Peace Now and Then

November 6th, 2008

I was sad to see in your coverage of the 2008 Commencement that no mention was made of what was, to me, a highlight of the weekend ("Full Circle," July/August). As we, the class of 1968, marched down College Hill in that glorious sunshine, one of my classmates (Caryl Carpenter) began chanting "Peace Now." The cry was immediately taken up by most of our class and, as we continued down the Hill, by the younger classes we passed. Soon it seemed that everyone was yelling and cheering, flashing the peace sign, and high-fiving one another.

The experience was for me a deeply moving one that brought back memories of our own conflicted Commencement ceremony forty years ago. At the same time, it reinforced my class's connection to succeeding generations of Brown grads. As stated in Charlotte Bruce Harvey's article, it would appear that the "generational split" of the 1960s is no more.

Rachelle Sender '68
Hamilton, Ontario
[email protected]

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