What a wonderful 40th reunion! More than 160 classmates and guests returned to Brown for a weekend of renewed acquaintanceships, shared memories, intellectual stimulation, and traditional pageantry. Highlights included a class seminar held after Saturday’s luncheon and class meeting. Speakers were William S. Simmons, senior vice president for academic outreach and affiliated programs; Kathryn Spoehr ’69, executive vice president and provost; and Janina Montero, vice president for campus life and student services. They shared exciting plans for the University in the twenty-first century.
Saturday night’s class dinner at the stylish Café Nuovo gave us a preview of the "new" Providence, which we experienced again on Sunday at WaterFire and the waterfront festival. Our traditional Sunday clambake, once again hosted by Libba and Paul Choquette at their beautiful home in Warwick, R.I., was better than ever. Monday morning saw a goodly number of classmates march down College Hill in the truly spectacular Commencement march.
Finally, the following class officers were unanimously elected: Timothy Hennessey, president; Mary Birdsall Cervoni, vice president; Margaret Durham, secretary; Richard Adams, treasurer; Cheryl Lampe Tennille, reunion chair; and Edwin and Barbara Jones Nichoson, class liaisons to our national scholar. Congratulations! To welcome and help the new officers, we formed an emeriti committee consisting of myself, Sheila Boberg Delhagen, David Hogarth, Ed Nicholson, and Caroline Cole Cornwell.
As outgoing class president, I want to thank everyone who worked so hard on this reunion, including Paula DeBlois ’89 R.U.E. and the rest of the staff in alumni relations. Also, we would never have achieved our record-breaking class gift ($2.9 million as of the reunion) without the indefatigable 40th reunion gift committee, directed by Kristina Franco at the Brown Alumni Fund. I’ve really enjoyed the past ten years as class president, and I’m not going anywhere – please contact me anytime you’re in Providence. I’ll see everyone at our 45th! – Becky Hill Eckstein
40th reunion attendees:
Richard Adams
Fred Adams
Linda Buchman Allen
Marion Ahrens Allen
Don Almeida
Fred Alper
Jane Doane Anderson
John Bellavance
Dick Benson
Kate Guthrie Bergen
Toyo Uyeyama Biddle
Stan Bleecker
Jim Bower
Joel Brest
Peter Briggs
Bill Brisk
Bernie Buonanno
Jim Butler
Alan Caldwell
Richard Caputo
Terry Case
John Caswell
Mary Birdsall Cervoni
George Champlin
Paul Choquette
Tom Clingan
Deborah Colborn
Caroline Cole Cornwell
Chris Cotton
George Coughlan
Hope Cranska
Peter Dames
Barbara Deller
Allan Deutsch
Nancy Drew
Tom Dunleavy
Peggy Durham
Suzanne Werber Dworsky
Posy Hall Dyer
Al Easton
Becky Hill Eckstein
Beth Fahey Edelstein
Stephen Feinberg
Linda Blackman Feldman
Mary Miga Fenlon
Walt Foley
Sandra Hodgkins Francis
Dick Galkin
Ann Hansen Gamble
Art Giorgini
Jane Webbink Goldman
Bill Gost
Angus Green
Carol Clary Haeberli
Barbara Hajjar
Caroline King Hall
Sandy Swanson Hammer
Tim Hennessey
David Hogarth
Judith Hunt
Garrett Hunter
Tony Ittleson
Barbara Little Jaffe
Mary Byram Jones
Lenny Karpman
Linda Woodworth Keado
Dorothy Vischi Kelly
Paul Kelly
Ruth Kertzer Seidman
Pete Kindler
Bob Klein
Rosemary Smith Kostmayer
Bob Lettieri
Steve Liebmann
Ralph Lowry
Vince MacDonald
Carol Maclennan
David Manson
Julia Crosby Markham
Robert Mazzeo
Terry Mc Enany
Gina Stevenson Mc Enany
Joan Hoost Mc Master
Rod Meyer
Stephen Munzer
Bob Nadeau
Dana Newbrook
Ed Nicholson
BJ Jones Nicholson
Barbara Lehman Nielsen
Bill O’Neill
Steve Oberbeck
Phil Omsberg
Louise Patton Pearson
Barbara Carlson Perkins
John Pflug
Carolyn Hanson Prescott
Teresa Ragosta
Dave Reed
Joanne Tenedine Rees
Jerry Rhine
James Rudolph
Edward Rundquist
Carol Ross Rush
David Sadtler
Minna Saxe
Bill Sayles
Janet Cole Seltzer
Steve Seltzer
Charles Sieburth
William Simmons
Margi Smith Skovira
Elaine Tetreault Smith
Jane Baker Spiegle
Thom Steckbeck
Jim Steiner
Bob Stetson
Cheryl Lampe Tennille
Marjorie Tingle
Bill van den Toorn
Les Weinstein
Ron Whitehill
David Wilson
Stan Woolf