 12, Robert, 10, Franni, 6, and Hannah, 16 months. Sam still plays the violin and is also into weightlifting ("anything but garbage and groceries," he writes).

Katherine MacKenty Bigelow spent two years at Pembroke before marrying Robert P. Bigelow in 1951. They have four children and nine grandchildren. Katherine graduated summa cum laude (and first in her class in humanities) from Northeastern University in 1983, earning a degree in English literature. Since then she has written, edited, and lectured.

Bob Briggs (see Sandy McFarland Taylor '58).

Louise Anthony Brundage, Hamden, Conn., writes: "Instead of sensibly retiring like a normal person, I have just started a new job as director of the Hamden Public Library."

Frederick L. Fort, Wilton, Conn., retired on April 1 as managing director of Marsh and McLennan Inc. after serving for forty-three years in the United States, Mexico, and Venezuela.

Eugene R. Gray's first wife, Beverly, died Feb. 14, 1994, after a year of illness. Eugene writes: "I have remarried to Phyllis Hessler, who has been a widow for a few years. We both attend St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Plymouth, Ind. We got to know each other through mutual attendance at a support group for persons who have lost a mate. We started out as acquaintances, became friends, and as good friends both realized we were in love. We were married Dec. 30, 1995. We just completed our new home, where we look forward to many happy years together when we both retire. Phyl is a mother of one daughter and grandmother of two. She has been a first-grade teacher and college professor, and is now a school psychologist."

Jack Norberg (see Joe Tebo '58).

Thomas H. Patten Jr., Claremont, Calif., was a visiting professor of human-resource management at the National College of Industrial Relations in Dublin, Ireland, in 1997. He later served in the same capacity at Korea University in Seoul. His lectures will be published in Korean this year.

Russell Pierce (see Sandy McFarland Taylor '58).

Amelia Stern Revkin, Stuart, Fla., writes: "A Brown reunion is always a family affair." Brown alumni in Amelia's family include husband Bill '50, son Jim '81 M.D., son Andy '78, daughter Diana '83, brother Mike Stern '57, nephew Richard Stern '88, and nieces Barbara '70 and Elaine Revkin '66.

Ann Peterson Zablocki, Ridgewood, N.J., is teaching E.S.L. in a junior high school in New York City.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Robert Shumaker is professor emeritus at West Virginia University, where he taught in the geology department. "I'm having the time of my life doing research, working with grad students, and traveling with my bride of forty-four years, Beverly,"Bob writes.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Robert Shumaker is professor emeritus at West Virginia University, where he taught in the geology department. "I'm having the time of my life doing research, working with grad students, and traveling with my bride of forty-four years, Beverly,"Bob writes.

From the March / April 1998 Issue

45th Reunion We hope you have reserved the weekend of May 22-25 for your 45th reunion. The excitement is building, and we hope as many classmates as possible return for this event. You should be receiving your registration packet shortly. If you have not received reunion information, please contact headquarters at (401) 863-3380.

Bud Brown (see Darcy Brown '88).

Francis J. Lutz received the 1997 James J. McLaughlin Professionalism Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association. The award is given to attorneys who demonstrate civility, legal competence, and professionalism in the practice of civil trial law. Francis is an attorney with Lutz, Shafranski, Gorman & Mahoney in New Brunswick, N.J.



Jan, 2025

Barbara Kemalian Stone ’53, of Warwick, R.I.; Jul. 30, from kidney failure. After receiving her MAT from Harvard, she taught on American Air Forces bases in Germany and Libya for several years, which allowed her the opportunity to travel extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East. Stateside she taught English and was a drama coach at Warwick Veterans High School. She eventually became a mother of twins and triplets, two years apart. She enjoyed book clubs and playing bridge as a member of Warwick Country Club. She was an avid New England sports fan and also an active member and former president of her Brown class and served as class marshal at her 65th reunion. She is survived by her significant other, E. Allen Reed; daughter Laura Stone ’89; four sons, including Thomas ’89; two daughters-in-law; a son-in-law; and eight grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

George F. Smith ’53, of South Hadley, Mass.; Jul. 31. He had a long career as an educator, retiring as head of the science department at South Hadley High School. Previously, he had served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and was a veteran of the Korean War. He was a founding member of All Saints Church and active in its many committees. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, five grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Ann J. Kingsbury Resch ’53, of Bennington, Vt.; Jul. 16, from complications of a stroke. After Brown and while in London for three years, she earned a licentiate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She followed with a career in theater and for four years was the assistant to Joseph Papp, founder of the New York Shakespeare Festival. She was also an assistant stage manager and business manager of Group 20 Players in Wellesley, Mass., and worked at other regional theaters, including the Antioch Shakespeare Festival and the Brattle Theater. For 10 years she lived in Manhattan, where besides her association with Joseph Papp, she worked as a play reader for Lynn Austin and Roger Stevens. In 1966 she got married, started a family, and left Manhattan. She eventually taught voice at the Emma Willard School in Troy (N.Y.), and at Bennington College, where she later served as coordinator of the dance-drama division. She helped to organize the Vermont Symphony’s youth concerts in Bennington and was active with the Beyond War movement of the 1980s. Many of her reviews of regional drama productions were published locally. She enjoyed swimming and had a fondness for cats. She is survived by her husband, Tyler; two daughters; a son-in-law; a sister; and several nieces and nephews. 

Jan, 2025

Jane Treynor Luff ’53, of Haverhill, formerly of Amherst, Mass.; Jan. 4, from vascular dementia. She was a nurse practitioner employed at Sickle Cell Disease Center at Boston Medical Center and worked at Baystate Medical Center in the oncology research department. She enjoyed reading, photography, improv comedy, and traveling. She is survived by three daughters, a son, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Norman A. James ’53, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Jun. 26. He went on to receive his MBA from Babson before beginning a long career at DuPont. During his time at Brown he was a cheerleader and after graduating he served as the Class of ’53 president for more than 35 years. A dedicated Brunonian, he regularly attended football games and Campus Dances and looked forward to marching down College Hill at Commencement. He was known as “Jesse” by his classmates and “Papa Joe” by his grandchildren. He was proud to be one of the first participants in a clinical trial for a medication for Alzheimer’s. He is survived by his wife, Elaine; two daughters and sons-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and a sister and brother-in-law. 

Jan, 2025

Ann McGeeney Harty ’53, of Verona, Pa., formerly of Pittsburgh and Kanazawa, Japan; Jul. 21. She was a homemaker until her children were school age and then she returned to the workforce at Chatham College, where she helped start and run Job Advisory Service (JAS), a service to assist women in reentering the workforce. After moving to Pittsburgh, she was exposed to broader adventures that included traveling and hosting exchange students. She interviewed prospective students in the Pittsburgh area for Brown. Her husband’s job brought them to Japan and she remained active in the culture. After her husband’s passing she stayed active with friends and family. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; four sons, including Christopher ’81; two daughters-in-law; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a brother; and nieces and nephews. 

Jan, 2025

Ellen Leete Bell ’53, of Westerly, R.I.; Jul. 16. She was a volunteer tax preparer for many years and served on the board of the Westerly Library. She helped to establish Meals on Wheels for Westerly and was an active member of Christ Church in Westerly. She is survived by a daughter, a son and daughter-in-law, three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. 

Nov, 2024

Thomas P. Lovett ’53, of Dalzell, S.C.; May 13. He worked for Exxon as a field geologist for nine years and later at Tulane University as director of financial aid. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a member of St. James Lutheran Church, where he served on a few of its ministries. He enjoyed the outdoors, especially running, hiking, biking, sailing, and skiing. He is survived by his partner Karen Bailey; a daughter; a son; and three grandchildren.    

Nov, 2024

John W. Hill ’53, of Duxbury, Mass.; Dec. 15. After graduating and military service, he worked for GMAC for four years and then changed career direction and began teaching high school history and English in Keene, N.H. During the summer of 1960, he was picked to go to Berlin, Germany, for an international living program. He lived with a college professor for eight weeks just before the Berlin Wall was constructed. Upon his return to the U.S., he attended Harvard and earned a master’s degree in history. He taught at Weymouth High School and coached their wrestling team. He eventually became a member of the school committee and was elected chairman of the board. He earned his PhD from Boston University and became principal of Duxbury High School. He retired in 1993. An avid reader, in retirement he started a book club based on the Chicago Great Books list that still meets today at the Duxbury Library. He served as a library trustee from 1994 to 2009. A continuous learner, he enrolled in senior classes at UMass Boston and woodworking classes at the Cambridge Centre for Adult Education, creating several pieces of furniture. He was also an active facilitator in the Duxbury Senior Centre Continuing Education program. In 1994 he was elected the Duxbury Parade Marshal. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; a daughter; a son and his partner; three cousins; and nieces and nephews.

Nov, 2024

William C. Greenlaw ’53, of Severna Park, Md.; Apr. 4. While at Brown, he joined the NROTC and attended the U.S. Naval Academy, where he graduated with distinction and commissioned as an ensign. Upon discharge, he worked for the Department of Defense, Gould, Lockheed Martin, and then joined his wife selling real estate. He was an avid Navy supporter and longtime football season ticket holder, attending almost every home game since 1965. Later in life, he made it a point to attend as many grandsons’ sports games as he could, always filming from the sidelines. He also enjoyed playing bridge, reading historical books, and wood carving. He is survived by two daughters, a son, a son-in-law, two grandsons, and two great-grandchildren. 

Nov, 2024

Marilyn “Mitzi” Rice Bray ’53, of Walnut Creek, Calif.; Jun. 19. While at Brown, she met George Bray ’53 but would go on to attend nursing school at Yale and marry William McClanahan. She lived in France for two years and started a family with William. Upon returning to the U.S. and settling in California, she divorced, earned two graduate degrees, and became head of the Los Angeles High Blood Pressure Council. She attended her 25th Brown reunion and reconnected with George Bray, and they were married in 1982. In 1989, they moved to Baton Rouge for work at Pennington Biomedical Research Center of LSU and she played a major role in community activities that included organizing the Pennington docents. After 10 years they returned to California to be closer to family. She is survived by her husband, George; five children; and 13 grandchildren.  

Aug, 2024

Donald M. Silver ’53, of Natick, Mass.; Mar. 28. After Brown, he was an officer in the U.S. Navy and served in the Korean Conflict. While in the Navy, he married, and upon honorable discharge, he went into business with his father at Donna Louise of Boston. He designed, manufactured and sold women’s blouses for his entire career. He retired in 1984 when the business closed and he enjoyed wintering in Florida and traveling the world with his wife. He was a leader in the fundraising effort for the fight against juvenile diabetes. He had a passion for tennis that began at age 8 and continued until age 91. He also enjoyed sailing, which took him on trips to Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Elizabeth Islands. He was an avid water skier. He is survived by his wife, Elaine; three children, including son Howard ’79; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. 

Aug, 2024

Deborah Josselyn Robinson ’53, of Roanoke, Va.; Feb. 2, from complications related to Parkinson’s. She was a homemaker when her children were young but later earned her Realtor’s license and had a successful career as a real estate agent in Roanoke for many years. She enjoyed playing bridge and is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a sister-in-law, and many nieces and nephews. 

Aug, 2024

Stephen M. Krogness ’53, of Wayzata, Minn.; Feb. 1. He was known to his friends as Krog, Kroggy, or Steve. He had a long career in real estate, both residential and commercial, and was most proud of the development of the planned community of Jonathan, in Chaska, Minn. He was a member of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Amateur Chefs, Ducks Unlimited, the Lions, the Minneapolis Club, and Woodhill Country Club. He enjoyed a good joke, spending time with family and friends at his 100-year-old log cabin Paradise Point, mushroom hunting, muskie fishing, duck hunting with his sons and grandson, and gardening, which provided ingredients that he used to prepare ethnic and exotic foods. He lived his life never complaining about adversity and always found a way to overcome challenges with a positive attitude and faith. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; two sons, including Mark ’80; two daughters-in-law; a grandson; and a brother.

Aug, 2024

Joan Pesce Bryson ’53, of Needham, formerly of Weston, Mass.; Feb. 4. She was a sports enthusiast and enjoyed skiing with family at Sugarbush (Vt.) and playing on tennis and paddle tennis teams with her friends for many years. She was a member of the Boston Symphony Association of Volunteers, the Newton-Wellesley Hospital Auxiliary, the Wellesley Garden Study Group, and, for 40 years, of Brae Burn Country Club. The last few years of her life she lived at North Hill in Needham, where she was involved in a flower arranging group and sang in the chorus. She is survived by her husband, Francis; a daughter; two sons; 10 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

Howard M. Weiss ’53, of Boca Raton, Fla.; Jan. 24. He received his medical degree and residency training in obstetrics and gynecology from Downstate Medical Center. He had a private practice for 25 years before retiring to Florida in the mid 1980s. He enjoyed playing bridge, tennis, and golf. He also enjoyed reading and classical music and was a fan of the New York Giants. He is survived by his wife, Marlene; daughters Heidi DeChatellus ’82 and Patricia Jacobs ’83; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

Joan Carmody Theve ’53, of Block Island, formerly of Barrington, R.I.; Jan. 12. She worked as a long term substitute English teacher and later as a real estate agent. She enjoyed spending time at the beach, reading, and traveling. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

Robert Jacobsen ’53, of Wheaton, Ill.; Nov. 4. After Brown, he served in the Army for two years during the Korean War, then joined the packaging industry working with Continental Can Company. Later in his career at Continental, he served as executive vice president and introduced beverage cans and vending machines to South Korea. He and his family moved to Wheaton in 1971, but from 1983 to 1987, he and his wife lived in South Korea while he managed a can plant. In 1987, he returned to Wheaton and remained employed with U.S. Can Corporation until 1998. He then consulted for DS Containers until his passing. He was a local history enthusiast who was the driving force behind three museum exhibits in DuPage County.  He was the longtime chairman of the Milton Township Cemeteries Authority, which ultimately cleaned up and restored three pioneer cemeteries in Milton Township, and he organized and planned annual Family Remembrance Day events at each cemetery. He was also responsible for a golf exhibit in Wheaton that was unveiled in 2006. Working with the DuPage County Historical Museum, he wrote and assembled the book Wheaton, Illinois: Golf History Starts Here, which the museum published in 2018. As part of a greater focus on golf history in Wheaton, he led a team of local historians to nominate golf course architect Herbert Tweedie for the Illinois Golf Hall of Fame, and the group celebrated Tweedie’s induction in 2021. He was an avid golfer and had been a member of the Chicago Golf Club in Wheaton since 1973. He is survived by his wife, Caroline; a son; daughter Jennifer Jordan ’83; and six grandchildren.  

Apr, 2024

Eleanor Stehle Mellish ’53, of Williamsport, Pa.; Sept. 24.  She was a homemaker and active Williamsport volunteer. She was involved with the Junior League of Williamsport and First Presbyterian Church. She enjoyed playing bridge, listening to jazz music, traveling, and spending time with her family at the beach in Avalon, N.J. She is survived by two daughters, including Susan Edwards ’82; two sons; two daughters-in-law; a son-in-law; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and eight nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2024

Eugene M. D’Andrea ’53, of Warwick, R.I.; Oct. 26. He went on to earn a master’s degree and PhD from MIT and UConn, graduating from the Air Force ROTC at MIT. He had a long career in the Air Force followed by time served in the reserves and retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He, in turn, was an ROTC instructor at MIT. He was a psychologist in private practice in Warwick for more than 40 years, taught at Wheeler School, and was an adjunct professor at Bryant University. In the late 1960s he served as a staff member to the Rhode Island Governor’s Council on Mental Health. He was past president of the New England Regional Air & Space Forces Association and active in alumni affairs at Brown. A skilled jazz musician, he played professionally in Rhode Island under the stage name Gene Milton and was a 50+ year member of the Providence Federation of Musicians. He is survived by two sons and many nieces and nephews. 

Aug, 2023

Arthur F. Brunner ’53, of Cape May, N.J., formerly of Philadelphia; Jan. 28. After graduating from Brown, he entered the U.S. Army during the Korean War. Upon completion of his military service, he worked at Midvale Steel Company while attending Temple University, from which he graduated in 1958. He then attended and graduated from Philadelphia Divinity School in 1960. The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania (DIOPA) called him to serve as rector of St. Stephen’s and St. David’s in Philadelphia before he accepted a call to Calvary Church in Delaware County, where he served in conjunction with Delaware County Human Services feeding those in need for 27 years before his retirement in 1997. In addition to serving as rector, he was also a two-time dean of the Brandywine Deanery of the DIOPA. Following retirement to Cape May, he assisted at St. Simeon’s By The Sea for many years. He also served on numerous nonprofit boards, including Episcopal Community Services, North Light Boys Club, and Contact Philadelphia. He was a past member of other service organizations, including the Kiwanis and Rotary International, where he had been president of the Glen Riddle Club. Of his many achievements, he was proud to have received the Philadelphia Human Rights Award, given by the City of Philadelphia. An avid boater, he spent time sailing on the Chesapeake Bay and at Harbor North Yacht Club and Great Oak Yacht Club. He is survived by his wife, Joan; five children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a brother.

Aug, 2023

Sarkis “Ted” Nahabedian ’53, of Pittsford, N.Y.; Jan. 31. After Brown he earned an MBA from New York University and served in the U.S. Army. He then was a human services manager for Fisons Corp. In addition to being a black belt, he learned to play the piano in retirement and was an avid sports watcher. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law.

Aug, 2023

Paul K. Chapman ’53, of Guilford, Conn.; Mar. 12.

Aug, 2023

Lyle E. Bourne Jr. ’53, of Boulder, Colo.; Mar. 2. After receiving his PhD in psychology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he joined the faculty at the University of Utah as an assistant professor and served there until 1963. He then moved to the University of Colorado, Boulder (CU Boulder), where he was promoted to professor and became professor emeritus in 2002. His contributions to the field of psychology were both local and national. He wrote and/or cowrote many books, including Human Conceptual BehaviorPsychology: Its Principles and Meanings, and Train Your Mind for Peak Performance. He was the first director of the Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS) at CU Boulder, a position he held from 1980 to 1983. He was the chairman of the psychology department from 1983 until 1991 and served on the executive board of the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology from 1986 to 1989. On the national level, he served as chair of the Governing Board of the Psychonomic Society (1981-1982), president of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (1987-1988), president of both Division 3 (1991-1992) and Division 1 (2000-2001) of the American Psychological Association, and president of the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences (1995-1997). In his last position, he helped the Federation present psychology to the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Government. He also held a six-year position as editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory (1975-1980). He published more than 150 articles in preeminent journals and chapters exploring conceptual behavior, mental arithmetic, classification skill acquisition and training, retention, and transfer. He enjoyed being a jazz drummer, watching football and hockey on both the college and professional level, and sailing trips to exotic lands. He is survived by his wife, Rita Yaroush; three children; and a grandson.

Jun, 2023

Richard E. Mellish ’53, of Williamsport, Pa.; Jan. 20. He was the owner and CEO of JK Rishel Furniture Co. in Williamsport, Hughesville, and Louisburg, N.C. He was a lifetime member of Gray’s Run Hunting Club, a veteran of the U.S. Army, and a member of Phi Kappa Delta. He enjoyed traveling around the world to hunt and fish, especially enjoying his time in Africa and South America. He also enjoyed flying airplanes, reading, and being surrounded by the beauty of nature. He is survived by his wife, Elanore Stehle Mellish ’53; four children and their spouses, including daughter Susan Mellish Edwards ’82; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; a sister; and six nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2023

William P. Kelleher ’53, of Coventry, Conn.; Jan. 2. He earned a master’s degree from UConn and was a member of their track team. He began teaching biology and coaching at East Hartford High School after graduating. He became an assistant track and field coach for UConn in 1967 and was named head coach in 1975, a position he held for 15 years. He coached the Huskies to a 1975 New England outdoor championship, to a 1980 Big East indoor track and field championship, and a 1982 Big East outdoor title. He was named the 1981 New England track coach of the year and was a member of the 1982 Big East track coaching staff. Following UConn he was an assistant coach at Trinity College in Hartford. His coaching produced four All-Americans and one Olympian. He was a lifelong member of the Coventry Lions Club. He is survived by his wife, Joy; three sons; two daughters-in-law; and eight grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

Davis P. Brogden ’53, of East Greenwich and Newport, R.I.; Jan. 13. He was an import/export manager for Stanley Bostitch, where his position offered him the opportunity to travel the world for business. For more than 40 years, he lived in Newport and he and his wife ran a bed and breakfast and belonged to the Newport Art Museum. A lover of the arts and a painter/sculptor as well, his wood sculptures were displayed in group shows at a Newport art gallery. He was an avid reader, especially historical books, and he enjoyed traveling with his wife before her passing, especially throughout Europe. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War and was the recipient of several medals and honors. He is survived by two daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

Rita Schorr-Germain ’53, of Pikesville, Md., formerly of Lancaster, Pa.; Nov. 29. She was a Holocaust survivor. As a young Jewish girl in Poland during the Holocaust, she and her family were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, where she was the sole family  survivor. Later in life, she became very active in telling her story—including to organizations across the world and schools throughout Lancaster County, where she lived for 40 years—to educate the public about the Holocaust. She received master’s degrees from both Harvard University and Temple University. She was an interpreter and translator, having been fluent in Hebrew, German, and Russian, among other languages. She was a researcher, writer, teacher, historian, and independent scholar. Her research and writing won her a position at the United Nations Division of Public Information and a research fellowship at the Russian Research Center at Harvard University. She served as an instructor on the faculty at Grinnell College, York College, and Penn State University. She also did substitute teaching in Lancaster County. She was a member of many national and local organizations. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses and three grandchildren.

Apr, 2023

Helen Matheny St. Clair ’53, of Boothbay Harbor, Me.; Sept. 6. She was an artist who showed her work for many years in the Gleason Fine Art Gallery. She was most proud of a four-page article about her published in American Art Collector magazine. She is survived by three children and four grandchildren.

Jan, 2023

Burton H. Priest ’53, of Narragansett, R.I., formerly of Providence; June 18. A certified public accountant, in 1963 he founded Priest, Kortick, Demerchant & Brough, which has now merged into DiSanto, Priest, & Company. He was a veteran of the Korean War and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts and of the Rhode Island Society of CPAs, where for several years he served on  an ethics committee. He also served on many committees for Temple Emanu-El, and on the board of directors of the former Attleboro Pawtucket Savings Bank. He is survived by a daughter and son and their spouses, three grandchildren, and a brother and sister-in-law.

Jan, 2023

Sheila Hart Pallies ’53, of Boxborough, Mass.; July 6. She had a passion for grammar and the English language and worked as an editor at Digital Equipment Corporation for many years. She enjoyed summer vacations in Provincetown, the Boston Red Sox, reading, solving Sudoku puzzles, and singing, especially family sing-alongs. She is survived by four children and their spouses, nine grandchildren, two step-grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and two sisters.

Jan, 2023

Elaine Regan Dray ’53, of East Longmeadow, Mass.; Aug. 2. After graduating, she married and started a family. After the youngest of her five children entered first grade, she enrolled at Western New England College of Law, received her JD in 1979, and was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar that same year. She enjoyed family vacations to Nantucket and playing duplicate bridge. She achieved the distinction of life master with the American Contract Bridge League. She is survived by her husband, Alfred; daughters Diane Dray ’77 and Jane Katzman ’81; two sons, including Deane ’80; two daughters-in-law; son-in-law Richard Katzman ’78; eight grandchildren, including granddaughter Perri Katzman ’14; and many nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2023

Louise Anthony Brundage ’53, of Midlothian, Va., formerly of Hamden, Conn.; July 18. While living in Hamden, she worked for 30 years in the Hamden Library. Upon her retirement as director in 2001, the library branch at 91 Circular Avenue was renamed the Louise A. Brundage Community Branch Library in her honor. During her tenure, she was instrumental in converting the card catalog to a digital catalog. She was involved with the Girl Scouts for decades in various positions, including being a troop leader, recruiting troop leaders, and running the Girl Scouts shoreline day camp. She also was a member of the League of Women Voters, the American Association of University Women, and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is survived by a daughter, two sons, two daughters-in-law, four grandchildren, a great-granddaughter, and two sisters, including Deborah Smith ’67.


Jan, 2023

Norman C. Bassett ’53, of Phoenix, formerly of Longmeadow, Mass.; July 2. While at Brown, he was a member of the men’s swim team and met his future wife. Upon graduation he served in the U.S. Army, and once discharged began working for Hayden Wayside Furniture (Conn.). He was promoted to store manager and remained there for 28 years. In 1984, they moved to Rockport, Mass., and he became manager of C.F. Tompkins Furniture in Danvers, Mass. In 1990, he opened his own furniture store. He sold the business, but not ready for retirement, he took a position managing Westwood Furniture’s Gallery Showroom in Middleton, Mass. Later, he embarked on a management and promotional sales career with D.M. Reid and Planned Furniture Promotions. He traveled the country working promotional sales until finally retiring in 2019. He was a long-time scoutmaster and enjoyed sailing. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, children, grandchildren, and a great-grandson.

Oct, 2022

John J. Schlenk Jr. ’53, of Altamonte Springs, Fla.; Mar. 11. He served in the U.S. Army from 1953 to 1955 in Germany. In 1964, he married his wife in Barbados and they settled in Florida. He worked in the travel industry and started Caribbean Cruises in Central Florida. In addition to enjoying traveling, he also enjoyed classical music and the opera, astronomy, and science. He is survived by two daughters, two grandchildren, and a sister.


Oct, 2022

James M. Vreeland ’53, of San Jose, Calif.; Dec. 21, 2021. A 28-year Navy veteran, he graduated from Brown and started naval flight training as a NAVCAD in 1953. An exceptional pilot, he served multiple tours as a flight instructor and standardization pilot. His operational tours included fleet tours in F2P Photo Banshee and RF-8 Crusader detachments onboard multiple aircraft carriers in both the Mediterranean and Pacific. With close to 5000 pilot hours behind him, he spent the second half of his Navy career as an aircraft investigator with the Navy Safety Center leading investigations of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft mishaps. After retiring from active duty, he returned to his aviation roots as a civilian simulator instructor training naval flight students. He enjoyed traveling the world. He is survived by his partner Marty Reynolds; two daughters; a daughter-in-law; and five grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Margaret-Ann Kohlhepp Gardner ’53, of Providence; Apr. 30. She is survived by daughter Stephanie E. Reid ’81; son Ross Gardner III ’83; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and four grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Alan R. Karb ’53, of Westborough, Mass., formerly of Framingham, Mass., and Williamsburg, Va.; Feb. 8. He was an office manager for many years at Dennison Manufacturing in Framingham. After retiring, he and his wife lived in Williamsburg for 20 years. He was a member of the Assabet Valley Mastersingers and was an avid bridge and tennis player. He enjoyed traveling and, with his wife, traveled to all 50 states, six continents, and all of the Canadian provinces. He is survived by four children, including son James ’86, ’88 MAT; and six grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Elizabeth McCraw Hodnett ’53, of Richmond, Va.; Mar. 26. She married a naval officer and started a family. As a naval family they lived in several locations, including a time in Rio de Janeiro, before settling in Virginia. For more than 35 years she volunteered at the Johnston-Willis Hospital gift shop and was an avid bridge and Rummikub player. She is survived by a daughter, a son, and two grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Joan Hosp Forst ’53, of Montgomery, Ala.; Jan. 31. After Brown she became a flight attendant for TWA. She met her future husband on a layover in Paris and after marrying and starting a family, settled in New York. She played tennis and, with her husband, golf and curling. In 1971 they moved to North Carolina and then, following the birth of their granddaughters, they moved to Alabama. She tutored through Laubach Literacy Action and volunteered at Montgomery Area Nontraditional Equestrians. After being diagnosed with cancer, she volunteered at the Montgomery Cancer Center as well. Her family and friends will miss her annual 4th of July and New Year’s Eve parties.

Jun, 2022

Joan Christensen Smith ’53, of Wilton, Conn.; Sept. 17, 2020, after a brief illness. She was a retired New England Country Day School preschool teacher. She enjoyed reading, solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, and a good martini. She is survived by six children and their spouses, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, a sister and brother-in-law, and many nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2022

William V. Polleys III ’53, of Scottsdale, Ariz.; Dec. 3. He served in the U.S. Navy after Brown and in 1959 accepted an executive position at Texas Instruments, from which he retired in 1991 as president of the materials and controls division. He then returned to his first love: skiing. He was a certified instructor, national freestyle chairman with U.S. Ski & Snowboard, and director of the freestyle program at Waterville Valley, N.H., where he organized one of the first U.S. amateur freestyle ski competitions. He was also an avid sailor, a member of the Barrington Yacht Club and a longtime member of the Cruising Club of America. He is
survived by his wife, Nancy; three daughters, including Catherine Polleys ’85; and three granddaughters.

Jun, 2022

Thomas W. Doyle Jr. ’53, of Farmington, Conn.; Dec. 16. He attended Brown prior to serving in the U.S. Coast Guard during the Vietnam War, then graduated from URI. He had an 18-year career at Aetna as an insurance executive, moved to Kemper Insurance Group, then retired in 2005 from Grayling Associates. He enjoyed swimming. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, five grandchildren, a great-granddaughter, and his former wife, Priscilla Manderley Doyle.


Jun, 2022

Judith Meek Bowes ’53, of Indianapolis, formerly of Hilton Head Island, S.C.; Nov. 5. She and her husband opened Harbour Town Antiques and were business partners in Knickers Clothiers, and she was active in St. Luke’s in Hilton Head. In her 70s, she obtained a real estate license and a certified nursing assistant degree. She is survived by a daughter, a son, two daughters-in-law, five grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, a brother, a sister-in-law, and seven nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2022

Donal R. Sisk ’53, of Norwood, Mass.; Sept. 10. He had a long career in property management with the Niles Company and spent many years overseeing Westbrook (now Hancock) Village in Brookline, Mass. He was a U.S. Navy veteran and he enjoyed fishing. He is survived by five children and their spouses; six grandchildren; a sister-in-law; and many nieces and nephews.


Apr, 2022

Angus L. MacLean Jr. ’53, of Burlingame, Calif.; Sept. 20. After graduating from Brown, where he was captain of the wrestling team, he was commissioned in the U.S. Marine Corps. Upon discharge, he taught English and history and coached wrestling, football, and baseball at St. Albans School in Washington, D.C. He then switched careers and began a sales position at Coldwell Banker Commercial Brokerage Co. He rose through the ranks during his 27-year career and was a senior vice president in charge of 11 offices in the Northwest, and later served as a resident manager of the San Francisco and San Jose offices. He left Coldwell Banker in 1987 as a founder and president of the real estate investment banking division to accept a position as managing director and senior vice president at Kidder Peabody. In 1975, he was inducted into Brown’s Athletic Hall of Fame. His many social and athletic activities included serving as director of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, trustee of Mills Hospital Foundation, vice chairman of the Bay Area Council, director of the San Francisco Board of Realtors, and president of the board of directors of That Many May See, a University of California San Francisco foundation that raises money for ophthalmic research. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; three children; six grandchildren; a great-grandson; a sister; and a brother. 

Apr, 2022

Betty Leaver Goff ’53, of East Providence, R.I.; Sept. 28. In 1957 she married Luther Goff and together they were co-owners of Goff Marine Company, designing electrical systems for yachts in the Northeast and Bermuda. The two were inseparable and enjoyed dressing alike and traveling to Florida and Bermuda on their boat the Anna Brown. In 2001, after surviving lung cancer, she was instrumental in forming a women’s survivor support group called Out of the Shadows at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The group continues today and Betty remained active with the group’s quarterly educational meetings until her illness in May. She collected teddy bears and organized several fundraising events for local charities. For many years she was a class secretary and a fundraising volunteer in support of women's scholarships at Brown. She is survived by nieces, nephews, and friends. 

Apr, 2022

Craig Gambee ’53, of Nantucket, Mass., formerly of Weston, Conn., and Englewood, N.J.; Sept. 15. He is survived by his wife, Mary; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; a step-grandchild; a sister; and a brother. 


Jan, 2022

Moris A. Tcath ’53, of Hamden, Conn.; Apr. 1. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he worked for several retail stores before purchasing The Carousel, a children’s clothing store that he and his wife owned and operated in Wallingford, Conn. He served on the executive board of PROBUS, was a member of the board of directors of Temple Beth Sholom in Hamden, and was a Hadassah associate. He was an avid bridge player and achieved a national ranking in 1953. He also enjoyed solving crossword puzzles and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; three children and their spouses; and six grandchildren.


Jan, 2022

Patricia Chase Michaud ’53, of Scituate, Mass.; Jan. 7, 2021. She was well-known in local gardening circles as a master flower-show judge and winner of the prestigious Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts Four Star pin. She was an active member of the Scituate Yacht Club and enjoyed cruising and playing golf. She is survived by four children and their spouses, seven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

James H. Bramble ’53, of Austin, Tex.; July 20. He worked at General Electric and the Naval Ordnance Laboratory before becoming a professor at the University of Maryland and then at Cornell University, where he led the interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics. From 1975 to 1983 he was chief editor of Mathematics of Computation. He retired as distinguished professor emeritus at Texas A&M University. He also was professor emeritus at Cornell. He worked on the mathematical analysis of numerical methods for partial differential equations. His early work involved the mathematical analysis of finite difference methods for elliptic problems. His later work was more focused on the numerical analysis of finite element methods. His most famous result, the Bramble-Hilbert lemma, was a collaborative effort with his PhD student, Stephen Hilbert. He received an honorary doctorate from Chalmers University in Sweden in recognition of his important contributions to mathematics. In retirement he settled in Austin and enjoyed playing golf, tennis, and boating. He is survived by four children, a stepson, eight grandchildren, and his former wife, Mary Eppie Boze. 

Oct, 2021

Charles W. Merriam III ’53, of Webster, N.Y.; Aug. 16, 2020, from vascular dementia. After earning a master’s degree at MIT in 1958, he moved to New York to work for General Electric. He became a professor of electrical engineering at Cornell University in 1964 and taught there until 1971. He later moved his family to Brighton, N.Y., to serve as chair of the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Rochester. He was chair for more than a decade and thereafter remained a professor. He served on several university committees and authored engineering textbooks. He retired from the University of Rochester in 2001 at the age of 70 and studied music at Eastman Community Music School and sang with the New Horizons Choir in the Rochester area. He was a fellow in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A varsity soccer player at Brown, he was a team captain and named an Honorable Mention All American his junior and senior years. He was inducted into the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society in 1953. He enjoyed traveling with his wife and spending time with his family at their summer cottage in Southwest Harbor, Me. There he learned to sail, pursued his passion for photography, and took up wooden bird carving. In addition, he played golf and won several senior golf tournaments. In 2014, after his wife’s passing and early-stage dementia, he moved to a nursing home in Webster. He is survived by a daughter; son Stephen ’79; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and a stepsister. 

Oct, 2021

Mary Small Hughes ’53, ’64 AM, of Lewisport, Ky.; May 16. She and her husband moved to Detroit in 1964 and she worked as an academic advisor at Wayne State University and volunteered at the Detroit Institute of Art. She later moved to Lewisport to care for her ill sister. She contributed to countless charities and enjoyed animals, reading, and listening to classical music. She is survived by her friend Sherry Snyder.

Oct, 2021

Alfred E. Darby Jr. ’53, of Rehoboth, Mass.; Apr. 7. He was a retired child psychiatrist. He practiced privately in Fall River and Taunton, Mass. He is survived by his wife, Edith; four children; and a grandson.

Oct, 2021

Mary Atwood Massie Crosson ’53, of Newport Beach, Calif., formerly of Camarillo, Calif.; Apr. 30, after a brief illness. After graduation she married and lived in Camarillo. Following the passing of her husband, she remarried and lived in Newport Beach, where she was an active golfer, tennis player and duplicate bridge player. She is survived by three children and five grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Dorothy Santin Atkinson ’53, of Mystic, Conn.; June 12. She developed an interest in social service work that evolved into a role as president of the Groton Auxiliary of Child and Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut. Continuously active in community affairs, she volunteered as a buyer in the lobby shop of the Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London, served as president of the Lawrence + Memorial Auxiliary from 1996 to 1998, and was a member of the corporation of the hospital from 1998 to 2008. She was a member of the Immunization Committee of the City of New London Health Department, chair of the Connecticut Hospital Association Auxiliary, and was a board member and vice president of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra. An avid gardener throughout her lifetime, she was president of both the North Stonington Garden Club and the Trillium Garden Club in Groton. She enjoyed traveling and is survived by two daughters, a son, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

Robert E. Kay ’53, of Philadelphia; Mar. 3, from COVID-19. He had a psychiatry practice that was focused on helping the most severely mentally ill, juvenile delinquents, and drug addicts. He had many interests, including reading and music, especially classical and jazz, and enjoyed listening to music at the Curtis Center for many years. He encouraged home schooling and was always available to help those in need. He was involved in the Main Line Unitarian Church and the Philadelphia Ethical Society. He is survived by a daughter, two sons and daughters-in-law, two granddaughters, and a great-granddaughter.

Aug, 2021

Louis W. Bauman ’53, of Scarsdale, N.Y.; Mar. 22, after a long illness. He was an accomplished real estate attorney who used his legal acumen for the Jewish community in decades of community service, including on the School Board of Hawthorne Cedar Knolls Union Free District, for which he served as president from 1986 to 2001. He was also chair of the Town of Eastchester Zoning Board of Appeals from 1985 to 2001. He served as a trustee of the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services, Inc., and was an honorary member of the Advisory Board of the Maxwell Institute, a division of St. Vincent’s Hospital-Westchester. He is survived by his wife, Susan; five children and their spouses; and nine grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Harriett Rubin Sherman ’53, of Stamford, Conn.; Jan. 13. She taught high school American history in the Stamford public school system until retiring in 1978. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by three children, including Pamela Sherman Lesser ’82, and six grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

Ann Peterson Zablocki ’53, of Ridgewood, N.Y.; Aug. 14. After graduating, she headed to Sweden for a year to explore her Swedish background, then volunteered to teach children of American military families in Nuremberg, Germany. She obtained a master’s in education and a master’s in ESL and from 1960-1967 taught elementary school in Montreal. She taught in Hartford, Conn., from 1967-1971 and finally moved to New York, where she taught for the NYC Department of Education until her retirement in 1999. She enjoyed traveling and reading and is survived by her husband, Bernard, and a son.

Apr, 2021

Joan Powers Valinote ’53, of Dover, Mass., and Fort Myers, Fla.; Nov. 27. She was a teacher prior to raising her family, then returned as a teaching assistant in the Dover elementary school system until retiring. She ventured around the world with the Semester at Sea Program and enjoyed spending summers at her Matunuck Beach ocean cottage with family and friends. She was an avid reader, enjoying sports, travel, and everything Irish. She will be remembered for her thoughtfulness, friendship, and many beautiful handwritten notes and cards. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; four sons, including John ’83; five grandchildren; two sisters; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Patricia Keane Miller ’53, of Valparaiso, Ind., formerly of Dowagiac, Mich.; Nov. 2. She taught kindergarten and second grade in Dowagiac and retired in 1994 from the Valparaiso school system. She enjoyed reading, gardening, and listening to Irish music. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses, and three grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Lincoln H. King ’53, of Carthage, Tex.; Aug. 16. He served three years in the U.S. Army in Korea, where he was assigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps. In 1953, he was hired by the Hughes Aircraft Co. in Tucson. He was later transferred by Hughes to Anaheim, Calif. Switching careers, in 1970, he and his family moved to Maine, where he began teaching. One year later, they moved to Dallas and he was hired as the history teacher in the Gary Independent School District and taught there for more than 30 years. He and his students began the Loblolly Project, a history study of Gary and Panola County, Tex. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, and four nieces and nephews.

Nov, 2020

William Whitehouse ’53, of New London, N.H.; Apr. 25. In addition to a business assignment in Lima, Peru, he and his family lived in several Eastern U.S. states. From 1978 to 1994, he owned and operated the Hollow Inn & Motel in Barre, Vt., receiving the Vermont Innkeeper of the Year Award. In 1994, he moved to Grantham, N.H., where he established and operated Eastman All Seasons Real Estate until retiring to New London in 2006. He is survived by four children and their spouses and five grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Steven van Westendorp ’53, of Raleigh, N.C.; Apr. 30. He retired as captain from the U.S. Navy in 1976 and moved to Raleigh in 1978. He taught at Sanderson High School and retired from teaching in 1991. He then spent ten years working with Bev’s Fine Art. He was a member of Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church in Raleigh and served in multiple leadership positions. He enjoyed traveling with his wife. He is survived by a son and a niece.

Nov, 2020

Fred R. Riveglia ’53, of Chester, N.J.; Apr. 13. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II as a paratrooper and group member of the Office of Strategic Services, operating behind enemy lines in Italy and France. He was awarded a Bronze Star and received a Congressional Gold Medal. Upon returning home, he studied mechanical engineering at Brown and worked for the Pratt & Whitney division of United Technologies for 30 years. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son, four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two brothers, and several nieces and nephews.

Nov, 2020

C. Jane Hallet Kirstel ’53, of Altamont, N.Y.; Apr. 13. She was a retired teacher. She volunteered at Landis Arboretum as an art therapist at the Capital District Psychiatric Center in Albany and later became a full-time therapist at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady, where she worked for many years. She was also an accomplished woodworker. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by two step-grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Theodore S. Jadick ’53, of Paramus, N.J.; May 10. He had a long career in sales working at Cannon Mills Company and later as an independent sales rep, retiring in 2015. He was a founding member of Presbyterian Church at High Mountain and served in several governance positions over the years. A sports enthusiast, he was a three-year varsity Brown baseball player and later in life was a participant of his local men’s summer softball league and competitive tennis and paddle tennis teams. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and enjoyed spending time with family during the summers in Nantucket. He is survived by four children, 10 grandchildren, and a sister, Carol Jadick Hanson ’58.

Nov, 2020

E. Jane Hovey ’53, of Cranston, R.I.; Apr. 21. She worked for the telephone company for 33 years as a service representative and business office supervisor and later was responsible for the department’s budget. She was involved in church activities, including being parish treasurer at the Church of the Ascension in Cranston from 1946 until 2008. She was a member of the Cranston Historical Society and the Rhode Island Historical Society.

Aug, 2020

Dorothy Galli Smith ’53, of Westfield, N.J.; Feb. 17. She worked for several years as a social worker. She was an active member of the First Congregational Church of Westfield and enjoyed attending the Community Players and The Metropolitan Opera. She is survived by a daughter and son and their spouses, and six grandchildren.

Aug, 2020

Elliott “Bud” Brown ’53, of Oakland, Calif., formerly of South Orleans, Mass.; Mar. 22, of vascular dementia. After obtaining his master’s and PhD from UConn, he married and moved to France to teach on U.S. Army bases in Verdun and Etain, then moved to Rhinebeck, N.Y. and worked with emotionally disturbed youth at the former Astor Home for Boys. At the end of the ’60s he moved to Worcester, Mass. and counseled low-income children and families at the Worcester Youth Guidance Center, eventually becoming the center’s chief psychologist and head of its family therapist training program. He retired in the late 1990s and moved to South Orleans, Mass., where he became an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House in Chatham, formed the All Worn Out Jug Band, and enjoyed singing until dementia stopped him. He is survived by two daughters, including Dorothy Brown-Martin ’88; a son-in-law; two granddaughters; and nieces and nephews.     

Aug, 2020

Horace H. Barker Jr. ’53, of Woodland Hills, Calif.; June 20, 2019. He is survived by his wife, Carol; two daughters; three sons; nine grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Jun, 2020

Robert L. Radcliffe ’53, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Jan. 27. He was a sales engineer for Miller Box Co. of Warwick, R.I. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War and remained in the U.S. Navy Reserve, rising to the rank of Commander. He enjoyed reading, traveling, technology, and playing golf. He is survived by three children, three stepchildren, seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and one step-great-grandchild.


Jun, 2020

Sally Wilcox O’Day ’53, of Jupiter, Fla.; Jan. 5. She worked at Small Joys in Bedford, N.Y., and volunteered at the Folk Art Museum in New York City. She was a lifelong golfer and enjoyed playing in Chappaqua, N.Y.; Scituate, Mass.; and Jupiter. She is survived by four daughters, two sons-in-law, two grandchildren, two great-granddaughters, two sisters, and several nieces and nephews, including Mark O’Day ’77.

Apr, 2020

Jane Wilderson Yount ’53, of Nashville, formerly of Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Nov. 18. She taught speech therapy and was on the board of the Daniel Arthur Rehabilitation Center in Oak Ridge and the Webb School of Knoxville. She enjoyed traveling with her family and writing poems that she would send to nursing homes and care facilities and VA Hospitals in Tennessee. She is survived by three daughters, a son-in-law, five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Stanley E. Pratt ’53, of Wellesley, Mass.; Nov. 25. He worked for the Boston office of W.E. Hutton & Co. before developing several successful startups. His first company was Diversified Corporate Services. He later formed State Street Leasing. In 1986 he cofounded Abbott Capital Management, a private equity portfolio construction and management company for institutional investors. For several years he published a trade publication, Venture Economics Journal, for and about venture capitalists and their growing world. Along with the Journal, he published several books about the industry, including the annual Pratt's Guide to Venture Capital Sources. In 2005 he was inducted into the Private Equity Hall of Fame for his work on behalf of the venture capital industry. During the Korean War he served aboard the U.S.S. Saufley as a communications officer and later attended Fleet Training School at Guantanamo Bay, where he served as a ship inspector. He is survived by his wife, Maryanne Thomas Pratt ’55; four children and their spouses; and eight grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Janice Swanson Post ’53, of Saunderstown, R.I.; Dec. 17, of complications following hip replacement surgery. She worked in Brown’s biology department for four years before moving to Massachusetts and becoming a stay-at-home mother. She later worked part-time for a company that did convention planning for groups coming to the Boston area, eventually becoming treasurer of the company. She took classes in tailoring, upholstery, and hat making and was involved in her church in Belmont, Mass. She also served as vice president and president of her Brown class and was a member of VASA, a Swedish society, and P.E.O. Sisterhood. She retired to Saunderstown and was treasurer of the Willett Free Library. She enjoyed gardening. She is survived by her husband, Arthur; three daughters and their spouses, including Martha Gale ’83; six grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.


Apr, 2020

Robert L. Noddin ’53, of Osterville, Mass.; Nov. 17. Under the NROTC program at Brown he was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy. In the mid-1950s he was transferred to the Naval Reserves and then joined JP Morgan as a financial analyst. In 1961 he joined J&W Seligman as a senior utility analyst. During his years at Seligman he advanced to the ranks of vice president and chief planning officer. In 1982 he left New York for Boston and joined Venture Capital. In 1992 he and his wife settled on the Cape in Osterville and he continued to provide pro bono services to emerging companies. He was a member of the International Association of Financial Planners and of both the New York Society of Securities Analysts and the Boston Security Analysts Society. He is survived by three children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, a sister, and a nephew.


Apr, 2020

Theodore J. Metzger ’53, of New Paltz, N.Y., formerly of New York City; Nov. 9. After earning a master’s degree from NYU, he began working as a writer/producer for ABC and CBS network news. Later in life he started a second career as a caseworker for the New York City Department of Social Services, caring for older New Yorkers who lived by themselves. He retired and moved to New Paltz. He is survived by a daughter, a son, three grandsons, and his former wife, Nancy Van Laan.


Apr, 2020

Joan Webster McSherry ’53, of Needham, Mass., formerly of Charleston, S.C.; Oct. 30. She worked in research at the Harvard School of Public Health before marrying. She moved several times with her family and settled in Charleston in 1989. There she was honored with the JV Nichols award for her volunteer work with the Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy, providing support for individuals who have lost a loved one due to a tragic death. She enjoyed painting, needlework, interior design, and traveling. She especially liked summering at Periwinkle on Chapoquoit Island, Mass. She is survived by four sons and their spouses, including Peter ’78; 11 grandchildren; a brother, Gordon Webster ’54, and his wife Joan Edgley Webster ’58; and two nieces, including Alison Webster ’83.


Apr, 2020

Gloria Villany Holland ’53, of Lexington, Mass.; Oct. 28.


Jan, 2020

Joan Weltzien Major ’53, of Providence, formerly of Pound Ridge, N.Y.; Sept. 2. She worked at IBM and Pitney Bowes of Stamford (Conn.) as an information analyst and she taught mathematics at Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford (Conn.) and the former King and Low-Haywood Thomas School in Stamford. She is survived by her husband, Richard; three children, including Hilary Major ’85; and five grandchildren, including Paxton Major ’16.


Jan, 2020

Nicholas A. Gabardina ’53, of Manchester, N.H.; Oct. 11. In addition to being a high school teacher for 37 years, he coached several different sports for more than 50 years. He served in the U.S. Army for two years and followed military service with a position coaching at East Little League and South Little League. In 1956 he was hired to teach and coach at Manchester Central High School. He coached football, basketball, and baseball. In 1958 he was appointed head coach of the Post 79 American Legion baseball program and held that position for 18 years. He moved on to be a volunteer assistant offensive line coach for the University of New Hampshire football team in 1960. In 1963 he headed to Manchester West to coach their football program. In 1972 he joined the faculty at Manchester Memorial as a member of the social studies department and head coach of the varsity baseball team. That position was  followed by ten years as coach of Saint Anselm College’s baseball team. In 1992 he coached Saint Anselm’s varsity women’s fast-pitch softball team. The College rewarded him for his dedication and service with the Varsity “A” Letter of Special Merit Award in 1992. In 2017 he was officially inducted into the Saint Anselm College Athletics Hall of Fame. Because of his ability to assess a player’s potential, the Cincinnati Reds appointed him as a scout for their National League ball club. He is survived by a niece and her husband and numerous friends.    


Jan, 2020

Anne Priesing Foster ’53, of Williamstown, Mass., formerly of Bronxville, N.Y.; July 19, after a long struggle with Parkinson’s disease. She started a small company, Art for Institutions, while living in New York and she served on several Bronxville school committees. In 1998 she moved to Williamstown and began working at the Clark Art Institute. She enjoyed traveling with her husband and family gatherings at Kiawah Island, S.C. and Deering, N.H. She is survived by her husband, Douglas; three children; 11 grandchildren; and a brother.


Jan, 2020

Barbara A. Bogle ’53, of Fall River, Mass.; July 29.  After graduation, she began teaching kindergarten in the Fall River public school system and by the time she retired in 1997, she was proud to hold the title of longest serving teacher in the system. She was a lifelong member of Baptist Temple Church, where she sang in the choir, compiled and edited a history of the church, and served as its clerk for many years. She also served Ninth Street Day Nursery and the Fall River Symphony Orchestra as clerk and board member for many years. She was a member of Delta Kappa and is survived by a sister and brother-in-law; a brother, Robert ’59 and sister-in-law; and nine nieces and nephews.


Jan, 2020

Martha Joyce Bickley ’53, of Virginia Beach, Va.; Sept. 7. After graduation she moved to Washington, D.C. to work for the National Security Agency. In retirement she enjoyed taking cruises and visits from family and friends. She is survived by five children, 13 grandchildren, and a great-grandson.


Nov, 2019

Leonard A. Glaser ’53, of West Orange, N.J. and Longboat Key, Fla.; May 30. After graduating from Brown, he entered the Naval Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I., and specialized in naval communications. He served as a signal officer and was later promoted to lieutenant and became the radio officer and admiral’s communication aide. At the end of his enlistment he returned to New Jersey to work in the family retail furniture business, eventually opening his own business in Freehold, N.J. At Brown he was a member of the wrestling team, the Brown Key Society, and Pi Lambda Phi. He enjoyed solving crossword puzzles, building model trains, discussing current events, being active with charitable organizations, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Helene; three daughters and their spouses; and eight grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

John P. DePasquale ’53, of East Greenwich, R.I.; May 31. A pharmacist, he operated DePasquale Pharmacy in Providence, a family-owned business, for 55 years. He was involved in public service and enjoyed volunteering on many political campaigns. He is survived by two daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law, and nine grandchildren.


Sep, 2019

Mary Bromage Topper ’53, of Dayton, Ohio, formerly of Stuart, Fla.; May 2. She was an accomplished seamstress and enjoyed knitting, playing golf, and fly-fishing. She is survived by four children, including daughter M. Kathleen Walworth ’76 and her husband, James W. Walworth ’76; 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; sister Elizabeth Van Schenck ’56; and nieces and nephews.


Sep, 2019

Kendall R. Richardson ’53, of Needham, Mass.; Apr. 7. He began his teaching career in Glastonbury, Conn., and was awarded a John Hay Fellowship at Harvard. In 1968 he began teaching history at Needham High School, retiring in 1993. He was well-known for wearing a carnation in his lapel every day. He enjoyed traveling to the former USSR with students and was a contributor to From Russia to USSR: A Narrative and Documentary History. He was an avid reader and book collector and is survived by his wife, Betty; two daughters; and seven grandchildren.


Sep, 2019

Amelia Stern Revkin ’53, of North Branford, Conn.; Apr. 25. She was a social worker in Rhode Island and an active member of the League of Women Voters before starting a family. With a master’s degree in political science from URI, she began teaching courses in political science and history at East Greenwich High School, R.I. In 1984, after years of helping her students, she obtained a Doctor of Education degree from Boston Univ. and became a guidance counselor and college admissions counselor. For several decades she was active with the BAA, including interviewing prospective students. In her early retirement she settled in Stuart, Fla., and volunteered at the public library. After moving back to her Branford retirement community, she played a key role in evaluating Silver Pen Award scholarship entries, served on resident committees, and acted as an informal mentor and counselor whenever she could provide support. She is survived by her husband, William ’50; daughter Diana Revkin ’83; sons Andrew ’78 and James ’81 MD; four grandchildren; brother Michael Stern ’57; niece Barbara Revkin ’70; and nephew Richard Stern ’88.


Sep, 2019

William H. Miller ’53, of Needham, Mass., formerly of Cambridge, Mass.; Mar. 21. He served in the Korean War, followed by a 50-year career as a certified public accountant in Boston. He is survived by his partner Dee Dee Wilcon; four children and their spouses, including daughter Cathy Miller Schlosberg ’80 and her husband Jeremy Schlosberg ’80, son Scott Miller ’81, and daughter Marcy Miller Schaffir ’87 and her husband Jonathan Schaffir ’87, ’90 MD; and 11 grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Elaine Mathewson Pereira ’53, of Wakefield, R.I.; Mar. 1. She was a retired elementary school teacher. After retiring from teaching she enjoyed researching her family history and genealogy. She was a proud member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants and the Roger Williams Family Assoc. She was an avid birdwatcher and gardener. She is survived by two daughters, a son, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Kenneth G. Knowles ’53, of Warwick, R.I.; Mar. 9. He served in the U.S. Navy and retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve as a lieutenant commander. He then completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at Rhode Island Hospital and opened a private practice in Cranston and Pawtucket. He was affiliated with Rhode Island Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital, and Pawtucket Memorial Hospital. He retired in 1995. He was past president of the Rhode Island Orthopaedic Society and enjoyed model boat building and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Sally; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; and sister Joyce Williams ’58.


Jul, 2019

Barbara Fitzsimmons Hower ’53, of Middletown, R.I., formerly of Darien, Conn.; Feb. 5. She taught English in North Brookfield, Mass.; Newport, R.I.; and Brooklyn, N.Y. She also worked as a comparison shopper at Sears, was a research analyst at the American Petroleum Institute in New York City, was an office manager and marketing assistant at a landscape architecture firm in Greenwich, Conn., and was an administration director at Stamford Art Assoc. She was active in the Junior League and YMCA and sang in two Gilbert and Sullivan productions while living in Connecticut. She is survived by her husband, Condit; a daughter; a son; three grandchildren; and a sister.


Jul, 2019

Carolyn Harbordt Holden ’53, of Prairie Village, Kans.; Feb. 2. She worked at Hallmark Cards and was involved with the Children’s Relief Association at Children’s Mercy Hospital. She was also treasurer of the Richard Cabot Medical Clinic and an active member of the Junior League of Kansas City and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. She is survived by two sons, a daughter-in-law, two granddaughters, a sister-in-law, three nieces, and a nephew.


Jul, 2019

Joan Turner Hastings ’53, of Spring Arbor, Mich., formerly of Shaker Heights, Ohio; Mar. 15. She was a homemaker and volunteer. She is survived by three children; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a sister.


Jul, 2019

William H. Burgoon ’53, of Williamsburg, Va.; Feb. 12. He was a lifelong employee of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York and was a vice president and division executive prior to this retirement in 1990. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and is survived by his wife, Suzanne; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and two nieces.


May, 2019

Richard A. Pollack ’53, of Santa Monica, Calif., formerly of Roseland, N.J.; Nov. 21. Before retiring, he was a partner at the financial firms of Loeb Rhoades & Co., Steinhardt Partners, and Weiss Pollack Capital Management. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, past president of the board of trustees at Bloomfield College, and active in the New Jersey Chapter of the UJA. He is survived by his wife, Rona; two sons, including James ’81; two grandchildren; and a sister.

May, 2019

Charles A. DeAngelis ’53, of Westwood, Mass.; Jan. 29. He worked as a structural engineer at Stone & Webster in Boston and as a senior engineer at Factory Mutual Research in Norwood, Mass., before retiring. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and served in the Korean War. He was a Boston sports fan, especially the Red Sox, and enjoyed traveling. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; three children and their spouses; four grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Mar, 2019

Winthrop V. Wilbur Jr. ’53, of Yarmouth Port, Mass.; Oct. 20. He owned and operated Airport Motors and Central Cape Dodge in Hyannis for more than 40 years. He represented New England for the National Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Council and the Dodge Division President’s Council and was also past president of the New England Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Assoc. and the New England Dodge Dealer Assoc. He was past commodore of the Hyannis Yacht Club, past president of Oyster Harbors Club and former chairman of the Town of Barnstable Finance Committee. He was a 65-year member and former treasurer of the Federated Church of Hyannis and a 50-year member and past master of the Howard Lodge AF&AM in South Yarmouth. He enjoyed sailing and competing in the Cruising Class Racing Division of the Hyannis Yacht Club and cruising the Bahamas and East Coast with his family. He retired in 1998 and began traveling with his wife throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Canada in their motorhome. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; two daughters; son David ’77; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and a great-grandson.


Mar, 2019

Carl O. Rodin ’53, of Portage, Ind.; Nov. 18. He was an attorney in private practice for more than 45 years. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, a charter president of the Portage Jaycees, and a member of Portage First United Methodist Church and the Portage VFW. He is survived by a son and his wife, eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and a brother.

Mar, 2019

James H. Carey ’53, of Manchester, Vt.; Oct. 23. He began his career with Chase Manhattan Bank in 1955 before moving to First Empire Bank New York in 1968. He rejoined Chase as an executive vice president in global corporate banking from 1976 to 1987, managing the bank’s finance and marketing activities for major clients worldwide. Following his time at Chase, he held senior positions at GFTA Services Corp. and Briarcliff Financial Associates, later joining Berkshire Bank as president, CEO, and founding director from 1989 to 1992. From 1993 to 1995 he served as CEO and treasurer of National Capital Benefit Corp. He retired in 2014 as director of Air Transport Services Group. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and served on several boards, including The Midland Co., The Cowen Group, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, and the American Museum of Fly Fishing. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; daughter Jane Carey Weaver ’79; three sons, including George ’84 and David ’90, ’91 ScM; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and seven grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Brenda Balze Feleppa ’53 of Madison, Conn.; Oct. 4. She was a homemaker and active in the local community. She is survived by three daughters and their spouses; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Maureen Wolkoff Durwood ’53, of Kansas City, Mo.; Aug. 8. She had exceptional fundraising skills and was appointed to Brandeis University National Women’s Committee, where she was national vice president, regional president and a member of the board of directors. She went on to represent Menorah Medical Center Auxiliary, Planned Parenthood, National Council of Jewish Women and the Legal Aid Society by becoming a member of their boards of directors. Her love of the performing arts and passion for the opera led her to The Lyric Opera Circle, where she became president and chairman. She was listed in Who’s Who in American Women, Who’s Who in the Midwest, and Who’s Who in World Jewry. She enjoyed traveling with her husband all over the world. She would read extensively about each new location and eventually became a travel consultant to friends and clients. She is survived by her husband, Richard Durwood ’51; three children and their spouses; and three grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Fanny E. Bojar ’53, of Cranston, R.I.; July 12. She worked at New England Telephone Co. for more than 30 years. She was an artist and member of the Wickford and East Greenwich Art Clubs, as well as a member of Temple Am David. She is survived by nieces and nephews.

Nov, 2018

John F. Valinote ’53, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Dover, Mass.; June 23, from complications related to Parkinson’s. He was a retired general manager of Getty Petroleum in Dover. In 2001 he was inducted into the Boston Park League Hall of Fame. At Brown he was captain of the baseball team. He served as chairman of the Massachusetts Petroleum Council and enjoyed walking on Matunuck Beach. He is survived by his wife, Joan Powers Valinote ’53; four sons, including John Jr. ’83; a daughter; a son-in-law; and five grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

Margaret Caldwell Karb ’53, of Williamsburg, Va., formerly of Moorestown, N.J., and Southborough, Mass.; Apr. 8. After raising a family, she worked for 10 years at Wellesley College, assisting in the science department and the alumni office. She visited all 50 states and all the Canadian provinces, as well as every continent except Antarctica. She enjoyed traveling and reading English literature and books on American history. She is survived by her husband, Alan ’53; four children, including James Karb ’86, ’88 MAT; six grandchildren; and two siblings.


Nov, 2018

Martha Bassett ’53, of Springfield, Mass.; July 7, after a brief illness. She worked as a court reporter in Springfield; an administrator to the Board of Selectmen in Longmeadow, Mass.; office manager for the firms John R. Morse PC in Gloucester, Mass., and Field, Eddy, and Bulkley in Springfield; was treasurer of the Laurels HOA Board of Directors and a member of the Rockport Art Assoc. She was accomplished at quilting and needlepoint and enjoyed baking, reading, playing bridge, and spending time with family at the shore in Old Lyme, Conn. She is survived by five children, nine grandchildren, and a sister.


Sep, 2018

Ann Thomas Moring ’53, of Annapolis; Apr. 6. She was a homemaker and a volunteer in schools, nature centers, and libraries. She enjoyed gardening, reading, cooking, sewing, knitting, and solving crossword puzzles. She is survived by a daughter, two sons, and five grandchildren.  


Sep, 2018

Rose Dolce Maxwell ’53, of Webster, N.Y.; Mar. 10. She was a retired high school English teacher. She enjoyed traveling and is survived by her husband, Vincent; six children; five grandchildren; and a brother.


Sep, 2018

David A. Lownes ’53, of Needham, Mass.; May 18, of complications from Parkinson’s. He worked at the family company, American Silk Spinning, before leaving to work at Brown & Bigelow advertising firm in Boston. He had a passion for antiques and Chinese Export Art and served on the board of directors for the Peabody Essex Museum, the Forbes House Museum of Milton, and Gore Place in Waltham. He is survived by his wife, Rosamond; a daughter; a son; and three grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Charles E. Dyer Jr. ’53, of Waterford, Conn.; May 4, after a brief illness. He was a retired pharmacist. He owned and operated Dyer’s Pharmacy in New London, Conn., for 50 years. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and enjoyed traveling, playing golf, and rooting for the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by a daughter, a son, a son-in-law, a granddaughter, and his companion, Elin Schoonmaker.


Jul, 2018

Ralph L. Meyer ’53, of Southington, Conn.; Jan. 26. He was the owner of the former Vaill & Meyer Paint Store in New Britain, Conn., and later in Berlin, Conn. He was a member of the Berlin Lions Club and former member of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce. He enjoyed playing cards and reading, especially history. He is survived by his wife, Dottie; three children and their spouses; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2018

John M. McIsaac Jr. ’53, of Easton, Md., formerly of Simsbury, Conn.; Jan. 21. After graduating, he received a commission in the U.S. Navy and served on active duty for six years, followed by 16 years in the naval reserve. From 1959 to 1991 he worked as an engineer and manager for United Technologies in Windsor Locks, Conn. He was an active volunteer in many community programs and enjoyed traveling the world, gardening, woodworking, photography, reading, and sailing. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a daughter; two sons, including Scott ’86; five grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter.


Jul, 2018

Robert B. Jones ’53, of Sandy Hook, Conn.; Jan. 23. He was an insurance underwriter and had worked at Intercontinental Life Insurance, Acacia Mutual Life, Worcester State Mutual Life Insurance Co., Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., and Boston Mutual Life Insurance Co. He was a Korean War U.S. Army veteran and enjoyed skiing, tennis, and working out at the gym. He is survived by three sons, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

James H.P. Hamilton ’53, of Lambertville, N.J.; Feb. 2, from complications of diabetes. In 1956, following service in the U.S. Army, he founded Design Associates, a scenic design and set-building studio, from which he produced numerous Broadway shows. He later taught theater production at NYU and Brandeis Univ. In the early 1980s he opened the Jim Hamilton & Co. architectural design studio, designing restaurants, homes, and commercial projects. In 1979 he designed a master plan for Lambertville’s commercial district and in 1988 opened his own restaurant, Hamilton’s Grill Room, with his daughter. He helped to create the Shad Fest annual event celebrating the federal Clean Water Act and on Sept. 17, 2005, the State of New Jersey and City of Lambertville declared it Jim Hamilton Day. He also enjoyed cooking and taught cooking classes in a local prison. He is survived by his wife, Judy; two daughters; a son; two stepchildren; seven grandchildren; a brother; and nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2018

Kenneth R. Allen ’53, of Pensacola, Fla., formerly of Minneapolis; Jan. 21. After serving in the naval aviation training program and earning his wings, he then served the country both on active and reserve duty and retired as a lieutenant colonel out of the reserve unit at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. After a brief stint working at Northwest Airlines, he changed careers and became a stockbroker at Paine Webber Jackson and Curtis in Minneapolis. He retired in 1999. He enjoyed playing golf, fishing, and photographing wildlife. He is survived by his wife, Jane; four children; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.


May, 2018

Bradford W. Monahon ’53, of South Kingstown, R.I.; Feb. 8. He was employed by the R.I. Department of Environmental Management and retired as the manager of the Arcadia Management Area. A veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, he enjoyed skiing, biking, and sports car racing. He is survived by his wife, Sally; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.


May, 2018

A. Edward Skoog ’53, of Springfield, Ill.; Jan. 9. After running his own general construction company for more than 15 years, he was an engineer at J.M. Jones Company until his retirement in 1994. He was past president of the Champaign Contractors Assoc. and active in local organizations. He enjoyed playing duplicate bridge and became a Life Master in 2004. A long-suffering Chicago Cubs fan, he attended two World Series games in 1945 and relished the team’s 2016  World Series championship. He is survived by a daughter, two sons, two daughters-in-law, a son-in-law, and six grandchildren.


May, 2018

Rodolfo M. Barbone ’53, of Warwick, R.I.; Jan. 1. After working as a pharmacist, he earned a master’s degree and taught math and science at Gorton Junior High School, then retired as a guidance counselor at Winman Junior High School, both in Warwick. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. He enjoyed traveling, cooking, and playing tennis and bocce. He especially enjoyed watching his grandchildren play sports and teaching them chess. He is survived by four daughters, nine grandchildren, a sister, and several nieces and nephews.


Apr, 2018

Robert E. Baldani ’53, of Loudon, Tenn., formerly of Corning, N.Y.; Nov. 1. He was vice president and operating director (technology group) at Corning Glass Works until his retirement in 1991. He was also plant manager for six years in Harrodsburg, Ky. An avid traveler, he visited all 50 states, seven continents, and more than 100 countries. He was a gourmet cook and a collector of Toby jugs. He is survived by five children, nine grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2018

Mildred Seaquist Barish ’53, of Berkeley, Calif.; June 25. She was a retired English teacher. She is survived by a daughter.

Apr, 2018

Sarah Marshall Fell ’53, of Pine City, N.Y., formerly of Manville, R.I.; Dec. 8. She was an elementary school teacher in the Warwick and Lincoln, R.I., school districts for many years. She developed a summer camp for underprivileged children, tutored Vietnamese refugees, and contributed to many charities. She was a member of the Lime Rock Baptist Church in Lincoln, where she sang in the choir and taught Sunday school. She is survived by a daughter, two grandchildren, a sister-in-law, and nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2018

Philip J. Holden ’53, of Boxford, Mass.; Nov. 13, of Alzheimer’s. He was a retired electrical engineer from Stone & Webster of Boston. He enjoyed outdoor work, jogging, woodworking, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Alice; a daughter, Megan Holden ’98; a sister; and a brother-in-law.

Apr, 2018

Eleanor Ekblade Seaman ’53, of Williamsburg, Va., formerly of Trumbull, Conn.; Oct. 11, after a prolonged illness. She was an associate mathematics professor at Quinnipiac Univ., where she conducted research, published, and held many workshops across Connecticut on math anxiety and restoring mathematical confidence. She was also a technical writer at QuoData in Hartford and worked as the computer services liaison at Area Cooperative Educational Services in North Haven, Conn. She enjoyed working as a florist and flower arranger and was a member of Bruton Parish Episcopal Church in Colonial Williamsburg and of Delta Kappa Gamma and Phi Beta Kappa. She was an avid bridge player and achieved the level of Bronze Life Master. She is survived by a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.

Apr, 2018

N. Alan Zais ’53, of Fern Park, Fla., formerly of Forest Hills, N.Y.; Nov. 2. He worked as a bond trader on Wall Street for 20 years before becoming a realtor in Florida, from which he retired to pursue his passion of antiquing. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Helen; two sons and their wives; and three grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Harold S. Prescott Jr. ’53, of El Dorado, Calif.; Apr. 23. He worked at Prescott Engineering and later with Tahoe Paradise after the purchase of his family’s business. In 1973 he reopened Prescott Engineering. He was a founding member of the Western Sierra National Bank in 1983. He retired from the engineering business in the 1990s and from the board of Western Sierra Bank in 2006. He was a Shriner and member of Hiram Lodge in El Dorado. He is survived by three sons, nine grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandson.

Feb, 2018

Elizabeth Howe Verrill  ’53, of Amherst, Mass.; June 15, of a perforated colon. She taught elementary school in Cambridge, Mass., from 1953 to 1957; was a language disability tutor and language therapist at several schools in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Maine from 1961 to 1976; was cofounder and codirector of the Willow Hill School in Sudbury, Mass., from 1970 to 1976; and was founder and director of the Listening and Learning Center of Amherst from 1988 to 2012. She was also a certified massage therapist and member of the American Massage Therapy Assoc. She enjoyed choral singing, gardening, and reading. She is survived by daughter Rebecca Verrill Smith ’80 of 36 Brooks St., Medford, MA 02155; two grandchildren; two brothers; and several nieces and nephews.

Feb, 2018

Suzanne Griffiths Bower ’53, of Southern Pines, N.C.; Oct. 14, from complications of Alzheimer’s. Over the course of 30 years she and her family moved several times and she was involved in numerous organizations and community affairs. She recruited for Brown in Virginia, Georgia, New Jersey, and Ohio. She was involved with the Moore County Arts Council and the Village Chapel in Pinehurst, N.C.; was a docent at the Cincinnati Art Museum; and was active in the Episcopal Church her entire life. She enjoyed playing bridge and tennis. She is survived by her husband, Glenn N. Bower ’52; daughters Pamela Bower-Basso ’77, Elizabeth Hudgins ’79, Emily Bower ’83, and Priscilla Bower Smyth ’87; two sons-in-law, including Joseph Basso ’77; seven grandchildren, including Elizabeth Basso ’18; and four great-grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Paul M. Dubeau ’53, of Baltimore; Aug. 13, of congestive heart failure. He began a career in banking working as a teller for Baltimore Federal Savings and Loan, later Baltimore Federal Financial, and eventually rose to vice president of the bank before retiring in 1985. He enjoyed thoroughbred racing and collecting Canadian stamps. He is survived by three sons.

Feb, 2018

William D. Healey ’53, of Attleboro, Mass., formerly of Plainville, Va.; Sept. 9. He worked in Paraguay and Argentina as a director for the U.S. Agency for International Development and as an administrator for the U.S. General Services Administration; he also worked as an administrative officer for the Peace Corps in Washington, D.C. He was a communicant of the former Sacred Heart Church in Fall River, Mass., and an avid Boston Red Sox and Celtics fan. He is survived by two sons and their wives, two granddaughters, and several nieces and nephews.

Feb, 2018

Curtis F. Kruger ’53, of Pompano Beach, Fla., and East Boothbay, Me.; Dec. 9, 2016. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; three daughters, including Kristin Kight ’83; son Kurt ’77; seven grandchildren; and a sister.

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