Ehn's Faith

November 10th, 2010

I read with great interest and joy about Eric Ehn, the new head of Brown's playwriting program. I found equally fascinating his groundbreaking approach to theater and the completely open and integrative expression of his faith in his art, teaching, and daily life. Many alumni could learn from Ehn that to directly express one's religious identity, to speak in terms of faith, or to adhere to religious practice does not make you anti-intellectual, narrow, or even dangerous. Brown has powerfully affirmed this in hiring him. As a Catholic myself, I can learn from Ehn's ability to courageously infuse his faith into a secular world without compromising it. When it comes to matters of art and faith, I guess I would describe Ehn's views as totally "queer" by his own definition. And he would know enough to thank me for the compliment.

Carolyn Nourie Aspinall '86
Berwyn, Pa.
[email protected]

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