Glorifying Old Glory

November 6th, 2008

I read with interest the suggestion by Robert Wheelersburg '88 PhD that, thanks to its decision to throw out the naval unit more than three decades ago, the University does not deserve to fly the U.S. flag on its historic flagpole ("Flying the Flag," Mail Room, July/August).

Brown's refusal to reinstate military ROTC programs is hypocrisy unworthy of such a fine institution. Brown has Patriots Court, named in memory of those who died while serving in past wars, and yet there is not a single space on campus allotted for today's armed forces. No matter what your views are, the military is essential to our country's well being. It is undignified for the University to accept federal tax dollars without allowing this vital entity to recruit its future leaders. I ask President Ruth Simmons to revisit this issue and bring it forward for discussion. To Robert Wheelersburg, I say that while I empathize with your frustration, the flag on that yachting mast should not be taken down. It must remain flying as a tribute to Brown's military past.

Martin T. Velazquez '94
Carrollton, Tex.
[email protected]

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