I became a member of Phi Beta Kappa during the 1934–35 academic year, but have no memory of seeing or hearing about the container of stone balls you describe in your article ("Sign Language," Finally, July/August).
I do remember a book in which all members of the Alpha chapter signed their names. We were thrilled to sign up for the same honor in the same book in which such notables as Charles Evans Hughes, class of 1881, and John D. Rockefeller Jr., class of 1887, had signed their names.
Engraved on the back of my Phi Beta Kappa key is a large B, the date of the society's founding, the founding date of R.I. Alpha, and my name, my class year, and the date of the award. We were also shown a "secret" handshake, but I have since forgotten it.
Lillian Hicock Wentworth '35
South Braintree, Mass.
[email protected]