Class of 1942

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Unseating Freud
Aaron Beck ’42 created cognitive behavioral therapy and transformed the field of mental health Read More
Jun, 2021

Richard Grout recounted his experiences on D-Day for the International Affairs Forum, the World Affairs Councils of America affiliate in Traverse City, Michigan (

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Eleanor Leventhal (see Adam Leventhal ’01).

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Helen Herman Golin (see Jane Golin Strom ’67).

From the March/April 2014 Issue

Ellen Annable Hills still resides in Somerset and writes that she would be happy to see anyone in the area or to show off her Green Cemetery in Orrington, Me.


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell was the sole member of his class to march in the Commencement procession, and he led all of the alumni and graduates, accompanied by his son Jonathan ’78. “It was a truly exhilarating experience,” he writes. In addition, Bernie joined Chancellor Thomas Tisch ’76 on an afternoon visit to former dean Ernest Frerichs ’48 in Warren, R.I. 

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell represented the class at the Annual Summit of Class Leaders on Jan. 26. The meeting focused on class dues and how to use them; class communications and event planning were among the suggestions. A tour of the refurbished medical school building, a cocktail reception, and a lecture on “Fixing Healthcare in America” by Dr. Paul George concluded the day. 


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Charles J. Lincoln lives with his daughter on a farm in Sedgwick, Me. He still walks every day, does cardiac rehab once a week, and is in excellent health and spirits.

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell represented the class at the inauguration of Christina Paxson on Oct. 26. He writes: “We join all alumni in wishing her a successful tenure.”

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: “Our 70th reunion, which culminated in the traditional march down the Hill on Sunday, was led by Senior Marshal Bernie Bell and Harvey Spear. Harvey’s granddaughter and my son Jonathan ’78 accompanied us. Classmates who attended the tightly compacted weekend of dinners, lunches, meetings, and other events were: Ann Plankenhorn Collins, Richard Cook ’48 AM, Arnold Soloway ’48 AM, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, and Hinda Pritsker Semonoff. Regretfully Sylvia and Joseph Weisberger were last-minute dropouts, and, most sadly, Herbert Katz passed away two weeks prior to the reunion. His widow, Trudy, said he had been eagerly anticipating attending.”


From the May/June 2012 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: “The weekend of February 25–26 was highlighted by the annual football dinner for 250 alumni in Andrews Hall at which classmate Bernie Bell was the oldest alumnus. The day before was the Ernest T. Savignano Memorial Award luncheon at the Hope Club for 30 people, including Barbara and Ernie’s family, coaches, officials, players, and this year’s recipient, Michael Yules ’14. Joining Bernie at the lunch was Arnold Soloway. It is interesting to note that a previous recipient of the award was Zak DeOssie ’07, a star of the New York Giants Super Bowl champs.”

From the March/April 2012 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: “We have heard from a good number of classmates who plan to make it to our 70th. Hope to see you for the weekend.”

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: "The returns from a September class mailing bode well for the 70th reunion in May. There were a number of letter replies, good class dues returns, and a genuine desire to come back to Brown for Homecoming Weekend. The weekend was highlighted by an awards dinner for over 300 returnees on Saturday evening, Oct. 15. The class now has a living recipient of the Brown Bear Award: Bernie Bell was one of three recipients of the award given by the Brown Alumni Association at the dinner. Previous awardees from the class of 1942 include Eugene Swift, Clayton Timbrell, and Joseph Lockett."

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell represented the class of '42 at the annual meeting of the Brown Association of Class Leaders held on Apr. 16 in the Maddock Alumni Center. He reports: "There were a number of reports and updates, and among them the most interesting was the update on the Brown Annual Fund. The fund has made significant progress in percentages and participation in recent years."

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Class President Bernie Bell reports that he represented the class at the January meeting of the Brown Association of Class Leaders. He asks any classmates who can to join him on Commencement Day, Sunday May 29, in the march down the hill. Bernie was in Florida in February and attended the funeral of Erwin Musen.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: "The fall mini-reunion in September was highlighted by the first Brown night football game, on Sept. 25 against Harvard, won by Brown. It was exciting to see the filled stadium after the dismal crowds of recent years. On Saturday we had lunch at the Hope Club: Bill Crooker, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, Arnold Soloway, Joe Weisberger, and me. We received more than 50 class-dues checks. Two letters in particular deserve mention—from a wife writing for her husband who can no longer see and from a recent widower writing on his new life, both very poignant."

From the September/October 2010 Issue

The class sends its best wishes for a speedy recovery to Herb Iselin, who was injured severely in a fall at home in May.

Bernie Bell represented his class at Commencement 2010, marching down College Hill with his son, Jonathan '78, who helped carry the class banner.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Walter B. Clarkson turned 90 on Jan. 20. His family held a party for him at a local pub with over 80 people attending, including family from England and members of Clarkson Company.

Sam Friedman has changed his residence.

Norman Orent and his wife, Dorothy Seidman Orent '44, have a new address.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Bernie Bell (see Eric Raskin '97).

Kenneth Greene and Anne Greene celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at Spaso House, the Moscow residence of the U.S. ambassador. They were visiting their daughter, Jocelyn Greene '74, and son-in-law, John Beryle, who is the U.S. ambassador to Russia.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: "When we sent out our class mailing and dues request in August, we were 110 men and 46 women. Unfortunately, two men were discovered to be deceased: Robert Taylor in 2000 and Robert Freedman in 2008.

"There were some poignant and heart-rending replies. Two in particular cried for a letter from classmates: those from Charles Lincoln, 16 Bramble Ln., Ellsworth, Me. 04605, whose wife, Evangeline, is very ill; and from Margaret Denniston, 500 North Hunt Club Rd., #104, Gurnee, Ill. 60031, who reports that her husband, Bill Denniston, is very sick.

We were pleasantly surprised to receive 61 checks for dues. Dues help cover the expense of class mailings and reunions. When dues were higher we were able to give gifts in the name of the class of 1942 to the University Chaplain's Fund as well as to the athletic department. When the time comes to disband the fund, the balance will go to the University. If you haven't returned your '42 inquiry, there's still time, and we are open all year for dues checks."

Ellen Annable Hills writes that Rainbow's End Natural Cemetery in Orrington, Me., officially opened in April 2008 (see BAM, January/February 2008). Burial rights to fifteen sites have been purchased.

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports that he has heard from several classmates, including Ben Ballard, Aldo Bernardo '47 AM, Joseph Bidwell, Eugene Carson, Richard P. Cook '48 AM, Walter Clarkson, Samuel Friedman, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, Richard Grout, Richard Hollrock, Herbert Iselin, Howard Johnson, Marjorie Moore Knowles, Paul Kramer, Bertram Kupsinel, Henry Mann, William Mann, Alfred and Eva Ujhely Marshall '44, Margaret Marlborough Matthews, Matthew Mitchell, William O'Connor, Willard Parker, Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, John H. Stone, and William Tukey.

George Bullock is recovering from major back surgery he had in June.

Ann Plankenhorn Collins recently visited South America and is now involved with a November costume ball celebrating the 325th anniversary of the founding of Hingham, Mass.

Kenneth Greene and his wife traveled to Moscow in September to visit their daughter, Jocelyn '74, and her husband, John Beyrle, who is the U.S. Ambassador in Russia. While in Moscow, Ken and his wife celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

Raymond Lynch writes that his wife is not well, and he is recovering from a broken neck due to a fall down basement steps a year ago.

Erwin Musen's granddaughter, Lindsey Musen graduated from Brown with a master's in May.

J. Robert Orpen celebrated his 60th anniversary as a priest in June.

Robert Parr received the National Academy of Science award in chemical sciences and the American Chemical Society award in theoretical chemistry.

Edward Proctor '47 AM lives with his wife in McLean, Va., and is doing fine. His sister, Ruth Proctor Rochefort '49, '65 MAT, passed away in May (see Obits, Sept./Oct.).

Dorothy Rabinowitz Stowe is still active in Greenpeace.

Joseph R. Weisberger was awarded the Advancement of Justice Award on April 27 by the National Judicial College in recognition of 33 years of teaching trial judges.

Everett White is living with his wife in a retirement community in Newport, R.I.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: "I was the only one in the class to march at Commencement. Hope to see more of you in 2010.

I have had a lengthy involvement with the hospice movement since 1980 when I was asked by the late University chaplain, Charles Baldwin, to help with the newly formed Hospice Care of R.I. Brown was in the forefront of the early days of hospice in the U.S. The definitive Robert Woods Johnson Foundation report was done at Brown under the leadership of then-Dean of Medicine David Greer and Professor Vincent Mor. I worked full-time for four years as a volunteer to help keep the struggling hospice going. In 1984 I joined the board of the National Hospice Organization (NHO) and chaired their National Advisory Council. After seven years on the board, I received their national Person of the Year award in 1991. In 1993 I learned of a fledgling hospice in northern Israel started by Dr. Nancy Caroline. I agreed to help form a U.S. friends-of-the-hospice fundraising organization which I am still involved in today.

This June I traveled to Israel with my son, Jonathan '78, and addressed key members of the Israeli hospice, health care, and government sectors on the future of hospice funding. My goal is to create a dialogue among those groups and institute Israeli government funding of hospice care as has occurred in the U.S. and most developed nations. I received a strongly positive reaction to my speech and believe my goal soon will be achieved and the hospice movement in Israel will grow as a result.

In Israel my son and I were delighted to participate in the awarding of a Brown honorary degree to Israeli archaeologist Trude Dothan. Brown Fellow David E. McKinney performed the ceremony at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem and U.S. Ambassador James E. Cunningham spoke briefly. It was followed by a reception where I saw many old friends."



From the January/February 2009 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: "We planned a great weekend around the Harvard game on September 27 and hoped to have 20 or so at the game, reception, and dinner afterward. Unfortunately, nobody counted on the great deluge. I believe only Barbara Savignano and Dick High's daughter, Pamela High, and her husband, Lou Giancola, were there to get soaked to the bone. Ann Plankenhorn Collins and her friend, Charles Chiddick, had dinner with me. It was well worth the effort since Brown squeaked out a win over Harvard, 24–22.

To date, we have more than 50 dues-paying classmates and have received news from Jean Howard Barr, Bert Kupsinel, Joe Weisberger, Al Marshall, Charlie Lloyd, Rev. Bob Orpen, Dieter Kurath, Earle Fisher, Bob Wood, Bill Tukey, Hank Mann, Bette Klatt, Dick Grout, Alice Simister Reynolds, Dorothy Rabinowitz Stowe, Herb Iselin, John Keay, Aaron Beck, Bill Crooker, Bob Priestly, Ellen Annable Hills, Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, Arnie Soloway, Herman Sugarman, and Dick Cook.

The sympathy of the class goes to Leonard Bellin for the recent loss of his wife, Shirley, and to the family of classmate Bill Spicer.

To close on a high note, Anne Plankenhorn Collins, Charles Chiddick, Arthur Beane, and I joined Matt Mitchell at lunch on Oct. 24 in Osterville, Mass. It was a great get-together: the weather was perfect, and Brown beat Cornell, 31–10, the next day."

From the September/October 2008 Issue

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Aaron Beck could still be in the running for a Nobel Prize for pioneering the field of cognitive therapy. Tim is working on five books and continues to work at the Univ. of Pennsylvania, researching, advising, and directing the psychopathology research unit and the center for the treatment and prevention of suicide. At 87, he still enjoys travel, tennis, and movies.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports the New York Real Estate Board has created an award, the Louis Smadbeck Annual Broker Recognition Award, named in honor of the late Louis Smadbeck. Louis was the president of William A. White/Grubb & Ellis Inc., one of the most distinguished and respected real estate companies in New York.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell's wife, Claire, passed away on December 7, 2007. Deepest sympathy is extended to Bernie and his children, Deborah '71 and Jonathan '78.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports that because the annual fall class get-together and dinner conflicted with the annual Alumni Recognition Ceremony on campus October 13, the class was invited to join that dinner. George Billings ’72, the president of the Association of Class Leaders, honored Bernie with the Nan Tracy Award, which is presented yearly to a class leader who has demonstrated exceptional service to his or her class.

In attendance at the dinner were Claire Bell, Deborah Bell ’71, Jonathan Bell ’78 and guest, Leonard Bellin and Shirley Bellin, Ann Plankenhorn Collins and guest, Richard Cook ’48 AM, Dorothy Berger Friar, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, Herman Sugarman, and retired chief justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court Joseph Weisberger and Sylvia.

Among those who attended the Brown-Princeton game that day (which the Bears won, 33–24) but could not make the dinner were Susan and Henry Mann, Barbara Savignano, and Pound Ridge, N.Y., volunteer fireman Herbert Iselin and his wife, Lily.

There were also a good number of notes, cards, and e-mails from Ben Ballard, Florence Cox, John Keay, Charles Lloyd, Raymond Lynch, Barbara Kraft Newton, Harvey Spear, Stanley Taylor, and William Tukey.

It’s not too late to send class dues if you haven’t.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: “The Class of 1942 is proud to have broken the 65th reunion record, held for the past ten years by the Class of 1932, for cash and pledges to the Brown Annual Fund. Since 1942 our class has contributed more than $200 million. Our class also has one of the best participation rates—56 percent—among this year’s reunion classes. We are doing our part to achieve the Corporation’s ‘Rally for the Record’ Participation Challenge.

“Our success is due in part to the legacy of the late Sidney E. Frank. Though he attended Brown for only a short time, the impact of his education lasted a lifetime, so that in his twilight years he was able to give back to the institution that had given so much to him. His daughter, Cathy Frank Halstead, a Brown Trustee, has generously supported the Class of 1942.

“Since departing through the Van Wickle Gates sixty-five years ago, we, now octogenarians all, look back with amazement and gratitude at the challenges, changes, and triumphs both in our own lives and here at our beloved alma mater. We continue to stay in touch with one another, and visit the campus, some of us more frequently than others. As we move toward the front of the line in the Commencement march, we have honored Brown University’s mission to discharge the offices of life with usefulness and reputation.”

Reunion attendees included: William Beauchamp, Bernie and Claire Bell, Leonard and Shirley Bellin, Ann Plankenhorn Collins and Charlie Chiddick, Richard Cook, William Crooker, Stephen Dolley, Richard Donovan, Earle Fisher, John Donald Foley, Dorothy Berger Friar, Samuel and Phyllis Friedman, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, Herbert and Lily Iselin, Herbert Katz, John and Nancy Keay, Betty Klatt, Elanor Mishel Leventhal, Charles Lloyd and Bruce Lloyd ’69, Raymond Lynch, William O’Connor, Edward and Lois Pollon Proctor, John Sapinsley, Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, Arnold Soloway ’43 AM, Harvey Spear, Herman Sugarman, and Joseph and Sylvia Blanche Weisberger.

Bernie Bell (see Meryl Smith Raskin ’66)

Dorothy Rabinowitz Stowe thanks Bernie Bell for inviting her daughter, Barbara Stow, to act as her surrogate at the class dinner. She brought back many warm greetings and memories from classmates.

Joseph Weisberger was recently honored by the Rhode Island Bar Association for his high standards of judicial excellence throughout a distinguished career as a chief justice on the Rhode Island Supreme Court. A new award was established in his honor and will be presented to a judge of the state or federal courts in the state who best exemplifies and encourages the highest level of judicial excellence.

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell reports: “When we sent out our newsletter and dues notice in August, we were 199 strong. While we may not all be hale and hearty, the returns indicate a good number who plan to return and participate in our 65th reunion over Memorial Day weekend in May.

“Fifteen attended our class dinner following the Georgetown game on Sept. 16 at the nearby Radisson Hotel overlooking Providence harbor. Present were Jerome Deluty and his friend Ann Mushnick, Dorothy Berger Friar, Ann Collins and her friend Charles Chittick, Samuel Friedman and Phyllis, George and Ann Freeman Giraud, Barbara Savignano, Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, Arnold Soloway, Herman Sugarman, Claire Bell, and I.

“Next on class activities was the appearance of a delegation of loyals with class armbands at the convocation and dedication of the Sidney E. Frank Hall at the massive Life Sciences Building in honor of our late classmate. It was almost ten years in construction and $100 million in cost. Members of Sidney’s family spoke of his feelings for Brown. The loyals included nine from the dinner on Sept. 16.

Ray Lynch sent in an item from the Philadelphia Inquirer that also appeared in most other papers and magazines, as well as on television. Our classmate Dr. Aaron Beck has received the prestigious Albert Lasker Award for clinical medical research. The Lasker awards are often likened to Nobel Prizes, and Beck received his for developing the theories and practice of a new branch of psychoanalysis known as cognitive therapy.

“Last but not least, though I will not get an award or prize, I deserve something for surviving a move to a new home two hundred yards away from the one on Slater Avenue where we lived for forty-nine years. Phone numbers and e-mail remain the same. Almost as much space, but mostly on one floor.”

Walter Clarkson writes: “The Clarkson Company, established by me in 1956, celebrated its fiftieth year Sept. 29–30 at the Union League Club in Chicago. Thirty-one people attended, including members of some of the manufacturing companies and from offices in Milwaukee and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.”

Lincoln Hanson writes: “I’m starting a new project with Nathan Wayhen seminars hoping to get active student participation in understanding math; active written responses, evaluations, and suggestions open to math teachers at all levels—elementary through high school to show the incomplete results of MCAS and other ‘objective’ tests and respond to science magazine articles about the lack of math understanding in students entering college.

Arnold Soloway ’48 AM (see Laurie Reeder ’86).

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Interviews Sought: Women who took Pembroke’s course in cryptanalysis in 1942 are sought for a telephone or e-mail interview by a Brown alumnus who was a naval officer and is now a professional historian writing about the event. If you took the course or can provide the name of someone who did, please contact Tom Generous ’63. Whatever rules of confidentially you set will be scrupulously followed.

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Class president Bernie Bell, having missed the last Commencement march, plans to walk down the hill (and up) on May 28 and hopes a few classmates will join him. He also wants to remind the class that 2007 will be their 65th reunion. There will be more information in the fall class letter.

Audrey Mitscher Ferguson’s letter of March 24, 1943, to Allen Ferguson ’41 has been published in Women’s Letters: America from the Revolutionary War to the Present, edited by Lisa Grunwald and Stephen J. Adler, (Dial Press), while Allen’s first nontechnical book, All’s Fair: A Personal History of War and Love (AuthorHouse), was published in February 2005.

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Class secretary Bernie Bell reports: “We held what has become our annual football game dinner after the Yale game on Nov. 6. Those attending were Ann Plankenhorn Collins and her friend Stuart, Bill Crooker, Dick Donovan, Gina and Don Foley, Dorothy Berger Friar, Phyllis and Sam Friedman, George and Anne Freeman Giraud, Bob Priestley, Bar- 50 brown alumni magazine bara Savignano, Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, Arnie Soloway ’48 AM, and his daughter Belle ’78, Harvey Spear, Shirley and Stan Taylor, Sylvia and Joe Weisberger, and my wife, Claire. Ron Vanden Dorpel ’71 AM, senior vice president for University advancement, was with us for the evening and spoke on new developments at Brown and future plans. We were all disappointed that Sidney Frank could not make the dinner, but a good time was had by all.”

Bernie reports the following news sent in response to the September mailing: Florence Northcott Cox has a new address.

Richard Capwell sent regrets that he is unable to travel and wishes he could get back to Rhode Island again. He is in Durham, N.C.

Marcia Philbrick Ziobrowski wrote from a retirement community near Syracuse, N.Y., with memories of Bernie; her children; and her brother Charlie Philbrick and Debbie and their children.

Audrey Mitscher Ferguson and Allen Ferguson’ 41 sent regards from Silver Spring, Md.

Bob Priestley has a new address.

Edith Herrmann wrote from Elizabeth, N.J., that she misses Brown and Providence but can no longer travel.

Oz Marrin sent regards from Litchfield, Conn.

Will Fellner wrote that Lil Cokin Fellner, although incapacitated and unable to write, still enjoys news of Brown. They are in Sarasota, Fla.

Cal Fisher wrote from Apopka, Fla., that he and Carol couldn’t make the dinner. From Vancouver, B.C.,

Dorothy Rabinowitz Stowe sent regards and reminiscences of the founding of Greenpeace by her late husband, Irving, in their living room thirtyfive years ago.

Harry Kirkpatrick said hello from Marysville, Calif.

John O’Sullivan and Madeleine had left for Florida too early to be at the dinner.

Dick Dunn and Betty sent regards from Greensboro, N.C. They did not come north this summer.

Charlie Haskell sent regards from Osterville, Mass., and regrets that his mobility is limited.

Barbara Jones wrote that she and Leland now live in Vero Beach, Fla., year-round.

Charlie Lloyd wrote from Mt. Dora, Fla., with the sad news that Maryann died three years ago from Alzheimer’s and strokes. He described a memorable trip he took in July to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the June 6, 1944, breakout from St. Lô. He was made an honorary citizen of St. Lô.

Jean Howard Barr reported from Denver that she is still active as ever in her button business.

Steve Dolley reported on his annual visit to Mt. Desert Island, Maine, with Martha: “Still running three to five miles a day.” He also wrote, “Charlie Lloyd said to tell you that in Florida they play the front nine twice.”

Eva Ujhely Marshall ’44 wrote in for Al Marshall that they are both okay out in San Gabriel, Calif., enjoying the sounds of their musician children and grandchildren. On a recent visit to Susan Weatherheadat the Evergreen Nursing Home, Bernie Bell met her niece Ellen, the daughter of Susan’s late brother Henry Weatherhead ’50. Ellen had flown in from the Chicago area to spend a couple of days visiting Susan.

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Bernie Bell writes: “Leon L. Tracy ’41, of Plantation, Fla., died April 13. He was the beloved husband of Norma, the father of Linda Morigi and Bill Tracy, the stepfather of Thomas Voige, and the loving grandfather of Steven and William. A member of Psi Epsilon and the varsity football team, he served in the 509th Parachute Battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division during World War II. Leon saw action in North Africa and Italy and was severely wounded at Zenafro, Italy. He received a Purple Heart. Leon was vice president of Prudential Insurance Co. and a member of Velmage in West Hartford, Conn.”

Dick Donovan and Edythe Thurber Donovan (Wellesley ’44) have moved to 124 Essex Meadows, Essex, Conn. 06426. Their children sent word that Edie suffered a head injury from a fall last July. She suffers some memory loss but is comfortable and enjoys visitors. Dick is nearby, and Essex Meadows is proving an ideal place for both.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Bernie Bell reports that he attended a June 11 luncheon in New Rochelle, N.Y., where President Ruth Simmons awarded Sidney E. Frank an honorary bachelor’s degree. Bernie welcomed Sidney on behalf of the class and presented him with a class reunion hat and other mementos.

Devara Abramson Poll (see Hank Vandersip ’56).

Bill Roberts writes: “Ann and I took a Smith College cruise up the Hudson River to Troy and back in October 2003. Before we left, I lunched with Sid Frank in New Rochelle, N.Y. He sent a car to drive me up, and we reminisced about our freshman year and his Grey Goose Co.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Bernie Bell reports: “Two recent class get-togethers are worth noting, one joyous and one sad. On May 1 the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame inducted Lila Sapinsley and the late Bob Lynch ’44, who was represented by his brother Ray. John Sapinsley ’70 AM and Hinda Pritsker Semonoff attended the ceremony as well. Joe Weisberger and Bernie Bell, longtime members of the Hall of Fame, were there with their wives, Sylvia and Claire. Class condolences to Arnie Soloway ’48 AM who lost his wife, Joan ’49, in May. Her funeral in Boston was attended by Hinda Pritsker Semonoff, Dottie Berger Friar, Barbie Savignano, Bob Priestley and Claire and Bernie Bell.”

Herbert Iselin (see Julie Iselin Turjoman ’79).

Robert Parr, the Wassily Hoeffding Professor of Chemical Physics at the Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, received the National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences, awarded annually for innovative research in the chemical sciences.

Irving W. Patterson (see Rula Patterson Shore ’67).

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Bernie Bell writes: “If any classmates who are coming to Brown for Commencement would like to get together for a class luncheon on Saturday, May 29, please contact me. If there is any interest, I will make arrangements.” (See also Nancy Schuleen Helle ’55.)

J. Robert Orpen Jr. writes: “My wife and I enjoy our life in a retirement house on the shore of Lake Michigan in Hyde Park, Chicago. I continue to assist at both St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Barrington, Ill., and at the Cathedral in Chicago. We enjoy taking cruises.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Aaron Beck, who is considered the founder of cognitive therapy, has received the Univ. of Louisville’s $200,000 Grawemeyer Award for Psychology. Aaron is professor emeritus of psychiatry at the Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia.

Bernie Bell reports the Oct. 14, 2003, death of Hope Lent Scattergood (see Obituaries).

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Bernie Bell reports: “Our recent class mailing and dues letter brought sad news of the deaths of Leonard Burgess and Theodore Malinowski. Condolences to survivors. The New York Times of Oct. 21 also reported the death of Helen Reilly Hoyt in Ridgefield, Conn. I see Chelis Bursley Baukas and Susan Weatherhead, both in local nursing homes, every few weeks.

Jean Howard Barr sends best regards from Denver. She is recuperating from a broken hip in September.

George Bullock sends his regards. He and Marje left early for Florida this year.

Kay O’Connor Chapman is recovering from a fall and sends regards from Michigan.

Janet Clifford is looking for Brunonians in the vicinity of Riverside, Calif.

Dick Cook ’48 A.M. writes that his daughter Robin is suffering serious health problems, which have prevented him from participating in Brown events.

“Class secretary Florence Northcott Cox is moving to Vienna, Va., in early November. Anyone interested in assuming her position?

Lil Cokin Fellner is now in a nursing home in Sarasota, Fla."

Don Foley writes that in addition to son Stephen ’74, an English professor at Brown, two third-generation Brunonians, Nicholas ’04 and Benjamin ’07, are very happy at Brown.

Leland Jones and his wife, Barbara, are now year-round residents of Vero Beach, Fla.

Marge Moore Knowles sends regards from Abbey Del Ray, South Fla., where she has lived for almost nine years.

Bert Kupsinel writes that he and Nancy are enjoying life in Madison, Wisc., a college town similar to Providence. He is active with the National Academy of Arbitrators.

Ed Leif is still selling furniture thirty-five hours a week and playing golf for recreation. He is already looking forward to our 65th reunion.

Charlie Lloyd notes that Maryann has been ill. They live in Mt. Dora, Fla., where they see Al ’31 and Elaine Seaman Toombs ’32.

Joe Lockett has made a very good recovery and is at Rockport for the winter.

Harry Pogson writes from New Smyrna Beach, Fla., with regards and regrets at not being able to come to our class dinner in November 2003.

Devara Abramson Poll writes that after four months of serious illness she moved to Epoch Assisted Living in Providence. She has recovered nicely and is only five minutes from Brown.

Bob Priestley sent a note explaining that his wife, Justine Tyrrell Priestley ’43, has not been well, and they are staying on Martha’s Vineyard.

Bill Roberts and Anne went on a Hudson River cruise in October and will be in Palm Desert, Calif., in January and February.

George Rose sends his regards from El Paso, Tex.

“A plaque in memory of Gus Saunders was unveiled at the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I., in July. His daughter, Corey, was there for the brief ceremony.

Bill Spicer writes that he joined a few Brown and Dartmouth travelers last May for a wonderful trip to Paris, followed by a cruise down the Rhône River.

Dorothy Rabinowitz Stowe writes from Vancouver, B.C., that she can provide hospitality for visiting classmates.

Joseph Weisberger and his wife, Sylvia, lost their daughter, Paula, in October. The class sends its condolences.

George Williams is recovering from illness.”

Selma Schlossberg Kroll writes: “My husband, Harry, of fifty-seven mostly great years, died in March of pulmonary fibrosis. It seems only yesterday that he called the Pembroke personnel office in 1943 and asked them to send someone to work in a chemical laboratory. They sent me—I got the job—and as they say, the rest is history.”

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Bernard Bell writes: "We were well represented at the memorial service for Brown's outstanding alumnus W. Chesley 'Chet' Worthington '23, on July 29. In attendance were George and Anne Freeman Giraud; John Sapinsley '70 A.M. and his wife, Lila, who has a 1993 honorary doctorate from Brown; George Williams; and me."

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Bernie Bell writes: "One of the nicest things about the 60th reunion was the opportunity to catch up with classmates, many of whom were returning to Brown for the first time in years. There were also many questions about those who couldn't make it to the reunion. We are doing a complete class mailing in September and would like to include news of those who didn't attend the 60th. If you'd like to update classmates on your life, please send me a note as soon as you read this to 376 Slater Ave., Providence, R.I. 02906, and hopefully we'll make the mailing deadline."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

William Beauchamp writes that he was the first American finisher in the 80-and-over group in the Honolulu marathon in December. It was his 29th marathon. William is going into his second term as president of the Mid-Pacific Road Runners Club and planned to run a half marathon in Kenya in June.

Charlotte Gallup Cox writes: "Our daughter died suddenly in March 2001 from a pulmonary embolism after orthopedic surgery for a broken leg. She lived in Lexington, Ky., with her husband, Doug Rigsby. We spent a week with Woody '42 Ph.D. and Nita Gavriluk Johnson '43 in Sarasota, Fla., in March 2001."

Douglas E. Leach writes: "I regret that I missed our 60th reunion. I'll aim for our 65th."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Report from reunion headquarters: "Reunion plans are complete. We hope to see you at Brown for a great weekend, May 24-27. Join us at your class events, Campus Dance, the Pops Concert, and the Commencement March. Register at alumni. If you haven't received your reunion mailing, please contact (401) 863-1947; [email protected]."

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Bob Parr, of Chapel Hill, N.C., writes that he continues to be active in research in theoretical quantum chemistry. In November 1999 he received the North Carolina Award in Science in a festive ceremony hosted by Governor Hunt.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Bernard E. Bell reports: "The annual off-year Commencement get-together will be in the Barker Room of Gardner House (on George Street) at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 28. There will be refreshments and an opportunity to greet returning classmates. Please mark the date, as there will be no further mailing."

Edith Herrmann, of Elizabeth, N.J., writes: "I am completing my third three-year term on the board of deacons of the Second Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth. I retired from the staff of Hillside Public Library in 1990 and began this board work a few months before retirement."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Aaron T. Beck and his daughter, Judith, celebrated the fifth anniversary of founding the nonprofit Beck Institute in suburban Philadelphia. Aaron, president of the institute,originated the form of psychotherapy known as cognitive therapy. He is also university professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Judith is director of the institute and assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.

Theresa Tremaglio Minuto died on April 23. Her son, Caesar, writes: “My mother was the closest thing to a saint on earth. She always showed great compassion, and she helped so many whose lives crossed her path. Everyone leaned on her for support, mostly spiritual in nature. She was kind and generous, and she instilled the greatest values and moral code in her five children. Iwas extremely close to my mom and dad, and will always miss them. I know they are smiling down on us from heaven.”

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Edith Herrmann, Elizabeth, N.J., spent a week in mid-September at Smugglers' Notch Resort in Vermont with her former library director. She writes, "We were not far from the Canadian border, so we took a day trip to Montreal. We explored the historic Old City with all its atmosphere, and the New City, which resembled Manhattan shopping areas. We also explored the Shelburne Museum of folk art in northern Vermont."

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Bernard Bell, Providence, writes: "The annual off-year reunion, known as the Lenny Hone party, will be Sunday, May 30, at 2:30 p.m. at the Barker Room in Gardner House, which is on George Street between Littlefield Hall and St. Stephen's Church. Refreshments will be served, and local classmates will be on-hand to greet out-of-towners."

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Bernard Bell writes to commemorate the death of James M. Crowshaw Jr., who died in California on July 31: "A native of Pawtucket, Jim settled in California after World War II and had not returned East for many years. He was married twice, and both wives died before him. There were no children and no immediate survivors. A memorial mass was celebrated on August 28 at St. Mary's Church in Pawtucket, R.I., where Jim was baptized and confirmed."

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Helen Herman Golin (see Jane Golin Strom '67).

Virginia Rapp Hahn and her husband, Ed, have moved up the west coast of Florida to Venice. They are now living in a retirement center and are enjoying the change in lifestyle.

Virginia Bowman Reynolds Morgan sends this note: "I am writing from a retirement home in Memphis, Tenn. I have been here for two years now, and I find it very comfortable, hospitable, and often lots of fun. My daughter (by Robert L. Reynolds '40) Patricia R. Johnson and her husband and two high school daughters live here. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, all my children and grandchildren assembled here! Marilyn Reynolds Touborg, who works at Harvard, was here with husband Dr. Jens Touborg, sons Neal and Matthew, and Matthew's wife. Also here were my stepchildren by my second husband, Jack C. Morgan (Syracuse): John Morgan, wife Julie, and son Birru; Sara Charlene Morgan and son Emmanuel, all from California; Christa Judy Stanley, husband Bruce, and their sons David and Sean; and last but not least, Andrea L. Morgan, my daughter by my second husband. Sorry I can't make it to my class reunion, but I'll be there in spirit!"

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Because we have only one regular issue of our own newsletter (Bear Tales) per year, we thought it would be a good idea to set up an e-mail network of classmates. Then, in the event of interesting news about Brown and particularly about our class, we would be able to immediately pass along this information to those who have access to the Internet. We already have class of '42 e-mail outposts from the East to the West coasts. Hopefully, this e-mail news will be spread by word of mouth to the rest of the class. - Susan Weatherhead, secretary

Herb Iselin (see Burton I. Samors '48).

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Edmund F. Armstrong, Warwick, R.I., writes: "Frances and I toured northern Italy in September and October. Three weeks without a day of rain. We had stops in Rome, Florence, Siena, San Remo, and Venice. Great food, great wine, and great scenery, especially the Dolomites."

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Aaron T. Beck, university professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in Bala Cynwyd, Pa., received the Cummings PSYCHE Award on Sept. 22. The lifetime achievement award is given to a nationally distinguished behavioral health-care professional who has made significant contributions to the theory and practice of efficient psychotherapy and behavioral health services.

Herbert M. Iselin (see Julie A. Iselin '79).



Jun, 2022

J. Robert Orpen ’42, of Chicago; Dec. 16, at 100 years of age. He was an Episcopal priest for 60 years. He served in Nevada, New York, and Chicago. He is survived by his wife, Lavinia; a daughter; a son; and a granddaughter.

Jun, 2022

Kenneth M. Greene ’42, of Falls Church, Va.; Dec. 16, at 101 years of age. He taught English at Simmons College in Boston, where he also served as director of the school of education. In 1970, he accepted the position of president at Lasell Junior College in Auburndale, Mass., and in 1975 he moved to Washington, D.C., to head the national office of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. He retired in 1989. He was a U.S. Army veteran twice wounded in combat and recipient of the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Croix de Guerre, the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by his wife, Anne; two daughters, including Jocelyn Greene ’74; a son; and five grandchildren.

Apr, 2022

Dorothy Johnson Danielson ’42, of Golden Valley, Minn.; Sept. 4, at 101 years of age. She was a retired secretary and is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. 

Oct, 2021

A. Stanley Cross Jr. ’42, of Colfax, N.C., formerly of North Attleboro and Pittsfield, Mass.; May 16 at 100 years of age. While working for G.E. he was recruited to work on the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge, Tenn. He worked on uranium enrichment and met his future wife, who was also employed at Oak Ridge. At the end of World War II, they married and moved to Pittsfield, Mass. He spent most of his career working for Englehard Corp., where he held positions as a metals specialist, a sales manager, and a production plant manager. While raising their family, they were transferred to North Attleboro, Mass., in 1972. He retired in 1986 and relocated to North Carolina before moving to Colfax in 2011. He was an avid reader of history and enjoyed genealogy, bird watching, sailing, nature photography, and stamp collecting. He is survived by daughter Ellen Wilson ’74; a son; two daughters-in-law; two sons-in-law; eight grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2021

Eleanor Mishel Leventhal ’42, of Dedham, Mass.; Jan. 2. She was a former trustee of Temple Shalom and Beth Israel Hospital (now Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center). She was an active member of the Beth Israel Hospital Women’s Auxiliary for 50 years and a volunteer cochair of the hospital’s gift shop, using retailing skills developed from an early job at Filene’s to make the shop a success. For 15 years she served on the board of what was then the Hospice of the Good Shepherd (now Good Shepherd Community Care). She enjoyed her book group, gardening, and playing bridge. She is survived by three sons, including John ’69 and his wife, Beverly Hodgson ’70; three grandsons, including Adam Leventhal ’01 and Daniel Leventhal ’07; three great-grandsons; sister Audrey Cooper ’45; and 10 nieces and nephews, including Emily Leventhal ’00.

Aug, 2020

Margaret Marlborough Matthews ’42, of Millbury, Mass.; Feb. 5. She taught English and then became the media librarian at Millbury High School. She was active in the community and was a member of the Millbury Historical Society, the Millbury Women’s Club, and Millbury Embroiderers Guild. She is survived by many nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2020

Edward A. Carr ’42, of Germantown, Tenn.; Nov. 8. He was a retired chair of the department of pharmacology and therapeutics at the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. He graduated from Harvard Medical School, was an intern at Rhode Island Hospital for one year, served for two years in active duty in the Army Medical Corps, and then returned to Harvard Medical School, where he was a research fellow and instructor in pharmacology. After completing his residency in internal medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, he joined the University of Michigan Medical School faculty as an assistant professor of internal medicine and pharmacology, then left to serve in the U.S. Navy, taking part in early research on anthrax as a biological warfare weapon. He returned to Michigan and was appointed an associate professor in 1957, professor of pharmacology in 1962, and professor of internal medicine in 1967. He later served as professor and chair of pharmacology at the University of Louisville School of Medicine for two years before moving to the University at Buffalo in 1976. He served 12 years as department chair and became an emeritus professor of medicine and professor of pharmacology and therapeutics in 1992. He was a member of several scientific advisory committees for the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Veterans Administration, and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. He was a consultant to hospitals and to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. His memberships were many, including the American College of Physicians, American Thyroid Association, and American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, by which he was honored with the Henry W. Elliott Distinguished Service Medal in 1981. He also received a Commendation for Teaching Excellence in 1989, and the University at Buffalo presents an award in his name to outstanding pharmacology students each year. He enjoyed baseball and foreign languages. He is survived by a daughter and three grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Robert M. Wood ’42, of Easton, Md.; Sept. 20. During his time at Brown he received a commission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He served in the army during World War II and was recalled for the Korean War, during which he was assigned to the general staff at West Point. In 1954 he began his civilian career in finance and utilities, working in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. He remained in the army reserves and retired in the 1970s with a rank of lieutenant colonel. An avid sailor, he taught midshipmen sailing fundamentals as a coach in the U. S. Naval Academy’s Sailing Squadron program. He is survived by a daughter; two sons, including Robert Jr. ’81; six grandchildren; and 10 great-


Jul, 2019

Volmar A. Mereschak ’42, of Charlotte, N.C., formerly of Phillipsburg, N.J.; Mar. 11. In addition to opening a private ob-gyn practice in Phillipsburg, he also served as chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Warren Hospital for 34 years. He retired from practicing medicine in 1990. He was a member of numerous medical societies and a longtime member of the Rotary Club of Phillipsburg. He enjoyed playing golf and collecting steins, coins, and antiques. He is survived by his wife, Adele; five daughters; four sons-in-law; and eight grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Florence Mullins Barrett ’42, of Englewood, Fla., formerly of Narragansett and North Kingstown, R.I.; Feb. 16. She met her husband while taking flying lessons and held onto her pilot’s license until starting a family. She enjoyed swimming and continued to do so three times a week until age 90. She is survived by two daughters; two sons; two sons-in-law; eight grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.


May, 2019

Judith Kennedy Johnson ’42, of Oakland and New Vineyard, Me.; Nov. 4. She had a family farm and used the wool from her sheep to make hand-knitted designs; she also drew and created watercolor landscape paintings. A skilled gardener, she was a founding member of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Assoc. and UpCountry Artists. She played the mandolin and enjoyed sharing her collection of music from all over the world with friends and family. A dedicated Democrat, she served as an Oakland Selectman during the 1960s. In 1992 she was a founding benefactor for the New Vineyard Public Library. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two grandsons, and a granddaughter.

Nov, 2018

Willard C. Parker ’42, of Seaford, Del.; July 1. He was a retired insurance executive, a former harness-race horseman and driver, and active member of the BAA. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He is survived by a daughter; a son, Willard C. Parker II ’69; four grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a brother.

Nov, 2018

Dorothy Bragdon McCormick ’42, of McLean, Va.; Apr. 11. After graduation, she was commissioned in the U.S. Navy. Upon the conclusion of World War II, she entered service in the OSS, the precursor to the CIA. She eventually transitioned into the role of mother, homemaker, and volunteer for various organizations, including several years as a docent at the Smithsonian Institution Museum of Natural History. In 1964, she founded the Country Play School, which eventually was reestablished as the Country Day School in 1971. She was the recipient of the 1970 Business and Professional Club Woman of Achievement award and in 1998 received a Certificate of Achievement from the American Assoc. of University Women. She retired in 2002. She is survived by six children and six grandchildren.

Sep, 2018

Ellen A. Hills ’42, of Skowhegan, Me.; May 3. She worked as a nurse, nurse educator, and private duty nurse. Later, after obtaining her teaching certificate, she taught first grade in North Reading, Mass. She continued to teach until her retirement in 1975. She was actively involved in protecting the environment and was the founder of Maine’s first green cemetery—Rainbow’s End, which was featured in a 2008 Classes profile in the January/February issue of BAM. She enjoyed knitting, needlepoint, rug hooking, quilting, embroidery, and traveling. She is survived by a daughter, two sons, two daughters-in-law, a son-in-law, 11 grandchildren, and two brothers.

Sep, 2018

Florence Northcott Cox ’42, of Vienna, Va., formerly of Cumberland, R.I.; May 15. She taught at Scott Elementary School in Warwick, R.I., for 19 years and owned Bay View Realty Co. in Jamestown, R.I. She was involved in many organizations in Rhode Island, including the Blackstone Valley Historical Society and Learning for Life. She was a member and Sunday school teacher of the Arnold Mills United Methodist Church in Cumberland. She is survived by three daughters, a son, 10 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Edith M.L. Herrmann ’42, of Whitehall, Pa., formerly of Elizabeth, N.J.; Feb. 16. She was employed as the senior librarian of the catalog and reference department at the Hillside Public Library in Elizabeth for more than 30 years. She retired in 1990. She was a former deacon and choir member at Second Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth.


Feb, 2018

Joseph B. Bidwell ’42, of Tucson, Ariz.; July 3. He began a 39-year career with General Motors as a summer intern in 1941 and became a full-time employee in their research laboratories. From 1944 to 1946 he served at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and then rejoined the GM Research Laboratories as head of the mechanical development department. He retired in 1981 as executive director of GM Research Laboratories. He held 17 patents and was a Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers and a member of Sigma Xi. He enjoyed winemaking, gardening, shooting, photography, flying, and traveling. He is survived by three children, three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Ann Plankenhorn Collins ’42, of Hingham, Mass.; Oct. 2. After graduation she entered the WAVES during World War II. She was vice president of Plankenhorn Braidworks & Penn Garment Co. in Pennsylvania during the 1940s and co-owned and managed a travel agency during the 1990s. In addition to raising a family, she was director of the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and a director of the Family Counseling and Child Guidance Center, where she served on several committees. She was named Hingham Citizen of the Year in 2010. She was a member of various clubs and enjoyed playing golf, bowling, and sailing. She is survived by five children, four grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Feb, 2018

Alexander M. Watson ’42, of Bloomfield, Conn.; Aug. 2. He worked at Pratt & Whitney until he retired in 1977 as assistant manager of marketing operations. He was an active member of Immanuel Congregational Church of Hartford for more than 35 years, serving as moderator, senior deacon, and choir member. He was on the board of directors for CONCORA, the Hartford-based professional chorale. He was secretary for the Society of Automotive Engineers, Southern New England division, and a member of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences and Kappa Sigma. He is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

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