Class of 1939
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Willard R. Thurlow writes: “I am part of Brown’s ancient history; my parents graduated from Brown over a hundred years ago! In other news, my two grandsons followed my son Peter into medicine.”
From the July/August 2013 Issue
Harold Rosenberg writes: “There are very few of us still around, but happily I did hear from Chuck Heims and Dr. Phil Shulman. Chuck is living in a retirement community in Westwood, Mass. I also live in a retirement community in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. We have several Ivy League residents and one Brown woman, Flora Lazarus Ginns ’43. Needless to say, I enjoy the company of 250 most interesting people. I’m in excellent health except that I am legally blind. The most exciting experience lately was getting together with Phil Shulman and singing ‘Forever True To Brown.’ Phil’s wife recorded our duet and posted it on YouTube. Check out ‘2 Old Guys Singing Brown Song’ to see both of us feeling like we were freshmen again. I would love to hear from any of you who remember when we were young and able to climb up ‘the Hill.’”
From the May/June 2013 Issue
F. Carter Childs writes: “In the BAM, Charles Heims called upon his classmates to wake up and send in some comments. Chuck and I were cheerleaders way back when the girls had yet to see the opportunities. We went to all of the football games, home and away, and some key basketball games. Leading the crowd in ‘We Are Ever True’ was our meat and potatoes. We tended to hang around with the same mix of guys.” This was Mr. Childs’ final class note. He passed away in February. See page 60.—Editor
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Chuck Heims writes: “1939 was a great class, and there are still some of us around. Yet I don’t read about anyone from our class unless they have left us. I do note that some other older classes have a monthly flow of class information in your great magazine. Favor: Please improve that 1939 situation.”
From the May/June 2012 Issue
J. Cheston Constable’s daughter Pam Constable ’74 writes that his family and friends “gathered in November near his hometown of Essex, Conn., to celebrate Cheston’s 95th birthday. A lifelong supporter of Brown, Cheston is one of the few surviving members of his class, known for his droll wit and dapper style.” Among the attendees were Pam, who is a journalist and author based in Washington, D.C., and Cheston’s friend and neighbor William Pollard ’50, a longtime champion of athletics at Brown.
From the November/December 2011 Issue
Elaine Frank Lieberman, who lives at Epoch Assisted Living on Providence's East Side, is one of 16 students in a poetry session led by Brown professor Rick Benjamin who have published their poetry in the collection Life, Loss, Love.
From the July/August 2010 Issue
Ruth Manter Lind '42 AM visited her brother Frank I. Manter Jr. '41 in Aiken, S.C. in February. She writes that his family "built a snowman in his backyard—most unusual for them to have snow. His granddaughter, Megan, graduated from college last year, and his grandson, Matthew, a high school sophomore, is a star soccer player. Frank is in good health and enjoying life. And so am I."
From the May/June 2010 Issue
V. Frederick Nast Jr. and his wife, Sussanne, celebrated their first anniversary together on Feb. 15.
From the January/February 2010 Issue
V. Frederick Nast recently married Sussanne LeFeber. He writes that they are happily living at 12600 N. Port Washington Rd. #1111, Mequon, Wisc. 53092.
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Beatrice Wattman Miller (see Joan Hoost McMaster '60).
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Chuck Heims writes: "The 70th reunion was terrific. Mary and John Barrett hosted a class cocktail party on Friday before the Campus Dance. My wife, Ann, and I had the honor of lighting a candle in memory of our classmates now in the great 'upstairs university.' President Simmons spoke to all the graduates, and once again we came away with the feeling that our university is so fortunate to have a president of such high quality and superior capability. For the walk down the hill, the class of 1939 proclaimed their distinction with a large sign that stated 'The Greatest Class of the Greatest Generation.' I anchored one side and the other side was anchored by Laura, the daughter of our late classmate Bruno Di Clementi. Class Marshal Theresa Gagnon Mellone, who also prepared copies of the class of 1939 Commencement programs, led the group." In attendance were: Martha Ahlijian Kevorkian, Eunice Estes Strobel, Theresa Gagnon Mellone, Marie Iannucci Sciotti, Ruth Manter Lind '42 AM, Laura Viehmann '82, Margaret Porter Dolan, Phyllis Silverman Kapstein, Christine Whitney Roberts, Alec Benn, and Chuck Heims. Davis Caldwell '34 celebrated his 75th reunion and marched with the class of 1939. Margaret also writes, "Another delightful surprise was a poster with original clippings and pictures from the Providence Journal depicting our march down College Hill in 1939."
From the July/August 2009 Issue
Elisabeth Crowley Allen and John T. Barrett (see Abigail Barrett '03).
From the May/June 2009 Issue [70th]
William Hogan is 91 and coping with Parkinson's. His family is doing well. He has four grandchildren and sends warm regards to all.
From the January/February 2009 Issue [70th]
Teresa Gagnon Mellone '69 AM (see Justin Monti '99).
V. Frederick Nast writes that he lost his wife, Millie, after 68 years of a wonderful marriage. He now lives in a retirement home in Wisconsin.
From the September/October 2008 Issue [70th]
Peg Porter Dolan reports that next May will be the 70th reunion for the class of '39. She writes: "We'll plan big and expect you all; the best generation to stay young and healthy! Plan to attend."
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Ruth Manter Lind '42 AM writes that she recently visited her brother, Frank Manter '41, in Aiken, S.C., where he is volunteering at Children's Place and continuing to paint.
From the January / February 2008 Issue
William Hogan Jr. writes: “Just passed my 90th, but I have been on the binnacle list for the past year. Guess those career navy days are catching up! It’s fascinating to watch the side shows on Capitol Hill after retiring from my twenty-one years as staff counsel in Congress! Much of this drama is available only inside the Beltway, where we still live. As each day passes, my admiration for the founders grows!”
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Class secretary Martha Ahlijian Kevorkian reports that the following classmates enjoyed an annual reunion luncheon at the Faculty Club on Commencement Saturday: Dorothy Tucker Browning, Dorothy Frost Cleasby, Frances Miller Dawley, Margaret Porter Dolan '43 AM, Dorothy Hills Downes, Helen Gill Engels, and Teresa Gagnon Meltone '62 AM. "There was lively conversation, happy reminiscing, and a sharing of news about classmates who couldn't attend. Peg Dolan brought us up-to-date with news of the Pembroke walkway, which will be a reality soon. Please make a special effort to attend our luncheon next year as we make plans for our big 70th in 2009!"
Fred Nast and his wife, Millie, celebrated their 90th birthdays on January 28, 2007. They were wed on September 4, 1939, and have been happily married for sixty-eight years.
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Gertrude Levin Pullman writes: “My husband, Maurice M. Pullman (Sonny), passed away on August 4, 2004.”
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Karl G. Kaffenberger writes: “My wife, Jeanne, and I now live in the Kensington Park elderly establishment in the independent living facility and are happy to have some of the details of living done for us. Sorry we can’t make reunions anymore.”
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Martha Ahlijian Kevorkian reports: “Our annual mini-reunion of Pembroke ’39ers took place on May 27 at Brown’s faculty club. In attendance were Dorothy Tucker Browning and her daughter Marilyn, Margaret Porter Dolan ’43 AM, Louise Whitney Harrington, Teresa Gagnon Mellone and her daughter Kathy, Marie Iannucci Sciotti, Dorothy Magid Selib and her husband, Herbert, and myself. Our president, Teresa, welcomed us and shared news about classmates who couldn’t be there. During and after the delicious luncheon, we discussed the completion of our class project, which was started in 1974. We had originally decided to make a sizable donation to the University library for the purchase of books in honor of deceased class members. More recently, we invited living class members to contribute money for a book in the field of their academic major. With the very generous and expert help of the University’s library staff, in particular Harriette Hemmasi and Crim Lech-Moore, this endeavor has now been completed. There now is a book appropriately plated with either ‘in memory’ or ‘in honor’ of each member of our class. In all 122 books are included—sixty-seven memorial and fifty-five honorary. Our former class treasurer, Libby Goodale Kenyon, and our present treasurer, Peg Dolan, deserve special recognition for all their effort in carrying out this project. There now will always be a remembrance of the members of our class at Brown. Kindly send any news you wish to share with classmates to me and keep mini-reunions in 2007 and 2008 in your plans as we begin to think about our 70th in 2009.”
From the January / February 2006 Issue
Report from reunion headquarters: “The countdown has started for reunion weekend, May 28–31. Registration information will arrive in the spring. If you have any questions, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or [email protected].”
Cad Arrendell writes: “Charlotte and I are still at a retirement community enjoying croquet, music, knitting, bridge, and other activities.”
Harold Rosenberg writes: “How’s my health? Answer: Compared to whom! I keep busy: tennis, golf, adult education classes, martinis, and early birds. I’m always happy to hear from old classmates.”
Ken Vale, of Apopka, Fla., writes: “I’m still kicking at 87. Thank the Lord.”
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Class representative Margaret Porter Dolan ’43 AM reports: “Since our last reunion we are saddened to hear of the June 7 death of Rita Donnelly Flynn, of Gloucester, Mass., and Lake Park, Fla.”
Peg Porter Dolan (see Hank Vandersip ’56).
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Ruth Manter Lind ’42 AM writes: “In February my sister Caroline Manter Gerow ’42 and I went to visit our brother Frank Manter Jr. ’41 in Aiken, S.C. He has taken up painting watercolors in his retirement years and won second prize in an art exhibition during our visit.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Class secretary Margaret Porter Dolan reports: “Great plans are under way for our 65th reunion on May 28–31. If you either did not receive or misplaced your registration information, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947. Come and be rejuvenated.
“I have received colorful accounts of sled-dog and big ski races from Vermont via Connie Hathaway Young and beautiful excerpts of wonderful poetry from one of Sophie Trent-Stevens’s four books. Mary Veach Wurzel continues to chair a spring luncheon for Brown alumni in the Washington, D.C., area.
“We also have sad news: the deaths of classmates Betty-Ruth Louison Greenberg, A. Claire Harrington Mullen, and Betty Hussey Randall. We have donated books in their memory to the University library. We extend our sympathy to Alice FitzGerald Boardman, Christine Whitney Roberts, and Frances Singer Wattman for the loss of their husbands. At this point in our lives we need each other, so please plan to return to Brown May 28–31.”
Teresa Gagnon Mellone (see Justin Monti ’99).
From the March / April 2004 Issue
The countdown has started for the 65th reunion, May 28–31. It will be a great weekend, but won’t be the same without you! Join us at such traditional favorites as Campus Dance, the pops concert, and a delightful class dinner. Registration information will arrive soon, so please make your reservation early. Register online at Contact reunion headquarters with any questions at (401) 863-1947 or [email protected].
Frances Singer Wattman (see Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth ’59).
From the March / April 2003 Issue
Sophie Trent-Stevens writes that she has earned a master’s degree in art following her retirement from medicine at age 65. Sophie has won awards for her paintings, and photographs of her work have appeared in several issues of the Connecticut Medical Magazine. She also recently published her fourth book of poetry.
From the September / October 2002 Issue
Class secretary Peg Porter Dolan '43 A.M. reports: "The Pembroke class of '39 met on reunion weekend at the Faculty Club. We have been celebrating this way for sixty-three years. Among those in attendance were Dorothy Frost Cleasby, Frances Miller Dawley, Helen Gill Engles, Louise Whitney Harrington, Elizabeth Goodale Kenyon, Martha Ahlijian Kevorkian, Ruth Manter Lind '42 A.M., Teresa Gagnon Mellone '62 A.M., Christine 'Betty' Whitney Roberts, Marie Iannucci Sciotti, Dorothy Magid Selib, Eunice Estes Strobel, and Frances Singer Wattman. We held a silent memorial for our departed classmates, the most recent of whom was our beloved Margaret 'Ricky' Rickett Cranmer '67 M.A.T. Our hearts were saddened, too, by the deaths of the husbands of Rita Donnelly Flynn and Carol Sherman Snell. News from many who could not attend was read, and information on a proposed Pembroke campus monument was warmly received. Everyone is looking forward to our 65th!
"Mary Veach Wurzel hosted a most successful luncheon April 25 in the Washington, D.C.ÐMaryland area. Seventy-three alumni attended - all from the Brown 'early' classes through 1954. She has been doing these reunions for twenty years."
From the July / August 2002 Issue
F. Carter Childs writes: "I'm enjoying life in Williamsburg, Va. Moving here from New Jersey fifteen years ago was one of the wisest things my wife, Madeline, and I ever did. I only wish it was closer to Providence."
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Gertrude “Gish” Levin Pullman, of Dallas, writes: “My granddaughter, Elyssa Hannah Gomez, spent thirty-eight days this summer on a tour of Israel for teenagers. Elyssa is in the 11th grade at the Stockaday School in Dallas. We expect our first great-grandchild in January.”
From the September / October 2000 Issue
Pembroke class secretary Margaret Porter Dolan reports: "The 61st reunion luncheon meeting for the women of ’39 was held in the Kapstein Room of the Faculty Club on May 29. Following a delicious luncheon, president Teresa Gagnon Mellone ’62 A.M. conducted a casual meeting. Due to the difficulty in parking, fewer than usual attended; however, those who did had a great time. Present were Dorothy Tucker Browning, Dorothy Frost Cleasby (who gave an inspiring blessing at the beginning of the luncheon), Frances Miller Dawley, Virginia LaCroix Dennis, Helen Gill Engles, Elizabeth Goodale Kenyon (our trustee emerita), Katherine P. Tucker, Dorothy Magid Selib, and two guests. A moment of silence was observed to honor those who had died since our 60th reunion: Eleanor Hall Byerley, Marguerite Coogan Dalton, Eunice Berry Deckelman, Elizabeth Hussey, Marjorie Kelly Ryan, and Nancy Mark Stewart. For each we donated a book bearing a memorial bookplate to the University library. It is our final tribute to each class member to perpetuate her name and assist Brown students in learning."
Teresa Gagnon Malone ’62 A.M. (see Hank Vandersip ’56).
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Alec Benn, of Short Hills, N.J., writes: "A majority of my classmates would, I believe, agree that more should be said about Gilbert E. Cain than the facts stated in his obituary in the January/February BAM. Here are some words with which most of my classmates would, I believe, agree: Gilbert Cain sparkled with the joy of life and he communicated that joy to those around him. He inspired lively, thoughtful, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious conversation, often with provocative statements of his point of view. He was nicknamed ‘Killer’ Cain when he was a freshman, not because it was appropriate, but because a character in a popular comic strip, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, featured a villain called Killer Cain. In contrast to that nickname, Gilbert was kind and thoughtful, while talking tough. His classmates and all those who knew him shall miss him very, very much. We were lucky to have him with us at our last reunion. He will be much talked about at our 65th reunion. He will live on in all of our memories."
Sophie Trent-Stevens, of Meriden, Conn., writes: "I have been working as a volunteer docent at the New Britain Museum of American Art for the past ten years."
Frances Singer Wattman (see Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth ’59).
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Arthur Oppenheimer (see Peter Bogdanow ’96).
From the January / February 2000 Issue
Pembroke class president Teresa Gagnon Mellone '62 A.M. reports: "The class extends its sympathy to the family and friends of the late Nancy Mark Stewart. Nancy attended our 60th reunion in May, and was always there at other reunions and mini-reunions. She will be greatly missed by her classmates.
"We also extend our sympathy to the family and friends of the late Eleanor Hall Byerley. Eleanor was an ever-faithful attendee of class reunions and mini-reunions. Eleanor will be greatly missed by her classmates.
"Our heartfelt sympathy is also extended to the family and friends of the late Marjorie Kelly Ryan. Marge enjoyed attending class reunions and always added much to the camaraderie. She will be missed. In keeping with class tradition, a book has been donated in each woman's memory to the Rockefeller Library.
"Commencement '99 was a busy time for me. My grandson, Justin P. Monti '99, graduated with a bachelor's in computer science and business economics. My sister, Mary Gagnon Edholm '44, celebrated her 55th reunion and stayed on for a wonderful sisterly visit. I celebrated my 60th reunion and served as class marshal in the Commencement Procession. Two weeks later, my granddaughter, Megan C. Phillips, graduated from Dartmouth. What an exciting round of happy celebrations. There were no conflicts in dates, thank goodness. One more to go - my grandson, Todd H. Phillips, is a sophomore at Wake Forest in North Carolina.
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Walter L. Jackson reports that he is alive and well and would love to hear from friends at 1181 Campo Sano Ave., Miami 33146.
David Landman, Chicago, writes: "Greetings to classmates at our 60th reunion and especially to those who worked with me on the Brown Daily Herald. Together we weathered the hurricane of 1938 and put out the Herald by candlelight and mimeograph machine - the first newspaper to appear in Providence after the storm. We weathered other storms together too, and helped bring about some changes in campus life and activities. A lot of good memories! I'm sorry that I will not be able to attend our 60th reunion. On that weekend, my wife, Hedy, and I will be on our way to China for a long-planned trip. All good wishes!"
Henry Gates Phelps, Greenbush, Mass., married Elisabeth More on Jan. 10.
From the March / April 1999 Issue
We hope you have made plans to attend our 60th reunion, May 28_31. Old friends and classmates are looking forward to special times on campus. If you haven't received your reunion information packets and registration forms, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947. We hope to see you in May.
Arthur M. Oppenheimer (see Alan Bogdanow '68).
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Bill Hogan, Falls Church, Va., writes: "The inaugural address of President E. Gordon Gee in the July/August BAM contained good news indeed. Who among those of us who entered Brown in 1935 can forget the arrival of Henry Merritt Wriston in 1937? Over the years I always styled myself a Wriston guy - I still do - and it appears we have another Wriston type in the chair. It's been a long time coming. I welcome Dr. Gee also as a Ben Silver aficionado. Consoling to note others miss dates. Hope to see you in '99!"
From the September / October 1998 Issue
The Pembroke class of 1939 met on Saturday, May 23, at the Faculty Club for their annual mini-reunion luncheon. The camaraderie and pleasant conversation made for a happy occasion, and we look forward to a great 60th reunion next year. May 1999 isn't far off.
There were fourteen present at the luncheon: Dorothy Tucker Browning, Eleanor Hall Byerley, Dorothy Frost Cleasby, Frances Miller Dawley, Margaret Porter Dolan, Elizabeth Hussey, Sylvia Corr Kenner, Ruth Manter Lind, Teresa Gagnon Mellone, Esther Peace and guest Joanne Russell, Eunice Estes Strobel, Katherine Tucker, and Frances Singer Wattman.
The notes and messages sent by classmates who were unable to attend were thoroughly enjoyed. Think ahead and start gearing up for our 60th reunion next year. Let's make it a great celebration with your presence. - Betty Hussey, class secretary
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Leigh Kingsford sends his congratulations to Pete Davis, who won a distinguished service award from the Brown Sports Foundation.
Kay Tucker, Providence, wrote an article about the Rhode Island Short Story Club that was published in Rhode Island Women Speak. This anthology of Rhode Island women authors and artists was recently published by the Rhode Island Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. A publication party and book signing were held at the Providence Athenaeum.
Marjorie Marx Saunders ’39, of Brookline, Mass.; Dec. 6, at 105 years of age. At age 50, with two children in medical school and one in college, she returned to school and received her master’s of library science from Case Western Reserve University. She was the head librarian at the dental school at Case Western Reserve for the next 25 years. She volunteered with numerous organizations and quite often became the president of them. She was very competitive and enjoyed playing Scrabble, cooking, reading, needlepoint, and lap swimming. She was also a die-hard Cleveland Indians fan. She is survived by a daughter, five grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.
Teresa Gagnon Mellone ’62 AM (see ’39).
Teresa Gagnon Mellone ’39, ’62 AM, of Barrington, R.I.; Sept. 21, three weeks shy of her 101st birthday. She graduated with a degree in French and Italian, having entered as a freshman at the age of 15. As an undergraduate, she also had the opportunity to hone her art skills with courses at RISD and later received a master’s in linguistics. Education was extremely important to her and her teaching career spanned all grade levels. After college, she taught medieval and European history and Italian at Woonsocket (R.I.) High School. After she was married, she taught all grades at the U.S. Dependents Elementary School in Ansbach, Germany, where her husband was stationed. Already fluent in French and Italian, she learned to speak fluent German while there. After returning to the United States, she resumed her teaching career in Barrington and taught second grade for 24 years at Primrose Hill School. She was an active alumna, having served as class president and as a member/officer of the Pembroke Club, a member of the Commencement Pops Committee, Brown Street Series, Brown Community of Learning in Retirement, Pembroke Center Council, Faculty Club Board of Managers, and a longtime Brown Annual Fund fundraiser. She enjoyed music and playing the piano and was on the board of directors of the Rhode Island Philharmonic and a member of the Friends of the Philharmonic. She was also part of the original fundraising for the restoration of the Crescent Park Looff Carousel. She was a member of the Barrington Garden Club for many years and a devoted fan of the New England Patriots, calling herself their head cheerleader. She was proud to be a recipient of the Brown Bear Award and featured in the July/August 2019 BAM story “100 Years of Gratitude.” She is survived by three daughters; a son-in-law; three grandchildren, including Justin Monti ’99; and five great-grandchildren.
Ruth Manter Lind ’39, ’42 AM, of Attleboro, Mass., at 102 years of age; Jan. 22. Upon graduation she began teaching Latin in Connecticut and later Massachusetts. Her last 29 years teaching were spent in the Brookline, Mass., public school system. During World War II she volunteered as a nurse’s aide. She was a member of the National Wildlife Foundation, the National Teacher’s Assoc., and on the board of trustees for the First Baptist Church of Attleboro. Phi Beta Kappa. She enjoyed learning about history, languages, and culture; watching historical programs; reading; solving Sudoku puzzles; knitting; and gardening. At the time of her death she was reading about physics. She is survived by a sister-in-law and 11 nieces and nephews.
Margaret Porter Dolan ’39, ’43 AM, of East Greenwich, R.I.; at 101 years of age; Dec. 31. She taught school for many years, her last 23 before retirement at Gorton Junior High School in Warwick, R.I. She was class president her junior and senior years and later served as president of the Pembroke Club of Kent County and St. Aloysius Guild. She enjoyed learning, driving fast, watching football and Jeopardy!, entertaining, and especially summering with family in Matunuck. She is survived by six children and their spouses; 12 grandchildren, including Bridget Turaga ’01; and 17 great-grandchildren.
Mildred Carleen Hulse ’39, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Dec. 3 at the age of 102. She graduated from Pembroke Phi Beta Kappa and continued her education at Mt. Holyoke College, where she received her master’s degree. She worked as a laboratory research assistant at Harvard Medical School and later worked as a biochemist researcher at NYU Medical Center until her retirement at age 72. She is survived by four children, four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
Robert F. Barker ’39, of Ocala, Fla., formerly of New Jersey and North Carolina; Jan. 27. He worked for many years as a plant engineer at Curtiss-Wright Corp. in Fairfield, N.J. He enjoyed gardening and, for a short time while living with his son in North Carolina, was able to fulfill his dream of farming the land. In 2017 he moved to Florida with his daughter. He is survived by a daughter, three sons, 14 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren.
Mary C. Clarke ’39, of Middletown, R.I.; Aug. 16. A retired technical proofreader for MacLaughlin Research in Middletown, she previously taught at Lenthal and Mumford Schools in Newport. She was a talented pianist and longtime member of the Hillside Baptist Church in Newport. She is survived by nieces and nephews.
Edward H. Ziegler Jr. ’39, of Providence; July 10, 2017. He was a retired dentist. During World War II he served as a naval officer in the dental corps. He enjoyed flying, scuba diving, camping, creating stained glass pieces, and beekeeping. He is survived by a daughter, a son, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and six grandchildren.
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