Feliz is serving a year-long term as Brown’s first-ever presidential intern, a job in which he acts as a liaison between students and Ruth Simmons.
BAM What does your job entail?
Feliz When the president holds office hours with students, I sit in on the meetings and am there to follow-up. We had a transfer student come in who had an issue with financial aid. I got in touch with the financial-aid office and gave her an answer. Students feel that things can get done more quickly if they go directly to the president.
BAM How does it help the president to have you around?
Feliz Now that she is away from campus a lot doing fund-raising, it is important to have a liaison who is keenly aware of what’s going on among students. I can shed light on issues that are important to students. I keep her aware of any student events. I help her get the best out of her interactions with students.
BAM Does your job benefit students as well?
Feliz It’s such an efficient means of communicating. I can get back to students within hours with answers from the president.
BAM What else do you do?
Feliz The president knows I’m interested in public policy, so my first big project was to help staff the panel on the incident between state police and the Narragansett Indian tribe. [Simmons oversaw the state investigation into a brawl that broke out when police raided a tax-free smoke shop run by the tribe.] I researched the history of tension between the two parties. Now I am helping staff the search committee for a new vice president for campus life and student services.
—Interview by Emily Gold Boutilier