Photo: David Delpoio
Ever True
Field Day ’18
Alums gather for outdoor games
September 14th, 2018

Photo: David Delpoio

Photo: David Delpoio
Alumni Field Day The Erickson Athletic Complex fields were the site of BBQ, lemonade, beer, sangria, wiffle ball, kickball, softball...and, of course, hugs with Bruno. Top: After requesting the iconic “American Pie” from the iconic campus folk singer Dave Binder, Aiyah Josiah-Faeduwor ’13 (out front) leads a spirited sing-along of alumni buds (left to right) Ramy Peña ’13, Sean Jameson ’12, Bryant Estrada ’13, Rahil Rojiani ’13, Oladele Ojo ’16, ’17ScM, and Jonathon Acosta ’11, ’16 AM, ’23 PhD. Center: Class of 2017 friends Allie Schaefer and Fabiola Porras feeling the Brunonia love. Bottom: Kids of alums crack up watching the tricks of local magician Lon Cerel.