I enjoyed the article by Patti Galluzzi ’82 about James Brown’s visit to WBRU (“There Was a Time,” POV, March/April). I have a similar story. To allow students to party, it used to be customary for alumni to work the overnight shift at WBRU on Spring Weekend, which I did in 1965.
When I emerged from Faunce House at about 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, a large and somewhat shabby Cadillac pulled up, and some rather large guys jumped out and surrounded me. Having just been dumped by a girlfriend, I was feeling down anyway, and being surrounded by this gang didn’t help. But it turned out to be Bo Diddley and his crew, who, having driven overnight, were looking for breakfast before performing on campus. I took Bo to breakfast in the Ratty; nothing else was open that early. His crew stopped at Phi Kappa Psi and had beer for breakfast.
Peter Tannenwald ’64
Washington, D.C.
[email protected]
Bo's Breakfast
May 8th, 2015