Class of 1950

Apr, 2024

Janet Brof published a book of poetry entitled Tell Them My Love Has Come with Levellers Press. 

Jan, 2024

Janet Brof published a poetry book titled Tell Them My Love Has Come. Janet writes: “I have begun doing readings at libraries in New York City. Though I entered Brown as a math major, I discovered in my first year it was poetry that was my medium thanks to Brunonia and to a returned veteran at Brown. Sara Hurdis, Charlie Philbrick, and Jay Saunders Redding ’28, ’32 AM encouraged me—bless them.”

Jan, 2023

Class Copresident Paul Lipsitt reports that he and his wife, Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63, hosted Nancy L. Buc ’65, Carol Norton King ’63, and her daughter Stacey King ’89 in Marion, Mass., this past summer. “A great time was had by all. Carol’s husband, Peter King, made gravlax, which was a big hit with those in attendance. It would be great to hear from other classmates.”

Jun, 2022

Jerry Green covered his 56th consecutive Super Bowl—SB LVI—for the Detroit News in Los Angeles on Feb. 13. He is the only print sportswriter to have covered every Super Bowl. He has become part of the story. Newsweek magazine printed a lengthy feature article about him in its Feb. 18 issue on its website. Also, the local weekly Grosse Pointe News printed a feature article about him.


Aug, 2021

Class copresident Paul Lipsitt writes: “The Brown and Pembroke classes of 1950 met on April 30 to celebrate their 70th reunion, due to unforeseen circumstances held on our 71st year since graduation. A small but intrepid and enthusiastic group of classmates ventured into cyberspace to get together. In attendance were class copresidents Caroline Decatur Chick and Paul Lipsitt, class vice-president Russ Kinne, Shirley Lechtman Sallet, and Barry Schwartz. Guests included Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63 and Caroline’s granddaughter Melissa. The “cocktail party” included beer, wine, and Grey Goose vodka martinis in honor of  Sidney Frank ’42, whose sale of this brand enabled Brown’s then-largest donation to support need-blind admissions. A toast was given to the Brown and Pembroke classes of 1950. Caroline presented a slide show of earlier reunions accompanied by Brown students singing the alma mater. A proposal was presented by Paul and Caroline to gift the class treasury to Brown’s new Alzheimer’s Research Project. Last, but not least, in attendance was Jill Stange, our Alumni Relations liaison, without whom this event would not have happened.”

Aug, 2020

Brooke Kruger Lipsitt (see Russ Kinne ’50).

Aug, 2020

Russ Kinne writes: “I’m still living in mid-coast Maine; will be here forever, I think. Great place, great people. Living in a nifty little log house and driving my 11th Subaru (Maine’s unofficial state car). I don’t have a small airplane anymore and I miss it like mad. But at my advanced age of 46 (on each foot), the insurance is prohibitive. Sigh. Sure was fun. I keep in regular touch with Col. Charles Williamson, who is now living in Atlantic Beach, Florida, and I see him once a year on my ‘winter walkabout,’ which was 6,800 miles this year. Hard to believe. David Clough ’51 lives fairly close to me and I see him occasionally, but he spends half the year in Florida. I see Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63 and Paul Lipsitt, our class president, once a year too. Guess where? I miss the ‘old gang’ and hope some/all of you will visit. You’re always welcome. Hope we can meet at reunion, whenever it is. And if you want a few laughs get a copy of my first published book of almost-fiction, Rosie’s Lightning; it’s on Amazon and ridiculously cheap. I keep expecting Hollywood to call and buy it for a movie, but I guess they’ve lost my phone number. Sigh again. Fair winds to you all.”

Aug, 2020

Jerry Green, longtime sports columnist and writer for The Detroit News, is now the only print writer to have covered all 54 Super Bowls. He covered Super Bowl LIV when the Kansas City Chiefs were the victors over the San Francisco 49ers in Miami Gardens in February. Two colleagues who kept streaking with him for 53 years since Super Bowl I in 1967 dropped out. Green retired from the active staff of The News in 2004, but continued to write daily and game Super Bowl columns afterwards. “I’m recalled to active duty every January,” he says. Green was elected to the writers’ wing of the Pro Football Hall of Fame as recipient of the Dick McCann Award in 2005 and the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame in 2003.

Aug, 2020

Class president Paul Lipsitt writes: “Much is topsy turvy since our last class note. The bad news is that our well planned 70th reunion for May was postponed. The good news is that we will look forward to it. My co-chair, Caroline Decatur Chick, and I are thinking ahead to that time and that many classmates will be with us then. We are remaining sheltered, and maintaining contact with friends and relatives through the marvel of electronics. FaceTime reassures us that grandchildren do not forget us, and Zoom is wonderful for courses and parties. Ever true.”

Apr, 2020

UPDATE: Class president Paul Lipsitt writes: “Much is topsy turvy since our last class note. The bad news is that our well planned 70th Reunion for May has been postponed. The good news is that we will look forward to it. My co-chair, Caroline Decatur Chick and I, are thinking ahead to that time and that many classmates will be with us then. We are remaining sheltered, and maintaining contact with friends and relatives through the marvel of electronics. FaceTime reassures us that grandchildren do not forget us, and Zoom is wonderful for courses and parties. Ever true.”

Apr, 2020

Class copresidents Caroline Decatur Chick and Paul Lipsitt report: “We hope you will be joining us for our 70th reunion on May 22-24, 2020. Thanks to the University and our class subsidies, there is no charge for any of our class events. However, please register meal choices for you and your guests. You may register online at or by calling the reunion headquarters at 401-863-7783. Please join us for this special event.”


Nov, 2019

Paul Lipsitt writes that he and Nancy L. Buc ’65 appeared in the July 4th parade in Marion, Mass. Paul writes: “While other World War II veterans appeared in the procession in olive drab military vehicles, I rode with Nancy in her bright red convertible. Nancy has been a close friend of my wife Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63 since their student years at Pembroke.”


Sep, 2019

Spike Gonzales, Charles Shumway ’58, ’66 AM, and Roger Young ’50 have been playing tennis together at the Wilderness Country Club in Naples, Fla., for the last decade.


Spike gonzales ’69 and his tennis buddies
Sep, 2019

Marjorie Matz Henning writes: “I’m sorry that I couldn’t be with you on May 23. My husband Ted and I are fine and are still living in Manhasset, Long Island. We have three children and five grandchildren. I’m still playing tennis and our last trip was to Iceland.”


Sep, 2019

Temple Fawcett keeps busy with local Rhode Island politics plus the Rhode Island music, theater, and art scene.


Sep, 2019

Eugene F. Ahearn writes: “Sorry I had to pass on our mini-reunion this year. I’ve had my 93rd birthday and feel fine, but I’m restricting my travels to about a 10-mile radius of home. My focus is on maintaining health, exercise, walking, and being social. All of us here at Mercy Ridge renewed our driver’s licenses to our 100th birthdays.”


Sep, 2019

Class secretary LeRoy F. Anderson reports: “The great class of 1950 (I believe the largest in history) held a mini-reunion on Thursday, May 23, at the University Club, which was an ideal location for our great reception. The setting was just right and the chef’s team prepared a most delicious meal. There was an abundance of comradeship as we all caught up on family and Brown news. Additionally, we focused enthusiastically, and with some disbelief, on our 70th celebration coming along in 2020. Attendees included myself and my wife, Claire Anderson, Caroline Decatur Chick, Pauline Longo Denning, Temple Fawcett, Nancy Chick Hyde ’80, Russ Kinne, Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63, Paul D. Lipsitt, William L. Mayer, Donald B. McLellan, Jeffrey S. Michaelson ’80, and Rita Caslowitz Michaelson.”


Jan, 2019

Janet Brof writes: “I’m still teaching—now it’s Russian literature, with my one student with whom I’ve worked for four years. I mean to get back to finishing a memoir about my life in Mexico in the seventies. I feel blessed living near the Hudson River. No children, but good friends in my life.”


Sep, 2018

Roy Anderson writes: “Nine stalwart folk attended the class of 1950 mini-reunion on May 24 at the Faculty Club for lunch and much banter. Jill Stange of Alumni Relations arranged the gathering, and Paul Lipsitt was the genial host. We were saddened to learn that copresident Bruce Chick passed away in March, but his wife, Carolyn Decatur Chick, graced our table. Other classmates attending the reminiscence of one of the largest classes in Brown history included: Pauline Longo Denning, Temple Fawcett, Bill Mayer, Don McLellan, and Rita Caslowitz Michaelson. Greetings and regrets were sent by several other classmates who, because of distance or health issues, could not be present. They included Gene Ahearn, Celine Chabot-Hall, Dorothy Smith Curtis, Allan Dougherty, Robert D. Hall Jr., John B. Leeming, Donald McLellan, Haven H. Newton, Fletcher Ward, and J. McNally, who wrote: ‘I still proudly wear my class of ’50 college ring that, after 68 years, is polished smooth from wear.’ All were optimistically looking forward to 2020 for a spectacular 70th.”


Jul, 2018

Brooke Kruger Lipsitt (see Paul Lipsitt ’50).


Jul, 2018

Paul and Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63 became proud grandparents on Aug. 22, 2017, with the birth of their grandson, Zachary Joseph Gregorian. Zachary is the son of their daughter Sarah and her husband, Oshin Gregorian.

Jan, 2018

Ann Kline Cook '49 writes that after her husband, Bob Cook ’50, retired from his position as assistant director of information at the National Bureau of Standards and she retired as a NOAA public affairs officer, they moved to Linville in the North Carolina high country. There they enjoyed square dancing, editing a community newsletter, and many friends. However, after Bob passed away in 1999 and Ann had a stroke, she moved to a retirement community in Asheville, N.C.

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at [email protected].

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Joseph McNally writes, “A recent article in Military Officer magazine prompted memories of my recall into the navy after graduation due to the outbreak of the Korean War. The article presented Thule, 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle in Greenland, as an interesting place to visit. But I could only think of the polar darkness, frozen seas, and weeks of being trapped there by ice floes before construction could begin on Thule Air Base.” Joe has lived in San Diego since 1971. His wife, Bonnie, passed away in 2010.

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Roy Fidler has added another docent activity. In addition to giving school talks about endangered species for China Camp State Park, he is now leading architecture tours at the Marin County Civic Center designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Paul Lipsitt writes: “My wife, Brooke Lipsitt ’63, and I were part of a group of 15 on a people-to-people visit to Cuba when Ron Offenkrantz ’58 spotted my Brown cap. We were delighted to get to know him and his wife, Blossom, and to bond over our shared Brown experiences. We loved the warmth of the wonderful Cuban people as well as their music and art, and marveled over their ingenuity in maintaining their 1950s-era cars for daily use.”

On Mar. 4, 2016, Victor Donald Russo Jr., a retired supreme court trial attorney with more than 60 years of experience at Allstate, was selected as a Top Trial Attorney of North America and included in the “Who’s Who Directory (2016–2017) of Top Attorneys of North America.”

From the March/April 2017 Issue

John K. Stepita writes: “I write periodically to [BAM editor and publisher] Norman Boucher, and he always responds kindly although I am critical. I sent a welcome to Logan Powell, dean of admission. He is outstanding and a great addition to the staff. I keep in touch with Christina Paxson—she is superb.”

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Roy Fidler reports that several classmates responded to an inquiry about their travels. Roy counts as travel highlights more than 25 house exchanges in Europe with his wife, Carole. He writes: “As members of Servas, an international peace organization, we’ve enjoyed home stays and day visits with fellow members in India, Japan, and most countries in Europe, while visitors from other countries have stayed with us.”

Are you engaged in volunteer activities? Class members are invited to submit reports on their current (or recent) volunteer work for a volunteer-themed Class Notes entry in an upcoming issue of the BAM. What? Where? Why you do it?

Temple Fawcett, who lives in a senior complex in Providence, offered memories of a lifetime of hiking adventures in the Colorado Rockies, the Italian Dolomites, Bryce, and Zion, as well as hill walking in England, Scotland, and Wales. She writes: “I somehow seemed always to be at the back of the pack, but always enjoyed it.”

Paul Lipsitt and his wife, Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63, sailed on the Queen Elizabeth in June through the Baltic Sea via Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Tallinn to St. Petersburg. Paul and Brooke write: “The ship as a hotel simplifies travel for us more mature types. But the tempting edibles available 24 hours a day are a real risk to one’s avoirdupois.”

Bill Walsh and his partner of 14 years, Myra Oliver, who live in Orange City, Fla., are scheduled for a couple of end-of-year cruises, one starting from Rome, and another a round-trip to Hawaii.

Harry Westcott writes that most of his journeys have been with Lindgrad/National Geographic Adventure Cruises with trips that have included both Poles, the Northwest Passage, and the Panama Canal. Using their camper van, he and his wife have also crossed the United States from coast to coast and spent a month in Canada’s Maritime Provinces. Harry writes: “Travel is on a temporary hold while my wife, Gerd, completes treatments for cancer.”

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Pauline Longo Denning (see Joan McMaster ’60).

Frances H. Leimkuehler writes: “I enjoy reading about exciting new programs and research in the BAM. Thank you.”

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Leroy Anderson released his first book, Joie de Vivre, from Page Publishing. He writes: “It’s a chronicle of my family’s history over 150 years and abounds with over 800 incredible pictures that follow each chapter. The story follows my community banking career and is supplemented with many collateral interests in music, travel, church, sailing, camping, and gardening, all described in a quite readable and witty presentation. Our multi-home residency to accommodate my banking career provides lots of ammunition and color for many personal vignettes.”

Roy Fidler writes: “Class members of 1950 are invited to submit reports on their past, recent, and/or upcoming travels for a travel-themed class notes entry in the November/December issue of the BAM. Submissions must be received by August 15.

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Robert H. Breslin Jr. writes: “I read recently a class note from Russ Kinne in which he talked about the paucity of news from the class of 1950. It happens that I was extremely fortunate last August to have lunch with Don Parker and his son, Luke. Don is doing great. He’s in Amelia Island, Florida, and was up here visiting his children. My daughter, Pamela Breslin Murphy ’80, lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and my son, Bob, lives in Dover, Massachusetts, and has a summer house in nearby Saunderstown, Rhode Island. They are all well, as are our grandchildren. I still practice law as of counsel to the firm of Sullivan & Sullivan in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Roy Fidler writes that his life has come full circle in some respects. “My first job after graduation was guiding tours for the New York Times. I am back leading tours again as a volunteer at China Camp State Park, near my home in San Rafael, California, having been trained to give nature walks and campfire talks.” He notes, “The park is on the National Register of Historic Places for a Chinese shrimp-fishing village that thrived on the site in the 1880s.” 

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Class president Paul Lipsitt reports the following attendees at the 65th reunion: Gene Ahearn, Claire and Leroy Anderson, Bruce ’53 ScM and Caroline Decatur Chick, Pauline Longo Denning, Temple Fawcett, Harold Godlin, Celine and Robert Hall, Mary Holburn, Russ Kinne, Mary Beth and Jack Leeming, Paul and Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63, William and Nancy Rosenstein Mayer ’73 MAT, Donald McLellan, Rita Caslowitz Michaelson, Ron Picerne, Bill and Amelia Stern Revkin ’53, Christine and Donald Russo, Betts Swantz Sanford and Gerrit Sanford ’49, Sandra and Cy Seifert, Bill Walsh and Mary Oliver, Gerd and Harry Westcott, and Ron Wilson and Delores Younger. Paul writes: “A highlight of the reunion was the publication of the 65th Reunion Yearbook, which contained 88 biographical sketches submitted by our classmates. Among the many contributors was former class president Allen Kerr, who, sadly, did not live to see the yearbook produced. But he was proud to know that his granddaughter, Leigh Thomas ’15, graduated on our 65th. Class marshals Paul and Ron Wilson led the procession through the Van Wickle Gates.”

Class secretary Roy Fidler invites members of the class to e-mail or snail mail him directly with their news. He writes: “If e-mailing, please put ‘Brown ’50’ in the subject line to ensure it doesn’t wind up in spam.” He also reports that retiring class president Paul Lipsitt received the Nan Bouchard Tracy ’46 Award for Distinguished Service from the Alumni Association in October. During Paul’s six years of leadership, the class of ’50 was honored as 2012’s Class of the Year.

Gordon Allen retired in 1986, before moving to the Cape Cod town of Osterville, Mass. Now he spends half the year at his Orchid, Fla., home. He lives with his wife of 64 years. He writes: “We first dated as undergrads when Sally was at Wheaton.”

Bruce Chick ’53 ScM and Caroline Decatur Chick were elected class copresidents at the 65th reunion. Rita Caslowitz Michaelson is vice-president, John Poulos is treasurer, and Roy Fidler is secretary of the class. 

Homer L. Gibbs Jr. writes: “I’m enjoying living on the Maine coast. No stents or new joints! As I write this, sitting 30 feet from the salt water, I’m thinking back 69 years to entering Brown with many other WWII veterans and realizing how fortunate I have been!”

Jerry Green is still doing his weekly sports column and is slated to cover his 50th Super Bowl in February. But he writes: “None of those games gave me the thrill I had in watching my granddaughter score two goals for the Univ. of Michigan lacrosse team.” Jerry lives in Detroit full-time.

Russ Kinne invites any alums traveling through MidCoast Maine to pay him a visit in Topsham. He writes: “I was honored to help carry the class banner down the Hill at our 65th reunion. I’m still active in writing and photography. My first fiction, Rosie’s Lightning, is on Amazon.”

Harvey Lapides writes from Barrington, R.I., that, while vacationing in the California desert, he read a story in a local paper about a semi-retired local resident who has been a sportswriter for the Detroit News. It turned out to be classmate Jerry Green. Harvey writes: “We reconnected after 60 years and have kept in touch since. Jerry had an incredible career as one of only two living writers to cover all 49 Super Bowls.”

Frances “Limey” Leimkuehler volunteers at the Butterfly House of the Missouri Botanical Garden. She writes: “Biology was my first interest at Brown, and the time I’ve spent as a docent teaching school classes and greeting visitors from all over the world continues to enrich my life.” 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Russ Kinne writes: “I’ve noticed the dearth of info in the BAM on the grand and glorious class of 1950, and though I don’t have much news, here it is. I attended our 65th reunion last May. When I arrived, College Hill was, understandably, crowded with people and cars. My assigned dorm room was only 50 feet from my car. What phenomenal luck! I didn’t move my car all weekend. But it was sad to see how few classmates made it back to the reunion. There were only 25 of us at the class dinner, but a good time was had by all. A highlight for me was the honor of helping Paul Lipsitt carry our banner down the Hill. Paul was looking mighty spiffy in his formal duds and tall silk hat. It was grand fun all around, and I plan to attend next year, too. In the meantime, any alums traveling through mid-coast Maine are most welcome to pay me a visit. Brown is still a strong force in my life, and I treasure the time I spent there.”

Peter Lawson writes: “My new book, Lifeline for the End Times: Creating a New Humanity for the Apocalypse and Beyond, is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions. The achievement of my life is five kids, 13 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren, who are all exceptionally decent and caring human beings. After 17 years in Valley Ford, California, Danielle and I have moved to Petaluma.”

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Gene Ahearn was married to Shirley Jackson for 61 years. They met in 1947, lived in Belgium and France for five years, visited 53 countries, and enjoyed Florida for 23 years. Gene is now a resident of a retirement community.

Robert Shepard writes: “I’m now located in a fine and spacious condominium, not a long drive from Rockland, Mass., to Providence. Physical ailments are a problem, but they seem to occur one at a time, so far!”

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Martin L. Jacobs’s wife, Phyllis, passed away Oct. 8, 2013.

Harry D. Lane writes that he is working with his five sons five days a week as an architectural engineer in the same construction business.

John Leeming is still playing tennis two to three times a week.

Janet Brof writes: “A story of mine, ‘Holding Ground,’ about the last winter of my husband, Bill De Moss, who died in December, appeared in the fall issue of Persimmon Tree Magazine. I continue to write and to teach writing.”

From the March/April 2014 Issue

Janet Brof’s haikus about life with her husband, Bill DeMoss, were featured in the fall issue of Persimmon Tree, an online arts magazine for women over 60 ( ).


From the November/December 2013 Issue

Class secretary June Gibbs reports: “The class of 1950 held its annual mini-reunion on May 23 at the Providence home of newly elected copresident Rita Caslowitz Michaelson. Twenty-three graduates, spouses, and friends attended, including copresident Paul Lipsitt and his wife, Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63; board members Bruce and Caroline Decatur Chick; former president Ollie Patrell and his wife, Kay; former class secretary Mary Holburn; and current secretary, June Gibbs.

Joe McNally was newly elected vice president, and present officers were approved unanimously. Also in attendance were Eugene Ahearn; Pauline Longo Denning; John and Joan Durnin; M. Temple Fawcett; Bill Mayer; Don and Jeanne McLellan; Jean Stack Robbins; Robert Shepard; Bets Swantz and her husband, Gerry Sanford ’49; and Edward and Mary Ann Torgen.

“Recognition of the class of ’50 as recipient of the Class of the Year Award, along with our being among the top contributors to both the Annual Fund and the General Fund, was reported.” 


From the May/June 2013 Issue

Class president Paul Lipsitt reports: “This year our class received the Class of the Year Award. Our consistency in holding annual mini-reunions between our five-year major reunions was a contributing factor in achieving this recognition. On Thursday, May 23, from 5 to 7 p.m., we hope to exceed last year’s very respectable gathering. Rita Caslowitz Michaelson, our copresident, has graciously offered to host our event in her home at 97 Angell St., close to the campus. There is a fee of $25 per person to help defray the planned heavy hors d’oeuvres and an open bar.”

Russ Kinne writes: “After many years of living in New Canaan, Connecticut, I’ve moved to Maine. I have a small, simple, rustic, primitive little log cabin with only the bare essentials of life—electricity, running hot and cold water, central heat, gas and electric stoves, trash compactor, phone, TV, Internet access and e-mail, and two woodstoves. Any passing Brunonians are invited to say hello. I’m in Topsham, near Brunswick, in the midcoast region, or by today’s navigation about 45 minutes past L.L. Bean. I plan to get my next aircraft in the spring—been too long ground-bound.” 


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Harry D. Lane writes: “I feel I was fortunate in receiving a civil engineering degree at Brown in 1950, which helped me to attain a Texas professional engineering license after four years’ experience. Following an added two years working as an architect and taking the state exam, I became a registered architect, as well as engineer, in both Texas and New Mexico. I will have to credit Brown for a sound education. I recently received my 50-year pin from Phi Delta Theta fraternity. I also have time for seven children and just had my first great-granddaughter. I was able to attend my first and only reunion, the 50th, in 2000. I got together with four fraternity brothers in 2004 for a four-day golf trip in Houston. I would love to get back for a reunion, but two knee replacements, a hip replacement, three back operations, and a few hernias have slowed me down—but I still work! I enjoy the alumni magazine.”

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Paul D. Lipsitt writes: “The Class of 1950 was honored to be the recipient of the 2012 Class of the Year award at the alumni fall weekend and presidential inauguration. As class president, I accepted the award, which honored the class for its continuous annual mini-reunions and its ‘unique component’: inviting current student veterans to join the reunion of the class, which includes many veterans of World War II. Present as special guests at the ceremony were Bruce Chick, Caroline Decatur Chick, and Phyllis Cook. The extensive contributions of copresident Allen Kerr, who passed away on September 22, were recognized with a minute of silence. His granddaughter, Leigh Thomas ’15, was also a special guest.”

Harry S. Westcott writes: “I was in the Arctic in August looking for sea ice in Greenland with National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions. No ice in Iceland; no green in Greenland. Glaciers retreating at an alarming rate. Northwest passage open to ordinary vessels. Global warming a myth?”


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Class secretary June Johnson Gibbs writes: “The class of 1950 held a mini-reunion on May 24 at the Hope Club in Providence. Thirty-five members, some of whom hadn’t been able to attend in recent years, were present along with spouses and friends. Three veterans were also in attendance: Philip Crean ’14, Nicholas Gesualdo ’13, and David Salsone ’13. Our copresident, Paul Lipsitt, met all three at a Veterans Day event in November and extended them an invitation. Conversation, food, and drink were enjoyed, followed by a warm welcome from copresidents Allen Kerr and Paul. A special project was proposed for future class reunions before our big 65th reunion in 2015. We are asking all 1950 classmates to write a one-page biography of what has happened to them since graduating from Brown on June 2, 1950. These should be mailed to Paula Pillsbury DeBlois ’89 in Alumni Relations at Box 1859, Providence, R.I. 02912. They will appear on our website and help us build greater participation in future reunions.”

From the May/June 2012 Issue

Robert Follett published his ninth book, the second edition of How To Keep Score in Business: Accounting and Financial Analysis for the Non-Accountant. The first edition was used in college business courses, purchased by companies for up-and-coming employees, and used as a text for seminars and workshops. He is already at work on his next book.

William Pollard (see J. Cheston Constable ’39).

Shirley Lechtman Sallet writes: “At 82, I was without doubt the oldest member of the Creative Aging Training Institute sponsored by the Creative Center for the Arts in Healthcare in New York. I was honored to be one of 40 participants from the United States and Canada, and I was especially impressed by the research that pointed to measurable health benefits for the aging population who engage in any of the arts. We heard leaders in their fields tell how neighborhood centers and retirement and nursing homes are actively using music-making, play-acting, and working in the visual arts to improve the quality of life for the elderly. And, since I create art myself, as well as conduct art workshops in healthcare settings, this whole experience was right up my alley. I am happily living on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, not far from my son Jonathan Sallet ’74, my daughter Hilary, and my grandchildren.”


From the January/February 2012 Issue

Class secretary June Johnson Gibbs reports: "The class of '50 held its annual mini-reunion in the Petteruti Lounge at the newly renovated Faunce House on Thursday, May 26. Approximately 20 people attended, including Brown and Pembroke alumni and alumnae, many with their spouses. Copresidents Donald Hazard and Allen Kerr were both in attendance. Special thanks to Paula Pillsbury DeBlois '89."

John Leeming writes he is happy to be in Sarasota, Fla., with his wife, Mary Beth Abel Leeming, and near his son John Leeming II '81 and his family. His grandson, Hunter Leeming '15, rowed in the World Cup Junior Regatta and is the third generation at Brown. Son Charles Leeming '86 and his wife, Jean, welcomed a son, John Thomas Leeming, on Aug. 31. John writes: "It's been a busy and full year."

John Mullen writes: "I am still getting up on the right side of the ground. All is well on Cape Cod, where life, even in summer, is serene."

Thomas Quinn writes: "I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend the 60th reunion, but I'm feeling much better now that I've hit 86!"

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Ursula Heineman Rickenberg lives at Epoch Assisted Living on the East Side in Providence. She writes: "I recently took part in a poetry class at Epoch with Brown professor Rick Benjamin. We published a book of our poetry, Life, Loss, Love. All profits will be donated to a student literary scholarship."

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Donald R. MacDonald moved to a continuing care community in August 2010.

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Joe Adams writes: "At the age of 90, I got married again to a cute, young 85-year-old gal named Jeanne Poulin. Thousands of years ago I retired from Bettcher Manufacturing Co. and started an engineering consulting business. I also taught English as a second language and a graduate engineering course at Florida State Univ. I got a master's degree in administration and continued my love for writing humorous verse."

Russ Kinne plans to move to midcoast Maine. He writes: "Connecticut's fine but too warm!"

Allen Kerr writes: "My oldest granddaughter, Leigh Thomas, applied to Brown early decision, like my only son, Charles Kerr '78, did in 1974. We all hope a Brown tradition continues!"

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Lester R. Allen Jr. sings with the Mid-Cape Chorus. He is a discussion group cochair, a member of the Cape Cod Men's Club, a trustee of the Kingsway Condominium trust, and an active hacker at the Club at Yarmouth Port. He has been happily married to Ruth for 63 years.

Harold M. Schwartz writes that he is still chugging along, playing table tennis, singing, swimming, teaching basic computer skills, enjoying a wonderful life, and hoping to get a lot older.

Harry S. Westcott writes: "The reunion was awesome, and it was great fun to reconnect with Brown. Let's do it again in 2015."

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Mary Holburn writes that the following class officers were elected during the 60th-reunion class meeting, May 29: copresidents, Donald Hazard and Allen Kerr; vice president, Paul Lipsitt; secretary, June Johnson Gibbs; and treasurer, John Poulos. In addition to current board members—Maurice Bissonnette, Bruce Chick, Phyllis Towne Cook, Lacy Herrmann, Rita Caslowitz Michaelson, Oliver Patrell, Janet Reeh Pinkham, Ralph Seifert, and Ronald Wilson—were added new board members: Edna Graham Anness, Robert Breslin, Roy Fidler, John Halliwell, and Antoinette Loiacono Dupont, and Burton Staugaard.

Edna Graham Anness has been curator of the Hunt House Museum of the East Providence Historical Society for 20 years.

Richard Armstrong '50 (see Nancy Weissman '80).

Antoinette Loiacono Dupont continues to serve as a judge trial referee on the Appellate Court of Connecticut.

Roy S. Fidler volunteers two days a week at the Consumer Protection Unit of the Marin County District Attorney's Office in San Rafael, Calif. He continues to travel all over Europe, Canada, and the United States. He is active in a photography club and received a "Print of the Year" award in a regional competition.

Dianne Muth Herr lives in Bermuda and writes that she would be delighted to have classmates visiting the island.

Janice Synes Weissman '50 (see Nancy Weissman '80).

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Frances H. Leimkuehler is currently volunteering and teaching at the Butterfly House (

Donald MacDonald hopes to make it to his 60th reunion this year.

Oliver Patrell writes: "Are you ready for our 60th Reunion on Memorial Day weekend? The Reunion committee has been planning a memorable event. Check out the reunion website http// for details and our growing list of attendees. Please register early. Blurbs, bios, and old photos are welcome. We are also well on our way to making a significant class gift to the Brown Annual Fund. We hope you will join us in the gift as well. Contact to help us meet our class gift goal and make a positive impact on life at Brown."

From the March/April 2010 Issue

George A. Davis, retiring president of the Glenridge Advisory Council in Sarasota, Fla., was roasted on Nov. 10. He has been a council volunteer for the past six years, first as secretary and now as president. During his tenure he reestablished the community's art committee and helped make Glenridge greener.

Allen S. Kerr and his wife purchased a condominium in Minnetonka, Minn., where their three daughters live. Their son, Chet Kerr '78, is a corporate litigator with Morrison & Foerster LLP in New York City.

Paul and Brooke Kruger Lipsitt '63 announce the June 27 marriage of their daughter, Sarah, to Oshin Gregorian. Paul and Brooke will travel to Ireland with Sarah and Oshin to celebrate the couple's first anniversary.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

John Kimball suggests a Google search of "colorful Kimball works at Elizabeth Moss Gallery."

Harry Westcott celebrated his 85th birthday by hiking and canoeing in the Appalachian Mt. Club's Maine Woods Camp at Little Lyford Pond just south of Mt. Katahdin.

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Donn Fichter writes that he walks a lot and is in good health. He has never owned an automobile. The families of Donn's son and daughter live in Capital District, N.Y. Donn has been a widower for seven years.

John L. Moore retired from freelance writing and editing for CQ Press.

Diane Deland Wagner writes that, since her husband passed away, she divides her time between Florida and Virginia.



From the July/August 2009 Issue


Gordon E. Allen writes that at a Brown Club of Cape Cod meeting he ran into Lester Allen, whom he had not seen since college. Gordon has been living on the Cape for 22 years and has a home in Vero Beach, Fla., where he spends the winter. He is in good health and looks forward to celebrating 58 years of marriage.

Philip and Dorothy Smith Curtis write that Philip is an emeritus mathematics professor at UCLA and is still involved in efforts to increase the number of math majors going into high school teaching. Dorothy is a retired Los Angeles Unified School District teacher in early childhood education with an emphasis on parent education.

M. Dean Jacoby celebrated his 80th birthday in Dallas with the help of Arnie Raphealson.

Russ Kinne is a freelance photographer and moves boats ( in New Canaan, Conn. He still flies airplanes and plans to buy a new one and move soon.

Ruth Weiss Soforenko writes: "I'm still active in my interior design business and loving it." She remains in touch with several classmates, including Marcia Krawit Brown, Rita Caslowitz Michaelson, and Phyllis Rosen Cardozo.

Edward Torgen has semi-retired; he sold his office last July and moved his practice home. He and his wife welcomed their sixth grandchild to the family last October.

Robert Vivian and Peter Lyon sing in the choir at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Bridgton, Me. Bob grew up in Pawtucket, and Pete grew up in Providence, where he sang in the choir at St. Stephen's Church for four years as a boy soprano. Bill Walsh and Myra Oliver went on a 32-day trip through Thailand and Vietnam last Dec.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

George A. Davis has been elected president of the Glenridge Advisory Council at The Glenridge on Palmer Ranch in Sarasota, Fla.

Eben E. Smith Jr. is engaged to Emily Anne Lyons. They plan to travel to San Diego on Amtrak this summer and possibly go to sea for a day on the Star of India.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Stanley DeVoe is busy as a consultant on the chemistry of bioactive natural products, but he finds time to play tennis often. He enjoys boating in Florida and is involved in boater education through United States Power Squadron courses.

Eugene McNally, Joe McNally, and Tom Walsh visited Paul Lipsitt and his wife, Brooke Kruger Lipsitt '63, in July at their summer home in Marion, Mass. For the first time in many years, these Brown classmates and former roommates got together for a mini-reunion. Gene lives in Celebration, Fla., Joe in San Diego, and Tom in Georgetown, Tex. Gene Ducati '49 arrived a couple of weeks later.

From the November/December 2008 Issue

James R. Hebden has moved to an independent living community.

Seymour M. Rosen has been writing plays for the past several years after a career with the U.S. Department of Education. Most have had staged readings at Smith College and at the Williamsburg Library (Mass.). Axing the Axel and Rooftop Reverie have been published, and three others have been produced: Foxhole in St. Paul, Minn.; On Temporary Loan in Rome, N.Y; and The Crash off-Broadway, in Manhattan.

Ruth Weiss Soforenko writes she still works at her California-based interior-design business, which takes her all over the United States. She treasures her Pembroke and Brown friends and is in touch with many of them.

Sally Sikes Tyrrell writes: "Miracles do indeed happen. After three months in a medical coma, three months in intense therapy, and three months at home with TLC, my husband, Jim '45, is now back to normal (almost). This all was the result of an unexpected triple-bypass operation on New Year's Eve 2007. I wish I were 60 years younger so that I could take far more advantage of all those educational opportunities there were (and are) at Brown–and I would flirt with my granddaughter's handsome boyfriends. One of them said to me recently, 'I wish I were 60 years older!' Now that's style! One day I counted all the members of the Tyrrell/Sikes family who graduated from Brown. I believe there are 16 of us."

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Edward De Witt III retired from the practice of law after 50 years.

Robert Follett is president of Alpine Guild Inc., a publishing company in Dillon, Colo. His 2006 book, Wolf Trapped: The Life and Death of a Young Artist in Hitler's Europe, is a collaboration with Peter Natan, who tells the story of his older brother Wolf, a Jewish artist exiled from his German homeland. It's illustrated with Wolf's drawings and cartoons.

Theodore D. Foster retired from teaching in 1993 as professor of marine sciences at UC Santa Cruz, but continues to do research in geophysical fluid dynamics at the UC San Diego.

Paul Lipsitt (see Brooke Kruger Lipsitt '63).

Donald R. MacDonald writes it was a good year for downhill skiing at Smuggler's Notch in Vermont, where he was able to ski for free at the age of 83.

Ben Patrick turned 80 and writes he is "still finding life a wonderful trip."

William Walsh and Myra Oliver continue to travel, having already visited China, Costa Rica, Sicily, Ireland, and the Danube over the past two years. They live in Ormond Beach, Fla.

Janice Synes Weissman's husband, Bert, died in July '07. She writes: "He attended so many class reunions, people thought he was a member of our class."

Dave Zenker retired in 2001 from practicing ENT Head & Neck surgery in Morristown, N.J. He spends winters in Vero Beach, Fla., and summers in Edgartown, Mass.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

John A. Bruce retired from GE Reco in 1992 after several foreign assignments. He had a quadruple bypass, a kidney removed, a broken shoulder, and a stroke, but is still laughing in a retirement home.

Mary Ann Holmes Hull returned from a month-long trip to Egypt, where she visited her son at the Canadian Embassy in Cairo. She highly recommends the trip.

Edward Margolies published New York and the Literary Imagination: The City in Twentieth Fiction and Drama, with McFarland & Company.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Frances Leimkuehler writes: “In March 2007, I moved to the St. Louis area to be closer to family and started a whole new way of living. The last fifty years were in small cities of northwestern Illinois. The biggest adjustment is the many people and cars.”

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Harry D. Lane writes: “I was glad to read that Bob O’Day is doing okay. Bob, along with Al Kerr, Jim DeForest, and I, formed a golf foursome while at our 50th reunion in 2000. For four years we played four rounds each year at our respective clubs with the host providing the dining and entertainment. As is not unusual, age caught up with us. Bob had his auto accident and Jim passed away last year. However, Al and I continue to work nearly full-time. I am an architect and structural engineer and have had projects in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, the Bahamas, and Texas. Four of my five boys are in the building or real estate business. The oldest is a PGA golf professional in Dallas. My brother-in-law, Jackie Burke Jr., was given a distinguished service award at the PGA event in Tulsa. With my five boys and two girls, all of whom are pretty good golfers, I have been blessed with thirteen grandchildren. Alas, no Brown alums so far. All Texas and Arkansas.”

Alex Marshall has been active as a trustee of Central Methodist Univ. for the past dozen years and is currently a trustee emeritus. He was pleased to deliver the Commencement address at the graduation ceremonies in Fayette, Mo., in May 2007, where he was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters.

Barry F. Schwartz is alive and well and living in Lake Success, N.Y., with his wife, Janice. He writes: “I retired from my urological practice ten years ago, and I am on the Board of Governors of a medical malpractice insurance company. My three children and five grandchildren are well and living in the New York City area (I threatened them with extinction if they didn’t). We built a vacation home in Great Barrington, Mass., and spend almost every weekend there. Janice is a hospice nurse part-time, and I also work part-time, so we have plenty of opportunity for recreation. We enjoy golf, bridge, reading, and the Mets. I have been in touch with John Perrine, Richard Putscher, and David Parry. The next time I write, I hope before 57 years, I will brag about how brilliant my grandchildren are.”

Harris Ullian (see Stanley Freedman ’62).

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Robert H. Breslin Jr. writes: "I am back after being out of commission for three months. My wife, Carol, and I moved from Warwick, R.I., to Saunderstown in 2001. Also living in Saunderstown is our daughter, Melissa Chafee, as well as her husband and three boys. My son, Bob III, his wife, Jen, and three children just bought a summer home nearby. I am still employed at Breslin, Sweeney & Earle doing primarily estate planning and administration. I enjoy occasional trips to Florida, the Caribbean, Europe, and Nantucket."

James Colville of Sanford, Me., lost his beloved wife, Jean, on Feb. 22. He remains director emeritus of the Sanford-Springvale YMCA and honorary chairman of the $6 million capital-gifts campaign.

Robert McVicker writes: "I've noticed in recent times that the Class of '50 has been more widely represented in the obit columns than in the class notes, so I thought I would offer this item as partial remedy. I have just completed ghost writing Distant Force, a memoir and history of the Teledyne Corporation, for its former president and CEO. I have staff jobs with McCann-Erickson in San Francisco, J. Walter Thompson in New York City, Mc-Cann Hakuhodo in Tokyo, and Teledyne in Los Angeles. I am now hiding out in a remote corner of southern Utah. I've lost touch with many of my classmates, but I still occasionally hear from my friend Lewis Bosworth, and my former roommate Haven Newton, who manages to come out this way once a year or so to hike the wilds of southern Utah with me."

Harris Ullian is playing keyboard with a group called Harris and the Boyz at the Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence in Warwick, R.I. One of the members of the group is clarinetist Stanley Freedman '62. They have performed classical jazz programs numerous times. Harris was featured on a Providence ABC affiliate in May.

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Les Allen was elected to the board of the Club at Yarmouthport in Dec., and chairs the public relations committee.

Paul Daube reports that all is well; his first great-grandson was born on Dec. 5, 2005, and Paul and Shirlee are feeling okay.

Temple Fawcett has moved to a senior condo complex in Wayland Square, Providence, after living in the New Bedford, Mass., area for thirty-five years.

Donn Fichter writes: “Life continues in the plain old middle-class house in Albany. By choice, I have no auto; walking keeps me in shape. I’m still alone four-and-a-half years after Margallen’s hospital death.”

June Brenner Judson writes that she and her husband, Jud, are living in a wonderful retirement community where she has created an acting class. “There are twelve people in my class, ranging from age 77 to 93—a lively, intelligent, enthusiastic group. We are now delving into plays by the ancient Greeks. The grounding I received in my Pembroke/Brown education is enabling me to tackle research and planning for this unusual class!”

Rita Caslowitz Michaelson writes: “After forty-seven years in a house, we moved to the second floor of a beautiful Federal brick mansion in Providence, a half -block from Brown, and we are enjoying all that Brown has to offer.”

Barbara Dressner Mills writes: “I just had my third book published by Heritage Books in Md., called Justice, Peace and God. For ten years, Rev. Thompson, the subject of the biography, was pastor at Phillips Memorial Baptist Church in Cranston, R.I. I’m no longer writing but am active with the Brown Community for Learning in Retirement.”

Zachary P. Morfogen’s memoir Ya Gotta Have Art! was published in Oct.

Robert Moyer writes: “Helvi Olen Moyer ’49 and I both retired from Travelers Insurance Co. We have two fine sons and four grandchildren, and have been married for 55 years this past Nov. 17, 2006.”

Lou O’Brien writes that he lost his wife, Hope, to cancer in May, 2006, after fifty-eight years. He moved from Smith Ranch’s outstanding senior complex in San Rafael, Calif. (where the average age is 86), to a snug townhouse in Hamilton Park in Novato, Calif., surrounded by young couples. Lou hopes the extra bedrooms will entice his kids, their spouses, significant others, children, etc., to visit often and spend overnights. He writes: “So far it’s working.”

Bob O’Day continues the battle with quadriplegia. He remains in good spirits, travels in his power chair and converted van, and is still interested in Brown.

Howard Page writes: “I was founder and owner of Crest Electronics and sold that firm in 1986. Since that time I have been active with real-estate investments and created a railroad museum known as the Old Depot Museum in Minnesota with railroad artifacts from around the world.”

Howie Palmer writes: “I retired from my State Farm agency in Dec. 2005 after fifty years, and my son Chris took over.”

Bennett Patrick writes: “I’m still alive and well—that’s good news, at least for me.”

Arnie Raphaelson retired as professor emeritus at Temple Univ. on June 30, 2006.

Lombard Rice writes: “I visited Bob Follett in Keystone, Colo., to ski in Oct. The skiing was good but Bob was grounded by a broken wrist.”

Barry Schwartz (see Melisa W. Lai ’94).

Ralph Seifert writes: “I’ve been involved with Scholarship America since 1961. I was the past chair of the Capital Campaign (which raised $32,500,000). During the past five years, Brown undergraduates have brought more than $1,500,000 in Scholarship America Grants to campus in financial aid.”

Edward H. Torgen is still working in his law office, attending Brown football games, and traveling.

Harry S. Westcott writes: “At Thanksgiving dinner in Hong Kong, I discovered I was sitting at the table with Eliot Fisk ’92. We sang a chorus of ‘Ever True to Brown’ and toasted our alma mater, much to the wonderment of our Chinese friends.”

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Lester R. Allen Jr. writes: “Eleven months ago I moved to Kings Way condominiums, joined the golf club there, and discovered that Joe Jamiel ’80 runs several Ardeo dining businesses, including The Grill at Kings Way Golf Club. In July, while he was overseeing the staff, I edged up to him humming ‘We are ever true…’ and he spun around. We had a nice chat. We are both ever true! Recall he was a star running back in the 1970s.”

Sidney Bearman (see Joshua Bearman ’00).

C. James Colville was named honorary chairman of a $6 million campaign to expand the Sanford-Springvale YMCA in Maine. So far, $3 million has been raised. Jim has been a director for forty years and also serves as a trustee of the North Parish Congregational Church of Sanford.

Barbara Dressner Mills writes: “Since retirement in 1992, I have had two books published, Providence 1630–1800: Women Are Part of Its History and “Got My Mind Set On Freedom”: Maryland’s Story of Black and White Activism, 1663–2000. A third book will be out this September: Justice, Peace and God: A Minister’s Personal Odyssey. More information about all of these can be found on the publisher’s Web site, Parts of my personal story can be found in sections of the latter two books. Now I’m more occupied with Brown’s great program for retirees (BCLIR) than with tackling another book. There’s a great article describing that program on our Web site:”

From the September / October 2006 Issue

Arline Goodman Alpert writes: “I am watching my grandchildren grow up. I will have two ready for college in 2007. I’m also planning an 80th birthday party for my husband, Sumner ’49. He is also president of class of ’49, retired, and loving it.”

Edna Graham Anness has received the Preserve Rhode Island merit award in recognition of her fourteen years of volunteer service as curator of the John Hunt House Museum of the East Providence Historical Society. Over the years she has worked to preserve the history and historic architecture of East Providence. She and her husband, Lowell Anness, celebrated fifty years of marriage last August.

H. Cutler Fall writes: “Didn’t make the 55th this year, but will try for the 60th. I am well, busy, happy, and turned 78 in June. Regards to all old friends still with us, especially music and DU folk.”

William Henshaw writes: “Donald Hazard, Allen Kerr, and I, along with our wives, congregated in Virginia at the Hen­shaw household for a very mini-reunion and golf effort. This was part of an ongoing visit first initiated after last year’s 55th reunion, when this same trio met at the Hazards’ Manchester, Vt., chalet for golf and camaraderie. An over-fifty-five-year-long friendship is a true and lasting one.

Paul Lipsitt writes: “Brooke Kruger Lipsitt ’63 and I were honored on May 12, 2000, by the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology with the community service and training award. I also received the Karl F. Heiser award for advocacy at the American Psychological Asso-ciation convention in New Orleans on Aug. 10.” Paul adds: “Reminiscing about the good old days was hardly on the agenda when Brooke and I visited other alumni on a whirlwind trip to Florida.” Paul and Brooke had pleasant get-togethers, focused on their current active lives with Gene McNally and his wife, Anne, in Celebration, George Bogorad ’48 in West Palm Beach, Conrad Surprenant on Hutchinson Island, and Gene Ducati ’49 in Melbourne. All were well and enjoying their residence in Florida. Brooke and Paul hope to reciprocate soon in Newton or Marion, Mass.

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Peter E. Carbone and his wife, Pauline, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Oct. 28 with their five children. Peter has been happily retired for twenty-two years after working at Brown & Sharpe for thirty-four years.

Walter E. Gay, of Cranbury, N.J., married Elizabeth Herrick on Aug. 10.

John Kimball has been awarded an artist residency to the Robert M. MacNamara Foundation for the winter term 2006. He will join six other artists from around the world to pursue creative work in a variety of artistic disciplines: visual arts, filmmaking, playwriting, music composition, sculpture, etc.

Sarah Sikes Tyrrell writes: “Jim ’45 and I are the lucky ones. We have three children and five grandchildren in the area and good friends. Our health is good. We get back to Brown on occasion and follow all the news. We still rely on the phone and the mail—no computers for us, so far.”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Peter G. Fradley, longtime Providence Journal columnist and editorial writer, has published a collection of his writings: In Perspectives, 1964–1973. The seventy-six columns “comprise a panorama of piquant, and highly personal, often humorous observations about family life, nature, especially in New England, and the daily trials and triumphs of existence,” observed the Journal, which described the collection as “a fine example of regional writing.” Pete and his wife, Joan, have retired to Westport, Mass.

John Kimball’s Art of the Lobster was featured in the summer-long juried art exhibition at the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, Maine. The show included visual art, as well as exhibits dealing with the catching and processing of lobster. The show ran until Oct. 17.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Pauline Longo Denning (see Hank Vandersip ’56).

Mary Holburn writes: “On May 28 about twenty-five class members and guests attended the annual mini-reunion cocktail party on the terrace of the Brown Faculty Club. Class vice president Jim Cook had an informal discussion concerning plans for the 55th reunion, May 27–29, 2005. That should be a great occasion!”

Z. Stephen Kalarian reports that, after thirteen years as a plastic engineer with General Electric and then another twenty-two selling real estate, he retired on Dec. 31. “Together with my wife, also a real estate broker, we own Camelot Realty Inc. We have four children.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Bob Harwood writes: “After a beautiful forty-eight years of marriage, Claire succumbed to pulmonary fibrosis on Dec. 13. Memorial service and interment took place at Newton Cemetery, Newton, Mass.”

Bill Pollard (see Bill Corrigan ’58).

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Lucinda Danzinger Gregory writes: “The Chocolate Barn, my antique store and fudge shop, is still going strong after twenty-seven years. The shop specializes in antique chocolate molds. It’s in southern Vermont, just over the Massachusetts border. Come and say hello!”

Haig Varadian writes: “I retired from my second career as executive director of the New England High Schools Principals Association and am now serving as consultant to the organization. I was honored to be inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame for service to the state’s educational, cultural, and civic activities. I am still an active supporter of the Brown wrestling team. My wife and I have six grandchildren.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Mary E. Holburn writes: “There will be another off-year mini-reunion cocktail party on the terrace of the Brown Faculty Club on Friday, May 28, from 5 to 7 p.m. All classmates, family, and friends are invited. Do plan to attend.

“The class was deeply saddened to learn of the death of our class president, Jane Fagan Donovan, on July 19. We send out sympathies to her family. Class vice president Jim Cook will assume the duties and responsibilities of president as we plan for our 55th reunion in 2005.”

Harold Harris (see Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth ’59).

Roy Fidler writes: “I was married in March to Carole Sherick, who has been my partner for five years. We continue to do lots of traveling, island hopping in Greece this year, visiting Berlin and Krakow, exploring the Canadian Rockies, and doing a house exchange in Montreal.”

Martin Temkin (see Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth ’59).

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Peter E. Carbone writes: “After all these years, I still enjoy a round of golf. Our five children and twelve grandchildren keep Pauline and me busy.”

Barry Schwartz (see Scott Paley ’95).

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Robert “Moose” Rougvie was honored by the Connecticut blood services division of the American Red Cross for donating blood every year since 1943.

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Robert K. Dee, Madeline Rocchio Dee, Angeline Rocchio Kiernan, and Richard Dee (see Nancy Dee ’82).

From the November / December 2002 Issue

John B. Leeming writes: "I moved to Sarasota, Fla., in June after thirteen years on Cape Cod. I still play tennis and golf but no longer play hockey or ski, so I don't need the cold weather. I'm working part-time selling memberships at a local bath and racquet club. I still weigh the same as when I swam for Brown. Eldest son John II '81 lives six miles away on Siesta Key, with his wife, Laura, and sons J.B., 13, Reed, 11, and Hunter, 9, who all won awards in a triathlon in August. Son Charlie '86, and his fianc}e, Jean Tyler, live in San Francisco, but will be married in Venice, Fla., in October. My twin daughters (both Connecticut College '84) live in Chicago, where I grew up."

Barbara Dressner Mills writes: "After friends of Baltimore civil rights lawyer Fred Weisgal paid to publish my first book, And Justice for All, my second book, Providence, 1630-1680: Women Are Part of Its History (Heritage Books), was published in May. I am especially pleased that Heritage also accepted my third book, Got My Mind Set on Freedom: Maryland's Story of Black and White, 1663-2000. It should be out in time for Black History Month, February 2003."

From the September / October 2002 Issue

&Mary Holburn (see Hank Vandersip '56).

Ed Spires writes: "Sherry, my wife of more than forty-nine years, died Dec. 30, 2001, at Highland Hospital in Rochester, N.Y., due to complications following surgery. Daughter Sherrie has been an absolute rock for me."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Robert H. Breslin Jr. writes: "My son Robert H. Breslin III married Jennifer F. Cabot on Nov. 17, 2001, in Boca Grande, Fla. Bob is an equity trader at Jones Associates in Boston. Jen is the assistant director of annual giving at Belmont Hill School in Belmont, Mass. My eldest daughter, Pamela Breslin Murphy '80, is living in London with her husband, Byrne Murphy, and their four children, Avery, Cara, Erin, and Kyle. My other daughter, Melissa Chafee, lives with her husband, Quentin Chafee, in Saunderstown, R.I., with their three children. I am still working in my law firm, Breslin, Sweeney, and Earle, in Warwick, R.I. My wife, Carol, and I moved to Saunderstown in May."

Edward Burns writes: "I retired from Raymond Engineering, a subsidiary of Kaman Corp., in March 1990, at the same time my wife, Gloria, retired from Connecticut Light & Power. We traveled extensively in the U.S. and Europe until Gloria's death in November 1997."

Jerry Green, of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., writes: "I was pleased to read the BAM piece on Drew Inzer '01 and his journey to the Super Bowl with the New England Patriots. And I was pleased to learn that Chris Berman '77 and I were not the only Brunonians in the Superdome that Sunday. I was there to write a column for the Detroit News, covering my thirty-sixth Super Bowl, making me one of only seven journalists to cover every Super Bowl."

Arthur Jacobson writes: "The Brown Club of Boston has created great programs for recent graduates, but I don't see many alumni from my era at these events."

Wilfred J. "Bill" Martel wrote in March: "I am enjoying retirement in Mendon, Mass. I plan on visiting Brown this spring with my two grandsons."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Mary Holburn writes: "Another off-year, mini-reunion cocktail party has been planned for Commencement weekend this year. On Friday, May 24, the event will be held on the terrace of the Faculty Club from 5 to 7 p.m. All classmates, families, and friends are invited to attend."

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Mary E. Holburn reports: "The four funfilled days of our 50th reunion were fantastic! There were 297 classmates and 190 guests who returned to Brown. After registering on Friday afternoon, we had cocktails and dinner in Andrews dining hall with a live band. Some went to the Campus Dance later that night. On Saturday many attended Joe Paterno’s forum on leadership. The Pembroke and Brown luncheons were also well attended.

"Ron Wilson presided at an afternoon ceremony recalling the importance of the Veterans College. That evening we had a cocktail hour and dinner in the Westin Hotel with a dance band. Many attended the Commencement concert as well. On Sunday we had breakfast with Chancellor Emeritus Art Joukowsky ’55 and President Sheila Blumstein. We presented the University a check for $2.7 million.

"Many classmates joined in the all-class memorial service in Sayles. Ron and Harriet Rotman Wilson read Psalm 90. Ed Kiely and June Johnson Gibbs participated in the candle lighting. Later, several classmates went to Newport, R.I., for a wonderful barbecue while others stayed in Providence for WaterFire. On Monday, the Commencement procession was led by chief marshal Lacy Herrmann. Many classmates participated. The farewell brunch on Wriston quad was marvelous, too. This was indeed our best reunion!

"We elected the following class officers to serve until 2005: Jane Fagan Donovan, president; James Cook, vice president; Margot Mendes Oppenheimer, secretary; Oliver Patrell, treasurer; Arline Goodman Alpert, class agent (women); Richard Brackett and Donald Hazard, class agents (men)."

Richard Nason ’50 died May 4 (see Obituaries). His friend, Lori Scinto (Boston College), writes:"In addition to being a poet of distinction, Richard Nason was my friend and mentor. My parents introduced me to Nason, as my family called him, in 1985, when I was a senior in high school interested in attending Brown. He entertained us over lunch and later gave us a tour of the campus. He was what we New Yorkers would call a real ‘character.’ Nason was a talented person and a brilliant writer. A former staff writer for the New York Times, he found his true calling in poetry. The author of such works as Old Soldiers, Boiled Grass and the Broth of Shoes, and Two Radicals — Unpublished Essays on Jean Genet and Ezra Pound Plus Selected Reviews on Sundry Subjects, Nason was a natural teacher whose encouragement often came in the form of books. When as a high school senior I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian, he sent me a copy of James Herriot’s All Creatures Great and Small. When I studied abroad in Rheims, France, he sent me a copy of George Bernard Shaw’s Joan of Arc, complete with his notes on the book’s lengthy preface, which he called "the best of its kind in the Twentieth Century." And when I informed Richard of my fascination with the thirteen-part PBS miniseries Brideshead Revisited, he sent me a copy of Evelyn Waugh’s great novel, which remains my favorite book today. Although Nason and I never lived in the same city, we stayed in touch through letters and telephone calls. He died too soon to appreciate that he had nurtured someone who will soon be a published scientist. He edited a paper I’d cowritten that will soon appear in an Australian conservation journal. At the time of his death, Nason was working on a third volume about the Roman poet Horace. He was still doing what he loved best."

George Paterno has written Joe Paterno: The Coach from Byzantium (Sports Publishing Inc.), about his brother Joe, who is head football coach at Penn State.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Joe Adams, of Niceville, Fla., writes: "The class of ’50 has gone nuts. When we were there, there were no women in our class. Now the reunion committee asks us for first name, last name, and maiden name. Kind of turns me off as far as the reunion goes. The committee should have more sense! Of course, they are mostly women – great to have around, but not classmates of mine."

Frederick M. Diehl writes that he enjoys retirement in his Swarthmore, Penn., home. He is president of his woodcarving club, teaches woodcarving, and has started a course in watercolor painting. He and his wife, Paula Jespersen Diehl ’47, go on Elderhostel trips at least once a year. When they have time they also take trips to Washington State and Washington, D.C., where their children and five grandchildren live. Paula is working hard to promote her classical music system. She also writes poetry and does movement pieces to the poetry of others. She is thinking about going on a fall service Elderhostel that entails teaching English in Italy. She writes that two weeks on the Adriatic are thrilling for her to contemplate.

Fran Becker Koenig, of Mount Pleasant, Mich., writes that she was one of seven retired intercollegiate athletic administrators to receive the Nike Lifetime Achievement Award for promoting women’s intercollegiate athletics. She received the award in Atlanta at the 1999 fall forum of the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators.

Vincent A. Langelo, of Mendon, Mass., has published With All Our Might: The World War II History of the USS Boise (Eakin Press, Austin, Tex.).

William P. Walsh writes that after retiring as senior attorney at Texaco, he now lives at Jonathan’s Landing in Jupiter, Fla.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Warren Howard, of Tustin, Calif., writes that his new Web site is

John L. Moore, of Severna Park, Md., writes that his second (and likely last) book, Elections A to Z (CQ Press) is a one-volume, 576-page encyclopedia on the U.S. electoral process.

Janice Synes Weissman writes: "Having retired a little more than three years ago, my first and only husband, Bert, and I have finally come into the 21st century with our first computer. We plan to be at the 50th reunion and will march down the Hill with any classmates who are there."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Class president Lacy Herrmann and secretary Mary E. Holburn report: “We are planning wonderful events for our 50th reunion on May 26­29. Do plan to come. Also, we are compiling a list of names of those who served as Brown and Pembroke class presidents until our classes merged in 1975. Though we have found the names of all the men, our list of the women is still incomplete. If anyone can help, please write to Mary at 40 Sachem Dr., #206, Cranston, R.I. 02920. If you have any questions about the reunion, or if you do not receive registration information, contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; [email protected].”

Sally Sikes Tyrrell, of Stamford, Conn., writes: “Imagine our surprise when Anne Tucker Pollock (a.k.a. Tommy Tucker) and I discovered six years ago that we were at Pembroke at the same time. We have become great friends, keeping alive our many fond memories of life at Brown. We volunteer together at the Bennett Cancer Center of the Stamford Health System. You bet I’ll be back for my 50th this year. My husband, Jim ’45, and I returned for his 50th and my 45th. We had a sensational time and can’t wait to see everybody again. It was interesting to note that many of the East House gang came back for the 45th. We have sixteen people in the Tyrell and Sikes families who went to Brown over the years. Can any other family do that?”

Robert H. Warren reports: “Retired colonel Edgar McGowan is recuperating nicely from a back injury sustained while paragliding in July. When asked why he was hurling himself into the air, he said it was ‘really an exciting thing to do and not the same as the jumping off a cliff while hang gliding.’ All of this should come as no surprise, as Ed has been an avid skier since he arrived in 1990 at Sun Valley, Idaho, from New York, following a successful career as an Army officer. He married Connie Finney in 1996. Ed and Connie manage one of the venues at the Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree each October. The doc says Ed will be back on the slopes before long. Stay tuned; bungee jumping could be next!”

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Paula DeBlois '89 R.U.E., associate director of alumni relations, reports: "It is time to celebrate, so make plans now to return to campus for the 50th reunion on May 26-29. The weekend will have something for everyone, including a gala in downtown Providence and an afternoon by the sea at the exclusive New York Yacht Club. The weekend will also include such traditional events as the Brown Bear buffet, campus dance, Commencement forums, the pops concert, and the Commencement march. In recognition of the milestone event, free rooms will be available on campus. If you prefer to stay at a local hotel, make your reservations now. To find a hotel, refer to the reunion planning guide or call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947. Registration information will be mailed in the spring. Please call reunion headquarters if you do not receive any mailings."

Bernard J. Berstein, of Narragansett, R.I., and his wife, Dorothy Kaplan '49, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 11. Bernard writes: "We have three wonderful sons. Richard is vice president and chief legal counsel of the property and auto division of Metropolitan Life Insurance. Larry is chief of ophthalmology at North Shore Hospital and was president of its medical staff in 1997. Jason '80, '85 M.D. is in practice with me in obstetrics and gynecology in Johnston, R.I. He is also chief of ob/gyn at St. Joseph's Health Services, Our Lady of Fatima Hospital, in North Providence."

Mary Kostas '46 reports that Joan Benson Ehrenbeck, of Ashburn, Va., was named volunteer of the year by the Loudoun County (Va.) Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. Joan, a Loudoun county volunteer since 1994, is active with the Income Tax Assistance Program and the Medical Insurance Counseling Program.

Donald MacDonald, of Underhill, Vt., reports that he and Ernest Ward, of Le Canto, Fla., teamed up to win second place in their division at the Burlington (Vt.) Country Club McAndrews Member-Guest Golf Tournament in August. Both plan to attend their 50th reunion in May.

Haig Varadian, of Cranston, R.I., reports that he was inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame at its 34th annual banquet in May. Haig is executive director of the Council of New England Secondary School Principals' Association and is director emeritus of the Rhode Island Interscholastic Wrestling League.

Ronald and Harriet Rotman Wilson, of Centerville, Mass., write: "On July 4, six alumni took part in a most extraordinary event. Our close friends Florence and Leon Frank '51, Nanci and Carl Ostroff '49, Avis and Ron Pritzker '49, and Phyllis and Ken Sisson '50, along with everyone's children and grandchildren, arrived at our Cape Cod home for a mini-reunion. Some of the children are Brown alumni, and many little ones aspire to be in the future, as evidenced by their Brown T-shirts. We ate a wonderful lunch and dipped in and out of the lake singing Brown songs and crowding around a wood-carved Bruno on the lawn. The children of the original six 'Brownies' organized the celebration for the parents and the grandchildren. They gave each parent a T-shirt with the inscription, 'From Brown Days to Golden Years-Eternal Friendship.' After a wonderful dinner and exchange of memories, we all agreed that we eagerly await the next reunion. Hail, Brunonia!.

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Russ Kinne, Ned Killeen '51, and Bob Peabody held an unusual mini-reunion. As Russ, of New Caanan, Conn., writes: "Three of us, all proud, loyal Brown men, brought a Grand Banks forty-two-foot trawler yacht up from St. Petersburg, Fla., to Connecticut. The trip went well and was fairly uneventful. But of course, in some 1,500 miles we encountered a wide variety of weather conditions and scenery. Incidentally and coincidentally, we're all former Navy men."

Ronald Wilson, a graduate of the Veterans College at Brown, wishes to contact fellow alumni of the program to collect their memories and to document the effect it may have had on their subsequent lives. If you entered Brown through the Veterans College (earlier known as the Veterans Extension Division), please contact Ron.

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Class secretary Mary E. Holburn reports: "On May 28 about forty classmates and guests gathered on the terrace of the Brown Faculty Club for our annual off-year mini-reunion cocktail party. It was a marvelous event. Our class president, Lacy Bunnell Herrmann, spoke. We are planning our fantastic 50th reunion in the year 2000. We want to have at least 50 percent of our class return for this special event. Do plan to attend the reunion next May."

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Class secretary Mary E. Holburn reports: "Our annual off-year mini-reunion cocktail party will be Friday, May 28, from 5 to 7 p.m. on the Faculty Club terrace. Do plan to be there. All classmates, spouses, families, and friends are welcome. It could be the start of a great weekend. If you have not paid your dues yet, please send a check for $25 (payable to Brown University - class of 1950) to our treasurer: Maurice Bissonnette, 311 Laurel Ave., Providence 02906." The May / June class note contained an error: Joseph Paterno will receive the William Rogers award on May 29, not the Roger Williams award.

Joe Adams (see Matt Merrick '89).

Laurence Gross (see Jennifer Gross '89).

Charles T. Williamson, Mount Dora, Fla., has published The U.S. Naval Mission to Haiti, 1959 -1963 (U.S. Naval Institute). Charles, a retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel with more than thirty-two years of active duty, was a military adviser with the U.S. Naval Mission to Haiti from 1959 to 1962.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Report from Class Secretary Mary E. Holburn: "Class officers and board members met on Nov. 13 in Gregorian Quad to discuss plans for our 50th reunion. Lacy Herrmann led the discussion. The year 2000 will be an exciting one for us. Meanwhile, we will have our annual off-year mini-reunion cocktail party on the terrace of the Faculty Club on Friday, May 28, 1999, from 5 to 7 p.m. Joseph Paterno will receive the Roger Williams Award the following day.

"The deadline for class dues is now! Please send a check for $25 (payable to Brown University _ Class of 1950) to our treasurer: Maurice Bissonnette, 311 Laurel Ave., Providence 02906."

Joe Adams (see Jay Russell '89).

Pauline Longo Denning and Mary Holburn attended the fiftieth anniversary dinner of the Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County in North Kingstown, R.I., on Oct. 25. More than fifty people enjoyed this marvelous celebration, which featured a performance by the Chattertocks.

Andrew P. Swanson writes: "Just to let friends know I've not disappeared into the desert never to be seen again, or washed away in one of our summer monsoon storms, or driven my Jeep off some remote cliff on one of our more interesting mountain roads. It's a good life out here and, like Providence, Tucson's an easy town to get involved in if you're willing and committed. After four and a half years in Tucson I've gotten thoroughly involved in this community, thanks in part to Rotary. I was recently made vice chairman of a steering committee for the Building the Future project, which is devoted to getting about 100 fourth-grade kids shaped up to be accepted at the University of Arizona. Their school is in a poor, crime-infested neighborhood in Tucson; only two of its graduates have ever made it to college. I've also been nominated to stand for election to the downtown Rotary Club board of directors and have been serving as a grants-review panelist for the Tucson/Pima County Arts Council. And, finally, I'm doing pro bono consulting jobs with two new start-up nonprofit organizations. I'm semi-retired from my consulting work with nonprofit boards but still take on a client now and then and also do a good bit of writing in my field on the Internet. If anyone is interested in our Building the Future project, e-mail me.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Bernard J. Bernstein, Narragansett, R.I., is semi-retired and works two days a week in his ob/gyn office, where his son, Jason '80, '85 M.D., runs the office. Jason is currently the director and chief of obstetrics and gynecology at St. Joseph's Health Services. Middle son Larry is an ophthalmologist in Plainview, N.Y., and chief of ophthalmology at Central General Hospital. Oldest son Richard is chief and general counsel for the property and casualty division of MetLife in Warwick, R.I. Bernard is the grandfather of five girls and two boys. Granddaughter Julie is currently applying to Brown.

John J. Michaud has retired after teaching accounting at Roger Williams University in Providence for twenty-five years. He is still busy with his part-time C.P.A. practice and his grandchildren.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

On May 22, thirty class members and guests gathered on the terrace of the Brown Faculty Club for our annual off-year mini-reunion cocktail party. It was a wonderful event. Our class president, Lacy Herrmann, spoke to the group. We plan to do it again next year and hope to see many of our classmates then.

- Mary Holburn, class secretary, 40 Sachem Dr., #206, Cranston, R.I. 02920

Antoinette Loiacono Dupont received an honorary doctor of laws degree from Connecticut College on May 23. She is chief judge of the Connecticut Appellate Court.

Larry Lincoln writes: "For the past thirteen years, I have been living on Cape Cod, enjoying retirement from BankBoston. I've made several trips to England, Scotland, and Ireland, as well as to Florida, California, and the Southwest. In 1996, I had surgery twice on my vocal cords to remove benign nodules and then learned that I had prostate cancer. Fortunately, it was in an early stage, so I opted for a relatively new treatment which was done in a matter of hours at the Boston Medical Center. I'm happy to report that everything is fine. To celebrate, I took several extended trips last year. After attending the wedding of my niece, Priscilla, daughter of my late brother Bob '38, I hopped a flight to Britain to attend my cousin's wedding and visit a 'special' friend. She accompanied me back to the States, and we flew on to California to attend the wedding of my son Steve '81, in which son Bob '83 was an usher. Still in California, we attended my son Jeff's graduation from Navy Postgraduate School in Monterey in late September. In December, it was back to England to spend the holidays with my friend and her family."

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Haig Varadian, who retired after serving forty-one years in the Cranston (R.I.) school system, continues to serve as executive director of the New England High School Principals' Association. He was also recently elected president of the Cranston Hall of Fame Foundation. Haig's son, Paul (Worcester Polytechnic Institute '75), served as the "Chef de Mission" for the Republic of Armenia at the winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan. Paul's neighbor in Newton, Mass., served in the same capacity for the United States. "Their primary role," Haig writes, "was to serve as head of the country's delegation of athletes, acting as Olympic sports ambassadors for the International Olympics Committee."

From the May / June 1998 Issue

We have reserved the Brown Faculty Club terrace for our annual off-year mini-reunion cocktail party on Friday, May 22, from 5 to 7 p.m. All classmates, spouses, significant others, and families are welcome. The class officers and board members look forward to seeing you there. If you have not paid your dues, please send a check for $25 (payable to Brown University - Class of 1950) to our treasurer, Maurice Bissonnette, 311 Laurel Ave., Providence 02906. - Mary E. Holburn, secretary

George E. Chapin, Columbia, S.C., writes: "Had a repeat of our 45th reunion a year later when I saw Dick Armstrong at Classical High School's 50th reunion. Since then I've had a bout with esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. I survived the surgery, which I'm told was completely successful, but my voice did not!"

Larry Lincoln (see Steve Lincoln '81).

From the May / June 1998 Issue

We have reserved the Brown Faculty Club terrace for our annual off-year mini-reunion cocktail party on Friday, May 22, from 5 to 7 p.m. All classmates, spouses, significant others, and families are welcome. The class officers and board members look forward to seeing you there. If you have not paid your dues, please send a check for $25 (payable to Brown University - Class of 1950) to our treasurer, Maurice Bissonnette, 311 Laurel Ave., Providence 02906. - Mary E. Holburn, secretary

George E. Chapin, Columbia, S.C., writes: "Had a repeat of our 45th reunion a year later when I saw Dick Armstrong at Classical High School's 50th reunion. Since then I've had a bout with esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. I survived the surgery, which I'm told was completely successful, but my voice did not!"

Larry Lincoln (see Steve Lincoln '81).

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Class secretary Mary Holburn writes: "We congratulate Thomas J. Brown, who received the John S. Hope Award for his commitment to volunteer public service at the alumni recognition ceremony in October. During leadership weekend, our class president, Lacy Herrmann, met with class officers and board members to work on plans for the 50th reunion. We hope all our classmates will come back to Brown in the year 2000. Please send a check for $25, payable to Brown University - Class of 1950, to our treasurer, Maurice Bissonnette, 311 Laurel Ave., Providence 02906."

Charles T. Williamson has retired from the U.S. Marine Corps and is living in Mount Dora, Fla., where he is finishing a book for the Naval Institute Press.



Jan, 2025

Roland D. Spiotta ’50, of Maplewood, N.J., and Osterville, Mass.; Aug. 4. He was a broker who founded Spiotta Brothers Company with his brother Robert. He was active at St. George’s Church, where he taught Sunday school, served on the vestry, and was instrumental in the creation of the first St. George’s Youth Group. He enjoyed summers spent in his home on the Cape. He is survived by four children and their spouses, six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Mary Going Crawford ’50, of Longmont, Colo., formerly of Rockville, Md., and Providence, R.I.; Aug. 31. She was a social worker for the State of Rhode Island, working in Providence, and later became a probation officer in Newport, R.I. After receiving her master’s degree in psychology from Rhode Island College, she became a reading specialist and school psychologist responsible for testing and referrals in the Newport school system. She married a naval officer and they were stationed in Italy for a short time. Once back in the U.S., they lived in Rockville for 21 years. They retired to Longmont in 1996. She is survived by her husband, Bill; three children and their spouses; and 12 grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Nancy McKenna Moore ’50, of Newport, R.I.; Jul. 10. She taught elementary school in Providence and Cranston during her 20-year career. She was active with the Pembroke Club, the Rhode Island Hospital Guild, and the University Pops Concert Committee, where she also served as cochair for a year. She enjoyed reading, crossword puzzles, traveling, and spending summers in Nantucket. She is survived by five children and their spouses and 14 grandchildren. 

Jan, 2025

Eugene F. Ahearn ’50, of Timonium, Md.; Jul. 28. After serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he graduated from Brown and began a long career at Scott Paper Company. In 1952 he began as a sales rep for Boston and was promoted to district manager in 1955, serving in Rochester (N.Y.) and then in Providence, Buffalo (N.Y.) and St. Louis. He became assistant manager of product development in Philadelphia in 1964, then was divisional manager in St. Louis from 1966 to 1967. He became director of marketing from 1967 to 1972 and later New York City Metropolitan regional director for sales and marketing and customer development manager before retiring in 1986. He traveled to six of the seven continents. He is survived by three sons, two grandchildren, and a sister. 

Nov, 2024

Joshua W. Weeks ’50, of Palm Beach, Fla., formerly of New York; Apr. 29. Following his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he matriculated at Brown and then worked in New York City as an investment banker for Blythe & Co. After 10 years he moved on to become vice president of finance for Howard Johnson Co. He retired in 1976 as a partner of Alex Brown & Sons. In 1977 he opened Weeks & Co. as a financial consultant advising such clients as General Foods and Nabisco. He enjoyed sailing and was a member of the Edgartown Yacht Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Pequot Yacht Club, the Sailfish Club of Florida, and Crocodile Men’s Lunch Club. He also enjoyed skiing and hockey. He is survived by his wife, Robin; two daughters; two sons; two daughters-in-law; nine grandchildren, including grandson Christopher L. Weeks ’99, ’03 ScM; and nine great-grandchildren.

Nov, 2024

Fletcher W. Ward ’50, of Highland Park, Tex.; May 19. He had a career in sales at Bethlehem Steel before working at Red Ball Motor Freight, eventually becoming president and owning his own company, Sweat, Inc. He volunteered with Junior Achievement and was a member of the Young Presidents Organization. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and later in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He enjoyed spending time in the mountains and family gatherings at his ranch and at the beaches in Rhode Island. He is survived by four children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, 14 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and three stepsons and daughters-in-law. 

Aug, 2024

Harold N. Godlin ’50, of Middletown, Conn.; Jan. 10. He graduated from Harvard Law School and then served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Upon discharge, he practiced law in Stamford (Conn.) for 41 years, primarily focused on civil litigation. He was a lifelong learner and participated in classes through Florida Atlantic University into his senior years. In addition to remaining active in Brown alumni affairs, he was involved in numerous civic organizations that included the Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, the Serendipity Chorale of Norwalk (Conn.), and the United Jewish Federation. He was a teacher at Temple Judea (Fla.). He enjoyed performing magic tricks, acting, and singing. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by two children, 10 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and brother Theodore ’51 and his life partner. 

Aug, 2024

Robert W. Carangelo ’50, of West Hartford, Conn.; Feb. 16. He received his juris doctor from Georgetown University Law School and, following his graduation, worked for Allstate Insurance Company as a casualty adjuster and claims examiner and for the offices of John C. Flanagan as an associate prior to opening his own private practice in 1958. He was voted into the position of probate judge for Orange, Conn. He was a member of several committees and organizations, including the New Haven County Bar Association, State Bar Association, American Bar Association, the Amity Club of New Haven, Unitas Club of Hamden, and the Hamden Chamber of Commerce. He was also a member of many political organizations. He enjoyed traveling with his wife, watching sports, and spending time with his children and grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; four children and their spouses, including son Robert ’84, and nine grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

William A. Pollard ’50, of Essex, Conn., formerly of Providence, R.I.; Dec. 22, his 96th birthday. He began his career in the insurance industry. He worked at the Reliance Insurance Companies for 25 years, where he became chairman and CEO. He was a past director of the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society, emeritus Brown Corporation member, trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary, and president of the National Recreation Foundation. At age 54 he retired and became more involved with Brown, serving terms on the President’s Council on Athletics and on the board of directors of the Brown University Sports Foundation, and he was an active member of the Brown Football Association. For decades he attended Brown football games in his raccoon coat, cheering. He was particularly proud to help direct funds towards outdoor athletic school facilities for youth programs in Providence. He enjoyed summers gardening, playing golf, and sailing on the Chesapeake and winters in Colorado, where he skied into his eighties. He traveled the world and consistently read about business and global issues in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. He was a member of numerous clubs. He is survived by four daughters, including Wendy Bodell ’81, Judith Danforth ’77 and her husband Murray Danforth III ’77, and Edith Tower ’85 and her husband Caleb Tower ’85; eight grandchildren, including Merebea Danforth ’06, Ben Kurtz ’08, William Kurtz ’08, and Julia Metzger ’13; and eight great-grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

Tien Chi Chen ’50, of San Jose, Calif.; Oct. 6. In 1956 he joined IBM and played a pivotal role in the development of supercomputers and computer architecture, which led him to earn multiple outstanding contribution awards. In 1979, he became a visiting professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in the department of electronics. He assumed the additional position of Head of United College in 1980 and retired for the first time in 1992. He returned to CUHK in 1997 and continued to teach until his second retirement in 2014. CUHK bestowed on him the title of Honorary Fellow of the University in 2003 and he was also a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. An avid lover of Chinese food and wine, he and his wife coauthored Everything You Want to Know About Chinese Cooking. He is survived by his wife, Pearl Kong Chen; a daughter and son-in-law; two grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

Ursula Heineman Rickenberg ’50, of Providence, R.I.; Jul. 28. She continued her education at Smith College earning a master’s in social work. For decades she was employed as a social worker at Bradley Hospital. She also had a private practice and later worked with children at Harmony Hill School. She was a talented painter and enjoyed skiing, swimming, and boating. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two grandchildren, a niece, and a nephew.

Apr, 2024

Arlene M. Duffy ’50, of Providence, R.I.; Aug. 2. She was employed as an administrative assistant in the fields of neurology and surgery. She later worked as an administrative assistant for the R.I. Parent Information Network. She attended RISD and enjoyed interior design work. She was an avid reader, a gardener, and member of the Pembroke Club of Providence and the Dunes Club.

Apr, 2024

Rosalyn Murphy Kinne ’50, of South Glastonbury, Conn.; Oct. 4. She was a social worker in Connecticut for more than 30 years and a volunteer at South Glastonbury Public Library. She was a member of the Orchard Hill Pool Club and she enjoyed reading and hunting for treasures at tag sales. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, five grandchildren, and two brothers, including Brian Murphy ’61.

Apr, 2024

Alton J. Curran ’50, of Pawtucket, R.I.; Sept. 22. Following service in the U.S. Navy during World War II and graduation from New York Medical College, he was an internist who operated a private practice in East Providence until retirement. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law.

Apr, 2024

Richard E. Arnold ’50, of Greenwich, Conn.; Oct. 10. He worked for his father in publishing and then as a stockbroker. He enjoyed sailing and was a member of the Riverside Yacht Club. He was also a World War II veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by three children, including son Robert ’74; grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and a sister. 


Nov, 2023

Zalman D. Newman ’50, of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Newport, R.I.; Apr. 28. After serving in the U.S. Navy and graduating from Brown, he attended Boston University School of Law and upon passing the Rhode Island Bar exam became a member of Burdick, Corcoran & Peckham. He remained with the firm until 1960, when he opened his own business and practiced for almost 50 years. He was also a probate judge for the city of Newport. After retiring, he moved to Arizona and would return to Newport during the summer months. He was a member and former president of Touro Synagogue and a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association, the Newport Lions Club, the Naval War College Foundation, and the Board of Governors of Newport Hospital. He enjoyed playing the violin, going to the beach, sightseeing, and traveling. He is survived by two nieces and two nephews. 

Nov, 2023

Irving A. Hiller ’50, of Gales Ferry, Conn.; June 16. After graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering, he spent two years in the U.S. Army followed by a career at Electric Boat and Otis Elevators. In 1990, he joined Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut and helped build more than 20 homes. Also in 1990, he joined the crew of the retreat and conference center of the American Baptist Churches of Connecticut, helping to maintain and improve the property. He was a 66-year member and deacon of the Poquonnock Bridge Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons and daughters-in-law; five grandsons; and two great-grandchildren. 

Aug, 2023

Susan Linial Small ’50, of Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Feb. 25. She is survived by four children, six grandchildren, a great-grandchildren, a sister, and many nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2023

Donald C. Shaffer ’50, of Iron River, Mich. formerly of Ponte Verde, Fla.; Apr. 9. He had a long career in sales, marketing, and clothing manufacturing with JCPenney and Oxford Industries, which led him and his family to live in California, New York, Georgia, and Connecticut. Upon retirement in 1989, he and his wife moved to Florida. He volunteered at M.K. Rawlings School as a classroom reader and was a hospice volunteer for 10 years. He was a member of Palms Presbyterian Church and served as an usher on many committees. He was a U.S. Navy World War II veteran and he enjoyed playing tennis, reading, solving crossword puzzles, and watching wildlife. He is survived by four children, five grandchildren, a sister, brother Russell ’54, and a brother-in-law.

Aug, 2023

Edward F. Mastrangelo ’50, of Osterville, Mass.; Mar. 15. He and his family owned and operated the former Angel Motel in Hyannis. He was a longtime member of the Osterville Rotary Club and he enjoyed skiing, tennis, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; two daughters and sons-in-law; two grandchildren; four sisters; and several nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2023

James R. Hebden ’50, of Indianapolis; Mar. 5. After serving in the Korean War, he began a 40-year career with General Motors in U.S. cities including Anderson, Detroit, Dayton, and Kokomo, as well as Luton, England. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Beta Kappa. Jim was an avid Colts and Pacers fan and he enjoyed playing golf, reading, gardening, solving crossword puzzles, playing corn toss and calling bingo. He especially enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. He is survived by a daughter, a son and daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law; seven grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter.

Aug, 2023

Robert D. Hall Jr. ’50, of Northfield, Mass., formerly of Needham, Mass.; Jan. 20. He is survived by his wife, Celine; six children; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2023

Jerome F. Green ’50, of Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Mar. 23. He was a legendary sports journalist who attended the first 56 Super Bowls. He began his journalism career in 1952, prior to serving in the Navy for four years. He returned to the profession in 1956, joining the Associated Press. He moved on to the Detroit News in 1963 and remained there until his retirement in 2004, serving as the Lions beat reporter from 1965-72 before taking on a columnist role. He continued to cover the Super Bowl and write occasional guest columns for the News through this year, opining on this year’s championship game from the setting of his home for the first time. He is survived by his daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters.


Aug, 2023

Edward B. “Ned” Corcoran ’50, of Middletown, R.I.; Jan. 25. After high school he enlisted in the Army and then attended Brown, where he played on the men’s basketball team. After graduating from law school, he practiced law at the firm of Corcoran Peckham & Hayes in Newport for almost 70 years, retiring at the age of 95 in 2022. The firm was founded by his father Edward (Brown 1919), who practiced until the age of 103. Ned also practiced with his brother Bill ’52 for more than 60 years, until Bill’s death in 2020 at the age of 91, and he practiced with his son, Edward J. Corcoran II ’79, for eight years until his son moved to Boston in 1991. He served on numerous municipal and charitable boards. He was president of the Middletown Town Council and was a founding member and past president of the board of the Boys & Girls Club of Newport. He and his wife Ruth cochaired two major capital campaigns for Newport Hospital and for St. Lucy’s Church in Middletown. He was instrumental in orchestrating a major land swap to preserve Sachuest Point as a wildlife refuge and to make Third Beach into a public beach. He also drove for Meals on Wheels. Up until last year, he could be seen swimming the buoy line every summer evening at Third Beach. He had a great sense of humor and was always quick with a joke. He enjoyed history, gardening, and art—most of his paintings were of Second and Third Beach and were displayed around his home. He is survived by his wife, Ruth Chatterton Corcoran ’49; six children and their spouses, including Ned II ’79; a daughter-in-law; a brother; 17 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and nieces Margaret Corcoran-Leys ’86 and Jane Corcoran ’91.

Aug, 2023

Caroline Decatur Chick ’50, of Rumford, R.I.; Mar. 17. She was an elementary school teacher in the East Providence school system. She served as copresident of her Brown class and was a member of the Pembroke Club and the Brown Club of Cape Cod. She was a former member of the East Providence Historical Society, the East Providence Land Trust, the Embroiderers Guild of America, the Rumford Junior Women’s Club and the Pawtucket Women’s Club. She had also been a member of the Church of Epiphany in Rumford, where she was a member of the Vestry and taught Sunday School. She was a skilled knitter and enjoyed creating knitted sweaters, baby blankets, and socks. She also enjoyed needlepoint, embroidery, quilting, tole painting,  gardening, and playing bridge. She is survived by daughters Deborah Chick Burke ’77 and Nancy Chick Hyde’80; six grandchildren, including Sara B. Hyde ’17 and Nathan W.K. Hyde ’17; a great granddaughter; a sister; and nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

Seymour M. Rosen ’50, of Northampton, Mass.; Nov. 9. At age 18, he enlisted and was trained as a Marine medic. He fought in the battle of Okinawa and received a Presidential Citation, along with a Purple Heart from a bullet wound that remained with him for the rest of his life. He then attended Brown and later received a master’s degree in Russian studies from Columbia University. He was recruited by the U.S. government as a specialist in Russian and Eastern European education during the Cold War. He lectured and wrote numerous books on the subject. Later he pursued a doctorate at  Catholic University. After the death of his wife in 1984, he retired and eventually began ballroom dancing. After attending a creative movement class sponsored by the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, he was invited to join her touring modern dance company. He traveled extensively with the company for seven years and met his second wife. He continued to dance with a local intergenerational dance company in Northampton, the Dance Generators, then took a ten-year break from dancing to write plays. He wrote more than 15, some of which were purchased and produced by companies in New York and elsewhere. He rejoined the Dance Generators and remained with them until the company disbanded in 2014, when he was almost 90 years of age. He also volunteered at the Leeds VA for more than 20 years teaching creative movement to vets through the recreation department. He is survived by his wife, Laura; two daughters; a son; four grandchildren; a great-grandson; a brother; and many nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

Frederick H. Horlbeck Jr. ’50, of Wadmalaw Island, S.C.; Jan. 11. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor Greene Horlbeck ’52; three daughters; two sons-in-law; five granddaughters; two sisters-in-law; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

LeRoy F. Anderson ’50, of Cummaquid and Centerville, Mass.; Nov. 25. After graduating from Brown, he served in Germany with the U.S. Army’s 175th Battalion during the Korean War. He married his high school sweetheart in 1951 and earned a master’s degree from Stonier Graduate School of Banking in 1965. In addition to his banking career that consisted of management positions in several New England community banks, he was an organist for more than 20 years at area churches. While at Brown, he played the Sayles Hall organ at chapel services for one week each semester. He also sang in many choral groups and was involved in the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, and Rotary clubs. He captured his life’s journey in Joie de Vivre, a 400-page book published in 2015. He and his wife enjoyed traveling together and made more than 15 trips to Scandinavia, the British Isles, France, Germany, and Italy between 1995 and 2006. He enjoyed gardening and was a skilled house painter. He is survived by a daughter, a son and daughter-in-law, five grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2023

Ann Hall Ainsworth ’50, of Bethlehem, Pa.; Dec. 7. While at Brown, she played on the women’s basketball team and met her future husband, Lawson Ainsworth ’50. She was an active member of First Presbyterian Church and the visiting nurses program and volunteered with Meals on Wheels. She and her husband traveled widely before his passing. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, and 13 grandchildren.

Apr, 2023

Renee Kartiganer Schwartz ’50, of Bethlehem, Pa.; Oct. 12. She was the regional president of Hadassah in Eastern Pennsylvania and served on the National Board of Hadassah. She was also a former board member of Congregation B’rith Sholom, Bethlehem. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and a brother.

Oct, 2022

Richard H. Rish ’50, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Northbrook, Ill.; May 24. He graduated and was commissioned an ensign USNR. His active duty was spent in the Persian Gulf in hydrographic and oceanographic assignments. He retired from the U.S. Navy having served 20 years active and reserve duty. He worked at Merrill Lynch for 45 years as a vice president in the Chicago Board of Trade office. He retired to Florida. He enjoyed classical music, playing cards, and solving puzzles. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; five children, 11 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Genelle Dolan McMahon ’50, of Hopatcong, N.J., formerly of Cranford, N.J.; May 19. She worked as a casting agent for Young & Rubicam in New York City before marrying and raising her family in Cranford. In later years, she worked as an executive secretary in the banking industry. She is survived by a daughter, a son, a daughter-in-law, and
two grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Alexander T. Hindmarsh Jr. ’50, of W. Springfield, Mass.; Feb. 27. He retired from Mass Mutual in 1997, where he served his clients for 36 years. The crowning accomplishment from his near four-decade tenure was the 24 collective years spent as a member of Mass Mutual’s prestigious Million Dollar Round Table. He enjoyed fly-fishing and golf and scored three holes-in-one. He is survived by his wife, Priscilla; a son and daughter-in-law; two stepsons; two grandchildren; a sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2022

Doris Saunders Tobey ’50, of Centre Hall, Pa.; Mar. 5. She worked as a paraprofessional for the State College Area School District and retired in 1991. Most of her time was spent at Boalsburg and Panorama elementary schools, where she supported the Writing to Read program. In retirement she volunteered at Centre Hall elementary school and with the Girl Scouts of America. She was a member of Linden Hall Garden Club and Centre Hall Library Friends Association. She enjoyed gardening, wool rug braiding, card games, and crossword puzzles. She is survived by five children, 10 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Robert H. Rohloff ’50, of Charleston, S.C., formerly of Warwick, R.I.; Jan. 17. After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, he graduated from Brown and began a 38-year career at Amica Mutual Insurance Company in Rhode Island. He retired to South Carolina in 1988. He enjoyed Big Band music and Scott Joplin piano rag. At Brown he played the clarinet and oboe in the Brown Band. He enjoyed square-dancing and round-dancing clubs. In retirement, he volunteered as a docent at historical sites in Charleston and always enjoyed spending time with family, playing cards, and traveling. He is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, two stepdaughters, and nine grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

D. Paul Rittmaster ’50, of New York City; Apr. 7. He was a lifelong New Yorker and spent 70 years as a stockbroker, much of it alongside his father at David H. Rittmaster & Co. He was a U.S. Army veteran and he enjoyed his weekend mornings reading his newspapers and technical charts while listening to Broadway show tunes or Neil Diamond. All who knew him will miss his hugs. He is survived by four children, including sons Peter ’87 and Steven ’89; and five grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Richard A. Purington ’50, of Belmont, N.H.; Jan. 20, after a brief illness. He is survived by four daughters, seven grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, a great-great-grandson, and many nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2022

Joachim A. Weissfeld ’50, of Barrington, R.I.; Nov. 4. He served in the U.S. Navy, then attended Brown and Harvard Law School. He practiced law in Providence, spending more than 40 years at Hinckley Allen. He was a member of several boards, including the Dorcas International Institute. He enjoyed gardening and reading. He is survived by two daughters and three grandchildren.

Jun, 2022

Arvin C. Teschner ’50, of Stuart, Fla., and Boothbay, Me.; Dec. 9. After Brown and service in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War, he accepted a position with Standard Oil of Ohio. He was promoted frequently and lived in five Ohio cities. He finished his career as a retail sales manager for the East Coast and moved to Boothbay. He is survived by his companion Barbara Sullivan; a daughter and son-in-law; a daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a brother and sister-in-law.

Jun, 2022

Paul R. Nelson ’50, of Cincinnati; Nov. 25, after a brief illness. He worked for Fram Corporation as a production manager in the automotive division for 30 years. A member of Hope Congregational Church, he sang in the choir and served on several committees. In his retirement he managed a conservation tree farm. He is survived by his wife, Helen Ravenell Nelson ’50; two daughters; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and a great-grandson.

Jun, 2022

Catharine Gates Miller ’50, of East Haddam, Conn.; Jan. 5. She was a literacy volunteer for many years and enjoyed breeding, raising, and showing miniature dachshunds. She was a member of the Connecticut Yankee Dachshund Club, the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and Daughters of the American Revolution. She is survived by three daughters, a son, seven grandchildren, a great-grandchild, and a brother.

Jun, 2022

Rita Michaelson ’50, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Jan. 13. While a student, she met her husband, Julius ’67 AM, who died in 2011, and together they pursued social justice, opposed discrimination, and helped those in need. Her commitment to civil rights led to an appointment to the Rhode Island Human Rights Commission. For seven years she was a docent and lay lecturer at the RISD Museum. She worked in the Brown admissions office for many years and later served as a trustee and trustee emerita. She also served as an arbitrator for the Rhode Island Supreme Court and was on the labor panel of the American Arbitration Association, and she was a cofounder of the Providence Community Mediation Center. As a child she contracted polio and her parents got her involved in sports, among them skiing, which she did well into her 60s. She enjoyed entertaining and traveling. She is survived by two sons, including Jeffrey ’80; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren, including granddaughter Kristen Michaelson ’16; a sister and brother-in-law; two sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2022

William A. Henshaw ’50, of Richmond, Va.; Nov. 10. He was advertising and sales promotion manager for the New York division of Shell Oil Company. He retired in 1984. He and his wife and family enjoyed spending weekends at their cottage on the Piankatank River. He enjoyed writing poetry, traveling, and playing golf and tennis. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a member of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. He is survived by his wife, Suze; two daughters and sons-in-law; a grandson; and two great-grandsons.

Jun, 2022

Joseph F. Condon ’50, of Katonah, N.Y.; Nov. 14. He enlisted in the Navy at the start of World War II and after graduating from Brown pursued post graduate studies at the London School of Economics on a Fulbright scholarship. He served in the Korean War and was then recruited by the State Department. He traveled extensively and later headed up financial teams at the former Black Clawson, Parsons & Whittemore, and Combustion Engineering. He finished his career consulting for the American Embassy and Chamber of Commerce in Moscow. He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, an avid sportsman, and a painter. He is survived by his wife, Yelena; seven children, including daughter Alicia Condon ’77; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Apr, 2022

J. Richard Feibelman ’50, of Norwood, Mass.; Sept. 23. He started his own business as a manufacturer’s representative for water treatment systems throughout New England. He was a World War II U.S. Army veteran and he enjoyed sailing. He is survived by three children, three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2022

Charles W. Dougherty ’50, of Vero Beach, Fla.; Sept. 13. He was a retired insurance executive. He worked at Travelers Insurance Company for more than 30 years. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of Notre Dame Catholic Church in Ft. Pierce, Fla. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; three stepsons and their spouses; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 


Jan, 2022

Robert E. Vivian ’50, of Bridgton, Me., formerly of Cumberland, R.I.; July 24. He spent his 39-year career at Allendale Insurance, formerly Fireman’s Mutual Insurance Company, retiring in 1989 as their chief underwriter. He was an active communicant of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Cumberland and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Bridgton. He was a U.S. Navy veteran and he enjoyed singing in the church choirs, solving puzzles, and spending time planning family reunions and gatherings. He is survived by his wife, Norma; four children and their spouses; nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; brothers Richard ’51 and John ’55; a sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews. 


Jan, 2022

Velma-Jane Walpole Steen ’50, of Melrose, Mass., and Marco Island, Fla.; June 12. She spent most of her life raising her daughters in Melrose, sailing the waters of New England, and hosting family holidays. The last 35 years she spent in Marco Island, where she enjoyed her view and gardening. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses, including Patricia Steen ’83; three grandchildren; a great-grandson; and several nieces and nephews. 

Jan, 2022

Roy K. Piper ’50, of Keene, N.H.; Aug. 18. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Philippines during the Korean War. Upon completion of his military service, he was employed by Aero Services Corp. and was sent around the U.S. mapping the interstate highway system. He was active in the community, involved with the Unitarian Universalist Church board, sang in the Keene Barber Shoppers, and served  six years on Keene’s Conservation Commission. He was also a member of the New Hampshire Poetry Society and published a collection of his work titled Eternity Lost and Other Poems. He enjoyed cross-country skiing, running, gardening, and summers on Spofford Lake. He is survived by his wife, Anne; three children and their spouses; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Margaret Wilson Kinney ’50, of Wilton, Conn.; July 13. She pursued oil painting and knitting during her lifetime and enjoyed skiing in the winter, sailing, visiting Martha’s Vineyard in the summer, collecting unique items, and cooking. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law and a grandson.

Jan, 2022

John C. Hotchkiss ’50, of Southbury, Conn.; July 2. Following his service in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, he attended Brown and was later employed as a product manager for Hudson Wire Company (N.Y.). He enjoyed fishing, woodworking, and photography. He is survived by a daughter, two sons, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. 

Oct, 2021

William Revkin ’50, of Branford, Conn.; Apr. 15. After serving in the U.S. Merchant Marines and graduating from Brown, he joined the family business, Bond Furniture. He and his wife lived in Stuart, Fla., for a number of years, where they volunteered at St. Lucie Sailing Center before returning to Connecticut to avoid hurricanes and be closer to their children. A talented artist, woodworker, and craftsman, he built scale models of tall ships and took up sewing in order to repair sails and make sail covers over the years. He was an active member of the East Greenwich Yacht Club and his involvement and volunteer work on race committees earned him a lifetime membership. In retirement he helped stranded boaters as a licensed Sea Tow boat operator. He is survived by daughter Diana Revkin ’83; sons Andrew ’78 and Jim ’81 MD; four grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.

Oct, 2021

Ruth Maldavir Greenberg ’50, of Coventry, R.I.; Mar. 24. She was a homemaker who enjoyed traveling, socializing, cooking, knitting, and solving Sudoku and crossword puzzles. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, five grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Ralph H. Foster Jr. ’50, of Trumbull, Conn.; Apr. 12. He had a career in telecommunications and was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran. He is survived by a daughter, two sons-in-law, and four grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Dorothy Baker Feld ’50, of Bloomington, Ind., formerly of New Haven, Conn.; Feb. 18. She attended Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School in Boston and then worked at MIT on the Manhattan Atomic Bomb project during the last years of World War II. After other secretarial positions in Chicago, she decided to further her education by attending Brown. Post Brown, she moved to New Haven and, after receiving a master’s in education from Southern Connecticut University, spent the next 25 years as an elementary school teacher. She moved to a retirement community in Bloomington in 2010. She belonged to Old Stone Church in New Haven and was honored in 2013 as a 50-year member. She supported a wide range of causes and organizations, including Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood, and the United Negro College Fund. She was an avid women’s basketball fan and enjoyed playing card games and solving puzzles. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by a daughter, a niece, and nephew Craig M. Warren ’69. 

Aug, 2021

Stanley B. Thomas ’50, of Cranston, R.I.; May 8, of COVID-19. He is survived by his companion, Claire Connors; two daughters; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

William S. Houston ’50, of Bridgeville, Pa.; Feb. 26. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard during WWII. Prior to his retirement in 2005, he worked for American Universal Insurance. He is survived by companion Zoraida Laniefasky and a son.

Aug, 2021

June Johnson Gibbs ’50, of Naples, Fla., formerly of Warren, R.I.; Feb. 11, after a long illness. For many years, she was an elementary school teacher in Warren. She was active in alumnae affairs and served as class marshal at her 50th reunion. In later years, she wintered in Naples and was a member of the Naples Garden Club, where she won many prizes for her floral arrangements. She is survived by son Kendall ’82 MD and two grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

Dorothy Baker Feld ’50, of Bloomington, Ind., formerly of East Haven, Conn.; Feb. 18. After receiving a master’s in education from Southern Connecticut University, she spent the next 25 years as an elementary school teacher. She was an active member of Old Stone Church in New Haven, where she participated in numerous volunteer activities and was honored as a 50-year member in 2013. She supported a wide range of causes, including Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood, and the United Negro College Fund. She was also an avid women’s college basketball fan and enjoyed reading, playing card games, and solving puzzles. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by a daughter, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and a niece.

Jun, 2021

Philip B. Woodward ’50, of Wall Township, Pa.; Jan. 5. He had a long successful career in the insurance business and retired as the owner of the Wolf Agency in Asbury Park. He was a World War II Navy veteran and a member of the American Legion Post #346. He is survived by his wife, Marian; a brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2021

Walter E. Schortmann ’50, of Westerly, R.I.; Jan. 21. After obtaining degrees in chemistry and physics from Brown and Harvard he was recruited as a nuclear engineer at the Oak Ridge School of Technology, where he worked on peaceful uses for atomic energy. He later worked for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Union Carbide, and Combustion Engineering Corp. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army Air Force. He is survived by a daughter and a grandson.

Jun, 2021

Martin A. Levine ’50, of Maplewood, N.J.; Apr. 19, 2020, of COVID. He was a retired computer systems analyst and U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He is survived by his wife, Rosemarye, and a son. 

Jun, 2021

John F. Kimball ’50, of Portland, Me., formerly of Falmouth and East Boothbay, Me.; Feb. 5. After graduation he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in communication intelligence. Upon completion of his military service, he relocated to Maine, where he began at George C. Frye Co., a medical and dental supply distributor in Portland, which he helped to manage and own with his father, Milton S. Kimball. After the company was sold, he began his own advertising agency, Partridge Island Co., located in the Old Port District of Portland. He was involved in the Portland art community for more than 20 years and served as vice chairman and member of the Maine Arts Commission and board member of the Maine College of Art (now MECA). He was a trustee of the Portland Symphony Orchestra and the Portland Museum of Art. He produced his own paintings, photographs, and mixed media and exhibited his work in the Portland Community, the University of Maine in Gorham, the University of New England Gallery, and the Elizabeth Moss Gallery in Falmouth. He is survived by his wife, Ellen; three daughters; a son-in-law; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. 

Jun, 2021

Shirley Kenyon Glenney ’50, of Manchester, Conn.; Jan. 31. She worked as an underwriter for Travelers Insurance. She was a member of the Auxiliary of Children and Family Services, a trustee of Cushing Academy, and a volunteer at Manchester Memorial Hospital. She enjoyed solving crossword puzzles, playing Scrabble, and playing in a ping-pong group that lasted for more than 30 years. She is survived by four daughters, three sons-in-law, and three grandchildren. 

Jun, 2021

Wallace J. Cropper ’50, of Anna Maria, Fla.; Feb. 8. As a mining and exploration geologist he worked and lived in numerous locations for St. Joe Lead Company, later called St. Joe Resources. He retired as chief geologist. He was a World War II U.S. Army veteran and a member of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and the Society of Economic Geologists. He is survived by his wife, Gloria Hull; a daughter and son-in-law; son Robert ’79 AM and daughter-in-law; and a grandson. 

Jun, 2021

Robert H. Breslin Jr. ’50, of Saunderstown, R.I.; Jan. 11. He studied law at Boston College and worked for the City of Warwick until the age of 90, beginning as Warwick’s assistant city solicitor in 1957. He was a founding partner at Saxon, Butler and Breslin, and then at Breslin, Sweeney and Earle. He was of counsel at Sullivan & Sullivan and served in the Rhode Island State Legislature from 1961 to 1970. He was 1963 Young Republican of the Year and was elected a member of the Rhode Island Constitutional Convention in 1973. He was often written up in the Providence Journal and Warwick Beacon. He was president of the Warwick Rotary Club and a trustee of Rocky Hill School, Gilbert Stuart Birthplace, and the Willett Free Library in Saunderstown, as well as a commissioner on Judicial Tenure and Discipline and board member of the Quonset Development Corporation. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three children and their spouses, including daughter Pamela Murphy ’80; and 10 grandchildren. 

Jun, 2021

Edmond E. Berube Jr. ’50, of Fall River, Mass.; Dec. 30. He worked for 40 years with the Fall River Welfare Dept. and the Mass. Dept. of Public Welfare, first as a social worker and later retiring as deputy director of the Southeastern Massachusetts regional office. He was an avid New England Patriots fan and a ham radio operator, enjoyed Big Band music, and was always tracking current news and events. He is survived by his wife, Harriet; a daughter; a son and daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; a great-grandchild; a brother and sister-in-law; and a niece.

Apr, 2021

E. Franklin Stone ’50, of Seattle; Aug. 20. He received his medical degree from Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia and was drafted into the Navy. Upon discharge, he completed his residency in pediatrics at St. Christopher’s Hospital at Temple University followed by fellowships in developmental pediatrics at St. Christopher’s Hospital and at Johns Hopkins University. In Seattle, he worked in the Clinic for Child Study at the University of Washington, and later at Seattle Children’s Hospital in the birth defects clinic. He served five years as an Army civilian in Berlin, Germany, working as a developmental pediatrician. He enjoyed attending Seattle Opera and the Pacific Northwest Ballet and hiking in the Olympic Mountains. He was a Cub Scout master and supported scouting and youth soccer as a parent. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a stepson; a sister; and many nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Arthur M. Oliva ’50, of Providence; Oct. 20. He was a retired math teacher for the East Providence School Department. He was a World War II Army veteran and a communicant of St. Sebastian Church.

Apr, 2021

Louis V. O’Brien ’50, of Novato, Calif.; Nov. 3. He spent 28 years at the Merck Marine Magnesium Plant in San Francisco, 17 years as plant manager. After retiring, he continued working part-time as a management consultant specializing in small business development for 20 years until fully retiring in 2000. He was a U.S. Army Air Corps World War II veteran and is survived by a daughter, two sons, a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law.

Apr, 2021

Richard F. Novak ’50, of Greenport, N.Y.; Aug. 7. He worked in sales for IBM for more than 40 years and moved several times, including living on a sailboat in the U.S. Virgin Islands. At age 90 he went skydiving and at age 95 he enjoyed speed boating. He was a World War II Army veteran and enjoyed tinkering with old boats, jeeps, or anything with a motor. He is survived by four children and their spouses and five grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

Jack S. Macfadden ’50, of Rockville, Md.; Oct. 20, 2019. He was a retired New York City public school teacher. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps, was a member of Jewish War Veterans of the USA, and was a volunteer with Meals on Wheels and Special Olympics. He enjoyed bicycling. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn; two children; and four grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

George L. Hanshaw Jr. ’50, of Oakmont, Pa.; Dec. 6. He had a long career with U.S. Steel. He was a World War II veteran and in retirement enjoyed splitting his time between Pennsylvania and Florida, where he played golf and entertained. He is survived by three stepchildren, six step-grandchildren, two step-great-grandchildren, a sister, and a brother.

Apr, 2021

John C. Halliwell ’50, of Barrington, R.I.; Nov. 21. After serving in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II, he graduated from Brown and joined the Grinnell Corporation in Providence learning building design for mechanical systems and equipment. In 1954 he left Grinnell and founded Halliwell Engineering Associates (HEA), which grew to include plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems design. Two of his sons later joined the company and added civil, structural, and environmental engineering services. In 1987, Walt Disney World hired HEA to be its lead engineer for environmental engineering and that relationship continues today. Throughout his career he owned several powerboats and sailboats and enjoyed sailing between Newport and Ft. Lauderdale. He also enjoyed playing the ukulele and created the Wicky-Wacky Ukulele Club, where he taught people how to play and made many new friendships. At age 90 he wrote the story of his time in the Air Force during World War II, entitled Flying Nightmare and published by Amazon Publishing in 2018. He is survived by his wife Diane and three sons.

Apr, 2021

Antoinette Loiacono “Billie” Dupont ’50, of Bloomfield, Conn.; Sept. 2, from complications of lung and heart disease. She graduated from Harvard Law School in 1954 among its second class of women and began her legal career as co-counsel for President Eisenhower’s Commission on the Application of Federal Law to the Virgin Islands before working briefly on Wall Street. She moved to New London, Conn., in 1956 and went into private practice. In 1977 Gov. Ella T. Grasso appointed her to the Connecticut Superior Court; six years later she was elevated to the appellate court. She served as chief judge from 1984 until taking senior status in 1997. During this period, she also served on two task forces on gender and justice. As a chair of the Task Force on Gender Bias in the Connecticut Courts, she did groundbreaking work to make the courts fairer to women. She also presided over the Connecticut Judges Association and continued to be an active member of the court and to sit on cases until 2016. She became a director of The Day in 1986 and was named to the newspaper’s board of trustees in 1989. She was a member of Zonta and the League of Women Voters. She is survived by daughters Ellen Dupont ’77 and Antonia D. van der Meer ’79; son William ’83; son-in-law Peter N. van der Meer ’79; seven grandchildren, including Nicolaas van der Meer ’06; two great-grandchildren; and two brothers.

Apr, 2021

Edward J. Dalton Jr. ’50, of Mansfield, Mass.; Nov. 23. Prior to retiring as a production planner, his career spanned 35 years at the Foxboro Company. He was a communicant of Saint Mary’s Church in Mansfield and a former member of the Foxborough Country Club and enjoyed playing golf and traveling. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; four children; six grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Norman T. Campbell ’50, of Newington, Conn., and Ocean Park, Me.; Oct. 11. He was an engineer in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Texas prior to joining Pratt & Whitney, where he had a 37-year career as an engineer. His focus was air pollution emissions from jet engines. He enjoyed the ocean and served as commander of the New Britain Power Squadron. He was active in his church, where he sang in the choir and held lay roles for many years. He is survived by his second wife, Naoma; daughter Karen Campbell ’77 AM; a son; three stepchildren; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister; and two nephews. 

Jan, 2021

Gordon E. Noble ’50, of Tiburon, Calif.; Apr. 5. He was a self-made man who achieved great success in the insurance business. Over the 40 years he spent in Tiburon, he enjoyed being a part of the community and spent time supporting local businesses. He is survived by his wife, Ingrid; three sons and their spouses; three stepdaughters; 10 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Joseph Kenney Jr. ’50, of Pittsburgh; Aug. 5, just 11 days shy of his 100th birthday. After Brown, he earned an MBA from the University of Missouri and spent much of his career as an engineering manager at Westinghouse Electric Astro-Nuclear Laboratory before going into business for himself as the owner of Miller Safety, a supplier of safety equipment. He was a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a sister; and nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2021

Bruce E. Hamlett ’50, of Brighton, Mich.; July 6. Following graduation, Bruce joined BIF Industries in Providence and shortly thereafter received a promotion to be manager of their Pittsburgh office. In 1961, he moved his family to Murray Hill, N.J., after being named BIF’s Northeast Regional Manager. From 1966-1970, he was vice president and marketing manager for The Hays Corporation in Michigan City, Ind., before starting his own business, Hamlett Engineering Sales Company, in Farmington Hills, Mich. His son Randy joined him in the business in 1988 and Bruce retired in 1991. In 2015, Bruce was honored at The Michigan Water Environment Association’s annual meeting with a career achievement recognition for his contribution to the industry. In 2016, the three family members, his son and granddaughter, were recognized nationally by the Water Environment Federation as a “Legacy Family” in the water environment industry. He was a U.S. Marine Corp World War II veteran and enjoyed playing tennis and golf. He is survived by his wife, Diana; four children and their spouses; nine grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Roy Fidler ’50 of San Rafael, Calif.; July 9. He worked for the New York Times in various capacities before starting his own advertising agency. During the Korean War, he served in the U.S. Army and was an editor of his division’s newspaper. In the early 1980s he moved to the Bay Area and continued working in advertising as a direct marketing consultant. In retirement he volunteered as a consumer advocate with the district attorney office and gave architectural tours of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Marin County Civic Center. He was a longtime member of Servas, an international hosting organization started after World War II to promote meetings of people from different countries. He enjoyed hosting the members of Servas that visited his home, as well as traveling. He is survived by his wife, Carole and son, Matthew Fidler ’84.

Jan, 2021

Howard M. Farrow ’50, of Lebanon, N.H.; June 26. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he saw action in the Battle of the Bulge and Normandy. He was honorably discharged and awarded the Good Conduct Medal and the Victory Medal. After Brown he worked at Tidewater Oil Corp, then National Research Corp. In 1965 he started his own engineering firm, Excalibur Corp. in Waltham, Mass. He relocated to New Hampshire in 1990 and worked as a consultant using his engineering and business experience. In addition, he partnered with his only son, who survives him, and opened an ice cream parlor on Cape Cod.

Jan, 2021

John J. Durnin Jr. ’50, of North Kingstown, R.I.; July 9. He was an employee of Amica Mutual Insurance for 39 years until his retirement in 1989. He was a World War II veteran and an avid golfer. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and two granddaughters.

Nov, 2020

World War II U.S. Navy veteran V. Donald Russo ’50 had a distinguished and multifaceted career as a lawyer that included five years working tirelessly to help fellow veterans who had been affected by the toxic defoliant Agent Orange. 

After his military service, Russo attended Brown, St. John’s University School of Law, and NYU Graduate School of Law, then worked as a negligence trial attorney, eventually retiring with more than 60 years of experience at Allstate Insurance Company. He lectured at the Columbian Lawyers Association of Manhattan and the Civil Court of the City of New York, taught real estate law at Marymount Manhattan College, and developed a multitude of continuing legal education programs and training manuals.

A highlight of his career came in 1979, when he joined a consortium of plaintiffs’ lawyers from Long Island who undertook the prominent Agent Orange case, one of the largest product liability litigations in American legal history. For years he traveled to listen to interrogations and take depositions. His wife Christine Russo remembers when he returned from one such trip, exhausted, he told her: “When you listen to these fellas tell you about their illnesses, you forget about being sleepy and just keep going.” 

That was the hallmark of his approach to his work, she says: “He would prepare until he knew every fact of the case and it was hard to beat him.” 

The case was settled in 1984 and the Vietnam veterans were awarded medical and financial assistance. Russo was honored with an Award of Gratitude from the Veterans of Foreign Wars; his papers are part of the Brown Vietnam Veterans Archives.

Among other professional honors, in 1997 Russo was the recipient of the Individual Service Award from Allstate for his hard work, loyalty, and dedication to excellence in legal work. In his private life, he was an avid reader and enjoyed playing golf and working outdoors at his home in Northport, Long Island, as well as traveling with Christine and spending time at a family lake house in Vermont. He passed away on May 28. Survivors include a brother-in-law, a sister, two nephews, and a niece.  

Nov, 2020

George F. Tubley ’50, of Lansdowne, Va.; Apr. 7. After Brown, he served for 30 years as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Burton C. Staugaard ’50, of Madbury, N.H.; June 7. His career took him to the universities of Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vanderbilt, and the University of New Haven, where he taught for 21 years culminating in the title of professor emeritus. After retiring, he designed and built his own home in Madbury. He was a man of deep faith and community commitment whose volunteer work included church projects, Habitat for Humanity, and volunteer firefighting. He enjoyed photography, camping, stamp and coin collecting, and rebuilding Volkswagens. He is survived by his wife, Ruth Helen; two daughters, including Betsy Staugaard ’83; two sons, including Peter Staugaard ’81; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and eight grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Anne Crane Ryan ’50, of Basking Ridge, N.J., formerly of Bay Head, N.J.; Apr. 3. She joined the Bernards Township Library in 1966 and during her 19 years there, she served as a director and was instrumental in the building of the new library in 1974. For 50 years she enjoyed playing bridge. She was active in the Seaweeders Garden Club, Bay Head Yacht Club, and Bay Head Improvement Association, and was founding director of the Sea Girt Library, where she served for 17 years. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, including Susan Ryan Chiarulli ’75 and Michael Chiarulli ’75.

Nov, 2020

Jacqueline Stocker Kent ’50, of Carlsbad, Calif.; Mar. 6. As the wife of a Navy captain, she moved often and enjoyed the role of hostess for Navy social events. In the late 1980s the couple moved to Carlsbad, California, where they resided for more than 30 years. She and her twin sister enjoyed making ceramics, a hobby that they turned into a ceramic tile company, Riviera Designs. She volunteered with Meals on Wheels and was an active member of the San Dieguito United Methodist Church. She also enjoyed reading history and biography books, writing poetry, and traveling, including trips to Europe and touring in RVs around California. She is survived by three sons and their spouses, three grandsons, two sisters, a brother, a sister-in-law, a brother-in-law, and a niece and nine nephews.

Nov, 2020

Alden C. Goodnow Jr. ’48, of Danvers, Mass.; May 21. He attended Brown but interrupted his studies to serve in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After returning from the war, he completed his baccalaureate studies and went on to earn an MBA from Harvard Business School. He married in 1951 and began his career in Manhattan at Shell Oil. He then returned to Danvers, where he established Goodnow Real Estate & Insurance Agency, which he owned and operated for more than 50 years. He was a member of Danvers Rotary Club, president of Danvers Historical Society, and a trustee, church moderator, and choir member of Maple Street Congregational Church, forming a barbershop quartet with some of the other choir members. He was an avid Red Sox fan and proud to be the “Hats off for Heroes” honoree at Fenway Park in September 2018 for his service in World War II. He enjoyed building model trains and built and collected many ship models over the years. He is survived by his wife, Lois Booth Goodnow ’50; three daughters; six grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law; and a niece. 

Aug, 2020

Edward F. Shea ’50, of Attleboro, Mass.; Jan. 27. After serving in the U. S. Navy and two years with the Massachusetts State Police, he was an electrical engineer for the federal government, retiring from Naval Underwater Systems Center in Newport, R.I. He enjoyed quahogging, solving crossword puzzles, and playing golf. He is survived by six children, 15 grandchildren, many nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2020

Richard T. Reed ’50, of Sarasota, Fla.; Jan. 16. He joined Pinkerton’s in 1952 as an investigator and assistant manager, retiring in 1982 as senior vice president of operations. He enjoyed reading and playing golf and bridge. He is survived by four children, 10 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and two brothers. 

Aug, 2020

Donald L. Holroyd ’50, of York, Pa.; Mar. 27. He taught English in Rhode Island schools and then from 1954 to 1956 was an education counselor at Clark Air Base and an instructor at the University of the Philippines. From 1957 to 1966, he was chair of the English department at Florida State University. As a teacher of English as a Second Language, he received Fulbright grants to teach in Italy, Syria, and Japan. He spent two sabbatical years teaching in Israel and China. From 1968 to 2009, he taught English at York College of Pennsylvania. Many of his poems were published in haiku magazines, including his collection Full Circle, which was published in 2016. He was a member of the National Council of Teachers of English, the York County Literacy Council, Haiku Society of America, and Bread for the World. Phi Beta Kappa. He was also a member of First Presbyterian Church of York, where he served as an elder and adult education teacher. He attended 23 Road Scholar programs in the U.S. and Canada. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; a daughter; a son; three grandsons; a great-grandson; three nieces; and a nephew.

Aug, 2020

Stanley L. Held ’50, of Pittsford, N.Y., and Palm Beach, Fla.; Jan. 29.  He began his merchandising career at A&S, then moved to Rochester, N.Y., where he spent the rest of his career at McCurdy's & Co. He taught retailing business at Rochester Institute of Technology and was a supporter of the Rochester Philharmonic. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II and enjoyed traveling, sports, and the arts. He is survived by his wife, Kay; six children and their spouses; and nine grandchildren.  

Aug, 2020

Lucinda Danziger Gregory ’50, of Dorset, Vt., formerly of Brookfield, Conn.; Feb. 24. Her diverse entrepreneurial pursuits included working as a medical illustrator in New York City in the 1950s, as a manager for Avon Products in the 1960s, cofounding Uni/Search executive placement service in Connecticut, and co-owning The Chocolate Barn in Vermont for more than 35 years. She was a talented artist and enjoyed rug hooking, sewing, and cooking. She volunteered with Meals on Wheels and was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Dorset Church. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law and a son and daughter-in-law.

Aug, 2020

Anthony V. D’Amario ’50, of Dedham, Mass.; Nov. 5. He served in the military police during World War II and later worked for the greater part of his career in Boston. He enjoyed gardening. He is survived by three children, including son Peter ’81; eight grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.

Aug, 2020

Roxbury Hyde Crystal ’50, of Charlottesville, Va., formerly of Longmont, Colo.; Mar. 24, from complications of melanoma. She moved to California to continue her education in music. She married and then moved to Longmont, where she raised a family, taught private piano lessons, played organ for St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, directed the choir for the First Congregational Church, managed the Longmont Symphony Orchestra, and played percussion for the orchestra. At mid-life she earned a masters’ degree in education from the University of Northern Colorado and taught elementary school at the Colorado Academy in Denver. She was active in the Longmont Chapter of the Wednesday Music Club, the American Association of University Women, and the League of Women Voters. In retirement she enjoyed traveling, sailing, and biking around Europe. She is survived by three children, including daughter Charlotte Crystal ’77; six grandchildren; two sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2020

Donald R. MacDonald ’50, of Shelburne, Vt.; Jan. 20. He served in the U.S. Navy, where he completed two tours of duty in Europe and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal Gold Star. He then attended Brown, and upon graduation, began a career in the insurance industry. He worked at Liberty Mutual and Travelers prior to purchasing the Peterson Rowlands Insurance Agency. In 1970 his agency merged with another agency to form Hackett, Valine & MacDonald and he served as a senior vice president. He retired from the agency in 1993. He served as president of the Independent Insurance Agents of Vermont in 1985 and in 1992 was involved in starting the local Play It Again Sports franchise store. He retired again in 2010. He was active in several community organizations, including the Burlington Lions Club, the Green Mountain Audubon Society, the Unitarian Church in Burlington, and the American Red Cross. He was an avid skier and a member of the National Ski Patrol at Mad River Glen in the early 1960s. He was a founding member of the Hartford Ski Club at Mad River Glen. He also enjoyed playing golf, hiking, canoeing, and camping. He is survived by three children and four grandchildren.


Jun, 2020

Donald M. Higgins ’50, of Essex, Conn.; Jan. 21, of cancer. After serving in the Korean War, he pursued a career in pharmacy, graduating from UConn School of Pharmacy. He worked on a cancer drug at the former Lederle Labs (N.Y.) and the production of veterinary medicines at Masticure (Conn.), concluding his career at Tower Labs in Essex. He was an active member of St. John’s Episcopal Church and is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and two step-grandchildren.

Jun, 2020

Harold S. Goldman ’50, of Rye, N.Y.; Sept. 10. He is survived by his wife Rosa.


Jun, 2020

Gifford Grimm ’50, of Little Silver, N.J.; Jan. 16. He received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1954 and completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology in 1958, followed by service in the U.S. Army. He served at Ft. Bragg as a general surgeon, delivering more than 5,000 babies. In 1960 he was deployed as a MASH surgeon, attending to casualties in the aftermath of multiple earthquakes in Chile. After his discharge, he moved to New Jersey and joined Monmouth County Associates, where he was an ob-gyn for more than 53 years. He retired in 2013. He was a Mason for 65 years and a member of Tower Hill Presbyterian Church for 70 years. He volunteered to make and distribute meals for the homeless and regularly attended Bible Studies class. He and his wife enjoyed driving their Icelandic ponies at exhibitions with the Garden State Horse and Carriage Society. He also enjoyed sailing and was a member of the U.S. Power Squadron and the Shrewsbury Navigators Club. He sailed his own sailboat from New Jersey to Bermuda. He is survived by four children and their spouses, seven grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.


Jun, 2020

Jean Steinbright Atherton ’50, of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.; Dec. 12. She was a homemaker and enjoyed playing bridge and golf and traveling to all seven continents. She is survived by three children, four granddaughters, and a great-grandson.


Apr, 2020

Richard H. Moody ’50, of Andover, Mass.; Nov. 11. As an entrepreneur, he built textile, computer hardware, and rubber recycling facilities. In later years he worked with his wife in real estate for 19 years. He enjoyed all Andover had to offer and his mountain retreat in Rangeley, Me. During World War II he served in the U.S. Merchant Marines. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; five children, including Meredith Moody ’77, Heather Moody ’78, Janice Moody Holden ’83, and Richard ’81; 12 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Harvey Lapides ’50, of Barrington, R.I.; Nov. 23. He was the cofounder of Harvey Ltd., a men’s haberdashery in Providence, for more than 50 years. He enjoyed sports, family, and friends. He is survived by three children and their spouses, six grandchildren, three brothers, and nieces and nephews, including Beth Lapides ’78 and Michael Lapides ’91.


Apr, 2020

Donald W. Harrison ’50, of Fairfield, Conn.; Mar. 4, 2019. He was the former president and owner of Connecticut Distributors, Inc., of Stratford, Conn., from 1960 until he sold the company in 1986. He served on the board of Lafayette Bank and Trust for 27 years and was a recipient of the Man of the Year award from the Connecticut State Package Store Assoc. He was an accomplished songwriter and advertising jingle writer and a member of the men’s singing group The Hoot Owls. He is survived by a daughter and a son.


Apr, 2020

Robert W. Finlay ’50, of Akron, Ohio; Nov. 7. He had a 39-year career at Goodyear, which moved him throughout the U.S. with his family until settling in Akron, where he became the marketing manager for auto tires for the U.S. He enjoyed yearly family vacations to Cape Cod, the Cayman Islands, and Sanibel Island. He was a U.S. Army World War II veteran. He is survived by his wife, Georgine; two sons and their spouses, including Brad ’76; eight grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren.

Apr, 2020

Nathan S. Ellis III ’50, of Falmouth, Mass., and Mocksville, N.C.; Oct. 18, after a brief illness. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps and the National Guard and graduating from Brown, he worked   for the Massachusetts Department of Public Works as commissioner for the city of New Bedford from 1950 to 1956 and then as water superintendent from 1956 to 1963. From 1963 to 1983 he worked for the Department of Public Works for the city of Falmouth. He later worked as a manager of the Mashpee Water District and retired in 1998 as a disaster assistant engineer for FEMA. He served as a director and president of the Barnstable County Agricultural Society and a director of Oak Grove Cemetery, was a 70-year member of Falmouth Rod & Gun Club, and was a Mason and a Shriner. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, gardening, and camping. He is survived by his wife, Vivian; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; a stepson; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Susanne Day ’50, of Westerly, R.I.; Oct. 27, after a brief illness. She had a long career working as a sales executive for Trans World Airlines. In retirement, she enjoyed gardening and traveling. She is survived by a sister, a sister-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.


Jan, 2020

Jane Whiting Wiley ’50, of Edgartown, Mass., formerly of Toms River, N.J.; Sept. 18. She was a registered nurse and served in the U.S. Naval Reserves during World War II. Her active service was at Portsmouth Naval Hospital (Va.) and the U.S. Naval Hospital (Va.) as a ward supervisor. She was honorably discharged and attended Pembroke. She raised dogs and horses, was a 4-H leader, played piano and tennis, and enjoyed gardening, needlework, knitting, and hooking rugs. She was also an avid reader and enjoyed genealogical research—she was proud of her Mayflower heritage. She is survived by a daughter; three sons and their spouses, including Thomas ’79; eight grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a brother-in-law; and nieces and nephews.


Jan, 2020

Herbert R. Wieboldt ’50, of Yarmouth Port, Mass., formerly of Chatham, N.J.; July 4. He worked at Howard Savings Bank before joining New Jersey Bell Telephone, where he was a manager in the Plainfield and Newark offices. At Brown he was a member of the men’s soccer team. His college years were interrupted twice with service in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War. He was a longtime Little League coach and volunteer for town events. He enjoyed playing paddle tennis and golf. In 1991 he moved to Dennis, Mass., and was active at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Orleans, Mass. In 2015, he moved to Yarmouth Port. He is survived by a daughter and son and their spouses, five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and a sister.


Jan, 2020

Norman T. Pincince ’50, of Wilbraham, Mass.; Sept. 5. He worked locally as a tool maker prior to founding Norpin Manufacturing in Wilbraham, which is still in operation today. At the age of 64 he earned his private pilot’s license, hangared a plane at Westfield Airport, and for 20 years enjoyed flying throughout the Pioneer Valley. He was a World War II U.S. Coast Guard veteran and enjoyed square dancing and skiing. He is survived by three children and their spouses, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


Jan, 2020

G. Fred Pelham III ’50, of Amesbury, Mass.; July 27. Early in his career he was a marketing executive in the airline industry. Later, he started his own business selling and installing security systems. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War and earned both a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He continued to serve in the Reserves for 30 years and retired with the rank of colonel. He was a long-standing member of Rotary International and the Pleasantville Volunteer Fire Department, for which he served many years on the Board of Fire Commissioners. He was also an accomplished watercolor artist. He enjoyed scuba diving, traveling, flying a single-engine Cessna 140, solo whitewater canoeing, and he made more than 100 parachute jumps. He is survived by his wife, Christine; three daughters, including Stephanie Hickey ’89 and Heather Pelham-Milke ’91; five grandchildren; and a sister.


Jan, 2020

Melvin J. Jacobson ’50, of Sarasota, Fla.; Oct. 4. He was a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a visiting professor at the University of Miami. He was also a principal investigator for the Office of Naval Research, NASA, and the U.S. Army Atmospheric Science Lab. He was a fellow in the Acoustical Society of America and enjoyed classical music, fishing, and hockey. He is survived by his wife, Gertrude; daughter Deborah Jacobson Karczewski ’77; a son; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; a stepson; three step-grandchildren; sister Libby Jacobson Greenberg ’51; brother-in-law Ernest Greenberg ’48; and nephew Mark Greenberg ’76, ’79 MD.


Jan, 2020

Roger B. Gaioni ’50, of St. Louis, Mo.; Apr. 11. He was an actuary and vice president at the Equitable Life Assurance Co. He was a World War II U.S. Army Air Corps veteran and he is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; six children, including  Stephen ’71, John ’72, and Peter ’87; 11 grandchildren, including Elijah Gaioni ’99; and 12 great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Ronald S. Wilson ’50, of Canton, Mass., formerly of Naples and Sarasota, Fla.; Aug. 9. He is survived by his wife, Dolores; a daughter; son David ’77; three grandchildren, including Victoria W. Wilson ’14, ’15 MAT; and a great-grandson.


Nov, 2019

Arnold F. Waring Jr. ’50, of Dixon, Ill., formerly of New London, Conn.; July 16. For a brief time he was a volunteer fireman in New London. He joined the U.S. Naval Reserves but was later drafted into the U.S. Army. He worked as a safety engineer with the former USF Insurance Company in Hartford, Conn. and was transferred to Dixon in 1962. He was an active member of the Presbyterian church in Dixon and served in many leadership roles. He was involved in Habitat for Humanity in Dixon after his retirement. He enjoyed playing the saxophone and piano, singing, painting, camping, blacksmithing, carving, and developing his own photographs. He is survived by two daughters, four grandsons, a brother, and several nieces and nephews.


Nov, 2019

Jonathan S. Tobey ’50, of Brattleboro, Vt.; June 22. He was an assistant professor of marketing and farm management for five years at Cornell University. He went on to work as vice president and technical director at Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City from 1965 to 1976. He retired in 1976 and moved to Townshend, Vt., where he enjoyed teaching cross-country skiing, helping with Grace Cottage Hospital fair days and running the Townshend Corner Store for two years. He moved to Brattleboro in 1994. Athletics remained important throughout his lifetime and he set national age group records in the Green Mountain Senior Games and the U.S. Senior Olympics. In 1994 he received the Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Award and at age 90 was inducted into the Barrington High School Athletic Hall of Fame. He enjoyed volunteering at local sporting events, helping with the ski lift at Memorial Park, and took pride in setting the drag for the Guilford Hounds fox hunts for many years. He also enjoyed painting, woodworking, maple sugaring, fishing, kayaking, and growing giant pumpkins for the county fair. He is survived by a daughter, a son, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

William F. Smith ’50, of Providence; June 2. He was president of the Providence Washington Insurance Company. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army Air Forces and while at Brown was a member of the football team. He enjoyed the outdoors and skied, fished, and played tennis and golf. He is survived by his wife, Alta, as well as four children, five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Nancy Thornton Rey ’50, of Westerly, R.I., formerly of Windsor Locks, Conn.; May 21. She was an active member of Central Baptist Church in Hartford, Conn., where she was a Sunday school teacher and choir member. She was also a member of the Connecticut Horticultural Society and enjoyed gardening, quilting, basket weaving, and traveling. She is survived by four children and their spouses, nine grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, a sister, and several nieces and nephews.


Nov, 2019

Oliver L. Patrell ’50, of Bethel, Conn., formerly of Old Lyme, Conn. and St. Petersburg, Fla.; June 10. He worked at Aetna Insurance Company for 33 years, retiring as vice president. He then went on to serve as CEO of Empire Mutual of New York and Colonial Penn Insurance. In addition to serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he attended Officer Candidate School and served in the U.S. Coast Guard during the Korean War. He remained in the Coast Guard Reserves until 1987, rising to the rank of Commander. He was a member of the Knights of Malta and president of his Brown class. He was a former member of the Brown swim team and endowed a coaching chair to support Brown’s swim program. He also was past president of the Boys and Girls Club of Hartford, Conn. He was elected to the town of Old Lyme’s Finance Board and was on the board of Easter Seals and Fairfield University School of Business. He enjoyed playing golf and baking (his family had owned Patrell’s Bakery in Springfield). He is survived by five children and their spouses, 13 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Anna Hotaling Parrott ’50, of Delmar, N.Y.; July 7. She worked at Delmar Public Library, Harmanus Bleecker Library, and the Upper Hudson Library System. She served as adult services consultant at Upper Hudson Library System and retired with the title of director. She enjoyed reading, playing bridge, and going out to eat with friends and family. She is survived by three sons, two daughters-in-law, six grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, a sister, and brother-in-law.


Nov, 2019

Haven H. Newton ’50, of Hillsborough, N.H.; May 21. After serving in the U.S. Army, he worked in Washington D.C. and earned his master’s degree in industrial and labor relations at George Washington University. He joined Fieldcrest Mills in 1957 and retired as corporate vice president for industrial relations in 1985. In retirement he built a boat, hiked, and traveled cross country and around the world. He also enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by his companion, Ann Ford; three children; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and a brother.


Nov, 2019

Robert A. Moyer ’50, of South Windsor, Conn.; July 23. He was employed with Hope Webbing Company and Travelers Insurance Company. He retired from Travelers as chief underwriter for life, health, and financial services in 1987. During World War II he served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was an avid runner and completed his first marathon at age 58. He is survived by two sons and their spouses, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, a sister, a sister-in-law, and a brother-in-law.


Nov, 2019

Viola Lenk Leonard ’50, of Ledyard, Conn.; June 8. After graduating with a degree in biology, she worked first for Boston Children’s Hospital and then for Connecticut College. Over the years she took many camping and canoe trips and later became a certified Master Gardener. She worked at Ledyard Public Library for 15 years and volunteered with the Ledyard Public Health Nursing Service. She was a member of the Handweaver’s Guild of Connecticut and enjoyed traveling and singing with the Sweet Adelines in the 1980s and with the Bell Choir and Senior Choir at Ledyard Congregational Church. She is survived by three daughters, including Catherine Leonard ’76 and Sarah Leonard ’85; a son; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Stanley S. Gans ’50, of Chevy Chase, Md.; June 10. He was an employee of Ourisman Honda in Bethesda and received awards for being salesman of the year. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and is survived by his wife, Mary; four children; and a nephew.


Nov, 2019

Selna Konovsky Deitch ’50, of Providence; June 7. She went on to earn her masters in social work from Boston University and for the following 30 years was a special education social worker for the Providence School Department. She enjoyed reading, belonging to book clubs, and traveling. She is survived by a daughter, a son, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and four grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Phyllis Towne Cook ’50, of Yarmouth, Me.; May 10. She was an accomplished chorister and sang with the Handel and Haydn Society, the Providence Singers, and church and civic choirs wherever she lived. She was a loyal attendee of the Bethlehem Bach Festival in Pennsylvania and was a member of the Bach Choir of Bethlehem. She was also a master seamstress, and enjoyed gardening, entertaining, and traveling. She is survived by five children, including Allison Cook Keith ’76 and Susan Cook ’88; 10 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Donald R. Colo ’50, of Scottsdale, Ariz.; June 23. After serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II he enrolled at Brown and picked up a football for the first time. Subsequently, he played nine seasons in the National Football League and was inducted into the Cleveland Browns Ring of Honor. While in the NFL, he played defensive tackle for the Baltimore Colts, New York Yanks, Dallas Texans, and for five years with the Cleveland Browns. He is survived by his wife, Prudence.


Nov, 2019

Florence O’Meara Baer ’50, of Clermont, Fla., formerly of Huntington, Conn.; Aug. 17. After raising a family, she worked as a computer operator at the Trumbull Times. She was active at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and the Valley Squares dance club in Connecticut. Upon retirement, she and her husband moved to Florida and became active in Morrison Methodist Church. She is survived by three daughters, including Joyce Smith ’73; a son; a daughter-in-law; three sons-in-law; nine grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Joseph E. Baclawski ’50, of Amherst, N.H., formerly of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Nov. 17, 2018. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and because he was fluent in English, Polish, and Russian, performed missions with Army Intelligence. After graduating from Brown, he married and lived in Fort Wayne, where he worked for General Electric as an engineer and manufacturing manager and earned seven U.S. patents. He took on international assignments for G.E., traveling to the Soviet Union and living in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for three years. He completed his career working at MIT, where he was responsible for coordinating research, engineering, and business for the president of the University.


Sep, 2019

Henry P. Reynolds Jr. ’50, of Duxbury, Mass.; Apr. 14. After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, he attended Brown and studied mechanical engineering. He had a long career with U.S. Rubber/Uniroyal. In retirement, he was active in the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Woodbridge, Conn., where he served as commander and later was a board member and chaplain for the Duxbury Post 223 American Legion. He enjoyed speedboat racing, skiing, sailing, yoga, bowling, tennis, gardening, and mountain climbing. In addition, he bicycled many Pan Mass Challenge Sturbridge to Provincetown rides and enjoyed a 23-mile ride with his family through Duxbury on his 90th birthday. He is survived by two daughters, including Anne Ward ’82; two sons; a daughter-in-law; two sons-in-law; 10 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and a sister.


Sep, 2019

William C. Munroe Jr. ’50, of Lincoln, Mass.; Apr. 22. He was an attorney and a retired lieutenant of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Mary; two daughters; a daughter-in-law; seven grandchildren; and a sister.


Sep, 2019

Robert F. King ’50, of Buffalo, N.Y.; May 10. He was a sales executive in the food industry. After retiring, he was the equipment manager for the Canisius College basketball team. He is survived by four children and their spouses, four grandchildren, and a sister.


Sep, 2019

John A. Dillingham ’50, of Southwick, Mass., formerly of Westfield, Mass.; May 12, after battling Parkinson’s disease. He was employed by Old Colony Envelope Co. from 1950 to 1987 as auditor and treasurer and later was vice president and controller of Hammermill Paper Co., now International Paper. He also worked for Healy-Pease Funeral Home as business manager in the Westfield and Northampton locations. He served on many committees and was a former treasurer of the YMCA of Greater Westfield, former treasurer and trustee for Westhills Home Health Care, treasurer of Pine Hill Cemetery, trustee of Westfield Athenaeum and Westfield Academy, and a member of the Westfield Historical Society. He was an active member of First Congregational Church of Westfield, where he served as a deacon and past chairman of invested funds. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and both the Naval and Coast Guard Reserves. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; four children; a stepson; and eight grandchildren.


Sep, 2019

Anne Lord Arnold ’50, of East Marion, N.Y.; Apr. 8. She served in the Canadian Women’s Army Corps until she was old enough to transfer to the U.S. WAVES, then entered Brown after being discharged. After graduation, she accepted a position with American Metal Co., followed by the Creole Petroleum Co. in New York City, working as a librarian/cataloger. In 1964 she began working as a school librarian at Greenport School and retired in 1986. She enjoyed collecting giraffes from around the world. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, three grandchildren, a great-grandson, and a sister.


Jul, 2019

Luciano A. Zompa ’50, of Ventnor, N.J.; Feb. 12. He was a salesperson for Sun Ray Drugs, he delivered Coca-Cola, and he was a Prudential Insurance agent before owning and operating the Providence Hotel on Georgia Avenue in Atlantic City, N.J. In retirement he worked part-time as a clerk at area race tracks. He served in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II. He is survived by his wife, Rose; four children; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and two sisters.


Jul, 2019

Margot Mendes Oppenheimer ’50, of Scarsdale, N.Y.; Jan. 19. She was an interior designer for many years and active in her community. She served on the boards of the Cotswold Assoc. and the Greenburgh Nature Center. She enjoyed cooking, traveling, and playing tennis and golf. She is survived by a daughter; a son, Peter ’79; daughter-in-law Suzanne Dunn Oppenheimer ’80, ’91 PhD; three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Henry A. Niven ’50, of Tucson; Apr. 3. After graduating, he went to India to train for work in the precious stone business. Following four years of worldwide travel, he made an industry change to the office furniture business in Washington, D.C., eventually becoming the president and CEO of Commercial Office Furniture Company in Lanham, Md. He retired in 1987. He later was a certified financial planner with American Express and retired for a second time in 2016. He was a U.S. Navy World War II veteran, vice president of the Brown Club of Washington, and vice president of the Washington Home for Foundlings. He enjoyed jazz music, collecting jazz records, and playing the saxophone. He is survived by three daughters; a son; a daughter-in-law; two sons-in-law; and five grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Berton McCarroll ’50, of Glen Ellyn, Ill.; Mar. 30. He worked for Brown & Sharpe Mfg., Fram Corp., and Facet Enterprises, where he was vice president. He is survived by two daughters and their spouses; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Barbara Adler Katzander ’50, of New York City; Mar. 8, of cancer. She worked at the New York Times as a staff writer until leaving to raise a family. She resumed her journalism career as editor and publisher of International Art Market and as owner of White House Press printing. She supported students enrolled at The Juilliard School and musicians at Young Concert Artists. She was devoted to the Young People’s Chorus of New York City, which honored her with the Humanitarian Award in 2012. She is survived by three children and four grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

George A. Davis ’50, of Sarasota, Fla., formerly of New York City; Mar. 16. After serving in the U.S. Army, he began a marketing career in the cosmetics industry working for Revlon, Givenchy, and Vitabath. He later had a second career assigned to special projects at the New York law firm of Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler. In 2004 he moved to Glenridge on Palmer Ranch in Sarasota and became a member of the Glenridge Singers and president of the Advisory Council. He also chaired the Art and Décor Committee, where some of his own needlework pieces were displayed. He enjoyed the theater, the ballet, and music. He is survived by a cousin.


Jul, 2019

Stephen F. Burke ’50, of Exeter, N.H.; Jan. 20. He had a long and varied career in insurance and financial planning with an office in Boston and also in Portland, Me. He was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran and enjoyed traveling and playing golf and tennis. He is survived by his wife, Lucy; two sons; and five grandchildren.


May, 2019

Harry S. Westcott ’50, of Needham, Mass.; Dec. 31. He was a retired Rhode Island teacher and principal and had served as president of the Rhode Island Education Assoc. Later in his career he served as superintendent of school districts in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He was a U.S. Army World War II veteran and recipient of the Bronze Star and French Legion d’Honneur. He traveled extensively and enjoyed studying people and their environment. He is survived by his wife, Gerd; four children; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

May, 2019

Howard K. Page ’50, of Eden Prairie, Minn.; Nov. 5. He worked for the Ford Motor Company in Detroit before, in 1972, moving his family and business to Dassel, Minn., where he lived until the 1980s. He was an entrepreneur with a passion for business; he founded Crest Electronics, founded and operated Greenwood Enterprises, and founded the Old Depot Railroad Museum in Dassel. He was a member of Toastmasters, the Dassel History Center and a Masonic Lodge member. He is survived by three daughters and their spouses, eight grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. 

May, 2019

Laurence N. Gross ’50, of Atlanta; Jan. 16. He spent 10 years in the advertising field in New York City before joining his father-in-law’s dress manufacturing business. After taking over the business and running it for a little less than two years, he closed his father-in-law’s company and opened a company under his name. In 1975 he founded UltraSport, Ltd., producing a line of women’s and men’s tennis apparel that included velour warm-up suits. He enjoyed playing squash and tennis and spending time with family. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn; five children, including daughter Jennifer Gross ’89; and 11 grandchildren.

May, 2019

Arthur D. Foster ’50, of Foxfield, Colo.; Dec. 18. He served in the U.S. Air Force and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal for his service before returning home to join the family business, Manifold Supply Co. in Brooklyn, N.Y. Once the company sold, he and his family moved to Colorado. He was active in the Lions Club of Denver, where he took on a leadership role as head of the board of Savio House, a nonprofit dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of children and families. In 1997 he was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from Savio House. He was also an active supporter and advocate for The American Cancer Society, the American Heart Assoc., and the Colorado Ballet. He enjoyed flying as a private pilot, playing golf, and rooting for the Broncos. He is survived by three children, eight grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.

May, 2019

Robert C. Dunham ’50, of Denver; Nov. 12. He owned and operated his own construction and remodeling business for more than 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Sandra; three sons; a stepson; 11 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; sister Susan Dunham Coffey ’63; and nephew Timothy Dunham ’86.

May, 2019

Edward Dewey ’50, of Victoria, N.C.; Dec. 11, after a short illness. He had a career managing manufacturing businesses in several locations around the U.S. and in England, including five years at LeBlond in Mariemont, Ohio. He was a U.S. Navy Korean War veteran. During his time at Brown he played baseball, football, and ice hockey. He enjoyed fishing, played hockey into his 50s, and golfed into his 80s. He played at all of the British Open venues during his years in the U.K. and was Club Champion at Hyde Park Country Club in Cincinnati in the early 70s. He is survived by his wife, Claire; three children and their spouses; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and brother Richard ’51.

Mar, 2019

Lea Guyer Gordon ’50, of Litchfield, Conn.; Sept. 19. She was employed for more than 30 years as a researcher, reporter, and editor at Newsweek and Time magazines and Time Life Books. She later worked at Meriwether Press and Macmillan Publishers as a nonfiction editor and then as a senior freelance editor at Reader’s Digest. In retirement, after taking courses in appraising antiques and decorative arts, she began working as a self-employed fine arts appraiser and became a member of the Appraisers Association of America.


Mar, 2019

Peter G. Fradley ’50, of New Paltz, N.Y., formerly of Westport, Mass., and Barrington, R.I.; Oct. 23, after a short illness. He was a retired editorial writer for the Providence Journal specializing in civil rights, health, and education. He also wrote an outdoor column for the ProJo’s Sunday Leisure magazine. In 1982 he was the first prize recipient for editorial writing awarded by the New England Associated Press News Executives Assoc. While at Brown, he wrote for the Brown Daily Herald and was a member of Phi Delta Theta. From 1976 to 1980 he was a member of the BAM board of editors. A veteran of the U.S. Army, he is survived by his wife, Joan; two daughters; son Kenneth ’76; two grandchildren; and a great-grandson.

Mar, 2019

Clifford J. Colville Jr. ’50, of Scarborough, Me.; Nov. 21. He worked briefly in banking, then was hired in 1952 as director of admissions for Nasson College in Springvale, Me. He held that position for 12 years and as a side business opened an Arthur Murray Dance studio. In the mid-1960s he changed careers and worked as a financial consultant and stockbroker with Clayton Securities of Portland. He retired in 1996. A longtime member of the North Parish Congregational Church in Sanford, he sang in the choir for 40 years and served as a deacon, a trustee, and on several church committees. He was past president of the Sanford Rotary and the Sanford-Springvale YMCA. He is survived by a son, two grandchildren, and a brother.


Jan, 2019

John K. Stepita ’50, of Marston Mills, Mass.; formerly of Bedford, N.Y.; Oct. 4. He was an administrator at the former Dorr-Oliver Company in Stamford, Conn. He retired to Massachusetts in 1991. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and is survived by three children and their spouses and two grandsons.


Jan, 2019

Glenn W. Rickenbacher ’50 of Bigfork, Mont.; June 17. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, then attended Brown, where he ran varsity cross-country. After graduating, he worked as a real estate agent and then was an account manager at Del Monte Foods before retiring. He enjoyed skiing, hiking, playing golf, and camping. He is survived by his wife, Alene; 11 children; 27 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; a sister and a brother.


Jan, 2019

William J. Osborn ’50, of Atkinson, N.H.; Aug. 1. He was a psychologist and director of mental health clinics in Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. He later opened a private practice in Hampden, Mass.,  and with the assistance of his wife, established the Osborn Mental Health Clinic in West Springfield, Mass., and then in Agawam, Mass. The Osborn Day School for special needs students developed in association with the Osborn Mental Health Clinic. During that time, he wrote an advice column in the local town newspaper. After retiring and moving to Florida, he received his Florida psychologist’s license and joined the Englewood Mental Health Clinic, where he practiced as a family counselor. He enjoyed writing and was director of the Florida Suncoast Writers Guild. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and is survived by his wife, Salley MacArtney Osborn ’52; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; five grandchildren; and two great-granddaughters.


Jan, 2019

Joseph P. Marancik ’50, of Casper, Wyo., formerly of Hamilton, N.Y.; Oct. 3. He was a retired engineer. He worked for a variety of companies designing mechanical systems. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy as a pilot. He enjoyed both Alpine and Nordic skiing into his 80s, mountain biking, tennis, fly-fishing, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Margaret; a daughter; two sons; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a brother.


Jan, 2019

Peter H. John ’50, of Cranston, R.I.; July 27. He received a Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City and attended the Harvard Divinity School. He was the former interim pastor of the Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church in Providence. He served in churches in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Mexico. Following retirement from active ministry, he was the obituary editor at the Providence Journal for 10 years. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and member of the North American Paul Tillich Society. He is survived by his wife, Rosemarie; a daughter; a son-in-law; and three grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Henry J. Arnold ’50, of Glen Ridge, N.J.; Aug. 28. After serving as an officer in the U.S. Navy, he joined New Jersey Bell (now Verizon) and worked as an executive in the telecommunications industry for 36 years. Active in community affairs, Henry was honored with the Episcopal Diocesan Hegg Lifetime Achievement Award for service to his church and diocese. He was also an active volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America, Mobile Meals, the American Red Cross, and library organizations. He enjoyed sailing, reading, and spending time with his family. He was the son of the late Dr. Samuel T. Arnold ’13, ’14 AM, ’16 PhD, first provost of Brown, having served as professor and dean of the University. He is survived by his wife, Priscilla; three sons and a daughter and their spouses; and four grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

Frances Trambowicz Sarnecki ’50, of Tariffville, Conn.; July 14. She was a nurse who worked from 1964 to 1984 at Saint Francis Hospital Medical Center in Hartford, Conn. In retirement she volunteered with the North Central Area Agency on Aging in Hartford, was a member of the Simsbury Aging and Disability Commission (Conn.), served two years as president of the Farmington Valley Chapter of AARP (Conn.), and was president of the Seniors of Simsbury for two years, president of the Saint Francis Retirees Club, and six times president of the Simsbury Grange. In 1991 she received the Simsbury Hometown Heroes award. She is survived by two sons, a daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, and two nieces.


Nov, 2018

R. Wendell Phillips Jr. ’50, of New London, N.H.; June 25. He was an architect for Kent, Cruise & Associates in Providence and Boston before starting his own business, R. Wendell Phillips & Associates. He retired in 2017 at the age of 90. He was a volunteer with the New London Historical Society and the Boy Scouts of America. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; three children and their spouses; and five grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

Theodore R. Crane ’50, of Boulder, Colo.; May 8. He was professor emeritus of history at the Univ. of Denver. Before joining the Univ. of Denver faculty, he taught at Dartmouth College and Duke Univ. His published works included The Dimensions of American Education and Francis Wayland: Political Economist as Educator. He was active with the American Historical Society and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He enjoyed hiking, Shakespeare, and classical music.


Sep, 2018

Charles A. Pleasance ’53 AM (see ’50).


Sep, 2018

John R. Welchli ’50, of Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Mar. 23. He was vice president and treasurer of Securities Counsel Inc. in Jackson, Mich., and owner of Investment Counsel Inc. in Grosse Pointe. At Brown he was a swimmer, ran track for four years, and captained the cross-country team. He began rowing after an accident and became a member of the U.S. team that took a silver medal in the four-man crew at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia. He was involved in U.S. National and Canadian Henley National championships in sculling and sweep rowing and for many years held the national record in the lightweight single and double. In 1979 he was inducted into the Brown Athletic Hall of Fame. In recent years he rowed in the veterans categories at Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston. He is survived by his wife, Lynn; two sons; a grandson; and a brother.

Sep, 2018

Charles H. Stephens ’50, of Easton, Md.; Mar. 3. He had a U.S. Navy military career and moved all over the world. In retirement while living in Easton, he was active in volunteer work.  


Sep, 2018

Fredi Kovitch Solod ’50, of Warwick and Providence, R.I., formerly of Morristown, Tenn.; Mar. 26, of complications of Alzheimer’s. She was a published short story writer and essayist and for years wrote a weekly column for the Citizen-Tribune newspaper in Morristown. Her columns were later collected in a book entitled Is Anyone Listening? While in Providence, she worked in Brown’s Office of Development as a proposal writer and retired as director of publications. She acted with the Morristown Theatre Guild, was outspoken for women’s rights, and volunteered for the League of Women Voters and the American Red Cross. She was a lifetime member of Hadassah and a member of the National Council of Jewish Women. She was also a member of the board of Friends of Trinity and the Friends of the Rhode Island Philharmonic. She enjoyed traveling the world and doing photography work. She is survived by three daughters, including Lisa Solod ’78, and their spouses; four grandchildren; and two sisters, including Seena Kovitch Dittelman ’51.


Sep, 2018

Charles A. Pleasance ’50, ’53 AM, of Greenville, Del.; Mar. 18. He was a retired manager of Wescom Inc. in Downers Grove, Ill. During his long career in the telephone industry, he had an interest in the history of the independent telephone industry and self-published a book on the subject in 1989, The Spirit of Independent Telephony. He was a member of the Independent Telephone Pioneer Assoc. He is survived by three daughters and their spouses, five grandchildren, a great-grandson, and a sister.


Sep, 2018

Henry W. McGreen ’50, of Narragansett, R.I.; Mar. 17. After serving in the U.S. Army for two years, he joined the U.S. Rubber Co. in Providence and worked in its human resource department. He later worked as a trust officer for Industrial National Bank and then was co-owner of Haxton’s Tollgate Liquors Inc. in Warwick, R.I., where he worked for 50 years before retiring in 2005. He was past president and board member of the Rhode Island Amateur Hockey Assoc. and a member of the Cranston (R.I.) Advisory Committee on Parks and Recreation. He enjoyed playing golf and is survived by his wife, Florence; nine children; 19 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Joseph J. Magsamen ’50, of East Providence, R.I.; Apr. 28. He was a self-employed insurance consultant who founded New England Insurance Assoc. in 1958, and Surplus Lines Inc. in East Providence in 1978. He enjoyed playing golf and belonged to country clubs in Rhode Island and Florida. He is survived by a niece.


Sep, 2018

Angelyn Rocchio Kiernan ’50, of East Greenwich, R.I.; May 1. She worked for the State of Rhode Island before starting a family. She enjoyed traveling, reading, and power-walking. She is survived by two daughters; two sons; two daughters-in-law; two sons-in-law; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; sisters Madelyn Rocchio Dee ’50 and Elena Rocchio ’52; longtime companion Vincent Cullen; and many nieces and nephews, including Laurel Rocchio ’78 and Nancy Dee ’82.


Sep, 2018

Ronald A. Kelly ’50, of New Canaan, Conn.; May 9. He was the owner of the Ford dealership Stamford Motors Inc. in Stamford, Conn., and he also owned a Nissan franchise in Stamford. He enjoyed playing golf and is survived by his wife, Linda, and a son.


Sep, 2018

Dean F. Clement ’50, of Santa Barbara, Calif.; Mar. 6. He worked for RCA and later was president of Gilbert Marking Systems in Los Angeles. In retirement he traded stocks, researched investment opportunities, and managed retirement accounts. He enjoyed reading, Big Band music, the symphony, and theater. He donated to numerous charities. He is survived by his wife, Renee.


Sep, 2018

George Chizinsky ’50, of Beverly, Mass.; Apr. 22, after a long illness. He was an inventor, entrepreneur, and businessman who traveled the world for his work. He had worked as an engineer at Solid State Products in Salem, Mass. and KEV Electronics Corp. in Wilmington, Mass., and was a senior staff engineer at Fairchild Corp. in South Portland, Me. He also managed sales and marketing for the Tylan Corp. in Peabody, Mass. and the Eaton Corp. in Danvers, Mass., and was senior vice president of marketing for Aera Corp. in Beverly. He had several patents registered with the U.S. Patent Office. He was a member of the American Chemical Society and Sigma Xi. He enjoyed walks on the beach and sailing. He is survived by his wife, Joyce; a daughter, and a granddaughter.

Sep, 2018

Theodore Brown ’50, of Jackson, N.H.; Mar. 11. He was a retired vice president of Amica Mutual Insurance Company. He hiked several trails in New Hampshire and was active with the New Hampshire Outdoor council. He is survived by three children, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Bruce B. Chick ’50, ’53 ScM, of Rumford, R.I., and West Dennis, Mass.; Mar. 9 of cancer.While working towards his master’s degree at Brown, he worked in the metals research laboratory and was appointed assistant director of the lab in 1953. This led to a career in ultrasonic testing and the formation of two companies; Matec Inc., where he was president until it was sold in 1983, and RITEC Inc. in Warwick, R.I., where he was chairman. He wrote or cowrote numerous papers related to the specialized field of ultrasonic measurements and was coauthor of the text book Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics. He held two patents for ultrasonic instruments. While at Brown as an undergrad, he was an announcer for WBRU for four years and after graduating became a faculty advisor and later served as president of the advisory board until 1983. He was a member of many organizations, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the American Society of Nondestructive Testing, The East Providence Historical Society, the East Providence Development Commission, and Sigma Xi. In 2015 he and his wife were elected copresidents of the Brown Class of 1950. Additionally, he was a senior warden at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels in Rumford. He is survived by his wife, Caroline Decatur Chick ’50; daughters Deborah Chick Burke ’77 and Nancy Chick Hyde ’80; and six grandchildren, including Nathan Hyde ’17 and Sara Hyde ’17.

Jul, 2018

Bennett Patrick ’50, of Queensbury, N.Y.; Jan. 1. He purchased a small wholesale tobacco company that he ran until the early 1990s, subsequently founding and running Patrick’s Food Service, which was a food and vending service in Glens Falls, N.Y., until it was sold in 1995. He was an avid skier, tennis player, bicycle rider, rower, and racquetball player. He skied until he was 84 years old. He also enjoyed traveling, especially to Europe and Israel. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and is survived by a daughter, a son, four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren; and two brothers.


May, 2018

Oscar K. Swanson ’50, of North Smithfield, R.I., formerly of Glocester, R.I.; Dec. 23. He worked at the family owned Swanson-Gay Lumber Company in Cranston, R.I.; was a state purchasing agent for several years; and from 1971 to 1988 was a nursing home administrator at Scalabrini Villa and St. Elizabeth Home, both in Rhode Island. A U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, he was a past president of the Glocester Town Council and member of the Glocester School Committee. He is survived by two daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, four granddaughters, and a great-grandson.


May, 2018

Rodman C. Scheffer ’50, of Plymouth, N.H.; Dec. 21. He taught and coached at Northfield Mount Hermon School (Mass.) for 10 years. In 1964 he joined the Tilton (N.H.) School, where he was a teacher, coach, and academic adviser. At Brown he was an All–New England  and All-American soccer goalie and was invited to the 1948 Olympic trials. In 2015 he was inducted into the Tilton School Athletic Hall of Fame and had earlier been inducted into both the Brown and Northfield Mount Hermon Athletic Halls of Fame. A U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, he is survived by three sons, their spouses, and two grandchildren.


Apr, 2018

John F. Dator ’50, of Somerset, Mass.; Dec. 6. He was the owner of J.F. Dator Real Estate in Fall River, Mass.. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was president of the Mass. Assoc. of Realtors, past president of the Fall River (Mass.) Boys & Girls Club, trustee of Truesdale Hospital, treasurer of Citizens for Citizens, and a volunteer case reviewer for the Mass. Department of Social Services. He was an Outstanding Citizen of the Year and a Massachusetts Realtor of the Year and earned the Peter B. Sabra Humanitarian Award and the Boys & Girls Club Volunteer of the Year award. He is survived by his companion, Susan Sirois; two daughters; a son; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and two great-granddaughters.

Apr, 2018

James E. Driscoll Jr. ’50, of Shrewsbury, Mass.; Dec. 5, after an injury. He started JDA Management Services, where he performed studies of a company’s overall operations and worked around the country for many years. He was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran and a member of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers, and the Institute of Management Consultants. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; a daughter; a son; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2018

Wardwell C. Leonard Jr. ’50, of Ledyard, Conn.; Dec. 8. He was a quality control chemist for 45 years at Pfizer in Groton, Conn., retiring in 1996. He was a catcher for the Pfizer softball team and a tuba player in the Pfizer band. A U.S. Army Air Forces veteran, he was a member of the American Chemical Society, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the Rhode Island Genealogical Society, and Ledyard Congregational Church. He enjoyed gardening, kayaking, bird-watching, camping, baking, and the opera. He is survived by his wife, Viola Lenk Leonard ’50; three daughters, including Catherine Leonard ’76 and Sarah Leonard ’85; a son; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Paula Fineman Gorobzov ’50, of Windsor, Conn.; Sept. 1. She was a homemaker who also worked for 20 years in retail sales at Lord & Taylor in West Hartford. She was an avid reader and enjoyed needlepoint, playing bridge, and traveling. She is survived by her husband, Seymour; a daughter and her husband; a son and his fiancée; and three grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Donald W. Jillson ’50, of Bowie, Md., formerly of Hackensack, N.J.; Sept. 23. He was a Bergen County (N. J.) probation officer for 35 years and served for more than 50 years at First Baptist Church as a deacon, usher, Sunday School superintendent, and teacher before moving to Maryland. He enjoyed camping and sailing with family in the Adirondacks as well as traveling to Germany each year with his wife before her passing. He is survived by three children, seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and a sister.

Feb, 2018

Virginia Dolbeare Anderson ’50, of Loveland, Colo., formerly of Nederland, Colo., and Delaware, Ohio; Nov. 16, 2016, from complications of dementia. She taught English as a Second Language at Ohio Wesleyan Univ. and later to elementary school children in the Dublin, Ohio, public school system. She  served as an elected member of the Democratic Committee of Delaware County and retired in 1993, when she moved to Nederland. She remained involved in politics all her life. With the onset of dementia, she moved to Seven Lakes Memory Care home in Loveland. She was a member of the International Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and the League of Women Voters. She enjoyed spending time in the Colorado mountains. She is survived by six children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and a brother.

Feb, 2018

Gerald W. Brady ’50, of Bloomfield, Conn.; Oct. 10. After graduating, he joined the Connecticut Air National Guard and left the Guard after eight reserve years. He earned a law degree from UConn, passed the bar in 1964, and opened the law office of Brady, Willard & Alexander in East Hartford, becoming, after 2005, a solo practitioner until his retirement in 2014. He served as an assistant corporation counsel for the town of East Hartford and later as chairman of the West Hartford Town Planning and Zoning Commission. He was an active member of the East Hartford Rotary Chapter for more than 40 years and was also active in St. Timothy’s Church. He was a member of the Connecticut and American Bar associations. He enjoyed sailing and fishing. He is survived by his wife, Jane; four children, including Catherine Brady Fernandez ’76 and Gerald Jr. ’84; and six grandchildren, including Tyler Fernandez ’11

Feb, 2018

Edward Dewitt III ’50, of North Falmouth, Mass., formerly of Englewood, N.J.; Sept. 8. He was a partner at Dunn & DeWitt in Falmouth before retiring. He was admitted to the practice before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1969. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and was awarded many medals. He was past secretary of the Falmouth Finance Committee, trustee of the Wareham Savings Bank, and a member of the Massachusetts Bar Assoc., the Falmouth Village Improvement Society, the Falmouth Rotary Club, and the Free masons. He enjoyed hunting and fishing and is survived by two sons, two daughters-in-law, and a sister.

Feb, 2018

Margaret Flores Fallon ’50, of Wakefield, R.I., formerly of Norwalk, Conn.; Sept. 20. After raising a family, she taught English as a Second Language in Norwalk. She retired to Rhode Island and became an active volunteer at South County Hospital and an usher at Trinity Repertory Theater in Providence. She enjoyed traveling to Europe, playing bridge, and rooting for the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots.

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