Frank Mullin
It may be easier to find an atheist in a foxhole than to find a
Constitutional hardliner in a fiscal crisis. A pair of legal scholars
sparring about the constitutional ramifications of the New Deal found
common ground at Brown September 17. Brought to campus by the
student-run Janus Forum, which pits politically divergent thinkers
against one another other, New York University's
Samuel Issacharoff (right) and
Richard Epstein,
of the University of Chicago, agreed that the United States needed to
rescue Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, a fleet of sinking banks, and insurance
giant A.I.G. "If you allow a bank to fail, it will bring down all the
other banks with a velocity the likes of which you've never seen
before," libertarian Epstein said. "You can fault the way the banks got
into this, but not the bailout."
Issacharoff nodded. "Actually, I agree entirely."