Gift Guide 2013

By BAM Staff / July/August 2013
July 15th, 2013

Our 7th annual holiday Gift Guide is in the works. If you make something you'd like to see featured in the BAM, we may include it, at no cost to you, in our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide, which will appear in the November/December issue.

The Gift Guide is an editorial service highlighting the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of Brown alumni, faculty, and students. Last year's guide included everything from stylish baby clothes to bracelets made of old buttons.

For more information, contact Kerry Lachmann at [email protected], or phone her at (401) 863-1898. BAM editors will choose the gifts to be featured based on quality and variety. 

Please send only a description, brochure, and/or photo of each item, not the product itself. If your work is chosen, we will then ask you to send the product so we can photograph it for the Gift Guide.

Materials are due no later than August 31, 2013.

We look forward to seeing your imagination at work!


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July/August 2013