Our 45th reunion was a great success. Highlights included a Thursday outing on Block Island at the beautiful home of Carol and Bob Louttit; a welcome reception and buffet dinner on Friday hosted by Art Joukowsky and his wife, Martha ’58, at their elegant home on Prospect Street; and a delicious clambake on Sunday at the lovely home of Chris and Gordon Perry on Adams Point in Barrington, R.I. All who attended greatly appreciated the hospitality of our classmates. We elected a new slate of class officers who will serve through our 50th reunion: Art Joukowsky, president; Leslie Travis Wendel, vice president; Nancy Schuleen Helle, corresponding secretary; Bob Louttit, recording secretary; Richard DePatie, treasurer; and Roy McKechnie, reunion chair. The executive committee members are Robert Borah, Mattis Fern, Mort Gilstein, Anne Murphy O’Brien, Gordon Perry, Barbara Grad Robbins, Margaret Going Settipane, and Dave Zucconi. –Anne Murphy O’Brien
45th reunion attendees:
Herb Ablow
Arnold Abramowitz
John Aldrich
Jane Neide Ashcom
Ted Barrows
Sylvia Rosen Baumgarten
Joe Blumberg
Bob Borah
Jerry Borodach
Ken Chambers
Judy Thorsen Chusid
John Cobb
Bill Condaxis
George Conn
Jim Coukos
Dick Coveney
Nancy Cutting Coveney
Nancy Chase Cowles
Don DeCiccio
Dick DePatie
Bob Ecker
Jim Egan
Steve Ehrlich
Stu Erwin
Matt Fern
Joan Yurkunas Fitzgerald
Fred Fordon
Vince Genua
Dazzle Gidley
Mort Gilstein
Dee Rinaldi Girillo
Ann Tassinari Haddad
Dave Halvorsen
Jan Riley Halvorsen
Sally Robinson Harris
Pete Harvey
Terry McGowan Heavey
Nancy Schuleen Helle
Benita Saievetz Herman
Anthony Jaffe
Robert Jenney
Art Joukowsky
Bob Kenny
Bill Klaess
Dianne Waldman Kleinmann
Alan Lawson
Jim Lichtenstul
Peter Lisbon
Lynne Johnson Loschky
Bob Louttit
Wilder Lucas
Phyllis Gushae Lynch
Rose Ditommaso Marcaccio
Terry Mariani
Jiffy Morgan Massey
Anne Viens Mc Donald
Roy Mc Kechnie
Soc Mihalakos
John Monaghan
Doris Kaplan Morgenstern
Dolores LaPorte Nazareth
Herb Newman
Don Newman
Dick Nourie
Reenie Hogan Nourie
Anne Murphy O’Brien
John O’Brien
Philip O’Hara
Ann Stewart Orth
Diane Aspinall Parker
Cecily Tourtellot Parkhurst
Everett Pearson
Gordon Perry
Ronnie Stinnes Petersen
Barbara Pease Peterson
Mike Reilly
Barbara Grad Robbins
Ed Robinson
Adrienne Farr Sabatier
Dorothy Senerchia
Claire Fredette Sennott
Margaret Going Settipane
Joel Shapiro
Andy Smith
Janet MacPhail Smith
Marta Mc Gillivray Snow
Maureen McKenna Sparrow
Fred Stavis
Bob Sullivan
John Summerfield
Dick Sutherland
Georgia Harrold Thomas
Lucy Brubaker Tortolani
Richard Valicenti
Alice Emmert Ward
Julie Chrystie Webster
Leslie Travis Wendel
Joanna Pozzi Williams