On an early February day in 1990, the Brown Ballroom Dancing Club met “on the wintered green at high noon,” according to the inscription on the back of this photo from the Brown archives. All it took was a little snow melt, the odd tuxedo, and some nineties-style big skirts to create a little magic for passersby. The club is still going strong, offering social dances with beginner lessons throughout the year—formal wear still encouraged, although these days hair styles tend to take a little less room and mousse. At press time, the club was elated by a recent donation of dance shoes and members were starting to get serious as they geared up for the club’s 27th annual Ballroom Dance Competition in late October, getting ready to compete in categories such as American Smooth (waltz, foxtrot, tango) and International Latin (cha-cha, rumba, jive, samba, and paso doble). Olé!

PHOT: John forasté
Student Life
From the Archives
By Pippa Jack / January–March 2024
January 19th, 2024