Reunion Report: Class of 1975

May 3rd, 2007

Our 25th reunion was simply great! The rain held off and the sun was shining (or at least it appeared that way since we were in the midst of having so much fun).

Classmates came from California, Seattle, Idaho, Italy, the East Coast, and even Tokyo. (Robert Manning, you win the long-distance award.) Rhode Island’s newest U.S. senator, Linc Chafee, even got away from Washington, D.C., to join the celebration.

We picked up our party favors – wide-brimmed straw hats, silver picture frames, and black-and-red bookbags – and started our weekend on Friday afternoon at class headquarters in Arnold Lounge at Keeney Quad (known as West Quad in our day). The University hosted a lovely evening under the stars, complete with a delicious buffet, in a tent in front of Slater Hall. We enjoyed a chat with President Sheila Blumstein.

Next we gathered in front of Faunce House to enjoy Campus Dance. For traditional dancers, there was big-band music on the College Green, while jazz lovers listened to a small group near Manning Chapel. For many of us, however, the music was a backdrop for talk about Brown memories, current hobbies, children, and careers.

Saturday was a day to learn and have fun. At the Commencement forums we learned about the selective world of college admissions, the significance of Peruvian elections for Latin American democracies, and the state of present-day Russia. Barnaby Evans, who received an honorary degree, also presented a forum. Barnaby’s award-winning WaterFire show has brought life to downtown Providence at night. The Field Day tradition continued, and so did the tradition of the ’75 lacrosse players: players Rich Meister, Scott Cummings, Scott Livie, Randy Sherman, Bob Rubeor, and others posed for a photo. Julie Liddicoet Meister, were you the camerawoman?

We elected our new class officers: Alex Szabo, president; Faith LaSalle, Gail McCann, and Kenneth Colburn, vice presidents; Rhonda Port Walker, secretary; Dennis Coleman, treasurer; Faith LaSalle, reunion-activities chair; Susan Van Diepen Schreiber, annual-giving chair; Randy Sherman, Webmaster; and Bill Taylor, multicultural chair.

Saturday night was a gala affair at our class dinner in Alumnae Hall. Next we went to the Green, where we listened to the Temptations at the Commencement concert.

We had our Sunday barbecue at the Haffenreffer Estate in Bristol, R.I. It was a fun-filled day of bocce games, volleyball, horseshoes, rock climbing, and chatting. History buffs, including Paula DiLuglio DeCollibus and Faith Tomases, visited Brown’s Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology.

Bright and early on Monday morning the die-hard classmates (and there were a lot of us) gathered on the Green, and proudly and loudly, under the stewardship of Bill Taylor, Diane Jass Ketelhut, and Susan Ryan Chiarulli, carried the 25th reunion banner through Van Wickle Gates. As Jim Busam cheered with enthusiasm for his classmates, we watched with equal enthusiasm as his daughter, Teresa ’00, marched by. Several classmates had positions of honor in

the procession: Gail McCann, assistant chief of staff; Chuck Connell, Susan van Diepen Schreiber, and Alex Szabo, aides to the chief marshal; Susan DiMeo and Randy Sherman, guides; and Pete Chelovich, Mark Doyle, Jean Lahage Cohen, and Faith LaSalle, class marshals.

Saul Kaplan e-mailed us the following Monday to say that he had not been to a reunion since the 5th, but now he doesn’t plan to miss the 30th. We hope that all will join us in 2005! Please send any suggestions for the next reunion to [email protected]. –Faith LaSalle, on behalf of the reunion committee

25th reunion attendees:

Amy Levine Abrams

Baer Max Ackerman

Peter Allstrom

Leslie Miller Altman

Frank Altman

Elizabeth Armstrong

Douglas Arnold

Doris Averyhart

James Barker

Elizabeth Bartman

Michael Baxter

Christine Begole

Robin Bell

Emily Berger

Gregory Bertovich

John Berylson

Janet Blacher

Denise Bledsoe

John Bonacum

Timothy Boyd

Linda Brandon

Annette Breingan

John Breuer

Paul Broomfield

Christopher Brown

Vincent Browne

Richard Browning

Richard Brust

Crawford Bunkley III

Stanley Busam

Bradford Buxton

John Cangemi

Jeannette Chambers

Peter Chelovich

Susan Ryan Chiarulli

Michael Chiarulli

Dean Christian

John Clark

Leonard Cleary

Jean Lahage Cohen

Steve Cohen

Gerald Cohen

Kenneth Colburn

Dennis Coleman

Chalmers Congdon

Charles Connell

Kevin Connolly

Leslie Conover

Elizabeth Counihan

Danny Crane

John Crawford

Terri Kiser Cristy

Carl Critz

Rebecca Crown

Richard Cruz

Scott Cummings

Duncan Davidson

Steven Davis

Marilyn Dawson

William de Camp

Paulo de Oliveira

Paula DiLuglio DeCollibus

Joseph Deltito

Jane Mackenzie Dennison

Philip DiDomenico

Susan DiMeo

Charles Donchess

Stuart Douglas

Mark Doyle

Karr Farrell

Richard Finn

Nancy Fitch

Claire Flanagan

Charles Folkers

Bruce Fong

Candice Francis

H. Renton Frederick

William Frey

Scott Gadwa

Helene Nicodemus Gadwa

Eugene Gaffken

Geoffrey Garth

Joseph Gau

Valerie Gebert

Harold Gever

Jeffrey Gilbard

Jerome Gilligan

David Given

Charles Glerum

Devra Lifshitz Golbe

Michael Golrick

Joseph Gosha

Christopher Graham

Steven Greenberg

Ronald Grelsamer

Ellen Gurney Gurney

Marc Halpern

Paul Hanson

Brett Harper

Barbara Hirsch Harrison

Patricia Hart

David Hayman

Susan Connors Helland

Barry Heller

David Hirshland

Lisa Holden-Pitt

Edgar Hopkins

Pamela Bosch Hughes

Pamela Stratton Hutchinson

Alexander Hutchinson

George Hutchinson

Mark Ivanick

Carol Taylor Jamison

David Jarmul

Valorie Jennings

Thor Johnson

Russell Johnson

George Joseph

Catherine Iaciofano Joseph

Nora Beck Judd

Saul Kaplan

Richard Kavanaugh

Thomas Kavazanjian

Ellen Galkin Kenner

Diane Jass Ketelhut

William Ketelhut

Richard Kettler

Christine Jordan Khatib

Daniel Klein

Thomas Knapp

Eric Kolbell

James Kress

Brian Lacey

Laurie Jean Lamb

Faith LaSalle

Gary Leeds

Patricia Field Leiter

Kathryn Kavazanjian Leonard

Robert Levin

Lucy Leyland

Matthew Lieber

Lorna Douglas Lindsay

Terry Anne Ipacs Littleton

Ellen Littman Littman

Scott Livie

Margaret Ewing Lloyd

Robert Lobue

Matthew London

Kenneth Lury

Josef Machac

Robert Manning

Paul Margolis

Ward Mazzucco

Gail McCann

Herbert McKnight

George McNamara

Marianne McGowan

Julie Liddicoet Meister

Richard Meister

W Merritt

Andrew Miller

Gary Miller

Jose Miranda

Sollace Mitchell

John Monsees

Claude Montgomery

Richard Morford

Elizabeth Cohn Morris

Robert Mueller

Thomas Munsell

Jonathan Naiman

Peter Neilson

Robert Nielsen

Gerald Norton

William Oris

Timothy Otter

David Peterkin

David Peters

Claire Philipp

Hope Pillsbury

Maurice Pitt

Robert Place

Virginia Point

Joan Potterfield

George Powers

Kathryn Arnold Pugh

Linda Putman

Linda Quander

Robert Quinn

Lynn Rakatansky

James Randall

Frank Reynolds

Amy Richardson

Karen Rinaldi

Richard Robb

Robert Rose

Robert Rubeor

Vivian Sege Saper

Theodore Saunders

Judson Saviskas

Stephen Scholz

Susan van Diepen Schreiber

Eric Schurenberg

Dina Schwartz Fisher

Mark Scott

Diane DiGianfilippo Scott

Michael Scott

Randall Sherman

Howard Shire

David Sholem

Denise Brown Sneed

Michael Sokolowski Sr.

Andrew Solomon

Kathleen Mitchell Souza

Neil Steinberg

Alexander Szabo

Gary Tashjian

Juan T. Tavares

William Taylor

Dorothy Harvey Thompson

Austin Thompson

Cynthia Wilson Thompson

Clifton Thompson III

Susan Ticker

Faith Tomases

Maureen Traber

Guy Tuttle

Kathryn Mast Uhde

Amy VanNostrand

Robin Blacklow Verin

Daniel Wagenberg

Sarah Wald

Rhonda Port Walker

Alan Warner

Sandra Wogrin Warren

Jeffrey Warren

Suzanne Garber Weaver

Charles Weinstein

Barry Whittaker

Leighton Wildrick

Bradford Wing

J. Scott Wolf

Janice Woo

Linda Wood

Jeffrey Young

John Zachary

Elizabeth Zeldin

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