Our 20th reunion came and went in a flash. Nearly 200 classmates returned to Brown, some making short trips and others traveling from far away. Diane Eliopoulos Sharp arrived from Paris, but the record belongs to Michael Cohen, who traveled all the way from Japan.
Reunion activities included Campus Dance, Field Day, the class dinner, the Commencement concert, a get-together at Dave & Buster’s, and the Commencement march. On Sunday Dave Duke represented us at the all-class memorial service. Javette Pinkney, in her role as president-elect of the Brown Alumni Association, also gave a reading.
The class dinner, held at Robinson Hall, included a wonderful performance by the Jabberwocks. At the dinner we elected new class officers: Nancy Chick Hyde, president; Susan Fisher Plotner, vice president; Debra Bradley Ruder, secretary; and Susan Youngwood, treasurer. Guy Sanchez and Shelly Weiss once again signed on as reunion cochairs. Several others, including Stephanie Ip Hunter and Rich Calaway, volunteered to help make our next reunion the best ever. (E-mail the reunion committee at [email protected].)
Several classmates had not been back to Brown since graduating twenty years ago. Many said that Providence has really improved since we graduated, and others observed that Brown has never looked better.
The best part of the reunion was the chance to catch up with old friends who share so many common experiences and memories. Many classmates brought along their families and children. Although some had college-aged children, the youngest child at the reunion was just 8 weeks old. We often heard classmates saying, "This is where Mommy studied" or "This is where Daddy lived." The kids seemed to get a real kick out of hearing that.
The Commencement march was one of the most uplifting events. The class of ’80, along with the other alums and their families, led the class of ’00 out the Van Wickle Gates and down the hill. We marched behind the "Generic Class" and sang the old Brown songs. Those who marched had a great time, and much to everyone’s surprise (and pleasure), the rain stayed away. If you didn’t make it to the march this time, put it on your list for the next reunion.
All in all, the reunion was a great event. Classmates who didn’t attend in person participated in our thoughts and conversations. We’re hoping to see all of you at our next reunion. Our 25th will be better than ever! –Guy Sanchez and Shelly Weiss